ERS’ & F^MERS’ JOlIRBTAIi. PUIffTUI) AND PUIiMSIIED EVERY THURSDAY, IIY THOMAS J. HOt.TOS. voi« V. .tHAULOTTK, i1IE( KLEMBIRG torXTY, NORTH-CAROLINA. - THURSDAY, APRII.^^ 1835. NO. 235. i - THE VtiiiervH^ & FariurrM' Journal h |)fiiiie(J anti |Hil>liihrd uvtTjr Tharnduy morniiiit at 7'rn DolUrt |>er aiinniii it' paid in tdr incfi Tk9 DiMor* and Fiflit Centi it' not pn'id in ad- vaiicA; 1'^rtf /MUrt «t the end of the year. FRENCH AND AMEKICAN NAVY. From the National I: ItUigenctr 5th ult. Not 80 fortunate was the other of the Amkrican Stonk—.A mtcly discovered j Ctmtnt.—Longinuit never made a truer ru-[ — i *= . u n . u- u i umik tlian when Imj said a “ den)»crncy , ^present asj-oct of our afiiiirs Last Day or the i^EosiON: ' ii,, * P ” HUM the cradit! of scicncK.” The uiifctter* j with Franco, the foiluwing statement [ Ei> Hi'sijje^s: Wkpt Point Academy : Loss * ^ a o il e*pHiidin;r to its utmost power ofi of the Naval etrcnf>th of our* ancient; 1‘*JKtification Dill.—I'lte two A1)VKI!^»K-.WI:NTH will be inwrted a*l f'.TVy Ifree laws and institutions. Ally, may not be without interest: Houses of CoNOKEf^s adjourned, the tiif-ht ft«tiperM|uar. (iiiirjiciediin!i(ihn«i,)forihB j‘J*‘V'l'»p«‘S powers tliat li« dormant and re- T«Shii iftlof « f i h w ii U^fore last, their functiotis then ceasing! tir»t nu«riion,«nd ‘.'5 cetiia for each a«icocliiii{ 1 pn;M4*d beneath the chains of a mnnarchy ' wuicn.rfare three , wreck of public business ensued: j aud despotism. Discoveries and inventions i .jj t>"- . r •• i ! Jn our two or three last i)atiei $1 liir thre* weeka, for une m{iiari.v roiuiiiujKCMU'd for pubJir«tM>Ot ihc numbiT ol j seein almost nm^tcal niiil fe»U|>«rnu- | inxriiuiu iiiuat Ix* noiM’rd on the mar.’in ot thv ‘ I’JchI com(mced with the results of iiitellcc* | uuiniMcript, or they will he vimtinutd unul j tual operatiofjs in fruvcrninents of f«»rce.; forbid, and charged sct>tdiu(;ly. ^ Our own country has demonstrated the trutli t Frigates—of whicb, 13 are of the first class. 1» Corvettes—of from 20 to 32 guns, llritfs of KJ, i:{, i,i)d 20 guns. 3 Schooners of 1 'J ^uns. 20 Steam Veffch ! ! six oijns each. IS TOTALLY LOST! Ycs, in this very criti cal moment of atfairs, not only has no new measure of defemliog the country beeo a* dopted, but the bill tor the usual annual ap propriation for Fortifications is totally lost? We can hardly credit ourseives when we write this paragraph. Yet such is the fact; •/ All ciin.municatiooa t-. the t^dilor muirt coit.c , remarks in her Franklin, her FuU i , - ... fr„ oTpo^tMgf,or ihey n.t b» atirndrd to., U’Jntney, and many other-, and in 'he ' - ^ hich three are fiibt mlcs. 2fi Frig.ites. 2 Steiiin Ve^KoIs. 'J he Ollirers of (he French Nnvy are, 3 Adiiiiral-, 12 Vire-Admimls, 22 Rear Ad- Iastonisliinf{ mpidity with «hichbhe husap '** I pited and iiitpruved upon alinoiit every use. j cozens propwe. t. wvn • icfKwl in tUI art. thin Tilliifr, on Monday, 3lJth loaL (hj the We now come to rccordanother remark- hoow formerly ocriipird t>y Dr. roi.) in w hich sill be Uu^hl the acterai brancbM of an Encti«li tdueaiion. ^ Trrmt vf tuitio*.