MIWEMS’ & FAMMEMS’ JOURWAIi. ^KlAfn:i> AND PUIILIHIIEU EV H.{ Y TlIUR.HD VV, ilY TIIO.WAS J. llOL'i HAUL > i k J:, U ICv n. tOUN'iV, NOil i 11-C'AROL.INA. VOS>* V. L rn\cn run to riKX B ihk uwwKi^or j'iik kartii 4nm iihinh (iut fKoti me PAvmsM or rue m->u>tains, mktal« which wii.i. oivk htkknuth lo i.t'ii iianhs aki. M'Rjwrr am, .NATt;iiK to our I'sie ani> rLKASi'Ri:.—d*. joiinhon. THIIKSa iV, FiiJilJtU V54Y l‘J, 18:15. NO. 229. Till-; miucrM^ Sc FariurrM^ .foiiriinl ‘ jniod and (Hibli*!!*;*] ovtry ThurMliiy uiuriiin;; ^ Tun UulUf ptr ■nnuiii, il|>«id iii •dvmict j n'^ l)»'Uiri mud Fifty C>nls it irnt |mitj in «d. |»»M lor ( o«irt lo (ill h varnncy which lm«l of. ^ or the Prcsidtiit to appi’»>vp, a jeclnr«tion Irodureil reciting all the factH, Hnd conclud- i b** avoided, and the pretenHions uf each par* ciirred willioiit ihu knn*n|cdj{« »)f the (ip-jof war, lest they t«hould mils pro^rettd w) iu^r *MliHt tli*; decision of those quciitimb ^ ty be left entire.” ni-ral A>-Heinhly, during tht'ir SPHtinii. Th*-j far |f.8e Icn.p r as to bu unfiin d to n«':o- by lbe ['resident opninsi the jiirieKliction of | Ht Ifttcr «)| the CunMtiluiion Niithorized wich , (iiitf n'I'r^afy of I’cace. A Judgn in like the courts (>f the L'nited States >ii a case L'( jl'libertl dincouni will tx-made U) iIkwo wlii>j»*ilh all rettjwot ft>r Ihnt diMiiri;>iiiMhed mid | (JonKtitiiiton, ihnt iht* Hriiutoiif in C'on:;re»>B, bo dfiivt-rcd up; provided, otily eiich evi- by llit year. 1 r On all advcrtii«:mriii. j (latriotic Ma^iiitralc, ((>nv. hud eonm»u"'c*‘‘'' tor publication, ilie niiinbt r of j||,p (Jenerul Asttembly or either Houw: of it folb d. and charged ;coordin^ly. reM.hfcd tiuit lild l AC. iloi.ry in n.a- t \i| cnn*Munic«tu-na lo Ihf Witor munt coinr King such Hppnin'inont hfu) ai*>^U!ii d |,ower *frc« o'y may mil be attended 111. noi irrHiil«*d by the ('uti^tiliition and Ihwh, — ... I I i_ j |^( In diTo^iitton of both M’!i*.'ii stu-h n MU.6!11AIIAM*S SPIOKC’II | ilcclurution nhall U* tnnilf, iiiiiKt dVpend mije- ifu: HisolutionM to instruct Mr. Mangnm. ly on the opinion of iho d partiii'Mil or b > !y which Ix'lievi"^ itfl riirlitn to have iK.'eri CO>’c:Ll'Dl.n. But Sir, I will not k«vn th^* •iibject l>*«- „rf unto '!'*« "" fuainiiiatioii of the «>f iIh; Lfyii.lati\c and violated. I'Voin the ini[K>rl^('linii'if inati it may Ix* ninppro]iriatply ii!«i!e, but the like rwHult iiKij hap'ieu in the ejtcrciw ofiiny of ilH powern. 'I'ho Seijiite of Iho (’iiitfd Le;;i-liilive l>"dv. *•*•*1 , |P« I ||I7 ;»e»‘Utive depurtiiK.Mtl'* ol overniii* n in bcin^ a l/-;^i''liilive l>.(l\ xn.