“ The powers granted under tke ConstUution, being derived from the People of the United States, TJiau be VOLUME 2, \ I'DITED, AXD PUBLISHED WKEKt.V, By Wo SIiisIP3©sro T E II 31 S ; , may be resumed by them, wheneve,- perverted to their injury or oppression-’-Madison. CHARLOTTE, N. C, FEBRUARY 28. 7 *3. NUMBER 101. The ■ M- cklcnhitrg Jcjff'crsonian'^ is published weekly, a TVo DoUars and T'ifty Cents, if paid in advance; or 'IViree i)uUars, if iiiit paid before the expiration of thuek months from tlie time of subscribini^. Any person who will procuer itXiiub'.:ribei>r and become r*‘siiousible for their subscriptions uhdll hviVt: ;i coi>y nf the paprr gratis ;—or, a club of tea sub- G'‘ribr;rrtiiiay have die ]».ip r one year for 'I'wcnty Dollars in advance. IS’u pa- "r will be ;l‘‘ ''ontinu'’;d while the subscriber owes any thing, ;i )- is able pay;—and a failure to notify the Kditor a Wi iX tu di.M’!);uinue at h;ast on* month before the e.xpira- t.un »>l the tan jjurJ f^r, wdl be considered a new engagement Oni'inal Subsscribers will not be allowed to discontinue the paper bi f ir*^ the expiration of the firai year without paying for a full y bul.-.si-ription. Alcci-' c'ucnts will be conspicuously and correctly insert ed at :c Unllar per sqiinre for the first insertion, uud I'lcea- ty-fir: 'nt.-i for each c.jntinuance—excei)t Court and other judic...! adv rtiseinents, whi. h will l>u churgcd tvycnty-Jirepct cent, h: ;lu r than the above rates, (owing to the delay, gene rally, at' iid iut upon colleetionH). A liberal discount will be ma le t' •hose who advertise l»y the year. Adverti^senieuts sent in for i»u..-lie.-»fiun, must be marked with the number of inser- tion.H?! 411' .1, or ih y will be published until forbid and char^ cd aci- irditi'jly. 'fZi 1 rs t . the E ufor, unle.-s containing money in sums of I 'ire hull iv.-,, or ovt r, must come free of i)ostat;c, or the amouir 1 at the olVxee b’.-re will be chargod to the W'riter II cvt ry iiiK'aiie.', and collected at* uthor ftccounts. •OpOSMi^ 11 rarryin^r the .Mails of the United States, , uie lat of July, 1813, to ihu 30ili oi June, 1 vl7, iU‘.‘lusivo, in Norih Carolina, will be received at the Cuniract UJice of the Post Oliice I,).jparirn-lit, in i!ie city of Washin^nyn, until 3 o’clock M, of tlio I3ih day of April, 1843, (to Le ilecidf.'d l»y iho 1st diy of Aliy.) on the routes and III tliu manner and lime herein specified, viz ; NORTH CAROLINA. From Raleigh by Forestvill,', Franklinton: Staunton, lii,n lerson, iiid^j'evvay, .M icon I )L‘j)Ot and I.»iuli:l'.n to »a^ton. 8/ miles and buclc, daily in rail road '’ars. liCave lial. ii;h d.iily at 11 am, anivc at Cl.aston some days hy 7 ]> m. Leave i ision daily af a m, arrive at Raleigh tame days by L) a m. 2 1’ri)m R ileijh by Aliddle Creek and Ave- rysburg to FayelievilW*, (V) mih-a an 1 b.iok, six times a ue*dc in two iiorse. coichf^?. Leave Rah i;^h every day (except Sunday) at 12'' III, arnve at Fay=;tleviinext days by o a m. L'jave 1'ayetteville every d ly (excojii Sunday) a ij p m, arrive at R ili.'igli next da//s by 9 a m. i^roposals are invited to c irry the great Northern and Sc-nthcin mails, daily, on this rtmte, by tlni fol lowing schedul -. in wagons or snch other vtdiicles asj the contiaetor may si lect, so con^ti ueted a.