mm V saniati. _ VOLUMF. 3,; ‘•' 'I'ho p'-jwcrs ^rantf'd inidor t'le ('o,i>;liftdion. being derived frora the People of the United States, may be resumed by them, ichenevcr pervei ted to their injury or apprei^ction.^'—Madison. CHARLOTTE, >. C.. JUNE 27. 1813. SNtJMBER 117 dw-M i:i)iTi D nv HAMPTON & M’DOWSLL. 'V iO it 3i S : {■.aid iplrn Any p' )■ ri,spoti--.l.,i- t-r *i r -ra*,.;^r. *r* r oi.- \ ■■■' ! '•vL! ; -li:; r n ; i. :»t ' N .li 01 Thi -y J //. ''i'iro I >nU! r ; (LUft (' , ’f jf not jiniri h^.i'or-. th' t!i‘- tiirj ^ - Slil --Tib r-: ;illd l)(;Coni; .linl! hav • a rojty of t'l \‘r, mcTi‘‘i r^ may huv- th^; acv.itici. ;;'U)* r will b' •iHf’on'i thinf', if li i- nii!^ to p.-iv of a wish to ^:i , t a of tli.^ riui i- i. 1 for, w Or; -iiKil r;!>' r-; ;i r b^ furi fvj. j-;,!’ iuii y^ r»r’.-- ' Adrt.,ti ' t-^- v.iil ii.- r.'t;.: -il at (J r p r ' iiiirf f.r tl; "'-/./ Ibr = ’■-u]!; ;:il 1'!, II.. P.f ^ nt. h;:':-i. r ih ia t’.‘- “ dly, ■i’\- i] 'lit nji ;ii ; ' i th who ri 1 v !'i r >r ;:u: 1. •iii.M!, cn t. . IS ■. - r.v or \h- y ' .tti-r- :•) ti: • Ivir r un’. O; /■ rr I:. 'tr -'r OV.T, tUU.St OiilC il;. ■ : 't t; :it i!i. oin.-- \v;ii hf i i ry ' . ami i: !! l as .r'; 3?^ p., . \v. 11 r -i-; or 77/.' •-n of r;!Ur:E :i' st C-i 4, . t>rii 11, Sl'H Jj continues- the praclioe of mcdi- riiie in Ch;ir!ott‘. and will give careful altenliou to all cases confulcii to his f^lull. Ilis ollic(i is Xo. G. White li.o\v of the Matisipri llis charge^?, as here- tol’nre. sliall be inuderat:-. iSUI. 7;:;;r ^*>0 Reward. LS* W IJ^AXAVvAY r lo: 7 . u hi -I: NV i\-- r •V : f y 'h • : iiirl- ■ ■; -.V ' ill I ; 'iNhrrll V ■j wi!i i rii.-'ir - '\ih -'-f /'.’I -uh- ■ tin ■>:.■■■ in r OH. nny ,!ifv thf- Ivii' r 1 I '■ .re ill .N’,iira- j 1.1- ut. !h - j !. ;r .n:; f^jr 1 r*’'. i i'O I i V* i i.' ‘ r I“ : •■ >n :.:rl 7’;va- \ -.ri >»;}!■ r . l:.*r ■■=! / -'y:':- ■ /■■u- y,:i tri th- d“'’iy, ii'‘- 1;l;- Mil (i;= onTll \\ hi 1>(‘ A.!v« nf;- .•• -ru h til- iMunli. ;• jf ;ii." r- i and J 'w' ~1' O >»-/ W V -I— —i. W' w —-N. 7^ 3EIlSO?^'S desiroii ’ of jbi lining a true and well j v.rittfri life of that eniita nt Slutesniau airl pa triot. the Hon. C. f'. hy crillin^ at the Store oi (.'harlt/iti'. They have cjn iiaiid a small suj)i)iyj ia ne;U rover:'-. fici-onij>ani(3d with a splendid ])orlruit ol Mr. U N—prire 23 ceiUs per copv. Mav. U, Ifci3. from the subsdihcr. on the fir.-. Tuesday in August last, a Tv.frro man. named | I STARLING. Said negro isdarivC nplected, about I 21 years old, 5 feet 10 or 11 inches aigh, and a very | ! ttout tellow.' I expect said negro i-> loitering in the t I neighborl^ood ol’ Mason’s terry on the Catawba j I river. I w ill give the above reward for the ajipre- ( j hension of Starling and his delivery to his owner. | or for his conlinement so that he r.:n be recovered. ) WILLIAM McCLl’RE. j ISr.i ltj::;:ln» j na.u ^UUC.UUUL : york Din., S. C.. June 20. .Ai.norN, can be. gratiUoO/^^_ ] ; i I- c. E. Mo3s & Co., i« i iniVOf.UTIOAR y LAl.nv :a LAFAYETTE G.4LBWEIL, hiinsell’at liie store ol Messrs. Houston, in i'rovidencc Settlein(‘nt. >ier.s his prol'es.'-ional services to the to SI. smct?), "3-^ A'- l()c;ir*tl hiuiself a* l!iC stfi:’• o( W. L). S W 11:ch.‘‘-t-. r. I'>•(}., it) Hrii;)M r-‘^:pTt- lul'\' t{:mh r.^ 1 prohvsiiiiiu. i t.. f)t 111- m-igiihurh )i)d and surruundi.ig ( o’jiiirw Ii!." clK:.rges in ad ca.';t*s shall Ix; con.^i.-teiit witii the d;- j-'-tv-.sed ,-:;it!‘ of th-‘ tiuie.;. Alay J'.ij 13...r E W F i: IIM alec wit a him ?.!r. lie purjuj.