^Hwklfiibivro l^ttcrsonimv. “ The powers frrantnd vnder Vie Constitution^ being derived from the People of the United States, may be resumed bij them, whenever percerted to the VOLUME 2, i ir injury or oppressimi.'^—Madison. CHARLOTTE, N. C., JANUARY 17, 1843. \ NUMBER 95 F.DITF.D, A\D PUBLISHED WREKI.V, BY T E U 31 S The " V'cklcnhurc' Jc/Ter^onian” is puMishcil wockly, at 7Vo Ifolhv'!^ and Fifty ('aits, if priiil in ;nlvance; or 'IWrec I>jll trc,\t' not l;!'fore the expiration of thrke months fr'.in til- liiii' of subscnbin2. Any person wlio will procure • r:f>. rs -ind l)econie rci-{)onsiblo for their subscriptions iii lil hriv'-' a copy of the pupt-r i^ratis ;—or, a club of fen sub- H't;.'. r.s nriy huvc the ji.iper one year for 'Vijrcnty Dullarsln \c papt.T will bcdlscontiiuie l while the subscriber owes any thjiL', if he is a!)lc to pay;—and a failure to notify the Editor • if a wisli to diHContiiuie at h-ast on'e mon’th before theexpira- r..n Ilf the time paid for, will be considered a new engagement, OrjiTiual Sifbscribers will not be allowed to discontinue the , '.ji' r bt fore the expiration of the lir^t your without payingfor a full ycar'.s subscription. Adrerti-ior.f. fs will be conspicuously and correctly inscrt- • i at One /dollar per square for the first insertion, and Twen ty-five Cents for each continuance—(?xcept Court and other ; rhcial advertisements, which will be charged ticenty-Jiveper i.tit. higher than the above rates, (owing to the delay, gene- vf'liy, attendant upon collections). A liberal discount w’ill be made to those who advertise by tlie year. Advertisements sent Ti f-ir j)ublication, must be marked with the number of inser- '.onsdesiP'd, or they will be published until forbid and charg- d ai“cor(Ungly. I..etters to the Editor, unless containing inoney in sums • •f /V' '’ DoUars, or over, must come free of jiostage, or the •' ,1. Mint paid at the ofiiee here will be charg(‘d to the writen n ( V ry in.^lnn're, and collected as other accounts. Proposals C'lrryi.i" the Aliilsof the United States, ; lr)in the 1st of J11I3', 1813, to the 30ih of .J-iii'*, 1817, iii'Iuoivo, i:i X)rth C.irolini, will be I'u’civ-; ! at the (Jjiitract O.Iice of the Post Oniee / ■j);irrmeiit, in tlio city of Washingioii, until 3 I -loclv I*. AI. of the lo'h ilay of April, IS13, (to ■1-det'id *d by the 1st day of Miy,) on the routes -in 1 iij the in inner and time herein specified, viz ; -aOUTII CAROLINA. •-S •! I'i'iin Uili'igh hy l-’orostvilb', Franklinton. ;’’u:mt:ir) 11 ‘U i'Ts ui. liil^t.-w iy, At I ’on D'pot and ji'tl ;t.'U t» i i"tjn, ?r miles and biclc. daily in rail j- i;id cars ly'ave jI. i:;fi d;iily at 1 I a m, arrive at Gaston 5 j.’ue d 'V; f'y p in. jjoave i;i5toti daily at 2?, a m, arrive at Raleigh : 1 »ys by 1) a m. From !liItM{];^h by ;h by Mil ih; Creek and Avp- rvs!:i.r.r to I'^ayctteville, Oj mihs aai back, six li nes a vve*“k in t'.vo horse co ichos. i/'ave ival'“i:^di every day (except Snnday) at 12 ill. arrive at Fayetteville next days b}’’ 3 a rn. !