VOLUME 2,1 ‘■The powers granted umler He ConstUation, being derned from the People of the l.jiiled Hlaltji. nuiy be resumed by them, trhenerer perverted to their 171/ njuvy or CHARLOTTE, N. C., MARCH 6, 1843~ F.DITKD, AND PUHLISHKD WKEFCLY, BV Wv) lHii22S2‘©52‘, T K It M S : 1 NUMBER 102 Tno ^I^icklenharcr Jeffersonian'^ is puMlshcd weekly, a ’r,r.o D'jiyir^ and Cent.i, if priid in advance; or Three J)uUar,.. if not paid h»'fon: the expiration of three monthc ^Tom tlif! tii.T'j of sul»s*ril»irig. Arjy pprnon who will procur ,{.r -ul»Hrr;hi rt» nud he.Miiie resporisihle ft»r their subscription BtiuJl have a copy of the paper ,'rafis; —or, a club of ten sub. ribiTriin'iy have the paper one yeir fur Tircnty Dollars in a ivfin'v. paper will be disrontinuod wliile the subscriber owes any Uiifig, if h' is ab!.^ to pay;-—and a failure to notify the Editor of a wi.sh fo discontinue at least osm month before thecxpira- t »r» of the time piiil ii)r, will be considered i new en^a^enien Oriyinal .Subscribers will not be allowed to discontinue the pa;.-r fitfore the expiration ef the first v.'ar without payin'rfor a fill' year’s suf»serif»tion. ° Ad'-e.rh.(mtnts will l)c ron«piriinii«Iy and cor^ rtry inserN > i fit One n.,narpi T p.jurin- for the lirst iiisi.rtioii, and 'I'lrrn- ^v-frre Ctn's for ea li ( (iutinuanrc—exe j»t Court and olh:^ j.i . ril :idv rli.-eii»*u’s, whi h will he vhiirgni /rrcnf^-^repcr liii^hi r than tlie aliovi rat' ??, (owin:;^ to the delay, gene* r;:. y, iitt. ad'int upon eoll- etio:i*!). A liberal discount will be ri.rid. (o th;sf' who advi-rtis.: by the yt ar. Advertisements sent Ji for putdi->ati. n mu.-t h marked with the number of inser- s(J.-irrd, :-r y wiii be published until furbid and chan- H''-.rdini.'ly. —j ^ to t!ic lMiit'>r, unjPFs eontainm" Tiioncy in Fums r-f J'ire Ihtll-irs, or ovt, must j-oiiKi free of postr^e, or tl\o ?*Mii-uiii paid at theofi'i;-c hfre will be charged to the writer evury iiistunc*', and collected as otht>r nccounts. 2809 From Forestville by New Light, Wilton and Granville lo Oxford, 42 miles and baci.- twice a week, in two-horse coaches. Leave ForestvilJe every Wednesday and Satir- day after arrival of the mail from lialeigh, say 1 n m, arrive at ()xford next d,i3/'s by 12 inT ^ Leave Oxford every Tuesday/ and Frida?/ at 8 a n, arrive at Forestville next day hy 8 a in. 2S1U Froin Forestville to Rollesviiie, G miles and Proposals are invited to carry the mail from Wil mington to W inyaw Bay in coaclics, wagfons or tr«er suitable vehic-le?, and from ^Vinyaw Buy to -^harlcston in steamboats, in iieu of steamboat ser vice down the Cape Fear Uiver, and by sea to -charleston, the schedalcsof arrirais and departures to be so arrang-ed as lo form perfect connexions with the railroads at Wilmington and Charleston. back twice a week. Leave ForeVtviile everf ^om V\ e!Jo-i to Raleigh, 00 miles and day and Thursday at I ^.n Tr ve ^Holl vi Ic same days by 3 p m. ^ ’ HoHesv.Ilc , cent,actor may scleo(, so constructed as to convey Leave nollesville every Monday and Thursda- : hem'a-Lvrio.''