MINEHS’ .& FARM®2H§’ J®URWAL. PIlfNTEJJ A.M> PUI1LI.SI1KI> KVIiKY TIIUIISDAY, IIY TUOMAS J. IIOLTON'....t:iIAl{LO'm^^ li LEMJL’llG COUNTY, NOKTII-CAKOLINA. VOL* V.. Tilt RSDAY, APRIL IG, 183 >. NO. 337. THE Mfnerw’ A. Farmeri*^ Journal 1 wurtednid j»ubli»i»ea e»ery Thur»ilay iiioriiiui! Twu DMar* per «unont if paid in ndvaitct; Tknj P®'** DoiUr$ St Uio eod of the year. -VKKTISEME.N'I'S will bo in»crtcd at Fifitf eMU pel Kiuwe (uot exceeding 20 liiiiai,) lor llic K i^rlion, and iU cnU for euch •uccw.ciinjf $1 for Uiree weeki, for oiu; M{itaru.— i^ral dl»cruiit will be uiado to Uiow: ivho ld,.rti.^ by the y«r. ILT On all .dvtrli.K incnU ;S,u0.uniwted for pubh«lio«. the du.mUt o» k^iiiou. uJMi be Doticod on the mir;m uf the ^*«:jipt. «r^ tbejr will be coBliuucd u.iul Arbiti, *ccordinjfly. , » All r,iiUi»ii«nic*t'o*>* tu iliO K«lilOi' r-- -I ' «;»• of fMtutc, Of they «»■»> »«>t »»«->‘dul to ""—0:r£ook1M!!! li \VK BOW reeti*ed • Ir^ib tupply of »ItO- CKKIW *l Mine, on the InJ««ii i^d Iwdin* to Ui« Tuckwi^ge Ford, wl«ir« 1 ^ JVotice. I 21' be ttuw *l n»y who m»r c*JI o» u»« ii» pl«c« *f goii'S Ot,rMi«. I »»*»• P‘«*‘y »or o»«', Mcb M Sitfar, totreey Cheene, Ac. A‘r. uj wiiKiliiaK U» sucueh lb. thiril of lh« weary tired Mm.r •U«r tbc loil. and Ukor «» tiie J" “ MOHIiS JiyAMri. ^pnlVkl^iS. • Wanted liiinirdiatrl^y AttADULKR *nd > HaKNK.'S MAKKII of itMdy b*bil*. Suck oi«y eijncl liberal M«r. tUMtly work »od puoctutl p«»fiicii», br iji. anuklw mumoomluv. 6. *9^ IIViMlrtff, A WORKMAN •till. Tl.>MNG lU 8INI>#' ID the fiU**e of Uoc»«Ur. 8. C. »bi re coj. riant •«#io|wt»t »ud foo»l will b. gi'cii • D MZLR A. iX). ^ " tjHi of ijeturu RfcyAlMXi tu lilt *ttWk>lU-. ow Ur l»t d*y o» ApnU John S. Mcaas Mr*. AotbclU Alc»«nder John M. Ci'-y H. U. W. Al> xAWKr ‘Aodecw Montgomery tiiwibrth MiViuay iMo. lUrist 1~ .VlvCaiua jJaiiit'* I) M .run |Abi|'^il Miller Jaui fWic I u,. Go. Woj. Alien lick'd, li. Alciaitdcr Ai.ruh Alriuider hmfh Ak»»ndor Stmptv Alrxiiidi r \k»MM> Akiaiidcr Jtr»«Uij Aider wo 1.1. A.- »w«>«r A. W. Ale»»ti*cf Stia P. >dcr B iot.B nird Mr*.Lc>tc* Brown Ciwfk* Uu:iib«j>£.i>A S.cB. ikrrjthill i%tM H. ^ilby iM. I . Harr io>. Hi'rvbiii Muj I.ucj J. t‘ii#>«U Ji>hu Btuwii, U Uo.d NViUiaui Bo»dca ll«lb i^erry Wiu. I* iWrry H oi. N. brown C Gilbert C«*iles Woi.(>o|Mr J«bi4 (‘«{le AWxander Cooper R. Co* UtUKir Ctlhcart l>»nd t'ouik Jubb (Vmib John A. Crann Cirrtl ilJ.Caui.na l> C«L J. H. D*\id*oa Aiid/tin IJ. Uuiin I. Oitikiiif Min MibrH-iLa Due JwiaUuB l>ucM M. W. D..I. L ()«Vl*iMO Aarou Uiti* \V m«ia Dr. .M. iKiurhrrly hm fc.Mh Aikii \V |)«vii H. K. Dtuvnbviry F..irtuii titna F V\>(- ,:n Mn L FUtiicgan, U "• rliDii,‘j ^•iWial Firrtll i iohn Gtifr (.ilkt II lleitki^ Hunt AUco FcrK.ii IiMt 8. lirnd'-raoit AddiMi llirrit 1^1^. J. llolloil V**) H»rru ViUiiiine l|i(>p Anthony lUrti* I .V J 'ohn Ir»in Juhu Joiirs ''J_»rtui In hour "ra. Jauin^i, , •V J. J(rf,n*o»i, M. 1>. a Robert Vaiid' C.2 auiea ^Mituith had .