/jave Fayetteville every day (except Sunday) at i p m, arrive al Rileijjh next days by 9 a in. i Voposals are iiivited to carry the great Northern an! S')tithern miiils, daily, on this route, by the fol- i i-ving’ Schi 'i ii “. la wa_j kis i)r Sii di other vehicles thi* contractor may s-dect, so constructed as to se cure t-'itf m irl:-, a.i 1 piiotect them against the wea- 4 hr. I/'avo d.iiiy at 11 a m, arrive at Fay* »s ihk; d:iy bv p tn. L^'ave i-'ay iti'vilk- daily at 12 ni^^ht, arrive at )^ilt io-b in ID lioiirs hy 10 a m. i^■cj>osals arcal^o invit-.d for th(^ transportation o! tiie great mail on the direct road from|l\.-ileigh to ♦iu'nbia. S. « ", via ivockinghatn, iX. C. ‘H03 From Ililci^^h by Kag-le Rock, Wakefield, j and Saturday at 10 a m, arrive at Fayetteville next Stanhope and Nashville, to Rocky Mount, 56 miles I Jaj/s \)y 9 a m. i^roposab to ca^r?/ on horse will be considered. 2310 From Fayetteville by Clinton to Warsaw, 19 miles and back, three times a week in two horse coaches. and Granville to Oxford, 42 miles and back, twice a week, in two-horse coaches. Leave Forestviile every Wednesday and Satur day after arrival of the mail from Raleigh, say 1 p m, arrive at Oxford next days by 12 m. Leave Oxford every Tuesday and Friday at 8 a m, arrive at Forestviile next day by 8 a m. 2810 From Forestviile to Rollesville, 6 miles and back twice a week, l^eave Forestviile every Mon day and Thursday at 1 p m, arrive at Roliesvilie same days by 3 p m. Leave Rollesville every Monday and Thursday at G a m, arrive al Forestviile same days by S a m. 2311 From Fayelteville by Davis’ Springs, Ran dallsviile, Montpelier, Lanrtd Hill and Brightsville to Cheraw, 72 miles and back, six ti?nes a week, in two horse coachcs. Leave Fayetteville every day (except Sunday) at 4 a rn, arrive at Cheraw same days by 11 p rn. L^ave Cheraw every day (except Sunday) at 12 p m, arrive at Fayetteville next days by 5 p m. Proposals are invited to carry the great Northern and Southern mails daily on this route, by the fol lowing schedule, in wagons or such o!her vehicles as the contractor may select, so constructed as to se cure the mails and protect them from the weather. Leave Fayelteville daily at 10 p m, arrive at Cheraw next day by 10 a m. Leave Cheraw daily at 11 a m, arrive at Fayette ville same days by 11 pm. Proposals are also mvited for the transportation of the great mail on the direct road from R.ileigh, N. C., to Columbia, S. C, via Rockingham, N. C, 2312 From Favetteville by St. Paul’s, Lumber- ton, Leesville, Gaddysville, and Alarion c. h, S. C., to JelTry’s Creek, S. C., 85 miles and back, three times a week, in sulkies. Leave Fayetteville every Sun lav, TuesJiy and Thursday at G a m, arrive at JeliVy’s Creek next days by 4 pm. Ijeave JelFry’s Creek every Tuesday, Thurslay and Saturday at G a m. arrive al Fayetteville next days by 4 p m. 2S13 From Fayetteville by Murchison's Mills, fohnsonville, Crain’s Creek, Caronish, Carthage, Caladonia, Oak Corner, Suirg’s Lridge, IJharee, Lassitas, liill’s Store, Salmi Cliurcii, Alount Leba non, and Healing Springs, to Salisbury, 1IG miles and back, twice a week, in two horse coaches. Leave Fuyelteville cw.xy Monday and Tiiursday at G a m, arrive at Sali:5bury every Wednesday and SatuvdiT/ by 5 pm. Leave Salisbur?/ ever?/ Mon ii?/ an I Tours! 1?/ al G a m, arrive at Fayetteville ever// Wedaesdav and Satu.iday by 5 p m. Proposals to carry/ on horse or in sulkies are in invited, 2314 From Fayetteville hi/ Argyle, Sjlemn Grove, New Gilead, Clark’s iVliils, ij Alicedonia. and Sutler’s Alills, to Lawrenceville, 70 miles and back, once a week. Leave Fayetteville ever^ Wednesday at G a m, arrive at Lawrenceville next da y by 5 p ni. Leave Lawrenceville every Alj.iJ ij/ at G a m. arrive at Fayelteville next day by 4 p m, 2315 From Fa?