MIJTEMS’ & FAliMlEllS’ JOUIIWA: fm«LlSHKf> KVKttY TIH;hsO\1 , »Y TIIO.HAS J. liOl7rO\....ril VltU>n i; t)rMY, NOKllW;AKOLmA. -- - ' PItRCg me BOW>.t.g Ot THK K.CTTII AMO BHINU OUT FHOM TH« AVKR.SB OK Ti!E MOCNTAINrt, MKTAIJt » H1«’H WILL OI VK^T*K.NOTII TO OI'R IIANI>« AND SUBJKCT ALI, NATl'RJ! TO OI R I'SK AM) PLKABI RK. UH. JOHNSON. vol.. V. ' TIMIRSJMV, 3IA&ICII >«, l5^:{5. NO. 234. Tin: .HiiieiV A rariii«‘rM\foiiriial F "xl 'irUiP ot a Huccedsful licvolulioii the i [Kiteti than tlie 8‘parut«* states could, it is i lliis question is not settled before the inein I. .nuted and publi.K.I vrr, Tl.ur.d.y n.on.inr 11„ ,h„ [lou^ ufr.unn,!,’ „‘.h, i .Cl i '"’“I*'** I exRi'dient that tl.n pres,;nt sysletn | bors froui the new states take their seats in .t Tico Ihliart v^t .•>..u... if pa.d in «dv»nr« *" " -oiiiiih.i,« on the J.l of Jan- iii Huh immense (Jornaiii. | showlfj »,o adlitr.-d to, and the i.ett proeeeds ' Coii^rress ui.der the census of 1840, iho ru-o Oui(ar$ and Fifty Cenl$ if ii.t paid in ad “='*7. "D following reuolutioiis. j I !•« eircums'aiices which led to their divided aiiioiig the StutCb', rather than the ! West will have su decided a miijorily, that »4DCI': 'I'^rrr DulUrt at the tnd of «hi- yi»r. iiilrf.duced hy Dr. H( ndersnn: j »« 'he Federal Congress were priit- lands. ' all hope of this resource will be cut off for- /UVKKTISKMKNIrt wiil br iniirted at Fifty | KLwIvrd, a* Iho opinion of flii* Gcnrral Aspcm- (‘-'['"••y In the defence of that liiier. Let us enriiire whf ihcf the state of things ' e»er. It requires no prophet to forsee, that croUpr.-Muarr(i.«icx«'.^i.dii.gi!oline«,)ff>r tliejhly.iii:it any act l.y uliitli tlie (V.ngrc«»of il.u IM'X we n..w enjoy in piMw., and in the has arrived, which was anlicipated, and by ' before many vears shall pass ovurour heads. 1'“!! '!"■ 1 "»■ l^i^'land ! the operation of ^^hlch this branch of reve- i the inhabitants of the yreal valley of tho AliWal d.Trunt will (h, ,n«l« to U.o.« "'i‘0 j which ihc''nuoun.nn by SO great a s,a rifice j iiiie is uo lon^ieip needed by tho General . Mississippi aiiiJ its tributaries, will, (by their advfftiM oy the y«ar. ail adTcrtiiH m.-nt'. ar*> now .old nhall lie rtdncrd.woiilH IK.Iloudly af. I L , »r«Mture, »o neresrtiiiily had (jovernniciit. Ue are informed hy the | numbers} completely control the dcstiuiea eoniMiunicatod for putilitaiiop, the iiuiuIk r nrlifet t|n> pro»(/cni» of *11 I hr old Slate*, uiid do | ^1 tnonoy to sup|»ort Pteauleu. and tho Secretary of the'I'reasu- of this eountry. 1.^ rtioM niu.i b« notiicU on Ui.- mar in of ih.'; jrfat injii.-ticc to tho«' Sutr* l.y whotn they *cro , ‘>*0 ''ar wa^^ed to s cure these ecds, as our rv, that on the 1st dav of Januarr, lb35, 1 have said, to sell these lands to tha maouienii*, *r they will lie couUnutd uulil j oriBinally ci-dtd to lli (Viile •racy. I cuuiiJrv wus nr,r niilv Ittrbid, and chargc^l acoi>rdii>t;ly. • * All ciiD'uoniraiiniit to the I'Uiltor mn*t mmr frr' 01 frntUiz', ur they may net be attrnded to. 0:T To the V V ’ K liavf* jukt rrrcivtd a iU|iply of In. li ck- VV »ith’ii r.|i hialid AlJ>0 Il.iM lcy't» 'I'oolli-ntiir PilN. liifhU r»i-oniMiendid. Wc hake al»», l«lt to util, on comoii«»''>n, I}t. ifUititf’tt tiitdiral Mtnok, lor Itio u*e of |-‘axtnerit. SMITH i WIIXIAMS. 