Dv, s.ran- it oriTt: llu> lim-, a.ui h.ivni- „> f:in. sliesUtu i to purch.isr 1 with \vluch ihev are bles»iul by IVovultMU-e, will jij- 1,1 j * t liniiitelv succ’t’(l, iiKiy, in ihc iruo ot phi- .'.lie sr.'tto a ,loro nhr.e h.pp-n.J | X ^ on.l .empesta, in hvT, i.i. i r.’.vu.* ot li.-r !-^Tn Hi-'V **'ter ' j, Yor :i time they niay he surrouiulel. “ Time, ijinril l(» h »v‘ l*in. I h»-*v t*M tlipy b i'I | J’jjjjj jji^d pncriry.*'Jire t*aj»cci:illy essontiai after sucli ‘ cDriviilsioii as lia^ been experien'*ccl in the inoiieta- luinr- ju'l rtctivol n n.-w ruj-ijioniil ! in. a v-ry hianlilul «ii anil hanfieii her a common gi>t bellows ! She iriel US power to raise a breezr, at)>l was perfectly lclighte(i with it. Tochiircli ^iie went; the house ht'irig crowJetl, she tooU her S(.*at rieur ihfi pulpit. TheVxl w;;s Sflect» J, ami the speaker pro^^ressed and wanned wiib his subject, and so did the old woman, vvho br*>ughi her fan to her iiicG, and cominejjocd blowmj avv’ay as it h“r salvation tie- pi'ii Jed up'tn her keeping coo). This attracted the alientioii of the audience and the speaker looked f!own to see winl w.is ihe niinter. Ilis ♦ ye caught _ the old woman—he. stopped and srniltd at the ridic- » nlous fi'jure she cut. 1 ne oi l woman observed t liini look'injr at her, and ciied, “ (5o it,^ rnv ni-igno- j li;i I'se all ailt'nlion. 1 htJ aiuli' iicc ! warm .vomUer ai 1 wh. prT-cr ll.o lac;.;,„-s cncrpcs j ‘f ‘“('j;' ‘;;;y ,vh,di | hales to offend—an indoient'e which shrinks from a task that mi^ht appal □ Hercuies--a corruption j which looks to office a? a rew’ard for partizin ser- , vices, and therefore winks al the accutnulation of* fiovcrnment retainers, and the niisconduci or plun , ill not do. The times i magisi.ate, not only of good intentions, bul of resolute will- - not only of correct, fixed general priuciplts ami personal irm- ness, bul like a great leader on a bait, bit; of breathing his own high spirit into a w om ^ he rnav call to aid in the great work ot ret temin^ ! the country from the wrtiched paluical qua.,ke > ^ anJ tee.nins abuses, which long years of . i isbtion have mgendercd, Inn peop e > ^ m.n ied refor,n. The Wh.^s pro.n.ed l^h. j ry nnd coiinn.^rd'.l worl.l of ih.s Union. The worst govern,nenl reia nt-rs, ai.u we feel satistiei!, has gone by. The fctcri; shoi.I.l | Jer of par:y coadjulors,--W'i not be disregarded, lor in that future, witli the exer- | require a man for our chiel else ot' the proper motives, and pursuing riieadily and vigilantly luudatde objects, coiitenimeni, peace and prosperiiy will assureiily l»c iound. Folilical. From the Warreriton Ki-port‘ r THK PllESiDECY N o. *i. In making a seleoiion ol an luJividual to fill the hi^tiesi oriice ui out g»*vcaj.itt ui, ii btcoin« s evciv Ijie U' UOMANCK OK TilE PAST. In a ‘I'.li of July oialion on our last national an- nivrrsarv, delivered by Judge ItobBTtson^ at Camp M.iiison, Ky , the orator thu.-s spoke of the early remint'scensfs of tfie sttilers in the west; 1 I “th** liiih I/'.k d^f'.'i',” August the 20th, 17- F i, the I'onn j; iin*. ft d» ati) f--d greedily on Itie llou- cr tj| lilt' lit'I Si tiifiM'nl. ^ )n that darkest ol ttieii glii'itnv dtiys evLMV seitler lost a friend and n*-ailjr every fami.y a prop. An l ui\ that bloody fi Id the | who too Cols*. Todd and TMg;^^ itiu rnivalrous Capi. tlar- land, an I ihf gallant ?-n ( i Hoone, lay undistin- o’uish'd arn-:>u prt)iui.'Cii '0-3 slain, all st)on man- glfd by ■irvi'UiitiL,'- \vi:lvi*s ail j vultures, so as not to be rf.C’-'gtiised by ili'Mr f!!*‘nJs, wtio, ihrte days at- icr the batt;-, I uiir I itie fiagmcnt.*. A few of iheii U!i:bl:nt^ bofr colitcled by tti'-ir countiy jii* 'I. now -n t 1') iM'i faiwled. ihe ‘'urtain dioppt^tl, and w’e Icit, but the im- j vvtigii well the quiiiili» ationa, aiid inor- :ig“- ot thi-‘ t)!d woman with her new fan is yet be- j Q^gj^^jy investigate itie pimciplea ot all vvhu ait pie- * sented to Itiem, in any manner, as caudidaies toi ineir sutrragea, and to casi their volcs loi the man whom ihev honestly btheve will moai laittiiully and ably pcftoim me uuiies ol Ihul exalted sialiou. We canuji long presei ve in-:; liD ’iiies ot oir coun try if we trust evtjry uung coimected with us ad mmistraiiou to initreSieu partizan leadtis. e stidll prove ou.s.dvt-c>un.voi(ny ol me gloiious bi.ih- Maul we enjoy. H .ve ci.ire nuUhmlv and aci toi oui- .uvi-s but la.ii ly =^b.nu, pupi-.u nice lo be moved by '.he wues in me naijUa ui poliiical manageis. olten conaiUci onty mtii own uiU-iesLa, and ‘^acnfice Ihe htjpe. and init,ie=,ls 01 ine people wiioin mt^y dtceive lo ih- gialiiicatiun ol lliti. own unna.