VOLL^ME E; TUp. P'men israuied wi'Icr I'lc C.nutUulion, being derhpd frnm the /•'.•.v-'e of the Cniip.1 Slatet, Hi,/// 6 ; /1,.., i:,...,., ,rhen>-r^r m’rrerlnl their iiijia-ij or o/jprefKlmt ’—Madism. CHARLOTTE, N. C, JAM AHV 0, 1811. ' SNU i .'i> i'l :UJ>il .D S.vrnn)AV, JiV JOSEPH W. HAMPTON. T r, ft >1 s : ./ h n Si - Si u 4 •it ti- n iia- p- r!. .1 • j' r'v 1' Wft.kly :f i’l ;:'lvanc' ; or 'I'icrci ( *n.' ’ii of i j;n 'roNTUs -\i.y ' >rr who u iii procure >•.- !iIo l'.)r rlioir suhscrjprions. ; -or, a clah oi (cn ub- y.ar L: 'I'lr .//v U.iiUir A PU15L1C BLESSING. Tticsc Pills hav^e ionir been known amJ apprrriii i s(ir.\in: soi Tii dr rni: conn. CiJAMI/JTTE. X. C\ (j.\ : I !:it nr National Finances, From the aunufil Report of the Secretary of the Jj^.lsury, inaJc lo Congress al Ihe commencemeiu : Balance in the July, 1843 Total means Troi 10,434,507 55 17.043 521 20 :x] - -- tracts being all that we can now make room ted lor their extraordi^j-iry and immcdml» rs • t of restoring perfect 'm;alfh to persons pulTcrinir ini- j Uinns. e pre.5cn» sitsioi), \v« make the followinor ex* i - j-gj. j Civil, miscellaneous I eig-n intercourse ivnmrr/'llahle"^’ '' f^-^'l'KXDiTrKES, I’OIl 1343^ FoniLa3" orJ.ian 'i'hey -in; ])nr;ic'i!r‘riy rccosnmcnucd to all tiio5sc I.niiliMa. t.^c. : ' poritJKs wlio lire af\l;cUI ivith any kind ol a -/iro*ifr j ■* s M'*coni)t? (Hi I./ /; I' -.w~ — I 1 51 irty orjuiiuarv, 1 S12. thf.ie was in the JVeasuiy From wi.icfi i? to betttuu'cl- tJ. us uot aviiilaliie— Afnoirnt )ITpMrS. id fo^ rnihig e 1,010.257 S58,7So 17 15 or lihgtiiug as t^jre i.-? no inc«licine be- | lure the jniblic whicii tiaa so' natural and haj>}>y el- I'ofi upon tfio, systfin in rorr'ecting the stoiir.ich and livt'r. and to liic fonwtlon cl’ healthy chyle and ^erel)y purifying I’^Tliey are ucK'no.vlcJ^ed by the hunurcvi^ ami ! I fnilwi dt‘;Kutm(!il J Pension? : : ; Naval ostablUhmeui [ntercSu on jjuii iil‘ '■J .1 t- 'i _' li: . r fi: ; ;ti r. r-'i! ‘ w^u.sCiDii.s wilo arc[usi4j^-*;^j‘ji^ (y i,^. pr^t only ihc ' most rnild and pleafaiit in tli“ir operatinn, l.ut thti ^ ^ ^ I most j)cr!err!3' irnjoceLf,^sare and clilcicnt niedii'iiie ii>> wcii l-nn>vii pnl,!ic };o;v n:i,]er fhe | the'mihh^. I’liose who once make :.;i:!:i_n'iiic!;t m1 ii;(» ijrulurtjiiriicd. is o])pn lor i Irial of those Piil-j trcver al'terward ]c('! wi’diii^ it? ' wiihoul tlieisi. fi;;! ral! a^ai:i and aiiain i’nr i:ujro : Iiicli i. sullirioiit j.rt)ol’ ut’ l)«.‘ir ^rood {juaiiti. lIEADACnEj-filCK OH AFJlVOr.S. I^t-rod and are \v^iry oi'siul; tlif-ii-find shall l>c Molitc | "'^’b tliir^ di>tro^u»;^ coujj)!ainf. liiul Sjt/;n i:' V to kooi) :i .