H d hi '.fii ■tr H- r- ^ Th>: jr>r-rr^ 'Jixutrl nii'lt-r tUe ('•jn-stitntion, btinq derived from the People of the Uailed States, lay be rf->yiued bij thvii. irh'ei^jrrr pr^rrertrd to t.'i> i,- ir ;. ,j ,r CHARLOTTE, N. C , MAY 16, c! t' .1 t--' Jj iti = 5 ' f\ iS UMBER 112. l\ El)1t; ^ bv M n I ni in a j *> * IS i: i 3J s '/■ /> f: . .7,/^ liffv. , if^i>:i. -. « fi.-ri. t t; exj.'.. 'iT.l-inir -^•‘y i •'•in'-r poll-.l.-i I'. ', '.i.-'i \v(. kly a’ ;:i ri.,v;iiir. ; ..r 7’'.-,y•_ Ui T iRh,;-: M'.NT.l.' r - ; i u iiij W ill |iri.» "ur' TOWN LOTS FOR SALE. | State of Xortli Carolina. I'i tlio uiiil(TsiirneJ CoiTiniissioiiers. wilI expose I UXIOX COUXTY. V V to pultlic salt*, at one and two years’ credit, on I rv,,w j c* ...• „> * •/ tlx. I "ft. li .i 1 1*-.! c T . /■. I r. .1 1 (-ourt 07 1 leas and Quarter ^ntssu.us. ^ipnI Jtr ..-. tin- 1 )?h. lOTli. and 1 / th of June next, (it being tlie ■" ^ week 01' (’atawha (Jounty Court.) ai Newton, tlie | ^ TTT-tT ■\rc? \ i town ,ite new Couiity ol’Catawba, X. Caroli- ' tlELM.-, Adinr. | .. f'> T.... 1 ’li I'^i :p.r ?ra lu y >r til’ ; jr, n i.r ^or 7’.' - ■r;[. iiii:nl»er ol' valuable ; ot' William Pyron, Jun., deed., \'S. J A. J. Pvron, and oiliers. j Pc.iiion Ibr sale of^ real E^iate. ■■y u -LI .- ■■ ;il Ol J, . ■^•on!... ■ P*y; )U ;i! >r, w.i s %\ .:| J WJl.i nd :i ; St NT. CCt'.. itb . ;i ij' ! :i t i ;i h I . . . '•r ^1, I'W' ~ :i!iy tl. i: ..-ur ( x^.aa- =ii. ■ Kl ] I i.. I ..laoii- he-l’r.a .. :.a ; >.;) l.-r ..I a. jpi( V -a.'! -.'T' .ay rt- r- . 1; jr 1. . ■: i ■ -■ .-'a 1 'JW ;l i , IIP.I ■ ■ i ' ^ ■ T airl I'dl r U , W li b-.- ■ 'a r.;i 1 .'' a jx r . ate. , ■ t h e. ; 1 V' L" a 1 • .ns). .1 i .! ■ :ai.,i V. :d b V ; , /ill . \ a- ] ■ !:;■ ne . at ! '• 1, .rlw . u: :i ai 1. a;ib r oi ill ’ puf !i 1 «. . . - M . i i* • T appearing to the satisHir'ioh of I’le Conn in tliis | I'lli i said town is located in a very healthy par: oT ! ease, that A. J. l\vron, Cariiilus Carelook and j iht‘ (-(juntry. witKj-ib fnilc.'--ol’the celehrated Sulphur ^ VVite Matilda, two ot' the lefpMiant^. r* sid-/ oey-'nJ I S|'niii:.s known a> Willhng’s Spring^. and within 1 ! *1^^; limits of tliis State: /t is rejorc ord-rtu' hy ] niiii- oT Sri/'-r's SprinL’’-^, wiiich are lii^dily valued ' ('ourt, that })ublicalion be i:a-e ^or s- •. w- eks i:'. : r>r tiifir !!K-di in ;1 vitiat'.s. aiid near" tiie Staire : tbe Mecklenburg Jetltirsonian. ! )r riai - ■i* u ud:u.ts to rn.id iVoiii Sii'i'-'‘uj'-y to Asheville, C. The soil ^ippear at the next Court oi‘ in i (iuarter si'rs- i of t!i ‘ snri’>un l;.i:4 -ountry. and tlm onferprize d sion;^ to i)e held lor the Cou;iiy ut Un; »n. at Labatt's i tin* jioi.ni iti^jn ui i th; ir wV.tlrh. wouM m;ikt; Nfw- j Cro>s Roads, on the tirst ?\It>nu ly in July m*xi, and • t ni a d.'sh’ahli io:-atio!i I'l r hi;.-inu^>s mt-ii ol‘ all des- ; jinKwer said petition, or Judgeu;eiil pro cunlesoo will (.Ti]»ti -ns. JOSKPfl AVILSOX. 15. r. AIJ.RX. 