iHwkknbtttiO •* 2''he powers granted under the Coiislitution, being derived from the People of the United States, may he resinned by them whenever perverted to their injury or oppressions^—Madison. 4. CHARLOTTE, 1VORTH-CAROL.INA, APRIL. 4, 1845. TVflMBER S03. Mecklenburg Jeffersonian, edited and published weekly, by J0SSPH W^AMFT®W. TERMS. '1'he '‘Jeffevsonian^ will be furnished to subscribers 'two dollars a year, if paid in advance, triihin one month from the commencement of the I" jr. or THREE DOLLARS, if not thus paid. \:ibscriptio7is may he sent by mail at the Editor''s isk. provided the postage paid. liceriisements will be inserted at One Dollar per -Mr: {lo lines) for the first time, and l^wenty-fice .-ents for c ich continuance. A considerable reduc- '■-m irill be made to those u-ho advertise by the year. Candidates for Office, \Vt'are authorized to announce CHARLES T. ALEX- NDf.U. Jr» » candidate at the next Anuust election, for re- t oi. to the oflice of Clerk of the Mecklenburg County M M Main Street, Charlotte, N. C. T jI:.-.ry 1 = 15. nuth 95-te - W an-nuniori/.od to announce FJRALEV OATES as ::ir. nt the next August election for the office of Clerk M. Klcr.iiurg County Court. J iUiry 1545. 95-te \V ar ’ authorized to announce ALEXANDER GRA- \ u C-.;., a candidate at the next August election for the ■’' • rk of 31ecklenbur£ County Court. 93-tc rk of 3Iecklenburg County Court. ' :.y -1S45. W a:' nU'hori'/^d to announce HUGH F. M'KNIGHT, I ■’ inuiiUite tiie noxt August elt'ction for the oflice of . jrt Ckrk of Mecklenburg County. ' -U..rv 7. Ic43. 95-te Wl are authoriz. >i to announce W. KERR REID, a , a* th'j II' XI August ekvtion fur the Office of Clerk I,;.' :*: County Court. 1915. 07-tc \Vi nrc au’hurir.ed to announce WM. H. SI3IPS0N, , for the Office of clerk of the Superior court i- i-.i ;ntv, at thj next August eloction. 1S.5. p.re auth'>rizijd to announce MILAS !\I. LEM- a candidate for the Office of clerk of the Superior • I '- -n cour/.v at the nest August election. .u-r/hlS. ■ 99..te uliiurizcu to announce JOSEIIT. DRAFFIN, .lato :it the next August election, for the office -n bupt-rior Court. 202., te W HE undersigned inlorms his friends and the travelling public generally, lhat he has again taken the above well known PrBIilC HOUSE; And that he intends to keep it up in style for com- (ort and convenience surpassed by no house in the Southern country. He lias been long in the busi ness, and pledtres every possible exertion to afford entire satipfaction to all his guests. His charges shall be moderate, to suit the times. He solicits a share of the public patronage. M* VV. ALEXANDER. Charlotte, N. C., Jan. 1, 1845. 191—tf. BISSOL, IfTIOJV. nill’ firm of Charles E. Moss & Co,} V. ^ ive.l by mutual consent on the first | •ry lUal. ’ ' " ‘ Those indebted to said firm are | up as soon as convenient. Such ; if thev I •; -nt rash them, v.’iil ' n||m THE Subscriber has taken possession of the M ANION HOUSE in the village of Char iottCj N. C., and intends to accommodate all who may call on him as well as he possibly can. It is so cmmon in similar advertisments to profess to do many things—particularly about the table & bar, that I shall merely say, that every exertion shall be used to promote the comfort and convenience of boarders and travellers during their stay. A real improvement in many respects is contemplated. * WM. S. NOllMENT. Charlotte, Jan. 2, 1845. 91-f “state CAROLINA, UNION COUNTY. IX EQl I f V. February Term, 1845. Geo. J. Long and others,') „ . , I Petition for sale of Land. Evan A. Crowell and [ Catharine his wife. J IT appearing to the satisfaction of the court, that the delendants in this case are not inhabitants ol this State : It is therefore ordered that publication should be make for six weeks in the Meck,»*nburg Jetier- j sonian,” notifying said detendants ’hat they appear I at our next Conrt of Equity to be heM lor said coun ! ty, at Monroe, 0!i the llth ol August next, to an swer said petition, or it will be set tor hearing ex C. M. D. M'CAULEY, c. m. e. 1S45. 99-6w 1 clii hen. Lirtoy Springs Lji'.