“ The powers granted under the Constitution, being dericcd from the People of the Vailed States, mry he resiuned by ih^m vjhenever perverted to their in jury or opfressio7iy- -Madison. ^ OLUME 4. CHARLOTTE, 1VORTH-CAROL.1IVA, AFRII- li\UMBER 204. ti»m Mctklcnbiu’g Jeffersonian, kdited and published weekly, by TERMS. The ^Jeffersonian^ ii'id be furnished to subscribers at TWO DOLLARS a year, ij paid in adxsance, -r v'ilhin one vionth from the commcncemcnt of the ]'car, or TIIlxLE DOLLARS, if not thus pmd. ^ !iihscriptions may be sent by )uad i'll the Kditor''s -isJ', provided the postasc is paid. A lvertisements uill inserted at One Dollar per ^qm:re (15 lines) for the first tiine, and Twcniy-fh'c :hts tor cach continvance. .1 t'onsideroble rtduc- : '^ill I:' ina:L' to those jrho adi'rriisc by the year. CaiididJitcs lor Ufliec. a.fw'autlior/zt’ii toa:inounce CHARLl'S T. ALT>X Jr-- ■' ‘:nu!iiiatc :it riic next .Auiiiis! t'lt'crion, far rt’- . uon !■'!ii" yilicc c‘‘'leri;. of i;i-' 3lcL-!i!o:;burg County Just to Hand! A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF JEWELLERY EMBRACING Ladies’ and Genlle- mene’ Gold and Silver L E V E R WATCHES; gold Guards and Fob Chains and Keys; Breast Pins; Fin ger Rinfrs; gold and silvor prenuine silvnr table and tea Sjiuons—German silvor (lo.; line pocket and pen Knives; Butter and Fruit do.; and various other articles in my line, whicii will be sold extremely low lor cash. Call and see. All kinds of Repairing in the silversmith line done neatlv, expeditiously, and on moderate terms. THOMAS TROTTER. R March 2S, ISl'). 20r2 ■ W ■ -.'.c riuiir>r./- ; t ■ dv.w r.nu r’ll.ITli' -it ti»0 f. Xi August ti’.-OI, . C’ ^:::v C--...-. IVolice. ERSOXS indebted to the subscriber by book account or note, must call and settle their res- j j'cctive duo3 in a short time, as he needs money.— , , ^ 1 Those Avho do not comply with this request must OAlL^> a:i ’ — • . . ^ t!i.‘ oiTicc cl L'ii rk not blame for the consequences, C. ?-’ • 'Wear’ a-iti;.'.-/ n\M, .7i ‘c ' '* ^1'-'' onu.;'^ ;:ijc AIA'.X vNr'EIl (JRA- r th;'n.'xi Auyiis: li ction l/r iht- L'oi;:itv L'c;;rt. Hoc i 'j. ISM. J. FOX. SS-F STATi: ; • » \ ii 1 . a can i; lat'' ? irt Cl'. rk. i: Xt iirr^ ■ I.' \t rii-''kiv ub V C : t'lociio: ' t.'. 1 >r trio ol •rary \Vc ar-: ■! tt 7. 1; t- Wo I'lADS, i.rt of V a cnii' ;; in •, •> , Ic 15. t;.r tiie >i:;. OF NOKTli-CAUOl-INA. MF.CKLKNBURG COUNTY. ^^' nuirio)' Court (f ].au\ Spring Term, IS 15. r X pur suatice ofan order from the presiding JudgC) - tl.c lion. .Uihn L. Bailey, notice is liereby given, tliat a ^^pcci;il Term of this Court will bo held at tlie Court hou.'C in C.'hurluite, on tiie 4th Monday in May next. JSuiiors and witnesses in civil causes wi!l take notice tlipreof, and attend accordingly. Witness, J. r». Iverr, clerk ol’ our s.iid court, ai Ofiico, llic lih Monday in February, 1S15. i ‘ J. ]i. KERR, c. M.S. c. . : MMfch 21. ISla. . 201-tc ^\ ."M. II. snii\''O.N, I \ ]}, Hercaltcr, fne State Docket will be taken I up on Monday ot‘ each regular term of the Superior ; j : . , Court. ' J. B. KERR, Clk. o^Iixcoi.xTox Llcciion. '.■O.to .Av. Ij;- t!.o lMV'.- List of Letters, EMAINING in the Post Oincc at Charlotte, on the 1st day ol‘ April, 1845. A. Miss Jane C. Arey Azanah Alexander M. B. Abernathy E. H Andrews. Robt. G. Allis n. B. D. Tlnrfili A. G. Bennett D. W. Barsh J. ♦-t Ii. iJrowo Re\’. W. G. Brownlow, 2 Flet^Ler Burb-cr Miss Jane Berry. C. J. D. Conoily W. T. Carter C. I’', t-’ros?. 1>. Johii Damcron Misfc Eliza V. Davidson Mrs. Sarah Dov/niijg. E. Mrs. Matilda Edwards. F. R. G. Flannagati Solonjon I’ltc. Wm. II. Gilliland Eli Grilliih Alexander Gibson. H. Miss Mary A. Holbrooks Henry A. Hunter David Henderson Mrs. R. R. Holton T. J. Holton W. A. Harris James T. Holt D. C. Haynes Thomas Harris Isabella Henderson Mrs. Sarah