«..dc.ain.r,e.;»or«»uol.ilm.k., ' n ,awd..KJ. di*ftnclio:i bet^^M-n ih-e „f U. preM-nt.tneH, ev en.i„K i Both Houses took firs the ineasuro. The Lords as well a» oiniiioiiM past>ed * vote di*clarin^ it ta be a high breach of privilejje Ibr the King to taktt notice of any bill which wau in aj^i* tntion in either uf the Houses, or to express his fentiiiients in regard to it belbre it was prehffDted to him for his assent.” Such aro tlie terms of denunciation in which the Le> •'islativo At'seiiiblies of England were per* iiiitted to speak of thfir mouaicli Uforo their rights were tirujly establiahed by tho Ri.'vilution of let's. Since that period, tho most high prerogative Tory has never breathed a douht of such a right in I’arlia- ment to its fullest extent. iTut it is vehe- to whom tiiese threefold duties are coi.rtded, «lence of his cnininnlly should \itt produced, should (Kitsess the hiyhesi qualifications oi ) as wiMild jui.lify Lis apprehetibioii and com- niiiid tiiid heurt; but to guurd a^niii^t the niitineiit tor trial, are a daiigeroiis interfer* frailties of liuiiian nature in its b.'sf Male, t>m e of the Kxrcutivo with juilicial decis- wliHii tliey put od'iho Ijfjrislntivc to tis«u(nfi ions ; iind that the conipliunco with fcuch ad- ttio JiidieiHl rolK', ihey are recpined lo take vice hikI lecpirst on tho part »f the Judj; II new oath or cfiirn.ution, to dii'- t tiioir of the l)isiri I (\»uit of South Carohun, is atlvniion to iha charges alieg* 1 and the ev- I a sat iiiice of the Constitulii nal Independ- idciice nd^liu-ed by the iither lloii-^e, and as ' eoce 4i(‘the Judicial power, and exposes the I iiiently contendt^d here, that one of th« fiiithlid ttieis to make tln-ir «l* « iiiion upon ! :idctii!ii>Iiu(ion thereof, to su^pii rm and re- ! Houses of the American Congress, tho these oiily. It init'lit possibly have been ^ proaeli.'’ 'I'he.se r«*ointioi.s were not a> j Representatives bf tho whole twenty-four iiiore proper to hiive i^ivcd the .ludicKil ail'! dopted, Ix-cniiso a iiiajoiitvof tlio House {States, has no ri”ht lo express its opinion, I'^vecutive powers «>f the Smtale lo i-oine o. I.chcvid the coi'duct ot the President to be | that the President of the l'nited States had tiler body, (lilt it w clitriciilt to coitceivL-liKiv jeoal. liut so far as I am informed, no j assumed powers which did not belong to him, tlie Hi)H rac!Jiti*>n of these shou'd in aiiv ,liiilit was expicssed as lo lli'; riyht of the j but which were by the Constitution conler- m.tniKr ilimii.i -h its im.wit of deft mlin;; llou-e to enitrfain tlieni, and n.eny dfstin j red on the Legislature—that their mouths Itself and the riplit o|'free ex.in.iiKition into ouisheil iiiiines aie recorded a^uiiinl tlie mo- must l>e sealed as to all bis acts, except tho ex((uti.n of the ln»vs »nd niiintiujver. tirn lo dl^.■ hiirf;e iVoin their I'uilhtr coiisid- >i'>n oil tlie acts of l',\iTutive oHieers «>f any : eiiftimi. Hero tl^eo is a pro|..i>ili.>n for bit- whon opened for the ascription of prai&e, and that if, in an unguarded iiioinent, under afade, wliicli.as I liuveff»deovor> (l to^hew, ter cefiMite, imt only oil ihe Pier-iileiit, liut j the impulse r>t the spirit ot freedom, they * , ^ III I **•' •IIH3 I'l •'li'IflU 1*1 y o'A'i', iiHKrIi !'**•# ***** • ,|j^ «tin(;le (i;irii*ti!ar il’!