17. 3.1if ATTK>TI(»\: rifm: \ uli .\ti:i:rs. li "olvfd furtlier, (m tlir ojnntoii of thi« flpnerni At» iiiblj, 'riiiil tiie |iublif. del'l huvino b Uii»iii«hid, ar.d the objc( t !or winch liic cr I country was not only now, de.stitule o| (every cent of the national debt w ill be paid ' new States would tantamount to giving '('n'r" j Ih 'l larjje ihmtint; capital to ho lifund in an'i a huijilus o( .«)rne millions be left in | them, for how nnd^r heaven are they to lerniiimtionoj'lil s-Treavury. So then, the jjreat end hnv-j pay for them, 'lake one State qs an ex- half pricc pci.diiiirii inturr d by tharn in .ti|,,K>ri of lU (’• | ct.iithct, llitt rpjoticn was frcq'iently a- , 1.", iiiillions of iVerii.Pn, livinj; uud r the | luillions «.f dollars. Couhi she possibly pay rrll'^wMil'aM^r’'t*'"**'** **■* ""** I *‘appif>t Conn of f!o\eminent known to man, for it ? Sir, could she ever pay ihe ^^KV*«Cd/''IinMl.«(:.iv. rn-.rl« ,andI.ci'.hrr(-. j '* ''^*■*^'*''^*"1 tpriiiiiu- lafi. r havirij; amn- surcefsl'ully lhrou::h two j on that sum, which would exceed a million by r»>()u. ^1' d lo irauMiui .-oj.n >oi tSci« r. »c.lntion- h.ddm;; them | \v:ir>i 'viih I In; iiio.-l pouerliil and enli"liten- | annually ? Anri pi-ay how could weenforco by r^fjin lo l!)f S nu’orK end '-Ulc in the t'ongitJ!' oi Mr. J^pkaki:r: The memlxTs n;’thi bo- •“ '**'7 U» l«' jjHiueil h\ nmdiiil s;irri- dy uill do me the justice to admit that I hies and l tiny uere eniiiled to a part K'pfc'fni:.iivcH ironi this , ’"iHiin llieir cliarleri ci cd nalKJii ot tli ! world, i-> M >t hiirthciied wiih | piyment ? for if you retained a niort^apo -i li.e tijiifd .tat.«. i limit-, and thoso withi.ut any holdm.Mhat one eeni ofpni I;p il.'bt. Ateliiereany oth-j i.n* the land the\'would not sell. To talk ercau>^s|'jr retiiininv this revt i,ue ! I.et u> j then of svUing them is to me perlbct non- ■sce. I hereportMifom (he'J'rca.'Uiv 1)-i/ari-j S'^nse, if 1 inay b* pardonr-d the word;— am not in the habit of ocrur.\in” the|?«ir I"* I In^ «(U-htion pre^riiunt with i i;ient ihlorni us, lh;tl the i>; iiiiary revenues j and to give them awav, (dropping the cou- ollen, or lon; lit n ti:i,e ; but i nni'l |>.^ I 'U);: uiti.-iious uiui jmii|iiu*=i''S. « h'-u , ol ih'’tiovernuieni ,irif'ingl‘roiji«hjliesoii im-j Kiiiutional ri^l I , , iifht so to di'pose of them,) j lf»*‘ir uttenti'in at prcjifIII longer than ii-nal, '“•ate-.lien o| that d:iy 'lep. I |K.ris now iiKji iim lu fir.m U to .j nniiions, | >»hat reason on earth ran be assii>ned for T'ol'are hr riby ordered to n* j ilie suljfft now U |',re ux '.n*' ol p'diTwaid lo rhick the jtro^ri-is ..i tli>-] iieinj iha:i i> i,. ■ -~;iry lo pii\ the cui reiil j making such a donation to these Slates! rai c III ( hi>r lu.onf^iur (n(,rf> inijs»rl.ier»* to nur Sliile (hIkjuM ii Ir.td ’'arroi ih" sc ri'-ijs eo:.‘MHjU»*iice'! (‘'.[ij-iijics o( iji .\itri.ii.ciil—s'l iKiiiIhe 1^1 I'ur \% hilst 1 admit that a native of Vir«iniw to iinv ta\ornbl- acMon (,f (’i.p.ifri'v-) thaii 'o vv iiirh lhi* pj—lion ua.'i.Iv'Ut tu Iriul, | o) ihis iiioii:li, -.