^e t)f transta-.t- u They are iiow’ pre- l| \V. Klcais^. an r |:f .\vi.\fi n ffl. (f ri; r respe:“Htiily i citi/en.-^ of'that section oi' country. lie will give his rno't aosidutiu.s attention to all c.ases conlideil to his *.ii! ; a-iii hi.- charg;'>: slvall be regulated by the j)e rui!.- !'ite ''! th“ i!"!' ll.i; ii; oi tii • ;uh iri re. lb’. 1.’. (J. (‘ M.i) .vKi.!,. in all diiiit;ult cascs.with out additional rharge to patienTs. April 11, IS l‘». FTE'^nE subscriber, having mado arrangements i is with a gentleman residirjg in the city of Washington, who for the last ten years has been | engaged in the examination of claims for Kcvolu- i ary services in the Pension oliice, *13 fully prepared j to prosecute successfully all claims for Revolutiona- | ry services, porvided for under iht- (ullovv'jng named | acts of Congress, viz: An act prov^ling lor ofilcers j and privates who were entitled to land lor Revolu- i tianary services, and who hive not yet obtained it, or when such olficers or privates have died, ‘heir , heirs are provided for;—also providing lor ollicerrj j and privates of the last war, who were entitled to j i I'iounty Lanil, and who liave not ^et obtained it. ' An a v.hen v ' '^7- W rr , 1, , I An act granlintr halt pay to wilowa or orphans i Tit* a.l tin;. .-> n.ue j ^ - ^,-jj fatherii were soldiers ol iti-.-i.'tance o! ji]sbrt)l!t- , r> • I tliC Kevoiuljou, Those widows who applied und*.‘r the art ol July • 7th, 1S3S, anti obtaincil pensions tor five years troni | the 1th ol’ Maroli, 1S3G, are now t^utitled under the } act of March 3d, IS 13, to iraw a pension at the . same rate for a.nd during the fur her term ol one \ T P. (CAf.DWKLf. and THO MAS liAKUlS, have formed a cnpart- iuM’.«hip in the practice of medicine under the firm of C aKKvell Harris, aiul respectfully ten- | dvT tii-.dr pro5i“.sional scrviccs lo the citizens ol thi.- j viilni::' ami the surrounding country. They return j thar.!;s for the very liberal patronage ‘ bfsto'.v^d upni them during their long practice in tlii.^ connnunity. and hope, by prompt atid untiring att‘ ntion lo j)ractice in all the brandies ol tiieir prole^s- sion, to merit and receive a continuance ol tiie i)uo- [ Charlotte, May 10- year, I'rom the Itii ol’March, IS 13. \VM. F. DAVIDSOX. Charlotte, X. C.. June ;?0, 1813, SS5 KEWAKD. ic lavor. ic*e. I rf.EX W. C.\I,D\VF,r.r. Iim resumed llic •! j)ractic(‘ of law. -^nd will regulnrly attend the ! (Jonniv anti Superior iJourts ol iMecklenburg and the surroundinu coui\ties. Business conlided to his ^manairement w’ill be promptly attended to. v..rr^i iv'iT'.'-ir- %• otr.. 1 ■' i^'ora!)!it. i‘ii.''';aiers on ''un; ^opetfier with ; CRoCiCIOij'i' J -'ill at which wdi terms liivoraoi.. a ^harlotte, June 5, i > .Journal ' laiers r V. !io bu}' v >v. r.LMS. M/vRTI\. ir»:::F. Notice. RAX -\ WAY from ^ the subscribj'r, | living m Charlotte, X. C., on tne 7th | ult.. a l egro man nameii Xapolkon. Saul boy is a very bright mulatto, aljuul'J-") years »)ld, b; ;-,r ea down-cast, suspicious c 0 u nte’iancc, and has straight black hair. He is a sho^ riaker by trade, has his shoemakers tools with him, and is very tond oi’spirifs. He wore, when he left, a stnootiie oil-cloth cap, blvic broail-clotb coat, tlrab s'lOth j>antaloons, and'bools. He w'lll no doubt .try ’o pass as a irce white man, and journeyman shoen;aker, and possi bly is eiuieavorinir to make his wiiy to a non-slavt*- holding State. Xapoleon was foriaerly owned by Col. John H. WTieeler, and was ]) irchastd by him I in Virginia, or in the eastern pai’t - this State. >.