/ inj tni.'ltle to *ri- ^1 cierrise ol p> W'r in eit u r. ^ /mate revenue hills had a (>erf' t rijjhi .•n eiid»'rt'ornn» to • if*w t i.it h. j' ; «-heni-ver it wa*i coiiviored of the fiiet, to „u. , »m. u, u» >••..-t ,. ... ,1 cn- », n-r t i...i ui> i •»..-.w — , •!it C'*unl d rive ir» jowrr over le piM »« Pft,>-.ident had invaded the j (x-ioiijis to evctv Le^ri^lative b.rjy—a riuhi i>n a Jut'fje oi' the L iiit>’d States, in relation ^ have ventured to question the legality of a \etiue friiii nnv o t le gmnis 111 I « ai ' ,,(* i||m |M«v-mak'’rs and iiod-r k-- w hirh hu'i bi'on iio wiiere »‘X> ri iM-d more ; to their conduct in the fon.‘'t ruction ol a I sinjile one, the most honored sons of all tho iiutiua, and as no law lijs i*n pro(.u .e , j ,,fexe nrni;/ his cori-tiiiitionnl Ilji'cliotif , freely Ih.ifi in tie- Ann t ican V.n>;rest». In iieafv, in (lelinii;^' the limits In-ttteen the I Slates must be humbled not merely to con- -toi*inp h a |Hiw« r, I le sw.u ton ^ |,„fj tni-.vers w hicli b> li’’in'ed onlv I t!iO vrar I7‘JH, Mr. (Jiley (il'Vir^iiint, intio- i'vectiiive and .IikmcibI I'ower?, and on a fess their sorrow, but to undo the deed. Sfimte IS t«k-n lo bo true. jH'-.ver.- « rncli b. I>''in>eii oniy l t:.o \rar t/'Jii, Mr. inleytii \ ir-iii!!!, intio- r^vectiiive amJ .luou'iai | I to C'io;;re».s. Thcuyh iiilTiir in iiufiits-r j di*ced Miiilr_\ lleiolutjons inti-tlie li>o>e o| . Jiflii nil qiii ^(loll of tidiiiiralty hi w, retained 0«il »u;i|x»e that lam deceived in all and thou {h chosen di!r‘re;itly front tlie I'tle r Repri-KMit.itm-s, casiin:.: the liarslifst cen u::(!i-r e‘'n>i(leralu»ii uear tv\ciity day?, and ii-, the de'.n"ii»iiHiioii •»! its truth iii h^ no Ihi y are with the exception Ic li-re .sure on .Alexander I i.iii:iilcn, then Se; rela- '• tii.itl'y i‘j>'tleJ n;;aii;st »he «islies ol Allwit n«>«-e-s r\ t>* the vintlicalioii ol the ,-!);4r;;c 1 with tho hmh h'd ! rv of the 'I'reiif-nry, ehai'iin;: him nmoii:^ , (jail;.tin, Nall..iiii»;i .Macon, J ihn Ilandolph Iiitioii of the 8 nstc. h riiin the ver) , iji,i|,,« n«t ineM-ly of eii.n tin;; la«.>i ,rtt I f (!i)V*rnin> ni, lh«* l*xt>«uiive «» (or this vnti lli*[.u!i!ic, l.ni by porf^tu-l via- h, i« t»ut th'' imirster to iiorfiirin the die- ,,f giiarihn:; fn>in ii'tifp ileiii tli'**'*.'' in- ,1,* of tlii-l-"j;i*l‘turr ; and as the nuthor-, M ht», «hiih it riipiiitHi i\ 1.1 com>iiai>'', m.p i'"* the riyht to ot>**- r*’niuiie!, th” bl'MsI of minv iinrtv -it-iife. It It at Hti) tiiiH’ c.>m|ietfiit It* the nr.d the l).rroj of iii'i'i m'fahle wars I 1, lalative I owe', lo det Ure wlM tlu r it« ,il iij« U-n pro.erK ne. utod, or >»h* th Sir, I appeal to every American citizen lo *ay whether the powers «>f iheir Pre.Moeiit are moie absolute than those of a lintibli Kin«r, or whether their Congress, lu eillicr oilier ihin.-.s, miIu ti’‘i;!e t of his ciTice and j ai.'d oihvr»:, wlto have Iv'i-n qui.ti'd here as j Hiiuse, has not the right, to s(M*ak of tliu I! !'i’otnm to the IT ti-e, /.i^i , [ooi or *r\j)*siti>is of the Coiisliiution. I H ti: J' >/. Tj.) j \Mil t iily mention in uddilion to tlieso th- In a U"vliii|''n pa!