“ 'The powers granted under the Constitution, being derived from the People of the United Slates, may be resumed by them, whenever percerted to their injury or opDression.^^ Madison. VOLUME 2, CHARLOTTE, N! C., MARCH 14, 1843. S NUMBER 103. EDITED, AND PUBLISHED WEEKLY, BY T E It 31S : The “ yJeckltnhuT(T Jeffersonian^' is published weekly, at 7'ico Dollars and Fifty Cents, if paid in advance; or Tkree Dollars, if not paid before the expiration of thkke monthc from thn time of mbseribin?. Any person who will procur- itr fiubscribors and become rf’?»ponsible for their subscription shall have a copy of l^e paprr gratis; —or,-a dub of ten sub. BcriboTBmav have the paper one year for Twenty Dollars in advance. Nopupcr wiU be discontinued while the subscriber owes nny thing, if h« is able to p^y ;—and a failure to notify the Editor of a wish to discontinue at least on* month before the expira tion of thi time paid for, will be considered a new engagcnien Original Sub«cri!;eri» will not be allowed to dirfcontinue the paper before the expiration of the first year without paying for a full year’s Fubsoriistion. Adre.rfi^ewrnts- will be carspicuously and correctly insert- cJ O.Tf /^oZ/ r jif-r n;|uure for the first insertion, and 'J'lren tij-fire ( lor ca^h cunfinuance—except Court and ofher judicial adv. nts, which will be charged tictnty-fvcper rally> a**-': upon colli'cti^jut^). A liberal discount will be nuide to th.- ■ who adv' rtise by the year. Advertisements sent n for pii h :;inon. must i)-.; marked with the number of inser- xonader ,r*-d, or th'-y will be publuhwl until forbid and charg ed accor' '.n'-'lv. 2;;^' Lett= rs to the. E lifor, unless containing money in sums of Fii-e iJjUnrs. or over, must come free of poatatte, or the ajnouut paid at th»? ofii(;e Iktc will bo charged to the writer in ttvery in^'anc'*, au'l colli_ct>‘l other iicc)Utit3. 2309 From Forestville by New Light, Wilton and Granville to Oxford, 42 miles and back, twice a week, in l wo-horse coaches. Leave Forestville everi/ Wednesday and Satur day after arrival of the mail from Raleigh, say 1 p m, arrive at Oxford ue.xt da?/s by 12 m. Leave Oxford every Tuesda?/ and Friday/ at 8 a n, arrive at Forestville next day b?/ 8 a m, 2810 From Forestville to Rollesville, 6 miles and Back twice a week. Leave Foresiville every Mon day and Thursday at 1 p m, arrive at Raliesville same da?/s by 3 p m. Leave Rollesville c'fexy Mondaiy and Thursday, at G a m, arrive at Forestville same days by 8 a m, 2811 From Fayetteville by Davis’ Springs, Ran- diillsville, xMontpelier, Laurel Hill and Brightsville lo Cheravv, 72 miles and back, six times a week, in two horse coaches. Leave Fayetteville every da^' (except Sunday) at i a m, arrive at Cheraw same days by 11 p m. Leave Cheraw ever?/ day (except Sunday) at 12 p m, arrive at Fayetteville next days by 5 p m. Proposals are invited to carry the great Northern centAu^\' r th-\ the iilr^ve rat. .•, (owing to the delay, gene and Southern mai!^ daily on this route, by the fol lowing schedule, iu wagons or such other vehicles as the coni-raclor may select, so constructed as lo se cure the mliils and protect them from the weather. Leavp Fayetteville daily at 10 p m, arrive af CJjtT iw next da?