OllVftlV. “ The ]X)wers granted under the Comlitution, being derived from the People of the Vnited Staler, may be resumed by them, xrhcncrcr percated to their injury or oppression.''—Madison. VOLUME 2, CHARLOTTE, N. C., FEBRUARY 21, 1843. NUMBER 100. EDITED, AND PUBLISHED WEEKLY, BY TERMS; The Mcckhnhurf; Jcff'ersoyiian" is published weekly, at 'rwo I*oUai'8 and Fifty Centsy if paid in advance; or 'I'hrec Dollars^ if not paid before the expiration of tubee mokths from the time of subscribing. Any person who will procuer «ix subscribcsr and becoine responsible for their subscriptions ehall have a •opy of the paper gratis ;—or, a club of ten sub- scriborsmay have the paper one year for Twenty Dollars in j^dvance. No paper will be discontinuod while the subscriber ow’cs any thing, if he is to pay;—and a failure to notify the Editor of a wish to dit'continue at least one month before the expira tion of the tim; jiaid for, w ili be con.sid r*'d a new engagemen t Orignml Subscribers will n'>t bo allowed to discontinue the paper before th*' expiration of the first year wittiout paying for a full year’s subsori|»tion. Aflcertisements will be conppicuoufily and correctly insert ed at f/ne Dollar t square for the first insertion, and Tircn- ty-pt ( cnts for cajh continuance—except Court and other judicial advtrtiscinenia, which will be charged twenty-Jive per cent, higher than the above rat*;9, (owing to the delay, gene rally, attt-ndunt upon collectionb). A liberal discount will be mad to thofje who advertise by the year. AdvertiseinenlB sent in for publication, must be marked with the number of inser tions desired, or they will be published until forbid and charg cd accordingly. 51^ Letters the Editor, unless containing money in sums of I\vc DoUaxs, or over, must come free of postage, or the amount pai i at the ofliee here will be charged to the writer n every instau'-e, and collected as othor accounts. 1^1‘oposals carrying ihe Mails of ihe United Stales, ; from the In ot July, 1843, to the 30th of Juno, 1847, incltisive, in North Carolina, will be received at thu Contract Office of the Post Office Dt;parl.ut;nt, in tne city ol Washingion, niiiil 3 o’clock I*. M. ol ihe loih day of April, 184.3, (to be decided by ihe l.'st day ot May,) on the roiitta and Hi the manner and time herein specified, viz . NORTH CAROLINA. 2301 Vrom Raleigh by Fortstviilo, Franklinton, Staunlon, Henderson, iiiUgeway, Macon Depot and Ijitllcton to Gastun, 87 miles and back, daily in rail road cars. Leave K iloi'^h daily at 11 a m, arrive at Gaston same days by 7 p m. l/etive Gasion daily at 2A a m, arrive at Raleigh sam> days by 10 a m. 2802 I'rom Raleigh by Middle Creek and Ave* rysburg to Fayellcvillo, 60 miles and back, si.x t;:nes u week in two liorst; coaches. Leave Ruleigh every day (o)^cepi Sunday) at 12 ra. arrive at Fayetteville next days by 3 a m. Leave Fayetteville every day (except Sunday) at 6 pm, arrive at Raleigh ne.xt da?/s by 9 a m. l*roposals are invited to carry the great Norihern an'i Southern maiU, daily, on this route, by the fol lowing scliodule. in wagons or such other vehicles a!j the contractor may select, so constructed as to se cure the mails, and protect them against the wea ther. Leave Raleigh daily at 11 am, arrive at Fay- ellevill- same day by 9 p m. Loave Fayeiieville dtiily at 12 night, arrive at Kill igh in li) hours by 10 a m. Fioposals are al.