¥iUarr I.Mr*. Vartlia MiV aiuon j.W.j. IWnj .Wiirrow |M lUiaui Wartui lju6n .V .I^'Oai'd Kokt. H. .W .ftu«r Wui. K- ,Murri«oa .N Vim Mttj S Noel U iSila* Orr II. (Unt na IN.Uixu Uir k' 'J'hoai. I’aj k Jolii' I'rtur >'alnt.li 1‘arkcr, 2 Will. Phillipa J..»m I'. I'harr [U illiaiii i'atton Q llcnderton II. A. il ljutuby ft \S illiani RiiImiI* ■•. A. Rm«rt John H(.>b( 'tJMXl l>r. J K.im Ca^i. Jchii R)«e U ithaui Hi I vr« .\itdr«'w H)burn Thaitvr Ktifta«.l( R. \N R.cJ lUlitionii Kirh Mr$. Abigail UudialU JiMK-|>li Itodgeri I )>ton KodUu Jaim-« K I'd ilr». MitfHti RudiitU J»liii V. Rr*>d Chcv. de Riv.fiuoli S Stork & Carwia AV'iIliaiii S'l^rua. iHciiry Slone '\\ III. Siruart Juhii N. Sj>«*afi, il iNaiicy Sloan jAiia Strpbina \h-»ani1i;r S|irin£i Abner t . Mirlum Ankcuotk A Fact.—A young inuti I AN EXTRACT | Tlicse widdeoing scenes Bdmouisb us tlitra was seen to enter a tliuich iii time of ser- j Circulur ot the Hon. J. Graham’* Cir.' jg something wrong in the policy pursued vice—he pausoi at the entrance—the con* I cular, to the trc>enien ot the 1 wcltUi Coujree., . gyj J invoke every friend of rjlIlF] AGENCY of the BANK of the STATE I {jrechlion stared—he advanced a few steijs, j s»>n&l Umtrict iu North-Caroiina. equal rights to reflect seriously upon this A ot NURTII-CAROLINA, at Charlotte, ia J and deliberately surveving the whole asseiji-I “ A quetstion of deep and abiding innpor- great subject which is hereafter to occupy uovir open for bu-ino«i,. ^ blv, conwnenced a slow march up the broad ; to»t:e to the pe(.(.le of all the States, anses gy ,arge » ^hare af public attention. every Wcdnewlay. ^ was opened—the audience ; now with regard to the future disposition of PostOtfice Departtuenl is in great wure t(M> buby for Civility—lie wheeled, und i ^ debt is paid, ^Viie comiuittee appoioted by in the same manner performed a march, i the money arising from the sales ot House of Representatives have unani- stepping, as if to Kosltii Ga»tle,or the dead i public lands, being upwards of four million ! mously reported there are great abuses ia march m Saul, and disappeared. A few dollars annually, is no lontcer needed in I ||y The facts embodied in moments after, he re-entered with a hu{{c 'rrcasury, which is now lull, and run* i docutneni disclose malpractices and oulders, as heavy ashecould i ‘jver, from duties on foreiffn tniporta* 1 fraudulent transactions not to be tolerated. *iUi All N >TES, iV.r..o!lVrcd for iii»couiit iiiUKt be lud^ed with tlfc Agent, on or belure 5 o’ clock, 1’. M. of tlju ilay priX(;diiig the regular dis count day> 'I'lie (lieck or Order of the principal of a Note ilivrouDti-d, Mill be required to draw the procced«. 