•• liaiyjuraLir HouiC imUistry.*' Coacli a«d Carriage SPTCW Ak. :a M. Ai^ UF aC I'v OVERMAN & TSuTT. inBT^KNL^KR, their rincere lhaiikj to tl., pui iic Ip for the libnral ( noouracrriK i I; xf.-'niit U li> it ;;i in iheir business iicrolofore. ari l b !;• ivp to :in nounce thiil tiiev an* iiow j»r.. uiuc'd t;» oxt cut«> or I-tj- in their line in a style unturp.issi*;! Hy ;iiiy t-suinlisli mcnt in the South. They hiive on \\ t>;Mi'bor of vehicles of thcir own nKinufacturc v,; icu they will sell on very ncconiniodatiiif^ leriua, ami warrant 0 ilo siood servir‘. Tlu’v have CAHMIAi&EIS, Mar}U€kes^ Bug^ySj Sulkeys, CanT-Alls, and every oilier vehicle used in thi^ eountry, iiianti- f u'tnreil of the best materialo atul by rxperu'iired workmen. They a.sk tl;o.?e \’r,!ii{i;r 5i),-h artlf^les, in give tliem a call l.oforo .=enilln^ elM'where. llepairni/ of nil kinds e.\LVwU-.vi neatly tpa. l)roin[>tIy, on nioih*rHt»* lerais. Cliarlotie. Jan. ITJ, IS44. |1IIE frieniis and patrons of this? Institution, are 9 respectfuily informed that it is now open for r('(*‘plion of ])upils. S. D. NYE HUTCHISON, li - Jj ;r.i ran be had in the village, or ui the L ) V iNov. • i'' i4. 81- Notice. 4 LL those inilebted to the estate o t>r. Stephen F X deceased, are requtsted to come forward inune(iiately and niale setilement with lite adinjniK- I trators or tlieir nofess or account will be found in tho I liands of an officer. Prompt attention to this will ! save cost. i C. T. ALEXANDER, 1 JOSEPH W. KOSS, I May 27. 1S44. G2- Sale of Liaiid and NEGROES. Ik xcc'rs. CHARLOTTi: Ol.XTON MEDICJiL,. I J. M. HAPPOLDT & M. B. TAYLOR j -£i-> iuivinj.^ .ihisOt’iait*d in tlie Practice of Physic, tender iludr proicssional b^rvices to the citizens oi’ I Ch;ul.t?t»‘ and the surrounding country. . 'riu'ii Oti' 0 IS Kept in the one at present occupi- 1 ed l>y l)r ii i| }‘..idt, one door south ol Mr. William I (-arson’ti Siore. vvh' r‘ they may be found when not j ^>P' lt Pt;iof»all_\ absent. I v'ii.st's re(ii;’ in^ (■oi;sult:ition shall receive tlie at- ! tuiiiioti ol ho'tii uitiiout additional charije. Alav 3d. iSl!. 59---F. MEDICAL. ILL 1 id sold on tho second day of January next, at the Store of Thomas P. Grier, in Steel Creek, the Plantation, on which the late Nan cy Strong, Deed, resided, contaning 143 Acres of good Land, the above Plantation is situated on the waters of Steel Creek, adjoinin^ the hinds of Dr. Harris, Huge Harris and Mrs. Burton, on the Plantation is a good new Dwelling House, and all necessary out Buildings Also, On tiic eaine day will be sohl two or three valua ble J%l^eg‘roes; one o Shoe«b, I^Maker DR. I>. J A Y N ii S FAMIL Y MEDICINES. rjlHESE medicines are recommended and exten- A sively used by the most intelligent person« in the United States, by numerous Professors and Pre- siilents of Colleges, Pliysicians ol" the Army and Navy, and of Hospitals and Almshouses, and by more than five hundred Clergymen ol vanous de nominations. They are expressly prepared for family use, and have acquired an unprecedented popularity throngh- out the United Slates; ami as they are so admirably calculated to preserve health anil cure disease, no family should ever be without them. The pro prietor of these valuable preparations received his education at one of the best Medical Colleges in the United States, and has had twenty yeartj ex perience in an extensive and (Uversified practice, by whicli he has had ample opportunities ot acquiring a practical knowledge oi’ diseases, and ol the reme dies best calculated to remove them. Names and priccs of Dr. D. Jayne^s Family !