V , A- :n “he rs.M OX T»ir pn.VTil OF A TRiEXD. , : . ' ■ -'■utJ-il w re to I’S by -■r I.-. '■ -u • 1 Whoever ■' s ; :l nr>: : . .nviy, anJ wc know from her i . r r'-'iv'’ t ■.'ou .iicuced \vriting. ^ • j ■•.IV, a’id those who wrlto it commence ■ ;• Wii shall be most happy to give Hebe a /• >: cokunas ’.vhcncvcr she may dcsiry it.J i H '-m hatt icfl th'.ircold fart’.i, "cntk* spirit, thou rt '"ri’ . a’’* *:■ uc to the inansioiis above ; ^ Is thy pAlow, the ffrave is thy b' d, Tilt; y .;V!Our’s r'-warding thy love. T;.' nov. t: •. '.ins with anwls on luga, A;v{ r -Mn :aibite ddight O' I :■ 1 ' ’'at i'lde not, that never will d;e, Lr ani gUi'i ihiitlRtc fius kikLii ihf- trouble to call, j r i.—I do not trouble gt'ntlemen of thv pro- n vory often; but I have called this afternoon -I nay some money to thee. As we Friends do not h: lit vein tmining men in the art of killing tnen sys- t. ;;i:iiicaHy. they oblige u® to pay for the enjoynieni • f ;iur pvir>''jplS5 and 1 understand thee is 1 foiget j what ir.ilitary people call it—the man who rccei\es , the constitution i^oney. „ Laic^fLr.—Yes, I wish I could get off as well as i yo\i do ; Avliercas it costs me ten times that sum, besides C’ght or ten days drilling every year. But ' what Tf uders tha: '-usk more unpleasant is, the rel*ec* ' iloD tiant aUvnvs arises when I see the banner > shopping, is aU that can be called their exercibc in the fresh air; ar.d this, compaud to what li needtd is absolutely notiung. In consequence of these and other evils, that will be pointed out more at lartje in the following pages, the young women ot \merica grow up with such a delicate constitution [hat probably eight out of ten become subjects ot disease either before or as soon as they are called to the responsibilities of domestic life.—Extracts Jroin ^liss IScccher’s Ti'eatise on DoincslLC Econcmj/. IVcepln: ’ i*'i2 and the drams beating around me, that the ob- ' rt or ■''a.-hig!v bright. t:. .Mg the pleasures thy G - hos prepared, ; .iiOitals can never e'ij.>y, N - ye haih not s-icn—and tnr hath not heard, , .rt, and so free from ' .oy. -r^et not the frijuio of thy pojourn below, ! thy praver^' for their welfare be pour\.; V: pray thai lik.'5 tl’.fo, they may labor to i;iiow’ Th^* blessings of God, and Ii'.s word. Th'.n rest ia tho ar.ii^ cf thy Saviour an'i Go.i, To v. ham.thy yju..^^ heart Irisboen given ; Thouij’.* thy body is wrapped hi the cold earthly sod, Thy spirit’s roposin:^ in Ilcann. Hki>k. M 1 S C K L. L. A XV. Poar, .s t,... 1 . . I aUvays think ol ' A. p^^cef.l's, ttlomen! of Pennsylvania by Penn.- . Mv -ranbfaher was a Quaker, and 1 have always ladmiVed their plainness of dress, simplicity of lan- i -mo-p and pacilic sentiments. In short, 1 homas, ■ have ■ At n thouhgt that if we were all Quakers, so- I cirty would aesemble the state of our fust parents in Fdi n. I Quaker.—V:c ^hall never bo all Quakers, so long ' as so many of us are hypocrites, and so long as hypocrites have so much influence. If thy grand- i father was a Quaker. I am sorry thee has so dege- i nerated from thy ancestors. The scruples thee pro- ; fr'JS about military duty, condemn thee; for thee 1 must be deluded by the devil to violate thy conscience I at so great expense. Thee speaks our language i tlippaiitlv and admires our dress—thv ordmary di- ^’pct. and thv fashionable black coat, figured vest, and fraudy 'watch embclishments, are incontestible proofs of tny insincerity’ Thee eulogizes I’enn—I have heard thee euioa:ize xNapoieon as mgniy. i have observed the duplicity Uiee usestor popularity. To talk abotit a person having the power to weep on all occasions, is the height of moonshine. I’d like to sec a man undertake to cry with a pretty girl beside him—pockets full ol cash no corns on his toes—and a plenty of ice creani in his reach. If he can do it at such a lime, he had | better make a business of it, about crying for the people, at sixpence a cry.—Sam SUck. Faahionhle Gait.