MINERSV&FARMEMS’ JOlIRIfAIi. ., Tw. Dollar, per M.„u.... if ,*.d ... udva.uc,, . ul,o. hH.I conde,mK-d the 1, ,s „„e the or.ler, (or tl.e e». | V.ce I'r^.dlnt «r« ceoled. ami have Ihe.r ! orV 'Thts^^wrvrlo b^'partSrlv 00^ here, bu» ia the chief ground relied upon, in support of the clitini, in tlie Proteat lo the These words are found in lbs beginmg of the eecond uriicla of the Con- -upcrior cHi.ooi execute it, nor can the iat. , 8iUution, atid ao far from conferrinz Iho t^Br .UMurp *»hat has l>eca entrusted lo the powor in question retllv confer no ^wer discretion ot ihe lorii.»r. Neither the Con- iai all. They are a a.ere label on the door Hliiution nor lu«» will juHlify the exercise j of the I'residential office, the duiirs and of )i h-^ral jK.wer, (or ihe iiccornplislinrirnt of' powers of which are in no manner described iiM liiej-al end ; the I'rc^ideut cannot ihi re- j (>jr it, but are left to be defined id'that and T>m AUVKIlTwkwKN ?« will be ii.seritd .‘t Fi/r, j Cun.liim would 7bnow"h).'ir7ead niZTil'P ’ “‘“'‘'“kI* reiuovni by thel'res-’ ociiUporKjumro (n.H oxccdinK aulinei.) fbr li.e , ^ , j • . i, ‘ . /, 'I'"-** »"r re(umn>» to do ihem, and ho wusj ident, are tiie gorvunis of Congiea* ui the «ritii'«K-rno". •i'«i'-i5cenUlbri«.hiiuccvtdiiiK of Great hrouyht into olhce (or ihiit ('Urp.we alone, per(biinaiice of these Julies If a soecific ^eck-oril fbr three w«cll.. for one «,u..o^ j.rilHin, that neither llis opinion of the nrid was the mere instrument of th.-Prom ...t r ^ II « s|«cihr : ,i,...l d-Ww.l. ^ loilXe who K.,.«norof,h«othernou-e;.hallb...Hllud.,denlN wil!; ~ intiMioni inuot bf not.d on the iinrgin of «»ie i l"^''ide«l in ail the wlf, m whtth ho avows the riinoviil of ihe pianiiscrifit, or il.rjr will b«! continued uaiil , . ff'* “ *'® A«seinulies t)f this country, so di*pii»iil«'S i.m hift own nr.l, anti relieves all o- forM. «nd clwrgid scoordinKly. ■* «»y Knowledge extends, that lh*> pro- thnrs from re«[»on,-.iUlitv. In his miinifi s- ' ‘ I 7 l^''(?'»laluro , I., rpnd to his Ci.hinet on *,* Ail coiniiiuuiciltMiiii lo llic i!di(or nitiHl come Irepol/wJ/aS’e. ui’tlifjr nn)fnolbc«tti t)d-dlc. shall not MII .^ai ^ 1K\ 3I’S S l»K KCII On ike Rcsolulioiu to intlruct Mr, Mangum. Mr. SrrAKEn: 1 iwmhI not r>xpress my regret that lhe;Ms ilesolutions have been in troduced; th.it has bi'en already d»tie, bj on the 1 Sih t.f S. |,t. H)V voles to lay them mi llm table. I tru«i, ^ ,j,„„ ni(icf*tl 111 ilie iJisniHHioim c»f u(t*r the I chi lli** forniulion such as ihii'. Sir, tliiTo Wit* a lurt! dflibtvalK»n unri n ljerlioii, an neceiii!.. sir, that I enlertuin all pn*|>^r loyally to tliu , * "*.V^ *. *•' *'! I""'"** ''*"! n.irii!s | (he pcojili*, tin* Fc'ienil Conslitiilion, ihstl I am duly s.-nn- (Mpt|,|,.nl..ira I from "wh/'h ''j” f"’’-"'* purity o| the ble«ftho benefiis which It hHsconleried on|I„; J,3Ll. nr.. VVT li, 1’ l‘ l*';i»tt'd f iihcr to a superior *r | resolution of Conj^rcss, can'be passed in •I,— tfoii thi« iithop Sinioii tin.l ilini - . niiir‘ (h‘ 1->l til >in.l»( r iie\i SIS n [Minod iiiferior. 