AGRICWLTJLJBvE "(1 our litno un . ittenl.on, tlial we have negiocled to t'.'rll the atti-ntii ;* f»f our -County readers to the lauJ- :blf ( x^Mtious ol a few of our-’niosL enlerprizing far- m- rs lo r^'Viv('aR‘J buiM up'ihe *• Mecklenburg Ag- - ; ui’urul S ‘ciety.’’. V7e may differ about politics, buL ail agree ihul the slate o; a{jricultural cconomy 1 j/art ofllie counVry. -rs wretchedly below par. i -t'.vifh.'.aiidiu^' oi’r g-ood vrA and many ^natural ad* ' - . ai. 1 ill r ' f the rapil advances and ANCIENT ^VDVERTlSi^MKAT. iDg'copy of an advertisement i:c5 j»'d hi this place in 1772. It IS itj manascripi written in the most J Xhe Albi'L'i Cu:Ui'.ifor. —THl S-.ptfmber num- | W ble. that the p beautiful and perfect style of penmanship, and the land interest of its articles and the beauty of its tvpo- only alteTatiori or addition made by us has been to * ^raphy, the previous numbers of the work : " ■ • f hniTisp nn'l rtHow je ai e anii. x the Table of Conlenls, and add, j A PPLtCATrON will be made t., :hc nex: 1 Imd ,ot sl.-p; , - ’ xJL lature ol >korth Carohna lor a division of , ot Deceinbe last: ir prtsuit number fully susta'ins, m the ability j conl counly. [Sept. 8, IS 12. 79-tml hon Five Ceut8 Reward. pUThtiualc it, as that vvas entir* !y nf^glected. 'J’he manuscript was found aniong the papers of the late Mij Thomas AlexanJ-r of this County. The Colh-ge allu i’d lo in the advertisement was built, nolwitlistandin;^ the act of assembly 'vas ‘-disallow- r a o C • * r- . I T> ANA WAY from the •ubscnher, in Cabarrus CatI.e siiow of Siatc Soricty—F air of me I It county. N. C.. on rt.e 2Xh of August Uioi. &in- :)uiB arin.-’’ 'J*-'- unveJ up in t ge ! tlu* 11 -.2, tally iu-'rc.i^^cir. wms With a:i extfudin • sore* ^ i ^ mer-' s;;./.- 'il*; i’i/ sle.'p i ii'H 1 ;!.• ,)!’ r!l*' d.i> - !i 'vn i'. ; 1 a!si» I ■'!r- jini l' !rly oovcrca now a ; W «r‘> > . di>- 1 i:np. ver’if.n‘5 m tiie science c v( ry day | ed of by h:s M.jjcsty,” and stood, we learn, near the 0» *1. rl 4 1 a i’-'l* I J I|LIUt IMh \J\Jl HI It, mer a i > ure—Sou h Down ^h^^p—A^icultural to enforce tlie Hw iurainst olicndcrs \\ arehob-^^s-A^r. and I airs-State Ag. 11 ,,-,11 give the above Fcwartl tcir h.s Jehverv. bociety—viuantjty ot seed per acre ; Answ'ere to I ft- qiiines—Condensed Correspondence.&c; Timber— | n . skir arour‘1 n.y tiiigh. that I-* ' m .iny , 'i’t' ami the ] hv-v-i.-jkc pron.>-:T.-c ! niy - ’ i;u; rt’acii of ta *di 'inr Oh liow 1 wi.'-l‘'. d ta it i (Jie. From my lo ij acKi proJra "tt'd .Uness uo L ul hecaaic much re* iccti in circuaj-^tanccf^. A p.i i.l . ik't. jf by oui’ {> Ilow’^'itizetis of other States—1 sp.jt no’.v oocupied bv tlie familv residence of Col. Cround Moles—Rust on Wheat; Ornamental Farm i . - ^ ' * - - IJ .T> I.1T» • TT hi'- ii iUipr'-.v ii,(-nts are spread Ldore the woild ^ Wni. J. ..Vlexandor in this Town ... -St. '■vciy ].:;b.ic j ju.iitii we open. All our i'o will n^'ree .tne ol two thing's will come * !ri Wt slcrn Non!, (/ai ^iitiia in a fevv years. ‘ advi:rti:noi]:.\t. "X jtv. Alistaa'iin^f th ■ Af't of Assembly fur Fouudino-. E~'a- li. and Kiuiuwiii^ tiU’.-en s College lias het-ii disailowvd llouse ; K'*anarks on Agricultural Premiums ; Hor- ! ses and Mules—Sheep Husbandry—Freak of Na ture ; W iUi^riniX Sliee[)—Cineen Fee?—Seit'-fodder- ing Barn—Mr. Bicketi and An Onondaga F armer— AN we for a momon’ Commen-s on July Xi’niber; Green Manures.&c ; . land, and behold tlic _ ^ Uime since wh.fe 1 ikinff in the paj>er.s, 1 ch t.^ \ff PI V see your Sarsapa: |la adverfi^ed, accinip im"d with - ft. Plcasan., N. C.. Sept. 1, Ibi:., /9-o | ^ ccrtiticate trnn Ir. Burdock, ol a tnosf exfraordi { nary cure mnde u.-e. The o^se m some re spects resembl®d 4jy own, and I fouml that Itnger- mg h ipe still clu: r*to lile. 1' seeiuiu! li«e a look upon our wide-?pread I 'V^ j*. ^eon^^ da> 3 fcari'ul amount of iiuth‘r- J ft5lt * le pnm mu h ea-^i‘ ‘ TO THE WORLD! 1 , Mr . . 1 - v.'^tems of Agriculture and Rural ; undtjr^^o a radical char.