w - 'vn in every ipitulation of S unneceaaaiT. T?‘»' ligtoferv^ distingubhed I Union,) unrA' ho afld practical^ n»cal execution TJi* uriccy iio4 BuwJ Licing in the last T'ax'higs, ds of il With agric^l^^. avontc Wiih all 1? ®' «• -he soil. own among Uie a|‘'- airy—amountin/,1; yus'and ! 3le consideration t},„ extensive paim ‘ ® Btate that ]\o Pl® [ be spared to gj,; the volume for 10.® ■ portion of the work* he subjects of Gar’ LD; and to enJaro.„ klKSTIC A^'D Rif le DISEASES op cm as useful as pog, em\ 'I'o accotnplisj^ niadf as will phip,. periodicaU and pub- tual and veterinary available in such ;i > render tlie Cuhiv.i. p rc'^eived, and make LTUil.vr. PAPER thcr country, nd friends who have lity and patriotism elevate the standini Vs of the American use their intluence acting as agents in tain the Cultivator e postmaster of hiJ it to tlie publisher UCKER, J*ubiisher 01 (he Cultivator. IS then* House, ;h they offer i‘^e for other Inisell. he publislud^ a AM) MIXES'. s., A'c. ^ravings I nost popular work and a book most 5 ol' all classes of ire the important r emleawrs to ac- ircTj Metallurgist^ |of their respective reality, the mas- [icipatc iheiii n uui >a c^iwmonly gov- )us routirvo. )keri>, Drysalicrs, [vuniu; character- hUfs which pass |o finest dcvclop- lay open an ex- Ust ul litcsG kin- niay he dcsirou.-* hictive branch of Imoag plausible the Law to be- jure at' tiiose pa- |vo rise to iiti^xa* Hicli a clear ox- as may liiri.'suado )3lruct industry, injury many Il roailer, intent, Ticws of many of be, in ell’eciing latter to which owe their pa- liong the nations >rtant object of jst, and usually [d of each arli- le second Lon- ly. It will be Itype, anti will Issued in twen- at twen- tive dollar?, at Id the nunibers ;ome from the |arc opportuni- terms extva- racturing tow’n, lUnited States imed with the Le Roy San- ladvertisement Tder, one copy jrs containing Ik Watchman, .Ml la handsom^ all kinds 0^,. ,f lice- Ordes 3f/X84L # iHccliktiburtt ||l"‘ I leffersoiiiftn. JOSEPH W. IIAMPTOX, The pow crs granted under the Constitution, being derived from the People of the United States, may be resumed by them, whenever perveiled to their injury or oppression.”— -Kditor aiitx /. VOLUME 2, CHARLOTTE, N. C, MAY 10, 1842. \ NUMBE T JE R 31 S The Mccklcnhurg Jeffersonian.'^ is published weekly, at Tvro Dollars and Fifty Cents, if paid in advance; or Three Dollar!, if not paid before the expiration of three months from the time of subscribhig. Any person who will procure ,(.r subscribers and become responsible for their subscrijitions, shall have a copy of the paper gratis ;—or, a flub of ten sub- ^^cribers may have the pajitr one year for Fircyitjj Dollars in advance. No paper will bo discon'niu' -l while iho subsfr.b( r owes any flung, if he is able to payand a failure to notify tlif Kditor of a wish to discontuiuc ai least one month before the expira tion of the time paid for. will be considi red a new engagement. Original Subscribers wiil not bo allowed to discontinue the paper before the expiration of the f.rst year without paynigfor a f\ill year’s subscription. A,ucrti.cm::!:^ will Ik- conspicuously nnd c.ur ;Ctly lusnrt- . i at Ok>' IUlir\- r :=.juarc for the tirst in.sertion, and Tiecn- f j-Jire Ccnti fur each continuance—eX'-cpt Court and other Judicial advertisi nient.^, whieii wjl’i be clnrgi-d tircnty-Jircper :\t. lusher than the above rat .s, ;.jv»uig to tiU’ delay, geac- r:iily. ?ltfenlant upon coili''lion."). -*»■ iibtral discount will be iiiuJe to those whu advertise by th ■ V' ar. Adverti.