«o invited for the transportation of the great m iil on the direct road from Raleigh to Columbia, S. C., via Rockingham, N. C. 2~0o From Ilaleigh by Eagle Rock, Wakefield, StuQh> and Nashville, to Rocky Mount, 56 miles an ! back, ihrt^e times a week, in two-horse coaches. Leave Raieigli every Suniiay, Tuesday and Tiiursday al t> a in. arrive at Rocky Mount same days by 10 p ni. Leave Rocky Mount every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6 a m, arrive at Raleigh same days by 10 p. m. :-801 From RaKigh by Holly Springs, Hay wood, Long Street, Rollin’s Store and Pocket, to Johnsonville, 67 miles and back, once a week. Leave Raleigh every Friday at 11 a m, arrive at Johnsonville next day by 8 p in. Leave Johnsonville every Sunday at G a m, ar rive at Raleigh next day by 4 p m. 280' From Raleigh by Moringsville, Chapel Hill, Hillsboro’, .\Lason Hall. 'I’rollinger’s Bridge. Haw River, Albright’s and Allemance, to Greens boro’, 80 miles and back, three times a week, in four-hor.se post coaches. Leave Raleigh every Monday Wednesday and Friday at 12 m, arrive at Greensboro’ next days by 12 m. r^'ave Greensboro’ every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 10 am, arrive al Raleigh next days by 10 a m. i^roposals t* supply Trollinger’s Bridge three times a week -n horse from Haw River will be con sidered. 28' 6 From Raleigh by Kelvin Grove, Roger’s Store, Fishdam, Stagville, Red Mountain, Came ron’s Mills and Van^^ook’s store, to Roxboro’, 56 and return by Mount Tirza, Red Mountain, Round Hill. Stagville and Flemington, to Raleigh, t^2 miles equal to 54 miles and back, once a week. Leave Raleigh every Friday at 11 a m, arrive at Koxboro’ next day by 12 m. Leay^ Roxboro’ every Thursday at G a m, arrive at Raiejgh next day by 9 a m. 2807 From Raleigh by Grove, Hackney’s IvOads. Piltsboro, St. Lawrence, Marlev’s Aliils, Lanesville, Ashboro, Spencer’s Cotton Grove, to Salisbury, 115 miles and back, twice a week, in two-horse coaches. Leave Raleigh every Wednesday and Saturday at 11 a m, arrive at Salisbury next days by 12 p m Leave Salisbury every Wednesday and Saturday at 9 am, arrive at Ral* igh next days by 9pm.* Proposals to run three times a week; also in four-horse post coaches will be considered. 2808. From Raleigh by Bashee’s Store, Smilh- field, Boon Hill, to Waynesboro’ 51 miles and back, three times a w'eek in two-horse coachts. Leave Raleigh every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 4 a in, arrive at Waynesboro’ same days »y 9 p m. Leave Waynesboro’ every Tuesday, Thursday Saturday at 1 a m. ariive at Raleigh same da?/S ^ p m. 1^'roposals to carrv on horse are invited. 2809 From Forestville by New Light, Wilton and Granville to Oxford, 42 miles and back, twice a week, in two-horse coaches. Leave Forestville every Wednesday and Satur day after arrival of the mail from Raleigh, say 1 p m, arrive at Oxford next days by 12 m. Leave Oxford every Tuesday and Friday at 8 a m, arrive at Forestville next day by 8 a m. 2810 From Forestville to Rollesville, G miles and back twice a week. L ave Forestville every Mon day and Thursday at 1 p m, arrive at Rollesville same days by 3 p m. Leave Rollesville every Monday and Thursday, at Gam, arrive at Forestville same days by 8 a m 2811 From Fayetteville by Davis’ Springs, Ran- dullsville, Montpelier, Laurel Hill and Brighlsville to Cheraw, 72 miles and back, six limes a week, in two horse coaches. Leave Fayetteville every day (except Sunday) al 4 a m, arrive at Cheraw same days by 11 p m. Leave Cheraw every day (except Sundah) at 12 p in, arrive at Fayetteville next days by 5 p m. Proposals are invited to carry the great Northern and Southern mails daily on this route, by the fol lowing schedule, in wagons or such other vehicles as the contractor may select, so constructed as to se cure the mails and protect them from the weathe/. Leave Fayetteville daily at 10 p m, arrive at Cheraw next day by 10 a m. Leave Cheraw daily at 11 am, arrive at Fayette ville same days by 11 p m. Proposals are also invited for the transportation of the great