.y-3 I if '-■1: 4j, .. ■V'-' ’ ir. ■' V '•> '»1 H- I m : V1 '. -T f|?fr ■ ;• V TO THE Fashionable Piibiic. V O K T R V -ST A Z A S.—B V A m r: i.i v PiiI^Mar, thnt \\i‘li thy s.jH. y:iil; Ca!iie«nt my br:'i;il i v;‘, I have a soiic to .'■mg to-ni^ii'. Cu'oro thou lak'pt thy mournful i- nvr. ^'.n^c thfu PO softly tii:u' I’.ath 'I'hat monti'.s hav;' ahn^cr tuoir.* d I iv hf'.'t.--. And I am like a littlt- bird 'i'lint'? skpt. too Lum air.’TC the Arid \v:ti;'ii;r, :-its vi it’u \vavcli ?s \vill^^ .Sofr-;;iacrin;f ’mid t!»o shad''? ul'cwn ; Tal oh ! witli saddf.T heart 1 .-^ing— i ; ing of one \vho ’.sv Il.-s iii heavcii. Tiic winds arc soft, I’lo tIouJs arn few, •\nd te nderer! thought my lieart btiiiui! ?. tloaiii!" up through m.-it and d-. \v. Tiic pale young i.ioon con;cs i>ut and .'-.iii’i And to the ^rt'cn resounding shore Tn silvery troop? the ripple? crowd, ' i':il all the ocean, diinjil d o’f r, I/.t'fs lip its voice, and 1 lULdis ah'^d ; A:id ^?ar on plar. all ?.jfl and cnlm, Fio.u.-: lip ynn arch seirnoly hhi. ; And lost tu t unh, an l stitpetl in luiUii, My spirit floats in cthir t>;o. Loved one! though lost to liuman si.]i>r, I feci thy spirit lingering near. As softly a.-' I feel the Inrht That tremblrs through the atniosphero. A55 in some temple’s holy shadc.-^, Tho’ mute tlie hymn, and Imsi'd the prayer, A r-’olomn awe the soul pervades. "Which tells that worship has b^tn thi n’; A br. aih of incense loft al>n»’. Where many a censer, 5%vung around, "tVdl thrill the wanderer, like a tone, Who treads on consecrated grouiui. I know thy soul, from worlds of Mis^ That stoops awhile to dwel! wi'!i ru' . Hath caught the prayer I broa; ':: d in tbi.-?, That I at last might dwell v. i’h thee. I hear a muri.;ur from the sea-?. That thrilU me like, ihy spirii's t-ighs - I hear a voice on every breevce, Tliat mak.'s to mine its low replies A voice all low and sweet, like thine • It gives an answer to my praytr. And brines !ny soul from lieav’u n sign, That it shall know and mctt tlieo th'T.' rilknow th 2 there by tiiat svv-ei. t i.ice, Itiund which a t^ndt r halo j‘la>rf, Still touched with that v:ipTi.?s:\- ;^"a(’e, That made thee lovely all thy days; But that sweet smile that o'er it slu.d A beauty like the-Iight of ev; n, ■Whose soft rxpression nev; r fdni. Even when its soul had lL)wa to ht u' ii; ril know the by the starry crown That glitters in thy golden hair; Oh! by these blessed signs aion'’, I’ll know thee there—I’ll know thee th re I'nr ah! thine eye, within whose sphere Tlie sw'^c’? 01 youm and Dc;ui‘y meet, 'That swam in love and softness hire, 3Iust s•v^■;m in love and softness yet. }’or ah ! i's dark and liquid beam-=, Tho’ sadil^n'd I'.y a thousand sighs. Wore hoii- r than th-) light that streaiii:^ Down f;oiii the gates of Paradise - • W; re I)rigiit and radiant like the morn. soft and d>wey as tho fvt — TwO rnd for ey s where suuks are l.orn- young for eye;.' that !i arn to gri- vv. I v.'onder if tlus cool. ?wet t i^r llatii touciied thy lips and faan'd thy i.-row r'or all my spirit hears and see.