JOURNAIi. VOL. V. IMIIVTKI) AM) I»UIIUSHi:i) KVKKY ......... “ ^ - — r t »Y »_»0MAS.>. iioLr»N....ciiAUU)rt R, >ir« KLr\ni u; coi nty, nortikaroljwa. TIHJ«S|>AV, APRIL. t>3, 1835. NO. 238. TIIK ,pri,.id»nd published ^vory I hur^.yrm^^^^ ,,,y (.•„v,.n„„eni • il,o last Lr f f ‘I**: |>"*- ,«f courw: in favor, on which they vide the period into equal parlsof four year* *> r»« /Wiar* iH:_r annum if pa.d in u.iva.ur; ^ . ® ! “I*' I ' I »« «»'' e“t the increase in .he firHl lour year, w ill ' iiiiiversal spirit of t]e|K!nrfancf 1 b»> found much leu than in the last lliur.-— iiu'uim which the d;;-1 I ho increoM*, ftr instance, of the revenue, ril to IBI.H: or depress ; during the first four \ear«, wa» ®4,617,594; ! 1 at pl(.uiurf tlie value of the ntock of this or' iirtd »!ui iiij» the hiHt (l.ur \ears, H4,9U6,0ii6 : * IjOII ^ . i* A t ^ - I. A lil)crdl oi'crunt will be iiiailo twlh(H« who ''i t(iuni«e l>> Ihe^car. ILTOn all«dvertiiK:iiU'i>t» I '*.•** . - toiiniun**;»U«l tor |iublication, the iiuiiilMr of liiHiience ol Hurveyors, receiver!), re;>is- iflrtttioin uiu.i b« iioiirtdon itif iiinrcin of till terii, and others ornplo\ed ill the hraiich of pnrMieti i i ii > , I •' or they will be conUuucd ui.iii the ad,ninistrati..n .^cf,I the public A. rnn„n...,l .... I ^‘=•'•">^"*^‘1 muHt j rona^.r, g„mt a« it i«, d.^-» not nmteriully fe,b.d. anU charKed accrding y ; ,,, I l*,.Allcu.uinun.r.tmn.t..lhe t,htor n.u.t come ' ,hp ,„,l„once ,f Kxecutive patr.'.rnue over ■ for o( or llit> iii«y not b«i •tu iided to, „ “ ’ ■*" »'’t»‘‘iwive re^iion, ami tluii the most fertki ij I»t«] 'OL tke| 'B • viik wy^\ Mibtrt tltai) ,000 liieiiM •A'w»j 'ES. e. cfnLl inca «tben. I Km| KCL.' j,„D.ll»r*uHd mHp..d.naU. litle ' try, and to «,.bstituto a spirit of mihservi.;... their i-arl a ni.iversaUni : nre. Doll..r» .he .nd of .ho year. .1.0 .au.o ,«.ri.Kl l.e„ e„in,MM.!u d, j ry and man v^orslnp ; tolncourHge v.ce a,a! and sult^^nerv 'he m!! »DVERT13KME.N18 *ill be i««ricUt Wy and which has In-en !>iiddetily thrown into dtK,-Hjrace virtue; and in a word, to pre- pn„irH neccKMri'lv iliord t evuU|Kr •quart (tioUxciding‘iOlnKs.) for the tnarl«'l,}Hinied with the patromiLrc iwre for'the mihverMon of lilK'riv m.d it.,, i iti. «"nlv .illorii t rri7':rs,?:.Tr;v;r.“^^ ; titt a ubctA oiM runt will U- ii.ailo u.ih.»,e »ho ? 'i»lia»s«" ihe west ol the .Misnnsippi, | fwrlect could Ix' deviwd ; and sik h :'ine iiior« ! f*crlbrt could be deviwd ; and sii( I b> ihe>e.r. U-On all .dver.iH.-iiu »t. , "icr»>aKO of the luimlior j the t.-ndci^y of the practice, wiih whatever |-f'pwHt'r foV the BrtumuiHi'iiiiro*f fcrt'ime«" yia":ilo” «nd the wide field which is con- i of the ex|-endUure« during the ifirst four,' miiHt he ^^^lucntly ojK-iicd to Uninitiated parliziii.K 81 ,>!f: 3,070 ; and during the last lour |«9,. I "I |"'"‘'r for the BnuiiiulHtmn of fortiiiieM, i onZe!l' ■» «“• k ; '• •“«) «•« this increase of pat- * ’ ,11,. . Ienures c.Hiibmed must i>ive I ronayp, uroBt an it is. does not iiintenullv connected with tins portion of the in- | to p.>litieal !av..rites, m obtaining- Imnk ac-(exceed the growth and population of (ho rJ7o’ihe[r‘''T'''''‘‘’'’7''''''* "if* «!•»»* It IS, assumed, that it ing to the pr.iclice, .«imilar, m its cliaraeter ihe accnm,„,ny mg |mwer of designating the ; ought to keep puce. This view overI.M.ks "f t ; '" "-'»«• •■r O.'t r f |r !u-s gives to the riM-umHta..ces which have*,. mu« h mcffms- ^. "e a IWa ^ f«.