W t ,. MINERS’ &, FAKMERS’ JOVRNAL. PltlNTKU AMI> PUII.IS1IEI> EVEHV TIHJKSI>AY, HY TllUMAS J. llOL'ION«..l IIAIU.trri K, MW tOlJNTY, NOK1 Il-CAROLINA. I WII.I. rr.c.i V..U TO r.icRc. t..k or tub awu bh.^.o otr r«OM thk cavkkm or the mktTITh'T.ic'h w,,x o.vk .THrNuTH WouR.i.iNim^N,. ALL NATL'RE TO Ol'R USB AN1> rLKAaURK.*—DR. JOHNSON. VOIi. V. iiSi. TIIIJRSI>AY, FIltlKUARV *2(i, lfS;l5. NO. «30. TIIK Ifliiicr**’ A Fariiien*’ Journal 1. nriniwlni'd t.ul.li»htd every '1'lniri.iiny mornii.f Two Ptilart (Hff minuiu if in •dvanre ; 7V» DiMan and Ti/Jv >"»* •*’ •“ “‘** ttiicc; DuUum itl lh« end of llic ye«r. • nvERTISKMKM'a *ill bo interled .1 Fifty ftnl-lHr quart' {«o' .-xcc.diiig IHJ tor ti.e „,.,rluni. wid “25 cent. Inr eacli »u« fl 'i'r for our A libtr*! I'i ' riiiil will lie iiiRili- tothimc who ..Ivfrt me \«»i- iron all advcrii«'inB!.t« c„„i,Mnnu«t.d lor publitntu.n. lUe i.u.nb.r ol in.. rlioii* iiiuKt W noliccd on the mar in «l th«- Bnimscni.t. or lliry will b« coulluueil UiiUl fofbitl, iliirftirf tco rdiinfljr. « » vll cimiinunication* t> ihe Witor mu»t romr 'frr.' 0 p-'otoef, nr they ''•» 1» »Hf nded to MHiliKll.X IT,MA1.K IXS'I’ITI TK. T^IlK chimc«»r and cours* of Suidy in lhi» }S,-rTnn»ry l»'ini{ now »u(Ticienliy known, it i» •nnc.-^ry onlv to gyyt notice that il. nt»t w^.iw. ITl XnUr. on^Monday. the of March an. „ \ll pii,iil» »lM'iild hip nt at that lime; I.'jn’.npore -llowrd to Hi«-o!ve llieir •tmncxion , ,ih ii.« ' *=*r‘ j.fjgy, t'or the coniiiion Kinrl'*h Branche«, |i.| 51, ' •r'i'^n. To lhi» v. ill be tddrrf, for l)ii- I, b«' fin li'h Rr inch. .«t;.and -orIhr Unjuajj.-, L..1 , Frf'.rli or Italiai Tor remdai.U in the t, ,i’ IV.«rd, including «a»hing,and tuitim in ill -If’ hii li'h >tudir». •■>» per •e.Moo. No dc ,11,-n i.r ib- TC. f eicapt iVoni «icWinM. TU f h.ug.. are d.ie at the eiitrai.ce of lh«’ p. ,i|, an.l hrriaft.'.MilfUdt >nll h** rc«iuir«il Oil { an^id ' i !• »oin 'hat lime. N rci«iily riquire* til.. It niU5t ht mani ewl to our i«triu*. that m i conn>en!‘''»tion w* have ever Wen aiifli- i.tniW •cco'ii'i'odjtiHf; and »f tru*t th. reuue. tilt lhi‘ nm^Mrv trraneeii-nt. mhich i> u>»- ,ijn in k.iiclrcl Inititution*, »»U not he A.)...i:vvnN«.«Tn. r.wr'»f«, .V r. F-h. lt35. t3 » To the »l* iTIeckieii- iHirj; C'oiiiily. FELLOWA ITIZEK^ My apoloj^y for adJri’esInf; you in a cir- ctilnr leitor on stiuie of the procuoiimitH of tho laM oeMion of the (Seiiurul Ai>s('iiibl\ Jtriscs ill oohseqtience of my liein*; uuuhlt'*, frmn ill boullh, to coiiiinunu-nte otiieru ise HH Irt'^ly with you on llie euhject a:i I havo iMunllv (ioiio heretiiforu. faith of th«' Stule paynhlQ in 1800, keiiriug Hn inlRrcBt of fiv« pur c» nl. |»tir aiitiuni, which he could not tli«|>o!4e oi' at leMs thiiti their iioiniual vahio. I whm in iitvour of thid nit'ttiiure bTtlu^e the St.ite would have UHiiHMl by tfikm^ the Mock, iVotn 'i2r>to 830,- UOO, in coii8r>(|u(>nro of tho pruiiiiutn abovo Its par value, whtle at the Haiiie tiino it would hiive receiv»-d iht'rrfroiii nu annual incoiuo above the intfru!*! on the inonov Ixirroued of frotii ot ui'rcs, wurv Hrqiiirt-d by Con;;rc88 in two aid of his statioD to elevate to the next ways, by cobkiou Ironi the ijlates to Coa>' Presidency him whom the office holders }{reBs shortly after the Rt;volutiooary War and oflice seekers are now to auiiouiit for Htid by purchaMe from Franco and ^pain. 