.VCiUME 2, i - 7'he povera granted under the Const itutioii, beitig derived from the People of the United States, may be resumed bijtkem er p^certed to their injury or oppressio7i:’~Madiso}i. CHARLOTTE, N. C , MARCH 21, 184^^ AXD PUnLISIIKD WEEKLY, BV T eITSis ; Tht' “ If :':'enburcr Jtjfcrsonlan''' is published weekly, at Two r ’l n'sand I ,'hj Cenf.'f, if paid in advance; or 'ritree Dollar.'-, if Hi t paid hi f-rc tlie ex{)iratiuu of three munths from the time of auhof-riiiin;'. Any pf'rnon who will })roi »;r- su!»s^rri!> r.-f nnd re3poiis:!>I(,' for thrir subscription shall h- vc i c'i;:y .f ‘h-- pa^. r —or, a chib of te.a »tub- cribers ni-jy ii.iv.; th j p:ip :r u:it; year for 'Vwenty lJulLars in i jdvunce. No jt »f; r u'i^’ b,i .I’i.’on'iau ■ I wlr'ln tho subscriber OW' S any t!iin", if Ik' i ard's f; pay; --lu I a f^idurc to notify the Iv.htor j of a.w.sb fo i; -> • -■aiifiii; tl 1 • is: ^r.'2 m i.vT.r b-f >rii the cxpira ! i')n of t!i'- n pai.l i jv, wdl !•; oonsid-Te 1 a new en^'a^'oiuou t ! ()r!;,s'' il 'ii y.si TibtTp w:!! not b“ allowed to discontinue tiiu paper b-forf* tho expiration of the lirat year with-jut payin'^ for a full year’s subscrjj.'fion. Adccrti.iein’’.ut.-i w\i\ b '’ fnsjj.c^nously’and correctly in>’rt- edat One r s.ptar.- for the fir>t ms* rtion, and ’I'wea tij-five ( inT i ii'di ciiutiiiuanco—except Court and (>tlier ju'iicial :i V r'- ■ ;in .I's, \v'.u h wiil be charged twenty-Jivcper cent, liiirh r iimn tlie al- ;v - rat -^?, (owin;f to the dehiy, irrim- rally, att- adant i:;;jn *i>!l''ffiiins‘i. A hb: ral discount will be laa ie t-‘th :"- whi; advcrti.'"' bj’the yi ar. Advertisements sent III lor pui)'ica11:>n, invist b; niurk' d v\itb th'j number of inser- ion.sd -;r. J, t tn y will be p'ublish.- d untd forbid and charg eJ aceor :.nisi v. rtt r- *M t!u‘ uTib-^Js contrrning money m sums of f’tr- or ov^ r, nm-it eonn* free of postage, or the amount p;ua at the •■ni."'' h. re will be charged to the writer in every uie--, ani! eoHeetecI as ofluvr accounts. •opo.sals 1'^ -arryuin^ the ATiHs of t!ie United States, ; ii- n the 1.-5C of July, 18 iH, lo tlie oi Juiif, 1 inclusive, in Xoiiii Carolina, will Le receiv. I the (Juntracr UJi^e of Uie I^ost Office 1 )-parlnj‘n», in Iht city ol Washington, initil 3 o’clock 1‘. M. of tho di.y of April." 1 ^-13, (to Le ilecid'xl \)i/ ihc 1st dui/ ol M ly,) on tho loults utid in th'‘ III uinor ;ui 1 timo herein sptcilied, viz ; .\U11T11 'A11ULL\A. n Ivilt i^Mi by 1’i>n tvillOj Pi-anlv'Iintoii. ndur^on. Ui.b^^eway, M icon Depot and ^I'ton. >7 Hi.ici an{ b;icU. Jaii i Staiinl'. .1, II J,litli0L; :I t.v ioa 1 -a IS. ij'.Mvt: Uih igl) cUuIy at li :i days liv 7 p ni. J^fiivr; ■ ^.l^l,in iai.y at b.inn* li 1//S by 10 a ni. 1' n .by All 1 !lij ( 'I'M'Ii riilu .