-^ to se- OLire the mails, and protect them against the wea- lln'r. fiOave Raleigh daily at 11 a m, airiveul Fay- CtJevill - same day h// 9 p m. lieave l*’ay'tleville daily Jit 12 night, arrive at llaleigh in l‘J hours by 10 a m. l^roposuls are also invited for the transportation of the great m lil on the direct road from Raleigh to Cvjlumbi;', S. C., via Rockingham, N. C. 2Suo From Rilei^^h by E tgle Rock, Wakefudd, Stanhi^pcani Nashville, to Rooky Mount, 56 miles and ba’k, t'u«;e times a vveek, in two-horse coaches. L'-'ave l^il- i^li ' v; ry Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday a*. a in, u.rive ut Rocky Mount same days by \‘) }' liS. L“av‘‘ li 'cky .M .’int every Mi>nday, Wednesday, and Fiiday at G a m. arrive at Raleigh same days by 10 p. m. 23' i Fi ■= n Ril -igii hy 11 ;lly Springs, IT.iy- wooJ, L'?n^' S’r*!et. Rjllin’s S’ore and Rocket, to JaiinsorivilK’, 67 mi'es and back, once a week. Leave Rihdgh every Friday at 11 a m, arrive at Johnsonville ne.xt day hy 8 p m. Leave J'jhnsonville ever?/ Sunda?/ at G a m. ar rive at Raleigh n?‘Xt day by 4 p in. 2805 From ivilcigh bv Moringsville, Chapel Hill, Hillsboro’, Mason Hall, Trollinger’s Hridge, Haw River, Albright’s and Allemance. to Crreens- boro\ b'j mih'S and back, three times a week, in four-liorse p>ist ■•oaches. L'^ave Raleigh every Monday Wednesday and Friday at i'l m, arrive at Greensboro’ next days by 12 in LiOavn rrs'ensboro’ every Maniay, Wednesday and I riday at 10 a m, arrive at Raleigh next days by 10 a m. Proposals to supply Trollinger’s Bridge three times a week on horse IVom Haw River will be con sidered. 2806 From Raleigh by K* Ivin Grove, Roger’s Store, Fishdam, Stagville, Rid Mountain, Came ron’s Mills and Van Hook’s store, to Roxboro’, 56 miles, and r- turn by Mount Tirza, Red Mountain, Hound Hill, St igville and Flemington, to Raleigh, ijZ mi! s—equal to 51 miles and back, once a week. Leave Raleigh every Friday at 11 a m, arrive at Roxboro’ next day by 12 m. Leave Roxboro’ every 'Fhursday at 6 a in, arrive at Raleigh next day by 9 a m. 2807 t rom Raleijjh by Cirove, Hackne?y’s Roads, l^ittsboro’, St. Lawrence, Marley’s Mills, Lanesville, Ashboro’, Spencer’s Cotton Grove, to Saiisburv, 115 miles and back, twice a week, in two-horse coaches. Leave Raleigh every Wednesday and Saturday at 11 a m, arrive at Salisbury next days by 12 p m. Leave Salisbury every Wednesday and Saturday at 9 a m, arrive at Raleigh next days by 9 p m. Proposals to run three limes a week; also ill four-horse po2t coachts will be considered. 2303. From Raleigh by Bushee’s Store, Smith- fielU, Ponn Hill, to Waynesboro’ 51 miles and back, three tunes a week in two-horse coaches. Leave Raleigh every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 4 a m, jirnvti at Waynesboro’ same days by 9 p m. Leave W’aynesboro’ cvqry Tn^fiday, Thursday ftnd Si'urday at i jj m, arrive at Raleigh same dn//? by 6 pm. to rarrv on hor«e nrr invited 2803 From Forestville by New Light, Wilton and Granville to Oxford, 42 miles and back, twice a week, in two-horse coaches. Leave Porestville every Wednesday and Satur day after arrival of the mail from Raleigh, say 1 p m, arrive at Oxford next days by 12 m. Leave Oxford every Tuesday and Friday at 8 a in, arrive at Forestville next day by 8 a m. 2810 t rom Forestville to Roilesvilie, 6 miles and back twice a week. L^ave Forestville every Mon day and Thursday at 1 p m, arrive at Roilesvilie same days by 3 p m. Leave Roilesvilie every Monday and Thursday, at 6 a rn, arrive at Fo.’'esiville same days by 8 am, 2811 !