™ T'.'I at 0 a m, arrive at Forestvtlle same duys by 8 a m, I L-.f^ w H , ° 'i™''’"' • 2811 From Fayetteville by Davis’ Snrkffs, Km-1 h tn" •’*' ^^“leigh dallsville. Montpelter, Laurel Hill and Brifhtsville i LeavP R.l T'. , , to Gheraw, 72 miles and back, six times a wet-k, in don wu d^s if o'*"' “ two horse coaches. | by 2 a m. 1 ropofals to end this route at I.ittieton or the urday at 5 a m, arrive at Greenville same days bv U p m. /A’ave Greensboro’ every Tuesday, Tliusdny and I foposais for 2 horse coach service will be con sidcrcd. 2840 From Ilookerstown to Johnson’s Mills 20 miles and back, once a week. ’ " L: avc Powill’s Point overv FiiJay at G aiii\e at Curntuciv c h same duy bv 7 p m. a m. ri Leave Ilookerstown every Friday at 1 p ve at Jolmson’s .Mills same day by 7 p m. I.eave Johnson’s Mills arrive at Ilookerstown 2S-i^ From Washing Pantego, Leechville, c h, and -Lake m, ar* 23oG From Fraulilin D. pct. by South (lunv, mlon, N. C. and Edcnfon lo J^Jvmou:b. 100 miles and back thn e tmus a \ve ‘ ‘ L'.'ave Frank p HI ] arrive J'lvjnouih and ^>Qulhern. rnaiis ^aily on this route, by the fol- i q ay at 1 p m, ry 1 uesuav lowmg schedule, in wagons or‘sucrwbr“^ vThicles ! OraveTv hIu' I as the con’ractor may select, so constructed as to se-1 nve'-'t (-limon ' miL I q ^ ‘ cure the mails and protect them from the v.-eafher, 1 ‘>^'^-,1.Vo,n O ^ on ■! 3 , „ .. . > I rom L iinton to Cox s 3lore, 20 miles asd I, auive at back, once a week. licave Clinton every Friday at Q jii^^irriv’e at Pro[)osal8 ^ Leave Fuytttevillt> daily at iO p m Cheraw next day h?/ 10 a m. Leave Cheraw dailv at 11 am. arrive at Favette* vilie same days by 11 p m. Proposals are also invited for the transportation of the great mail on the direct roaii from Raleigh, P\. C., to Columbia, S. C., via iiockingham, N. C. week. aext ^’Viday at 5 a m, {■E ill a m. ic I!) suMiniM-ii’.s. in I>pot cvciii Monti;iii W,d nesday and Fiiday m I same dahs bh 12 p m. Leave IMymoath every Saluidnv a ah. Thursdaii and klift ©cpot same Martmfrille. jE^- ^lUill U:ck ODG^n ixpp$bo arnt 3^ at / d m, ar- iy 12 m. at 2 p m. ar* y 8 p m. ton lo U*.‘, days by 4 p m. daiiy a m, arrive at Ciasion .j a in,arriv’c ui Jtilciijh non, and Healing Springs, to Salisbury, llG mil and back, t wice a week, in two horse coaches. L'‘ave I uyetteville every Monday and 'J'hursda -U carrying.-- llie Mails of the United State® ;r,™ tn. l.tof July, IS13 ,0 tho yj-h oi j times u'week, in sulkies .nchjMve, m .Noith Carolmi, will he ic*i*ived at liic (contract U.iice of the Post Ulfice 1 jpartmcnt, in the city (if W^ashingJon, until 3 o clock P. M. of the I3ih lii.v of April. 1813, (to Le decided by the 1st day of May,) on the routes und in the manner and time lierein specilicd, viz ; i%OIlTII CAUOLIXA. -«r:l lyom Jl.ileigh by Forestville, Franklinton. Staunton, Hend'jrson. Jiiilgcwuy, Macon Depot and i.iiil -ion to Castoij. miles and back, daiiy in rail aoad cars. L‘'UV;' iJ ij!i (I,lily at 11 Sjnif days by 7 p m, Ii'‘av; = I isiou d.iilv at •i.