\V’C- ry^bnr_r u, i*v,y n,. j niilei an I back, six ll.nC^i il . U \ t g UOlie COLiCiiCJ*. L ,i '! li.tb every day (»-xct.'pl Snnda\ ) at 1.2 in, :iriiv = ' ai I'aV' itcvillc ncM dava by 3 a in. i.v iv • ! ay^ ’ieci.ii- ; very day ^exccpl oundafj) i G p m ari ivtj al next d.ivs by I) a ni. I'li.ij) .sali are invited lo c irv// me gi'^.it rn mails, daiiy. on ihis roub;, liii: fu| svii-.d.ilu. ni ^va^ )a or «ucii oiiitr vtdjicks ■j.itiac*'M' may : ni n!'; aa 1 pi'-j'. ;ct 2809 From Forestvilie by New Light, Wj/ton and Graiiviile to Oxford, 42 miles and back, twice a week, in t wo-horse coaches. Leave Forestvilie every VVeJncsday and Satur day after arrival of the mail from Raleigh, say 1 p m, arrive at Oxford next da7/s by 12 m. Leave Oxford every Tuesday and Frida^^ at 8 a n, arrive at Forestvilie next day b?y 8 a m. 2oi0 I* roni i* orestville to Mollcsville, G miles and back twice a week. Leave Forestvilie every Mon day and Thursday at 1 p m, arrive at Uollesville same days by 3 p m. Leave Ivollesvilie every Monda?/ and Thursday, at 6 a m, arrive al Forestvilie same days by 8 a m, 2811 From Fayetteville by Davis’ Springs, Ran* dallsville, Montpelier, Laurel Hill and Brightsville to Laeraw, 72 miles and back, six times a week, in two horse coaches. L'.ave Fayetteville every day (exccpt Sunday) at 4 a in, arrive al Gheraw same days by i I p m. I. avc Cheraw every day (except Sunday) at 12 p m, arrive at Fayetteville next days by 5 p m. l^-oposais are invited to carry the great Northern and Southern mails daily on this route, by the fol lowing Schedule, in wagons or sucii other vehicles as the contractor may select, sj constructed as lo se cure the mails and protect them from the weather. ^ Leave i’ayetteville daily at 1(J p m, arrive al Cheraw next day by 10 a m. L.ave Cherawdiuly at 11 u m, arrive at Fayette- vil.e Same days by lip m. i*ioposals are also invited for the Iransportaiion of the greal mail on the direct road from Raleigh, N. C., to Columbia, S. C., via Rockingham, N. C. 2i:12 From Fayetteville by St. Paul’s, Lumbe r ton, LiCesville, Gaddysville, and Marion c. h, S. C., loJellry’s Creek, S. C., 85 miles and back, three times a week, in sulkies. Leave Fayetteville every Sunday, TuesJ.iy and Thursday at G a m, arrive at Jeflry’s Creek ne\l days by 4 pm. li-^ave Jeihy’s Creek every Tuesday, Thursda?y and Saturday at G am, arrive at Fayetteville next days by 4 p m. 2813 Fiom Fayetteville by Murchison's Mills, arthage, Uharee, Mount Leba non, and Healing Springs, to Salisbury, 1IG miles m, arilvc at TJaston back, twice a week, in two horse coaches. Leave Fuyetleville every Monday and 'I’hursday at G a m, arrive at Salisbury every Wednesday and Saturday by 5 p m. Leave Salisbury every Monday and Thursday at G a m, arrive at Fayetieville eveiy Wedncsduy aad Satu.iday bv 5 p m. r-roposafs to c invited. ly in rail m, arrive at Raleifjh ^oio i-iom t ayctteville b ?