& FARMERIS’ JOURNAL. PRINTED AND PUBLISHED EVEUY TnURMDAY, lit TIIO*nA8 J. IIOLTOX.... II.\RU)TTI:, MECKLENIU R« COUNTY, NORTH-CAROLflTA. VOL. V. THURSDAY, JWIY 11, 1835. NO. 241. THC miaeni’ Sl Farmerii^ Journal I, printed md publiihed e»*rjr Thuridajr niorninf ^ D*Uar$ per ktiuani if paid in tdvuice; DtU*rt »nd Fifty Cent$ if not peiil iu ul- Tkoce: Tkru lhHmr$ tt the end of Uie jrear. jJ)VERTI8EMEN'rS will be inverted at Fifty eeat* per kqumre (uot ezcreding 30 linet) for tlie tiiMrtKN), uid 36 cenU for each ioceceding ^l(-^r tl for three wmIu, tot one aquare.— A liberal diaeount will be made If tboM who tdvertiae by the rear. (T On all advertiaementa ooniinunicatad tut publicatioat the number of inftrtiona muat be noticed on the roar.* in of thv monuacript, or they will ba oontkiued until forbid, and ehar^ acovrdinf Ijr. . • ■ All cammunieatioiia to tUa EMftor munt comc Vree ofpo^tagr, or they inajr not bv atlendrd to. Jllr. B^-nton^a ^peych. /« Staate U. S. Ftb. 1.3. fcbaUnceof Mr. Btnton’a reply to Mr. Calhoun’a Bfpert M Kiecotue Patronik|e.—Cvnc/u(/r/. Stlch are the scene* which the two sm* sioM present, and it is in vnin lod«>ny it; for lb« 6»i®l of that futal w.Miion have •one furtli to ail the bottlers of the rt-piihlia femnt way, which was brought forward some yeur« ago by a Senator from New Jersey, (Mr. Dickerson,) and which then received unmeasured condemnation, not merely for unconstitutionulity, but tor all its eflf-cts and conscHjuences; the degrada tion of mendicant iStates, receiving their an nual nllowance from the bounty ol the Fed eral Government; the debauchinent of (he public inoralH, when every citizen was to look to the tederal trea!ury for money, and every cunclidute for office was to outbid his competitor in offering it; the consolidation of (he titates, thus rr siilling from a central .HU|t|ily of revenue ; the fully of coliectuig with one hand, to pay Iwek with the other, and both hands to be greaned ut the ex- pi'nm; of the citizt^n who pays one man to cullect the money from him, and another to brin^ it back (o him, minus the inlereMt and the cost of a double operation in fetch ing and carrying ; and the eventuul and in evitable progresH of the scheine to (he plun der of the weaker (^If of the lJniHi by the stronger; when the stronger half would un- doobt'-dly throw tiie wiiolu burthen of rais ing the innney upon tho weaker half, and T1i7 were printed here by the myriad; fniiikt>d by members by the t.Ki weight; th”n take the' main portion to thems(‘lvei«. freigliied to all parts by a decried ai-d over-I jjycj, objections uttered . n,ui ™.ul for ! ,«..l f,.r I ^ gallant mhi of South Carolina, (General Hay no,) stood by his Mr. B.’s side,—no, stood before him, and ted him in the fight Rgainst that fatal hihI di'lusivn scheme, now , brought forward under a more seductive, ingacc Hint .if the Bank of the tniled d«„g«rouH, alarming, inexcusable, unjustili- StHtas for that wmiihi of CongreiM which deaiorahziiig lorm. «h«liiied post oflke: and paid for! irntd for I bv whom ? Thanks for one thing at leait I The Report of tbe Finance Committee ihi tbe Bank*(Mr. Tyler's Re(tort) effec(»*d the exhumadiNi of one maw, one masH! o(‘ hid den aud liuried puiridity ; it was the pint- will long live in tbe ht»tory of our country u(Kk‘r the odioua appellation of the i*a>ic aj»iiOK. I'bat priniiug account hai bevn dug up; it i* tiie black voaiit of the Bank! ami he knew the medicine which could brin; forth such vomits iVom th»- f«Kil stnm- ach ol' the old red harlot. It was a iiu'di- cine of • Couimiitct' of Investigation, con- iiituted upoa {Mr.mineatary principteii a coin- miitee conipuied, in its mujonly, of tho«ir Yes, said Mr. H-, it i^j not only tbe re- vivul of the same plan fur the dividiog sur plus revenue, which receivfd ils cmuicm- nation on this flm^r st-veii or eiglit years ago, but It is tlie iiHHii>icaIion, and that m a iorin infinilely wor!