«- l-.Hecutive ov.-r these mM.tutions, must I.- -d it during the ,k-nod in qur*tton, a» has ,r ’ 1 , ^ "11“'''fN «I"I taken the i-sfn:iale to lorin a corieot ^ilreadv Im i n shown, if these be taken into other di^lMjrHtig otiu ers there,,, m. ntioned. upmi..n ..f the full f..rce „f this tn n.endcoH; if. to the increase of revenue U> .dund.rlhelawMol the I mted e„g,ue of iM,«er und mfluence, wielded, H«,aii.l e.vpeoditure, and the number dependant .i.tus, MiJii t>caj*pomtd l.,r tl.u term ol tj.mgs now Mand, by tlio will of a miyle "n (.’..vrnnient, we add the vast increase of , r ’ , ' iml.vidual. Hxm utive patronage from the immensi* pub- J ' '>"St-eijj III passing tl,In ^ "Wrcornnnltee have now enunemled the he diiinain n eenflv throHn into the market ; , wiiH, ( uu .! e««, to enlDrce a mor. f,,ili- prj;., ijial caiiws, which have of jute c titri. , ihe great extent of Indian reservations: the lul p.-rlormarK-e o| duty on the part ..f the but.*tl to mc,. H>e m greaflv the |mtr.ii.ig*- control which the practice of removal has IS iirsMi:» I-, Kers, hj uithholihng reap. o| the l.xicuiive. 'Ihere are others h!i11 cslabl|v|ied over those in office: and the jioiiitmenf. Irom tli.^ «hol.r„l not i;.itlif,i|. re,i,.„Miiig to Im’m.ticed, which havt« greatU great addition to Kxecutive power over tho directed to inquire, that del.ber- -Irul.teJ ,o a.,,meut tl.o of the i, r.'jVcMi;^ S’ ZT" ■ 'I ' I « ,> I I too* «,.o AHir-t tlie prae. Hi* nio-.t t-ri. .ii-« ruimtderalion ; but as they ln^lltu( ion,« of ihe country, it cannot lie dnub- |arov*ning nnd (loiirisliing pi.rtions of the I nion. Ill tins connexion, the recent prac- IN THL >L.NA 1 h OK th* L M 1 LU > TAT I>t. tl^e of the (ioveriiment mini Iw taken into . , H'servmg lomdmdaol Mr. t ALIIOLuN made the loliowing re-^ a l.iri-e |M.riion ofti,.- Ihm land of the cun- |pof'; Mfv, to which tlie titit .t ih) i , is ix- T»ieS I''Ct rominittee appointed to in- 'r> I**'di'pr'=! d , f limi-T the vanc- Muire iiitt* the extent of the exet-ntive pat- • li'*n of th‘ l'\ecuti\i', on tlje rocoitiniei,i!:i- •. llie circumstances which liave con- * '■"agents npp.Miil* i! ^ Ii lv l»v hiiii, and jtribund to its great increase of late; thu|"l"‘^'t' pnv^nhd to*., an extent 'h:IK.V and practicability of r*‘diM-iiig ("• esp>ria|jy in tlie > ntli-vM sivrn s«-c- Ithf same, and the meant of »uch reduetmn, "• I Ilia'C U'timed on the subjei-ts, into winch It is «hft>cult to iii a"!t)* a ili .ire h ••».r «t..„t,on, which llK-ir impottaiK-e dt- «nd. «ith it.... ...m-r.^Mo ! tiee ^-nform^l to the intenii^^ - " - o.o, . ons oerai.on ; i,ni as it.ey , m^^^ |o)j!.(is and snhmit, as the r*-sult nf iImm> 'ilHtions c ilrul.iii »| to depr;,\e and corrupt .md therebv the gMMi intended -'-i.' - l'r"|'"=‘-, "f t •»», iri^tea ol incredsmg only 36 |K;r anil siitiniit, as the r*-sult nf l nrir niHiions ciiriji.iOti to depr;,\e and corrupt .ind therebv the mM-i iiii,iiil,,l ui-i.f-,- ... ...I i .,.,..1.1 .1 ' . i . ,,,.r r, n>cert.nnlhe extent of eiecutivc imt- au^-s have patron.^e o| the l.xrutive; but « ve.j con.pleied, i,md. r its pro,.r he.ul.' tion ol Hie countrv have probablv L ex. rni.A the hr-t ,suhj.-c! to which the nw„|. ^ ^ * p.yu., 'e o| late, there | «reat chanu- has t.dlowed, whu h h„s. m the n.ipiirv as to the exti i.t of Kxecot.v. ' ■ .