—^^ We like to see a young la dy walk as though a flee w’as biting her on each hip. It is so fascinating. She is just the match for the dandy, who steps like an open winged tur- kev, travelling over a bed of hot ashes.” ' Sunday: PR0P0SALS5 For publishin.2 by subscription a General History of the Bap tists in America, and other parts of the World. 1. It is proposed in this work to give a summary account of the people of this sentiment in remote atres, or of those who have been claimed as such, as Eiichites, or Messalians,Montanists, Fateriues, Ihir- rwidians, Petrobriissionsy Arnoldists, Albi^cnses, Li- onists, Picards, Lollards^ Vaudois^ \Valdenses^ Sa crament aria^is, Cathartists, Ana-haiAisis, 2 A brief view of this denomination ui K.urope, and other parte of the old world, which now exist in an organized and active form. , The history of American Babtists, properly so called, in all parts of this Continent and in the West India Island ; together with their Bible, Missionary, Literary, Theological and Education Instiiutions, iMis.'?ionarv Stations, &c. This work will contain an abridgment of m> work on this sul.-ject, and a continuation ot all histo- ri'al niattci.i down to the present time. CONDITIONS. Uuidaij Mc.rcury. QR MESSENGER OP THE »0\JTK. UNDER this title, the SubRcribera propose pui Itching in the City of Charlegton a P,\pvn lo be devoted to I^ITERATURE, glCI- ENCE, the ARTS, MECHANICS, AGRTCTJl^ TURK, EDUCATION, and GENERAL INTEL-' LICENCE —in a word, lo whatever may impart in struction or atTord amusemont to cach class, profes sion or calling of our people. In politics and reli gion, the Chicora will occuoy strictly neutral ground ; yet sufficient attention will oe paid to both, to ena ble the reader to learn how prospers the religibtis and politica! condition ot the country. A paper devoted to the purposes above stated, has lonfT been a ilcsidcTatufn. at the Sotilh j and it ia meet this, that The Chicora is now proposed to be issued. Tli‘> Subscribers are aware their promises may appear too confident, after the repeated failure of Southern periodicals ; but they beg leave to say, I thn.1 so complete arc the arrangements they have i made—SO extensive the correspondence they Imva This wo”k will be published in an octavo yolurne j valuable the aid, both of Northern and about 6.000 pages, bound in cloth at §2,2o. j ganthem talent they have enlisted—that with the MEDICINES, &€., of about gilt leather at ^2.50, . * JLvery sixth copy will be gratis to tiiose ^ w'iird pood fubscibers. "i I Twenty-five per cent, will be allowed to those Wii-j hecorrc responsible l »r 20 or more cofues. i ' Documents of all kinds, written or printed-Min- Sites of Associations—Reports and Histone^s ot all I Babtist Institutions ot whatever co’.mection, biogra- I nhical sketches and specimens of the hand-\yiting the SouUi, © TTTir ^ urchased th of distinguished Baptists of all persuations, both cler gymen and laymen, are requested fro*u ha who liavt I Hi V m g Stock mg pi :k of^ entire MEDICINES, DRUGS AND PATNTS, , 4- kindly feelings and liberal patronage o* ;no lor- for result. Thh Literary Department of the Chicorv wiub*> supplied w'ith articles of rare and substantial merit, with review’s and critiques of all the new works of the day, and w’ith original tales, sketches, works ot fiction, biographies and poetry from the pens ot bc- veral of the most gifled authors, both of ^he North and South. The Scientific and Mcchanlcal Dcj^artnicvd be enriched with esisaye and illustrations irom indi viduals high in public estimation, as thorougiiiy practical men, which, together w’ith the Agricu.tu ral communications already sccured ^ the paper will form a potnjLAiiiTY—A in Scent, in a La\. ylr's Oi't icr En.tcr P. .rbj/tcnan. Thee reads a sermon for tho Presbyterian in the morning w’hen thf-y have no piQaching. ^ 1 pjy very , men. In the evening thee goes to the Universalists’! ^ ^meetlnir. Thee admires the immersion of the Bap-1 medical purposes. He will ^ofler the same^ to 1 list, and the camp meetincr of the Methodist, and the 1 I ^ ^ ^ j expects toreceivc a new snp- prQachmg. ^ 1 hee goes i ^ assortment of in the afternoon end leads sm{?innr tor tne Church brown liorse. d IV. lighly gratified with ’ jur nevv puacii;. iure the warm, n i*' vr powLilui Laic>/cr.