ed to be put back in its place of d, ,K,Hite like bank iiotes. We forboar ta say what MCK>d It may do in proteclinjr u,e hoDe^t iiuncr from impoHltion by t#prculutor8 the new impulse il^wtll pn.bnbly give to tho mm- ing business—and the prosperity it will like- iy produce upoo the interesling Village where it is to be located. Pkesidewt of the Sknate At 6 o’- clf«k, on ilie evening of the 3d in«laut, pur- siiant to a notice previously |;iven to the Skmatk, the Vice Prkripknt retired from hu reroivcd orders to rvturii t« Franca, and tin I u«tiiiniMiun uf t)ie*« orders baa bvtn conuiiuni- lealrdloMr. Tliitd. 4 Fourth. U5 19 1 piiae the bill. This tuat olMtaeIc had ju«| b«Mn re. iiinvtd, anu thu bill waa on the point •t'bciu|; pre- wilted tit tho C huiubor of Ocpuiiu*, tihco th« arri- val of tlia MDKai^«, cri ating an aatonirhnieiit at AHi cqiiiil li the juit irritation it I'ailetl not to ez- eitc, (arced ihe Government to deliberate u|>un the p«rt it oujlit to act. Strong in its j^ood faiUi and di|;iiity, it did not tliink that Uie inexplicable act ol Fri'fiditit Jackson ought to inuke il abnolutely renounce a rrwilutiun founded upfin priocipir, und Kutiiiientx of jr.iod Taith and good will towards a frimdly Nation. Although it cannot conceal (xoto itaclf the extent to which the provocation fip.ii Wanhingtoii has iucrrascd those difticultics wbK'b w«re aireadjr great, il dccidid to applj to tb» Cliainl)«r* to plact- at iti di«|K>cAl the tweaty. ti„muUion. «ti,.uUte.l by the Treaty of July 4.1 th.- Ch;ur, to enable the S. nate“ to elect" a In the iiieanti.ue hl« Majesty has rewilvtd not to IVeg.dt;,,, it l ® tipoM- his .Minister to hear such lanifuaj;« as that Tp' * Itinpore. \\ hereupon irhich wan uttered on D«c. 1. The under-irned r» • baliotiogi look pluce for i • resident ^o./rrn ; Fir»t. SeeonJ. Mr. Tti « 15 j5 Mr. Ki?«c, of Alab. 18 20 For various others 11 7 Mr. Tyi.kr having received a majoritv of tb« whulc number of votes ou tho 4th ballot, was duly elected, an b» ing conduct- 4»d to the Chair, madf his acknoMled^meuts to the Senate in the following oddress: Skvators : In callini; u|Min mo unex pectedly to preside ov«-r your delibpratioiis, yHi have conferred upon me a testiniouiHl of )our re«|»ect and confidence upou whirb I place the hijjhest value. I accept it with «raliiudp, and shall t»n.lly cht risli its recol- leclion. You are the rrprus-ntalives of irtvereign Slates, d**(Hjt«-d by them to uphold >«ihJ maintain tbcir rights and iiitef**Mf.. I’nlike the Koman Sciinte, so much vauiit*-d »f in ancient story, you owe jwr elevation to the high keuts »*hich you occupy, to no advfuliti'MM circuinstHnce of birth or for tune, but to the ennobling trails of intellect sik] virtue. And what c:tizfii of any one of tb^M iitates can fil to be proud of you ! Who can reflett without htfjh KitmraciuKj t»n the daily dupluy of int« lt«‘Ciua| vij^or ron»ljintly iimniii'sted in the deban s which here occur. I'arty oiiteHi* may divide anil i»ever—tbone C'Hitcsts coiiHtitute the or^ianic principle ol tree .Slates—jou may severalK, HI your turn, have bpcotni- the oltj«cl« of ittack aiwl denuiiriiitimi iK-foro the |>ublii:; the MINERS' AND FARMERS' JOURNAL. jiiAHi.