“eded twentj-fonr (H r cent. d,r.-cts the attentK.0 of the committ. e, J.,'•* ' our committee, d. feated the , patV-.nage. and the cau-e of ,ts r.r. nt in- I I'.ut vour comnnttee cannol ncrree. that j ot.ji ct «»l act, and at flie ^ame time ad- i iei,«'. v. ur commitlee w dl now prrM-eed to I I ded greatly to the mllo' nee of (witronage. mvisiigiite ihe deeply iuteresimg quesiions , i r.iithiul (lerlormaiice ot duty no longer “f th-e\|KHjiOncv and practicubililN of its •I ensures a renewal of ap(H.mtment. ’I h- irdueti.m, ' ' 1 H I«p« bMB ui Sin rifgiiui edMl iiiiiac the IB I Irtw I C. »t • rfCc iOav tibfii fife fa TON ormai loliCSd Uoni^ y kiK* ■ Alins tnw (MHtl M tte. iifbt r 6H-0 insoR rWr* i trad '.fOt r Va &: od^ , Wi^ » w :£gl^ higb- IHtl i[ atj rofeP* ipecu' tke^ Slur* iiiRi. ait's nece»'ary to as'ertai(i previ«Kjs. 1. (tie ainouiit of the revenue and the e\- j^jd.'ure, and number of ulFieers. agents, )ii [>*rs>ns in the emploun' iit of the lio» rniiK-iit. or who receive niooe\ fri»m the lojtilic ir I'tjrv ; all ol' which, taken coJIec tivfl;,, cmistitute the elements *>f w hi«. h j>at rti.isc IS mainly coinpos«‘d. .4^ the reiurns of the revenue, «nd e\ p-:. il'ire. f.r the year 1-Ul ore not \ei rjiiipl^t)«1, your commitlee tiave w'locteif lac V'ar as b»'ing the Ui of whieh C«ii, (♦■t»*.iiid ci'rtain r turns can l,e 'ihtaii»si. Ine ri'sult of iheir in\es(igntn n on .ill t!r’- points will he t'.mnd in a table here k'h .niiexed, which eonlaiiiH a >l.iiei,, j 'v- 2rt9s am’4ini of the revenne, uo.'c ' ■^arii‘i;s hentls »»!' cu.>lf>iiis, laiaN, I’ s' O'u-f nd misrellaricoui*, for the >ear 1 L • \;'"iidilur>"i lor the Kiine ar ns.‘_ .. ur/J' r the varnxis heads of a(>|)n. prud'jns; tlie nunilier of officerH. rtg 1,1.. rM!fv.V rs. ao«i pi«fs im ,n tlie e,i,(,|i.x | t'i»eriiin* III. 'r wh> r'-^'i-ive i,|. ,f\ Comnnttee cannot agree, that i iei,«'. y. ur commitlee wdl now prrM-eed to|tln re is aiiv snlistantial reason wh) Execu- live pntroiijge ^h•>uld increase in the same piop.,rtion with the growth and p^{>ulation Ihe country. \\ ith the exception of tho coii.... qu'lice IS me\it.ible^.i i. elnig of «Je. ' lu t ..osideriiig the qnestion of the exp«‘ l‘u»t )(liee e.stablisliment, there is no ne- (^■iideiK #* on the l.xecutive, on the |i.irt i.| di»ney o| its rediK tion, \our comnottee d.. ee»;,r\ connexion Is-tween the inereaflin^ the in. uml,* nt. increaMog .is hi^ i,-r,„ ap. ,n..t dfi m it n. r.-s«ir% to'enter mti. nn eial, growth ai,l jiopulation of the countiy, and 1,1 1 .. . .1 I , - ■ pr' ic len its end, with a great inerea-.e id 1 orafe aijjiiinent lo piove that p:i»roi,ni;e, at 'he im-reiismt; patronai:eif the (iovernnient. I I. I. |^„V ^ „r .h„ I.„ I, „L„n .-..I ,r„. c..n„a!;. ,„.„t ol JII," "."u |lollowl^d hv an ai live coiij|H.|itioii Ixiw.t^i d»-ii y. wh»r.‘it is not ilertnally cheeked , liNhments are, or ought to b‘, slationary ; contrilMited to give ,t a f.r greater ami johj.ct .f t'.ie act, and at the same time ad- ni'-re diiiigrrous lofluonc.'. AI the h'-ad ol ilies*; -.hiMilii U- pliK-cd, the practice, greatly e\t iif!i-d. ifm.i H-r the tir-t time i!ilri.diie«‘d, .it reiiii,ving t'rofn i.lii. e |K*rsons well qinli'i-'d. and who hid l.ittiifi U jier I'l.riiKMj thesr du's. in r !.-r . . till th-ir pl.i Ith to.~('* w.i.i .111. r'V'iui'ix'nded 01, |H wer. ^ \ nr roinrniMe.. t'.