'I'hc lantis ceded, belonged to aeveinl of the Revolutionary Slater, and nlthouj||'h hold principally by Vir{-inia, Noith Caiolina and ii(‘or(>iu, yet were ulwavH coiwiderad obvious reasons, to elcct. 1 voted for the present Governor of the State, who, in the contest for that office was op|K»»ed by Ihe Speaker of the Senate. It will not, I trust, b« oifeofliTe to tho last a coinmoti property, im they wer# wrested | named gentteujan or hiM friend* to tfnte, that from the (Vown of CJreat Britata by Ihe, the eervtcea render.d by Governor Swaia Froma list of the acts poHsed and reso- V^ lo«'10,0(»0. If this common bhirnl and IreaMuro of tho |>eople of I to the State of NorthCarohna, his superior lulioiis adopted, you will t)erceive that busi-! ""‘Z ^T* i "!‘ 1« whi h yloriotts 8trugjle abihtiea and his s«und pol“'C«I principles, ..*• —• -I '”'® would tht reby have retained a con- North ( Hroliiia contributed her full |»ortion. | prts-eaiinetitly entitle him to that station. trolling iiitlueitcu atvor this iiihiitution, in i I’iiu lands puri'iiased were bought with the j I have ihuti, fi.-llow-citizens, in as full tt which llie peupjo have a lioep interest and , common treasure of tho ctiuoiry, and ihof-** j manner as the itulure of this address would the liaiik would have Ut'n enabled at iIhh j l eded were fjivt n to jiay llic de|i‘8 incurred , pTinit, given you my opinions on the dif- neg* ot an unimpoitant character and gene rally nlll>c(iiig mdividuuls with whom you have litila or no coiiiiection, occupied the iHrye^t portion of our lime. 'I'he t*emiion was thus extended to the u»ti«l length, and tho result of ouf lalKiura but pM>rly com* I>en!wtes tho people li»rlhe money ex|iended, if we except the act tion to ameiMl the This mea.ur- has It ,tlly .i........ . ,, tion the L {ia|jiturc, alter many yeiir"* | | of repeati-d efforts hv tho People «>f the lime lo have forni:hfd us with a suuod cur | by the R. vohjlioimry \Var and lor the com-' terenl subjects which came before the legis- reiicy «f r.ur own, rommcn.suiate with oiir i mon bem )ii of all tho States. • ! lature during its late session, and which 1 »lor lt»e money extienOeil «he Hank cupiriiiji j 'I'ho I'obtic Ivbl of iho rnited States habihoughl would be inlereslmg to you. 1 let for cillm!/ a Conven- '*'• ""w paid, and m what condiiton are ! hava houestly attempted to discharge th« Constitution ot'the State. "I iho coimlr> f 'l h« whole duties of u rupresenlalive of thiscount\ — ft (illy received ihosanc' i “• I’apiiol S»*A;k suUficribeii . x|« ndiiorti* of ilie (;« nernl (Jovenimenl d« | r.pt-rali d ujMin by nu motive but your mler- j Hiid oomIiI not, lo exceed eighteen mil i e^t and vtiAhmg for no reward but your aj>- ) the ()olitical R>solulioti« | lon-i of dtillur*'. 'I'he revenue accruinj; to | probation. 1 bate always be« o deeply im« L* M'Him ol Ciinimoiix In | the (Jnvertiineiit from fort-i;:;n u«m1s alone, preM d with the booor of representing ft Western part of the Slate to obtain it. It was adopteil by the (ieneral .