MINERS’ & FARMEiH®’ J@UHNAI^o vol.. V. j-invri:i, AMI ^|,.»1.KI. kkv yim i.siT»v, I,v iJoSas jni,.i,Tov....ri,A,„,,„.|ii Jiii, 1.1 ”ri„; . o.m ,, M,n ,w Arioijs” UK itlKFAOTII TO Ol'U MAM: T!H KSS>AV, J i WARV JS.r,. I » tl.l. TK*I,II VUt>-T(l nmi K TMIC OK TMK K4RT1I ANII nin\fi 11 r I . c --.WL U. „ - — . - r-:-^ - - - - ‘ VUMW w II.L l.u K KTKFAOI II To oru maM,^ ASt. H BJKCT Al.l. ^A^1I RK TO OI K IBK PLEASfKK.—DR. / 11 Ii.il ,MiU 111 iitJ. ! Tt.f r, .H,rUi r« l>r‘n,:r^H to n onU,■.,] au.ly^ig • An fCjJii/,if, t/,r,in,of Ikf f;^„k or Hv.ilioii a s.pf« iy« of (Ilecliicli rrn»^ has lKH>n llirpp or four w»»fk8 Mruinirio h. !■» .n. ■ -.i. u'fcctiiic liTKH.) for till I tiiin oi itii I r»aty, (.hewing. Ky\!jn.iun ijuot.iiioiiH |( |. **' * Atij^u^Mno, bup|>os('ti lo liiivo uuyrol Atldrf'ss—to niake it appoiir to cehiKiorcMrfiMiir. .*hi.;r!lVo.n itMh.i,ilir.MicUnlfiirnrr»*i>inoiijhrKni;r: 133^ > im iimn\ years nncr by ilu t with the kuoxMi Mi.tiri.* nts of tlirJ i - ..rto* »»' r ran#>a> *1.^ ...... a r.: II.. J*. i; • »»n \J\J I w’.- I- _ . . I I . . I . I . * ■ ■ I '‘‘‘‘'“i"''*! l*ttH»!tiiif ol llriK ntntiiimiii thi III. ]f|lllCI*W Ai •lmiB*ll«3l ImIvch, Ihe ('(imtiiittci extcnclci tf*.ir itH)Uirv, j, jirh ted ami , ulilijliciJ *v-ry TIinrHliiy iii..riiinp, [ tiriit, inlo tlic pr.irtirul.ilily «imI fxrH-riiitiov of the al luu LhillaiH |H-r aiiiiiiiK, il piml in ndvitix • ; i iM urrliil ulti^i tiidivo (irriw i.tcd liy l!i.: im .s'rgf. 'I'ucii Ooi'Utr) mid Fifty ('inl$ it'uul \).inl lu tui ' '''“ - • ■ viinci ; Thnc Oallait rfiiti* (X r!i«|tiare (not oxi-i i fir*l iiiix rtioii, and ti.'i ceiil>> lor tMi-li »ci'U—ur >l lor tlirKC w*Ok», for one Wjimrt'.— ‘o' h'ranri- (viix'cd ilir inn*‘t frimdly Ihllfij* to. A libt ril (lit'coiiiit vtill b«> liudc to lliu^r wIm « trdu tin- I', and look uu nnnwnr.l ihl' ri t in B(l\trli c h) till'yOilr. i.' (>n all ndvnrtlM iiiciiti. I llu: adjiutiin.nl ul'tiir |ii(ttiMn iKtwrrn ttio t»o cuiiiiiiuiMi'uIrd (or |>uliliculioii, lb* iiuinlx r wi i-oiiiiirii h. Our Minihli r liiid l)t «ii fi-iniii'lro.ovci iiiwrtani* iTiiut b'iiol4'd on tlir inaiiiiimr thv -*ni nvrt nti»in, ot'tl.i ilijl'n ullir;t whicli iln Min. iimnilf‘cri|'t, or ihcy will In- f*>ntiiiu d until ]v.nuM li.ivc In i iironnlrr f'tnfD tin'('tmmliiTi forli'd, and rhsrjrt'd acrorcliBjfly. * , ' ‘ (jnvnrp nf O.e IVi rii v. & c. 'I o thin )i4»iory ;imiiiiunio«li«>i*» to th«^ l^lilor iuii«lcMic lln' nt'.iH'ialion tiir ’oiiiiiiiMrf did not uOvutl )’rr’ ot'i>oUaf’e, or ilivy inny not U alti ndidfS. | lo ju-lily ll,c otni-.nion ol tlif l n ricli iov* rnim iil —————————» I *“ cu'n inlti t;r t'l tfir 'I ri'.ity ; ihc dilli' iilty now I exi-TiMK- ij in lilt Frviirli i Laii.b.TK Ik'iih; an af. Ulr iNlKreii thiTii and llii'ir uvi'rniii*-^it, Hiid not I'rvm t/ie Sutth CuruHna Siundur^. Nf)I!Tti /\Ki W,I .VA li.\.N KS. I rom 111.- rioriib llfiald. i the liohifih Star. II.OKIDA j When Doctors diMgrce vho fihr.ll tic. iMr. rjitor,-! huvp t.n-ugl.l up.]itcu1 rir/r.?”_'|'he “North Caroliiia SiMt.it,irri’ Kroiii Die Nalinnal [nklli{;rnCi'r 7tl iiiwt. Ol'll KKI,.\TlON.- WITH FIUKCI*. With u |ilcaiurt* whirh wc wUli we roiiW com municatr l« out rradrr« wr »»»»rdtiy li-l^-nH lo Iwlw-wfi llii-in ai.d fiur o'vn ijovi rnint'nl. liul the ( oiiiinittr> h:id riuiri'dlo llim ’iirr'i«iiiJi iicf, bccauM, alli-r Ihi* waritiii^-* wliitli were ^|vi:;i ol Iha rradu.j ol 4n .U«rat|| an|l ^ dilhctjliir. wl.n h «n„fld li..v. lo U . ncun. l*T*tl, a fiitr roti«friirfi»n oii;til lo U- |>ul upfin 111 lilt .Sruiiie, IVom ila I'omiiiitUe ul Fodi^u At oil KO much of tha .