w. I1A3IFTOX, VIE 2, i The powers granted under the Constitution, being derived from the People of the Unite I States, may be resum-d by them, whenever perverted to thtir injury or oppression. Madison Editor ^ id r CHARLOTTE. N. C . NOVEMBER I, 1842. NUMf ER 84. — —~~—at — ^ T i: II 3iS ' of tlis ■•I'lvni >■’/( pu'ilialiPu vvf’ kly, at . ;i’ ji ii.i ill a(ivnn=; ; or 'I'hrcc : :T till, f'x; rnti.>n >-’ thhke jionthk i. iiiL'. A'.y person uii'i will procure .:l .U for til -ir Kr.ltscrij-lions, -ur a rluh of ten suij- '■ ^ • 'l\rLn‘j iJulluro in ... I- I 1 A, V;’ ty r '■ Vi . i a ; ti fd i.. th ■ .'ul;~rrib r owes nny I't a iVilurc to notify the Kdifor 't :iNr, MON ; II bof.Tf- thii e.vjura- “ f.-n -iiTt'.! n^w en£^fa^enK lit. 'f !>• riU ;v,! i t.i (iis'-oniiiiue th > •.vjii-ii.* payiii^ff )r ta-' Vf • '.*•! ■ A C: ! ff- ...1, IX EQUITY, Laacunter District. ■i I.: I : I «ni. h • ■ !U. i-r' C- s itp y i .•). nil! t’r I. : -■ . t-r I.', IV at til •-■lii' ■ - • M„ ! ....ll. i i' iii>'r'-iU, an ; 'I'lr:;:- 'I, .ii ’- ■ ' i li t other \i \. :'i ■ f /' ! I , j- . I » il!-iy, ■ • - I . A h. ■ i;il :: -■■'•tint will b‘^ (■ K \ Aiiv rtii.iiicn!:i \siiii rill! luinil-'-r of iii>cr- !iv J i:;ii.i forbid and i-har^ ; i! •••:: r..!;‘;«.;!uuL' Ul-ilVy in PUIil? !'■' I ' - .i !'rr*‘>1 Jiu.stm- ; or thr ; wi.l h d to the \\ liter: ';;d a.- otlr r nfv'iMints. 0-‘ ' I' ■?y/ ]U y.l 1 1; • r;l- i:k rn.i,:" ■ l^'iiif :i!hl i; i !1* .lih r:i !: tiiib ;i !s \Vv iri=>e. l!i: ir : lvi: : rc OTOiJii. SCfMlP, TAIiUABLiE AND RloSi GULD MiHE AHS LAND FUH SALti. George R. Alien and | wite and otiiero • John llelk, liobert Belk, j Janies Barkley, J BV virtue ot'ihe Decree of ilie Court of Equity, made in the above case, July Term, 1842, I will otter lor .sale at Lancaster Coun House, on the first Monday, (liie 7lli day) of \ovemhernext, the follow ing Tracis ol‘ Land, situate in ’.lie District of Lancas ter. (/n>^ Tract conlain'uiq 243 acres, situate on Wild Cat Creek, adjoinin;^ the lands of John Stogner. John Cariie.s. Aeel Johnson, Ellenor Carnes and Ro bert Belk. Upon tliis tract there is a very rich and ruimble Sm Uice Mine, known as »iie Belk's Gold Mine. Near si.\ tiiousund dollars worth of ore was taken from thici mine by six or eight handa in about fonr inoiiihs. The ore is so easily obtained, that very hltle macluneiy is nectissary to the successlul and prolitablc o'i‘craiion of this ^line. iWao.Ow-uthcr Trar,\ coiitainin;^ 379 acres, adjoin- in;!^ t!ie above and John Siogncra lands—Gold has been (bund on this tract, and it i^: stipposed that a rich mine will yet be discovereii upuji the Fame. i\U['>J)ni‘utli>'.)' Tract, containing G10 acres, hound- ! ed in t)art by the State line. Mtirtin Plvler, and otli- Also. /■«'/(',• 7’, i.e.', cci.taihing »IS a.cres, situ ate on both : the lands ol i anti others. Also, (hic ollift' ''I 'fdct. coiitaiiiiiig oSG acres, situ ate on the Vv-.iti;rs of Turkey (Inarter Creek, bound ed by tlie lands of Benjamin Shaver, M. Cluitonj Wni. McKemiti ami others. 7V'r‘)!s. A cr'dit of i and ? years for the Belk Mine. Tor the other tracts, a credit of 1, 2, and 3 y'^ars. tliepurcha-^ers giving 13omls withaj)proved se curity, bearing interest trom 1 he day ot sale, except so much cash as will pa v costs of suit. Purchasers ulso to pay lor lillesj \.c. J. H. WITHERSPOON, Commissioner ot* F.quity. Commissioner's Oirice. Lajicaster C. House, S. C, St^pt. 2G, IS 12. 