—Vot Rp*din|r, Wrilinjr, A- ritlioH-iic, Kn(li»b(;ranim*r,Hi»ior», ' meos, and from further infttriiiuiiiui obtain- and ( •nip*>ition, ooc dollar per monlii. Eitra f«r liijfb^T br«nrh^. rSailiMt, MarrkHilk.ikX't. 2m i I _ j-New llumpWiire, and for inntiy years pjiit I AMERICAN'NAVY. fi^OOil I" rfiiJ**!** »n (>n*»od»gu c.uciiy. From the lleport of the efc retarv of the A 11 JL. indehi. d to me h- Vote or flnek ' * 'iVasnjarv, we nsoertain th«. S.renqth oi Ll.prrxm indet>td to y"** , iiuinerou* exw-runr-ut;*. dise o'^red a com- \ ... ' Atxoanl. are notifird. that unloM they are • . * . . . ^ \ oor iNiiv able invention, h hich has before been slighi- , r , T «u nllud^l 1... I«.l ,r .l„rh »C c™ IH.., fV.H,., ; M l™ "I IjmlB Sh,,„. I , . ,1 7(1 Cn itams of rrijrates, 90 Captains of our own iicrsoiial obM'rtatton ot llio Hl>eci-■ i - ; . n ru i 1.- .. , ' orvettes,'1,)0 I.ieiiieiinnts ol line of batl e ' meos, and from lurther inhtrmuiKin obtain- r.r.n j • i> . o,r »• i ■ led from th« in visitor, ^|>e»k in riiore p>«iiivc . ji !terinH.->Ir. OUd.aU Parker, a native j Sea.iien and Boys. pafiers we ex pressed our ooinion rosperting the state of ,L, 1- I ‘ II r II "IIIC Miia p€W«f;iuiJll. « Cl BUi;il IS IIIC lUCl i (he p Ibi.c buMness |„ the Hou^ of Kepre. ^ appropriated to fortifications, sentatm-s. It wo.ld have been as just had j^^^t whctl^er it be not the boun! onr iiitiiiiutiou rc^pected the state of the llolJS/'. NVjih n nront Jf'uf of (alont, and we have no d'Mih(, (oo, a f;n ;a deal of patriotism, the litii of IJf^prisfiitatives had been broociii iri(oii coiitl.tiDn, by various caus(‘s, (leu duly of the President to call the new Congress at (he earliest day possible. Cer tainly—most ceroinly—such is his duly, if he has any reasonable apprehension what ever of hostilities with a foreign nation. We will stale shortly the history of this bill. It catne from the House to the Sen- III Nvimh It secififd ii:cH|iable of gelling on wMli the hu une,. „f the country. Atten- 3,,,,, provisions were agreed to by ive ..bsfmrs have riot.ccd u tendency of j ij,e Senate’s Committee. Various additions Ins l«nd. Iro,,, ,he earlv part oi the session ; 3,^ j, ^y the Committee, in ill I .s la-- ( a\,^ loiced the pursuance of communications^rom the War mm,Is of al . Long debales; the endless ^ perplexity of the rules ; conte.sts, every mo-Lari;a ment, pr.orify of husmes.; and an ,,„e added for the better defence of enpcrne« of di.cns.ion, which seemed en- | BaUimore, Philadelphia, Boston, &c. and irely to disrr g^ird the comparative iinpor- L„ additional amount for arming all the for- Ll nrr»oo« indeht. d to me ti* Note or Book '' , - - - j ■vu>.uiir_v, «e iiwfriairi me sirengin 01 ^ Mifications. When it appeared that the De- l;^ »otifi«J. thJt^nla^ th. y arc | exp-runrnit., di«.-owered a com- , I here wert^, of which we could speak, F t„„„, ,,„,i further SLasures to recom- o. or h. for. o«r Toort in Ma, oe.