§ Ti :^w-tiJirjLJi>L!j.x..!^ ^j^Aapo— s o III an. *K>SeOP.:i U'. ir\:^"PT\>x ^''OLr ’lIE 2.i -“Til ‘ povv rs :r'rin:._ti under the Cunsrrjrio;i, h !nj deriwd from the People of the United Sratns, miy be rcsuauJ by them, whenever pcrvcrtol to their injury or oppr>>:s:an.*’—M^dUon. Krtitor and Piiblislirr CHARLOTTE. N. C. OCTOBER 4. 1812. NUMBER 81. ?l s .1- ‘ V '• • I-.r-,. r. •r 7 .:i ^ij^iViont jftmnlt ^ca^rini?. p\*Grci5‘^'; of till.-: In-titu? ;o:i will be re?5unicJ -fi- ori W‘iitiC'd.i V, l:Jtii ()i'tr)bt;r ncxi. All tl;f‘ J.ator.'iry tin.l Ornamental branch- will bo rjnd the stinic rales of tuition cliMf'ciI as hcTfiJoibrc. remarks made bv 'i Mr. CoRRV, also a distinguish- 7!0 redress \vhait:ver, and iliat tiie rtuirti ed Harrison Whig in iS40 Addressing: a rccent Uetnocratic meeiing" in Cjncinati, “ Mr. Corry said that he had been requested by numerous vounfi men of the citv. on this occasion, annulled the Constitulion, and pfimire.! aht ns, non- residtnts and all othe;s, to voie—'-r. if brib' d \vi:ri to define ihtir and his position. They had hereto- j Federal gold, ihty h.td exclu it i Vv D. '• ^ Tiie Muiic. Dcpartin'^nt will bo continued and the i fore voted with the opposite party. In the canvass polls, aiid suiitred non>- but th. o ‘•iiar^ro per Sc-df)n reduced u> ^ .^23 00. | of IS 40, they had gone for (xetjcral Harrison and | nents to vote—and, if all this coui 1 be e^tablishc' J^(-ar 1 vwth t.ie pr;nci}*a. in the Acaucniy can be i 'j’yler. Cut tht-y had done so upon the distinct bevond controversy, or the tibiiiiv ot a siiijitj hu liti'iiit '.'^vvncrni->ndi. t\7 ^ ^ . i:.. i. 1 f- ■ r- 'Aj per m >n?h. 1). AVn iIUTCHISOX, Prln. , I' i -. Sl....‘i\v. ! avowals of opposition to a N.tiional bank and a i high protective tarilfon the part of these gentlemen, •and upon the disiinci understanding that those mea- i suiX's w(,re disavowt d by the Whigs^ ami were not to issue. Ho reft.-icd to an early occasion, upon ix e. e.iiSiBfU iiiforni snch of l.is friend.^ as de.-ire : whicli General [iarrison, in a public speech, had 5.:c r\ irf'.-. that he has retnov«.‘J ' i iinented the establishmt nt of a branch of the late l;i . 1 rd j .-o: v> '\ir. .F dinr on’s l.rick hou.^e, tv.'o doors ^ l.'inttd Suues li.Hik in Cincinnati, as the fruitful ':'>:ina itin. \vhcrchc liia} he found , of immense loss and misery. Tlicre were ad n’iH.;} nc;’!;^ .;:tri;y abseiU. rt-bririrv 4"^ h: - -Milf al.MV.; t! the impressions under which they had gone with ilif' op]v:)SiUj ptirtv m 1S40, and previously. hat ; did they now sc-o i iicpeated Jtlempts by that par- ; ty to ge! up a National bank again, and a distinct Dv. 3- ijox I .si'i'iCl'I'L LI A tondor-' hi.=? professional .sei’- : ‘ivowal of a rotation il bank and a high tarifi candi* /• lr t;;i t ) t.l' wi'i \ ic-'s to the citi/o'is Oi’ Charlotte and thi. roi:i;diii;4 (•o'i:i;ry. Ho iiuiy alv.ays be foniid at hi? oliici', Tvri. n, wliito r(..v ol’the Mansion Iluu^e, unit*.";.-:: abr.c iil on j'lj'O;ii:il en'’':i!^e:iieiit.s Ju!y 17, Ibt'rl. 71...r. ii".4 M. li 1 !L; Jlii ilKAl) (ii -VTTIiXTIOX : 'All ri:iis WAX A w,s. OFImCKRS of the Ol-TIi IlKra.MKXT. T >r.‘ ii- ^ ^ fri''Il;l :'A' ,rni a;;d ti;f’ Dublic. 1' date in the person of ?\Ir. Clay. Here, then, upon dereliction from the olt repeated opinions of Harri son tuid 'I'yh'r—upon tliis attemj.t to revive a repu diated system, lie and his friends kept steadily on- waidj consistent in their course, although it. led thfin to disavow and denounce, as he now did. the objects of the party v* ith u’hich tl'.ey had uctcd,'’ Tt^e CiciniKiti paper rcmnrks; “ Wo have the pleasure of a personal acquauU on that oi’casion, ih-'i of the Piesidenlial Commisionvrs were tinal and I \nu-!ic:m nat?'nal toast. - The Piesideiii i.f the conclusive, and could not be loojved behind. 