- lowed ambiiion. vVe =noula .ememuei Inal int ulhces ot oui govt inmuit wt.re noi created to .e- ^\ari puiliZau s'.avictooi lugiatity iniiVKiUai am- biiion ; but to mmisu r lo m« uisu. ?, inleresis and najpintssol iheptopie; and lie who v\ould per- veii ttiein tiom ill* pui posts loi wnicti llie^ were deai^^neu is a I'liiiioi to the Ctiuse ol numaii ijibei' ly. I'tjise rt-ipaiKs ate alike applicable lo all ihe pailies Ol tacliona mtouhicti we aiu dividi-d I’tie u;ins aie loo apl lo be seized by me base and coi- lupiot every party, wno, oy me vilest tiauds and ;?vcop ancj, deceive the people mat ilit-y may be- liay itieiii. Htl'ice !l btcoin.t Itie duly Of ail par lies 10 watch vtilh a jtaious e^c tiu ii sell ciealed ifuders, and spuming in; ii dicLai.ou, lo judge lor Ihi-nisrivea in ali maiLcis mvoiving Uio weil oeing ol ihtii countiy. li is piopoaed, and, ibt-dieve, gt nerally conceded 10 be piopt'f, ttr^l me Ucinocialic paiiy snail, through a rsaliotial CnnvtulioOj make iheir selec- tuju ol u cundidaie lur lie Prcsideiicy. Objt ction auic aa Uiia plan may be, il seems lo he Uie only one by Atuch ui- coniliCLing ciaims ot iival candid- alts can Oe itconoiKu, and it me convention shall Ue iaiily oiganizcd, and ttie voice oi the people nonesily and luily e.xpiessed, there are tew i pre sume wno will object lo us nomination. Bul should 11 be consliiuitd as these conventions hither to nave been—made up ol ?ncfepolilicui/is and ottice I have not redeemed their proniises n-m bt-eii rt iected bvlhe people with scoin 1 ni L> ' ■ L.ats Jrom.se-it. They mus. (ulfill the.r proini- ses or a faie equally ignominious awaits them. Charlotte, Xortli-1 ’an^liiia. TUESDAY MORXIXC. OCTODEll 2i, .vtATr. I'.LE:riox.=. '( EifC'i^ ns have been 1* 11 ih.s monih in latj 5iaLc.3 of leor£ria, M iryianl, Delawar\ IVnn?yIvania, I New-.Iersey. and Missi'^'ippi. AVe have here* ! tofore stautl lha'. Ciorgta has gone for the wliigs— 1 iht y have elec'ed a C I -vi/: uoi anti I r» o Con®ress- I ntn by about o.oOO majority, and a majority of I about 60 on joitii haili *. :n the legislalure. ’ in Marvl'^nd, tlie whigs have a moji r;'v in iho , It ::i5la'.urf, of 5 ni l!i>.‘ St-naie. -tiKl —17 on joint balli'*. • I'roiii I.)lhnvaro. Mis: i no r( turns. Vc}/N.ffirzy ''l is not rpjit,’ ;;• iii>. I of the ItgJsla'Jire a:e dt-mociat.c, bul by very small ; mrijoi i'lts. the Congrt.-Mot r», ihe wl.igs havo i'- in l.hc JiouSQ .’isipp’, we liavo Boiii brnnche.=» Uvtt;! ati ir we select one for the chief executive chair who will not reform the corruptions which have grown Democratic candidate for President uf i'tr, Lai*^d JOHN C. CALHOUH, OF SOCTH-CAROr.L\A. I. t, (I i ^ in a’s 0, and tix dutricts to iiear fioin—and in the popular vote of the State, f (says a whig paper.) the vvtiigs have gained m 21 ' couniii-s over ll.OOU voits. In ycicJcrsn/, very unoxprct. d;y. Demccracy ful, is a fault, wnicn wiJi expose us lo ine icoin aiiu auu .X - - * - ^ ^ anger of those who entrust u? with power; and the ^uj firmly adi.ered to aftu- | ,-y, and the more so, as ;\c did not loo.; I ir it—* wiath of an injured and deceived people is a fear-i t si achieved, much will it redound to the honor of thoso hy ; the “ Jersey Hlues”!! Tlic Iegi;i \- ful thing. Let us be careful to avoid it- Lf^t us «hoin it A\id ha\t bten won, an 1 loi 1, I ,u- • I l:b--rty !uul ,)rosper.ty ot thecouiV.r\. —Jou. t dices and svtnpalhies in relation ^ —^—=— n3-3io\Kv: MoxKv:: Those pel sons indt bled to us for subscription to prove that there is no man whom we ran so safely 'the Mer.nlen.burg Jeffcisonluv,^ o. .’r Ad\ei/ui ^ and conscientiously trust with our country’s destinies | or Job Printing, must call and seitio betoic or cur discard all our prejudices and sytnpaih to men, and come lo the noble resolution to act only for our country’s good.