-» , ... • Ti'TTXl'T* . »r'’TVT TA/^T T A T» Cl I 'S.apoieon, »>*.k i\ in uus j 'At* eiit'iivSi. ’'F^HFj undcrs'.grtu*d having qualiHed at tlio A])t!l ^ Se«sions ui iNlecklenburg Louiity court, Ibi.i, as Ext^ulors ol tha last Will anil r-estament. ol J)r. James (. T. Porter, decease;), all persons having claims or dema'^ds aganist said e.^late. are hereby notified to present them legally authenticated within the time prescribed by Taw\ or this noiice will ue plead m bar ot their recovery. CYRTS JOHXSOX, ? Executors. ). PKOPLES, S • ^TO -r~r YES, SHE IS FA’ER WITH ME. EV il. V,'. LONGFELLOW. Viiions of fame ! that once did visit me, Making nigiit elorlous with your smile, where are ye? Oh, who shall give me, now that ye are gone, Juices of those immortal plants that blow Upon Olympus, making us immortal! Or teach me where that wondrous niaiijrake grow?, Whose mayic root, torn from the earth with groans, At midnight hour can scare the fiends away, And make the mind prolific in its fancies ? I haye the wish, but want the will to act! Souls of great men departed! ye whose w;.>rJs Have come lo hcht from the swift river of time. Like Roman swords f;jund m the Tau^is’ bed. 'Nlivrc :s the streitgth to wield the arms ye boro 1 From the bnrrcd visor of antiquity Reflected shines the eternal light of tnuh As from a mirror. All the means of action— The shapeless masses—the materials— Lie every \\hcre about us. What we need Is the ('clestial tire to change the fl;nt Into tran.sparrnt crystal, bright and cl':nr. That fire is genius ! The peasant sas At eveningin liis smoky cot, and draws, With charcoal, uncouth fingers on the wmi; Tlie son of genius comes, foot-sore with travel, And begs a s’lielter from the inolement night; — He taltes the charcoal from the peasant’s hand, And by the magic of his touch at oner TraM.sfigured, all it« hidden virtues shme, A;ni ;a the eyes of the astonished clown It gKrini.-* a diamond ! Even thus transfurni'd Hude popular traditions and old tales Shine as immortal poems at the touch Oi some poor houseless, homeless, wandering bard, Who had but a night'ts lodging for lus pains. O, diere arc brighter dreams tlnn those of fame, Which are the dreams of love ’. Out of the heart Rises the bright ideal of tliese dreams, As from some woodland fount a spirit rises And .^inks again into its silent detps Ere the enanior’d knight can touch her robe ! ’Tin the ideal that the soul oilman. Like theenamor’d knight beside the fountain, Waits for, upon the margin of life’s str .am ! ■\Vai ta to behold her rise from th‘- uftrk water.'^, Clad in mortal shape! Alas! how many • Must wait in vain. The stream tlows evermore, Kut from its silent deeps no spirit Il^L■s! Vet 1, born under a propitious star, Have found the bright ideal of my dreams. Yes! she is evei with me. I can feel. Here, as I j-it at midnight and alone. Her gentle breathing! On my breast can fed I'iie pressure of her hand / God’s l-enisou Sv.-eet sleep, and all the tlowers that bloum at n:ght With balmy lips breathe m hL-rtars my name. MIHC K I. L. A ^ V. coimtv Jind delivered tj me, or T^V KX'i \ l IV E DOLLARS, if taken up out of this county and con fined in iail eo that I get Iiini agrim. LEROY SPRIXGS. Charlotte, X. c., April 1th, 1843. 106:::F. | ~ The Charlotte Journal, Knoxville Argus, and I a jf good for Man to be Alotie.