-~C^ood me ..mg, sir. I‘attended your lu-^i.ag yoirl' h in . ^ clergymen are ot : ^ Mug. it is - culalcd to a\'/a^ u i tti i Mr. S. in }r’-!r snci'.iy, you nuj con.', sabscnber. li is ^ i uin noi ^ der of Ci'ri via’ h i 1 bJ.-v.; me g'c INlr, P.—take a seat, ' to labor for me. ; plain dress an 1 thf' language of the Friend. I will tell thee friend, ih^e strongly reminds me of my I once employed nn*honest Irishman I sent Patrick out one morning to 1 A-ab : catch my brown horse. Now the brown horse ran 1 ad- ^ in the pasture, in the middle of which w’as^ a large your I square pond. Patrick was goiic a long time, and ily cal-! at length returned w'ith the beas\ after ha\jng cha- ^‘ iiie ' sed him several times roiind|the pond. ell, I a- a I trick.” said I, “ on which s; !e of the or- find the horse.’ '' L riitii, ' sa.i Pat;icn', ‘•aiiu I iOi-tinl .ii-.vailc ' him on alisidi-s." the citizens of Mecklenburg and adjacent counties on better terms than Medicines hav'C been sold in thia country heretoibro. A lull assortment of TIIOMPSONLW MEDICINES, tof^ether with all kind of I'ills, &c., will be kej)t con- siantly on hand, all of wl.icit he will sell low for ('ASii. The attention of Dr. F. M. ROSS will bc given to the Shop. Charlotte, May 17, ISiS. Notice. B. OATES. 03....tf of our iia;.0!'i .i iib>-*tit:s ir be i-ie daub.un o! j - - \ATt-'i’Tr* WO'MF'V kiowled.. • and I have .1 v.y. oc.c.v.a ui u you: ; pHVSICAI. i>r.nrr.rxr ub AMLklCA^ ^VOML^.^ neoulo= ic L i.r^ai/ iig and suiiaujiiij oui second and still greater dit.iculty, pecu- ind m-*. . ..s ol k-arning. By le-! American women, is delicacy ol constitu- ininiis -h .i our t!. is at nan 1—1 tiupi. -Mi. ! v/hich renders them victims to disease and de- W;: ii:. our fii' 1- of in i Lc^:y ha> e ' teri-y s;\y U icS r.~- I > I. Vi t:> 1 n -i, vVi';‘ that .noi- --Jui! tivo banks a a beau::. -h cdniiiJi .a ill li. 1 - i-r ■ I. ng, :i v; , al ci : the iui'.nti ,• 1 1' n;i::i>."i;iig you .vUU ; (.x.iii-s, ; w'omen ol this country arc usu* I ally subject to disease, and that their beauty and j youtht'ulness are of shorter continuance than the > , i sm glad y’ou ! w'o.men of other nations, is one whica alua;^s at- n to the uver, yes-1 tracts the attention of foreigners, while medical men iti-ion, and 1 must! and philanthropists arc constantly giving fearful .dmancti; and it seems to me monitions as to the extent and alarming increase of in'^ IS tue simple and primi-1 this evil. Investifjations make it evident that a large iitie "roup stand upon the : proportion of young ladies from tho weadhier class- •m uiute tneir voices m tliat i es have the incipient stages of curvature of the U Iur--v are they,” while the ! spine, one of the most sure and fatal causes of future to • jt:> I'o ’.n into' ine water, bungs fnrcibiy ; disease and dec:iy. Tbe writer has ..eard ' . Iordan ai.i Judea.—. men. who have madp extensive inquiries, say that it iu their power to forward them _ . Ah to specimens of the kand-xcrittng, but liluo |-j-jQrc ruu'iiro'A tlvnn tUe a.niV usviiil siitu.- icrials, wlietlier in letters or otlierwise,iw.Il be l.ber- j al in sending them. An ulterior hereat'ter puhlishc-., • - • , j and fac-similes of the hand-wTitmg ol distinguibheJ Baptist characters in all parts of the world. •tisan ana tue pianier. In this Department of General Intelhgc’.icc. tne ^^^ewishad to the biographical volume ’ subscribers believe the CnicoRA will take a stand lished which will abound witli portraits which will not be surpassed by any Journal of tlu. *-4 nf Mistinmiished Union. As one of the subscrioers will make it h.s P S. All communications capable of being sent by mail, should be directed to the subscriber. Post Master, Pautcket, R. 1. Those who may feel dis posed to obtain subscribers for this work may with