'I’. (’Lom\(;rii, I.KO. LAWilAXCK. A{;ril }■ Commisf^ioners. IO....tVvV. ’ be t.'iitered a;irain5?t them. ^\ itnes>5, Jln^h Sltuarl. Clerl,- of our paid Court, at Olfice the 1st Monday of i^:)ril, 1S13, and 67th year of Anu?rican IndoptMidtMic . Hruii STK .VAUT, c. U. c. Printer's fee §5 GO. UK...Ovv. ii- X i: \v ly S ar:'- V.- 4 4 .t y ill p"in . ■ r 'ij ^ J i lA J.' . lit C. 0=ivson Cc. I» i; tr;: ;■ l!i:'- ! ) v;;t !• roiil^t «ii ' I ‘.I re;. r i J sup! pi. bt;i t I . la 1' ^ :ii ;t; 1 \! r !i t’ ng I r.-i ■■ ■ I \Ii-. 'i'uaofhy int-n ■ in fill ai..,VC i'i>i:i!)!i.'hmt‘nt. e.s o Me'Tl a\i liiMLT I'lii'li-'. fiav- I'ar-; b en fniiag 'd i:i !.(M*pm • I'ri- H-nt a A'!i>uiit M.Mirijt- m Ir.uicil fOti' lh liO])* Ir it iii- h i> ■ \j■( ri.' iirc iti- fc’ O hi; !.:■ i:; to t (lih- iv ,;r to .!e all wh- iw u, .w up at ii;:, 'iia ■ ha.ll ,1 va; ^■ !• ■ v:t erv t .iiij- til i . . fi 1 i i i i- " i j !.‘:i';tiilly da • nd ^ifrv ^ ^ th ■'i . be ‘ ' I ■ rs. ' i -M IJ . ,h: 1 b. ‘Ol i lit'niive hot: .vr*' J, li ft l?F-j n )w reot iviiii; their S[)ring .upi>Iy of fresh .&. S I -:uU. (•Ollfcisting oi’ iJUV (JOOD.S, i’..i! d\vai'«‘, iSooSs iimi Sliof*;, ^13, B3:^l^ETS, SADDLOVj CR(JCivl::ilY ^ GROCERIES. t hir (?oods are new and h tve been houuht at prif^e^y unusually low. and we are jTenared to make it to tilt' iiitcri'st oi' pureliasi rs tr> irivc u.-^ a e.tll.' Our IrKMids' and th! puldii; are rt'spoctfully solicited to ‘‘X.uninr our stock, a.s we can asstin‘ them thal for | (’ASli we are ilrtormineil to ^ell low. For the La dies \ve have a (ew pattern.? of rich new st\le { "lUvS, loift ther with a large a.-3^?ortni(Mit ol beau- 1 Notice. Chavlotfc, AiH-il 23, i8 J.'5. PEIvSOXS having in their poi?ession the pub'ii: arms heretofore used by tin* Pro\ ulence Artil lery ami tiie Indej)end«‘nt (_»r»*ys. mii-t lielivt'r the same at the Printinir Odice oT the *• MeclJenbur,: Jellersonian,'’ between this an.; ihe 20ih May tiext; or they Vvill be proceeded auainst aci'ordiujT to lav/. 11. (il ERY. Col. C'.imdl. Ai'.ril 20. 1S13. '• 2rHc?i!Uiral THE member.s-of the Mrc';Ieabur£i AL^’ricuhiiral Society are nolitied to altenii a called meetinjr of the Society, in ('Charlotte, on Saturda', the :J7th in stant. As business of mucli i.il;‘re.-1 wil! tii^'ii doubt less come be lore the Societ}-, he men bt-rs are urg ed to be punctual in their atti lance. AXDKEVv SPUIXGS, Presidi'nt. May 9, 1313, 1 l...tin iiiauav i ' “‘•'’1 j In 111 MUSIJXS, which cannot tail to please. li rt iiit)ic( d;‘d i-n jieral assortment of XaiLs and 13rads, from Id to 20(1 at 0.^ cents by the keg. Ciiariotfe, April Pi, ISlo. ° 103...f I 1' ill i’l a. 01 : ril/L : eil atiiir tate :>i >a; 1 . Ci-ii e. Ill ' IS m-! M \ 13. rs ai.a sii'.ipi.cd wiii! Ill PAM T. :'IA ).\X. \C i I . »r (.1 Vo.i, , I.. ; r a i> dv i. :\0 y iln! sub- WEIJ.. j'ts .Ip; i.i'i! ey m fii'i. (lit I I at 1 * - ' pr. e \. w l'T I ::e .. ! M n. ZrvA.^ A. IT maimr ihe i!f Sa:nw 1 iM . ( '.)iub. >vf! J lea>!' la ike s; !tle- i .: ’ ■ ‘ i i • I ■ 11 ! I n s ‘ : ) I.> hill! a‘‘’'*r 1 . ^ ' i 't ua ia bar oi ihcir i re.