\H«N‘inbly bts raus«> the friendi* of coasiitutioniil reform. os opp>.4(>d lo I [ inlriMloi'i'd into the vield. to tlic lonu chrri^ll• tl piejuiJiecs of our I'aiitern brethren. l'r>)M*r hIi |>« have U-en tjken, that the Act ilH«-if should bo e»- II. A. WAiJ.in:. .w. n. 1 i '' * l«i'-»*'d iK rmincntly in Doctor Pi'tta. By adoplin;' tliew Ucsolu-| iii more tirin luenly millions of d>|larb; and tmiis, the General Awmbiy a>sumed the j tbi^, from ilie iut reaiwd umom.t of impoila- l^eneroiHl wielded h11 that Ir-etnet. could ;'»'>«-''J-''-r lion. ^ U*|...^r,ed until the . ,1'"W ' ongtC(i*t to expmiue lioiu Ihe J.ur 1 reH»Jjo-»meiil ol the f anil 111 the year nals ot the Senate, the Kemtlulioii p-tniM.’d I I'he J’ublic I«:iiid» »•!! al the pre>eiit prices by that boly, coadeniiiiiin the P iiiovat ol , yu-ld annuiliy about ti>ur milli//n of dollurv. , I , , , , , , I . *b« Public (roll! the Hank ol' the It Ma> jhiaiL’j.l l>v a majoriiv of Ibe liouim tonsivrly ot.'irthuled amonjj-t yon, and It I-' II, 1 . i. .i i, . . . • . j . . ’ , , , J * ^tule•« by Ibe Preiodcnt, nd b«‘iiu' in a sol'-uiii oiitv which wt; all owe to out ! , , ... „ r.t' i ... ,, - oero^alion oriitu l^iiw» and 14.ni.|itution »•! C'luntry lo PxamiiH* With care all ol il« pro. I,.,, , , .. ,, 1 , . . Ill*'t niteil State*!. I b«s4r Ke-oliiliuUit Meie voiions. loll wi 1 wrceive Ih.ii the e:ii- ; i . .i _ i i ■ , ^ . , , Kjivuitseil lo llie eteln-|..n •( H!m>i«l e««>rv lature has riT>»rrei it l4i the ix*in|« lo ile- i .. ,• i . . . . ■ ' , . >U»er bu-*mi »s |,,r eiglii d.i\- m the lieu-- leruiittc by their votes III .\pril next, wheih-1. .... ... . i , ^ , r^' ' oii!!iion», ano lor more ilmo Imo w«-ek' er or not a (. ^n'enlion-bill Ut callcd, and n i . j . , ri 1 . .-1 ! If'ho rvMiate, utKl were hnalU aiUipt'd at if (av I confidt (jtl.v ho, ,i a niuj'Tiiy o| iu> (■e.iple th(Kiid b^ in lU f.«v>ur, the TVIe gates to that b>dv, elect) (I lo iiurMtanee ol ;i i i .• • . • ’ , ' , aoK >M», wtial rre.il nrinru,I>* >iul the\ t he At wi cHi\ena m June mtl, m tin .. . ... ; , , • ,, , . J'^*‘rt, I f how wu» the inteiesi i,r iliPiiitv ol I .11 ...I si... i ^ . the r«ml lo the People ot'tbis Si.iie of nsar iv leo ihoii'.iiMi liollarx. i'l-riiiit toe now tharlolle,«illalUudtotlHi,r.c.,t,ly ol R.*leiah. 1 h^v w lil pr.Kt.-.J ,o th. j U .1 V V«».oTrfl ‘ course of th- S nata of the I iiitc.i fh dtriHe A under Ihe m... i,..n of ,.n oot.i «hc , ,h,. » .iilrfir fulUt'ril brin'-h*#. Ile ma> !>• • j sub*taiK'e «> v»hich I-, tb it they will ik«i i,, , „ ,u i» . i , , ,.;...ll,„..e.un)...pr...i.sior,.lly.l-n,.., nor iiMhre.tly .h-regard ‘ rem-ung the 1)..,h^iI-, ; bui k-!™.r Maj. M’Coinb’t. I o-n. i i ,u i ,i i • |-»enif I »>re w roi j in Ibi;* ••pinion, th. ; orf..ni*henaJntlefUtUr.B..,d’. 'T l'«M^ pr.‘^r.l--d to them by tl. ..•ncrut | ^ I .. neral cannot in representing County distinguished for ils intelligence ai>d love of iiideptmdence, and assure you that 1 shall be ever grateful fur Ibe confidettc* jfHi have so frec^uonliy be»lowed on me. 1 am, fcliow.ciliMiiK, with due respect, Yotir obetlienl servant, M.YI. J. ALCX.4>D£R. February 16/A, 1S35. Baltimobe, Feb. 2. We learn from Captain Sinilh, al tbis port of.ihaollial I*-.h'oiiM u. to >.%» II ilieaiocnni [ Saturday from Montevideo, that a dia lU the 'rreabuiy u( tin- I i.iu d Si.»|f-s, to b \ *»*'>tc8l ail.mpt bad been made, in Ihe fir-it • •iiipli.ytd by Congn^N m o|«*nmg rivers aiMl, I'>-ceiiilMT, to blow up ths f. ti. iiaUiii'g ronifn aial canals, where ijl,oils j then lyitig in the bar- II..VC all. Rfly b.en iiiipfO(H rly aial m,justly •*o»' Mia.tevideo. It appears that a mu. . X|rt^^iHb d. 