\Iedi~ cines, viz : Jayne’s Expectorant, per bottle, “ Hair Tonic “ “ Tonic Vermifuge “ “ Carminative Balsam, lar^e, “ “ small, “ Sanative Pills, per box, American Hair Dye, All the above mentioned Medicines are prepared ONLY by Dr. D. Javne, Inventor and Sole Proprie tor, No. 20 South I’hird Street, Philadelphia, Pa., who has no hesitation in recommending them to the community as preparations worthy of tlieir entire confidence, and is fully persuaded from ]>ast expe rience that they will he found eminently successful in removing those diseases for v.’hich they are seve- ally recommended. i This is one of tiic must ciTici(5ri','pIf‘i.aaL i, ah^ auie. I composition ever ofl’ered to the public for the cure ^ t various ileraiigenicnts of the stomach andfiowELs and the only arncle worthy of the least confidence tor curing COLERA INFANTUM or SUMMEli COMPLALNT ; and in all the above diseases it re-. ally ads hko a charm. Ail j)crsons are requested to try it, for without ex ception it is the most valuable family medicines ev er yet discovered. Hundreds, nay, thousanJcj ot certificates have been received Irom Physicians Clergymen, and fan)ilies of the first respectability, bearing the strongest teatimony in its favour, loo numerous to ptiblish. IVie above Medicine is sold by B. OATKi^, June. ISl L G2- 00 1 00 0 50 0 50 0 25 0 25 0 50 the NJJGIiOES to the Heirs of Cliarles Deed, w'ill be hired for the ternt of one TIIH uiiJer.-iijncd i:ill)ri:;;? l!ie tr:ivellini? puljlii*. that he run:s a liiie ot’ !\vn Iior.^c Slage.^ reirulariy between Cliar'otte and I,iiicolnt»in, i‘\. C., tv.ice a week—leaving the Ibrnitr place on Tue.s l-.ty and I' liday morning ol ep.oh week. His teiiMis :jrL= good and his Stages coiiifurtabie, and every cxeit!m will be ra id.; to afc^omino.late passengers and make tiieir trave' couifortable and s atisl'actory i.i every 1 expect. PriVi'.te convoyiinre wiii ai^o be furni.'Iied to tra- v”iiors from Li'u'oluti)!) t>) any utsired poiut, on ve- rv niodvrate, ttrrns. Aj tilv to liAAC i:R\ViX. 41 -K I3ec, 30. 134'k V * OllX A N I) 11 V J 1 i i. I'AIaEY. h.'jvilji: lUO lli.’nccli’ y in (Jc->!)c0! d, N. C.. ton-Ji. :s his s» r- itSic in the ai)ove ol Lu>ir.er-\’. 1. AVERY WILLIAMS, having pernrinently located himself in the I’owit of Charlotte, would respectfully 'tier his profes-sional services to the ‘itizt ns of the To'yo and vicinity.— From several years experience in the practice of his prolession. he feels con!ilent of giving perfect sati.slacti.)n. Letters of reference will bo given to those who may require iliem. Dr. Willian^s may for the preseui bo lound at the Charlotte Hotel. March 29. 1S44. And all Strong \ car. JOHN M. STRONG. Adir.r. Nov. 29th, 1814. 80—ts. tllj^The Journal is requested to copy. April n STILL continues the practice of medi cine in Charlotte, and v.’ill give carleul alleiition to all cases confiiled to his skill. Ui? oHice is No. 0, White Row of the Mansion Hoi^se. His charges, as here- lofoic sliall be moderate. .813 Notice. All persons holdiufj receipt on Sip.^nel C C tlarrison dec’d,as a constable ol ihis countv are hereby notified to come forward and produce j their receipts, pay cost and lift their papers ; they will be found in the hands ot the subscriber. F. H, MAXWELL. Auix- 21, 1S14. 75:;:3t. Ba. liaving ) rt'p ired im.^elJ I;; .j-y to the p iiece.'t an 1 havi;:g I ho’)Cs by m;r share of ihc i wiih ivii ti V rosei'i!'i.>;i o ti.ois and ina- D. T. CALDVN'ELL having removed to Charlotte, r;spectfully olfers his services in the prnciii;e ol Medicine to tliose who may be disposed en i;;r b'evcral \ears i’.i4a;:ed at it, h •r:.i‘:iiig fit tntion to riiurii a liberal ];at!orj:i_:e. ids butiiiie^:?. I to rxtend to him iheir pptronage. At present he f i;i ant Cilia I ;n 9 tan. a:,d 0(0 c_-vTt'iioe occupies the shop formerly owned and occupied by j Di McKeazie. nearly opposite the Mint. Cases I c-nuiiitu .1 to his care will reccive punctual and I {;ii!lilull a'-lLn'ion. : Charlo'.'