= pectfully in- ▼ » form his Iriendsand ihe publiCj that he has received iis FROM the subscriber, on the 31 in- ‘ inst.. a bound bo> l)y the name of DA VID L. RAY. an .apj reii*ice to the lailorintr business.' Said boy is about 15 or 16 vf’firs old. and been work ing at hi.s trade 15 or 16 monihs. Tlu? pnMic are cautioned against eni[»loyin£r (-r harboring said Ray. and a reward of tiro red cta‘.Mind no thanks will be -l.Wrtnir^r.i,^ r.,» j.. M r-L^f t f. Spriii^ SiiiiiiiK r Fashions. IJe still continues the TAIIAilusa B (^s/xi:ss. at his old stand, iji the second Fti^ry of the sontficast wing of L. Spring.s’ brick !;ui!dinijr. Charlotte. April 11, 1^13. 103...r May 9, 1813 m _ '-'X ..r 1 a': V... V • 1. \ \ VVa ■ 1 : ' ‘ : -:a d.cr. •a.; . C . ’■ a X. (o.' la- . tl. a. a • ! a. a. a I *y i if ::a;i.?n .. .V‘ . : a n-r i.'!. \liC; liS c a . i 1 ! ! i, I : ■ 1 ■ . ,' - 1 1,;:: ie 'Is ' : ^ a\ tr.^ na U ■ V 11 a 1 .. i: ; i ‘ V.'i' V a 1 - ■ a a , a.c ,.ij-e!oih 'd t Ca a . ■ ' ’ a pa'i!a!^;:a!s. a ; ; 1 /■ a- • ‘ i - \ ' i ; . 4 ,;s il lia e 1' ''; : ■ ;»■ 1 I' ' '. . la’’ • X. a 1 i' 1 “ * 1 * aa^ •• i a nun-> la\ e- In *, •vi . u, J a, a.V 1 i.y n t’. n ; -.1 ' . :■ rate. f‘ il ; ^ »* - i .1-^ da.APN ■ ' a. . 1 . , ■. i-l 1 tr a = : • 1 ■ l a 1: . • • i ’ * . « i I -1 I \ i \, I ; . up ■ ii.^ 1 eo.i- m. LAFAYETTE GAIBWELI, eAVIXG located himselfat the store of Messrs. - Grier Houston, in Providence Settlement, resfjectlully tenders his professional services to the citii'ens ol th.U section of' country. He will give his nuist aosiduous attention to all cases confided to his s!\iil ; and his charges shall be n^gulated by the pe- cui.i.ir\ state ot the times. He will at all times have the benefit oflheatlvice aiu! assistance of his broth- r--, Hi’- P. C. Cali)\vi;i.i,. in all ditficult vUit .'.ithtioii d I'harge to iialients. April 1 !. 1^13. ]07::;:f Doz- s away a lif. of t-nse, Unfiurihenv.a by diiil cr.re or surr.)\v, And leckKss ol th^- coniaig iiiorr«.*%v. Wil ic-h is th- sag-e—the skive that t.nls Furtvcr aniKi kuds and l»ro;U ? Or tli. fiL'c' nian^. wnh wants so ft\v. Th'-v h avv- h.in sjarcLly au_lit to do One \v:.ars buth soul aini bi>;y out. For what iho oihrr do's w; iiout. ye autp^s.^in wisdoiii's s^-Iioi Which Is ihc sa^i', aa.i whi. h th‘ tb -1 ! Fr..'ai the Xtw 3I.r. jT * _ THIRTV-FIVi:. EY N-. r. \v::,L['-. Th.c year ■ f u mu n\ life ar^ t .rt r- Oh, \\ Lary ht-art I i.iuif rt Inll'-w ny ! W'c siaiiii on Liit'.s ue ndian li. ;_'ht I— As I'lr I'roni chilchood's inorn-nii: ' ou.o A-j to ta«.- grave's lorgetlul ni^ht. GiV'- youih and hope a jjariaig t'. ar - ll ';ie J roiiiiscd but lu bnn^ u- r, Ai;J > tii.o!i taki s the ^’uiuance avw- - ()ni_ b;«' kuard look—th. last—th- last 1 On-j biicnt tear—loi V ^.a^t! Wh'! iiocs wif'a Ib>pe and P ;~?;on back : ho euiui> wiih ui' and 31 niory on ’ Oh, lui'L'y iiioks ih (.ounwai J tra-.k-- .ioy s iiiUs.i’ lu.sii\i—ib'pe s s ! 'I'o I'lt a-'urc and iitr f^iudy uo..p FartULil, wiUiout a si„ii or uar I l>ut hi ait y.W:? "■ay, aiii dj-)..p. 'I'o jlmiiv iiiat Lov- liny l.iivf ua h Tl-I Ilavu we no I'iiaiiii VvhLli j.utih ib lluV.i; *tI;U\vay to di adi leli sau t.loa-.