/ Murchison's Johnsonville, Crain’s Creek, ‘Caronish, Ca CalaJonia, Oak Corner, Sugg’s Bridgo, I Lassitas, Hill’s Store, Salem Ciiurch, Mount cairy on horse or m sulkies are in at» 1 SoiUbcrn Ukviu .f ai lilt ? Ile th thcr. L«av tLi'ivir^ Iviivi 2811 From Fayetteville by Argyle, rrove, New (iilead, Clark s Mills, to x\ii and Hii'lor’s Mills, to Liwrtiiiievilh^, 70 n back', once a week Solemn Macedonia, rnilps uud m I NUMBER 104. Proposals are invited to carry the mail from ^V’ij. | urdav at ington to Winyaw Bay in coaches, wagons or 9 pm. ^ same days by Proposals fo”^2°horse'^rtw^^^-‘^^ sidered. will be con toher suitable vehiolcs, and from Winyaw Jiiy lo Charleston in steamboats, in lieu of steamboii *ser vice down the Cape Fi''ar River, and b}' sea lo Charleston, the schedules of arrivals and depar-ures to be so arranged as to form perfect connexion; with the railroads at Wilmington and Charipsioa. 2823 From WelJon to Raleigh, 90 mjcS and back, daily in wagons or such other vehicljas the , «... ^^uusun s wins contractor may select, so con.«:rucled ns !o( convey I arrive at Hookerstown sLwdiv the great Northern and Southern mails and secure ! 2841 From Washin^rton bv them against loss and the weather. | Paniego, Leech ville Germant Leave Weldon daily at 7 p m, arrive aiRaleigh { ^ and Luke iandlng, t 2810 From Hookerston-n to lot: a m f’v, iics L. ave Powell S Point every Friday at G arnve at Currituck c h same day by 7 ” 235G From Franklin D»>pni, bv ‘ Winton, N. C. and Edtnton lo Plvmo and buck three tnnts a ue^k in stea. everh 'Mmfel, Wed Tuesdah, Thursdah and , arrive at Franklin Depot £ame Kilfi;;h daiiy at ame da// t-v 1* p m. 11 a 111, a 11 ive at Fay- night, arrive at Fay-lleville daily at l i Utb'l !i in IJ liOiirs tA’ iO a in. l/oj)osuis are also invited lo the transportation of ei':- it m 111 on the direct roid from Rileioh lo C,#Ml*‘.-l, S C via U jckmghnn, N. C. is . 1 From Rilei^d, by Kage Rock, Wakcfiedd, St:/iliop'* an 1 Nishv'ile, to IvJt'cy Mount, uG miles bui-k. thr',;e limes a week, ii two-horse coaches. Sun ly, 'I’uesday and toelcy Mount same /[.'.ave R yiiin>-1 r .• il fiys bv i I ' I / L-av } > ; fun I 1 y bv 10 , in 2SJ1 •. woo 1^ i Johns =’,iv . 1 ■.. ; . . I/-av- Kli :i! John: ; u i 1 1 ivav ' J-.h ;ii ev.' I ni, a rive .1 1 'V i i u Leave Fayetteville every Wednesday at G a m, >^0 Conitru 'tcd as to sc- i ljiwrenceville next day by 5 p m. ’.lem aiMi.i^t the wi'a- Leave La wrtnceville every Monday at Gam. arrive at Fayet:eviile next day 4 p m. 2815 From Fayetteville by Prospect flail, Eli zabethtown, WestDrook, and Robinson’s to Wil mington, 85 miles and buck, three times a week, in sulkies. /.*'avo Fayetteville every Monday, Wednesday and J'^'iday a m, arnve at Wilmington next days by 9 a t-n. Leave W^ilmingtan every Tuesday, Thursday aiul Satuiday at 10 a m, arrive al Fayetteville next days by 9 a m. Proposals! to carry on horse will be considered. 281(3 i'rom Fayetteville by Ciinton to Warsaw, 49 miles and back, three times a week in two horse coaches. /.eave Fayetteville every Sunday, Tuesday nnd Thursday at G p m, arrive at Warsaw next daVs bv V 1 il ■ il f I i jy, Wednesday, ’^ame Liiiy-; hi mi ,'S a'.c. I ;g!i evvy h'riay at Ii- nt'Xl '.lay bp ]) m. y i iliy Sjn-ing.-?, [Li; I’s '^lore an I b; k, once I > 1 I » ocu'et, to . Week', a m arrive a m. //“ave i.ve at ! no'f 1 'i .1 a Illl!, ! 