111 rniitd 6iat-s.=' was rtctived wuh contemptuous si- these ConimissiOiiirs. iiiliained by {'ariiz.tn z al, had j lence. broken only bv derisive laughter, or other e.xpressions ol *lisLcspcct. w!nh; the Hritisfi national toast, ••’I'lie liutenof '*;• at B.Uaui, ’ was lirank wi’.ii e.xultation and r- ilerat» i ohrers, an insult was otiered to the Ciiitf .M ig’.strate of our country and government whicli we are bound, as Americans aiid Repul.hoans, to rep*. I, in justice at once to him, to oursi. ives, to onr g jveinaiei t, and to cur country. iv'v'-i/'i'hat ail who actively participated iti tile inih li. n I'f tliat liisuit, are by that act peisonal- nijs aitiToihcr :d-> died are ^:'^■•bv co!n:aande«l to viarade vour . i -t i i '.■:on,|,nr:irs at Auh.s Stevens’ Store. o,i Krula:,- I -'I'’, t.oi ry. and can assuie our readers ili'liU cliKl {!if lUJlMir. j -»* 4 /um Wdl.lvlt I’- V kj \.1 f i ix a. i iKitL , . , - If* n t ')c;irrv(;n j ith oT ?\ovein!)rr next, ;it 0 o’clock, ii. Hi., ariiR'd j ^hal lie is oiieof^tlic uiu niost oloquent \oung 'i'. \ 11 jf t iU \ \ i /ji SJX/JSS. I tind equij)t as the law dire.cf.'; tor review andinspec- men in f.Miio. 'i’he acquisition ol such men will in ih“ » of i tif.n. The field and staff olliccr.^ arc also ordered to give new strength to the Democrats of the W est.'* Fi, >nf;-n;r to any at the ;So;-;:i. 'i r /'^// IV:' r / >v f ^ .1;f : ' > n- K hou:^''. where u!y ti) iiccommo- . !i . iii '.y favor iu'm •-111 i>;i.liein^ I( ccipt of tilt; .'iisd 1 l;i’’fidr.iii:i - ' lo ..ii.ill nut b j^nrade as above. Al.so, on the day previous, all ron.irWssioncfi ;itid non-coininis.sionod Oiiicers, and mu.'^K’iai'i.', :ir*‘ ordt red to p;iraiie at the same place at 10 o'eiock. a. m.. armed and e(iuipt for Drill. l'»v order id tiie Colonel ('oin::5andant. JAMES M. .stKWART, Adj*. ^'ept. Gdi, 1"1\ 7S...2W. .1 I • * ; * Caatioii I j rglllF. public arc 1 -fi- two n t'’-^ of hii rciiriii i1 RLoTTi:. xf)iini-cAroll\ i. nr: as 1'..''ai.-i;- iimcp.t. .'^ilua t‘U 'i!i III ti;; : >r»'ct. j.-irth ol’the (Jourt if>w c. ;;i q’ov\a (’!' .,ai;n’lottc, FV. Ti k'.’.-t oj i'n ! y tin* tnsh'rsiijncul for the ac- | la'ius (!i ti.’(' |)uhhr. 'I’l;-' proprietor feels con- I. ..bt-- to ylv^: ail ^ w'u) Hi: v patro!‘.!'^i' Ir iloa. 'I'he iravellia:^ pub- ^ lie ivi*' I’-'- ! 'b ' Iini every coaiforr, eon-i 1 rn. ! arc cautione.l against trading for hiind iriven by the eub.scriber to j Thonia? Mc,Ie'. of l.ihicoin county. One is lor I two humlred dollartJ, due thci^othof i.>ec.eniber next, I and dated the 7th of February, the other is j for seventy-five, dollars, due in June, 18-13, dated as { the first. As the property for which said notes were I giv’en has proveil unsound, I do not intend to pay ■ diem, unless Ibrced to do so by lavv*. illCITAilD RAXKI^^ Lincoln county, July 2G, 73...5w Nodoo. ' ' ' ^ \ ^ ‘ i posing’’, by lottr'ry, ol the Jamesville, or Harris Gold " V' ’ ‘ I J ,-,,v\u4. .n il,e. water., of Ck'-ur CrcuU in . . 1 in' 1.I>ar, and l>eds— ' « IXTEA'D. at the next session of the Legislalurc iNorMi Carolina, to Jippl}' lor the liberty ot dis- \. Ti: U’ v' i H j! b- - t‘V 'iUU.'' ' r i-V •- -a;, i t!? \\ 'til Ilium a,i-l 1 tv- i :v. l:i , ,;i, 1 t > kci p i:;i tb' I '■ in a ii:i , ‘ , I Mocklenburir comity and else*v.d’.ere. an.! ( WILLIA.M A. \‘.'ni ai\va\> be sijji- led b\' jaitbi'd. e.\- ? Auirust 2o. ISb?. HARRIS. G7- -Ind rl. ..-a '.ler M-Vit in t!; 1’" I’iur to •’•iv 5‘ hi iM r.i 1 !■ / ■> r i!l at Ml ■ I W( 'I eu,-! a' ;l-‘ 1 V. .l!i . I .' ; > 1 K 1.1: till!- i '• .