- ? W'\ ■ *ay I —as 'twert- a twii;. 'a: s'.ai' i iia: s. iidd as tlucao aerot'^ the wav..,. I slc a bi i^litc’iun^^ iigiil ironi lar Saal liovva a {Kith b- vond thf grave I Ana now—bitss (»odI—its goiet n iajc ConiLS o'er, aiui lights niy s!ia\\.)w\ \v:*.y. And sii>- v.'s the dear hand eia.'p’d in m.iR I J5ut iist I what tliose sw: : t n ;o. • I 'I'hebftti.r land’a in - '>'///, ' A.id, by itn dtustoui. 'r /i; -'';/, All !ul\ JruUl Iji )llUi‘Clil/ ‘ Stirr her.^- j-‘;usc r.\a. j,/U Uaud u'l,^ l/y-uf l:i t o:i !u :o II IjiPvD';^ Ei^E VIEW UF FLORIDA. BV THo.^sAS JKFr'iJiLSoN S.urii. — Xo. I. Discevt r> ut —I’onz dc Ij-.on—l>^iiVa’.ion oi its n.iai.* ■-Ouj ;‘i*oi 1 .i ^aca- i"'uu.iataiu ol 1 Icaliu--i^i^^ o Vcr. r c Tv ui -ii^auiy ui .-ii.iiau---'^ai)ars i/mvov-. l■y--- l•'ll .a.iv. ui\ r» in M.aiclltji yol.i--a ».ii hai ii y o» % . i;u:- (ju.z --o. liulKiiis to » any to - uiai a.? iv.s--- ihv K.buit oi \ oiai4(.i.-z’a imUli [)i izj- -iiic; j3teoiii.t b'iunda v\as among tliust; po.li'jii^ ut Aint;uM liisl discoVfitd. iia Ckjoiigtiilv U) liie Ui.m.ls i-uta.a oy Columbus, natu tin v - ' ■ IJ.U..I i. >i. a All., tau return oi me ±’n/i,..,. . lo oew wioM. iioui ills succe?=lul voy.ige ul di^coveiy. tm; glown.g ciiplions yiw n oy nim and Ins cm w ul w n.ti la- v li.ul I), h i„oi.ii.,a aa tij* y C.eie L*\ lli- 1. Icioeiijj luiwi^ Uaii'.iti^ avivi Hie iiaiUiai i a - ati*.,‘ij> oi ti.iv eiicto, vVijo iiavt o» li' IJ uij.il noil' unit » v« Cie.’iticl a jie ilCl IJiuIiia till S, I somy £rrovi s r(doI;.nt wit 1 iKiture s niLlcdk'U.' chosif with 5weil?, nriJ filled wit.i^ ItJS waibliuLT 10 t^e sigh-/| ' i £i bretze as i: ImJs its vrav ihro’a-ii the foicS'3 j I “ I u.d th‘ monotonous roar of the l uiikii.g wave. r.S " j It kis:?fs the san 'v sh ?:: anJ nirnly sii.ks itito i't - ! (inurace. L>n i!,; ir landing lh y !eil imjiarl* d * j tin II u ariid iViind' :in l t;i w I;;e and ntvv j j vigui ; liit-i: I IM ir s\vl>. II I !! as s l'.v .A i Til! \ h h tii ; :. g I )\\ i ; ih'- 11 • mi? I I : and t!;e t.ari :i5 :liat \\ hi ran i;.; n \.ii;s. ati' li I i,. al.h itnmir v.i .N lb! .a:'*! tiuir 5;';i!ii:u!ne iP.iagma*' c ~ 4; ir fliiJv^sl h^!pes rtal:Z'(.l was in tI..'so z‘phv’.5. I )\\= :y an I j- y i.uil laij pnuss weie '■1.-6 a rr !hi Hi. Sach were the liaiaial Kal- I Wl'.o c# .v’,0 l.a 1 chanced w i;l;n S of V*. .11* SSe now ].:v bti 'le 111' ni. vVenh r that lh“ i t,lho>;;iSi;c k.iioweis or i’‘*0Z(^ Lm'U !il\:-1 li, .1 • i.e • h’cV ol the ('a:ij_irl :o O'- . I ■ : was a’rvil ! : wh.jh L, y ' n;;i ■ ;ti'i cla J lai i!’i i;i_ r arm fo ai; I W( i-'om:.' 'i •i' n ; *.!• n^e |o; i 6’$ of ■ r:inge, \ Ui 'il i an 1 t xia,];; g 6V.*c( ’>■—lb'' •• i; j sylvan 'hade ’ — tin* m» i.-.iw ' i lliUckini; l-i;u — lha wi.J : ;n I’l Lvcrv nv ol I pai.epj: t*a : :h • !*sae e re .'led h'T t a is. i i human b» and e n j ’jepia C'l the V,(j‘':is kt !' j of thein^. K s suihch i t i » h.r.i il in.iilh Was jiai ilu ie, thi v h‘i , tn' ( i.o'.io td Ci»lypso, coui.! tiiey only hk ■ in ^ I L .