^nuual the )'riKid>nt a*' tl»« I’liiU d Ahale* ■> f»>iM,-»ri.» out K'Ulion$ itUH t'uAXrK. W« w^;r r*d.j»U l>;ly U- Ittii t») fiir|>ri*' hy il, 'Of »e Iwd ku|i|»>m-U ttitltlK- &Vn»t‘ would a wail tlie rtion of Uw *tlKr II-.umi Opira tlu' lubjrcl. We jmti-ucii U> it wtib nut Uii (he coiir«e of th JV'-'? “nd Iim .Mm l^^'rs In lliis iiiitll'r. l! til-' Kinj; l*:i« ihroujtioiit hi'lfd wilii »oi>tt iiiillj, .mil ia »ij!t lalioriny lo i ;ltcl liiu »»i; 'it a hitl in th*" L'liniuK ra lo rmry iiilo i ;ri.cl i!i>: 'I'riali.it »oiil! K- nrl only nrjuf*. n« r-. •(nf'V the rrencli f rniM*iit, but imiioli'ir, and D'lp iVoifi oilier Hiihk*.\i7!: J(» ik L’.StatcK, Chill,. 00 1*0 Niw-V rk Ull.U’"!! li;t l’'i l »v lli-ullu ~'i Do Norioik :n 1*0 U ni.|iiri{.'lon l.':'l .i't II .Ilk of Vn. I*)'ti'ri-biir(r Tli I .npcm’li.ink ol Vd. i!o. !■: Il’koJ'l' I'lur, h'uyfUt-v'li, !j7.4.j7 ( ■" ft«iiiitcr.rt. ho»rv.:f,*n ih.tiKc^ulj and i*i rf-,k rl, the ,bi:.nnU lh.-in.c .vcMo w«rr({!«d. Wi’ nmj My pfood. «1 III. ahillly, tn. ihj.m oUu. 1.. m th.' w.iy o I e of lli. njodrralion. aiM tlie eltvtl»«l tone of the nbo-: j ..^rriiun., hy 11..- a.li.pu^.n ol ruvli or li.*l» i d.M.i.urr,l. in rifrf rr«p..l wofth* «f It. UHtii. [ Jl.nhioij,!:. ...tivuit •iied aollKir,li«:i hainiian of lh*( oruoitll*!'.* Ihir fi.r RIIIhn.'kI Nolen UiM ooiitrri, \u: Ijy .■'loLl-.iiolotm i'"'(If) Mir f tors li.Liitiua..ls Kcah llstste iNii*. - il. I irciiI:ilion, ', / ; lu.Ut d «l .N'u in 1II l-t 'i'l'h i->)Ujll *1 Kiiklsh •)),OQ’i Gl I I'jI i.:i jvo.n-.’o ;'js ij. S'.r.ro..: i;o I.- ii.j i»i •J.i: * -■) 1(1) 370,: :>j 00 ruitlU r.-jsM-t d 0(1 finding in Ihia Ki p>>rt mi oiuch lu rfMiliii'i llie ic-if rat %ii «■ which 1h Ixlilor* of iht Nuiu'nal lull l.it,’C'x> r hav- Ihouflil i( It.iir tiuly tnl4scoi thia v»ry nut'ofUiit qur»tiun, l>»raii»«-, 11 «r rou.d h»*- d'«ll>lrd ihpif carri -ti»i»* br’ore, il would 1« ini;>n>«iMr to tiuubi aflrt itriirii.^ ur rvad inirihi«rrrt rn(«>rl»i,l .Vui* I'ai* r. 'rin fr.d .I" «f lh« Ili-fwrI •ru(ii(d »!>'>iil two bour> il««!n^ had no am-«a to il, and h*« i-.^ nu if our hvaiiQf U* drj^rid tijmn. w«» «h:jlt alti w 1 aethin(;hkc a iKt-ral ir;ii.ri uf li» i-oelrnLi>, but wiil •fi't 4V- r, l«r IJiC »r»tifi«- 'li'-n ol tin- j.uIJle ritno*i ly.toitak' a •■ ■ U liOi lli* •iilliiie • it. ' Til* lu jMWt !>oul » im »»iirf wmp lh» tiilir* foncurrr'irt ol'.i,>i'i»««n of tiia I oiii.iiltti r «iib thi |*r>^ .b'rii( ;i>tutb * o'llic fUiina liif till pj_\. pir. 1 ul wir.-li ti>« Tr»lk IhIhxii th I’nii.ii fi«uii>anl K'lii.'* inak (if0% imon. 'I'h. v |i»n tli> If ofi;;iii .11 (I jrant riolnlioii» of thr law v: S t- • • 111. .iii4 n: iMir ii u la) lti|(Ul*, lor Mrimii t*ic |tri l"l.r.- ai'c rd at liiA time riffifUcd b«jurUr.^ation. At ihu p»»i>«l •!'tln>«e aj!;n »-ion». Ill* tioTtrn m 111 0! itu 1 '.I • d M. lf • wo.iM havr l» u f.iliy •! Ill il !'n n aj*[jr»li-d la urmit In viini'icaf' •jMiif 01 itir w-.rni Irii ii.lK in tiic fiianihtr* into MUt-r enrrti'ie^ ot llic cljiofi. I he f' port tlmi pr.- if'« lr> the r^»idfralion 'H Hiiut h,i» tra -rpiri.il »mc* IIm; rai.('ic«ti'>ii ol lli. Tieilj; mrciuliy rc>.rtii>:; aid nnni^T.inj tli ■ orrr»)K)niU-iiri- whirli hj' »i(iii d !»e(wn.'o 1 lh.‘ Mmi'tf r« o'th«-twfi foiinlrif",\r. Th-'f'ilii. ' niitt(v ivfirra* the pri ai plcjriire Ihry hnvt ii- u>ii UMKi; with 111. i*r xKii III01 ill.' I.tiiud .''lull > i Dup fo oflirr Tr nk*, Viz; Mull- li'Ko N.( ..rolina .'tl H*'i IVrtr, \\ iliiiii'vli.n Ii!') (ill ll’k .Ne*lMfii, l{;ucij;;i rj..'U’i Diif" for !>' po>.iic.4 i! f’ri.fii n: ai.d Chc'cki! Ill liansliu 1 :ni>o f.; ji i. a i. 7.:'.’,'' r,(t 4.1;.; L-r, ilip .V"-** pioi.li-. Il IS conipiot.Hy riHl- , uiot-tacy of Ni.nl, t.urojitjul)ut l.ati net uiali7.'rl to iHir flmmtc and will grow in a- yet venlurfd lo p.iiiii out 11 aitij;!