^e xm.1 liav'; m ihj I'ri a^ury | or North Carolina does not relinquish or luiion o| t,on_;rf-s in 1 > re. j h suiplus ol Irum o to i(( miiiions of d.ill-u'- i impair his richt to this domain by remov- dm , tbc *J-U» at 10 oVk**-*. A. M; .rmrd «ml «,oi(.prd a« ll.r i*w ; »'•' ""J ta\ornbl arlion of ( , 4;ir«ct», III .''«(niiii!t Liiiiuf ui, lor ilic I any n»»*a>iire which ban Ihm n pn-M-ni. ri for b^ a ri' ol drill. Jon.N MALI.. e^iiiR. \Urr\ n, I'15. , a:;;( »€ I/. rjlIIC •ub*rrilier h«Tii C rplii«]oi»hrd ibf bu»i A n* •« of I^Mt* ry Ac' nt ii Ihu jiUr*, lot tin ^irpo»e o. f'Kig 'o lh« N.uth, lii» I' ll hu uii»4- l. a booinrtu in the hatiiU ol .Mr. ilUaiii Itun trr Ic »ir«ni:» l«» bini. »lr. tIuiiU r » ill in lulur. W Iht *j« nl Ml t’haflo»l» tor t'lr .Nmlh ( '«ruli..a I !/->tl«-r\, and will, «l all Unira, b« abk- lo at- ■ roll.iderjlion in many se,(ri. ltHd'-«>ra- ‘-'"‘'’‘''''‘deij to the M:ii> >, to sMrrendcr iheir j aimimlly ovt r tiie h'^itiriiaie «anl.'of the 1 m^' soutli or westi.OOO miles, I am at a oie that thc».'‘ c'.'oliemen »liusi* aiientii n ^“./i'''«/"//»■ |'•nui.U ',, l"r the snppoit (.i tlii Foderal Cio- loss to conceive h\ what rules fif inductioa • ha* not !> (11 hi'ii t- fore d.'i*cl''il to the m ^ ‘itid .S/orr,. ’ | ln r'i'iM.imeiiii.iiiu,i w,,-.. \eri.u;> ol ; iiini I know uf no other ubjHct j any one cari infer b\ so niovm;; he ucquirea \e?.li^ali>n of iiii> kuhjiM-i, t.h>)oid at prc^'iii aili'ptcil h\ all the .'ii.iioi liuld-j'» \\l;ieh tils I’lmd ccjokI Is* Hp|jlied Unit i any new claims. A:;nii), Sir, hi us now j l arn eiuHi^h of u, i,unt>. ut le«.|, iuid lie. ■''i; I >iid. S> ii.u' li o.r liie coiiiiition Mbicli 1 woi.ld brin^r n,** appliralu n wiiliin the ob- ] see what has iiWeads been done for thesa I niiiK? wi far acoiminV'd «ith the |4ihli«- d-i. 'heir ri h.qiii-omont. j' cts ol ihr yraiils—lo wit ; ‘‘to b'* applied | new States. I will read fVom a report iiiada ■ * Mi.iin, u« to i;i!oi til, nod r>*o->-ur> |l;t- ii«-o- i le- on wiiich thev «er^ cc-1'•> •lie* eoiniiion beiit.lii uf ail llie Si.itos and on an ofricia! call from Con''re.-s. Grants up |i;f p- ;>!«• to n of ih' ir rifehis. If Mr, ih - _r>-iit ina-^ >>1 »oI*ts iii tin* o!o S: :te>* roiilii SM'i' mio p " >..|oii .>f ihc fict' o( this 11 a-**, tb re «.iild v.^rp-!•, |.c f .mid a «h-^ 1 'entmji vo|f-i- fti.rn M nor 1.1 'I’. i. - i III rc- !el, oiii't b'- a-.C'-ilain-li froi.i lonl;iiii> no otiier.” .*1 Lands to the VTesiern States. ■h * C.io-es «!.i. !i I0,;iii.-,J the Ml I.'ii.h r, I [ will now, Mr. Sof's’cer. an» •ij.atetwoll Tnc Itiili ffclion for Public Schools P,000,009 I o!.je-.li>>iis lo this n.‘aMi»e, wne.h as thry !- IiiJ|>rovtmfni in \V. Suti* 3,:2on,i/til> t'l'l t'V H'l ••\iiiiii!!M’iori m' Ihf dtei!-* of Cl M..0. S.,.| . li,. c.il,».sh.u.:alre.i:!\ b xMlhaxe »ilh v.m» ,.|.,u.lbiliU In-en made ‘I'niveiMlics in do 500,00(> ..... .» i I . . ; . , .1 n ^ i i . a I * I 1 I ‘ ^ .1*1011^ ch;iiilttl)lu insiilutiiiis 90,000 e.N . . 1 ... .. ...nre I sullnou j.ress!vO„,c. II IS I.. Ih- p.e-o,:i.:.| they may he,, For ...aro'Suite t.oven.mcnls 21,0o(J (Iilo - HI”" II ItIM*' Iiiitlier, lo M :l : !»■ ■ p:i\ - , urtred o«'ie. h i hei.l b\ simr, ihiit l.’on- I 6 I'ur Salire IUs^.l^•atloll^, e'iuf.,iwJale Uiwae who nmv web li> adv.bUire in U IM U M H. «ri.t K- j ;;ard lo th" |K*.