JOURNAIi. ruiMFo anj> 1*1 iiM.sni:i) i:vKin iiiri4>T,i;v I UIIX TKAOM foit TO flKRCK TDK MOWKU-* I'r Till- KARTII ANIl .Mr r.., . ‘ ~ •»««'« 1 11-V .1 A. - — ■ .^cc=. ^1 r taoM niK AVBK\H I K THK MQI. \TAiNii. MM AI.S tv til. H wn ■ « VOL. V. HKM.TII TO in R H*M»« ASH WI'IIjKCT 1.1. 'IAT(IRK TO Ot'K U»K ANIJ rLKAMUHK. DR. JOHNKON. _ TurssNSJAv, vi)nnv\*tv 5, NO. 227. :?lincr^’ A Fai-Bnor«' Joiiritnl * [.1^:'^’''"^ IV”’1' 1» urmirrt uinl })u!>ft»lifi! r»ery i'liiirriitjy fM>riiiii;j : ^ ) , • ' n* n tlM ti.n «, ll|i> w hill on n i|l •t Tiro DoiUtta ;vr nnniiiii, il'iHiMl in mUniKr ; , I'**"**''’ wif|| nil iliip tl«*. I drmr.ilile^ ||il* uim 7V> anil Crntt it' nut |iaiil in nil T«nci'; ‘I'hrft IhUlttit at the i nd oi’lli^ jr»r. h'loiue I., ilie Ilx.-iutivc*. nnd to llie liisli ! in its (hvor. •lit t.r to Si ci.r.-,!»Tv.-d. It »!«o liiiri proat , Reprisals. He had rImi enpresiwd himself rj n - ti.ii I M* s-j ii^hl\ |il( (iviim to tii)«l ito« , tiiHt, III iho pnipoxi- • n»lver»e to coinniPrciRl rnAtrictioiia, for rta- iiMitiiii Ills 1 t.n ..I iiftit* tioii I'dbrcd liy that gt-ntl«Miicn, the shiidoa 8>p« which Bupenred to him to be conclu- unaiiuti H..J pritnotio purpo^.n which nmy Ih^ ! i^s^’litiaUlmt ,'o lln nlll ^ ll"'"I “'r* ^"‘•r h.insHf; he was nol now pr^par. oppenred iimftelf, he rfxoliiiiKi), wLn> an nli(/ht and unm)|i«rt!)iit. cd, nor, iti his «)piniun, was it expdi* !.? mens* • ' - • • ■ '"III I r,iii. f, u) puss nn\ , l?iil hr niiHt dtii! think thw r**m-lulion ob-! pr'-ftT «*|.en niid uiidiRguiaed war. Ihfy V... —.....vr.m-„,Hniicir.-cnmmen.tHt.onbvt'.-I Mr. Kin,; ..fC.-i.r.n r.-o nn,! m-.vr.t j*;!''"'’'''**'’re|K.rt n.iajit adopt thp ima^ure of reprinala. 'I ht-> ciMiiui.inicaiid lor publiiaiuin, the iiniiilxT Cl! |*r■^^i!^llt «)ii thu •iii'.if.oi flm ..h,. it » i .1 ’ i 1’ ,* **• he rntnriiiitf** whh nn nr;;»imf*iit«live dw- might preter the more pacific and niod«*r:ilo in- -„,ust,H....>,ca o.. U,..n.,r=i..orih.. . ^ r.,.. .i,.. „ K s.rihins o.i, nil,. pp.*.nting all th/,. from coi.r«« of cou.m.rrail rVstrict.on-. It «.,a „,..nuscn,l. or uil h. d until ™ S “ ‘i 1* • '‘'"L '"'-'‘•‘'"t-' « l-l* r.inl l.on, ,l.d.iro,| th. ci.oH,to possible that they o.iKhl think it rx- forbid, Miui charm'd acmrdinrlv. ”* n«:uni lo if. Mtca nti expro?*4iiiij wuh llie wnrrs *• i ril hs i a* 1 n*nr i f h ihJmis i i .i • . . . i .. . -i i- i_ to il.« Mditor mn,. co.n.- pri.,>o«-d by IIm. re^.lution nolv under o.ii. hav,. |. ,.,;c..nv. i„ d ,■ irliJr iSn.i ‘•••"•"".Uc had nrriv.-d ; and it |H . i.-nt to await Iho iH.ue ol further m gc I llifrd r^UUVH Atul I vnziic. ,ardto',he c.«.r..,ortl,o|--..VH.\^lv. rJl;-..-.Virir,’;^ th. r.-porf. If Him rop,.nl.d one and ui.committrd; at literty to act a« (hey i: in|oriim»it(t)!».! 1 I r( 11 i\i (l iiotii I iain i*. iti ilml iliH iiiiwif. Oiif iil.j. cli.ii, thfTffore, | vi»;w, this alMolutf* and entire uncoin* . • .• • w.i«, ( the roM>hilioii a>wii'iicd on!v one niiltnl was denirablo. As related to i.iir. .sicniur (rtitii Ki iiiii k\. an i vi. n. ..r .1 ; i ■ ■ . should dosiroevery [lonuible inlbr- ii(»on to nrf. whether tli« oru Rr.L.A i IONS with Fri.v.Nci:. ,, ... ,, ,, ' ' «td, l.nir cf*ntiin;i*nci*s iiiijr'tt In-rt(ipi-o*«i d 1hcll>'p..notthrtonin,.tl..eo,,l,i:., r,r,t. that tlm iV,.