«: L^: ?1 '4 liwr i4^- ^ff 1*1:60111 ail. ‘* 7Ve powers irrunted under the Constitution, being derived from the People of the United StcUes, maybe resumed oy i/iem, ichencver perverted to their injury or oppression."'—Madison. VOLU^IE CHARLOTTE, N, C., NOVEMBER 22, 1842. \ NUMBER 87- - x-/ LDlTri), AND PUBLISIIFJ) WEEKLY, HY S. ^ ^ W w T i: it >IS : "I : - “ '/ -\-h:7ibur^ J.ff’er^^inici'i ” iS publisn'‘-d wt- kly, at "r.’- ii'i’i'i:-.' and F-J'ty CL/.tr, il' paid m ndvaii-’t'; or Three if not paid bt l.n-o the t;\piiation of threk months .!•; ihi> I.me of suhscn -.ng. Any person who will procure ; .-nbt;rs ii' 1 bfcoin*: rc.'pon.sible for thuirsubscriptions, ; , :i hrv.‘ a ropy of th-j prtper ;/ratis ;—or, a cjub of ten sub- ri:; TS Hiuy liav* the pup r o.ie year for Tittniy Dollars in .V .N ;: t>rip:T will (liscontiriu* d v.iiile the sub“criber owfs any ..ir: .f !»•' is :*''Ie to pay;—'tvid a failure to notify the Editor ..'•i’liiit.riU'' at lt"^!rt ONE MONTH bcfon- the cxpira- 1 >f flu t;ni»' paid fur, wili !>:■ .'-on.sidered a new eng igenient. : ’1 11 yu''.''.'n!/-'rs will not b..‘ allow d to di.scontinue the , ■ r f-U" th. i‘Xi-iv.iti.ni ui t!u; firbt y;ar withuut paynigfor .:r’H \!i ■. ’-f .c-neiifs will bu u;on-’y anil corr.-ctly insert- ; , t (}. r Dollar p- r sijuarf; for the lirst ins( rtion, and Twca- V'c Ccnt.^ funai'h continu wif'c—except Court and other i.il afivt.rti.,' in-n'?, winch will be charged twcnty-jirepcr r than the above; rat'S, (owing to the delay, gene- ; 11 iant Upon cull-'^fioiip). A hberal discount will be '.i ihi'HC who adv.rtisc by the year. Advt-rtihienieuts sent piib;if'itii;n, nui.^t be marked with the number of ihser- tiV'd, or thry will be ];ubiishcd until lorbid and ch^rg - . r'l.njiy. !,. tf'.rs to the E litor, iri'i rontaining money m . ’•e U^tllars, or over, must couu free of postage, or the .. i -lid a.t the olliee 1st re \\ .ll he rhar^icd to the writep , rv nir'truii’t', and coll 1 a-- other acf-c'uritf^. tTJjt Jtffrroontau. iVRR.NOK'S Kl.KCTlO?;—lSi2. v?‘ I • low. fs)! full]PL: reft rt ncc, iho oflicial lUiODE ISLAND. The Convention whu'li lias been for some time in s. ssion in Suitr, h:is adjourned, having fram- ‘ d a n‘vv Constiiiiiiun, which gives the following basis of sufiVijge : “ The rijla to vote is extended to all male native citizens ot the United States, who have resided in tlie fetate 2 years, and in the town where they may otfer to vote 1 year ; who are registered and have paid a tax, either personal or tor regisiration, ot one dollar, within tlie year previous, or who have been equipped and done military duty within that time according to law. To vote upon any question tor raising a la.x, or for tiie expenditure of money if) any town, or lor members of the City Council of Providence—tne voter must have been assessed on property to the value ot «>130. The question whether colored persons shall be permitted to vole or not, is left to the people to decide. The word white, is not in the ConstitutioTi, but a separate vole will be taken ai the same time with that upon the adoption of the conctiiutio.'i. on the question whether it shall be in serted or not. This will decide wiiether the blacks shall vote or not, without any property qualification. The Constitutiun provides that they shall vote if possessed of a freehuld qualification.” * The De mocrats about Harrisburg, Pa., must be very much divided in their choice of a candidate for President. Mr. \ an Baren, Col. Johnson, Mr. Huchanan, and Commodore Stewart each have been fjominated by a public meeting of thtir friends at [Jarriiburg; and we see by the papers the friends of Gen Cass were to hold a meeting there on29th ulr., to nominate him for President, if they would say Calhoun for President and Cass for Vice l^resident, that would be nominating to some pur- Tennessee.