81....4\v I’rinter's fee 85. I ‘‘Are you his sister, that he feels such an interes | the lips of both, as, regardless of the presence of your fate?” asked the Emperor. .armi •’ m i Oh ! no, sire!” saii llenriette, tier lovely cl»e(;Ii: f assumin" still deeper the hue oi the lose; ** I am I o?il// his cousin.” ' ‘- All! his cousin,'" said Napoleon, glancing , at Josephme. with a hali-stjppressed smile. I “Oh! sire I” cried Henriette, “recollect the an- ' guish of his widowed tnolher, when she reflects that the affection of her son lor her is the cause of his death! What,” she cotiiinuetl, •• can I do to save others, they rushed into each other’s arms. ! Napoleon stepped forward; I >olmarre.” said i he, “you have just heard tVom my lips tiie ‘ale of j this lovel}' girl's devotion and courage. Do you love her as she deserves 7 ! I could die for her,” answered Louis, proudly. ! Well, well,-’ said the Emperor, *• this severe test of the love of one will suffice. So dutiful a son, so faithful a lover, will doubtless make the best of l:usbands. You, Lieutenant Delmarre, are dis him and the poor giri, forgetting the j)resence o! ; chari^ed from your regiinent. Return to your na- royaity, burst into tears. ^ | tive valley wiili llenriette as your bride.” More,” said the benevolent Josphine, emerging Tiie kind-hearted .Tosephino glanced at the Km peror, with eyes cxpresrive of sympathy and pity she noticed the worlrhig of his face, and felt at once that it was very uncertain whether Louis Ddmarre was to be shot the next morning. Napoleon approachcd the weepinggirl—>hc has tily looked up, and dried her tears. ‘-Myiemoi- seife,” said he, would you give your life for his? Would 7/ou die, could Louis Delmaire be restored to life, liberty, and his mother from the reccssed window, here are one hundred louis-d’ors, as the marriai^e dowry of Henriette.-' Rather Equivocal—pfci j your lordship's ho nor and glory,” r» plied ‘ I shot the hare by accident.” By accident ;;rt narked Captain O’* tlailoran. I3y accident,”^0 tinued the postillion. *‘l was firing at a bush, aSki tho bcste lan across *]ny aim, all of his own accorti Yhe ''aine k ep* er tells a dilTerent siory,” « “ Och, don't put faith in w!' Tim, “when he niver ca truth any how. He toul lordship was noi so fit to fi^ a jackass 1” Ay, ay,” ex^l kiddy, “ indeed, and what did yer honor, Isaid yer Iordshi]|nN vs."—'Frasier's Mag. ^ Borroiciiig Babies.—All^c vners of interesting lied his lord.'hip — :hat man says." if’ ^ about speak!! g t:i e t’other day. y* '** le chair of justice as med V iscount Kills- ou sav ? ’ “ Plaise A charmin'T blush sufi'used the cheek of the beau- i children will be amused w|li the following, troni tifJl «iri, as she veceivcd ihe ru.sci from the hand ] 'l‘e Boston D.iily Americ*.i, A £('ntleixian and of the Emnrcss. iof that city were ed with a beautiful “ Lon'^*live Niinoleon,'' exclaimed Louis, as, child, which attracted so hiuc i attention from the with a heart too full'of greatful emotions for further i neighbors, that the young frequdit'y sent over utterance, he took the hand of Henrielte, and, mak-, - borrow the baby.” M r bemg obliged to me, iiueny, anu n.. t i t i r nd ' in--a ^rraccful obeisance, quilted the apartment. ' ^ov the child several tm ^s, IVIr. . on com Henriette started back, deaaly pale, looued lixea- j => o ■ home to dinner, got out ♦ temper on finding it 1 1-i ;: ) w, oi I ;i: umtain ucar, uad iis st i'‘‘viii.s, 1 f :• whert; skies as clear Wiih i I'ual b(,‘ams. i \v ■ •, 1 tl*0 its liills aiK :i ;sfipc o (Tj lowLiy Maiiio. -‘tiie d' childhood more, ii:i. mi::ig j \:i Ti r. ■ • W l i'ti the ;.;n in gb fv 4Viits -o ' ' ! = ’ dtoje-, 1 ( ::-di .