MINERS’' & FARMEBRS^ JOf Ttt.1V A f PumiWIBO EVEKV TUI:i.WAYTi.t lir,,,,A.T. I WIIX TKlCll T.JU TO PIERfB THE BOWEI.8 OF Till KARTII ANO BHINO OUT KaOM THIS I-:, MEcjt|J.;\ »t H(i COLM Y, NOH'I If-CAROHN A. -W VOL. V. CA or T„* M0.;NTMM, MKTAU, WtI.C.I w„l OIVE B;^KNOT.rTO OCK IIAN^.,_A..I, r A..L NA . ORE TO OUR .OH^,U>.. TUUltSOAY, MARCH 11), 18.15. 11112 miners’ Sc FariiK'rN^ Journal Ii priaWti und |xibJi*ii«i uverjr ThurMlxy iii.rninp at Two Dollart |Mir annum if |>aid in advance ; J'lDO ‘i>U tyiii Cents if m.i [mid in ad vance; VolLiri at the end of tU: yvar From the Wvmrn Carolinian. I't'DLK; MKK'J lNti. CroN THK SI HJKCT OF CONV KNTIOK. I*ur«iiuiil lo publifl notice, a lurye ini'ct- I ing took place ut the court-house iii Salisbu- NO. 2.13, ADVERTIHnMKN'I'S will be inwrted at Fifty i '*’u''«iay 17«h of FebruHry, t« lake #cDii p«T liiirii,) liw itie ; I'ormiilf ration the act pawied at the lust fir«t iu'.riioii, aod 'ii cenla for each »ucce. dini; | General Annenibly, upon the Hubject of a- Suprem: Court—C’adwallader Jones, jr. of Orange county, has been admitted to the i pnictice of Law in th«j County Courts.--- I he following cases have been arjjuud and detoruiinoij Minco «ur la«t. I'nm the. Sat. lutellt^enct r, ‘‘Mh ult. TIIK LNJ TED STATtS AM) I KANC’E. be rcceivcd. 'I’his 1 pron)ised lo do; and accord, ingly, on the niorninif of Ihe 8th, ta avoid any uiin. —or •! for tbrce wcakn, for one anuarf.—• liberal diM-riint will be n>ade ta tbokv who sdvarliMt by liiey.ar. UTOii all udvertiM'nirnta aonimuiiicated for (lubliraliun, tbe^numbfr of iatcrlKini ntu«t h. notio^4 un the iii^r, in ot th- nanuacript, «r tbejr will be coutioucd UUltl (bibid, and chargt-d accirt/iiijrly. • ■ All cumuiuiiication* to the {'^itor niuat come *fte« oi pottufr, nr they may n.t be attended In. JAl’KSO.N- VIMJ] FOU iirlLK. ineodifig tho Slate Coimtitulion. 'i'h« ineel- Ri'Kfin, Chief dcli»«*rpd the opinion iL’ar f W.rkluud r Cruu.p, froio ; To the Iloust of ReprMathce , , ,nhv,u,.u. inji* was organized, on tho inulion of H. C. ‘»l>r»y. d Means, I * Jon>s,e8q., who nominated John (iiles,e>q. "ffiruiinif the Judjftucni bf low. i Secretary I /' II II 1 i .* * HanikI-, Judffr. delivered tiici uiiiiiinn rtT iKa*! lottiiru i*.*..... VI _ I 1 *_' MR }i*> not 'vfct fcud ths inttRHUj^c I ifti * i at the interview, and 1 ilioufrlii of it, but inmudiately, lo aeek another . I «hall |.n.ba- I »i. ,i,e i,„e i as chairman, and Cauwell llarbui, and John Carrigao, e»«|uirea, Secr«Mariea. 'I ho ob- j'-ct ol' the meeting was lh.*» brielly ex- plaiw d by tiie chairman. Mr. Criuge, Ma jor Beard, and Mr. Pearson, ueverall/ad- dre.wd tho meeting in very warm and de- . ^ cided lorniB in favor of the measure, «tid 'r»e:irefui relaCions between that or me fJHiiea istateg: ii »i. a ,.p„, .1,. ■ ii;rr:;rr;t“ I ourl in the caht! 01 Mchinnt-y, c Kuthclbrd, iu |1„. r„p«..,„p n | passed ai lilu.ty,frou. iiutbcribrd; di.inUM,.;; il n |{,||.’ . . Ue|„es*-nta. Rat „ft Re^inter. the Otii instant, ol the in«truetions 1 Uv. hom The complexion of the ri'Wtifroni Fkanck ' '•‘»'''’cspoiidpiice with the Fiench (jlovern-, ^ ^ fbi» same packct, tjive you the rcfult. more and more favorable to the preser- I'"**"* Phtis, nr in U anhinijton, except a [ just arrived (rom Mudrid, note of M Serruier, wh.ch, for tl.e r^a^.n.s ! Tiid VSra'^fbr'it . urged the c»tiz..ns of (he couulx to a full |f"unliy and tins; which, as we believe it t(, *“ •'>« Heport, is not now cominuni- j mstructionaTro.’L say^JtoXale^tiem'with n!e“ nioiisly adopted: [llwre follow tho names of the several duirict c«imiiiilie-t).J Rftulrtd, i'hat tlie following persons be ap[K.iiil-«l us coulinittei'B in the -wveral com paiiv dijtlruilH where they r«side, whole du- ti*-a it ttliall be lo distribute mformulion on AGKEEAfll^K to th' Will of John Conner, •dec'd. I will kcll Ih. f^and and |irrmif-a on vMrh h» fornierlv btrd. cmuroonly called J \(’K. on the liad water* of Kirh«rd->n'> Trrek, cwilaiuinjf 4 l> on whirh lliari- in a ^>d l)«’elliii{{ Hoiiw, Slora ilouM and (>in Uaum', wilh tlie mhrr uri-eaKary iHiildini;*, all in re»oK. Thrri' la an cxrrllcnt S.irin^, a V^'rll. • ■Dwirrau Y«rd, and a vrry (tmd Orch*r', af) MtUktrd at tlie Cr>wa |{nad> on thf K>k*Kt Kircr road. hadiDC iVoin ( 'alMrrui lo ('amdrb. H ('. and III'' Neatuwn ri*'t, la«ding fru^ii ('hrraw, M adri. kormiL'h, itc. In iwind'tord, and i» I'oooidcred an •lO'llt bt «ijnd 'or Mrrcanlile ilii»iia«* and a yitff. uT EiiUriaifxiwiii. ^'or U-ruio ii|i|ilv lo Tl l( >. I’. I * I r I ,ON. Kxrcutor. oa w. MOKin'S' >N. i:«i. Charlolle. PtVnnfriHf, V, Mtrk'n- Co. \iiih /•>'• u>;rK, I .V>. Im OCT *lpprrnticrH II *nnitil. «iio. riiwr KttiiU I or ^ toun^ lidN br> J Iwteu l.'> and 17 »r .r» of a*r, aa apprenli •fi Wi Iht Taitoii’if Hu»iii> >a. Noor nrnl apjit, Vut •Bi h can rmir r'-coniim nded lor »t al) and i|iilu*tri' II* hatiiN, *n»>ci>MDr R heillliy cuu Miiuli n, vnthoiit whicii l)i*>, would kc iinabtv to 'i , , - • -i i -ilh ad»anu*.- ' 7*'-' ' ”"> '“"I I'" '.' ‘ lo t.rw.iid ' catpj. Il will bo seen that I have deemed it my I but, as I have lieard nothing from the Departiiirnt, . I • f'hall ad\ise (he depositing (hem with IJolhschiit;, and regular attendance on tba Isl and oincerely the desire of the discn-et days of April, when it was ex|j«-cted of m thin countrv, will, we , , , , . • . = ••ourso they would vote fora Convention. !*“■« be umversully atceplablo lo i **“'> instruct Mr. Livm»slon lo nm't; ” The f.liowing re.i.)luHoi.s Uing then kub- "Ur readers. | Francc, with hit. legation, and rf-tuin to the | ^ei.ce atthia cuXVouraTfrs wi^F milled b\ fl. C. Joues, eaq., were uBaiu- ‘ ‘ ' - .. .. . . riiest inlclli. raiicr, has The latest dale of p«prni which had ' State,-., if an appropriation for tli-. mdupfd me to direct that rny IsUer.rfcilould to reached France troni America at the Iasi I «f tli* Convention t>iiaii b« refused j ''y ‘be Eaiafitte I'rora Havre, and that, ii any accounts was the 2rjlh of December. 'J'he ' * hainbers. 1 *oiiortanl advices should ho received, at auch an R» porl of the FortM«n Relations Cotnmil' i subject tjeing now, in all its prewint'. *" • “uf'er an ad. teo of our Senate was made on the Oth , ^ '■'gl*' it January, and it wan definiirly actid u|k.ii i"lea.'ures are lobe pursued •III tin 1 nil o,'the .same month. V\ e *xa-^ce. 1* diem it unnoce.