A.IIappoldt. J. CIUCULAU. TO THE VOTERS OF CASWELL. R INGHAM, STOKES, SURRY, VvlLKES ASHE. , , , , . Fellow'Citizens: The term for which I was | products of olher countries by bidding^ Isolhing is more fuiiacious than that the foreigner who brings the articlg to this countrj', and not the consumer, pays the duly. It must be recollected that we are only one of the great family of nations, if chosen your representative has expired; and I con- ^ price as others are willing to give, form lo the custom w’hich has heretofore prevailed j duty on the foreign article is so high, when in our district, of noticing some of the subjects j •^uded to the price at which the foreigner is able lo which have engaged the consideration of the last j people cunnol allord lo buy Jt, Congress. When I entered upon the duties assign- j ^be conscqucnce is, that he seeks a market iu I cd me, I entertained fears that I sheuld uoi be able 1 anDther,,quarler, or employs his capital and labor in , to discharge ihc trust with satisfaction lo inystlf, or j pursuits. I wiil slate an example to illustrate ; lo those \vhose kind parlialilj^ had made me their , iniquity of the present tariH. Under that act, i representative; and now, after my duties have ceas | undyed cotton goods, costing under-20 ccnts per ed, w’hen 1 reflect upon the momentous and compli- valued at 20 ccnts per yard, and a duly cf cated questions upon w’hich I have been called to cent, chargtd tlierccn. i lie duty cn goods act, I am free lo say lhal those fears have not van cosling 10 cents per yard is C cents per yard, or CO ished. 3'jmbarrassing and perplexing as many of cent. be seen tliat he who consumes the ■* Col. C. J. Cochran Mrs. Margaret Cannon SamM. Crawford Allen W. Davis ]\Ird. Winifred Darnell Caleb Erwin John X. Fuller Mrs. Ann Frew Miss Cornelia Gillespie Miss Rachacl Gould these questions were, I have avoided no responsibili ty. My conduct has been prompted solely by a de- consumes Xfio fncr artide io taxed CO pel sire to prcimote the honor and welfare of the coun- injustice does tiol slop hero, i:?upp try; and fully recognising the accouniability of the representative to his constituents, I leave it w’ilh you Lo freely condemn whatever in my legislative course you find to be wrong, and lo approve whatever you lind in it lo be right. At the first sesaion a bill was reported by ihe: coarser articlc is taxed GO per ccnl.' while he who per cer.t,, uppcse the larmer goes to ihe merchant and buys a dollars worth of tiiis foreign goods : in this case he pays 37w cents cl il to the treasury. But suppose he M ir ,z t" r:ii:. T. DI’Al’ MX, ;i ilio iifx.1 floor, -n, I'.'i the ollioo :02., to j^tage Line Margaret M. Johnson Jcf>se B. Johnston. K. Andrew King John i l. Kerr. L. John Lawson. M. Mrs. Clarrissa McCarver Miss Elenor McCraken Andrew' Jamison Richard Jordan John B. Kerr John Kirk James J. Lawing Adam McCahen (:ieo. W, McDonald James McCoy glliil iiiiii of H ilaries K. jloss cc (a). 3 ’.vas dissolved by mutual consent on the first J u'U^ry last. Th >sc indebted to sai^l lirrn are - pr.v r.p U.M soon as convenient. Sucii if - t c:\sh tl'»Mi» n’iH ■ call an.l olnsc tl..';.. l.y n a.'. 1 .'Tov S;>t : 'i; .■‘liori.’/'il IT c.ujc '..e --'.c 1 iic I THE undersigned inform.s ilic travelling public, | Alex. Xelson Uliat he runs v, line of two-horse Stages regularly . bcf.veen Cliarlottc ami Lincolnton, X. C., twice a Rev. M. Osborne i week—leaving the former place on Tuesday and j i Friday n)orningol each. week. His teams are gooil , Messr^ { and his Stages comfortable, and every exertion will-; Mrs. Sarah Parks, i be ma le t .> accommoilatc j)as?engt;rs and make i Jemrie Peail i their tiuve* comfortablo 'ir.d = in r-----y ; rcsj'f’ct : }'r:v: Charles McGinnis Mrs. V'iolet Monteith AVm. P. Moore. iX. John Xea.. O. Miss Eli::. Owens. P. R. ^.W. G. Pierce Mrs. Eliza . Park.