^^e and im- i ' 1 e •.. t liie mu-s o our p* Ojde will hunt ' . •-■a '.i '■Vi igin .-Oil ‘>1 liic V\ est. i Vnd where . * \tr' .1 who think of eaving h.s ' ! ^ , e . V. . 1' !'e X‘ pose a aslK-s of k mdn d an ! * 1. : »,J.t le I ■ ' ; : cii.. i li jud aild ! a scen-js ■:[ i ‘ a.' • ' , wilii >i {)ain 1^1 i r* I — 1 i.: I y li ;l 1 - tt*. r ...: a'ed, a..l iee! proad- , . ) 1 • ' •■‘11 .1' r t .: ■- • ■■ 'Ii I ol.l II. (.;!her ai 1 tru.- :■] )i:.l •: ..up;:.’ •ernent- -ij !. i fa* ) e » i w Il IIL": ■•Iivejted iti%> liabita'ians : ’ . ■ 1 'i^ ; ; , . :.ii 1 iir r slen’.e f 1 T 1 - 1 .Vi ii»‘UVl- • ■ t • 1 . : h I i ; . 1 :a li'o r; an im; lavr.d iius- 1 - t i. . - , ■ s* I.i i.oh 1 • ar p.’f i* nl r:u :e ei scrub- :i';.e, 1. .i. ■ \ -vj. .1 -^ilM [1. uii.l sla:'V( daig h' g:, I ;:i .. , i I a ‘e au imj a-;ved slo’k ihat Wi;Uld 1 ; i ' ■ 1 ■ own r ail bun Ir^'d p r Ciii t. nie (‘ f:.r .....1 a‘.u ll'-’- ,11 ' Wi'h va:tex-: - r iKjh tlif regi'-n i.r North C oiiuii could i 1 1 . 1, ■' • ,1 li e b' liUtifal and prod :ctive agri- . n i ;ii' ■ 1 X w ^ !:, Penns Ivanij, and .. -.I /, ‘. ' ' /(. ■'C/L aloa-, i n our opin- V ^ r^rnni of Agric.ultvr ! ’ >1 fu:..d in the sever .‘.1 counlies. of t>y h - rH:ij*.s*y. y* t th.- fuini'-r 1'ru.stet s of said CoiUge, i ap.ii r fr;*,a(lr;, sriil des-^rou? to promote tile moit ini- ' j.-.rtun- s -he;u^ c>f i^ducation. and deterniuied to execute tiitir f -rni* r J- .-:o far as to build a lari:e and cominodious ;S iion:id coastaurlv to supjior: a good fur til. L/> ara*.'J L:iii;^u'Jge.~ and the Libt-ral . S"'. v:i(;.jr able T. a*-h ;rs, wha ii they t i.arilably ii'>pe r aliuO't all ih vuiuabl-: and dt&;rab!>- purport? i:i- I ►uiii r* i —® ^ inix and disease thai there exists’, wiihout a teelincr j sleep. I ha>i n'.H^ ,-‘pt !ike tN'^ain h i.I . —A Query: Mr. Vail's Bull—Culture of Wheat New Depredator; Farming in Pennsylvania—In Illi- of painful sympathy arising in our hearis aecompa- i nois—Spare (he Bird.? —Corn Cutters—A two head- . nied with the desire ol bestou in^ relief it'we posses- i ' I nois—Spare (he Birds —Corn Cutters—A two head- . nied with the desire ol’bestowing relief it'we posses-j , *‘^”5 m».^ er jpnon wa.- * L-ute thur I Call—Qi>rn Bees—Reeling Silk ; Cheese Color- sed the power ? No. we cannot; the human heart j r mioaious ^ —Transjluntiiig Fruit Gardens j Ross’ Seeding goes forth to meet its fellow, and e.xtends 10 him th;* ^ ^^uouki • pc- laps he cur ' * o . ‘■utricifiit Strawberry. ' hand of svmpati'.y. il nuthaiLT r-isire. nia\ • * -*>»’‘da not bc.iovt* Arr.. ami rn. • v.r ' sooihe, ht;t’it will not cure. He still fcols hiai-'.'if ■ an >i.u>r buttle.^ n-.uiuji ?o ;n:i r \* W..1 n all I.,' This nun.’K.r is enibdlished with the following engravings ; V tii .''ii i^A;-* ;i A'.scuibiy; and tbt ystdl ho}»e for ' Dynamoni ‘ers ; Orrjiirncntal Farm Ilou.'C ; Prin- ■ndiy aid, a.-. istnrice and liberality of the canri.d and ‘ Cipal and Chaaiber I‘ loors ot io.j W orking Plans oi ie11.r0!;--- f;r to *.i’.abl*,‘ tluin to e;irrv on tliis tlicir la^^t IJnd. r- ' do ; Plail ot L’Pound. Ovifhuildiiigs. &c.; Sell-todder- takiiitr. whi-li ilit V had a.;d nii^lit iiavt^ expccttd undtr t!ie , Barn; Mr. \ ail s Bull, Duke ol Wellington; s-.l.i .U- .,f A-.-nibly. ,\:id ihe -aid f.riner Trustees by ih:= | ^^eduig Stra^vlK•rry. ]NL::hud a til!/ PuMn.-k. riiat as the Lottery berctofor'- * ‘ Uii i( rlak' II for fiie ik-n-Jit of th'- .'a; 1 College ha.-= already met rr!'at l^ncuura^'rnj!!l that th-, T;oket areChittly t-oUi, ilit y t.> di.-iM.iSi; of the i’'.iii:iinder and draw tho same 1 ii;at til • Drawmu thereof die still feels hjm^^. If a By the time 1 hfi used nearly left, tht.^ er jption wa^ ::: :oh better. 1 Jrlt a stranet mne s-ati'.er;:!:; m my breast t this cr.Kl \ pent a:; 1 t:'*’ n:i 1 b'- . stii; another, at'^l I -I a |e\v ilay> fciUllerincT. uvini^in.n, >vas '•' an obk’ct that is loathed. . _ - cripple ; the anguish still lingers around Jiib ] .liow. j Tlioee at all familiar witii the .history of diseases ^ ' the last >1 . '' ; eannot help heinir struck with the rapid increase ol "’•'•ked ne.irly inr o miler^ i ' 5 a f r th;: Bcuelit of : \v;ll bt;:la 0!