(Krri!:i |~ TiirKMDAY,MAHl II 10, 1N3A. Tlir l-'le«‘lion on llic Miibjocl of a i V w ill lake place on the I m| and *JI dayn of April ne%l. TIiom* tiial art* in fhiorof'the measure M ill vole k For a 'I'liowe ol fbe u|>|M>^ite opinion ‘will vole n 1'oMteMtiotty Isaac O. Babnes, to be Naval Oflicer of i wood, and the [Mjrt of Boston. was detained there all night n r. cw. I ^on the evenitii/on the 4th a j!iS1 Tr'T r*:" “■ “* '*• daughter, ^f Baltimore’ a Jud^re ol the Supremo Court, was taken . w uuiiunore, passengora, were returning on bf>ard, from I a vihit to a sick friend in the city, Mrs. M. Friday mislfwk the point of entrance mlo the boat f^turduy, and fell into the stream between the boat 03 and the wharf. The shrieks of theterri-1^4 Tuesday’ fif'd jiaughter gave the alarm to the pas- j ^5 eduBsday sengers in the cabin, some of whom had retiri-d. Mr. Jamks M. Ciould, of St. Au- gubtino, was the fiist to reach the spot, and from and Wc owe an apology to *ur readers for the iM». rinr qaalily of paper we have >K«n iiaing &r ih'V ersl week* pa>t. N«res»jty has no renirdf. We «sfs rompvllrd eitlicr to make war of it or atop sur pp'f- * prrferr^ making use of it. Ws bare printiMl a sopply of tickets ** For Ton. Trntieo." '1 IwMe wiabing tiirm can be supplied, j J\t we do not isteod printing any olh*r kind, i i thrrr is any per>oh who witbr* tickets opposed tu I »Coaveuli'a U>ey will plr^se laform us. I We heee r*^iTed the f'irrular of the lion. II. W, I'onurr, to hit mti»tllueul>. will give il ■is lUMrtiaii ill our nr it. The Fditnm of the lial- tfh Star conlradicts tlir i>at«iE(iit we riisav a vca k or two •inec, ihal ** Mr. S *rd w»nl lo Rslngh to lake charge of Ibr S ar." up, and indefinitely postponed.—il>. Supreme Court—John A Backhouse, of Newborn, has been admitted to Superior Court practice. Opinions have been delivered in the fol lowing Cases, since our last. ^^td'grTntTiira 1^-‘'--ered that a human of Ulount and wife r. .Moorr, from .Mecklcnburg. i *^“'8 Struggling lor life ainid the wa- at|iViniiiif the judgment below. Also in the ca>*c Il’*'‘'’8®d m and succeeded in sus- of Richards t. Sims, froui Franklia, aHlrming the '“intfig the lady until the other nanseni/ers jud^nent below h'ere enabled to extrieate them both from d rendering judyment of .ManslHughtcr. Al- is the son ol Judge CJoi’Llf, »c, ill the ca*e of Lanfa,.ier e. W illimiK-, in F^jui-1 owned and conducted the St. Augustine Courru-low*^**** ’ ‘itcrec inade iu the I lli rall, the office which was con^^umed by a 7ly Ri.khn. Chirf J.is.icr, in tl.r case of Wil- | Mr.v;oi.LD liaiiis r. Somers, ri-tido rinif jtidernent for th.. dt' I ^"y> |HJr|K.se of procur- ft nd.-int on the pica and driuurrrr. AIno, in the ^ niateriiils lor re-estab lishing the Herald. May buccess attend him in all his etlbrts for instiinces of coura geous huinanity like his, deserves to be re- meuibered and rewarded Char. Cour. Cotton.