/3lteville by Prospect flali, Eli zabethtown, Westbrook, and Robinson’s to Wil mington, 85 miles and back, t.hree times a week, in sulkies, L^'avo Fayetteville ever^ Mjn.ia?/, Wednesdi3^ and Frida?/ at 10 a m, arrive at Wihnington next days by 9 a Hi. 7/'ave Wilmington everj/ Tuesday, Thursda?/ and back, three times a week, in two-horse coaches. Leave Raleigh every Sunday, Tntisday and Thursday at G a m, a*.rive at RocI:y Mount same days by 10 p m. Leave Rocky Alount everv Monday, Wednesday and Friday at G a m, arrive at Raleigh same days hy 10 p. ni. 2301 From Raleigh by Holly Springs, Hay wood, Long Street, Rollin’s Store an I Pocket, to J hnsonville, 67 miles and back, once a week, l^eave Rileigh every Friday at 11 a ni, arrive at Johnsonville next day by 8 p m. F^eave Johnsonville every Sunday at G a m, ar rive at Rileigh n“Xt d ly by 4 pm. 23;'5 Froiii Rileigh by Aloringsville, Ciiapel Hill, Hillsboro’, Mason Hall. Trollingcr’s Bridge, Jlaw River, Albright’s and Allemance, to Greens boro’, SG milfjs and back, three times a week, in four-liorse post coachcs. I -f'ave Raleigh every Alonday, Wednesday and ^ rid iy ai 12 m, arrive aljGreensboro’^next days by 12 m. I^f'ave (.reensboro’every ?>Ionday, Wednesday and Friday at 10 a m, arrive! at Raleigh next dayj^ by 10 a ni. Proposals to supply Trollinger’s Bi'idge three •imes a wct k on horse^fromjHaw River will be con sidered. 2S0G From Raleigh by Ivelvin Grove. Roger’s vSiore, Fishdam, Stagville, R-^d Alountain, Came- Joji s Mills and Van Hook’s store, to Roxboro’, 56 iniies, arid return by Mount Tirza, Red Alountain, Round Hill, Stagville and Fleminglon, to Raleigh, r>2 miles—equal to 51 miles and back, once a week. Leave Raleigh every Friday at 11 a m, arrive at Hoxboro' next day by 12 m, I.(Cave Roxboro’every'Fhursday at G a m, arrive al l^aleigh next day by 9 a m. tiS07 From Raleigh by Grove. H ickney’s k*, Hoads, Piltsboro’, St, Lawrence, Alarley’s Alills, I,»anesville, Ashboro’, Spencer’s Cotton Grove, to ‘S-^lisbury, 115 miles and back, twice a week, in ? wo horse coaches, Ijeave Raleigh every Wednesday nnd Salurda}- II a m, arrive at Salisbury next days by 12 p m Leave Salisbury every Wednesday and S iturviay at j a m, arrive at Raleigh next days by 9 p m. Proposals to run three times a week; also in lour-horse post coaches will be considered. 2308. From Raleigh by Bushee’s Store, Smith- fi'Id, Boon Hill, to Waynesboro’, 51 miles and back, three times a week in two horse coaches. Leave Raleigh every Monday, Wednesday and FiidLiy al 4 a m, arrive at Waynesboro’ same days 9 pm. L^ave Waynesboro’ every Tuesday, Thursday J'nd Saturday at 1 a m, arrive at Raleigh same days ^ p m. 1 roposals to carry on horse are invited. jO From Forestviile by New Light, Wiiton. Leave Fayetteville every Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday at G p m, arrive al Warsaw next days by 8 a m. /(Oave Warsaw every Aljn lay, Wednesday and Friday at 2 p m, arrive al Fayetteville next days by 4 a m. *2317 From /^umberton by Philadelphus, Boli var, Cowper Hill, Stewartsvilh*, Ciueensdale and