a lew’ lines form a prospectus for themselves. Please not to lay this by, but give it to some person, or put it in some place where it will do some- thinT towards the object in view'. DAVID BENEDICT. th.. THE Subscriber having disposed of his Stock of 2)nH’is*^0^ now inform.s all those ind(bted to him,either by note or Book account, that thesame must be closed at or before the July Court ;-loiiger indulgence cannot be given. Those indehtel l*y Book accout will be exirected at least, to cloa; their accounts by note. And as this i^ positively tie last notice, all accounts not settled by that time, will be placed in other hands tor collection. J- 1' OX. xMay 17, 1812. 63...lf Strayed 'hcshi. o • t.il patriot. -V fersoaiin P-*"' i hoj " ^ Eil- :t ii-jiscn. He nas been a lailti- i ted ts me i;i mi.;d that the Jet- ( j,., cons'quence of this enft:ebled state of their con t a'.>“ ij 'in to ue conitsicd tnia | .^^irution. induced by a neglect of their physical ecliy hu'l find yoUj Mr. B-. as *inn u , cation, as soon as they arc called to the responsibili- has been.* ICxit ) 1 j^^d trials of domestic life,their constitution fails 1 and their whole lile is rendered a burden. For no E’?ter Episcopaluin. o; C -'r: rn.;st obedient servant, Mr. E., -f , V 1, sir W.'il, 1 was in New York •k an,\ X d four miles in the morning to h. ar B.^:h. . U. IL a truly polished and elo quent man; ai. i iLe e is something in your mode of worship so systc.nati with decency* and and ?o much in accordance oi'-'. r rn;l £-> much the opposite to that wild r int;ng kn.i of w ’5^; ip, that I have filii'n in witli. You see her;. I L-.ve purchased me • bo 'k. T'ie orga-j and choir in h are sup' person can enjoy existence when disease throws a dark cloud over the mind and inca; acitates her for the proper discharge of every duty. It would seem as if the primeval cursc, that has written tho doom of pain and sorrow on one period of a young mother’s life, in this country lias been extended over all; so that the hour never arrives when “ she forgetteth her sorrow for the joy that a man is born into the world.’* Many a mother will testify, with shuddering, that the most exquisite suf ferings she ever endured, were not those appointed a Common P: -y r>ishop ll.’sc! lieard. I caljt . and obtained itn ; action to hi;.i. Ho ■,.oes net, of cou.se, take aay . p. n p irt in y t -..ve rv't: lin'iruttand in thu uiiirse 01 cur con ^ cn tho mismanagement of early life, th ;t .KS let lings were on o w »(-.-.) | iv-qrent and so mournful are these, and the EnU'r M-Jhodi:;i. ^ \ distresses that result from the failure of the fe- ■ tlow do you do, brother M.? 1 cali coniiiiution, that the writer has repeatedly , .he Bi.h'n‘?h“nex! n'r.aiVg ^ those which for week after week, t have worn down health and spirits wdien nourtsh- i ing her child. And medical n'^n teach us that this , • .• •. .‘.r-i i ill most c ises, results from deliiiitv of constitution n 'crstand in tho course ol cur conv ^ > .r.i ■> L-icver.- V ;U broitior, because my parents were Methodists. ; jjpard mothers say that they had w’ept tears of bitter* \nl when 1 .v.is a child tiie preacners used to vis- | ^^53 over tiieir infant daughters for llie sufl'erings i: IV house, and I used to call ihi;m cll ‘‘bro-herV’ j which they were destined to undergo; w’hile they , hearing my father and mother call them so. ; (.^Qrished the decided wish that thesi daugiiters 1' .-5 'ngul ir how strong impressions of cnii icn | ^^^0^ rnarry. At the same time, mapy a ^ a i\ ’"aough I do not profess religion, yj‘. I al-y^ung woman is looking to her future I no.c at homo in a ^Methodist r .cet^ igthan ‘ .^vith very different feeiings and hopes from I FROM thesubscriber, on the 13th in stant, a ligh-claybank ?»IAIIE. She is about 11 Innds high, glass-eyed, six years old thii spring, has a bare spot on her right hip, and trots wdl. I jmrchased said mare of a hor.se trader from Washington Count}^, Va. A reward of Ten Dollar- will bc given to any per son who will take up aiil deliver said mare to me, six mile.'