^ James Prim Mrt. ^’ennman then buys a dollar’s woith of the same hind of goods, differing m no lespeci except that it is of doMcstic manufzdure, .^or which ho pays ihc same Committee of Ways and Means tu modify the tariffj ^ow npoti this purchase he piys the tax of of 1812. Although this bill did not provide for as ! or (3 cents per yard, as well as on the great a rcduclion as 1 desired, yet I voted for it, be- | but with tins important diflerence: that in the cause it was preferable to the present tariff The i fon^^cT case the 3 .\ cents tax was paid to the troa- soulhern and iK)r'thern whigs, joined by a portion of ^^*"}*; latler, it goes into the pockcl cf ihc the democrats from the Northj voted against this j I do riot pretend to assert that; upon bill, and defeated i*, in the House by a majority ofarticle consumed, the price is cn* TTnnn this imnnrtnnt cueslion. lo manv i hanced the amount of the duty on ihc foreign arli- ianccs. greally cxcceds si. voles. Upon this important queglion, to many j amov..iv o* me au.i, of you my views have been often and freely c.K'I pressed. Substqueni reflection has not changed | in those eases il cannot those views. A larifl- is, in fact, a tax bill, and'JiT^rorted. When this is the ca.«^e, the treasury oufrjii in detail to be so arranged as to equalize, as i ^c'^^ves no revenue Irora the article; and if the larilT ® - affords il any nearly as possible, the burdens to be borne by every i it any protection, wi.aiever it amounts to is section of the Union and by all classes, having duo j ^3’ cc>riumcr to the manufacturer. Lu*,. regard to the ability of each lo contribule. I fancy | a geneir^ rule, where the duty is net so high as ihaiiTTl who arP opposed to conferring exclusive pi;-'prevent the i;nporlalion of Ihe arlicle, ihin ihe vileges upon a favored few will assent lo ihe cor-1 ^iiuounlof the duly is ihe amot.nl of the lax x:uid ly redness of this position; and if it be right, then the ! consumer; and when paid cn the foreign arlicle It goes into the treasury, but w:.en pi ! I have pul. li there was no duty on the article, the in the iu iiie ease 'ip.d ‘J Tl t ’-;1 n ‘'>r'' 'M Al'cc Ptlif'.. t.leo. Ileyi.oKls 2 con VO vaiicc will also be luru>iicd to tra-. ’ Jcry Kod pt'.nt, on vc- vellors from Linc/iuton to ;iny do^^irc ry moderate terms. Ap[*!\' to ■ ISAAC i:itwix. rX ISia. ‘H -F Dj l’»u‘.\js Shelby i Elizabi^th Sample Mari^arct Shaw Wm M. J Tj. Torrencc Tatum ffiSrtUiam ?i.ntutrv, V SP.lilNuK' i book-binI^er, IIF.- PETl-'l'i.I.V i.i:.,pin.s 'ii;s IrKii.is :.ii■ -j-j KTIJllNS liissinccro ihanUs :o;v generous jiul)-: ■ .It TS i!.o : u li.is jiuri'l.useil j IV lie for ilic iil)er;il patroiiagc Ijcretiilbre cxteml- ■ Culvin V.'cir re ' i' ^ E. M jss Co., j liiin, and bens leave to say that he continues ■ 1 7; reii !v a' 'i ■ i id s''•.tid to soil carry on the B00K-BL\D1XG business in all i IIi‘ will stiirt to t)ie nortii in | a s w 111 . ys w::; a s!' :-k r :i)> '11, ;i 1)1 laviiig ill. at ca:i 1 , i . :i in Mirttwioa v.Mh r ; : I oii.'.urpM^scd iu ‘f\ cslcni f-’ ii u- 'rriiiiied :;.;t to be undcr- b'Js! bariTains over l>.'U(jlit ;n V. II;' iaviies his oM triends ;;;o \ i-li * generally, to gi^'e ' h:s ^'ri:y. ) > ; - its brajiches. He v/ill be thankful for work in his line, and promises to execute all orders promptly and in a superior style. And as money is scarce such articles of domestic produce as are generally consumed in a family, wiil bo taken in payment for Co! l.W -\liss E. Read John P. Ross Dr. J. W. Ross. S. John Simpson Thomas A. Sharpe B. Franklin Shaeller. T. Miss S. J. Talmon Xicholas Tredenick. AV. John W. Walker Rev. J. G. Witherspoon 2. AMZI McGIXX V. M. Apiil 1, IS 15. 203 '3s\. ^ binding, at the marlcet price. December 0, ISK^. 39-f J1 I r . : r r v !