|/'N wli,-Mi otij;, I.I Iiavr he, 11 .e* iptrd 111 reliile.j I.. I'e- I’ .,iic l, ii, (-.— ■!>'ot ol I io piil lir .lieyi. 1 ai M-j i^rc ha.- no |>,nver (tin iei the Ccn^titulion) | ToUl no. of acrcs granted the AVcst ll,10i.i,tj06 .Ho., \ ...... I,,...I, tha la.nai.poiM.us,.-T’' '•> U IS h 1.1,: to d^-oMi of tli.s- !ai;ds or of thrir pro- be kept m tniod, that in all the«0 f,. . N r.'.tai.i a S-a-r l.«4,.,v ii. .h, i-uo 1 "r-;) • I"’ " •••..n . .,-,1.! a m-;.. . >r: ri.m., *.s w-n nnd- |,v i.u* Mai. s e. .-.U .ao.m:! t,... .siai. s, b-rr.u- tiiey were | thev are |.ermiltcd to iho M‘V. .ti. H.ivrck. «h.> b*. rrii^.id toii.i-.S.HJII..!'H who II, • f„, ;ij ',h. i.'ie .‘ii.ii.-, : . ,,oihoi..*.j j convi\ed /./, n* tl.o tlonNiiMituai wa» a-, ,i,g^ r* It loiluM- IVfe/Tf/■; .I/I,s i.('/(,• Iff.//I/■((/i7eiri,'(’' li pil’d. 'IIkii* ar« I . ... . ^ . . . ■' ih" ir hwl.. 1 h«»>- f i„ . • i i,, if tiol Ih* »• « ,i' no n.i ao>- lo IimI .>l>j. i'i|nii— ' q'l- >li'>n ihe ' "or po.vrr lo c. :;-o ;,|,^ ii; mi., liif |i,i, - il.i- rlci-d? • . IT In *i'i-, Util Ih* m-i-ii I’roiti Ilic Itir !\, blit Isc" i>«i; ii.i n .iii . .. .hob*, rrino.id toii.i .*iHjiii. !'n (.'-non >.• Hhi. «a-.n, • p.tii I .• Ill ; ..w I'trjccd lo arc(MDiiiuit..tr all »1.0 «i-l. ! a riiiir«»* “iriid ' ,n (if iiu ; I «• i.r It, ih" ir |iwk. 1 li«»i- '.•. ' '» dy.i-ror..„yr,l„„rUol.u b.r.|^,„ | ,1, / — lod- >ii>e uTiii, .ill-in.lHi'iialiw inaiTKiti.. « »ii ,, .la.hancflu.aiaw ibctinrhpr.j. oi '“'"lO dir. r! d .;s—.a* I '■•.*fi-id- r n \il a bick) l. |(«w j i v-.>.|n ci or*-- ; sod i. l! •' • 'I rl -li.riiit! f..1, « - !. t-iw.ird and try your lu ' • \*ri ,,ii till- iitp» no di tj'.l e f |i tn.iki- il - « h\ .111 *1 It «1m ^ t.ol r-«i'Mf :• ji in f 0 C-oiiNiitntiuii wdn a- t«o -tH ctual ansvsers | l'(, there i., nolhinj; in j jy valued at H> to 15I.5 per acre*. About i>r.'hibii sui-li a dis- j l-.uiulr>'d million of dollars then theso hs m.-ii' ol t„-r -o-lK-r |..r to •« or ' |.o,mIioii. but th-v -:.e« 00 far.^ n nas, haveulr.-aov received; add ...r :h. -..;.,...ri... i I,, vv 1.. .1 a 1 ro.t lo'.ii cu ate- 10 He (.. ti. !al (J..1 e,n- j rijrht', and lh-> 5 i-er mi ll «. r- p.-/, ,! to ... VI... t!,e s-n. and or nt .lud the n^i.t lo r- turn v.hat is hit af , ,„e . I o... hai.ii,.- Ihi-. ,1. bt ; la.- aUcn- ; ler aecom;,h^hmj the ohj , t of the gran'. „ reasonable man would suppose .hem ..I 11.1 ,airi.,i, ti.i* .siati'Hi.^oi, aod phi-: to ihe pranoes, |,.iloA, i.iccssauly. ~’d, completely suiffiled but th,s it ap{H*ar3 p.ivi oiMt*-u to,:.:.- a Mil.jcct ot ■ ll,« hrji-ra! Con..!:ti,i.,.n wTsu.ioi.led it k | „„iy iiioreuses ti.e anpeiite tor futlher in- ii.i'a II 1 l^aild lor si'ian to di-«-i.\' r uu- ei,.-ni>'s Hpprt«ieh. i lo.-op.r. i oii. . t»-u o. 1:. ;.- a Miojci-t 01 ■ iii« rroi-ra! l oiisiuuiion «-i.s u.ioi.ieu 11 i 1 inrreuses tI.e appeiiic W II I.. ii .Ml rra»..n»bi. t»rn.». • trad ni va!. ^ I »v.11 pron.in ,‘i*, f >r oi,", ii. t lo in.ik',-' oi^pia !u.ie ill it rii^M I: al lo i -idi.■! f.it iT 11 ne, sim e ll.eso lanls wer.,* con\e\ed, bui ' ,jj,'J'hev come forward and 8sk - I \ Ml in • »h..iiu« i^xitilv. Ivi-z i.i. Il H f.art\ qoe.