—T)^e^ Legislature of this State has agreed upon iind passed a bill Districting the State for the choice of Members of .ihe State Legislature —both Senators and Representatives. It was a matter ol some difficulty, as the two Houses are ol opposite politics. The final vote was nearly unani mous. The Districting lor Members of Congress is not yet adjusted. A bill was nearly agreed upon which w'ould have given the whigs six members to five, but the Locos stood out fcr the odd member at our last advices. A bill abolishing Imprisonmvmt for Debt has pass- ed the House, 39 to 29.—Lynch. liepub. EXTRACTS From the Message of Gov. McDonald to the Legislature of Georgia. A few weeks after the adjournment of the last Legisliture, appheMiions were made to me from If, therfere, upon experiment, it be found to be mi? chievous, or if it be abused and perverted to purp.t- ses not foreseen or contemplated by the sovt rrii;n» it can be rev^oked and annulled. It is as much ^ , , within the control of the L'‘gis!ature as anv m i'ttr vanous q.mrtcTS o! the stale, to le-assemb.o that of pubhc pol.cy, an:I more decniv and vitaiiv ati; c;^■ body, that they rni^ht take into consideration some ■ • - • - 1 ^ »' / V t ■ ] i 11 ‘ i' \ > 1 ,\u.th Carolina, at the August •. 1- !•>. \Ve ' Hi:' ^ho vote foi IS 10, as that 11 h'Jiiibcr 76 of ;his paper. • -Nni.s. McRFHCaD. Hi:nry. ri, 37:2 173 527 131 I 399 1 ’i rti *, mo •ni :;0l •i38 Ml!, rf, 750 593 ' i , 11 aO •19S ■ i niir 2,-8 309 « .iniln ri.ui 1. 60S 886 i] ] 1 j 303 1 ‘ r . 203 ■ ! V'.' : P, 221 '■ 1 •' ■ i. ;'-10 G5G » -rn! . . 71-5 3G7 t . . i . ; I 1109 ( a:.!.-: , 77 i ‘ 'T • 1 . 4 J ~ S3 212 ( ; I; i 1: L111, 707 t ^1, IV. VUld, ■'-n 359 s w I;! I u - j 129 351 1 - i.:ns iS2 -01 i:i20 IS I I 74 1185 I r it!: , r, 0 '0 GIG 1 Itrs. ri:! 427 ^ i ' :371 19S * : ii •r•.. 1 * 1 J. } i j •113 : ^ S'''3 • ■ ■ * * 1 ‘/C jO 231 - - .; 1 ...... r . • '* > 'O / •110 ) 161 ^ \V i 1C a 216 ;'t37 5.SO '* ^ -it . \ } 17;^ 252 1 «"i 126 0 i J 1579 • . b ’r;', 1' V 7 ’.1 b i t 11-2 J ’.‘1, 5.n 160 . J ;i >. L' J'j 577 ; u:.. ry, 1 163 i I 'Ml 50 i SS \V ! 1 I' >-.0 0 ~ J 7 65 •i30 r ' '>70 il72 ^ V. . 1 ‘-7 r»s 1 ; I - ; e';l 111 IV / ", 379 - : ■ n. :'io 515 1’ ’ - • > jO 9t - - S-TMu, 1 r » • • '» 173 ':i>::n. >:! 1 557 i \ u' ■; n!i') 1 a, t ■'") ‘i > ,: .!ph. 1 !3i 309 i i 1 951 J ’ nro on ' ' ‘ V, DS 1 950 - X rj;> 11-:o •- v: V 6H3 rr. • '* 106 V: •A e rit^'Ii. i ■ t 5,S V\ eve, c- llt5 \\ arrev 1 iH 730 ’; L' 16 6'-.o 1 . - . ' ^ i i •>93 31991 \ Te- IJl.on in lav \.r -jl tii -; r:'pea! of tlie Bank* nu i/wv h.is pa^j , 1 the Vtnnonl Lf^gislature v]:i:.invui-lV B 'th l\y-. Verinont Senators vottd :r law. we 1 i h. v>-, a::-l if they obey instruc- : nv, Ks sp.- ly V p. il is ct-r’ lin. Ch. 7 n — I -'The last accoun’s from In lia- The Select Committee of the Legislature of Ten nessee have bill for reported a ■ ividing the State in to twenty-five Senatorial, and seventy-five Repre sentative Districts. The bill auUiorizing the Banks to issue small bills, has passen its final reading in the Senate. The bill authorizes the iiank of Ten nessee to issue small Notes at the discretion of the principal Bank, [the Notes to he distributed accord ing to the Capital of the principal Bank, and brandi es,] and the Union, Planters’ and Memphis Banks to issue to the extent of one hundred thousand dollars each, at their discretiom The “ Nashville