^^ — The Raleigh Register \vill insert the above 3 weeks and j divine senliintnt has been alttfeted j i forward the account to the subscriber. L. S. ' and yel from her retired sphere of action, she sends ferth influences which adorn and bless our w’oild. Ilou' tuit of truth is ihe sentiment—** It is not good for Ma?i to be aloue”—Saturday Courier. LOUIS PHILIPPE. The history ot this disimguiihed man almost ex ceeds the wanderings of roniance. In 1699 ht went to Sicily, on a visit to the couii. Leopold, ih king’s second son. had t nlerlamtd the idea of be in;.; chosen head of the Spanish na’44»n, in the abseiiCt of their king; and ht sailed with the Duke fov Cii- braltar, but the Governor, justly conceiving that a Sicilian prince was not the proper head for a free insurrection, refused lo sutler ihe royal adventurer lo lane, and the ilrsign perished on the spot. On his rttuiii to England he found his sister there, and they sailed together to merttheir mother, who had escaprvi ticm fepain, and the French army, to Port Maiion. With iliem he returned lo Sicily, where he niarntd a daugtiter of the king, Ferdin and IV., IS0'. II'- now irmained four years in Sicily, in the tr.iisiof hazard and insurrection In 1810, iht' Spaniaids offered him a military comniad in Calaluuia; h\n when he arrived ihere, he found that no command was provided ; ihe English gene ral probably thinking that ihe Duke’s pres, nco might b« some impednnenl lo more national objects, lie was even refused admisi^ion at Cadiz, and again returned lo Sicily. On the liourbon restoration he canie lo Par’is, and was made colonel-general ot hussavs. On Napo leon’s landing, in March, 1S15. ihc 1)' Ke v.ei.t to Lyons, lo act with the Count d Artois; but the uoops revolted, and he returned lo Paiis Ho wa- then sent to command in the north, but there, loo, the troops revoked—ht instantly lUiide his decision, gave up the command to Mortier. and honoiably followed the king on his way mlo Belgium. It* 1816, he rtlurned with his family fiotn England, and resided m a stale of cool distance wiih the couu, but usefully einploymg bis vast and accumulating revenue, and wisely and gracefully patronizing public w’orks and literature. 'I'he story of tiie ctb biated days of July is not now lobe daailed. On the ‘^9ih the in-colored flag vvas replaced oil the luillerics—on the 31sl the kuig -abdicated, and on ihe 1/th of August he ar rived ill England On the 7ih of August, the Duke of Ol leans had been declared monaich, by the Chamber uf Dipuiies, by the style of “ Louis I lil- ippe the Fust, king of the French.” To ihis splen did eievatiou has reached one of the most perilous, deversified, and manly courses of life that history recoids. Eveiy man who loves personal honor, filial duly, and patriotic wisdom, Will be in favor of this t levaiion; and all will indulge ihe^hope that ,u:_ : .ui. I Wfie ■ iose ol liis V icifci^uuci. ai.'J|Ui,ii uo luuu may darii- tn ihv bnghtne.'-^ of his pioud ariJ unroiliinale day.” IHCHl A.pril 25, 1343. 10--F. ^HE now . 1 vinil If n-' eubscnber wi>!iiug to ri'mov-j *fcrs ibr s:\lo t \v: vaai i!-!c ill C-tt - \S lie f )IU- "a ^ a to till* W esK p!iiiia'i('Ms. ; c.nin!','. \. 1- -V.i. ' ai' li;.- v;p- '^HE undersigned b-.ippnintod Maj. Zenas A. (Mni:!!. his attornt y in fact, for managing the tlic estate oi' the late Samuel H. McComb. .wing suid estate v.'ill please make settle- Jrier, and t'aose having i laims Lil'S 1)1 i'ri’.-tiii.' i!‘al with Maj. «ner. ^ .-4 V ii? .I'jain.'t ill'' same, must present them to him uccord- U) law, or this notice v. ill be p!