.e, June 5, 1344. C4-f. U i iCl aiijiiig, will be projijotly rnu tie rate eh niTt seen in aiiv >! attend to cuils burg. U::;o;>, An>i»ii. c.eived. ; \varded ( 'Ollt't Orb ] i'r eXfCi.led i:i p. ?Mf-erior .-jtyle, and :it j =. iiiiciis of l:is \iorkniay be > t.si: tU!Tj:ir;ding viiiaget. lie uiil; in a v' ol' the Couniies of Meckleii ' Liii oiri, Uowan, Ireui ll btanl}', or i rs !:^r bij-;is Wiil be ihiiukfully re ^ .niplly and neatly executed and f^r- Goons. ^j|lIIE Subscribers having lately rcccivcd a new supi ly of rd. Ilirhiff. O ih'.‘ iirs.t of J iT:ii:i;'y next at the Pl.int ui-)n of the late EL.l ?fi'ilNG Dec’d.. I w !l hire ;o ir.r f.ir year, o!! the Xfg7'G\s' be’ong- of tai.l D '••(Mted. tes ' p:/ii'i, rir ih-: v will th; r’Jy ConfistioL' (d a iireai variety, and, also, a good assortnu ai n! ('AST IRON, COOKISG AM) tS'I'OVKii; would respectfully invite all who n;u> be. disposed, to call and examine their tock. 'l'h( y " ill take in exchange for any goods, w;ir» > tii. y p. Feathers, Beeswax, old Copper, and Fur Skln^^ Tiiey are also prepareil to furnish Stove pii-i he called R iafuntcv, BOOK-BINDER, ETURNS his sincere thanks to a generous pub lic for the liberal patronage hereio!bre extend ed to him, and begs leave to say that he continues to carry on the BOOK-BINDING business in all its branches. He will be thankful tor work in liis line, and promises to cxecate all ortiers promptly, arid in a superior style. And as mone_v is scarce, such articles of domestic produce as are generally consumed in a family, will be taken in payment for binding, at the market price. 39-f December 'J, 1S43. t:ie iie.'i ii!:X l'» ihe Miii'ir 1 ‘I'nv p.-eviii'i.- hire !• d Tin ware in any quantity that may J. SUMNER, O^to ,‘o. 1S44. & Co. 4 w. b-i ] u’ in 'it.;’. Nov. 2^th. ] J' >MN -I i. SPRINCS. ISii- i.i oar. ** .f —^ - . > v\ . “ inn. oiice. S>Y virliie 3 Tlionja: A ( Peed diak(t : to rnc executed by on i!'C 18th dav of Novem 1 i-~i: i!, j.er, IS12.1 will exp 'ic to j^vjidictale on Satur!ay tlie 1-ltl. day u!' De.--ii,!,(.i ni Nl. at the (.‘ouriliouse in i'fiailutte. 1 ract Oi* !h»' county of Meckleidtiiri:. adjoii.iiig tip- 1; ids ; Ua^.'. Henderson, John >!. Means. J. H. Bist lj :«r, • other.':, euiiiaining ONE !i l.'.SM* F.I > I' A- I’RES. Ternl^', no'a^ payable I«. 1\. TL- ■»., November 13, 1?11. is. Ur- ■ ■poonj Low for cash. ’.'};arl!)tt»*. Apri EW GOODS J rs T IlECEI VED. r \ ENTLEMEN AND LADIES’ ^JJT Gold Lever Watches, and Silver do., Gold gards and fob chains and keys; brest-pins, fmger rings, gold arul Silver jiencils, table and tea arranted, fine pocket and pen Knives. T. TROTTER. 1 19 1S44. The Poor House. THE board of Wardens of the Poor of Mecklenburg Count}, wish to employ some man with a small family, as a steward at the Poor House ; to take charge of the Paupers, farm, and every thing else, belonging to the establishment for the year 1845. The Board will meet in Char lotte on Saturday the 21st of December next, at 12 o'clock. Any person wishing to otfer their services, W'ould do well to meet the board on that day, or send their proposal in writing sealed up, or leave it at the Post OfTice, any time between this and the day above named. THOS. L. HUTCHISON, Cii’n. Elysian Grove, Nov. 14, 1814. 