> the 'I’weiiti'-'h ;a ■v-.,r'il Geativ;/. n \\..j i'ebruary u vf, that being ij .w.-pei;: th ; .-^anie caa .iv( :k: ntiV ai ’ a li g j Our Drinocratie frieiicis iu coin, will not forget tiie iiie(‘tiiis>’ at l>aiiiel liotfimiii'.s, on IjOii;? er('ek, on Saliirilay next; ami at Sinoyei*\s help being struck with the rapid that peculiar range of itiseases ari.-in^ from an im pure state of the blood, or iiabit of the system :— diseases ot’tiie laucus tls^ •.e; also of tlie osseous anti tjlandular .‘ivstem. scmliila. cance.'-ou.s ulcers and ** • 1 • obstinate cutaneous erupiions, earonic sore eves, and i ,iv • ^ i’. ' •,> ...... i » disease of the bones. The chief cause of their ia- 1 f sutttTiay ^ 'V crease is owing to their being hereditary, rutining j tlie w^orld that ill m.\\ kiI-.. 1 through whole lainilies ami spreading destruction !barsapari la has done 1 r t... . ... vcarns towards; U .^e sut: tance «■>! a cane. ^ nd now. geiit.oiuon—vt am well ! an-I liav lestifi;' ) h *''r^‘ n t:' sacrt’d WiTil, tl«®.t: 1 tniijht b* li* v ■ t'liy st t- it is true. true. O! |-.ow lam^ ’y ti' v ; \v scribe those fcarfo niijlits ->f a : >:’y *' .d il I along their path. But for all tliest' ills t'^.TC has a 1 yearns tov^ ai-c.a: U ..-e sut. * new medicine diuvned upon the \vorId : atid in olfer- j ''^'-''■=^1 ^^’d I onlv fco e this st,it« iiu in;r to the public this new prepar:uion. >.vhi di has for I to pursue tlie s >ne cou’..- . ‘ • ,:r t'.i aa I hkt- 1U.I 0! _ to the public this new prepar: its object the relief of sullering humani'y. it hecoincs ; StOfO, (K:»vcsvill(‘) OU SiUurluy. 1 sf | necojsary 10 state upon grotiuds it puts forth ' -l.i n. ; i.i I.It w, i' ;n'e Woid if r('5 .1 '■■■3 ’ i I . •'.'.i'er, ill ; I.rvyer, ia:j tnalle.j to get along so and eti' Ct such great im- [-..•ctive l'.ra!i!hi‘S of science 1’h y a’; .).:i:ai* :ni l (v-mbine together to ■ i iap';.’ an ! I- n ht fach v. i'.li the oth- i ;:n atid rxji;".; n‘'v Tliis tiiO firiiifU'S of dvl- nia I uo. if t'if\ wi^li to gain informa- aM-1 njalce sul^./.aa'ial in their ■.n-.:.f raoiiF VE'i'uKS: i Mr. Tvllr hao g»ven whiggevy Vetoes No 5 j an.I Cl II ‘ has kiiletl ilie Land Distribution I3ill • passed at the heel of the Session, and tlie Bill pre scribing the qualifications of mettibers of Congress —that is. giving to the Chak of ‘.he present Whig Congress tlie power to exclude from the ne.xt liie members irom ail the Slatt s which have not obeyed ci’.i/.t ns ; Why i 1 I.,-,.nr ?!,'> physician, Apportioninent law of the late sessio.^. in every rrrr & n October, lion. 1*. \V- Caldwell w ill attend and address eacli meeting'. Scpfcm he r i18 i'2. Married, In this county, (in the 30th ult., by the Rev. Dr. Robinson, ?\Ir. J‘>h,i Jl ]Vf/I(Jl/)nio??. of ^’aharrus county, to Miss. daughter of Capt. James ?’*!. Black, of Meciat iiburg county. its ir.erits and the reasons upoii which it ’ounds its superior claims to the attention of the alHicted, tha* ti! Bver 'xre.t.Tub vonrs. THOMAS fURM:rv CHy ,7?? / CoiirUy f Aeir V y that on this I. .fh of ,;-r; I hereby VU '^USt, 1 ' { tii-' I all who require its use may tearlcssly repose full named Tliom it; T> 'nor ap;'0.\r'>i tu-'. i.i *r- confidence in its restorativ’e virti:es. But let us in- | Mayor s otLce. anu hav*in«.r •> ■ ’■> d ’.*y .1 ^ troduce our reader more particularly to this new ' that th-- preparation, which has already been announced to i true, the public under the name ot SAXDS S SARSA- PAPilLLA. This medicine is the result of years i devoted to laborious chemical expenments in te'sting j y.^tojaent of tii.j c c of 'I'l. various modes of preparation, enabling them to eon- j cifoct'of yotir SiU’5 parilla ;j' :iaent !>•, li. n s'i »-’ri:v iK'n i. H. M unih . \' I ilo herehv M vor of cer !v thn • I’X great luclc fUr if :>;^ri •ul:ure and rural economy. 'I’he !: h-e; I ‘ n ’.annunced by a few; will not in t!; iii. -’eitainly, for all have an ■r* f at .