||..ii on-4-l!; aod one o'l,i-r lolhil .;:ile w h.cli tii'-y had J*"! allaint (1 ^ the Siale-''hut eedi'i! tint-, tiave .sul)>eijiient-I , -r. • »rt 'Ir ( r..it:cl .■rijiMi.iDi! lr , | .n.Mire g.-iii' ri.--ii of m Hd'a'i.iii— liii'- -o loii^f aiN' •ii-'-p. fi.h'a -lia^ ..|i;. The.-, ’ U rai.ti- d a. d ado!.',.-,i to - (’ in'tilulioi); so j ,,p,| (|,p Vn stern States, and »)/.: ihii ih-'/v../,/«■ rx.t o.Hko II .. !■ n... w.*rr at l.i-i (« mi.d lo, ,|i.( s.,1.1 e ■//.../ h..i:v iIk* L :t ir: corrri, >u^pos | a\aiicious spirit '100 1.1 J I ao'i, w„. i, r \ .lii. c iVoiii uhi'oee hii;'!.! I«^ iiU;»ed the n ijiii-1 i.iif the iw.i to bc iiiroa-.i.t.-ni, vvhich 1 dc- i ,.„rned, 'hat la-it winter it is suid, a largo l«-r..iii- h!iv- to the qo. M.on; i,i,.l 1,-lure I Mte im:;l-. |n;,. A-am—all the land .t.UI l.y (i.'or- | appropriation «as made to clear out a river nke iry »■ Ht. if ihi*» Mi.o.e IS so ui-p...i (i, 1 I-'rom eiif* of th'-e orent on «r.» i^ien a-' i-’i:'. ■'i'' vM-ii a.>« that pareiiased ..Vnin Spam i ,1,.,, ^aler in it, but the bed of «ill cerinmlv in k-av,.r t.. vW.,ilht'hi l..n.‘vv Imli h-.l 1.. th.-ir .■.•>-i..n. it w no! dif- '“'d Fnioc.-, wlii.-h no.v coiwtitnies 'he ] I'hty are not in the -iibi■•'■t f-in uriisiunees havo enabled fu ult t». a-.-i ri..in tho fc.WiVo./M on u hu h preatiT pail of ti.e uii- Id public land^, j havinsr’ all' llicir ri.ads and mi-to ai . uuail..li-. iin-y «eie r.-lmnunlic-d. ,\..iii» Cu.olma 'vie obtaii i'd by lln* i;« ni-ii.l i;.i\f‘rnmi*nl 1.^.^.,.^, out, colh*i;cs, public schoola Jj. , «ill ■i.'iiid «• In orfi r to olwerve'.■om» nif'thofl in han- .md N ir;;iinn siii r- i!di*rcd wilhoot reinuner-jthe I-• dt-r.iM oiuiitu-| .jpij erecti'd by llie public lands, tin v.a.,1,. 14 mjM ui ,||,„„ M,hji-rt, I uiil—I.t proceed to al,.m ; all lln* ..iher st,il.-s r-ri'iN.d a p.-cu-, ? mid if iii.re can Li-any .loul.t in f'-j and then a lari;e poi tioil of the land lo boi.t, - -- ■ , ori_-mal clai.n ne onec had to i.i iry eomp.-nnatioo in part, or made larije , >Tird t > this quf>tioii a> a ^ onstiUiiional L,,,, ,|,p^. ,li^ ^I i»--er\Mlions I'.ir them:«’lves. '1 hi* d.s iis, 1 ti.e (.lain in.rds r^l the .‘Jd srotion ’"j (’an any oue be surpris.-'d at the c.xtraordi- ilioii.?!i varMiij III iro/v.'t, are >-ub>tnntialiy I'be lih urtu It-«.>l the (.'opsuiution " ill dis-1 prosperity of the U eMerii Slates un- Hsfillows: “ I' r the i.M ii'ul n/'a//' pose ot ilial doubt—it reads tliu i d(.r these circumstances ? \Va« ever a coun- thf Sloti'^ t'ovijh t:n'^ tlir I iii^ n{S. ( V.Tii-| ^h.lll ii..>e j'ou-cr In difposf ol and ! jpj j,, liuit inrliiil, li) tn ri>ri!,>ii’ lo tliiir -ry/.ir. 1 n.akn all nt-i'diul lul -s and rejiul ilioiis re-• -> hv sir we nnnht as well /•..! in thi >•(»/ c'hir^t am! cxjicn.i 't.Lre; | spectii);; the trrrfionj and other pro|R‘rt\ ol j surprised at the pro>i>«‘rity of a young o,ui tUnj ,Ua,l In frAihU.;lti,r/ vf for H*‘! l’'.i!*‘d f^’ati-s,” ^c. I must say. Sir, vvho had a father standing by with tlmt /nirpoxe, and for no i>tliir iin o/' jiur- \ >'• caoiiour, 1 cun rcaicf*ly believe any man ^ ||,.,|yy purse, out of whii-h he boii^iit him ki) • : J or;.