—For some weeks there has been but little doing in our markot, in this article, owing ui a gre?it nii'asure to the unliivorable weather; there has been more done however, during the present week than tor Nome time past. Sales havo been made lit l.J lo 15|; prime would coiuinuud 16 cents.—Camden Journal. 'I he Code of Jlmor.—There is one fea ture in the Aloxiian laws which we should be jilad lo see adopted in all parts of the uorld wh. re duellin;f prevaii.s. It is, that il a ;»er9f)tj kills another in a dud, he be comes re!>iKiniiib!e for all the debts of the di'ceaw'd. It can hardly l»e conceived that WEEKLY ALMANAC “iirAH( '11, |lSua|bun lb35. |riscii|B«its. n}~Thursd«y, |6 2]5 MOON S phases. I S sal For March 1835. 05 0^ “• "• *'• 6 W'i I ^ forrn’m. 6,his 9^'““ >4 4.53arn. 6 57 5 3 ® worn. 6 555 Si^ew 28 11 26evon. ease of den rr dun, Harry, r. (Jral.am, from Lm- coin, af!lrrniii(f ihf ju(i^(nent bt luu-. Siaifl e. (>i,liurii, from Ankou. A|,pral disn'iffsed 4t the rofiu of (he api^llant, and the case rfinan ded (or furth. r |.roci dingii.—Hegmer. Oriaimd Anecdote.—\n individual from il nei^ihU.iing county, was askt d by a gen- tleinim of this city, 'a fr-w days sinci?, how Ills neighUirsstofKi affirtcH on the Conven- !i»n Question. replied, that they were divided in opinion, he tx-lieved, on the tuh- ject. “Well," said the querist, “ are you III favor of a Convention or op|x)s*(l to it?’’ " U ell now,” answerer] the other, “ I don’t exactly know,” On |eing |>ressed for an 'in?*Htr, he replieri with great niirirle,— •*I>o \«Kj know whirh fide (iineral Jack- »m'» (>u."‘~-Haleigh Urgisttr. THE MARKdlS. Drandy, Peach, I..,:, Bieswax, Coflle, Cottoa, Corn, Flaxseed Flour, Feathers, Iron, Molubsei, fay ETTEVILLE, MARCH 10. 60 a 70iNails, cut, 50 a Ct) Sugar, brown, 64 a 1(1 “ Lump, lb a lu' “ Loaf, 12ial4 13i a 14i 65 a 70 1 25 43 a 5) 33 a 35 4 a 4-J a30 Salt. Wheat, Whiskey. Tobacco, (leaf) Wool, Oa(5i balO 14 ICalT 0 a 60 90 a n. 36 a II) 4i a5 10 a 20 Cotton Bagging, 23 a 30 Balo Kopu 10 a 11 68 a 7.5 10 a i2i 9 a II CHER AW’. MARCH 12. 10 a 12i Oats, Rope, ''iigar, brow*, " JxiafiV Lump, 15 a 20 Salt, Liverpool, 7,5 in sacks 4 ba $3 Tsas, Mali 85 a 100 Bftoon, U«ffging, 26 a 2^ Coftce, 14 a IHJ Cotton, 15 a 16 Corn, scarce, 75 a (^5 Fia.xsixd, 1 45 a 1 50 Flour, 6 a 7i lion, iMur-kerrl, 0a4i'Whcat, 6i a 9il The true rcnxon.— W'e^ t.ik** the f.,||ow- ing from tht> Cin ular of Jom.'/Aon 1‘arf.ir, the R' l.resoiitative 1,1 Cnildf.ird Cunly,m !a sane man would cballenj>e another meiel\ the S'liate to his ConMitu' ntw li, j b*cause lie was tnvolvod, and wieh.'d, at “I was in favor of a liesoliition which j life, to discharge his debts. ,ui,in the ilou>‘M>f ('ommoiis, |>rayin^ our hand, it would loriii a goixj iHit there is not, and cannot be au Aioi-ii- j and Senators in Congress ! reason todeclim; acceptance of a challenge can who dies not turn bis eve to tlie S-ii- I '"*** whjrh mii;lit tend j•!'in^iht inv()lve other hazards than the