>e f>r (he new Slates, ol the famous land biH which now lies upon our (.ibie. It lHk('Supthe«hjectof that liul, diid IUII4 aMuy with it, ;.MVing nine iinlliuus whi.Te itiat gave three, and li'avmg (he au wbocbar««l.niscoi«luct,«.Klev,,K-..d*d.*-,,,^^^^,^,,^^, „ut of ..ght belaud; a.KJ p^tioe to probe every chsrgc to the „.e an Ir.mi S.utn Carol.i.u , Umd; such a corotmttee as tbe tenate l.ad | Calh.Mjn) . ^hurt-.ighted an nut •ppoinied, at tlH, a.i.w «^i.m, notlor tbe ;will hi... t!« B-nk! Uit for the IW (Mko. \«‘i, eiclaiiwd Atr. B., n»'t only the ijxisiiioiiu to ra^' ai'd ttivide twi-niy, tiiirly, Tr-aMjr) was to lie bankrupt, Iwt tl>e cnr- jiiifu imlli>u-i: aixi iliiis >rul-id|>, (ait jump, rency was to be ruined. Ih« tra:>h in the i (Hit-run him in lue r ic - of |>opiiisrity, TrtHKiiry, what little tti«*re was, wb»> to b> jm»t tn tar m he hin.'"Ii no«v (>ut-jnoi|i- )c>tttii4g but depreri;it-d paper, (he vile i»»- j.-,|,out and >iil run, tli: auiiiorot tlie a-H'i of ins»>Uciit p*-t Uiiik*. Silver, ami Distribution till. ! » nited 8tat.« B*nk i.-M.-s, ainl ev^n go.*! , |_‘ls of evliMige. wrr,? all to go or. all to f,;.- »^.A. an.1 n.ake in.-ir nKHirulul exit.„„ ,„^^vcr dhl it eoii.o ii|H,n 1oj.eth.T ; and gold ! th:il was a trick uu-1 ^ ,„auspici.>us.—umi.-r worthy of c«xinlen«wo ; a gull to bam j ^ ^ iue»iioii;iblej—and upon u»»ump- ! -.z!e thn simple, and to in*ull the mtelli- m. uoU.undcl i.. fact,di lus.ve mar- U’Hil «be f.ll el.-ctioiw were over. I ,„au.;.i- Ruiii! rnin ! rum to the currcmy ! was «be ; ,„„p j„.rpyner ; at present 4u2nhri.»u^ c'V of th«? day, and th- s..rrow. : m dinct contra Jui wiriheo ol tbo i*peech lor wx l.Mig m.«i(h». | „,| ol fact and rea- .\nw. on the contrary, it see ms to be ad-j ted (hat th^re is to be »nime\, rest gfXKi ,r,bu,„«, orwicd and def«n.ied. Coodens- >-iey in tSe I reawiry, such at the b*’re- mm ih«-ir es.>«CM»ce, tli«**e urgiimenlsare: o*t haters of the pet Unks w.Mjld wi»h to j | -j , „,rplim of nine hn-'; and (hat not a little, sinre 12 uilliou« ■ ,„,||,yo, u„nually for eight >cars. ‘■fsnrpluse* arv pro{M.*.*d to be diawn from ^ ,},„ that 'ijine emptv Treurjry in tl*e bric! j revenue. could never bo realized even if the amend-] Mr. Monroi-’s administration, when the j believe that Congress would persevere ia rnent for authorizing the distribution should j Wa»)liington Ilepublican habitually elenounfc- the flagrant injufitice of forever retiming to now pass. The seventy-two millions could !(*d it as a fnction, and (iisplayed many briU reduce the price of refuse and unsaleablo never be found ; they would exist no where j liant essays, written by no mean hand, to : lands to their actual value. The policy of but in this rcfK)rt, in the author’s imagina- prove that the epithet was well applied,' President Jackson, coniuiunicated in his tion, and in the deluded hoprs ol an excited j though applied to a majority. It hud sto»jd ' message, Mr. B. said was the policy of wi«- coinrnmiity. Thesuventy-tuomillionftcould j much also during the four years of the se-' dom and justice. He was for disposing of never limnd ; they would turn out to be I cond Mr. Adams’ administration; as the tbe lands more for the purpose of promoting th> “Jbllows in Kendal green and buckram I surviving puijes of the defunct Nationar settlements, and crenting freeholders, than suits,” which figured so largely in the im-, Jiiurnal cjuld still