/ bj/ 10 a ni. Leave Chcrawdaily at 11 a m, arrive at Fayette^ ville same days by lip m. Proposals are also invited for the transportaiioa of ihu great mail on the direct road from Raleigh, N. C., lo Columbia, S. C., via Rockingham, N. C. 2312 From FaT^citeville by St. Paul's, L'imbe r ton, Leesville, GuUJysville, and Marion c. h, S. C., loJelfry’s Creek, S. C., 85 miles and back, ihree times a week, in sulkies. Leave Fayetteville every Sunday, TuesJiy and Thursday at G a m, arrive at Jeffry’s Creek next days by 4 pm, Leave Jetfry’s Creek every Tuesday, Thursday and Siituiday at G am, arrive at Fayeiteville next days by 4 p m. * 2813 From Fayelleville by Murchison's Mills, Johnsonville, Crain’s Creek, Caronish, Cartliagf*, Caladonia, Oak Corrier, Sugg’s Bniige, Uharee, Lassitas, tlill’s Store, Salem Church, Mount Leba non, and Healing Springs, to Salisbury, 1IG miles and back, twice a week, in two horse coaches. Leave Feyelteville every Monday and 'I'liursday at G a m, arrive at Suiisbur// every Wednesday and Saiuday by 5 p m. I..fea.vo tiJklialjvar 1/ ovor?^ \tonda?/ ancl r'llUrsda?/ at G a m, arrive at Fayellevillo every Wednes'lay uad Satujday by 5 p rn. Proposals to carry on horse or in sulkies are in uu’ited. 2814 From Fayetteville by Argyle, Solemn Grove, New Gilead, Clark’s Mills, lo Macedonia, and Butler’s Mills, to Lawrenceville, 70 miles and Proposals are invited tocarr/themall from Wil mington to Winyaw Bay in coaches, wagons or toher suitable vehicles, and ffom Winyaw Bay to Charleston in steamboats, in lieu of steamboat ser urday at 5 am, arrive at Greenville same days by 9 p m. Leave Greensboro’ every Tuesday, Thusday and Proposals for 2 horse coach service will be con Proposals carrying: lh«- Mails of the United States, M "fsf of July, 1813, lo the 30ih of be 1^1 /iw t-.lliy j froin the June. 1847, inclusive, in Noiih Curoluia, will at the Coniract Oilice of the l^osl Oiiice l^Klm* ut, m t.ho city ol VV^isliinglon, until 3 o’clock P. M. >f ia*i I3ih d.iy of Ai)ril, li^3, (lo^ he decidrj by i[ic 1^)1 day of ALiy,) on the rmilvS uiiii in tht- Hiaiiii'T and timi; herein specified, viz . NORTH CAROLINA. 2801 1‘i-'tn Rileii^^h hy Forestville, Franklinlon. Siauntun, I I'.’.i iiid^^-jvviiy, .Macon Depot and Littleton lo ‘ ri'.i 'i!. >7 iriilud and back, daily in rail ruad cars. Leave R ;1 i,:h daily at 11 a in, arrive at Gaston S«in\e days };y 7 j» m. Lf'ave ( -a.'sioM -Jujly at 2j, a m, arrive at Raleigh Gain" tiays f>y 10 a ni. 280-i b rO'.U l\ by XKd.Uti OraoL rysburg 1^* 1’ayi.lievilli-, GJ miles and back, six a \vi‘ k in two horse coaches. 1.‘ . Uv.h mh every day (except Sunday) at 12 ill, arrivi at bayeUeville ne.xi days by 3 a in. L*;av. l-’ayeLleviib* every datj (except Sundaij) a G ]) ni, arrive ul Riha^rji u. xi d.ips by 9 a tn. Projiosals are ifiviu.