\s'tj have liei n a:i' j*i h i v. ill) tin.' l.i-cin. i a.. 1 1 lit I:a-n\ a r,. j; "-'i' '"'ali. as shrs r a::- I w: i' . Ii'.u- ;i pii lOnt w c, aaTs‘—t!ie i 'nf^ :’i. i lM!',;j l! :■( >. UiVing. o >y n.agni iia an.i lh(j ni i'i.ng f the re>:!t^' i : a:a l! ’ ia’i :;!ient ; . :h: d ij wn ns i: n ' i ^t ;ii'‘ ;i;st l of ■! in ; ae* ;'t‘l h a; ^ m live [ar awaw w .aild hav^- bf(il alisii. d lii'- ni tiia* a.t ! a-: r.iiiv I u soil ii'|, ijd.s w lio (>V( >ucii it.;:. i.jI l,'!; Ian 1.'^. ;ni-,i d,>j.(P| it (i 7 i ^uch J ‘ iij'’ 1 'I' i !. ai. 1 I ,!:t: 1 ce.-nlidiiiO' >ui)l \\ r li i..\i .s b:'.\ I’c li invi-ni Is :y lliUi^ WOl'i: el by . la! :y. ni' lit lia : ah 'i' ’ !• ■i'\ t . • ir \ ut iii; .a jL'-»Vi ni. w hi 1 !• til' ' ;; 'il ia'i;; I:’ I I . ' IX tl .1 ! ■I' iis wi:r ; i:aW.'i: d u i:; ••! wa:i i)Ui eVi.Ji !;C',' Cl I ‘’ai cs ai't '• :ui, i' S coi?i!i.' a i, ipi'V iia:;; bi ii4 ha ;■ 1 c-a h; oil 1 a r^ r.ioi la , to iht ii- I'.a: :h! ’.of man. j Ail al.r.i.t tl'jem s-'afn'd 'V' I .IS il S!>; mg ever ir 1 i «lernal tioii '.voike l its i ! tui n; > KP. ' to id til!' h irxl ot i!iis w^\ I:' \yr rr ! . a>>’i’::-.’ i:iun( 1 aid !(.( in :i:> ;[ ( v , •, nr(i lo i'.(,' 1 I. v. a.a i.nii u o wela.!ne ihem ?o a ncu n n:vi:;!lh n to Ul II: i. vao !iave i:i the briL;iU a-.ink ns b) ihe ^.1 ij 1^1 a wi : i t J 11.' I flt ’I** I' ; nt •niin wiih lif!', r.r ‘-11. laiagir, '.voika l Its ar.i th.‘ old ((It yf>ulh ;iga inaig, atid ihj- s:ck and tnieii hd, h(all!i -41. siK'iioth. as they bdliied in (he o't \vat( i.^.fi oni |l waiai golf stream, aai i drank coo! draughts fii" ihe i^ui'^hng lountair.s gm tile thofe. saw. ^ ;n.an.ii :po cases, with- shakespj:aue. Mi psrs. IIaki'kr and Brothkus, ofXew-Voik. ar;' publi-h- iag Ml numbers n spkiidid Edition of th.* invduabk' Works ol' \Nn.LiAM JSaAKK'PCARE—a Volume whieh annot L( t)pti;cd. e\t'ii at rand.oin, without finding soaietiung Horth rtnu nil.'^ r- inij;; for ho combined, more th;ui any Autlu r that iv. r Iivlu' a thiAiouab knowledge of the w rid wiiii r,ui I’o- Ui r;l > e- nms. W’e hav- ju-t opin.a a i!i--ioiIu'a 1 j- uii..Ji ! nnvht lie \\ ri' a in i‘ jtiiu-ipiize iUid itsta.cn. '1W in : w;i.s aious.il. and inn; s ol goi ). muumains oi puci sli.n. S, an ', siu.uras o; me a., weie tuiKa-oi as tilings evt ly day lu be mtt w ith in the land oj C'o luinbiu, Men ol wialth were now found in abund ance, n ady to 1 isk their all ai w iml th-y conc. ivtd an t niei pi iz.- of undoubliul chaiacter. And iliose who b Kne naJ spu.n-d the latmi^ia^tic Culu;nbu^ iiomiii-ii pitirOnce as a mad visionaiy, weie iio\\ - ut.li' \e tile niooL t xi; iiv.i^aiA accoun'cj and • .'^k .a 1. lomn-s m a voy.ige prompt, u i.-y nnn. ,v It ..J- ..I'je' laiiy discoviaa 01 L iuiid.i. u’as l'*onz df 1-. 'ai. a ^jj.aiii.iia: i^onie yua lo him tae non.ji of d.y rULrrui to | 'he h it vo>:;ger lio ivcr beheld in.U be ai 'diu i'oek.-l-lOuk ol evt i y }oan about niT;r..ig u, on thtj worLl, r nd oci widi a-lvantage. 'I'litre is no c.a-aao, a'hr. , to \% h.ch the j i ^and. il Is SanTby llu counsel wid not npply, a.m aimesi v li ; ,..on n.ay !