CHARLOTTE DRUG STORE. Medicines, Druses, &c., KEPT constantly on hand, and offered to the public by Wholesale or Retail.— Among which are the followins: Alcohol, Aloes, A lam, Ammonia, carb. Aniseed, Antimonial Wine, Antimony, Aqua Ammonia, Arrow-root, Arsenic, “ Fowler’s solution, AsafoBtida, Aquafortis, Aromatic ^alts, Balsam, copaiva, *' BolidiCed, “ fir, “ poru, “ tolu, Bark, pe;.u’uan, “ bcBt lima, ‘‘ red, red quill, canclla alba, “ baybcrry, Blue Mass Pill, Bole, armenian, Borax, refined, Burgundy Pitch, Butterfly-weed-root, Bed Pans. Blue Smalt, Blistering Plaietcr, Brimstone, roll, Breaet Pipes, Pumps, Brass polish, London, Camphor, Calomel, Cantharides, Castor Oil, Carraway deed, Castor, “ tincture, Cayenne pepper, Chalk, prepared, “ french, “ rod, “ white, Cicuta, extract, Cinnamon bark, buds, “ powdered, Cerates, various, Cloves, Cobalt, Cochineal, ColocjTith, Colchicum, seed, “ root, Columbo, Corosive sublimate, Court plaister, Crem. tarter, Croton oil, Cubeb’sj berries, “ oil Carb. iron, Cardamom seed. Carmine, Carrageen, or irish moss. Charcoal, cal. Citrated kali, Con. roees, Copperas, Coriander seed, Crocus mortus, Digitalis, foi. ~ “ tinct. Dover’s powders, Draggon blood, Epsom salts, Ergot, Ether, sulp. Eupatorium, Eye-water, Essence, burgamot, cinnamon, “ lemon, “ lavender, Elatrum. Elix. vitriol, Elm bark, Emery, line. Ext bark. Extract balladona. Ext. catecu, Ext. colocynlh. Ext dandelion, Ext gentian, Ext hyociamus, Filtering paper, Flax seed. Flour sulph. “ benzoin^ “ camomile, “ zinc, “ lavender, Gall’s alcppo, “ tuict. Gamboge, Gentian root. Ginger, Jamaica, pulv. “ race, “ common, pulv. Gum, amoniac, “ benzoin, “ myrrh, arabic, “ copal, ** catechu, “ guiac., “ “ tinct. vol. “ scammony, ullep. shellac, tragacanth, elastic, kino, mastic, Ginsing, Glue, Glauber salts, Hartshorn, spts. Hive syrup, Cox’s, Hydriodate ot' potash, Hair powder, Hellebore, black, “ white, Iceland moss, Iodine, Ippecac, Iron filings, Iron, tartrate of Isinglass, Indigo, spanish, Ink, “ india, “ indelible, Itch ointment, Jallap, James’ powder:?, Juniper berries, Kermes, mineral Lapis caliminaris, Lunar costic, Long pepper, Lac, sulph. Leaf, gold, “ silver, Linseed oil, Logv'Dod, chipped, Lucifer matches. Lozenges, assorted, Mace, Magnesia, cal. “ lump, “ Henry’s, Mercurial ointment. Morphea, •• sulph. “ ac«*tate. Muriatic acid, Muriated tinct. of iron, Muriate amonia, Musk, “ tinct. Mustard seed, “ “ ground in boxes, Macassar oil, Manna, Marsh rosemary, Medicine spoons, Mezereon bark, Medicamentuni, Milk of roses, Aledical chests. Nitric acid, med. Nutmegs, Nux vomica, Naples soap, Nipple glasses, ^ shields, Nursing bottle a. Oil, amber, auise, “ cinnamon, “ cloves, “ cubeb’s, “ lavender, “ peppermint, ‘‘ sassafras ‘‘ wormseed, “ black pepper, “ almonds, “ bergamot, ‘‘ copevia, “ juniper, “ spike, ‘‘ lemon, “ neroli, “ origanum, “ pennyroyal, “ rosemarv, a' ■ ’ “ eavin, sparcmint, turpentine, olive, horsemint wormv.'ood, sweet, ambergris, vitriol, bear’s, “ spruce, Ointments, vario’s kinds, Opium, Oxyde bismuth, Otto roses. Orange peel, Oxalic acid, Opodeldoc, Orange, mineral “ flower water, Phosphorus, Pink-root, “ ext of Parcgoric, Pearlash, Pearl-barley, Pessaries, gum elastic, box-wood. Percussion caps, Picra, Piperine, Plaister, adheeive, “ spread. Pill boxes, “ paper, “ wood, Pomatum, roll, Powder puffs. Prussic acid, Precipetate, red, “ v.’hitc, Putty, Pumice stone, Q,uassia, Quinine, “ solution, Q.uills, Kheubarb, pulv. “ root, Rochelle salts, Rosin, while, Rose water, Rosemary leaves. Rotten stone, Sago, pearl, Sal eratus, soda, “ amoniac. Salts, tarter, Sanguinary, tinct. of' Sassaparilla root, ‘‘ bruised Seidlitz pow’ders, Saratoga powders. Senna leaves, Seneca snake-root, Virginia do So(m powders. Sup. carb. soda, Soda carb. Spts. turpentine, Spts, nitre, dulc. ‘‘ fortia, Squill?, syrup of “ root, “ powder, Sulphate potash, Sulph. acid med. Sugar