-d to C'lrry Uie great Northern and Southein mail?, ilaiiy. on this route, by ihe fol- i)\vinfi^ sch'‘dule. in wagons or such oltier vehichs as the . ontraclor may select, so constructed as lo se- onrc the mails, and protect itiem again:5t ihe wea- itier. L:\iv'' daily at 11 am, airiveat Fay* t't[»‘ville > i;ne d.i.y by 1* p m. li'Mve Fayetteville liaily at 12 night, arrive at R ileicrh in lu hours bv lO' a in. i'roposals are also invited for the transportation oi the great mail on th*‘ ilnect road from Rileigii lo Calumhii. >. via Rackirgham, N. C. 2:i')3 [■'‘roMi llileigh by Eagle Rock. WakrTield, Stallliojie an i li!i vIie, lo Roi’Uy Alauut. Do inilct and baciv, tiiree tiin‘'S a vveek, in two horse coaches. L-‘ iv ^ R ileigh every Sund.iy, Tuesday and Tiuirsliy at G a m. a rive ai Rjcky Mrant same days by 1 n p m. Ij*‘av‘ R'i.:ky .M)unt every M.inlay, Wednesday, atil Frill -il't a in. asrive at Raleigh same days L'V 10 j . Ul. 2S04 From Ril-‘ij’i by Hollv Springs, Hiy- wr)od, I. )0g >•;•;*( t. Rjilin’s Sloni an I Pk'!v'i.'1, to jfjnsonville, GT nii'.es aud back, once a weelc. L-‘ave Rdeigh every Friday at 1 I a m, arrive at John? aiville next day by S p m. liCuvo J'.'hns^aiville every Sunday at G a m, ar rive at Raleigh n« xt day by 4 j) m. 2S0.') Raleigh .by Moringsvil'e, Chapel lldl, lli.Ubure.', Mason Ilall. Trollmger’s Bridge, Haw Riv‘M’, Albright’s and Allemance, to Greens boro’, mil's and back’, three tnneS a week, in jjur-iiors=- }M)sl coaeli 'S. li'ave 1> lieigh everv M >nday Wedtiesday and Friday at 12 in, arrive at Gieeiiiboro’ iiexi days by 12 in. Leave ( Heensboro' every Monday. Wednesday and Friday at 1'.; a m, arrive at Rileigh next days by iO a m. Proposals to siipply Trollinger’s Bridge three times a w cik on horse from [law River will be con sidered 280G I i’om Raleigh hv K* Ivin Grove, Roger’s jSlore, Fi^jhdun, Stagville, R>d Mountain, Came- ■)a’d Mills and \ iin Hook’s stort'. to Roxboro’, 5G vice down the Capo Fear River, and by sea to 1 Charleston, the schedules of arrivals and departures ! .-840 From Hookerstown to Johnson’s Mills, 20 to be so arranged as to form perfect connexions with ! fnilGS and back, once a week, the railroads at Wilmington and Charleston. j Leave Hookerstown every 2823 From Weldon to Raleigh, 90 miles and j rive at Johnson’s Mills back, daily in wagons or such other vehicles as the ! Leave Johnson’s Mill^’ contractor may select, so constructed as to corivey * arrive at Hookerstown the great Northern and Southern mails and secure! 2841 From them against loss and the weather. Pantego, Leeciv Leave Weldon daily at 7 pm, arrive at Raleigh next days by 10 a ni. Leave Raleigh daily at 11 a m, arrive fit W’el- don next days by 2 a m. Proposals to end this route at Littleton or tb nearest point on the Gaston and Raleigh railroi will be considered. 2324 From Clinton, by Taylor’s Bridge and Lis burn to (firavely Hill.29 miles .ind back, once a week. Lea?e Clinton every Tuesday at 5 a m. arrive at Gravely Hill same day by 12 m. Leave Gravely Hill every Tuesday at 1 pm,ar rive at Clinton same day by 8 p m. . 2325 From Clinton to Co\ s store, %Q , back, once a week. Leave Clinton every Frid v at arri^#t roa ?ii'\les, and r= *'irn 1>V Mount Tiiza, Red IMounlain, back, once a week. Leave Fayetteville every Wednesday at 6 a m, arrive at Lawrenceville next day by 5 p m. Leave Lawrenceville every Monday at Gam, arrive at Fayet'eville next day by 4 p m. 2315 From Fayetteville by Prospect Hall, Eli zabethtown, W^’eslbrook, and Robinson’s lo Wil- mingion, 85 miles and back, three times a week, in sulkies. Leave Fayetteville every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 10 a m, arrive at Wilmington nexi days by 9 a m. 