? southeast of Ciarlotte; or a reasonable reward v.’ill be given Ibreich information as will en able me to get her again. JA^II^S \\ ALLACii^. May 21, 181.?. U3...2vv. Nuiff ill Press, and u-IU shorthj bc published, a Dictionary of ARTS, MANVFAC7URES, /LV7> ^1//.VZ:,S'. EY ANDHKW Unjl, M. D., F. n. S., &C. Illustrated vciih 1,211 Engravings * Tins i;^. unquestinnnblv. the rno't popular v.’ork of the kind ever piblished, and a bonk iuo.«f^ admirably adapfe 1 to the wnnt.s of all classes ol the community. The followinrr are the important objects which the learned author endeavors to ac complish— 1st. To instruct the Manufacturer. Mct.ilhr’crist, and Tradesman, in the principles of their r.'spective processes, so as to render them, in reality, the mas ters of their business ; and to emancipate them irom a state of bondage to such as are too commonly gov erned by blind prejudice and viscious routine. 2dly. To atlbrd Merchants. Brokers, Drysaltery' Drufffrists, and Oliicer.^ of the Revenue character istic desci iptiGMS of tiie con::nodi;.cs whi- ii pass, throuirh their hands. CIRCULAR. Deau Sir : The acompanying Prospectus was first published about a year since, and toon after, the subscriber made a tour through the Atianti'- States as far as Georgia, during xhich journey, and at the Baltimore Convention, extensive arrange ments were made for securing aid in this underta king. But still much remains to be done. Of each Association, Conference, Yearly Meeting. Convention, Society', and Institution for Missions abroad or at home. Education, Theology, Literature, or Benevolence, of any kind, which come under the Bapti.'jt head, it is desired that the latest Minutes and Reports may be forwarded by mail w’ithout delay, by the Moderator, President, Secretary, or Clerk, piid in his absence, by any other person. Also, all historical and biographical discourses and accounts, wdiether printed or in manuscript, of all sorts ot Bap tists of all sects and parties, as all arc embraced in my plan, and continue to do so tor years to come. As the design of this w’ork is not only to add all new matter, but to make corrections of all former statements in miy history of the Baptists, which may be foun*l erroneous or defective, all aid ol this kind will be thankfully received. Please to inform me v. hat is the custom in your vi cinity re.specting Councils, whether they arc com mon, and how^ they arc vicAvcd ? IIow do your churches dispose of candidates for rn ^mbc^rship wdio have been immersed by other minis ters be.'i 1-3 Baptists; are such persons who stand in other churches admitted to your communion ? IIow m' ny unassociated churches, ot good charac ter, arc there in your region ? Please to gi\*c me tlieir namer:. also their ministers and the number ol members. Also tlie date ot your Association,© each church, or as far as you can, and scinc histri cm! accounts of liieir origin and p:.’;^ress, espcciliy of the Associations Conv’entions, &c. One or more of this circular wdl be sent to each A-socir tion. Convention, &c.,^ and it is h .puil by nreat etVorts. and by the aid of a Post Master’s faci- > liti^':"^, and extensiv; travels, to give the history (■: 1 ^ the denomination lull and complete. The w’ork will not be out under one year or mor', but as all documents will be available lor me, or my succe'- ' .-r in this department of the Baptist Publica- tii;n Society of Piiila^lelphia, it is h:;p-,l that none will defer lorwarding to me, P. M., ail the muterials above requested. In constant business to visit every section cf our coun try ; and through means of an extensive acquaint ance already possessed in the cities of our sea-board and the West, a weekly correspondence w’ill be es tablished with Boston, New-York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, Cincinnati and New-Or- leans, through which will be obtained, not only the earliest information in regard to all foreign and do mestic matters of importance, Prices current of Soutliern