• rom Fayetteville by Davis’ Springs, Ran- dallsviil(‘, iMontpeliei, Laurel Hill and Brightsville to Cheraw, /2 miles and back, six times a week, in two horse coaches. Leave I* ayctteville every day (except Sunday) at 4 a m, arrive at Cheraw same days bv i I p ra. Leave Cheraw every day (except S’undahV at 12 p m, arrive at Fayetteville next days by 5 p m. Proposals are invited to carry the great Northern and Southern mails daily on this route, by the fol- lowmg schedule, in wagons or such other vehicles as the contractor may select, so constructed as to se cure the mails and protect them from the weather Leave Fiiyntoville daily at 10 p in, arrive at Cheraw next day by 10 a m. Leave Cheraw daily at 1L a m, arrive at Fayette ville same days Ly 11pm. 1 ro])osaIs are also invited for the transportation of the great mail on the direct road from Raleigh, N. C., to Columbia, S. C., via Rockingham, N. C. 2812 From Fayetteville by St. Paul’s, Lumber ton, Leesville, Guddysville, and Marion c. h, S. C., to Jetlry’s Creek, S. C., £5 miles and back, three times a w’cek, in sulkies-. Leave Fayotleville every Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday at 6 a m, arrive at Jtflry’s Creek next days by 4 p m. Leave JefTry’s Creek every Tuesday, Thursday and S;iturday at 0 a m, arrive at Fayetteville next days by 4 p m. 2813 From F;.yjtteville by Murchison’s Mills, Johnsonville. Cram’s Greek, Caronish, Carthage, Caladonia, Oak Corner, Sugg’s Bridge, Uharee, Lassitas, Hill’s Store, Salem Church, Mount Leba non, and Healing Springs, to Salisbury, 116 miles and back, twice a week, in two horse coaches. L'.'ave Fuyetteville every Monday and Thursday at G a m, arrive at Salisbury every Wednesday and Saturday by 5 p m. Leave ssulisUur;/ ever?/ Monday and Thursda?/ at 6 a m, arrive at I’ ayctteville every W cdnesday and Satu.iday by 5 p m. Proposals to carry on horse or in sulkies are in invited: 2814 From Fuhetteville by Argyle, Solemn Grove, New Gilead, Clark’s Mills, to Macedonia, and Butler’s Mills, to Lawrenceville, 70 miles and back, once a week. Leave Fayetteville every Wednesday at 6 a m, arrive at Lawrenceville next day by 5 p m. Leave Law'renceville every iMonday at 6 a m, arrive at Fayetteville next day by 4 p m. 2315 From Fayetteville by Prospect Hall, Eli zabethtown, Westbrook, and Robinson’s to Wil mington. 85 miles and back, three times a w’eek, in sulkies. Z.2avo Fayetteville every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 10 a in, arrive at Wilmington next days by 9 a m. jL;^ave Wilmington every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 10 a m, arrive at Fayetteville next days by 9 a m. Proposals to carry on horse will be considered. 