ate of the United Slates, as to the i;reat con Itbe old S:;ites «.f their mtenNi | 1 l»ere is much justice also, trtfmedoorinii.riDBiK4iifouia«>ureesoun ; •‘■rvative body of our federal sjstcni. and jTlies^ Resolution.s 1'''"''=*"’''—lor the surv iviiig duellist, . .nr.i>iLle, th.t *e took th. liberty of i.akin(; , *0 this Chamix r as tht? ark in which the I '» tl»o tone '«k. n the hie of his .inlagomst, ha* jmiUk, aiihuuch It may hate bten preuisturc. j eonverirtUt is di jMiSited. To have received I' " »'''"i'>''i'd. Mut the Aiimini.slration j him of the ^ralifi'ation I’drtv. knowin-r that what Hd-i prn\ed lor, "• t'ls hoixat debts.—Com. Adc. ■nlthon;;h the ri^lit of our Slate. Hud one in which !>h“i- liiullv intere«ti li, wis inopfMi. -ition to the know II willdfihe IVesniont, ral- heri their forces nod lul l ?h‘M Rev,.|ut|,,n:j j therefore, nt your hands tln> itation, fur I lot llnjrnce hasktcii re-civf d from Pans to the . ninhes to ns! abundiioi tail*.- f..r •*‘ir^ratii- f' tof J«"u«ry. Nuihiiig had bren done in tl.c lation. This feeling is not dl.lmll^;K;d li) I k*;- ‘--t o( Ih puiics rclsliTs to the ap;.ropriatto«.; the fact that but li w h-ors n..w remain to istb* ormuH. *f ihUl igeut AmerK«n. in I’s , ihis s» N.si,rti, olid that I ►j,i,ll b« probubK li.iut .:k H.I! will peM ifCon«re^d.« j rallod u(K>n lo ui.tU r l«it htll.f active ser- c.alU U.h »--t«ernil«.i«oo..ut.lr,.»,- v ice id lhi» piac . Iponthi Tk:. op.iMon IS oen .ii.rr«.d by s-,me of th. ' 1 ron;:ratulule l„,lh cait«r»of ibr tiaiiibers. This u a cousumuta. , alihou^^h i ha 1,0 .I. V0U.I, to be W^c^ .or. ; Wc d.vo.rd a Ur,rport.«n of enr "r V"’* ' wisy In Ihe c^wrr-p.Hidri.ci- Ulw.en thr l’..il. d , 1 *" d'‘- iiiM iHii'>n« t.| yn\ ; and I h.ive uolv .ht ( hief Justice Marshnll has been absent tn’iii ( ourt lor a oa\ or two, m conwquence >1 a tall he had one day this week, when, the • 11(> uiimtanc'', )'U ami iiiv-rli'—for ', for tl»e ijreater p riion ol o'l the table—nfraid r.f th tr r>nt f to vote i covered with sleet. He was for theiM,-uid afraid of the Teopk-to vole a. ^‘^«tvor, seriou.sly or ina!*'riiilly hurt, j^amsl ihcnj.” j AUjraudria Gu~cttc, A r.MTAlU.n HIT. 1 ^^'oxhin^lon'i opinion of swear- R.'r^ntly to thu I in'ed StHtes Senate, j —In one ol the r^^ei nt volumea of 'Ir. Kinp, ol (r*-or^ia, m o|i|kihiiio iIk; a1- i ashiiioton’s CorreBpondeuce, edited b\ aiiinn two js r «-fnt. lull, \'i |i|,.asanli\ j tlie lulluw int; is i>i\en in a note, 0^JLoitery •Igituy, The subscriber having relinquished the bnFu ni;8s of Lottery A^ent in this place, tor tiits purpose of going to the South, has led his unset, tied business in the hands of .Mr. WiJliain fJun- ti r to arranyc for him. .Mr, Hunter w ill in futiiru l)« the agent in Charlotte for tiie North Carolina .State Lottery, and will, at all times, be able lo ac- enmmodate those who mav wihb to sdventure in this way. W ILLIA.M H. .SPECK. OCrIt will be seen from the above Advertisement, that 1 am appointed Agent or tl>e North Carolina State Lott» ry iu the (daco ot Win. II. Speck, who has removed to the South. 