-. Recalls thee to my memory now; I'or eviry ho\ir we breathe apart Will but mcreasc— if tl>at ’can be— The lov-^ that fills this IttiW heart. Alrca.iv tilled so full of thee. V-t ni 'ny a tear these cyt^s must weep, Anil many a sin must be forgiven, i:re tliese pale lids shall sink to sleep — Kre thou and I sl’.all meet in heaven. Louisville, ICy. ——————I ■ id li^h? ENHiSH 25ii3 eiassical StiJOfl THE Subf=cribrrs rcspcrt fully tender their thanks to tlic | citizens of Ch.irlotte, uiul t'lr i public «renerally, Inr the libe ral patrona4,^e they have recei ved since they commenced the Tailoring Business in this place. From pas;t ex- j)crience, they now have no hesitation in raying that tliey are prepared to give f^rneral pnti'^n'iction to nl! -vvlio may tavor them 'tvitli their patronage. All work done in their establishment ■will be u ARRANTKD, po flir SIS making and cutting is concerned. Thev have juf^t receiveil tlieir FALL & WINTER FASHIONS PROSPECTUS OF THE >fi!ia S^ciulictaiico ' and will contiinie to receive regular reports of En- ' glish and French Fashions. ! Their Shop will be found in the south-east win^ of Mr. Leroy Springs’ brick ijuildinrr. }JETHUi\E & JOHA'SOIV. ; Charlotte. April 2i>. 18i0. 7....V p. S. NEY ILL open a School hi the immediate vicinity o:'the Catawba Springs, Lincoln County, on Monday the 20tli ii^siant. Studies will embrace all the branches requisite to quality students lor en- lering College. ^TERMS OF TUITION : Engllfih EJemenU and Arithradic for ten mos. SIO Kntire English Classical and Mathcmafical do., ^ . 7? , Stenography, to amj Student dtsiring it„ gratia. JJut 710 adinissioft for less than half a Session (Ju’o and a half months) eurept on special agreement. The reputation c\ Mr. Ney as ari instructor oi youth, is so well known iti \\estcrn North Carolina, as to require no conmicndation. As to his capacity and unwearied attention to the advancement ot his pupils, reference may be made to moat of the lead- ng men of the adjoining counties. Students can obtain boarding at the Catawoa Springs, (I’i'.os. Hfimpton's) un reasonable term.s thV dif-tauce from the Springs to the School being only o’.ie mile. Catawba Springs, Se])f. IG, ISil. The State Tcmpcranco Society of North Ca rolina, at its late meeting, directed the Exec utive Committee to take measures for the estabUsh- ment, at this place, of a Journal, devoted to the cause of Temperance. , In obediencc to their wishes, t nd impressed v;ith the importance ot such a publiciition, tlie committcL j have determined, ii sutlicient encouragement can 1 PROSPECTUS OF T^tE Congressional Globe and Appendix. TI^SE works have now been published by us for ten ccmsecutive sessions of Congres. Commencing with tlie RC.ssioii of 1S32-3. They have had such wide circulation, and have been so universally ap proved and sought after by the public, that we deem It necessarv only in this prospectus to say that they will be coniinue'd at the next session of Congress, and to state, succinctly, their contents, the form in which they will l>e printed, and the prices for them. The Congressional Globe is made up of tlie daily „ ses of Congress. The abridged, or condensed, or readable length. cw t^ash Htorc. CHARLES E. MOSS & CO. AHK .NOW r.ncnivuNG AND orr.xiNt; a Sphindid Af^.^i)rt7ii(’/tt oj urged against it. While, however, the promotion of Tempcrancc will be the first and leading object of our .lournal, it is our intention, that its pages shall be divensihed by a ’’eneral summary ol the most important events of th^ day, and by particular attention to the inter est of Agriculture. In carrying out this object, the Commiltcf^ looii with confidence to the firiends of Temperance, par ticularly in North Carolina, for aid and .sup}>ort. A new impulse has been given to the cau.-^e in tlii^ sometimes two number.