-jud ia uur ot llieir ml Wi‘ aii iitit- . ii:-rr . ■re !. a;;,i I J'i acr* of wiiicli i.-; .. 'e l>ot- :-i.=T. 'I'lie whole plaui.uiou is nt)W )!'omenr. has (VI ir a. line ik-'vv- 1! i. r hons.\ iut-'lion. brirk siiiake- rcco ve r\ March 2: ?JA'1'THEW^ IL McCOMB, b2x('Cutor of S. I'. McCouib. 1813. ililiv a ■■ U‘- T;- iililltlt,''-- lUMVV-r ■'■'i I I'lrin. ii.!.r:u-e-a 1! i!::-;i'(.\ ^ ; rli'ai t'l ilif Ih; r I ;.vi;V ; ifv' to" ‘;.a\'(.‘l! j 'j'iic I iiii:a!ioij * bo;ly -if excel- ;,i iht* situation ■ u:i. .in cinnrii’^ ■ lb "-;; nwfu GliABLOTTE HOTEL5 S!7'( ATiJO (J\ MAL\ S'l\, OXH :SQCANIJ S OI 17/ of ih (■ cot TilOI'S11. Tlie beautiful tlioro^-bied llor^ie OSCEOLA, WI/.L stand the present season, (sickness, accidents, high waters. 'Pul Pke.s.-^ in Dev.-vjauic.— Torturing an Ed I- —F.ankfoi’, May G.—A transaction scarcely credible has r‘€ei;ily laktn place at Copenhagen. The anc.uit I.Vmish laws for regulating criminal )roctSf.fSS authonse the juJge, when there arc t u II L u- V, .A- 1 siion:! ni'sijmnlions acainst the accused, to inliict Uirourh a the many a^es whi^h have succeecie.f _ ^ ^ = , ,, , ’ . • . „ « J t? . - . . . :i;ticrent kinds o tortuie are still retamed in the its fust promulgation. In every aspect in which woman’s infiutnce may be regarded, it appears in expressibly kind and pow^erful. Man is styled “ Lord of the Creation.” but how* desolate would be his reign if unattended by the smiles of woman. Take away from life the adjudging pov/cr of her penile kindness, and the world w’ould be a scene of T:;:.sSay anrWedr;esS;V 01;^;. olmost unbroken gloom. He who formed her af^ Friday and Satu.-dayat ine - >b- :•-tionale spirit, “knew what was m man, and nd public days excepted,) every o ’ ’ lesd ‘ lolte, and every Friday and Satu."day^ scriber’s sta’ole in Cabarrus county. The n commenci'd i»n the 15th instant and will end ”n the 1.5th June next. He will stand at «lO the : . i •S15 the insurance. Tlu^re must be n contract i. • le ^ ^ the first visit, or they will be charg**d by ‘he season. ,j^..^,,jjg[ances of his earthly allotment. She was Every person entering filly called his “helpmeet;" lor without her saw that the lugged pathway of life’s pilgrimage vv ijld need just such a being to lighten its unceas- tiT toil. She w’as taken from man, and by a mys I. - )u> affinity, she cleaves to him in all the various ihe se'llson! or unlil hc‘’ob;Ls''the wn'sem oT\hc j assistance he wouii oMi sink under at. tccutiiuh. subscriber, or should dispose of the mare before she ted weight of sorrow. Like an Ang 1 ot me i-:-y is ascertained to be with foal, shall in every instance ] she is ever found near him, to height n nia j- } . be* liable for the i isuranco price. Every necessa- | ^^d assuage his griefs. 'Ihere is scarcely a rCljtion ry attention will be paid to prevent accidents or es-1 sustains in life, in which her sympathy and. of capes, but no liabilities for either. ^Iarcs sent froin ^^_,j^t|»xics her indomitable en- rgy are not felt in I • . . _ * K X. 1 c*»i i> r.1 117111 ho fo/’i ^ ^ sweet and upholdmg pow’er. And vet it is some- atn *• IV :a Ha' luau Wr^ i.-ij i,i»; ;;ei!e lO'i a:-r. * r V ' ^ ri^ er bd! • .11 I • ! . . M. (b! ih; ■ l.-n! i':. adov,- 1 lad, . .d‘v. aUT. The } laii'a’i' P ]\ . 1-,‘rscns (Ie.~;. . W^Hild tl." V\ - II t: t !. h'Tiber .s 1^ rermnu'. cas% I'* p’ur- 1 ■ baser; vc-:. pui'v A:-S \ n a. t! ,t v'o. e.'U'el- a'.;.l •'■ood srp,:ia*-'- lands. : !ia .”b- ' 1).