mail on the direct road from Raleigh, N. C., to Columbia, S. C., via Rockingham, N. C. 2812 From Fayetteville by St. Paul’s, Lumber- ton, Leesville, Guddysville, and Marion c. h, S. C., to Jeffry’s Creek, S C., 85 miles and back, three times a week, in sulkies. Leave Fayetteville every Sunday, Tucsd.iy and Thursday at 6 a m, arrive at Jefiry’s Creek next days by 4 p m. Leave Jetlry’s Creek every Tuesday, Thursday and Suturda at G a m, arrive at Fayetteville next das by 4 p m. 2813 From Fayetteville by Murchison’s Mills, Johnsonville, Crain’s Creek, Caronish, Carthage, Caladonia, Oak Corner, Sugg’s Bridge, Uharee, Lassitas, Hill’s Store, Salem Church, Mount Leba non, and Healing Springs, to Salisbury, 116 miles and back, twice a week, in two horse coaches. Leave Fyyetteville every Monday and Thursday at 6 a m, arrive at Salisbury every Wednesday and Saturday by 5 p m. Leave Salisbury every Monday and Thursday at G a m, arrive at Fayetteville every Wednesday and Satujcluy bj O ^ iii. Proposals to carry on horse or in sulkies are in invited, 2314 From Fahetteville by Argyle, Solemn Grove, New Gilead, Clark’s Mills, to Macedonia, and Butler’s Mills, to Lawrenceville, 70 miles and back, once a week. . Leave Fayetteville every Wednesday at G a m, arrive at Lawrenceville next day by 5 pm. Leave Lawrenceville everj* Monday at Gam, grrive at Fayetteville next day by 4 p m. 2815 From Fayetteville by Prospect Hall, Eli zabethtown, Westbrook, and Robinson’s to Wil mington, 85 miles and back, three times a week, in sulkies. Leave Fayetteville every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 10 a m, arrive at Wilmington next days by 9 am. Leave Wilmington every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 10 a m, arrive at Fayetteville next i days by 9 a m. I Proposals to carry on horse will be considered, i 28IG From Fayetteville by Clinton to Warsaw, 49 miles and back, three limes a week in two horse coaches. Leave Fayetteville every Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday at G p m, arrive at Warsaw next days by Sam. Leave Warsaw every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 2 p iri; arrive at Fayetteville next days by 4 am, *2817 From Lumberton by Philadelphus, Boli var, Cow’per Hill, Stewartsville, Clueensdale and Alfordsviile to Lumberton. equal to 35 miles, once a week. Leave Lumberton every Friday at 6 a m, arrive at Stewartsville next day by 9 a m, and return to Lumberton same day by 8 p m. 2818 From Elizabethtown by Big Swamp, Porter’s Swamp. Fair BluO', Gum Swamp, W’^hite Marsh, Whitesville and Western Prong to Elizabethtown, equal to 51 miles once a week. Leave Elizabethtown every Friday at 6 a m, ar rive at Fair BlulF same day by 8 pm. Leave Fair BlulT every Saturday at Gam, ar- A' # rive at Elizabethtown next day by 2 p m. 2819 From J’orier’s Swamp by Princess Ann to Leesville, 15 miles and back, oncc a week. Leave Porter’s Swamp every I'hursday at 8 a m, arrive at Leesville same day by 12 m. Leave Leesville every Thursday at 1 p m, ar rive at Porter’s Swamp same day by 5 p m. 2820 From Tarboro by Oak Grove, Stantons- burg, to Waynesboro, 50 miles and back, once a week. • Leave Tarboro every Wednesday al 11 a m, ar rive at Waynesboro next day by 12 m. Leave Waynesboro every Thursday at 2 p m, ar rive at Tarboro next day by 12 m. 2821 From Rocky Mount by Tarboro, Sparta, Faulkland, Greenville and Pactolus to Washing ton, 70 miles and back, three limes a week in two horse coaches Leave Rocky Mount every Monday, Wednesday and Friday al 6 a m, arrive at Washington next days by lam. Leave W'aj?hington every Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday at G a in, arrive at Rocky Mount next days by lam. 2822 From Weldon by