>e roa- ! ■ 'i K iSU i d :y, a season of ll.jAa-ris amon lidently appealtU lo, in .some luptaj'.ee or ai,other, tor usjus'- | v-acs. Ai* mUa m auliiOi . u ho has It iS the ad\ iCc ul a t athto a .Son, se t a:i ■ e la id i’ it s; a: C li •a ,h T auo-iians e-e. lb- ihon s of the Anlil! S-.nil) Atm lica. tb .^ciib. s uh.it m:::>l hi.ve beenZlJ conliii(,n of the frdlow. rs o? de 1/on. lie 1 h'V ihougnt themselves transj'f)rt[» d in!u t!j© bibulous rt n!(»ns ol w hich [a)Lts iir-I crt;n_r. 'JH -'•a .^pa.kiid uith i’hos'phoric i:-ht. and The e.xir, oidinary tianv'par( ncy of its walms (!:sc(,vMa 1 t >ne VK'w of the navig.itf)r all ihaL had i-ida :!o.aei • 1. f(-n m the di i j) abys^. 1 lero an I iIhm?- apj.t^; 'd iitll*,* i;lano5 ptilrjirad wilh Caba i!.'r'ais pi.iirf •■iiid res. mbling iuitkels of fbuvers il.aaiing on t? tianquil ^UI^ace of the ocfiui. Every oij ct '..hi ■, im t ine sight in this t nchan? ng iegi;'n,set m .1 p; pand lo satisfy ifie wants or c. n’nbute lo tlie . Miiasofman. Alm..^i all lh'trees uareio# \vi:h ni.inishmg fniits, and the?e which were us bss food. d( lioi.u.d the eye by the bi ill;.n. -y ,f.i v.iri. fy ot ihir colo,. (r,ov. s of fi.i ■ .*,,1,, . itaai iKas. wild fi-?, flower in .alle. acacias in I 0^ • iin.J' is. which wme* hung will) f ^loons i f cl'inbini'- {d mts ct vor d wilh fh iiei.,! mat beauti- ^ t- .... iio w. 1 s, a miiii.tai hu dl,COXCl,d ,li" I'l'I'-'lOUIl 1,1 C.lh- ! 'Vlth „nl m, that ness and trutii. Kotici'. undersiLTiaai having (pi ilhled at tlie April a- ^esi>ians ol M*ckh'iiburg ( a)imt v court. iM;>, persons having claiais ; ag.:in-t sai.^ estate, :ue hereby notiiled theni leiT-dly authentieated witlhn tin* ar!. ' .1 r \\ ‘oun. ^1' ■I ■ pri! J. it'., t . *1 t n T» i J .\' .1 ma s (J. Pmaer. deceasi'd. all *r dL'aian.l 10 I n-sent ana.- } :vs>-nbed by law. or this nouce,v.aIl be plead a; uar ed tia n’ rt'e;>\'er\’. CVlll .H')HXSnx. ) Ixiriio. PEOi'LES, ^ >• 10--1 Aaril 2'. 1 A r > w. si. L. Ten Co ! i ’d. y i/>? (i^iv at'*- ^ 1 Fr ill ‘ ab ' tiie I >th w Th* •the' uia nteri ijr ; I'lil' to unti } houb , ) be • . A, tl,-^ ; i I • ■ . i i • V •; j : ■,L lie given lor tlic nppreb.ension nn l deiiv- cry .>1 il bound \e!low boy, niuned LYTI.E '‘.’A l' iS. Sai l boy is iibout 19 or 20 ye.ars old, -|vir * made, active. a:i.l smart. lie left niy emj>loy ;ane l:ai. in Ar.„a.s:t last. 1 will pros 'CUte any one u ho ma.y I ni| biy or iiarbor aid bov. SHERROD ,TOXES. 10:::3w. A-ril J r' aai; I' t e -T 1" £■ • I ■ Oi. . .. \ ar {■; p. a I- !a y is tl:e si h- • ' . I'.'a' >!-a-'ra • a u !i I nd ea the U r ' !h- -■ :il. a . .- a tr;ict I de i d by SCilS n. 1: iaa' of (/ mare, :■ regularly diirmLT aa‘ Caaselit ol tlie 5" vj OsORS’ SALli. A S Execur'Ts of th- l>.si W;H and Testame.at of' i amuel \\ lls. n. lee.- ased. we wall s; Il iit pub- ‘ 1' *, ;ii the late res;aenee ot said decea.-: -i, i an--,: !y inc 21iii d-iy of May next, the loiloumj- | '])erty ui said esl.ite : | a.* Id 1-’’ 7}r !>:: h if tl; haioiv she llArsp.'