••• • (;M. w. oo'ies* all '.ii' 1 ■ .'1. .A . :;l. i' 1.. , li'-' ‘Tli> • J > i‘., in ihe •^x:ui'{cr, at the C'liar- iudeh;*-.! to me. ia any scltl' ;ai-nt. I am ; - "iViley & George VJ. Suggs inn-rm the citizens of Cjhurlotle and Us vicini ty, that they have opened a shop on main f^treet, IJ squares MEDICINES, PAINTS, PERFUMERY & F.^NCY JB3 as® rS^HE subscriber ha.=3 received direct irom Phiia- X delphia, an extensive assortment of ; and otlicr articles, comprising new and fashionable ! all of whicli are FrcsJl and iaCllUilK', and Physicians, E3S Ar. vit: F I.'It ;; l.iV. H AMPtOX. .L^OiieCo i,. J; .rs'.itis indcu.cil to Sat.iUel C^. C/ra'.vford, on c ount ci'iii'V. spapt-r subsi.jiption or otherwise, ' rf'. infjraied that /ae Trui'ee h;i3 placed the ac- - ’ait.-; iii the iiai.-.ls L,;’ Mr. .tohn S. Means, who is to !i;f.ke si.’tlle;n.;nts. Those indebted ;U; do well to call and settle as soon as possible, •.b tiie business must h** closed. „f’Persons at a tlisl uice owing for the paper, ■la transmit their lespectivo dues by mail at my :.sk. Il i'l un[»lea:>,iijt to liuve to sue the t’riendsof ‘he paper; but sui-.h is the slate in which Mr, Craw- luTvi I'jlt L.s business, that t: jllcctions must be made • ?s s"on as possible. T. IMIAMPTOX. .'‘I.ircii V, iS l5 09 F south of til'' Courthouse, where they intend lo ’f}rry i -m gojj as low as can be altorded. on the 13LACKSMITH1XG BUSl _M all its various branches. Their work 1 shall be done in the very best and most substantial ' manner, tind til reduced prices. They will shoe hor:ies all round for 75 cents, cas/j. and all other work in propotion. All kinds of country produce will be taken at ihe market price in exchange for work. Cliarlotte, Jan. 10, 1815. 02:;:ly- tarilf act ol is cicuiijr r,o nl! who irn" partially examine its operaticns will be able lo UiS' 1 cover. To ccllvcl il dulv on iorcign imponitions siiffi-1 v.uu/j u= aLx- ■.a.-.n iiis gucus a; ;u ceir.s j ciciil 10 dtfiay ihe legiliinale expendiiurcs of gov-} P' "'as ..e iioiv “ois: and lo er.a'jlc the ern.nuit is ivlml no one objects lo ; but a laiill-which 1 Amcncm manu.aclurcr to scl! tus goods, he v. omj taxes one class lo enrich another, is unjnsi. and ou-hi ‘'“'-o to put them at the same pru-e. but when the , to be abandoned even bv those for whcsc bentfil il j ^‘"y 'o 0 cenls per yard is la.d, it raises the puce c! ■ was ,1 acted We are iold by iboso who favor this ' ’-''■"2" ““‘=>'2 -a lo cents, and tliat enables nolicv that their object is to protect the American ^ Americnii mannlacturer, '..ho pays nodnty on ■ m-"’racturrr n.ralnji -l;„ ru’-or I'lbor of l',.rnnenn , bis 2ooe.', to raise ,‘is nnco i.j'.’o ];. cents, uhi'h h.- riaiions. When asked how they v.-ish to drect, compels the consumer lo pay. Thus it will be sceu I tht ir objcc', liit-y ullen'c tliat it is iniT^ossible for our | farmer, the planter and the laborer, being i manufacturers to couipttc »»ith «n«» the consumers, are not only made lo bear the priu* ^ (oreigneis, and that it is gross iniuslice lo sufler their j cjpai burden ol supporting the government, but aru 1 ^oodl to be brought here and sold, lo the exclusion I compelled lo contribute millicns as a bounty lo ! Cf those manulacmred at home. It is unnecessary lo manufacturer. I will here rtrnark, that 1 en^ i remark that if they were lo succeed in keeping oul tcrtain no imjust hostility towards the manufacturing ■ ■ ■ ■ " *«---► Qj, contrary, 1 desire lo see il left free with the olher great interests and ihe government would then have resort lo a - country. But whei> it dernands exclusive direct taxation to raise a revenue to defray its ex^ pnvilegcs, and exacts ui^just contribuiious from the penditures—a measure to which all are opposed. agricultural and laboring classcs, :i shall not rcceive The fact that ahhough