=iiinpjtnnn=5 i >‘-(fah!(: /^//v a rcfiKNlv nt oiiCL* (‘criaiii ai-ti J i i "N \\ (*!!!.' m-!': i T-kn] ! ! ’ “ teii_njej. is o])pn . n cl i-oaipriny. 'I'iie pri)priMnrs u i!| .five '.:-]r a]!.'i:tj:.n cxciiisivc!v to thrir ilofe! ;m I *' u-pojiita vvr.il i!;(> St lU?. - «33J01.Gil 01 Hnl.incrs (■{ trj5t landi=. li! J.j!i:;a! y, 610,100 00 elt ■ s'^0,171 ?l)l3,S0U 04 -.019,357 GO 4'' bo wiihoul tliein. i n I i mad-; to rfinhM’ ii what a well- | .-iiow! I h(^—a (‘onvciiienr re- ! and cornti)rt. 'I'in; .serva'"if.-s I Those \v!io Iiave 17(),ltV3 0.) . I’ohil, f'yclnsive (f r of Treasury u f5t J on rrdcniption iij rv noLi'S on 1 kjI;.! 'I'oia! paymrn's fjr l rrasu- L'.-> 1 ,35 / C.90-2.031 OS 54 i • •219.: so lanaa- i !lir rc^ J. pica.-u:\ ■ N[x ri'Si'/i'd in tiifi .1 t!'-li!,-\ J j].\ IM, I'j' i f LllOUf \ ( t y a» ( i?nni!jdaiion n'“^•f's^•;^r\ L'^n, coiiilorlah!c anti sati;=li',d.-l ifir lfini> o! hoardinn- sliaii ’he a.^ ino.it-rate a = 'I'hrir Irit 'i ls and t!ie Jravri:i,.,r ' .•nd. in.i( ( i(M- tli ininifdia!*; in its e L^ills taUen as soon' on. u ili cure it in o 'ra\c!iniL^ nirdic r'S!-r;>?iui!y niviioti to r,il! ami tc.-.t their a‘cco,-n- at ) an. i 1.1 M jd i i .';!a . / . f ! i' .'i I . 1 ia; -io C .url- .■' •:;n I i I tj ertji. One .in^lo doe ol‘ th(‘ 1.'^ the headaflie is li;ll roniiti; c hall’ hour entirely. A.-? ;i rtanedy ni iiUinnicr awl bowel cnrnphnnl-^^ ih(*y display their vj^uleriul [)tj\vi'rs to adniir.i:ion. and are I'ar s\iperi« ' lo any thiiiiJ: in use lor ilicsc pliMrits. In Djip' j)sia (lYtLi iji'rcrrDt'itpIain'.-ij the\' stand tin riva,.fd. Aianv li;'’o hy.'n iM-rud in a law Vs'*-‘t‘i: h iViiiu: sull'ert 1 Lsuiltjf lite drradlui compliiinl >r yt ars. L; J.(ti/iiiiiil Cosli W. I'.vf) sqnan . )>;.. ,1’ar. (J'.;,(• 'S’ 111 it. i \ . I : . A! j >owt'll. o i ;.:.\aa IT. ('l;i ! j. af (. a ’. ■ * 11 r n.I ^ - - 'i i 1 . ' i I ^ ‘,V i O .. • \! .11 tia, I ■ ■ i-' (»l in i!ii s . ,M> t-V M i;-:;; ■ I!Ir; ai!;t. V o.. Jil (iiior 1'( liortli oi liii n> Nt lio >r to 1 it.'ro\ i'( )i ir Jl' M'l u o 1 CO ; r(- fr.-rt 1 ; \\ ^ - . ^.. . - :^e a I lilt’ ( haia>ii«' . \\ iicrf si'ais in iLii’s ieavmu-t.'jiarloife ran he pioair- '■ri- .-Mage passt.-n^ers sliail a t ) ii!'orta!d(‘ [■(mtj)tion. ])1U)\'KU^S will lind at i!i(> Charlotte ev- (>ry ni'ccssary arco'nniodation—si'iairi’ lirv lu!.' and • I.,.MU 'vMji tij,. .lUenlion. 'j’llOAIAS F. n\MPT(jX. \V. ALhXAADi'llJ. Oilii-c ].'