lH^ckktibitrfl JOSEPH W. HAMPTON, VOLUME 2, ^ -“The powers granted under the Constitution, being derived from the People of the Unite-d Sta -cs, may be resumed by them, whenever perverted to their injury or oppression.”—J/arfwon.. T E U 31 S CHARLOTTE. K C.. SEPTEMRKR 13, 1842. EclUol and ? ubli» lirr Til'’ MecUaihurcr J.Jersonian” is publish?d weekly, at V’- = I-: Uarf; and Pifty ('tvU. if paid in advance; or 'I'hree y ///-/;•-, if uiit paid hf lore the expiration of thhee months f .;m the timi- of subs'-ribing. Any person who will j)r!'cure ^ ; -ntiycrib ra and b(‘'onir rr.-jpoiis;bl; for tlieir subscriptions, f^a.ili Ir * • a copy of the jjaper gratis ;—or, a club of ten sub- i'a may have ilio pa!)*T one year for Tirenty Dollar^ in ndvaiicc. >, ■. f>aj;. r u ,'l be ;i. ^ > ‘iimcfl u liile the subscrih-r owes any }.. 1. a!.;. f.»p:iy;—and a failure to notify !'hi; Editor ■ ;i w. a t : ar l^a.'t onk mokth before the expira- ’ .1 nf tlie tiine paid lur, will be consid'red a new eni^Mgement, ■ ‘ri-.nal Sub: -- r:!v r,-^ wiil n.'4 be allowed to discoutiuuc the n:; lv.n. tb- . .•.p.iati.iii uf the first year without i-uyingfur 1 I'.ii V' -'r’s ; inn. hirer"’ w;II be ooiispicuou dy and correctly inserf- at ^ ( /-';7/u'r jii r fcijuar -f.'ir tiu-first iiKsertion, and 'I'lcen- c C-.- f'. i' r '••T.fh ■"'.■iitiiiaanrc—txctpt Court and othr - ,;ji n ! v; i t. >vliirh will I>e cliarged twenty-fjve per ..liw^r than fh'* abuv-' rat- ('.wing to the delay, gene- ;:.ly, a'teudaiii r.iH^icfione). A liberal discount will bt' lad* tu t})0: r! who ai verti. '■ by the year. Advertisements sent ; 1 . ^r |j_.'.di; at i.iu. ^ 1-marked with thn number of iiiser- -11:; d«^;r* d, vv*!: be publishf,;i until fu;bi.d and churg i 1 -!■ . -^rdinrly. j , L- tf: ;-s to tht; L.:;ti>r, niilcss coiituining money in sums \ ■ J 'rrc l--=jUar.;^ or ov- r, umst ct>me free of postage, or the i' i jnt j.aid at tlie (;irice lu re will be charg(;d to the writer V-. ry iiistaiv.j and (.■ulleciud as other accounts. J Alexander Betliiiiie, X. E iL © m a RESPECTFULLY ten ders hia sincere thanks to the citizens of Cliarlotte and the public in general, for tJie libe ral patronage he has receiv ed; and hopes by strict atten tion to businetss to continue to merit a liberal share of public patronage. He lias now sev eral first rate workmen em ployed and has just received bis Spring and SammerFash- lie u ill warrant ^ooc/ /f7if on all occasions. Urders from a distance v/ili meet with prompt at tention. Ili.s shop will be found in the North-Easi. win^^Mr. Leroy Springs’ brick building. made to cash customers Ciiarlottc, April 12^ lSi.2. 57,..p TRAVELLERS, TAKE NOTICE! JOIlf Dr. e. e.ilBrtDrli ? Ill A Ofh’ce lir.ve the ‘ ;dl tiiiiiis ('iiarlottt OULD inllirrn such of Iiis friends as desire his profossioiKil services, that he hiU3 removed to Mr. Johnson's brick house, two doors “Carolina Inn,’- where lie in,a}^ be Ibund iinh’tss neoessariiy absent. Carolina Inn, VilARLOTTE, XOUTII-CAROLI V.l. THE ab^ve Estnblishmcnt. siliia m TI3IOTHY K. UUOIIES HA VIXG obtained tlie MANSION HOUSE for pub lie accommodation, informs his friends and the pub- lic generally, that he is now prepared to receive and entertain all who may favor him with their patron age. . ' His TABLE shall always be well and plentifully supplied with every thing the country alforda, to please and satisfy the palate even of an epicure.’ His BAR will be found furnished with a choice selection of Liquors, Wines and Cordials, both for eign and domestic. His STABLES shall be constantly attended by faithful and attcntiv’’e hostlers and supplied with abundant provender. N. B. The Stage OlTice House. Charlotte, X. C., May 2o, 1S12. \ number 79 A X kept at the Mansion 64....6m te^d on main-street, north of the Court H 4S...P Dr. eoavus 3. j^ov I? TFM JiY tenders his professional ser- a ^ vices to the citizens of Charlotte and the sur- r )Uiidin^ country. He may always he fonud at his ■ihce, I\o. G, v/hite row of the M.uision House, unless I'hsent on professional engagements. July 17, 1612. SOUTHERN TONIC, ouse, in the Town of Charlotte, N.- C., is still kepi open by t!ie undersigned lor the ac commodation ol the public. Tlie proprietor leels con- ndent of his ability to give entire satisfaction to all who may patronise his House. The travelling pub lic will find at the Carolina Inn every comlbrt! con venience and attention necessary io“refresh and re- l)olli niuji mid. liorsc. Piirticulnr pQ.ins wil be bestowed on ihe Table, Bar, and Beds— that every thing shall be in the most sumptuous and neatortler; and the Stables "will always be pup- idied with abundance and attended by laithful, ex- peiienced Hostlers. In short, the subscriber is de termined to keep up the accommodations at his House in a style unsurpassed by any similar estab lishment in the interior country. All he asks from thepublic is, to give him a call. JJrorcfs can at all times be supplied with conve nient and well enclosed LOTS, on moderate tcrrrj^ and furnished with grain at a low ]irice. , JENNINGS B. KRRR. Charlotte, June 2, 1812. 03...p Taken Up, lips, and flat nose, five feet 7 or 8 inches high, Avitli a scar on the fore, finger ol the leit hand, made, he says, by a cutting knite. The owner is requested to come Ibrward, prove proporly, pay charges, and take him away', or he will be dt;alt with as the law ALEXANDER, Sherirt. direct: T. Charlotte, N. C., Oct. 19, 1811. S4...V Notice. A valiuible family /i:jue and Fever, loss o i.nti .d r;‘n:-ral i)e,bility, for sale at the Dru^ S'tore. B. OATES. Alcdiciiic for the cure of ij)petite, and every symp Sept. ~)\h. \ - iJ. l>r. J. M. HappoUlt HAS rciuovi'd to the Otllce directly op- pti.'.ile Mhj. Jose})h Smith's Hotel, where h*‘ mav be found by his friends and the YAIiUABLE liAND AT PRIVATE SALE. I^orwani all persons from trading for a note o-iv- en by me to George Cremor, for about one hun dred and tweive dollars, and dated the 16th July 1812. In a word, it is the only note I have out pay- able to a man ol that name. He resides near Beat ty s r ord, Lincoln County, N. C. Cremor is reques ted to come and take die properity and brinu- my note, as the property I bought was unsound, fuid I do not intend to pay the same unless compelled to do so by law. THOMAS K. CURETON. Cureton's Store, S. C., Aug. 15, 1812. 76...tls‘J public, and consulted at ionailv cnL’‘:ij:eu. ill times, unless . : * A ri‘]>:*rt has been industriously circulatcd r rciaiive to his chargtis. They have been i niiauncvNi t'Xtra\ iigant. He taices this o))portunity • ; stair to the j)ublic, that he holds himselt’ready at tny iiiae tu coni])are charges, and weigh his service •viih any (-t'the b'aculty. He wi.shes it to be dis- • Mi-tl\ tm(l: rbffii)d, that his CHARGES a// Jan. I, I0I2. 43...tf ALABAMA liaiid for 8ale. The Subscriber wishing to sell a part of his lands, now oilers for sale a \ aluable Tract of Land, with good improvement.^, CONTAINING 420 ACRES^ oi whicli^ there is 150 acres in cultivation, of which there is 50 acres in Cotton, anti the balance timber ed land. Also, is on the lands a new GRIST MILL and COTTON-GIN propelled by wafer power. The above land is situated in Mecklenburg County, on IMalhyd Creek 7 miles Northeast ol Charlotte, and inferior to none in this section of the country, for the production of Cotton,"grain, &c. As to the location ol the above described lands, as respects the abundance of good water, health, and fertility ol soil combined, it cannot be exceeded in the country. As I am determined to sell, I would res- pectlully invite those who wish to make a purchase ol such as is al)ove described, to call and view the land and judge for themselves. Terms of payment made easy. M. S. ALEXANDER. May 31, 1812. 