(, ihr, ■ P'Mtien .tucco or cemeut- -which, from a I of which indeed wo shall feel it our duty (o , Committee reported the bill, tho •ill bf put u«t fur collMtion. Ncec»iiy alone 1 "late ofliquiu morlftr, .luiduMi 111 a lew oajt* ^ j ^eah, ai;d to sp.-ak freely, horcalter; bu( '- cooip*'* n»« til tiiu oiMirac. ;—say ei;>hl or ten—int»ra »'lid »tib!(aiire ‘y*’" G Ships ol the line, and I wl.i h we at present forU ar to meniion. u 1 Ol 1 TROTTCR. j or Mouf, impem irafale alniott as jjranite,! ' 1‘ri^ates. '1 he mel.incholv result of (ht; w hole is, 11^. . „ ijeBu„ju| p„|,s|,. ( In ordinary, 5 Shipo of the line, 2 Fri- j that Congress has broken up, leaving al- 01* j ap|>arently, ehi*'Ay if H calcareous nature,^*"‘’1'“" _ j most every measure of the ses-ion kN Ruiidayni(bi U>t, i>oai ihr j hkc the hariieyt kiinl oi' marble. An\ ' In commij>sirtn, 1 Ship of the line, 4 I'ri-1 uritioished, and therefore tolalK null and void. Stable *1 Ihe •ubaenber ■niloa w«-»t of rbarloft I il>r«f, »■»* yar* ol«i, l“ni; | BLi(.e *1 d laiL on* arhile hind tbr>t and be i« 111 fnmt Mdtt. A liberal r.w.rd aaJ alt aips'n*** »>ll he,-«il for hi» delirrry to mr, or any lufw- ■ nutMU. ao tbat I can frl hinn again. G. I'ATTER.SON. [ -!4. l-ao. aw nd *.) Si hooners. 'i'he following bilU, originnliirg in the Sen- Sciia'e agreed to Ihe amendments, and tb« bill was returned to the House, with the a- inendineuts, on Tuesday, the 24th day of February. The House did not take up the Senate’s amendments till the last day of the session, one whole week after the ^nate had sent baenber, two j color may be given tb it; ai.d it not Wii) • ^ ^loofw of U ar, h f, a Urjf biy ijefif*, IhiI uctudllv acouir«;« yreuter diMwilv ■ ^ olal, 12 Ships of the lllif ol ATTKNTI»> : ^ DiKKS. .by!.—r* cullii.g to ii (i.dthe lubl.-rommv^rf rhi ■van pcr^ clly pttnfifd t*it!i us d»ir, ^vm d-iwa, «Vi.r., all of which isti litiid to bv ilie owner to |ntwhmM), and by liio cer- Yon ar« h. «b otd'r^ ta ap-' titir«t« of the jiid;;vs of the cruiitv ani the ^ar at your o>ual P*«d-1 ciH/.. (.-i of tlie pU-.'. lus imiH».. Sroamr.-r. tU Mih.J . ron-. r,„. ,,o. s of M.di .i ?hi|>s ol ] I , - 1 r vv 1! ^ I-'Ttons PiM,; , hill was finallv caused by one of these last •^V '■'e“ ' * •-to ps o .ir am j (p:ii-i-d nenriv urianimuu-k in the Senate.) I .ujieiidments; and, therefore, we have ta- Vi. looni rn. I he import :\'i(, JiDii iaky P»ill; ( ' kon pains to collect the facts, precisely as U:ir v..^v!s in,on ouring theL,j,„ oC31tor>in( ^ .hey appear 01 ' ^ pisl wsr, li iNe (kio eiuplouil, as hiTeto- Hiri', ill prolcriiiig our Vmiui.ii rec 10 itie Meilitermiienn, in the WeM liidir>i, >n thf I ppear on the JcurDalsand io the pro- Tti» r.ii.L Hi'Gi j ATi>r Tin: DErosnr. or jceedmgs. THE PuiLic .^lo^t.vs IN THE DEi^jsiiK i One of thc amendments, proposod by the iiu.ivi»ri ri.ii./rm, liitb *11 round. 7“" “ ‘'"T" 'soch 11 ’"''''^',1'*"",'’ ' I'l , Senate, was the addition of the following ni'w^nk c-irnir.a, al H» 1 liM:-.v«r>. li aurprt^mn, uuh. lit J.Mil t,nil'', j 1'nK P>Ti.r. FF-r rcrnR Tin: Tem he or 1 sections: IV|in.,iKr»t« «>u:dlo»cnioaiumJ j othercrim nl» ; :ttulthe nta!