• ., any ta' th cd a! all im es. aui a;a:n cheap, w:?] r; I i > any v e^^Tlaii .1.(:! 5 aad t^ac i;^ v’n’i ties, and .> .ii ;a iau- eslima . .icy ai'c ili v'akia; ;! aiL c.lions, loss o n lemaies aloii(i riicv are mild in tio.se. 'l^ify niay .til.I the leeble, tiie .1 : i '' a ,• r:*.iils • i SI’ >■! ' ii 1" 11 iV(,*re # f * ^ 1 • . t • • • . 1 Utli i i i J i *11 i'. S ]JiMCK li.; V of ni \va; ra:;;s t) J vtar 1 .J.--: :ti!S lo nucl l.':":v;n;j a ( L-tobcr. tina! 'er. O'! ia::C' H I 3. ( t'.O ( . )-h .S'. 29.131 If t'l' they are th-L'idedly i'lll eva-r brou^iil iu-Iojf t.i- cat ito\ will e.-'taaii-li liieirs.a’- i. :^‘e ihuia i)eyond tiiC raacli td ■a.I u'.' cvt!ry indivi.hiai. e in .;ervou.s and iiy poidiotidria- apj'iMiie. :ind all cotnpiamls to are subject. [hi'ir .nrtioa. and eoavov airnos: In'l!-;!'] (if rv on th'- 1^ d’a.-'.-Mcy SGJ: J-0 i,'. . a lot- ac,-u;;;p >nvin^ Sta’C- f'd f \ ] d nnp- a:.« .ii i!.c nny JivaiiaiJ' (d .i.iriaiirv. to jii-a ihe v,'‘j01.3’- ) -IT -0.:269 435 5:^ in.Ianco .(1 tlu' 'L’rensu- " l‘i. Ill', I'e vvns llicrefijre ouiiLatidiii;’’ \vaIran's of ' ' '-'"L I' 'Cl m'i)!i’l ( a^-iiIV da- 11!!^ ihe year 1 d j-j, e\elu>iv-' ol ti'!'l ftnids aii.l o( th*-a\-a!i' (d' ]’'iinia?fd rrc^ j .S'-con'i (j':Tr:er ; h'roai ri)'-[oa!:5 T 1 i ( 0*11 i iri'l.- - j'’^li;nae •! thirtl uiiar!* r' I'rr'a'i l‘'ron> I i;. - j'i'^ii Ui'ili I J c a 1 f' (jii.iii'M' ; l‘'ro‘*i c'iS’r.iJiS 100... ■ ! k ■ *. 4 1 OHii H r>90 ' liOieSUlij 11; W i i.r; 1 HI I * :riO.'^ ‘ At C.har.olte '. r.. 1) ec. i. ii r innnedialc etinvietu i of tiieir uliiiiy Inuri the iirst { taiveii hy perstnis o! any a^i- : \ ifirm, tin; nervatis and Ut iKai!' are sirtMi^tiiCiied bj tiifir operalit)u, i)eeause tii-y lear ihe system ol lad uunu)rs, cpiict net \’ous ir.’a- I tahilrty, atni iiivariiidy produce sound health. I U[)wardsof //jrei iiuwlrcd and sevenhj l/ioio'ati-/ ! ho.re;; td these in^sti ;jahle Pills have heen st>ld witJ]- \'p( uuitiirc^ of *he Faaie v ai. t xciusive o{ the s'ia.-^ lit on in- r( '■iitption siO.G13.OGO 4'-' H:t iUP.ir.s 1) i\ id Pai I. L'.ii iv)a. iiaii • TT: e w ei, 71 o tc.luSo:i a!.a: i.. 1: (■ 1I 11. W r-iaan .■ win 4: irwin' coi’.i- r. 1. in I lie last fwelvjp rn more than threti ti: Slides. As an anli-bilious • j wirhout ?iu!m. A s TJI Fi guh.;^;;]!^?.^ ..Iiitv in-j Jiiiidi.- ^-5'- '} tbo.j|iiy ct-.cyrtUicai^. . riin^rfjnents wifTi "Mr. .fourdau C^iiidl : Prii'e cents '•*.irii'tii™ d A.she c.ounly. to I'nrnish him re^u uvay not l»e anus • ^ ‘ " '' - I l ilt■ I, nihs ia.three Stales aiont', :uitt 'js tlie Faiiic quantity in olher m-edicine, no ianiily slioultl h{ 1 .ea.