8i-3t NOTICE. THERE wae a small sorrel filly sen to my care by some one from Lancaster S. C., with the Lancaster Stauc driver, with a request that 1 should keep said horse till it was called for by a Mr. Bradshaw, (her owner.) As I can find I'.o one by that name, I shall sell aaid horse to the highest judder on the 12th day ol December next, to pay the expense of find, unless A S T 0 ri IS ri IN a!!! ^ AMONG THE THOUSAND MEDICINES advertised as '‘certain cures for pulmonary com plaints,” JAYNE’S EXPEfyrORANT stands alone. Its path to public confidence has been paved, not with pulls but CURES; and the vouchers for its etlicacN inrlude an array of raimes which, for cbaractt;r and respectability, cannot be surpassed in this country. DR. JAYNE, being himself a Phy sician, does not protess to perJonn physical impossi bilities; but he dot's assert, and he is borne out by well authenticated fa^ts. that in all DISEASES OF THE LUNGS AND CHEST, which aresus ceptible of cure wit!iout miraculous interference, his EXPECTORANT will cstore the patient to health No other medicine will remove mucus or pus from the throat so thoroughly as this. It elfectunlly looss ens the coauulatcd masses from the mernbrane which lines the trechea, and at every cough the pa tient 'Aill briiiir up portions of tiie disenjjajed mat ter. IN ALL COMPLALNTS of THE PUL MONARY ORGANS, cvt ri where nature seems to be making no effort to throw oil the disease, JAYNE’S EXPECTORANT imparts vigor to the machinery of respiration, and enables them to dis encumber themselves of the obstructions which had impeded tfieir free operation. It fias restored hun dreds to perfect health, after their physicians liml given them up us incurable, with CONSUMPTION. Coughs, C’olds, Asthma, Influenza. Bronchitis, Hoo ping Coiijh. Spitting Blood, in a word, all disease of a PULMONARY nature; yield to this prepara tion, if p'operly .idministered. called for before that time. Charlotte, Nov. 29, 1S44. T. F. HAMPTON. 80--p DESlilABLr. i ^ FO.i SAI / / / THE resilience and ]>l.inta- tion annexed, foroierly tlie pro- perly ol’ James Ctuinor. Esq., decM.. and receiuly occupied by til*' lute Mrs. L. Connor, is now otiered tor sale. The place is situated on the great road lead in from Salisbury to Lincohitou arul within oja- mile of Beatty’s Ford. The Tract contains 'TtJO Acres, a large portion ol which lies on the banks of the Ca tawba River. The improvements are handsome, and in good re- ]’air, and the siiuatiun one of ilie most heaithy, pica- fcant and checrful in the country. For terms, whicfi will he libera!, and other parim- ulars, I refer to Mr. H’i!us Reid, and Mr. Robtrt McDov.’ell, near the i)rtmises. II. Vr. CONNOR. Nov. 11, 1814. B4-4t liAWD FOIt J^ALE. TIIE Subscriber offers lor snh.; the planta tion on which lie now lives. 5 mile*? Irom ! Charioite on the Mason Ferry road; con- I Charlotte Drug- Store. jUS r RECEIVED. the bes t assorte supply of DRUGS, MEDICINES PAINTS, OILS, DYE STUFFS SPICES, SURGEONS INSTRU MENTS, VIALS, BOTTLES, SHOP furnitt:re, brushes, soaps, confec tionary, PERFUMERY, &.c.&c., ever oflfered in this place. Also, a great variety of jPatent Medi cines. Country Merchants, Pysicians. and other ilealers are respectfully invited to call and examine our stock, a.s we are prepared to oflfer inducemente to purchase for Cash, or to prompt dealers on the usual tidie. Orders from a distance will reccive prompt attention. B. OATES, DrugijiBt. May, 3, 1S44 59-f. taming serv ce. iIL.ORII^O, 15s® Acrcs of first rate i.ind. It is well propoitioned wiili up land, low grounds ami meadows, and with abund- aiice of timber ol the very l»est quality and ol all descriptions common to this part ol the country. Together with a preiJy situation, good house and out houses,and excellent water. - Any person wish- ing to purchase gooil land would do well to call boon and examine the premises. S. M. FULL WOOD. Nov. 22, JS14. 