*’ m itu-fjco |ti\ ..I ihf c«.lli.n>;ruwii)» SfatM. I rrcom-| iliat ernbruces Jhe h;rolirnl di.cintiic-a ii.t-rid till.! cuilivation nf it, p.irii. nlaily to'sirij!p word that is incon,puiib!« with tli.i ih-'i.laiitcrs, (isaiiuli-r.stiipleoroiircouu. soutidfM rcpiibiican (iiiHi. in t! e n-chii i|r\ of imiiiKisu valiio, wiiicli will nal-.ze iiino, it.4 wortliv ci.adjutor, tli« Nrv^U in iiioie tliaii aiiN other s-taj.'lo of i iir country Sctitmel, lias tliV candor to coii.* ..m amJ »iw Ul il*r I'lillivatint), even it wn 'dilain »>xpri'sw its “ conrurrf’iicf'” with ili*^- piitici* II't mor- Ihaii lialfihc fri.i- ol' U pst Iiidia ' p|.-» „f thr addrestJ—atiii niiiiR tint -il.e o- CalliH-. Jt IS iriadir III the iiiH^iiorid .ipini-.iiH divulged in the uddr^s-, vpiiiig C iiU.i, hy the ii'liahiluiils as i-filJcc. It al- Ironi O;j”do-lrincs mhirh arf JTr^-1/if.rr^^.z- ^o ^rror.'j wi!i| oii^tlio iiaii^M ol the .^llsl»|s- tionuhit atul rtfrubhcan, nitd will huraiij ;,i|>|.i, aroijid .\. vv (Jrliaij^, where it i.> rtrtirc. rppo.sition unless from tlu-i- v.ho by iliB 1 itjicli jco{i|ti itiid itKidL- him ulwasn advoculfd an fi,'t run if u:i‘ o! ii.s folP-r. \ihi- jHiu crs of thr Ftdtrul Gortrnfumt.''— hich is ri;;hl I L*'t tlie judgo. I Ilf (iwvernor lias nothing lo kar In ui their iHini(>n. 'I'Ik; f.illowjpg aro the remarks of the S«‘t.liiicl If? cxtm.'ti): *• (’(.nfruiy lo the (•xpccfalions wl icli wu liiid Itoni itidtic’pd to tiit**ttain, ilu- .idi- In- ^up'irai of(jt.\ernoi t^»aine\liibifs i>o hi,h- lot.I'll }>ait\ sipirit, and indf^rd wi.'in>« (1. a- void nodulously any expre>sion mdiralivi; I i-»irticiil:tr pnriv ailafhinents, sa\c in tlie 1 h.ivp iiiadf uso of it in ir.v fimilv for iliirf ii'oiiiliv, !,iu| (ind it st![,v rii-.r to till- ^rf i ii ('uliu IIt 111 prcvi'-, rrorii aoe; liriii^' fcjtii.l to li.f.' [jp.st I't'c. IV. e 1:1 :> iii'iutli' iiiti'i il i-. coilfc'f'd. '1 lio-f who aro [le.'ii liarlv (iind ol thu la-ifp ol' (hf* ;^it'i‘:i ('uha f l]i‘(.', !an obtain it by rni.xii'u at ilie rat. r.iiif |>o-jr.4 ol til" f-ri.-cn Cuba c..lieu s\iilu> I'uiir |'i ti;idsol 1 i.indu coff r. It iH i'.ii anriuul pluiil and iT’ii-^t be culti- vatcJ in iho sii.'iio 11 ur.tifr »- collon, l.'aviijy I I .^,.‘1 » ar'-a'* r dir!;.r.i'o, r.s It tjrow', .nr;.io sonfrri'ce whcrmn hr cor,;;rn:ii!afc^ 2 nioi*' itjxnriaully fr-'isi l u lo twchu I'f h;in>»dr as having b-rn ph'ctH “ a^:rnst r. M:u i.i. (. u.,.xi. iit-li on Kood land. It «i!l f>ii>w on tii.' tlif rurrent of iiohticai eicrtl.'iiicnt.'’*'I'ho Ul|l UIIKI; KlinOK ift XKil II I O! III.' • -'lIU U .''1(111 > I . . . . „ . I . ,1 .. I I 1 1 1 . .... •nd ...r, l,iwiu.t...iia .11..- couti.;ra.. in .... i .1„/;r.W,7. l.uid «hirh I. wi • xh.iu.iC; ,i,.„„ons Olvulp.-d in the adduvs. cp.n^ . .aiil, of ill. Kii.ff. .Vc . a. I .-o-‘ - tj in 0/ .\«,fi..( u.uiii.a •,.\i>r. ifol. Il*m cu.iivaMon, und will prociU. e a o.io.i ;iom d.ictnnesi which aro voryiine.'fr-jiti.jii- . a nil of tin K iiij. .Vc , a'i i'.'o'‘ - "tj 111 '»! •! till- l*tl«r« ofmir.Sfrtfar;.' a-;:!..!! v1ini«l>T III f r«iir' : and ihf) roni^'ir' il i?!;!" Ii I iii.lor li il.ri..re that tiirjNhjvc i-f 'ft no rr m.i •UK* lo ':i-.lru«t lilt Miio Illy 01 j«.iii..t i.ili^ciij o. iln Kill" III thu iiiitltci. Il h.i«iiif( N. 11 arrarj-i) m f 'f poti^ •to'-'I- H'hi 'iili.tnfd 'hi- r. i.ttMfi of tli K]1 h.T llh , I InitiitArn, tji .1 tiiK I ••« . nut' i.l -ili'niot .iN a^ lln j jrt..vr aiTli.'ti ol' the Fniicii haiiil. ■« 'nr>' I4 • i'.|' any «:lit r the I'o.mniliK I i. laiuiiir on wf at )>rbu:i.! 1.':'' 1‘rt. nt 1 . w rt • oin.iitlKlii a.'lioti w itliDiil wailinp. Tli' . ' i; ,1 ilie mrrt>(K>or*t ,ic^ (Mlw. tn llv rn n. h Wi-. : 11. r«- and oiir .•Nfrii.if. 01 .-lat.', 11, I (1/ uiulit-a,.d .\ur. Ifo l. i,:'f>l!n r iriiF ai,! Ihiiii Lxtliaiift; ii 17./ •!') i> .11 . f.ri'uiiK llt'i A i. ’i!i> n frr (!.