-'ury noies and ciJ th'-rn an.! oij rcccjil iuiir-. aa I .>:i acco:;nl af the c! I (i were 'i’ii .' vcess (.)[ expe'idi’.ares. ov- (ir r». v:nije svas i h ; anioiitii piii'l on rjccnijnt e! tl!f‘ ol ! publ.'c 'i'ica-' ;n / //;/ i ! a -, I 1 at. 11 .1.- I (oiicr! M oji, 1; ■ Is; "i- l^l^.sert tlie lbIlo"vitjg lestirnf>- b'fiy with the best beerCattie I’d.-* coTni- i excellence: • T\ i'ltlt*p(. iu* ill \^o. {o lii'^ (*U‘^W)iiK‘r'^ f L^' M>ni u \t-ry nnnt^r^in tj^le trial o!' tlvcin is more ij.ilis- i c^-ccnUicaH^. . j sury nott s, and -ii^ieiest cn jjt.'-.'T tJu k/ifi..,. - 'To ripplv thr^ ch-*fTr:!»*TTC'v^ irr the f>. :3,021.037 GO 4,277,071 20 8^,n:mcs .94 heel >l t he very he.^t ({naliiy. in Cliarlotto every morn- in_»' during (?!our; weei.s. an.l^tui Tm:>’da\’. 'i’fairsdav anti Siil'.irday of eaidi vvia-lc dnria:.; tlii* ,-,>s| ol' ih*e cotai' rv' aaiti.''. I o.-\ a.' I’la !■(’.- an e.N- As he cnslo- \ 'I M V', . I •' ;i-,)n. a.avi reiiaaariy a.’ 1 iia.s lo p:iy r.isli Tor ('at:i'\ an ! luriushi*^ mcrs with the hcst heel', i ayaients will nccessarilv I'/.we to 'ae made ji'nu Inaiiv. ’i il- >-MAS ( r/OniwXKE. li’ll: I ?r. i ? 1.]. . r'";---- r 1*. a. > I .1 an 'a' ( 'iia: 1: >.a’.a I iCi. li' ] r i’.VTE or NnUTM C.VR( )1.1XA, AiECiv i iA:xiuj]?a coiJXTv. | ^ ' I oj J*ic rS 'L.I J (y.'jrfcr ' 7 r1 -■ l;}. j • ^‘l'rro\v. C i ;\!exnn(h^r. aral O. Al. Parrlntrrr i vs. Aii'xundcr K(d)(a*-;on. ” j a 1. ia !h-' can i'li’on.- r.. o aiisiac-ion of t! I !• ( '. !v. V, ■ % iiJi a \.vr \ a ,a! !' i 1,1 /'i I' n liT' lii> nn- a! i v\ 1 c 1 iT (' a 1 ; t s 11) h iI r ]Msi lavor-:, | . ai. i ' pub’ic. iii j ; U ' \\ .[■. r.s.'. :;le all \vt)rU ; .- lii a, in '.nai r I'ad to he ::a-ti' ni all the coun- - n p ; .retl and warranted • a'ei'V I* paired ia tiuf !-r t-r n'.adt' to or ^•'P ns heretofoi'e. £5 Inis ca.'f'. it apja‘a:niir lo thi, fl- ( tmrl iha! ihe deit‘nd:uil. Al**xander ilohta’ison. 1 n'>t a resi.bait f)t fins v^tato; li ]s thfa't'lort.' i>rder- ‘d luat pu'.iiifa.iion lie ti'.ade I'or.^iv s\)cc(,‘ssiv{> w(;eks ;a tia' Mi’!-l;!tMiairL^ .!•■ liiasonian atid the (.’iiarlolte •i.jai'nal. noiiiy'fii s ai I deiendant to he an ai ihe n.M C.m!.-: ol' iMeas and 'Quarter tSessioiis lo , !i- I 1 t'a’ (In* (^iaa;y o| ?»LoIdenburLr. at tlie j f o".rii^o".st' ia ('iiarloire. oa tin' Itli Moiiday in .la- • !'■>; li’v iu'.\i, then and ih 're to ph*atl or repltiw. or ■ I !.!u!'tatM:l final wi*l! he rendered ajainst him! and fiio I'.ntjuady levied oii romb.’mned to satisfv taain- i li;'.'