-i.ik ■ ■ j?v ">■ r:r:ic • din^s ul the July ineet- •(•n iiur Socf' tv in}: I'.d-s holding a p irlicuiar. 'i’l'uly the Whiggery hav in fishing for W-toes. As Congress had adjourned before the last two Vetoes were sent in, the next ses sion, as the Globe says, will open with two ?*les- sag^-s of ohjeciions. which will be food for Whigery to chew’ upon lo the end of its miserable Congres sional terni.'’ le; 1 c-!i .i.d ii.t th'.'- ■ 1 AFFAIRS IX OHIO. 'i’he revoliilionary conduct of the Whig mem bers of the (jhio Legiiluture, in resigning to ket p th(‘ }>L-nioeralic majority from laying ofT the State into Congressional Districts, is exciting a general expression of deep indignation from the people of ^ that State. Crowded public meetings have been I 1 ' i j; and il;e list of Premii^niis | j., almost ever}' County in the Slate, to rebuke the Slate have taken the •• . .‘I - VV h a ia'tr 1 m/ ^ ;? iM‘.’ t !.s; ri'colii c’td ihe Society is yef 'I'he nremrams are Ml centraie in the most efficient form all the medicinal value of the true Sarsaparilla ; and they have at hist accomplished this most desirable result by means of Died, I an entirely new, ingemous and costly apparatus.— T, rwi . A 1 ir , The urocess Ihroujxhout is governed by striclv ,,. ,V‘. c,l.emiLl laws, 60 tha°t llie essential principles, or thi .S I.III. infant ^on of v. ^ *iiiam:^, aged G j pj.j,^|e ^vhich the restorative virtue ol t!ie Sar- an^ nine days. _ , gapariiia depends, is entirely preserved. This is 0]()ituary. I then combined with other articlesj selected wholly iVom the vetjetable kingdom, all of which are the ! the most powerful purifiers of the blood, which are j then concentrated into a lluid extract that has been | iound by experience to possess the important power 1 Died, in tins cownly, on the 8th of August last, of congestive hn>er. .Mr. Jnh/i 'fi/e. aged about 46 years. The deceased was a good citizen and kind neighbor, and may iody be called an exemplar in | of immc*diately arresting the progress of disease and seculaf, as well as spirimal matters. ITe lived dai- j restoring the patient to perfect health. Therefore, ly ia the enjo3'ment of the love of God. and conse- l those sullering trom disease arising trom an inijvare quentl}" was a pillar in the church of Christ. A j state of the blood or liabii of the system, sucli as few days before his death, wiiile surrounded by ma* obstinate cutaneous eruptions, rl.euuniLi.-^m, cliroaic ny of liis friends and neighbors, he appeared lo get happy in the Lord, and to shout his praises, giving ! us at the same time an imdoubted evidence of his ' acceptance with God. Nearly all his family were sick at the same time, and a'x jt a week before his death, one of his daughters, aged about 15 years, If t;>, ed r'ar the am happy a, lOV.' IS '.‘Uii. IS 'l \ri:- aa i :a^- ri h' .i ; h.^ w.'"' b' : : a member of tnV'CT' Lrregai. a 1 ' ti ,yi -'ly v,. ited tliL’ui and knov the hi»" • t ' t; ' si'VMorn \ .\'n Pastor of tlio Mith dist I'jJ. ‘ AVe. the undersii aed. he;;ig i:-';' d I'ii Vj ^ Turner, do hertjby certify th t i!i • al> *v,. i • :i rect sti\Teni'*ni of hi cusc au i ih»> op- r iii • * '’*• y ui.' Sarsaparilla ujmw ) im. WILLlA-i LOZ::V. Witi ' M r. ’.a / c« aier Cliurv !i and l,t’-o.;;d JOEI, 1-. PI IH)V r. r» aie»* Franr.liti ■•:id I'.m'.'c.i ISAA‘ • I., C >\VL, Ih ta’.! .. : : Reference is als made ( if r.av *.ir:I; r ♦ vi is required) to Mr .lame ' Fr »v.;i. ■>! i.'i' Brown. Brother.-^r& C>)., v.'.; > i> ac pri:!!'- ahovc particulars. 1 whost etn; ' 'y t! ih Thomas Turner wi s lor a i: .u/a r y-- ; II »•! \\ all 1.!: Ti.e ]>rop, i:*; ‘fs tSO SUlOil. >ai a hi'fhlv I d.ijf Ll: pr to ',r' sore eyes, or diseases arising from an injudicious use of mercury, or imprudencies in life, have only to use this preparation, which has all comt)ine*l ti;at j . . can he useful in the removal of their complaints. - ] lowing cer:i:a':i: ^ Combined with the other adwii.cK the pro . J a euro iiiad. by ‘ ,v. ,r'"y'r paratlon possesses, the proprietors liave reaped ir.e j panda '^hi‘'h caim t but n u W •• T ^ experience pf a scienlilio gentleman who resid' d ; heyond u.i v.ou^tl j c^ o ' • -e..