1 am now prepared lo aeconimodute all wiio wisli to adventure, or try their luck. I have Wholm, Halntt and Quarttrs in a great variety or numbtre —nnd seme fortunate individual or individuals will stand a chsnee to draw the hi^h prizn 01 7,()0(i dollars—as 1 coniidcr myself a very iucky teliour —so step forward and try your luck I—•* A>ier otntuTt, never win." V\ M. HL’NTER. Charlotte, A. C. March 11A, 1 "35. 32 R. IVALLAC'E, ^11. itT' HAVINti located pcrmanentlv in Charlotte, w ill attend to the pruc. tice .of *lieiinit€ *%* Sttrgftff, 'n all lln-ir collateral branches. He may be con. suited at »,1 timen unless proftssionally absent, at Ins otfiee, first door above Maj. M’Comb’s. Com- mui icatious lor him when abwont lelt at Dr. Boyd's Hotel, Will be promptlv attended to. Charlotte, Feb. 14, lb35. 2Jtf I mav rxiiilMt, and the errors into which I i Kinf: ‘-Sir” said **• «l*e »lnp-.vards or on .(s-nal occa- ' li»', “ I iiiiich Jidtniro ilx* [ileMvuiifr\, tli(’filto jtuiilitjr ur^(*r|»e 1 he Cienerul Mill of hiiinor with v»hich th,* Hoiiot.ible jmli.rmed, that the tis>lish and •08) lull, a liberal inJol;;i’nee. .No/. Intilli^tncir. The render will (M-rccive by the pnKOd mg. Ill tlie S.naie vesterdav, that the I.kij; liithly «riitifi.-d lol-arit that the ’*‘"'•'‘''"7,'* hir lUined proj. ft «.f »,x to luth.iri/V b(»ii. b. » of tho .Mint in troin the Journals >| th«’ .'Senate , for the rtiin^ge i>f liiild, f..r whirh l-»n sj-ptoprulrd—and oiir st .N w ,.rH(n>, lor lh r*)iis{;r ol l>o4d siiti }*.ui r, for ■1(1. SjuO.iK^-l |.a« te -n sppropruti'il—li«« b«. •;.t s U». Th lulU>»inp rvinarks on tlie »ul>- 'ft •« !.;.tr ri>)ind Iri'iii tb> ('arolina Watcbuiau : bKAM Ml S OF THE MI.NT. Mr ■ili to luth.irize biaiK-b* » of tho .Mint HI tr..m ttie Journals >| tl»’.Senate ■irt'xi* p.irt« of the .Nation has become a ***'' st !i,«i..n the vole toiid iniiatory ** «if ( Vtyres.s. By this act, onr neigh- conduct of the l*resident in ru;ar*) to mm5 Vhla-e, Charlotte, m .Mec klenburg r**""'''"! '►• ‘be 1). p.Mte.s, was itM liVj ui.lv. i» t. have a brunrh, and an appro- 'I*** projswition on that suhj.rl, •'Mt.on of liiiv thouMiiii dolUrs lK>side» sal- ulmMt unanimoutly — iU, ,lw. be.n vi.ted lo put it into o|K>iBtion. i "fiimal mover him-*elf b- ms nmonijsi • fill* M-aie liwni this«ieusure cHuidof. ‘",'7* to abandon the ideH..f“e\- lirnefn to this H**«,i|.jn of tiie couiHrv. ’*'*"* r inainder of the pn.js.M. ih^ Ute btateiiM'iit o( the .Mint it is it* ollVnsive fi alnre hud b en tlMi> Por-nt that near 4tKl.(Miu dollars worth **l)litcrBte«l, whs th-n imiled to the counter 1,. I siatee Mint *"> " •" Senatr.f • from Gtortin op|s-Ms this Uiil— | " ''ked prad.ce of prof me sweanntr, a viee (>»'rinit me, sir, to meet him in his own w uv, I •' lore hitle known In thu .\merican Armv, •ind to answer him bv Siiyinj; that there are I '=* growinji into fashion ; he ho[K-s the i>lii init three wavs of acfpiiriiijj public land, i"'dl, by example as well as it.Huenee, viz:—lo huv It. to St. -il it, nr to U‘c it.