2816 From Fayetteville by Clinton to Warsaw, 49 miles and back, three limes a week in two horse coaches. Leave Fayetteville every Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday at 6 p m, arrive at Warsaw next days by Sam. Leave Warsaw every Monday, W’^ednestlay and Friday at 2 p m, arrive at Fayetteville ne.u days by 4 am. 2S17 From Lumberton by Philadelphus, Boli var, Cowper Hill, Stewartsvillr, Glueensdalfs a>!d Alfordsville to Lumberton. equal to 35 miles, onCt' a week. Leave Lumberton every Fiiday at 6 a m, arrive at Stewartsville nixl day by 9 a m, and return to Lumberton same day by 8 p m. 28IS From Elizabethtown by Big Swamp, Porter’s Swamp. Fair Bluff, Gum Swamp, AV^hite Marsh, Whitesville and Western Prong to Elizabethtown, equal to 51 miles once a week. Leave Elizabethtown every Friday at 6 a m, ar rive*. at Fair Bluff same day by 8 p in. Leave F.iir Blufi’ every Saturday at 6 a m, ar rive at Elizabethtown next day by 2 p m. 2319 From J^orler’s Swamp by Princess Ann to liCesville, 15 miks and back, once a week. Leave Porter’s Swamp every 'I’hursday at 8 a m, arrive at Leesville same day by 12 m. Leave Leesville every Thursday at 1 p m, ar rive at Porter’s Swamp same day by 5 p in. 2820 From Tarboro by Oak Grove, Stantons- burg, to Waynesboro, 50 miles and back, once a week. Leave Tarboro every Wednesday at 11 a m, ar rive at W’aynesboro next day by 12 m. Leave Waynesboro every Thursday at 2 m, ar rive at Tarboro next day by 12 p m. 2821 From Rocky Mount by Tarboro, Sparta, Faulkland, Greenville and Pactolus to W^’ashing- ton, 70 miles and back, three times a week in two horse coaches Leave Rocky Mount every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6 am, arrive at Washington next days by 1 a m. Leave Washington every Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday at 6 a m, arrive at Rocky Mount next days by lam. 2822 From Weldon by Halifax, Enfield, Battk- boro. Rockv Mount, Vicksville, TossnoU Depot, Nahunta, Waynesboro, Goldsboro, Dudley, Fais on’s Depot, Warsaw, Strickland’s Depot, Washing ton Depot, Wilmington and Smithville to Charles Ion, S. C., 320 miles and back, in railroad cars and steamboats, Lf'ave Weldon daily at 2 a m, arrive at Charles ton next days by 7 am. L'^ave Charleston daily at 3 p m, arrive a W^’el- t.lon nr>y» days hy 7^ p m Proposals are invited to carry the mail from W^il- mington to Winyaw Bay in coaches, wagons or toher suitable vehicles, and from Winyaw Bay to CharJeston in steamboats, in lieu of steamboat ser vice doum the Cape Fear River, and b}’ sea to Charleston, the schedules of arrivals and departures to be so arranged as to form perfect connexions W’iih the railroads at Wilmington and Charleston. 2823 From Weldon to Raleigh, 90 milos and back, daily in wagons or such other vehicles as the contractor may select, so constructed as to convey the great Northern and Southern mails and secure them against loss and the weather. Leave Weldon daily at 7 p m, arrive at Raleigh next days by 10 a m. Leave Raleigh daily at U a m, arrive at "Wel don next days by 2 a m. Proposals to end this route at Littleton or the nearest point on the Gaston and Raleigh railroad^ will be considered. 