—'Fo all who are thus dis posed to act I shall endeavor in my next number to Ilf ( Xj-uiid the elem* lits, in a comus the tiinuni'L of ih* blt uk and rocky piain the fieros 1 !! We cannol now imagine 'ri^-fanl d» spai i* :>ce with which ih-mouinlul ?,ir- MC( ol thaid .y’^ ‘ ita - rophf* covered tne |,m 1. E'it ill'-S'Ji vivi)!®,'dioii;;h woit;l!y bereav^^d, wert‘ n !o be vliscour:i^e.1 or 'Imnayed 1 hey were re- j- ;!vi'd lif'ver to look ba.'k oi' filter in their first ind la>l re:-dvc to oontpier the wilderntss or die in th» a’t.'rnj)t. hraf'f(>ou ^lood by nnd sustained the noble but foiloiu band, lor their cause was his. On I bo lon:,^ loll (jf d:\\’s itj)orttd slain, wert the natnr s of a IowavIm had in fact betn captured, and, a ter surviving t'fic orde:*l of Tne gatmlhl, had been p^•rmilt d It) live as captivis. Among these w'as tije e\c( Ib-nl huibaiul and lather, who, wilh eleven o'.!; i" ijilivt s. had b'-en liken by a tribt*. painted M.ick', as th'‘ sign *i ot 'e>' iu;i‘ and dt*aih to all. 1 he »;!i.'!it alt'r the t)ati!e th .'»‘ iwtdve prisontMS wtn stiijiped and plactti a liin' on a log, he to whom wc liave spt'Ciailv' aiiudt'd lxH*g al otic extieniity of tne lb voteil row ^ 'Th-* crn 1 capto’-s, lilt n !/( ginning at the other O ld, f iaughtcr'.d el ven, i;:)' by one; but when they camt' to the cinly stiivivor, though they raiseii him up aL-o and drew their bloody knives 10strike undei each upliti*‘d arm, they pi'Jii-d, and after a long |is)W vow, spared In^ life—why. he never knew. }''-r aboir. t)ne year none of his fiit nds excepting !i::’ fai'hiul wi.'e dciubitfl his d'.'jth; she. hopmii a;/ain'=t reason, still itisisttd lliat he livt'd and W'oulJ^ ntnin to her. \Vof)ed by another, she from time to'inie p'!''|ioned trie nupli tls, declaring that >he ■■ till lUit diveirl h''rseli‘t)f the belitt tliat hei hus- o.-»i I snfvived. \ 1T exiio^’ubiuiiij fiitnds finally . « irj . r.» h.,rr,it. » .~c« /w- .itinci; she r* lucianlly yi’dd'il, and th'* nuptial day was tixed Hul just before il dawned the crack of il nfle was heaid near h* r lon*'ly cabin; at the fa- miliar sound she leaped out like a liberated fawn. • jicnlating as she ?f)iariij, “ that's John s gun 1' \NM5 John’s gun. .sii;t! tnongh. and in an inst.intshe um.n >nce moie in her lost liusband ^ anns But li’.ne a'leru ardii that ^ame husband tell m “St Clan's d. leal,’’ and ;he same disappointed bul per- .‘‘evi'iiiig lover rtnewtd ins suit, anti at last the wid ow became his wite. The set ne of these romantic nici b lits was within ;unslioi of my natal hoine- fctea J, :iml with that nol)le wife and matron I vvas ii.ysf if wtdl aequaintid. as the devoted patriot and illustrious statesman. J C. Calhoun. JEFFERSON. From the Pentllcton Messenger. mg the ensuing County Court. We are compelled lo have money to ^arry on our business, and with I many w’tj have waited over twii yea.’^s. Eongei in- {dulgence cannot be expected, how'ever unpleasant Among other objections lo the Syracuse conven- j it may be to adopt cotnpulsory tn?asures lo mak tion, ihcir course on ihe tarill question was such aa ‘collections. t)ughl to call down on them the indignation of the democratic party generally, ;»nd more espt cially of the south. We ciipv part of an article from a pa per published in the interior of New York on ihis | w’eek past. The w'ealher is now dry and pleasant, subject, lo which we invitti the attention of our rea ders. Il shows that the doctrine set up by the con vention, (which is w'higand not tlemocratic doctrine.) excepting the dust. Thomas Hajipton, E^q.. has been appo.nted tloes not meet the approbation of the democrats ot | pogmiaster al Catawba Springs. N. C., in place of New York. It cannol be sancliont'd, or even en tertained, for a moment by those of any southern stuta From the Dutchess (N- Y.) Free Press. It (the Convention) declares the democracy of New York lo be in favor of ‘“a tarifl line h-as i» el»ct a (iovt'rnor for the State, wlio. o,' course, w:'l b‘* a dt im ''Ta'. Since tile above was in 'vpe. wc !;ave la'.er re- lurt;s. In Pam>i/ U-.ohia, ll'.e dtnu> rat:c nr’jorify in tile legislature cn j;»int 1m!1>1 ks an-! 1 ^ di tn- ociatic to ‘d Congvi >mui n. 1/is: y ar ti.e ' ui^r. sional tb leir’*.t;on sknnl 10 di’in, '.o I’i \^h!g. ^)h ■. we think.^is still on the !t o! dtinocracy. 'i'iie complexion of llie leguia'ure is di ul.iiul, thong 1\ fritnd ll;tr!in‘ says both Houses ate deinocraiic.— ()fthe ('•,aii:i. .'