-ru.l is vicht-ap, , ''"I »' rre, c i.^i-tiiig of ec^omis- ■ Orru e, a.M) Hemovals FhoM )i eue ; (a | » See. —And he it further enacted Tliatthcinm at that tioir. I »hat eiiMre hi"t-= b, « f hlup.- or diii.-ii- ""Tniit ( Slicer«. jK tty oflicerH, | supported lu the Senate i of *cvci.l>-fivf thoujand dollars he,’and the larna U. iiiil « •ions, P»rliften|iiiiK, idaul". aj’M'luitv, iVc. riiivint'ii and b'j?-, to hv men of all parlies.) ' is luTeby appropriated, toward the rapair of th« ‘ ^ _ i onv be (hiis built U-. in « d.\«, wou li ; a"d ..,r 1:1 iriiic eor| s, und. r ils new , ‘'Pin; Pin. l^n^;MMrYr^r. Ci aim ^\ts tt,lf O,V far Sale, * | W.uld Ut.. rl> ^a}.•.;e,i,. buck ao.i .st,.ne, e-.m,Mi--,..n. :!. r.,„ I'nv.yvu Sroiiation.. iu:Ko.a: l ^00‘. I it tSn?!? lY M'.iKkl'^ONS Jt MeKT.F, at 13} ceni>-' ,o;d eir «-t n c;i!i pli-!o rr tr lutK'ii It; ai> hi( r • J-i'ers i.u i co'-’Oiir 1..1K .1 .tl.i'i ts, { These h.ilf d z- ii, (not to s;!e.ik of the I Manh. eighteen hni’drcd and thirty-tbur; tfj« i! 1.1 “-T.I. 4t W Imt ».il n t nit\#l iinilaie aiu. pnvalio, to nuii.ber «l 1 1 hill for thf reheidl'the Cities of llie ^l^tric( ^aDle to be paid out of any money in lti« Treasu- TIU' tliuroiiKU l»red Horse, : -ccvmi.Uh ?-1'. .Var. II RIO TT, r}' nr.l othcrwi.c nppropriatrd. “Sic.—. And hi it further enncted. That th« film of one hunc'rt'd thousand dullars b, and the rColu(r)li;a : (iie bi!l providing for the in- I — . IS. e fii.d (tie fallowing in a crease of llie Corp® r>('ivi"iiieers: the bill i .4 f Btn 8 fvior man, rind ^‘ d-l|>h;a pa;-er htc Dcuio- Io carry into^eb'Ct the ^oiuenlion bi lween j jg apj,ropriattd, out of any money in (C«!» j-iKt make both ends im i t by euttiii^ r«/;c /Aro/ii,"’of U ednesdny la>t : ‘“ ' * ' ‘ J ii.y iu«i nrcordmg to ih*^ chtth. .My v»il- ,...11 I.. ^ (he I niled Statef^ and Spain ; anil the bill the Treaiiury not ol!i«rwis« appropriated, to be ap- is a fn»hi>f*’ibl>‘ mmipiiii and wiiulJ ww.oor b* iri;pri^>niil ioi hie than run rniinier to t(ie \S o, r,«„^n«rd h.. - a-... at the , ; ...ojpr,, oxtrax arirKr H ihem.Kh r:i ton. i.i Ol \\ u%. S m l.iort;lnU>n, Norm i iif ♦ .. « . I..4 Hill ht to mare, at the ...odrrat. ' ? ‘^'^nK'nt Of geiH rosilv a.«-ut a k a-o, ati« wMi HI » m*frg ti me luoarrtir ’ ►— Mumstu u wjh us L fiumcirr. i>ui mi# (jfiii* | »■.. 4 « *>11 ^‘M«aolkr.U.r Mn|W , J C'vc din.-fln.j*N Io imrcii.i-* n sr, fwnii\ ui!i viinisin wh^n ne rril-rf, ll*al if il | , * Lii*. II r"‘ . . »>^0,1. Of t». nty dolur. to maur. a mare in ; caiico, thinking I could »«*titurc W 'en or .|,,,ut,l appear tbrmid.ible whf*n the N«(iin- 1 '7"; - ■‘■“i'”"' »..4 or ih-vr«t>eriy chnnprd, and ti'ty ernf. '**'* I It m n lew mihules b\ (he .nomination ok M»»e;.r,«,toil,e,r,„„. Vl.rca frd if nt, ■ ««''• J» ‘'‘"’p-* ar.) (•ermilltd N|)RK W.1 ACK.-ON roK A tiiikdterm ; t! « n d'-ur ptitx. Kvrry itr«i «*«ry attenUon t > go OQ in this May inui'h longer, the man er heard of more. nink*. of u sei i us character. Put (Ins dan-1 however, originatini:, as sueh bills alway.