lead, Saffron, spanish Salts of lemon. Salt petrc. Sand paper, Savin leaves, “ ointment, Snuff, scotch “ president’s “ cephalic Soap, casteel “ bar “ cakes Windsor Spermaceti Lavender, comp. spte. of Spatulas Laudanum, Sponge, coarse Lemon syrup, Lime, chiofide of Liquorice ball, • “ refined, ‘‘ pulv. Liverwort, Lip salve, Liver of sulph. Lobelia, fol. acid, “ pulv. Tapers Tartaric acid Tart emetic Teeth, artificial Tooth brushes, “ files “ powders “ wash, chloride “ “ orris Thermometers Tin foil Tonqua beans Toy paints Trusses, common “ ivory head “ hull’s “ boy’s Tincture, niyrrh “ valerian “ squills “ cantharides rhubarb “ comp rhubarb “ lobelia “ gentian “ cubebs opium “ musk “ cayenne pep. “ assafoDtida Uva ursi fol. Valerean, American “ English Varnish, copal “ extra faie “ black “ jiipan Vitriol, blue white Wafers, assorted “ black Wax, white “ sealing, red “ “ black Worm tea P A T E N T: Balsam lite “ of honey Bateman’s Drops Britisli Oil Godfrey’s Cordial Jebb’s Rheumatic Lin* ament PILLS: Lee’s, Valicrs’ French, Anderson’s, Beckwith’s, Ledye’s, Evans’, Alum Spring, Peters’, Gallighan’s, Cattu Aromat., Bran- dreth’e Bullard's oil soap Dr. Peters’ Veg Med. stoma et Hepalicre Bernard’s Remedy for Diarrha? Ilaye’s Linament Harrison’s Ointment Gray’s Ointment Carpenters Cerate Co- pcvia Carpenter's Cubebs and Sassaparilla Do. compound syrup of do. ^larshall’s do do do Watson’s do do do Carpenter’s Comp Sy- r\ip, liverwort Do Pink-root Ext. Marshall’s do do Carpenter's ext.boneset Watson's ext. Buchu Marshall’s worm syrup Carpeter’3 sol. of Kreo- sote Coxe &. Costner's Sou thern Tonic Gibney’s Tetter Washl Miohaux’s freckle Wash Anderson's cough drops Judkins’ Ointment Jayne’s Expectorant Have’s linament for the Piles Gcelick’s Matchless Sa native Dr. Spohn’s cure for the sick-headache Dr. Hewe’s Rheumatic Linament Dr. Spohn’s Elixir of Health Oldridge’s Balm of Co lumbia Trip^e’s comp Sassapa- Black sand Red Ink Metal, Dutch Gold Sulph. Antimony Per lod. Mercury Pencils, brushes, ca. ha. “ “ short “ swan quill “ sable hair Paint Brushes Sash Tools Gold and silver bronze Chloride Soda Cologn Water, com. Lavender Water Honey Water Rose Water Cologne, German “ French “ fancy bottles Salts, Pres-ton’s Antique Oil Persian scent bags? Crem. of bitter almonds Bear’s grease ‘‘ oil Fancy cut Pungents Miners’ Compasses Fennell seed Composition powder No. 6 Bitter sweet Unicorn root Rasberry leaves Poplar bark Hemlock bark A General Assortment of Botanic Medicines PAL\TS AND DYE- STUFFS : Annatto, spanish Black lead Red lead Venitian red Vermillion red Chrome red Chrome green Chrome yellow Logwood Red Sanders Ivory, black Drop black Lampblack Letharge Prussian blue Rose, pink Spanish brown Stone Ochre Terra De sienna Verdigris, dry do in oil White lead, dry do in oil, no. 1 Sppanish whiting Ochre, yellow Umber Turkey Drop take Paints in boxes WINES & SPIRITS : Old Madeira, Teneriff, Port, Hock, Muscat, French brandy London Porter Indian panacea Swaim’s do Motilit’s Life Pills and Phceiiix Bitters INSTRUMENTS: Elastic Catheter Silver do Bougies Lancets, com. thumb do Evans’ do gum Rjirin^T Breast pipes Cupping glassc.s Tooth Forceps Turn kfvs C':rvcd punches Tourniquets Trepanning Ints. in cas. Dissccting Inls. Obstetrical do Surgeon’s pocket Insts. do Needles FURNITURE, &c. Apothecaries Scales & Weights Bottles, specia do tincturc Corks, vial do bottle Cork-Screws Glass funnels Graduated measures Mortars and Pestles Vials, assorted, &c., &c. and S U N D R I E fe ; Allspice Fig blue Oil kreosotc The above articles arc w’arranted genuine, will be sold low for Cash. CHARLES J. FOX. Charlotte, N. C., May 11, 1810. 