Banner ” states that imme-i?e sacrifices of property are aimcst daily made in Miii die Tennessee. It says, We will mention by the w’ay of example, that on Saturday last, eleven large.' iikey mules, two new wati^ons costing -SI60 a piece, and a negroe man, middle aged and likely, were sold in Franklin, at SherilPs sale, and in the aggregate brought but S500. Co/t’s Sub-marine Battery. — The following ex planation of the method by winch Mr. CoUdisch irg es his Sub-marine Battery, is taken from the New Haven Palladium. Probably 'vc nro u»-iobte.4 Tor the explanation to the chemical department ol \ ale College. Two small copper wires extend from the battery— j which consists ot a metallic caest filled with gun- .V squitTcl l.unt, seve.jtur n men on a siJo, caipe P°'vJ=''-to a powerlul pivanic batte^ ^ ' be SIX or eight miles distant. 1 Iiese wires are wound round with cotton yarn, over v.’hich is a coat of shel lac varnish. The ends which enter the battery are connected by a piece of plaiina wire which passes amongst the gunpowder. Wiien the explosion is required, the opposite ends of the two wires are sud denly brought in contact, the one with the po.^iiive. and the other with the negative pole of the galvanic battery; the effect is to heat the plaiina wire instant ly sufficient to ignite the gunpowder. The New York Journal of Commerce of Nov. 2d, says : Yesterday atlternoon, at 4 o’clock, the Battery w’as thronged with an immense crowd of spectators, waiting to see the trial of C= it’s sub-marine appa ratus. Castle Ganlen was als. filled with spectators, and numbers put oli' from tlu shore m boats, to ob serve the result of tiie expej inent. The vessel to be blown up lay n.oored m lAu sireauj, a 'lun- drecl yards ti'om Castle Garden. She was a bri^^of about 300 tons. Her maets were standing, as ingh as the topmast; but, with the exception of a few ropes to serve as stays, all her rigging was taken oil’. Colt, the operator, stood upon Governor’s Isl and, from which the wires extended to the powder beneath the vessel, a distance of half a mile. The signal concerted was the firing of three guns, one after the other, from the ship North Carolina; the two first as alarm guns, and the last as a signal. The third gun was no sooner fired, than, almost instantaneously, the electricity was communicated thro’ the wires to the sub-marine maa^azine, which ! exploded, throwing up the vessel in fragments, seen ‘ with difficulty here and there amid an immense mass of water and t^moke. The water was thrown in a column to the height of nearly 100 feet. When the agitation subsided, notiiing was seen of the vessel, save in the form of pieces of boards, heavy masses of limber, and a porlion of her hull. The result of the trial was highly satisfactory, and a loud shout from the multitudti on shore testified their approbation. There is no doubt that this ap paralus can be used with efl'ect upon a hostile ves sel blockading a harbor. The lorce ot the explo sion W’as prodigious—as was shown by the sudden raising of such a mass of water to such a height, and by the total dispersion of the timbers of the ves- •neasure for the relief of the people. I did-not con sider the applications sutiiciently numerous to justi fy so important a step, especially, as at the session tnen so recently closed, the subject had been, in ge neral ter,ns, submitted to them. There can be no quiiition that it is the duty of a Government, whose the interests of the whole community, than many subjects over whicJi it is not questioned the govern ment has power. The incorporation of a bank, is the exercise of a