*' do, in the House of Uepreseutatives, is still more remarkable. I to purchase six arrts of land adjoininj; Fort Mc- : Mcory, near lialtiiiiorr, bflnp the sEme renlf J I'ruai the heirt of the late Philip Swartzancc, and now oc-cupird for military purposes ; and that he eau.'ie the xame to be paid for fVom the funds ap. j nroj riated tiir the service of the Quartennantcr's Huherto it has lieen usual to make the i Dtpartrncnt.” appropriations for the .Military .Academy at j To this the House agreed, adding the fol- *.P.ui t. ,r.»eni m idrnu, but «« liabihiy ,,ii,clurer. will i« as ricli as nal...b^ and it' ,ho defeat of the Deim^-ratie oartv bv the ! '"" '"6 aihendmcnt, viz. k«« I w ill reouirc the income of i KoinnncHrdin ii'i I ii . k i ' f the general appnipriations for the Army. “ .4»n/6e iV, ^c. That thaaum ofTHREE MIL. PFI>ir:iir.K. ’Tl L3 Jel Uhiu^^nd .our.-than ju^^t.tiaba-by every innova.ion «as indulged. UUNS OF DOl.L.^RS be and the aame is here. RKOT*. Rire old .^r Ar.hy, repu ^ I mv u .> m 1 ‘ "‘'fi V. T i ^m.V Appropriation P.ll was «ent to J »>y «PPropriatcd out of any rnon.-y in the Treasu- Uiim a« a racer and Hrt i-dw ha» netur been e- ‘ “ ’•> aiM alter tv, w no are hiihlin:; li.r/H>/»e//ur ng'/i/« urirf . ^ ry not otherwise appropriated, to b. expeudtd, m lit Ihr I', d iitafea tirrpt by hi« Sii., r«urchmK •n-nefime nb>tit th.e hou^e, I es- })cm erratic Govrrrtim nf. . ,,, liatevgr , direction of the Presi. •>1 lJu)(,ifrfe: hii dam. w»w the pro|ierty of pied Ui a CoriK.-r, a heap of calico, ;.nd be-1 I circumstance was j dent of the Uhited Slates, for the military and na. meajiire everv «av calculated to avert iur iImid. (irn:t J/tn—* Isn't it our own swale Ire- d.mb"; , «TpnM-d at w hnt I tlKHight , , ^rr., ..r,7r— .so i our own .wa IV irn«r:J ISad-.rd, pM-d.dam ky mireasonnllc quantity, cotniiH need |„nd (lm( h..s .riven to all yer great tV.'cfvi.i, and half aiMer tn’joil* I'riar! n.iiii. - overhauling it, 1 had run over alsait (wen- ^..^,(1 , son of the iVinerald' l-le, at noticed, at tlie. time, in the S-nate, and ils va! service, includinc fortificaiioni and ordnance, attention called to it, as an extraordiriarv I • Frovid.d, auch expen- ■ 1 ditur.s shall be ncecssary for tho defenc of tha omission. A separate bill, however, con- I “““7* 7 liiip i • , J • • I » country prior to tha uoxt mcetinf of C opgress , I laming the usual vipropriations lor Ihe A-| .i.. c> — .i l laimng the opposed, as con- unlimited military had asked for no Department had re- appropriation—it had k here, until this j/lUmWi7.of ir,iiftr^ml'i7.rVa,d;^^^^ ' “I'*:" , rishmaii.’ " Faith and lio was ; Ins name j '7rHlus”pn'dkamem’ 'moment.""lt was urged that the sec- '*>» III my po.«oa«inn.itiU.h «. KiMi'ea biau- ! smile* and said, wusoriijmally Ikiney Patrick; hut heehang-1\ I altogether indefensible, inas- •l'*-! bay. r«.w R y ars old and rnra*urr« five ^ 11 “ I low do you like it my dear ?” ed it to oar/u, to suit party riirpjses. i ,, ,i c. t i i'^ r i* I much as it proposed to give a vast sum into fcur inr hr. hiph. I! II HI im)\ «i f .1I I ii „ h. I I I i,« ;• i I / I r iiiitteo ot the Senate to mierlere, and, ml , , , J. ,' , w, iT,, I I.. II. HI HiTi.