w f'3 ^ t. ' .wiS t ‘ t-^:i irrnnted- under the "on.-ti(nlion, being da ic^d fi i> :i -h ' I* ;■ .^- •-; .V; :- " ‘ '\ -i. i ^ -'/vi ' •■ •^' ‘ -• , •■■■'^•^ " - : ^ - i •■ '^'•’'> •■* I' :> - I N*';.'' *- '^- ^ 'j t. nf,:ficd h'j (kt>:i^ iL'heneL'cr ptji'certvd to their injury or opprcssion.^^—MadtFcrr, ce. A T r^^ rs^ J_ % IN C., OCT. 24, 1S43 133 i:i>i 1...) LV ■:^?Ta;j ^ ^i’DOWELL. fp ’ . : ' ‘ • , 1 J. - . ^ * 1. > • S^oc!l:et-5>ook Stolen. / ! ,i.^J u -.111 ; o ';-it • who :.ly a 'NTilti i;ronure S';i0 Uuward, \ th“ iiiLrhtof the 25th in^ t.. while encamp- I ‘ i. ti -‘ in:i.'i r>j !l lour miles north oi Cii-.ii, 'u uiijc I i. •>!! to!«' iVoni lii-' poc‘i\'t. whiio ii .'ic- ?). tii- • ul- rri'fj i'.- j of,k-l-book. coniairHP.;^ a ^.-niuh u;!i j.:iit I'm (tin- kiii'l O; hi!U not recoIiectuJ) an 1 sum • [Kii;:T' —aiiio.i;^ thcMi, uvo notc.s on 11. '1'. Slo t::, one A PUBLIC BLl'SSIXG. :; Lave Inn:: been b'own and apprccia- ' ust-aorlinary -.iiH iinmediat*" {)0\vcrs ’fc- \Vi' .111'; I -i- (h II i ; ■:; i. -iii l llio othi-r ibr about '^'■) ; a uot(' s>n j ’ .!.';• ! •■ i'/T all ot‘ r c-'nt da; ■. ! • lu i pa-ers not rrco;k-« i'.-d. j i ii'Jl t’j iraii • ! )r aay o: .s ud i I» ,-• i ■ »- J iwaliii i' sutl'orin^ un- II ain«, r i. I v.iii j|iv ' a X- VM! . i:. an. uTi ! . \.A.i j , pubHv- wl'.if apnrrnena .tii-l eouM 'Mae , ^ ;/ jivcn* J in-* cdilor oi Inc | ^ ted I’-T of rc.'t^jmiii' porlfct (!cr nt'arlv ever v Uin« , ' rr ■ in’ nd=*,I to [ill t]in>e who arc alilici', a v/ ! c ' ol>> ‘ "///.sTo-’ror;7i)laint. a^; t.'i^ i-' niCuicUie be- ii iias a'- nal'ira! and Inippy el- ihe sloniacii and *■ ^ iJT W C"^ ii-'V liable, artj pari: 10 which human l to TUI” PRIXTEU. i’r.'.a :.i. K;:.ckerbo/k'.r for ^j.ptviab; r. ‘•'ihe Printer, iii !iis folio, iieraldetli ihe world.- 1' rURMlIl. U*> ..I' rln'ruby pnriryinLr ilu; iiloov.1. 'rh«‘v arc acknowK^dged '\o\v €■ niii tiJin^s ol’ wcJdiiig'". niakin^js, niiimnie- ibrination ci ;ic:i!tuy ch\ le and | l iiis. entcrtaiimients.jubilcfs. wars?. Tires, inundations; rn in oorrec».n degree out of iis dt-piorable and bruiuliz d condjlion ^ —ut lucn who, wiih liie vital iiiteresis of a race at ' stake, wliile an invaluable institulion is lollt-iing un i der aitackj or a It-arl'ul despotism is being ireacherj • ously reartd up, keep wiihin doors, seaitd in theu arm-chairs bv the fireside, heedless of everything good, save tlieir ciiess and ihtir chaster, i Whai they will not move out of that snug cor* ! ner to do for a nation, they w;ll not, while they are I iheir :\vn lua^a is. ho lonsed to do lor nny individ- I ual ni the n^ui >n. ' Povciiy may 1^^^ Liuised airi ' iTiiSpnij^ un Ih : dooib’.ep. but tki y liie stisu nati -e r f a tin- bahn cl a knid woru^ ' 'iVii a jdiil:ujt;iroj)!sl oi lilis aider that tii»' Hini. v\ Hi ! die of vvanl at his gate, ai.d his -real soul loolatig ^ Ml . :^ .K*rr 1)1 • o:}L of l.ic' lialf sh’at eves, will ptMCt ive nod\itigob jl.