-hi !• If fr r V .li'j dnrc .un'.'.d i!im! L".;itic prociUi e a ooo.i imin il.ictnnesi which aro vory iine.'(r-|(iioii- crop. i'iaiit It ul Ili‘^.iiiif time tiiat cotoll aliie and lepuhhcan, and will han^ly rc- u planted, on beds liv> lifi apat't. On ^oot. .vive oppfisitiun, unless from thosH «ho 1 lai d, plant your SfeoN five led apart, drop- imvr alvvays arivrK;afcd an cxtrnsicr f.f lh-i |,|||j, (I'll or tuiive Si t'ds, covcr il liyhth , powers of the IVderal (Joveriinient. JodPt d win n the j l .iitsare sulliciiMiily f;ro«ii, tlun wf rathf'rRpprwhf'iidthatth.-addrei'iifavours iIk iii m;I, 1. Iiv;ii;i q Mci^d« pluiil al till! dis- uf iiltroisin in itsjealouhy of th.'gc pow.-rs. tatii'c i t fno 11-11; p.ior lands tiiav b‘ plan- ’i'l.r- cninparison in»titutod between ’!:? rr.'V- Uil uc.irf"! ; tvvu pi.uiuls of seod-i will planl ' eiaifS coliptli d by the prnfral ai'd '’lile j^c- I'li.i'’- f '-i r\»f* I.. i...rt.r !*'•(* i|.'i.!« nr.ii "I ^ *11 pro]uc. Iiotii vpri.iiipiits, i.« not cnndiirlcd in a nianner [M*r- l..-» r>n ri'^ii «'i I’.; 1 i-5 li-'D -J.- l-utidrcd tot>\o thoii^Hind pounds o| clly iinpartiul. Ev>r\ ojiportunilv i.‘ rm’ I; 1. i'.: ii > ,;i. -1 ii.l i:;i;.lij 0I-,idtnoj*.iJii I-.I t-olli't*; It blooins from cyrly 111 July uiiiil jil.ned with aviditv to dwell upon ti'«; lar^jo ■!*7.'.’70 'lit; 4.. 11.,-.-I •,’i.i.ij.il o.if ttr.,«l 11.M. : and rt »a. a f.U krt.«n U. ! j j ,, . ,lM,»rfi-rnnrr,«ii,lW*lh |l„ hi.UM-yol'th ' . „,,iH.i,.ai. cnv.M-.lo.i, o: th ( lo . s that ih; iprdii nr? ii *«m b • nK«>ufr li.,d !-* n « ..1. 1 U'li-idt >«d Ul lh«- luuncil* ni ln> I I'c d >UI •. T'l' »• itc’ifl'i lw‘*''n th»' !».. I'* r. i.ta, hy ui.ii h oiL.ihc' Nalimi !ti.. » lii. 'f II, r.t ih-t i.nia, ■rM* i..»t I'toni in>vi’ifbiiii t '.I ■ inj l'U» frr: rvd •‘loill I' ’Bfli'C, hul iroiii orxi I )• uti'-.f o a. Ilf'frill naluic. Kw»|r>i:uj I,. H' . niiil .'O' ' .1 ra'ioD* frnm thru inaki. u wa u 'Oil I 'iri' i!» r.iit«J Jiiatm ba«t nut vti t« -.ilv ,'ii nf' r 111 at-j'liKCp III ia« • riw)^ tnJ iiijn«lii • d'lK lo It Itit to pi-rtetar* iii ilir d iiuirtd o iu'.innitt uolii tl i>hould Ik. nMjuxiL a> 1*1'.', iM»'vf our iu>t diktni,'Ut>h«.l nl.irnt, a;‘*ii.i'd VJii. 't.rlo Fraiu,Ha n.»Wuiidli o. I’-i' •'. t.i|K>n fi.r *?;: .r «roi,;'c; al .1 Ih. i\- «r 1: d iia.; n prr-i»t- 4 m hv ry \*i •iini'iIrM I > '., tro II iti It day liiiAii tu thu vuociua'.xi m ih 'Irotv I.. I«;i|. 'I «■ n ,wil ihi'a {;'»' on la »«}, ^h«l o" lii« •' r! .iii»lUi anioni.t hrd !i'.l |.r. Yi i»'i I'.ihr IVta tj U ' II 1'.. : i a*ri I t«in d, "M.I f rxiM ■ nt • . t,(!l\ r.i.''>'■ Iinlil th»v •■'rr I'yaHv ailfuftif ?!■ «f; In ' 'I.e r««nn)it:r»- cr,.,i ir entir;,.ly with ihe f'ri»id«-> I in llip •iN:.M u tliJl tl ■ aiiM>unl awaidid hj llir TojIv.S) «a^ of l.i.l. lonil.f. lalU far kh.rl •! III! j i'l rl i'i»« ni (lilt ril /i ti», mj (lamai;f», I M"'! rr^tt fivf nr»!-Tfhr'r«ii bi'-'fi rrr«'Iti >1 m l^l^ r !i;lr» »iih i;ri.r»al imliKl'arlioii, lor wi-rral r»« * :i . bM«, HHwr ttijti all, lof I'n- rr«>M>, that Iti- i*'.1. :i ot Hi riiiiiti Stale* v4\» in it llw foin>\iil ■>i .j-li r I* ’. It t**; . .! Ull.s ali.; !."l.i l.')v U ii . /n . M 1' i .'7' II .V’. sTii: f', f r„ ; . f ' 1 . r- • -' 1 > Cj«V|.|. 'J ■ .. iu V'! .V' !. ^ 1 . 1 , .-t-..i f’. .*■ 1; T* *m1 - !i' M. ■ I'l 1 ..• I'j' I:'-. .H 0 li. ;m \ IM.* , bill i*. ‘1 1 n.'ii •. I'i .N il111 1. i ipi ti'N '•* rfi r«-. \ : 'i'.: , 11, i/ii 1J.....4 I.'.i r, 1! Il .• . 1 ,tc :-i.7.''i 1 It. ' 1 ' .1 11- M, ' I ■-> ' i “ 1 oti f lO'li J" ' an.! thi ( ' Mil u; i, M 1'^ , rii, a: \Ut \ I • li; \ .1. J,\ Mai.^i 111 iiiii ‘ilf'.f'.iM ' ' -le, i.'ii, (• 1; ' 1; . .....lu * u I,. \ .. 1:.. P.iri!, in circa!.!.! in 7.