the dulv on many arli- i ‘^ly countenance or support to enable it to perpelralc clcs is so hif'h as to prevent their imporlalion, vet -"^ch iniquity. It is a matter of some astonishment the amount of importations under the present tariff' ^ee ihe mechanics in our southern towns and v:l- for the year ending June 30, IS 11, was one hun^ supporting the protective policy,and dcclaim- dred and eight rnilHons of dollars: and »he question ' ing against those who oppose it, and alleging that 1 is not whether foreign merchandise shall be admit- P^ice cf foreign goods prevents them from 'ted into the country ; but, after it is admilted, as it selling iheir own manufactures, w hen, if they would under tluit act, whether we shall be compelled lo the pains lo inquire, they would ascertain pay a high or a loic tax on it. Il is contended by ■ fact, that in ntne cases cut of len,lhe ailicle wr.ii ma'ny of the friends of ihe measure lhal high duties ; 'vhich the merchant undersells them is mauufactur- do not enhance the price of the arlicle lo ihe consu- i cd, not in Europe, but in the northern and eastern mer; and to maintain this po^iiton they point lo the | Slates, and by the very men whom they sc( k lo pro- fact that many manuficiured arliclesare lower now ! loct, and upon whom they endeavor tobeslowaddi than they were some years ago ; and. without proof, assume that the tarifi’is the cause. In this it is clear remarlc mat ir tney were to succceu m Keepi.-iy uui - j all loreirrn aiti.:lt-s, there would be nothing received . uilercst. C’n the conlraiy, at our cuiicm houses upon which lo collect a duly, prosper and flourish wit III 1 . . . * _ ri ^ t 11 (’(ill I r >» T » n- li ^ ihi y ave mistak'n. But, suppose, for ihe sake of j)rescriptions put up with particular care, h.very | j^j-^ument. we assume lhal Ihe tariO has made goods articlc sold w’arranted to be as represented. ^ • andlht n wesee whal will be the result, chasers will here Imd all the new and approved : proucis the Medicines. Mr. J.L. Henderson, late of bahsbury, v.’ho lias REPO^TORY. 1 1AKE this opportunity of informing the public ■- generally, that I have on hand 15 or 20 second CAR.RIAGJES, ^t.'ncruily Ol Xorthi/rn Manmlicture, in irood oriler and nearly as tr-n, 1 as new; whio.h I will sell low ;jr cash, on lime to suit the purchaser, or will ex change them lur such as may be out of repair. TALUABLK UKAL KSTATK roa William E. Gill vs. George W. Gill, and others. Jn Uquity, Lancaster Di.'^t. S. C. Partition—I'lstate of Lewis Gill deceased. By v'irtue of the decree of the Court ot Equity, made in the above case, I will sell at Lancaster C. H. on the 1st Monday, the 7th day ol’Aprd next, the following real Estate belonging to Lewis Gill, ] deceased. THAT VALUABLE PUBLIC HOrSE in the Village of Lancaster known as the GLOBE HOTEL, A.,n STORE HOUSE adjoining, front ing the Court House, and bounded north by lot of Minor Clinton, East by White street, and south by Dunlap strec.. Upon this Lot is situated the necessa ry improvements for a public House, and tiie whole premises are in good repair. ALSO ; ONE SCIUARE OF LAND in the rear of the Hotel, bounded North by Meeting street, West by White street, South by Dunlap street, and East by Market street. ALSO; OXE TRACT OF L.\XD, containing 200 Acres, more or less, on both sides of Cane Creek, bounded by lands of James P. Crock- considerable experience as an apothecary, will be in the shop at all times to attend to the business. All orders will receive the most prompt attention. WM. S. XORMEXT. Charlotte, March 20, 1845. 