-l tk.ie—it will see nolluns but futuriiv, thelu-. laurdors, inaosacre^:. meteors, comet:;, .^pi tj iis Lenevoh nt Sicrtt,t';ial a liundicd liv il'.c liundreiU- and > 4; , . . .nf. 10 be not or.iv thct*^--^) p.-odi-:oc:, shipv;rec:cs, piracies, bcali-..,,. yt!trs h. nee. it will be all the san;c wh.lhev u poor I ci^uilv Acadei^iv. ■>v:.i b . . : rit i' ^>r ill' M.tcr. • I;3. I1CT(’HISC)X lo;iv«i to iniorni her "Ji- iri-ii and til ' public {iriu-raliy, th.it the cx- •> ^ :i irioKc I't'-iHilii iCodnij!>y, will be ic- ; suiaed as e:irl\ in the nio.'ila ol October, us it n.'a\ j be ;a i.er [)ov,-;r *0 return tr (:u .\ew \ ork, ol wbich tiif ! uriii'.-i t)!c Jioiice will he jivcm in ilia pub- i i!c Pm‘i;) vs. rShe trii.'ts that tiie niiprovementtj her ■ viii at liie ?\ori;i wi.i euiiole her 10 make in her i Kc.iiooi, will !iu.*et t!ie lagii aP}>robaiion_ol‘ all who ' luciv bo iiitei'-v .'iv-ii in the Kauoatio 1 ul yovin;^ tc- [()ct. U, 1":; 13. i thou>aniitt Vviio are u.^in^ t. t ht r W ise ; I. 0:1 aiti r. el ‘ r u V 1 i; i i 11 lec lul W tiV TO COX TiJ ACTORS. S'*! HR n:!(b‘r.--i;^ned C'unimi.‘>ioner>. ap’pointcd at -2_ iiie July terin oi’ tlu' Court ol Plea.-- and (iu:ir- :- r i''-'lor lati >-oun1}' oi' Union, \. ill 1 eccive A Proi:w^al;i ibr i;u!;diii:i an T .. ^ I 5 • ! i> • N' ;)!li iTeneral- ■\v i ork who Inve .„irer.-,,l a..d are vvcry of suffer-1 t.-r;,orrow of groat mo:, dei-o.e.l; ujmI , ;,.g , , . , IT v.itii thi.s liisiro^siiiir cuiiiptaint, iviil Imil .S;;i-n-j iheii UTaiii iil Iresli liuiioi';; coiilurrcJ, one i= It. ; ^ h. .ntaia.U- XT'S V'c^TLlablc Pills 11°renicdy (’t once cerlaui and loose anotlicr imprisoned; one purciiaseih, anoiaer ^,j :n the ra-.x. Jin a’y, ^b - cen..- v immediate in its elibcts. ^ b»e .:^iagle doee ru the thrive:?, his nei^libor turneih bank- Pills taken '^oon as the ia]ad:'^-UM^^ coming ^ow ulenty, ihea deartn and lUmme ; oiie runs, uii. Will cure It m one hail nour » lai.eiv. i * 1,, 1 ,,, , ,v.'t*iw -nui -^o‘bnh , , , . , anoiher rules, wrangles, lau-bs, wccp:^, auu ^o .urin. ;:v T.us we .a.U. ..ar .uc l:.c, t>.h p.01. ..u, and are‘i;ir superior 10 any thi-ig m u:.^e l^r the>'e ^private news.’—G'W hiuton. c'ori‘irdi'ia'a.'. > IJ0 stood there alone at that shad.)\\y hour, In Dr^Dcmia and Liicr o.vij>hiut^, they ‘-tand nn- | liy the swinging lamp unnly burning ; rival 'd ‘ '\ianv iKive been «-urt d in a low weeks, | All silent wiilin:. save ihe Ucumj i} pe, lu^rimVhls "k’rcb i,:;,lc- the Jrc-.dui! cumplaim | All xvitboul, save the ...sbi-watch tiirmng; Ibr vear.-:. A oil’d niav b- tn- ^ i ‘ moiuer in iv be lloating down aslieaui; a kick or a wajac*.