sovereign power by a State, in re gard to its domestic policy; and disfranchisement is the exercise of a like power for the change a policy which might prove pernicious; and in the mischievous policy ha& been, m a great degree, in- exercise of this sovertign power, it was never strumental in pioducmg inuividual embarrassment. i purpose or int* nt of the Constitution of the Ui and excluding from the hands of the people th^ on-1 States to restrict the Slates. It is a matter of ]> currency ceit.iinly available, in the paymmt ot I eoncem, and t;iose who embark in the business ^ debis, to avert or alh-viate the distress it has caused, of banking, undt-r a charier from a State, do itprop-p erly under no constitutional guaranty, on the morality and justice of those as tar as its powers can be constituiionaliy e.xeited f;'!.- tli3 purpose. Restrained, as the States are, from enacting laws irnpai' ing the obligation of con tracts, tiiey are cut oii’ from the most obvious rem- - dy for so great an evil. The paper they have au- tno.ized corporations to issue, as the representative of gold and silw r, they have no power to require cre litors to receive in lieu of the gold and silver thus kept out of the hands of debtors. In this state sovereign power, that there will be no firteEferiwce^ as long as they exert the importentprivileges confer- red for the pwolic convenience, the only ground upo& ^ which the^^ granted. If the proprietors of a bank have \ho power lo surrernler the charter, when the individual gain‘derived from il does not equal thek expectation, why may not the sovereign authority of things, whai can be done? Is the property '^*1 j revoke or annni i‘, when it is abused to the publi the debtor, who pel haps, has in his pocket th;i pa- disadvantage, or, when the obvious policy of per thfj law has authorized to represent ;oId and silver, but which is refused, to be sacriGced at the will of the credito", who, by his deir,^*nd of specie, is probably It^ft without a compefitor at tlie sale? This is little better than makin" the law the instru ment of tr insferring the possession and title of the property of the debtor to the crditor, without consi deration. A li'w years ago, a degree of odium res ted on the creditor, who, by demanding spcc^ M This beats North Carolina hunt- The Clay Club of Frankfort, Ky., have present- State requires it? Bank charters are usually sought under the prc-^ text, that additional banking capital is required lo*y comrii£rcial purposes. It will be found, however, apiplicdtions are more generally ihe' gs of interest, than the impulses of patriot- Bsoiks have been established remote frorri »ce, and at places inconvenient to the holders'^ notes to present them for payment. They 3 thi riUeriti’s fales, which, he knevv, was not lo be-^l^^biished agencies for pulling ibeir notes in^ circttlation, in sections of the State distant from thn place at which they are to be redeemed. 1 would recommend that ail such banks be removed lo ih places wjiere their principal business is done ; or, I bill the charters be repealed. 1 would recommend, enactment of a law to prohibit the estab- Anuther Sign.