0-l....tf Stables to Rent. The subscriber has a large STABLE, contain ing a number ot good S ’f’ A L L S , which he would like to rent cheap, by the day, week, month, or yciir. He woulti also keep und iocd q, lew hor ses on moderate terms. THOMAS BOYD. August 30, 1812. 77--P REAL TEMPERANCE CORDIAL. BY MRS. S. C. HALL. “Well” said Andrew Fut long, to James Lacv, cl well 1 that ginger cordial, of all the things I ever i T tasted, 13 the nicest and wannest. It’s beautiful stun : and so cheap.” What good does it do ye, Andrew? and what want have you of it ?” inquired Janies Lacy. rnKK- ‘*U. '• ■” r=pl'ed Andrew, rubbing his forehead m a manner that showed he was perplexed by the quist.on; ■ whv, no great good, to be sure, and 1 can’t say I’ve aiiy wunt of It; /or since I became a member of the “Total Ab- slinence Society,” I’ve lost the megremin my bead and the weakness I used to have about my heart. I as strong and beany in myself as any one can be, Cxod bo praised! And sure James, neither of us could turn out in such a coat as iJds. this twtl months.” dishes '^^f potatoes. jv1,:.?^L“"e‘'h!rdre"’ father, they ran to meet him with a ^real shout and 5> rt*rl declaring she had achieved the heei ive- ‘‘And that’s true,” replied James; “but we must I 1*1 • l»V./v/4\rd wt/l 1 II leaving off whiskey enables us to be rich to be happy? Ja ibit, taking to “ginger cordial,” or when he entered hU .oatd undor.sigued wi.hes to dispose ofu TRACT -S_ OF J-AXD in Pickens County, Alabama. The t' u-t i.s an even section/ bf'ing a mile square, and V10 ACRES: It is all up-iaiid, Hos levol. and produces excellent >rn and cotton: there is cleared on the tract about tlui'ty acres, all Iresh, anil well fenced : a good dou- l-It“ joL>‘-rabiii. a well, ami spring. -^•r. John Linebarger, recently of Lincoln County, N.'’., lives near the place, and also Mr. Rossell, ■ •■■M the same County, I believ’e, who if applied to itislacfory account of the premises Ijast Notice. d neighb(»rhood. and beyond example n !/ive a ' m a '.‘■ilthy. ^ '1 here is upon the place a stock of Cattle of >'■ ‘Ut sixit'cn head, thirty or forty Sheep, and a .-’ork ot H-igs. I otler tl’.c whole tor two thousand i'ldiars. (good nujiiey) one half cash, and the bal- in twelvii months. ll> ri‘ ic an opportunity for one who wishes to emi- at. t'. ]'.r )cu!i‘ land already open and stocked, u l;v rel^y la* \viil not be subject to delays and diaw- b.; as i|i/!.sc are who have to start on a place uii- ' ;pro\ i-d. .>!’.;'uld t];is meet the eye of any one who wishes : r*'Ui*;vt't ■ Alabaiiia, 1 am sure he would do well ■ niiike eij iuirv ol’ LINCOLN CLARK. f Ala., June 30, 1812. 72...Iw It THE Subscriber having disposed of his Stock ol MEDICINES & C., now informs all those indebted to him,either by note or Book account, that the same must be closed at or before the July Court;—longer imJulgence cannot be given. Those indebted by Book accout will be expected at least, to close their accounts by note. And as this is positively tlie last notice, all accounts not settled by that time, v.'ill be placed in other hands lor coilection. C. J. FOX. May 17, 1812. G3.r.ti' Ciliitioii: Si-lie North Carolijia C O U X TY. i^e^sions. July M i: C K L E X B U R G ' V (/-niit ■>/ and Quarter 'J\rm, IS 12. 