--' d( niands. « j itnr.-.:? ( i. .ihjj'.iiif’t /'. Jr.. C't r'\ of or.r i sain ( oint. at ( Miice. th(' lih .Mondav in (Jc!o’ner. A. i n. I ''Id. and ni tia'C;Sth 3 ar oi A nn'riran ^ \ T. ALFXAXDEII, c. .M. 0. e. Piiii!(’r's lee, s5 ijO l.iOwO la'ion ll.aae. « •'*? V Jr*" '■'> %?iw* •: •-'J' i Jr ^ u h'lii d 1 > li l \- • .rar \- C'Xt. ,\ ■;n i;er ma-t ina. or else— . A. I’. P.. •11';::;". w. To Dr. S l)i:.\i{ Sik: 1 iiave tised your Vegetable Pdis in ! my I'uniiy the last year with trreal success, anii 1 | consitler them the hest Pdl I ever Uacd. 1 have j made con?ider;ible u.^e of [iiariv other }>opu!ar Pills. ; hut I am eonvmced that yi>urs are stiptaaor lt.> any j t>i’tii‘m. h’or JSick iieaalacdie. tiiey are an excel lent medicine. Fur iJtjwei Coniplaint. 1 think ih.em ^ Ihe b(v-t mt'dicine in the v.'orl 1. and iilso lor ihe i |jlo(j;iy Flux. 1 can say to you that 1 maiie great.[ use ol tiuMu last season, 1 hati Twentv t>l tny j Ijjacks sick wilh the Flux, and 1 administereti yo^ir Pnis lietdy, nnd I th I not ioos*' a siiiiih’ v’ ;se. ,M_^, neighhoi.s speak in the inghe.st terms )i i.hem. Ut.‘s|.C'eMn ;y Vours. I .1 iaJSi’i JOPt 1).A .\. j i'lti -d Co.. hij.. i\ore))}ber Iri.'j, j.'i) I ^K. Si- j Sin : As I am .somewaat opposed to Padent ! Metiicines, i-onsitle ring them irenuraily a mere catch- j penn\’ iuiti a ciieat uj)on the puidic, i have hert'lo- | 'ore had but htiie lo ilo witii «nein, anti it was iiol j appeiir i ^viihout much pei.-uasiou on the pirt t)l' \-owr irav ! elhng agent, that L vcas prt!vuiieii upon to accept ol | an agency lor ilie saie, ot’ yaur ihlls. i>ui now 1 nuist coniess. in juslicc to yo a* Vegeiu^ih^ Pill.-^. lhai ' tiiey iiave provetl lt> be wliat you assert them l > he. : 1 am fnlireiy out t)|' iluan. aatl hal I heen sv.pplied. cotdd liavc sohl tlonhle the quantity. | Vour Pills have heen td’ ;^reat benefit in th^- >*'r j tif)n; my iit;igiibors havini,^ derivetl great l>enelif i . ^ i I'roiii tneir use. i iiave he -a troubled iur the hi.-t , m l^epen- j years wiih Dysjiepsui, anti an ati'ection ol'tiie ^ liiver iUitl Spleen; as a rcn'edy. I hav»j irit'd l>ran- (Ireth's aail ail the mo.t popular Pill?, and have had : the advitje ol’ Physitaans, ad ol which all'arded me ; hut njonientary r-.*liei', hut. sir, from the use 1; onlv one l»ox ol ytjur Pills, 1 am relieved troai niy I most lashionable yet disire.-sing complaint. Yours, *ke.. .)OIiX DVEPv. ravt luni.and to providf*rnf:’ans for ihe V( Jefnplion of 'j'rea.?