'I’hc Notea at 68 day», to be paid off at four e- qtuil iuvtainiunta, of Kb day* cach; aud iix luoblh Not(ni, tilt’ «kbole when due. ll'iura (»r (luiiiir bua|^ii-MH, from 9 to I o’cluck of carhutid cvir^ tlav ui tin vock,Sundayiexeep(:d. THOMAb T. llOGtJ, AetiU. VJiarlotIr, 26tJi Marcb, ’3Jti *i'hc f(-!iowing iii a copy of tlie Note uaed : block upon hissbci well stagger under; his countenance was immoveable—again the gooi/ ••' pie stared, and half rose from their seai^, with their. tioiis. One propoaitioo is to giva the now , 'j'jjg fommiltee slate that the “ finances uf Slates all the public lands within each of ,his Department have hitherto been man- , . . their limits. Another is to reduce the price „gg(j botiks in their hands. At len;;;tli he placed ;^ or adequate utility.” Their lecords pre- the block in the very centre of the principal i unsold lands to the new Slates. 1 his I account of receipts and expen- passa^e, and seated himseifupon it.—'I’hen j l>ro[K^»si‘'''n h;is the outside ol a sale, but the . (Jitures. “ The mail contract books are so i for the firi>t time, the reproach w;.s felt!—■ int^'de ot a gill: for to that it aims and Qfjg(,ure(j [,y i„(gfj,m.ations and mar* „ ° *■ [•rincioal and i Kvery pew door in tho house was instantly I ^ i ginal notes, that knowledge (if acquired) is Stn ritifu nroniint to unv tu Tnoin„-i T ! '*l'«" * stranger was a j in;,'ly decide these propo.-^iiiuiu-, and all oth- (o be obtained rather from those who k« ep I1o4;g ■{•’till &c. or order igentlemau—he came not them for dinlurh-1 kindred character, let ni lake a brief books than the b(x»ka themselves.” nJlarM ’ CUnla fv/ealue rectirrJ ! moved not—smiled not; but pro- i r» tiiispeel ol the ways and means by which consequence is, you get what you can, nt'rutiiii>lt‘ and tHivablv at the iecncn of utmost ducoium iiiitil the scrviix- United Slates acquired title hiid right a„i they withhold what they may. “ I'ha f/,7 /{anif , f ikJState of YorzA-Vvro/i/i/j ' the public domain, .\ilcr the revo u-1 pradJce of granting extra allowances has, (1/ Chiirlotie. ' ’ '‘iff*-'* bloek, ui.d to the .-are.' slow slep,; t't^nary war over, and jK;acc restored . jj, various dates, in the history of this De- i boj-o it oil', and repiacw J it aliens ho I'nui.d ■ American Mates, liberty had won a j partr,jeut, run into wild excess; some die- t/\UH4tbli‘ I it. 'I’hc congre^t.lion is now ti;e inoM at- i ^I'^rioiib victory, but iiitijrred a heavy dobt | fritimate, and, therefore, without any apolo- NTA riON jtentive and p^jlito to tiraiia* r.s ol’ any in ia iLt. arduous alri-::ile. 'I l*c public Treasu-!gy.a„j j,ut very question- ^ I | America.—Baltimoi t: iMptr. "■^'’Cnipty, and the re^«,urces ct the expediency. Tothtssourco e.ai.L ,*'****, • I Cuui,try v.ere exhausted. In this critical I j,g.ril)ed, without hazard of error, ..'>iib*cri A.vFtnoir—at ti.irt 'I'wo bi liters, ^eniharrassing situalif n, North Caroli- y,„barrassmeut of the Depart- I'ti. ol l.inl‘ .Sui'ar (Verk.! named Jt.oiau ai-d iltiani, IlII grown bu\a, independence which ,„ent. Some dark corner of a contract, or TIDN, lyiujf ui. ill' ..; ,— e 'II I >ix iiiilck Houtli ol rh.iti. tu, cotiuiiiiii); about HiK) j jji at a store one evening, where!®^*® 1^““* proclaimed and sternly tus-1 g^^ap of paper, is commonly the only arto, oo H hwJi Uh ic ia a tarc'I'^o klory Uwi'llini i. . i i ..ii i..„i.i„ _ . . .. _ . . ... . II»UM-, iKx'Ior Stiop, and oUii.r utTtnkary iiiK> ii> gun] ri ^4ir. 