~enieniSi^ent 1;, for pablication, uui^it be marked with tiie number of inser- ‘ .oiiti desired, or they will be jmblishcd until forbid and charg I accordingly. ••'5’ Letters to t!ic I-'«litor, uuU>'S containing money m sum? , i'ii'c Dollars, or over, must come free of po?ta2;e, or th>! i amount paiil at the ollice hero will be'caarged to the w;. i r, | ,n f v ry iustance. and ccjlloctcd a.-; iji’u'r ae(’.)nnt-5. State of North Carolina, MECKLENBURG COUNTY. Superior Court of Laic, February Term, 1S42. MARY N. TETER ) VS. > Petition for Divorce. ELAM J. TETER. ) IN this case it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court thai the Defendant, Elam J. 'Feter, is not an inhabitant ot this State ; It is therefore Ordered, that publication be made for three months suc- cessi\*cly in tho “Mecklenburg Jcifersonian,” anl “ Charlotte Journal,” commanding the said Defend ant to appear at our next Superior Court of Law and Equity to be held for our said County at the Court-house in Charlotle, on the Fourth Monday in August next, then and there to plead, answero’^ de mur to the said petition; otherwise judgme^^^ will be taken pro confcsso, and the petition heard ex- parte. Witness, Jenniags B. Kerr, Clerk of our said Court at oiHce, the 4th Monday in February, 1842. Issued the 26th of April, 1812. J. B. KERR. c. M. s. c. Printer’s fee •'^10. State of North Carolina, MECKLENBURG COUNTY. Stipciior Ornrt of Laiv. FcbnuLry Term, IS 12. More New Ooods. Is ^ at 601V now receiving and opening hamlsome Stock of Weekly Ahniiiiat* lor 3Iar. Petition for Divorce. DA VS. 10 Tuesday, ! Wednesday, 11 Thursday, Friday, I t Saturday, 15 Sunday, 11) Monday. Sl-n Risr. Sun KT« jroo-ws piiAsi:s- DF.LITIIA SPECK I X WILLIAM n. SPECK. ) N this case it appearing to the satisfaction of the „ Court that the Defendant, IVilliam IL Speck, is not an inhabitant of this Slate: It is therefore Or- an# Summn* OOOD8, TT hick icerc purchased at u/iys i.alhj low priccs, And will be sold to suit the hard times, or at least as low as any concern in this section of country. His stock consists of all kinds ol Goods usually kept in a country store. He has ais ' a large stock of Groceries, v/hich wdll be sold at reduced ])rices. Persons w’ishing to purchase goods tor CASH, w'ill find it to their interest to cail and examine his slock. Charlotte, April, IG, 1812. 5f^..F. A few Good Tilings Vet, AND SI*ovt ISjrisrcttU. VALUABLE OFFICIAL STATISTICS. North and South Carolina.— Their Property and Products. W e continue our tables compiled from the offi cial census of 1840. The information is of the most valuable character, and is calculated to shew at a glance, the extent of the property and products of the various Slates of this Unipn. To-day we pre sent North and South Carolina. These tables are prepared exclusively for Bicknell’s Repoiler, and not without much care and labor, so that those w'ho copy, W’ill see the propriety of giving due credit. ^Ve shall endeavor to condense into this lucid and acceptable form, tho ccusus of the entire Union. 5 li I 6 51 S 616 1 D. II. M. 5 I G 56 I T-a^jt Q.u'ir1‘ r, - 7 M. .tic, r,T New-Moon 10 0 ;1 M. •> j G 57 I I'irnt Uuarter, i b a.!M. 3 { (3 nb j I'ull Jlooit, -1 •J 6 5‘i Alcxaisdt‘1* lletluiMe, c iJ ■ J , sJi 1—^ ^ l\ E S P ECT Vr LLY 1 n- ders liis siuccr(.‘ tluiiiks the citizen.'