-M. “ liiko i(, said l,“*»ti) 1 doll t like It, , j- i i . .i ! the hands of the President, infAoti any *w- |H.\5. .n:>w „•-II ” J • ■ I J . I I . some f.rfraorriiworu »rav help to pass the , .. i . / u_ - «t all- j An onsrinnl anecdote—A short time | . i .i i ^ __ “ Wnll, it don’t suit mr exactly,'’ she re- ,ince as the mail staL^e was goin:: on a ve- (ireen Calf Skin.—A young dnndy in a neighboring town, who had bImmiI as much lieard aa you would fiiKi on an egg, and as much down on his chin as may U* st'en on a p-Hch, wiHit into a l>url>er's shop some lime since, and pullmi; off his coat and era lime since,and pullmi; on tiis coat anil era-' , ,, , vat, demanded to Ik shaved l>«'fore any olh- * ‘ ^ V\- ^ er per*.n, or ho would nevnr palrom.'e him ‘J’" ' .1 .1. ; u.... »>e Hure and I did, and 1 drowv ng Treanirea», , , . ,, ■ , • ' - ■ pln.-d,“ It would npp iir r-Hhionuble, had (he ry dark ni-ht from Poslon to I’ortsmouth, the driver was alarmed hy the cry of “ oh lordy we are kilt every soul of us !’’ I'he driver jnmped olf his Ih.x, and found that he had driven into a carmle, demolished i(, and “ spilt” an Irishman and (wo women. The driver »oiiiewha( enraged (hat the gal lant Hibernian shotild keep the middle of the road, gave him a pretty severe le lure, he did not and to again. He sat down forthwith in a chair, '*« ' ‘V;” ^"'V/T"’ and the l-irlK-r, having lalheml his chin o- ■ ver, gently nasst-d (he back of the rszor o- ver It hal/a dozen times. When (his was' ^ Fall Man.-W e saw a young man m done, (bo young went to the glass >‘'^>«‘rdav morning w hose height is ami beuan to 11*1 of his chin. ‘ How much ' '■'I'- iK-tter a man f.4>ls when he is shaveil, Mr. lx-alherstrnp! Y.«i’ve ha.l a tough job ..f «"•> “ 'y.'"’ It wilh mv crab orchard Is-ard, and vou’ve «"'»> '''' ' their feet these cold l..ft a htlie feo(heiy s(ufl hen> yet~I inghls.—y^iin.v/oWe A. JI. Jcleffraph. jKjm* you'll a*k no more than common folks There is a young man in (his neighlior- —what’s to psy 1’ Oh 1 nothing, sir 1 I hood, s«-aree|y of age, who is several inches ilways e*i».em it a favor, wfien I can have I laller than (ho one mentioned above. His the privilege of strapping iiiy razor on a ■“ feet” are no trouble “ these cold nights.” smooth pic'co oi calf akin. When he goes to bed, he shut* kimsMlflikc Clarc:!iont Engle. u Jackknife.—JjOuisvillc Journal, t hff.kpr in Wall atnict, Nevr Y..rk, wa«|',’ .i ' i ” i.i r. •’^'(•fieil by the raahier of one of the bunks, ‘ uiiuther bivadlh . •■'»( a coiisidemlil# amount of stork of the wnaiiliindins (o hts rrihlit on llio biw.ks, • id Ind U-eii ^tundmu f'»r so h>nw n time *i(h lit the divid«*nda (teuig called ftir, that '»«H pr.Miini-d I'l" owner of (lie stork had ■ rpi(tpn this [ior(ion of his pro|ier(v. The ''•k*!! hiiving ascertHintnl dates and other f‘'tuins(aneea from the Swks of the Iwnk. Io his own records, ami fuiiiid (hat •>* tadime he had been furnished with moin*y y «n neqiinin(anre (o buyaquan(i(y of (ho •'ofk. It turix*d oii( (hnt this was (he very '>ock. 