'riitre in an c(cell’iit and a nuiiilar ol i.|itin», a jfKMl >ouiig Orchard, hng at the lorequarleia I'l jn-Muii. will; VI j - - — - / J, I . . I and a suaiiuiy of irowl in. uUo« ground. It i» | the company asked, “What’s the time, «-s^| mail r.mtracts to be accurately advertised, C'.Mituii'ri d an xr>'Ilriit ^tlnl lur a Fli>iician. Fur teruia a^;>ly lu Uit mib^jnlMT. A. A. ALKXNNDER. .Vr«-» .TO, l-V.. ’3.-,If pi-llini; iiie attention ol'tlie compaov wa^hOinewlial I tained, frintroudy aued all that valuable j evidence of the order for lar;:e ditr- *’1“'^' attiacted by a very lung wiiich-chain dang-! |**^ ext'-esive lerritory (now the State ol ^ t,ufgp,„e„,g „f money, under the name of ■chard I hng at the lorequarieia i.r Jo>iah. One of ^ (Jeueral tloverimienl, I e,tra-allo«ances.” 'I’he law requires all the company asked, “What’s the time, “ j mail contracts to be accurately advertised, Josiah? ’ With no sniull ceremony, Josiah ^ I'ginia, and some | separately let, in single cootracts, to Ilauuiray Ii - ul»t I iiAr, oil t!.e M iiij;l.t o( III' 'J;iJ iii»t. a bound 1'^ ! r. il I’i.if. '-v llip iiaim o( K(J- UI HT liA shS. lU aaiii Hai.kh caiiu U. lilt l.ir.t S|.r ,ti: uixl hi't -I i*' lu li.t li.r ll.rr Ji-aiH, lo k'arn tl'*' l‘ij«U'tii.;* l!u-i • •. '1 hm iiuliif in lo lufr»arn all jicrxiii' itoui liarb* ntur or i uiiiloyiiit; him, aa 1 an* il> u rnii:.td l> i iilo/. o tlif lavv a- Caiiml cTt ry (h i >ii Wi.o i> av do w. 'I’Im; ». id drew out his watch, and after e.xamining it j •'* other States, made similar bestow- M.meiiine, referred to his brother, and said | Georgia, at a subs.;quenl period, I “ Brother William, is ibn fii:ur\ y or iipU- lunds tu the I nited blates I rv ’U-veti r W iH.am afu-r a t.'w minute's ■ 'i"- -«« ^’'J'''^red and tilly thou- !d'.-hbcTuti..n, d. clun.‘d It to I-* - r.^urv The IJmted Slates have re- Well tl,. n,” r. nl.. d J. s.uii, •’I'l l«.‘atedh i uicIms. d and paid large sums ot lucks about hall an inch ol'ci;iht.” the lowest bidder. The practice has been lo make contracts in gross, embracing seve ral routes, difltTing in modes of conveyance and frequency, theieb\ favoring capitalists and wealthy companies, to the e.xclusion of bidders in moderate circumstances. 1'he ;on»t;quence has been, if individuals of small propi rty got contracts, they took them, not lianki »»» rai«'^ on l.'ia ^^^>lJ^h F la«Ha rik.r, iii l.iucotn rounlr mu IlilufiUatlu.i iImU be nail , ,V-r.'i .111, I" iiionev loihe dilli'reni ludiau trilx?s for e\- leij-iiu: lri.ct.so| (ciritory. 'i'hey have like- Tin; AL r.i;L.—The electrical 1 urL-!>:i>ed and paid large aums oljiio- ; (i„vernment, but fmm !aig? con- .el attain-t.i a coiiMdt.rable siz‘ai:d boiiii^- »o ri.mc; f* r Louisiana, and to Spam j ,^ctois who had monopolized many con- times kdls a i.or^e iliat i» wadin^^ the l*'r 'I'he whole of the purchase j ,racts in one bid, and theu sold out to strt'ams: ul.etihecomcs in contact wui. ita- ' j subcontractors. T> 4 must it. Tin; i M.i.IiKAM* J \t K, 11,1. )>ui! till' iii-uiiii; win >!»