'Leave Wilmington every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday ai 10 a m, arrive at Fayetteville next days by 9 a m. Proposals lo carry on horse will be considered. 281G From Fayeiieville by Clinton to W^arsaw, 49 miles and back, three times a week in two horse coaches. Leave Fayetteville every Sunday, Tu^’sday and 'I’huisday at*G p m, arrive at Warsaw neit d.iys by 8 a m. L'^ave Vvarsr.v every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 2 p m, auive ul Fayetteville nexl days by 4 a m. :iSl7 Fiom J.omberton by Philadelphus, Boli var, Cowper Hill, Slewarlsv’illr, Uueensdale and Alfordsvilie to Lumberton. tqual to 35 miles, once a w’eek. Leave Lumberton every Friday at G a m, arrive at Stewartsviile next day by 9 a m, and return to Lumberton same day by 8 pm. 2818 Fiorn Elizabeihlown by Big Swamp, Porter’s Swamp, Fair Blutf, Gum Swamp, While Marsh, Whiiesville and Western Prong lo Elizabethtown, equal lo 51 miles once a week. Leave Elizabethtown every Friday at G a m, ar rive at Fair Bltiii saiwe day by 8 p in. Leave Fair Blufi’ every Saturday, at G a m, ar rive at Elizabethtown next day by 2 p m. 2819 From J’orter’s Swamp by Princess Ann to Leesville, 15 miles and back, once a week. Leave Porter’s Swamp every 'fhursday at 8 a m, arrive at Leesville same day by 12 m. Leave Leesville every Thursday at 1 p m, ar rive at Porter’s Swamp same day by 5 p m. 2820 From Taiboro by Oak Grove, Stantons- Rouud 11.11, Siagville and Fleiningion, to Raleigh, j burg, to Waynesboro, 50 miles and back, once a 52 mil s- crnial to 54 miles and back, once a week, j week. Xjcave ;\ah igh c v^i y Friday at 11 a m, arrive at Roxbor->’ next day b.y 1’2 m. Leave iioxbor.:’ v'*ry Thursday at G a m, arrive at Raleigh next d\y by'o a m. 2807 From Raleigh by Grove, Hacknev’s Roads. Pittsboro’, St. Lawrence, Marky’s Mills, Lanesville, Ashboro’, Spencer’s Cotton Grove, to Salisbury’, 115 miles and back, twice a week, in t.vo-horsf' coaches. Leave Raleigh every Wednesday and Saturday at II a m, arrive at Salisbury next days by 12 p m. Leave Salishurv' every Wednesday and Saturday at 9 am, arrive at Ral igh next days by 9 p m. Proposals to run three times a week; also in four-horsv: post concli* s will be considered. 2S08 From Raleigh by Bushce’s Store, Smith- field, n Hill, to Waynesboro’ 51 miles and buck, three times a week in two-horse coaches. I^ave Rakigh every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 4 a m, arrive at Waynesboro’ same Jays p m. Leave V‘"ayn'’sboro’ every Tuesday, Thursday ind Saturday at 1 a in. ariive at Raleigh same days 5 p m Pfoposab lo carrv t= ho.'se are invit d. Leave Tarboro every Wednesdayat 11 a m, ar- rive at Waynesboro next day by 12 m. Leave Waynesboio every Thursday at 2 m, ar rive at Tarboro next day by 12 p m. 2321 From Rocky Mount by Tarboro, Sparta, Faulkland, Greenville and Pactolus to Washing ton, 70 miles and back, three times a week in two horse coaches Leave Rocky Mount every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at G a m, arrive at Washington next davs bv 1 a