'I heNen StatCii aie n. w claim | l.*'to «*amau be longing to ibe schooner, froio mg the Pj1.1i. Lind* which he within iheir ‘>f malice or revenge, had c.*n- i-.i.,en., and C..ngt.-.i aoiiiwllv makes larg. *" «l« pos"e in the powder luagaziua • ■I Comiii.'frN th:il It would U* b.-lter, far Iwtler, ibal» a h State kIiouM have its share of Ihi-M' lanJs according lo itx |Mipij|ntiMi, r of the annual pr.Kjettli of the therc- 11. , p : ;• !.il\ atii ndcd to. (I’-b.'t. I,"I'i. ?»tr r Jifuiorn!. .1 ri.l. \IN iii!iirni» the PnVir . Ills iri. hii« th;il h>- n- iiiov.d lii« •' . I t • rrv».n’' hiii»“ lutrly oc u(ii>-il >■> N- ■ hi'fc h- lilt' iidi lo c«ir> 00 thu W i.*!' > I h f>'i*o - ill frr.rr»t. .'Td «•>,■ finubed. Mu., I’lf.-rn* madi ' r. I r ; i. in lf>n. VVc««l, .V.c. all r'l .1 I r.- aiirl ii;ii«ter»te l riii». T'li Jt jny tune. flQ t IV, I»f rt .r.. I riif.lii- Sale.nn Thnf'1f, I- I’^wi ■ V|i,-rii n-xt. at the f*.'>llitu |l' .n J nil’•> Vuui.g, deed. tlMi I'oUow• , w.>; I hi- r. in##.> . ' V "I. ; ||V> d, i'rtrn, //«»/. /'’f/4> r, 1 I f'tj S'lihiii’t if ihi .\rrhy hhnjit, r; a, i // -r »>. I liittil Witffnn, I (i _• (i>v/ l^llr■lr^^, 'J'oolt, ( Mm/., // '■ • K rhrn Fi,rniture, I ar "IT f I, n. lit. ^yr. n. ■ > - M m'» .hf rredii, the porchaer* J »ith «ii iiri!». Ull-So.N J'AWKS, /.i/rul'-r. ■ I'"’:. 3w l.r«u'C* «ray IN . ■ . I,... . in tii r ighlmrhood ■' Vr J. - ;.ii M'>nni«, i» r>«.» [,r. jaffd ' ' - - -i a:i, n:n/ :'i. Iii« st'K:k o ■i' • >i,rt ijf ihi -t kind. fli» •‘■rV ' aid * I’ll 111 and he will » irr:iii »ll K. I., .l.in'1 tt. ll. He h-.;-. ' nil. ".d nt If h^Kir* w ill tilt lid tu hill. ' I) 'l.. ir • ii-l'.>ii. i\ng a] all iiiiiJt dun' «n lAf ihvrlnt ^s'^'iiiblv. ll will bo the iio|N'rjtivv duty of tl'.n ('.■nvetition to reduce IIm' numtx'r ot tin; S i» ilors to n..v l«— than ltnrl> li>ur nor more than fil'tv—to fix th>' b^si «,i ri p- rcwiil ite n in that U dy on la^a'i..n, anti uir th.it pui(M»f to (jivi.lo tho Slate into S fwiorul di-.trici'*,*Hjrie-(rf t;>'ing with ll.»- i)unil>«‘r of S loil.ifs «s d"l>Tiiim‘‘J on by ih'; C'aiv.'iiti'-n. ll h aUo u*'(ieralive on the .o!ivi-i ' .,11 t.i r»-.'.jr»* the nonih»T of she (liCC l«T> of thr II' !!•♦• ot ( .i|lll.l..l!'» to •i"t b-im t! an mil- Ij nor ni'.re thiin oih* bun ifrtd a .d t^vi'titv—t't a ^'pt rs itic l*.isc*ol llie refiri--eiit.,til'll of llnx Ix^Jx tho ftdcral |i"j iiUli'.n ol ttie St.ite. (wliicli i«a.«m(,ti(|. I! ■ bv a.!.llii|^ lolJ.t'it' tf ["■•p!'*o| iSe Stale. ;:i lu>ling th' b*>und to t«Tvice fi.r a I.tio •f yi ar.t and ••xi luJins lo'-rin't not lix.d. hi'»* liiili-* of all o!iifr (►'•r'M'iin,)—but to pr»'Vi'l.‘ ifnt each I .■uiiiv simil ||iiv* al i as| oo«- iiM iidx-r. 'I he C‘>nvi nli n i>* !ur- iii.*r b«nind to f.foviile mwh:it inaniii'r a- iiiendmef.!-« 'li.tll m tuiuro tie made lo tlie '.Hmtituii'in. M l ) iii« r» lionarv |K.ner^ nr« "I' l-n t > llie (’i'uventii.0, afiioiig which, th“ I'vo in' -.t i(i»|.«.rt:itil ai^ th- eiiH 1.1 prvivi.ie for Itie f iiiiiji jusiifi'd III ailoplmg thf«e |{-Hiijuti. it It IH cootv ricfi'd, a« I have iMini*tiiji> ^ lie.mi, that ll.»- ci.nliu t of ihe Pie«idlit a ii.-sTll)«i, 1>\ the UrM.lutioii* of the S«.oii'e l«'lo;! loi eai |,;ib’>. a:iil that b«-*lv h«'in" ilio '• n»tilu- I|«.fi:i| C'lur*. to Iry th' ( Ifl^ ore, (iU{fhl n. t to hilve pn jii *:.’