- -Tiie Hon. Tko?nas F. Marshall^ Mr. John *1. Deans, of Milledgeville, Ga., was ibbed and inslanily killed on the 2Gtn ult., by Ci. ro DuJJi'iglon, of the same town. I'he Federal Union says BuiTin^’.un submitted himself to the ci vil aulhui'iiit-s. InJliLCacc of /noiicj/. — It is a-lually becoming al most impossible to jjuuisli a wealthy criminal. At the time Colt was. fiiit convicted of murder in New York, atiolh’jr criminal (a jioor devil) was convict- t d of the same oiiln^e and was long since hung. He had nu mr.n* y, Colt, with money and fiiends, has had eve.ry suit of indulgence, is yet alive, and It is thought his punishment will be commuted to impiisonmtnt for life. Colt killed his man in cold blood; the other committed murder while drunk. tained, coerced the sale of his debtor’s propeiji^ a tithe of its value, that few men or willing to encounter. Of the supply of specie has been augrS^EMf but if any, such cases have increased, and pect the practice to prevail the ensuin considerable extent. If my conjecture founded, the present crop, though it promises to" be abundant, will but slightly mitigate the general distress; for the benefits expected from it will be greatly counteracted by the depreciation of the notes of non specie-paying banks the unavoidable conS('quence of demands of specie. From the re ports of the Banks which pay specie, it will be sefu mat th^ quantity of specie on hand wili not justify the expectation that they can increase their circula- lalion, except upon paper at sliort sight, upon the maturity of which, it will be immediately called in. On the first of October, the aggregate amount of specie held by nine banks, whose reports were re ceived during the month of October, exceeded, but little, half a million of dollars, while the demands against them in circulation and deposits, amoimted to nearly two millions of dollars. Attcr sMikinrr a balance of reciprocal dues among the banks, there is a balance of about one hundred and fifteen thou sand dollars in their favor, which must be due by banks out of the State. In this estimate, debts due by the Georgia Rail Road and Banking Company to some of the Banks of Augusta, and on intermit,, are not included. These statements approach accu racy, but from the manner in which the accounts of some of the banks are kept, I cannot say that they are minutely correct. The reports of the banks are ncies by banks, deciaritjg all cor;- bills of exchange void, not disc'oum- iich the bank is esiablished 4y penal ofience for a bank of- d or ofier to lend money at than at the Bank, repeal of the law to authnrizei g. Those who haveend'ark- ve failed to realise their encourages an increase of the community. I layj the Ruckersville Bank, Brunswick. By au lit of the prop*'rty , re based, made in he seen how fiitle er this svstem ishment tracts, no ed at the and rna ncer o other I rec the businei ed in the exp hopes; and any la\^ paper money, is i l)efore you I- and the Ex examination o upon which these institution highh'^ pro.'perous times, it, protection the community banking. A more favoratde time f bai.king system, we cannot come. A settl- d convi,;:io banks, of ail descnptious, a pie. It is clear, if iljore were be no lossfs by the depr(’ciatioo^ by the waste of the capital employ munity would be so much the gainer. Thfli-li venience ol the transportation of specif?, in far^e sums, from {)Iace to jilace, is tne most plius;blH ar- rcform ij out* for years to xhat on file in this department, subject to vour contiol. , . , Those debtors, therefore, who shall not b»* so foi tu-i nmch better nate as to meet their enofatreinents before the mo.ah ? ^i^cujnter t is i icu tv, honever, gieat a= it is. i'jt a mOie rtccnt insiance oi buying cii justice is : j.