-^, a week. Wc have invari ably printed more numljers than theie were weeks in a session. The approaching session of Congress, it i^ expected, will continue 7 monlh.s; it so, subscri bers may expect between 30 and 40 numbers, winch, together, will make between 500 and 000 ro}al quar to page.«. The appomiix is made up ol' the s a;i- nual message, the reports of the principal olhcerH; o; the C.overainet that accompany it. and all the long neeches of members of (’ongress, written out or le- G . Tn the Ikick Store formerly occupied by Sfumiel A. ' ilarri."-. Their Goods wen‘ ]nirchased in New-York Uind Pliiladelphia lor CASH KNTlllEl.V, by one of the lirni. They Hatter themselves tliat tludr Stock will be found clu aper than any ever oth'r».'d i : for sale in this place. An they intend to do an c.\- j I clusiN e (,'ASll L>V'SINLjS, tlu’v hope that none i . will expect to ])urcha.~e on fir. ^ ^ j I 'liarlotte. November 2, ISll. j EXTENSIVE SALE OF WECiMOES, i!££L ESTATE, SQLC-MINES, &0. N obedience to a Decrec made by the Court ol Equity lor the County of Mecklenburg, hi the case of ,/iiitif‘S //. (h'!'. Adiniiiistrafor oJ illiam and ./»hn R. William.^ vs. jrHliam Davidson ! and ofh'.rs, we shall expose to Public Sale, at the j ('ouitlujuse in Charlotte, o)i. the 4// .Monday ni Jan- ; vary nc.rt, the following property, viz; between briate has commenced, and is .still going on with a | joiicr, v/e have not completed the Appendix until power and success, which the most sanguine never 1 or two months alter the cio.se ol the ses.sion ; but. dared to anticipate. Give us but the means ol com- j we intend to print the friend of Temperance. Morality, I-_ ^ ' 1 . - ai,I us prmnpll!/. As tl.c ol^cct fe/>/o">SOnco ! in DR. G. J. FOX Has ill?!, received ti large and general assorlnient of j ’ MEDlCOEl^, Dvo-Stufls, IVrfLinierv, Hionipsonian IVIediciiics, AVines and Spirils for medical use. And a variety of other articles, all of which he warrants genuine, and will sell low for cash. Charlotte, April 27, IS 10. S....I' mim, AND CoUoii-lTarii. The MILLEDGEVII.LE COTTON FAC TORY, (situated in Montgomery (*ounty, 22 miles east of Salisbury.) is now in lull operation.— Those intimately acquainted with the Yarn of this Faclorv. prefer it to any manufaclured in the State. ' EDWAUD BUUAGE. N. B.—The Subscriber wishe.s to procure about FIVE nUNDRED BALES OF , (Of the best quality,) lo 1-e d-livrred :it Fado- ry, which he will spin, either one litdl tor li *■ (-ihiT. ! oV at eight cents per pound. EDWARD JiUiiA^E December 7. iSll. :50...r ^ifj(ihj a;t() C'Jic N E Ck 11 O E !^ , .\monir:-l irhirJi are st.vtral c.rcrllcnt .MrcJiantcs. Mi- 71C7S, House Servants, 4’e- (>M(‘ C'onier l.ot and iniprovenienis Xcar th*' C'onrthon^r, and. several innnijjroved Lots, in tha Tinvn of i 'harlvtle Oiic Tract of liaiid In the vicinity rd'Town ; c-n int,rtsl in the Lrmons Mine; an inf'^erest i)t a Saw Mill on Sngar Creek ; an interest in ike Clark (told Mine Tract; an. in terest in the Sample, Ale.rander, and Illavr Dunn (iold Mine 7'racts; an interest in the IMUiams (hjld Mine Tract; an interest in the Elms Mine ; an interest in the .famison Mine; .1/? interest in the Hldke Aline 'J'racl; an interest in the ^ena.'t Alex- andir (iold Mine Tract; also, the En xc Tract— tdgether ivitk VVi»??oiis, Carria^e^, Stock of vari ous kiiids, I-'.nibracing all the properly conveyed in the several Deeds of I'rust made l)V the said A\ illiam Davddson to VV. .Morrison, dec.M.’