Alfordsville to Lumberton. equal to 35 miles, once a week. Leave Lumberton every Friday at G a m, arrive at Stewartsville next day by 9 a m, and return to Lumberton same day by 8 p m. 2318 From Elizabethtown by Big Swamp, Porter’s Swamp. Fair Bluff' Gum Swatnp, W^hite Alarsh, Whiiesville and Western Prong to Elizabethtown, equal to 51 miles once a week. I^oave Elizabtnhlown every Friday at G a m, ar rive at Fair Bluirsame day by 8 pm. L?ave Fair Bluff every Situriay al G a m, ar rive at Elizabethtown next day by 2 p m. 2319 From J^orter’s S^vamp by Princess Ann to Leesville, 15 miles and back, once a week. Leave Porter’s S'A’amp every 'I’iiursday at 8 a m, arrive at Leesville same day by 12 m. Leave Leesville every Thursday at 1 p m, ar rive at Porter’s Swamp same day by 5 p rn. 2320 From Tarboro by Oak Grove, Stantons- burg, to Waynesboro, 50 miles and back, once a week. Leave Tarboro every Wednesday al 11 a m, ar rive al Waynesboro next day by 12 m. Leave Waynesboro every Thursday at 2 p m, ar rive at Tarboro next day by 12 m. 2321 From Rocky Alount by Tarboro, Sparta, Faulkland, Greenville and Pactolus to Washing ton, 70 miles and back, three limes a week in two horse coaches Leave Rocky Alount every Alond iy, Wednesday and Friday at G a m, arrive at Washington next days by I a m. Leave Washington every Sunday, Tu-'^sday and Thursday al 6 a m, arrive al Rocky Alount next days by 1 am. 2322 From Welion by Halifax, Enfield, Batlle- boro. Rjcky Alount, Vicksville, Tossnoit Depot, Nahunia, Waynesboro, Goldsboro, Dudley. Fais on’s Depot, Warsaw, Strickland's D.^pot, Washing ton Depot, Wilmington anJ Stnilhville to Charles ton, S. C., 320 miles and back, in railroad cars and steamboats. Leave Weldon daily at 2 a m, arrive at Charles ton next days by 7 a in. Leave Ciiarleston daily at 3 pm, arrive a Wel don next days by 7^ p m. Proposals are invited to carry the mail from Wil mington to Winyaw Bay in coaches, wagons or other suitable vehicles, anJ from VV’jnyaw Bay to Charleston in steamboats, in lieu of steamboat ser vice down the Cape Fear River, and by sea to Charleston, the schedules of arrivals and departures to be so arranged as to form perfect connexions with the railroads at Wilmington and Charleston. 2323 From Weldon to Rileigh, 90 miles and back, daily in wagons or such other vehicles as ihe contractor may select, so constructed as to convey the great Northern and Southern m iils and secure them against loss and the weather. Leave Weldon daily at 7 p rn, arrive at Raleigh next days by 10 a rn. Leave Raleigh daily at 11 a rn, arrive at Wel don next days by 2 a m. Proposals to end this route at L'ttleton or the nearest point on the Gaston and Raleigh railr will be considered. 2824 From Clinton, by Taylor’s Bridge and L burn to Gravely Hill,29 miles and back, once aw L"'ave Clinton every Tuf*sday al 5 a m, arrive Gravely Hill same day by 12 ;u Leave Gravely Hill every TuesJay at 1 p m, ar rive at Clinton same day by 8 p rn. 2825 From Clinton to Cox’s store, 20 mi back, once a week. Leave Clinton every Friday at G a m, arr Cox’s store same day by 1;^ rn. Ijeave Cox’s store every Friday at 1 al Clinton same day by 7 p m. 2326 From Taylor’s ikidge, A100 re’s Creek and Long Creek td* miles and back, once a week. Bla el to be supplied on return trip. Leave I’aylor’s Bridge every Tu arrive at Wdmington next day byf Leave Wilmington every Mon IfP rive al Taylor’s Brige next day by ! 