'I’o jiislii'y a lemovai of ihe S«!c- I the firfet instance without his assent. The . ptiwers which can possi. • ■loer and diri-cl. 'riii>. power -f suspend- j hly (>e demimniated executive, then it was in;,' ihf payments in Bunk, is in the niilure j highly improper lo have allowed him any f a jii.licHl diM-reiton, wiiiih is incapable isbare iu LegiHlalion. And yet ao act or „r, Hhirh , • '"".in- ni I.I- I'r. ...CM K. rr,„. ve tu« .-lares Ihul it >,1k.I1 not he done—the Mar- siilj.-cts ; but of numerous sections m reli. •nl. t)nr : •*'" revr'mw (I, . .Nf J t,,,.,. tin: 1 h shal p.cKietcJs in his duly, and is removed , i.on to the same subject matter. And as !«•■] fom- •J'''"'*"' ii he, I !;avi-.1 rtjlii to (I.Mitiii.d ..( vvhii (i.rthwilh. AII our civil Um s uro made to tl.o whole Constitution is to be looked n. the 1(11- ‘iMiroi i», »h:it clhiiic 11 th*: C. iiSiiiiitinn, .ifx raie iipmihe iwsuhordinato and *delin-I in d( terminin^ the p«wers of that Govern- '•ulier by (-Irii I nr Um n.n-irm ii ii, on- ^ (|U"i.i, ihroi.j/h the jiid/ment of the Courts, I inent in ull iN departaients r»mbined, so all tiisMii!. :i (w)Wfi ? It suri'ly m no kvliLTC the I’rcsnlnnt, by this construction of! that relates to any particular department pTiain t«i tlm »oih r.il (« >»erinn« Agiicullor*", •»ir shu k!« in«Tc.-, ih.- pr.. .KiluHi ..r i: lucation, the Im- j,,.,. ^ pr..*vim-nl of .-or inlatKl tra.Mi^.rlulion. j.., j, vnl'.c an.cnd n.ntol ,mr Cumli.ui.on, il ,„d .,vn,.l,„c.-, Im li.ro M .^k.cSu lh»y pm. n tc.p.rary co-i.idersHon, mu« „ v.r:;. l.r-i v. ..luiej to th-.t .i.-s. our :•! pro'v rtimi i niinou finii(j’, in^ BU*I yr«jj.dtink.n^, at ibo ch*^: >f tin coi.tf'V. 'I’ll it lu j> ii'-nilly l^^n tsir s'lari', H i;..*"-ls>i:M..f%.r|..r_%.” U l,rlh.T It V^lb r. ll.e ,„..,ll,-r U !•■..• I ». a^^lO, miy .I-ikmi.I >.n tli.. .-v n'l »! l..f!.'pre , n |... : rv al>ov * n;. re I’ -ttuMin.: rn.i.;«ip-.. 'I hn* u m.uo | rH-■ , It n..l -rr!i.:e„r I', dc.nl all ur^ o».-r Ih. s« whiro , ..ntri.x .'.rn . o..lv |..r ll.o v.raiiui. III. ; eilijt. ly r»>n«*»'rn Ihe Si.ite, d****! Ij in- I iiMis.i-t It !.n>« b-«*n to nr pr> »pTity, h t- IM I I)"* n U'->* M lo onr i.tli'llerlual c tur if Iht, itfitl 1.1 ilin r.iiitf, intlofMKv* uiiil i.wfiil of iHir no .!.c n»”i. ,\i r.u/.-'n i.f isir*- .« r lie I ui''ti. r»-** ••♦••r *..1 in nii_\ «*f il« hi^l. I iri 'I hint** biller corilro»or'.'«, wl.n'h 'l.\.ii-d us anil nlM«rtK‘d n:| ollier«, ■in- brr.i wsgfd |i>r ihe ‘ii of men ■I" nsj-n^' In iifi*jr m'*ii.l>**ri* ».f the C'>nfi-d- ar\,v*hoi.i tncKt of u» hive n vi-r seen, n I «hiih:i\e 1»«> n kno'Mi lu re, o.ilv hy age- !'.'u! .ciii.irii.i.n .'f iheir |fctirioiir wrvn-es. he.o li ,«!• (nTn s-» I. isiiifi' i and « r- ti il !i\ z':ilon« pIfl.7,»ii«,'h.’it we hnvt* b en ;il !.o*t f.-'iin inl.i'iry to hfiK i.bro.id '•ir all ll.e hi;;h"r r\'.:l ttions of huinun ex- -•.1; If 111 ulint • »ii It !.