.Miien Inarl fiorn. 7 are de»nocrats, (arntaig thtm Ih'. I'i-\« vn .) and 4 whfgs. Mi.Pii.1. IS beaten, we are sorry to learn. 1 he L.fh'u.irer' alst) says the ileinticrats have cerlainiy tlicttd a ma- jofily of the C'ongrt tsional dt l'\g iiion fiom Miio. 'I'hu last delega’ioii sIot)d 12 f« tla tf) 7 d tiiocra'.s. CArsi:s OF defeat. he tune has conui \vh n the tlemocra lie prc‘^3 should speak OUI plainly ujion all inalltis ‘wOU'-’hmg . the action and future piospacls ol our parly. ihe Ot>f of the g, ml, men who went out to .n- , sustainej in Georgia .lia. .0 make an experiment in growing cotton has | e„.scs u b:,-h written a letter to the editor of the Natchez / w ; ^ ‘ ^ ^ c tr\Arf» thati Frost—We neglected lo mention in our last, that we had been visited vvilh several white frosts the Thomas F. Hampton, resigned. founded on revenue principles, and wisely discrim inating for labor in asriculiure, commerce and manufactures.” The resolution, it will be noticed, includes all nuiii'-is—lo me exclu^lon ol mu People; mere are j ^jjpee of the great interests of the country; and pro poses lo discriminate in laying duties, so as to en- couragS^‘ agriculture, comiserce, and manufac- i Trader, in which he states that the experiment has entirely failed, and that he thinks it never can succeed. many who will noi considei even iticir puily obh- oaiioiia suiii-ieiiliy binding lojusiity them in obey ing Its tliCiaiion. Inoidei Uien liiai tuluie divisions lu OUI paiiy may iiol b ad lo oui dete.il, U is neCeS- 5UIy mat tile people snouid like liie matter in iheir own hands, uud Utttin.ine on me most alfectuul mode m wnicii inea voice may tie ticard m con vention. 'Idle expiessiou 01 oui preleTt nce m our individual char.i‘ieis, or m oui pumaiy meelin^', rri—ivoc—ce^rrrtTrr- vjunvtniion, tvm il he De not out mat cnoice; and 11 11 is desiiubie inal me Conveniion snail speak Uie voice ol A iiiajoiity ol mose oppost d lo W nig mis- lulc, u la iAOaoiUtciy iitCcsSiiry mal ih-- boay u: luc pcopn- should lusi make knoAii meii wl^llts, in or- uei mal mey may be tairly lepitstnud. Il they do noi, itiey may letl assuitd ihal lht‘ political flacks bioiieli dov\n otnce tioldeia and liun- lures. ' This is about equal to a teacher’s assuring his scholars, that they all shall be head. The de finition of the word “discriminate,” is, ,to mnrk, select, separate,” and the (5efiniiion of Ihe w’ord "se lect,” is lo prefer one over another. The idea, there fore, of discrnninaiing ” in favor of all these in- surdity loo gross to be allributtd to a body of men as intelligenl as were the members of the Syracuse Convention ;—The membtrs of the Conveniion un doubtedly knew what ihey w^ere about, and they meant unquestionably to say, as the language im plies, that Congress should so adjust the tarifl', as to “encourage” these branches by ‘‘discrimination,” ihat is, by “selecting, or preferring one over ano?^* I must bring the blush oi I ry tlemocial who lovt'S his principles more ! nun. :mJ who w’isbes to see candor and cordial co- I operation prevail amt»ng a!' ils mt tubers. Ihe Public Scntinient—A majority of the Counties Clobc and oihtr presses now say, that had Mr. Cat in this Slate have already held meetings to appoint delegates to the State Conveniion ; and every meet- ^ ting but oni‘, where any expression at all was made | d.flVrent.” m that Stale. Aatl a Georgia for Governor, has come out for Col. Hoke as their first choice for Governor, and a majority have nam ed Mr. Calhoun as tht‘ir first choice for President. iioTN n »i been noiiiinaied by the ^ «eorgia State i Con vent it>ti last Sjiring, “ the rtsuk would have HAMBURG BANK. Our fritnd of the Hamburg Jovrnal certainly } must do violence to his better knowledge, in his re Van I3un n paper propo:es the call ot another S’ate Conveniion, tinty says the selection of Calhoun dt It;- ^^tes to the national convtntien “ must bo repnd;- a ted.” onlv cjr;clus!an lo beUia.vn f.cm all this i.**, that our tleleal in Crttirgia has bet n pioduced bj ihe and nutHsifci giy oilice iiunieit, wiii j altn otl upon us ituu man unhappily, the branch which would be iiom whom inaii expect the jnost llhcrai re.