-d f- nt they an- ffmi h- j the .K-cupaiiis «,mJ tliost- whow. k his pU e, ing erouml w»i,e|, nciv U- C4ir...i.}en d of n ! lolhuvet] by nil tin.—ai lsof eompliHiire m„t und rej^ul,iii-(), ,« to d).|>i,..- and corrupt the I'oiiimimitv ; and that it i«, of ciMirso, a fnn tie rs .III th. d.-cn-a»*.; other,., though ne- cessjirilv incren!«ini.s increase at a rate far we find there has l>eea >f|)flt«Hiage largrea- , . .1.1 . - ' • I groHth and poiHdatioii of the .I.f nluiuu^ I; mcr. ;,-- t!,e p-,!r-Mv-e |„ , i.u le r U-rj the causes wl.ieli Intl. this principle, so es^ ntn.l to the pr ■ e-untry. tl,.' hte, ,r,u-. W.t'e ut k- k:n;_. into tiie III. |on.,t- ifHrre::.- Kxerndve patr.ol I.Ih-.Iv in p.p.jiar irovermoei.t.. r.ui the ei.«nfnption that Executive i*t tenin.n, or loc;,M c.'o-un-i n thi>«-jcoinmittce c:.'.n t wii|,.,ut a derehrto.n ol has l»>,-n re„,Hcted imd..r ours, tl, ' ‘ th'\ O il c till,int\. o, , .1 . 1,1 I . ' ' , , •iiiu .Mill I. I-, 0, I iHir'.-, II iwo locri asinjf, increase at a ! ,* " ** '' "V’’ '* s'l >s«^viency by whii'h fsiwcr is conciliateil; >!.inn ntal in iviin in all Sial»*s, ha»in^ I'lee leus than our iMiiHilation; and >et, I 7 ‘ j ‘''*ursr » Ith II corres,H.|.,ho^ ii.cteas- md p .pnlar institu:ions. that no n.oie sl:oold for the last eight vears, there I ' ’ •' -■ as their.ol the numlMT o| th •»« intlui ih: d bv tli- l'.«' tolerated tli.m is iKres>.ir\ to maintain h prituressi\e increase of i«iinHiaje I Ir.t IS I ml . ill,.,, only, as^ Kv-utive w,!|. ,,r,,-r elWy ot (Jov.rt’ne nt. j|..u than the groHth and p..,Hilat.oi in fK.Mcr ; Init w ini a\ id ni.y reo .uk .-f u p rty el ar-e !• r, i« altlMuuh thev nr- iv -in(’oi,>|..'pril uiih th- yia\:'-. ■ i'tl.-*i|!,j ct, ; imj,^>--ible i.. ;,m>. ,'e ' TKi II .-(..o alt •,;* »it*ilii I ■ '1 t,..- eate ri. toner, «\ iiii..>t ''■'iia;*' III i.irvi iiiij li.e ii,(j II \ , ti,e\ tro-! , |i .rH ehjie 'i r, w . . ■'n the p*,bJic treasury. Frooi thi-. t.i n rtl>(.c irs that the ag,>re;.;i1e aii.''.iil K Ihe r^vpnue fi.r th- veai, wa» 4-b. iiiid of the di'iMirseinents |.".7.*».‘i i'. 1 '; ih.ii the number of utl’M-eic, ;ig, ni. ’••r~.iis in the employment « f the (,f.. » :r ivfit i;(i,:.>w4^ ,,f ^hirh there I,i1omi>» inl li-t iiM luding (icrsi.ns .n em ^ .. altai lie ) to the Arin\ and .N-tvy, l«.l! I; I.’h ■ \|dit.ihv And Indian l>* p irl- P'r'l to the .Navy, ine|ijdni|r riiq. lolh, rost..fhce.:il.»»17; *lM vitioK, p'arfMi, dint tly or • I'tioii i f the judicial olficers. are liaiih' l4 l/« lJlMII|.^>«.(i ;|I hifi ple^.lirt'. If to thl' «!xu. inprc l.e addetl :iU.r>4U (^nmoners. ill h ive 1 grand total o( 1(1(1.079 |»t- *hf) !ire III the employ «,f the tlovern- (If (i.’K'i.dent directly ou the ptib’ic b>!.ac nrrm ns ja i|,:s niitnher, it giv» ^ irri[.icrt..( t conei' >t' the sinu to- ^ '’f >■■■■ •'• *h't, an fiirn;.liing «.||j,,)hes, or iffM-e, nre con.’iecied with, and iimre flf|.r(iHent on the (iiivi-rniii>.,it, and coar.w, ||;i!,l,. |,, ir.fl.K iieed by it- pot the nu ' U r of whom, with their ^''''.'■•'•'tnot ev(-ii 1m-eoi.j ctuied. || |f„, (,1,,,,,^) roiintle.M iMMtl 'X'.eet»nl>, ^1,0 ar, llmt they lire iiie:i) ahi.. of ».'ii inkin.^ fr. m the fHTr..riiwir.. ■ o: i(.» to i-ort iot aiid • »l ••n n duly • to i!.».n., ot i'.>riai_i.iy in \ I -.ti:; itin-j I.. 11,»- l^ili. .-n ,| ^ j' j * | n,v, | . ,114, iis III. y iwii' ve. ll|. !.if.’ i.