10...r fine Spts. wine, amoniated Starch, poland Strychnine Sulphur, roll “ flour Sulphuret of lime Syringes, assorted “ in boxes Mttw*8 enema apparatus Tamarinds Statt tif jaortft Carolina, MECKLENBURG COUNTY. Co-j.ri of Pleas and. Quarter Sessions, April Term, 1841. Robert Rodgers ^ Original Attachment levied in versus > the hands of Wm. Wilson, and James P. Rodgers. ) him summoned as Garnishee. IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that the defendant in this case is not an inhabitant of this State: It is therefore Ordered^ that publication be made for six wrecks successi\ely in the “Meck lenburg Jeffersonian,” notifying the said James P. Rodgers to appear before the Justices of our said Court, to be held for the County of Mecklenburg, at the Courthouse in the Town of Charlotte, on the fourth Monday in July next, and then and there re plevy or plead to issue, otherwise, judgement pro confeeso w4Il be rendered and the property levied on condemned subject to the plaintiff’s recovery. Witness, Braley Oates Clerk of our said Court, at Office, the fourth Monday of April, 1841, and 65th year of American Independence. B. OATES, c.M.c.c. May 11. 1811. [Prs. fee ^5 60] 11....0 NOTICE. HAMNG removed their stock of Goods to the country, and declined business in Charlotte, the undersigned earnestly request all persons owing tliem, either by note or account, immediately to call and make settlement WILLIAM ALEXANDER will remain in Charlotte to close the business of the late concern, and it is hoped those indebted will not disregard tliis notice;—at any rate, all are re quested to call and see him on the subject, and such as owe accounts, and cannot now pay, can close them by note. The subscribers will keep constajitly on hand a large and well selected stock of And every other article in the mercantile line, at their stand at CLEAR CREEK in this County, where they will be pleased to see and accommodate ail who may favor them with a call. ALEXANDER & BROTHERS. Charlotte, March 23, 1841. 3-f $6 8 SUBAR CREEK UNION^HOOL. THE Subscriber takes this method of informing the Citizens of Mecklenbdrg County and the public ge nerally, that he intends to continue his profession at his present location, 3 miles south west of Charlotte.— His next Session of Five Months w’ill commence on the 21st ot June next, and instruction be g’ven in the following branches at the following prices, viz : Spelling, Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic, Grammar, Geography and History, . . . Astronomy, Philosophy, Chemistry, and Min eralogy, Book-Keeping, by Sirigle and Double Entry, Mensuration, the rudiments of Navigation, and Euclid’s Demonstration, Geometry, Trigenomotry, and Algebra, . . Rhetoric, Logic, Botany, and Sacred Geo graphy, The Latin, Greek, and French Languages, No deduction made afler the student is entered and any student not complying wnth the rules of the School, will be discharged and be required to pay the amount of his subscription. This School will be taught on the Lancasterian System. For the advantages it affords the youth taught on this system, enquire of those who arc at present patronising the school. Parents and guardians wishing to have their chil dren or W0.rjs instructed in any of the above bran ches will be pleased to enter them before the com mencement of the session, as none will be admitted afterwards. No studeat admitted for less than the session, and immediate payments required at its termination. AVM. W. ANDERSON, A. M. Mecklenbirg Co., April 28, 1841. 10 00 12 00 14 00 15 17 Warrants, Casas, and Casa Bonds for Sale this Office. SALE OF Talimblc Property. The subscTiber having qualified at April Term, 1811, of Mecklenburg County Court, as Admi nistrator on the Estate of the late William Cook, deceased, will offer for sale at public auction, at the late residence of said deceased, on Monday, the 2\th instant, tlie fblicwing valuable property, to wit: A very Extensive and General Stock of DRYGOODS, l£SS AND A NUMBER OF HORSES, CATTLE, HOGS, & SHEEP; A QUANTITY OF CORX AXD WHEAT, And v'arious oilier productions of the Farm; Fariiiin§^ Tools Of every description, and numerous other articles not here