„rh c'.M.ri.. R.btMiSconcludes withtbKfo.luvv my Uc:4. ,„-,d^ Ihr npnmpriutmn t.. -nrry tlio 'I'n-Hly into i (F« t l>ifi>rr tin,- n* Thi» it 1» inc'tpct'icnf, at this lii"**. !o o».ptiiMi i.rtiu* I'l iisidfiit’H M.; 5;.-ri.t d- „.y l»v» ».-tinc .n tiH. fr^i.leii. »ullion.y .b, (’!„„„b,.r« „ny innko the ,, |n.3 rrpriral* u|>>o Frrncli |>f«ip*T«y, in thn r*in. Itiiij'-ni'V oi ()nivi«ion imt h iiig nm.lti h.r |»«iii. Ito tilt j S^ali-t the inii'-mnily i-lij>ii?3'i il In nb( Iri tly of H.'U, dnriug iIk; |ire>rul terMKHi >i llie Kri-nch t'hmtititr.. Thf? quo-!i >n l»ein2 upon ngreciii^j to the |Rt‘Si>Iuii'>n as icpurtMl— .Mr. Clw SJiid, It WAS not hi p*irpo»-o, Int ih** prfjiviit .ta;^fi of ciii«nl*‘ni?ii»a ot'thi' jrps iliJtmn, and h« ho|K*l it would n>t in; iii .fii>n ?/.•r tho tci:cp(i>n ft tin- rr*-nideiii’s ii. ttMihsi.iiifli.i:' t!iu r.foin- ■•K iidaliiiti on ih's mil.j. ci riiiitnin**d in it : I hirilly.lhr* ( liainl>'ri nii»y, iiirnnsofpir’ficf of thit r.-r..!ii.ii*iulHl|.in. hforiP:; o| it U-- nith hi.'cnliri-an I cnl. il a,.prolKitii.ii. l-.r.* th.-y n1i:i1I liavn artwJ finally on th. H,. h.i.l a^r., .1 i.i it, »Mih tli. M-i v. .•(.iiohn •‘iiltj' Tt, rclii-i • t(» make niiv nppri>priuiiin m i|,»> ('iiiiiiiiiit)«^ :n,4| ||). n • in»il v\h',t iii*y in iy ci.ii-i.l. r a m"i'icf ■ H,- h, d ii;.i.M>i-.! t.. a r. j mri: «.f t!ic rrrrmi ' 'I-! or ttiihi!r;»rt!i;|„ rn.i..ii. a of il.f l*i. ..Ii i.i. 15.. Imd u- c*»>arv for him nt any st«}{P, to i«i»y nmcit f“'i’lh'y, tli^y iii-y, citlicr i-n | ^ri-rd \»»* -it pi-»«'nf oHlkl >»itli th*'vi«-»v I'fpn’forrin^ thf» argtiinent^ III ^^"“"'1'*1 di.i'jitn*ri*rt...ii | up,,n f.r a.-li >n, >inl th it it h:i-« iii'\|X'di- iS liiYnr, uhicfi are contniiN’t in tha rfjfui * P*' '"I •'>*• I M'aly, r lu^' i.*: i iif, at thn tiiiw, to ictislate imi thi- -iit.j. rt. rf llh- Coiiiiiiittf^. Ill Iho prt-M-nl poniuio I”'""* '■'** "• "r;'r";*r'‘ ii..o. S.o*, in aii\ \\ h it « h tlif t .iii- ntiil chamctor .if ihf r- oiir r»’lalii‘n with Franco, th** roiiijn- of Iim -«* co'lin;j»*ni |f>. >Ir. C. oaid, ul-| p,,it >>1 thcCo.'i'rnitK-cnii r.u. lyn I>.'!.iIi.mi> ’ !i hail O|'|*»"iro«| to him and to tht> Coin **'•' " bnt h'id pa**- H, an ••T;>r'*«-*in'i ..I tin*dtl imt l '-l» wr t!int it mur inli.'dut'i’d b\ Mil e miwl i-X!*^Ht»*fit li»-tn.» t.> «ait the h tr* of lh»si' (t>'hl)t‘r3ii>n4 m lh. Ficim-h ’t.:i i.bers v%tm’h iirn «*\en at tint nnnni'iit on. It Wind n'«t b-* pr>'i-*r lo ♦•n- '***’ i! |i^i,m«|. T*r nt irti.: , at iht* prct.-rt tii:K>, all t(ii- Sii; “’xn f Mf* hill fr> hr-.vr pi«e/-i’Ih'.'".*"'•!!»•« |.inched in th’report. Oii rrH-opuoii *f ih" .mkJ the in-iic\ ill f|ii'*-ti.«!'» r.ii-m'ct d w ith th»-l'‘>r»-i^'ii >•» hi' »ti th- l"ri'!-r!i :r 'M«iirv, it| iirs .>f tin** ciiif;lrv, 'Ir. s.nd, I'lttcron- 'ihri.w upon !l|.. Kio-j n !iiji;h rt «j->fnt‘)i|itv of opitii->«i will nris', Htiich wi!l finally f» p:t\ flie fiiofi- \ !h'» r»>rnMiui.-fil-i- leriiin'ii*' in v»hat‘\»'r l!i«* opi.ii. n ..i !i'-n if I'lf ■ vi.Uirn'il >r pl- rf thin country inn\ «i tciMl a.« ■! i.o n'»:ir, or ni i>iv niif ip.!•■>.• a n»-»r in ti». tr rc'pn‘« n*:i*i»f. Ilijf, * n*. ■ , .on... in ildit i!(Hiiinent. Onf ul.j. ci|..ii, thorffore, Kver) vif^w, this atMolutc and 1 ir.; -aid hi> p.T!