- j pj-t-feried jri this discrimination, is no longer a mai- icards. ter of conjecture—it would undoubtedly be manu- TliErijILOSOPllYOF LIFE—TIME,FAITH AX I) EXEIIGY. nv nr)i5i:H r MonRii^!, Ksa. i'liise reasons iiavo induced me to make known my own opmioiia in relation lo ihe nexi i*residency —noi so mucn wilti me hopu of influencing the op inions ol omeis, as to induce tlie pLt)pic lo bej^ni at kaai lo Ihinu. and act tor memselves m mis impor- j lam mailer. In a loimei number I |it)inlt-d out J^e t man who ol all oltuis I mmk best tpuilihed to per- lorm me higii duiies devolving Uj)on me i^iesiJeiil ■: t;ie-e nevi r «:is » period in our hi.story I ^ (juiica Siatis, aiiJ 1 buiie=tlv btlieve thiu a I vasl majomy ol tiib Uciiiuc.aiic paity thiiik with me; Uui the vasl host, ol diacaided ufiice tioldeis, wtio led upon Tifasury pay under the lasl Uemo cralic admmisliaiion, aiui who yearn lor itie ti ah- polb now devoted to ihe service ot Itie nonesl oliice haling VVhigs, will naluially raily aiound me ban- liei ot Iheir loimei chiellaii), wun llie hope ot be- m‘»‘ leinsiated m ihe jiiaces tioin w'hicn iluy were faclurcs. Now, to our view, this is entirely aban- he, oi those who prompt him, are inmiical lo the Bank located in their own town, (or citu, if theedl lor pleases.) they should not tiavel beyond the lim its of truth to assail it. The Journal says the Bulk is managed by' a North Carolina President, a North Carolina Cashier, and a North Carolina Directory, or a Directory under the influence of North Carolina stockholtlers, assuming that most ol the stock is held by citizens of this Slate. Suppos- injr all this to be the fact, if the Bank is iccli man- I t-nmdi of V.in Uureti -Jai/i/iq' au'fi:'/ from the po.u because Mr. (Jalhoun had been iiofninattd by tho majori'y of the paity iti that Stale! Mark that! Van Buren’s fri« nds do ntrl prtiend to say. ihat Cal houn was ynfduly nommatid; but that becat;se the ma jorify of ihc [>ai ly dartd to exprtss thi ir pitfert ncc* for him, declaring al the sime time that they w'oultl abide the tU*cision of a notional conyinfion. thty (ihe V. 15. men) would not vote at all, and thus suflcred the party lo be delen'td ! Is this 'he sort of 'oleration and co operatio.i we are to expccl li()tn wlu iht' na’iiperative energivs el’ the people a^'tl the t-oontrv, ihati at the ]'.re:>ent inonient. Thonsandts I ave b» en itijnied by the vici.^ilutles ol trailt' and 1 ne flianiieH t)t‘ ibrlunt'. 'i’he rudi have become pt)or, ;ii.J the iniiepemleni have io>t their means ol' sop- j* i t. Many under such eireurjiptances are tiisposetl 1 » tie.^j onti*. 'I'hey lenr that their chance,s have j/one. that the tab; in their atlairs has been at its l’oo>l ai.tl IS Hobsiditiy. that the future iias lillle liope - k i •' . i i . . T r .1 * I exue led. 1 ht se men have SO ont^ been qua.tei ed or no encouragement tor ihein. Xot bO, however, o i ill ti country like ourn. if they possess health and | ttie ireasury tiave done so mdch lo manutac- enerjry, ami are on the sunny .-^itle of fitly. Ingen- lure public opinion, and havo liad, in so gieal a iiity, iutlustry anti perseverance. * lime, faith and en- | degree the coniiot ol liie newspaper piess, Inal we ei ey." u ill aceontjili^h in t'h. Some ot the mostcin-j nuve almost Kaiiu lo consider iiieir voice the im- ir.ei.t men that t.ver nvtd vv.ae comparatively ob-t peralive Vox i-'opuli," and but tew have liad the :'ure m early liie. Athersiry not only lestedjfheir [ uuci iin t>pinion difiereiil fiom Iheiis. • ■iieririe-', 1)1.1 rt)u^adand e.xciied iheir minds. They .-au the lU'Ci ssity ot an e.\uacrumary struggle, and nt)rving ihemt^elves lo ii»e irial'-; and temptations ol liie, ihey rusheil titi boldly, ;nui m mosl cases w'ith Kuccej^b. 'I'he truth ly ihai experience, although a severe, is a most excellent task ira.ster. Xo one Knows better how tu enjoy wcitlih than the individu al wlio has acquired it through the sweat ol’ the tnow. Few undeiviaiut the real mutations and the true )dn!t>sophy ol li' '; who nave not seen the air- l.iown buitbles ot'youih juul hope fade away as they attempted to cla^p inem—who have not realized imu ti o!'the dissapi'omtmenl and vexation to which l.mnan flesh is lu^.r. It is only by tn.il that we teel i;ie fpini of nianlu)otl w’ithm ot:. anti with a moral eourai!e. worthy ti loUy aiul inielleclual nature, de- tv-rnaned not to be mtim.dated t>y a single blow d' iiiistbrtune, or lii.