‘ i.jadt' A\-I.\c; I'oaseJ the CIl.M.OTTi: HOTEL lornu'flv kept t»y Hr. .Toshua D. Loyd, and nvi'*c recc’Hly i>v Maj. Joseph Smith, announces to ! i^'lVi-.nd-^ and the public generally, that bf ' lilicned itas aHO^SE OF EXTEIITALSMEX 'i'lie House and enclosures.-liave re- ',XT. been newly and thoroughly repaired expres.dy !br the use of the sid'.pcriber. Inien.iia'.^ txlevoie liis w.iole time and attention to his House, the undersigned will spare iiusio render comlbrtable all who may give him 1: will be iiis’constant endeavoi to keep a can be alforded a distance to tlie stable of the sub-cnber, will be fed ujion grain at 2i) cents per day. j>asture gratis, and colored servants grat's. OSCEOLA is thorough-bred, as may be seen by reference to my handbills and to ihe American Turf Register. Persons wishing to see the Horse, can do so by calling on Col. Sloan, my agent in Char- lotie. * MARTiX PHIFER. March 21, 1S43. 105::‘ >.\1 SI I T juvx- 1^ i.-b r J- The Ralei-ii ^ • weeKs, ;;n-l t-on 1 the ’ht rri T^ UT s. S'- MANSiO ; 1\ 1 1 I vv. 11.0 abe\ \ vN'meia t.) A. X. e’. Oiiq no p.ilUS K) t ellOL 1 V a cull. li will be iii.s’constant endeavoi to keep a 'r;ible su-.plied with the best that can be allorded { '^ ] (5-*"t;i\il couiitrv; a Bar o!’choice Liquors: = ,r*u‘i R hkus and clean B'ds, polite and attentive ,'MT\ ai;'s. :i'i 1 e.xpt'r ni'ed IIos!iT a.nd suc-^ acconi- i ' !' . ! . s:...’•..-i'l ;i-t be overlo'.'ked by oiiai. tra\'ei,e!s : wouM sa% .... Sial.'b-s as v/i iiul otin i's. 1 r* t , l\U ('jaiilo!! ' Hotel. His Ciiitrges THE SPECTATOR. The subscriber will continue to publish at Wash- , ington. D. C., the Spectator weekly. I. will be de- I voled to the spread of true Democratic principles I and will adopt Ibr its motto the words of the Hon. jjOHN C. CALHOUX—‘-Free Trade; Low Du ties; Xo Debt; Separation f'rom Banks : Economy; Retrt'nclimcnt: and strict adht.'rence to the Constitu- 1 I.. 1 h,. tion;'’ and will bearalof't his truly Democratic ban- ii l U Wdl also strongly advocate the lim:t.,ti. . ■ .raX 'bmg pui.hc he , tenure of the Presidentail ortice to one term—t - itice to the distinguished public men ol !.strong times the case that man, through mistaken notion> of superiority, holds himself aloof fi rn the xind in fluence of female sympathy and cou^iSel. But there are ihose who, when overtaken by the chill blasts of adversity, have found and app^'ecialed the solace derived from ihe warm alTection oi w’oman. Husbands whose fortunes were swept aw’ay by unforseencircumstanccs, have sf.tled dowm In gloomy despair, until aroused by the persevreing energy oi afli-ctionate wives, to efibrts which have retrieved their losses, and surrounded them again with mor* than former prosperitv. But the entire influence of woman in all her va 'ed relation, cannot be told. It pervades *he whole fr'i ne woi!: of society, and contri'oules much to the maintef^ance of all ihav is pure and lovely in this world of selfishness and sin. She who was “ last at the Cross, and first at the Se pulchre’' still continnes the same ardent being, in ailachtrienl to virtuous principle, and fore laws; 1 Lishes on the nakt;d back with a scourge havin'^ eiih* r kn« is or pieces of lead at its ends. 2. Solitary impi isonm* nt in a dark dungeon for three diys. and bread and w’ater. On every fourth day ihe accused is piactd in a cell into which the light IS admititd, an 1 th. n ht receives the food commonly allow’ed lo prisotier^' Hitherto no Danish examin ing