-sary to ly entert.'iiii □ doubt that, on the ariival iii I recomii.endution, lieiuo conh the iiii()*irianl fcubjeci now in conleuiplatii.n, j Mothetnic accounts of those pro. |tliPi*" pan, ever) thing will and lourge upHi iMjr cuiiifiia (lie gnat I,... ceedmj^s, tlie IIiH of Indemnity will be i'* proiiipdy M.'ft'd upon, and the 'I'tfcuty cui-j countr}, which the oeca-mu reipiires. rud into lull cflect—.’Na/.I A.NDiii.W JAChaO-V. i n ashtugion^ 2:>tk ffhi uunj^ c> aMty of iheir coining lo the |M,|la on the 1st and '.Jil davR of .\pril ii« xi. Re»i>lrtJ, 'i hat John li nrd, jr., R. 11. A le\uiiU»T, liiirlon (’rnig-, I i.iiDilionC. Joniv., Janit*t« I'.. Kerr, .\rcliib.ild llellder^>ln, Dr. L. .Miti hell, and John tjiilea, conatituli! a ••iilral comiiiilti'p, wlii)i,«. ouly it »liull b !o cooler wilh similar comnntUrs in olln r cfHJntiea, lo iiutifv the dinlrirt comiiiitues ot (heir appointment aul duln «, a.>J ^ch A. i.R Mt VM. Si the cans.* of r« f»nuiuj' iiie present constiiu- ti>o xf the 8t>(e. litfoicd, i h.tt the •everal tK•ws}tOf)er^ m (Ills hluto bu re«{uestt d to publisti these 4iia« w Mdi niar) an occu^ ruHoilf, yhrrh lo. IKh'’ERY fo»rf> 4fD all pcr««in« Tfoni Iradinif !«f a gi>' a lo I'atri* k I a W r f«-r ton. «>JUr> U. bt- III ) iin.iturf. a« I inond nni In pa? a be ha« not |>cr oriiitd 'h« wur . acrordinjf ir n - JlJS. IV l iill MUAliit. Jt‘ 1'^.'.. n,ii'0,V tor Sah\ V MDKKl'-oN.-' \ .MckKt, at I ’J cni.. -.'1. I.'.r.. _JL i»r. r.’. Krsr.A 1 I - 1 f V iu;i>ra'» hm .ri. nd« a'ld I.'a : 'ii.itr, ll il In lia- ri liiriird iioii»>, aii'. 14 n«» rr j l«' .tlli :id lu all c»ti» l'.«l ii.ay Ik m«'> iof ln« )• e ••K>n*i »«r*ur». Mr mat Kr j I"il3 lo preM-rv • ••r ciHili.'tiaiice o| jrf'ai'f i» llie l..>v» of ,\ti n -\n im|)ort4nt bill, to amend the Judicial t n -j . ^ i i- • , c. Sv.lem, h.s P8.-M;d the fioimte bN a lar-- ^ ^ '/^ oiajorily, aud is now before ihe'llon.^ of I or State, Kepres, ntatiU's. The bill dismemb.T.s the .r. I'thrvury, K-.:5. ."uilh cuuii. whirh now e.^ti^iMs of the ' /•'* '*'*s to listricis of M ivlai.J and [Maware. ]i ittacbes l)..lawure to tne third circuit 1“/'* l^>vto^**ton Moce Jodi-t. I5ali>wi.n s) M.,d Marvland to the • ‘«"P'-es nia Uveij ol ibe bill instant, ot the insiiaction'' Jodi-.. |{ALI>W .N S) (ind Marvland lo the . "‘T V . •;> K-pres- nia- live b.v of France ai lilih-ir.iiii, Ju(i‘’e Makmivii's \ «hith bv i insiiuctions to provide mean* of c ^h.: bill wiih th.; a.i'ht,o.., I, to conMitute "* "l“ “"l! ‘I"'* fac.llnlll^ t orth eircint. i„ ot!,er wor.s, Jud^^e 't-overn- ,iH.oV, “.{“r.itaiij IUliau>-> cii. uil, m..ler the new bill. "* L" ' ‘‘"^''''-1''"’I l «.--uunceot lii. offie, -ti.ul i 11 Ih t-.,,.,. n I.U . . note of .M. !?urruiier, whitb it has | t.reni nicies oC rodrc. ■ vaiiceof aoine honrsoTer lha Estafette, that a kim;. tial niefsenger should be dei>patched with it. i have ihc honor lo be, very respccU'ully your most obedicut scivant, EDW. LIVING.STOX. Mr. TAvingfton to Mr, Fentyth, Leoaho.n of the U.mted Spate.'*, ^ i"aris, Jan. 14, loJJ. lion. John Fok«ttii : Sm: 'J'lie initndtd conferrncc wilh the Minister *: 1 oreKH Alf'iorH, of which 1 HfHjke lo you in iny lii't, No. To, look place yecttrday inomiiijr. 