1 ni’- I 1^' Ml ly by4 p fii. , i b .M ji ini^sviii Hi] ar- Chapel Trollm^f r’s Bridge, I law K v-T. i,n A lie boro’, 8 ■ mill's *^^'1 ba loar-llOi •• r, is! emance, to (Jreens- tlirte tiiU! s a week, in Leave W li iV-.TV _ *I )i) 1 ly WcdaesJay and Friday at 1 . ‘in ivf a-.;., eojboro’ nvxt da"ys by 12 m. 'n4 jro^ tv ay .Monday, Wednesday a m, an ive at 1* ileigh next davs m. Leave ; nnd Fn I ly by 10 a n* 3 t ■ sapi'rly 'riollinger's Biidge three on iiorse from Haw Kiver wiTibecon Proi" limes a \\ Sii lered. 2Sut) igh I-// Ivtlvi/i r,'rovo, Roger’s Mountain. (J.une- foii’s ‘‘ ^ ^ ^ Hook’s store, to lioxboro’, oG Tirza. K-d Mountain. : ' igvhle and Flemington, to lialeiol,, aiiJfS- .mI to ."I miles and back, once a week* w-^.eave I t!, jh ■ vcrv Fridav al 1 1 ^(jro’ ?-■ xt .Jay Iff 12 m Warsaw every Mon lay, Wednesday and i ’nday at 2 p m, airive at Fayetteville next days by 4 a rn. 2:317 Fro'ti /.umberton by Philadelphus, Boli var, Cuwper Hill, StewartsviHr, (lueensdaie ai.d Alfordsville to /itimberion. equal to 3o miles, oace a week. /-.eave Lumberton every Friday at G a m, arrive at Stewartsvillo next day by 9 a’m, and return to Lumberlon same day by 8 p rn. 2-^ 18 Fiom Elizabethtown by Big Swamp, Porter’s Swamp, Fair Blutf, Gum Swamp, White Marsh, Whiiesville and Western Prong to Elizabethtown! ecjual to a 1 miles once a week. Leave Elizab‘.thtown every Friday at G a m. ar rive; at Fair Blutl same day by 8 p in. , Leave Fair Bluff every Saturday at G a m ar- i rive at Elizabethtown next day by 2 p m. 2::: 19 From )*orter’s Swamp by Princess Ann to Leesville, 15 miles and back, once a week. Leave Porter’s Swamp every 'i'hursday at 8 a m. arrive at Leesviiie same d i}* by 12 m. /. aVO Leesville every Thursday at 1 p rn, ar nve at Porter’s Swamp same day by 5 p m ^ next days by 10 a m. Leave Raleigh daily at 11 a m, arrivefst Wel don next days by 2 a m. Proposals to end this route at Littletos or the nearest point on the Gaston and Raleigjh railroad will be considered. 2324 From Clinton, by Taylor’s Bridgtand Lis burn to Gravely Hill,29 miles and back, ooi'^ a week. Leave Clinton every Tuesday at 5 a a:arrive al Gravely Hill same day by 12 m. Leave Gravely Hill every Tuesday atl p m, ar rive at Clinton same day by 8 p in. 2825 From Clinton to Cok’s store, 2Cmiles and back, once a week. Leave Clinton every Friday at 6 a r, arrive at Cox’s store same day bv 12 m. Leave Cox’s store every Fnday at,|a m, arri.ve at Clinton same day by 7 p m, * ^ 282G From Taylor’s Bridge, by%»Mriii Moore’s Creek and Long Creek to ‘ miles and back, once a week. Blacp el lo be supplied on return trip. Leave Taylor’s Bridge every TuesJy arrive at Wdmington next day by §,j Leave Wilmington every Mond^ifej|^ rive at Taylor’s Brige next day by 2827 From Warsaw, by Kenan, Tuckahoe and Comfort, to Trent back, once a week. Leave W^'arsaw every Fridays Trenton next day by 8 p m. Leave Trenton every Thursdiw^ Q a at Warsaw’ next day by 10 a ni.S / 2828 From Waynesboro’ lo Faidg miles and back, once a week. Leave Wayr. sboro’ every Frftlf at 1 rive at Falling Creek same day b G p m Leave Falling Creek every t'riay at G d rive at Waynesboro’ same day byl ^ a m. 2829 From Waynesboro’, Vhilfield’s Sleepy Creek and Jericho, to* trubane. 