'nllX ERV. IX TN. CARTER CRITTEXDEX. \ttachnii nt levied in hands of Joshua Trotter, and him svumnoned as Garnishee. IT appearing to the sansfaction ol the Court, that C:irier ’rittenden, the defen*lani in the abov'e , IS not an iidiabitant of this State : It is order- I. ihat publication be made for six successive weeks : th*' Mecklenburg Jeil’ersonian,-’ notilying the said i .fcndant to be ami appear at the nt'xt Court of Plt ;\s and (iuarter Sessions to be held fur the Coun tv - I’ Mt ckleiibursr at the Courthouse in Charlotte, rilHE public are cautioned against trading for X two notes of lumd given by the subscriber to Thomas ]\IcGee, of Lincoln county. One is for two hundred dollars^ due the 25th of December next, and dated the 7th (»t‘February, 1812; the other is lor seventy-five, dollars, lue in June, 18-13, dated as tlie first. As the property lor which said notes were given has proveii unsound, I do not intend to pty them, unless ibrced to do so by law. RICHARD RAXKIX. Lincoln county, July 20, 1812. 73...5w “ --- ■ — - ■ ■ “ ■ ■ ■ . United States: District Court of Xortli Carolina, /-V BASKIirPTCy. OTICE to show catise against the Petition of JOXAS RL DESELL, of IVIecklenburg coun ty, Blacksmith, to be declared a Bankrupt, at Cham- b^ers ill Fayetteville, on Monday the 19th day ol N HEAD-dUARTERS, WAXAWS. ATTENTION! OFFICERS OF THE G9TII REGIMENT. hereby commanded to parade your -i Companies at Amos Stevens’ Store, on Friday the 4th ol November next, at 9 o’clock, a. m., armed and ec|uipt as the law directs lor review and inspec tion. T. he field and stalf officers are also ordered to parade os above. Also, on the day previous, all commissioned and non-commissioned Officers, and musicians, are ordered to parade at the same place at 10 o clock, a. m., armed and equipt for Drill. By order ol the Colonel Commandant. JAMES M. STEWART, Adjt - 78 “ Sept. 6thj 1S12. :w. DR. KUHLi^S RESTORER OF THE BLOOD, remember that show a good habit. any thing of that kind, will soon wear a hole »viiu uau c “ always fond of your fun,” replied An-1 a number of this wor drew, “ How can you prove that?” ' ' ' “ Easy enough,” .said James. “ Intoxicatinn was the worst part of a whiskey drinking habit; but it was not the only bad part. It spent time, and spent what well managed lime always gives, money.— Now, though they say—mind, I’m not quite 'sure about it, for they ma^j put things in it they don’t \pcrance cordial at ho own to, and your eyes look brighter, and your cheek pie prosperity by more flushed than if you had been drinking nothinnr stronger than milk or water—but they do say that ginger cordials, and ail kinds of cordials, do not in toxicate. 1 will grant this; but you cannot deny that they waste both time and money.” “Oh, brother!” exclaimed Andrew, “I only went with two or three other boys to have a glass, and I don’t think we spent more than a half an hour —not three quarters, certainly, and there’s no great larm in laying out a penny or two pence that way, now and again.” “ Hal fan hour even, breaks a day,” said James, ‘and what is worse, it unsettles the mind for work ; and we ought to be very careful of any return to old habit, that has destroyed many of us, body and soul, and made the name of an Irishman a by-word and'a reproach, instead of a glory and honor. A 3enny. Andrew, break a silver shilling into cop iers—and twopence will buy half a stone ofpota- that’s considerable. If we don’t manage to ieep things comfortable at home, the women won’t lave the heart to mend the coat. No ! added James with a sly smile, ‘*that I can deny having taken the TEMPERANCE CORDIALS Hiyself.” shouted Andrew, “you, and a pretty fellow you are to be blaming me, and