1 In,-. i;aii II by t.TprcKsinp my regret lhal a ccnin.uni- cuUon from the President toCongre^a had b tn ko much niisre(>re.eMtd in that part which ri lat.d to Praiicr, aa to t>e c.nalriied into a nieaaii.'o of hosljjitita It wap, I said, p«rt of a coi KuU.ilion between (iiffereut aienibera of our Governnieni, a. to Ibti propir rourse to be pursued, if thu lejrisla- live bi.dy of France ahould persevere in refurin^ to provide means of complying with a treaty lor- '““jly "jade. 'I'hat the Fregioeiil, as w ua his duly, and in moJerale language, comment. That in lurih. r official duly he declared (!«' dif. ■ redress which the lav* of nations circnriistaiice. (hat no i “ I |MKJ iho mam qin-xti.m, we admit tlint wi! are lor I't ucr \ and 'hall us»* all .,nr |. it, iii'lil we (Ji.‘s-.t\er that •veiitb; ' :m.l liidf^iii.i, l!li(nn«i, aii'J i-^-iuiI, tlie { ' ub:li i-ircuii. Thr bill passed b) a vole I •1 iii Vi.aa to o na\h.—ib, I 8b' , wh'n !*•' (ir«' »ti - , »t 'I r. I'ar Ml h 1. I'.- . Male ol’ .\orlli Carolina, ifr'kltk iiit ( o»f.(v——VVrm.I'S^. OKItiift l,i> ! \ ('.■iirtlNil III. .*>l,t'iir 'IHIIIIO' 111' 'ollf Mug pi>r*u['« ta «|K D and hol« jir cl ti«iii’l''it n r tn r |iri rincu I-r o« H|>«in> al II '*ti and 'l‘liiir»da) t!« £t'l 1 .H Mlrtod d>« of .A ril tii 4. PiyiUtr—JnoK* llfit, l:oi U in .V Itibb and I 'iielil, n itloU.il atf( n^tli. wt allli, and uro^ .•l.ll... ■ t'onit ln'icr. V\ (• (.^.'k f'TWHrd with bnl- iiaiit liojrf>>* tti ill*- i.| the Cnuuli), II allowc d (•» purstiu iir, oiiM.ird coiirv lo }» « • lor Ibe next twelve \i«rsi as il ha- I'lr Ibe IhV.. Ii will prt-«oi, in ihe \e,w I*'•17, if undij»tuib» d in iia boe.^fn umi lio .i>«»tn- r iJlioi.i., and It- t imi rnn.eiil bon- j A rtcniirtler took ^^laee in the Hi.use of Repn—ni.iii\es i.( L'.iii'iana, wb h pro. ^lln I.! a cn-at »on,sriti..ii in .\*‘w Oib-ans. 0,1 the ;kl in''t iiit, aihu' 10 oVl>fk,a little .« 'ore the n-ti .i liiiif (.( Ilif> i.M'. tiiig of the !l-use, Mr. J. K. (Jkv.mk.^. a (.'i.'^lii giii.shevi 'iw\« i ot .Nt'.v OileHii!'^, eiiteri'd tlie Mali, Mr. I.irinpftoH to Mi. F'irsyth. j Li.1,.,11' ,s OF iiiE I .M itn SfATiy. i J'lr', litu Junuaiji', iooo. Ifo\. John I'onsv-.ii; I I?m—kiie\i liiat il would l>« import'int for jolly adiiiinistPiel, a ti»plav of ,,„j,r,,ve. i Mr. I Aiii-.iM in;,ilie I nr,,.,. a!ir of tlie Me ii«e, w b.i wa-^ * —.\ri lid. 1^1.r», f!s/j. U ni. IHbournt »' K»iiw.n H ifri-, Jui . *• II i.'ctf’i's—\\ alki r, VVtt). NViImmi ir.d \i ir, » \\ I'ker, iir . “ /4o^«ii>—\|r «rk i', I'iq.Wm.S. Howie iir. I.’n M. n,.«a',l. ‘ /..K...'Yr.j. l.i,J> — ({nilwfi 'T''.inb'ilin, E«). John 111 ;-l' tl d '.;.ih w I'fnli r. *• ' '".r'l—\V ^ . 11.'''iii|i-»ii. Em;. Ilu|rh Sit « lit ji> 1 Ilf If. U'.a«-f. “ I .11!.«'> — I. T viai«tII, Zt bulon Moni» • ' ' V>i n *• I Ki |>—Jjj.. J), Off^ \Vm. I.Mckv and ■I . •) > uH . *• Him, ft! —Jatre* lirilbl'', E»]. JoJni Suit ^. ■ Il \ itlian I II r. “ I • f’»— Mftmikf ;rirr, Eni. Wni. M.lJrrer •' ( i>. . •—John Sloan, E«n. Win. fl'irbaiii •I'd .1.‘iti |! 't,. l,V.‘—Th.). M. Kerns, E«q. John 4.'.! .1 H. I».,*.d« It.. lUv i:—J . , I itihi rlj, I ,«i. Andn w Sprinif* • Ml IJ„ ‘ * —!