85-4W. £\o having received his Fall and Winter FASHIONS for the 1844-5, takes pieasuse in an nouncing to his friends and the pubUc that he continues to carry on the Tailoring bu siness, two doors north of the Charlotte Hotel where he will be gratified to to receive a call from such as may want his Of past favors he is not forgetlul;—and, saiisfaction which has been n anifested .vilh his efforts to please, he flatters himself that he is able to give general satisliiction. October, 18-44. 80-^r. o OR by Ociobcr 4 600 Bucheh 1844. of corn to sell—50 cent.s cash JOHN W. POTTS. ?S BL.A]\KS variouskijids, printed neatly on good paver for sale at this Of^ce. JUST RECEIVED. rff'^HE most valuable MEDICINES in the United JL States have just been received fror.i the North and are now ofTered, for the first time, to the citizens of this State. They consist of THE BLACK (or Allebasi's) SALVE, ALLEBASrS HEALTH PILLS, AND ALLEBASI’S POOR MAN’S PLASTER. The SALVE is an invention of old Dr. Kittridgo of Mass. It affects more cures, and in a greater vjiriety of cases, than any other Medicme -^’e ever knew. It is a certain cure for Fever Sores. Ulcers, Tumors, Abscesses. Eruptions, Felons, Sore Throat, Q,uinsey, Leats, Punctures, Burns, Scalds, Bruises, Rhemiati&m chronic or infhirninatory, Inflammations of every ilescription. Swellings of every kind. Drop sy, Scarlet Fever, and swelled neck, &c. &c. In some of these complaints ALLEBASI’S HEALTH PILLS should be used. A pamphlet furnished by the Agents, will give lull directions. The PILLS possess many' advantages over any other Pills in use ; for while they arc a thorough cathartic, mild in their operation, leaving trie bow els in a strong, active, and healthy condition, they possess alterative virtues unsurpassed by any medi cine w’e ever knew. They collect all the impurities of the system and discharge them from the body, cleansing the very fountain of life, and renovating the whole system. They cure immediately all com plaints that have their oirgin in the stomach, such as Bilious and Scarlet Fevers, Cholic, Dyspcpsy, Fever and Ague, Headache, Dizziness in the fiead. Jaundice, Worms, Cosliveness, General Debility, Colds, Lung and Liver Complaints, &c. &c. For testimonials, get a pamphlet Irotn the Agents—see directions in pamphlet. THE PLASTERS, only 12^ cents, are warran ted superior to any other Plasters in use. Improve ments have been made in these Plasters which si:p- ply the defeat which judges notice in all others.— The immediate comfort and ultimate health they secure to those who use th€m, justify us in saying, buy these/Plastere for all pains and weakness m the back, bow'els, side, chest, loins, muscles. Chronic Rheumatism, Lung and Liver Coniplaints, coughs, colds, nervous afiections, &c. &c. For certificates and particular directions, see pamphlet furnished by the Agents. Lyman W. Gilbert, No. 214 Fulton street^ New York, wholesale dealer in Drugs, Medicines, Painta. Oils, &c. &c., is Proprietor of these Medi cines. For sale by NELSON P. LILES. KENDALL & STACY, ELI STEWART, JUST RECEIVED At the Ciiarlotte Drug Store, a large and fresh supply of involuab ie Eamily Medicinesj amonw v.hich arc VEGETABLE PltLS The thousands among us w'ho use this medicine need not be lold how high is the position which it sustains, nor of its paramount advantage over all otfier preparation of a a similar character: But for the benefit of those who have not given it a trial, or who may be skeptical of its virtues, we insert the following ceriificate IVom Mr. Isaac M. 