T/]^ jiou'ers granted under the Conniiution, being derived from the People of the I'nit^d States, may be rt$ur,\ed by them 7chf'nerer perverted to tkrir iv}ury or ppra:it.7i. ’ — Madi.on. CHARL.OTTE, ]\ORTH-€’AROI^i:VA 18. L\ I MISER aiS, Mccklenbiirg JctTci'soiiiau, F.DITED AND PUBLISHED WEEKLY, BY JO.SBPH TERMS. J'fi‘ 'JeJ)KVf;.>ulan'' irill be Jurnishtd to subscril)ers TWO DOLLARS a year^ ij ]»nid i7i advance, ‘ r ntiUi from the commencern^nt of the r in nil J] I)( f/jLAJiS, if hct iln'Hpaid. / , :wySfht b}j)n :'l :t the L'! lor's v;.. I 'd d thnjifisto' c j'ulL //' • Of'/// ^‘,,:,}tdat On(* L ihir cr i :'r,-i time, and Tirent])jlic , From the Washinston Union. ‘ THE TARIFF—IT MUST BE REDUCED TO THE KEVENUE STANDARD.”—7?o6er^ J. Walker's letter to the editor of the Mississippian. M issis Buncrofl and Walker have just struck a blow—one for the revenue limits?' and the other for the •• revenue standard” — which is calculated lo con'.ni;:n'.J iLf- ati« n ion ( f the nation. We said, j-otne vvteks aj^^o. th;ii the latifl system must “ be re (li)C(*(! to ifie [f v«nu* standard;" and that the lariff ol 1842 can sc arc ly stand as the p( rmanr nt svs l* rn of’ ir.is great country li is too unfqiia! m itselt W, hav e no di)'jbi but Uial :i I llusM.li, me u Hig If ader. to Sir John Tjipil ^ L> I not Sit John Tyrell and th«- agricultujal nieinb'i? I iinagiDe, if they should propcjse a vote of want c I confidence in her majesty’s nunistt rs, hai I ?ne.u support it.’ Again he said, 1 krjow thdt tti' it present mode Jor- cairying oui uiv p«!iicipl*s, is to leave the party m power.' Fiotu these boid ant', decided expressions, on the part ot the leade rs ol the two i»ieat parlies of the country, it is in?errtd that a coalition between them may, at no distant day’, be formtd. W^e ourselves v- that, in thi event of any great desc-rtion cl the l^tin:ei by 'ht conservallvt^, fie would r(S>nl to cji h ihj aliiaijc*. 1 u-m] m »h;S c uniiy c it l*'5s than 8 ci ms. and ;u» rather than foitgo the com pit'.ion of the ^rea> ! U'ed m')Stiy by tiiose n:od»-:;it» ci cuin^iauc-^ >J'■ iiy ui lue pto ! olu.t iuiiUcU arislociacy. Sn Junn'1 yteli's speech . jt would read *h' above t xtract fioin iht- law, and | is also ominous. Sir Rob it P el fully adn its all « nouiin^ strange or '.injubi about i: It u;;« in 'he principles Contain'd in Lord Juhn Russell’s se- - nJed to write u. so us not to hr nndt r^iood ) h | cond and thud resoluiu.ns. • I WISP, It would at once have r ctivtd the condcin iia'ion of tht? \oiking peopjc of the country In I' alny, it mtans ihat a duty of ihiity per cent «>f c« nts iS imposed on ail j lam cotton j^ood? costing! not mjre than twenty cents per yanJ " 'I'hu^, i,u> . ics costing 2U crnis pt r yaid. au-’tax. J 3U i trVi tr ; •r\« s^ cosiinL’ 10 en'.r. GO per i t i.t . thus, c.js’.inn 5 cents, 120 |;t r c* nt ‘I'wo-ihiiJ? of tti* coiton.' ■hi' ‘ n/jiL\uini X , —too oppi e^sive upon ^ome interests, too paitial to r iutirViHLr.. A croisidtrublc rcduc- . t(.Q h]\orijble to the rich, loo burdensome to • l;t}iOt.- u'uo aiJvPi by th> i/cor. ! pcDitr cla?sis of the communily. 