(i. H rl (mhr^n, Exj. John Kirk and *1 ••inriK. btancill;.’ i jxTits, u VI r l>. |«ire kuovsn in histoi\. h >f'o l rk’.s d»sk. rai-i d Ins cane ami ; |Im‘ r* "n iiic«'» o! ibe t'duntts, ni.tii:iged aiul •him, wliereupoii Mr. l.vhUA.XitiK iiiiprovcd b\ the oifi-'ieiil M.ile*., .1(0 .liliiw • I** pistol aial tired at .Mr. (inv >ii;s. eo to In. aj'pll.o m dnv.l, ip.i.g, slrenetiieii- ' thl.-Uu-h Ibe lappel of Mr. l^in:.,unlu^ The ^ ^ ^ I ].i I .v% o* Itio iipnosltioii who wuiiid have mg, and (-.'(,« tu.,I,ng our v.iri..us iidlux.il I J’• n'Ji-'»ilJ«ely Ufxvi , vol.o :.,r the ..v.cution of tne lrout.^, now dec lar- .iiUaota_'i », uin! f or puri>OM.\ inropt Iiie e:uie, diew a pistol, i|,jt u,^.y cdiiuoi do ii uiiia r ilie tlntal ol re- 'truelions had been given lo coininunieutu it Id II.9 French (.iovernn.ei (, and that, if a gaiftte c n- tain Di[ It I ad t»eeii d. livered, it was at the requ t ol iliK Excellency, and e.xprcHsly declared a (.n- vale coiiimuiiiraliori, not an otbcial one. 1 t'lr- iher stated that I made this compiuniccii>on willi- mrlorei tive lh> 1« sfiches y«,u uiiglit thiijK ii , out in'tructions, u.ertis to cuanier^cl nii.-^apj,Tc. 1,11 ea* ,r_v to u' lid .Mil) tl.i- rrtsiiienl’s .W.'^r-a.e, 1 ; In iiMinnB. and fioni an earneel dasire lo r rli'y t r- veiiluitil on iiicLi i. K till Ol a ccurn.r to I ror» which might have sirious coiiFcquence^. I firing II lo I. J a' wx.ii dp It k.ionid arrive at Ma>- 1 .idded i/ial it wns very nnfur*uiiate thai an earlier re. Mr. aeeoruiiielv, on ll.c arriv il of tlie | call of Itm (.'hanibt-r.s had not been made in cnii. S?iill_v,de'»i.al. I.id a mth-eii^ir u ilh my l. Mtra re- • »c]uence of .Mr. Ssrrurirr's proinisi, the non-ccri;. eeiv. cl hy tiiul i, .iha u .\i w \ urk iiiMKpu-i pbance with ul.hh was of a oatiire to caune se- P' T e iitaii,ii'y the Mes'a-t, bnl without ui.y com-''lous disquitltide with the Government o» the I'. mtiLiealion lio o tlu; Drpartiiici.t; »o toit your I S. 1 found immeiiiately that this was the part ■ f N .. 13 IS stiU tlie laut V. l:Kh 1 i.ave lo atknowi- I 'iie nie.-snije lhal lud nioi.l serioiisly aflVcitd tho edge. Thr etiun. r ariived at :* o’clot k cu Ih. , K.ng; tbr l ouut I). Rigny iuimediately look u[» Illuming ol the Mii. 0:lier copien weic the same | Hie argument, endeavoring lo phow iTiat the (.0. n.oriiiii^ rct-iivid b,. the E'laiett.-, and ihe Con-j viTnmtnl had acted in giiod I'aith, relying princi- lent* btiii;; >uoii Liio ■ n Ciiu: rt; ll:e greatest sen- palir on the danger oi a second rejertioo, had tiio ‘ ••'"n'wrs been culled, at an early day, expresi!/ tor thi.i object. 1 repbtd, rei>eating ihat (hr dee- laratiiiii made by .M. Sctruricr wa.' a po'itive and i^'iror, the- Aii;;ii«I.in \^u, tin .\piM.iii av, i r«'luiin-d the lire ol Mr. I.akka.N' 111. (ir.sali., and thi gn-at body ol ilial party luakinff uif rvraii.KJ* ol i:-Mn”||,.' i'al.ues 01 Ij's! r'-ln-aHnij liiroiigh tb« Oik’.- the ilK, i it bas on national j.rid., to gaiu ""—"I»" I O.M..T “"I I' I' 11.C li'ri;,i .. . V . - II I . I niil 4i-'iii«v>ritnc. ' J lent or (iitKlein it ions—w ill U« lonitd Hur p.i«*ed by ih» rt »uils of tiie flioila ut .