■d \. ' 1 : I'. li - M'. • 1! i;; 0 1 I'.v p 1 \ 1 \ ' »1 1 ci’- ii? bis • V: tab- ;s from ve- ■ ttrni.-, . I V IX. *>>... 1 THK WHIGERY OF 1310. VILLA^OUS PLOT, j Who has forgoUeii the extensive and base eke i lion frauds practiced in New York and Philadel- j phia in 1838—’30, by Glenthworth, Bela Badger, j and others? 'I'hal similar frauds were pracliced in I 1810, by wijich the election of the Whig candidates was secured, no doubt can be entertained. But it seems at one time the mad cap Whigs about Rich mond, A'lrginia, after all their fraud and deception, were apprehensive the election had resulted in favor of Van Buren. And what did they resolve upon? Read the following diabolical plot recently disclos- ed by the famous Jolui H. Plcasaiits, a distingiiish- ed leader of Whiggery then as now, and then say, fellow-citizens, if you can countenance or support such a party. Who are nov/ the levellers—the agrarians—the disCructives—tr.Z ia:v aivl orJtr parly ? The plot is disclosed in a long letter latety pub lished mthe Richmond Whig. We copy only that portion relating to the affair particularly. After a few introductory remarks, Pleasauis says : In November, 1840, when every mail came fratif^hi v.-ith the return s of the Presidential Election, and before the final returns from New* York had i:invi A' : . -1 ( ^ ■ i i .1 ji i i; ' - - I • • ;//, ! ■ ! ■ \ U V I ('.i : I (’ or \ 'i' ^ i 11 i r i 1 >l i*\ j Avlr.ic-t every day brings new disclosures proving j received, the Whigs ot Richmoiid apprehend • that the Wigery of 1^:40, and all its professions j ^d for 24 hours that the day had gone agaihst them. ; were sheer (I •ce'ptions ileiiberately got up and pass- i The impression w’as caused by the complexion of ' ed ..if to (b c. ive the proplo. 'M.o honest public is ! certain Loco Foco statements issued from the city , . , , , , . r / • I ot New \ ork, one or two days after the election in , muji indcbtf (i to t.'cn. Miuriivol ()hio, a distin-! , o , i i • i j" ,u.u . . ' • 1 that ^5tate, and y/hicn claimed, wuth the greatest con- I’.iisbe.l trav-..IbtiL,'- Whig oiator in K-dO, for tiie been given to Mr. Van foiiou ing disclosures made: a* a reccul I.Xunocratic i l^uren. If New York had thu:' disappointed the CoDV'-;ntiun at .'oiunibu.-\ 'bio. | sanguine calculations made upon her vote by the ,, c - .1 W'iiifT party, It was not doubted that Pennsylvania. ; (In. Wm. ;>Iurphy. of Caiiicoiiio, too;: the' at . ; stan .l .ib C'. r ariangeni'.nt, and spoke for several I houis. it was decidedly his happie't ellbrt. tL* 1 : MIli; *> t!: = ‘ ■nvie!\ I r,- bi'o. • n i'! *’i“ ‘o' ■n b. uar’i '! tit! in t};; o t.' i ■ ■ : // ] ■ i‘a;■ iv n'iM^y;:!;^ the I!- ;,? ' * lat above .aiii h?" was a del g.ite to the Harrisburg conven tion wiiioii trominated l.Jen. Hairison, and that the eonven‘10!! -vhs c0m[!0Sed Df these parliest First, Ibe Clay nui.), w!io went strongly lor a United ( r l>\ SMtes I) ink : s‘'Cond!y. ilie Scott men ; and thirilly, ' wf‘k. : j fii'-n b'i of i ien. ii unison, and halt of the latter b‘t :-aid -V. TV dt.ci b.tiiy op’-^sed t(; an institution of the kind. 'urt (,i I .:';i;ven‘ion aurcc I n:"*’- to name the bank, 'j'iie h;'i-.i f M' till' 'onn iiuu ULL.. ‘ 'f lepaitnuiii wiiosoever may aJminis je individuals. w1k» liarip* rad to- ' „ .r,. ... . nresirve il invi.ilat.'*. wnii every otn ed opinion, foun-d an f ntire con-! ‘ • i ■ . , ^ ’ » • 1 I • ! !on in ojr }j;b)ru)us cjii^liiulion, lor iil amotiq- iht tnselv- s, and .hasti- ^ • =5 . ’ . rot iro 'reocr.it on.'-- I e i ’• ;it t.ia (bou>e >!i ( liai a'iie. 1 i\ 1 1 Oelol)'';- '-‘•xt. ll.:‘ii and tb» rt^ 1 ne -’'ajven’io: Deinocra'ic ;>a ciiar>-’Td the deh^ates with skulk- riut • !'