attest, but in all that time for the purpose of exacting revenue from tbe agination ol Sir John Falstall—the two-arid-1 it stood clear of ridicule; it did nothing up- ■ meritorious class of citizens who cuhivate fifty tnen in buckram, which the valiant old j on which saury wit/could lay its lash. Let i (he soil. He would sell the lands at prices knight received iipon his point thus ! (ex- j it beware now ! for the passage of this a-1 which would pay the expense of acquiring tending his jiencil in the attitude ol de- niendineut may expose it to untried peril; them from the Indians, and surveying and fence.) '1 lie calculutions of the author ot the p;rd of jong and caricature. And wo selling them,—and this system of uioderate the report were wild, delusive, astonishing, j to the Senate, farewell to its dignity, if it | prices with donations, or nominal sales to incredible. He (Mr. B.) could not limit i once "ets injo tbe windows of the print shop, i actual settlers, would do justice to the new himself to the epithet wild, lor it was a|:ind l(»-c(me« the liurthen of the ballads; States and etiect a sensible reduction in the clear case of halluciiKition. I which the milk nii;ids sing to their cows. j revenue ; enough to pr*-vent the necesbity Mr. B. then tr«ik up the Frensiiry Repf>rt 2. Mr. B. t' k up In^ second head of ob- of amending the Constitution to get rid of of Mr. Secretary Woodbury, comuiunicated jpj.,iong_ tijq rejioil afljfrned that there nine million surpluses I But whether the at the coinmenceinent of the present session I j price of lands was reduced or not, Mr. B. of Congress, and containing tlie P‘’5inate jhe end of the year 1*^42, without violating !*‘id, the revenue from that source would required by law of the exj>ec(ed ‘ncome | |f,e jor,,,3 „f t|,'c c.mpromise act of March, ' be diminished. The revenue had been and expenditure for tbe presi'nt year, ami { 1^33 j; (.n,j |,e hiid opjM)sod that , exorbitant from the sole of lands for three also for the year 1S30. At [rnges four and j,pt when it was on its pas>age, and fiad > or four years past. And why? precisely live are the estimates for the piescnt year; stated his objectiim 10 it. It was cer- ' because imulell^e bodies of new lands, and the income estimated a^t ^2(1,)()!),000; the „|, extraoidiimry act, a 8f>rt of new | much of it in the States adapted to the pro* expenditures at ^49,86ji,.'>40; being a dil-. conKiitution lb,- nine years, as he had heard 1 duction ot the great 8tapf.es which now bear fereiice of only some three-hundred thou-. ,j ftlic.iously calU d. it was made in an «» high a price, have, within the period, sand dollars betwetn the income and (he uiiujjuai inuiiiiBr, n»*t precisely by three come into niaiket; (iut these fresh Idnds iHjday ; and such is the chance tor nme j men (mi an island on the coast of Italy, but must soon be exhausted, the old and refuse inillioii.* taken out, ar d two left in, the first j i,y j,, iM^rdinT house in o»ly "'H remain fiir sale; and the revenue year of the distribution. At pages fU, 14, pusU d tliiongh Con-; ^rom that source will sink down to its for- I.*), the revenue tor Ib.'lO is computed, and „• ^,3,1^ „„,i ^ duresse nier usual amount, instead of remaining at f (i-t*|ing, under the fuctititrus cry of a dis- ■ three millions a year for nine years, as tbo solution «>f the Union, raised by those who ‘ Keport assumes. had been declaring, on one hand that the j 3 W hen he had thus shown that a dimi* 'antr could not f>e reduced without diss;lv-1 nution of revenue could f>e efS-cted both oa mg the I’nion, and on the other, that it j imports and on refuse and unsaleable lands, rcMild not be kept up without rJiss.lving the B. took up the third issue which ho (Jatii, and coming ln»m an oHicer making - ^Tnion. 