products and monetary affairs of moment in the ditlerent States, but also the opinions of judi cious men in regard to Commercial prospects, and matters of an economical, civil, and political chur acter. Nor, since Alittlc folly now and then, Is relished by the wisest m n, do they Intend to exclude those lighter articles 01' information, familiarly designated the chit chat of the day, which, while they rhay serve to amuse a weary or listless hour, have at the same time the higher effect of acquainting us wdth the character and customs of our Northern and Western neignbors, and connecting more closely the bonds of unity be tween U.S. Feeling assured then, of their ability to meet the wishes ot” the Southern community, and to establish a paper on the most approved, useful and popular plan, and hereby pledging themselves that no exer tion shall be wanting on their part, not only most fully to redeem, but even to exceed the promises they make, they respectfully solicit the patronage of the good people of South Carolina and her sister States. The CnicoRA will bc printed on an imperial sheet, ot the very best paper and type, and shall be em bellished Avith portraits of our distinguished men. and views illustrati.'C of our scenCTy. The prire^ will be S5 per annum, pa^'able upon the delivery oi the first number. N. S. DODGE, B. R. CARROLL Marcli 31, 1642. THE GOLTIVATOR. TO FARMERS AND GARDENERS ’ THE CULTIVATOR, (a consolidation of Bu* el’s Cuhivator and the Genesee Farmer,) a monthly periodical, designed “ to Improve the Mind and the Soil,” and “to Elevate the tStandihg and Character of the Cultivators of the American Soil.” Willis G'vYi.oRD and Luther TtrcKEn, Editors. Publish- e.l at Albany, (-N. Y.) by Luther Tucker, Proprie tor. 'vl One j) jllar per annum—Six Copies for hive Dollarp.r cent, commission op tewmty-five or more subscril'c^s—per cent, on one liundred or :i>ore. All subscriber^ to commence with a volume. Aii naymonto to be ma.lc free of postage. |T|= The paner can be furnis!>cd tVum its commencement-;;- Vo.*:'-. 1, 2, 3, and 4 at 50 cents each; and Vols. 0, 7, and S. at ^>1,00 carh. Tho puiO: ’ .-.r of the Cultivator has the pleasure of presentig to the Iriemlti c t the Agriculture in the was ol Bapti membei rriPter 500. the churclios to near 8,00u. and ihe memoers lo noti. >:s than G0(',000. in the United Slates and Bri tisu i’rovin 'cs, and Jamaica. but T -, (•■mbri'.'JUlg the mn^.t ( lstingU:.Sf:;-a ayn ouituri.-'S every .section of the Ui.icn,) unrivalled in r.amb-rs r.s v/til a?= hi scieniii’C and practical skill the :i'P^riority of its mechanical eAecutioD, and n un“oua’lod number, rich variety Mid superior !1V J .-OS r-^.^ a !i; f i.' in iht was V- ; y : 11; . And I do not know whether this ; Providence designed. A^ueri ' .n w’onen are exposctl to a far greater amount of iiit.-liectual and moral oxoitomcnt than th - of any oth r land. Of course in order to es- cTpe the (ianger re.'ulting from thi*?, a Cfi eater iarnoi- v of f \ rci?3 in the fresh air, and all those I tHr UTC 1111' ■ '.:‘t'riou'^!v .‘.cr’ired. •. - in a \vc.' s;!r; ir';.- aij-i i '■J' " '-S’. : .-' .’li from the force of my early l-^-(pres- a? ; o n th.-.t simplicity peculiar to your v/or- :,i 1 w. h is so congenial to my taste. I was th; 'k ; 1 C. tho other day, and as 1 op .,/wood, I heard the sound f- discovered th( re was a camp tm,- and notwithstanding my n.-.'Vnt, I could not resist my inclir.'ui 'n ; ‘ iii3te..d of tliis it will bo fomid that owln.g to , '. ’ horse to a tree, and after walk:\^:r a ; t!.,-. climate ai, i tlie customs of this nation, there arc ;.;p to the ground. The first object that ; n > ^vo;nen who s. ■'ure so little of thi.s healthful and e was tlie presiding Elder D. appealin.' ' .j'cting regimen. W 'lking, and riding, and ^/r:van£relical manner to the people, who ^ l aiuening in the open air, art; |;ractised by wcmen if ,. 