- of Charlotte and the polflic in general, for the libe ral patronage lie has receiv- cil; nnd hopes by strict atten- | tioii to bn^inc.ss to continue to merit a !i!)oral share of^'ublic patronage. He lias now sev- i eial iirst rate \vurkiiUMi cm- ; pliiyod and liasinst received j his Spring and SuiniiK'r Fa.^li-1 ions. He will warrant good Jit.• on all occasions, j Orders from a distance will meet uitli j-.rornpt at- j fention. Mis shop will he tound in liic Nnrtli-Last , \iiig of Mr. Leroy Springs' bricJi buiUlaig. ; Idxral discohiit ;:ntue to ca:^Ji customtrs. i harli.dlc. ;\pril 12, 1^12, ! fendant to appear at our next Superior Court ol ' Law and Efpiity to be held for our said County at I the Courthouse in Charlotte, on the Fourth Monday i in August next, then and there to plead, answer or 1 demu°to the said petition ; otherwise judgment will be taken pro contesso, and the petition heard ex* parte. j Witness, Jennings B. hvrr, Clerk of our said Cmirt at ofUce, the 4th Monday in February, 1842. Issucil the 20ih ot April 1842. J, B. KERR, c. M. s. c. Printers fee .'$10. THE Proprietor of the ‘‘CONCORD COFFEE-HOUSE^’ would iniorm his customers and the public generally, that bis Stock of GROCERIES, and fancy articles to tick*le the palate, is yet quite lull, and he respectfully invites ail to give him a call and be their own judge. He would also state, that he expects in n short time to receive the most splendid and choice Stock of articles in his line ever brought to this region o country, when ho wdll be fully prepared to please the taste of the most fastidious. F. R. ROUECHE. Concord, N. C., Dec. 28, 1841. 12...y Iron—cast, furnacc^j Tons produced, Bar forges, bloomerics and rolling mills. Tons produced, Tons of fuel consumed, Men employed^ including mining operations, Capital invested, Lead—Smeltmg houses. N. 4 a OG‘d 11,598 4G3 94,961 ( 07...P THE 8ni)scrihers Ir.iving entered in- to copariiu'rshii>.willcarry on the above ‘ business in ‘all its various braiudies, at the old stand lormerly owned by Mr. ( ‘arter Critt«'ndeii. opposite the Jail.— Ai: work WARRANTED;—and Re- xvairin*^ done at the shortest notice, tor moderate f-harges. CITART.ES OVERMAN, .TOSIICA TllOTTER. ('‘harlotte. June lo, 1S41. 12rn United States, NORTH CAROMNA DISTRICT, f}U:rtcl CouHin Ilankriipicij. fit iil Flvj- cttcville, April 13. 1812. OBERT P. JOHNSON of Chailotte, Meck- XV lenburg C'ounty, having this day hied a Peti tion duly verified that he may he declared a Bank rupt; It" is thereupon Ordered by the Court, that cause, be shown before the Court, at Chambers in this Town, on Friday the twentieth day of May next, why the said Robert P. Johnson benotdeclar- L'd ;i'l?aiikrupt, pursuant to Act of Congress in that hehalf: and that this notice be published in the Mecklenbnro- Jetlersonian, four weeks in succession. ^ H. IL POTTER, Acting Clerk oj Court in Bindxruj/tcti. DR. C. J. FOX Elasjust received a large and general assortment of MEDICINES, Di'UflS, jiatnt.0, ©ils, Dye-Kluffk, Peiiumery, Tliompsoiiiaii jVIedicines, Wines an^^ Spirits for medical use, And a variety of other article.s, all of which lie 4 . ^viii sell low for a7.s7?. warrants genuine, Charlotte, April 27, 1840. S....F GOTTSri AM> Cotton-YariJ. T IHE MILLEDGEVILLE COTTON FA'‘- TORY. (cituiued in Montgomerv X'ouniy. i"2 miles cast of Salisbury.) is now iii tail operati.m.— Those intimately ac:iuaintod with thi* \ arn oi ihi.s Factory, prefer it to any nianuiiictnreil in iln‘ Slate. ‘ KDWAUi) r.i:RA;i:. N. B.