.f. J. Blackwood, and J. W. ()sb(»rne, ;uul by Jamts IL Blake to said Morrison Uiid G. W. Caldwell. Terms made known on the day of sale. .TOS. H. WILSON, '1 Adm. of W. Morrison, deed.. ( Trustees of J. .». I^LACKWOOl), fW. Davidson. JAMES W. OSP.OPvNE, J G. W. CALDWELL, 'J’rustee of James H. Pilake. December 11, ISil. 40...ts N. B. The sale will be continued from day to day, until al! shall iitive been sold. with the new year, delay on the part ot friends , its ^ to ti>e 'i may be flxtal. Let every imlividual, then, who fees 1 C^lobe, the r. ‘ ‘ b,, ^h an interest in our success and ev’ery lemperancc j ihe^speeCii a oj ^ ./ Society, become responsible, at once, lor the num ber of copies which they suppose can be circulated in their vicinity, and forward their names immedi ately, for 10, 20, or 50 copies, as they may think the demand of ihcir neigliboriiood may justity. In this way only, can wc hope for success in our eifort. At a meeting of the Executive Committee 01 the North Carolina Temperance Society, the following resolution was adopted; M Jiercas, arrangements have been made to commencc the publication ol a Temperance Journal in the City of Raleigh, on the first week in January next, provided One Thousand Subscribers can be obtained. liesolved, Tiiat it be most earnestly recommend ed to each of the Ollicers of the State Temperance Societv’, and to the mend>ers of the State Coven TO TWK PI BLTC. tion, and to any who are friendly to the cause, im- mediatelv' after the receipt of this resolution ; to be come responsible tor from ten to fiity Subscribers, so that the publication may commence at t!ie time contemplated cii. ov ;!MV u tlie Congressional t’li-n to tlie Appendix to see e member him- self. , , r. • I Now. there i= no .sourcc but the Congressional Gfobe and A})pendix. from which a person can ob tain a full history of the proceeditigs ol Congres?. G.m.es t\nd iSka'I'ox .~ jU\gi-tcr ot Dt bate.'^, VNiiiih contained a history, has lieon suspended lor three or four years. It c.o.-t atn'ut ii»e tunes ns inucii I 'r a session as tiio Cop.givs^^ioii.il Cvlobe and^x\.ppendi>.. and did not contain an rrpuil nmount of matter, a great portion ol tlie current j)!-oceedings being on'iit- Ted. We are enabled to i-'rint the Congressional Globe and Appendix at the lov> rate now proposed, by having a l irge qu;int:ty of type, and keeping the Congrssiona! matter lliat v.'e set up lor the daily uiid scmi-weeklv Globes, standing for the Congression al Globe and Appendix. If we had id set op matter purposely tor these works, we lonld not af ford to jn-ini tlieai tor double the price no .v Complete indexes to both the Congressional Globe and the Api)endix are printed at the close of each session, and sent to all subscribers lor them. W^e liave on hand 3,000 or 1,000 surplus copio^ of TS 5 Stf-tv of X.ivtli i’iiioliJia, M E C K I. E N B U R (} C O U ,\ T Y. Svpcricr Court of Imw, August Term, 1S41. MARTHA FLENNIIvEN VS. •■^^7 OULD rcspcctfully inlorm the Public, that hr* | SAMUEL t LENNIKEN T T h;i- i!:rain returned to Charlotte, wlieie he \ tliis case, it appearing 1 Petiiion for 13ivorcc. '.N. ) appearing to the sritisfiiction of the mav 1m^ found at all times, unless called av/ay pro-| fi C(ujrt. that the Defendant. SAMUEL FLT^N- fessioual’v. Should any he disappointed in calling, jXlKEN, is not an inhabitant of this State:—It is liy his heinir absent from town, such can niake their j thereibre ordered, that publiciition he made lor Ihree own appointment, by leaving a note in tiie Post-Ol- i months in the Charlotte Journal and tiie Mecklen- lice, which appointment shall be attendevi to punc- | burg Jeffersonian, notitying the said defendanl to be tuaily on hi^ part. He deems all reterences as uii- I ^nd app'ear at the next Superior Court of Law to necessarv. having practiced in this comnnniity about h)(3 for the County of Mecklenburir, at the iour years. Charges moderate. Oiflce No. C, Courthouse in Charlotte, on the Fonrth Monday in I February next, then ancl there (o plead, answer, or 17...F i demur to said Petition, or iudLreinent pro coiifcsso - I will be entered up against him. and the petition ! heard exparte. Witness, Jr.NNiXG.