«Ttly n.'jriod uitl, w,i«, ( the rcM>hili..ii a^ftii'iicd on!v one niittnl was denirablo. .As re to >. i! Ir.itii K. niii !i\. an cMt ii- „f tli,. t:irjru riMj«>im whicfi I 'd tlif Voin M?lvr«, w« should dosiroevery | ivc uiscu'.ion \viv.s not i.illf'd for, and h.- niiltcp i» ad. pt the n-soiution they hiid re. j *>«•«»■•’ wo are called n il..) if.t iIkmii It ii»T»*'S4iry to (■ly niotf pi.ricij, and one, not, in liM opinion, the It‘«'Rbt to lie known to us, wnriner mo *h in N li w woid- on th»* chanf;t« of phrn««-. „f ||,„ rra.^ons a«i;-nfd in the re- King had hitnwlf abandoned uur c)aimj«, or l.':.y which h|.* nint ndim nt cout. ii,|.!atfd. 'l'h- M**ohiiion of tlie S«-naior from '*hetfier fie winild stiff continue to pre«« 'riio ti.Do and »»*onr of ih*- report of the (M-i.rpiii i.«i;;nrd, oh the rea‘4.n for tJon con- 'bem, l..e(;i»la1uro after Ief(iNlature, until 'iMiimiH ••• i..| r..rtii>n !I»-!.itit.n**, fie hc. nirrcn. e m the of the I'res. they were «iicce».ful. Wo ou>>ht, therefore, wrh a li »v fxr[iti..r>i, (ii> I id"ni, fliii tl,e I’h irIi fbamliers had us- 'o demre the nioMt full and accuratc infor* •rnil.!ed rnrhi'r than was etfMClrd when niation, nnd in jimiico to ourselves, and .?Uo ihai r«-. .,i(ii!H iid«lion waR Rubniitted. » r« fcrenc« to thiN Conpress, which will 111- el-j.-ction to tfie r. t..!u?:on in ihi- '«Tininat.. its exi,rtence on the :W of .Mnn !., *..(1.1, tfi..t the pnntlcnmn from (.>«r^m I ^ '*' « ha.l.lriuii down ml., it, from the IkhN ' pr..priely of reniaitiici!; uncommitted, «i»ti r.-,- .t, OM- onlv ..f the manv rr«M.n« «hvio,is. 'I hero v'li. h c;irrie.| il,.- O.m.niit. f. to ihoircon. Congress af)er the M of . ' and tlmt r.-.i«.n not the utr.i.ii. M. ’*"* '® S;*"* N..W, If It was pro,H-r t., .ele, t one ol the 5 *** »"'» “'*• '«"* r,M-..nM of ih.. r. ik.iI, it iiiiph: l>o proper to »" - '‘f , . ..k.-all;t-re„chS.|......riimvf-u,.tr«tcd - II*- ol t ..iii;r.-« ..II III.. t np;H-froil 1 .he horiorn'ilc nvii Vr as a pnrtv pai^ r.— ^ rJ.f),.r. i,t re.iwm than the on as- circumstances which tfiey nmv . fii'Fi in.h^t». ii-^il.!.*,. iih.-r to the | H» d. f n. t t>. |i. *e it wa.. pi.-^. to tlie «.«.luii. n fi.r aiiniiiff at the “> tl'*‘ tend»-iic\ of .f the fill, .ir Iho .n! .*.ij.itnt pixinint ot (•.inmittre a^ a pi»rt\ piptr. I|.-di-f nt , l„.,oti • aid in a Ik-'v coniw.* d of for " " ■' ' 'l-l.ewit«a.pre..-m.'-dt..iliec..i..,.'.T..ti.ii ,v.. i^hi n .’•m! erMt unot v. rv protmble 'n-cognitioD of the f tli- S a. a ,...rt) pi.,-r. II.. di.l r.-a-.a. wchiI.I bu found «f a1 hope. on all. ' " .th th. so views, he stuHjW move n- rpend the ainendineiit of the oenator from >'!|.*'ii’\cr ihe c.«ir-e ..f thin^' -.(i 11 fi. :. 'i t!i ii .1 nipt-jr.' shall iiu!orim».it‘!_v l.ik*' ir»» b 'wf*eii thi- c -unfry aftd nny Ibn'i^'o ■» , tr», (■* ai' Kraiif** or imv otfii r,) I r>Sie tnH o|'p'rtuntty «tf rnyiii^ ifuit, fi.iuf : 'ii'Mii'"’:!, • imt. ver .if ei*«*r>;y or aitiiitv, v'n'cverof in(1*i«nce I n.a\ fMn-M—t in iiiv •mir\ . *ha'l l»" devoti d to if»e carr\ in»; on t '»ar «|ili tfi*. ntin'*^ Vijjor whu'ii ili.' '■T'* .mil lit.' 'iirc**.* of tfit* I nit.'d Sfate- fi rivf> to ii. I will r>ot anlici|>Rte, hn*- (■\r, -ni' h a ito of thinjr"*—nny, I (.ft rv ri.rlK'^rt thiif Kiich H lupinri* »i.l n •! fir >.