. C'alllc. lloiis. aid ccn out on his trav'.ls : “ Oivc thy ihoivdils no tD.igtic, Xor any uniiroportion-.d t^ioiigln Ir.saet, li.' Ihoa Kumhai, bu t / y no means v:di;;a'. Tht hi. lids ihou iias't, ar.,1 their ad.iption tried, Grapplt; them to thy soul vviih hoo'is oi =i 1, Put d > not dull thy paim wilh cnttrtaaiiu-.nf Ol cacli niw hatehal, uiitiedgt.d cotaraiie. I’ewar.' of entrance lo a (]uarr-. l ; bciiii; la, !*.ar it, that th’ ojtposer may bev.are oi t;u'.‘. (iivc Lvcry many thine car, but iVw thy v.^i ■ ; lake oaeh man's censure, but revtrse ihy ju._ Xoithcr a borrower, nor a l.nd’. r be, For loan oft loses /jath it.sdf a;i J fn.a I. And borrowiiijr dulls the odtre 01 h ;!jar, !: y. This abovu all—to ihine own Svh b. nu-, And It must follow, as th ; nii^ht, the' ...ly. Thou can’st not then be false to any oil. ; .1:1 Here 13 anotlur cxair,j)Io. I: i.~ the Shr u - Speecc on coi.ju^^al dutits, afur she h'.d bt a ^ ) , n . f.inicd by ht r husband. She siys lo li. r eonii,aa..j...-, “ Tky hu.'Land is ’by lord, thy life, thy kct j ^r, 'I hy licad, ihy sovereign ;one ihat cares lor thee, AnJ f;r iliy mainleiiancc : commits h;s lo._.y Toi.ainfui labor. l»oth by sea and lana; To watch the n;yht ;n storn.s, the day la -‘'.1 k bile thou liest warm at home, secure ta. : ; And craves no ctli-r triiuieat ihy h:;:. ,. i^ut lo\t', tail looKSj aad tiU’. ob*.t.a^.nc? j— Too huit paymuit for so i;rtat a bt. >Siich du.y us dii sui'j._ci ow. 3 ti. ■ p.ai r,VLii a woa.aa osvcsh lo her hu .^baiia ; And whcii she's n'ouarj, p. -.vish, sulk 11,. Suur. Aad, not obedient to ins hoatst w^d, iiat is sli.', but a foul cont. r.!). I, An:: j^racvLss tra.tor to iu r 1 ;vaia lord ] I u;:i asaam d that worn a ar; to I'o oil' r war, wlure they should kn.>a :' r ^ ;C‘ ; (V s-ik ior rue.-, tiiprtniaey. and =wny, V, 1; a t,.t.y are i’jund to s^rve, lovu u.. ‘ ob.v.” a.non. aue ci'Ui: * 7 i. _ ^ai- •• , ,ui;>n a; aiivcs. ’ jj- •o ine Ui^c .veiy or n:> nalivo .ana. ,u,u 10 wm^se wniings lam ladcbl-d lor tmich Oi m h;i I e its tny in!;i m;iiii>n. ptiiliing ol the oii^ni ol the nauie. .-avs—••'Piie la.-'le ol I’unz iii.meJ iht. land i'"loi ida^ fieai L lu.\ui lance oi its Wools, ana ihc va.niy ol u.LS, Wiin it u jSii ak'O to COaimem-ji ;tle ... ,.!. i'a'y in;c minglfd tin ir wairbling in the harmony of a \/3r teeming with life and inotiiai The fii.-l impulse (',[ a good Catla.iio in hh ri: i.H n^ of franspoit, lo h;s ' -.00- b> ^hiinks to ihe i i, at da i I v' ' i i d . I - i J y I n t ■ , I ] iaiiiai. 111' im '-•*>y ol iiv'>ce\t i\ and a ni w L*. * I, IJ — J J o J j’ ^ u J L * f I id C(. 01 * i' * . i'' t u i I," i V J I i Il is piooabl''. lou. he (itsnt d i.j Si.fini I'C'. t;a- annds ol 1,1s Lj-A ,\v. IS uiin ins ciwn ; i-a d aii.f C!.. lim ing laney. inal liny sinjui i inioa.^n v .a ?pi me iiv a of iiie :md r* [,a 1 .it.un. vvh'ie Dj/.-n :;ani\s ea ea f>ai. liny should di.'ioil \.i\U Co a.a.ii.-ns Ian .;S liie liu^i.ni^ 1P.UU!, ati.l ^ illitr l.UK l.