29 miles'' and back oi>ce a week. ^ Leave Waynesboro’ every T^rsday at 10 a m, arrive at Strabane same day by p rn. Leave Strabane every B'lidlj^t 5 a m, arrive at Waynesboro’ canic Uuy by S 2630 From Comfoii, by Iceland, Onslow ^ h, and fVench Mills to Swansboro 45 miles and back, once a week. Leave Comfort every Satut^y at 7 a m. arrive at Swansboro’ next day by Leave Swansboro every I'lrsday at 1 pm. ar rive at Comfort next day by p m. 2831 From Onslow c h by ;nead’s Ferry, Stump Sound and Topsail Sound, to V^ilmington, 53 miles and back, once a week. j i Leave Onslow c h everyibnday at G a m, ar- I rive at Wilmington next day,^iy 4 p m. j Leave Wilmington every'**edncsday at G a m, ! arrive at Onslow c h next d i by 4 p m. ' 2832 From Beaufort to P^^own, 85 miles and back, once a week, by wafer Leave Beaufort every Moi|ay at G am, arrive at Pi lotto wn everv Wednesdy by G p m. Leave Pilottown every Imrsday at G a m, ar- and bac^, twice a w&vk t!> Bath a wee>t the ’ iturday al 7 a ni by 6 p m. F roiDf Jo! • ^boro’ by Marlinsvijre, " back onc&3 Leave rive at Leave Washingioi Leavft rive at L^aive^ rive at Wsl 2842 racoke, Leav( arriti iiles and back tL_ Murfreesboro* eti, fdaj^ at 8 a m I wri 9 bi/ 12 m. ’^eiivaom^s Depot ir- m. >tiand NecA, 4 miles ^Friday at 8 a m, arrive *:by 9 am. every Friday at Ham, til rame day by 12 m. ^nfieid, by Hilliardstovvn, Belford- ^ lo Frankiinton, 50 miles and back, three times a w’eek to Louis, 58, aod six times a week the residue, ifield every Monday, Wednesday and ^^-5 a arrive at Louisburg same days by )org every Tuesdah Thursday and ^Arrive at Enfield same days by j^«ry day, except Sunday, at same days by 8 a m. fjf day, except Sunday, f, same days by 5 pm. rwte at Rocky iVlount, red. rille, Brinkl^B sy, to Eaheld, Week. EnMJ same day bj 284G From Ih Scotland Neck, Pafii liumston, Gardner’s fi'id hack, twice a we1 Leave Halilax every m, arrive at Plymouth nexi days Leave Plymouth every Wednes at G am, arrive at IL\lifax next dai •ftWWKIR’' atWi 2860 and back, Leave con Depot Leave Macbn d Warren ton same^ Proposals io cai 2861 From Ridi m 11^ AOd - ^at|ire laily" p m J arnve a m; arrive at ip at 7 a m. on Rorse will be considered, way by Exchangftr^i^ Wood- worth to Boydtow/ 30 mile? and back cbree times a week in two hors^oac)^. Leave llidgevtfy eve^ Tuesday, Thnrpday and /ul by 12 mT Saturday at 6 aMj arri««> at lioydtown eame days 2847 From Plymouih, by Win Ion’s store. Rich Square and Jack burg, 74 miles and back, twice a v Leave Plymouih every Monday and at 5 a m, arrive at Gareysburg next days Leave Gareysburg every Wednesday and Satur day at 5 a m, arrive at Windsor next days by 6 p m. Proposals to carry in two horse coaches, and to run three times a week, will be considered. 