^Mv. *•!'Itie l’iiitrdS'.il*-ri and Krnu*"*. W'lh til tlt«> j'UlK** '.I ..i»r claim •o'' I’r.ilire I’or | :ts (iieiit «.f lli“ inJi*"ililt\ . ii!iti-.l bv t‘io Irtiitv, 'Ir. ti.e j- rt . r 1*1*' (’■.iniiiittoe IS in entire Coll. Ill- . r*i. ur I 1 . ■■ I '.i'IimmM* i»‘ r'ai'l .irr t' i;!.!ed in jii'Ih‘’; Hint \»«! •;-t Ifr.iri- i:;ftn; ilii' ue inti«t finaltv o(». '1 xaM’.r'K-'Mi'ri f;r llinii, iiik!, to d'l •Hi, •!'l. if n'-f’i ein;>!''\ «urh iii»'ans U'» of n:ilM'Ti‘j "•I'f')' '* ai:il thi- t’oii'li- |il'; n H •« —i! wilinti *>*tr o'v» r. .-•I'p' ,’!-. Iliore «a'n'l dni-r^iiy ot s«n- ••■t Ix-i-vr-. o i't* ( 'o.nniiM. • -lo.l ihf Pr.x- f-r- /,n« • "r t'lf '• laifitMcr .V At.'’:'.cr;:! c i' z>T. h t' t! t'l'' Pr"N; I rit Ins ni 1 of lt»l> VI *t 'l|.' rri-|i« li . •». riine(.t t.i ive r . til.' «'\>-« i!i.-*i fif »*;.• I'r-ifv i-ii'.ii!.! I',' 'I* •e tiir:iMtifd i-iMi.-tlirt t ;a» lh»-l» i I !• .i'> r'i* f (b iviiii* ciHwut.T.'.f ili»" “’il.- •■•rt, •lH.| ll«-*-|i|'» I it IIM X.-'-d|.-|>t to a«-f II :ll! I" I'iorv h C’!>'i»H -i...iili| h.i\f hi.d *11 •jipi-r!uiii)_v |.» f.i- n«*ifil iVi n*. In the :> ro. .1 ••.iiilit.^.'i'rr, 'f tin* pii« » ;»• a »ll .'1 n'ioropri,ii|.-ii ni''’r r'’«''‘iMii:^ i,f 'i>vj»ri«■, .14 pn>|M' • !, »■ o if !».• •.h iSikij t«i th.r prirlo ol' !'ia;tf.*. >.d ■ ■'.■it''if. .l I'l r»Hi*iniii! lh;it ".'=•1 ijhiI't- I in.iiii'j «inrh It rniiHi ifie RiuriT«. i|'. ire of .'^. rv ci'ix-'u .-I th»’ I'ni'i’if ."'i:!' ?•• ■ ii'tivatr « i!fi tfiat rrKj:itr\ . Ii ih- ’h.mi- r >!mI1 tiav'' pr>»*.-.f ihf hill, 'h'-v « >11 ;i.nt til. U;.S ;he I'r. «' . f i‘i’ I’nite ;' ''I ii. I'l tfi" ;>ri'«. ( ulii.«i 1 f a ju-t 1 i iiio. ' 111 f III t!i“ •.•llit of -o-'.iimn;; t*.- .-I IH t l.p|i'\e It w.'ulil t..- re.-i-uc«f fi\ tl'i' !•• n-, a i-aff . pif.T, u:il-by tli" 1 (T'-i i'* .'t ill.* i.i.hlii' j'ii'.-M, fi )il fi\ p.iitv fHi!- i.'i.'i III-.. Il .-!t' III.. I>. .-i.iiiiiN'.i tt ii|i cha-’r. I'l II.' f. rl‘:. r i>i^T.-i-.|, in all !'.;rwwI;-|.l irfiir,!-. !l: f* ''|.l. lit >• :i“ •■iiN'iiiii- r.'iH If. Ill .‘*"i\ .-.'rl I'l'llif !.'• !*■«•' •!'lit In.ill d w.'h till |.4'r!. I t (I'ljM'rl. ‘f li.j vi*'>»ii of III. i.t \. i.‘ Irealc'l uiili if «• iii..-t |h r I.', t r S). I I. I ii«''m. ^ I'i '.i* I’i. 'i.leiit i\-.'i • If. I’ •! " I I if i.ii«’ [>"r f.'i t ii’-ir ct. \’If! .'x. II lir r.'.'oliiii .'Ii.Im. i II . r til'' I’lC*- I'!''!;!. lo i*ie I'I « ii .'dc "t ai’iu.n, i» : r»- i!i-\ .11 II.’" r. ' , 1, Ift iin -t ei.Mr'* i-.- -1. .\ 1 ill ' I",,. I.lit I. 1-1, i l. fl ^1 . n ■ r ii-ii! *«. lh..t ttif . iih iIm'i i. in- Ix*. I .\. . I. II . I’ll I MIkI I..- i '...•■||i|l I.... liR., in . I'll. .. H 1! MT. I’ of i'.H Ih ull.l f\l ' .• I- r u hic !i tli>'v 'n re i .ili( d ..11 to -IlM re f. id fi cn .o. ral thio^R le.1 un- i„j„. g„,|,,ng „ut the part. t« i^hi. tl * Mn*‘ h\ I fii rr, whicli hud prmiiiM (i . t.. iH-,jo„e. 'ifio lr.'nch;oxe,nnie,.t had U .'n.Trn «id he had prepared a ' r!,ircd in a Iriti r to tbr N*cr.'|:ir\ ol Male ’ that liii-y v»oii!il rarr> the ImII of ap|iropn- •ill..II i:iio tho ('haintii'1.4 tin* day alter the '•i.iniitfiiri tii«'M of tb.* w^i'in. He CMild not «:iv pO'i'Mely tliiit lint told not l)«>’n doiif. ImiI m* fir a reports fn.d n'acheil ur, It iMd of't t).-. ii lione. 'I'll.* tom- HiHf Hpirit of t!ir ori;.'i!ia! ri’W.hiti-n w«ire iid'iptfd un ill r I "''"I'lal iiiipr.