-T:ir tliat .sit.-, r ;• -- s\-;eet home.’’ • ‘a!-’V r .ll:' • th- ’Vvalight hill. i'le* h' ^ . t !;•• e ; !i‘l spring, ■■■hi' "I '. -l ^ s:;:.-; c one o'e;’ me s ■ ■ ' . 1 •■. :.i hri-;^T. - . *. . * . . »/ * * • 1-] whi'e nn ■h.- ; 'hts still loiter ho \ ; 1 pon : ■ ■ ?.ii.t s ;• er. i ^ n.l ;,;":;i^>ry b! !:! a and tear. r r dl I ' \- ■d \ .na'. ; -le' ui'' It. at ha a sig!^. i 'r ii leiu! hi j= W-: ' a . ' .n- I l;l. r. 1 .V-1\ - t'; h-aiie and r':y, 1 ■ dr il l ’-. 1; : ' ’ * \ .T ' • my na*.V(i va.-‘, ■' ■. * n ‘ ; V. , ■- ; Vi, re 1 1 pleas.Ii;‘ •"-I '. ’ : :..v ! r liuls o!' !du''. Iv at tha Emperor for a moment; then turning away, she buried her facc in her hands. _\fter a silencc of some moments, [Icnriette looked up. an air of fixed determination rested on her face—“ 1 am willing,” said she, in a very low, calm voice. . Napoleon looked at her in surprise, as if he had not an'.icijiateJ so realy ail answer to his proposal: i “ I will SC3 you ag \in.” said ho; “ in the mean time, side.-: ot‘ th(i Potter Road, bounded by j aparlmstits lor your accommodation as Ur. 3,nil!., Tlwuias .\cL.u.i, II. Ilui-y j j A^ soon as the door closGd upon the fair petition er, N:ipoIeon walked to the window against which Josephine was Iciming, aiid said : “ 1 see how it is^; Louis Dcimatre is the lover of this young giii I'rue to womtin’s nature, she hai braved tlilliculty and danger to beg for his reioaso. “ How strong must bu the love she feels for l»ini,' said the liiinpieos. ^ . 1 ‘-Ah'’ I'ciui'icd he. •• 1 have a mmd to suoject Ithissanie love to a sevctc lest. Much 1 doubt ! whether she will give her life iov hun. ^evcrtne 1 less, 1 will SCO.” i Surely,” exclaimed the Empress, “ you arc no serious. Louis certainly can be pardoned vvithout the death of Henriette.” Napoleon drew her ncaier ihc window, and con versed in a low voice. A Sworn Anti-Tiilcr Man.—“ Hurra for Ty ler,” shouted an admirer of the great vetoist last evening. ■ “ To the divil I bob the whole breed, seed and ; ” shouted an Irislunan who was | gmeration oi said the other. " arn’t you m. e. e.Tii0^tu WOULD inform such of his friends as desire his professional services, that he has removed his Oni*‘e to Mr. Johnson’s brick house, two doors above the “Carolina Inn,'' where he may be found at all timc.^, unless necessarily absent. Charlotte, February 8, IS 12. 4S...F Notice. IirVTIjirVD, »li^ rtr^.'Tt c-oereion oi’the lo.1151’C of North Car.-iiun, i- j.osiiig, by lottery, o! t!ie Jamesvillo, or Harris Gobi Mmiitg LANDS, on the v;raters of Clear Creek in Mtjcklenburg couiiiv and elsewhere. ■' WTLLLVM A. HARRIS. Auszust 2-3, 1S42. G7--tml em, present. “ Hallo, old sIiiTiaie^ ^ a Tyler man ?