—The Subscriber wishes ii> ]tr')cure iivj: jir.xDRED BAJ or |>UL W — — O' J (Of the best fprality.) to be delivt'reii fit llu' l’a«.to- ry, w’hich he will spin, either one half for the otliiT, or at eight cents per pound. EDWAPvl) BUR ACE. December 7. IS 11. r S’ Dr. J. I3appollt ^ HAS removed to the Otiice directly op-! posite Ma], Joseph Smith's Hotel, wln-re ! he may be found by his iViends and the , public, and consulted at all times, unless j ])rofessionally engaged. i A report has been industriously circulated i for cjfec/, relative to his ( barges. They have bcf'n pronounced extravagant. He takes this opportunity to state to the public, that he holds himselt ready at any time to coinjiare charges, ami weigh his st: with any of the Faculty. He wishes it to tinctly understood, that hisCnARCJES i^'hall in (dl cases'be Reasonaiu.v:. Jan.-1.1842. 4n...if I idted States, :nORT11 CAROLINA DISTRICT, District Court in Bankruptcy, at Chambers in Fay etteville, April 13, 1842. THO^LVS BOYD of Charlotte, IMecklenburg County, having this day filed a Petition duly verified, praying that he maybe declared a Bank rupt : It is thereupon Ordered by the Court that cause he show'n before the Court at Chambers in this Town, on Friday the twentieth day of May next, why the said Thomas Boyd be not declared aBankiupt, pur- , suant to the Act of Congress in that behalf: and j that this notice be published in the Mecklcid^urg ' Jetfersonian. four weeks in succession. H. H. POTTER, Acting Clerk of Court in Bankruptcy. United States, NORTH CAROLINA DISTRICT, District Cvtiri in Bankruptcy, at Chambers in Fay etteville..April 13, 1842. JOHN R. BOLTON of Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, having this day filed a Petition, duly verified, praying tliat lie may be declared a Bank rupt: It is thereupon Ordered by the Court that cause be shown before the Court, at Chambers in this Town, on Friday the twentieth day of May next, why the said John R. Bolton be not declared a IJa’nkrupt, pursuant to the Act of Congress in that hehalf: and that this notice be published in the Mecklenburo- Jetlersonian, four w’eeks in succession. H. H. POTTER, Acting Clerk of Court in Bankruf>tcy. Fire Kii^ine for Sale. THE Camden Independent Fire Engine Compa ny wishing to procure a larger Engine, offer the one they now have tor sale. It is a first rate suc tion Engine, of the most approved construction, with tw^enty-four feei of suction, and about one hun dred and fifty feet of ordinary Hose. It is nearly new', has been but little used, and is kept in first rate order. For further information, address the Secre tary of the Camden independent Fire Engine Com- counting each fire cne, o . Pounds produced, 10,000 Men employed, 30 Capital invested. 50,000 Gold—No. Smelting houses, 10 Value produced, t. J55,618 Men employed. 389 Capital invested, 9,832 Alines : Other metals. Value produced, 1.000 Men employed. 5 Coal, Anthracite. Tons raised, (23 bu. each) 50 ]\fen employed, 4 Coal Bituminnii!. Bushels raised, 75 Men employed. I Salt—Bushels produced, 4.493 IVIen employed, 8 Capital invested. 7,090 Gran te, Marble, and other Stone. Value produced, 3.350 Men employed. 14 Capital invested. 930 Elorse.'^and mules, 166,608 37,418 Neat cattle, 017,371 Sheep, 538,279 Swine, 1,649,710 Pouhry, all kinds, est. val. 544,125 Grain—Wheat, No. bu., 1,960,855 Barley, do 3,574 Oats, do 3,193.941 Rye, do 213,971 Buckwheat, do 72 Indian Corn, do 14,722,805 Wool, number of pounds, 025.044 Hops do do 1,063 Wax, do do 118,923 Potatoes, number of bushels, 2,009,239 Hay, number of tons, 101,369 Hemp and Flax, number tons, 9,879iV Tobacco, No. lbs, gath’d, 10,772,359 Rice, number of lbs. 2.820,388 Cotton, gathered lbs. 51,920,190 pany. Camden, S, C., April 20, 1842. 