--oi.Ki that there e\iRtel n d--ii'>'ou lh«- part ot'ih.' I’rench (Joveru- in>- t t.i n t jiixilv, mill that tin' I'x. cuine propoMijon for the coiiMiderati«n of the S‘ m(e, tu corre«[Mind entirelj with the nin nd- iiK'tit to the amendment, •hicb had b*i n ‘iijRentwl bv th« K«'ntleman from Kentucky. He (>1r. NV.) thr>u(jht the »bj. 1 of b unm I vote of the Senate on this im|K>rtnnt qiirR. tion was 1*0 jjrent. and the (iructical dd! r- '’ticc ut'opinion mi far as he could learn, l*e. tvieen bomiriifil* S«‘nHtorA, so rihnII, tlmt (Klin* ^hould f»e taken to throw the r»^'U- tion, nfyint to fie pnMef, into such a shnfw« (oiv. n.n.. i t i f l-nir. e w.-n. pur-uin- «ith unanimou.s •ili''''r)lV, . *»‘rv 111.-'I'm in thi ir p'\»er. to he I'nit.'.I : liitc*, !i..'f fy »-’i ituI'n-.-.l lo re- HxiN-utne. The (ipiiii.'ii ol roiii'iii !rl l!i»* ni*-M*iift* . f r»-pri-;i'«, \rt tii 't It ifinl the rtniiii* «li; iifaled I C..I Ii'!' ii^e w lit«iiierlMiii'*'! 01 l>«)th hranch- > t of t’.'ni:i.’ts ifi.'i*. w. old I*’ n .•i»inp!i iiiC! on tfif fmrf of tlio I'ri'orli (.'o- I'-r.met.l. « i;h thi' y - I* n h.ol 2l»‘ o,»Vr. in il'Ht .■.•irit'^.'iir^ , li.i" I xpr. ,.|.Mi ol' -u. Il .1 B'ritio.. ';! In (’oiiir'i'i n.iil I iiM IhiI h.ive .1 Inp, V i fT.'f !. Ill •'I*' olhi-r conti'i^eiu-\ nf--i, It irt''M;x n«ab'.' tliat -oiit.' *-ii. li nir i^iir*’ sli. iil'l li«‘ ii'l.'i t' d.— ii.i iii\i r»iiv U'iween r^Ui ("•>e the f.i.l of ifitTopri ,(i ' 1 li I •• re- fir the l’re'sid» nt u;id ji-" .1, or it- - i.i I.,- .iMp'-n *'-d, on- ;.j .1,,. 'i-iii>Iht«, a*-"'’fI’lin «fi. lh r the re- ro.iioi'*'t.lalI'•'! b' ih' f’l"'iil*'iit in to !)*• car- M' d I lit li'i thf p:i■ • I.’.if a !;.♦ l-v 'i'ii- r>-..i, i( re-o'iilii"i Id." tl'i* \\|l| fiirni-li ih' of the S nate, And it ap(ieBr»'d to him In U> th»* prevRilinj; opini. n of tins bxl\, lo Mpprovn entirely llie (leiK'ral \iews lii|e:i in the |‘r»'*ideiitV iii»ttin;e, of the nafiir** o| the conlri'ver*V kM'Iween the rnit€*d Sin'**! and Kruiic.-, and of tin- char luht «f fho former, as inKikiol upon, at least by our “ido ofit, andalmi of the utter imp»smbihl\ that ihe council* of this country, under any cir- run Blames, c;iii d'f*art from their just it- i.-.! 11. • tojie i.t the r. pou n;l!i that ..1 tin ||,„ rt.;in.l>. r- iO or UO diNiearli.r tfiaiiil j^,„,,on of the jiml, reasonable, and i'««.ii. ,r„;o.ii,oi «i'fi «ht. I It «.' Me j.n.f fn. n cov.'tied ; or Ih .-Ho-i iIm-> httd „Me fulhlmenl of that treat) by the Fremh not ;;oi,c the liay alter ifm nie.-lins of ihe ( h ill Hitli tlo» nppr.ipiuiiion full in I pi,n tfiat p.itil in the tncs^pe, in whi h lie ir hand, t-. ur;-.o H- [HK-a;..-. If Ihe Co. ^ nujjKe**""* recomn-eii. lein.ii.-nt of I I-m e «eru ailnnj in ‘I'"' ,)nt,„n of a )iarlnular c*njri*e of legislanvfl •. iK i iiH.of «bu h fie -sw iHi r.uMon „.t,on, he supp.»ed there was no divi rMtv ill ni t. 111. * ^ r,‘ ih.'iii-Iv.- movt c..iii|-“- sMi.ite or tha counirv- If Ii «-uI! 'ir' prfrrcivr.;, .:K r lb. «e xiewt ipf '!i'' I. If Ii.'l . li ii.i. ' I .'I ill'- r.-jx rl, Ibal ih" . t'j n lio| •« I..- h 'U I . t!:!" I. •"■'ii'io.i t». r.’ i.f ii't * .'I V «•" II I) (la 1.11 ’ -r. f Ic w .!• nil’re ly I'I . ( iiiioii til I It wa-* imj-of!:!!.! to coii jiioc'tjcr that jiul arti ti ; and tfial tbe\ lw«i iiii'''T't.i. .1 till. I liari. I'-r ot tlicir l/‘,;i)i|a- iiin*, ind i!i'‘ >!ir'-» | iim.'" or muiiitpt mt nl to Li« ri-‘OMi''l I-. ;^r il..' "I'iamin»‘iil o| ili! de- »ir. .1 fi^i I. 