'Thomas, a highly respectable merchant of Talladega Springs, Alabama : Tali.eoega Springs, Ala. Aug. 17,1S42. This is to certify, that I have been afflicted with Sick-headache, Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint and Oop«i-*-oiic.cc. for tUo iiAoi .9 nr 9 years, durint^' whicli time I had taken, as well as I recollect, a\)ouioo boxes of Beckwith’s Pills. 12 boxes of Peters’ Pills, and a number of boxes of Champion’s and Brand- reth’s Pills, all ol which afibrded me but little or nor releif. At last was recommeiuled Dr. Spencer's Vegetable Pills, and iccll I did ; for 1 never fiad but on(Tattack of tlic Sick-Headache after I commcnced taking the PilU, (now about six months,) and I can- 1idly°conftss that I have derived more real benefit from the use oi Spencer’s Pills, than from all the other medicines and pills th:it I have ever taken, and I would earnestly recormneuvl il.em 'I'O ALL, as being in my opinion, tiie best medicine in use for all lingering complaints. ^1 he Pills have lone Piu so mucfi good, tliat I v.ould not feel willing to ba without them for five dolla.'-s a box; and I cannot but feel very grateful to Dr. S[>encer lor having prepared such a valuable medicir;e, and the distri bution of it is conferring a very great favor on the public, as it is a tfiing ol tlie utmost importance thai every family should have a supply of Dr. Spencer a truly valuable pills constantly on hand. ^ ISAAC M. T Price 25 cents per Box IIOMAS. with directions. For sale by B. Oates, Charlotte, by J. & R. Winecoffj & Co.. Concord, by J. Hoke, Lincolntori, by Dr. C. Robe, Greenville. J. Sl W . Murphy, & J. H. Enniss, Salisburry, And may be found generally in all the Cities, Vil lages, Country Stores, and at the principal country Post Offices throughout the Stale. “Prove all thing and hol.i fast to that wliich is good.’ None need sufler wirh that distressing complaint’ CHILLS AND FEVERS, or FEVER and AGUE, for it is speedily and permanently cured bv Dti. HULL’S celebrated ANTI-FEVER PILLS. They never fail to cure the chills and fever the first day, when used according to direction, and do not sicken the stomach or operate upon the bowel.?. Thous ands of certificates have been presented to the pro prietor by planters of the first respectability, physi cians of eminence and others who have used them. The following certificate was given by tfuec highly respectable Planters, near Life Post OlSce, Talledega Co. Ala., one of whom had used twelve boxes of the Pills in his own family. Tfiis is to certify that we liave used Dr. IlnH'd Fever and Ague Pills in our families in several ca ses ol Fever, and Chills and Fever ; and their ad- ministraiion has been attended with complete suc cess. In no case have they failed to have the de sired etfect when useil according to directions. Wo think they are a good Pill, and v.’oold cheerlully ri;- commend them to all persons subject to Fever and Chills and Fever. Given under our hands, Feb. 9, ISi:?, JAMES BAGLY, May 3. ” JAMES MONTGOMERY. June 29, ,HARRIS TAYLOR. For sale by B. Oat.^, CharlolK', J. R. Winecoff, & Co. Concord. J. & W. Murphy, &- J. H. Enncss, Salisbury. Each box contains 20 doses of Pills, with full di rections lor using them. Price ^1 per box. And may be found generally on enquiry iD tbo Cities and Villages in the State. B. OATES, May 3d, 1841. Lilesville, Anson Co. Wadesboro’. Coburn, Union Co. Charioite, N. C. 50-f. XO APOLOGY FOR WIGS. Please to read without prejudice the follov.ing communication, which in addition to hurulreds ol others equally respectable should remove the doubts ol every reasonable person of the uiufotm and sin gular efecacy of JAYNE’S HAIR TONIC. Shaftbuuy, Bennington Co., Vt., Aug. 4, 1810. Dr. Jayne: Dear Sir,—Being acquanted with some of those recommending your HAIR TONIC, to wit: Rev. C. C. Park. Rev. Dr. Babcock, and Rev. L. Fletcher, I purchased two bottles, with a vi(>w to make an experiment. 