— |'‘iideavor to check it, and that they both 'N e «if t!)v W e«t need it, hut are un:ible to I "dl rt liei I, that vve can have litlle ho|^ of !'uv it, so ue lv'5 it, herniis** huvin:r | ilie blcsMogs ol lieaveii (>n our pli)u., if we ( h( rrktc lumh lu the Western Slates, we ">^‘*lt it by our mijiiet) and folh ; added to t£"'d wn. nt lo I hi who!'' prR‘eed mtiHl Siatee Mint "'1 th». Stste of .North Carolina last yewr. j ‘■‘•nou'-, but highly honorabl.: to the •"» >iii'.uiit wiHild bo swelled largt ly ,f | res|s-vt and mdeiH iulence of the Sia |„,w much .N .rth Caio-' ** ‘’aiiiiot, however, Isj pro^s'rlv un hud Is-en carriod thero as (Jeor-idelmta ap(K-ais, which or the hist 1* of finer ipialit) than Indeed, one ) 'Mien we r.msider tMi, tb.it mm h , I"'*’'” '" pro[K-il\ np- '"••fSi.iie pr.xhielnai i«. not carried to the | P'’*-'Ciatc thu ellect of this proceedm;,'.-ii. "•I :il all, we riiuy W.-11 «iip|s>w, that the j ' * '“Oiit f.hliiined III .North Carolina is dou- The Senate spent »om»* lime on Tu(*silnv ' ''1 11 Nt ili J III ,>lii(i a>'comit. S.iv,'Kxeeulive Ihisiiiohs, and acted Ill it It 18 oolv 5'liH0,t)lMK I'his ' on n larjre nnml>er of nominations ; anioni;xt 'g- nii'Hitit of prfK^iouN mein|, from the niany otber*-, the t'ollowing, we understand, "'^tliat It H du:: up iindl it is carinsj to | confirmed : _ '-ith and coined or worked intojewef ; i:„u.uti. K w vx.vott member of Con- J l orfns n„ ,„hn. ,,| «|„d, ,( rapa-1 creNj; from Maine) to be Charge d’ Art:.ires ,'di.nlT’ ” »*''>tu«al, iu the place of ’I'homas L. L. 1.1 i»i »*»»i, iMii ti) hif ;«-Wic of No,II, Carolina is concern, until iNequiviihMit IS brought back by r "''■'■'•liunt, II „„;,|„ ^,.|| |,,ve rvnmiiv " • e iHiwels of mot her earth ; and ae ‘ * |''"'[v>?s*» ol whieh fjidi) IS applirnble, ^ •'Wy an*,wttrs any at all: a 9lrn*Klin« ' "tid '.‘leii liod Its way Imi. k '^'^“Snir r*fi’’or lo ph‘ns(> the chil- •n. f>Uf a ‘ihi tlatimj .Mi im vf iiso''. i -r! I* done at the .North im ,‘‘ ""■'""'•J. Hut jiist h t this StiOO,. l»it into |',aj;|,.B 1,^ thrown into th*!*/."”''*! bv thl r^^’i prcsluc- nk nni«.. •* !'*'» thousand new woiiM i'** '"*diiion to our curren- U!irii5 Iwrrowvd, aud la uot ubiig. hist as It IS coined, and it will Urent. .Ioii> (I. A. Wii.Lt vvtsox, of North ('a. rolmo, to bo Charge d’ Alfutres to Veiie /.iiela. Hknrv WiiKVTON(now Charjre d’ Af faires at Deuniark) lo Char^'c d’ .\11aires lo IVussia. JoNVTiiAN K. WonnsiDF, ofOhio, to be Chiirue il’ Atfiires |« Denmark. IIk\kv IIo,\k, of Now Vink, to be (’on- sul at St. .1.11*0 de (.’nba. UoHKRT l'\ Ch.vi k, of Missi.sflippi, to be Consul at .Martiniipie. Ciii:m;v IIk kmvv, to lie a Director of tho Hank of the I'nited States, in the |)lace of'I'homas Mlliniiker, deceas* d. Tito.n S. Ill:Mil, of n,i|iimore to b«' a Din*ctor of the H.mk of the I’nited Slates, in tho place of Morns Coxall, rejected by (Uu ScQste. cannot sttal it.” hor jtrr^rnltd hi/ the Common Conn- ril to Luiit. Ja ry.