« loll'UM.ii; |il» = ' , w It : al J'1-.i'i'li \Vi» :v’hoti .Won- ij4»-. t ai.d -tiiyc a. d a! J .i.n ' II. K. uiiad)'. ll.-. li.U-K- o. lli. ait.l w. l 1.1 in Man* -I ti’i riUM.il |ric* ol Two U-i liTr III.- ' 1« '; l ‘ 'ir iKiiUi- the «a-^>ti; umi Six lo iiii-'ir.-, t‘"' n.TiiH-y lo be due »ln-ii ihf M ir- 1* n.un.ltr«d u.lh i.ial. TiadiiH,’ »!-• Vlan- lork-ila Ihi in-main... Tin -.eaMjn In .I.cute ihc li»lof Ai’nl jud cnU ili'' l^t ol Ju.\. U K. HAKKl'. Marfh afi. |V?:>. 3l Floikl.i. . ^ This unlas^l'ul iiiode of of U.. l a. „f the :i .rsc* ubiiul i|ic r.-rcn of the i iiroceeding slides all fair comp lition; inly, i (n.y,I ti,e .H,u. r of I.IS stn ke l.tii i Us hiiu '■'‘Ix*-* 1’“'*^ lull proix.rtiop. | ^ iletrimental to the Gov»-rnment, l^'^" i’‘TVs%'?lp''"‘'duvv.i..ndkil!.^ hiui. A ii.uu al'^i i'tiug to'-Nolwnh>tand;n- you have contributed so j unjust to that class of bidders whose ' ■ ' lung aiid so lil«'‘iallv, it i!* now projXiSod b\ ^ (iipjjris are limited. Another pernicious a paii\ of |,oIitii iai'.a lo give away all thi.i I pim-tice crept into thix Department va.'t liUidt'd estate, costing us so iimny liiil ! regard to bids. bidder sends two ii »aiU wtih ao tnucii , proposals for the same route; one very i>'..rv'aid.-. 'Mie elec- 'i« n of the i Id Slates; and llierc-by, ihv^st'j c„r the route as advertised ; a second who h.ive paid leu.st wiil gi t most. Against i high, proposing improvements on the this ItU-lidiuAd |)o!ic\ ai.d rank inecjuahly j same line, which have not l»eeii advertised. I dpcidi-dly pri ti ai. I cannot apjirove such , 'j'|jy Departnsent. selling at naught all leyal legi.^lalion. No. Kquality is equity ; anti j accepts the bid prop«ising improve- ; the people of ever\ Slate m the t'amil)-told thereby precluding allfair romjre- liT this reriulilicaii I nion should have a tition for the contract. 7’he commilteu I child’s part: share and share alike—equal, y^r^ justly denominated this unauthor- ' di.sltibnlioii. I hold the prf>pi'ailion t‘X* j i^.'d praciice as'* an empty nami*, or a bit- clear to iHi controverted, tiiut the public 1 mockery.” This is indeed keeping tho lands are just as much the common prep-] „{• promise to ihe ear, and bn-aking lilt a !iiiall curiioil}., 1.,-a 1M- knn k- . ddoviri in it. It Uii ■> ;r. i;ia lu-h m- ! slaiitalli'OU>h . It 1> ol a i;;.!! It ain n Cv luUr I with sjll.rtll luild IM lacilitv Luck.'i.ru.' tru itv I' ril l pimianer:!, nor tli ■ i>oi\er al- «:t\v .it il.-coii,iiiaiai; w lien huiit'r\ tliepow- ^ir I'at ils greatf't intei.-'itv .— \\th;ilr's ' J\»rru/.r« lo a to Lit Hoathcrn ! Octan. i A (’anada mail hag recriitly lost, was I’liuiid in till' pi-.^-M '-ilia lit a man hvmg near ()-den-'hurgh. l'\i haiige lo the amount ol iWiii. \ Itiirioii ‘ W I'.a ,\nn Sl>talt ,Ur>. .SuiL.tii Niitarit ‘Hugh Siiiilh Jaiiu* .S. .H. rrinl i\r>. KiualHtli Stanley »r«rjfr S. Stuw J. I’. Smith I* iiikiii Sinklcr .’