- tir\’ n )lts. (I’.hers were issue.I :in i loans obi.iincd to the a- nr.:>iiat of vii I a biilarioe was thus h*!t iti tlie Tieasuiy in l!ie Islof J.i- ii Miy.. 1.*^ P.h exclusive of(le- s W'ih the :yai« s. mdrrn- nitas. and t.'ust lunils. and (h.‘iuciin^' ouistandm^ w.ir- 1 ill’s, .'^nhjt'et t'j appropi ia- tion (,d ' . - ‘ ' c.rpt7i:ilitn S^-c. f i'l ■/ 1' 1;;. i ii'* harinct} in the ’Prra.^nrv' ei) ihc K'l of .f jniMrv 1 ( x-.-'o.-i\ e ()} dt j’.nsih s wi'.h i'i.i’.' s, funds, mi; I oul- S':!u l:ng wariaii's. was By the accomp.iriy in J s'ali.'tiv nt (li) It .appears iha^ the re. ci : )ts h. iween the 1st of i- 11.so; GI ‘ h : i'if (ly ni:i Ic t siTV!.;c of 'he ] rrnl ilscal vcar. th- expended ( >f th is balnn.'t'*. liicre will iu*l Lti rf q iit’t'd •.» I- he... ,eX ji'’e' '-*d • h «• yeiii:, biii wrl! b e fcc;;;^:iir I during the n-wi V' ar. f lilC CiVii f-u't ijn inter- cnui'f*. a n ' rn!‘‘Ce!i.;tit,. •;> .M:'.:!.iry (S’.iih- i'i.-anu'nL LI 19,i; f .' / w - /// 2 0:] . V u * w n ji 1 : 11 111 I he r ti a; i - h.‘ .Mr ! il ; .' fanJ i n 1 r.’ !• li : r U i ala;- 1G..:-*»131 77 ions .'1 ibli to eni:^itf ii 5j>l.li9.i72 ijd nu.uy nn i j s f'Xc! j>ive of J lea.-rufy n w,.'iai An 1 ili(^ (.Xjicn ! o: '. !iij .5u:n of .luly, 1.- 1:1. the avails tf '-2 ani leii!'. ■?. 11 ri X'.’ ia;-! ce pai I on account )f l it! i.ut.lic (iebl. w(ae e.xp ;ndiiar(3 over rt’. : T ' a ' ' 1 • , • I i;i I, I.',> I ;/.'.• ■ i ' .\lJn!,l\A. MF( i]' »r.\rv. ■f r S Tt ni. \i:] lorrow vs. Aicx;\:)v r Ivol-L'r'ison. [ The Ibliowing is from Col James Pt>rter. Es}.. a | respectable citi/en of C^ilison co., Teii.i | itihtfon Cn., 'JVn., Decanbcr jO. 1312. To Dn, Spexckk, i)FAir Sir: This is to corlity, that I iiave used in my family within the iasi igiit iuoiiihs, one do/en boxes of your ^’egetable PilU, anti I consider them '.med 1h.it no niedichie has ever b’cen’us'cd who^e • ‘decidedly superior to any other Pills 1 have ever us- ^.crlnn h:i. heen ir.ort' bee.eficial. plep.-?ant ami invi- ; ^ been atiiictetl ft>r the last three t»r !our L^oratmo-. and calhal ibnh fr.an nillict. d snirer.*-'^ ' , .-1 rr-'-inm and (*'irc im' Ague and I'evcr I Ih' fftairnrnt of j'crcr. Xo.‘Hca. [ (il'ut'ffll Dclnliii/. (I'/ld }}(')'Kou}rt' I 1 .I-' mo.'t ih'ilterina’ rccommcnd.ttions of thi.> rae- ! d. -ine iuive been rrerived from man\' (Mnimmt Ph\ - ^ -ic;,u;s and (^th*rs wiio havt' nsetl it. Ami it is pir i i \>’es5 0 V(nu:; Tijt'amount piid for i udrmptton of 'l'rc;i.:iry n';hs. iini for p! in.-ipal and inicrC'L cn llic j-aijlic tiebf. wa s i’o Mi!’>p!y the liefi-irncy. and lo jjrovi.le means lor liie re- (h'lnptio!! of 'ihtn.