\ iiiefii.Mii freeiiKii.” «as not oaii;;erou Mr. ( Jkvmis- was summoned to the bar of j iho lloii,^!' to la* tried for tins as>ault on u.s I Spe.ik. r. Me comaienced b> protesting •1 i*rayrr .\n.\urtd.~W'^ are cre!ibl\ , ig nnsl the |K)wcr 01 the Moum' lo arra.t:o mloiuK'tl mat ab ui two week-aniceH l>io- ' bini, a>i.erting that the o!il_\ jxiwer of this ver slopjH'd lor llm ni;;hl at a fanner’s > "aiure granted it by the con>iiUilion was h Ibrmal out, and Uial it had produced a torbi ar.inct* nu Ihe part ol the Frenident lo lay the stale ot th* ease belore I'ougfess. In lhi'« coniertnce, whii l» was a long one, we bclb rctjrelteH that anv uii un- rteritandinp !hould iiKeiru(l the good ml.'Iligenco ol two nations having so many reasons to prcsi rV'3 nd will not, I it, and .-o few ofconflicling interests, lie told .,.3 IhiiiK, iiiinii-diiitely uryc the eon» deration w! the , (what I knew bolore,. that liie e^ posit ion wn.« pre. law, as 1 haw no doutit tluj wt rt ptiparcd to do 1 (Mired, and lhal the '.aw would have been pri-^nt. uiieu the .\K --A-eur. ived. Should Conirress pro- , »l Ihe day aAer that on which the message was re- p»e lOMiineieisl reslnctmns. or dctiimine lo «ail | ceived. He ahowed me l«i. nocuDienl, re:id p.nrt to liic end ol l.ie be.Mou in'ioie they act, this wili ol il lo me, and e.'tpressed rcgrtl that the lanau vn i.e eonsit,irtd as a ti ic «,,'ainst reprisals, and Ihen ] of the mes.sage prevented it bring i-ent in. 1 .-.i.d great di^'ne inr ihv time snctecdrd. The .^lnn^ll r-> are nuareofthi II .in— lU' f„ ,4 WalUre, Esq. Hob« rl 1). .Mct- I' I.' r and Andrew \lnori. 'leM l. f t\Tf.S. •. r. r. .militak V IIEADgi \RTEIi;>i, t ('har'.aftf, I ri tunt^ 17. I'.I.V \ dand non ('otf- ■ Mii« imifd • ll'ir,-• and Mn«|. ri fm alt..rlitid lo Ihe fi t |{if imriil ol N ( . Voloiili )'r>,'miil.lii; n itliinlhi * ■ iitiiy ot M«f kli ntiuig;. will par di il' li.irlntii,Mil I'riiUv and S.itnrdav, Ih' ‘.’Till ami 'J-th of 'l.irch naxi, r. qni,'l nrrnrdinii (o Inw, for l>Mllin|; in Ih* NIiiiiiial l.ji-rrix' mi.J f|i Id .Mu Mpnvrinj. To paia'Ii on Friday Ihe 2tf at 11 o’eliyk. A. 'I. prermi ly. • I'llairiH o' t mil 1,^ 'jinri d In in il.e thnr annual returns. I!y order ol |i. ( olemati.Col. WM. \V. |,(»m;, Tuhm i'lf A Nil eMiiiiiii'ird In lh» jail of 'lerklrnbiof Crmniy, a iie- pro unman hy the niine ol 1,1,1 Z A- iJI.IH, almiil five fret hiL'h, dark eompliTlMl. nloul made, alNml '2t) J'-arii old, roarne hoinespiin rloihe», ,hi; iHloi.f.d lo the Widow Overton in I.iii'»nb>iri; I -innly, \ ir- 'as Kn,,„|„ by Jovnli Uil«,n of the f'irw,,rd i 1.1V * ov«nrr is n>|ne>lrd tn ronie »w«y. ' •"■‘'It'l'.iiay charges and take her *•'* 1,1935.^' Ilou-^* b l»eeu this place and tHiriierset, l‘a. i 'bat of punishing its own meintx'rs bv C\- ) pri.|H 'ed, and 1 Ihmk earned.