-” ‘•'Amn’t 1 a Tyler man ?” said the Irishman, “ Is a monkey a masther of arts, I'd like to know # No, L’m not a Tyler man, nor sorra a one of the family, boys or gi*rls, iver was, barrin’ me father. Lord rest his sowl, and didn’t lie fall off a house and get kilt at the business. And when he was dyin didn’t ne call me to him and say, ‘iMicky, avic,’ sis he, ‘be a good boy,’ sis he—and the teais began to rim down his cheeks like bails down a tinpin al ley, or wather down the falls of Niagare—1 will, si.s I. '■ Pay Peggy Ivialowney the fifteen pince I owe her for the three noggins of udiiskey.’ I will, I'liLhcr -ngra, sis I; ‘ and pay Father McFay for I savin" masses for me sow), when I’m restin Troth ril do that, too, father, sis gone as usual—“Here, Jarw, said lie, go over to the Misses and get t|^e >aby ! and give them my compliments, and tell tim:; I wish they’d cct a babv of their own. and not bc-obli^ed to l >rro\v! ’ Ftnanclal.—The last good .‘ory fiom :'i >pii- nus, is that of a gentleman wh^ ook board ;tt a hune where but seven dollars per wt« k was cliari:- ■! 11 e remain(d live days, and on leaving, received a Mil of ten dollars, which he prorn; ly paid. It pnsv;,:- ly occured to him that someth ng was urt.>iig. ai. i he asked the i.indlord if his I rms were n-.-t >ev( u dollars per week ? Uh, yes, tiid the hu'f. but you have been here only live dayf and we charge tw o dollars per day. Well, then, returned thevit er, give me lack the three dollars, and 1 will stay^viih you the ritt cf the week. in glory,’ sis ho. A SCENE AT FONTAINBLEAU. Napoleon was conversing with Josephine, when i one ot the olliceis entered, and announced a young woman IVom Lyais. •• What is her business?” ••Some petition.''aa-vered Do Merville, the officer. •■Show her into ear presence,” said Napoleon. Tiie oilic ‘i- soon re appeared, with a lady leaning U'ton his arm, whose tuce (as much as could be Henriette stood alone in a magnificent apartment. HoJirs hod passed unobser\^d, so intensely was she absorbed in reverie. A small folded pape^ was tightly giasped in ono sniill hand ; on it were tia- ced these words: “ A d'^serter is condemr/ d by the laws of the ar my to sufier death. It yau wish Louis Delmarie Ere day dawns, he may be on his way to his moth er, whom he so much loves. ’ “ Ah.” murmured Henriette, “do I not love him too?” i^-essing her hand upon her heait, as-if to still its tumultuous beatings, she paced the apait- ment. I'he door opened, and De Merville entered He paused ere he articulated, “ Mademoiselle. “I am ready,” replied the higli-souled Tien iette, “ my decision is made.” De Merville appeared to comprehrrid the import of her words. He looked upon her in ie\eieiice, as well as admirittion, as she stood with the hi^gh re'==olve impressed upon her biautiful brow. ‘*I.^ol- low me. Malemois-lie.” said he. They traversed lon^r corriilors. and numerous suites of supeib apart- : j ments; and. decending a staircase, quickly reached ‘ 1 an outer court co-nmunicating with the guard house. A ValuaUc Bflf/.—“ What can you do'-" a;ked a traveller of a country urch n whom he s:iw, in front of a farmer's house, ticding a to;id wuh a ' O stiaw. “ O, I can do more’n onsiderabh*. 1 ridts the turkeys to water, milk th geese, c.n ls dow n the old rooster, puts up the p ^’s tails in jiap^r t > make’i-'in cuil, harnstirngi tin grasshopjH is, mai-as fires for flies to court by, kf'ps tally tor dai and mammy wht n they scold at mark, an 1 cuI:n the n e’s at piayeis in the niornin ‘ ' I, if I was to lose Katty and the children for it.