*'il the I ati->.»fr ll),.t the act of till' Pri's|i!«it, who had HS'iiitied li;c ri'sjMinsllii:il\ III reii."Vmi; the l>«*p K-Ilett, ll' iiatioiiN to |>ailiciilar Slal.'** for their ex c|o«ive hi'i.i'ii'. 'roUhioanil .Miilianiaeach, ‘iiore thiin a niilli>n «lo||arM worlh of lhi» land has U-«-n aiven awa\. V\ h.if Irib Norih I'aroiitia obt,iiiid lait ol link coinuioti fund T Nil I;. «I’l.' ' ! l ii*- (*111111.ittee, although early organited to take utidT i xaiiiinalion thin »ui>j( I, fo ibly pu-"» ! ii|M>n our ron*tderatioo by the liovnriior, r f'i-.i‘d or neg.ecteil, to n coni- oicihI any measure m u^.ird to if. 'I he >o.iU*-r ill length kr .o,{ht lieiore tin liou)K‘ I'f C.'ininonH bv re«oliil|(.i,K,(V !i,riOK b\ IrtW ref.' I !."tii lli-0'. s i.| « eoaU of fire w rapped up in linen. 'I bey were, however, discovered and removed be. fere any niischief was done, and Ihe design of di'atroymg vtisxl and crew frustrated.-— 'i’he mvexti^ation which immediately sue- • i^-ded itie discovery showrd that the crew of the Bli terprise had all been at ibeir pniper 'ta'KHis except the mulatiA in question, who was found III the bial alongside, where it MSS evolent he had gone to be out of tbo reach 'if d inger. ConiiiMKiore llenshaw was bolding a court marlail over the mulatto, who, il wan aup'* (tcscd, would be executed.— Americun. Uevard (>ffrvd.— \n Engli*h paper con> tains Ihe following paragraphs: *• Vll elegant hikI conunodn u*i hoo«e,sit* oafed m Hn^htoD, w ill be given to any in- di vidiifl w bo can adduce proof of his having fi ahz d a single farlbmg by evaihng pay ment of the King’s dulien, or by siotig^lmg iranKActions: or to him who can bring for* ward t!lnnony «if his having goi rob by working in the S;ihliath day. L«-il.'r> (f.O'.t paid) addnv'M’d lo the Fditor of the Urigh* 'u\ (f'aralrff. Ill Milmt«lM**, ll .il (Ort^.r* '** ouj^ht not t> d ihe C'Mj'*itI'-rH|t.ii •,! i ^.ivi- a»-y the Public l.ui.dM .u any particu iifii' ai.'l ih ' S r« 'i.r» ''if Slate, nor to vll lii»-i(i |i t U *>» ih.iii th» re lii'un'l to I xpf.'fc.* ifn ir upmieos |>n‘s> ol prn ■, v i/,: uo.i u -■»«] .»» 'iiiy ■ •n. It th y hnd inei.ul) (•Itriiok t'l'.ii the ii\e cint'jH“r acre; and If I the (ii-ncrMl |,i‘if’'.r>ii:ii.i! if ‘bit !i)t\ lliey w uid have I iorernineiil fwing now out of d. l«l aiMl i»oi i;. !em ii tint o\-crali.>ti and conf. iii; t oft-x- wdiiting Ihe n.oncy ari,iiug from lh»- s,ilcs ol ‘•rv hi iic.if uiao. ( rm.e imoiioI eXMl wnh- the land'*, they, or thu |.ii-cecHi» thcieof, ijt iinprri(>* I III. lives ni.d tin of t|i»- Pr. s ■ tiiiht l.» Is- uiv.-n lo all the ifc«t accord- ; !fiil wt-rr not iii>j«'achcd m tlio Kestilufion lO;: In Iheir (M.p«hti..ii, or iii prop.>rtnHi lo ■ f the .S null*. thi-ir I V '■ o.iiHife.. Jui log ih. R. voludonar) T'le right i.fthi' Sei'.ate in its l«*gis!alive War. The «.*urM* t.ikeo b.v ccil.iiii iih'ih. eliaruch r lo exfir* ll'* o| i(iio.> on tiic con- tiers .f the I iu-ral A'''n.bS, who wer*- iictof the i:x.c.iiiv.! .liter. ..f tli^ irttilollfi.s^ Kc-.!uiioniw.Hj,.iii..l liiet-iih. I'*”' Herald, will ex(« rience duo utlention, vi rnnx-i.l nevi r b i-i Ik en i,„ »|, *-\cei t m appn liiiti. n i f Ibe Pr>.«iilenl. i r that | ‘‘al 'he iitinost w_ recv ohwrved. Mim «ing[e in»i ir:i e, uial » iioii.Ler of can » udo( tion * ii!.