mWERS’ & FARMERS’ JOVRNAL. KV KI^TI^ TilOMAS J. HOI/rON„.XIIAKI^TTi:, M^^iJblNllllRl^tOlJN 1Y, ^OUTII-tAKOIJNA. kf'tf vrtff >w» mviif'W •fu w M^muf »• *« 4 _ - - - . _*_- -'■ ~ii- ■.!■' - iSr..'!I»... —. . ,. . . VOL. V. I WILL TKACH you TO riMCE THE BOWICLe 0» rH» KARTH ANI> BRINO OUT KROM TUg CAVKRNM OF THE MOUNTAINS, MKT.IIJ! WHICH WII.L OlVE HTRENOTH TO OUR IIANIJII AND SUBJf.CT ALL NATURE TO OUR U8K AND PI.I.A8URE. DR. JOHNSON. TflUfitSIXiY, iflAR€II 1-^ 1835. XO. 232. TIIK inin‘i‘K’ A Farmer*^ Journal Jj printed »nd publifhtd cverj Thumday morning (t 'feo DolUra per annum if p«id in advtDce ; Jic« DuUar* and Fifty (.'rntt if iiul fuid in ud. tincf: Tlr«r DelUir$ at the end of Uie yuar. ^DVEKTlSilMEN'l'S will be in« rtcd at Fiflt^ cnoto prr -M)aarr (not eauedirif’ 2) lines,) tor lliv firfl inMrtioo, aad 35 c;«uU fur c«cb ■octecdinf 91 for thre. weak*, for oni- aquart.— |ik«r«l diinrutd will )>• niaile to lbo»« who gdT«rliM bv the y«*r. ILrOn all adTerliititnenta «eniniunicat'd tor publication, tbe nuiubt:r of iafnrtiont inuat he- noiict-d on tlii* mar. in of tbe «tnu*.rit>t. *r tbcy will be c«ntinawl uutil ferbid, aud cbarce^ accurdiii|r|y. • • All ciimmunicaliou* ti tli. (Ulilor muit comp *fre« of p»'t’*gt,ot thpf may not b«* attcndad to. riv’/i, hold no intercourse | (•otcrcd intu the pliilosophy of this gentle> Vmd IJuren, move! and srduced by the instigation With Mrs. htttun; iior in fiirl,//(« President's i man that tbero wer# anV Uicher incoiilivea Mr*. Eaton. So far aa I Imva undfjrst.od, the ^A' 4*..:.,... - - «L 1 I _ _ otcn fcmilg. Tlio fnrad. of Ihe Adiuiiiia.' lo .ilrcucnw coaducl lliHn the lione, «f office >?" 'j''"''* >"”• ‘ u lit 8[Mtic power nIiouIH ©v«rwhelm thtnii neral JHckwm was in the act of executing ' the way for a 8«at iu the U. State* Semite, when ^ • I . II _ . . f ' 9ti ItMUTT UUW M. UmM nibUaivU* UU ocaupicd in coliectiiig certificates principal* | inform me of the rusijnatioDS of Mr. Van what 1 hav« here written. 1 aifcmpt nothing like ly Iroiii oHice nieinl)era, to unbtuin h»*r. | Buren ami Major l^ulon, and then a wdenin duiAiriiy. If 1 know iny*clf, I am iHc«publii oi 'I’het^e were piled one upon anotlier, and his ' nnuse eimui-d. I could but siinli!, and re- ‘“"“I*** policiHy dead y«i friends pruMted lo read them, often, I nra | marked to him, that ho wan antiii{{ iu a c!ia- * wii'l*!^ it agMiT. ^ *** ** * purhutded, to th«ir unno\ance. 'J’hia Iniok j ractor nature iiovor intended iiini fiir; tiiut j UemcmUr to Mr*. Braneh. (Writemp.) ol ceriificutt s for a fulio did it sown boconi**, he wna no more a diplomatist than ni_v»»slf, j I'i'-'*" >>“• J- St’LKJHT.” was that which o»ficeacekei8/rrj!^u«/t- and I wishod him to tell me frankly \vj»af With an adu.iiiifctration that proporiy ap. he meant. 