2848 From Plymouth, by Washington and 5wilt Greek Bridge, lo Newbern, 70 miles and back, three times a week, in four horse coaches. Leave Plymouth every Tuesday. Thursday and rive at Beaufort every Saturay by G p m. | Saturday, at 5 a m, arrive at VVashington same 2833 From Newbern byl^oiloksville, Trenton, j days by 12 m, and at Newbern same days by 8 Kinston and Moseley Uai,] to Waynesboro, 74 ! p m. Leave Boyiitdvn every Monday, Wednesdayand Friday at Sam} arrive at Ridgeway same days by 3 pm. _ Proposals to 4ubet1tule 2 horse coach fri-weekly service betweerfHenderson and Clarksville in lieu of the above w*l be considered. ^^2862 From Henderson by Williamboro’ to Lynes- vllle, 10 miles and back three times a week. Leave H»mfer60u every Tuesday, Thursday anl Saturday at 6 a m J arrive at Ijynesville same days m, arrive at by 9 a m. Leave Lynesville evei^ Tuesday, Thursday and roads. Saturday at 10 a m; arrive at Henderson same days Wil- i P ^ 2863 From Henderson by Oxford, Berea, Roxbonj’, House and I^iltoii to DarwlfeL^. thrgfi, a week in two^n« f^^ondiiy, ^ iinville next «y, Thursday and p|^«)n next day# be soni’s Bridge, ‘ J Leave LuuiJ=burg ev«HK^at 5am; arrive/ at. Ran.som’s Bridge same xiay bv 11 a m. / Leave Ransom’s Bridge every Saturdaj' at 1 p nj arrive at Louisburg same day oy 7 p m. 2SG5 From Fraklinton by W’^ilton, Tallyhn Bufa- lo IIill and Red Mountain to Hillsboro’, 44 Rile* and back once a week. miles and:::hi^k, three tiriesi week, m two horse coaches. Leave Newbern evety Miday, Wednesday and Friday, after ihe arriva of tie mail from Weldon, Leave Newbern every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 5 a m, arrive at Washmton same days by 12 m, and al Plymouth same da^s by 9 pm. 2849 From Plymouih, by Cool Spring, lo Colum- say at 2 a m, arnve at Wayiesboro’ same days by ! bia, 3G miles and back, once a week. 12 pm. j Leave Plymouth every VV^tdnesday, at 7 a m, ar* Leave Waynesbor*’ ever^ Tuesday, Thursday | rive at Columbia same day by 4 p -n. and Saturday at 2 am, arnve at Newbern same j Leave Columbia every Tuesday ai 8 a at Plymouth same day by G p ti. 2820 From ’I’arboro by Oak Grove, Stantons- burg, to Waynesboro, 50 miles and back, once a a m. arrive at ! week Ha^? X -.'ro’ every Thursday at 6 a •3107 *y 9 a m. m, arrive Ra Salisbury. ivVO'liors c tiCave 1 li at U •'I Hi, !r. • Leave o.ili al9 a ni. an P‘ in /bu»"^*o' 2^08. 1 Leave Tarboro every Wednesday at J1 a m ar rive at Waynesboro next day bv 12 m. Leave Wayne:^b0l0 every Thursd.iy'at 2 m ar- I, 1 1 . , . I live at Tarboro next day by 12 p m. * ' ’ I ^ ‘st’ ^ Tarboro, Sparta. , > o'* ^ ; Faulliland, CJreenville and i^actolus to Wa^hiii'^- 1 - ,mti: ^ 110^., TO m.les and back, three lime '-.-hcs. back, twice a week, in horse cotvrhes. days by 12 p m. l^roposals for fon* horse coach service will be considered. 