'I’lio I'lniimiltee therefore, had ciMin' III ih.,' ronrliiiii.>n, which hn now if( .'.til d, llixt vicoi'2;il not to throw «Hit a- ny ri n^aoi-t the l‘r»'».fh tlo'ein iiiei.t, lvcnii«e thev hnd in't cal|f>d ti.;;»'lher Mi>l I ! to ran*. i.t I. iins 1 in 't.o r (• iri. If.M'-P''." of lipllllOII. 'i'll*fi'the ri . 'M'Oi »l;i''!i had at lii.itr.l I ii. ikm:: !*i>' cliuii;;f 'ii th. f -;"'iilii u • Mi'll plait'I by h;s iiiuci .'1 • i.t. Hi-, oh j ' t w it ;ii e.ii'in i t l!.e an.! ri -oln ii.'ii oil It'.' |K.ii t \> hi. h h' hud n.'ri liiiccd. f. 1,1 lo .!. ii'rii.uia the c ur..! nio^t li'tf-ly to ^^up,„,sition then, ami '«> ih.'t. Ill 111- - Mil ,.-l!l. 0. I lai'.r r.i.iir.. ff.> I tier, lore, colild not „(• .vai III Ih" «i.i;', ai.d ^la- I Sia'ii.t to H i.-«i Intii 11 v hi.'h ilfw down „^j.u^ring Rince the transmnwion «f ifie met. Ill ih.- ii;:l.i. III. I.' » at ro i.tii i.iH • milv ouo uf ibc iea»oiiH coiituiiu-d III the re- n (’on"ro«t, which had produced ^ Uttti-i n tl.i I'o prop.-.I'll-. Hul»eliC\»t) t linii"e of •wnlinieut m tfie Senate, it wH-m- ll r\ tt.-r.' in p. ■ ! i-l huii.'r . Th'T'’ " «• aNo nnr 'her p'^it f f lii** r*t.hi. our cnur^«• was p*'uce, and I ha I de. The ol j.-ii ol tt'e liill'-r pull cl the fnenil- |,,,„ ^ (, muld iiol conn nt. It cun- terniination should b*> es pressed in the I*, w. I hiflf'd wiih dcclann:' ihe inexpediency of trords. He thou;jht there was an objer. 111;; on lit'’ rcct.mii.ei'il ii|on of the I'n t- |„,n jo the nrnendod form of the resoluuoii I'.ii..t,| ,>r| rir'it i>i"ii for the cl.iiir-. - > • - 1 ,1 1 ,n ( :.;ireiy cuiirnr. If th.- ' Mi: ncf d bind ot t!io t!;-i;s mIioii ol t..n- in* nt u..» coi.\. vcd in tho bn * ll’of't'-'lrn'^l/irMoil'^^^ ' h in.W.l.-.eo., r„ere'-(foTfflhe If.-i!i i n-t inir-d fo crmn it l.iin.^elf ,r „„t,| fu.iher should Ih j.ropos^lbv Ihe pnllemnn from tJeor-ia, -Viin'-i! froiii-.r. re.-.„,„iiii.d,f,; id. tiiv miitn-re the t. handy r--had l.aM-r- i!.. Hrna."-I ih» I mti d N."t to um> *r.- ,1 uom I’rance. Now th,8 binpii.y (M,. Ki>n,) t«c,iu.«- .1 ph.c«Mf llie vol.-of iiti-d to niaUfl 'h>' appio iria! ilicv uill ' ilf n.ile ot a. in ii .11 ilie mi..j .1. Ili ,;,„.;,.,f wh-t nil ilie ( oiiiini'le.., uhat lie ,i„. Senate on one of s« \eral reu^uns, and it h ive ( til ih' iiis. :«OH i.i 111.': «roiii: by ii' I at « it di^j" i I'- 1> >I 1 o':i li •• id. 1, xOii. h In and llie S r: tor from Ceorgin. had miplication in Ihe feiitimeni w hicli t... iiif ther.; c.'uld not liiiv.- ■'■I'. \ divertily of opiiii"ii imi j -I ;i.'!'\ '"n liiiii afid ai.y p'lilion ol 1 • .11 trv. M'.jf »vl.»‘ii ho d.'clai.' ■ Iho con- wli ' h fi" enti rl>iiiit m llie rrencli '-'•r.iii : u h* II ho fxiirf't. s bit *"ti- ■I it'i' 'h' r.M'ciiiiv** briiii !i of ih ; n'neiit it lioin‘-l nii'l tlrjct;^’ in ilt pm 1 f. ii'•' Ih?' pr"ii#l6 t:y II «'| 11 '.W- ; lili.rl I.T ol.tain iho i>a-'...;;i' of a ‘■I :;;irir-.j,r:’i'i"U ti\ Ihe I'rei'ch ( li iin- ■, it '!id nnix ".r to^lt'o coiii'i'iM«'t> i::roii- ' I.; "iili *!; prol'. i'-|- r.t of I'.'iirid. nri', Jlr't I'icy •!i..iil(l I,'! aci'(ii:ip-iiii' d by tli'' i*’ * pirn'oi i:'i;"ii ».f i 11 • •^•iri' h;ch i;>'liM cri- y ll ■ , :/I,-.i 7.' i t.- Mil-ci nvi. lioii Ibal im ! 