-••'I ||r cl i. 1 1 . 1 ;ii:n . h tt li .! 1..',. ■i> .iii*a..| ! 7 ' 1. lUut t:. 1 1 Hill t. 1 Kii".. c.) (Jli. O'T' V r. h \iti i'>lrk 1 ( .11*1.U 1 > ^ I’l'it'.'. 1 a:io I.iiss Oo.'i .i c tillmily oti 't I'l.' lo r'« I har>:vm\ bitv' i.' lLi» f.' ii.'iy iTid .1 ni.'ion, tin- n iiii'iiilir.nirr »>! * h- . :.n. I. Ill tnrixt^hi^ w.i* «iii ar l.itlirm. '1 li^'t rut tx« n lor a nmim ot •ii|i;iii» 1 ih^t « Irriif h.;v.('?nth l«n Minnirirai, t>rnrinj; imi iIih I' if It I ; ■ r'l'M I b.!;:;jliOii, wouM Ik viiilalcti i'\ I'. ! •, ' Ilf iD .iincr (Kifty to (M itorin '!i utijiu 11, xiit.-, ,V r ~ >in| >0 litllr ilifl I'.ip;tT*> »;>!>fi In n.i »iii h n 'lalfl of 'hinji*. liml Ih. » |> I'-ni M r 1. .ru iiitiuik 1 a,w'n Ihi' l'r«itv,onr whicti .11 irt |.rir, i. p (.ir ihp iiiv. tliiipiil ul the >non*>r lo U nniv.ij iiM.h'i till 'I'l'ili in aurnr |ii.NliirliVi lord, lor til.’ t--n. .'it of thi .'lai iiaiilt, until the ad jH.! ' li''fi ol (he rli^iina ilimiid !>»• itwnfd.-ti il. In c»>n-,'i|n' iii c of lhi« l(i*l orrt i«i«n, wlirn lh» lif*l ia(a. • .-nt b. f.mu' d.ip, a dfall « »• dr*wn for Ihf Ihi- jirol. ■.! i>t Kiiith wa* Uk' lit«l nolu'c oft-i. 1,1,,t rxrrntlnri of |1|P Tri »ty. Ti lllr man ii*r It) « t.n:li I'lit i1pi|> ir la di.twn, p>-rha|» »n ihe srnrt> i>| 'nr...ii|.iv ,,r eliqurltf* »f»iii« «'\ri'(ili' n •■lialilh l.iktn;hul r)>. r.Hiiinitiin amin.>ni.nnti. ly .'f ..t‘in;n'i tl'it tin iii'«;e ail';>'t:d. of (]ra« in;; f"’ 111'' iii'Jlir-, M •« fully j.ul'ttcil lit ll.r t.-rili* o thi-trr»tT. It |.; niih (Mnioiinil rrpr. i, "sv' llu th.l (I,, I‘iMn,ii(|. p ln«!' Ij'afnI llm iai'iir. nt l«ii' r* ■numa'i;.' p\j>erlo'i'>ii« of lli» I'li.riilivr r>. ii.nilli > do n»t find Hi.i h .> )• 1 !:;>, I :i itl •■t'TY aa'U'nniT I*’ t l'i> • ir!i. :-irt',iin'y w i:l \>e aiixi J lor pr" mii. 1 l^> I I. !•’ Tu, Th. ) fu.'i -.n . ,t>tr.«».'>n o'"*" > rj, -Hi 01 Iti" l’i. «.i.i III t'ul I >• Kii- : • li'we cmi.^;ilin.on i| |>rf' r .« I' li ii^rr l» K.iivnr llic i h'liih i'. nt .i Sie» Co II.>1 ImO Ihat . 1(«CUI1'>'I trvh.n.' Iw rii ■ I'.tl ;; lo in tl»"' I 'vni ii .Vli!.i-let; I I*- iS 111. • lit I .H.l.tl.llt.g III' tl I ' ■..ii.'iiili jl.; Iwl .V P. r» ' id l« . n'wiIll’ll e iri. r Ihiii i;i.i: i. tl '1.4:.' 1'; xtii i.ij h«\.' tu'Tii lion*' by th- lo.e ti*t I ..iiijri 111. t. Il i 1.0I err' .In lli ,«' I, tii-t I'.. 1’rv;^, 1' h .ii!d ii. •• Iii.\ y .'.111', r, « liirli |« '.!• M. ; II..r n I.util llv, li lu' lurt .>■ ii!i«'«','ii 111 iiiiciiit;-ni ■ h«« Hi-fl'i I Mauitwra were li> !«•• * 'ii Ihi- 1 •; r Tiii ifii'.K.a «^»ii.;i)cri hr ihi 1 r. .ji n.i! ralli.iM jii i'*lr^ i,.i. ti;r,' o!'.. ^’ «i. |il«0'ibii al I'«»l. . .. i lii: V d.i n'’l/.iriiii iiiiJ .lr1^.ll, « uul. i-lii. ' 'I ' ' ' ■ I'"" I'’ '!•' ' '»ir«. .. Ki. c, 1*. a« till'(J->’;'inilt« «r* rr.ti:«iy roa \iiK.il, tiiii .1,'uiiit li:« ii- j ^ i-iii.n, ant; ii nil oc. ' .•10III-, bc;..r« till’ li.' ji * jm' a.:.. tl*« lic..ty, Ui Kuri; Im-. ii,\.iiut>iy t.)i'j.\ii uii miiii in di‘-irt' ;.n . — the »ali«t'ai.lor^ ntjii>linf ,.t o. I:l' .•iltari'ni.i 1 U' S^jlr af L'lr /’.i(.i of S'ir *mi, fnl'r. on iM.Juri.'wj', \rri I ■tin, I'j'l. .-I I .1 an; alioul the siio of a urain ofwlii al,, iinconsidpred and unexplained. A nioineni’-i id'un olne color, rai h p»iU coiitmning fton. ■ n llectii.n will suooest to every n.irnl, that lii'l;, to sixty j;r:i!iis i.f ci l'f. .'; tl.e podri. tho increase of leuishitive and excruli\o ex- o:’i‘t bf ci'In .:t> il ae- I I't as iIk*\ ripen, and ]>i'nses, lha ex'pimion cf the army arid na- rtln i) tliie-hv'.l, which H p"floriiii d with • vy estalili?hmcnt», the «?rection at.d fqnip- coiiimon •'lii:k'‘. Iron, the \v«i..(!