2827 From W’arsaw, by iienansvilf Tuckahoe and Comfort, to Trenton, 51 back, once a week. Leave Warsaw every Friday al 3 p m,arriveat Trenton next day by 8 p m. Leave Trenton every Thursday at G a m, arrive at Warsaw next day by 10 a m. 2828 From Waynesboro’ to Failing Creek. 15 miles and back, once a week. Leave ^Vayncsboro’ every Friday at 1pm, ar rive at Falling Creek same day by G p m. Leave Falling Creek every Friday at G a rn, ar rive al Waynesboro’ same day by 11 a m. 2829 From Wa3*nesboro’, by Whitfield’s mills, Sleepy Creek and .lirich 1, *lo Strabane. 29 miles and back once a week. Leave Waynesboro’ every Thursday at 10 a m, arrive at Strabane same day by 8 p m. L?ave Strabane every Friday at 5 a m, arrive at Waynesboro’ same day by 3 p m. 2830 From Comfort, by Richland, Onslow c h, and French Alills to Swansboro’, 45 miles and back, once a week. Leave Comfort every Saturday at 7 a rn, arrive at Swansboro’ next day by 12 m. Leave Swansboro every Thursday at 1 p m. ar rive at Comfort next day by G p ni. 2331 From Onslow c h by Snead’s Ferry, Stump Sound and Topsail Sound, to Wilmington, 53 miles and back, once a week. Leave Onslow c h every Alonday at G a m, ar rive at Wilmington next day. by 4 p m, Ijeave Wilmington every Wednesday at G am, arrive at Onslow c h next day by 4 p m, 2332 From Beaufort to Pilottown, 85 miles and back, once a week, by water. Leave Beaufort every Alonday al G a rn. arrive al Pilottown every Wednesday by G j) m Leave Pilottown every Thursday at G a m, ar rive at Beaufort every Saturday by G p m. 2333 From Newborn by Pollolvsvilie, Trenton, Kinston and Aloseley Hall, to Waynesboro, 74 miles and back, ihree times a week, in two horse coaches. 7>eave Newborn every ?»Ionday, Wednesday and Friday, alter the arrival of the mail fiom Weklon, say al 2 a m, arrive at Waynesboro’ same days by 12 p m. Leave Waynesboro’ every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturdiy'ai 2 a m, arrive al Newbern satne days by 12 p m. Proposals lor four horse coach service u’ill be considered. 233 4 From Newbern, by Cravensville, to Beau fort, 43 miles and back, three times a week, in two horse coachcs. Leave Newborn every Sunday, Wednesday and Fridaj' at 7 a in, arrive al Beaulorl same days by 5 p rn. Leave Beaufort every Tuesday, ^ihursday and Pro losals for 2 horse coach service will be con sidered, 2340 From Hookerstown to Johnson’s Alills, 20 miles and back, onv:e a week. Leave Hookerstown every Friday at 1 p m, ar rive al Johnson’s Alills same day by' 7 p m. L?ave Johnson’s Alills every Frida^^ at Sam, arrive at Hookerstown same day by 11 a m. 2341 From W^ushington, by Bath, Pungo bridg( Pantego, Leech viljei Germanton, S c h, and Lake and bac/j, twic( a wee/j the rei Laav^ rive \S inton, N. C. and Edenton to Plymouth, 103 miles .and back three limes a week in steamboats. Leave Franklin Depot every Alonday, Wed nesday and Friday at 1 p m; arrive at Plynloulh same days by 12 p in. Leave Plyrnouth every Tues*Jay, Thursday and Saturday at 7j||||l|||^^ days Monday by 8 p m. to Portsmoiith alid Oc- aad oacA:, once a weei, in a vessel, every Thursday at 1 p ra, riexi Saturday hy 12 m. p^Ocraco,?:e ever?