5^..3t United States, NORTH CAROLINA DISTRICT. District Court in Bankruptcy, at Chambers in Fay etteville, April 13, 1812. D1:RI VS FOLSOM of Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, having this day filed a Petition, dul> verified, praying that he may be declared a Bank- service j thereupon Ordered by the Coiirt that be dis- j-ause be shown belore the Court, at Chnmbers in this Town, on Friday the twentieth of May next, w’by the said Derias Folsom be not declared a Bank rupt pursuant to act of Congress in that behalf: and that this notice be published in the Mecklenburg The bankrupt Law IS in operation since the 1st instant, and the sub scriber has received several applications for his professional aid. He is about to engage his servi ces, and is willing to increase the number of appli cations, which will diminish the expense to the ap plicants. The District Court of the United States has sole jurisdiction in all matters and proceedings in Bank ruptcy, wdiicli for this District. (Cape Fear,) sits at Wihnington, and all Petitions are referred by the order of Judg‘. Pottku to that Court, w'hich next sits on the 2nd of May next. All jiersons owdng debts and wishing to avail themselves of the benefit ol this act, and of the ser vices of the undersigned, wall apply early ; with an accurate list of their creditors, the residence and amount due each creditor, together with an accu rate inventory of all their property, rights and cre dits of every kind and description, and the location and situation of said property. Apulication can be made cither in person, or by mail, }>ost paid, to tlie subscriber; who can always be found at his ollice in Charlotte. He will, howe ver, be at the next Sui)erior Courts ot Cabarrus and Lincoln. JOHN H- WHEELER, Atto. at Law. Charlotle, Feb. 1-^, 1812. The Lincoln Republican wiH please copy 3 weeks. 212 930,703 28.475 48,581 20 4,663 4 46 151,300 1,068 5,(^32,83u 20 46,000 432 213 "Wiiicflacii w his Iriends as desire his professional services, that he has removed his Ofiice to Mr. Johnson's brick house, two doors above tlie “Carolina Inn,'- wdierc he may be fi)und at all times, unless necessarily absent. Charlotte, February 8. 181:^. 4S...F Jetlersonian lour weeks in succession. H. H. PO1 ILK, Acting Clerk of Court in Bankruptcy. United States, Wool Carding. Having thoroughly repaired his Machinery, the subscriber is now ready to execute all oi- ders for CARDING WOOL hi a very superior style, and at short notice. . t rn ^ JACOB STIREWALT. Mill Hill, Cabarrus Co,, May 2, 1842. 00... north CAROLINA DISTRICT. District Court in Bankruptcy, at Chambers in Fay etteville, April 13, 1812. ANDREW' MONTGOMERY of ^ Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, having filed a petition, du ly verified praying that he maybe declared a Bank rupt: It is thereuponOrdered by the ( ourt, thaU-aus.e be shown before the Court at Chambers m this 1 own, on Friday the twentieth day ol May next, why the c^aid Andrew Montgomery be not declared a Uank- mnt pursuant to the Act of Congress in thai he- I hah': and *liat this notice be published in the Meck- in a very superior style, and at short notice. Ordes | Tenbura Jetfersonian, lour w’eeks in 'viU be thankfully received. 