'Fhis nnn.'strained uianucr of preciated the virtue, the patriotis^ni, and the nun*! relieved him, nnd, with grrp appa- talents of the countrj, such signal subserr- Jinl for ojfire. In the mean timf*, .Mr. Van Biir«‘n, who artfully contributed to iidlaniH the I’resi-1 rent kindness, ho sj>oke out bis purj. -sc, uud , ieucy as the Hon. Genlkuian has since dis I (auv. llraiitiiN lontbe Krauhiliun* lo iitatruct >ir. .UanKutn, de- I livrrrd in the Senate of Nortii-^'aroliua, Ucccia- ber,lB34. I roNCi.t)bED. I Mr. Van Rur«n, it uiytt Ike borno in [piind, wHi a widower, without dnuKbiertt; twl •droilly »vail«*d hmiMnlf d nil his t'abinet to pursue- ilie cuiirse, they had a- { nie. To tlu« I replied, that I had not sup- mr and disgust. But, under this adininis- frivil'-f*** »■ »'M'h. His atteiiiionn to Mrs. doptfd tfiHaids her, hndin;,' him wroufjlit up j ported him (or the sake «f otiicc, and sor,n Iration, the //wn. (ioDllcnrrin is v/tll kuoun Uloii were of th« n»*««l uiarkml charactsr. to the mad fury of a “ muring lion,” to uw after retired. Tkus it is appar.-nt that caus- lo b« a disHngnhhed faforite. |Po)it« atid •■^•idu**u» on all occamoiiH, be Col. Jolin!iou’»ide»cnption, thouitht it a ^oikI «s c^intemptihle in themselves, and sucb as I 'I'he Seuale hi!1 now see the reasons whv IwM fMirticularly ao m the prwence of (Jen. time lo unca(;e ami turn him loow on hi* j "u;:ht n-vi r lo have had the wliahtest inllu- I have given this riiii rHitve of the causcs |jjck*on«r 'laj. Kiilon. Ilis inrtueiwe, m i most formidttble rival, Mr. (’alh/un, who ''fire on any .\dmmisiration, were so luaii- which prjduced the dissolution of Gen. |e»m *ari»*ty of form, b«»lh ollicial and un. j was then \ ic« 1‘ret.nient of liis T ruled ; a;;«^d as to produce the dissoliitioii of a ('ab-! Jiiiksnn’s tirft (’abinef. yuch I’arts should Mfirial, *•* exerted lo make il apimrvot to | Stales, and |mrli ipated with him in the re. i iii' I, and to jiive a direi tiou to tucasurr .s, never iutl(!v;d have diM'rraced the annals ol fbo« peiitlem^n tbat be entered dtvply in- i uown which he ^ Mr. Van Uuren) attai hed ' '»hich, it w..uW wem, under no other cir- i.iir cogntry ; but am I Tesponsible foi them? lo Iheir feeling’s ;‘n«i, in fact, that he car«>d j lo service undi r ‘■m-h n chief. 'I'hi* maiim r cuiri'iaiu es, could have f>eeii di.ui*. .Niri l> not. I have eertuinly bc-en the vie- •oy thint; bHi.*iI ihem ; but he ibre«iMr the | lu whu h iHh unfrieiiHly c)rf«p'iini*-U' j l b' tyranny of the I'r.'jiideiit, in this nt- tim ot the uialij'u inllu' oces which (hev have |p.v»er to be acijuin'd by (Hirsuin^ such a ' com oimced'en (Jtiieral Jai ksun ami j t^'nipt lo control ihe d.iu.eMic relations of j i;eneraled, wl.icb t*w control tbe whole c-Hirs**, ami had «o srnipU-a lo re«lrain him. Mr. L'.*lhi.uii, t:tk» n in cotmevii.n with the j 'he llt-iuis ol l)eparim‘iit. is without a par-1 palrma^e of the (u neral (.loverninent, and tinie,is Mifli.