mentioned. Terms made known on the day of sale. Also, at the same place ami time, will be fffcr ^ sc - oiC" V CT J * iilUctUlL ftttvcljant A Grist and Saw Mill. BEMJ. MORROW, Administrator, With the Will annexed. May 4, 1811. ALL persons in«lcbtcd to the above Estate, are hereby notified tiiat immediate settlomerts must be made, as it is well known that iiuhil^^»- ■ ’ i lot be given;—and all who hold me are required to present them within the time pre scribed by law, legally authenticated, or this noticc will be plead in bar of their recovcrv. BENJ. MORROW', Ad., &r. May 4, 1840. (>....3 IKFtUtfim ^ eo. Type and Stereotype Foundry, 74 Fnlton, Corner cf Gold Street, Xcic-Yorh. rinUE Subscribers take this method of announc- JL ing to th(*ir Iriends and the piddic generally, tli%J^ having purchased the extensive and w^ell known TO THE Fashionable Public. THE Subscribers respect fully tender their thanks to the citizens of Charlotte, and the public generally, for the libe ral patronage they have recei ved since they commenced the Tailoring Business in this place. From past ex perience, they now have no liesitation in saying that they are prepared to give general satisfaction to all who may liwor them with their patronage. All work done in their establishment will be warranted, so far as making and cutting is concerned. They have just received their Spring and. Summer Fashions, and will continue to receive regular reports of English and French Fashions. Their Shop will be found in the south-east wing of Mr. Leroy Springs’ brick building. BETHUNE & JOHNSON. Charlotte, April 20, 1840. 7....y CHARLOTTE COACH AND CARRIAGE FACTORY. THE undersigned respectfully ten ders his most sincere thanks to the citi zens of Charlotte and the surrounding countr}", for tlie very liberal patronage bestowed upon him since he has been in business in this j)lace. He would at the same time make it known, that he still carries on a Shop at his old stand nearly opposite the Jail, and has on hand an assortment of Furniture in his Hne unsurpassed, for workmanship and style, by any si milar establislHnent in the soutliern country. His manufactures consist, in part, of Open anl Close Family Carriages, Barouches, Buggys, Sul keys, Gigs, and Carryalls, Of all patterns, and at prices which cannot fail to suit those who wish to purchase. And as he uses none but materials of the very best quality, and has in his employ workmen of experience and known capacity, the undersigned will feel no hesitation in warranting his work, as to dural)ility, if carefully used. REPAIRING (lone at short notice, and at moderate charges. Owing to the “pressure of the times,” the under- signed now oilers his manufactures at prices which, he hopes, will not fail to induce purchasers to give him a call. CARTER CRITTENDEN. Charlotte, April 20, 1S40. 7....F G ^ IjjlC ‘J’ ormerly owned by Messrs. Conner and Cooke, they have removed the same to their present central po sition. Having made extensive revisions, additions, and alieiations, they are now prepurel to execute orders of any magnitude they may be lavored with, with promptness, and on as favorable terms as at any other Foundry in America. To their new Spe cimen Book, which has been recently exiensivelv circulated, they would respectfully refer. All articles manufactured by them shall be of a material equal, if not superior to any manufactured in tliis comitry—and undergo a thorough exanhna- tion as to appearance, ranging, dressing, and proper ly assorting. All articles exhibited in the Specimen Book, formerly issued by Conner and Cooke, toge ther with sorts to Fonts sold by them, can uow be furnished from this Foundry without delay, with many since added. WILLIAM HAGAR & CO. are agents for the sale of the Napier, AV^ashington, and Smith Presses, w'hich, together witli Chases, Cases, Composing Sticks, Furniture, Ink, and every article used in the printing business, will be kept on hand, and furnished at manufacturers’ prices. N. B.