'F-he sooner ' — ^ jj. the b'ttcr for aU. It is belter ev^n l*or -wlfciCC* M )r them a.iiifjclurers themselves to unde»stand on • : aul'* rfiAllI-KS T. AT-i'X- what they aie to calculate. It is better for the rich -T., si ( r'j. ii, lor rc- , to have moderate and stable duties, than -. ;i’ ‘;.rLi ‘ , till changts in the policy of the ci..untiy whicii he con | templates. At present, ijou’ever, he seems s'lont' td by the poorer ciassts 'i’his ta!t i? Kpi.il to G nl^ pt r yard or» all kinds of co'.Umi fat.'NC?. [These resolutions are oppused to protective duties and the corn laws\ Lord J'.ttin Russ* 11 has said •• that he would net support a rote of icUht of '.onfidence in ministersand far- thf f •* that he knows the bcz*. present viodc Jor car f^j ing out his pn:iL pics :s tc leave the present par^ (y lu 1 i.- f :ng the sentiments of the iraders of the o gitai pjiUfS, r. lo a fiir infcrtiice that a coali* itLHi iuay take place ul no vt ly dis’ant day. It ir? quite piuLaiic tuai it Su Kubtri should btdeseitid uv ti)e coii?t I\itiiV s, iit‘ would rtsori lo such arx rti 1 ( -ii ! ailiUiiCe, lalher tfian abaiiiKju the lint* of r*f>lif*v enough to cany out liis own system I hi dimin I %\ill ^ay Ui it 'liis mode ol lakini: ihe poor foi ihf * - * ‘ ... iStled iiosuiiiy ol the whi^S mak*s i)nn mo;e itiJ» I ..mu fit ol the maniilactui♦ r aitd dI the ih'f). !? j-.i.'t? pendent; anU the paucity of (ah nt ai.d itiiiu* nee ol | LJy tfiis deception, the Am' iican manulariuiei has the innded arislociacy in ih* low»r iiou^e ol Failia a duly iii his favoi foui oi fiw inne' high* r than ment—or rattier the want ol a leading m'ln, whol tje |,iw appears lo givt f;itn; anJ tho^t• uearsno combines ail the great itquuilts of a hader of a t coarse cotion (abncs pa\ f tii ot five ij.nts hn'nt i gieatbody — will fender itdiffioult for the iandtjoid j duties (in prupoiiioig tfuni tt!Os» uf»o wtarih. fin. i those wfiich arc* too high, and on that account, never j ers lo pii a cha:u[>ion ot adequate p0v.v‘.r and ener- ; kinds. Why »3 this manif wni;.h fie conicinplaits. lie is, however, strong" inuti^h at pitsiir.; and mod ot the men of business m iiie iiing'Jum arc taid to be conver'S to Jus policy alia liiindiy to the course he i pu uing. Of this d. ba c—wiuon. i! It kad lo anything, wili involve cunjiqutiicts ol great importance to the commerce, agi JuUiiuie, and manufaciurts of this country—we M '■ ■ ■ Mr/ ' , au!iO;;ii''c la '■ t,.‘j n« xl \ '.i:iLisi I'.-i ■ n ! ,i:r_r ' OATE.- rm \r-c i)f '’.f-rk : 1. ■ ■ 'Jt. f.xed, but always unpopular and always fluctuating. I it IS better for the traiiquillity of the administration i —better for ihc prosperity of the whole people.” j We had delermin»d, most r( spt ctfully, but in the : frankest spirit, to follow up the ri marks of these two , disiinauishtd sccrt taries w iiii a few observations ^ from our ow n pep, in this cv rung’s paper, and to j republish the substance of an article which we find m the •• Clarksviiit (Tennessee) JtirtTSonian,” and - 10 leproduce tw’o very in'erfsting facts which wc ii: ; -rv,. ; t j ofinoiiire jrN\I>*TJ.S V,. —one ID ths Iljchmond Tim>S.” and the other “ i^biladelphn inquirer.” We had ihtses tv * ^ ' * * Uevtra'articUs on cur tal)le for otir immediate use - ; tO'day. We intended to stiow that the tarifl’of 1842 ^ MPSOX ■ reduced to the revenue standaid;” that ii '..l-V , Viht-'ijVrM r^iV I f irt ' calculatt^d to pamper the manufactui ing or la .] I... \ f .i'.X.A XI >ETl / iK A ’ ' 'tt Ilrxt Al:;_'Ur-‘t * UcilOIl Ijf III' VwLiil^iir;i County i ■llil V, 'l f. i :u.st elc'!' •• r ■\ 'V I'jr :vt ! f . ru-in^'unr^ ?!ic (lit ' - Au. :iir. • t (• iniM.i . .7 t . ppnoiin .TOST.iI T. DR AEr'i? ll'Kitf 'It tin; lu .Vt Au^u;it i luCI.un, l.)i' tiJc tiioa S. TXT. 