-iettt lo ronvmce any iniclli;;eul allel in the hisinry of any frei (iuvfriiii "lit, ibreateo lo tap the foundations of public mifid that It was iim'ijjateH h\ Mr. Van and cannot be Mirpa=».ed i.v any act of des- liU-rty. llaviii;' clearly eatablislied their Ihireo. I exerted i tery nerve 1.1 d feat ht« ' "• lives >f the Autocrats ol'Kus- existence, and depicted their corrupting t( n liend hke purp..s«>. Oiien have 1 enireat-d "ii. Viewed in its tru^i liiihf, il is a»lon- Hcncies, 1 lLtl tiial I have a ri^'iit to call on K K)»*inj; III" to b« hia friwid, h»* made on rtf)ft to d-uch iB«* from the fine of conduct I ci>n-4id«*red il my duty to |Miri«uc. At lenjflb (len. J.ick**>n, «n«r the meet- |inj;»f (-"ti;>r*“!w in fiiKiin^ ib' I ladies of U ashin^l'in to b(? iiiiprarlicable. (ieiifrat Ja> k*">ii to avoid a ruplurn with ihat auy person ►hciulii bo found weak everv friend totbe instiiutioiis of uur coun . as no cuiiM re>u!f fi. ni "r'Vicki-d eut-u^li to appmve or extetiuale try to abttaiii fioni the adoption of any ^ Mr. Calhiuti. as no cuoM re~ii!f fi.^m "r '\icki-d eut-u^li to apprnv 4fierinim-d that the families of his C’.ibinel ' h " qu irrel. Knowinjr. v.h he did, that ' iH wnornuty. Il d.»es burpa'sall bi !i-f lliat iin asurf’s cnlrulated to promote them. I n •;tould >u.*iiiil to terms nr U' dtsniiswsl. I'*"•1'* not l!ie p.hlic:4l trie'id il Mr. (,'aihoun, 'b*' cot.l, (ii'>p(i>'iionate and uiip'mciph'd tier nhat influences me you now about lo AccordmcK. l’«*l. Jdmton, of Kentirckv, , I cou»idfred uiy iiiutives be) oud the n-.icti , r in this plot tibl'uld, by Midi act? 'i'bose very iniiuences aj>ainst which duly •uihoriiifl. as he Miid, bv lb** I'm si- ■ ol susptcKai. ! m'», remier huiiseit iccep'.iible to a lr» e, I have been endenvoring to guard you.— ^eni, tw’iIhe S-t r i«rv of tb« Treat-j Let any man read the frsf letter from »nd enli2h!eued [>e.>ple. iiy their oliic.ial ajjenl, they iiave is.-'ued M7, Ih- V»toMie> (Jeneral aihl iiivmdt', llui ! t; neral J,ick*>n to .Mr. Cullioon, in ' i''" « bich I have taken of I their mandrJe, and, ihrou>;h an appropri I* *md arm lo make lo us. e *r ,• '• muledut Ju«t^e BemenV Ilnjxe. a d. II a I’fW iiii(iui(>s, i>,e IT n. K H Joitieto.i .a» auiKaiiM-e*!. The ordina .tiid he fiiiiiiol fill to see a liv d |sir';>^«' to pr -dure a «cbism. Mr. Calh >iiii, .»itli liie the iliut, while it all 'rds an api.lo- alt have caJled upon vou to offer up • ;_'V (nr (n-tK Tu* JiKk^'in'* coii(iu t, ct.'iTS as a sacntii-e one of vonr most distintfuish- [Here Mr. Edwards obserred, “he irould take occasion, in hia reply, to explain.”]— It is manifest the gentleuiaB is eiubarrasued by tb« iaconsisteiicy of his conduct. Let me entreat him, ihei, to pause and abstain from the consuniniaiion of this partizao act, which, while ii purports, on its face, lo con demn Mr. Maogum, will tbrice, on record, condeuin biuiself. If it is his object to ex* puMge from the Journals o( Congress all censure of Gen. Jacksoo tiir viulaling tha C'orwtilution, he should move lo amen^ lha resolutions by including his own votes cen* surin^ Gen. Jackson for the execution of Arbuthnot and Ambnster, and the forcibla occupation of Pensacnln and the Barrancas. The only differeoce betiveen tbe two gen tlemen ia this: when the (;entlemao from