- - Jy vears m li.:-. V>r';T, ; ttn*s t ■ ‘ a ■ . V •«. ir • S trii e;;v"5. If -i’t' y-» f I in I’act'the only .'ue, species of Sarsaparilla. Tiie! 1 i;;.. A’vUi-t i''*.’. ae sym\iathies and aiQ of a I a oum . 1; j proprietors, during the many years they have been Mes.a-3, Sand inee, : T' a ;*ch;. t py to say was withhel(> by none. 1 hus has | ^j^,rairpd in preparing it, have tried hundred.^ -.f ex- 1 sense of , aTen* i > s'd v. \\c 1 .-.ti i it;al . I- -t T»li!l T ' ^ r i iy tli»' 1 i ! N h ( '■ 1 1. * vn V -trin finals, it is un- i;. \*'..Miar r.ay ]--.s.;n 7;:;l a mrrnber ''avi m’.-'i its rrca.sury fi>’C hOl- I ■ ’ i' -. LUiy oiv.: of ilif, preii'dum^- : I. Tilt. .nrriajKoxi\v. u'I KTi RAT, :\n-:FTixn; . i,;'; . n-a:';.; n\ tla’- ?\Iecklenlnw-£r A g- ! ■ in 1 a: tlie riiarlotte TTotel.*’ on ^: ith .Iti’y. Is;-:!. The President. Dr. . I t 1: tl.c t 'iiair ; and after the minutes .. - tanT were r*-:id. Mr. Hampton, from the r>j-point**d to T’ v;.-^e the Constitution and i;',- ndinent-. if any were deemed necessarv. 1 , n "’me nded C.institution. whicJi was read ■n: 'derati in po-t])oneil to the annual meet- h-. 1;; * S iturilav in October next. *• ‘0 r.f TjCw;.-: T-inkit^s. it wns ;• /. i iiai this See;: tv bnM a K \ih at its nn- •rtir.Lf in ti.*' h'ail : ‘ P K r ;.t I r > and have liad t!ie tni3 r y disiingiiislied Wiiigs ia stump agan^ist iheir late party friends. Whigery is | greatly loved and esteemed by all. and ' pc^'^entJupon^^^^^^^^ at a low ebb in »>hiu, as may be judged ol from the • the vncurn occasioned by his death I fear will not 1 pleasure of witnessing its happy results in numerous ioriov. v.!.;:h we ':ory fioin liie JScic Yur/: Fie-! soon, if ever, be filled. Blessed the dead that j instances; and they were determined not to oiler ii - ‘ I die in the Lord, yea saith the spirit, they rest from j to the world until they had become thoroughly con- their works do follow^ them. Let I vinced ot its elKcacy. 1 hey have now* suci'ce le: ui .. . r,r, their labors and Jii I m V ine die the death of the rifjhteous and let mv last jliio Slalesman gives tiie foliowinir- descri^^tion of | ••a great indignation mass ineeling,” wdiich lately j came oil' in M.idison county, in that State. Two j o'clock, }^ M., Rev. Stephen Maxy, a coon-skin w’hig of’40, made his grand entry in town, anti took his seat alone, in the sciiool liou$e. In a few lao- i end be like his.’ -Cjirivivnirn.icd. I,t.. -' FAYET'TEVILLF, SEPT. iu preparing a medicine whose restor:itive virt ies are withouT a parallel in the history of medicine. relieved Irom s’iffej ogan 1 di". I a:: an a-, t of ju'tic.e due to y'i, ami w.t'a a \ ..*w o! r' .:e wa the allliclt^il malieJ lown to the woihi tiie iufrtim i- b!e henefiJ: I have r ceived hy the ol y-yir Sars^i- parilla. la the vet ’ 1832 I .-,u!. .1 fiom Ko.'ian^ la a vess*-^! bonnd lor (|,ueb c. anl v.'h:l*' oa to - sa'J'e first diSCO', crt i the Oi-I'.'i-i*. v. hiv'h aitervv’ ttii . which fact is fully substantiated by the numerous | proved to be a sor alUiciion: ai\>l truly I '-an t-ay, certificates and testimonials of cures of the morjt dil- • from the crov> n|ot my h-l i t : I' .y > o; niy i> » t ticult kinds of disease. This medicine has been prepared for the benefit 1 of all suflering mankind; both rich and poor, aiul to mi nts Mr, Wni. llerrald arrived, and took' his seat 1 firamly^ penrli, along side the R(?v'. old coon. llerrald appointed j '/o apple. the old priest President, and the old priest appointed j llerrald Secretary. They r solved, that coon hard j ’ cider wliigg'-ry was at a low ebb, and adjourned | Coffee., i That it lUuy be known what ground the Whigs I had for this revolutionary movement, it is slated that I t;f the Iwenty-one Lhstricls in Ohio, as t'.ie Demo- i '(jf.ton, do 6/7£rg//?ir, Corn, (scarce) CiiuHes. F F, ■ \ IS ir», and that the fol- - be ofirrf'd on that occa- crats rr mo:;eu to lay them oil, io gave Harrison i . . . , - , r 1- i l i'dthers, liiai rii: :S m l " ih and b only lor \ an Lur* n. I' K i:m r M ^ \ "r'.'ul'iir Sl'1'1 '!v f> r ill*’ V \ . r: rn (-. )• C-rrc-:^. — As the season fjr market ing is ..t hand, we have inserlt d again our hst of ; pric;s at the towns most .