-;, it tnuht bf ment of piihlic euilice.a for coinmoreml ,'e- tje 11) ciose nn'iii w nil n ii^lil M rtif, and enriiy and fiiilitarv dpfence, lia\e e.-'us^ed •iii' T it is wiiin.iwcd it is tlion (it l.>r iisp; the riaii.-tml revenue to increase in a ratn r* iihor hiir.sc.*, cattie or ho;:s will eat of the : Ipoitiiualeiy proportioiial lo the expansion i'laui i II I-. not di'-lii.-ljeii by calierpillais nr,: ,four iiatifnal iniportance. No d ubl ran ativ III* cts, it r.'turiis more foliape lo the ‘ be entertained of the profirietv of eypmili- iaiui than ati) lii^hl.u.d cultiviilioii; it isal- .ure* f^r su h objects ms theso. Liit if it ^‘1 a irreat aequisilion to tli.; reiiriiit{ of IJpep ' be tlie scope of this portion of the a'’t'iessi H-i (iiiri! hom y ri',.s on tlie stem of t.irrli' lo deprecate the injurious eflcrts! pro.lurerl Pirrrtntf' llrU tnclndtd ill tkr t: \\ iiiiiii.)>'"il * I ■ .''•i Ii I At F.i e tm.ic -' I'll -J.l .'\t llii;»boiou^h l'i.7 iO 1)0 .lOilN IIiLi( ii»'iirr. 't.ilk i f l!;t; li‘ate>, wlucli iii iouyiit tiflt-i iiy till' b -I s utxl aiils. Till' Koitnr of the S. titiiem Affrifuliiir- i't, h:i.I all K iitors in the rof m ;:roui!>:; M-.tes will please inscit th I'ubln; U'lii lit. 1 am \ours re>»preirii!l\, iVe. Aii'iAii wi nrroNT. by that political school, whi«e obj- rt is to open \asl outlets lo a ci aselesu ciir;ent of exactions, which drain the personal rnsour- ees c.f the people for the purpose el' Kive llr the , lino the j/randDur of intermii'able iiifi rr.al liprovomei^ts, and an insatiable proltctivo lAtjii I'fiiici' and liip I iiiUd ^!al■'-. Tin o|ij>. '•ilioii to the cxP;iil,un o tlie tfi.it, hi'l not prA. ifi.M Ilia Kilt u. 1 f .nn oi hi* ^iii.i*ietT, h it iroiii lii. I im'i.Im 1 111 |iij»io. ». VVhi.>ltirM , '\i.. tl.>n’. iri iiiaMii;,’ bt t. ' I I'ill h ta.'k :fiiiii( lit, ■f.p jKillcv of Him t,..\, riilin i:t ij to In 1. thrni—III ««'i'ofid 1 in ui —uin;. «0o\l' a;:, tj 00 no ' thinc to in|viir th ui. 'I'll. r.'lii>al ol out b'.iiich «.f a li-iti rniiirii', it i» friff «av^ thr ipputi to t Mtulc « I n ii» mnj Ik- j r.gafflril at th.* r*i umI at ILu i>iiolc t.ov. rniiKiit, hut « h. n Ul'* hi-ad 111 Ihi-I.'iw rnniPiit i \iiu*« Ih- p»rm ‘till'" « hi. h Vm ii «I'p. n in ll;i!« c..m’ 0, IIk' jo iti. al h> ad .il Ihi't fvn. u It. \Tnin. nl, ii', li a c»Hii'lu>liMi oil_ht iio^ lo Iw li»'lii) lirnH .i. I ^10 Ihu w ho|p, lh>' I oui.iiittPc ar.' .1, npinion thol tin liioc hsM not ytl arrmil wlioo I 'onjfi.-t i» c ill'.. ■i|f«n lo 70 inlo t'lr ron^idt rj'ion o! !!ip\tr^ •> iio^ia t].jc«lHin, \\ both'r l.'iey « ill t nt. r ■'iito an) m*a-iiii' lor the I'urjHi*.- 1*1 l*»ii.t; inlo lli.ir i«n II iiiiiH I. ilrrs ' till vnoii ;« l>) I lanrt'. 1 he C oin- mil'. ■ nfi- nl o|>liiion lull l.'oii;^ii oil;;lil lo :.»oiJ jin r»'oit to rtiif, of 1.1 n.i.i-UH'H \»h (h iiuy l.'ad III il, and r itln r wail lo »pa' Itir tv~uil 01 liic '\«i. Ilona wliirh Iho Frinih Kmc t* uiM;«nltrd.‘y nia- Kini{ to carry tlio 1 rt'.ii> iiilu lull. u't t. Iiavp nol Aiiiaiiid niii itrcgunl ul tin" He- \nmuiit o.' I'liilf rt'i;. iv , , M... K j1 I, f)v ihu !rii' S. Hi;.-vroii’s l>lat.-, I>iii I'mni li r'.jn 1 *li.i ol I .\(.huii£f, \iii.iii.l i'l S... 1 l> I "tl 1,' 11 Nfl*.'-, II4I.111CP, ^loim 0:1 V.it)'.'ilurt*.) svsleiii, it meets our cheen’ul conciineiice. Vs far as il yoes, then, tho addres-i, m iH Matanzas, i a>t I letida, .N'ov. J-i;h, !''•?!. deyolopment of political principle«, ;;s ills'. ^in!s irtiy 1>« obtained liy H|.plMii^ to tincuieihed from personal prejndief.-!, w ill re-* M( ••MX- .I.vV: f. Lawton, (’iiHrie.