2834 From N(^’bern, b} Cravensville, to Beau fort, 18 miles and oack, ihr^ times a week, in two horse coaches. Leave Newbern every Smday, Wednesday and Friday at 7 a in arrive atBeaufort same days by 5 p m. Leave Beaufort every Ipesday, Thursday and Saturday at 7 a m, arrive rt Newbern same days by 5 p m. '2835 From Newbern tcMilton Park, 20 miles and back, once a week. Leave Newbern every faturday at 1 p m, arrive at Milton Park same day iy 8 p m. Leave Milton Park evey Saturday at 5 a m, ar rive at Newbern saine dayby 12 m m, arrive Leave Frankiinton every Wednesday at ."p m* arrive at Hillsboro’ next dap hy G p ni. * Leave Hillsboro’ every Tuesday at 5 am; arris^e at Frankiinton liext day by Sam. • 2366 From Oxford, by Oakhill, Young’sX Roade Brownsville, Abram’s Plains, Bullocks, Waterloo^ of Oxlbrd, equal to 25 miles and back fuicea week.; Leave Oxford every Monday and Friday at Sam arrive at Oxford next days by 12 m. 2SG7 From Oxior.i, by Tallyho, Dutchvilie, Knapp lo Reeds, Sla-'vif/e, Lipscomb and Enoe Mills to Hillsborough, 42 miles and ba«-k once a week. Leave Oxiora every »S^alurday ai 6 a m j arrive at Hilli^boroiigh tsame day by 6 p m. iyeave Hillsbprough every Friday at 6 am; ar rive at Oxlbrd same day by 6 p m. 2850 B'^.n Windsor by Akrry H,II Ashland, j ggOS Chapel rinfby -l-ricc’e Store Pratte Colerain, Betfitd, Pilch l,andina „i,d \V j.iloii, to burgh, We.t I'oi.it, Fi^h.lam an,I Tranquiiay to Willon. 39 miic'S anil bac/c one a week. Murfreesboro', 63 miles and back, twice a week. Leave W'indsor every Tuesday and Saturday al 4 a m, arrive at Murfreesboro’ next diiys by 1:^ in. Leave Murfreesboro’ every W*-'dnesday and Sun day at 1 p m, arrive at VV'i/idsor next days by ^ p m 2851 From Edenton, by Hertford, Woodville, Elizabeth City, Ne"’ Lebanon, South IVIil]?, Lake I Drummond, Deep Creek, V^a.. to Norfolk, Va., 79 I miles and back, three limes a week m four horse post choaches. • I Leave Edenton every Sunday, Wednesday and ' Friday at 4 a m, arrive al Norlolk same days by Leave Chapel Hill every Friday at 6 a m ; arrive al.Wilton frame day hy G p m. ^ Leave Wiiion every Saturday at 6 a m; arriv'c at Chapt i Hill Siirne day i>y 0 p tn. 2869 From Hillsborough, hy Cedar Grov’e, Junto Prospect Hill and Goidonlon to Leasburg, 31 /niJes and bac/c once a week. Leave Hillsborough every Thursdaa at G p m f arnve at Leasburg next day hy 12 m. Leave Leasbnrg every Friilay at 1 p m j arrive at Hillsborough next day t»y 9 a m. 2870 From Hillborongh by Walnut Grove and Van Hook’s Store to Roxboro’, 24 miies and back once a week. Leave Hillsborough every Tuesday at 6 a m; ar rive at lloxboro’same day I y 4 p m. Leave Roxhoro’ every Vv ednesd/y at G a m; ar- tonsv a week in two in every WeJnesuu. ,, , at r-ahsbury next days b}? I'i^ iry ^ verv \Vcdncsduy‘;md Saturday ^ at ival. igh next days by 9pm s to run three times a week; also t coaches will be considered, eld Boor*^^n Bushee’s Sl'ore, Smith- ck,.Le.;:!' ":'-'.v.K.sbo,;o' 51 miles a.,d Leave Roel'^r Mount every Monday, Wed nesdav m, arrive al Washington next to Waynesboro’ reave Ral,Tr> ^ iwo-horse coaches. every Monday, Wednesday and and h'riday at b days by 1 a in. i,eayo Washington every SimJay, Tuesday .md I hursday at (5 a in, arrive at ttoclcy Mount ae\t liays by 1 a m. •^3■i2Fronl WelJon by Ilulifiix, Enfield, Battle oro, voclcy Mount, \ icksviile, Tossnoit D’pot Leave Polloksville eve.