^nquentcd in trade by the ' )p!e d' ibis region of country. We shall keep it stLindaig liie Fall and Winter out, and our read; Fla.rseed, ///(/c.s*. do dry. Iron, lAird, 4o 1 33*0 36 0 O5 1 12^ to lo Uo 10 ii to 12 "j /o 8 to 25 0 to 70 17 to So 2' to 30 0 1 10 Ijcad, bar, Markercl, .^fola-'isc^, Oat.^, Oil. Uu.^red. cut., Powder, keg, Hag.^ Suga?', brown lump, loaf, Salt, hvshd, none 22 to 26 :>o to 35 so lo 85 (’) •St) 50 o 1 61 to 10 11 JO to 18 50 to 60 tiiere was no sonrwl less in oie.' I rom tie- hr: 1 mentioned down u: til the pres.-nt. a }-; r;o 1 of more than ten years, I I tvc su.i. red ah i!Li'-;an u t ture was capabh3 ot bearing. 1 have b'-'-n ua 1 -,„o‘ the VndTgent p?or it will be given wi.honi money and turc wascapaWeo, nean,,^ . ‘Jit without price, by their bringing a cert.licate of ,'ieir care ol :lc mo^ . ,• •' I y ' w'ithout price, by their hr . _ need from the Pastor, the Magistrate or the Aldei- man of their Ward. And now let the teslimon\ ol sutVering humanity, who are gathering around it thick and fast and'^by whose inherent virtues the lame walk, the lepers are, clean.scil and tne alllicted j 1 . j j im p 1 hv r > are healed, bear witness of its merits. Let it stand ; sell sechmo.., Jiun y ..... jat 11. i this country and in Englum!. vi, ham. Bristol and C louces'er. tri^ 1; . 1 among other.s a lar ;e quniitry 1 S-yaii.. - used sulpli’.'.r hatlif !v:c. (i c. A ;i i.t t rr induced to v.Tap m self in a ^ ^r '• 1 w’as induced \cf bilieve my c e • 't I; or fall by Its own inherent virtues. What it \u\^ , , * i • ^ ... I Ii« AuL^n ^t last, 1 V tlie a 1.1. e i, r ir-. 'r,- J T -wii C'n two acres ot re 'V . /Vr firas.'i rrrown hv.d ■jn int 'V ers inn; p.:Ill, a wh sacu'. Tallow, ' lO/oIO.^ 1 to 5 I Tobacco, leaf, 1 •> to 21 IS?, /(•) 14 1 Mheaf, ') to I IV/ii-ikeij, 6 to 7 ! Wool, 1-1 sheeting, FajCteville manufacture. 7 cents pr yd. 3-4 do ' d' do ' 5h r read-J {lieam) ^ , do 7 , . r • 1 r 1 I \ Cotton Yarn, nur.bcrs d to 10, ^eij' on r.s bfing a lauhiul and corrcct re-1 inade through the several journals from | J 5 to 20 do fir we copy. t' .fir.- i bv wt.") (jrown j ^ C-ii---—V»’e see by our Southern papers, )\ r. c- li:-.*' 1 ■and. riv> i that iho new crop of Cotton is flowing into market .1 ^u- . „ ^r'' "ory rapi lly, for so early in the season. 'I'he qua!- I * 7 fjrown on iiall an acre, o* 1 , , . i ity is said to be generally good, and the prices aye- 1, / ' ' ' 0.0 n T . i from 8 J, to 7 mvHT 01M' vear 01 1. / i/•! | • 1 f’'* the'' he.^t Celt ovrr one :ind I August o('. sa^s 1U.\. 'I'he Ckcraw Gazt'l(co( “ The first b;ile of nev; Cotton , T^ - P’^ilnra and ^'^ftur,"nf.>. ; was brought lo this market last Friday from the J> L (\Jf nn.ler one venroM. 'Tim 7hJ- ; plantalion of Mr, E. W . I larrington. of Marlborough. /" V cr ?.'v ; :'nd t'or the best ^^:lr ^'nli 1 COLIMBIA, S. C., SEPT. S i na:rgln£r. Iien^p, 20^o24 ; Corn, 1 ^'iow, 13/0 24 - ■ IlaU rope, 8 /o 14 Bacon, harn.s'. Stoli {fhouldct'S 3 io 7 sidei^, 5 to S Butter, 12^ to 20 Candles, rpenn, 35 to 45 t(dIow, 17 to 20 Cheese, northen. Coffee. Cuba. jarc‘ rio. h ] f'Vt'r one vear edil. 'l^iro Dt^llai'.^ '^.id and was bought by Messrs. B. Bryan & Brother, at oiton, . 1 r • -'J Mackcrcl. ^o I c'tils, equality. “ good fair. 12i 1 11 to 13 ; 16 to 18 , 11 to V2l ' 4 \ to S| n Ciif. t ir i ; a; ,i f T the best Bull two year 0: h 7 t ' ■ n :Z*h i I r (' d‘. I'lvo Jl'lhir^: ; nn ' f r 1;.- 1 cst II :f r two year 7' /A V7rs and fin:. -- : ,r tl f> Vr>;t B Pi£T m mM;s oh;. T,r f) d!ay'^ - 7 fifty and for tl'.e l;est/’. n.” one y= ar . T ' r> Jlnr.^ ind f^fty r t1i*' r- -'t .S":r Pi^ six months old. D-ular.'i , J J; .md f'I tlic bcst ^‘oic ouc ycor tdd, Tir-' Il>Pnr rni-1 fi f^y [ r liPst two hors^' P!