-toti, i'. t’. coive no oppnsition fr.m the frienrls of that ainl ol L'ol. 1 ruiie.is (jUf, ol Jjt. Aii-tistinr, presant national administration, whose c.'U- ■U,!:. i’;i-.!l 1 i:i stHUt object ha« bi’to to mainiaMi iln jiwJ rights and establish the harniomou' umor* of separate powers, ujion the ppopier dislri- biilion of which, depends the perpotmtv (>f ' ur free aod cuaiplicuted, but not jarrm^ sValeni.’’ ..I ..I, I) 1:.".’ . . . \\ • n ,1 tlii: I o'intry, aa tw tli« rtrviilion •! Uu ! |Mirl, hul » p h'vp’oiIIow . d it nut fat i'iinui>ii In dii J' i'lo«' l» ihi- rr^il.r ii gnipri.1 chmnol.r, l>»iii~j Ilt« rrp'iri ,;n to “ay. a« Ihr I’rwidpnl in ! ,iri»i nl«d hy the UUii. »»«l hi* iui »rii;i jit>|jv f ill jrkt, Ihdl till-lia n of ncqiil niort , Washinutnii corre.-pondent ofilie lios- ton “ .\tlas" has the follow m^' paragraph :— '•'I'lie f.illowiii^ minor was in very te net nl entijlrtif::) today, 'leii da \ S'before the appearaiico of ihe tnessa-e, the I'reneh ' Carolina College is abonf f.-, temi'ier c.illed iipoa ih.' seen taiy o| slate. ^ revived. Cov. JlcDullie, in bis fir^t aiidur-e.l upon him the exptdiency ol a- Message to the Le«is!atufe savs. “ \n in- ^ ;ir. doptin^a pucih.; tone towards I 'ance.— resulted m n m.Vt ihoretioh ..(1.1,0 \jr. I I Is) III as-uri d him that nothin^ ol a conviction, foundt'd upon inf.irmation deriv- beliij:rr.-nt eh ira. tvr would be recmmen- f^mn authentic sources m every ou irter ; '• di-d. ^ I poii llie strrnoih ol thi? assurance, Faculty of the C\.lle^o the I reiich .'iini.'ler w r.>tc to his ^'i vem- have become so peiieraliy obnoxumc to our Mh ; riicalHivPcx .iliiio: tl,.- U,„. of N. v.b. rn ,n«itt, pres*iii« itiHin tl the necesMly of car- „„ ,i,„ ^che .UiU'-s-J Kliicl' I h«>Mha hoimi tolor«;ird,ou.ri|.,o.nt. trit: the tre.;tv mto i ti;. t and mtiktno ||,e , l,.„.sies of someof lliem m.ri nt* Miil> hui i» ilrbf** crt* i!tTiii'‘J l«» U* iNKx); and 11 ij* • , , . i * .« j rrii^rt s Of 9otr)i* oi iDeni, rtnd oL lirt niiiK il n HiilVn i.-ni alln-v;incc ifc nu.i« rof ti.udf. reijiisite !i->proprmtio!is, poii the ap|x'ar- j|,g reUxatie.n of moral and eenetal disri- prtfi.iiion of Ih,'K. I.l M-ist.', atiee of the nn-saoe, w ilh ils .loslile t>nd , g,, | ^ \pryr.^,Krclt..llv, voi,roV.'t^rvnn!, menncn™ laiiou.'i.e fowaios I'raiice, .M. He conlidei;ne .is suitable jkiiwuis (o enai.l ^ .S rnirii r, as um\ bo siipp-sed, was much ,|,« ,he opinions of tb« ‘ ■ ■*' ’h'i'’rined and di>ui«iioin!ed ; and he imtne- ' risinrj ireneratiun, as to render a r.idieal re- f.ij.il 1 «’n-\ of 1’ 0 lianl:, .VriO'iit ol l)pj>t>'rt •, I In.' to Forrljii H.nk«, l>». ilivulrnda ol I'ri.l'^t, IKk Ul'. i'..,iiti!, 1*... »\utca lu circuLl.uii, To W’m. s. ^Iikiov. l>f^. Pull. T-fax'r, tin hnut iroiii’a.lil.i.} 1 • ''« 'I'-c H'ls zenlotis dialely s' fit i ll’another ile^. atcli U(>on tlie »^nd thorough reor-aniznlion o| the m- i fii. nilt* m .New \ ..rl{, U e learn Irom the he. Is ..1 his hirmer one, recommendm^j: his v|,uitton, ti measure of tndi.xp.'iisible nece.sj.i- iln-S Bale oi'tlic i:ii. j .New \ 01 k .\ mi rtenn that the “fonowini: government tu tiiko no concern about lua- , and the only practical uieans of rev i\ini^ •f"' km- the appropriation ; not to pnv „nd extetidmg Us u.sefulfie^.s."‘ r, n'oop^ of It 1.1 lha bainN i respective names, a sous maoiue. The truth ol this report is 1 -I’h,, „ bole Fncnltv had, in c.mplianeii ircounlry. towards the sup|>orl ol the prrf=r^. llie»|?i well v.rti.hed lot'. III- very ceitam that request from the governor, resi.-iied, ^L'ig. I-.WJ ' - - ' cient Hoent under Diviiio I’ffnuletice, in the French Minister has had some deep ' Dew, of WHIiani and .’'Jury . ^ ,> r of urrtvHls at ,Nfw• j the qreat causo of'remprritice to dissemi-, cause |or olF iice ; and his late refusul ti' hern elected Profca's. r of F«. I ’1 "^'11 >’): ' V..ik III l-in, from |oreii,Mi oeimlries, was nate inoro and more wiJ. ly throii^rh the dine with the I’resident is an evidence that ||„i,.nf Peo-iomy .ind History ; Mr (’o^rs- o? rj." ^S„"niIVnl.itnii.ofwhi. li 1,'1-Hwen. Aiiieru an, UC t bir"t tbf'ir admirnble cxhoiuilioiia mid re- some rupture has taken p’ace. He has dt - • ,,...11, Frmei, al of the TpiscVpal S, ho,.