m. Leave Washington every Sunlay, Tuesday and Thursday at G a m, arrive at Rocky Mount next days by 1 a m. 2322 From Weldon by Halifax, Enfield, Battle- boro. Rocky Mount, Yicksville, Tossnott Depot, Nahunta, W'aynesboro, Goldsboro, Dudley, Fais on’s Depot, VVarsaw, Strickland’s Depot, Washing ton Depot, Wilmington and Smith villa to Ch.irles ton, S. C., 32J miles and back, m railroad cars and steamboats. Leave Weldon daily at 2 a ir., arrive at Charles ton next days by 7 a m. Leave Cir'.rles-on iady at 3 p m, arrive a Wcl- d.Vl ‘.vVl l.V. I \ Leave Powell’s Point every Friday at 6 a fn, anive at Currituck c h same day by 7 pm. 2856 From Franklin Depot, by South Quay, Winton, N. C. and Edtnton to Plymouth. 103 Uiilts and back three limes a week in steamboats. Leave Franklin Dt put eveih IVloudah Wed nesday and Friday at 1 p m j arrive Plymouth same dabs bh 12 pm. lymouth every Tueadab, Thursdah aiui am; ariive at Franklin Depot same ro* Martinsville, Po- jr mites and back once a 7 a arrive at ^ at 7 a m, ar- rSfty hf 12 m. ev&ry Saittfiiy at 2 pm, ar- next Monda^^ by 8 p m. gton to Portsmouth and Oc- d bac^, once a wee^, ina vessel, every Thursday at 1pm, at’^ITcracoi© next Saturday by 12 m, ve'Ocraco&e every Monday at a m, arrive at Lngton next Wednesday by 12 m. From Roseheath to Scotland Nec/t, 4 miles feaclf, once a wee^. * teave Rosenealh every Friday at 8 a m, arrive Scotland Neck same day by 9 a m. Leave Scotland Neck every Friday at Ham, ^^«Tive at Rosenealh same day by 12 m. 2844 From Enfield, by Hilliardstown, Belford- and Louisburg, to Franklinton, 50 miles and back, two horse coaches, three times a week to Louis, burg, 40 miles, and six limes a week the residue. Leave Enfield every Monday, Wednesday and at 5 a m, arrive at Louiaburg same days by m. eave Louisburg every Tuesdah Thursday and rday at 5 a m, arrive at Enfield same days by m. I^vo Louisburg every day, except Sunday, at at Franklinton sam^ days by 8 a m. kli^V^ every day, except Sunday, , same days by 5 pm. route at Rocky Mount, ssidered. thsville, Brmkley- ey, to Enfield, vtufek. arrive at Cox’s store same day by 12 n. Leave Cox’s store every Friday at Clinton same day by 7 p n. 282G From Taylor’s Bridge,- M 00re's Creek and Long Cre^k to miles and back, once a week, el to be supplied on return trip. Leave Taylor’s Bridge ev«^^ arrive at W'lmington next day Leave Wilmington every rive at Taylor’s Brige next da 2827 From Warsaw, by Tuckahoe and Comfort, to back, once a week. Leave Warsaw every Friito Trenton next day by 8 p m, Lf'ave Trenton every The at Warsaw next day by 10 a 2828 From Waynesboro’ to miles and back, once a week. Leave W^'aynesboro’ every Frid rive at Falling Creek samo day by Leave Falling Creek every Friday'lit rive at Waynesboro’ same day by 11 a m 2329 From Waj'nesboro’ by Whitfield’s mills, Sleepy Creek and Jericho, to Strabane. 