\ Sa* n l iys by lU n m. •-is I- From i{,|,,j-li by .Miillu Creelc and Avo- ryrLur;; to 1-O') miles ii:i] buck, six ' i- iii twij liorsc coachcs. Lf'ave li.al. igh ♦■very day (except Sunday) at 12t ni, arrive at F lycueville next days by 3 a m. li-ave Fayeitevillo every day (excopt Sunday) a t> p m, arrive at H li.iigh ne.xt da//s by U a m. Pri-p )sals are invited to carry ihe great Northern nnl Saathern miili, daily, on this route, by the fob lovvmg scliL'dule. in wagons or such other vehicles ub the contractor may select, so constructed as lo se cure the mails. anJ protect them a^^ainst the wea* f.!i. r. 1 ave I? ikugh d.iilv at 11 Lltf-vil!.* same day h/y 1) p m. L arc Fayettevilic (iaily at 12 night, arrive at H il Jgh in 10 hours by 10 2812 From Faj/etteville by St, PjuVs, L i nbs r 1, Leesville. (.racldysville, and Marion c. ii. S. C.. Jellry s Creek, S. C., 85 miles and back, three les a week, in sulkies. Leav’e I* ay i tteville every k Ihursday at G a m, arrive i S m 1 ly, Tiies 1 ly and at Jfcli’ry’i Cieeic ne:;l Leave Jeiiry’s Creek every Tuesday, Thursda?/ and Saturday at 0 a m, arrive at Favetteville next days by 4 p m. at and '^ry "I’hursday at G a m, arrive at Salisburz/ ever?/ U^eJnesday and Safui'da;/ by J pm. Lf’ave S ilisbur /y ever^/ Monda?/and Thursday G a in arnvo ai Fayeiieville every Wednesda;/ a Satuiday by 5 p m. Proposals to carry on horse or in sulkies are in invited. 2814 From Fayetteville by Argyle, Solemn C-irove, i\ew (_iilead, Clark’s Mills, to Macedonia, and 13utler’s Mills, to Liwrenceville, 70 miles and baclv. Leave arrive at once a week. a m, arrive at Fay- un I back, three times a week, in two horse coaches. L*av.* Kileigh every Sunday, TuesJay and 14iuis lay a». G a m, aaave at lt>ckv .M )unt sime days by 1) p m. Leave U )ck// .M Hint e%^eiy Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at u a m, arrivj at lialeigh same da vj by 10 p. m. 2>01 I-rom Rileigh by [loilv Springs, Hav- wo i, Ljiig Srreci. Ujiiin’s Store anJ Pocket, ’ Johnsonvilb-. G7 nii'.es and back, once a week. I ' iv--‘iiuhMgh every Frida?/ at 11 a at J. hns, nviile next day by 8 p*^ m. L' rvc Johnson villo ever;/ Sunday at Gam, a rivc at Raleigh next dav by 4 p m.' I Hi by .Moringsvillo, Chapel Hill, Llillsboro, Mason Hall, 'i’rollinjjfer’s liridire. Haw Hirer, Albright’ t a^ ( tteville everj/ W^jdne^Jay iit G.a m, Liwrenceville next da^^ by 5 p rn. Leave Liwrcncevillo every Mindu^ at Gam, arrive at Fayei’eville next day b?/ 4 p m. '2313 From Fd^cttevi [jj bv l^rospect Hall, Eli zabethtown, Westbrook, and’ Robinson’s to Wil mington, 8o miles and back, three times a week in sulkies. ’ Leave Fayetteville every Monday/, Wednesday and 1' ridaj/ at 10 a m, arrive at Wilmington next days by 9 a m. Loave Wilmington every Tuesda?/, Thursday and Saturday at 10 a m, arrive at Fayetteville next days by 9 am. Proposals to carry on horse will be considered. ^ 281G 1" rom Fayetteville by Clinton to Warsaw, 4J miles and back, three times a week in two iiorse coaches. Leave FayeHeville every Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday at G p in, arrive at Warsa'w next days by Cox’.s store same da\’- by 12 rn. J^'^ave Cox s store every Frii at Clinton same day by 7 p m 232;) From Taylors Brid Moore’s Creek and liOng Cn