*'^ Friday at 1 p m, arrive at Hadnot’s same day by 7/p m aayat -1 a 9pm (P^urd^J.lrfr''”’ "'"■y ThursJa,- ty 6 p ni. Proposalc ’ar” i f-on nor.Qe nr.. mvitU. uynesboro’ same days mn S ( ' , Sinithville lo C ““'J back, in railroad c. m, arnve at R:ilcigli same days [ ton on borse are tea in boat Leave \V cars and eldon dailv n‘ o o ... ■ , j ton next days by 7 a in ~ Cnaries- I L‘av-e I'narleston daily - ‘ den ue.xt days by p m, arnve a Wel- 2 r ni. G p m. Leave Norfolk every Tuesday, Thursday and 283G From Newbern icOore Creek, 22 miles Saturday al 9 a m, arrive at Edenton same days by and back, once a week. M ^ P Leave Newbern every it’.urday at 1 p m, arrive at Core Creek same day 1/ 8 p m. Leave Core Creek Satirdjy ai 5 a m, arrive al Newbern same day by 12/i>. i , 2S37 From Polloksvjk}, bv Cross Roads, to j at Suffolk next day by 11 a m. ’ rive-it H ir»'^horn «:ame d iv bv 6 u m Hadnot’s, 22 miles and bak. once a week. j Leave fculiolk every W ednesday at 1 p m, arnve j ‘ ^ ^ ^ • ■ at Edtnton ntxt day by 8 p ni. 2853 From Woodviile lo Durant’s Leave Hadnoi’s every Friday at 5 a m, arrive at ^ and^baci(, once a week. Polloksville same day bV 12 m. 2838 From StantonbiJg, l^y Speight’s Bridge, Snow Hill, Hookerstowf, Airy Grove, Kinston, Strabane, Albertson’s, Sut’ticla and Kenansvilie, to Warsaw, 80 miles and b;ck, once a week. Lf'ave Stantonburg evrt-y Friday al 5 a m, arrive at W^arsaw next day by i p m. j fylk^ 6G milt^ and back, once a week. Leave W arsaw every Wednesday at 5 a m, ar-' rive at Stantonburg next'day by G p m. jam 2839 From Green vile.* h\ Hooker.^town and i Snovv Hill to Goidsbori)Ugh, 50 miles and back. ].'^i,;^at3e' ' ' .* * I.cav- twice a week. * 2555 1 - ‘ L ave Greenville every Tuesday' and Frida\* at i^owell's , 5 a m. arrive at Goldsboiough same days by 9 p m. Leavt . , L ave Galdsbjrough every Wednesday and Sat arrive at I Neck, 12 Leave Woodville every Fiiday at 9 a in, arrive at Durant’s Neck same day by 12 m. Leave l.)uraiii's Neck every Frida} at 1 p m, ar rive at VV’’oodville same day by 4 p m. 2854 From Elizabeth City, by Camden, Shiloh, Leave Hillsborough eve.-y Thurday at 7 a m, ar- Leave Harishorn every Friday at 6 am; arrive at IJill.'^borough same day by 5 p m. 2S72 From Mason Hall by 6’cottsvillc, Pleasant Grove, Fawcett’s Store, Mooresville, Stony Creek, Anders^on’s Store and High Towers lo Leasbur^, 57 miles and back once a wee/r. Leave Mason Hall every Friday tit ^ ^ arrive at Leasburg nexi next day hy 1*> Leave Leashurg every at I pm ; arriv'e at Mai-on Hull next roiii bvKacisboro’, High Vock. Indiantown, Curntuck c h, Nuithwesi nver bndgt,; 2S73F.W- - - , Va., Hickoiy Grcuiid and Great Bridge, to Nor- Slade’a I3r«^"‘f* fto’C and Yaneyvilie to Milton, W miles les. m two horse Leave Klizabwh Cny every W.dncs-Jay at .5 j ^ Xeave Greensboro’ every M, ndajr Wetoe.'av m, arnv at -Norf xt .u.v 12 m . fnd.=y at 12 m; arrive at .\J,li„n ..-.x: Leave > ' •• 1 ' : ' , 12 ii*. ^ M:l*nn every !V!onJav, J.i rn, a-.’-ive ar Gr^ea.- i ednv :• ' r.- xt ay and :ays b'

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