— \\ e have had the plea- Miie of exiiminiii» this e|e;rant piere o( workmanship from the niiimifactiry of \|ar- qimiid, pres« nted by the (’ominon Couneil to (>. P. |,r v\ of the r. S. .Navv. The box IS of unn«uall\ large siz.>, of piire >>ol(!, IS carrots line, about five mi lies in h*ni;lii bv four in breaiith, and an inch in i' pth— richly niuMii' with a heavy ouk ano .ncorn Isirder in hiirh rein f. The following is the in.scriplion within liie lid. “Tiie (’ommon Connril of tljo city of New’.York, to Ijient. Uriah I*. lAVV,«»fthe J nited .''laics .Navy, as a teslinionv of rts [W'ci for hi>) charaeter, pnitiotiiitu and pub lic spirit, I'cbiuary H. I-;!!.” (A. Y. Eriniit" Star, College for Lndit x.—The Kenfiickr fiO- gisliitiire has conlerred upon Messrs. Van Doren’s Insiitnte for yoniijj ludies, in Lex ington, the chartered riohts and standmi; of a College, by tlie name of Vau Doreu's Col lege for Youno Ladies. By the power granted (o the Board of Tru^^tees and ihe I'amlty of the College, | this, It IS n Mce so mean and low, without any temptation, tbat every man of sense and charaeter delects and despises it. SOITIILIC.N Fi:,lIAI.K INSTITUTE, ^■IHE character and coufse of Studv in thF« -M. Seminary being now suHieiently known, it i« I'cesFary only to give notice that its next t.es.iioa will commence on .Monday, the 2»J of .March en suing. All pupils should be present at that time; and none are allowed lo dissolve their coiinexioa with tlie schc^l except at ihe close of seMior.s. J'crmH.—For the conanon English Hrancheo, SIO 5U per ^^^hion. To this »ili be added, lor this higher LiigliKh I{rancbe^$^l,aIld lor the Language*, l.alin, French or It'.lian For residents ui tli« family. Board, including washing, and tuition in all the Enghsh studies, [>er jession. No de- duetion lor absences except tiom sickness. Tiie abovi charges are d.ie atlhe * ntranceof lha pupils, and hereafter, interest will l« required oa all unp.iid bills liom that time. Nicessily requires this. It must be .nanifest to our patnnis, that in respect to eorajK-nsation we liavo ever ls;en sutfi. eiently accommodating; and wc trust thirelore, lhat this necessary arraugenunt, which is com mon in kindred lusUlulions, will uot be deemed uureasonable hen*. A. J. LEAVEN WdRTH. Charlotte, X C. Feb. 12, 1«35. i3:> ^ aliiabie Land loi- »»ale. IW lI.Ln II oil reasonable tirms, a traet of val- uable l,.-\Nl) in Caburius county, lying or» To the M' tnhrrtnf the M'. klriihiir:' Ap^ricultural water.s ol 1 oildle Creek, and adjoining tho ■Sui if/v, aud aln‘, lu ul! t'one irho wuh lo Joseph \ ouiig, R. W. Smith and others. btcume Memt ers of Huciety ; V ou are requi fl. d le ain nd in Chnrlotfe, at The tract contains alwul ;}()() Hcres, a part of whii'h IS improv-'d and in gootl re|)air. tl;e l'niirl.|iou'p, (up>tairs) ou U'diR>dav ' fatorniatiuii can had on the proiuixes, or from lot’ V Til .1 1-) .-...I niysell at .Vlount Pieasani, ('aSarrus countr. JUHA O. WALLACE- Fib. 24, h>«33. 3o.tf the 1st ot .