^ilaii N. .S lU'dl -Wra. .Wartiia SauiuM>n« i .lUrlaiic 'rhrocUiaorltja S.1IIIUI I Tav lor .UiitMTt 'i'lidd ' *fr». Nancy Tuylor i'I'lionia* Troilct iAiialitt Tarllun Wm.L.Tudd The fun.ius an - his curM-. at j ,,„vi„:. j,reMou,ly si- |,i„,rul ,„i.l valuable , ,M,se of debating the questioi.-'- Is Popery th** top of hi.s KjKid.up i uioH street, with- j{.nrj;,j ^ j>o(hJ deal of their pecuniary con out mertiii^ with anything to im(H*iie I'in l,UBl,atid prudml progress, till within a t.’w li,'t nl Mano%er L||j, moiiev un u»»‘t*ul cominoditi Miri. t, «her«- he *heerel on to the siile walk | ofiuirws, A:c. It nev aViv'! donationsofi.uhlic lands, for educaiion ; yes, compatible with civil lilrerty,” i la I S uch a^ '““r •"••‘‘^red ihoui^and acres at a gill, and res(x*clable u>seiiiblaK*‘ of vvorth at leas-t one million of dollars. I'hese ' jjenlleineu attended*«>n Friday er rams u i j jilx ral extra allowances so tar from Broadway Hall. ” a very large of ladies and evening at After the meeting was “• ~ " ‘7 .V u ‘ s..t,lrvin./"the.n. has only ammaled iheir' oraamzed, the Rev. Mr. Finloy rose tor the ,w^it.K “l'; "T t importumti.s, and increa^ed their unjust purpose of delivering an mlroduetory prayer, ^|.Mgh, arid Uith tell backward^ N O Ire VC- .>y,^ within h.s reach, lie mlormed , ,j,d x„„|, Carolina re- Ld while so engaged, a gang of ruffians, a- hiele, m a maimer uneer,.monioi s m ,l,e e - | ^r.d, such is the generosity , | ^ treme The hori> still ^ ‘ ; j of ihe law, got a gratuitous lodging, bul | j commenced a n.ost rrl:arli|.■^s ol th- mcreas.- ol Uirth. ti. I „„i ,|je e.xjH;clcHi U.nus. , ^indiscriminate attack u|)on the I improve our (lubiic roads and edueate the audience. 'I'he Rev. .Mr. Brownlee and Wnnj. Julun K il'ol JaiiH> Vttndyko I Jnhn Wrtht:r*|Mion, 3 Kdu .rd V\ eir ,Jii. J. W (MMlriitr Jdine. U ilwin I Dr. UaacWilaon Divid W t aut iA;vri« VV iUiMi .Iniiiia W. Wllaon HukIi W attii ;.Xr». Nuiicv W ilkiiiaon ^•wton Kilhcait t !*■ Kenady J«kii Kerr ' Jatii' Kerr \o4rc»^ Kiii^ ^’n. I.ucky J'*' Mary I^ughlan •’Ir*. Li'iiton M 7^** M.rp»r,t.Mc(i:iiu .G.Hlfny Willi.iiii. Mur,,1,a I K^v. S. h. \\ ulnon ■'l«*anJt( M»rUial | l^l II. U. WILLlA.M./’.Jf. yenlleman. finding his quarters rather un j coDifortabU', t.K,k occaMon to “ [Kip out” in- j y _i„ Europe, black is sene- iii till* sirtM't I he lady, l*‘sj« lortuiiate, was I ' , i lotlii streit. “*Y" ’ irallv uwd l>ecause it represents daiMiess, i-arried onward a., lar i|s (. harl- s n strt i ^ uh.j.' the sleigh .truck k.f life, lu China, white js u«d, b.*oans.. ol ,Mr. I'otterssoap-.tone ^ j ,|„.j the dead are in heaven, the place of much violence a» to disM-ver the bod> from^ t , ,, . , |wM>r children, would raise the drooping several other clergymen tn vain attpmpted, head and gladden the heart of many a fond by rpinonstrance, to quell the outrage. 1 ho iiarent, and duveloi«J tine native talents, iilfuriated ruftians assaulted the reverend now growing to waste, and buried in ob- jjentlemen, who were at length compelled to . scurity, for tho waut of cultivation. So tl,-e for the safely of iheir lives. The work In l'g\(it,\ellow IS usi d, Ixcausu 11'^ feUow-citizens,fromobtainuiggootl gifts, ,,f destruction then commenced ; the inoU ’ . * . I 1 * _ . . ' .1 I _l . J a.