Halifax, Enfield, Baltle- boroj Rocky Mount, Vicksville, Tossnoll Depot, Nahunta, Waynesboro, Goldsboro, Dudley, Fais on s Depot, Warsaw, Strickland’s Depot, Washing ton Depot, Wilmington and Smilhville 10 Charles ton, S- C., 320 miles and back, in railroad cars and steamboats. Leave Weldon daily al 2 a arrive at Charles ton next days by 7 a m. Leave Charleston daily at 3 p m, arrive a Wel don next days by 7^ p m Proposals are invited to carry the mail from Wil mington to Winyaw Bay in coaches, wagons or loher suitable vehicles, and from Winyaw JiJay to Charleston in steamboats, in lieu of steamboat ser vice down the Cape Fear River, and by sea to Charleston, the schedules of arrivals and departures to be so arranged as to form perfect connexions with the railroads at Wiltningion and Charleston. 2823 I* rom Weldon to Rale:gh, 90 miles and back, daily in wagons or such otb.er vehicles as the contractor may select, so co«s:rucied as to convey the great Northern and Souiheru mails and secure them against loss and the v.ealher. Leave Weldon daily at 7 p m, arrive at Raleigh next days by 10 a m. Leave Raleigh daily at 11 a m, arrive at Wel don next days by 2 a m. Proposals to end this TwUe at Littleton or th nearest point on the Gaston and Raleigh railroa will be ccnsidered. 2824 From Clinton, by Taylor’s Bridge and Lis? burn to Gravely Hill,29 miles and back, once a Leave Clinton every Tuesday at 5 a m, arrive Gravely Hill same day by 12 m Leave Gravely Hill every Tuesday at 1 p rive at Clinton same day by 8 p m. 2825 From Clinton to CoVs store, back, once a week. Leave Clinton every Friday Cox’s store same day by 12 m. Leave Cux's store cvory i'^riday' at Clinton same day by 7 m. 2826 From Taylor’s Bridge, Moore’s Creek and Long Creek miles and back, once a week el to be supplied on return I Leave Taylor’s Bridge e arrive at W'lmington next day Leave Wilmington every Mori rive al Taylor’s Brige next day a 2827 From Warsaw, by Kenaiil Tuckahoe and Comfort, to Trent back, once a week. Leave Warsaw every Friday at Trenton next day by 8 p m. Leave Trenton every Thursday at at Warsaw next day by 10 a m. 2828 From Waynesboro’ to Fallin miles and back, once a week. Leave Waynesboro’ every Friday at 1 p rive at Falling Creek same day by G p m. Leave Falling Creek every Friday at G a m^ _ live at Waynesboro’ same day by 11a m. ^ 2829 From Waynesboro’/by Whitfield’s mills, Sleepy Creek and Jericho* lo Strabane, 29 miles anU uucu uiivc a vveeK, Leave Waynesboro’ every 1 nursday at 10 a m, arrive at Strabane same day by 8 p m. Leave Strabane every Friday at 5 a m, arrive at Waynesboro’ same day by 3 p m, 2830 From Comfort, by Richland, Onslow c h, and French Mills to Swansboro’, 45 miles and back, once a week.| Leave Comfort every Saturday al 7 a m, arrive at Swansboro’ next day by 12 m. Leave Swansboro every Thursday at 1 p m, ar rive at Comibrt next day by G p m. 2831 From Onslow c h by Snead’s Ferry, Stump Sound and Topsail Sound, lo Wilmington, 53 miles and back, once a week. Leave Onslow c h every Monday at G a m. ar rive at Wilmington next day. by 4 p m. Leave Wilmington every W’^ednesday at G am, arrive at Onslow c h next day by 4 p m, 2832 From Beaufort to Pilottown, 85 miles and back, once a week, by water. Leave Beaufort every Monday al G a m, arrive at Pi lotto wn every Wednesday by G p m. Leave Pilottown every Thursday at G a m, ar rive at Beaufort every Saturday by G p m. 2833 From Newbern by Polloksville, Trenton, Kinston and Moseley Hall, to Waynesboro, 74 miles and back, three times a week, in two horse coaches. Leave Newbern every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, after the arrival of the mail from Weldon, say at 2 a m, arrive al Waynesboro’ same days by 12 p m. Leave Waynesboro’ every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 2 a m, arrive at Newbern same I days by 12 p m. Proposals for four horse coach servicc will be considered. 