( \ .Mini, K VS . Siiiiih and mix i». T'- It.-It. ii-t. • atn.iii !{00 a p«rl o: » t« I , r. »-.l •iid m ri-; »ir. 1 I 1 :tl l>t bad I.n I) ;ifr n |M»a, nr'rom t.v : ji VI..uni I’lcan-.', I ’a'.airn* Ji'II.N t). \V\l I.ACH j l b .iinf iPott f/iti.rotir. .19 Y fiM J J. , « ill "l.iiid «• K---r!ntlr,, II I (iKiiinf -la i Rl llir iiKN^ lair |irie> of A‘' wr |t • 'aiih, or S'l to inallli .1 Wa-i- li, S. , Ilf, |„ n,n , t,. »|,irilli' Virt I14, s, ,, py( ip,ii,4,,r, iradr.1 i ili»iirari(;r inonry will I* djiiii.ft. Kl K N. rt)X. i V.|,.-A 1.', .1.11 f ll.tl i'JLl**; .!;•* (..mils- 'iilK . the cir. iiiii'^tanee-tv hich I'd lo Ih'* €i.oHiii.>ii-4 on v\ 1,1. h tiicy were I eil. d to ih.' ••’•■Iienl ■ov>T|i!ll(-llt — 3 llv, *iiiii‘ ri a'l'iif. f.ii pii'seni anil prom| t action on ihis siil.p-rl, \Mih oor pr-M'iil M.iiitN and Ihe II'..*'' to »\ t,|i-h ihl*- flilll Coul.l Ih- .ipi.lied. Tii'-M- vk ho Mie acijii iinie.l « iin our I 'o- loiml (imii IV well know, t!iat ( Inrh s II j;ftiite(i lo e.-r;at:» t‘'i*'l'-n.('ii kii..wn a irk(it!>ot i\ r." if ihcii iIh'-c l.i-torical |'d .-i-nM* si>Oiiks the Irulli, w hen he prote.^ses ’ l,,m the hand-, cut his ditch “ l.iTtl-. I’r.>|>riei.,r-," a chai O r for nil l.imis lads be triif, it i-^ p*>i leeil\ clear «eoiic0|I'> doubt the con.^tiliilioinl ri^ht o( ^ oii-j built Ins hc.uses.— w ilhin tin- .Noi ihern lio.iU . f thi> St.iU- aod had 11 lie Id thw don mm ; wo eedt d it for u 1 - • tb'.’ public laiius as herein recoin. 1 such a state of thintrs could he hel| Ihl- S .IIIhi rn line ol S. t 'an.liiia puri.orlm:;to particulur pnrpovc. lo wii : “ 1.. con.iiliit.r a j nieinled. I I'uder such a state of thintrs could he help prosju'rinj; ? 'I’he only thino that surprises MiA.i: roi: NAi.i:. A • I.l Ki.i t;,, Will of .John t'onncr, iif,',t I „,|| nil I.mil and priin««i> mi * , " " r'l'i I Iv li»i 1, roMin»'l!\ I all) d .1 \t l\ - XI 'nil t ri'in 1 n-- ^ U.IOUI 10 Ilir. 1 .0 II|| \ , , . ... j , _ im.; ■?, tiui . oc; mu .. .nm:. ai m.i UI pi ’^.u J » I'1.1;, m, t!,p „ai.r» ol IJirl,nrd--.n'« , c.n. Th''C I.oi> ,s |’ri.priit..r> li.id \,-led bv th - e.iv 'nant ihoy were lobe oi-.pose.r mc:iMiri* w:i.s tJial v.e should rmiiice the du-' ted almost entirely under .-uch a system. * 'Vlt^^o'.i'n**’ ’rr7rn'"-''•.h/T.'" the ri^rjn ,,ri|„._„.j7. hut ih- of f..r tluit /....-/vm aod no olht r. {ih s on iii';...i!v helo'v the vvai.I> of govern- ! Mr.'Speaker, those «ho havo ».-li ii,..**„t;H, -tt-v iHiili'iii'cf, ull II! ri;>ht ot K.oerii.neni : ami ji.r caii'i > not now I in.ed nil i..k. Mr. S/eaki*r, aov lori.t, aiel iin.U«- up ih - d.hLier'cv iiit '^1 paid no Httcntion to these things believe 1 i' nn.Tr. 'I'ur. 1, mi, )j, ni S irinn. i \\ . II. ner*-'.»r\ to 1»* adverted to, they siirrendir- le;_’al »i’iii!eiiian mills li.arin^, but I will tin; ,*i!ies 11 the nil.lie land'-'. 1 hat was a am laboriiiij under a mistake, but sir, did I V r.|, and a V, rv K'-'l "" b»r‘. :.il c .1 lo iho erou n the ri^ht of Mov.-nmi.-nr, >nliiiiit to an\ mind capable .)f« 0,1.p.clieiid-, piaiivihle arpiiment peiha[is at the time „,it have tlu’ firls In fore me in print, offi- .'n "V K.v.r sub'.tqiii-nllv ^Hve ui. the riotit of the ni;: the ini|Mnt of word-, that if“ lli.it pur- Mi. II i\ne re.