'ili'l'-i.i »•, or, at II a-l, • I ri.liii i i.l li Notice, • ijl i h’ I la' fil in ;lir^ ih r!:irali 'lit ;ind pro- --lo'i-i (I'l!io I'll nch I ;'V •riMii"nl. t’oii- iJ ri'o and (!t>l'ii‘l .'-aid '-Ir. I'.) are iin- I .lur ll •.di.'^ i. If iir.'l'. ks cii;ilii!eiic.' a- 'ln'if, .f;'i lo'y if l!i^t coidib'ncf; !>«• t'i> lor a li;i'ili‘ I prrii'd, it sh'iild lie unae,- oii'ii iiiiCi! \M!*i piiV iii'iicalioii «\hai* v'r ol .lll:^l—roii'i i. ii( I' I'uil, fu'O, frai k. Hut -iv. a-. I'll. i‘(. >1.!. hi, Hir ^lln• . • - il, til I If «ill i.ttait th tlif -i i>-r:iliont i l' Ih'' 'l’a:ii*'•r'>, I’on- (if ifit! !»;iii.', and ihit I", iii’'1'i' li.'iiin^ of l!ii! r ['’'’'I '.! of ihe ' I lii!l rif riprii['rr,ljri:i h',' ili'i t’triM.b"!t, i'll >,i-.t', ;,t i!ii' \crv iMoii .'III when ih" • n=!,'i;i to the .litli.! of ti.e ,h.«. r* f I-l -'-I »" ' • ';>> "> ‘ b'.'n r (.. vrnor I.I. and inlormm-tfv intelvt n. the \ n.erii nn -1 .e, that vain not m -t.i'lli. r Ih. > • biaiich.-H whndi uloi.e ran I ct.rd down on llie -.ul'i. t ol if.e lii n.v . ( iT rl *o ilio !’■ --itl.'iii rocoiiim^n.I.i- 'I II, w. n’d ri'-.^1 lod'.II it. Iltil, .1 IIm'V l.ike ihi* oih'’r ci'iir-ic siiji:''.'*!'d. that o| KOt|H':i- hn;^ liCl|i>’i *i'I lh* bill nil’ll *il‘V O'C. I l ull .»I., ih' r lh.‘ -'ive ileparinn r.t ol tin-. I ii.veinnicnl coiin mot with the |-,xccii'i\e la the o!iliii!:ei.l m^atiiM* r.*eom'i eni.'eil. Ihi-v wi 1 then fnid ibat ifie |'re»n|.-nt’- re- coiiiiiK'ndiili. II—ihe expM’-tn.n .l lh«s opin ion ol hii'h in nnliioi ii\, unit 1.1, h iv in(j n hiron^ bohl on the id); c in.nt and «m ( ncf of till' I’.'oph", wirhiinj; lln- I’.x. cii- i;ve po'verof ll nalloa—hnt ■Till .m in ho- ale net, l.nvinn no rff” I whatrvcr without ill** l/»-:;ii*ltiiive III lion—lin'l not !«tii rrs- p. »idfd*lo by r.,oti'’■f, Ac. Tfti-, under all conlin;;encii s hapteniii'T on the olh* r tide «.f tfie water, «ul adopted lo Piiy 0110 o| thote conliiiiri'iM-li’t, the pa‘«:i«o ,l iho* ro- , tf hiiioii i;oiild do no miw hi. f 111 any event, lut wat I'liiinerilly calciilHled to pr»-venl ,..11*. m.H« hiei, an I to n-curo tho ve-y ol p'rl ■ , . 1 • wfiich the I'reMdl i:l d libllf‘S pn,;iOMd lo 1 ^?r. (’i.W tBitl llnl it "nwi him \er\ ai coiiiplik'i bv bis r con m ndHtion. I .1 ^b a o m;;\ . that be bad l-.iiiiJ tht ■a iIk' .-id'j'rl, ffi u.isdi^JH -id !• 1 oi:l li'.‘ id. I, whn h In- a most enxi.ais to avoid, and miohf be hr olberwii« avcideif, that tfie reason i in tl' hpht of a n.enare fiy ib.i had ceas*'d to exi«», bul that a cerium linn h Chnii.lx i-i. The ('fiHnilK>rs iiii|{hi ^f conduct mi|;hl ke adopted, which would not lobe no ciiiniiM. 1 iIi^.im*' .".I.|ii. I .,rni„, il,ri, nt ConcreM Ind Imrely Nind |ond CongrrKt to a ddferenl result, indid^e .ni:', Ciill ei a. In n dinn^: the p:ej. ||,(,| ,| ,t,( v| edient to h pi'hile until fur- Now, fie was prepared, nor aid he , I I 1...1.UII n, if .•ir.'iiai'-iiiiiri •'.h'Old iiii-'iio Ih,.|-11,1,01 inaiion waH rrceivetl from I’rance, wi»h to »ay what it might bo necestarv to j .Klify «ni ,1 M lion. Ti.i iioh coiiiioiri d l>i r. nro »at, ibal, if the ('handier'.did ,|„ herealfer. He held it as policy ainl nr. i-.’i rriic »-rlii'ii, l!i«'iii:h 1;'I pb d^ed I'I a- fi,.| th.i appropriiitmn hI the prt i-eiit |,nid.