2824 From Clinton, by Taylor’s Bridge and Li burn to Cxravely Hill,29 miles and back, once a weefcj Leave Clinton every Tuesday at 5 a in, arrive Gravely Hill same day by 12 in. Leave Gravely £Iill every Tuesday at I pm, ar rive at Clinton same day by 8 p m. 2825 From Clinton to Cok’s siore, 20 miles back, once a week. Leave Clinton every Friday at 6 Cox’s store same day by 12 m. Leave Cox’s store every Frida at Clinton same day by 7 p m. A 2826 From Tayloi s Bridge, Moore’s Creek and Long Creek to miles and back, once a week, el to be supplied on return trip Leave I’aylor’s Bridge eve arrive at W'lmington uext da Leave Wilmington very N! rive at Taylor’s Biige next day 2827 From W^arsaw, by Ken Tuckahoe and Comfort, to Tip back, once a week. Leave Warsaw every Frida; Trenton next day by 8 p in. Leave Trenton every Thursda at Warsaw next day by 10 a m. 2828 From Wayn?sboro’ to F miles and back, once a week. Leave Waynesboro’ every Friday rive at Falling Creek same day by Leave Falling Creek every Friday at G a rive at Waynesboro’ same day by 11 a m. 2829 From Waynesboro’, by Whitfield’s Sleepy Creek and Jericho, to Slrabane, 29 miles and back once a w^eek. i Leave Waynesboro’ every Thursday at 10 a m, arrive at Slrabane saro« tlay by 8 p m. Leave Strabane every Friday at 5 a m, arrive at Waynesboro’ same day by 3 p m. 2830 From Comfort, by Richland, Onslow c h, and French Mills to Swansboro’, 45 miles and back, once a week. Leave Comfort every Saturday at 7 a m, arrive at Swansboro’ next day by 12 m. Leave Swansboro every Thursday at 1 p m. ar rive at Comfort next day by G p m. 2831 From Onslow c h by Snead’s Ferry, Stump Sound and Topsail Sound, to Wilmington, 53 miles and back, once a vveek. Leave Onslow c h every Monday at Gam, ar rive at Wilmington next day. by 4 pm. Leave Wilmington every Wednesday at 6 am, arrive at Onslow c h next day by 4 p m. urday at 5 a m, arrive at Greenville same days by 9 pm. Leave Greensboro’ every Tuesday, Thusday and Pro^iosals for 2 horse coach service will be con sidered. 2840 From Hookerslown to Johnson’s Mills, 20 miles and back, once a week. Leave Hookerstown every Friday at 1 pm, ar rive at Johnson’s Mills same day by 7 p m. Leave Johnson’s Mills eveg^J'riday at bam arrive at Hookerstown same 2841 From Washington, Pantego, Leechville, c h, ajid JL^ke Land in, ai Saturday days b 28 L*ave Powell’s Point every Friday at 6 a m, ariive at Currituck e h same day by 7 p m. 2856 From Franklin Depot, by South Q,uay, inlon, N. C. and Edenton lo Plymouth, 103 miles and back three times a week in steamboats. Leave Franklin Depot everh Mondah Wtd nesday and Friday at ! p m j arrive Plymouth same dahs bh 12 p m. Leave Plymouth every T a m ; arrive m. acd imo and Oc- i tn a vessel. y i P raco/.:e next Saturday by 12 m. Oefaco.le every Monday at a m, arrive at ton next Wednesday by 12 m. Pi'om Roseneath to Scotland NecA:, 4 miles , once a week. ve Roseneath every Friday at 8 a m, arrive land Neck same day by 9 a m, i^ve Scotland Neck every Friday at Ham, ;lirrive at Roseneath same day by 12 m. 2844 From Enfield, by Hilliardstown, Belford- d Louisburg, to Franklinion, 50 miles and back, two horse coaches, three times a w^eek to Louis, fg, 40 miles, aiid six times a vv-ek the residue. ;|&ave Enfield every Monday, Wednesday and liay at 5 a m, arrive at Loaiaburg same days by ?e touisburg every Tuesdah" Thursday and Sam, arrive at Enfield same days by ijiiouisburg every day, excej;^ SSihday, at jem 5 iU Frankliuton same by 8 a in. >n every day, except Sunday, ^imisburg, same days by 5 pm. e the route at Rock y Mount, ^nsiderea eathsville, Brinkley- AUey, to Eaheld, week. 2832 From Beaufort to PiloUown. 85 miles and m, arrive Enfiel 284e^7!