mile,? and back, once a week, el to be supplied on return Iri Leave 'i'aylor’s liridgc ev arrive at Wdmington next di Jjcave ilmington every rive at 'I’aylor’s i^i ige next d 2827 From Warsaw, b Tuckdhoe and (/omfjrt, back, once a vveck. Leave Warsaw evrrv Trenton next day bv 8 p nS Leave Trenton every 'I’hu at Warsaw next day by 10 a m, 2823 From Waynesboro’ to miles and back, once a week. Leave Waynesboro’ eveiv Fr rive at Falling Creek same\lay Leave Falling Creek every F ^ rive at W^aynesboro’ sa'ne day by II i ^ 2829 From W^avnes'ioro’^ by Whi ftlcepy Creek and^Jeri and back once a week. Leave Vv^\ynesboro’ every Tiiursday at arrive at Strabane same day },y 8 p m. L'-ave Strabane every Friday at a m arrive at Wayr.eslju.:-o’ same day' by 3 p'm. - ^ 2{>30 I" roTi (^omiort, bv Richland. Onslow c h, and French Mills to Swan'sboro’, \o miles and back, once a week. L'^ave Comfort every Saturday at 7 a m, arrive at Swansboro’ next day by 12 m. Leave Swansboro every 'J’hursday at 1 pm. ar rive at Comfort next day by G p m. 2331 From Dnslow c h by Snead’s Ferry, Stump Sound and Topsail Sound, to Wilmington, 53 miles and back, oncc a week. Leave On.'low g h every Monday at C a rn. at' rive at Wilmington next da’y, by 4 p in. Leave Wilminglon every Wednesday at G a m. a m. itfield’j 0. to Strabane. 29 miles 10 Washington to Portsmouth and Oc- ifes and bacA;, once a weeA:,ina vessel. Washington every Thursday at 1 n rs !^e at OcracoAe nexi Saturday 12 m. ’ OcracoAe every Monday at a m, arrive at Washington next Wednesday by 12 m. - 2843 From liosene^th lo 'Scothxnd Nec/j, 4 miles and back, once a weeA*. Leave Roseneath «very Friday at 8 a m, arrive at Scotland Neck same day by 9 a m. Leave Scotland Neck every Friday at II a m, arrive at Roseneath same dav by 12 m. 2844 From Knfield, by Uilliardstown, Belford- and Louisbur^, to Franklinton, 50 miles and back, in two horse coaches, three times a week lo Louis, burg, 40 miles, and six times a week the residue. Leave I^nfield ev’ery Monday, Wednesday and riday at 5 a m, arrive at Louiaburg same davs bv pm. ■ * Leave Louisburg every Tucsdah Thursday and Saturday at 5 a m, arrive at EnfieiJ same days bv ^ IB, Louisburg every day, except Sunday, at ■ at Franklintcwi "sarBa|iays by 8 am. "^^tiulon every day, except Sunday, Louisburg, same days^by 5 p in. route at RockfViount, “**^11(8 considered. He^athsviile, IBrinkley- Alley, lo Enfield, , once a week. Fat 6 a in, arrive at I a m s X roads, ilton, Wil lay at 6 a Enfiel 2846 Scotland liamston, and back, twice a w Leave Halifax eve m, arrive at Plymouth Leave Plymouth ever at Gam, arrive at 4||klif: 2S17 From Plymouth ton’s store, Rich Square and burg, 74 miles and back, twice a week. Leave l^lymouth every Monday and Thursday at 5 a m, arrive at Gareysburg next days by 6 p m Leave Gareysburg every Wednesday and Satur day at 5 am, arrive at Windsor ne.xt days by G * pm. / ; ■ Leave Mu and Satuiday at 8 a m; iirrivc at N same days b?/ 12 m. Leave ^Newsom’s Drpot every Tuffdoy. day and Saturday at 4 p m ; arrive ot Murltesboto’ ame days by 8 p m. ' "U Proposals to carry in 2 horse coaches wil} be considered. 