2834 From Newbern, by Cravensville, to Beau fort, 48 miles and back, three times a week, in two horse coaches. Leave Newbern every Sunday, Wednesday and Friday al 7 a m, arrive at Beaufort same days by j o p m. Leave Beaufort every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 7 a m, arrive at Newbern same days by 5 p m. ’2835 From Newbern to ]\IiUon Park, 20 miles and back, once a week. Leave Newbern every Saturday at 1 p m, arrive at Milton Park same day by 8 p m. Leave Milton Park every Saturday at 5 am,ar rive at Newbern same day by 12 m. 2836 From Newbern to Core Creek, 22 miles and back, once a week. Leave Newbern every Saturday at 1 p m, arrive at Core Creek same day by S p m. Leave Core Creek Saturday al 5 a m, arrive al Newbern same day by 12 m. 2837 From Polloksville, by Cross Roads, to Hadnot’s, 22 miles and back, once a week. Leave Polloksville every Friday at 1 pm, arrive at Hadnot’s same day by 7 p m. Leave Hadnot’s every Friday at 5 a m, arrive at Polloksville same day by 12 m. 2838 From Stanionburg, by Speight’s Bridge, Snow Hiil. Hookerslown, Airy Grove, Kinston, Strabane, Albertson’s, Sarucia and Kenansville, to W^arsaw, 80 miles and back, once a week. Leave Stanionburg every Friday at 5 a m, arrive at Warsaw next day by G p m. Leave Warsaw every Wednesday at 5 a m, ar rive at Stanionburg next day by 6 p m. 2839 From Greenville, bj Hooker.«ilown and Snow Hill to Goldsborough, 50 miles and back twice a week. Leave Greenviile every Tuesday and Friday at 5 a m.arriv- it day.? by i* p -p ; " ’('-fiMJAv tUid Sat urday at 5 a m, arrive at Greenville same days by 9 pm, Leave Greensboro’ every Tuesday, Thusday and Pro'^osals fjr 2 horse coach service will be con sidered. 2840 From Hookerslown to Johnson’s Mills, 20 miles and back, once a week. Leave Hookerslown every Friday at 1 pm, ar rive at Johnson’s Mills same da}’ b'* 7 pm. Leave Johnson’s Mills evetv^jfedaK^. p a m, arrive at Hookerslown same 2841 From Was Piialego, Ltjecl^i Leave Powell’s Point every Friday at 6 a rr. anive at Currituck c h same day by 7 pm. 2^56 From Franklin Depot, by South Cluay, Wmton, N. C. and Edenton to Plymouth, 103 miles and back three limes a wetk in siearriboats. Leave Franklin Dt pot everh Monlah Wed ne^day and Friday al 1 p u^jurive^lymouth same dabs bh 12 p m. Leave Plymouth Sata ct;^tttr4ay bv 12 m. ^very Saturdajr at 3 pm, bo next M«mday by 8 p m. WaiiingfcDB Portsmouth and Oc- „ ^ . miles once a weei, in a vessel. Xjgave ^Washington" every TLursday at 1 p ra, f^ive at Ocraco^e next Saturday by 12 m. ye OcracoAe every Monday at a m, arrive at ihgton next Wednesday by 12 m. 43 From Roseneaih to Scotland NecA', 4 miles 4 back, once a wee A. Roseneath every Friday al 8 a m, arrive Scotland Neck same day by 9 a m. I^ve Scotland Neck every Friday at Ham, rive at Roseneath same day by 12 m. 2844 From Enfield, by Hilliardstown, Belford- iimd Ijouisburg, to Franklmton, 50 miles and back, two horse coaches, three times a v^’eek to Louis, rg, 40 miles, and six times a week the residue. ]^ave Enfield every. Monday, Wednesday and ; at 5 a m, arrive ai Louisburg same days by -iiouisburg every Tuesdah Thursday and 5 a m, arrive at Enfield same days by every day, except Sunday, at ~ inton same days by 8 a m. y day, except Sunday, ^ same days by 5 p m. te at Rocky Mount, sville, Brinkley- Enheld, „John _ _ IWnrfieesboro’ same day 1^ 2858 From Murfreesboro* W Va. 17 miles and back three times t' Leave Murfreeeboro’ every Tuesday, and Saturday at 8 a m ; arrive at Newsom’s same days by 12 m. Leave Newsom’s Depot every Taesday, Thuii- day and Saturday at 4 p m ; arrive at Murleesbor^^’ same days by 8 p m. |I3=* Proposals to carry in 2 horse coaches will be considered. 