‘i ? Ami heavily echoed tne solemn sound, As slowly h"e pac id o'er the irozen ground. In Huhitiiu] Co^ticnjcsa. t;-CV -'e uccmeuiy «upe- j rior to any Vegetable Pill ever !Tonght beiore the | pu!)li'.; : am! one So eenl box Will Gslabhih iheir.sur- gleaming, .rising virlnes. tiad ])!ace them b-^yond the reach oi | ihat were breaking in sympathy tiien. doubt in ill-0 estimati-jn ol aiduulum. were the mansion3 so lately tluit snoac 1C joy 01 festivity gleaming, t.s that were breaking in s) inpathy t \\ I’re now living it o’er iu ibeir liieammgj upon this principie. f;; ,n- Losl or sivecl, it will nliir.ini. ly b-' I The house ov-r ihe way iriay be on ’ : cannot crcss ihe lo.al, the lo.i.nag of the inma.(^ i. ; of but trilling consequence, an . v/i;i je o - ‘ • i :iil in due season. Why encour.v r pen rm^ ^ I scorched in tne coal skiits; t.- avtu a c.i . t.-, pro.n.te :.n wb.-.. U.e ‘'V'> I as 01,0 l,v and by * Wliy tro'in -.aidon-d culpiii iroin ij:e, will do .h_Jbni a huadred years Of V * , V' jLi_ JU '>2 . . -1 > i ■ r-1 . be bascii on icet ;ibo\'e. Llone ;ire subject. ^ i:i ti.e Town ofMonroe,?!;!! the r^Oth day of Aoven:- j ^’hey are invaluable in n r.'ous and hypochondria- ; j la;r next. Th'^ Iniddi i,:.r to be !i!iy leet by toriy. t'.vo | - i[ aiieeiious. los.-^ oi ai>pet’ie, and all complaints lo , I stwrii :; niLrii ; to . suraioe. and two ^ ; !,;■ U- K,.! ol' ;r..o,l q i.iUty - I'lio J; story to | „f ilieir unhty from ii,e lirst I iia%'e ;; p:\ssa£c eij'nt leet wi;n: tnrou^h me centre >ek one foal beujw the | v,-l;ich icmales Tne wi;1.5 to oe built ^ action, r.ud convey almost I- i of tite entirt.': buiidiug, eavdi i-;ide in’ v.hijh to be di- ,! rivora!)Ie term:^. ! vided into three (jllices ami stair ease. The second i :j vlb and .ii'O and ] -,n to ra!- eordia-’- :o tiie mo.u n;oderu ami pbua siyk-. The. i.s ti i.-i’iuiu 'il i » nel 1 ; t:i'-V :■ r* b‘' t) MV.r It at ;i tUt;try. l.);r ;uai : Oi dose. Tiiey may l>e taken i>y persons ol a.oy aiie; and the feel>!e, the mfirni, t:ie n-rvousauii delicate .h d into inree oiaces anu siair ease, x ne ...uuu , ^trcn.riheii^d bv ;iieir operation, because they . ,ry 11 li.-. lu.'tve l.rt la tao piti'li, .o b.; ‘'"idediri-, - , i,,,^ ,,u,.uiet lirrvuus irr.- ; •’ ' ‘’-'7.“'^ aiul two Jj.ry 11 ■' labiiitv, tiad ia-.ar.ablv .„oOl:cc -ound lieallh. i !.!(; ibat the House siio ilti be built and hnislied ae- ‘ in c'ne's pocket, to save tiie j-i being h ni;ied / A sharp p'.i.-a.*. ?■' -'e* it—aii-'lln'r niinut-' is cnon^ - , htn*e whe^' will be the clirfeJ'1*^'^ ‘^‘^'''' i'et ihe PniNTLii still worked alhis lonely post. ) ' i. Mi 'tneo a ^naveni Newg:ite ci A. slowlv he gathered his mighty host. S \ T " / " W eshnnister Abte\ i . ii . ♦ FnaPrs u An.'l tliorc lav tUc merchant all iiillowcd in doivii, j Col 1 bloodt J iiuV.iicr. r.c. j 7 AaU bu,!d;..g.l.righi hoi.es for the morrow, _ siagnant poo. o," the hea.t = ^ A'or iireamcd lie thali^'aie wasiiicn ueavni;^ a wana j knows not low lrul\ to : ^ . . iiiai would bring liim fear and sorrow ; \ et tne i’liiN'i'ini was tliere in hisshailowy rooai ne set la ms ii'ainc*\’» oik itiai r^cn man 5. doom 1 il;s :itO. f L k ;>> Upwanls of three hnndrr-it ar I .