(o|.ei jlcujuiion.'^l) ij|h»h then “ ^ handttme annuitv lor life will be Ii.ighl U* rited lo prove i . tr.-.,.i. nt evrr- p.rt\, afl'irdM the m...! n.ei.m. h. K prcKifof -’nm'ed lo any individual who can furnisl- ,1-. I will r,nlv re-er lo th.- ca^e of the iho iatal mlU i»ce of parl\ spirit! which ,J'lo.lemable pr.-fof bi^i having ruined him l’o.sloiaHier tfem-ral. who i» as wi ii a>* tlif on rec^.r'l m ll e.S*aie. The fpi.-Mi'.nj. witli . *‘‘1* '**’ "J^fd his lauiily bv acts of benev li-«:li..ri ol tlic (niMTTior h) the [k-oi.Ii , and ' liable to l>e iini' ached iird IrM-d them nfjM ari-d iiol to b»* — U Itiis inea!>ur« the other to provide h.r Ihe ni.-. tii g ef llie i S-n ife. Tin. ..lUc r. bv ons- jii.t f !»,-•» it coinp«.rt with tfie honor and Centr.il Ass-n.blv hut once ,n two y'"f'-| mvolved tt,.- p.»i(>ili,c nii.rc.i of .\orih Ci.r-lma lo a.U.pi ii t l!ui I ho III* nil-* ol (^«Hiv* nM'.ii altlioo;;li eon- j^rc.itl^ in ilcht uiid h id with- what iniloence will il have on ihe notl Pn-a. fiilent that a m-J >ril) «if the lrL‘-iiii-o ol lh>- Jti,.,Hli-dgo or coti^^-iit of (’..n*;rc*s idi-ntial I’.Ii'cIk.u ' Il>>w will if ojter.ite on { liorti.weil nearly half n million of' didlara our iart> ’ During thiMji»« u.»!tion ol lie’Ren-, - i' i ■ . . . 1 I I .• .1 11 lor the town crier, to proclaim their inten ii|ioti the filth . I llir lov. rnnieiil, in ptt.pa- ' i.Inii'iON ooe wf the ii.einl« rs of lh‘ ii.aoa ' bie vio'a'ioii of iIm’ L iw and ('oostitution of ('oinni'ais was heuid to ask'ttiofher w he. '.f the I mtixl .*stali->i; and this ronout I, bv ' ther tli.- R- a.ilulioiiH were op(M'!*t d to J.ick* .111 hfiannni'Uii vntc of the .'N iiale, »a» con- ■ >on‘ii Ntto on ( la)’« i.and liiil and to say ilcnin.-d III »liong t. rms. ^ ct who ha» e if I'ley were, he could not «up(>ort them. VI r nui -^iioiu d ih*' ripht of tlif S-i.;ie Ihii' : 'l'he\ were aiioj.it H m the lb use of (’oin- toci'ii.Ieiiiii the Po)>tnia>>li‘r lo iieral ? NV hal looiis bv a vite of lo li'J, idthongh everv will \m the elfTt of the Rew.iuUons of ili- i fl'irl which the in;;. nuii\ of pohfical pur if the IrL'eineii of ill'- .silafe wouli] pn ler one of iiioro enlar;. J l»ower* and in which lh« |>* opie would lie more eipjaily r. prvmr.fed, \ct cho-e m a spirit ol coiirdii-lnai t.i liegiri tins grwat Work, s> a-. ulliiiiaf.‘ly to ..htain the iinjHir- tant benefit lo Ih.* deiived from an amend- inenl of' the (.'on*titutioii, and ,.i the sanv • line to injure hurW'i'.ter to our pnbhc c'un ciN fh,it h..rniiin> ho »>i'«-nliiil lo Ihe pioa- l^'rity of onr Mate, ll ihe ('onvdolioti when a.n«rmilled, should art on the all nu (Hirtant ipn htiooM fx-lore them, in Ihe saine .•pint wilfi which tliev were iiiihinUtecI lo them H> th. (J.neral Ass/ |„hly, thwi may ; Pre»id. nt, Uit to very patn> l le I „+i*urid that . or Stnto it rho can furnisb ble prcK.f of hm havi i joreil his family bv •Irnce. l.dtfrH (p**t |iairn to lie addres-s- ed to the Kdiior of the Urighton Herald.'* Si.iue lime ngo, two Weslvan preaehers having iH-casioii to wtup m a t.iwD in W ales, ( eteriiiineo lo preach. Tbev therefore m nt >r Ihe town crier, to in n, thai a congregation nnghl be a«sem bled. The preachers |i>und it very dillicult to make the man (K'rfect m the woids ho wn. to use m making procia nation, but that which puzzled him nioftt tu reniemh«‘r, waa the word Umlyun. H*iwever, he thought hiniwlf nt last prepared, and sallied out ... , , . , , I . i ,■ .1 I with his bell III his hand: but by the timo (icnera .