•■ iiWVricd ' ins ;ii.!!ii>n*n s is invehli il with n right of | must lie revi^^wed ih determining its limilt. iiilriniKi irrm ( VI.. Il v.MEL) iiaidon lo all dcliiors niid Ircxpa'isert.—jea | The Presidenl’s powers wc have already •eiiirni j .‘e«‘n, are in part L#>Kisl«tive. Those of eFliiblishcd, the Senate are in part ExTutive,nnd under a written Constitution uhicb defines th* '•pheres of each of the governing powers by Its own pi«itive injunctions. We are nat allowed lo give to the Executive Depart ment a power, bccauae in our speculatioua on the subject, wo deem it to be executivt. Put why shall I labor to prove that th« L-'riiiiieiit perform anr»- . . , r J The 1.1 si.l III. in . ur d. lorM.iMhli.M., ipi.M m-i .ls rcu.ou- u,.-ij,l. i.ls I..hi. f liice. A [lO'ver : terri'oriiil Jiid>»-s of the L'a.ted Statos hold t>;> |n!d )i| ihi’ “iirliMiT' •*'«! doinj/" « .vii.i l, uj ai;iity parcMts, ct*ii li irJ'.y | their i(Tic.is lor f>>ur jcars, and, I l>flieve i f MkI. m, ami c.iU till' c’li lo. i s o| tw- |)*» |i‘«'i'iin iii* i > miv t I ihciti: an ! In* wiil ^ rin. sul'iecl lo renioval b\ tho President.— « :itr.'!\ .is'; 1.1 !;i- ( 3: I'.l a s'rict .nt».*i (>reter, j ;>iippo.«i' iltal b_\ Siaiuie, a criniinal ofi^nce, j words last quoted convey to the President M ho r:i.i (ii'dii’-e .1, |. II. ai,\ or all I'f ilie>o ; ci-unrtirfoiiiii^ the com for lll^tallce, IS pun-| no power over the public monies, whilst |ifMV 1-1 i,j. I :,h ill 1 the last n( ish-d b\ line or imprisonment or dt-alli, at the affirnialive of the proposition is with iIk in li-«t, Hs It by Its ex-ici^.’, iIkiI , ihe discrr iioi) of tli»t t'otirl—that an ollon-11 ho other side ; or whilst, hy express terms, • •f n pla. e to 1)0 fiili'.l |.\ wmio of our-. !\i«. iho rin. »:.l ot i|i- ptihlic nioi>,os was ac dcr has Ih.pii con\iftid iiiuier this act, and i mII such powers are given to Congress. T »’‘m*> o| Mil fiion U, nr lo uiOn.-oci’ Iho .’•’n>iiij|('d. !., r.'it uiny («• [>remt'.'d, it.o jiidjiiiciit is about if> be rendered—llie ''I'liis la clear, not merely from thoir power '•«uU f ih'.'ii‘xl i’r.^:J'Miiiil K'f-rlio...— ilu.i .t i-i « .io'mv I.,ii ' inia'k.il.l*', tii.nl wliiitt l>reMdnl inl'orms the Judge, that ll.orul-j“to lav and collect taxes,” to pay tho I Ik* d.'M'ii.n which woaiP alv-'U'to pr'i- i!n? ('.iii-.:.iuiion «,;• ...iil^r t-oii7ii]r‘i!ili.>n ' fir.t iiiumi Ix; col clf; the Jud^'K beiieving j dehls of the Tnited States,lo borrow roo- rxMii.i-o IS nut oiilv *. rioo-.l\ to «(i/ri an a- |.r \|. u^dy lo ifn ad"|Mi .i, the [i.i.vor " to ij.ai tl.e ca.‘»« is not .>f hiph aggravation, i iiey,” to com money,” Aic. but they have h .« rv. r T«,»ir«il !■> the Ch.rl f,a*i.«lmry ol : (,oii,.rnh'n i.ian, « l;.i i-* n I In ri' d »pljre . i;i.-er'.” art u. ,1 lo np[-.int them, itilifvs his oninion to that i IPtI, and is a- ; also •“ power to dispiise of, and make all to Iw li'-anl m Iiih l>iil itn rort*'ri- w .s rcjirew. ted as lioloniiiiig to tin I'legi- bout lo pu' i^ll t>y fifip ; ibn lVesidi-.nl di.