2859 From Westland lo Liuleton 10 miles and ’ back, once a week. Leave Wetiland every Wednesday at 5 a m ;ar* rive at Littleton same dr.y fcy 7 a m.*^ Leave Littleton ever^ Thursday at S a m * at W^’estland same day by 10 am. ’ 2860 From Warrenioi. lo Macon Depot, ;> i: and back, daily in 2 horse coaches. , , l4Cave Warrenfon daily at 2 p m; arrive at con Depot same days by 3pm. Leave Macon Depot daily at 7 am; rvprivc Warren ton same day by 8 a lo. Propo.'jale lo carry on hor?e will be considered. 2SG1 Fi^ Ridgeway by Bixchancje and W^ood-S / worth to Boydiown, 30 miles and back three times u week in two liorse coachcf. Leave Ridgewa^y every Tuesday, ThurFday and Saturday at 0am arrive at iioyd town, fame by 12 m. Leave Boydfown every Monday, Wednesdays Friday at 8 a m j arrive at Ridgeway same day* 3 pm. Proposals to e\ibetltule 2 horse conch tri-week^ Bcrvice between Henderson and Clarksville hi litS of the above will be considered. 2862 From Henderson hy Willinmhoro' to Lvncs- villtf, 10 miiee and back three times a week Le-ivc Heii^Jcrson every Tt.esd,-»y, Tlmrsdny and Saturday at C a m: arrive at Lyiietvillo saniu davs oy 9 am. Leave Lynewille every Tuesday, Thursday and ^atnrday ai 10 a mj arrive at Henderson same days oy 1 p ni. .-^.1 coa?1leg. Lii^*e HendcriJQn ev ai 5am cry ?anvi! next davs ^Monday, Wednesil^s^i rifle Thur.^day and rson iK x^ dijys Service will be Proposals to carry in two horse coachcs. arrive at Onslow c h next day by 4 j) m 2;j32 From Beauiort to Pilottown. 85 miles and | tmd to run three times a week, will be considered back, once a week, by water. I 2S4S From Plymouth, by Washington and Swift 8 a m. to m, arrive ar* ^ Leave Warsaw every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 2 p m, arrive at Fay'etteville next’'davs by 4 a m. ^ Leave Beaufort every Monday at Gam, arrive at Pilottown every Wednesday liy G p m. Leave Pilottown every Thursday at G a m, ar rive at J^eaufort every Saturday by 6 p m. 2833 From Newberu by Pollolv'sville, Trenton, Ivinston an! .Moseley Lali, to W’^aynesboro, 74 miles and back, three tinges a week, in two horse j coachcs, ^ Leave Nr-wbern every Mo.nday, Wednesday and Friday, after the arrival'of the mail horn W^eldon. 2317 From Lumberton by Philadelphus. Boli-! ^ , - •'> var, Cowper Hill, Stewartsvillc, Uueensdale and i ^ ^ arrive at aynesboro’ same days by Allbrdsville to Lumberton, equal to 35 miles, once ' ^ a week. Leave Lumber'on everv Fii idjro —I tid.iy at G a m, arrive at Stewarts Ville ne.'Cl day by 9 a m, and return to ^ Leiive Waynesboro' ^very Tuesday, Tliursday t and Salurd.iy at 2 a in, arrive at Newbern same ^ ‘’‘'1 Allemanct*. to Greens- r. u . j • ■ « boro SG mil,:s and back, three times'a week, in ® C "o- . l»Mir-l; rse post coaches. j Lhzabethtown by Big Swamp, Porter’s f** .ve Iia|.; igh every MonJ.iy Wednesdav and Blnti, Gum Swamp, White .Marsh, Friday at m, arrive at Greensboro’ next dav'b?