=! B. Kerr. I'lerk of our said Court, at Otiice, the; Fourth Monday m August. A! nire puuiiciy, ui im; v_ oui uiuu^t jj. •. j.i..- ]>., IS ll. and in tiie GGtli year of the indept tnh nee lotto, on the first day of January next, tor the j of said State. J. J3. KERR, C. M. S. ('. Price adv. !tiri0. .‘>7...;>m J'-iilN O’FARRET.Ti announces to his custom ers and the rublic generally, that lie has dis}>o- .sed of hi.s ('ntirc n,tocK of Groceries. Liipiors, &c., to Mr. John J>. Uoued;c «»f Liucolnloii, and will closc his business in Charlotte on Thursday of the en.'.u- ing April County (^nirl. I'litil then, however, he v. i 1 fo;itii!ue in business at bis old stand, and be glad to :i>-coinniodat(‘ liis cuslomi'rs with every article in ihe Grocery liia', on the most reasonable terms. J. O’F*. trivi's this early notice of his intention 10 clo.^e hu>-in» ss, in order that all who owe him, either 1-y note or book account, may have due time to C(>me fo'rvv'ard and make settlement, which he earne.stly re- (luesls them (o do between This and July (>ourt, for his notes and accounts must posiliv'ely then be closed. ('liarlotte. March 5, 1511. . 1-tc at tlie Mansion House. Charlotte. Nov. 23. ISll Moticc. 11 i ’Taken U}), be Rented at the same time and place, for one year, j the Houses Ibrmerly owned bv ihe late James M. ; , t 1 r i • Hutchison, on main street, adjoining Col. Alexan- j A ND committed to^the Jail ol this couniy. on the j l\. 27th of September last, a Negro nnn, about 20 j years of age, round full face, smt'fit h forehead, thick I lips, and Hat nose, five feet 7 or S inches high, with j a scar on the tore iin^or of the lel't hand, made, he i says, bv a cutting’ knit'e. he ownt r.is n queste*! to I come torward. prove property, pay charges, and 1 take him away, or he will be dealt with as tiie law I dirccts. T. N. 7\LEXANiJER, Shei ijf. : Charlotte, N. C„ Oct. 10. 1841. 32...r der’s Hotel Dec on, on main street, adjoinintr Col. Alexan- 3tel. T. L. HUTCHISON, For his Son. 11. ISll. 40...fs -fitsvo flnvitxs^ WILL BE HIRED, to the highest bidder, for the term of twelve months, at the CourthcuRc door in Charlotte, on the iiuitavt, 'J’EN FII' TEPjN A ERY VALUABF.E NEGROES, belonging to Mrs. Graham, (insane.) BENJ. MORROW. Guardian. December 14, 1SII. I X..th J^ast Xolicr. The snb.^cribcr hereby notifie ' all pcrsonfi in debted lo the laie firm of Ate.rand- r Jiroth- ers that (he business of that crncern must b*‘ closed rnrthwith. All wlio do not comply with tln.s notice between tliis time and the 1st ot J;inuary next, by a f=ettlement of their notes or accounts, lanv rest *^su- rcil ot havi:*g to ihtMii with •'in oificcr. This; j? j.jsitivLlij the last votice wc shall rive on this .sub- AHAM ALEXANDF' f the COACH MAKING. THE Subscribers hav'ing entered in to copartnerslnp, will carry on the above business in all it.-; various liranclies, at the ohi stnnd tormerly owned by Mr. (Jarter Crittenden, opposite the Jail. All work WARRANTED ;-and Re pairing done at the bhortest notice, for moderate charges, CHARLES OVERMAN, JOSHUA TROTTER. Charlotte, June 15, 1841. 