'I he value of ail such cries,, had joined with the report; namely, the refx.rtH ti|>on his resjKinsibilify, and ibr the ( B. said, would be appreciated in future, | |M»ssihility of finding an object of general |fgi.-.lativo t’Uidaitce ot (’on^rc«; and to 1 j( seen with how much facility ! on which the surpluses could be ex- 'vhich we are bound to give credence untileertam persons w ho had stood under the pended. The report affirmed there was no th-’v nre shown to U: incorrect. H.-ie th.'n ' j^,|. ^ fnrth, as it were, on • • ■ ■ ' ■ - «• :. aru the two fiist yeais cl the eight disiJO»ed j together ol, an'fLodiiny found in tlioin todivide ; the r i,(|,j,romi9e their opinions, and to lay , Ss\o 1.1 .tyeursof the term could bides(«tch-I,5,1),.If years! a pe-1 necessary, but exigent, not exigent only, ed fwn niurequ.i-kly, said Mr. B., fortve- J ,.„v«.ird two presidential elec- f’ut in the highest possible degree indis|)en- r\ body that u'lder.-tmn's tne compromise favorite of his,! s»ble and essential. He alluded to the net «>f March, mn-t know that in th« j would l«.t it ahme; and thus leaving j whole class of measures connected with the two last years «.| tlie oj>fration of the act, ;Jesjan for nine years, he general and permanent defence of the U- there would Ik- isii actual thftit 111 the | were”wavs to reduce the.nion! In peace, prepare for war I is the ■I'reasury. L^M,k ;ii the terni> of the act! ,, venue,’ very sfmNibly, without aOecting admonition of wisdom in all ages and in all It procoi-ds bv*M->w and iiiwiHiiile degn-cfc,' ,1,^ terms or die sfint of that act. And , nations; and sorely and giievously has our iii;ihiii;I siiniit d iiuctions cmce ui two yt ais, | |,^pp ^ouhl sj^eak UjMin dr.'T. He had ' America heretolore paid tor the neglect of until the \eais l-ll nad 1^4-', when >« j ||io authority of the Sfcretary of the Treas-' admonition. She has paid for it in ceases cmwltng, and coiiiniences jumping, j ^ \\ i'«xi!jorv) in Jwlsrp tliat hf b,;- j bUxxl, in money, *»i>d in •h»ine. Are wo •uidl. ap-,i.,An,attwo ju:..ps,lol«iiiij j.ei ' |n.‘ved he couid reduce the revenue in this, p^pared now J And is there any reason rcntnm on the \alue ».f the aiticfes »i“ch j ,j,e offive "by we should not pr^-pare now? Look pay duly, which articles ur»j le^s than one- |i,uu,)red thouwind dollars; and he. Mr. B.,! at yiur tnaratimecoast, from Passamaquod- iiali ofour iiii}M.itation. i'wvnly per ctnl-j submit a resolution* calling upon I'•>' Bay to Florida Point; your gu f coast, um iifKMi thi^amount of pooi3( which Secretary to furnish the detail of this f*"""! Florida Point to the Sabine; your • C7v«ijiv> I 'III i/i tl •*» I. At pages fU, 14, pushfd tliiongh C .•10 IS computed, and u„tjer a pn^ss of sail, and a dure after going over all the heads ol exf^enseon which diuiinutions will probably made, he computes the income and outlay of the year at ab«ut equal, or prububly a little eur phm to the ainquiit of one million. These aiv tbe estimates, said Mr. B., formed upon such object, he, 00 the contrary, affirmed that there were such, not one, but several, not only us* ful, but necessary, not merely (hen pjy duty, will pr.->.lji e but litik, say j to the Si'nate at the commence- twelve or thirleen millions u|k.ii the basis | ,1,^ gesgjon, that Con- >t sixty or seventy millions ot dutiable ar- | jrrcss might act up«m it. Further -Mr. B. say, that it appeared to him that the lake frontier, in its whole extent! What 18 the picture? Almost destitute of forts, and it might be said, quite destitute of ar mament. Look at your armories and arse- sfMce jf eight yearn. Not a word about lained rurr-ncy now. .N it a word alxiot tiie currencv itv*If. The very word seeina to b drop|>e(l. frrtm the viKalnilary of gen- t!eiiw*n. All lip.'