>■• ail i I.nrd ^■r!y It d;V ■>; , ia\- oi i;l ■r'.t of V. 1-f ana J I' r \vi. ; i aid t;;. anb whoac vote was hoped for ratiiet than contidentiy expected, v/ould folkm’ her lead, and the vote of Vir ginia ,vas already sufficiently in to render it next to eertain that she had voted lor Mr. Van Buren.— 'I'he consequence was almost inevitable, that if these tliree threat Stales had united in his favor, the Whijrs O O were defeated, and Mr. Van Buren re-elected. Such a cal:iS‘iopbe tlun, when the Winn; parly u’cre wound up to the highest pitch of contidence in vic tory, and exultation m the glorious fruits which tiiey anticipated Irom it to a misruled country, would have be-n appalling. ,Vo«', there are levv ol them. h that 3uch had been the fall in fair fight, by the enemy, than to be rob bed, and muidertd in the dark by the cailiu’whoin 1 you had lni>led. ... i ^ , )! u:^. Old propose a reso-! i i i , i ‘ I ed, me excitement in Richmond was very rreat. and n no, says oid Watkjns . i i u » , ' was much increased by the prevalent, I may say trie univeisal conviction of the whig parly of ihal place that there had been fradulent voting in A'lr- gu'.ia to m:.’ch extent, sulllcieiil la the counties of [\ige, Shtnandoaii. Rockingham and Madison alone to CDunieibalane ain majority by which Mr. Van Buren could liave carrieu the Slate. }low lar this conviction was weil or ill loundt d. it is not now rel- , , evani to innune; it is enoujih that it prevailed, hon- woul 1 lk‘ t'e:i:tn. and it we went aijainst it. tlie ue ! , , ‘ > i M \' o ^ I I 1 1 ! e^t]y and Sinceieiv. li then Mr. \ an Fjuren was inocia'^ would line wi,'were insincere, and tfic baiiK iHan being to quebtion it—still we are told that the law' could olford no relief and tli.it the drcision of the returning oliiceis, that is liiu 'o mi.ssioners, was unsailable an;l coull not be sit aside. 'I'he Commissioners indeed could be punisli-.d. but tlieir act, which might and most probably v.otild iubvert the institutions ot the country, could not be reached or remedied. 1 was astonished then, and 1 can hardly now beheve this to be so : but so 1 was t dd by respectable legal authority. A t^resi.b nt chosen by such means would as efieciually be Presid-nt as Cren. Washinq’ton. The farther opinion was ex- , * pressed that it military force was employed to con trol the votes of the peopb*, the violence w 't;ld be cured by the return of the Commissioneiy. I humb ly subiiiit these matters to the country and the L**- gislature, as 1 did before m Novenil-er, 1640 Political and party passions, already in high fer ment, were still fanner intlamed by the assurance thattne iaws could affoid no rcilress for the mon strous crime of strangling the voice ol a free people by corrupting the ballot-boxes, if it shotiid oven, be demonstrated that it had been committe-d In thi.s slate of feeling, three gether, interchanged currence af setimeiit ly arranged the heads of a plan fur r'-dres^'tng the wrongs of the country b}' securing the person ol Mr | V'an l>uren, previous to his inauguiali'on. 'I'hree thmgs were to precede puuing it in extcution: 1. The election ol Mr. V'an Buren ti. That he could not have been returned \iihout the votejof Virginia. ■J. Proof, carrying positive and undoubted certainty with it, that his majority in Virginia was fraudulent. These preliminaiies ascertained, 20 persons, men who could depend on one another, u’ere to be admit ted into the association under tiie pdebga of secrecy and hdelity. 