/’ Western Prong to Elizabethtown, I i IJ, * ‘" ! to ul miles once a week. li'^ave Jfeensboro’ every M )U( 1 •. ,1 t, ana bv 1' ay, Wednesday M-lijy at 1'.; a i;i, arrive at Raleigh next days a lu. LeaV© L lizabethtown every Friday at G a m ar* rivc at t air Blufl same day by 8 p m. Leave F.iir Blufi every Saturday at G a m ar- j rive at Elizabethtown next day by 2 p m. ^ I y 1'rom l\)rter’s Swamp by Princess Ann lo con-1 Leesville, 15 miles and back, once a week. j Leave Porter’s Swamp every ^J^hursday at 8 a m. I roposals to supply 1 rollinger’s Bridge three limes a w.jck on horse iVom Haw River wiTl be sider^'d •inV’ /TT u,ilrigh Kelvin Grove, Roger’s } arrive at ieosvilie^same day^by ‘irm ^tor..._l-,shd:un, htagville, Kud Mountain, Came- /,oave LcesvMe every Thursday at 1 p m ar- rotj5 Mills and Van Hook’s store, to Roxboro’, 5G mite? .t'ld return by Mount Tirza, Red Mountain, 28‘^ From 'J' Hound Hill, Stagville and Flemington, to lialeigh, j burg,'"to Waynes o - miles—equal to 54 miles and back, once a week, j week, cave lialei^h every Friday at 11 a m, arrive at nvc at Porter’s Swamp same dav by 5 p m. 2820 From Tarboro by Oak Grove, Stanlons- itoxboro’next dav'bv"l2;r*'' Leave Tarboro every Wednesday at 11 a m, ar-j I>*ave Rav^.r ' 'iiP' 1 /- • i Waynesboro next day bv 12m. . lloxjoro every Ihursday at 6 a m,arrive] Leave Waynesboro every Thursday at 2 m, ar- At Iv i.tagh ne.\t day by 9 a m. rive at rarboro next day by 12 p m. 2821 From Rocky Mount by T 1 rom Raleigh by Grove, IIackne7y’s two-horse coaches, heave Italeigh every VVedncsd:i^- ind Saturday I m arrive at balis^y next days by 12 p m, l,eave isalisbury c^if%ednesday and Saturday ' _ * T,' next days by 9 p m. oonc coaches will be considered. I rom ««»ld. Boon back, three Frid by 9 ’I Leave Ri; 'iy at liti .«eav( «nd Sai by 6 aleigh by Bushee^s Store, Smitb* , to Waynesboro^ 51 miles and nes a week in tw’o-horse coaches, gh every Monday, Wednesday and ^ in, arrive at Waynesboro’ same days ^Waynejboro* every Tuesday, Thursday at 1 a m, anive at Raleigh same days /rcpopffis tc carrx on horse nr« inrlied. . L^ve Rocky Mount every Monday, Wednesday and Ftidny at 6 a m, arrive at Washington next days by 1 a m. Leave W^’ashington every Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday at 6 a in, arrive at Rocky Mount next days by 1 a m. ^ . 2822 From WTeldon by Halifax, Enfield, Battle* boro. Rocky Mount, Vicksville, Tossnott Depot, Nahunta, Waynesboro, Goldsboro. Dudley, Fais on’s Depot, Warsaw, Strickland’s Depot, Washing ton Depot, W’^ilmington and Smithville to Charles- days by 12 p tn. Proposals lor four liorse coach service ^vill be considered. 2831 From Newbern, by Cravensville, to Beau fort, 48 miles and back, three tnnes a week, in two horse coachcs. Leave Newbern every ?^unday, Wednesdiiy and j Friday at 7 a in, arrive Beaulbrt same days by I 5 p m. ^ Leave Beaufort every Tuesday, Thursday and I Saturday at 7 a m, arrive at Newbern same days I by 5 p m. j 2835 From Newbern to Milton Park, 20 miles and back, once a week. Leave Newbern every Saturday at 1 p m, arrive at Milton Park same day by 8 pm. Leave Milton Park every Saturday at 5 a m ar* rive at Newbern saine day by 12 m. 2836 From Newbern to Core Creek, 22 miles and back, once a week. Leave Newbern every Saturday