^lieariened because ciouds and daikness obscure the pro.spect. 'I'iiis at leae^t is the irtie pt»licy. 'I'iie i^tjiy has given us many noble attributes. AVe live m a world which presents ma ny mea’.is of Rusien;ince. Uor country is rich m .s"d, in I'ertihty, m hi‘a!th ant! in enterprise. Millions >it unborn may graw u}) aiul prosper upon iier bo- horn, wdnle new sources ol‘ mdnsJry. of wealtii, an»l ol prosperity, are deveiopetl uitii every year of our national exisienct'. Agiun. tiien, we t-ay to thoL-e who have suflered or an; sutler mg Irotn ilie mutaiions ot’ tbrtune—Ite not cast down, i!o not tlfs-pair! CJather a ksson Irom some ol tin* trad bul green and glorious vines, whiohj bi>rn m tl.irUness and t)bscuriiy, spring Ibr- ward and ct)url the sunshine and ifie »ighl, as essen tial to its extbtence, i'iiti gloom ot' day may' serve lo preclude the glory ol lo-iuorrow. Tlie thick fioud which li>4vers iil*ove, and iJarKens our path, may ^•on pas^ itway and give place to the blue hlvies, ami •'oblen bUnshine. •* Nature,” ol)serves an eloquent writer, •‘scaiiers ihc seed ol genius to the winds, and thuug'i toaie m.iy be choked by the tiiorns aiid bramlderf of cai ly atlversiiy, yet oltiers \viil n«#w and then .strike i - ». even m the cleits ot' iiie lock, struggle Itr.ively up into ciUushme, uikI t-j.iead i>ver liieir irMi phi.c‘ .ii tiie t)e.;u’ies of ve ^itai.oh.' . tSo witn tlie ways of loviuiie. it is a 1 !’» iifciie » theory o: our.->. 'JliL «>oouer or later, even fix thie» Jffcii tito t}eu>^ wlio havo hojje ui lie.*ven— This Slate ol Ihmgs can * xicL no longer. It the haid cidei campaign ol ib-iO did ii gieat deal ol misChitf, It was noi unaccompanied wilti good; lor Its lesuita have laugiii all paitn s Itie inqiropi itriy ot eiiirusiing llhli dtaitsi iiitt.iecis lo itie fiands el a tew amOiiious and tinpimcipi-d leaders Candor comp* lls u» to admit mat ail paiiy tjrganizalion K>i the tncre puipoae ol elevating paiticular men is « s- st-nlially coiiupl. 'I'iic oniy jusiitiable excusf. for sucfi oiganiZation is Hit puoiic good ; and lie wno becomes u ptiiiizan u iinoul having this otj* cl in view IS, bt y ond all douL»i. tilher »» knavt- or Itie donintj the democratic doctrine as lo the tariff; and I ai^ed, docs it afFord grounds for assailing it ns “n ! ^ Bditn .liums? Can tiny po.ni to a .ingle instance where the frundst)! Mr. (Vilhoun have; not sua'iilv. since ’37. in iiclud t > the poHs :ts one man, and sustained iht; Ci>n iid..t» s of the paity. not only abantloning it. bal actually embracing the! Carolina shaving-shop ”? Bul we know* that Whi^ view of the subiect. Can it be, that the de-| • o .1 r • 1 11 ® Ihe Presidrut is a South Carolinian, and a noble mocracv are prepared lo lurn so short a corner on r 1 this important principle? Will the gr.atbodyof specimtm too, of the pa/riotic sons of that State Republicans be reconciled to take thi^ blind jdunge Lie was born in York District, and never has re- mlo w'higgery ? We very much doubt it. Bui ifjgjj,^ q,j^ q( State. We are aliO inform they are, w’ould it not be well to call ihings by thtdr , good authority, that there is not more than right names, and not do that under the garb of de-, ^ r ,i 1 11 ... , , u.,,., ,vh*n nf 860.000 of the slock of the bank owned by citi- mocracy, which w'e strongly reprobate wtien at-} - Umpted by the whigs. ] The resolution proposes a larifTon “ revenue princi ples;” All tariff's, unless they amount to prohibition produce more or less revenue, and m one s nse, there- lore, are founded on “ revenue principb s. ” But a tariff in which revenue shall be the sole object, and winch shall al the same time discriminate m favor of particular brancht'S ot industry, is a palpable coniradiction in terms; for the sitnple reason, that zens of North Carolina, (the whole stock of the Bank is J$500.000.) and that all the Directors resit!*.- in Hamburg, or within twenty miles of it. No Norlh Carolinian could be a Director, for the charter of the Bank requires them all to reside in South Carolina Mr. Blackwood is the first and only ofncer of the Bank ever stdtcl ed out of the State; and fiom our knowdediie of wiihtjul leganl lo vheii prefiitncis h r I’resjUtni/ No, not one. But, in ihe language 0; the Wat!i- inglion Sptclainr, “ TliCre wa^= another cause for our tlefrat in (jeor- j^ia, whitdi some ot tjur lrien»ls will not like to ne.;ir, uiitl will be loth lo believe. The vVhigs pointed to the tlemoiisiraliorio td ilit; iXtirth, anti caid—*• JSee, \.