— • I’m getting wake (weak) iNlickey, sis he. and I’ve cnlv a few words more to say—tiy cooise, for the honor of the family, you’ll niver forgetthe.owld fi’"ht betune the IMcIntires and us ? Niver. sis I, - ^ . nlilo theve’3 a drop oflho blood of the O’Uol.er-' ° “ ‘•'oat «lu iv’s in me vanes. • Xiver ict one ot lliem away from a fair or market without layin a stick to his head,’ sis he, and here me fiUhcr’s breathin became short and he had just time to say before he closed his eyes forever, ‘ Mickey, INIickey. bury me d icent «jni7 crintaleJ'-a.sine^;.'? voii lik'e; li' Uin th(^ army, turn trasher. or even become a tailor, but 7ii- ver be a tiler's man !—You see what it has brought me to.’ With these words on his lips, the poor owld man died off, and that^s the raison I register d a vow niver to be a Tyler man, and I niver will while grass grows or wather runs.”—Ficaijune. we find the The BrsTLi:.— I'his Oi». ‘labie contrivance to rendei monsiious tlie beautifa handy woik u! ( ^u l. we are happy to itjarn is y disappi 1111:1 j;. i j PhiladcJplii.i, .’Jie phystcJ-»i7*' prOiruclLVC of disease oj ike . vailed very extensively amb* tion bince iiic bu>tie -c.iniv^ •quence nas been, that liie If. ally abandoned us use. seive, that many ol the ^na^^ muiiity have abandoned this », ion.—Aurt/uLmjtton [Muss.) uvtr cv'odr'in.'iL'.l jr. c/.>- line, w hicti h.us pu, • I the lenr.tIc ptijiul'i- •to use. '1 he censi.- es thefte have 1.-r rt; also haj’jiy t > ob- jeiisible in iliis c-iw- :urd and loouih tush- 'azette. tny boy. iga in l i 1 Cause and Ejfcct.— • )o\w the spirit cxmbileii by ilie •• ll was nrostiy ha id cid^r ; id braiidy “How did you tcvl ab(j|^ *• Peilicueriaiiy nice aboL#! what IS IIjl; piistnl condi||j ‘Aiojtly lowi and d.Uriu.>i i YOU may out. ■■loic day.', w t dges, Si I 1 oi yon I •ai.;, h' y tii’y jnendous. iii. . * -canned through the thick folds of a veil) was very j Kutering this. H-nrittle was ushered by her guid i as sliti approached the small apartment. On a ch.-iir was (lung a unifo biic trembled m 4- leav:' to iMtorin his vW l'iin !s aiiil the public, - ‘ tin; ];:M^intiiines to carry on the ( J>( i t ^':)ot!i east wing of ' \ ^pl.n;; > lii'ick l.-;-isi'. wlii're .r 4 lit' \'. lii !>e reaiiy to necoiniiio- V. !io may tavor him j aii> n whispered her guide, kindly ••take couraije, but answer '1^ w. r^- nl.U’ P.eing 1 iiie li ccipt et the ri; ;ind Pl'.'.':-.dd|dna . liis b*\ Ivj >.iali not bt‘. eri i.te ■t;i. 12-0 /i -. ;r I be.iutilul. I iloor. ! “ Ma ie;no!^^ Hi.'. ' pressing her ban ! _ promptly what' Ver qiustion tlie Emperor may pro pose. lie dett sis he?italion.” Then ushering her into the spacious apartmtnl, he bowed and retired The trembiing gitl, perceiving Napoleon, on whom her foiuhst hopes depended, forgot herself and her timidity—she thought only of another. Throwin»- herself at the feet of Napoleon, she ex claimed, m a voice choked w'lth emotion, Meicy ! siie 1 sue for mercy and pardon.” She couli ar ticulate no more. Josc[)hine siej)ped from her partial concealment, and, a;iproaciimg the prostrate girl, contributed mote by her symp ithising words of encouragement to lestoa' thf couiage of the young petitioner than evi n th'“ Emperor, by the grticiousn ss ot his man ner. as he bade her arise. ” Vour pt tition, niade- moiit lie."' said he. Htniieile Arm in l (for that was her name) look ed imploimgly at the Emperor, and txclamied. 