^ niade subservient to practice, were the case of Coi. IVcdcf, of Now York, who was j engaged in securing loose timbers and lowing them indicted for fighting a duel—was arraigned, pltad :iuiltv, and was lo be sentenced to the State’s prison of April, will be left exposed to all the hardships of a demand of sp^^cie payments, when specie is not lo be obtained T lere are now in the hands nf the p«;opie, a million and a half of dollars in paper mo ney, authorized by ihe Gen* ral Assembly to be is- ^ ^ '^ued, to represent gold'and silver, and which credi- sel. As a winding up of the whole, numerous boys j tors have the constitutional and legal right to refuse with boats, who seemed to be of opinion that all ihe-1 to than to be subject to pcrpetu.il lossts by the failuri of banks. Specie is always available for the pur- ch'JS ' of property, in every country, and under all fiuciuations of trade. It is always'valuable. Bank paper is not always valuable. 'Phis is argument enough. Btit as it cannot be expected that a system, whicli lias been so long in use, will be in a moment iv'-r nvo vrais by the laws of New Yoik. W'ebb’s pit a of guilty toibade his availing himself of the b'.nefit of any fault in the indictment, and his law yer wiih all liis ingenuity could find none, yet the jud^'c—the jusi ju:igc, wlicn he went lo pass sen- iLiice, said t:Lcrc was an error ul ihe ipdictinent, and luiiied iiic culpiii loose! And it is also said Gov. Scwaid i)ad declared publicly that if Webb olV, with a view l> make a practical use of them. [Communicated. Calomel.—The following extract is from the Lec tures of N. Chapman, M. D., Professor of the Insii- tu te and practice of Medicine in the University ot Pennsyl\"ania, located in Philadelphia. He thus discourseth on the use of calomel: “Gentlemen: If you could only see what I al most daily see in my private practice in this city, persons from the South m the last sta^''esoi v/releh- cd existence, eniae.iaied to a skeleton, with boih ta bles of the skull almost completely perforated in many place.s, the nose half troac, with rotten jaws. as possible, avert from the people the consequences of its own policy. The manner in which this is to be accomplished, is for your consideration. 1 w'luld, however, suggest that the purposes of justice might be answered by providing for the assessr.".c»u of a value on property, under which it should not that, located at our principal seapoi t, v/ith b.'^anches at commercial points, where banking ficiliiies are needed. It is s tiled by uni^’ers.il t?Xj)erience, that the peoplf^ are not b* nefitted by competiiion in the banking business. VVh en one of tht so corporations frtils, other banks are first secured, and it net unfre- was sentenced to the Slate’s prison he should be J ulcerated throats, breaths more pestnerou':, more in udoi.id, U'cbb has ficii iVi-.i'iJs, and has taken the than poisonous upas, Mmhs racked ivith * , ^ wx . .. 1 ! the pains ol the inquisition, imnds as imbecile as the U{)t law !of SoOO.OOJ, is a '.\ail street gentiC- j puijug babe, a grievous burlen to themselves and aui . iT * " u , c r,,. quently happens that for the purpose of dom;j it. its be sold, m all cases where specie or specie luiius . i- . i i - . ' , , . . , * frv- circulation is increased immediate y belore the e.\ are demanded ; or that when property is sold lor , . , ... . r, . ^ V u ..K. plosion, so as to throw the loss on the p ople. P such funds, tne debtor, or any of his creditors, who \ - , . , i • « * . - J \ r -V I n fr. ihcre were but one Dank, and its branches, tnese may desire a re sale of it, shall be pei milled to re- ^ i i . »• . mu . » ' t fraduli nt combinations wou d be prevented. 