«;oited to it—but it no loii;;er communicated lo Concie.ss, I would soil, , r„,rl (.’raiivill-, who lelaiii'tl po«' and none olher” I'or which they were nppln-, thr >hir tho Taritf is seliU'd and (,eheve it nn.selt'. All who are in tbo the nuht m pi..(H-rlv m ihe soil. Ih nee it :;raiile.l is answered, on-ln lin y not to re-. fi\ed b> a eompromisi', at a certain rale of r,*oaiilmji the uelion of Congresa i>. ail ilie iitl.-s to’our l.inds are denv.,.1 Mft back to us ' 11 ilioe hm tl-e.is are re- (inties lor ten years: and on tiie principle ,^is subjie: know too well, the facta f.i.iii Imrd tJrinvilli*. the erown, and siitc- move.l, and ili.'s.* ih his paid ..If. f.r wlm h , loo. that the lales shall he fully adequate |,pr(, s^iated: and tho.so who are not hava I'.e \ ar fiorii the >laie. In the pufpi'ses the\ were coii\e\ed to the (..■in - to t.;e wanl.^ ol ji.vcri.mcnt ; no person in Init to turn to the aels p.i-j.ed at any sesmoti III' an time, the I'n nch h.id ■.eiih-d Canai! i. 'al liovernmen;, does i! not lollow heyi nd j his s •i.>es is di>i*os>'d to di>^;ui t' that ques. ■ of Conj^ress for manv veais past, to see tht» aod 00 the Mis.i>.|p|.i, iiiid thev el.imedto the r.a.'hil doubi,thut tho trii>t ha\lily , tioii now ; nor woo,il he U-so i”'miitle.l I ,j|- mudo lisr some asylum, le.hl all Ihe L in.U west id' the Mississippi U-. II sali«l.ed, ihe Iriisiee should now pa> , pa sume, if the nti.-mpt v.ere made. ■ roll,.^r,., „i creek, tli-it is not considered na- |{(v.-r, and .Not I h of ihe I .akes and the Ki- over to those win. male the coriveyanc, ? pi mci[iii* and rnto el duties heinjj now fi\*d || uaiional river or creek, ver .St. I.aw ranci*; a war ensued between Sir, it is loo pir.in l.» 11 ipnro any thing iiior*.' hy i-omproinisi* lor ten years at Ica^st, il^not ,||py j|.jp voted directly ; bul laiul ind and France, and by Ihe treats of; than a slatement. ITti.'i or winch terminated it, ihe claims j I do not wish to Iv* iindercfooj as claim- ol llie I'rei I h w. rendmitted,and afterwards I ,„,r (or ihe Stales iImI ceded tliest; land.-. •I iht- ( r... IU,ad ^ ( rill.rru-« t '-tnifl* t> S mill ’ *' = II r. .iii, it frr> il rn'v. WkiU * ' til f!or«l, onti t' rnl nii * -I'ti.i Ilf M'ri'ttjiiif' and a • i-iilurr.iinuK 1,1^ | j, lo 'HIM. IV i)ii! ON. ( iiarlullr. 1 III L-,,. , « II V/li/ry/. Jjj I 1. I! . r J. J ^ f..i 'ii'^i'.*' “ >.('i'.''iii I a ^ *' * Nfiu III I 1 I *'Kll I-.,II , t. , ,I,,1,1, ,j |;,f ,1, ,,,)y ‘'l|.,l|, 1.:; m'io!!''*'1'"'1^'' '“'"’"hl.v eon- our hiiiii.s west weie cojilined to the .Mis'is-! ,.vi |iisivi‘lv, all the proecrds arisini; from .'.oil.Ill Hlilclj t|„ ..-..'.I 1 1.1_. ._ . ’ I . «| -In woo'd Im- iiiihIiI.' lo .1.11 J ..I uri U|iiilloii » illi .i.lv.iiilaijc. /■I I , l» II \ I I \ \| . •■■u l'iiu, V:r. >, 1(1^ ■„ t p A '*•’ ,11' I i. il to l'i« jnil of - H Mt .'Ml nliiiiw Ci.iiniv, It III'. rr.t Hoiii.iii hv llii- n.oiH- ol I 1,1/, 111.I'll, uln.iil I'oi' liil lin;h, il.irk ••iMii)ili I'll^(,,11, i,in,i,._ alHiiil '.ill y. rs I,111, cii:ir«i- hiMiii NiMin i-ii.llica, * 'i\H .