^^'^vcntij thousand 1 ^pjie young wife was slopping, whom lat-i had bound * laast embrace t'le pla:i,*speciiicati.)n and I bcj-is ol thes.: inestimable PUis I iv- beensobi wiin- ; 'rhe lies that dealli only can sever. l-^liiMPic-^ e;f CO •-» The Come.ii.-.rioners to be at hi- ‘ in niu twelve monlhs in ,hrc. " .at..-i aloae, and i .ireaming she siaried, yet wo.^c with a same, ere to ■ .t surh ader.aio;^ ihuiii i .ko ,n o.iui. .^e thou-at they vn- „ ^ . ■' ■ ■ ' . '; 1 . 1 . , ■ 1 M; n..i)Ir> 11 ^ 1 «>i m c t.aim 1'.’ ?i - * . ^ ^ .;i ! e;uus iWiould I'lably aaJ s;up,.i!v ealis ;’.s o«n v q''| ,|se and c!V.,: fu’.ul r.^a.ip!. i.. .^nt to wl:o Ihi.llv i: as aa .•s;abh= uu 1''';''’“^ phi/a'. !as.;,. •.'.by l:o si;o"M I.iVo a] the aiiai:i of ii;e wo:il, i’.ad as J' ; a-S.aiUi; the wcharc o! ins ni-.sbboi, o... . ‘ OiV f.irr;s I I": ' -v- . \ . in , V.’O .rnr.in o . 1;;!: ' 1 .' ■ n ;.I V. 1 a •uidjJ.fs tiieir communications lo ilie As an anlI-biliou3 metlimne, no .amay -aou... ^ae -- )f ib.e/cnunniitec at Oakville. Union co.. i u’ithoul tbem. A Mn;j:ie triu o. lae.a i., mo.e On lae morrow Tim iiiuii ’■'•i ! The (’ommi-tee will decale niih- } ibctory than a thousau;i i-,er'iaeatt.;=. t, ■ , , '•.iuT Ihe iim=‘ above s^^eciiied. and j Pnee :io cents per box, with bid d.rectam;. but | Ami tlicro lay the statesman, two-ed^ed im;.1-nit lU .1' cxci' ."I'Hoftliat midnight speii I | le! pnS' I • vy i 1. Caa n. iff 27-St. , .v' t' > .V ■» days alier Uie iiim* h all Lii>e-liiaini.s prt:s('nt. * A. b i’EVK.NS, B. P. Sl'KWART, \V . 11 A-SiIL 1 OA', nilItcc \VM. W iLboA, 'vI. AU?S 1 1a, 11. KOL'GEUS, 0..k\ille, Sept. 0, iilo. Slate oi’ Aoi’lh (’arv>liii>u MECi^LEXBUllG COUNTY. Co^ii-' of J^lcas and (i urtcr ,‘Ses-don.-j, Jid'j Tu'a' iilo. John M- Morrison vs. ITenrv Carviile. and F. Robert holger who.-^e feverish ]>rj\v cliura'iS o a- iiaiiV linn?e!' r-- - rnor i' f ,in bis !in‘.r^, wanting any injon.-::s’ai;cy or strenotii Tie po'.t v.ho sen 1 avn'.'^s Of » it may not be amis.^ to ms -rt the f .l;.>wmg lestmio- ■ mats of iheir excellence : . . iiis lofliesl hopes now p'ossessmg; 1 [Frmii a very rc.-=^pectable Planter in Nvashnigtonj ^qi the Puinteii worked on. *xnid silence and '■ Co.. Ala. { gU*om, lVi:shi!'!ido}i Co., Ala., March S. 1513. 1 i\f.j tor Ambition its lowliest tomb i lhal ibrii ‘je all li lOii; And resi.ess the pillow was pressing. ^ ^ -t i- i For ne felt ihrouga the shadowy misi ot his dream ■ iorimg !,im:e>f wi'.h Ui^. tioa-'n laal Ins ^cni.ci and natien*. l.tbar c.'^n f:.i';.e; '^h:^JCO!:^ ‘ ' sC' lav innkc ;e .'