/ Monday at a m, arrive at “ im next Wednesday by 12 m. Roseneaili to Scotland Neck, 4 miles oDce a wee^'. PR|^^th every Friday at 8 a m, arrive li^^ck same day by 9 a m. ^Scotland Neck every Friday at 11am, Roseneath same day by 12 m. |844 From Eufield, by Hilliardstown, Belford, Louisburg, to Franklinton, 50 miles and back, ?o horse coaches, three times a week to Louis- miles, and six times a week tfte residue. Enfield every Monday, Wednesday and nij arrive at Louisburg same days by every Tuesdah Thursday and at EnfielJ same days by day. except Sunda , at n same days by 8 a m. y day, except Sunday, same days by 5 pm. oute at Rocky Mount, “ red. Ule, Brinkley- Enfield, burg, Saturday al 7 a m, arrive at Newbern same days by 5 p rn. 2335 From Newbern to Alikon Park, 20 miles and back, once a week. Leave Newbern every Saturday al 1 p m, arrive at Alilton Park same day by b p in. Leave Alilton Park every Saturday al 5 a m. ar rive al Newbern same day by 12 m. 2836 From Newberw 10 Core Creek, 22 miles and back, once a week. Leave Newbern every Saturday al 1 p m, arrive at Core Creek same day by 8 p rn. Leave Core Creek Satuiday al 5 am, arrive at Newbern same day by 12 m. j 2337 From Polloksville, by Cross Roads, t » Hadnol’s, 22 miles and back, once a week. Leave Polloksvillc every Friday at 1 p m, arrive at Hadnol’s same day by 7 p m. L-jave Hadnol’s every Fri I ly al 5 a m, arrive at Polloksville same day by 12 m. 2333 From Stanlonburg, by Speight’s B iiigc, Snow Hill. Hookerstown, Airy Grove, Kinston, Strabane, Albertson’s, Sarucia and Kenansville, to Warsaw, 80 miles and back, once a week. L^avc Sianionburg every 11 iday at 5 a n), arrive at Warsaw next day by G p m. Leave Warsaw every W^ednesiij' at u a m, ar rive al Stantonburg ncxi day by G p m. 2339 From Greenville, b) Hookerstown nnd Snow Hill to Gjldsborough, 50 miles and back, twice a week. Leave Greenville every Tuesday and Friday at 5 a m, arrive at Goldsborough same days by 9 pjn. Ljave (i j1 Isborongh t^vcry Wednesday and Sat- 5 a Jy at 2 p Propos instead 2344 vill eqa artive at Enfield same day 2313 From ScotlanJ Neck, liarnston, Gardn and back, twice a we Leave Halifax ever m, arrive at Plymouth Leave Plymouth every We at 6 a m, arrive at Halifax next d 2847 From Plymouth, by Wii ton’s store. Rich Square and Jackson, to Gareyes- 74 miles and back, twice a week L'Mve Plymoutli every Mjnday and Thursday al 5 a m, arrive al Gareysbuig next Uays by G p rn. Leave GireysOurg every Wednesday and Satur day at 5 a m, arrive at Windsor next days by G p m. Proposals to carry in two horse coaches, and to run three ti ucs u week, will be considered. 2848 From Piymouin, by Washington and Swilt Creek B/idge, to Newbern, 70 miles and back, three times a week, in four horse coaches. Leave Plymouth ever y U'utsday. Thuri-da and Saturday, at 5 a m, arrive at Washington same days by 12 m, and at Newbern same days b 8 p m. Leave Newbern every Alonday, Welnesdi and Friday al 5 a m, arrive at Wasfiinton same days b 12 m, and al Plymouth same days by 9 p m. 2349 From Plymouth, by Cool Spring, to Colum bia, 36 miles and back, once a week. Leave Plymouth every Wednesday, at 7 a rn, ar rive at Columbia same day by 4 p m. Leave Columbia every 'Fuesday al 8 a m, arrive al Plymouth same day by G p m. 2350 From Windsor, by Alerry Hill, Ashland, Colerain, Bethel, Pitch Landing and Winton, to Alurfreesboro’, G3 miles and back, twice a week. L 'ave Windsor every Tuesday and Saturday at 4 a 111, arrive al Alurfreesboro’ next days by m. Leave Alurfreesboro’ every Wednesdayand Sun day al 1 p rn, arrive at Windsor next days by 8 p rn _t2m. £e^e Ne'W^twTs’s I^pot every Tu day and Saturday al 4 p m j arrive at Mai same days by 8 p m. Proposals to carry in 2 horse coacbe#' be considered. 