'r (.'our* ! ; \ *0-., te «r ■ • ( ^-r, ;-UTir-o ^ nOl^ERT W. li'l-it'' t' r t' ■ ol (’oiiiity (.^uurt Clerk of :ty, a: ihe ni.vt A'ii,ni,-'t fU. ctiua 1:1', i vortd inur«sis of the countiy, at the expense ot l-he " '; larm.ing. the cornmeicial, or tiie opfirrsst.d intertsi; ' M. r,r.!\r | that, whilst the manufacturers U'ere deriving rxtraor tu- ■ (),„.,ry proli'.s from the taiiiT monopoly which they • t'njoyed, the faimers were burning their candles at both (’nds, receiving smaller prices for their produc lions, and paymghighe; prices forfheir manuf.-.ctui• ed goods, in itie support of this single proposition, w’e have invok'*d ifi-' statistics of the aiticle wfiich we r(j)ut»lish this « venmg from the "New Yoik Evening PuS'.” We were about to make these ap-^ peals to an tnlighien»d people, wh«n suddinl\ a ntw ally appears in ihe fn Id, 'i’his moining. we find the tollowing artich in '.he columns of the “ N > tional intelligencer.” We lay U before oui readers, STH.I.cnntipnrsil.oiirnciK-r'ormeili- i " “h "'"“li® >« tl'.fl'papVr: n hich nreiht-mor. oillP 111 iii.ii will irivc ( ;irciul I chei rfully (iffored. bpcausn, kc are So fcldom undpi 211 -f'’! g^^gainst him. l’h*j conjnncunn of circun'.stanc s 1; a marvellous t.ne. Here is asia’.nnan placed at the head ol ihe country by a pa/ty whose pou* he uses ah ms eflorts todfsuoy. v h. se poln , li. on all occasions tliwaris, aou \\ t.os- ;« mons'iant; s he lr ava w iih indiflVrence. ii. ^i-rt oi all . 1 v\ l,ai are leimed his unpopular act?. n» Miii r^talli^ hu*- majorities iti thegiand council ol tin na^un; and k' able to bring m, dncuss. and cai. i l ;> vtij ut. " urtson winch his predtcessors wei ■ si.tjjw i i k« .. 'I'hat tie i5 It solute in his dete; naiiatu i. lucaiiyou nis w hole sy -tein, iheie can b( no dt»»! ' ; this is a j paitfl tiiough lion; the Otbate ihat t)*loie u.-, anti it iStqually aj»par»'nl that me ma .mo nis ha nOi the puwer ol aiitsiing his can; , lit t *>: 10 be an ag» in with i;revocabie ( i v-» is, a, ting o; defiance oi his instiuctiuns, and foilovvuig the full bent o. his ow n w ill. Tht se considt rations have mduc(c many think mg men to examine his nnasur t v uh a vn.w Oi asceitaming If a policy so vigoiousij adopted uiej pertinaciously adh*;red to, be not in i ality th-; frn- one; — whtihei Sii jiebert « I be the matter spin ot . is. \ ny »3 ini5 mam* s» inju.'^tict pt rpaitioil . tUougm inut wc should peri'orm an acceptablc “ ojV* catch words ’'pioteciion >o Am* ricaa in- | >.t;iviufj lo our iiadeis by gi\ing ihe fallowing brief ry 1 hough our whig fneniis tn ly fancy usi^vul Le lomid to c jntain much informa un In ir.;ph, wt‘ |jav( always thought that tlu* poorei i.i>sf s wt'uld be bentfiitui I v buy mg coiton fabii 's f 5 'r G c t. s per yard, rather than for eight oi tone, as at piesent; and that they are not b«'n fitted ‘ i ia\i:i" a tix {j. y or sixty per cent, higher cn ti- 11 pa cv 11 -•* ;il>hy. iiu. o! .ill iii'.LjfSiing nuiure. besides what relates la Uie mam j omi ai isoue. I I i'nc iesoia ions n'ovtJ by Lord Jjhu liusscll were nine ui numljcr. Tlstj 1st rnert-;v a-. ^r.cd that the present, oein" a n IS paid on those of the more : penod ol pe ice,\vc., was a suuable one to dev'ise , ' measuies !or ;h-j improveiueiil. of c-ridiii.'T, cf the 1 lu' c.'ist we hiivt d i? an illustration of wha*. j iaooiini' clasScs. - calhd miioninm dt.tus; wfiicf. consists m taxing | '1 i)e“2d dtcliied :hat those laws which impof'' tu aibitr.iry valut en goods, r.nd then tax ng them , Julies usually Ci*;kd nd to im,:air eLi ciency labor, t ' restticl th.e Jrcc interchange ot n th i I- fa! valua.ion. tihl iliai ti!::n du';* p jiiaue cher.p gnodi D »• ? ! q,,j iiuj'use on Lhe people muteces I'V eii! pos>. -II.";: on“ gra... c. uiiuo.. s* nsi, sup i'“Se that lilt ueal'.liy cl.is.HS iild be willing to he :.»A*d m an mvi ise latio? (J* ilinniy not. v iki th» la tifT Vt I y w 11. bijt a i ^ d i>:nt crested ( nouo h o Ilf othMsdiriw tiieb»n»lit *)f it. Thtvare p* r ■‘C'.ly willing that iht^ pooi should enjoy the piivi ^ ye ot supporting ihe gove.nrinnt. V\ I sai;i tl'jijt the apoloL’y for thus taxing the poor , " a; to V prott cl American industr\ ” Httw does i’ ihc age, or ihe victim of self,sh txpt diency, ; ,i2 Why, the tax impost d upon fo.. :gn laloi.-? pit nipl^iJ by jacobin tendencies ^itid, incl:natif/ns ? | j The result oj these inquiries, ue bel^ve. has been. „f ariules as much above what he could sell :h* m that most oj the men oj business thoughout the a pro///, as the duty on foreign fronds cf the three kingdoms ate converts lo his^vohcy ; same d. sci ipiion The. tariff is so high "that impor-j hence the secret o} his success. Ihe ,merchants, the cut cff; cons. qu. ntly, the American man bankets, the jund-holdeis, and the ?hj^7ivfacturers, ufacturir has the monopoly ol the mirkel so /onr» or the, bulk r>j them, approve of his sikie7n. and cn be keeps the pnre of the goods below \vhaf the courage him lo proceed. do a portion of Ennjiihman ccnld import them for. the most eruinent politicians—vuir. oj 4ich distinc ^ auihenticaUd fact, and one of which tMtrntiont .V;Hc;:ses e>.-dlded to hif= skill , ot^lioations to that jouinal for valuable npd \\hex^\\ twn as the Duke of WeUinglan and Lord Lynd ,he manuficturer nimself boasts, that he can seH Un wt ot tne tore^cnmi/- Hio >]>:;•(' is X.). (), Will!.' ilow of the I politicini articles of this d^'s.-nption. U iha^k w I da-pul ^ ^ — M irislnft Jil - ctiiir^^L , hciL i for ca!!ir,^ our aitenfinn to mefltbaTC at an. Hnicr j cbangc oi measures can, arpTtsT’TrfWJn- r^nmyirTP;"^ ilTiirTnt^ appf'ar^Tial ine isngnrnTTurn^ mese resoluiiorjs was one and the suiae ; and iba: t I'ii'e tirall I *• iriodera^ liemGVdi. :.\ \\ rei^ reading the sketch of ii in the “ intelligencer,” we have glanced cur ey»'s over the last “ New York Albion.” (wiiich has just opened an exchange with the Lnion,”) and we find the whole debate m its columns, from which the •* National Intelligencer” has. probably, made iis ah.«iinct. (Our own ex* change wuh the principal I^ondon journals is now ( ’ALDWl^LL haf? removed - hop “ 1 ;t‘'Iv oci iijiied by Mr.Watfon, on ■ '''r 'in™i'!rri.i'i>isc.,rc El.al!: ■> ol iii-'angini. ni, bin^ not yH conipUu(1 ) a li ( . Slinsolittion. O0> r .’;.V I Vi»T v.iU 1-1 , \ i We find many rrmie sp'*ches in tin Albion than are nolictd in* the Inlt ilig« ncer; and those of Su Robei! i^'td and others lepmtrd more in extcnso 1 \V't‘ shall probat)ly hertalier give furthi'r extracts. ^ We also find the following interesting remarks from ; lh- edi’oi ol the ” N. Y All ion,” upon th» posiiion • ol ihe j ’.nglish i^elnleI, and upon the resulis which 1 may be « xpected lo bt developed by the great move menis of ihe Bntish people, an ! the lib* ral opinions of ih(“ii Pi line Almisier. We put ihest? rtniarksof ihe Ali>ion” in the foreground, because they fur- ^ niLh a ki y to the position of pjjti»*s in Kn_;land, and „ , ,, i the anticipated rrsul'.s ofihese gjeat questions of free li M r, TA\Lt)ll wouM n‘s])cct-1 , / . , . . ^ .