|i.. b. jniii;. ,1 |„ \V i,|,,w sippi iiver—S Hith Carolina wa*« separaled i iheir sah*, lor two rea.sen-;—1st, because a from the rest of tins ^rant ; and we hehl al , hir::t* porlii'ii of the lands unsold wen* ac- that tiMie all of that land now consliluliii;: ' quiieil hv treaty from h'r.inco and Spnii). the Slatt'ol "IVnnes.^i-e; a eotiiilrv nnns \ears which cost in all abool oO 11 illions of do|. lurever, it is useless 10 , vi>eet that the> ' „• „,,„onal. then thev j.et tho a- will be reduced. Is then tins .. millions lo j he idle in the Tre.isiirx, or to l«* expended roii.plainmo of the western mfui- bv Ihe o.-ucral -..vermn- nt m pnrclKisnij ! f,r ohtaimnij 1 lits> d.mations; bul 1 dv» up distri.'tsol comiiry, by the adoption ol a ..o.uphiin, sir, al that policy, whicli takea system of iiil'.riial impr.'vement that n-cocT. , f„„dcreatrd hv all and for tho “cam- nisesnoobji'ct asnaln.i-.al, where votes can- ..f all, to apply it exclusively iiHt be biui|;ht ! or shonhl it lie t^ud over to j„,„| ^ period uf > eais tu'the benefit of a innot look with per lerlinjj ol* froiii th« old we n>-*) destined III \er aj;ain to realiw a dol- stale, by reiiiov in;T to .Mabaina or .M is’sou-i I come niw, Sir, to the rea.’sons which Slates who have for tho last two years op- jar of revenue. , ri /A* n//i/surrenders Ins interest in those ' should imluee ns lo act nl present, anil p .si il lh« iiieasiiics introduced into Con- \ iroim:i. New.York, ('onneeticiit, (leor-1 lards which weie iiccpiired by the blood i prompily on lliis matter. An opinion or . n this same siihj ct; I fear sir tho ahead of her ancestor in morai and phvsie- jars and of coiir-^e weie paid for hy the peo-j" 1“’| lew Stales only. And 1 cann al iinproveinenl, and in a lit of ;:enerosi'\ pj(. hI laioe—-’dl_\, I d.. ii.d ilnnk iliai h iia- >*'and in need ol its aid, and with it mi^ht . compassion or even with u pro] we p-irled with that Iwtier half, from wInch |,m. of North Carolina or any othi r old^ ; respect on liioso mendK*rs fi ,i,, i'“ii Ml L.|i.n,liiirL'(. iinh,\ ir- t ' '. vV,c. a quin d oMu r lar"''Iracis ol land and Ireasuii'ol his nnci .slots. Itisbulhiir ‘''■v' cf' " '**'*,by .lii.iiih Wilaon ol ilio miller cireuirHiaiices Varv irii; m no siihsinn- the n'it proceeds shoiild Ix* divnled ns indi- 'i; r-'I'i'-i'd to r.mir .jrgrce fiom -.ur a iniisilion. So if dis- | caled m ihe resolutions; and sincp the tie ' I’f-h r'.'. |my eliar^i • und t ikt- hi r „ ' 4, .McCUN.NAI'CIIY, ShaW. 3J.lf c..verv,c.mqne^t und piirchuse, united, can liieral Covernment now h.ilds these lands, pive title to a countr\, Ih'vou 1 any que.stioii ; and can survey am) sell tlieni, and collect WO ouco Imd Ihu tillc (o' llicsf lands—mid i lliO prt^ceds with more luiifoniiity and dcs- idea IS now prevah*nt in tho \\'csl, j;: inin;; , ..p;>.',''ition 111 a certain hij^h quarter, pro- i»round d uly, and now MdviK-aled by th- -i*.'ded umh' fiom enmity to (he dislin- President, tli.it these lariu.s oii"!it to be siir- miishcd statesman who oriiiinated the bill render* d to tbo States in Hliicli they an- that passed hy so lar^e a vote, than from loeat.'d, or be soul to them, w'.iich is th'- ' v.hal was slatcil in the paper signed by his saiuu lhiU{{ lu tliu cud us gisine thoin. It hand; a ujau uu iuch ciccasiuud tau^t