'I'he |ier*on of whom il was bi.ughi, '*y iniMnke (ranst;>rred it to (he broker in- Wf'atl ol iho real piin hnser, and the real P"rrl)n«nf^ just at that timo sickened iirid "■'I, leaving n widow nnd a large family I ' very «l(.nder means of Hiipp>r(. 'I’he has iK'oii proceeds of il; With twenty ■w^ni annual divideud*, «n''-»nling m all to fo5(U(, ,«i,| oyer (o (he '"•w nnd her firnily, making their hlar(s has also the hearts of »H v^ho ® uoeii iiiude ucquainted with the story. Journal of Com. ordinary appropriation through Congress. | '"“ving it to him to use it as ho,^,rdinglv,al.ached(hewhole;"''>’'’‘ levy-be might Ml, » I , I II . ,1 raise an army—he might st>nd for(h the na- Militarv .\oadcmv approiiriatKin bill to the I , r . . /• .. II,; .• ,1 I . I vv—he 11112 It, in short, dispose ot tho mo- hill iiKikiii:: provision for the C ml nnd l>: • . , II/-' T I . V I . r .u I • ' nev luht as he should see fit. It was aver- plomatic r.xiienditures of the year, and in i -, •* . .i j i i m j . ihis form It passed into a law ; end, but for ! ™ I’res.dent the adoption of this mode, there could have I . ' ■ , .11 , , ev—he wou d use the power to gootl ends, been no appropriation at all, and the school I • , ^ i ^ .l I would have iK^n bmken up. We mav add,: J agam, that that, when this bill for covering Civ'il and ; l';ul never U-en trusted to a- Diplmnatic Expenses «ent back to ,he ^ ^ House, with amrnd.neiKs, (he occasion was w,(bout giving up all notion of the au- eagerly seized to add to the Senate’s amend- j ‘j’®'''*.'; Congress o\er I le expen ' “re menis other amendments, res[ieeting total ly dilK'rent matters, thus giving the bill a (ail as long as (hat of a comef. Thus Ihe bill (tending in the House, making provis ion for (he repairs of the Capitol and Pres ident's Hou.e, improving (hu public grounds, paying the President’s gardner, \c. A:e. tho public money, and indeed all its control over the question of Peace and War. Tho Senate disagreed to (hi« vote f«>r tho three millions of dr.llars; imd here are tho yeas and nays on the motion to disagree to it: YK.AS.—Messrs. Ftilib, Calhoun, Clay, CUyton, Fwiii;:, Frrliinfliuyseii, (Joldsborough, . Hcndriflis. Kiiii, Kni^'lil.{h, Maiijfum, Moor., was tacked on the bill, as being among Ihe %i„„iain, Poindexitr, Portfi, Prentiss, Praitoa, civil and diplomatic ex|enses of the Cio vernment! This bill, however, and we rejoice at it, had the goodness to pass, with all its length of trail, nnd (thanks to the Siniate, and no thanks to the House of R‘»presentatives) the West Point Academy, therefore, was kept alive. Kobbins, Silsbt-e, Smith, Southard, S»vit>, Tomlin, son, Tvler, \\ appnman, \Vib.-tcr, Whit*—2i*. nays.—Missrs. Henton, Bluck, Hr.vrn, Bu. chanan.Oithbrrt. tiruniiy. Hill, Kano, Kinjiof AI- ahama, Kiivj of (Jtt.rtiT, l.inn. Mi Ktan, Morrit, Robinson, K'i;;gles, Sin plcy, Tuhuadj;., Tipton, Wright—1;>. The bill went bark to Ihe Houso. Th* House pijhsTk/ on its aoicnruent, and ogam

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