1 j A .ti 4 \ 'r f .J-- 8 ri:>io'ruY ii. ; i.d'taitv’d tlio NL\NS1 >N llOl ST., for ]uib ;!inadatie-n, ini^)nns his triends and the ]nib- thiit he is n>»\v prepared to receive and who iu;;V i’lvor hiiu with their patron- g.'i.. ■'.uiV, ntfi ""b ' TA1»LE slii.ll alv ,iys be well and ]>lentiful’y inrii d wiih every thiiej;’ the covmtry alVords, to >e and satisfy the palate e\i*n of an epicure. Hi- liAR will be found I'arnished with a choice >11 :>t Litjuors. \\ iiiv’S and Cordials, both tor- tian ,md domestic. %{ r VBLES shall be constantly attended by aid attentive hostlers and supplied with liii n t \>rovend e r P-. The Stage ‘ ;dl»'e is kept at the Mansion C l til'.ne, N. C., May C'?, 1S12. G4....bm Vh! sire, I as!c pardon for Lauis Ddinairt. who is condemned to be shot to-morrow. Oh! grant him yo.ui I'oyal paid«j^i.'’ A clot! i guthu’ed on the brow of Napoleon, as he intuiuiited her with—” A deserter, mademoiselle; he has twice dLSCiteii. No; he must be made an t .xample of. for the remainder of the regiment ’ •• iSut the caase of his desertion !” cried Ht nri (Ue, in agony ; “ ho was compelled to join the ariny against his will. ’ What wasllic cause of his desertion?” inquired N a poll on. “Two weeks since,’” answered Henriette, - he it'Ct'ived iiews that an onlj remaining parent, his mother, sire, was on her deathbed, and longed day and m^ht to behold her son again. Louis knew that relief or release was impossible. His mind was closed with one thought—that she might close her eyes forever, ere they rested on a so*i she had loved so fondly.” asked Josephine, with interest ipartment. where she was soa herself giment to which Louis belonged. On ^ > •. a largo plumed cap. H( nrit tte comp • ..ded a!' in a moment Ci'iickiy h'abitmg hets If m th-* uni form, she stood before the small mir or; and, gath ering up h“r be iutiful long tiess« s in a knot, placi.d the cap upon h'O head, k^ni- almost Uiteied a cij of ioy at the success of her transformation. She knew that sin* was to l>e l d to the fatal ground at the morning’s dawn. The b'lllet which would huve strucir Louis to the earth would pierce h(M heart; but sh*- shrinik not back. Love triumphed ov‘r the timid woman’s nature. “ Louts s mothc-i will bhss rn* in he; heart,” she whispered. Louis hiins*df will never furgtt me! Ah! often has he sworn that he loved me better than all things be sides !’ D.awmg a lock of rav> n hair from hei i hoS'.an, siie pn ssed it to her lips, and then breathed I a nrayer to IL avt n. Morning dawn* 1. The sound of footsteps arous ed Henriate. She started up. grasped the band el lair. awaiting the summons. The door opened; the uvo soldiers entered, npeating the name of Lou D htiarre; th-y sibnly led her Dow, Jr—In Dow’s last sermon, following rich morsel : “ Man looks upon life just as he docs upon the women—there i's no living with them, and he can’t live without them. He will run after them—and rather than be held, he will loose h;s coat-tail and character—kisses them for love, and kicks them for leading him into trouble. So with liip. I say he partakes of its pleasures and then damns it for its j pains—jrathers boquets of bliss, and when their blos- ‘sorns have faded he tinds himself in possession of a 1 ^ : briars—which