1 raf- i. Iv! litucky, and Oh.o. sv.ue that wheat in those \ t s was selling at 40 to l.j cmts a bushel, llour ‘ ►’i to 82 75 a barrt 1, bacon at 1}, to 2 cents a !'mJ, and pork at 1 cent a pound, and dull sale at Hrnry Clav will cany this State like a Hash, is no mistake about h''—Savannah [Oa.) Rc- P'^-ucin. \ our pr-.iphccying is not accounted of muc ''h, Mr. Republican. Von said Billy Dawson •V 'Uld b-at Charley IMcDonald m 1811, for Gov- ' n'li.r. like a flash, th«re was no mistake about B :t^ when election came, the aforesaid Char- r gave you Georgia coons a trcmend-i-ous skin- •' " Do YOU rtcollect it ? in in, and borio vved 6o2.000 from the Biddle Ban k. | a disgusting spectacle to others, you would exclaim.^ j as I have often done, “O! the lamentable want of c' ‘ j science that dictates the abuse of that noxious drug, Gcd. Jackson.—Tne C’incinnati Enquirer says a j States!” ‘’•entieman of liiat city has lately received a letter Gentlemen, it is a disgracelul rej)roach to L.;e pro- iroin t.ie venerable CA-Presulent, in which he slates j fcssion ol medicine; it is quackery, horrid, unuar- tliat lie had entireiy recovered from tiie efiects of the i rented, murderous quackery. VV hai m^iit do gen- ciccuieiii by which he was lately thrown from his i tlemen of the Soutii liiiiter iliemselves tm^y pobsep, ■ by being able lo salivate a patient f Cannot the veriest Ibol in Christendom salivate—gue calomel ? But I will ask another question. It ho is it that can stop the career of mercury, at trill- ajter it has taken the reins in his o\cn destructive atui ungovernable hand^ 7 He who, for an ordinary cause, resigns the fate ol his patient to mercury, is a viie enemy to the sick; and if he is tolerably popular, will, in one suc cessful season, have paved the way lor the business of life; for.he has enough lo do ever afterwards to stop the mercurial breach of the constiiutioris of hi.^ dilapidated j^tients. He has thrown htmsell in lear- j ful proximity to death, and has r.ow to fiirhi Him at j arm’s length long as the patient mam’ains a mis erable existence.” by which he was lately carriage and severely bruised. The old patriot savt=, Inal the great tlemocratic triumphs in Ohio, Pennsylvania and INlaryland have cured all his wounds Without a doctor.” With the Cincinnati En quirer, we rejoice that *• there is a balm tor the ven erable pairioi's wounds in his old age.” May Hea ven o-rant him many remaining days on earth to en. joy Ins iiard-earned iame ; and may his heart annually '’’low witii enliiUsiasitC rejoicing, as he hears “ the peals of Democratic tiiunder roiling trom Slate to State ill one continued succession oi victory.” fic in bank notes, never Intended as a commodity ol trade, and which has be come a nuisance to the coun try, would be effi ctually checked; and all the ad vantages of the soundest currency il is possible for deeni it within a spfifitd time, under such regula lions as you »nay prescribe. I'hese measutes are made nece?savy, and are j'ls.ilied by the poiicv >'>f the government, wnich in- Ilifnces dirteti; or mJirectly the business iransac regulaiion of the bnn!;;„- t.ons o men. The nicv.-ase of moncv, «'h“-h ^ „Uaintd. I had ti,e honor to trcted by me .n.-orporation of banlis, sljmu alesspe- 5,,, calatton. presents te.nntat.oiis to md.v,dual» to c e- ^ co^muni- a.e debts, invites extravagance and raises property fuither vie«-s in'relationlo i: to a value^notjiist.fRd by itic quunuty of ^olJ and , ^ recoii,:neiid l!.u enactment of eliicier,'. Silver in the coiintry. It lays the foundation lor all i , r u • r « ,u i • aiivei IIJ iiic couiiw^y. X J 1 I Idws for the suppression of usury and the busmes.s the rum which occasionally overspreads tne land, ! . l i i c\ • i - ■ Ult. luiii, J J V 1 ■ c:»rried on by brokers. Ooe of tne primary obu^ by seducing men into unwarrantable enterpri-^es, ; y - ‘ ^ and consummates it, by putting into the hands of tiie people a currency that cannot be used, except a' , the option of the creditor, in payment of debts—, Ouglu not a policy, frau^rht with such unfort Jiiaie and°ruinous constquences to the country, to be ahan- ■ doned? S lould iL bo lalerated a sm^^le d ly ^ Ot ^ thn propriMy, there should be no (puiiion. d'he charter of everv' hank, wnose re>um sh^v.’a an m i- . .1 ^ ('Ct of ru';uk;rJ. in establishinir society, was to t I *i.