>}r. Tiro T)'~^hars ; anu tor hr be: t one-horse Pl -v\ One [- r th* 1)' '* Treatis" on Manuriu'^. T'i A.'.- r »b best lot of ten yards Dorne.^tir SiV 4 ' I) >d :rs. I'-iv the b. ST i t oi two jtounds of .'i V. 77/re’’ F)oilar.'-\ I i.r tiie I e't Mdch I-'tct' rMllai'.'^- i' >r liie larL^est Uo'^. J'wo B'lllars. p. was Re.^ >lved. That the above Premium? be a- r a d in trold or silver phttp, v. ilh suitable devices ,J.'* of the obi* ets of tlu'. Society. Alter nrderi’niT the proceefimtiK ol tins 4Tieetinfr. •i.^. tlier with tiic hsi of Premmms to be published ni the Cl.arloftf' p\pers, the Si,cieiy adjourned to meet a » ) -rl.itte on the last Saturday in Oc- - -FPIT :f^MlTH. Rc^:. Sc:. Anl the last Caiaden Jcr'.rna! says:—“Four bal^s v-f .\'i:on of the new crc'p were brought to i earn ajki-t la^t v.t;k. and bough.t by Tslr. P. ^ . 1 \ li't j ;:rue. at ^ c-Ills equality good fair. ’ 'I’he ihrt I lirst ba’ics were from ihe plantation of .Tohn Sanders. Lsq . and the other from C. L. Wiiher- spoon’s. bu‘h of Sumpter District."’ .Vo 2 Ao3Vin/ol0.’ S’) i'-- 7 Oats, Peas, Lard, Lead, Molasses. \ails, cut. Oil, linseed. iannej''s, Bict, bn.^hel, iSugar, brown, loaf, lump, Saif, sack. Soap, ye I low. Shot, all sizes. Tallow, 'I'uxs, done once it will do again, ami by will be relieved of a vast amount of sutlenag a;'1 disease. The proprietors have made .'■> •'>.') 50 I for spreading it throughout the wl.'ole Udiied States. That all may have it within their re.ich it i.i aiso their intention to introduce it into the hos])itals, into SO/'nOO Ihe alms-houses, and into all the public institutions, M ^0 wherever enlightened reason may be inclined to re ceive it, wdiich have for their object the sutiCrers re lief'. And to tha American public the proprieior.^ would say, let that medicine winch is destineu to , i bring health and healing on its v/ings to it.-J thou- ,Q j sands and its tens of thousands, recievc >out l.uoi- 1 able consideration—let all philanthropists sustain an i article which ha.s for its object rehef to hoth r=ca i and poor desired result for lvd3 been proved again and again—is it to all to administer it in casc3 w here its benign in fluence may shed relief and hapj)ine;is arouiul tiie pillow of suflering and pain. The following cure, at once so remarkable, so ex traordinary as almost to surpiiss belief, ha.-', in oi dei to place its truth beyond tire reach of suspicion or j doubt, been sworn to. this 26th day ot 1342, before his Hon. Robert II. Morris, Mayor of the cit> >p' ihi )• : pi-e Ilf i .1 i 'ci : rt 1 w 1. ei;. r;i il 1:i.r.') ■ ; t ‘ . 1 wew- ; ! ; 1 ( av.! , the Xew-Vork (iitj lIo.5pi^^ m^■ cU'tj V. >19 iiu urible. 1 . . , ■ ed' ::Vv' v.-;;''!-) »dy rendCiTi *• me, aia. i.- l i. the skin •!.i»’k netl nd craek-- i. n-id. h!o- ! a:i i m ' ter ran. ai.d liie itt It .■. ? ;i h.i' ih u- te.v wa'cks sinco-I iii lie-e i i i u^ i > ir S ir pai-illa by h'^ariag it h^.Jdy c c.>-»!!'. ii h •!. h.i'. itig spent near ^3 )00 w.’a e ! i h’ "• ^ ' rvhef. Auer u in‘ it a sliort t..a- better, a'ld now, b; using ix or . .-/I iur»‘ me less than tc * dollar'. I a:a v.' I’j. 1 I ervi iiiv.s t b )t;if ( '» ■ ;!. Ve,-. 1 Ce. tifv aad declai'e t the woi:i, lii-.i .u'ler spin];!; near .'^3,l- iO in. t -avUiujjraid doei!ji in:'. aa*l s iff Tie. more than can lie 1 >ld, I wa- perfectly c iiu 1 hv u 65 to 70 60 to 70 none 10 to 12 S /o 11 31 d to 40 64 to 7 00 to SI •SI S3 to 3 50 men nas lor its oujccu cu.. ^Crodnres the ! ing vour mvalu^ibb preparation ol Sar . ip..r:iia ; aa 1 • As long as the ‘f*‘® I 1 now rccommcad •»* i'i u,uiU,:y a*tl Tl.....: esult lor u.nch it i... atlmin . ’ ‘ within'.’ to know f rther ('' wi.' u.j 1 j:i - Mrnvpil ncrnin nnci a’‘am—IS it not cUfliCient ■=_ [)to9 Qf IS'ew'York. 16/0 IS \f) to 17 •‘^2 50 New-Yohk, August 23, 1812. Gentlemen ; A tale ol misery and woe is n.ine to tell, and as memory ever in tlie task | my resid.ence. No 27 \\'arr‘'n-:>irc t, Vor.v. where I sliajl b«h: ?py to c'inun It anv thne.'' i.i relation to the abo e ccr.