-.•au: a bun bed ye ns hn. 'e. may up his b'.'.le mind lhal it will b - a profound fecrd 10 al; the 'vo; Id at the peiiod Fpokcn of. In lilce inrnmei, . like anoiher exainpk- ra ’he pons ej. .2 whc.-i C arvnle. ami L.V'.'D L!:VV. -alisfaction of tlie court, that, niigl 5 'i' ai'O'T.riri'T i{> ^;run'’*i j - I thc‘detbrelani. G. C. C'ureiilc. lienry C.arvjia;, Kiederi* 1. i^'objer, an.l Ri.bert l'o!g(*r are not resi dent.; of thi;; HKite ; is )her*abre. ofileri'd. tnat puo- w J Ii,- ,;;„U b'^ h; d:.; .\lc-Uct.hurg Jodersoaiaa •i.-ce^-ive u-ce!;s noliiying said ueiemlants *0 i>- and Mn-.fe.r nt ibe neM term o!‘ tins Court, lo the slatesmin wt.o \ To Dll. Sl’L^NCLH, \Vl/a lais'.:*.ii-sS done m Ii;s own af! 1 Ccnloiiiids th aiticaiio fjr a powerful ])eopie, ; wi’.h the cen’.nry b;ch he slruiij session !vhose spii il he tliould und.-i d iii.i. tr;:iy ba:nl.iit Rese..^c'dullv lours, JK^-^SK JORDAX. the wori: oi MODI r?. i- inornmi:; di lerrei: U) ni Boston, Auirost 13, IStJ. SIX k- (^nion Co., KiJ.., Xocaubcr 2lst. iSP3. To Da. Sri:.\ci:ii. ; ])k.\u Siu; As I am somewhat opposed to Patent | M I S CE I. 1- A X V le-nii)i! i; V I; ol coUiSe jj yi'.j'em J e.n.n lewl v.( t ii. at; I ihe du'v '••f i*-xt wci k is d(‘U\ed md('fit«ilei\. 'rh... deba'e'wbelh r a necessary task, easily per- — forinrd. a/I 'i -J %y •: V t * ^ 4 V- V ^ ■y iC'i' 9 i •-•'ti;)tion usually ^ M.y :;l!^‘u:ion ot par- | ipveeir aT tae I :•* Ihe i^i)uri nouse. i , . penny and a clieat upon the public., 1 have here'.o- b‘vv. otl'.erwi.,e id.i:- | lore ia.d but hll'e to no with them, and it was not ! i-x.-t'’ v. ill be. enti'red aL’ainst them, ai’.d the lamis ; witiioul much i>ersu:i.sion on tae i)arl oi^ yourtrav- V , iTf '^'iee^'e■■^ur^r eouni V at the (Jourl house I Medicines, conside ring inem generally a mere rutcii- , cuarlou;; on'tao 4.7, Monday h. October llion an.i tliere to ple;ui t.r rep.evj,. ot..er a i^i. , i..l ALL TliH tSAMK A IIUADRKD YEARS iiEAOE. I3Y LAMAN BLANCHARD. our 1 rime 11 a' i ■ ri.- low tor u .-. id lind me r^;c; ':ddj n^^d ■.•'••. •'^id- / u..‘- ; '* - ^ ^ /?' t i ‘r’ V"'^' .,'. ; V.- ■'V.; rii'^t ,,, ! ' 1 :T-. I r. r ‘ • C- ■ . • r'r .' /V:-: r; 4 I • V ' ■ ■ /’ ■ I'Lrt! Xa 7, . ..' V / (J ... ;'::l I) -ir. : /’cn\>us , ’,V -. Your Pilis leave been oi great iieriCiit m tins s'*iv tion; mv neiiilibin’s having derived great beneiit froai iheir u.se. 1 have been troubled Ibr tlic last lideen years u iih iJyspepsiu, and an allection of the Inver -aad .Spleen: as a remedy, 1 iiave tried Bran- dretlfs and ail tiie most popular Pids, and have had , the advice of Phy.df;iii_ns, ail o! winch allorded me i but momentary reiiei. but. '-;r. trom tne iioc ol i oniv one box of vour Pills. 1 am r :!ieveil from my hisbi J>nal Ic’yet liistressin^ compland. Vonrs. Arc., 'jUilX DYEPv. _ball be done now. o: on 'I U'sday i;ext, !