then forced to confess you have taken to them yourself— But I suppose they will wearpo hole in your coat? Oh,to be sure not, you are such a good manager!” “Indeed,” answered .Tames, I was anything but a good manager eighteen months ago, as you well know, I was in rags, never at my work of a Monday, and seldom on Tuesday of a stocking; one boy wanted his father to come and see how straight he had planted the cabbao-es- while at.0 her avowed his p’otioiency in addin'™ tvt h he itfr seems always SreaTfh-,"‘‘7"*''''“ “‘‘“2:= palace, iti ^ ' rL;:i™:oms^7:r"' centrated—a great deal of love in a small space M “'"l’^««'i,asit were, by a low root. It not a blessed thing that the most moderate rai become enlarged by the affections? that the a peasant within his sphere, is as deep, qs fen ue, as lasting, as sweet, as the love of i that all our best and purest alfections wij expand in the poorest soil? and that when he entered lii? in it.” j God who had openi his humble rcnch, mi| lie stood—a poor bu cred temple of his hot heart of an Irishman.| sequently shared his “ I told you,” said temperance, I ar the rosy cheel of my wife- malce it ? \vhile his own not the prosper! cordiall and is from an ever fillij Andrew: and ceipt, and make wish for any otl^ sweeter than am with me that a 1( humble comforts wfii band can bestow, smi! ren, a clean cabin, wh( all odier fears, make CORDIAL. my My poor wife. FOR CHRONIC AND OTHER DISEASES, my gentle patient Mary, often bore liard words; and though she will not own it, I fear still harder blows, when liquor had driven away my senses. ]\Iy childien were pale, half-starved, naked creatures, dis puting a potatoe with the pig my wifetried to pay the ren t with, well knowing I would never do ii. Now ” ‘'But the cordial, my boy I” interrupted Andrew, the cordial! sure I believe every word of what you’ve been telling me is as true as gospel; ain’t there hundreds, ay, thousands, at this moment in Ireland’s blessed ground, that can tell the same sto ry. But the cordial I and to think of your never owning i^t before; is it ginger, or anniseed, or pep- rixceUent Repartee.—The ister of Douglas, in Clydesdale,^ ing ill a large party where the J Erskine and some other lawyers great dish of cresses being presei Dr., M C. who was extravaganth bles, helped himself much more other person, and as he ate with hij a peculiar voracity of manner, struck with the idea that he reset nezzar in his state of condemnation, give him a hit for the apparent grossness^f taste and manner of eating, the wit addressed w ith “ Dr. M’C. ye bring me in mind of the great king Nebuchadnezzar; ’ and fhe company were be ginning to titter at the ludicrous allusion, when the reverend vetretable devourer replied, Ay! do I mind ye o’ Nebuchadnezzar? 'i'hat’ll be bucauso I’m eating among the bruits! ’’ -and yet its a rale thing, my ^.’ptember next. n the ItJi Monday iff October nexr, then and there , ' plead or replevy, or judgment final will be ren- declared a Bankrupt, at Chambers in Fayetteville !• red against him'', and' th(Tproperty levied on con- on Monday the 19th day of September next. HARLESWARD, of Lincoln county. Farm er, to be declared a Bankrupt, at Chambers in Fay- ettevillcj on Monday the 19th day ot September next. ISAAC WYCOUGH. of Licoln county. Wagon maker, to declared a Bankrupt, at Chambers in Fayetteviw, on Monday the 19ih day of Septem ber ne^t. ALEXANDER JONES, of Iredell cx>anty, to be ti^mned to satialy the pKi intitl ’s demands. Witness, Chirl>s T. Alc.vavder, Jr.. Clerj^f our aid Court at otlici\ the iih xMondav of JuljV^S12. C. T. ALEXANDER, c. m. c. r. Prs. fee ^5,GO. [751 By Order of the Court. H. H. POTTER, Art 1)1" CU‘7'h' of Court in Ba/ikniptcy. August Sth. Ibl2. 