| oor poiltic .1 iM«itiiti..iis a''I t*./. Iilwriy .f fi.e cotui- | ili'-ir I'lqniry, it ^ try, i,y (!• , hiiin,’ t > rivi-.|i_'a|.‘ tnl'y and | mil•'v- ti ei.i fm li‘. |y, ns f ;.'’,rK ii^ 11, iiat i.'i ,n, J ('onn' (pii-nee, every tiK’a'iire o'- practice nl th>* Ii verme' ot coi.nei t»d with the mrpiirv. wheih.-r It has «,r n >1 b-eri a siihj.-ct ot party r. ntr.iV* r.-y, In s|«Mkmi; «.| the praetire I {■ r.Mnovini' frfiiii e on party ;iroiiinl, of lec' isi i-.i'ir»e. conipreh>'iid‘d oi '‘*r . '• I y r- t ofi:,iii. ire Ihil It i« ,ilii..~i > >1 o. I'll n.* «t li. !|. I'M Ifle^ fi-.-lli.Js of ., '1 lli.y .,f(-'i. y .in\i. II* to avi.i I. r:i y n fi r t>> th.- ui. r>-.|s. ,1 |: .V r w t i. h’. » i.l* Ir.v.-^ix 11 to Me i;y. cntiv.- o\. r li.e [ .il.:,, ,, jin.; will. It tin- (;iir'ii« , ;.!'t:.i (. untrs. lh> eatiK'S nhieh Iiiivm ot' hit I • the III' n-a*./' of F!'(een'iv patn i .ige, y eiir co.iiinittt >■ are .mart' c«*'s of sui h riii*.\.i's limy fi.imd in the rarly stj;;e?« of t.'ir ti verntifiil. lull ill' V are so f. rt , and e\ rci- d «• h’Me li.lliM Oe.-, that tie y may s' rj Ui eti(:«iituti' niHtanee-, railiei than t'ornnn:; a |iraeii(e. It m only uiihm fh- l.isf f w yetr>, that n inovaU Iroio i f fi''e h.ivi- Iwen lotriHliKe.J, Hs a sysii'm. and our', tt.e y,i w 1 rotiajje and inthience should increase in ihc rthich has already !.»•« >1 pri s. nt. d. e.f the ' same ratio wMh the growth and p.puUtion *1^1 lyoiit 1.1 .* h.c*> p itr. I !,s .of the Country, is not leas dangerou.s than .ii'.io.'. I iio'I ; I ,i(» I.. »eniii.> nt. nii 1 itv 1 -.i it i» ei His. If this a.s.sumpt|on, b*‘ car- fd ;;n.*t‘i, |. jt to!) . le.,>|y tieiiion-irateH. j ried out in practiie, it must finally prove I’ l'. ,)s It and .IS .IS IiHn Ih eii ,t-. littal t«, our lostitution.s and liberty. 'Mie :^ro *ih, It may I.e tie ii;,'ht ly ^om'•, w!.«, -aiiie aiivaint of patronage and influence, I ni t d'.iy r'tlci>d t. ri ilie m projM.rtion to the extent and populutmo III .1 It I-. f .1 II.,.,'. Ii. \n H i: t.. m iin ,111. of « country winch, in a .small State, mod* 'le ti »i rniiiei.t ,ti It'pi. ;H r I :‘i |i r.ev , and ei.iiely {xipulous, would !>»• |s'rf*'Ctlv sale, III coosid tio:.' tiii« t :,r' 01 to. , d j. cl of Hi;I it 1 .ton 1 Is- diinmiHh. d w ii|.-.ut eyp. ; might j,ro\e fatal 111 an eyieni.ive and pipu- 11!;^ oor iii..iiTMtion-t.i li e;;. r of we:ik loll', eomiiiuniiy. just as u nnn'h smaller iM H-Mini iiitjir. li* . J o di'm'n.i r.itr* th ut- militarv forec, m iro|>ortion, would hold !• r lahai \ o ' .i,. h a ..o; s ii,..,, u |« i,nly under suhj. etion the latter, than the lormer. It. Cl »\ til 1!., |ir( ot totl.e p:i‘t, The principle is the same m Uith caM-s-— i!i rT>-ir-i ( i. to th'-point niiiii r i-.i'iSMleralion. i the gr*Mt advanta^ie which an organized N'l ol).', I'ip.1 lile t.| ji( .^'iti^. wiil vi'iitiiM-; Ixidy. such as a (.iovemnient, or an urmv, to .i-'.-rt tliat l)ie i.| ill)' llyi cu has oyer an unorgaiiiz. d ma-s, an aovan- tivi' hrani'li o| thi'tiov. iiiiin'nt. in aoy stage lage increa.sing with the increased ilitiirul* .'I Its e\i>teiiie tfoii, th«' ime it went I'.irly tv of Concert and cj>.o|w ration'^ and thi» a* int.. opi r.itioii. h.i» ew r ).i. \e.l d' li.'i* lit in , gain increiiNing with the nnnilter at d diaper- prop#T n ll.iem *• in d e if.iml; y 11, |( (he pre. Sion of tlioM»' on w hjise concei t and co-oper- « nt Ii* e..,,ip;ired wiihuiiy p ist per,i.d of ation resss’ance di (.eiids; and hence, froin niir hi'tury, exeludio:.'