^vs.1.. A. 1 iHMiealh the " iuin«‘,” and was taken into the e.Hmtiiig.r«»oBi of the factory. In a lew mo ments she recovered fn tii her alarm, and was coiiv e\ ed home, 'i’he names of the in- dividmils were adleigh—mother and son. Moth escaped unhurt.—/»i/on Triins. enjoy the fruits of our own industry ; we Jeft the scene of mischief unmolested, pay money to buy land for other ijeople,. Courier Enquirtr, March 13. parts of’l urkey blue is used because it rep- rfsenls the sky, uhere they bojK; the dead are gone; but'inolher parts purple and vio- i ii,at iJ the key wliii li unlocks tho se- Icl, b-cau»c being a mixture of blaek and I why the old States are impoverished, .• r blue, it represenis, as it were, sorrow on i „.v,.i.. ill., i.pw ums are enriched. The Gazelle notices the death of an entire tarn- one side, and hoi»c on the other. ■ Death of a family—The last Arkansas A rommoii catf — X gentleman travelling with his ladv, arrived at I’haslestou, South rnrolina.afew dnjssince,from I'aycttevdie, on his way south. .\t iMyetteville he oh- j rH‘d to taking his seat in tho stage, on ac- count of its Ix'ing himbi‘r‘d up with mad place to hags, and insisted upon other means of con- | ran,” adds the Indiana pa(K>r, vryaiK e hem^; fuiniJ'hed. T he contractors, or soiiie one ci«nnected with tho line, inlbrm- ed him il' he wiadd lake hts ieat and pro ceed a shiirt diHiunce, he should lie provided with Is'ttcr aecoiniiHHlations. 1 he gentle man con»»*nted,aii.l the driver shortly stop- iii-d lh* foul' (fit’ iiiiiil I I i. 1' u. 111 L «,W« J «■> i ; I'®!;' ""I*’ hi» journeyt'our. within hi- remeuMrance. while the new mies are enriched , , i>iK)ple of North Carolina, ujnm a fair divis- ily, consisting ot si.x adult f^TSons, m ho of the monevs proceeding from the short space ot nine dav s. T hey resided in * . .1 !*_.] on.I Ihp naillft lit A paper Indiana Franklin dred and ...> nil iifiiimiiitani'e. , wasb»>rnon iehildren, or constructing such necessary , |.,-t pv..iiin» Oie north branch of Potomac, in Hardy co. | l.iiild.ne. a*, public justice imgl t require, arrive J^m of Government Va. and is apparently as active as most men (thereby les^enlng the burihens and incrias- . Ill fitly, and Havelled thuiy miles a day in the coldest we.ither, with little falij;ue. Hr enjoys good health, and retains all his tac- ulties in a woriderl'ul degree—he pronouni os the past season .Hiid winter as the most re- i.'s :.:o’ w.„,a...u..ca«.er ...d siiroa.l iihnmd HI tho Sljl« a n-.I.virang ms ""'H'J » J" ‘ ill lllo .Graying tomiim'iiH mid r.K.I. u,.™ hilii su0C09«l»rly «t ^ ork, L»..c.i.lcr. less house.s, tho deserted larms and old • andllariu»->urg- -all of which were dechued. waste liolds, disfigured with deep siars. iV. Y, CV7i. AdttrliKr.

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