'I'en of the number were to proceed to Washinton in a fast steamboat, giving out that their object was a jatmt of amusement, to witm'ss the approacnmg inauguration. It was imagined that there would belittle dilTicuity in finding an op portunity of conveying Mr. Van Buren on board, by stratagem or force, and this done the boat was to run With all despatch for Albemarle Sound, pre viously agreed upon as tlie destination. There the ten were to be met by their associates, and iNlr. \ an liuren to be es'iorted by the y. hole into the upper Districts of Noith Carolina, (.a)rnvvaiii s “most le- beliious People in America,” and whom we knew to be now as staunch Whigs as their fatheis were in 1760- Arrived there, a manifesto was to be pub- fished, addres.sed to the American People, dccliring the motives and objects of the act, and the vicinage assembled and appealed to. Mr. Van Bur(:n him- sell was to be treated v.dth the greatest possible re spect and c0ur:csy comjiatibio with sale cuslody.— 'I’he manifesio was to demand a nev.’ election and the restoration of the rights of the iiiajority. The next Noithern mail brought confirmaation of a great Whig victory, and ol couise the plan of abduction and ali thougiits of it y/ere abandoned. Whether it v.'ould liave been executed if the events had fallen out, the anticipation of w’hich *ed tj its conception, is beyond my power to know. J believe it would have been; lor althougli it was embraced in passion, that passion was not lik* ly to cool i)y wiiuesstng successful F aud in tiie tnjoymeni oi its spoils. Passion, by such a spe-ciaclo was (vir more likely to be inllamed than pacified and to pacs into gloomy lesolve and vindictive action, and patiioL- isin u’ould have done to aid ot its reasoning. What consequences might have jollowed it i.-: still more imposbible to know. We- b;'li> ved, liow- ly disgruc b rt n 1 red unworthy of the Amerijan n.imt', an i dt-ser\i;'ij ot pubbc execration. R-'Si>:re,-. 'Tiiit a! '.lia passive paiticipatel in tin; nilliction ol ihat intuit, by not protesting agaiu^t it. 01 I'wise rep* lling ib are guilty ot a gross den Iii'ti. n ot iluty ;is .Vmericati citi:^t ns. Tn.it ;t was the duty of every goo I cit izen wi.o y.’as pre^t nt when that insult was givtii, either to niot*.-'f aj;.iui?t it, to the perscai presiding on t::o cc-_\ision. oi to leave tlie .''ene ol so gross aa o'.it I a::;*''. Il ": Taat bi th's ia^t I• ;v t!)u X'i'( Salent, We f. i' ' -t* attempt c.i Nio pii» nvb g pri s: ;u:'' ! -acct i-:; ) 14 uprn : t. . t iou' i'1 n i.ts. t.i 1 Ic of C ti- t.l.a' nt ol the .V anpallmg. Ao«', ing iiie .p. o.K)!!. a,.I as.^'. . l H.. u ii.^ pai ^ j ^ presume, who do not wish my.ell a.u.m- il'.- t^u.nl.cr, u.\v u’e uia not puDlis.h ati a iie.^'S. eniaOv V‘ii:J (Uir nrjnciples. lotelllht-i, . , * .> o 1 . . i liand 01 an open and manly tlie trut, genuneiKWo were auaid to do ^o. (Roars , , i,,,, . ,,, Ol lugiitia' ati'd appd;iuse.) n;ui tel! i\y iti tne convention-, who had, not qui-e , .. ,i t t’ , . , I l>uring the 2-1 hours o; suspense I nave mcntion- r ■> lai ; a heiid as th** res* o! u ‘ i ^ t iutuin et U;.s kind ; but oil L' ijb. wbo was a lank man. that will never do, We caniii't j4-a l:i‘;o;e tile people" on th.it question, as I I .VO \vi;l le ;aao. genlieint.ii, w^' conrlu, M.:t I..) nnbe an :ul]rt.->. Ie*r fe-ir y.’u should he ^•.van>r"-d (LaivI l.iui'!;ti. r.) ’ We' argUid in ibis manner: we‘ mu:-t titiur make an aldress, or v.-e niu>t ne^r. If we publi.'h an addre'SS, we must f^o agaii'St it. and i! we tak would 1 i iV r.renla’ed ']’!.( \ have b- en ?bis opi'Oi'tmnty laiasf-i ready a' h his ^aa■yl('• . . i; to la* dis- i (l/Mid. iMDg. and r. ;;t'u aj^idause.) ^ i.i (ill I .lohn Tyler. gti;-.