Warren censured General Jack:«ou, the Ge- und had no patroiiago Maoguni ceiibur- ihing to risk, and no- elevated and patriotic Itcarin^ iintities him to the plaudits of bis countrymen; but he has certainly yielded up all claims to tbe favor of the Adminis tration. In the exercise of this high cense- rial fwwer, which jou have gratuitously as sumed, why shrink from the diiicharge of \our whole duty? Is it because General Jackson's conduct may called in ques tion? Does he, toe, possess pow ers, authorisinjj him to do what nobody else has a light lo do ? Wbun we dissolved our connexion wiih the nuther country, we re pudiated thedix-lrine uf the divine ri^jht of Km^s; but, it secuts, this odious attnbuto of royalty is to be revived under a uev namo. VV ith a hope that you would dispense jus tice to all parties, I have pass>‘d in revieir before 3outbe abuses of Mr. Adsms’ ad ministration. Let me entreat you logo a* lon^ with me, in comparing the abuses of (bis adfuinistration with those of the pre ceding one. Mr. Adams’ you have cua- deinned in tbe niost unmeasured terms. WiUyou approve in this whal you hava roudemned in that? V\e shall see. JMr. , _ . - , Adams expressed the opinion, that it was K. en le ofi philnwiplir'r, prfcei-d> to r"a'i,!i in •vt-'n'i.ition of th** ijiiill (f bii. ed liriiow citiZ'-iiB. What bus he dooo to > (^.ompeient for him alone to appoint Minis- y I Mill him, aii l. I., the >iti-»rtctioii of .-v.'iv II'the sli;:ma ycu are atlemptine; to j rers to Panama. But he look care not to le.i 4 p Ml d i wo tt*ait d, with (ro j n but the I’.e-tdi ni':* adv ai.J. d>;ibl. a:ivass f.’r the l’rc*.idcncy lo l isten on his cnuractei ? Has ho d^'^elted exercise ihe power. Gen. Jackson expres- ! u ;, Ihe .iiilicip.iied term i»f | |.n^, to their coovi ti .o, r ihi.'v uii'? P’^’> a*‘ulluinaii the principle*, tliat carried him into tiia 3e Ued no opinion, but, without the consent of HMHi>iip>n. JiKl^j* H' trieaand nv.nelflmv. ,(riven hiMi from everv h.ii! b: en cnrmm-lod, the Van ' nate J No, I deny it, unci challenj:e vou lo the Senate, he actually sent a Minister ta i-; J." vioii-U r-i-eiv.-d mmi'’miiiimiion ri itidood lo atiiuine. fo Kho>v tint Im :il i P-‘^'Iv and vilely, in my o- the proof. V> hat then! It is tine, he has the Oltomao Porte,and Aa.'*, iniit/erron/enipf 'e hirin-r C'he miHni.tii !roiii Mr Iiij{-1 lejiti.>n H^ninvt Mr. 'jltif un »ii- a iiieif cliaracitT of .Mrs. r:il!ed ni (]ue>tion the infallibility if Gen. if fht Senate, and in pal {ta hie violation i, « ■> h il an ml>‘iview with C«>l. j pr« text, vii *ee him n"w m t ri>;nmu- ^ ‘I*'' ;;'?ntlt‘mati knows was ,l.icUson. m s:iyinjf he had no ni^ht to Sftze i n,e C'onstitution, put men in office, who ha -I III the c.or^e .f ihe d.iy, were n.t i, , n withlhi^e irko, in l-l'i, w.