29 miles eqimr^ and back once a week. \ „ Ijvo ,e Waynesboro’ every Thursday at 10 a m, j arrive at Strabane same Oa , ..y ^ p ni '“i i -v L^ave Strabane every Friday at 5 a m, arrive at acoiiana is Waynesboro' same day by 3 pm. I 2830 From Comfort, bv Richland, Onslow c li, anJ back, twite a week, and French Mills to Swansboro’, 45 miles and back, every M oncc a week. 1 Plymouth Leave Comfort every Saturday at T a m, arrive Leave Plymouth every at Swansboro’ next da/ by 12 m. 6 a m, arrive at Halifax Leave Swansboro every Thursday at 1 p m. ar rive at Comfort next day by G p m. 2831 From Onslow c h by Snead’s Ferry, Stump Sound and Topsail Sound, to Wilmington, 53 miles and back, once a week. Leav(} Onslow c h every Monday at G a m, ar rive at Wilmington next day. by 4 p m. Lf^ave Wilmino^ton every Wednesday at G a m, | P ^ l u arrive It Onslow c h ne.xt iliy by ■* p rn, SJ* Proposals to carry m two horse coaches, o«3i> ]?roin Beaufort to Pilottown, g.j miles and and to run three times a week, will be consi «red. t rom L»ea i From Plymouth, by Washmgion and hwnt back, once a week, by _ . . arrive Creek Bridge, to Newbern, 70 miles und back, Leave Beaufort every Mondav at G a m, aruve iea1e° Wo'wwt, evefrTl'mrsday at 0 a m, ar- ■ Leave Plymouth every Tuesday, Tliursday and . ri bv 6 D m I Sjnirdav, at 5 a m, arrive at Washington same “‘'oVsS Frl Newblrn'by I'llbksviMe, Trcu.j., -lays b^ 12 m, and at Newbern same days by 8 Kinston and Moseley Hall, to- \y'aynesboro, TI T ?^-ewbprn every Monday, Wednesdaand miles and back, three ti.-nes a week, m two m,™ "“ieave Newbern every Monday, Wednesday and , I'i m, and at Plymouth same days by 9 p in^ Fridrraiter tSe arri;'i?of the nmil from WeMon, i . 2849 Fro.n P ymotjlh, by Cool Spring, to Colum- sav at 2 a m arrive at Wavoesboro’ same days bv . 3(3 miles and back, once a week. say at a m, aruve ai vv., » . j piymoifth every Wednesday, at 7 a m, ar- r -ITT u 1 Tiipc lav Thnrsdav * ‘ i^’G Columbia oamc Uay Dy 4 p in. and Satur^ivT^r m .frU at Newbl.i saml. I-^ave Columbia every Tuesday at 8 a m, arrive ancl baturua} at ^ a m, . Plymouth same day by 6 p m. days by 12 p m. service will bo 2S30 From Windsor, by Merry Hill, Ashland, Proposals for four hor=e coaUi service «iil | pitch Landing and Winton, to .vt », 1-v r-ivprsville (o Reru- Murfreesboro’, 63 miles and back, twice a week. 2831 t rom Newbern, bv C.avensville, lo )se..u AViiidsor every Tuesday and Saturday at fort, 48 miles anl back, three times a week, in two ^ ^^^^'^^^‘‘‘^““.^jX^esboro’ nl.« days by Pi m. horse coaches c„r„l iv Wednesday and Leave Murfreesboro'every Wednesday and Sun- , ’’2851 From Edenton, by Hertford, Woodville, a m X toads riday at 6 8 2847 From Plymouth, by’ ton’s store, Rich Square and Jacksol burg, 74 miles and back, twice a week, Leave Plymouth every Monday and Thursday at 5 a rn, arrive at Gareysburg next days by 6 pm. Leave Gareysburg every VVednesday and Satur- I dav at 5 am, arrive at Windsor next days by 6 Fridaj^ al 6 a"m-; ar rwe at aam« H,a la yj.; / v . Leave & John every'Friday atat ^ Murfreesboro* same da^ by 5pm." ' 2858 From Murfreesboro* to Nwscffla^s Depot, Va. 17 miles and back three limes a w^elr. Leave Murfreesboro’ every Tuesday, Tburfday, and Saturday at 8 a m; arrive at Newsom’s Depot same days hy 12 m. Leave Newsom’s Depot every Tuesday, Thurs day and Saturday at 4 p m ; arrive at Murfeesboro^ ame days by 8 p m. Proposals lo carry in 2 horse coacheewill be considered. 