*i /**L tn.^ inc we.ni a2”i!n>t th^* no’.V'r ol thj :.t;p ° I *7 i % , • ,'jl more cev- (jr.-ai'-nl id ilj-* c.-mpact, u* I ■ . I .1 .• .^-sive operat.jii Correspondence of the United States Gazette. New York, P’riday, P. M. A salute oi 100 guns was fired this morning trom I the Battery on the Ratification ot the Treaty be tween the Umted Slates and Great Britain. The salute was returned gun for gun from Brooklyn and Jersey; all the shipping in the harbor are decorated with llags, and as the day is remarkably fine, the whole has given tiie city quite an animated appear- ance. . The Honorable Daniel Webster received his friends at the City Hall ihia morning at one o’clock. ;he uoovt' I 1 1 by i t solutions adopto l .a al of the Slates, relating i iri'erest. Amongst them will be the Le lo mat- J'^il Cravford, Srrjator elect to the Legis* from Ilancok ca , has resigned *"jre of Oi^orfT^ia ' o Division of Stokes.— We learn from the Saiem Gazette, that there is a petition adoat for s'onatuiev' in Siokes county, to be sent to' the next legisi-M'.»*. praying ihe formation of a n w county from ihe easiern end of Stokes, together with a coi Guilford and Davidson, so as to biuig iv rn'^isvili- as near the centre of the new county as pofc^ibie. and of course make it the county &eat. \V e kno'v ^ t/is.at'ires -m ^ ' I ^ d bility tw answer tiie tnd tor whicn it was mcoiiio-: 1 res :* itK-ns of the Leqislature of Connec'.icu'. rated, to i'-; Tnrta: tij, iiptrairU ^I V of a protective tariff The more nas no capacity for goo I, it thoVoughlv the principles of this measure are myes power for n).scniel. «n*.^inor uiis i^commc mV ol I mtrihirthe !.ein,!aiure has ubsol.ite au'.ionty uver ; - . , ^ I not under what burdens the people ot Stokes may He met the Chamber of Commerce on the =.teps m qc-ount of the hu^ene^s of tne county; froiit of the Hall, when he received an address i labor on account ot tne „ t> from that body, expressive of their satisfaction at | tlvey may be loo grieyou^ t. . . - ^ ' ; the final settlement of the Treaty. -Mr. Webster i for Old Gui.ford, we thin:C sne .lai a suitable reply, when In^ad^onr-vod. [— rf’?v€/isi.;ro’ Patriot. iti s'jver- 2 ran led ury It .jiiis. •Si> ctable ... “( t it; but no sooner does a ilnciuation take place in the market detrimental to nianniactuiers. thnn the , . . , • I - I . • . tibles of vour National Ivgi-dature are !a>n with w'lhout ihe reservation of the right m the a:t oi m- . subsidies rn iv be levird upon every cornoiat! -n. The conterimg ot amhoiity to sub- for iheir snj.por!, A system of inci- tituie paper moiiey ur gold or sdver com, i;> tnr . ^ ^ , .. j ; mre tii-‘ pro d-ic'i. 11 at’ h-.)mo, of articles of m lisp-n^able nati-m and uliects th: »h.-r •- : me suHect, and may repeal, in virtue of i i ti ni i)0wer. any bank charter, which ,1 ha “ ■ ■ ■ ■ 1 the The conferiing ot auihority lo sub )iiey ur gold or sdver coin, is ttir .j^lerr.'ition of a hi^^h sovere ign and political |.ower, i ■ V' ri-eat body of the people, inhuen-'ing ^ ■ cJntr-'llin'T the^r prospei:*v ’ V ’.V

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