-,:n llie 'v \. ai..j ^a. iaiius. ol iin i It., i.ai sjii ing.’’ i .ure i> a tia.li ion. f-,;r the tru'di d winch I ce.a . c ; • Ui-f], i.aal dt L ;)u wad h d lo FlonJa by lin j'.o, .1 cj, ol a Carlo giii; \vij>.> lold hiin that liaie li- Wii i.i lin . il sian.g ol ualer, the use of uh:ch '^i;al. ici.o..' \uU.ii Uj lije iii!'.. .mi fjeaiUi lo lia- a.s. astd. J ,\(n lo ih;s day. may bo f.^Ui.d m :h.-- 1^ 1 tl.'. I..J inJoiiiii.41 Iuoa nninj'i ea' S: aiia.dsui.u '* •‘•V a-t lij.ii such V.iii:‘r.-. ,.i(• si.d lo !, • d:' i ltd m liiis i.aid uf ji'. ra. le ii.iWt is. •V ■! fO ITl I • ^ J. 13^^ 1 ’a a. ^ J- d. 1/ Ir-on ivv.d liia ;.•!! )\,-r- no sooner fuun 1 tii- ni^.-lv U I 11 t 1 1;j fi . V''•^ 1 I; > u I Ij( V the synd,'.! of ih a: .■ |, Ci ucili'd Savi'^a r. an I ici. nser \v- nn: .a >n. arc a!l>. the or 'u b f.-re it *n. 1 O'ir iie.iits. ,‘^weilini.; til. y pour.d to;ai to th ir IPavinlyh. fa Vi nt in;iid.'s e.r L'o li s ;fi ve«ya2'i'. fn ca s they 1. , 1 1 • ceivt ■!, !•!; ! in nar>d - ; ' 1 the :h an ' oas I'md of ta .a - U'O. li. V a:; i nr 1 d i t tl. I. I J cl :::■ After c JaUMji' 1 !-';W louni Sin .' f li Ij:a:!!i:{ t!i-' W.tid' !i, s. sail hy:s iin J i 11 e! a s fy- s Waull ' 'J- iUilli W it' ...... ! h.id .n.:..ua: ^o..rl rs prop o ao I. 11: .a: an 1 S'dmn ; arcii or m w t-^ i-ur* b I:*•••' m^ ?hat 'a : ' V b-. yon 1 a d a t cv 1 nr by ;!n^ (' u 1! rnra ns ,e !uiis an l a S( J a ler. V ' f tlie at i.earL. jngir:; a uo not agree tnat F lae itasuii^ 1 fj.vi fpni! d e ^pi.miity i.i ii J Weis lonn I th; \ ar. jjiowaig ua; 1 m ih li. e. liidu^ ai... r b aa :aaau oe :/l.-tn it. ■ - ' ai 1’. a.,-: to in ’‘li-ith : ' s-i:; ;aia. r the 1 A" :.-h fix ' a !.• j., i-a- 1 ij ,j td FI«i ■ - — a ,■ who li. ” II !'" Ol ..a;, 1 uhaN - Lc.,tC^ '• ’ -a ‘ a- J va J k‘ V. u :'.'i'’cruta - " a • i'l a.'.: : a ; in ^ t ‘ -a i c.inf d a, a in.ii cdt ' i / i •; 0^: - a 1 a• a iV - - :-v‘ The. ■ i.e ( h.r ’ ; ^ /. V n^.t b . n si Ii.. i H’i 1 pric J '■ , len? iUhcn yiirnitiirc p I i. . lii .; I -T v-r. ais i.taer : :;,.'a.s n . ta.iJe Ki! iwn . 11 the i-.y i Siai'! hav aig ci a;.s a a. deeease 1. Inas; \v I ia^re la ;;u-. I '■ --iiie. ■ a. 't ! ae is” I i t .a'iit tni la I n A 1V ; : ■ :. 1 i .1. i 1 U'^-e. ea.i a! !l ; ar ill!- Lii. to; li' I yni.ait uia be barrt.i ■' ' ' a e >anH‘ mu^i nit t. .a- Apr:l III Oil F, KXICHT. ^ b. J. Vv iLSOA. V l"i.. ’ r Xecutors. 9...3W, I w,]=? so c,i,i so Alii; ar wain .'S -'I ai. in lath hu..:a r-ay H. iu jntf I uULi: riru; ma_'; d. thei-i aim I \ il .Via' 'Hat 1... I .una . u i ae ■ .i L AX I) TIIE RCD 31 AM •I riii a k ra^c imn il - \ ;iVl :..s elm> r..! ..r nil!' r UiOi's tnat v.tal.a ri na :i ^i.ppa-.d, r c-i OiU _(. il a S ’ >I iia\ e L'^ e X lUi I'ua hll !;• Ji C;. a'Ui* S 01 a na in 1 iki,- n; cili t- tu 11 n ih. F ■ !, • ltd 1 l;un, .'I nat.v h • st ( ijf iiijr I.. J (->1 ihe f irt si ■,>, a.Use he e 11J I f] t a! - 'I : . n' s tii d«.Ce i Vtei raufflF: agua;'”-y l.» Canil Tir Ivwd man r'.-vi.s i':u f »rr?t ir rc- a.i a.s v\ ait are h : •• .• Aiii ill Cooi \..il* o* ; cun jpprcjiat^; ihe bP;i- Wt r«

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