. o( » oti,..., ilmi o( ihcir comhined netion, both as a(i|>lieil to the hite w.r, 'h>. piir iiije n w under the the Civil and military, the great advantage eoiiiful >4 ilif Kyi 1 i.'ivi- ill li' I'l.und great ' which power has over lils-rty 111 large and |y til eyeei .1 that yif an\ liiriiK r |s ii .d. ’] o [Mipiilous countries—an adyaiituge so great illu-liate thl- tiuth el' this leiiiiik, your ■ that it |s uiip,|y inipos.sible, m Mich coun> e.iimiiilti e wdl si |. t, (or »oniparismn, the ' tries lotleli nd the latt. r ngaiiist the liirmer, the i,iO >ii|.in o| It,) th' Il'-'-Ii r«, Im Iii^hi 1', , t'l till l>-nd)-oi'y of tl|.’ eyi-i.ts l.iwhlet, tin y rfler. .IS men ,',11^ Kx iiin'■ ) aii.i! )^. ; «y Mdiii^ all alhi-K.ii n. rnoti^. or to l!.i !eg:ilily of the a. 1- ni qiie-.ti >n. V\ halev.-r iJm r ^iiy may exi.t ^S (1 ll,*- exp'-.lien. y or !i ;_":il|!y o| iei;ioy. in.; til*'iIe(K>siti then* iMii, ,( |« ..Ditfi, .1(1, b> none us to th«’ fit t, that 'he ii 1,1-iyul, as thini's now ^lal,d. ite ri .im d the pnn r cnntnl'iiti-il aii'l patronage o( the Kyei iiI|M . m r* I'1 • eiii !■ Ill the (rtililic |u;,d%. 'I'iii y are now, in (I'.i’il of I i''t, i.iider Ills s..|i. xnd uidiinit) d eontrol; and 10,ly, at his p t-.iMire. I,*, wiiii- 'liawii, Iroiii the li,in!,s whi-re li' ha.' or- d»"reil them to l«* de|MjH,tci|, In- |iliic> 1] III other banks, or m the cu.tiM!y of »lioni- »is"ver he may cho«»- to ».||.ct, without years l~’J.',.ind I'H.'l, ihe loiiner because ' unless imled by a highly artificial political "f ri striciion : and nei^t con. it was th«.n^ht, ' yen then, by many of the irganiz.ition, such as .urs, Uisetl on local for ihe |i''t inoe an tipjiortniiity hss U-i n | tinui* siiliji.i ( lo his sole w ill, till {il.u-ed hy most ey j.i rienced aiirl ri Hi-cting of our cili | and geographical interests. If to this ditli* all'irtl'tl ol ti'sliii{{ the tefideiii y ol th''[ir.ic- , an net o| ( ongre-i>. undrr the custody >1 tlie zeiis, that I'xerutiye putrona.e had attained ; cultv, resulting from nuinlMTs and extent •i'’'-. :in.| wii':‘-s-.iiig thf! mighty inc'case laws. N\ h* tin r any proyistuo eaii I*-de a daiig'Toiis evieiit; anti the latter, iK'cause ! only, there be addetl others of a 11 , , , . _ ir"'* ‘Jr. which it has gi\en ti the | ree ol l.xi'i'ii. ‘ yi-.i-tl, which vyotild pluce them as nai h In- it w;is i|||. htit st |s*rii d ofwhieh w a have midahle charucter, the greater in ti \e p.itrona;:e, niitl tie- »*iiiif and f'ailijl ■ y ond the control ol th'* I’xi-eiitiyo m their ihe reijui'it*- inatei laU, w I'h w Inch to make , pro|H>rtion, on the part i>f tlw (Jovt *'t, s» ekin ' to dis il n-e ‘''’''J'*'" ’'»'ih t.lh'.'r, . pri-Ncnt as thet were m lle'ir lorim r pl.tee ol the conifMrisoii. then, is the coin- | in largt* coininunilies, to s‘ize imii * ! ^ ^r- ' - I'l f.fiier, or to iK-eunv thi"ir iihietL ih *' "I ''"f |> 'litic-i d''posite, and w Inch .it the same time wmdti p.iralivf extent of Dyeeuiivn p.iironage, res- j lupt all the organs of public i>piiiii>n,^and ■\ horoKir-all of wh‘'in oiUsi Ii'h'k " ill It r'‘piire lunch re-I endau;>er theirsiil'ety ,are (H.inisoii w Inch |m i lively, w ith the sliott interval of hut thus delude nnd im|>ose on the |ieople ; the III*? f>xff:ui|y». \',,f tiip .»rititif itii n ot' V"'!'''