\y UiPitN IS again to be otir tqipe-nent. The (.-teorgia Demtjcrais, it is true, have nommaletl C.\n- HoU.N, Init lliey have, at liit; .saint; time. exprt;t^beti the tleterminaiifui to abide by the no*ninai;o n of a Naiional Convention. CALiJe>l n is, thereiort?. a m:m of straw ; y(*ur real opponent is it> he VANin’HitN, with liTNToN anti Jo. Will \ ou restore the Bour bons, w liom y on have once ejecteif from powtT ?■’ And thus ihtniRand.s, m Georgia and elsew liert*, now m the momt nl goveinmtnl undertakes to lessen or aug- j him. the stockholders could not have seleclt'd any- j atfiliation v.iih ttie Wings* who are opposed IoC'lav meniiheir dut les on a n v panic ti la r a 11 it les of im poi frent more horn'St, or more capable of j and all liie> prmcij)les, litive Kept iheir tjKi posiiion. for the avowtd nuroose of tMicoura^ing a selecttd i • *?i 1 .• 1 i • i ■ Immediaielv /iiier ilie V\ Ings canre into power, ttie branch or truJo, ^h,.t moment ihe ohj. ct of a taritl [ ‘''^charging the duties nssisned hitn than he ,s. everywhere coiuierinie.l iheir ,».I,cy «,„1 Cl ases to be revenue and becomes porlection—objects ^ no apologiii lor the Bank or its officers; pririciides ; i.ut .so soon us miui, anti ilie I'letitieniial enue and becomes porlection totally inconsistent witn each t)ther, and by no pos sibility can be made lo pervade a tarifi law, at one and the same lime. Besides, a “ rt venut; tarili dis- cnminalinor in favour of American manufactures,’! , ■ - r-. i i . r i i-* 1 . 1 IS precisely the most d.cepiive and insidious shape, i J'ng with the State. ProhaMy, if ihe ban!.- had noivvithstanding Its palpable inconsislt ncies, m which ; submitted to the control of a certain individual m a prolective tariff was eVe’’ urged upon the consid j Hamburg, and dispensed its favors at his beck and ♦*rulmn ^ the American people. It is one of Mi. j should have heard nothing of these dcnun- Clay's mosl ingenious devices, and has led more ; . . .17 , 111 I ic. c.ditnf i ciations from the jo? honest minded people astrav on his la'.oiile subject j of ••prolection,” than any oiher political clap liap hut we think it very unjust for the Journal to at tempt to array State pr*judices afrainslan institution that has now an impottanl judicial controveisy pi n- with the State. Journal. (;leetion Jitieci tie* polls, and The prospect oi Mr. Van lit i:r.N being ine Ctmdi*J:iic of the iJemocratie paity inereases. again ►State after fctate tails away'. I'fiObC who deeieetl a ch.tnge, it i.s clear, will have the ehange. It matters not ht>vv po[)uhir Mr. \ an FiiHitN niay be with the 1 )i;mocra.tic jiarty, they can neither suci:eetl in e!i;c:i:ig him nor any othef' man, but i»y a portion t»l tne W mgs, w iio overlhrew’ tliem m I't^lO. Mr. \ .-\n lit itKN’s name is a shibbo leth ol t’raiernity ami cohesion amongst the W higs. Time will show—if it lia ; not sirown it already-^ that It IS impossible lor .Nir. Va.\ liURHN to be re elected i’resident ot' the L'niled JStatea. If, with the Whole parly united, and tlie patronage ol the Gov- be elected, tiow demonstratjons ol il stili imch.mjied dislrusl am) tiate amongst Itic dupe ol in^n nioie dtsi^nmg irian hiuiseil. it then 1 jjjjg ever invented. Does il not apptar strange, j Titanu01 ship 1 h' 1'a\f ttevilie OZ>.?^r7*c^, spea.v Ihtre aie any umon.^ us w lu) would endeavor to | i^ai such 4i stntim* nl should find a pla-e m a j ing of the late ( lections in Georgia ?»nd ^Iaryland. j pu;auaJe the ptopie Ihal the succt ss ot [>aity is tjf j qj resolutions porf^ssiit£r lo come from a dt-mo- j trives all the glory of the results lo Henry Clay.