12m >nc : T tl J3urn A D .\ M ALE >1A N D E R. -■ f^urviving Parii:' r \V k; . f 0 f Hand ail; un*.. t.iO I .aiiu 1 u.'. ai' . d He plr. ajooftsjjinotns. Tii. NTER wouhl 1; er- .11 d i!i» nnjdir. "^n«*r;uiv. that li> - ' l Onjv inXDJ.XG P.U.siNESS ■ '■ r .O- ,i-; I ; f‘;-‘ ]»r ;Uf * ‘ ■’o rc‘« ;»( i.rd.T - ,!i l;;s iiiic ■ • U^l ' .- • ! • . t' C'T I 3^\ntfs eonntt% 'r V E F o U X I) E , Cerntr of Ann and i^icissau Sts., I\cic-\ork, B> h'SPECTFTJLLY informs liis old patrons, i V j'.ud the public ocnerally, tluit he continues to mnnufacture and supi>ivevery a.rticle used in the prin ting businesi?. as w( II a.s to stereotype all jobs that may olli'r. He onibmces Ihis opportunity to return thanks to those whose patronage he has extensive ly enjoyed I'or s.> many years, and to say that he is to be iHund at th(^ old established stand, corner of Ann ;nnl Nast-au strt-'ds, fully prepared to execute .any order that he inn v he honoured with; and that the 'i’vpe manufactiired 'i'y hnn, is from uselection (ffa ces taken from his okl specimens, together with a number ot'additions of a superior ciU ; that he is enabled to sur,ply sorts ;is well as founts, of the mo.st heauliful oi'his old faces, and of a greatly im- ]»roved (piality of meial. He i.s also engaged in get ting up, b}' a newly discovered process, an ex tensive series of new and highly ornamental arti cles. Arrangements arc made with the manutac- turi-rs of Presses and other Printing materials, that will enable him to execute orders as expeditiously as any other Founder in the Union, and on us favo- rai)le terms. A new specimen is now in the course of printing. \^’ith Scissor.-^ sharp and Razor keen, PH dress your hair and shave you clean.” Buonaparte, the Barber, RESPECTFULLY informs liis customer.^, tbi‘t he has removed his establislmient to the east end ot” Col AlexanderV Long Rovv% a few doors east of the (‘ourthou.se, where he will be plea."(*d to see them ;it all times. He professcR to be master of the “Tonsorial Art,’* and will spare no ct- fort to iijfordre Miti satisfaction. Charges moderate to suit the times. [Cliarlotte, Marcli 9, 1811. ’ The North Carolina Temperaucc Union will be published weekly on a medhim .sheet, (say 26 by 18 inches,) at One IJollar and Fifty Cents, per annuiTij payable in advance. Letters containing Subscri bers names and remittances, must be directed, post paid or free, to the Treasurer of the Society, Jf.cSE 13ROWN, Raleigh, N. C. Raleigh, Novendjer 28, ISll. CONDITIONS OF THE iFavmtr.o’ ilrot^tev, FOR THE 7EXTII VOLl ME:—lSi2. Artici.e T. The Farmers" Register is pupli-shed in monthly numbers, of 01 large octavo pages each, at -So a year payable in advance. [See also Pke.mi- fM.',” belovv'. ] n.—All mail payments must be made in bank notes, or checks of far vai.le in Vihgima—or other wise of a CITY bank of the state in which the subscri ber resides ; and all letters to the publisher (except such as contain articles for puhlicarioa) must be POST-PAID ; and the publisher assumes the risk of loss by mail-carriage of all lettei .s and lemittances conforming to the tbregoing conditions, and which have been properh; rormnited lo the mad, or to the hands ot a post master, t 111.—If a subscription is not directed to be discon- inued belore the first number of the next volume Qt'Con^Tfcss lliU-t hu-s over L’ccii pu. sell them for ^1 each: that is, ?1 lor tlie ( ougies sional Globe, and -SI tor the Appendix. V. e pro pose to let .subscribers lor the Congressional Globe and Appendix for the next session, iiave them for 50 cents each. They wi'l^ be ncccssary to iindorstnr.d I'ully the proceedings oi tjic ne::t ses;;ion. 