^P|ppq|H[H|^ roads, Scotland Neclc,ll^lrriyr|^^^^|^^Hfe|||oa^ Wii- liamston, Gardner’s and back, twice a w€ Leave Halifax evei in, arrive at Plymouth Leave Plymouth everj at 6 am, arrive at Halifa] 2847 From Plymouiii, b’ ton’s store, Rich Square and burg, 74 miles and back, twice a week. Leave Plymouth every Monday and Thurstiay at 5 a m, arrive at Gareysburg next days by 6 p rn. Leave Gareysburg every Wednesday and Satur day at 5 a m, arrive at Windsor next days by 6 ! P j Proposals to carry in two horse coaches, and to run three times a week, will be considered. 2848 From Plymouth, by Washington and Swift Creek Bridge, to Newbern, 70 miles and back, three times a week, in four horse coaches. Leave Plymouth every Tuesday. Thursday and back, once a weelc, by water. Leave Beaufort every Monday at G am, arrive at Pilottown every Wednesday by G p m. Leave Pilottown every Thursday at 6 a m, ar rive at Beaufort every Saturday by'G p m. j Saturday, at 5 a m, arrive at Washington same 2833 From Newbern by Polloksville, Trenton, | ^ays by 12 m, and at Newbern same days by 8 Kinston and Moselev Hall, to Waynesboro, 74 P ^ ^ miles and back, three times a vveek, m two horse Newbern every Monday coaches. Friday at 5 a m, arrive at Washinton Leave Newbern every Mondav, W(=“dnesday and tn, and at Plymouth same days by 9pm Friday, after the arrival of the liiail from Weldon, j . From Plymouth, by Cool Spring, to Colum- say at 2 a m, arrive at Waynesboro’ same days by ! miles and back, once a week. p m j Leave Plymouth every Wednesday, at 7 am, ar- Leave W’’aynesboro’ every Tuesday, Thursday i Columbia same dyy by 4 p m. and Saturday at 2 a m, arrive at Newbern same Leave Columtjia every Tuesday at f . 1^ n m, at Plymouth same day by 6 p m. ay i;jr I h^rse coach service will be 2850 I rom Windsor, by Merry Hill, Ashland, Colerain, Bethel, Pitch Landing and Winton, to Murfreesboro’, 63 miles and back, twice a week. Leare l^utfrees^^* d Saturdfajp at 8 a m j ame days hy 12 m. Leave Newsom’s Depot every Tcrwdfiy, day and Saturday at 4 p mtj arrive at Murf« same days by 8 p m. Proposals to carry in 2 horse coachi be considered. 2859 From Westland to Liiileton 10 miles a) back, once a week. Leave Westland every Wednesday at 5 a mji rive at Liitieton same day by 7 a m. Leave Litiltton every Thursday at 8 a m; arri at Westland same day by 10 a m. 2860 From Warrenton to Macon Depot, 3 mii and oack, daily in 2 horae coaches. Leave Warrenton daily ai 2 p m j arrive at con Depot same days by 3 pm. Leave Macon Depot daily at 7 am; arrived Warrenton same day by 8 a m. Proposals to carry on horse will be considered. 2861 From Ridgeway by Exchange and Wo( worth to Boyatovvn, 30 miles and back three time* week in two horse coaches. Leave Ridgeway every Tuesday, Thursday Saturday at 6 a m ; arrive ui. Boydiown eame by 12 m. Leave Boydtown evei v Moiiday, Wednesday; Friday at 8 a m; arriva at Ridgewjy same days j 3 pm. Proposals to subetitute 2 horse coach tri wei service between Henderson and Clarksville in I« of the above will be consideied. 