* cloeed (igh(,—all touguex hushed atill,—all allu^itxi avoided, to that I'hat there is no object of general util ity to which Ihew! surpluses can be applnnl. 4. That distribution is the only wuy to carry them oil' without ptiisoning and cor rupting the wboln Ix-dy |>olittc. Mr. B. disputed the w hole of tlK«e pro •lear phrase. The silver curn-ncy douWed po,,„o„^, and would und.-rtakc to show each m a \;ar ; t..ur millions t.f gold coin.-d m u , unli.unded and erroneous, n."-f v« nr; exchanges n^luced to the low-1 . i . .. 1 n . , ' 1 ^ . .1 I , 1. I he reix»rt wisstbtil the mrpliis will i>t aiMl moxt unitorui rate*—tho whole ex-I , ,, r , ,1 , 1 prolwb V eoua , on ihc aversire, tor the next pens^a of Congress paid in goUl working * . • ' , i 1 L J I 1- .u eiuht years, the-inn n i#y.0(>(i,01(0 U‘vond K-'ple receivinji g«dd aud i.ilver for their J " » ' ’ ’ - .-J „ ». .1, I. 1 1. the ni’*t wants of (tie (niveriimeui; and 111 ordinary wiigcH; aoch are the reaults which ■* . . ■ „ r 1 1.1 I I- I ' a »ubs QUi'iit part, It savs.supiMisiiig the 8ur- . . veronfounded tlie prophets of woe, Hilenc-I , 7 , ' , . j ' ; , - J th. to„,uo of lanieZtion, ex,Killed the -ordll UUKNCVfru.o.Kirdebatcs, and | TT 'i:-o/n- 1 Wn^jrht the iVopk! to question, it it coniwt i “ 7’^*'' , 1 • 1 1. .u V. .1 1 lou liiihe»l bv t he tociiators and rtpres4aita-1 onnj; theiiiHL'lves to doubt, the (uture lulal- l . ... .1. , ' liV.ii.1. •- .u I . I I . I tives of any Mate, would show the aum to; ltnilit\ ut thfiM.* nndauntitJ ulurnii*ts who , . , ..11+ -ri. ........1 rtiii „. r , r ’.I 1 I 1 . ' which It wnuld U* «ntitU d.t I be amend- SIUI 2u I irwnn] M ith new and ciHihdent pre-J , , . . .1. „ .k . I . 1 .1 I 1 ineiit w iicli bus be II reiM»rte«l to carry (his. « 'Cti«i^, iH*twnhfclanding they have l»i«M »ti ' ■ .r . . . u rrrciio.. ». 1 111 distribution mio ell.-ct, h to take iHcct tor n'centiv and so consnu utMmh dix'oivcd in , . .,r . . 1 . ' •, Mtie vear I**.}.*,—tiK* inest-nt \ear,—and to 1 lerir vaticinations ol a ruined currency, a n 1 c 1 r i 1..11. r 1 . I... I ...... ! Continue nil the hrst day ol .Ian. l“;4d; of c«Kirs«> It IS inclusive of Im4J, and makes a }>erio«l of eight years for tbo distribution to ;rii on. 'I'he amendment contains a blank which IS to t>«s tilled up x«ith the sum whicti IS to be leli IU the tmi'Ury every year to meet contingeiit aixl unex|M>cted demands ; tides imported then, winch only amount to y^„„ld sa\ (orty-.-ven millioi.s now. ’I'li.n there will, |,j,| of ivrticles'in the fifth sf'Ction of the j nals—too few and too empty—and the west lie no surplus at all for one ha.f the p« riKl ^^t, amounting to thirty or forty in number, | almost destitute ! Ltw)k at your militia ; of eight years, the first two and the la^t | which by ihat section are to be free ofj many of them mustering with corn stalks ; two. In the middle pcTiod of tiiur years jj^y jj, 1^40^ a„d w hich in his opinion | *he states deficient in arms, especially in there will probably b*‘ a surplus of two or 1,5 niade free this dav, and that not field artillery, and in swords and pistols for three millions ; but Mr. B. t- ok issue uj>on Ln|”, w,thout injury to the manufacturers, | their cavalry ! Look at our navy ; slowly all the allegations with respect to it; assuch manifest advantage to them, increasing under an annual appropriation of that there was no wu> to reduce the re\e-j equivalent for it, and for the half a million a