2859 From Westland to Z»ittleton 10 miles and back, once a week. l^ave Westland every Wednesday at 5 a m ;ar* rive at jLittleton same day by 7 a m. Leave Littleton every Thursday at 8 a m ; arrive at Westland same day by 10 a m. 2860 From Warrenton to Macon Depol, 3 miles and back, daily m 2 horse coaches. Leave Warrenton daily at 2 p m; arrive at Ma con Depot same days by 3 p m. Leave Macon Depot daily at 7 am; amve at Warrenton same day by 8 a m. Proposals to carry on horse will be considered. 2861 From Ridgeway by Exchange and Wood- worth to Boydtown, 30 miles and back three times a week in two horse coaches. Leave Ridgewa y every Tuesday, Thnrvday and Saturday at 6 a m*, arrive at Boydtown same days by 12 m. Leave Boydtown every Monday, Wednesdayandf Friday at 8 a m ; arrive at Ridgeway same days by:. 3 pm. Proposals to subBtitule 2 horse coach tri weekly service between Henderson and Clarksville in Jieu of the above will be considered. 2862 From Henderson by Williacnboro’ to Lyncs- ville, 10 miles and back three times a week. Leave Henderson every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 6 a m; arrive at Lynesville same days by 9 am. Leave Lynesville every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 10 a m; arrive at Henderson same days by 1 p m. ' -SSSS From ommntLby Oxford, DereM^Raxboro*, tocoafa«rQ»:^4gd House and MiR6ii to Danville, Va. 73 finite* and back three times in turn liqfl^ co'rictieas „ , «very Moadi^, Wednesday^: next days by 3. ay and next, day# ieave Deaufort every TJP^^ay, Thursday and | Ltba'non, South Mills. Like Saturday at 7 a m, arrive at Newbern same d.ys , Creek, Va.,’to Norfolk, Va., 79 ‘'•''0335 From Newbern to M.Uun Park, 20 miles | miles and back, three limes a week in four horse ^Doj r IU II ^ . choachcs. and back, once a week. . J Leave Edenton every Sunday, Wednesday and Leave Newbern every Saturday at 1 p m, arrive . ^ ^ arrive at Norlolk same days by at Milton Park same day by 8 p in. . . Leave Milion Park every Saturday at 5 a m,ar-, 6 pm. Leave Norfolk every Tuesday, Thursday and rive at Newbern same dav l^y 1 - I Snfjrdav al 9 a m, arrive at Edenton same davs by 2836 From Newbern to Core Creek, 22 miles j and back, once a week. . j o852 From Edenton. by Ballard’s bridge, Min- j *iVl.nni Leave Newbern every Saturday at 1 p m, arrive j Gitesville,Sunbury and Middle Swamp, ^nd ^ at Core Creek same day by » P . j Sufiblk, Va., 65' miles and back, once a week. Leave Core Creek Saturday at a a in, arrive al j Edenton every Tuesday at 4 a m. arrive | Newbern same day by 12 m ! Prop^^^^^^^^^^^^^^EsCrvice iwill be CO n si d 2864 FromUBBJBIIf, by Keubenfdi'^ to lfeln« som’s Bridge, IS miles and hack once a week. Leave Louitjburg every Saturday nt 5 u m ; arrive at Ransom’s Bridge same d»y try ll a m. Leave Ransom’p-rJndge every Saturday at 1 pm ; arriv’^c at L'^^'^^'^rg same day oy / p m. 9900 i^'rom Fraklinton hy Wilton, Tallyho, Buffa lo Hill and Red Mountain to Hillsboro’, 44 niilei and back oncc a week. Leave Franklinton every Wednesday at 3 pm; arrive at Hillsboro’ next day hy 6 p m.