at 1 p m arrive at Core Creek same day by 8 pm. ^ Leave Core Creek Saturday at 5 a m, arrive at Newbern same day by 12 m. 28^7 From Polloksville, by Cross Roads, to Hadnot’s, 22 miles and back, once a week. ’ Leave Polloksville every Friday at 1 p m, arrive at Hadnot’s same day by 7 p m. * Leave Hadnot’s every Friday at 5 am, arriv* at Polloksville same day by 12 m. » - . Creek Bridge, to Newbern, 70 miles and back, three limes a week, in four liorse coaches. Leave Plymouth every Tuesday, Thursday and \, a t 5 am, arrive at Washington same days by 12 m, and at Newborn same days by 8 pm. Leave Newbern every Monday, W^'ednesday and I* riday at 5 a m, arrive at Washinton same days b^’ at Plymouth same days by 9 p m ^649 r rom I'^lymouth, by Cool Spiing, to Colum bia, 3G miles and back, oncc a week. Leave Plymouth every Wednesday, at 7 am, ar* rive at Columbia same day by 4 p ni, Lea\e Columbia every Tuesday at 8 a rn, arriv'c at l*iymouth same day by 6 p .m. 285t) From ^Vmdsor, by Merry Hill, Ashland Coleiain, Bethel, Pitch Landing and Wiuton to Aluifieesboro’, G3 miles and back, twice a week. Leave Windsor every Tuesday and Saturday at 4 a m, arrive at IMurfreesboro’ next days bv l*i m. Leave Murfreesboro’ every Wednesdayand Sun day at 1 p m, arrive at Windsor next days by 8 pm. ^ Edenton, by Hertford, Woodville, Elizabeth City, New Lebanon, South .Mills Like Drummond, lX*ep Creek, Va., to Norfolk, \'a., 79 miles and back, three times a week in four horse post choaches. Leave Edenton every Sunday, Wednesday and Friday at 4 a m, arrive at Norfolk same days b- G p m. •' I^eave Norfolk every Tuesday, Thursday and batuiday at 9 a m, arrive at Edenton same davs by 11 n m. ' ^ to rnvc at Leave Edenton every Tuesday at 4 a m. arrive at Suffolk next day by 11 a m. Leave Suffolk every Wednesday at 1 pm arrive at Edenton next day by 8 p ni. ^ 2853 Froai Woodviile to Durant’s i n;:ies and baelr, oncc a wetk. Pri conejl T>*-^^‘-"'‘honlbuTi to Rah* eoni s BridiTo, ;jnd hack once a week. I^eavc Lotii.^burg every Satiirdav at 5 a at Riinsonrp Brid^ie t^ame day hy'ii ;i m. Leave Ransom-H Bridge every Hatu.'-J;; v at 1pm- arrive at [^ouisburir tame d:»v ny 7 j* n* * ’ 2^5 From Fraldinton Ny Wilum, Tailvh.,. ]]uiY,- 10 Hill and Red Mountain to liil!i;buro\ Jj ;nhe.-i and back once a week. Leave Franklinton every Wed;ip.d;tv a; f? n . arriv’c at lliilcboro’ ue.xt day hy 0 p m. ^ ^ ^^■ave Hillsboro’ every 'i’uesilay c: J' a rn ; arrive at Frnnkiinton next dr.y lij S a ni. ’ 2360 From Oxford, by ('aKln!!. ’i'oun-r',; \ Brownsville, AbramV IMains. W.itcrl'rV of Oxlortt, (xpial to 25nii!cH ;*;jd b:*ci- tvvice.-i vvfi!, • Leave Oxlijrt! ev-ry MtMi i?.y ..n.l Fii.ju’.- at u n/ arrive at Oxford next day.>J by li in, 2867 Fro.m Oyford. bv Talfybo, iJutrhviiie. Knapp to Peedfi, Sta«;ville. Li;jsrofn'o anti - Mdl Ilillsb^rougli, -12 miles and back once a wet k. Leave Oxlnrd every Satur.iav at 0 a in IliHyhorou^rh same day by G p i;i. Leave IIil!fl>orou^h every Fridav at (; a in - ar- riv'e at Oxford same day bv G j» ?n. * ^ 2SGS From Chapel Hi'! hy i>rice’^! Storr, Pratf^- ilton, 3J muC.