202 f j^OTICE is hereby given, that I have^ farmer and planter as well as the manufacluier It is known lo every one that, since ihe passage of the larifl’act of 1812, the articles raised by ihe firmer and planter have fallen much more lhan the I manufactured fabrics; so lhal, if the tariff is ent^ ; tied to ihe credit of causing the one lo be lower, il ; must bear the blame of the great reduction in ihe \ price of the olher. If their fads and arguments be untrue, they prove nothing ; if true, they prove the tariff lo be wrong. Some take the ground that, lional bounties. 'J’he Secretary of ihe Treasury, in his Iasi annual report to Congress, says; The existing raies of d»i}ies on imports and ton nage with the other sources of revenue would, accor ding to the best estimates, after keeping down the interest until the 1st of July in the year 1S53, and af ter paying the ordinary annual expenditures for the support of government, and after discharging the loan of $7,000,000, redeemablelst July,1853, leave an accumulated surplus of not less than §50,000.000 ; and the same rates and sources of revenue, if con tinued until the year 1SG3, wouh!. after defraying iho ordinary expenditures for the support of government, and discharging the principal and interest upon the debt then redeemable, leave an accumulated surplus in the treasury ot not lees than 112,000.000.” I’hus it will be seen, in addition to the objections I already urged against the sy--':em, that a large sur- j -A' • I I J • ■ UI^CU IIJC iU»lL U wU , „ because other countries lay heavy duties upon our ; jg anticipated; and tliis will have a notes and accounts in the hands of N. I • ay- | products, we should retaliate by levying hea\y u- j (q produce corruption and extravagance in lor, in Charlotte, and request all persons iPdet»tt(i to ; ^jgg theirs; and contend lhal the consumer does ; expenditures cf the ^rovornment me in any manner, to call on him and make settle- ngj pay th e duty, but that il is paid by the foreigner 1 , 'j ‘ ^ n ,i , 1 am compelled to close my business, ana j i|,o arlicle. Let ns examine Ihis posi- lion. menl. . — , ^ i v • those who do not call on Mr Taylor arid settle their j onerous duly on tobacco in England i. ‘rloriSme fir lile c:^:eq.lllncSl"“ ' ’ 1 J'f iV policy of retaliatory dntie. Mr Taylor may at all times be found at the olTice j INow', il is no doubl true, that if ihe dutich on tobac- ofihcCounty Court Clerk, in Charlotte. ; co were repealed, il would leave ihe people there R. G. AiiLISOX. I less tax to pay on the article, which might enable ; them to buy and to consume more of it, and there- March 7, 1315 }]efore dismissing this subjfcl, I will allude to a vole which I gave shortly after ihe bill to modify the tariff was defeated. V/hen lhal clauso of the civil and diplomatic approprialion bill which made an approprialion for the purchose cf slalioncry for the use cf the House of lloprescntalives was under consideration, a tariff member olTercd an amendment, A he subscriber will aU’O repair for the public, and jur cheapness und durability shall not be surpassed ::Lg/in'a;a"rielli:'‘;:;. li^'^l'le^wtirbe^Vl'i"; n. H. camion, Jo.-A. Cunningham and DiKon f'lnt custotiiers with any kind they should w’ant. ‘ ly shop IS situated 3 milrs west of Providence l^hurch and 13 miles south ol Charlotte. All those Wishmg t> buy or to get repairing done, will do well to give me a call. fraxklix emmoxs. I rovidence, January, 1S15 05~ly ©ISo OSIAIEEjSS iJo ^ IT April STILL continues the practice of medi cine in Charlotte, and will give carfeul attention to all cases confided to his skill His oflice is No. G, White Row of the Mansion House, ilis charge^, as here tofore shall be moilerate. Barnes. ALSO ; OXE OTHER TRACT, containingl70 Acres, more or less, bounded by lands of D. Barnes. J. M. Crockett and Estate oi’ Isaac Stewart. ALSO; OXE OTHER TRACT OF LAND, on ihe waters of Bear Creek, containing 125 Acres more or less, bounded by Lands of Mrs. McDow, A. Mayer, and others. This is all woodland, and near the village, and in the Gold region Terms—CL credit of 1, 2 and 3 years in equal an nual Instalments, (cxcept costa of partition w’hich will be cash.) The purchaser giving bond and good security, with interest, and a mortgage. JAS. H. WITHERSPOON, c. e. l. d. Com’rs. Office, Mar. 10, 1815. 