-ijd 10 close llie business of the late wmi POSITIVELY THE LAS'l’ LERor s.p.aiKag . PETFULLY informs his friends and the ..utT.s ufihe above firm, (liat lie has purchased . ..: re stock of GOODS of ^C. E. Moss Co., 1. rt’aJv at the old stand to sell ? \i wish them. He will start to the north in .V .'lys with the intention of laying in, at cash , a* of Goods, (taken in connexion with jrci'^nt superior stock.) unsurpassed in Western ;'a C;irol;n I. He is deternnnod not to be under- 1 to 4ive the best bargains over bought in = puTt. cj’ 'i.j country. He invites his old Iriends i (’ubioiuers, and the public generally, to give ; a call. ;uid test lus sincerity. . 'te, Feb ^JC, 1845 G9--r THE subscriber earnestly requests, those who are indebted to him by Book account up to the 1st of January. 1844, to come forward and inakt* settle ments. Those who do not avail themselves ot the opportunity afforded between this and the 1st ot January, 1845. irrespective ot persons will hnd their 1 debts in the hands oi an officer tor tion. J.M. HAPPOLDl. VAl.IJABi:.X: REAL. ESTATE FOR William E. Gill vs. George W. Gill, and others. In Equityi Lancaster Dist. S. C. Partition—Estate of Lewie Gill deceased. By virtue of the dccroo of the Court of Equity, made in the above case, I w’iU «ell at Lancnater C. H. on the 1st Monday, the 7th day of April next, the following real Estate belonging to 1 ewia GUI, deceased. THAT VALUABLE PrilLIC 1I4>IJSE in the Village ot L.tncaster known as the GLOBE HOTEL, AND STOKE HOUSE adjoining, front ing the Court House, and bounded north by lot of Minor Clinton, East by White street, and south by Dunlap street. Upon this Lot is situated the necessa ry improv’ements for a public House, and the whole premises are in good repair. ALSO; ONE SUUARE OF LAND in the rear of the Hotel, bounded North by Meeting street. West by White street. South by Dunlap street, and East by Market street. ALSO; ONE TRACT OF LAND, containing 200 Acres, more or less, on both sides of Cane Creek, bounded by lands of James P. Crock ett, D. H. Cantzon, Jos. A. Cunningham and Dixon Barnes. ALSO ; ONE OTHER TRACT, containinglTO Acres, more or lesa, bounded by lands of D. Barnes. J. M. Crocket! and Esti-.te of Isaac Stewart. , ALSO ; ONE OTHER TRACT OF tAND, on the waters of Bear Creek, containing 125 Acres more or less, bounued by Lands of Mrs. McDcw, A. Mayer, and others. This is all woodland, and near the village, and in the Gold region Terms—credit of 1, 2 and 3 years in equal an nual Itistalmente, (except costs of partition which will be cash.) The purchaser giving bond and irood security, with interest, and a mortgage. JAS. II. WITHERSPOON, c. e. l. d. Com’rs. Oflice, Mar. 10, 1845. 201-ts Printers fee STATE OF NORTH-CAROLINA. MECKLENBURG COUNTY. Superior Court of Laic, Spritig Term, 1845. IN pursuance of an order from the presi ling Judge, the Hon. John L. Bailey, notice is hereby given, that a Special Term of this Court virill be lield at the Court house in Charlotte, on the 4th Monday in May nexL Suitors and witnesses in civil causes will take notice thereof, and ittend accordingly. Witness. J. B Kerr, clerk of our said court, ai Office, the 4th Monday in February, 1SJ3. J. B. KEUPv, r. M. s. c. M.irch at. 1845. - '■ , N.B lU'ieaiter, tne »tate oocKei will taken on Monday of each regular term ot the Superior I’LL THINK OP THEE—SONNET. I’ll think of thee when morning bright and fair Peeps from her couch beyond the eastern main ; W’liPn trees and plants their glittering liveries wear. And birds attune their joyful notes again. I’ll think of thee when noontide’s dazzling rayg Along the land have shed their lustre bright; When bounteous earth the toil of man repays, And nature smiles and gladdens ai the sight. I’ll think of thee when eve, with love serene, Sighs to the parting sun a soft adieu; ^ W^hen sounds of mirth float o’er the village green, And slowly lade all objects from the view : Then through night’s gloom my vision’d soul shall sec My bosom queen—then, then I’ll think of thee. BARNEY OXMAN AND THE EVIL ONE BY SAMUEL SLICK. There lived an old woman, some years ago, at ' throw’d Satan, or has Satan throw’d you ? Speak, Rushy; speak, dear; whose throw’d?" ‘I have ihrovv’d him,’ sais her darter; ‘and 1 hope I have broke his neck, he acted so.’ • Como to bed, then,’ 'ais she, ‘ darling, and be thankful; say a prayer backward, and’ Jist then the old woman was seized round the waist, hoisted through the trap door to the roof, and from there to the top of the crane, where the basket stopped, and the firsi thing sho know’d, she was a* way up evf*r so far in the air, swingin’ in a large basket, and no?oul near her. Barney and his niggers cut slick double quick, crept into the bushes, and went all round to the road in front of.the house, just as day was breakin’. The old woman was then singin’ out for dear life, kick* in’, and squealin’, and cry in’, and prayin’, all in one, properly fiigiitf ned. Down runs Barney as hard as he could clip. luokin’ as innocent as if .he’d never heerd nothin’ of il, and pretendin’to be horrid fright ened, ofi’ers his services, climbs up, releases the old woman, and gets blessed and thanked, and thanked and blesscd, till he was tired of it. ‘ Oh ’ says liie old woman, ‘ Mr. Oxman, the mo ment Jerusha throwed the evil one, the house shook like ati earthquake, and as I entered the room he seized me, put me into his basket, and flewofT with mo Oh, i shall never forget his fiery eye balls, and the horrid smell of brimstone he had!’ ‘ Had he a cloven fool and a long tail?’ sais Bar ney. ‘ I COUldti't see ia the dark,’ sais she, ‘but his Musquash Creek, irj South Carolina, lhat had a i large forlin and an on'y darter. &he was a vvtJder ^11,3 i_i, a^nost took ll.e fiesl. ofl,-oh, dear ! a miser, and a Dunker. She was very good and _Lord hare mercy on us! I hone he is laid ic ta very cross, as many righteous tolks are. and had a • loose tongue and a tight puss of her own. All the j i Aunty,’sais Barney, ‘that-fc men that looked at her daughter she thought had | awful story; keep it Sf^cret, for your life;—folks an eve to her money, and she warn t far otjl o the ^ ^,.^3 harnted-^that you was the way nolher, for ilscemsas if beaulyand money was too much to go together in a general way.— Rich £als and handsome gals are seldom good for nothin’ else but their cash or their looks. Pears and peaches a'nt often found on the same tree, I tell you. She lived all alone a'niost, with nobody bui her darter and her in the house, and some old nig ger slaves in a hut near at hand . and she feed no possessed, that Jerushy v;as in league wiih the evil one Don’t so much as lisp a syllable of it to a iivin’ sinner breathin’; keep the secret and I wiil help you.’ The hint tool:; the old woman had no wish to be burnt or drown’d for a wilch, and-the moment a fel ler has a icoman's secret, he is that woman's mas ter. Ilfl was inviied there, stayed there, and mar ried there; but the old woman never know’d who The claims ol HAPPOLDT & WALLACE are still unsettled and those persons who are indebted by Note or Book account, would do weH fo within time prescribed above—as they loo will be cieali with as the Law d.rectB^^ h APPOLDT, Surviving Co-partner. Dec. 5, 1844. 90-F. GUAULOTTE & LINCOLNTON U1 Court. J. B. Kiaill, Clk. Notice. Having left my books, accounts, &c., in the hands of Col. M. W. Alexander, at the Char lotte Hotel, I request all those indebted to me m any , to call on Col A. and make settlement. 1 am pelled to close my business ‘ THOMAS F. HAMPTON. company she could help. The only place they went to in a ginerai way, uas meetin . and Jerusha } i was, and always thought till her never missed lhat, for it vys me only chance she | old Scratch himself. Arter her had sometimes to get out alone. | j^ath they didn’t keep il secret no longer; and many Latney Oxman had a most bcaulifulvo.ee, and 1 ^ laugh has there been atlhe siory of Barney always went there loo, to smg along with the gals, ^Lnan and the Evii One. and Barney, hearm of the fortin of Miss Rushy, > made up to her as fierce as possible, and sung way com March 7. IS 15 99 F swel l, aiid talked so sweet, and kissed so sweet, lhat he soon stood number onfi. Rm then he aiJn t otltn gtji a chaucoiu wtijrf nuiiie wiui her, and when he did, she darsn’t let him como in for fear ol the old woman: but Barney warn’t to be put ofT lhat way long. W'hen a gal is in one pas- lur’, and a lover in another, it’s a high fence they can’t get over, that’s a fact [Repo:t-:d for the Republican & Argus.] AN OIiSTRF.PT^«^TTq partY- uw nights stfK'-e, a parly 01 about ten wa*? ar rested and taken to the w’aich -house, charged by the “ guardians of the night*’ with disturbing the peace of the city. Being disposed to treat ihem leniently, as this was the first offence of several, ■ they had a hearing uiimediately before a Justice, “ l“tell you