76...3vv Notice. APPLICATION will be mad^ to the next Legis- iiure of North Carolina, to repeal the law abolish ing Juries at the January and July Terms of Meck- .'•nburg County Cou«^ ' A '♦'rs* ’ Notice. I INTEND, at the next session of the Legislature of North'Carolina, to appij’- for the liberty of dis posing, by lottery, ot the Jamesville, or Harris Gold Mining LA!fOS, on the waters of Clear Creek in Mecklenburg county and elsewhere. " WILLIAM A. HARRIS. August 25, IS 12 37--mil ¥^i^HETHER produced b} bile, phlegm, from " ▼ internal morbid matters, arising from badly cuied old disorders, from the use of mercury, calo mel, bark, &c.; or (in females) from the change of lile, as specified in the Pamphlet. Anti-^yphijlitic t^tjrup.—This Medicine is in ail V enereal Disorders a certain remedy. Abi/.'isima Mixture^ (in liquid and in paste,) cele brated lor its speedy and perlect removal of Gonor- rhcjea and Gleet; also of the fearlul results conse quent on its improper treatment. A benefit will be visible in 12 hours. Gold-Aline Balsam, for Bilious and Nervous Af- ctio ns. Colds, &c. Aromatic Extract, A lini^nt for Indigestion, Coldness in the Stomach, Nt^pbness or Weakness in the Limbs, Rheumatism, &c. Depuratice Powder, for Bilions Affections, Bilious Fever, Headache, Disease of the Eyes, &c., which IS to be taken in the Restorer. Japan Ointment, for Piles, which is to be applied besides the Restorer. Bengal Ointment, for Tetter, Ringworm, Salt Rheum, Scaldhead, Eruptions of the Skin, and I’oul Ulcers; is fb be applied besides the Restorer. L mversal or Strengthening Plaster, for Diseases of the Chest, Dyspepsia, Inflammatory Rheuma-1 tism, Palsy, Paralysis, &c., which is in moat all these cases to be used besides the Restorer. permint “None of these- bo3^” “ Well, then,” persisted, Andrew, “ let^s have a drop of it; you’re not going. I’m sure, to diink by yerself—and as I’ve broke the afternoon-” Sisi en • ouLAR Baxter.—At a soiree recently giv- some young ladies urgf^d a dashing and spirited young fellow to join the Washingtonians. He promised to do so, if any one in the company would compose a verse of poetry presenting as strong rea« sons against drinking as one he could recite in Jei~ vor. The challenge was accepted, and the young gentleman gave thi.s verse from An icreon ; “ When I drink I fed, I fed, Visions of poctic zeal ; Whffn I dritik, my sorrow’s o' ;r I thuik of doubts ond tears no more I ’ The above was instantly ansv/ered as follows '• Thus sin^ the old bard, and on the couch sunk, As mellow as grapes in October ; lie found it a for-taste of Heav’n to set drunk. But he found it a hell to get sober 1 ” Ihe young gentleman immediately ioined teetotallers!—_V. V. Spirit of the Tlvus. Two citizens conning the daughter of Themisto- cles, he preferred the worthy man to the rich one and assigned this reason : “ I had rather she shoul] have a man without money, than money without a man.’ Or as Bulwer says: “The male for should be a man, not a money chest.” Dr. hidiCs Accoustic Oil, for Deafness and all other Auricular Complaints, which is to be used to gether with the Restorer, Dr. Kulfls Pamphlet, “Treatment,” dcc., entered according to Act of Congress, contains full direc tions for l4ie use of all the above mentioned Medi cines, and accompanies every remedy. Persons wishing to procure any of Dr. Kuhl's Medicines, will plea.se direct their orders, with the amount, (post-paid,) to DR. KUHL’S OFFICE, Raleigh, N. C., or Richmond, Va., or to any of the following Agents. NORTH C^ftlOLlNA: Charlotte, A very heavy shadow passed over James’ face, for he saw