^mui, i' carryin:r ih-^ prin- ce>nvi ntion and et r n Hi;i:san. stioii ot iae’ bardc, and d-:iared ' a'l i'f i.s. wb ' S.J I tiiuil: did be'fji'e ne*. I e.j;i was nia ie ;c jtdlaw wiio t n;> ears—and our j'ar- ly. tne eiiigv l-irneis in ' tnat L-uch was liie t(!ok liie riiilit griiund in l''10,as sn. 'Aii te'r to Luint-r iiarki-r. riad I'Aving s iettt-r. and cotnr.i* nt- ii. i!i)n:cailv sp'.die id Mr. 1-'a ing ■''' ’ ' (il'uir : in(-aning. as ui. 1- rs'.i' .> • I ;—and which caust:-: ■'-riu;'’.'d hLM:irntly by bu!.'tS'.>l a; led giound for a bank we nun miLT made l iicev.'arm ; th.-refore, we aut! Vv v\ 1 o>>. ' 'I -‘in *ra 'inj t'a ('/ ( f a’ alM)i:t ■ !i and d i'e.l tb(', I'lth \v a\!. i; I't;:;' oi'ily a,;ti' \ bavi' cnit pay- ;i -t' ibal L' i:a“. lie re ade.; nt'ar l^eat- ;i-: (i'n County, X. ('. !p. '.nor is ro|Ui il\a I - d' i t:>l ta'a* tile pr-q :i’y and briUii ‘Oy 1 irr'.j-bl v,':s unsound, inal j i.iy t'lf* r,nb‘s.' conip-dled ’'i i.in tor 1 ■nin.M As ! . C\. .\n-. ever, that those consequen es would trot b.- blu.- ... lhat the good sense and moder;ition ot ibe Ameriean people wood side with us, and require that to be done which Vv’e (.lemanded, tmd that the most s;\luta- ry efiects woui.l en^ue in guarding more cart.iullv the puri-y cf ihe elective franchis*' and in arresting ll'.e growth of fdection fraud and corruption, witliin a lew years ad van: mg v.illi the most alarming ra pidity, and threatening to subject the will ol tlie Ame’rican people to the uninstructed population of Ireland and (.iermany seeking a home on our shores. L^t casuist d^tern:in^ thr* moral character of the meditate'd action, it that was good, tne actors were irresponsible for its consequnces. I Relieved it good then, when much cxcilcd, and believe it so .siill. v/hen the mdiixnalion of that day is sitpplanled by another class of political feelings v/hica laake me' reg.ir.l ihiir predi cess.;is witii vltv dib-aent eyes wh‘-.i treachery and ingratitude c-au^e n',e to v:ev.' \ an and the Spoils S'-tem witii cDmpaiative aliect.^n re-eiected by tlie vote of \'irgmia. without udiose vote he could n -t liave been re-tiecled, ^^and it was fbou‘Hit it bi St to in dve i;odi?closures for the public ; . , i , lii ■ i n , i\ .i . i ^ .iiuu^iiL It L .. , , j.jM-iiLst and con id be ludicially e:tabh;lnd. lhat he . ' ev(‘ and t> v-ii.ai’a sb* nl ;.s to our piincitiles.— ; ^ ■. i i , r ' i t . , ( \ e. aii-i - . I , ^ inaeuied lor Ills \ iiginia majority io jraiid, the ' que^tIon parsed fioin man to man. what was to be done ' W'nat was tlie remedy i Would the Ame- ric.m people subnnt ’,o be itiled by a majority, car rying the-ir point by f.i.ud ? Unt:ht it to be subniit- f : I 1 :1 . :ei ■s (d taat d iiey evad: d l;a‘ q' thi. mse! V( S OppUit 'I aH;k tliO stum:-; at b.a^t I my brelhtr b'orwia. who understand taat even in thi to an '.1 ui. :^V VORK. iTionstratiOij; THK XATiOrsAI. IXr One cf the most imposing p-ei.v u-, Ndw orK. caine oil on l-jC Ij-.i j ' ’ ’ a' ing ciiizen.s oi liie city. ! tbe-'i' liidignaiions at the* j ^ . V w. . ..X .. . V... \ government, and to biing i.« undt r the conlr*d ol a I ici''in, tatal la the li' ■ rtns of the i -:opie. 'i’hat we wi'l sustain the Exrcutivr' administer it. and will her wise provis or tiie binelit ot future generations. Kcsolrc l, 'I'iiat we sol'unnly i! ry tiiat proc^^ I- n.g; aitn-' 'ibeaty I-.nner givt ii i • Lord A - b ;.- ton. at t!u; .A^Lor llo-i?'’, on lia; 2 1 in^t. m n mio of •*t!ie meichants ;md cilit^ n> N / V >u b. meet With liie' api)! obation of our C!ti/en>. exerpt o iiir as tiiey may be ueem-d jtisll y coinjibmrntai y to tlie diilingtiicjhed n presentative ui tbc na tion and the American Secn.tiiry oi ^.at*-. lar so haj>pily ce-;itiiliutmg tbeir aid to heal li'.e i.i!di.im.,' dtii’erencts b. twen Uvo I'ations of Li.rlred eiriuni, language and populati;-!!. licscii-cfl, 'I’iiat we S'd( ninly prote-st to tircid. Biilain, Fiiince and all otlier n ilions, the insults ob iered to our i\esident on liiat occasi>n are n-.