1 - l^- ^ Jeffersonian Otfrre. Charlotte. March 0. ‘ Acting Clerk of Colni in Uankmptty. W JOB FATING, E are prepared at this Ollice with a handsome supply of Fancy Type, to execute all kinds of Notice. All persons are forwarned from trading with William McNeely tor a dark brown MAKL four years old this Spring. Said Mare is my pto- perly, for this year. Said McNeely left my employ with said mare on the 21st April, J. C. MASSES . A]»ril 28, 1842. Taken Up, And committed to the Jail fl this county, on the 27th of September last, a Negro man, about 20 years of age, round full lace, smooth forebead, thick lips, and iTat nose, five feet 7 or 8 inches high, with a scar on the tore fin^e says, by a cutting knite. a*scar on the tore finger of the left hand, made, he The owner is requested to charges, an»l lake him away, or he will “' ■'I': ".'I',' direeu. T. N. AMO; AMiKR, Charlollc. N. C., Oct, 10. 18-11 conie forward, prove proi)orty, pay i_i' or 1)C will (It'uli witn us fn* Silk cocoons, number lbs. 3,014 Sugar, number of lbs. 7,163 Wood, number cords sold, 40.034 Dairy, value of products, 674,349 Orchard, valuo of products, 386,000 Trjwci’, gallons made, 28,752 Family goods, value of home made goods, 1,41 Gardens, value of produce of market gardeners, Nurseries, produce of Men employed, Capital invested. Commercial houses, number in foreign trade, Commission houses. Capital invested, Retail stores, number of Capital invested. Lumber yards and trade. Capital invi'Sted, Men employed. Internal transpoitalion. men employed, Butchers, packers, men employed, 24 Capital invested, 0,000 Pickled lish, number of barrels. 425 Men employed in fisheries. 53 Capital invested, /jumbcr—value produced, 506,760 Tar, pitch, turpentine and rosin, number of barrels, 593,451 Skins and Furs, value of 3,126 Ginseng, and all other produc tions of tbe lorest. Men employed. Machinery manuf. value of. Men employed, lardware, cutlery, &.C., manufactured, value of. Men employed, Small arms made, Men emjiloyed. Value of precious miials manufaclurcd. Men employ’d, Various metals, val. man , Men employed. Granite, marble, manufacl\uccl. Men employed, , Bricks and LiwiC manufactured^ Men employed, Capital invested in preceding _ manufactures, Wool, number of I'uHmg mills, \ Manutaclories, ^ A'alue of goods manulaclureil, iH) Persons employed. Capital invested, • Cotton mamiiaclories, Number of spindles, IH'iuL^ and in inling establishments, Va\ue of manutac. articles, 4:^^90O Pet.sons«niployed. 1.219 CMpitiil invr;* '.| Silk—number pouads’reeled, and other silks made. Value ol the same, Persons employed. Capital employed, Flax, value of manuf, Persons employed, Mixed 3Ia?iufuctuTef!. Value of produce, Persons employed. Tobacco, value manuf, • Persons employed, Capital invested, Hats and caps, val. manuf, Straw bonnets, value of S. C. Persons employed, Capital nivested. Tanneries, number of Sole leather, sides tanned. Upper do do do Men employed, Capital invested, Ail other manufactories of 243 leather, saddlery, &c., 113,300 Yal. of manuf. arlicks, Capital invested, Soap, number of pounds, Candles, pounds tallow, Sperm and wax, Alen employed, Capital invested. Distilleries, number of, 09 Gallons produced, 40,000 j Brcicerics, number of Gallons produced, Men employed. Capital invested, Pounder AIills. number of Pounds of power made. Capital invested, Medicines, drugs, paints. and dj’-es, value Turpentine and varnish, value produced, .Men employed, Capital invested, Glass—No. of glass houses. Men employed, Potteries, number of Value manufactured, Men employed. Capital invested, Confeciiona, y— value manuf, Men employed. Capital invested. Paper Manufactories, No. of Value