judge had put m practice these law'S of con straint against journalists, or for any ofi'tnces cf the press. This unheard of proceedaig has been re served fur the present time Ilerr Hansen, editor of the daily p:iper called t uedit rielnder, which is published 111 Copetihagan, inserted in August last, an article on the debt of tlie country 1 wo censois had allowed ihis article to pass, and it was quite fur- goit. ii by the [niblic. HowfV* r, at ih beginning of the last month the Danish Chancery ordered a prosecution. Ilunsn was brought before Judge Gudenroih, who ordertd him lo explain the ineaing of ihe aiticle. 1 he edi tor reph'd that he did not recollect the circumstan ces which were tiien passing in his mind. The Judge insisted upon explanations, and as he did not obtain them, he ordered (he unlot lunate journalist to the dungeon and bread and water. Alter being 48 Motus in prison, he was attacked by violent colic and votniling. IL 'li'ii wrote m the judge that he would give any • ';j ' '.i i'ion that might he required of him,on condu^ ij 'i. i his protest against l.he pro- ctedmgs should be entered upon the minutes of his examination his w^as agreed to, and after an ex ammaiion, w-nich tuined ujion matters quite insigni ficant, he w'as at liberty. 1 he unfortunate man has addressed a remcmstrance to the King, which has been referred lo a Council of State. ' r~- - Cliarlotto. ixi North Ct aial test tile nc-.:oiii!hki'.ions at tne ^ haii be moucrate, to I as more cons.aiant to the genius of | every work of heaven-born b( nevo!ence. ' ni: the o;ab iriMssed state oi tiK* tunes, x ae ^| RepubluMii institutions, and more iiducive to j p.^ ^he not only shine's conspicuously in qualities of i lot:.> Hotel is on maai street, just one t>|uarc K..oatii i ^ nn.l oHlenendenr admuii. tr ^ if ‘ of tl'.e Courtb.oa.-e ^ -1* IT - ITT' ^ — - -- c> ^ >T^'^ Families accomnrn.lated with private uiiiing Rooms wh“n p vQnv \] b:X \XD]’R ROBERi?>0\. •Jj. IvlJ. 11-^.-r ('harlolte, X. C., Oc Mr. i'ia; The pubscribor havii>:i purv lia -i». Hughes’ interest in tj.e a!'.>ve ]vsfM/ii;,!uP:‘ii fcndeW his services to the Trav-limg Public. Hav- .nr for Ht^veral years be. a iiL^a^r-ai m kc. pmg I rw 111 M l Mournc in Irctle tiiat be bus experience mg for - . . vate Entertain-nent a? .V countv, he indulges the en >U‘^h in the dntu;s ot iu^ i>us,!u s.- to eni:oa\or to render comfortable all who may bestow n hl^ tT-ii«!c their patronage. jjTs 'rx\BLE shall always l)e well and i>!entiVu1Iy ^„ppiu d with every thing the country affords, to v*leasc and satisfy the palato even of an epicure. 1 O A I? ,1-in ♦’ml"*-* «'.»ir.1. t r-ii.i .1 11 11 .1 S i a t c o r X o r 111 ^ ^ i ^ . MECKl.FX'BrKG COUXTY. James C. Massey V ^'har- , , . . joar Republic ^ . j ; • , ' a laithiul and niue'penden- adnutn. .r Government. 1-,. dire.'f and at^ectivf_ m- '!■ o-' securing iscen lencyofthese cardiiia p- ;.iciples, . \\\c'Si^‘Cli!^-r wiil /.c.dou'sly urge upi,n lb.* .-ountr-, , ! the claims ..f the d.stinguished t;'Uthe’-n Sratesman ; e,.r 1>reidencv. In doing tl-^ it will not he un- pens i the heart—in mind also, sh'' ranks high in point of 1 influence. Vs an intellvclual being, s;ib lias h ft As tli! n’.ost ilire.'' ana ariecu\!- i** ’ ' ^ si;euring j .l impress of her pow r ; ! countlei tho»san4s on the minds oi Tiie works of “ Ilaiinah Moore.” and those f a kindred nature from other havo dissonimated far and wide the ni /^t ex- And in latf'r timrs } Orig inal liiU in Kqui- fjj—i^>'b. 