| at "a "Iiiir ,i! I'r !ire pioo pil\ 111 niaki'|»nyiiieni. Ivi..;iish, F reiteh, 1 JSpiiiush Ourcli, j btikes ; rlared tuireserv erilv th.il \vt>ro he a mem lialei^h, I’rofessor of G reek and Ri'iiian Lit- A.. Tl»' i’r.,„l M. hiiwuv'r. ..OP'not prp..'nt ilii' ' llr.-iiien, nnd llumbiiio, 'J7 t?iTeci«h, 11 j .Vtpph.n V.m Rrn.-,lurr, Albaitv, eiOOn bi’F of (he chaiiilier of deptilie?, In.wevcr eraiure : .'Ir. Oavi.s. of W e.si P.iim, I’lO- fiM.PM. #..*l>.h.;.l.., ... . .. ... .. .. .... ’ ...... l'_____Jl. _:__1.. 11 ■ .1 * f^r*iiif lull!. (. fii»,i to . »ti nil' the Trratv, c«o I)'* r bf "i.r a fi.ooi. n' t rit.Tl 111 •€*. Thr I'liiird lai". ri«.| lit V r ahaiioiiii Iht ir ro;lii.t iindrr it. I-I n " i;i(.iin fnr |»ro«uriiij{ IIm- r\t »-nliin ot llji' I' llv =!|„I1 r.inii'l. Il, it will 111. 11 bt' '11 llu I '111. d !•! i(, » |„ ri'iit:,Jti « hnl oili.;r 111. iVt.ri'i. »r.' 111'-.-•iiv'I l (111., iiii Ih II ii;;l.l* III !m' rp. I he tot.il uuilibe I .N’tpphan Diiinih, 7 Aiislr*aii, II Coioinbrin, ‘1 i’rus- | Hsniy liwijhi, (J*n'y;i, Mtiirr- of K, pri ,|» |l , ,,,,1,. c.^, blit hv llii' adii i' li.iii of Ihe alliniilixp o! • ilmi a lor h. r llm. ... i|„. n. ln.o iH'lhr Fti ncli * hmi'.Krt, |.;iii| In |lii' I'll'i.r Ilf 'ooi^i-« Ih*' l'\'u .iiir>.I,I urtliiT iipi'iilialii.o, or i,| m . .Hilin /'►i.t III. w Mi h, Ol .t« I'l.i.ii. I, n. i, not) i>>i- ^I'l'i I. .| 1)1 r, \« III I liip p..nf«', jf llii l‘"!'itv, ii:r'l,„Mi„n.. m j iil/.ri -I ol lhi« I’. ;ilp«r.' o|ii l l„ ^ II iiil«v..rliiii|". vMih >\hul •I ''ill l.if.,' li.i i| III oi'ji'i'ioiiM iipi'ly 1 to .1 war with i„ :in, i.-ni alii, i.m.inU ah.iiri ih'' ] V> : liave lM>(;n IloW a great llianv veirs ' I litirlr* tinMi, nroo', J.n|^oftlic I i„i,.,i Mai, ,, ,.„t,ttmn Iho kii.U.>i.t I ui (';int4da,.inid we believe never be- i An-on HUkc, .Ni-w Vorit, • nif Rrnatr f'oni.oiftPr .if For, if„ U.'hiion. many success.To dav .s j jV ron.Kt.of \lr.( l Av.fhrirn.an; Mp-*r». Kimj,«1|‘'‘ rCUHy severe weather. | '«jr;i;i, .M\.Niii'u, SrRAiini. wid T.vi u».»o;r, I Mo/Urea/ lit raid, Pec. .|:iii, :i l‘orlu,.m te, Il Si.-di.m, .N 'ap.-liiaii, I ,V I M.'Xi. an, I Kti-s'uii, I llra/.ilMf., I S ir-j ,vv„.irMV,rH,'York, ilinmn, 1 Norwegian, and I Central Amcr- j llrsun. Di.tihi r* C o. il'>, inui. I’. icr K».ii'tpn, do, 'Fi.lal imm’ier of arrivt'.I ’ H'^rnmn .V Jnlm.ioo, do, Now.Yoik ltai,4H.vii:l; n.V.Vi.; p'’!" j .1: \V; I.l nviM, an, \V: have l»e(;n now a preal many years' i htirlr* Mn\it, llroo'Jrn, liM.O disp.ced he mi^ht pirvie.usly have been in 'fessor of Matbematics. ; Fiotess,.r N. tt lOiid to saiistymjr n,,. claims of our cit re-electH.I Prof, s-or of Lo:;ic aii.l l’e|. inm) to mak- the ap. I je^. Litres. 'I hi I’lesidencv and two Pto- iniW propiialionshiter llciieralJticUson's , fcssorsbiis retimin vacant. Iti'Hi message. Sonu ichiit cn irtivivse of ralnc.—.V PJ.itical .Vor,i..'nt.'i.~-'!sU. Joitn P vr p!'n'ation «.n the .Mississippi, centamin^ TBorn-ii has ,s..„ed proposals for piiblishm:; M»l> irpenis, w Inch 01 loinallv cost, neih. u- , , 1 , s;uid di'llar'. has iatelv hoen s.'ld lor otn: n semi.wT,eUly p,,er m W i.shington jl^t,, Ihcvsand doUnr^. Prop- tMit Hied “'Iiir 9r\,” to n«fv orate the el.v- iu the S-aio ,‘i 1„ ,rs ;ma on He. liiver, tiou fcf Ul (5M I,. \\ MITK, to tho Presi- ('oi.cordia, i lut'-lv £■ ncrally m>cu ir. tri.O'i ) dei>cv of the I'nited Ptat»', vai le.

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