year, instead ot a whole niK', without d sturlMiig the comi>romise act ; jjakc* of obtaimio' it, they ought to come ' million, at w hich it was fi.xed soon af^er the of March, I "a:!; that there object ; forward of them^lves, aiid make a volun i la»e war, and from which it was reduced of general utility to which it could lie ap-1 concession of reductions on stinie oth- j some years ago, when money ran low ia cr points, esi>ecially on some classes of w ool- jlhe Treasury ! Look at yHir dock y aids Ion goods. j»nd navy-yards; thrniy dotted along the Having given Mr. \Vr>odbnry‘s author^! ”2 ty for a reduction of 8.-.00,000 on imports, «he gulf coaat, where the wUle south, and Mr. B. would show another source from which a much larger reduction could be made, and that without af^'ctiug this fa- mi'us act of March, 1^33, in another and a ditlereiit quarter; it was in the Western plud ; and that distribution was the onl} way to p‘ t rid of it. ilqually delusive and profoundly errone ous »as the ;^‘utleinan's idea of the surplus which could lie taken out of the appropira- (loiis. True (hat o^x-ration could be |»er- torined ttnce, and but t»nce. The run ot our 'I'reasury payments show that ul>oul one quarter of (ho year’s ex|>eiidilure are n«>t |>aid withiii the yar, but (lie fiis( quar the great west, »o^ iiy naval protection! tSir’^ the state of our coin this time, when even tlie should see something to sly demanda iicture; such Its sta' 1‘iiiknipt treasury, and u beggared gov- crniiifiit. I' ll here wc are, aaid .Mr. B., actually en- J*; td III n scriiHi-. propiwition to alter the ‘ 'lUitilutK.u of (be I'liiU d State* |or ibe j»e- fiod «)t eiL'ht years, in order to g t rid of ^'Jlilus n-vpiiue ; and a !iK)st da/.zting, i»e- 'i‘'Clivc, 01,d lie:mating scheme is prewnl- ®d; no|eH thiin nine millions a y ar for t r.msi-rutive years, ll t«H»k like wild Mr. It. ;«iiil, and Inf had wh n a mem oir,—no, that might seem too particular, hud nr^n a genlleman who look»'d up- It ■*r,ij||,|,3hing a n« w era in the atlairs ir America; es'ahliithing a new irM for oriiiatiun of parties, bringing u new •on mta all our elections. State and •Ml, and ojierating the political snlva- Bnd eK>vation of alt who sup|>orted it, tlie iinmediat.', utter and irretrievable ^bcfil dannmtioii i»f all who opjxiROil it. ‘-rt Mr. B. di&sented fi'oin the nov-l(y oi _L'- schtime. It waa an old acquaintance of only now vain|>ed and furuished, tor ae present occasion. It is the same pro- P*ition, only to bo accomplubud iu a dif- pur-l chietlv paid revenue, as ii nuu none oic j , i- • .u— old StaLs in the re«luction of (he Tardf.," year 1829, he recomuiended the annual ami the re|M>rt shows that this blank is to In* filled with the sum *f two millions of dol lars. Hen* then is ttio totality of these Milphiw s, eleven millions a year for eight consecutive years, out of which nine mil lions are to Isr taken annually Ibr distribu tion. Now nine times eight are seveniy- two ; so that here is a re|>orl setting tbrth th«» enormous sum of |l'l!J,0()(),tKH) of mere Milrphis, after aa(isl')ing nil iln* just wants of th" Guvernnient, and le.iving two niil- liotis in the treasury, to be held up for dis- (ribiidon, and (oexeKe the |n'ople to claim r for (heir shan-ss of such a grea( and da/zlmg prizin A( (he name tiiin*, ,Mr. B. .said, there would be no such surplus, it was a delu sive Imit held out to whet (he a|i()e(itc of (he (Kro{»le for the spoils of tbeir country, and Mr. B. did not go into the worn out and ex ploded ohjt'ction to the reduction of the price of the lands which the Report had gath ered up from their old sleeping places, and presented again totheScnatc. Speculators, mono|xilies, the tall ui the price of real es- • I’age 18. t Pat'* W. -‘I—" .0.