—No machine cast Type manufactured at this Foundry. New-York, Februarv 25, 1841. ■ 3-3m JOHN B. ROUECHE respectfully announces to the citizens of Charlotte and the public general ly, that, having purchased the stock in trade of Mr. John O’Farrell he will, on or about the 1st of May, at the stand now occupied by Mr. O’Farrell, open the most extensive and complete stock of CONFECTIONARIES, &c, ever brought to the Charlotte market He will make the selection himself, in the Charleston market, of every variety of WINES AND LIGIUORS of the very best qualities—together with Cordials, Porter, New Ark Cider, Candies, Raisins, Almonds, Figs, Oranges, Cheese, Crackers, Fish, Fresh Oysters, Sugars, Coffee, Pepper, Spice, and every other arti cle pertaining to the grocery business. As J. B. R. will make his purchases entirely for Cash, he will be enabled to supply his customers on the most accommodating terms for the same article or at short credit to responsible dealers. * He solicits, and hopes to recfjtve a liberal portion of public patronage. Charlotte, March, 5,18 i 1. i_p The recent Union of the CAROLINA PLAN TER with the FARMERS’ REGISTER, and the consequent addition to the subscription list of about 1.000 names, will enable the publisher to add something forthwith to the privileges and advanta ges betbre offered to sub.scrit)crs. These additiona- advantages will be been in the third premium, which i'.^ now added belov.', and in the advertised prices of back volumes annexed: CONDITIONS OF THE FARMERS’ REGISTER For the JVinth Volume, TO BH CO.ADIENCED JANUARY, 1S41. Article I, Tlie Farmers’ Register is publislied in monthly numbers, of 61 large octivo pages each, at S5 a year, payable in advance. [See. also, Pre miums” below.j Ir is now also issued (and consist ing of nearly the same matter) weekly, in a single sheet of 16 pages 0!‘tav0. Price and conditions the same lor both luddir.itlnnc II. All mail paym 'nts must be made in bank notes, or checks, of i»ak value in Virginia—or otherwise, ot’ a CITY bank of the State in which the subscriber resides;* and all letters to the publisher (except •such as contain articles for publication.) must be paid ; and the publisher assumes the risk of loss by mail-carriage ot ail letters and remittances con forming to tlie loregoing conditions, and which have been propi .Iv committed to the mail, or to the hands of a postmast' r ' III. If a subscript. J- is not directed to be discon tinued before the tirst number of tiie next volume has been published, it will be taken as a continuance for another year. Subscriptions must commence with the beginning of some one volume, and will not be taken for less tlian a year's publication. IV. The mutual obligations of the publisher and subscriber, for the year, are fully incurred as soon as the lirst number of the volume is issued; and after that time, no discontinuance of a .subscription will be ])ermitted. Nor will a subscription be discontin ued for any earlier notice, while anv thinir thereon remains due, unless at the option of the Editor. Premu'm.^ in cjtra copies, ojfered in cunsido'afion of either advanced, or early paipnents.— 1st. To eve ry subs riber who shall pay lor vol. 0, strictly accor ding to the above conditions, (in articles I. and II.,) before the 31s,t January, (when No. 1. will be issued) an extra copy of the same shall be sent; or instead, il prelerred by him and so ordered, a copv of either vol. 7, or vol. 8. In like manner, at same rate of de duction, anyone person may obtain any number of copies to supply otiiers. 