-. B(JiH)JCk. ITS ow.\ woiKS vrj^cL.\\\] rr.—I.. • •!.; foliov.’in''’ sue-k lo : •Xev. V : A t 1 \ •’Messrs. SaXD; : Gkmh-rn-.n—Ov.i-.ic^ to you o debt w’hich. ti.olu/ can.. pay. I am induced t > make a public acnowb dir'u;. i:r ol tho he:„;t:i 1 have derived t'lftin your(* » n:- I'; j,,-.p ira- tion of S ir' ipa|ill • I terrible scro'ul jfes disea orelv a.'.l ■.Vila :t ' brin*^s back scenes iluit have past, I shud.ier .at the | ^./!^ich on ^^"’^-^l.ictiTreand almost wonder if it is s >. For m-nths ; j-ea h s -'o :-*a h.‘d i - nn ' ^tpeteiied upon a Ijed ot .v.tiering ai.-l distres--. racr.- h^fid. and i:x'( nd ^ ^ ^ ed bv the most excruciating ])aiii, .land* w; a groan- | ir-. .*r e;..;eni -cs. ; in^x/and my only hope flcspair. Cfien ai.d often j to look ^ on ' while others slept in tlie still hours ot niglit, I nave I (rre:»t tliat 1 v. nabU •S5 lo 6 50 turned my face to the wall and washed to die. i the di;ea ' ' xten "301 to 32 I Although I stood on ihe brink of eternity and the j hcarin.r*. . y a 5 ! thread of life was nearly severed, yet I still breaUied 10 ; 01), the lamp held out to burii; I ii’tie tliougiit it 5 to 6 ■' would be ever trimmel again, and oniy hoped that 7/0 si death would swallow up the flam:. My sickne.^s 22/o 2S I was first brought on by my imprudently ex[»o^^Mi:J 8 to 10 ! myself to a strong current of air v.diile over-! 28 to 43 I which caused a sudden check ol persp.ra'-i-^u. 7/o S I complaint at first seeUiCd hglu and har.!;y v,-. t.i while to call a physician : but I soon bega*i i.. - • worse, and a physician was called, v.lio p‘r> .cr..;uv- .some pills containing a powerful prep.ira* *i cury. to be followed by sarsaparilla root -Ui . 1 viiie made into a tea, wiiK’li I conl!;!ueil iiig • . OFFER for sale the PLANTATION on which j several montlis without intermisson. S - .i a’^ r 1 all At HERAW. AFG -C‘o! Worth. Beef, it! marhv Bacon, fa wa£. retail, Bu.tter. Beeswa.r, Bagging, the com- Balerope, Florida, recently wound •oceedid to Washing- 7' ’ K .ITiz tnand- r ot our lorccs in up the wav in tliat reg:‘ai. pr ion with a irrrat ii :urish rf trumpets, and was pro moted to a brevti Brigadiev-Generalship for his j eallantry m ’losiug ti.c 'var. Lut he had st’ai'cl\ ^ r—ir- reachcd Wa_dru>2-cii aij.I put on his new* honors, bc- Cojfee, Cotton, Corn, (scarce) 5 to 61 : 6 to b 7 toS 121 to 15 22 to 25 20 to 25 10 to 12.1 12Uo In \\to 8] 50 to 62 Flour, leathers. Hides, green, dry, Iron, Lard, (scarce) f.eafher. solf, Lead. ba>\ \, Xails, C’t. \ _ _ from wh:''h a 'lis' harg oori-'^’ f'''iy oo/'.fig 1 iiitr I had the an'.s»^, and I w -■» qui^-h rny b’:-.'.es ujediv- '1 ' t *o.::^.--e ?re co: Nc* id tri an i ra I* • ■ r 'ar ■ ■m*- . ■ * 0 r av all- ( ’a:; o\.r i 1...:.' . ■>ni. iMii-' t » ' i:j'. J l!iV n * -7 : I r» •r.... *1 ’■* -T o'.j- : r:i- I' kep' : ippo. -r mlccti i L^.-d t-. r.-i;.'i- ! I . 1 t F lianD foi* SJ’tlf* h u ..iig y in MIC !. I Fahr:>\ i Milch-Cow Wanted. rmhi^^iy * “ .i .boir i a r • I:!., ik’} ^ iuforru I . ba ^ CO ’ • . HK'-'eJ i;.; r .t aw : - . i in. vjiell J^ud ti .. ,1 i v j.i ti..*Bt iteme... I .. u may igh: i..ediciie*i a djher jt, .i jr ui.d exj>et»e * - 1 4 r-5 CiM'- ni^ Ll. ; ur) I.i -.1 W . C .. C o; > 1 '•il hi 1 n. XV 1 .I..J J ..1 . the same way. and it never w din'..r‘n»b' iintd the citi/'^ns of Florida and the ad-1 , i . ^ ditkr(ntl,, uni.I me ^ M.Icn-Cow, jommg countKS of ( rtorgia tncmsclvt. expel the ^ calf, can efl'ect a sale by applying nn- U. S. 'Proops In l’-in? r cxte: :...nate ; irately to the Editor of the Jeh reuniau. 1 ing pains’termed chronic riieumatism. At tim it : I e arned us if I was stretched upon a raew and all my | ,, nt t. ! f V’ , ' ‘robs were being lorn from each other; at others a.s . I \ i>. s \ \ ns v V'" i™trp knives were piercm« n.e at every pen.,- t ’ I’he musclec of my legs seemed tied m knots and auu _-I. vcrc as hard as a b-u- My distress was n v rr *. - «nt 273 BroaJwMv, Y -V; Pr::?