'I’hc im portant matters dis^’usscd at. the last, will be brought up at the next session, in consequence of (he iniuor- sal dissatisfaction evinced in the laic cl» ctions ivirL the vast and novel system of policy whicli the powers l'*ave introduced, and wliich was forced through Congress without cons'jiting puplic opinion, or even allowing tiie full discussion usual in regaril to sub jects of ordinary interest. The reports »{ the Coh- gressional Globe and Appendix are not in tiic kn.'f degree ail’ec'eil by the pariy bi^is of tlie iviitrir. Tiiey are givL’n ])rcf.'Oly as v.'riti 11 oM by il.c 1^'- porters and the menilx rs llienisclvt Ait.l 'iC whole are subject lo the revision and corri'cii /i 0: the speakers, as they i>ii>s i;i r-'viev/ ia our di'.i'y siieet. in ca.=u3 any misundcrst inding or laisvcnicttwi tation of tlicir remarks shoidd occur. We make a daily analysis of the doing.s j.i Co:.- iiress. and give tmr opinions in it freely, but tiiis;- published only in the Daily. Semi-weekly, and AVc'k ly Globes. I'hc Daily Globe is '^10. the Semi-v;fOk- ly Globe !5;2 per anmnn, in adrance. The Weekly Globe is printed in ilie .'ai.ic I 'nu asllic sional Globe and Appendix. an: ctunplct*- jndt--'; made to it at the ('mi of eacii year. TERMS: For the r'on.ri e.'=ionat Globe and Appeiiuix lur has been published, it will be understood as a con tinuance tor another year. Subscriptions must com mence with the beginning of some one volume, and v.ill not be taken for less than a yearns publication, the last Extra St-.-sion, s 1. IV.—The mututil obligatons ol the pu!)hsher and , p'of il,e Congressional Globe for the next subscriber, tor the year, arc fully incurred as soon j per copy. an the first number is issued ; and after that time, no j p'or ihe Appendix for the next session. SI P^*'' disconlinuance of a subscription will be perniitied. copy. Nor will a subscription be discontinued Tor any car- • copies of either of the tibovc works will be her noticc, while any thingthereon remains due. uu- ; for ,s.5; twelve copies tor slO, and so on ia pr^'P-*^' les.s at the option of the editor. tion for a greater number. VnKy\\VM!i in c.Ttru cojiies, rdfered in consideratioin^ Piiymenis loay be transmiricji by mail, j^osldC'’ of either advanced or earlier payments.— 1st. To | paid,'ni our risk.* By a luie ot’ the Post Office Dc- cn-ery subscriber who shall ]>ay tor vol. 10, .s*//'/V7///j partment, ])ostmas(ers are permitted to frank letter? according to the rdiovc conditions (in Arli(des 1. and 1 containing money for subscriptions. II.) belore January 31st, (when No. I. will be i.s.su- j Tlie notes of any bank, current wlicre a suos.i. ed.) an extra copy of the same shall be sent; or it\- j her resides, will be received by us al par. sti'ad, if prelerretl by him ami so ordered, a copy ol \ q'o insure all the numbers, the subscription? shovJa eilher vol. 7, 8. or 9. In like manner, and at same j ])o in Washington by the ioth Decembi^r next, i ' rate of deduction, any one person may olitain any j farthest, though it is probable that we'shall prim number ot copies lo supply others. j enough surjilus co]>ics to till every subscription tlifd 2d. To every subscriber, not thus paying in ad- may Ix' paid betbre the l.st day of January next. ranee ot the publication, but who shall do so. and in , Vo attrition Kill he paid to any order nnless t'u>: all other respects comply with the above conditions ■money acroiin)ani,?s it. lU.AiR RIVF"^- W'ii.