\sseiii 1 \ I earn' d into oiierstiiiii I ii/,ins coiihl denH« vv.is iisod lo (f«i|cat Ih.-in . ■ , . ,i , . . i . r , - ^ . . I I ... i . . .1 ^ . 1 ' he had L'»^t mio the street he had again for- ; It iM to dei/rnde the S*'oat' of llie I lilted I hey wore then M*al lo Iho S* nate niiu a , • i i ■ ». i ... I 1 1 i . ■ , .1 . II .1. I .iroftcnlbe principal word in his less«>n— Stales; and that IhhIv which wa mlended • inninrily of that Ib use r«lii-eil to coikhuci .e ' ' ..'n - • . . , V. •’ . , , . I i- I i It I 1 ding, ding, aing,—“ I his la lo give notice I IV the Cons'itutmn n>»t onl\ lo le md>-|K-n them. If the (lencral .\s.H«*nit)ly had (miss i e - I as a ctieck ' ed iheKe ReM>luliaii, their influt nee in Con- Ir our greMi uiigl.l h ive prociirid the demicd oh ^ ■ f'1.1 (la.Ti'tf ll I'll ; .'irt.ll'iiiiM '-very pairi> Me'I „.+i*uri u ihat .’or ~int« la ^ rni,',) nt hii Icel. If ourgre»ii uiigl.t h.ive prociiri-d the deaiicd oh ; . ' i tl . ’ H l» . ' ‘ .-I'l ih> ii,->. »i lOiiVlw-, itHiOt to anxiiine tint proU'l aliilii'le amoii;; S nators in t ’ongre*., for daring to diflcr jei t, and in thi'^ manner N"ifl|.('ar.ilina , , i'*** , ! ■ 1 u. ih l.tw dir. rN, i,.r drili. |„.f 8ister rcpiiblici, to w hich her ioor,d | g,, p^p,,,,),.,,! „l il,o | |,;jve received several hundred thou i til’*’*’ ^ : ■''...’ ■ e ^ w..rthnod phjsical advantay-.n . niinenfly ^ ,,.,ity excilen.ent, are | ,,mi'I dollars, annnallv, justly due lo her,; ■'f 0 »l,Mlri»t Iheiu. 1-H. Mii.rrAKV niitle her. ' lo Is- n faikeil by IIm Ii»-g|s|.iture and or-: w ith wbn h fund she would have la en ena I'roni inv •ilnnfion in flie Moose of Com- ' fji-red f'» humblo themselves livfori* the na-1 bled to cotalilihb I'ree S hHi|^ for the cdu- iiions, U-in'> periintled hiil rarelv lo vote, I , tion for this allegi d ofb tice, then will Ikj es- ' ealion of her sons, improve her roads, or de- i ann.4 fH.ini lo the Journals of that bKl> a* j t.iblisbcd ainoiit: the* Republican Peoplo the j vote il fo any other im|Mirtanl public service, coiit.»ining tho evid. ti( •• of my s nfinieni* fatal niaxini wmch is so jaipular in the nion- : which iIk' |H o(i|e fbeniscUcs might hereaf •fi any subject, .idl I claim fhe liU rfv, and nrchy of r.nijlsnd, wb- n applied to iheir ter .lei. tii.n.*- b si f,,r llieirown mtcresf. I feel it Uiv lu*y, lo give you my opinion King, “ ihMt the I'remdeiit can do no w rong;” There were other ineaaures if Home im- ihat two—lw(>— Wrirh arc to preach,” \’c. A:c. Curiosity was raised lo its acmo whole town, young and inted place, lo hear bus the preachers had congregalion they would hnvo had if Ihe man had announced their iDlca* lions III Ihe prup«:r terms. .n every im|Mirl.int aul ji-ct which wbn «ub- initlcd lo thu coiMi'leraiion of that Issly. Hy the .\ct to estnliliMb the liaiik ol ths St.ite of .North 'arohiis, w nil a eapifal ol 'ifie million livt? hnndri d thousand d..liars, If is pr'ivid'd that the Slale shall Im at ^ lils-rfy to lake two ihirds of fbo Capital | ism lo guide him and who, not bioking to hi« , ('ourts—u republican and a man of »u|MMior ^ he forsiM.k her and Kued for a divorce. Ill:\I"^l \H'f J K'J. / f'.xr'MU, 17. I-'!.'