2d. To every subscriber, not thus naj'ing in ad vance of the publication, but who shall do so, and in all other respects comply with the above conditions before June 30th, an extra copy of either vol. 7 or vol. 8 shall be sent; and the same to every new' .sub scriber, paying as above required (in Art. I. and II.) at the time of his subscription being ordered 3d. Every subscriber who has received all the back volumes of the Farmers’ Register, and who may be entitled by his payment to either of the fore going premiums, instead of them mav, at his choice, and by his direction, be credited for vol. 10, to be is sued in 1842. Remarks.—Any extra copy, sent as above stated, will be directed only to the name of the individual entitled to it as a premium ; but sent to any postoffice that may be desired. The sending of every such extra copy will cease with the vohnne; but the like arrangement may be renewed, .and similar advanta ges obtained by any subscriber hereafter, upon the renewed performance of like conditions. No agents or general collectors are employed for the Farmers’ Register. But any subscriber, post master, or other person, may obtain for his own pro fit the large allow^ances offered in the loregoing pre- niiums, by procuring the benefits to the publication lor which the premiums are oH'ered. Address EDMUND RUFFIN. Petersburg, Va., Oct 31, 1840. + It will be a^ain required, (as formerly), thnt mail pay ments shall he made in the notes or check's of spccie-paying banka, should any such banks be in operation in the States in which subscribers sevtrally reside. Until then, the publisher, like all other creditors, and' laborers at fined prices, ninst sub mit, as now, to be defrauded by the ^eration of the non-spe cie paying banking system, of the difference in value betweeu the beat of such bank paper and specic. t “A postmaster may enclose money in a letter to the pub lisher of a newspaper, to pay the subscription of a third per son, and frank the letter, if written by himself.” (Signed) Amos Kendall, Postmaster-General. w BLOODED STOCK. ALFRED M. BURTON hasibr eale, at Beatty’s Ford, North Carolina, some very valuable BLOODED STOCKZ>url ham and Devon cattle crossedfull-blooded Berh shire hogs, cross of the Berkshire and Yorkshire and seyeml half-bloods of each kind. April 27, 1841. g 4 ILL be received until tne 1st of June nex* for a supply of WOOD suitable for a Steam En gine. The Wood is to be of split pine, four feet long. ^ The offer will state at how much per cord, deliv. ered and corded at the Mint, and the w^ole amount contracted for, must be delivered by the 1st of Au gust next desirous of furnishing, will direct their Po.i-Om.e, endorsed ‘‘Pro- Branch Minrc”arlSleTMayf,Hf4^; PLANTERS’ Hm^ (LATE DAVIS’.) ilK HAVTNG purchased the Hotel formerly Da\*is’ will continue the establishment on the eame li beral scale as heretofore, and will exert themselves to make it a desirable residence for BOARDERS and TRAVELLERS, as their Table will be al. ways supplied with the best the market affords, and their Bar w'ith the best Liquors, and their Stables with attentive Ostlers and abundant provender. The establishment will be under the exclusive management of Thomas A. Hague, formerly of the Salisbury Hotel, North Carolina, and his long experi ence will, it is confidently hoped, enable him to give ffeneral satisfaction. Camden, S. C., January 29, 1941. 1—Gm ^ooO 33m. THE Subscriber res*pectluUy begs leave to inform the citi^ns of' Char lotte, that he has made ample arrangements to fur nish them for another ye&r with first rate BEEF. He has been in the business now* nearly five years, and the quality of his Beef^ and the moderate prices at which he has hitherto sold it, he hopes will insure him a continuance of liberal patronage. He will butcher and offer in market none but Beef of the very best qualitv, and nicely dressed. THOMAS GOODLAKE. March 16, 1S41. 