-t ap proved by the p..ople ol the L niled Stat: s, butcx- cite and will continue to call lorlh iheir titinost in- liignation; that thty w^-'ie the acts o! the intern:il enemies of our form of govcrnmi ut ;ind ri pubiicun freedom; whoso equoion.^;. o!;j'Cts and p.nicy, verily believe, to be idenlicai with ttio^e >t the oi 1 Federal p,arty, an 1 its poliiic il decee.aaii’ . wii > sneciei! al f'ur country s victori-s. lidicuied ii-; vab'-r, au’d trcaciierously huisicd blue-hgbls to conduct liio ships of the enemy into our biaioors, to iay vraste our cities and pillage our ciln^ens. Rr.^o/r^d, 'Jdiat a correct descri;)tion .of the prt-- ceedings of the citizens ot New York tiii" day, in tlicir procc'S-i'ui and this conclutling pn!d:.: myelin::, be jv.iblisheil m tiie Jiondtjn 'i'nnes and Paiis (.'(.n- stitutiona!, as web as in sevc ral jouinals cl fbis ci‘y ;md Washington. Ilc.-iolvc'l, Tliat v.-e soi'^'mnly protest ngain-t ti.n omission of the name of the President (d the I niu d States, al th;it dinner, as the Anierican coiitra 'tmg party to the 'I’reaty of W'ashinglion : tin ibesid^. n! and vSenate being tlio only authoritifs tanatKui;!! treaties known to the (Jonstitution ; an 1 we i*oi.'!d;.r this omis.'ion tiie more invidiotis ai.d di.- 'racf‘ui, because it is well kaiown that ['resident I’ylt r e.ver cised Lrreat sagacity, abiiity. and i:i.let>it!;pdib‘ fm-r- gy, in the' progress and modiiu’.ali )ii ni ilial treaty, !iom i's conimencem-.nt t > its gratilynig consuniina tion. Overw'nehned with tne ccnstna; and c-v.ileinna- tion manifesled frvan all rpiaiters, agiiu-t the iiota b'e proi'-ct describe-d by Mr. Pleasants, the Ri''h- L J V * :-r-r ' (lormaily edited by Mr. lb, ai d ibo me-'tium cliosen by him far liying his siv'tch ol the •■pi,}t,'’ before the public.) attempts an t scape by the loll )wmg subt ad'uge ; ‘‘ "/’■'i’'’ ” has liiroyvii the old mesmenz^d driveller of the l^nquirer iiit-.) viohnt patriotc convulsion—the Sweat 1 louse is .^^'irr' d to US lowest depths—and a double guard has be.n mounted atthe W'hite Hou^e m Wasliiiigton ' 'i’lu^ mc'st successful hoax ever jjlayed off upon iiuman cred.ully—not excepting even the Cumpawde Plot never cxcitf d so much sensa-ion 'idie Alexan- dri-i f iat'jtte says it has cr.aled a universal laugh. We vvnl try t-- n.alce room to-morrow for some of Ritciiic.s ‘starthng' appeals. i*oor old tnnn I he iias had his day. l-'or loity years he has been hum • tiu'^uing othtu's. and now there is no tiick, however .'-imliow, which ca.unot tak'e hitn in. 'J'hree men kidiMpping tb" ‘'.■'onmrinder in-(.‘hief of the Army and navy, luniag liiai lound to Albemarl sound, in a fa^'t saoiuig s'.eam' r, th' nee to i:>tincombe, and as* Sisled a p!'cfim t:on (to i >ick John;an, of course tin.n a:t.n. president, dUi mg tiie abduction of Van) caiiiuj b)r a new el-cMen! Airocious I'iot! Detes- arpOSe f f e’ in 1 ?40. la lav->r a bas. i made it. laisOil a storm ai i,>^;bided. had to I ntiT a d iiial Mr t?- \\ .^iurj TKbVlb )'\. -bb 7d...ils\i kii' W. and ' by ills l.t- ; y here j ii upon ; M’l LICATION y. i;l be macic to tia‘ L^^^ri-- lat'-ii^ ' t Xorih ("aroba:). t-> r.-p" ol tlie law :ibt-ii.li- iair Juri* : at the January ;:ad July fe. ais o: M* >-!v- 1‘ nluirg (‘ounty Oouir. - . , • Au«ju:" 1'' I--- - • u 11 K»a: .ded ;tit. 1 ) li ri: ^ »!i i.m_^ . and OLnn: l :ti w:.s in b»Voi’ oI ..b. n>. r^O'i li V .1 I. Lilt'. 1 ll. H| I'iiSillt i. i’i\ tch‘:s poi r -veiity UMs m- ! ius.