^,.... terol the next year, and thus could be paid j \ 1 net of 1S:?3 did not em- '*hich, oh ! strange and . der- out of the revenue received in 'he first j ful contradiction! the administration is now quarter of (ho next year, even il the revc- ; taunted, reprc«ched, rcvik-d, flouted ; and nue ofthe lost quarlerof the piecMimg year . taunted by those who go for distribution, .vas thrown away. But this was a thing , of the article on which they “*"> the,r backs on delence ! and who which could only Ix) done once. ''h. | .^'e j I’resi^lent for leaving us la might rely u|M)I1 the first quarter, but y u Could not U|x>n the second, third and i'ourtii- There would not l>e a dollar m the Treasu ry at the end of four years, if you deducts d a quarter’s amount tour tunes succc.v-ively. It wasH case if a homely adage might be allowed, which would well apply-you could . .1 r ^ not cat the cake and have it too. Mr. B. i wereexpl. d- submitted It (hen (o the Senate, that on tbe of the Lruion, for which they were so so. first ,s.intofob|ection to the rcis.rt, bis is- -aded here again, and which h^ should not ''o'uous, so clamorous, 90 fcelmgly alive, detain the Senate to answer. Soflice it to patriotically sensitive, even one short say, that (here is no application made now, r 1 J . 1 . i„ Does not the present state of tbe country made hert*tofore, or intended to be made, K i:„ .. I,e k„.», .n r.*.co ,b» ,.r.ce of. Mr. B., cull lor tl,,- delen^ .nd . not ,NK« lAKl.. One dvilar .nj . q,.»rlor *.» '•"« P™P' >»» !«' P“" "6 ‘ l„w ™.mKl. for Ite lir«l cl„..c ol n,. "‘'J bu. i. w«, nn, e,«»5l. tor the »oco,.>,. .hir), ro>.rll.a,»l lilih cbo,cH,! ll... noi lo« Ihe tr»i>«rv n,r lh.^ecifhl)e.™of .n.,ush t.rlh« rclb* »b,ch h.ii b«-n ‘'"""S “h'cK »ro to uo ..fn.cl«l »ith 10, liO, 40 years in niaiket; and which could find no purchaser at 25, for the solid reason that they were worth but tho half, the quarter, the tenth part of that sum. It was for such lands that reducti>n of price was sought, and had been sought for many ve»r», .mi continue lo b. sou,,!,, u,.. ^ ^ t,l ,1 «a, ob«,i»d i far .1 w«. to a^ilb (^rol,i», the .utbot tf this report, eeuld not object. sue was maintained. 'Fliere was no such surplus as nine millions a year tor eight years, as had l>een assumed ; nor any thing near it; and this assumption being the cor ner stoue of the w bole edilice of the scheme of distribution, it w as sutficient to show the fallacy of that data to blow the whole scheme into ttio empty air. Mr. B. admonished the Senate to beware of rilicule. To pass a solemn vote tor a- monding the constitution, lor the purpose of enabling Ctaigrcss to make distribution of surpluses of revenue, and then find no mirplua to distribute, might les«'n the dig nity, aud diminish tbe weight of so grave a iMHiy. It might expwe it to ridicule; and that was a bard thing for public bodies and public men to stand. 'I'be Senate had stood much in its timo; much in the latter part of um of ftJo0,000 for arming the fortifka- tions, (which Congress refused to give,) and who now are Ibr taking the money out of the Treasury, to be divided among the peo ple, instead of turning it all to the great ob- ven(v-(wo millmns ofsuiplus! Let us see. l,t>t us take one siiijrle branch of (he gf;oe- ral system of defence, and how it stands, and what it would cost to put it in tbe con* Hition which the safeily and honor of tb» country demanded. Ho spcke of the forti fications, and w'lected that hranch becauss *Tha rciolution baa b««n iubmitted.

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