-.- I needful rules and regulations res[*ecting tha ii»->s, uii.IiT the h..hN whifh »« p.->s-*»>s«, ilr-ni i.iid S'-n.tte, (f’li/fro/i /. Ao. 77.)—. llls^t>j him instantly and teleils (Vom Ihe ] territory or c/Ar/)ro/«r/y l>elonging to the tieep’j ronrerns iMir concu lenc'H, and luj), .\iid M-t, that the f.riil C^in^rt-s*. con.-edrd heard of nnnioiis, who throng the gales of I’liiled Slates.” N.i people ever better III fmuie, vitally oir » I our lilM-ri.ei«. . .1 to i!io I'resalent alone—tins c. itstriK-iici. jHiwcr anii palrotia;.’!* every where, an as- .understood the maxim that “ money is pow- 'I h'! iii«lrnriioii proposi-d lo b- gn en is, h.is liM*n acqiiieste.l in ever aiiR’e, and it l^ sarvsin w ho u ill do I lie rfsed of death. Letter,” than the An^loAiiiencan race, or 'liat our SieM.tlor shall vi It* toe\, iin;ie lViin not iifces-ary for llm piirpc;s.* o|' ihi-t ar^'ii- ' me not h«* ini.^^iindeisloo*] to iiii|aiie soch a i more fully knew the dangers to bo uppre« the J. irn iN of the i U.-«oliii;.»n «if nu nt that I cliould «i ny its truth. I.ike all ' iii'ip»‘-iiion I ) the prefer,! iiicuinbent of the | hended to lilierty, from entiusiing the pub- llie last ,'^i ».|i.ii ot *o:igr. in »v liicli it n .is the other power* ..f (I■ \erniiifiil, however, l’.e.-.|ili'nlial otlir.*. Uot to such a Ireinend- I lie purse, either for the purpos«t of collec* il. € larfsi that the |’r« ■.id. nt in * rtain I'.\f- it is a trust p.tHi*r, and can he Ii-^kUv exer- ; ous e\trcnuiy is it I. iiud necessary lo ex- {lion, cnsUxly or ex|>endnure, lo any oilior I iii.ve proc«Tding!i III rfliiiioii to III'! puliuc c >M>d, .inly w iih rct.'icnce t'l the | urpoM>s ' tfiid Ins coll^lllullonal pow»-is, lo viiidifiite j than the immediate representatives of tbs R. vi inie, had assiiin. il o^mn liiins' lf aiiihor- for wl.icli it was jjranti'd. I sjniuk olh s “ |irictediiit;s in relation lo lh« piilvlic I |>coplo. By means of this iin(M>rtant pow- :'v nnl (Kjaer n- t conf.-rre.l by the ('in.>i|. r in conira-(li''iini'li.in lo ri"ht. B\ a du- rcvei.ni'.” Again, if llm act of Congress or, iheir European ancestors had in a s«. and *l ii'U'x! I» if*-preci;if>', i| no| Im.i m di roaition of b'>lh. hi.mis nnpliratioo, the l‘.vs.(l*ut has (Uiv'.t iKjf.ire inentioin'd, itisle^.d jf allowing the \ ries of ages extorted from the grasp of Ex* ro-rf.h,-, .,tir own hrcihr:-n. It i« a ni-(- Iti-uiluli.i.s ih>-n, a‘-iiiii* lli::i the lo reuH'Vo (V.iii oi.ici*. Tins |xiv\er is not | Secrctaiy lo conntermand the pa) nieiit of j eculive usurpation the native liberties of 'vhi'U trul.i, w hii h a I w ho h. ir mo w ill, S’n^le was l.iln", and in snU-'ianee, utlirni gneii cxnreKslv, and i implied from ihe do ihe revenues iiit.) Bunk, had direciotl Iheni , man, and bequeathed iheni l« them, as ihii;k atle-t, il.al *nch i« III i''(icieiK-y ul (|,y -,n;iu, i o(' ilie |'ii si.iont in the lies which a.o iiiipuM'd on that otVic r. Il | to bvi deiHn>ited llieio i.l)solutel\, the Pres-' a glorious heritage. Ye( w ilh the light of pr.du auimig U', tli it w* n.it onl\ is-g- re|err> il to, was •iiiliiorr/..