what,” sais Barney, “ sit up alone in i which resulted in eliciting the following facts of the ilie gone on ihe rope trom the trap her you are exercised in your mind, and w’ant to me ditate alone, as the words you have heard this day X iCil V oulo ^ ciJWiiv. lEJ J .. .w ^ ^ ^ keepin’ room. Rushy dear, arter old mother has { case, as detailed by different members of the party le to bed, put out the light, and I’ll slide down | in ‘‘ limbo.” the rope from the trapdoor on the roof. Tell ‘'Wnatisyour name?” asked the Justice of a 'LD inform l.is friends and customers, lhat ^ lias ifimovcd liis shop to the room one door ■ J. Kerr’s tlolel—tbrnierly kept as the iC'- the Superior Court Clerk, where he will L’riiti'iod to rcceive a call from such as may want ; Tv;rc. Having received hia Fall and Winter V-HIU?,’S for IS45, he takes pleasure in an- his friends and tlie public that he con- --S to Curry on the TAILORLVG BUSINESS p.f; L favors he is not forgetful ;—and, from the vvliicli lias been tnanit’ested with his el- ' ■ please, lie flatters himscll that he is able to b'eneral satisfaction. ‘•‘0tt3, Jan. 10, 1S45. 92::::f. STILL continues the practice of medi cine in Cliarlotte, and will give carfeul attention to all cases confided to his skill His office ia No. 0, W’^hite Row of the Mansion House. His charges, as hcre- I tofbre shall be niodcrate. Ajir'il Vi i64‘.{ Stage Liiiie THE undersigned informs the travelling public, that he runs a line of two-horse Stages regularly between Charlotte and Lincolnton, N. C., twice a v;eek—leaving the former place on Tuesday and Friday morning ol each week. His teams are goo« and his Stages comfortable, and every exertion will be made to accommodate passengers and make their travel comfbrtable and s atisfactory in every respect. • . 1 40 Private conveyance will also be furnished to tra vellers from Lincoluton to any desired point, on ve- ry moderate terms. Apply eRWIN. Dec. 30, 1843. Charlotte Drug Store. Notice. All persons indebted to Samuel C. Cravviord. on account of newspaper subsiTiption or otherwise, are inlbrmcd that the Trustee has placed the ac counts in the hands of Mr John ^Means, wno is j authorized to make settlements. Those indebted would do well to call and settle as soon as possible, as the business must be closed. 53= Persons at a distance owing for the paper, can transmit their respective dues by mail at my risk. It have reached your heart.” Jerusha was frightened to death a’most, but what won’t a woman do when a lover is in the way. So lhat very night ^he told the old woman she was ex ercised in her mind, and would wrasile with the spirit. Do, dear,” sais her molher, ‘‘ and you won’t think of the vanities of dress, and idle company, no more. You see I have given them all up since I made profession, and never so much as speak of them nor even think of burly and good nalined lookmg Dutchman of ihe party. I ishn’t got any names, ‘Squire; I’sh a • Na^ live.’ ■’ Well, wc’!l fiiii you one;—what were you do ing to ma’iie such a noise and liol at this late hour of the night ’ “ Why you sec, I wash down dere by der mar ket house, and we all goes in a tavern, and dat Irish man says, ‘we’ll all play something for ten drinks,’ and dey all says yes, and I ’ish agreed too. Den Pat says ‘ we’ll tries the landlord’s game,’ and we all sils down in one long row, and dey places me now, no, nor even ininK 01 cm. Well, the house was a fiat voofed houso, and hud near side to de landlord, and Pat begins and says, rap door in the ceilin’ over the keepin’ room, and } ‘Ten glasses here, landlord.’ and dcr next one, and 13 unpleasant to have to sue tl^ friends ol ^ the paper; but j there was a orane on the roof with a rope to it, to ! der next, and dfr toder one, all says it till it comcs " i ptill things up to spiead out to dry there. As soon {to my turn, and den I says, “ I cn glasses here, land* as soon as possible March 7, 1845 T. F. HAMPTON. 99 F REPO^TORY. take this opportunity of informing the public generally, that I have on hand 15 or 20 second CARRIAGES, Illy of ]^Qrthern Manufacture, in good order iienrly as good as new; which 1 will sell low ‘‘-•'li. on time to suit the purchaser, or will ex- fji'.t*’ ‘hem for such as may be out of repair. subscriber will also repair (or the public, and c:,eapness and durability shall not be BUrpassed shop in the State. 