is alluding to a little inci-j Po-^'; m a canvass, ha ing acco-i. d a llaat j,, Paradise when man was as ii'^dcsman, wham he solicited for his vote, uil u.aa worm, and as unsuspicious as a j answered, • i cannol give y 1 my tui-jtoil; 1 a iree toad m a thunder storm. Ho was tiien to in-| mire your abiiities, but confc.md,your |ainciph ’ crease and multiply, and .so accordhigly increased his cares and curses, multiplied his miseries and peopled the world v.’ilh a parcel ot candidates for perdition—and I am one ol them.” . t , occured ti n as a tobacc * % J I Mr. Fox replied, ■ AJy triei I, i apjdaud y your sincerity; but confotmd .'our miUiners. Curran, walking one day ’ ith a friend, v/iio w:is extremely precise in his pr lunciation, tiie latter hearing a person near him 9a; curositf/ lor t:j, tosih;, exclaimed, *• How that fellb\' murders the Eogli^n language. “ Not so bad,” f id Mr. Curian, ‘•he has only knocked an J out,”. a -t IS forth to di' 'I'ht soldit rs. whos bullets wer‘ to pierce the heart ot Louis, ha i tak> n their proper places, and only awamd th^' word of command from the Emperor, who was stationed at a window commanding a view' | of the whole sc ne. , , • •*Oh!” cri*‘d Josephine, who stood by hun, but cnnc af ll by the window drapery from the view of those below , - Oh ! sire, I c:m endure it no long er ; It s(cms loo much like a dreadful reality. Mark thed' Vottd gnl. No shrinking back, she seems calmly awaiting the fatal moment. ’ •' Stop ! ’ cried the Etnperor. ’* Louis Delmarre is pard’med. I revoke his sentence.” A loud burst of applause from the lips of tiie sol- dies followed this announc- rnent. Not one of them but loved and respected their coiTirode. The next moment, ere they could press around to congratu late tiie suppos'd Louis. De Merville had eagerl\ drawn the bewildered Henriette tnrough the crowd. a fix. The Ilov. once upon a time car ried his written sermon into the pulpit, and stuck it in the crack of a box just m front; but somehow or somehow Ise. xn li*‘n he rose to read out tht' hymn, he shoved the manuscript cl ar through, plump in to the box, the key of winch was non comeatiivs. j It v.ould have rerjuired genius of a Jfogarlk While the congregation sang, the good man tried 1 to have painted the likened* • of the t longated fa- every expedient to fish out his sermon through the | ces of the ultra Clay whi^;ii f Boston, when Dan- ctack, but in vain; at last he rose and remarked • i.d \Vebster told thenj tluit i bank of the Entled with f>-reat earnestness: i\Iy brethren, I brought :i States u-as altogether out df the question. It was sermmi with me, and stuck it in a plaguy crack j a/i obsollte ideal ! down here, but it 1 as slipped clean through, so 1 j cannot got it ; however, I will read a couple 01 chap- \ C(T$ar had the testimony • ters from the book of Job, which are a gretit deal j anil y« t he* i fused a chali bitter than any senaon I ever wrote.— I cm. Adco- i. [f Anthony is \\--arv of !ife catc. V. S. Loan.—T'he New Yorl: Journal of Com merce of Saturday says;—“The Bank ot Com merce is authorized to supply appli'^ants with Uni- tetl States six per cent, stock, having twenty years to run. Certificates will be issued with coupons in sums of 1.000, 83,000, $5,000, or $10,000, Or will be made transferable only on the Register’s books, as may be preferred.” “thei;e are other wavs to i:h besid- mv sword.” ages to hiS bravery, ige from Aniiu.ny — ell him.” Said Caj-^ar. the |;uint ef litte ciil u hat makes Exjjlanniori;.