*d hs for the p*-i'« i ance of an) of ili.-.so duties, ident’s [wiwor of reni.n'itig him would have ! all this experience, and with the pisitiv9 declarations ofthe Con.’siiiution staring thein led o.tr own sff.iiN to take rare o( iImimj ol ((k* (at;'l Lnw «,'ind wh.s m dcr- the reinoval'of an inferior olii.-er IxM-.imc'i' cxist>d in as full force then, as it'doea un ite n itioii, oiu! iin.Icrvuiui* i-ur .>wn c.liz-ns, ,,(• neither. It llnvofore l»ero..ies necessary, it may be |-gally nur.le ; l>ul if|di'r the proseni provisions of the act, yet ieoi,jvifia..n w ith lln-M! of ill.-f>ih. r ytutes, l,.,l rendered neceh.siiry, it ratmol be none will De (on id hardy enough to assert, uMh 4l \*p are too read\, nnd. r lh-iinjKiU- |’i,ii«d States dooe. ? What madis without a v.i.lalion of cnsdtiilioiml that in that ev.nl, tho i'resident could have »verc ihowj Executive pr.ice. dings in rela- diilv. S-', thiil aitliongh tho PrcMilciil h«s , be n I'xensed in turning .ml the Secretary tion lo iIm* r. v.-iiue, eon.plained of in the power t.» leinovw I’loni olhco ad lihtlvm, he ;’,ir rerusiiig to issue su.'h an order at his K'‘soluli.ii i f the S-nale ? 'I'lio l^s ina\ lias no light lo ilo so, ex.-epi in ih>- n staiK i ; owti eomniand. 'I’he right to rem«ive from ol |rii() p'isHion, liiolitT up us victims I ■e *a> rifk .'J the moat [sir.-, the most ui-'e'ul, 1.1 I'airiotic s MIS »f th.* Stair, ti)*oii mere ’ili‘'r#>nr.' of opinion, on nn abstract ques- I •!. of Fivleral f>oliiic«, or a** l.» lh« chn rti-r aid qiiililicniio.is of n f.voiit*' can 1 la'p for Ihu Pr"iideiH'>. Believing that h- re«)liii|ii.m liavss'>rung fr.imthis dis I •■‘'I »l ili* of the IhmI) (Hilitic, ami Ihni in the face, there are those w ho insist ca the svll.igisin " all execuiiva power la la the President—to keep the public ircney is an Executive power—therefore thecnsto> dy of Ihe public money l^elonga to tba President.” Yes sir, the Presiilent httn- ‘>o bri'liv stated. Con*{re^*s by an net of Ix foro siati-.l. 'I'liti fai t, ih it there is no ; .«|lice, surely rfinuot ho interpreted into a i self bus been induced to sign a Protest, in the year I »• 1 li had direct' d Ihe pnhlio rev- authority provided t.> c.aitiol him m tne ex- ■ [.oh er of arresting ail laws, and siibi^tiluting enue wh'’.! eo!!(cle.l l'» tie 'o*» llic crciso of liis ofiiciiil |M»wor does n.'t licence-the I’resid. nt’s will .is the rule of conduct It .nk ofthe I n.I.ti S'ati's. i'ho Bar.k l»*- bi'n to use them eaprl.'ion^Iy or wlekcdly-| for ull ofhcers. Nor can he ejerivc an\ l aine Is.und by th« same sl.iliito, not onlv As h.t would grossly viol.it.' his (Inly, l>> power over the public treasure fronuhis du- :o k*. p Him revenue sa'idy, but lo transiiut tho appointment of a f.w.l or knav.