■‘••'••I'l**''''‘I" not ds r.i tl ie-ee--=aiy to • years Is tween them ^ hut. at these res-j gre.iier tenilency in such comniuiiitien to '^"'r •'I'iir--ur.nif. t onceiitiorrni'iy lM-*|(irni-tl vastly :he extent ol yentnrn an opinion. addition this nu. |M'ciiye |M-riods, wa.'the Hiooiint of the n v-I the furniatioii of |mrties, on local and se- ibf-niirr,r,,sf. ,,,,,,,1^.^ '"I'jy llii'I I-* ' iHite p;iironage. hmiteil conirol over the pohln linids, trom , enue and ex|>enditnre ? the numlK-r parnte inten‘.sts. resting on op|H)sinp and ^ of Kxenjiiv,. p |iron-..r,. ^ I II' u s;,, ,,fTiee were n (Hidered as fiiih- 1 tin; time of I heir collection till that of then ! o| jwrsons m tin? employ ofth »oven:inent, conflicting pritwiples, with s pa 1 ale and ri. I'l SM-eri;iin the fidl eitenf of th - ‘ *1'*' "r"" b..iinty ; and what the yal leaders at th«* head if each, and tho 'iiiin'fic. prodii!i Us i'ontr I w I ic'l *’ 'i’ 'hi*', for tin- eoinnioii ptiisl, ^ l.xeeutive, 1.4 tiiliicult to esiiunite. .Accord- extent to w hieh, oceiirding to the pracliet' great dil]icull v of conibininp such parties it'/l'‘r'-. (,vi r nn'l t^h*-ini*v>** ''‘'I*'"'* ihe .'^■c- o| tlo* res;>ectiyt! p resls, t||,> patronage of'in any system of resistance ugninst the 'lit f'C i(,p (irivcff,,*^"*'1 ("‘idi or hi' (.a,ty , and so fiiig us it was the lelary of the I'reasnry , the aiiionnt t»f tie- iln> toyernmi nt was brought to exert over ; common lianger from iht* (•overnnient; .somo '''’'I I" th,* amount if' "v .*""'1’ *!' 'I"" ‘ 'ov..riiin*'iit to contiiiU'- m j public fund- in de[iosi|.., on the 1st .iHiinary, ll)ost> Mihj'-ci to its control ? A short coiiipa- i conception may Ix' formed of the vast su- * ir". iiiil II/. I *"** '■'I* ''^1'*'*• iifhee thos'- who Inillilhilv (s>rtiiri,i' ! lh» ir I “ilj 1, \>as ijil 1,7(I'J,!HI.'> ; and iheir estiina. ralivt MlaleiiH'iit yvill show. ' «r.on the I; , ,'''7 -• ••• (H-nl of f.ict, was , ted i.nionnt. ' intii (',,• . -iini ,te V\'irie'ty ''|" \ m,' ' ' p“'*‘*f of noniiimtmg to | t)i);7,f)- j ; makiii;; nn average niiKHint fiir , hranehes. ni lutling the 1’ OlHee. was, m seekers, w ith their de|iendcnts, forming one jM'riority which that organized and central Ii.verninenI, in all its | party, consisting of office holders and office ind tjlri!|t|(c Ir ,„ld t rl H'eidentiil y leam ie.j, or to new ly cienierl i t he y ear of ijl (1,1!»!(, J 43, tho use of which, I 117..M-3, and in I’•.‘i:!, %:?(i,6(l7,- ‘■*•'(11 of payroll',e I'l,'.' '' ofliees, and conhl, of course exereie but a . Considering the |wriiiaiieney of tlii'deposites, ,'*'7 I. The gross ex(H*ndiliire, including the ^*wl;ir ( Kirv ,’,f th.' n V, st r '* '**' ' i*| either over the hisly if may Ik) esiimat' d as not of less value, to the * public dehl, in 1 ►'‘J.'), was 8'.’-I,14," 17 ; m '^^Ichiifi III,.wisi d |f|,.rf.ii,iiiiii)itv,i,rofibeofriee holdersthem. I hanks in which they were dcpt>siled, than 1 1^cJ7,'J'2!t..‘l''!». I'.xelndin!; the iiiihle oa .jn,Tii„,„ (jfyoijf (.ominittee : _i„ ' compact diseipliiied corps, w ielded by a sin gle indi'idual, without conflict of opinion within, eitht r as to policy or principle, and inning at the single object of retaining and all, or at laa't 1 f,V / e ti-" ”• ' (' pfnclice was rever.s- ■ 4 >K-r cent, making at that rale on the av- | tieht. it, ni I ^*V.’