2859 From W’cstland to Littleton 10 miles ai back, once a week. Leave Westland every Wednesday at 5 a rive at Littlj-ton same day 6y 7 a ni. Leave Littleton every Thursday at 5 a m; arrij at Westland same day by 10 am. 2360 From Warrenton to Alacon Depot, 3 mi^ and back, daily in 2 horse coachts. r Leave Warrenton daily at 2 p 111; arrive at Mfi con Depot same days by 3 p tn. Leave Macon Depot daily at 7 am; arrive arrenion same day by 8 a rn. Proposals to carry on horse will be considered. 2561 From Ridgeway by Exchange and Wo worth to Boydtown, 30 miles and back three times week in two horse coaches. Leave Ridgeway every Tuesday, Thiirpday ^ Saturday at 6 a m; arrive at iioydtown same dai by 12 m. Leave Boydtown every Monday, Wednesday Friday at 8 a rn j arrive at Ridgeway same day«i 3 pm. Proposals to substitute 2 horse coach tri-wei service between Henderson and Clarksville in of the above will be considered. 2562 From Henderson by WiHianaboro’ to Ly^ ville, 10 miles and back three times a week. Leave Henderson every Tuesday, Thursday Saturday at 6 a m j arrive at Lynesville sase 9 am. ^yaesville every Tuetday, TImreCfay 40am; arrivej,UiPi^iw«^ ierson by O^tfordiBerea, Roxboro’, le anviiie, Vs» ree times a.we^in two hocaev Monda re Danvi m €^ncsday days by Thursday n next urUay al 9 p m a UK arrive at C.«reenviile same days by 2351 From Edenton, by Hertford, Woodville, Elizabeth City, New L-^banon, South Alills, Lake D. ummon l, DwCp Creek, V a., to Norfolk, \ a., # 9 mil'js and back, three limes a week in lour horse post ^noachts. Leave Edenton every Sunday, Wednesday and Friday at 4 a in, arrive at Norlolk same duys by G p m. Leave Norfolk every Tuesday, Thuisday and Saturday al 9 a in, arrive at Eienton same days by | 11 p rn. j 2352 From Edenton, by Ballard's bridge, Alin 1 tonsville, (xalcsville, Sunbury anJ AlidJle .>.vamp. ! to Sutrullc, Va., 65 miles and back, nee a week. Leave 1^ 1* nion every Tuesiiy ut, 1 a rn, arrive at Suli’jik neist day uy 11 a m Leave SufTdk eveiy Wednesday at 1 p in,arrive at j'lienton next day by 8 p in. 2353 F.'om W^oodville to Daranl’s miles and back, once a week. Leave Woodville every Friday al 9 a m, arrive at Dirani’s Neck same day by 12 m. Leave Durant’s Neck every Friday at 1 p m, ar rive at W’oolville same day by 4 p m. 2:551 From ]-2lizabeth City, by Camden, Shiloh, Indiantown, Currituck c h. Northwest river bridg.-, Va., Hickory Ground and Great Bulge, lo Nor- io!k, 06 miles and back, once a week. Leave Elizabeth City every Wtdnesiay al 5 a m, arrive at Norfolk next day 12 rn. L^ave Norfolk every Thursday at I [ at Elizabeth City next day by 8 p m. 2355 From Currituck c h, by Poplar Branch, to Powell’s l^oint, 32 miles and back, once a wetk. Leave Currituck c h every Saiurd ly at 6 a m, arrive at Powell s Point same day 5 p m. L ave Powell’s Point every Friday at G a m, an ive at Currituck c h same day by 7 p m. 2^56 From Franklin Depot, by South Cluay, Saturday by 3 a ni. Proposals for foil considered. 