■> , made on tin; great principle ot llie tluggaid s phi- t losopby, that it wili be all the same a bundr..d years i hencf*. the laull beconics a fatal one, and ihe coi.Se- ! quPii.Ves are gen-rally irremediable. common, or in itsell more luui- j jni^lii ialtit sl liu-: tho:i^htful rceb-r, to scarcii . . . . ...:..d ..i.d.i.n ^^oks lor exatnphs—furnished aburidan’lv ii^ national an.i n.'tlividual Inslory—of :e!y lilted the sword culculatum.—that appartnlly Iriv- do mortal combat j hov.aver S‘tlit‘1. must always be iho with the miiijhly blade. ^ . samf'after a long interval f! lime. It uotiid be [!' roic Thutubs magnannnonsly diagging adt-i , bring do wi manv great birds that came from thetn IlercuiLan clubs,^ue not lare sights, liiougb | If, whui 'the hifanl liuonapart was sull strange. j culling iiis teeth, a Coisican nurse had givm him Wiu-n'^ordinary people get liold of a^granu no- ^ .ni^take a wrong syrup, she might sagely have lion such as ITippsu what may, it wil* be aii the | jt would be all the same a hundred same a hundred years hence,”—it i^ astonl^ning ^ i;t-nce—yM the little tooth-cuiter lived Jto work how lif'blly thev cnn alibrd lo treat ilie giav ;t bu- j ddlerences ii: bis dav. And hen Newton 3 smess on iheir hands, how insignitlcani the s‘a ug-| ,jJ. fa,n:=us appi-, he could of a fjeneration become, and how easily all in.. | (.on5ei*>nciO!islv'declaicd that whether il fell ' I {!i: i::ir‘Crt^ JaiciS and 'I tioods. •X ' / >> • c/- 1 ;n.-. di:\!ie have b‘-=‘:i ree« ici;uis iUid ( iliers wi.-j um‘'d ib.l! 11!) niedi'. ii:' aeti ,n h i-- been in >re benelicial ibiv- :'0!'r;rT'ie:'d,',(,‘ \I iVien I'lany M.i" lavt' used il. -\u-l it is pri'- !ia. evt'r be^ n u.s( t.1 whosi‘ C> 1 T;v:t5CG P'uter. Es'p, resi. C .. anil invi- To Pi.’. Si-rNcr.n. . r »■> of { Ce... Ten. 'f > }. . or rem?dnrd ta swell the forthcornmg hil' Soriier, \vas an afiuir of no poss;b;e r 1-12. ! - A R'v M.’ H’ 1 /. 11 Ah iTi^r ituiir, and e;d’. .1 tbrth !rom atlh..Ud snlb*rer> su-!i ('vprt ssions of he-M-tlbit ^rd';:j.:e aii.l thaidc- ptMvons takniii liiC PilU s.)oa tli'un- ^ -Chill bf iken 1 Fever n' 'le ! I Sto- lu' .;.d \. t' reiit'VOt ,...1 I r m.icii e.'id r.'eid iree ;i!'.d he;il’htu! . annetbt- iii-'rea inir and imnroviaj-, and to .'-rrtifv. tliat I h'lvo used in la:-l ei^i.' month-, (me dozen boxes of your Veizcte.jle Pib>, aiiti i eon.-.orr inem i-;cidedlv superij.' t ^ luy Dear S;a: i mv t'amiiv wi'‘” i’ber Pl!s 1 have ever us- fd'*- _ , h'.ile aTiiis of hfe tmiy he allowed to nm on to raci.- J. (ill -ibf-m'tlvii, will-* are to lie nujnbt-rcd aieon^ l.f'-'s ii'’5e atliirs, of ronibe included. •• il’ e be all lii- s;tme a hundred yeais ii' hce is tb‘- e;v ul ilte seidsii :ii.d cold iicaiLinan ol liie ■voiid. v,’h ), easv biuiself, is content lo lake tbd.'