201-ts J'rirtprs fee Removal. Dr. D. T. CALDWELL has removed his shop to the house lately occupied by Mr.Watson, on second square south of the courthouse. i n v As heretolore, all cases committed to hi.s caie shall ^ receive punctual and faithful attention. March 28, 1845 202 f , l • . m n . a • 1 would be the ruinl To illustrate: suppose A raises * four hogsheads of tob-icco, which ho sells for sev- bv increase the demand and raise the price ,o a li-1 nliled exient. This would bo true in regard to anv I and manufacture of the bnitid btatrs, piondcd the other article in a similar situation in any country. "‘.“J crras «ere cq-l.il o that of the fore.gr. Bui if it were true that the planier who ii.ade the I puicha^.' Schools for Soys. The undersigned having established his resi dence in Caldwell county, will be prepard about the first of May next, to recive into his family a few boys to educate in company with his own sons.— The course of instruction will be the usual and pre paratory to the University ol the State. The Charge, S125 per annum covering all expense* except books and stationary. For further particu lars address the undersigned at Belevoir, near Lenoir, Caldwell county. N. Carolina. THOMAS W. MOTT. Feb. 4th, 1845. 200 3t—afterwards Imtf. BLANK8 variouskinds, printed neatly on good p'lper V.- Ihi^ Ofict, tobacco paid the duty, and not the Hritish subjccl slalioncry of suitable qua!i'y, and at the lowcs^t who consumes it, then a good crop of tobacco would j lor tne aiucn'-tr.it.t, at.i. ruin any of our planters, and the worst of il would ; agamit it. ber, that tho more tobacco they made, the greater | After my return home lasl summer, I fouuJ ihnf, ■ ' for this vole, myself and about twenty oiaers were denounced in a pamphlet written at the Xorth cai.- enty-five dollars cach, and they are expoited lo ed “ The U'hig Text Bool:,'’ as being inimical le England, where they are consumed. The duty American interests, and disposed lo favor Briiisii paid there, on these four hogsheads, would beat policy! This dcnuncialion was reiterated by some least three thousand dollars 1 Now, can it be pre* w’hig newspaper scribblers in my own Slalo, who tended that A, whose tobacco was only worth three appeared lo be regardless of every other considera- hundred dollars, has paid this British tax of ihree lion exccpt lhal of pulling others dow n to the level thou.«and dollars? The idea is preposterous. For | of their own political depravity, Linder the whig A no more pays ihis tax than B, who sells the same i tariff act of 1842, the paper maker has a protection quantity of the same article, and at the same price, | of from 30 to 00 per cent., while the article out Ox to be consumed at home, and upon which the Brit- which paper is manufactured has a protection c. ish duly is never levied. Tho consumer pays the only G per ccnl..' I then ihought, and still believe, duty; and those who insist on relaliating duties are that if, afier receiving ihis protection, the paper ma* in effect saying that because Great Britain taxes her | ker could not succcsslully manuFaclure the aiticlc, subjects almost to starvation, to ‘‘ retaliate,” we must i it was high lime to stop legislating for his be-nent, tax ourselves in the same way ! 'Phe people it is ! till "*e bad done something for the olher inlcietts o hoped, are not willing to give ihcir sanction to any j ih® country. 1 he amount of the purchase sn'h A-siein of r‘^t^!!iii^7n 1 ccn;iderab!e: but it was the pi me pie lo which I * ' 3

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