— that 1 hoped the e.xeiie.nent would soon ^ubMde, nid in Ibo morning uiKine.iniMiui. Ibe h. ITS'l"»l''0'>''r"«lierwiso. ’I he question whelh- I ‘ Ihul the e.x-! and gr.ve place to better feehng», in uhieh I 1 1 t. . . .1 II L , ■ ■ I . ■ .1 O' I cileiilt r.l 1'at present\erv ;; real; Inal tlu:ir priac , Ihourht he joiatd with much eineiritv. It is ner ..Uiid ,^'v.t:il ,i,i;.siug. Dili^eul ^ atch Im* ^ ^r the House had pirisdiclion in the ufl nr, | „ ,,,n „,.cesirv to add. that an aiUision was n.uJa ing made wilboul auccoh, suspicion hd the • nller ln'ing warmly ilebuUd, was Uiciued in to eociee them Ly -.l.r. als.toihe (.aymenloi a sum ' by me lo Ihechaiigo of ministry in .Ni.ven Ur, Drover 11'id l. indlord (o lake out u acarch 'he afiii mnlive. Mr. (« K V« r« acquie.c(>d ( " d'e,» ('e'.,i»t opiioBiliou (o the plauicsl and tho reinstalenient of prcst nl ininislrrs, whn Ij warraul tur u auspicious neighbor's uix-mi "i the de-isioii, and niiswertd me iinerrr-a- 1 ^to b»- due. 1 his .•yelmg i« I lold him i had e.nsiden d as a most faroriibl* oc- lioii« Iiiil to bun aihii.mn.f tliat |.,. l .h i»o i*pre-'>‘'d mysr|: , , , , .1 i‘. L ' '"r . . kv the lnle!liu.i,..r;M.d iW V.rumy.-ommuniralionslo.voii; buttiial thiveirciim. id nsked th» t>iiS|«f*rled I strtlcK the nut that lie niul not t ouner, e.xlrads from winch ;i«v« been t>eiil on slanec was unknown at Washington when ih» They w"nt to nrnl in in ll hu kne mid riH'Uved sistel u|M>n ninl coiniiieiici d a search, ano j privileges ul the Mouse. >*V liny I long of (be lout Mogs, ! di awn his pl^lol until ho w as shot al, and ! by .'.mern aur-, lieclurii.p liiem to he the seutiinenls I message was delivered, and I addad thni the hop fur anawei ".No.” Thov m !*f'*"ving that he had violated any of the a >i,ajoriiy ot the |Ki.ple. Thest, as jou wUl »f suecess held out in the con.mimiea ion m wl.i, ivileties uf the Mouse. ' ' see, are iraiislal. d mid re published here, wilh I rcierred, and theas'.ur.incos i* contained lhal'h>» .01. ' • I .1 1 “otli eoiiiiiieiils us ihev iiiifhl have I eco enpcc-1 minister* would leaiouolv urije the adontion o' tlia rtbllht in the BI t |>( examining Ihe house j cvvnral witne-:es were examined, the , a,,j undonhie.lly wer- n.tcnded, to produce ; law, mi^ht probably huv‘impuUed the-am. hopes- (lie Hii.Hpu’ii'IH llldividiiiil Iweaiue irritated i substance of w ho«« it atirnony we have given una it hoslihtn S shi.uhl take pl. ee l>elwet I> the two lo Itie I’residenI, and have induief smue chai.go and abiriiii ll, uui! wilh a view to «b*ler ihein } 1"^ trial occupied S^’Verol days, j *''nntras, ih'isu ptr>oi.s ruay tlattir ihonncSe.i in the measures he had reeomniended. ISul that Iroiii lurlhei ker that n* did, film diiiJ ami Ihe di ril m^-Al lukt him."— | mstunt. On lhal day Mr. (mivmks opene.i -.uppori.u by ail psrnrs.and I a-n t,»ld that this is When I took leave, the minister rrqne.^t.d ms NotwilhMa.idiou IhiN they conliiiueil th-ir 1 l"s defence in un el.'ijnent and nigeui.iiis ar- ' liO'Sx-'K*- ‘‘t fjinc oi ihe opposition papers, to r. rtcet on the proi.rieiv of pree-iitinc a m.ie of search, and HnalK b.und the Moos ».,lted a- t'-itnenl, and was fol|..w,-d hy M r. Sofl.r. o«r conversation, whu-h he sai.i .lm„,U ho tbrn. .1 null I.MJIIU II1«. no^s S.IIHU B- I - • J I. II in »hat d.gres this support can be deptiiuetl or othcrwis,. a> 1 should d.^ir^ I t., .1 l...„ I wa> m lliB barn, sevreted lM>nt at|i jKiine j ‘ » tlic |wrl ol the proseciilion, be wax re- , v.heib.r the enenreiic Unguace ol the would do so, and mlbrm him on the iieu worninT haj. After leg illy proving proja-rtv ibej | plied lo by !