1 beneath the shading branches of the ; ,-.f o‘her i:inds to a far greater extent than by Aineri- est. Ilow iorcibly it brought to iny j fi nales. Most English women in tho wealth- t of Olives—I am considerably ac- j .ss- are able to w-alk si.K or eight miles on a . {.1., and though he takes no part |j;tr(‘t.:h, v. ’...o it oppressive fatigue; and whm they V ;.‘ests of the d.iy, yet in feelings he > cou.itry, alwaj'S express iheir surprise at r,oincided. ” [Exit ] | inactive hahits of the American ladies. In Vncvcrszlist. j England, the regular daily exercise in the open air, 1 n T ! is v.-^ry commonly required by the mother, as a part n Sq'Jire ? , ^ I of daily duty, and is sought by young women as . scl.ool hoi.se the other _.vr. I I . hfd w itn tne sermon. ; Inconsequence of a different physical training, -It or wiong, are cer am } English women, in those circles that enjoy compe- 1 most splendid imager\ present an appearance wdiich always strikes phirlncr tlieir llmd-; in s elect TTr'Iic.ouv-,iy, am.jng piciusihio A summary . _ ous de:'ii!m:".ations in the I 'liited Stutes, upon nv-;;h ♦he sa’ae plm as above pr-'posed for tho Baptistr?, ;n n con.lensuil r: ':nner, will be given at tlic el ol Sfhl}'. To onnble rrcnlb'nien of the I nw bc-| .^vor’c. which, from tiie subscriber's t^tudy ol all come \vp1I acqu'iinte l \vif’i tlie nature of tii.)?e ];a- r':'i.:i'^ns, ho is confident of mr.kingmuoh more ac- tf'nt scheincs which are .so apt to give rise to litiga- enriiu^ and complete than any Intherio given ; and ! tion. ifjp proper prisons are rcqoesiedto fbrwartMo hi;'', j Gthly. lo prc: c». ^ v'v.ti , I ibovc dirccLod, all tlio d -cuiiicnts licouvui for tiic , position of the staple ''m.'jni.i-inres, n • may di^^ uade } purpose. them from cnactincr la.vp. wdiic’i cb.-jfruct industry. | Puhlislicrs of rapcr:-; and periodicals which have' or chorich one b/anch of it, to the injury of many | ci^'culatiou, w’loi'y or in ]'.art. among tiic Biipti^ts other=^. j ot'anv name, are respectfully requested to anuoiiULO, i\n l, Insfiv. to glv* t^M'' nrncral render, intent. | in any f. rm they may choose, the above rcquott for chiefly, on I Ucl!e’tnal ''^uitivation. view's rf many of Minute.?, llcp:^r^-^, vJec. Sheep, Si3Liie, BuiUhngs, a///' sv.i : ct connected with agriculture, wt:. F.. ai •a \ V'l:-. niii •, '--n hM — 1 c;iuh I r- sj pr c. fta. thlf 1'1> “! n. it i ..av a-’ ■our Mils, adinilting the pre-1 gentlemen as a contrast to what they see ^tiule. I should have °An English mother, at thirty or thirty 1 him home with me. „ • r..n - J . . J 1 ^)f health that evening. hy the people should • s.'"n:im:'nts. They are n rsal. ...a. y 0'.:r -mar.imcus i: —Wvll, ^ ' Q- Th?’^' five, is in the full bloom of perfect womanhood; as fre.«h and healthful as her daughters. But where are the American mothers who reach this period, •s one thinrr D- o- unworn? In America, the young la- ■ ' ■’h is true •—t'- at ^ wealthier classes are sent to school from for hs ' cliildhood, and neither parents nor teachers • df^o’ir best citizens ^ ^ defmite object to secure a proper amount 'of fresh air and exercise, to counterbalance their in tellectual taxation. As soon as they pass their school days, dressing, ; visitinfT. evening parties, and stimulating amuse- 'ments, take the place of study', while the most un health fuljnodes of dress add to the physical expo I believe, Squire. ■ arm politician on the •hing contest requires {E'lr) how is thv ij' 2 ^ ^ ^ t J * 4 I inifc liUiJcc.^ surcs. TJo miko morning ^aii."^ cr t: do a | New York the noblest afhlevemt-^’t ’ science, ia rtFoctinf those errand transfbrantions of matter to which Creat Britain and the T'lii e.d St.'tcs ov.'e their pa- r.amount wealth, rank and power am.jng the nations of the earth. The latest Statistics of every important objcct of Manufactures arc given from the, best, and us’K‘i1v from the Oflicial authority, at the end of each arti cle. The Work will be printed from th'^ secrnd T.on- don Edition, wdiich srils Ihr S12 a copy. It will ho put on jrood pa])cr. in new brevier t}*pe, and will make about 1400 pagc.s. It will be issued in tw'en- ty-one semi-monthly numbers, (in covers) at twen ty-five cents each, on delivery. To any person sending us five dollars, at one time in advance, we will forward the numbers by mo.il. j)Osi paid, as soon as they' comc from the press. To suitable agents this affords a rare opportuni ty, as we can put the work to them on terms extra- nrdinarihj favorable. In every manufacturing town, and every vdla£fc, throughout the United States and Canada, subscribers can be obtained with the greatest facihty.