- mitigh'd 1 Murphy ih^-n t- :nis. lhat (.rcn. i^’ateS Lalii\. AXOTHKR L ^'V'.t’. ''' i''-'r tb^ f diowiiiiiy * le 1 to .• ii ^:a•n a ;-!eced-'?:.! v»eie' acuuiesced in. i 1 ^ ' w a;:! it not be r^oxealed, and delug-r.l as oar cou:i- iry always was. and would auiTtiaiiy continue to be, to a coiistently aUL^nicnting exn iii, emigrations ol the most liht-.aate class'.-' ol Euri»p-e, should we not speedily bv- ;it liie ni' icy ol f nn ui them who would embody ihe^^reatest iiumber ol niei ceiiaries to diown til.- voices oi tiie true and real Aaieri an peopie. ^ It tile Conshlulion and laws allord’ed no lediess. . O'lLThi liot Uie people to take redress into ih^’i* own ' hands, as a case was pres( nted. wneii iubmission to 'tne wrong was a laciv relinquislmient of fiee ! ernmtnt. and viituai .-lavery ' Such were the , ipie lions agitated at that inoment ol excited feeling ! and painful suspense. , tdcutlcmen ot the bar were consulted as to tne le- ' ^al course w hich oni to be taken if Mr. \ an burtn ■ nad been elected by the aid of Virgmia,and it could : be made to appea'r lhat his majority^ m this State ' , . ;j J'i l -i'*. Tiiey wei'*j ^d opinion that there cva wi*nes:cd m in?taiit—c'atrq'''>sC'i eT the for tiic nati.aial initi.i oiil \\ at U:e ..s;:.. tt. -o j ^ compel d of carnage^. mi..'ary and citiy ns on h a- nnles Ion.''. -;v!'-.'r i: r. :m‘ I'uU.itry :.;;C ai.:; rchiu2: ll streets of til'. I ■ . p .,1 > I. ” tlie miscabi.n \ j 'j';.*' {)roce.:ti >n. i , i n 1 i.vc '^'^mpan'- ?. | bvb was c '-r two ! ■ougi \ r. I> VV ;ati . :;.iS ai s.r.in. ai tni.r I . liUi Wny ti,.: is a lalsilication of the (J;d bi;ds a:e not caught with be ii-ot./i C>'.:ricr, a prominent :::rari nts tnus poinb.diy and frank- the piin-'ipal the r>rccession enteretl t»j0 i aii>', where a pao.ic nab'ic meetin:::: was organized by the ap- j ‘-111 -bi.- p. d':'; -! ef the plot? Or is it a mere I ’rick ieiid tU'; pa'di' I > infer that the letter ot J. I H. ibe.isant.-*. v.'a.- nobrmg more than aharndesaat- ! t- nr't t:» nnp an the editor d’ the Idiiquirer ? ^ ^i'aii' '‘.iii* r ai>po aiiOn, and the W mg will read . .. J.. noint-TiPnt of IUnii i. J.\fKsoN, Esq . l^re-lei.r. I but bttie honor tor painotisin or crec.it l.r wit R » ' . r, .. I I M--. Idva a'-ats rt>te It. - letter initkJiig itn apparent- wiih twcnty-six \ ice i .(siut-n.s anu tv. en.\-six i ;ratb-iitic i=ta’>aneiil of a plot to cariv oii tne retaiif?. intj ot a scorcbin r several abn sneecin s and the report from a Coinni. lollowing R-.soiiiiiuns were unanimously aa .q tru R solrcd, That certain occurrences at tiie 'I'rcaty Banquet given to Lord Ashbu'ton, the Speci il Fn- vo, and Minister Plenipotentiary ot Great Btilam. at the -vStor House, m tlie City ol New \e»Uv. (ja ! f'r' sai- i.t '/;■ the (.'tinted States, solely ..alli a vnw I ' ) t!;’!‘ V. itb tbe in*e;.uCt ol !r... e >t- .tij*or,!ry ivlr. 1 Uit(a..v*. and the Win'j; i^ub^.o.n u it to be a Sio.ix, no degre'* ol contempt caa be loo heavy to lay u]>on the beads o! such sh aneles.? blackguards. Uul Air. Ibeasan^s has not et pronounced tn^ letter a fiction or f^iveii tiny inti i.alion lhat the plot was not u "e?!* 7'(uc plot. Tb'' i^aragraph, quoted above, from the , Wiuu'-. lioCs J. Ji prouounce the letter a/toa.x', it Mr the2i September, lbi2. were ol a charatier and pi,. ^.^jHibs. aid the editor of’the W’hig, inive any re- imtiOitunce that should arrest tbe a'.tf n’i aioi ’-ho - t atb. honor, or decency, they will uoi at- impoi whole .A’neruau people, an ext i:na r'oi tii a univer-al ' n*uipt n> ^ i^s ihe matter olV watti sueh a disgaalinf;; Whiil ba=i here fXbxbltr;*!

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