1 have teen quite bald for about four years, and obliged to wear a wig. Indeed it is constitutional for my fhmily to be bafd in early life. 1 confess, I had but little confi dence in the attempt, having been eo long bald, and being near 4G years of age, and that part of my head destitute of hair exceedingly smooth. I how ever, commenced agreeable to your directions, and used one bottle faithfully, and with very little efiect, but belore I had used the second bottle, a very fine fuzzy hair became perceptible, which continued to grow, and now heving used the third bottle, I have had three cuttings performeil, and the prospect is very flattering, that I shall agairi be ble»?sed with a fine head of hair, ornamental and uselul. 1 am ex tremely gratified with ‘he prospect, and from obser vations made, many of my friends, and acquain tances, who have heretofore regarded the prepara tion as deceptive, and only a calcli-penny concern, fire now v.ell satisfied that it is ‘‘Trltii—Nu Frc- J. W\ SAWYER, Pastor of the Baptist Church, Shaftbury, Vt. Jayne’s CARMINATIVE BALSAM. Is a certain, safe and efi'ectual remedj’ fbrDysen- enfery. Diarrhoea, or Loosenes, Cholera Morbus, SUMMER COMPLAINT, Cfiolic, Griping Pains, Sour Stomach, Sick and Nervous Headache, Heartburn. Waterbrash, Pain or Sickness of the Stomach, Vomiting, or Spitting up of Food after Eatinij, and al.so where it passes through t.he hody unchanged, want of Appetite, Restlessness and In ability to sleep. Wind in the Stomach and Bowels. Hysterics, Oamp, Nervous Tremors and Twitch- ings. Sea yicknes.'*, Famtin^fs, Melancholy and Low ness ot Spirits, Fretting and Cryinir of Infants, and lor all BOWEL AFFECTIONS and NER VOUS DISEASES. Cough Ijozenges. HULL’S COUGH LOZENGES are most rapidly superceding all other preparations lor the releif of Coushs, Colds, Asthms, Whooping- cough, Catarrah, Tightness of the'chest, Bronchitis^ and similar pulmonary affections. One box of tliese Lozenges will often do more good in cases of incipient consumption than can rie realized by a change ol climate. No cough, ho\v- ever deep\y seated, can resist their tranquilizing in* fluences and all diseases ol the lungs, throat, ana other oigans of respiration, if not utterly beyond the power of medicinc, reodil} yield to these invaluauic Lozenges. ALSO DR. HULL’S Worm liozenges. The surest, and safest Medicines ever discovered lor expelling worms from children: Only Read what they have done ! Lauderdale Co. {Tenn.) Aug. 9, 1644. Dr. Calvin E. Hull. Dear Sir: Your agent left with me a quantity of your Worm and Cough Lozenges for sale; I hiX'e used a part ol them in my family and sold the ha - ance ; I have had a lamily about 24 years and 1 pro nounce your Lozenges the best medicine for complaints they are designed to cure that 1 ever used in my famiiy, please forward me a supp y as soon as possible. Yours, with respect, ^ . ..-rr LEONARD DERNIDAN T. Price 25 cents per box, with full directions fi^*" using. For sale in Charlotte by B. OA And may be found generally in all the towns II - .1 _ OJ't villaires in the State. Negro Hiring'. ON Friday the 27th instant, at the plantation ol the lale Dr. S. S. Harris, deceased, we ^vlu hire to the best biilder, for one year, all the Negro belonging to the minor heirs of said deceased. CHARLES J. HARRIS, } g^’rs. DAVID PARKS- > m December G; 1S41. ^ ‘