'I'di'iii. 1S43. Oenj. H. :\Tassey other j^^AMUEL B. MA>^^E\ and wife Mary. Henry ► ^ R. Ma>st V. I'hom s K. (''ureton. Benjamin H. Mas^^cv. HemV .AL Cook, Eiizabeth. Rebecca. Sa- rediand U*iii.:un Massey. G. L. Massev, i.enjamm iS. .Masstn-. i.. il. Alassoy. and H. S. Ma.^sey, De- fendatits in this ciisc, residing without the hnnts oi ibhiauion be made ctiitor will be edited by one of tlie ablest and most experienced p litical writers of ii-e day. 'i he it'r'iis are tliree dollars pc; year, in adv’anc for a singjC ropy. Clubs and ir.dividualoruenn ciubi and ii.iliviJ’ja!or^ier^iiij more ihen otie ■ na'iona! .'haracicr. sn'I 'f l.: : . i: ' c»pv, and furwar.linii t..e aaiom.t ot .n.l.tcnption in ■ ^Hd;. j advance, will recefa •...era on the follow.n^r terms m dhcr tort. , '-! ns are ijf'i. ^e. ve. ii;!:U' n rang'- ot Uiin say. t’ .n a p cniiar lions from th" hT^ind woina: nijri ajf li.e rr-‘ " V not t'^o m:r'h ' - i^-ratnre, * mn;.:;'!- havo in ai'* t ' ?- .... , ■ this Star*'. ■ It wasfjr-lered. that pu . His BAR-will be touml lormsiied wua a caoice » Jelfersonian. puohshevl m Char- selection of Liquors. ioiie. that, unless tlie i defendants come lorward IIi.s STABLES shall be constrnitly attended bi/ ^ a. ..ur next Camrt of Equity to : hold- 4lh faithful and attentive hostlers and supplieil with j at Chaiiotie, on ihe ^ih abundant provender. i Mon.iay in xVu:Iu^^ next.‘the biH wall be taken pro N. B. The fciege Ofnce is k* pt the :(»i. i ana be • eard *-xpiirte. as to them. Five Dollars per unnuii. i r tv.o copies. Twelve “ Twenty ” ' • , . tt Cf Xo ])ajH^r will be sent v.iihout a rem:naa-.e o! U subscription. j All communications must be audr^>^' d . ► tliO sot cX'^elir tf^r thr >'i2!’b s^• It h^is be^ n m- t an^ ..:deii:y ha- att^rrp’ed arrows, fi;eband= r^-d o-V HlliAM T. SLOAX. ChafMiti Jan, 31,1833. in. By C ‘CharioUe, May 23tO, 1v:43. -.ler. n. U. [>UXLx\P, e. M. E. scriber: Vv’asiiington, LL C. JO[IX II - Murcii Id, iriJ. :;d ! ? i.-resstuily r* K^rrn af a san ’di- • nanv ic? as ‘' '.n'e V e ben-' ' I in ]b. of fe' EARLY MARIHAGES IX EGYPT. Mr Cooley, m noticing :he customs ot the pre sent lace of Egyptians say^:—“ It m singular how very young th* Egvpi*an p‘ a^ants many. Nine or ten yeais lor girls, uni lu'ive' or fifteen yrars.^or boys, IS consid'-id a man la^i^ able age. Both sexes hav. so lii'Ie objcctif^n tolb- cot.jugal state, that they gel married as ta;i and soi n as possible. Being mariieJ oi;c- i.-. only a beginning of matr . monial conn* xon m Egy.l ihiee Oi f ur wi^es a piece among the p..a^c;nts is the most common ihing m the w'orld In a-ldi’ion to which, there are almost constant and continual cf;ang(S. Old re being divorced, arid new on* s are taking iheir t so that the matrimonial ceremony, in some variMus forms., isahnosl continually passing be- ir eyes, and iniermingle, as it were, W'ith ; I iv avocations I'antiy do not consider any number of * an •umtr n:e; all of them being expected to \o Egyptian, therefore, who has four good ,v;v..s, Ts looked upon as a man. as the Eng- v.'ell to do 111 the world;”—or. as olhers j’cxptss themselves, “in a very flourishing ,,ri ' These are blessings, I suppose, which . "X v i ■ imd it hard to support one, would hardly wVh eojjy, still, Ihe fdlahs of the Nile think and if they can keep out of the army, and i;s?icioe of the Turkish governors, they .-*e to • i jy I; ;aselv- "I’hey area jstration t the r»mark, that poor end iit ncii, and tich enough.?' .\ ■.!lJI nrac':c.i