=‘^ed the Hoii»f’ ilii.'.fl i.n'iiiiiooijs v Iim 1 comniendation It- of lvO|)rerfe!itaiiv( s c ul!i:if; on llie l*:''.'M!ent l*ie>.vleit S\ ..t>hio*;ion, tvhen retiring Iron i'a'-liini/fon,) to lay bf>r* tin* I'ouse, a clTice, {Jii.riiol Home lUp^i. tjI. 2,(319) «-ue Croin lh* belli of L\et"iiiivc |s»uer U'- ' Copx o( l!.e m^'tnieti'ios to oiir Mmi.'ter, to- in«l leaxe to candor to sa_v, whether it they tivfid ih- Ail.intic. 'I liK or.iimrv 111 ideal ; *lier u i:h the ic.rrc.-p'ndi iico and other have a rinhl to jiraiw, lliey h«ve uut a | « hich for centuries past, the two Houses ot uii'Ur n pr-iem e of It. 1 xe iitive d e U „( |,..^,^|„iixr |>m*r «miM never have been jlt rnm'iits relative to Ja\'s uenty. The ri;:lit to lilan.'*. [Parliament have habitually pa«sed on a t'oriiier v\ith a fr(‘ed>inal least equal to that cf the Lords and Commons in regard tot! a latter. Why,Sir, the expiessioncontained in ih** Resolution of the Senate, respectinj; the President, is bifjh cotiiineiidation c ii;- [>ared with thi; censure and animadversion. b-t-n »*hieh it iR-'er author .r.-.1; but e r the ccmlu-ion Pr« s.dei.t ia a wriiti'ii ir.e>'.T .’e n .ii>-ed If I> it ohj lid, ili:.t thr.se niilhoritics come I King, who according to the Ihetiry ol that lbimiv be etf e|e«l by 8 statiile der!iir.i*o ! ,,f i 1, n» nriHtii;; fi oin its ;iU.» p *-;i moj J i i f unriinair ret'iiiiit’.>rnu!u.iuli>ired.iluc!ar. iV.irnthe lloii-e«.f Rpres*iitutivts alone ? | Government, “ean do no wrong. the r\ of wiial the law IS, or Ly tfie r»pr«-'«ioii . j^.wcr^ ; hut it mn ui_' tin I “ tn ndoiit >i i lyhl in tic ll ii'i: ui My fiieiid fiom P,ertie(.Mr. Outlaw) has j egiiimate (Miwers of the 1 resident are ire- an o 'lf'i n III th • "h.iix* of a R' st.lutoin. ,.Hrcff«! th..i tli- I-vo l itii r are in nH- 1’ ,T 'e-n‘ilives to d i:.a;Kl ; i.'l have ns n adthiced a pi t i dem »if a like pnH-eeiling in nendoua enough. iV.ee'tke Ix-^iss'ive ^«»wer eoo->i« 'I' ht.n to, aid do hv no m.-ui-* i.hii’,"* i'« anif r of c( urse, .i!! i!.o p; |>eis re..irt'«lmj> the Senate, ((i.iv. Bianeh’s Resolution, J o say nothing of the chief commnn ot ii-i K.I li«>ilies.« itiH r III.IV in tke »u ti.« df« • |^...fl.itivi :iit'h'I ili'-. Ix r;n * for iii» i ej'x'ii-lt'.n w itS a tor>i{;n power, wotiU; !'‘,'15) « huh i*o reeent lo require lur l.io » hole military lorce, and the uegutiva _ . ' . "* . . . . , ' . .... 1 . . . . : I t rw-kurp i* ti n lif m •! II t V. fi . . , . _ ^ . Urtii'tn, *»ith ot wilh ait llie roneurreiM-e it m )i JnJii :,inr\ Hi «lf’r arii'thar an ! u tti e^t il»*ish a duti^^eion-* pfci !e;it.— t‘i» lomii.ei t iiom‘. I Ii8 uiianimoiis con I,;'l ie otaer. A-b ih are chHr(,ed wiih Kxx utive i sin il. It i ni>t ti.ri. hv tli • J ..e .i'**- .-• 1i;.i!mt puriHo’', •* it i ot's not ijeinn:.ti n • f the Post .Master (uneml i:. |l.eir-'*»*.