-re I.h m.tst ® 'y'y of way.;; in pnhhc and iii the public purse ; and tbat, in (luintr so, he I [.revw.iisly been rejeeted by the Senate, t -ken b\ mirpii* . o . jMhiiM.ncoiniueoc-I iniu>r *i*i liint'«. lU lhi« iim'’. I .t. ll un- I’- ‘’♦'■' u^h th'* niediij;n ol thnr' bn'l encroached on thepowersoi CVmi>ress. ! Aia nomination for the seme office ; as (i •ontempt f the Senate, and in pali>ahle violation of hai on . . for the game office; as for el bv d'-'Cj.ilio>; nt a je iii ih»- d> licaif | d«>r»loKl tfie chara' ter ol' M i \ mi [luren. \ i"]' cin ulalion, hi thi- >i;itf.. Had he no» a right so lo ai t ? I inainlairi | mslance, the case of (luiun. ;>lr. Clay dis- ill. n> Mil»^i..iini{ b i .te^n the fjimili • of; W ith him, I I'.iund thrt ih>- .mkI d ih»* "* lh.>ii'.iin' of lii** • he hsd, and d.'ly yn >o show when , placed a few printers, who had been appoint- .!' II id* of Ii')..r'ioeiiU, uihI the ! n„ hiw ; .,i,d. ;i» the d. stru '.' ii «.I \|r. ( d ^ e,-. sir. I niiisi ren- th? ri^hi h«« been denied, l«r the lasi fills j ,.(j by bis pr de.'essor lo print the laws of i vei> fi-lt f.v Ihe l'rehid--nt lo harmom/. j ;i, uu w,.,i|ii. .,hj-el i,enr.his hc.iri, h. ’'f iti's net .w‘ju-tice to one w i,.je exeni- y.urs, nther m this country or (ireat But-| (Virifiress. Gen. Jackson has done the same It.'.e n lulii>n>». He Hdd..t, that tin- Pr‘*i w:m v*iry wiliitu; the i Id ( 'hi. I'. f>r w!.oni life of thirty \» nrs in lh- ceiistuiit (ain. thd not the troin VV arren | ihm;> throu«h his Secretary of Slate. Nay, S M h:H . «I» lo ih«- c..ncl.i..ioii Ihat Mi». | (,p prof-^« d mneh .nnd V-'n. i -'uo, ' "'in.; tl>u» a iijrn>s hor sex. ex. rci^ the same ri^ht, winlo a n.endx’r j „,„re—iw defiance of recoided pledges, ha |ati I'lat *>hIs in iho Cabin. t would (.** u> aui ever> haz-iid t > him*- It. 1, iiid.'im ihi'Wf l« r.ii w r** >>ubiMitl.'d i I; f.>r him at a J'‘'*>ly her iiif inorv lo this p.i.' ;iii;f of ttio flonse of K'pn'eututives of the I ni-i has appointed scores of partizan editors to III -tic*'. Ti)OS l*iHerl\ asKiih d in Ins len- led Staifc>, iu I'ltJ, in relation to this same |,,liic* s of pmfit and honor. Aga nst this I 1 iissK'rt that bo did, and ' remonstrated at the time ; and jet, sir, truth r«>t fo.linns b> the>e b«-|i»'vei| ihen that Mr. in l.iireti pnr-nmi^ ti'tttil. our mti rvn w ch'M.*d. lo Ihe morn »f'4, afi.'r brr.iki‘i.^1. I vviiiled on the Pn-M ^”it, ro. f| t. nily »-x|MH-tin|j to dis-M>ive 4>ur (H'inilsritv, t;rfiil as it w«', a’litched !•> itie man. and e'Mild iml lie irait>l'.Tred. I ihfii h«ne-tl\ h»'ln v.d what i s.iid. But, .ir, I w IS :i"ain iiii-i.iK‘n. Il:s ^'«lrtH have pri v 10'r ifil r- ,ii|.iiit. t'orthM nil. \> it fit>.fi I j . " ' i . i \i %• i* r , ,, , 1 I IB ii„ 1 eiiKii.h to li*ar Mr. van loiiei T' h.ihle lliiM would orove llie ,«..| I lu vc that the attaek.^ on h»s friend Katon nenlral duties. 