—“ (jrnndfib” said with msy cheeks to any e! dame, ' it thtmder and lighten T‘ “ Well, mv darling. I’sprij the light of the bles.s- ed sun gets lodged in the and when a snag on't g ts uogether it busts. "Ihe streaks that tly out is the hghtnin*, and the bu|i;n’ is the thunder-'-— Porllu/id Avjitrican. Did she d^e? astved Josephine, witn i^i^eres.^ 1 she had lame, replied Henriette. ^ she at last | ^ moments before. Resume your recovered. But hardly had Louia receu^ i M id* moiselle.” hurriedly whispeied he. Notice. FOR WARN ull persons from trading for a^Note ;riv-n to Robert A. Parks, Guardian tor Susan Sidtl of «?46 50 cents due the last of December n^t’ as the Negroes I hirtid proved unsound and of little use, and I don’t intend 10 pay the said note un- til ooinpellcd by Ui«. .fjjoMAS MCCALL. Alecklenbur^j Co.. l-\ 1812 82 .,tt blessing, and been folded to her arms, ere he was 1 lorn Irom her grasp by the ofiicers of justice, and dragged hither. Oh! must he die? Mercy, sire, 1 beseech you.” “ xMademoiselle,” said Napoleon, apparently soft- tned, “this was the ScCond otfence; name the first— you omitted that.” , 1 • “ It was,” said Henriette, hesitating and colormg '• Loose no tune. The Emperor wishes to see you. I will return soo».” H- nrirtte was like one in a dream ; but a gleam of delicious hope thrilled her soul; she felt the dawningsof happintss break upon her heart. Soon again resuming her pretty rustic habilimerils, De Merville re-appeared, and'on ceagain she trod the A llc])uhlican Sentiment.—State De-1 ' ^ mocrat says that ‘ the time must come when a man ■ —Some Solomon, a ^11 tiint, has shall have weight in the community in proportion out the following snug^i i^i**: to the size ot his soul, and not to the weigiit of his , u ygy cannot inspire e woman with Ijvo for money Vjags. or to the extent of his lands or to t.ie ■ |]|[ |jpj. above' the brim 'vith love for h , rs. If. value of his merchandise. and all that runs over w ilfl yours.’ ' Joe Smith Arrested.—The St. Louis Evening Gazette of the 6th inst. says that, a report was I Toast given at tfie B3tf.^ Hoiticulture Ftiii- brought to that city on that day by a steamboat that j Joe Smith, the Mormon leader, had been arrested ; and had been taken to Carthage, the jconsenllo hQ paired. »I . Til I/-, tirn-1 i.r nn f>Vain!nitlOn. I irifc.s.—ThO opplis of^4 ^ ^o married men sour grapes to old bdch^^s—may the ladies all u vvas—that he heard I was to marry Conrad j audience room of the Emperor. Lifting her eyes Fetrant, whom 1 dclest as he does,” add^ Henri-1 f.om the ground a_s ette. v.’ith ! bcheU An joy Hancock county, III., to undergo an examination A Painful Picture.—collector of Warren county, I^iississippi, reports 900 taxable persons within his district, as unable to pay their State taxes. “ Every Dog must have his Day. The^lo- bile papers announce the marriage ut James Daug IQ Mary Day. Short.—A lady made a onipipint to Frederick the Great, King of Prusijia, ‘ Your majesty,’ said she, 'my husband truits a' bddJy.’ \ ^ I * That is none of my busi *€55/ I ‘But he speaks very ill o: you.*

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