2-f TO THE PUBLIC JOHN O’FARRELL announces to his custon;- ers and the public generally, that he has dispo sed ol his entire stock of Groceries, Liquors, Scc., tc ' Mr. John B. Roueche of Lincolnton, and will dost his business in Charlotte on Thursday of the cnsr;- ing April County Court. Until then, how’ever, he will continue in business at his old stand, and be glad to accommodate his customers with every article in ^ the Grocery line, on the most reasonable terms, J. O’F. gives this early notice of his intention n close business, in order that all who owe him, cither by note or book account, niay have due time to com- forward and make settlement, which he earnestly re quests them to do 'between this and Court, for hib notes and accounts must positively then be closed. Charlotte, March 5, 1341. * 1-tc $10 Reward. RANAWA'Y from lUe Subscribe:, living on Gill's Creek, near Lancaste' Courthouse, South Carolina, on the 19th ultimo, a bright mulatto BOY, about 13 years of age, 5 fe.t 5 or G inches high. His right thigh was once bro ken, which causes a slight halt in his walk. He is stoudy built and slow spoken. The above RewarJ will be given for his delivery to me, or if confined is any Jail so I can get him. J-'VMES h. cowser. May 4, 1941. $30 Reward. JOB PRINTING. WE are prepared at this Office w^ith a handsome supply of Fancy Type, to execute all kinds of ^cttct-'WlcAA in a very superior style, and at short notice. Orders will be Aankfully received. Jeffersonian Office, Charlotte, March 9, 1811. RANAWAY from the Subscriber, seven miles north of Lancaster Court house, South Carolina, on the night of the 25th ult, a negro man named JACK, about 20 years of age, rather^ yellovv* complected, about five feet seven or eight inches high; stout made, quite an open coun tenance when spoken to, and ailect^^ an air of polite ness in conversation. WHien he left he had two suite of clothes—one coat nankeen, and the other mixed homespun. He has a wife in Georgia, near Colun> ; probably he may shape his course that way — The above Reward will be given for the apprehen sion ol said fellow, and securing him so that I cel him. THO.AIAS HART. May4, ISll. 9. ....3 PROSPECTUS Of a political iH w=paper, to be issued from the office of “Tti; ^orth Carolina Standard,” to be entitled THE EXTRA STANDARD: THOMAS LOilING, EDITOR. filHE EX FRA STANDARD is intended J- commodate those oi our fellow-citiztine who de sire a cheap publication, containing sound political doctrines, and the news of the dttv ; and v.*ill be pub lished semi-monthly. The Editor will endeavor to make this publication acceptable to the public ; especially that portion who ^**^triendly to democratic Republican principles. The price will be Sj:l per year, payable in all cases in adv ance. As the price is low, tlie terms must be complied with no paper will be sent to any one with' out the amount oi one dollar in advance, and all pers will be discontinued at the end of the year, un less the advance for the second year is sent by th'- time the first expires. liivelve copies will be sent to one address, for one year, or to different individuals, on the payments ten dollars in advance. A specimen number will be issued in a few days. Should the subscription jusiity the undertaking- the first number will be issued about the 1st of May “‘"o', • 1 ^ loring. Raleigh, March 3, 1S41. “ W ith Scissors sharp and Razor keen, ril dress your hair and shave you clean.” Buonaparte, the Barbery RESPECTFULLY informs his custorner^* that he has removed his establishment to tb'- east end of Col Alexander’s Long Row,» few doors east of the Courthouse, where he will bt pleased to see them at all times. He professes to master of the “ Tonsorial Art,” and will spare no ef fort to afford entire satisfaction. Charges moderatCf to suit the times. [Charlotte, March 9, 18^ Administrator’s Notice. % All persons having claims against the estate ol Gilbert Coles, deed., are hereby notified to present tliem legally authenticated within the tiw‘^ i prescribed by law, or this notice will be plead in bar of tlieir recovery. All persons indebtea to said tate, are also notified to make immediate p^Tnenw or the services of an officer may be employed* JENNINGS B. KERR, Admr. March, 20, 1541.