*^ and t»acK a wci'k, ■rx—^**•'^1’'‘ ^Lll every Friday at Gam: arrive at W ilton Fame day by G p m. a m : arrive at Ciiapel Hill same, day liy G p m. 2309 From HillKborou}h, by (:edar Orovr, J„nto I roepect Hill and Gordonton to Lea^:bu^•^ ’j:d imii L- and ftack once a week. Leave IlilUborough every Thursday at G pm- arrive at Leasburg next day by 12 m. ’ Leave Lca.«burg every Kri,i„y at I j. m ; arrive.'*: liilleborough next day I y 0 a m aS70 Fmm by iv’alm.i Grove an,1 Van Hook’s .More to P.ovhor ^ Jl mile*.- and back once a week. Leave Hillsborough every Tuesday at C a m- ar rive at Roxhoro .‘^anic tia^‘ hy J p in. Leave Roxhoni- eve.' v \\\ dnesday at G a in m- nve at HillehorouL'‘li same d.u by 1 p m ’ Hil.'sboron-h by Hawlields-, U dhng and Mc.DameU-. t > Hartsb jfn, 31 miieK and back oncc a v.eek. M ouni, liCave HilUboroug!'. ever}' Thure.I.iy i arrive at IIarti;horn b.une day by 0 p m. /A'ave Hartshorn cverv Fridav ‘it 7 a ni. ton, S. C., 320 miles and back, in railroad cars and steamboats. ' Strabane, Albertson’s, Saructa and Kenansville to W^arsaw, 80 miles and back, once a ueek. ’ Leave Stantonburg every Friday at 5 a m. arrive at Warsaw next day by 0 p m Leave VV^arsaw everv Wedi every Wednesday at 5 a m, ar rive at Stantonburg next day by G p m. 2839 From Greenville, by' Hooker^Jlown and T w u 4 M o , ,Snow' Hill to Goldsborough, 50 miles and back Leave Weldonjiauy at 2 a ir., arrive at Charles* twice a week. ton next dap by 7 a m. Leave Greenville every Tuesday and Fridav at Leave Charleston daily at 3 p m, arrive a Wei- 5 a m, arrive at Goldsborough same dav' bv 9 n m dOD next days by 7J p ra. j Leave Goldsborough e-cry Wednesday Ld Sat- Neck, 12 ct a wetiv. Leave \\oadvillc every Fiidayat9 am arrive 2.538 From Stantonburg, by Speigiii’s Bridge ' L»urant’s Neck sane d'aj t>\ 12 m Kinston! L®“-‘\r)uraot’s Neck ever^ Friday at 1 p m ar rive jU VV'oodville same day b^ 4 i> rn. ’ 28o l From EiizabetU Citi/, by Camden, Shiloh, Indiantown, Currituck c h, Northwest river biido’e. \ a., Ilickory Ground and Great Bridge, to Nor folk, G6 miles and back, once a week. ° Leave Elizabeth City every Wtinesdav at 5 a m, arrive at Norfolk ne.xt day 12 m. Leave Norfolk every Thursday at 1 p m, arrive at Elizabeth City next day by 8 pm. 2b.">5 From Currituck c h, by Poplar Branch, to Powell s Point, 32 miles and back, once a week. luay at 0am; arrive Leave Currituck c h every Saturday at G arrive at PowcH’;) Point same day 5 p la. a m. miles and back once a weeA*. Leave Ma.-on Hall every Friday at C a m; arrive at Leasbur^ ne:;t day by 1*> m. Leave I-r-asm.r,-every .Vaturdayat 1 pm ; arrive at Marfon Hall next day by 7 p 111. ‘ Greensboro’ hij Ramsboro-.Hi^h Rork oiade g, Lrown’e i^Vt'jre and Vanryville to Afilton 51 miles and bac/c three timed a wce/t in two hJrse coaches. Leave Greensboro’ every Monlay, W’cdneedav. h riday, at 12 m; arrive al Milton next dcrjs bV 12 ni. ^ Leave Milton every Monday, Wednesdayand r nday at 1J m; arrive at Gfeensboro’ next dctyg by Jame.fown, Bnjm. rawll », Rich For/i and X#cxingtan to ib’aiisbury, 5^>

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