2861 From Louisburg, soni’s Bridge, 18 miles and ha Leave Louisbvirg every Sati^H|^^'irW; lairlvc at Ransoni’ei 13ridge same day'l^fl a ra. Ijeave Ransom’s J’ridge every Saturday at 1 p m ; arrive al Louisburg same dtiy by 7 j> rn. 28(35 From Fraklinton by Walton, Tallyho. Buffa lo Hill and Red Alountain to Hillsboro', 41 miles and back once a week. Leave Franklinton every Wedne.>day at 3 p rn ; arrive at Hillsboro’ next day by 0 p rn. Leave Hillsboro’ every Tuesday al 5 a m ; arrive at Franklinton next day by 8 a m. 2SG6 From Oxford, by O.ikhill, Young’s X Roads, Brownsville, Abram's Plains, Bullocks, W’aterloo, to Oxfbrtl, equal to 25 niiles and back twice a week. Leave Oxtbrd every Monday and Friday at 8 a m ; arrive at Oxford next day? by 12 rn. 2367 From Oxford, by Tallyho, Dutchville, Knapp of Reeds, .Stagville, Lip.scomb and Enoe Milla to Hillsborough, 42 miles and back once a week. Leave Oxford every Saturday at 6 amj arrive at Hillsborough same day by 6 p m. Leave Hillsborough every Friday at 6 am; ar rive at Oxford same day by 6 p m. 2303 From Chapel Hill by Price’s Store, Pratta- burgh. West Point, Fi.slulain and Tranquility to \V^ilton, 39 miles: and back once a week. Leave Chapel IIill every Friday at Cam; arrive at Wilton same day by 6 p m. Leave Wilton every Saturdaj’^ al G a m ; arrive at Chapel Hill same day by 6 p rn. 2309 From Hillsborough, by Cedar Grove, Junto, Prospect Hill and Gordonton to Leasburg, 32 milea and bacK once a week. Leave Hillsborough every Thursday at G p rn ; arrive at Leasburg next day by 12 m. Leave Leasburg every Friday at 1pm; arrive at HiilsborougA next day by 9 a m. 2S70 From Hillsborough by Walnr.t Ore-a and Van Hook's Store to Roxboro’, 24 nnles a.*d back once a week. Leave Hillsborough every Tuesday it 6 a m ; ar rive at Roxbnr(- sam. day by 4 p m. Leav ; Roxboro’ every Wednesday at 6 a ni; ar- ri\ : at Ilill.'b rough same day hy 4 p rn. 2ST From Hillsborough by Hawfie!ls, Mount \v'.iling and AIcDaniels, lo Hartshorn, 31 miles an 1 back onc' a week. Le;ive Hillsborough every Thursday at 7 a m arrive at Hartshorn .«ame day by 6 p m. Leave Hartsliorn every Friday al 6 a m; arrive at Hillsborough same day by 5 p m. 2:}7:^ From Alasori Hall by Scottsville, Pleasant Neck 12 Grove, Fawcett’s Store, Mooresville, Stony Creek, Anderson's Store and High Towers to Leaaburg, 57 miles and hack once a week. Leave AI ison Hall every Friday at G a m ; arrive ai Leasburg next day by 12 m. Leave Leasburg every Saturday at 1 p m ; arrive ?.t Mason H.ill next, day by 7 p m. 2373 From Greensboro’ by Ramsboro’, High Rock, Slade’s. Brown's Store and Yancyville to Alilton, 5i mde.s and back three limes a week in two horse coaches. Leave Greensboro’ every Alonday, Wednesday and Friday, at 12 m ; arrive at Alilton next days by 12 m. Leave Milton every Alonday. Wednesday and Friday at 12 m; arrive al Greensboro’ next days by 12 m. , . Proposals for 4 horse coach service will be consi dered. , , , r 2^74 From Greeasboro by Jamestown, Brurn- meli’ri. Rich Fork and Lexington to Salisbury, 52 miles and back Uiree times a \seek in four horse post coaclu's. Leave Greensboro’ every Tuesday, Thasday and p ni. ariive