«hington C'ity. Octobrr 2'>. ISlI. Journal of Baiikiiis:: r.y WH.LiAM :.i. ciouci-:, of pitil \D]:[d’iii. before June IJOtli, an extra copy ot oitlier vol. 7, », or shall be sent, and the same to every new subscri- b('r, paying as abov’^e required (in :irt. I. and II.) at the time of his subscription being ordered. Remarks.—Any extra copj', sent as above staled, will be directed only to the name ot the individual entitled to it as a premium ; but sent to any jiost-of-1 fice that may be desired. The sending ol every i This Joirr.'ial will contai,'’.- — such ^.7Y/*a copy will cease with the volume ; but the | l.-l. A new’ edition of •* A Short History -i l*ii- like arrangement may be renewed, and similar ad- ; per jiloncy and Banking in the United States." 1'} v'antages obtained by any subscribers hereafter, up- i AVin. M. ( touge. with corn-ctiona and addilion^- on the renewed pertbrmance of like conditions. | bringing the narrative down to tlie present time. No agent.s, or general collectors, arc employ-j 2(i. l^.ssays on I^anking, Currency, Exchan!,^''?- ed tor the Farmers’ Register. But any subscriber, j and kindred topics, in which eltbrts will be made tn post'master, or other person, may obtain tor his own [ place thct>e subjects in the clearest light possible, profit the large allowance? oll’ered in the tbregoing j semi-monthlv review of the times, eiiil'r^" ])remiums, l>y procuring the benefits to the publica-1 lion lor which the premiums are ollered, Address- EDMUND RUFFIN. Petersburg, Va., Oct. 20, ISll. ♦It will he aoain rcquiral (a.'; formerly) lint iiKiil payuK iits shall ho made in the iiotts or checks of .^jxc.ic-p vjing bunks, shoiiM any such i)anks l>f in o|>eratiim in tiv.' ^tatcs m which subscribers severally n sido. Until tlu n, th'. publisher, like all othrr rrrdifors, aiul lahorcrs at fixed prirrs, must submit, as now, to 1)R defrauded l«y the opf'ration ol tin' no!i-sj)eci>^ I’^v- inr bniikin£i systnn, of the (litr« rence ui v;du ‘ Ivuveiii tho beat of such bank [)aj>t‘r and spocie. : “A p.istmnster may enclose nioniy in a 1'ifcr to the puh- li.shcr of a ni wspapt r, topay llu* subscription uf a third pt r- son, anl frank the Itctt-r, if written by hiins;lf. (SiiMiodi Amos Kendall, rustmnsttT (icneral ” cing the most important events, especially tliO'i' which atfect t!ie general ojierations of business. 4th. Such miscellaneous matter as will, while i- will add to the intcrc.-ts of the work, .^ubservc i'-' maii» object, which i - that of showing the true chi'- racter oi’our paper money and banking system, atiu the eli’ect it has on the morals and happiness of the ditlerent clashes of tho community. This Journal will be especially intended for mers and Mechanics, but it i.? hoped it will notprovf unuseful lo Merchants and other productive inein- her.'; of society. It will be published oncc every two weeks. Enr» number will rontain sixteen pages octavo. doubk' cohunn, with the leavers stitched and cut,. ilius ting the advantages of the o])en sheet with ,.r. ». 11^ I'.:,. i)ji ud'. I hill of U ill rd iU-J\ judj raia of anil tin t!i iol ati l;. i e el! ca ab th Cl (•:*■ T f liH iiliunHaeK SI I’PLY of Bi.i :’s FARMEP.S’A Pi,A\ AL\^ A\ACK for ju^t receive ! • if m li.i 1 >ii:'« 1 io;. Alauifiack '•••* jfotirrijn'ntina

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