^urv notes othfus were i:-suod anJ i'»ans oD!a;ned lo the .'itnonni of * i Ar.i a ioaii was made, tiii'h r I the net of March 3. ISP^. of seven millioi.^. of which ■ inaily ilie wii ,de was reCt.i- vt',1 during llie {j’iailer j Wiiifi'i hdi T balatiCe on tlie l?l (. i .1 il, V. i C 13, f-d '1 liJ.G0S,300 83 2.G3:!,0G;5 37 SOI,.07 '17 r>.3i.''..703 3G «G.93{.0 )0 00 I i'"'.! V in if Ilf lit* ; p; C li M!. w hich. at*c iata fijrnishf I t v iic-paiiaienls wiil b* ingLlicyear r I \\ h:ch i.s to be :|t !).. r;i) in"nt ii:id|i|i pi' j-rj wiiii' ipiii1.1 .\Jil.'ioii li tJpioi ria'il Tpprop! ig l(* 'I,'- f( .'j'cclie u i u d d a I - d. .'nno'J.-.t ' linite ::p- •iil he r‘.. JKCCSf V lO lU'O.OGj ()() T ’ c ''I i J o p-.20:j.39:5 91 '^ri-.i' 'Urn i' :'o;nn)Sv ofliie f"!- !a fving i'f ms; i * Crvi! Ii.'t, foreign infcitourso. mil tniscelii'.netais i ^1 7^0,037 09 Army proper I • ; 7.7,523 OG i 'oi tific.alions. (ji.ha }^t ; arn..!ig rnifili.-i. vS: •. -) .07 1.90G 9| Indian drp,;trlui* til Ft^nsroiis J 1 051 .-irg 71 4(‘i Xiival estabii.'liint 11 ‘ 1 ■ if -*”»3,07() 7G interest cn nnblic i i , b, 1 1 ,1'>3.791 91 'i’i’.e inrai.s: in the r.r ;^^3^:j95 4 Ti asurv, r.^' . above s'aud. nre p*> ~-f^!3l 77 1*' 131.o'J7 55 'I'iiis large apparent b.ihince arises from the cir- i iKiency Il will be seen :I. ' such txure.-.-ions of hearl'idi or itijpn'p -m 1 _!‘'i^nipanieii al limes with a nervous beati-aciie widch ^ ... , , , , I ful'iess. Persons laumir tlie Pi!i.^ .soon* lind ihtan- I totally untitled me for physical or im-nlal j C'lmr’ance thai, while nearly the whole proceeds of nn l a half is dedacild 5l!v's reiieveti— ‘lull brol»M. ! I'ever tronel! Sto- 1 ^be enjoyment of the common ble.ss- ! it'vrn ,j , 1 ma.'ii tintl head free and healthful! 1 ! Strenijth and : acknowledge, that your Pill lCT!On o iioinii the Pills wiih the most decided benelit In t ta' I'le y ot Meckleiduir^. at the ■a h );!c. t,ii t!n! 4th Motithiy in .la- a .ami ihcro io ph'ad or replevy, or i nai wdl h * rtMi.’ered e.'rainsl him. and !' V.: ; ca t’ai; Icinned to fialisly j hiin- 'I'heir action upon the whole .=;v.=:tem is so charm- u n r*\ . len I h' rnilKons l.ian wcruic,;,i) in dij.ing ihe rf-adv ma.l.-. i',i, lii lli .t hnlf y.ar, the ninouni of nous rfdee.ne'J by those fj„ired lo l,p p;u,i o:."» in.; '.!,•■ i; actually apjjcopri.i'.t 1 ed even tlor.oir ih hori time aftrr c si in ted to' deduct l ; tures; and allhough {■•r fhe Jiscal pear c.mmL/ici/iis Jv.hf 1, 1.513, usunge, ilii , present mis‘ake. N •^^27.