- to a re- j ty “ to inko ean^ that the laws be faithful M ir e.iininiinmuit hero won).I lenti lo ag ,( .,„y r,*,iti( where ii r\ii'ght b«* watil.*d for s|xinsibl.‘ liu'st, so he winil.l be e.nially de- | ly executed.” In ;his province of hisollice r^vate It, I di-prerutcd their oap«‘araore. ,|,jj dislMir-enieiits *d’ the (.JovermiM iil, and limpient in dismi.ssiiig a public serva'il ex- j he acts merely as the sorvunl id' tho Con- I i« 1(H) lato, Itotievrr, to indnl-e in tma- |o pay uno million urid a rept for milHithfuliH ss or iticompeiency.— j gress, whirh made those laws, and ronst o j into the Treasury in ony other way eicopi ailnig iCjirei. \V.. aru now •• (Jo-it U[»*n „f d..jiars ti. the public for l!t« privilege A giant has power to lake the lilo of a man i Is y tlio rules w Inch they have prearrilx d. hy law, but wherever, or however obtain full-iica,” and I luust lake *ho current ai.; „j- n,„l their funds from tho —a ttusic** hu* p.M t r to c.mvey away the The law had diricltd, S8 we have b^lore I its custody always has been, and always i time of colleelion until tin* liroe .»f disburse- legal e*lateaiid defeat the iiilenlion of those which flter stating tbul the custodv of the public properly has always (>een considered an appropriate fi/nction of the Executive de partment, in this and othur governments, it is declared, that “Public money is but a species of public property. It cannot b* raisoil by taxation or customs, nor brought I aervea. Th*'question inv.dvA.1 in the Urarlmions I meni; and this dis(Misition of the public iniv who confided in him—a jury hTs power lo ch.. tlv q'i"M..iiitof (’onsiiiiiii.innl l.aw. | nies, b> dejiositing them in the Bank, was r.'Mrn a v.-rdict against law and evidcni'e, .= lore I p.“»icf« .1 Iu l!i"ir d.wii'-sicn, {>rrinil ' ti continue us long as the charier lasted, yet lo enforce lhes«“, wi.uld be llagrant vi- le |ono|ic.« ..n* nr two rei.iiirks ..fihe gen unless, “the Secretary of thn 'I’reasnry olalions of llieir res|K*ctive duties—when leman from lvlK-eoi).lt« (Mr. I'olts) b\ ' should at anv time otiierw.s® order aii.l di- tberelore, the power.'! displacing^ subordi- 'liarn th.-y w*»re mtr.Mlueed. That gentle- j n-cl,” in which event his r*n«ons were lo lie nato otncers is admitti-d to the President, inn, low.uds lh« clos*- of his Ail Ireiw, uu- jeertifiHil lo Congre»s on the first op[Mirtuni- the right to employ il, save only wilh the irb'd th«'b:inn*r «.f |tiirit, nnd culled Ull nil I Iv. 'I'lie nrrnngemenls provided by Ibis qualifications bejore staled, is by no oteaus ho«4) who Im.l voI.hI wiih him ir the lute ' act soon tinik elF-cl, and for m#re than oix- concede.l. But the fKiwcr of displacing of- natorud el. cinm, lo sland hy him in «iip lt *en >ears tl.v- public trwasure was adnimis- ficera is not a siilvstanlivo power to which •>rt of the lt»4ii|iitious. Aiijx-als wicli a i ter.