2862 From Henderson by Wi/h'amboro’ to Lynes-1 viile, 10 miles and back three times a vveek. Leave Henderson every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 6 a m j arrive at Lynesville same days by 9 a m. Leave Lynesville every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 10 a m j arrive at Henderson same davs by 1 p m. 28t53 From Henderson by Oxford, Berea, Roxboro’ Ked House and Miitoi* to Danville, Val back three times a week in two wn every Monday, Wedn >.ai Danville next d ThufgJay H next^lay^. . will be consid( ReubcntowA to Ran som 8 Bridge, lynniles and bfick once a ijm Leave Louisburg every Saturday at5«^ at Ransom’s Bridge same day by 11 a fri. Leave Ransom’s Bridge every Saturday a( arrive at Louisburg same day oy 7 p m. 2865 F'rom Frakiinton by Wilton, Tullyho, Buffa lo Hill and Red Mountain to Hillsboro’, 44 nules and back once a w’eek. Leave Franklinion every nesday at 3 pm; arrive at Hillsboro’ next day hy 6 p m. ’ Leave Hillsboro’ every Tuesday at 5 a m ; arrive at Franklinton nc*xt day by 8 a m. 2866 From Oxfor.l, by Oakhill, Young’s X Road? Proposals i considered, 2834 From Ncxvbertt, oy G^avensville, to Beau- a m, arrive fort, 43 miles and back, three tiirtcs A week, in i\v6 horse coaches. Leave Newbern every Sunday, Wednesday and Friday at 7 am, arrive at Beaufort same days by 5 p m. Leave Beaufort eve?y Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 7 a m, arrive at Newbern same days bv 5 p m. '2835 From Newbern to Milton Park, 20 miles and back, once a week. Leave Newbern every Saturday at 1 p m, arrive at Milton Park same day by 8 p m. Leave Milton Park every Saturday at 5 am,ar rive at Newbern same day by 12 m. 2836 From New’bern to Core Creek, 22 miles and back, once a week. Leave Newbern every Saturday at 1 p m, arrive at Core Creek same day by 8 p m^ Leave Core Creek Saturday at 5 a^m, arrive at Newbern same day by 12 m. 2837 From Polloksville, by Cross Roads, to Hadnot’s, 22 miles and back, once a week. Leave Polloksville every Friday at 1 p m, arrive at Hadnot’s same day by 7 pm. Leave Hadnot’s every Friday at 5 a m, arrive at Polloksville same day by 12 m. 2338 From Stantonburg,. by Speight’s Bridge, Snow Hill. Hookerstown, Airy Grove, Kinston, Strabane, Albertson’s, Saructa and Kenansville, to Warsaw, 80 miles and back, once a week. Leave Windsor e''- "y I'uesday and Saturday at 4 a m^ arri^’c Maijreesboro’ next days by 12 m. Leave ;\v»;.rc;esboro' every Wednesday and Suu- day at 1 p m, arrive at Windsor next days by 8 p m. 2851 From Edenton, by Hertford, Woodville, Elizabeth City, New Lt-banon, Soutr Mills, Lake Drummond, Deep Creek, Va., lo Norfolk, V'a , 79 miles and back, three times a w’eik in four horse post choachcs. Leave Edenton every Sunday, Wednesday and Friday at 4 a m, arrive at Nortolk same days by 6 p m. Ijeave Norfolk every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 9 a m, arrive at Eienton same days by 11pm. 2852 From Edenton. by Ballard’s bridge, Min- TV Wedne«:dT7y and \ Abram’s Plains, Bullocks, Waterloo, ay, V\ tune.(Jay ana I qj Oxlord, equal to 23 miles and back twicea week.- nnuon ^me days by j Leave Oxibrd every Monday and Frida}’^ at Ban/ arrive at Oxlor l next dayi» by 12 m. 2867 From (»xlord, by Tallyho, Dutchville, Knapp lo Reeds, Stagville, Lipscomb and Enoe M*lla to IJillsborougli. 42 miles and buck once a week. Leavu Ox:«'rd every Saturday at G a rn; arrive at Hillsboroug.' t i jw.; day by 6 p rn. Leave Hillsnorough every PViday at 6 a rn; ar rive at Oxford same day by 6 p m. 2S0:) i’ rom Chapel Hill by Price's Store, Pratts- burgh, West Point, Fishdam a.iil Tranquility to Wilton, 39 miles and back once a week. Leave Chap'.