-ible ;iit> ol'ex limning t!ie *»hol to«„ a br>n h of the L-^;i>lainrf, capable t.i , ih . ;ir tl.-.t the io-| t .1 i.,n of the |la|H•r^ the sumo binly, at ihe last session )t Con. t -ivff ihe I.IW', to ttM.etlniii what dffects ' ,1 ,ri(.2 ttieir f. r aa ho n l.itive In any ( Ui("So iiD- irre-;j, d.'ni..iif.tiates lo the unwtiling, tha’ rx I. and l'» ptov.de «iiilahle leiiii di'-«, rm- iiieainiig. ff mqoirni;; i..to lln act- > I t-r lh > «.i;£r.iz tnci. i f lh« li'.u-.- lit pie- . llu ir riftbl lo doso is linquestiotiable. liut W ti#-e iquilU Istit.d 1.1 a. rutin Z" tiie ail t.i., Sir iti iioflhf law «, and il h > Is-fttinu t.U: ii..-iiml r»l«Kl or ir.i-ippi»ed, to df rU r thfo tfae meamni; and iiiHiHt tai ili«-if f .rrri t i..l'iiim»tr.ill»n—»ut h d. chiration* tfiMt ai >avi* made fiy lie* ti rms « f enarl- rw fit larre > . Uit thre nrv iis'nlly pf» re 1 1.. n pr' imbl- , r.citiiii that " 'V Im t - to th- Jii'la tarv has dt ciuetl improi.t^'il>" or ahetc.f r-'Mn«' Kxetiitive officer bus ml r 1 impr../ iiy. ’I h- lerm- of cen«ufe im (ij; J *>r rTptesM'-d in such fi preaailtJeon I rmiitiM of |l’« I'liiccr in qic m.iv b iniro fir le§» • veic. TUf right lo ii'« (' in i« Cl r SMilv untpi'-»li n il.le, ■•ii'l !■* un ti'l i|ii»«> t i lr(i-:ed **tlli tiieir rx' CUtion a::.! .•f B- rti'i;; wht-thi-r ih-ir iiii*Tiii-.n has tieen fulfilled, tir ulit;lh« r the c> ia!ii'-t of n- nv I’xerutivo I'fT.cer, lonii '!ic lii;;h''-l In lh« l.iwe-t, has II in nee.I*.I i.’n.-e wilil i.i * . • i'lr in viM'.!ti.>n id’it. The ii;;l.t t'l o'efi tid , 111™ ’»!' t's pnwt r* a^nui'l ll'irin:;ei!i^l)t l>e ! n,:s - f .-.•ur'i" l*> tlie .'^•iwte, if tl e Presi til III sh"iiM fpjs'iii' an t I'.ieer “ ti till ii;> n . vin'iiiH v” vvhi: h had h i('(m ii d ilur n" llieir .’«i.»ri, and ti'.l ‘‘d.irii 'j t!if if i •• h'- -hoiiM cK«lni’;;e raidi ' itiin t'f n tie.i»\ lAilliN riifi 'gn Powi-r, «i;h'Ut rtniMil'im; them, tilt V .*oul I l>e i.nthony. d and Isvi. il I.i etfam^t t ii*i r, a-* an iiiftac i!'r no filler iintr.iif ta ti.m aie atlni bed tt* ,.f i!|, j, I a t ul.ve f*..\v'*r. 'IlM'Con a:i.l,o„».|,Nof . L-g..mtivel>Kly wit d,. I.iruig tr.at . tU. ors siull I e ap- , .v J. ,„i.n lo i|.. fic- pal- .f the ('t.intliiution—their dl^•^e. „,„1 ireuUi s r^ntlildt d h> nn I ‘ w illi ,, „ , ,t> . ^i .-.iti.,ri ns to ti^ aiid ■tea*'’ if proprit ly i» their «Mily ||,o ndvu e am! rnti- nt of the > tinle, ’ i; u,. r ;.n«« i . U-(m-Mtl lix I. a* dm rtiilt d Sluli'> tl.. 11....^...!' Ii >f.ri >a-i.l:ili\es hlit'Old lire- I 1 r. ..4 ; ..ml il la ih. i •ini.li!i;'ii i.al li-t.t ne.d s. n’.iti\ r", xt : |it til it :iti imiH litii"t;t, w ha* j.m*i r Ins the Iloust; ol Uepreseuta- »h.' h III'! lesoluti. ii ha-i net ( t!."— t|ve^ to (ins-judgment on tiie acts ol hxee- A’o co:ii 1 I i' -i, •* H ;• t r i.u l to i!,e Ce.i:- utive offi ers hy resolutii-n which is not • l'-ii,iin Iiad th- (In'i' - t.| ii \ i tli-e, iindef ' ptwMTs-i d l y the S. i;atc. l?