— 1 can iie be electetl now, with the late de moie impoitance in in a d» votion to pimciple, they j viatic Slate convention? We must conftss, that al- ^ his banner wilh an rxnres*: j a stili tmch.mged dislruslaml tiate snouid Ot icouted ana tcoined by all hontsi men. 1 were prepared to listen lo much that j ' . l » *u i ■ higs, ami an opposition increasing and slern all li witJiig la 10 be done, lei our eiiemks do it. I was wrong, after we saw the cornpb xion w hich the election, tne battle has bef n j ^ver the Luion amongst tiis own party, to las re- convcntioirassumed in its organiz ition, we saw this i ^^'JRht.” The whias, then, admit they are not j nominaiion for tlie PreMdeucy ? lie can elect Mr. avowal with both astonishment and surprise. With | fii:hting for principlks. but nu rely to electwa/i—| himselt; ami hi^ iJerri^ , u' . L .1 III” . candidate will only brm*^ on tuniselt and the ucrn- tfiis tjuifl stnninent, the convt.ntion have coupled j next contest for President is. on iheir part, i Qt^ratic party (ieleat and disgrace.’’ the aUCLLis ot the D mo/jaliL jxiity is lo lesuli as m it ol Uie VViiig paitv has done, lai' beltt.r ior us and OUI cauae Would it be lo lail m our etioiis.— I'he mieitai;} ol Iht people — ilie wellare Ot postfcii- ly — me at.itdiiiy ol our lint in5iuuli»)ns, all demand retoiin in ihe adminisiiaimii ot our goveinmeni. vVe muai place ai r.a neaJ a man aiound wfiose Whole lile inert is a halo of Miuie—smceiiiy—de voted paUioliam, and w iiose unimpcjclad private chaiacler fuiuishes me besi aecuiity we can oblain, tiiat he will honestly und lailhluiiy pel lorm what ever public duties may devolve on him. *• ]f,”says an able w riler upon ihi' sutjject, ’• the Executive be not exact, euergeiic, .ui J uv)aest. in the admmiitia 11 Ml ot ino govtinmtnt, Congresa wnl ju vain leg islate. By mtie admmisiraiion, probably one film ol all OUI exptndiLuub can be saved. To make accouniabiiiiy iigidly account, and responsibility ai.tnd up with clean hands befoie ihe people, in the vasi di>buIsemcnis 01 sucti a goveinnuni as ours, I' q.ii 's Uv.t only «i spiiil 10 i« buRe anti suppress a- Ktjsi c>, but me bold lacl and iiidustry to hnd ihtin out in ineir lout nidiug place?, afiJ wnt> » wr>ip o Mr Van Buren’s name as a candidate for the pre-1. • c rc n ' ■ . . . . r.u « . , ^ ^ to be a mere scramble for ofiice. regardless or prin- sidency, and to say nothing of the large body of anti-{ o / protectionists residing at the north, who would in- atanily foisake Mr Van Bur^n on a principle like ! rr-t • • r 1 - u » r i, » t * 1 .. u.u • /-I I Ihewni'^sof this biitehive resolved to iiOid this, and attach themselves to Mr. Calhoun, the great! i t i ciiainpion of free trade, did the professed friends of their State Convention on the ith L>ecember one I J>!it, lor one leason. wc are not sorry for our I def«ai in Gtorgia. It will show* to the friends of I Mr. Cai.iiol'N in that Slate that thev act'd wrong Mr, Van Buren in the convention, never estimate us eflecl upon their candidate’s friends in Virginia, | lion. and in other parts of the South? Surely, ihis was | worth a thought; and in a part of the union, where they vvill perinil no “dodging” nor the least ap- pioach to a subterfuge on the tariff question, we tio in appomlmg their delegates by General Ticket in ^ ^ ,, j Convention. “ I'he spirit of democracy leads lo iho week before the meeting of me Democratic Conven-. . * . . i closest and most iritimate depentience on the people;” I and we hope our friends m tfiat Slate w'lll holJ prietor not see how this convention could well hav’e taken | Memphis, Tenn, via Charleston, to .X- w a more efi'ectual or a more speedy method of alien j York, was held recently at J uscumbia, Ala. 1 hey atmg Mr. V. B’s southern friends, than by avowing | entered into arrangements to convey passengers such tariff opinions as they have in this resolution; Memphis, by way of the Cieorgia and Char- Expeditiovs Travelling—\ meeting of the pro- | another Convention, lay of!' the Stale into districts, ietors of the rail roads and stage lines on the gr^at j *he peopie themselves appoint the delegates. This wiil Mlence ali cavillin^j on ihe subject. If Van Buten is more popular in Georgia iharj Cal houn, let the vote of the State be given accordmgly. but whether il was done from blind futurity, or from treacherous design, we leave for those to determine who have more laith in tho friendship of a conser- ratf^ conveiT.itm for 51r. Vai^ Biircn than we have: lesion rail-roads, to New York in nine days, at an expense of only lv:o dollars—distance near a thourarrJ mlk-5. Let each candidate have his real strength, be il much or little. And it seem«, too, tiiat the name of Mr Van Barrn tigs ainvosi ruined oor farty o^in hi Perfl^*