.. \ H 1. 1 •null ft 411(1 (Kill I '(in - 1 nii^ifii,d OlV.rrri. .iiiil Mii‘i fUii' ill III III) firft |{r7iii» (ll 'I ^ 1 . \ .iin.,ti. r-. rr»i.Ji(i;r wMliiiilh' I wnly 'if Vjrrkj. t.lmrif ■ will par (ir I'i hirloUi, 1,(1 liiilu and S itiirdny, •I"; ami „|- ,\|,.rrh nrjt, c. ' ii'i i«iift!iiiu lo lijw, fiir Inilliiic ill ■I.*- Vtmiua! f.tirrin' imd F'lrlil Ma- ivrm". 'Cfi (la-arir on Kiidiiy tlir ‘Tlti»l lloVliifk. A. M. (j'(fi..ly. Mt',rk Is ing f.iken by individuals, and Tiead *.f the (Ji-neral (iovernnient some ol li^ f,flier nf I». c.iiri.Nin, ■(,). : the H.iiik haviiig gone into o(aTaliofi, a Hill | the fat ollices which it is his province to W\| W f.o.\(,, Aiijt. I iiitrodii' ed into the II. Use of (Viiniiions lie^iow. iind pasfied (which was fejirct«'d in lb** S«-n- j I'.arly in the Pension of the Gcnsral As- •lie) to aulhorixe the (Jovernor to borrow sembly, a joint select committco was ap- live hundred fbousand dollars fo pav for fb« | pointed fo lake into con-ideration so much rccrved f..r llie Sfiile ' »f the (Jovernor's .Mrssago as r. latcdtothe Public hands, of the L'nilcd Slates. These Fiom tif M'anAine^fon (.V. C.) S'atfiman, M.ARI;IAt;K 1.VIKA. IMiirried orcr ot'ttin, in this County, on the 7th insf., by John R. Davis, F.mj. .Mr. and "iir .Memls is of Congrc.Ms, innieail ol ' (v>rlnnce, but as they wero not acl'-d on for .\}tin of this town lo the amiable faithfully MTving the people, would t>xp«'ct jthn want of lime, I deem if uniieccMary to j ,\|rs. MUly Ihirin, of the head of Pungn from some popular leader instructioiis for 1 make any rcniaiks on them. I river. Some years since, this fond couj'lo their political cour..e. Il would Is! a very I In llin election ol Senator lo the C.mgress ' wedlock, bv Parson, convenient maxim f..r a (miIiIk al wrvant .>f ihot'nileii StatcH, I voted for Thoini • some b«Mlv ; but tho frail fair one, in her ho has neither un'letslandmg nor patriot i.S ttle, one of the Judges of the Supi-rior, |,,rf|Vabsence, forgot her Irtifb: for which Rut aiu k al iiiiy lone within two yearn from ' ma..ler, flie Peoplo, lor the reward ul In llie pass:igti of tho act. The other par! ofj hon.-Mty and indejH'iidcncc, ex|>ecl» Iroin the of,Y. f'arolhia -l-K «t t).i ISI. r» of 1 u ir i.MMH. , , , •j7(l bahince ol tlie fct... k j and iiol yet paid for. By this Pull the (lov- ‘irill aiirtiniiienis and greater |S)litical indrpcn-; t|,e latecold nights! who could stand them? denco than ibe individual elected, ll is a ' j„ « w-ord, they resolved to try it over a. diMlingiiiHbing trail ofun honest republican and got the 8pnre lo take auothec to In- always vigilant lo repress the abuses | |,„ch upon them, for Is-tlcr for worse. ,nul corrupt ions of the Ceneial (JoverninenI, and to endeavor coiiKtanlly to curb and re- siiain Ihe action of that (ioverum. nt wifh- !>i fhe slrn t limits jireiJcnlM'd for it by the ('onslilntioii. 1 lielieved Judge Sefllo Would do lliis and I Iwlived further that unlike hib i diuxlcd lo IMUO boods ou the ' lands, cousisting of several hu.Klrtd Billiotm opponent bo would not, if elcctcd, lend tha III inilly ho ! In iiiilly ho! \S ilh « pr. lty fxiiin'Mng h. ir. Hi niillv ho! hi milly ho I \Vcillonk in n tickliiih thing. Hi milly hn! hi niilly he! W h. Ih. r It h'.hU. or •iiriw, by jinj, ill aiilly fia! hi uiilly ho!