2859 From Westland to Littleton 10 miles and back, once a week. Leave Westland every Wednesday at 5 a m ;ar* rive at Littleton same day by 7 a m. Leave Littleton every Thursday at Sam; arrive I at Westland same day by 10 a m. 2860 From W^arrenton to Macon Depot, 3 mila j and back, daily in 2 horse coaches. Leave Warrcnton dAily ai 2 p m j arrive at con Depot same days by 3 p ni. Leave Macon Depot daily al 7 am; arrive at Warrenton same day by 8 a m. Proposals lo carry ^ horse will be considered. 2861 From Ridgeway by Exchange and W’oodil worth to Boydtown, 30 miles and back three times week in two horse coaches. Leave Ridgeway every Tuesday, Thiirfday Saturday at 6 a m ; arrive at Boydtown same di by 12 m. Leave Boydtown every Monday, Wednesday Friday at 8 a m ; arrive at Ridgeway same days 3 pm. . Fropoeala to substitute 2 horse coach Iri-weeJ service between Henderson and CJarkeviile in of the above will be considered. 2862 From Henderson by Williamboro’ to Lynes- ville, 10 miles and back three times a week. equa tjr: Enfiel 2846 Scotland Neck, Pa! iiamston, Gardner’s b and back, twice a *vee Leave Halifax every m, arrive at Plymouth ne Leave Plymouth every W at G a m, arrive at Halifax ntx _ 2847 From Plymouth, by Windsor ton’s store. Rich Square and Jackson, to Gareyes burg, 74 miles and back, twice a week. Leave Plymouth every Monday and Thursday at 5 a m, arrive at Gareysburg next days by 6 pm. Leave Gareysburg every Wednesday and Satur day at 5 a m, arrive al Windsor next days by G p in. Proposals to carry in two horse coaches, and to run three times a week, will be considered. 2848 From Plymouth, by Washington and Swift Creeii Bridge, to Newbern, 70 miles and back, three times a week, in four horse coaches. Leave Plymouth every Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday, at 5 a m, arrive at VVashington same days by 12 m, and at Newborn same days by 8 p m. Leave Newbern every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 5 a m, arrive at Washinton same days by 12 m, and at Plymouth same days by 9 pm, 2849 From Plymouth, by Cool Spring, to Colum bia, 3G miles and back, once a week. Leave Plymouth every Wednesday, al 7 a m, ar rive at Columbia same day by 4 p m. Leave Columbia every Tuesday al 8 a m, arrive al Plymouth same day by G p m. 2850 From Windsor, by Merry Hill, Ashland, Coleraiii, Bethel, Pitch Landing and Winton, to Murfreesboro’, 63 miles and back, twice a week. Leave Windsor every Tuesday and Saturday at 4 a m, arrive at Murfreesboro’ next days by 12 m. Leave Murfreesboro’ every Wednesday and Sun day al 1 p m, arrive at Windsor next days by 8 p m. 2851 From Edenton, by Hertford, Woodville, Elizabeth City. New LeOanon, South Mills. Like Drummond, Deep Creek, V"a., to Norfolk, Va., 79 milec and back, inree times a week in four horse post choaches. Leave Edenton every Sunday, Wednesday and Friday at 4 a m, arrive at Norlolk same days by 6 p m. Leave Norfolk every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 9 a m, arrive at Edenton same days by 11 pm. 2852 From Edenton. by Ballard’s bridge, Min- tonsville, Gatesville,Sunbury and Middle Swamp, to SulTolk, Va., 65 miles and back, once a wee k. Leave Edenton every Tuesday at 4 a m, arrive at Suffolk next day by 11 a tn. Leave Sutfolk every Wednesday at 1 p m, arrive at Edenton next day by 8 p m. 2853 From Woodville to Durant’s Neck, 12 miles and back, once a week. Leave Woodville every Friday at 9 am, arrive at Durant’s Neck same day by 12 m. Leave Durant’s Neck every Friday at I p m, ar rive at Woodville same day by 4 p m Leave Henderson every Tuesday, Thursday «nd Saturday at 6 a m; arrive at Lyuesville same days nive ^ Leave Lynesvillc every Tuesday, Thursday and Satarday al 10 a m; arrive at Henderson same dave Hemlerson by Oxford, Berea. Roxboro’, and Miltori lo Danville, Veu,: ; .;. ^ Skise ^ week in two r’, Wcdnesdya aid ", ext days byoB liireday and next day3 horse coac be Hhq 2854 From Elizabeth City, by Camden, S! by 3 a Proposals considered. 