-61 17 ^"'0 rr.illior.s ■O' i '^pi iaiions ab *- A iii '* ’v^ar, Jbn'nrr , liable ioU a., a..!^ .v.-itair.ly wiiliin a uon, ,i., , * has b. ( ii ,io,,p • ' X{}lan ;ii ig Con^re; '•"i confor- inir. 1 hat persoiis’are iiivariaidvsurpri.^ed anti niea^-i ^" . r .u i . . / , ’ i present mis'ake! Nii- iOislgr^.lm^r ed wiili tluar rapid ami complete resiordtion to : ^ more real benefit | _ i he nccotui.^ id he bt o/.ar.er of the prPS»nt. ,t ,vill be pPrc-'\^ j ^ iher* wj.j he Md r heahh. j from them lhan any other inctlicine I have ever ta-j vf”’'*'bin i'. rr.inn jmy I to ciej.tt inoer 30. n* .fe ;lna two i fivf ; ‘^^^nciency The ])i!ls arc purely and solelv Vecretable ; and ! :»U‘I J ibink every lanuly should always keep a j \ 13, exhibit ihe f.iaiwiiig rt su'ls . ' ' ‘ i iht.nsWd the happy combination of the ingredients and their i ^^'ITLv ua hand. ' m 1 " c. f Vol’ S innrti • ^ a* \Vi f~..a! ( i >. 1 1 * r!c •. ’ 1 n I t.a It'- . ..rr. '•>. aa The ])i!Is arc purely and solelv V»>cretablc ; and i !*uti I think every lanuly should always keep a | I13. exhibit ihe l„.,;ow iii2: rtsui the hiippy combination ot' the ingredients and their j them on hand. f ■'./; .V.: 7’. Mt .rordrr. Jr.. Ch rk of our P‘'‘>; orii >ns are .uch as to prothice ,i medicine which i JAMES PORTER. o;:Ve. the Itli Mt)ndav in Oeioht'r. A. relieve when relief is at all atiainable. m the vear ot \ mcrican Indepen- c. T ,\LK.\'.\.\I)K1:. .■.:.i..'.c. ■Mn-G Price, One A^cncv of tlie Bank oi’ Cliarle.stoii. at l-a\e!i box eonlains 20 «it>!jes of Pills- Dniliir. 1. 1 ht* .above valuable nK'tliidnt's aro far sale in ^UinQLIl, o. ■V CcOu '' J L'harlotte, C'oncord, Salisbury. ] ancohifon, Xii Fioni customs • ; Salts of ptiblic lands : Ml^|'eliiut'ous and inciicru 8G.132 272 09 nrajnt f su..h spec.lri ■ l iaii fiiay n, ike i*iing '||j pJ» #nt ' 10 the ;:jwsS70 oo appmp. lalions nutted ni another r*' 2o.S/ 1 43 byB. Oates. . | OCTOBER 23. IS 13. , , .. . W. Barria'Tcr *SL Co. ; /CHECKS on the Xorth. anti on Charleston will i i C. J3. Wiieeler. | Vy be turm.ihetJ. and Siglu and time Bills purchas- j ^ ‘ to loan J.alin H»>Ke. ; ed al this Agency daring she season, on application j sevtn inOOr ions mark, th il ihr^ crdo of T~iT~nio -T4 ! opcfalions, ar.d ilA rt"C ^ *’ ^ * I unfors^en coritin2 j grass to make p.ovi t:G.000 (H) , j3 nothiiior in the ci m 6.014.013 74 ! a'vi fur that purpose Congress •f>h ‘^^dition t^-!mjies aresub- ^Iso to re- the facility of . ?u.irding against ^ ’^^^uolly indncc/con. small surplus. There c*es of the present year such a providt-nlcoi'irse •'in'j a half of dollars