*l Hal every Friday at 6 a ni; arrive at Wilton same day hy 6 p m. Leave Wilton every Saturday at 6 a m; arrive at Chapel Hiil game day by 6 pm. 3S69 From HiilsbDrougli, by (;*^dar Grove, Junto, Prospect Hill and Q»rdonton to I^'jasburg, 32 miles and back once a week. Leave Hdlsborough every Thursday at 6 pm; arrive at Leasburg next day by 12 m. Leave Leasburg every Friday at 1 p m ; arrive at Hillsborough next day by 9 a m. 2870 From Hillsborough by Walnut Grove and Van Hook’s *Vtore to Roxboro’, 21 milcb and back once a week. Leave Hillsborough ev ry Tuesday at 6 a m; ar r;ve at Roxboro’ same day by 4 p m. Leave Roxboro’ every Wednesday at 6 a m , ar rive at HilUborough same dt ly by 4 p m. 2371 From Hil jrborough by Hawtields, Mount, tonsville, Gatesville,Sunbury and Middle Swamp, j VVilimg and McUamels, to Hartshorn, 31 miles and to Suffolk, Va,, 65 miles and back, once a week Leave Edenton every Tuesday at 4 am, arrive at Suft'ulk next day by 11 am Leave Suffolk every Wednesday at 1 p m, arrive at Edenton next day by 8 p m. 2853 From Woodville to Durant’s Neck, 12 miles and back, once a week. Leave Woodville every Friday at 9 am, arrive at Durant’s Neck same day by 12 m. Leave Duraui’s Neck evtry Fiiday at 1 p m, ar rive at Woodville same day by 4 p m 2851 From Elizabeth City, by Camden. Shiloh, Indiantown, Currituck c h, Northwest river bridge. back once a week. L«‘ave Hillsborough every Thursday at 7 a m, arrive at Hartshorn same day by 6 p m. Leave Hartshorn every Friday at 6 am; arrive at Hillbnorough same day by 5 p rn. 2872 From Mason Hall by -Js’coitsville, Pleasant Grove, Fawcett’s »b’tore, Mooresville, iJs'tony Creek, Anderson’s -Store and High Towers to Leasburg, 57 miles and back once a w'ee/r. Leave Mason Hall every Friday at 6 am; arrive at Leasburg next day by 12 m. Leave Leasburg every .Saturday at 1 p m ; arrive at Mason Hall next day by 7 p m. 2873 From Greensboro’ by Ramsboro’, High Rock, Leave Stantonburfr every Friday at 5 a m, arrive Va., Hickory Ground and Great Bridge, to Nor-1 .S’ladc’s, Brown’s 6'iore and Yancyville to Milton, 54 at W^arsaw next day by G p m. folk, 66 miles and back, once a weetf. mdes and bacA three times a wee/j in two horse Leave Warsaw every Wednesday at Sam, ar- Leave Elizabeth City every Wednesday at 5 coaches. rive at Stantonburg next day by G p m. 2839 From Greenville, by Hookerstown and Snow Hill to Goldsborough, 50 miles and back, twice a week. Leave Greenville every Tuesday and Friday at 5 a m, arrive at Goldsborough same days by 9 p m. Leave Goldsborough every Wednesday and Sat- a m, arrive at Norfolk next day 12 m Leave Norfolk every Thursday at 1 p m, arrive at Elizabeth City next day by 8 p m. 2855 From Currituck c h, by Poplar Branch, to Powell’s Point, 32 miles and back, once a week. Leave Currituck c h every Saturday at 6 a m, arrive al Powell’t> Point same day 5 p ra. Leave Greensboro’ every Monday, Wednesday, Friday, at 12 m; arrive at Milton next days by 12 m. Leave Milton every Monday, Wednesday and Friday ut 12 m; arrive at Greensboro’ next daye by 12 m. 2874 F^om Greeneboro’ by Jamestown, Brum- mell’e, Rich Fork and Lexington to 4(alisbury,