^s ' ^ he fin.ds'thein—liever stirring a step out oi I*'! necessary lo the proof of the gross aiico—:n t,, u^e i.a.-oni r, who wotiid ’ ’ * ijjs own, on the score of its prfir;a’!i ineniUil tj'j.i ople i:i the ne.\’ renlury V't the ac ci ii-iii v.;:s bv no n.! ans unnnporiant, t vtu in iho Uiiiior s- iiz--. ( i speculation and curi''5ity. i.iut t:» cucli ii:q'diii( s tbeie v;-.uld be no et.d ngth and i ' [ }n\vc b^cn a*:!i.'ied. ibr tbe .-t.-i ibre-- or lour nervous ! ^ :.eve:-c dvs5;c--;e and liver a:. .-'; .n. ac- ( i r/^iK’Yz: Ml roz r/:/: )a:»ied at limes w.dh e. nervou ! com| , \i£:ie*en. ii.'in and compete’ r ini ’ dn. wav to assist m tedressing a proved grievance- removing an obstacle lo public lieedom and h:ippi- ; Q:in5^ion ol . _ . nt.ss — m tearing asunder the ciippimg bonds o: j "l.pjj fjuvoj huice to posterity. '1 hat folly JSshovMi ml derant and Mislavmg prejudice. | the* fact, that it iviny be uriniipoftani a cerilury Il is the cfv of sleek and comfortable P'^^^'*--m , j . ^ip.. but vdal.v importard. the n*^xt day—ibai it r mental i u’i.o rduine themselves on having no politics at all ‘‘ practically huitluitoour grandchildren, ’• ‘ •' -- I “ ■ ' - ---'.tlvts. ihe —«.>n their indiflcrence ible our orange ! and \t t imnu dritriy i maxim i» i"''> ^iiirlv iniuMOUS lo our e.e p’. Vt>£retabl ; ana 1-in. ■ ■'1‘' \R>OX. cc Co. Tli" pu‘-'si'ri!:.‘r p.r .po=.-.? m npca a Law Si-liool . 'v P.‘v.n .)1 Cbarl dte. on tke ist ot Jmy next : T;- wbob* t;me (wle d nii' bi^^ e:rcud) wdl be de | ' 't '! ' ) Pie iiititrui’ia>u d Stiulent.'S. vrn U: \ f '■ the b :p[>y cell;; iintion of the incrredients and their pri'»por:i -*ns art* udi as to produi-.e a medicitie v.dneh nfV' T tai’s to rel:. ve when relief is aT all attain'able. I-. irh bax c.)n'ain.^ doses of Pdls—Priee. One Dt'! kir. The above valuabie r.teilicine-s are for sale in (dien the suggt stion of ihose busy 2 our-j /...^r .^vill passion? and stilish victb) who and ! ^viih io adoubie s«-rice—keepmglhe ielteij •vails? ' 1 u' i.= I lie s:ir;t of promiS'—and reirdeiing what h:ij)P^>! h'^ 1 ji,cons> c: i-Miul iu the grave a mallei- o: giave oar ictnporcil interests arc iii the cx- .Some years ago, ia Pi of. M iffu v;as announced to M, ELANDER. Cbarlotte. (’’onc.ord, Sab:-bury, Lincoln ton, Greenville. S. bv B. Oates. j Vr. Barriniror. & Co. * C. B. Wheeler. .Tolm Hoke. Dr. C. Rabe. ea. and I tlunk every lanniy shoua- always keep a j:!;pply of tliem on liand. JAMES O' '"‘id pidnlc l o,i ,*‘> r v;*/': nt ihmk of It, and’ vet stir not a hair’s breadth to assist ^ in t>'at tci ’-ible ektr^-'tnity, and raise it by tiny small xvent out into the wor an oiu »\ouitiw, . mon for a quarter of a ccnluiy : and very seldom ivrnf nnt into the world, ^he determined to hL*vif

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