\pril, 8t 12 o'eiock, for ihe purpose ol ri orjjuiiiime saiil sm-icty, oiiierw ise to appropriate or distnhuie the funds on hand, A c. Jiy a Mimlitr of naid Soactu. _March li, l,*.S;>. To thr ./////V?7f/7-C0 'I » 1. Inivi ju>l n Cl ivt il a >uppl) ol Ur. Beck- ww w itiiV (t It Uiated Aiiti.4ly*|)e]i(k‘ Pills. At,^' IlavieyN Tootli-aelie Tills, vator^s ."Wjtice. By Order ol’ Court. ON Friday, the 20lh of '.Jartli ik xi, at the late ri sidenec of Jane Lees, dot’d. I will cxposo lo public sale all the NEGROES l)ij;lilv rironiineudi d. Wc have alsi', lull to sell •’ "“'d dec’d. on a credit until the 25th on oomniission, ’ “ ' “ - ' ' ifr. f^Hhnrs ,irnfirat Btmh', cvpressly for the use ol I'a'ineis. S.MITH it WILLIAMS. 17. |.'“3.'>. 33ic Mhtn f/Hi.vottc, Y fine .U( k, w ill rt.ind at .»*■ niv siahlo, ^iii .iylit of I harlotti,'the ensuing sta^on. of Df. eml)er next. Also aeveral articles of per^ ishiible property. O’Jlll persons indebted to the said ejfatp are re. qis. sled to call and make immediate paymest; and thoik' havingclaimsat'ainst it topreseni them w ith ly the tin.e prescribed by law, or this notice wil- be plead iu bar. HUt;n M. i.rr, ijmv. Feb. 18, ,33 wo miderstaiid from the Daily Reporter, j of/'oar that a Diploma and the honar'v deo,ve ofi^!"''"" 1’“^' to insure a Ml, 1 / !*■ J /• fi ' r J . >1 Mare to Ite with toal. In i vcrv case «horo the . I‘. L. {^trc,, of rohte LiUrature) Mare has been put by the insurance and traded be conlerred uimhi those Voiiiijf Ladies who complete the preserihfd course of stu dies; nnd that Ihe same honor may bo con- terr«‘d up«m other distini>uished literary lu- ilies in lair country ; anti iilso that Ihe hon orary de»'r*'e of ^i. .M. (Mistresg of Mugic) and M. I. (Mtsfresx of InMruction) be con ferred by this collej^e u[iou suitable candi- tialus. Proridmlial The Steamer Poj. phin U'ft St .\upustmo on the 3d invt, for _ Charleston, but stopped at Savaunali lor ’ Valuable Priiiliii;;; Ol riCE For Sole lit VorkriUt, S. (\ rONSl.' 1 I Nil of the followiirg, with other ma terials, 1 Imperial Xi wgpnp. r I’ress, 1 |!ook on, me insurance inoiiKy wuj Ik- claiim.d. ^ I ’"I*’ t-»lh‘V, 1 ton! H luie I’lea, 1 font 6 liuw ' Fioa, I font French Canon, Two l.ii, (ocat Prira- ■i ‘'ri« k. 1 tont Lone ‘ , Primer, l!r\i«r and Tuo Line IJnvier, Aiitiqua R 1 F L K \ I, I' X TIC K R S. ftn'tirr ami Nonp.ir. il, F'owers of diHerint siies, rtii 1. .New spi|H rand hsndbillornairients, Cases.Slands, m Ot are hereby ordered to pa- ('oinposing .■'lieki, ton. tlirr with ill materials b«- f»d« ill ( harlotte, on Satur. longing to the VOIiKVll.LE P.-V'l'lv 1()T ofSce. day, the ‘.28th inst. at 10 o'clock, ,\. N'odoiibt is entert:iin'd, tfial a piiper conducted .M. armed and equipped as the law h re on libi lal principles, would meet with geno- direclH, in i'uininer l.'niforai, tor the , rons p«trr)iiKt>e. purpoco ol drill. ^ j Tfie above materials «ill l*e sold low fo' Cash, Jt)IINH \Ll., immediate appiication is made. For terms ap- „ , plyio P. CAKE V. -VnrcA 17, 1S.V. Y'jrkvi}le,S. C. Feb. 15, ll5'35 3w

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