1 also purchase my tiim- in Charleston, and therefore will be able to ^'istoniers with any kind they should want, siiop is situated 3 miles west of Providence and 13 miles south ot Charlotte. All those ^ ! J t > buy or to get repairing done, will do well jC ■■‘2 me a call. FRANKLIN EMMONS, idence, January, 1845 95-ly Dr. M. B. TAYLOR would respect fully offer his services in the prac tice of Medicine to the citizens of Char lotte and vicinity. His office is the one formerly occupied by the Clerk of the -y court—one door north of the Charlotte Drug CasGS committed to his cara will receive JUT RECEIVED, ihe be s t assorted supply of DRUGS, MEDICINES PAINTS, OILS, DYE STUFFS. SPICES, SURGEONS INSTRU MENTS, VIALS, BOTTLES, SHOP FURNITURE, BRUSHES, SOAPS, CONFEC TIONARY, PERFUMER!ir, &c.&c., ever offered in this place. Also, a great variety of Patent Medi cines. Country Merchants, Pysicians. and other dealers are respectfully invited to call and examine our stock, as we are prepared to offer inducements to purchase for Cash, or to prompt dealers on the usual time. . ?r^ Orders from a distance will receive prompt att^on. OATES, attemion. Druggist. May, 3, 1844 Notice is hereby given, that I have left all niy notes and accounts in the hands of N. B. lor, in Charlotte, and request all persons indebted to me ' U any manner, to call on him and make settle ment. I am compelled to close my business, ana i those who do not call on Mr. Taylor and settle their I dues previous to the next April County court, can not blame me for the consequences. Mr. Taylor may at all times be found at the ofiice of the County Court Clerk, in Charlotte. R. G. ALLISON. March 7, 1845 96:-:tac. ?piL , , . ^ _ as the lights were all out, and Barney thought the lord,’ and he says, \ esh, sir,’ and up he jumps ana j old woman w’as asleep, he crawls up on the house,! gets ’em; and dtn I sees how dey takes me in, mine opens the trap door, and Ids himself dow’n by the 1 Got;—cause 1. ctlls for ten glassess and hitde land- ropp, and him and Jerusha sat down into the hearth j lord on de shoulder as I does so, I has got to pay in the chimney corner courtin’, or as they call it in j for den^! But I tells dem, ‘* I be d d if I does them diggins “ sniffin’ ashes.” When daylight be- any such thing,’ and den dey' ’ries to make me do gan to show, he went up the rope hand over hand, so, and we has a fight, and it der watchman ^ hauled it up arter him, closed to the trap door, and corncs in so soon ash him does, I would whip’d der made himself scarce. ^vhole of dem der d—n s\yindlers.” W’ell, all this went on as slick as could be for j Thai’s you story, is it,—let’s hear some other awhile, but the old woman seed that her daughter sides of the question; how was it. Put? said tho looked pale, and as if she hadn’t had sleep enough, Justice redressing the Irishman. ^ and there was no geltin’ of her up in the mornin’; “ Why, ‘Squire, old ‘yaw-yaw’ there hasn t and when she did, she was yawkin’and gapin’, and | tould the laste Lit of truth, at all; we played a fair so dull she hadn’t a word to say. j game as any gentlemen could play, and when the She got very uneasy about it at last, and used to MMssolution. This dav by mutual consent the firm of HAP POLDT & TAYLOR is dissolved. Those indebted will please call and settle by cash or Note. Those having claims will ^hTpPOLDT M. B. TAYLOR. •Wiley & George W. Suggs inform the citizens of Charlotte and. its vicini ty, that they have ope/^ed a shop on main street, 3 squares south of the Courthouse, where they intend to carry on the BLACKSMITHING BUSI NESS in all its various branches. Their work shall be done in the very best and most substantial manner, and at reduced prices. They will shoe horses all round for 75 cents, cash, and all other work in propotion. All kinds of country produce will be taken at the market price in exchange for work. Charlotte, Jan. 10, 1845. 92:::ly. Vf'iil and f*ithfnl attention. t V -nuarv. 1S15 ??-lv January 9,1345. 