1 his the j^'entlenian and his sverv iniundcd tor him; that liie case was parly thoii said was a rirtual declaration of indi «'d Ins own. His i;eneri'Us f.elinj:s war a^ainsl S|iain, and, as the C'on;litution have b iMi thus aroust d, mid advantage li- ^ave to C.'on>;ress Ihe power todoclare war, ken oftbi-in. . that Gen. .Inckson had inva.leti the rights are now fjrapphiiff, time w ill determine. I must x kiiowlidge, however, tbat 1 bava some misgiviii;rs. I may now ask, what has GenemI Jack son not done lo corrupt the pre^s, and mako mix the \ i-e Pr>>ideiirv .au'l recont n th I ■ iiiiior, iil).i*.r\f.,J i||„| |„. I,,,,I jiiittim i-i- -I. .I.,h pirt ol tlif comnmniiv. j j,pnt|einan proti‘ssd lo lie mv ardent f'liend vindi.Ml|..n of Mr Calhoun was, on all ■ i Se.-r.-iarv of the Navv. and House, with the excepimn of the P..w 1I o»’^ci>i> d to . I hi/ him, and caiulor conijiclp me to admit 'i-ton to mak mtiinatelv arquHinted with the er to ori-.nate revenue hils. Poes the pen a i''>miiiinii iriii.N, iicknow led;j.'d lo he complete. t Miw uecume ^I 'li toiM, and proix H.',! i,. Sianl.nshurp, ftih Mi»y, i^nin'^."* d.-nied ; „C|,.r j,n^ ,1,,.^ i,(,t hkely to avail him. •I''- : Thus rircnnistanced, h.' and h.s friend K« l"Kli'>'ni; im, Hbortlv af'. r ihe niij'iurnnient of (\m r. i.'tm. ii and 'J'll he Ifl that puKM, , l^ri'ss, miif'nunimonslt/ leuderod their re '^-'r^.bleii'lT'"’^ si*:nutionH lo Ihe Pivsid.-nt. HefUro this (\,L . WRs dune, howeter, Mr. N an Bnren knev^ ’|'^'*'r niduMions v«rv soon convinced Itiiiifl'w nifliicnees, whn h nl thix ■h... "K. were deterred from con- Intf Itiiii that he was to l« Ment minister lo l'n"land. and that the new Cahinot would U’ devoted ■‘fiirnar II iK.Ki Loii-j to hiM (M‘rsonnl views. To silciM'a the un- in*''’ir foil purjKiw.M, Congress! v ield'iie nwinlwrs of th« (^ibmM, offices •etotoii; the ladii'M of Ihe mimbcrs' wore provided for thuui. Yes, sir, it iieynr . Jncksoii was here not only nrraifrned, hut was ciniferred on Mr. Sti ph**nson for 'vo7r!^ oVn'ie’4ih Inst. h«(.th.-> rnomrnt come to condemned by t.'ie frenlleinan’s own votes, lb'* purpoao ol coiiciliuting; tbts hand. I am n.t miMiakcn in the opinion 1 Imd without an opi ortunity of being board in! I’-ditor. iirnird .-IK to ihp «'t ihr Wifir nu/ at U a^b- self’-rlelence. The gentleman was ilis judge, j Ayuin : the last year of Mr. .Adams’s nd- inijt.m (as * ‘*',?his juror and witness. Ho condemned him I mini.-tration, he evpendod a htl'e upwards till to ev.riw Ihr d nil and h .irltclt morjitication , ,, .• j ii i l I l,«vr and cmitinur to li. l lor the honor of my •« i»l|>cach biiE i of twelve millions ol dollars, (.en. Jack- .tmiiirv. I too. iiT, am dini»|iprintrd. Ni ver did afferwsrds. How supremely uK-iiird! ! 8»n, Ihe last year of his adinini«tration, ex- l l.«li. ve thutih# hieh mi ul-d rhiraltvuB indf. ] Ajinin : Civil otiicers only are eonstifn- | peuded norlj d. nhltithat sum. Yourharjied of Andrew Jai kMn eoiihl bti made to ,io„„Hv subject to iinpeachinennt. Does the i Mr. Adams with nejrli^ence and prodi«ali- n2\t ihcp^ll, 5«'>itleman ojfain desire the floor lo oxplam ', ly ; but have no censnies to iintiww oa tb>« aad tin decauf*l «rliiii:«a of sBch oatii a« MMtia If SO, it Will b« cheerfully yielWed to biui.' ecyiwmical adinimstratiou I \

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