-d by th.'se means. In tha autumn of .ilhers are incident, but is itself merely in- his, itjKin quo-lions like tlu>«e, are n.tl only i I*.:!.!, tlie Presidrut of tho rmted Stales of cidental to the authority conferred on the nfair 111 nri^iimeni, but highly uiifivoiahle ' hia own mere notion, s\i8|>ended the pay- President in order lo enabla him lo dis- '1 eor.oei eoncluv|.,nM. llaviiig sworn to j nient of tho public uionies into the Bank of charge the duties of his station. It draws 'ippirl iho C'•iMlitntion, wo muKt do it at j itio United Silales, rainovi'd that portion slier il, no other powers, and cannot theie- e peril of our oath*, and iire not at lilmrly j whieh il already Ind.I to theciistoily of oth- f«ro in tha matter under consideration give ' uive III it nny inW'rprrlaiion which may | er Banks chartered by tho dilfereiit Stales, lo the President any control over the reve. ■^Plien to accord wnh the ilssigns or pre-j and employed an agent to inspect and su- nmi of the Cio\ernmenl. Nor can the povv. riptionsofthe party which claiin it aa its permtcmi 'tha newly sid«p»%d Banks, at a er to remove from oflice b«; conslrvied into roparly. 'i'lio niina gcntiemua lufuriDvd aalary tg be paid by them m oao of the •• b power to cootrol tho otfictr ia the porfor* seen, that tho public money should be kept must be, unless tho ronAlitutioii t>e changed, III the Bank, unless the Secretary shniild | entrii*led lo the Executive Department, deem a diflerent place expedient ; that law No olficer can U* crcated by Congres# for was undergoing execution in the regular ! the purpose of taking charge of it ivhosa course pursued for fifleeii years, no com- ! appoinlinent would not at once devolve on plaint was made from any quarter that the I the President, and who would not .he res- nioney was unsafe, that the Bank had fail- I fMnisible lo him for thefailhfulpcrformnr.ee ed in its duties in |>aying it wherever and | of his duties. # » * ihc Con. whenever re«]um-d, nor that the Secretary ' gress In assume willi or without a L^gis* was not executing the intention of C.myress ' lalive act, the power of aftpoinling officf-re In Its very letter. Such was the State of; imiependenlly of Ihe rresideiit, I* take things when the President inlerfi.we.1 and j charge and cust.Kly of the public property suspended the execution of ihe law, relative i contained in the military «nd naval srsenula, to Iho ciistoily of the public fuiids, and loan- | maj;azmes ami siort li.'u.ses, it is b. lieved ed them to oih.-r Banks. To me i* is pas- j that such an act would b«' rfgardt J as a sing strange, that from the duly of sreiug I palpable UMirpuli.ni ot Executive jK)vver, iHhI tho laws ate fiiithfiilly executed, the subversiTe of Ihe form as well as the fun- Presidenl slmuld bo su|)|»osod lo l>e clolhod [ dainental prin.-iples of our governiiieiit. wilh power to prevent iheir execution alto-; But w ln re is iho dil)erence in principle, g. tbor. j whetbcr the public piopertv be iu the tbrn It reoains to enquire, whether ihi* pow-' Coutt'ived c>» Fourth Pag(.

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