‘iire In keeinu lhal nothinj{ was pre. ll lit'ihe m-ti'n of ihr-I'n'iiVnt : ' *1 in 111'' ^ ...jon, ('on;.’ri-s «oii'il, in that ca'*e, re- ^.ptrd which rcipnrrd an inlimalion frnrn I'v.Tt of iioor'M-!:■ n !•;!■" rcc* ived froii. .,„i t„ eha mea*^ure which the rre^nlent the S n«ie as low fiat would lie done in I r:;nroof - h n nori.ii r.-as to pi.Mify ac- („„l p . (unmendi'd. Now he was rather dis- luiiire contingency. 'I'he prop-igitien rd llu» li« n, if v« di;o;; Iii.l pi-ldi-d. and ciopi.«'rl lo f.y ihe ilecision of the Com- fninorable S. nator was liable lo this of.j' c- fiirlh' T ariioi’i, ini"‘I nrror !in”‘y art. niid fiy the \ lew w Inch he had lie- tfial it founds the report on reason 1 ffo WHS in'1 p.trtirnlarl». *vfd.led to tin' 1h:i- j;,,.,, (),r,>tui oiil. If h" wiis ntked what he which may ceatt* lo exist to-niorrow in rt- lil^oei l h;t res. lolion, b'lt lie .leiMm .1 llial (I.,.'jw.v ii,.| -t on which w se.'tiird t.i ho 11 ir'niini''U->, ‘iioidd bo tanciioned by ‘.ime- thin'; li'e iinn'l!'hn'-iif. H'" d.d noi ph-doe h ni-' lf to VI te a.-.iin>^t the i.'wohi tion of the ('on n itii o ni ie^R Ins Iim. tid- ...-.iil'l do, sh.'iiM I'riince fid lo do her dll- (ret, and we mi(;ht not chwise to be com- tv. h*; col.Id not .-ay "hat he would do;— mrled f»v the recomtnendalion in the Met, • .‘hiiIi'h I'Mil for the ibiy ir ibe evil thereof,” hiijio, e»en if th» reaiMin did not exist at ihn It woiil i l>»? neoessaiv, Ud'ore any snswcr convocation of thn ('banibcrs, suppisinn lo that ijii.'^lioo conld hn tivcn, to iV in pot- (hat the CbHtnberR. contrary to nniicipalion, •..•H-^ion of all ih.' I irciiiiisiances iitteiidinK f,hiuld rrjei-t tfie fall ; I fiat the Kxecu’ivo menl wat ndopfr.l : U caiife he a. rcr.l mill ,hnl r. fii'. 1'. if ll fhonid etrr lake phce.— (.'ouncits of Frfclice, fet lin|e tfiemwlves tfie ('oniiiiilleu in il.o ix'fi"'"'" \nd iinlil be h i-l nil th it information, he |),ninil l*y cwd failb lo fulfil tfie In-aly, ro'M.rl that il wa- iin xpidi.i.l lo carry oii- ,,rppnicd to n> wliit "..iihl »*e the should dit.olw the preM-nt niHmb.'rs, anil ihe viewt of Iho I'retidi 1.1 withont lurthoi m' a-nrrs. 'I'be I'remdent hnd n; ,.|,U the new C'hand>ers ; he ditl not w ish to iidorinniion. i-oiniii-oded ono iriea«iire, ibnl of a rc»tric. ,)„| not wi-h to predict, w fiat wt uht i|..n . I l u nch property. If.' was of the o- |ho opinii>ii of the Covernmeiit 111 ikit pinion tint wb «ni:hllo xland uncoinmil- Rtatn of ihinc'. In t-hoil, fm desirinf to rt tid at to HDV miMMjre to which wo mij;hl l,.„ve the wh..b; queftion entirely open, with. Mr. r. b! would not now conf.jn^e j IhmrpropeM.^re-oi't, in tl.c event of irf,. ^i., „ny Rtipulallon, any ni.Klilic.ilion, nny any in-ire tune of tin? Hoiite by fiirlhrr re. I 1 > ihi! Hji 1 railed on to eive nal rrfntal of the I'rench Cbamlicrt lo |msa uifinmln n, one way «r tho olber. wliu „,.;rk., bnt w. iihl r.'j.,imc his .eal wit the ; ^ '' ;:;;;..:;'‘;i.i;V;:aM:ri ll.; I.dl of appropnanon. The IVesiden, .niiiiniionof Ina will npm-s ^ C. f !V ibui »!:'• ht'tioKibl-had rtcoinr endo.f tho i-pec.H'.c mea-aro of iii.'i.!)-iiri. r.^K.iit dolilK'fa^ii‘in iIk d'j'cl, I'I tli.i.w (,.ul in a .'let-. to C'oti- resuluUt n in imy ii.aniii.r, not chaiiyiny its tlie other, 'I'fin l’re»idenl would bo done herentler. H'»n(iriH«U »n I’ourth Pae^ l iSa