^ Leave Hillsboro’ every Tuesday at 5 a m ; arrive at Franklinton next day by Sam. 2866 From Oxford, bv Oakhill, Young’s X Roade. Brownsville, Abram’s Plains, Bullocks, W aterioo, of Oxford, equal to 25 miles and back twifea week.; Leave Oxlbrd every Monday and t riday at 8 a m arrive at Oxford nexi days by 12 m. 2867 From Oxlord, by Tallyho, Dutchville,Knapp to Reeds, Stagville, Lipscomb and Enoe Mills to Hillsborough, 42 miles and ba^k once a, week. Leav'o Oxford every ^’aturday at 6 a m; arrive at Hillsborough same day by 6 p m- 7>eave Hillsborough every t riciay at 6 a m ; ar rive al Oxford same day by 6 p in. 2868 From Chapel Hill hy Price’s Store, Pratt!?- burgh. West Point, Fishdam ana Tranquility lo Wilton, 30 miles and bac/c one a week. Leave Chapel Hill every 1' riday at 6 a m j arrive at Wilton same day by 6 p m. Leave Wilton every Saturday at 6 a in; arrive at Chapel Hill sanu= day by G p ni. 2869 From HdUhorough, by Cedar Grove, Junto, Prospect Hill and Gordonton lo Leaeburg, 31 niile« and hack once a week. Leave Hillsborougn every Thursday at G p m ,* arrive at Leasburg nexl day by 12 m. Leave Leasburg every Friday at 1 p m ; arrive at Hillsborough next day by 9 a m. 2870 From Hillborough hy Walnut Grove and Van Hook’s Store to Roxboru’, 24 miles and back once a week. Leave Hillsborongh every Tuesday at 6 a m ; ar rive at Roxhoro’same day by 4 pm. Leave Roxboro’ every Wednesday at G a mj ar- at Hillsborough snine day by 4 p m. !i Hillshorough by Hawhelds. Mount McDanieK-*, to Hartshorn, 34 miles and bar/: once a week. /^e^ve Hillsborough every Thurday at 7 a m, ar- —J ^ Drtori- tn ! Suflolk next day by 11a m. j • Hartshorn same day by 6 p rn. 2837 From Polloksville, by Cross Road., to | every Wtdnesduy at 1 p m.nrnvt j Hartshorn every Friday at 6 a m; arrive at Edenton next day by 8 p m. ! Hillsborough same day by 5 p m. ^^353 From Woodville to Duranl’s Ntck, 12 | 2872 From Mason Hall by .bcoitsville, 1 leasant at Duranl’s Neck sa-ne day bv 12 m. i miles and hack arrive ^OOf X lUllI 1 Hadnot’s, 22 miles and back, once a week. Leave Polloksville ever^y Friday at 1 p m, at Hadnot’s same day by 7 pm. Leave Hadnol’s every t riday at 5 a m, arrive at Polloksville same day by 12 m. , 2838 From Sianionburg, by Speights Bridge, Snow Hill, Hookerstown, -Viry Grove, Kmslon, Strabane, Albertson’s, Sarucia and I'^nansville, to Warsaw, 80 miles and back, once a week. Leave Stantonburg ev«ry Friday at i> a m, arrive at Warsaw next day by 6 p ni. Leave Warsaw every Wednesday al 5 a m, ar rive at Stantonburg next dav by 6 pm. 2839 From Green^’ill^* Hookeri5town and Snow Hill to Goldsborough„ 50 miles and back, twice a week. - - I, , . , . T J' Ma^on Hall every Friday at 6 a m; arrive Leave Duraiit’s Neck every t nda\ al 1 p m, ar-, ^ , ^exi next day by 12 m. rive at Woodville same day by 4 p m. /^ave I.ea^hurg every ^Saturday at 1 pm; arrire 2854 From Elizabeth City, by Camden, Shiloh, j ^lason Hall next day by 7 p m. , xj- u i> r Indiantown, Currituck c h, Northwest river hr.;', *, i 2373 From Greensboro’ by Ramsboro , Kor^, Va., Hickory Ground and Gieat Bridge, to Nor- ^ siade’s, Brown’s Store pd ^ loik, 66 mibs and back, once a wee^. ^...... ... three times a week m Itvo horse a m >om Currituck c h' by 'Poidar B. anch,tOj prVdTy alTi m; arrive at Greensboro’next days by rca';e Greenville every ruesday and Friday at; Powell's 1'-"^ | Greensboro- by Jan,e.town