\Ies.sis. I.i;\us, Uodk.n, ^i*ahks, 1 .Message w ill he ina It; the picicxi with eome, or bv II o’clock. M-IZ d Ihe malt lo’lako him to the Soiuer j I-awson, and others. • 'J'he vute was then j ''i- 'l'« cause with r-hers. among the DepuUes ' \t |wrleu, as I thi'iifht, on ‘Vlfndlv lerm.s.an.i set lail. Thry hml not prticeeded n i*ie on the question of ropriinaiuiing ,\lr. j i'""’’'J'''’"”: * '‘ course he yet con- in the evening, nieetmg hi.u at ti.e Ansinan .\m- *1 jail. Itirj na.l noi prweintU . , , ..L.n.H ,0 ^1 told hin. that ,,,, r. lliet.wn I ha.; d. . than (wo miles when be was heard to Utt. r . •«' «l'" b course apia ars to I,ax. , j, ^ j u-ro imd to wait the aniv,l of the naekct of iha cry and >cen lo tall lo the (;roumi a tltad \ JMJiHiird in conM (|u*‘m t' of tukir»^ !y ruuid us in i»!iiuh!iwu oroihvi’ i owt r>, u I h'>|ti b.'iorv I pavt tin- n«u*. to uhioli ba made nj arm* (1, ttui! wuli a \it-\v lo if(or lla'in J (HTupu d st’VcrQi davs ' * ptr>or.s nmy llaiUr ihoKucivfs in tlu* inoasurrs he bad recoiiimmdcd, liut that uriher si-..icb declared b fore bis ma- ! owm^ to llie ledlousness of exuminatlous 'v>*h having the credit of a great sh„ro in pr.aiue- the lormulion of Ihe Pupin minikin, if known. . i ! »1 .-.I .. i-!ki iin.» ffi.'M uiwiinr IM It riiii.rr | nij; ihiiu. 1 he only IfUoi I have n-coiVfiHrum niu.-t bH\^ib;id » vtry Ud etficl on Ih. Prrsidciii’s at lio kiU‘v* thnu—tlial il . b\ JJ. >llon ai.d aUM or n yil ^ lamily. '1 h.Mo my nund.n. many of that mim.try were kuown u, i, lit* lin^-d woultl x/r/Ar i ho cas» w as hn:ul\ Hdjmiu^'d *H) tho lOln hatisiaciion, intvrmn me tb*t the I resident will be be hn«iilt lo tht-treaty. turrieil uland , .•1 n/Hck of war.—The cilizen.s of Penn \ nil, (N. \ .) who li*el aggrieved al Ihe ih- version ol' the waters ot the oiitlel of lln> CriMiked liuki’, from Ibeir inilU, t,Ve. Io feed A Hit.—Mr. (^ray inquired of a ( negroserv;inl what color Ik* la'lieved thede- I vil was. “ VV by," replied the African, “ the while men tell us ho is l»bick. We «ay he the c.inul, liirt'ed out III H iHwly on Siiturday, IS white. I>ut tVoni his long age, 1 gucs* uud bl«w thu blutc JttUi kky high! ' Old NicU must be sray.'' that we arc in earnest, »ill iiieur Ihe respon-iibil- lhecounir.es w here it ought lo test, and w ill not ily of a rupture helween the two ualions, «lii.-h fail to e\,Hse the missiateuients whi.hyou will they sea mu'l t.iko pince if the treaty he rejeeled. observe are contained in ihe .MmisUT's nolo; boih The tuiiHs ix;erii nc d a eoiisld.Tablw full as suon as respi els luy tJoV. rnmeiil and mvs It^ but tho as the Me«'jai;e w«s known, and insuranci- rose; ^ late Imnr at which 1 recsived the ('ie. I>. Kignv’s m short, 11 ha« made them teel Ihe cmmerel.d as i note, h»u1 the klinost ininiciliate di ;>arture of th.j well as the (>olitieal imjxirlance of our country. I pnt kel, may prevent iny sendiiiji you a ccpy ofmy 'I'he I'ount l>. Hiirny had r«|uested tne I.) com- coinniuuiealu n to him, which 1 bhall lb* uU OiuDicata the to bim aa aoou t« it s.*iouId luost diligcuce m preparinjj.