that there must have been somethin^ hotter than even ginger in the ‘ temperance cordial,’ as It is falsely called, that Andrew had taken, or else he would have endeavored to redeem lost time, not to waste more; and he thought how much better the real temperance cordial was, that instead of exciting the brain, only warms the heart, ° “ No,” he replied after a pause, •• I must go and finish what I was about; but this evening at seven o’clock meet me at the end of our lane, and then I’ll be very happy of your company.” Andrew was sorely puzzled to discover what James’ cordial could be, and was forced to confess in himself that he hoped it would be different from what he had taken that afternoon, which certainly had made him feel confused and inactive. At the appointed hour the friends met in the lane. “ Which way do we go ?” inquired Andrew. “Home,” was James’ reply. Oh, you take it at home?” said Andrev.'. “ I make it at home,” answered James. “ Well,” observed Andrew, “ that’s very good of the woman that owns ye. Now mine takes on so i aboiJt a drop of anything that she’s as hard almost •• Tohn hrrv f o u on the corfials as she used to be on ti.e whiskeytrade wiv’ei as i[ • • My Mary helps to make mine, observed James. — ‘•And do you bottle it or keep it on draught inquired Andrew, very much interested in the ‘cor dial’ question. James laughed very heartily at thi?, and answer ed, • “ Oh, I keep mine on draught—always on draught, there’s nothing like having plenty of a good thing, so I keep mine always on draughti tlie B. Oates, Druggist, J. F. & C. Phifer, J.&.R. Sloan, Hargrave, Gaither & Co. Jenkins & Biles, J. M. A. Drake, C. C. Henderson, aOJJTH CAROLINA: Steele, Gunning Sc Co., York, C. H. McLure, Brawley & Co., Chester, C. H. The continuation of the list of Agenis see Dr. K’s. Pamphlet. Charlotte, Jun€ 14% IS 12. C6...1y Concord, Greensborough, Lexington, Salisbury, Ashborough, Lincolnlon, beauty “ If Chn.stiansmust contend,” srtys Jeremy Tay lor, “let it be like the olive and the vine, which shall bear the most and best fruit; not like the asp en and the elm, which shall make the moat noisd in the wine'.” he fashion to is to traie horses ! ' ‘•Why so, Peter?’ I'd cheat somebody most shockin' nighl.” -4 Heart.—Vv’hat bad fore . , . . ^ curious thing a heart i?, am t It young ladies! There is as much difference in hearts as taces A woman’s heart is a thin^r, and full of purity. Hov/ proud sacred ^ .... ■ . , , - r — a maa and then James laughed again, so heartily, that An-' placed in his keeping,—to drew thought surely his real temperance cordiaP pretty girl love him so well that she will must contam something quite as strong as what he j him more had blamed him for taking. ° i ‘^^n any other! “ Lsn’t it curious, ladies ?” James cottage door was open, and as he approach* —— ed it they^w a good deal of what was going for- j Coafah.—•• Papa, what does the Editor lick his ward within. A square table, placed in the centre ^ Price Current with?” of the little kitchen, was covered by a clean white cloth, knives, forks and plates for the whole family. were ranged upon it in excellent order; the hearth had been swept clean, the children rosy, well dress ed, and all doing something. Mary,” whom her *• Whip it? He don’t whip it mv” child.” “ Then he lies, pa.” ‘'!^Iush! Tom, that’s a I’ery naughty word.” Well, by George! this ere paper siiys, “ Price Current carefully corrected,”—and I guess wheii husband had characterised as ‘-the patient,” wasbu-, I gets corfected I gets licked—hey don’t I V* sy aii*! ia the very act of adding to the cof-' AV' * fd^iny ror —[Rich Star.

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