92::f. BOOK-BINDER, RETURNS his sincere thanks to a generous pub lic for the liberal patronage hereto.ore extend ed to him, and begs leave to say that he continues to carry on the BOOK-BINDING busmess m aU its branches. He will be thankful for work in his line, and promises to execute all orders promp y and in a superior style. And as money is scarc such articles of domestic produce as are generally consumed in a family, will be taken in paymenUor binding, at the market price. December 0, 1843. Just to Hand! A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF JEWELLERY EMBRACING Ladies’ and Gentle mens’ Gold and Silver LEVER WATCHES; gold Guards and Fob Chains and Keys; Breast Pins; Fin ger Rings; gold and silver Pencils; genuine silver table and tea Spoons—German silver do.; fine pocket and pen Knives ; Butter and Fruit do.; and various other articles in my line, which will be sold extremely low for cash. Call and see. All kiuds of Repairing in the eilveremith line done neatly, expeditiously, and on moderate terms. THOMAS TROTTER, March 2% 191?. r get up in the night sometimes, and call her darter, and make her go off to bed ; and once or twice came plaguy near catching them. So what does Barney do, but lakes two niggers with him wht’n he goes arter that, and leaves them on the roof and fastens a large basket to the rope, and tells them if they feel the rope pulled to hoist away for dear life, but not to speak a word lor the world*. W^ell, one night the old woman came to the door as usual, and sais : “ Jerusha,” sais she, “ what on airth ails you, to mike you sit up all night that way ; do come to bed, that’s a dear.” “ Presently, marm,’’ sais she, “ I arn wraslling with the evil one, now; i’ll come presently.” “ Dear, dear,” sais she, “ you have w rasiled long enough with him to have throwed him by this time, li you can’t throw him now, give it up, or he may throw you.” “ Presently, marm,” sais her darter. “ It’s always the same tune,” sais her molher, going off grumbling; “ it’s always presently, pres ently; what has got into the gal to act so. Oh, dear! what a pertracted time she has on it. She has been sorely exercised, poor girl.” As soon as she had gone, Barney larfed so he had to pul his arm round her waist to steady him on the bt-nch, in a way that didn’t look onlike rompin’, and when he went to whisper, he larfed so he did noth in’ but touch her cheek with his lips, in a way that looked plaguily like kissing, and felt like il too, and Dutchman was put into ten drinks, he wanted to back out, and I and the. rest ol the gentlemen hero present, very civill7 tould him that he had to pay for ’em like a trump, or be Jasus. we would bato him within a pig’s whistle of purgatory, the spal.- peen; and ihen sure, what does he do, but say like a bloody blackguard, as he is—that he would whip the whole of us,j'jsi by the way of atnusemenl, and the murdering lory pulls out a pistol, but he didn’t .^lightrn me, for never say you are whipped boys, says .1 till you can’t help yourselves. Then Squire, I merely picked up a small bit of a slick of wood, for ttie need of a shillalah, and be the pow ers, 1 cracked the spalpeen’s pate till he hollered ‘murder’ most beautiful, when bad luck to these ‘ Charleys,’ they comes in and brakes up all our in- teriainment. That’s all the truth of the matter, ‘ Squire, if you won’t belave his story, at all.” “ Weil, and what have you lo say about ii, sir ?” asked the Justice of another of the parly, an En glishman. •• 1 h’aint got much to say, yer 'onor, more than ’as already been told you. I thought the game was a fair one, but didn’t approve h’of forcing by any ’arsh or h’extravagant means, the payment of tho bet. My ’honest friend, Pat, there, thought^ h’olh- ervvise, and h’endeavored to ’ioder the German from leaving the ‘ouse, without treating, and so, your ’onor,by being in bad company, although h’in- tirely hi‘nnocent, and ’ere much against my Will. “ Ba the son of my mother, if you’ll only go out she Dulled**to getaway, and they had a’most reg’lar j doors, I’ll larn you lo keep in good company^, you wrastbas they 1 the bench, when, as luck murthering villain, dnnk off of gentlemen and black- wrasiie a& lUfV UU liio iriivii, L.-. O ' • n . . J I)„, , ir.,r'T. would have it, over went the bench, and down went guard them afterwards, retorted Pat - *i- bolh on ’em on the floor with an awful smash, and nant at the allusion of “ bad company. 1 want to knosv the trouth of th’.^ ’.iluii, t>o II? .^0?7 waF iv?” in bounced the old woman. is isDpermott eats ehe: “have you rvhat yea t*? say abotii it

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