_v the Consti- „il 11..- in mo«ii.i..H-t.f il.is .11-.. f..ih.d- Iiiiion, tlis lloti-e has » the s.ile p-iwer o! a con j'*! Hire w i'll vnrietpj st.’’ Where- i::i(^*ac!iiiieiit, ’ and the St'iia^tc *‘tile sol ^ iir'ii y>r. '.];.ii. t. f Noiih C.ifoliin.iii Com- povv. r t.i tiy ali imp at liment-*.” The pow- i .01-1. of Ihe v\ ho!( , -i;. ve,l the i;.do».io;- t-r lo i-npeHi h, h.wcver, does not give th' I t;.lutioiis whicli wcio aJ •j li.-d l.y ihv right l i ct i.-ul , in any other way than In j |j,filing a Cliii.iiail ialorniHlK ti to bring an ol- | Ti.V.t: !.li /rfirhrt.i hv il.c -frond KMXjer lotiial U-forO I he other bed). It is ». Il'II "t ilfM-i.iul r'lil. Ot ih.' ( ■.lI^lIlulll>Il. •» power to indiit an .>(li nder, hut not to •• |ti«t tlic rri-'iili I'.l *1.-II iir.M- iiv>i-r, b»- aiiii j;i„| ^niltv. Y‘t the Rt'solutions be- will, ilii a.lvip.-:oii! n.nf. fit Iirn.i :i |;,,e staled hnih Irf-^in nnl end the accilSii- ir ai ^•l..^i V.I Hw.ii.ii.l-.Will. S. iiui.Mh pr.-- _ , . „,.j ci nvirt. They can ... u... ,n,rach,.,f .. r.. .1.. «.iof musi,. » !■■ n n t:iEi» ^llp'll'>t'» r. ;ul.iltoi,> ..t' liiv «ut • .n acts of Legisialion, the f>ower to app«'int forty thousand officers, compensiited by aluries of many millions of dollars, and I'oniprising the honors most gratelul toam- hilion, the powei to remove these again at viti, and the {>ov»er t«» c.)r«o.lud'', with tho e.tncurrcnce of the Senate, all treaties with foreign nations, are quite ns great as tho lealous spirit of libeity will accord to any one man. Add to these the claims recently >( I lip of controtlmg all incumbe nts wliiij n olfice under [>enall_v «>f removal, and thus •o suspend an\ law, or to com|>el any thii'g !.» l)e done under the form of law : of tlit; en tire custecK and control of the public liea* lire; and forbid the S‘n.ile lo question any Kxecutive act, and a pcrpeiual dictaior.-hip IS established, ‘ to lake care ii,;jl the Re- ;(ubiic shall sufl'er no harm,” to b*‘ sun ; hut Ibis also iiniihes that it shall recei\e no r.mrtion of the Mouse of U.-pr»s.'iitnlives. irnte. bnl re>nlt as an ii.viJeiit f.om their Legis- .Mr. Speaker : It may possibly Ik; urif-.r- latne uutl.-ntv. I '>'■*» I r.i.nt sir. that 1 hnve f. It obliged to I uveen any ot the hianches ol the 1-coeu.l .letaiii "W.v il i.-e thus hmg, in endeavoring 1 (.Jovernn.ent; but, sir. if not to be encnr- hinent, had contravened their Kxe. iitive powers" «-f monarchy. ItMhkewi^ iivclentla everv .-n-le h... no right I., mve.tigate its nrtlviis. H'Mmipie »•! • - . V- • I A t I I •mhlaue of the inllexihle ' ,ii!mi; of n .siuth* National Ass^embly, i.nd since tin e S-nate rigliti and v ml.it. d his constiluti.iral diiU, er he enael- V' t thev were ad.ipt.'d hy a vol.? of.j. to u."). P>i asx -.i,,, rr..,.....,., ..ni;e »>-r: r:r,'.i r::z.''; tin* uiifaHhlul nnn^Ktrnnl J’hr iinlil I*'** hn Ihm'ii mail »n>t to 1>T ilijrccr»riliMl liv imli a Jud^c

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