produced. Men employed, Capital invested, Printing offices, No. of Binderies, No. of Daily newspapers, Weekly do., Semi and tri-weekly, Periodicals, Men employed, Capital invested, Alnsical Listrumcnts— Value produced, Men employed. Capital invested, Ciirriages ayid —• Value of manufactures, Persons employed, Capital Invested, Mills, flouring. No. of Barrels of flour made, Mills, grist, No. of saw, oil, Value of manufactures, , ]\Ien employed, Capital invested. Ships—Value of vessels j built, j Furniture—Value manii- 3,668,050 j factnred. 1 ^^cn employed, 6,64fc,7o6 Capital investeii, pjrick and stoue houses built, \Vooden do do I\Ien employed, _ j Value of constructing. ^i Value of ail other ?»Ianufac- 46 112.900 1.866 189,868 2,450 3 500 432 r 91.065 5,0o0 3:S.167 3,750 1,700 112 13,1 n 315 353 97 62,050 68,018 89.032 89,586 645 231 271,797 212,020 233 243 185,387 109,472 7 6,163 45,662 1,612,825 ,^86j327 148,546 68,011 335 367 168 4,751 300 2,302 251 1,051,959 102.288 17.431 1,4:2 210 ISO.-'00 14,342 20 d 311 3.000 4 500 129,921 572.608 232.981 878,532 396,364 968,354 3.967 1,486.208 44,738 141 8,905,122 '299,170 93 15,857 2,698,313 24,618 51,519 60,590,861 61,710,274 2,080 30.000 171,451 577,810 52,27 5 643 4,100 6 2,100 4 164 8 19,300 49 12,950 29,333 112 87,200 1 20,000 30 30,000 16 ;03 38,187 2,139 1,058 210,980 159,270 301,601 132,690 58.458 87,641 2.033 1.05f> 1,552,096 1.201.678 L830 2,12-: 1,670,223 1,668.804 14 100,000 1.057 tories not enumerated. Capital invested, ^ \ i Total ca])ilal invested in ^ ! Manutaclories, 62,800 35.002 2-^>3 57,0>O 38 1.S22 1,707 410,264 127,516 62,550 60,00'v 23.i:n 2-ii 133,6 V: 111 1.594 2,39o 1.527,5^6 82.885 46 44*- 3,833,900 3.216,D70 46.040 2,694 43,285 43 1,2(30 43 1.085 40 5 1 16,050 24 1,083 15 58,336 27 6 53/,684 I Making a Conquest.—“Tom,” said Jin impu- I dent w’ag to a conceited fop, " I Icnow a beautiful ' ' ' * creature who w'ishes to make your acquaintance.” “ Dem’d glad to hear il—fine girl—struck with my appearance, I suppose, eh 1” Yes—very much so. She thinks you’d make a capital playmate lor her poodle do;^'' / oO 1.225 9,247 508 65.561 26 i: ,464 2"'j 167 A gentleman by the nameof Jabe says be knows ! a family who are'in the habit of having nothing for i brcakfaV. and warming il up tor dinner. lie thinks 1 the bovs woull make good printsrs.— Picayune. 7f'>w?f’ I’tdust "y.—A and Brili-h brua'icloth dandy v. ilh gold specs on, making a specch :n lavo! > f eti ■ lu.aging home manufactures 1\>3.108 ANFt'DOTE OF GEN, HOUSTOX. A vt-rv amuiing incident was related t^) us by ;>evrral citi/.cns of Texas, which we do not remem ber to b.ave seen in print. Tlie tield of San Jacin- 1.281 ' to is an open prairie, slightly waving, so that the i position of the Mexicans was on an eminence. fi:mk- 7 2. V45 j .,«1 by an island of timber on one side, and the river ! on the other. Their lim s-could he dis;i.-'guished j from no other point but the timber; and when the 1,0'HM ehar'TC was re'solved upon, (Jen. lioustc'ii ordered 6 I the troops to advance in tp»ick liine, ivad allhe tlash 4.3iH) I of the enemy’s artillery, lo drop ns to avoid the 15 I shot. The order il seems was imdeisiotxl by all 16.355 the I'cxian soldiers, except a man by the name of 1 ,ove, formerly ol Morgsin county, Georgia. Vie was 350.000 rushing on to the ch.irge, in cW' cohnnn with Ui6 570 rest, when at the disch;\rt;e of the M^ vican •'atuion 617. t,^’0 the'VeNTnu'' \'-'r ;\':1 pr« x'ep* i iere.

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