—Address, post paid, Le Roy Sun derland, 125 Fulton street, New York. %*To every editor who gives this advertisement twelve insertions, we wall Toward to order, one copy of the whole w’ork, provided the papers containing this notice be sent to the New’ York Wat?hm'j.!i. A’ld th 'sf‘Which will give the Circular and Pro spectus entire, three insertions, an order shall be giv en, 0.1 the receipt of eaca rcopccfive publication, for .a copy ot tho w:jrk. Lib^'ral terma wi’;l bo made with those v.dio act on an extensive s-cale, either in furnishing materi;'.!> or subr-crit>ers, wliirh will be ^jcit' jdby a subsc'iucnt corrcspondt n-'^. Questic'ns of a loc?l rather than a general nature, ’.vill be insi. rtcd in some ot these circularj, especial ly .=:nnih and w'cst. A bridgcments of the w’ork will be pMbliihed, bc Ih for the common and Suaduy schools ot tiie denomination. Sh^-uld this docu!i)cnt fall into the hands of any who mav not find it convenient to obtain subscri bers, or forward materials, they will please to hand it to others who can. If persons have removed to other places, some one w’ill please to send them this, as the sameyran/c will do for a new direction. Many of these papers wall bc sent to Post Masters in remote regions at a venture, and should they not take an interest in the undertaking, y^et as bro ther Post Masters, it is hoped they will either hand- or send them to persons whom they may judge sui table tor such business. DAVID BENEDICT. Pawtucket, R. I., Jan. 1, 1S42. [We arc requested to state, that the Rev. James M. Thomas will act as Agent for the above w’ork, in this region of country; and that he will take plea sure in receiving and forwarding to the piiblisher^ the nair.cs ot suhs^filxcfs and their s.ubsc'np^e'iis.’j ia..r williin our reac hcations important in agricultual and veterinary matters, and they will be made available in such ^ manner, as, in every respect to render CuUiva tor worthy the p :tronage it has recei\cdj and m- it, all things cons idered, tho CHEAPEST AN.^ BEST AGRICULTURAL PAPEK ever published in this or any other country'. Post-masters and all those kind friends who Iia^c heretofore with .-) much liberahty as well as those >vho wish to ‘•elevate and character o!’ the cultivators ot the A^erie Soil,” are respectfully invited to use their influe , in promoting its circulation by acting as &o their respective neighborhoods. _ mitivator, Any gentleman wishing to obtain the _r uia Ls only to ha: neighborhood. ;ma;i wisamg lu uuiam his has only to hand his dollar to ■ i, who will forward it to the puDiisi free ot expense. .T..,,. 1Qt1 rNiItivator. m h if h and on every ^ .-• . ^ iiave rvntribut. d Vi i- nder it a lavonte with all cia. scs interested in the culMvatinn of the soil, and giv' > it cir ■ i! raun iilthurtT unknov. n aiiioug the agr c’l'^.iral pvriodicals of tiic country—amounting Twciity-Tico Tkomaiid! Grateful-for the evry favorable considcra'ijn the w^rk has received and the extensive P'^^rorag® awarded, the publisiier would state that NO Lr FORTi'-. OR EXPENSE will be spurcd to give n.,'.o ixvtA i'iicrcasLd intcrcj>L to ttie voiurue for It is inlcnded to d-jvote a larger jtortlon of the won‘, (at Ic'i:-;t vne pu^ tru'iithly,) to the subjects ol bF^ ING and t:.o ORCHARDr and to enlarge the department t; ivoted to qF RAL KUONOMY, and to the DISEASE;:> Ui ANIMALS, so as to render them as useful as P'’^' ^iblo to all clc%^'c{t of ovr cftizens. To accomplish ranremeii:s have been made as Xvill place h all European periodicals and puo-