•*l, $>1:^,7 I; 111 j (*er|K'trating power in their own ranks, must art; «,f rcreiit ori'ini* tlif-v w'h ^ * ed, when offices, iii' nf Is-ing consulered j erage amount in de|K>site the sum of ft407.- •^».'),6“'.'»,'1ii. 'I'lie numl>cr of persi>ns eiii Inne in such a country as ours, over the *^ll umli r the ni'Xi* to wl ^T*^**l*^ as public trusts to he eonri rr**d 11 theiles*iv-11)77 fwr uriniiin. 'I'liis immense gain to i ployed and liviim on the Isiunty the (Jov is*ople, n «u|K'riority so d'cisive that it may iliri r(, (I tt ' * ' '"v'r't'if'led as ihe spoils of victory, i thesK* powerful and inlluential nioiiopt.hes ' crnnieni, in 1 777 ; 1111 h:i;J, H(0,U79. safely Is' ass*Tted, whenever the |)at> ...I . ‘”"niion ol you, t on- (iW I J II«i ri a. I n(nr pilfl S(?r * iriMiri t tt ill Hllfl rf* 11( t tii* I M niimi i iitrr f Iwi i* \ li'iil «it I ht* t%n I mm. .m laf 1 r« ihm ni ta it*1 itilli iMimn t Iia t 2tt'iii-niiiAnt u *>n ^ willno.y pris e. d lo whi' li hive ttr«» 'If Um de(S!nds ii]M>n the will and pleasure of the [ .Measuiing the extent of the patronage, at viepM, w ithout resj.«.es to merit; when it Ix*. ’ l‘]xectiiive, and must give him a corre*|Min. ! these res|H-ciive jieriods, by thesi* elenienis c.imo to Is- iiiidersiu'si, that all whi hold j ding control ovt r them. Hut this of itself, comhined, without taking into consideration ronage and inlhience of the (iovernment aro snlViei,.nlly strong to form such a party, lib erty, without a s(s‘edy refoini, must inevi. lably Ix' I'ist. When we add, that thit great advaiitnije uf the (Jovii^riimetil“over the |K‘ople—of power tiver liheity — must inciiMse propoitionahly with Ihe growth ind population of our country, it must be ppartjnl how fatal would lie the assumption, not iiitluj, , wr.-.-.ijr. 1100 «im»'Tvion' piiriiv-iiis, rritiiy I e\co:iii;;>-s, iiiiu me , ..ii.|f. .ni..ii miiiuu ii | ty of this great increase l>e exaiiiiiied, it will | if iicietl «in, that |Mitronagi* ami inlltience •ng p.iyujviiU 00 acco'int ol fur every >i..iy.ce, how ever base and cor., must excilu among the hauks generallv lo be found, that it has Imd u progressive ac-' should incieusc in th« namu proportion: ^'^•'ilsind |.| . whi' ti^ hive offiee, hold by the i»*nuie of |Nirtizin /.eal | afj irtls a very imperfet I view of the extent 1 the circumstam es which, as already shown, (wtr,! ■ '. ‘eij- and party serv ice, |! is easy to s*e that the ‘of his patronage tiejs-ndant on his control j have, in this short period, given sueh inciea- 'il'i;. / *'**’ proiiiiiK ii*, e‘rt/iin, dii'el, and iii' Vilahle tendency, is | over the public tje(si§ile«. To ascertain its I aed force lo Executive patronage, the result 'of r*'* the eiilm? hisiv of tliosi? m t>f | full extent, the iidvanlnges which these | of the whole, in conipnred to 1^*33, |s ; •ltd w Inch, ‘vilhiii fi.-e into corrupt and supple instruments of! hunks haye. in ctinscqiience of the dc^Misites, j as Ii!* to (s)>, inakini; nn increase of upwanlp j ind pt "ill to’.TH /1119 powi-r, and to raise ti(, a host of hungry, j in eirenlatiiig llnir notes and in dealing in t>f 3(i |>er ctMil. If the eomp.irative rapidi- appnrij iiicl I ’""I “ol,«ervii nt partiz ins, ready exchanges, nnd the coni|S‘tifi,in which it j ty of this great increase l>e exammed, it w ill j if ac!i

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