28G4 From Louisburg, by Reubento soni’s Bridge, 18 miles and back once a Leave Louisburg every Saturday at^S'm at Ransom’s Bridge same day by 11 a m. Leave Ransom’s Jiridge every Saturday at 1 p arrive at Louisburg same dad by 7 j> m, 2865 From Fraklinton hy Wilton, Tallyho, Buffa lo Hill and lied Mountain to Hillsboro’, 41 miles and back once a week. Leave Franhlinton every "Wednesday at 3pm; arrive at Hillsboro’ next day by 6 p m. Leave Hillsboro’ every Tuesday al 5 a ra ; arrive at Franklinton next day by 8 a m. 2866 From Oxford, by Oakliill, Young’s X Roade, Brownsville, Abram’s Plains, Bullocks, Waterloo, of Oxlbrd, equal to 25 miles and back twirea week. Leave Oxibrd every Monday and Frida}' at 8 a m \ arrive at Oxford next days by 12 m. 2807 FromOxlord, by Tallyho, Dutchville, Knapp lo Reeds, Stagville, Lipscomb and Enoe Mills tu Hillsborough; 42 miles and back once a week. Leave Oxfor»l every Saturday at 6 am; arrive at Hillsborough same day by 6 pm. Leave Hillsborough every Friday at 6 a m; ar rive at Oxlbrd same day by 0 p rn. 2868 From Chapel Hill by Price’s Store, Pratts- burgh, W’est Point, Fishdam and Tranquility to Wilton. 39 miles and back once a week. Leave Chapel Hill everyjFriday at G a m ; arrive at Wilton same day by 0 p. m. Leave Wilton every Saturday at 6 a m ; arrive at Chapel Hill same day by 6 p m. liS69 From Hillsborough, by Cedar Grove, Junto, Prospect Hill and Gordonton to Leasburg, 32 miles and back once a week. Leave Hilltborough every Thursday at 6 p m ; arrive at Lea.'-.burg next day by 12 m. Leave Leasburg every Friday at 1 p m> arrive al Hillsborou^’-h next day by 9 a ni. 2870 From Ililisborough by Walnut Grove and Van Hoo/t's Store to lloxb jru’, 24 miles and bac/c once a week. Leave Hillsborough every Tuesday at 6 a m ; ar rive at Roxboro’ same day by 4 p m. Leave lloxboro* every Wednesday at G am; ar rive at Hiiloboruugh same «]ay by 4 pm. 2871 P’rom Hillsborough by Hawfielas, Mount Willing and McDaniels, to Haitshorn. 34 miles and bark once a week. Leave Hillsborough every Thursday at 7 a ni. arrive at Harthorn same day hy G p rn. Leave Harti=liorn every Friday at 6 a m; arrive at Hillsborough same day by 5 p m. 2372 Fiom Matoo Hall by Scottsville, Pleasant j Grove, Fawcetl'w Store, Mooresville, Stony Cree/r, Anderson’s Store and High Towers to Leasburg, 57 miles and back once a weeA:. } Leave Mason Hall every Friday at Gam; arrive at Leasburg next day by 12 m. J^eavc Leasburg every Saturday ut 1 p m ; arrive at Mason Hall next day by 7 pm. Indiantown. Currituck c h, Northwest river bndjre, 1 2S73 From Greensboro’by Ramsboro’, High Rock, Va Hickory Ground and Great Bridge, to Nor- I »^I^^de’s, Brown’s Store and Yancyville to Milton, 5i folk’ 66 milt;s and back, once a wet^. ; Leave Elizabeth Cry every ^\cdnesday at o\ Greensboro’ every Monday, TTednesday, a m. arrive at NorfoU’ next day 12 m. ; Fridoy, at 12 ra; arrive at .Milion dext days by Leave Norfolk every Thursday at 1 p m, arrive , {2 m. at Eiiza^i ii» City ntxi Jay by 8 p ra. j J.eavv Milton every Monday, Wednesday and 2855 From Cuiruuck c h* by Poplar Branch, to , Frriay at m ; arnvL a; Greensboro’ next days by Powvils Point, 32 miles and Dack. oi>C' a we^k. j i . r, Uave c.iri.iuck c h every S^turdav ai C a m. ‘ f'.' uriTve al Powell’s Pou.: ..n.J .hy 5 p m. ^ ‘ bahsbury. 62