*1. u. i I _ ^ 1 , trade and the protective ^ysKin. sary lazatnn-.. oi. 1 nai il'iC present corn laws tend lo chcclc iinpi Vt ments in ajjriculiure, produce uncertainty in ail ia; ining speculations, and hold out la the ovvn- tjs and tccupieis ol land, piospecis ol tptciul ad^ i vaiiiage wuicii Dity fail to secure. I 4tn. I’nai Ihe House w’ll take the said*Iaws into conaidtraiion, vMin a view lo guch caulious and de- i.btiau atiangeuienis as in^y be mofcl beutficiui lo all classes ol liiiush subjects. i ne 5in reluitd lo souic aiieralion in ilie law of ^lai isn scuicmcni. i nt Odi relaitd to a systenaatic plan of coloniza* lion. Tne 7th related to a more general diffusion of education. 1 ne biu related lo nn extension ol religious aadi moral msuuction. The iJth movtd an adfl««8 lo i*er »ho the con.rary, we may expect the rl^l^*oo.l) bill, and turers have asked and ('blamed the privilege of j bettering me conaitjon ot tue laboring class- rr'ii^ent the Tim of IL\P- .S TAYLt.)R i.-4 (l.bsdved. Those I all and Keit’e by c,:s}i or Note. ' r V. ’1 present them Ibrtiiwitli. .1. M. llAPPOi.DT, M. }]. 'rA VL^'R. tn % ily ; li^’r hifc' stTVicos m tlic prac t'-'o i f Medi.-mt' to tlu‘ citizens oi* (.'liar I -tti‘ • nd N icmi'y. liis (diit’e. i. the one lor-lerlv (n'ou]ned l y th«' Clerk ol^the V - :'t! or nt>rfh of the I'harlolte Drug ■It* K c M-mitte I vO h i la itl.iiil aittMiIuaj. J:vnua'V. *0 will i-Oive Iv IlciSiOVill. r“ 1 , 1’ : li ; r. 'NLvS I'. ('ALl)WI •.!»‘iiee t-^ M I. Wilf am v'here hi* will h*^ luund at all linies. prot Froiii *di2 AlLion. LOUn .*OHN RUSSELL’S RESOLUTIONS. Uii lepeinsmg our files by the last steamer, we see no subj'^ct oi so much imporiance, or that seems so t ig wiih ('Vents of the future, as the subject of debate a hicu place on Ijord John’s resolutions, ii IS tiue that many of the Lomlon papers pionounc* iliis (it bale a mere p;tc«* ( f patiy mai o.tr^ie, and !!i’. ndtd lo show’ (di' my Lord John and his whig adherents in a sort of gra:;d fn Id dtiy exercise, rath the bill foi establishing new colit gt t. m Irt lui d, to become laws ere the presenl st ssiothi losts. And ill the next session^ should the pcace (J Christendam remain undisturbed. U'c may Look forward to fur ther relaxations in lh> commerciaL rode, to jrtsh concessions to Ireland.^ and to a tvntinuance oj those measures which Sir llobeit P(t' deems cs'^en tiaL to the sajety. honor, gLonj. aai prosperity oj the Briti'^h empire AniJ now, wt rtspecl'.ully ask, v\hetiier, am:.! tfnse signs of the times, her and abioad. f u > flourishing condition ot manufaciuie’ in lh Ln; States; amid the extravagant prohis iht y aie itU|. ing ; amid the profitable exporiatiois ot our manii faciures abroad, to coinpeit; with fore gn unpionci ed fabrics, and the labor saving macu niiy whieti we are invdiimg; amii iio itduced pnct s ol >tj aoricultuial pitilucuons; amfd the '-vd%ances in En^ land, among Her ptopU and their .nimsieis, to » f..t .^nd more libeial system; u hile fie; ioin fiom aiticom- mercial *hackIcs seems stamp,d «:^on ‘h- ; j , , , and promises to bt come the grea' .aw’of the highest 1 . J . impiovemenls of civilization,—can we stand quietly reconciled to the act of ‘42? Can we rega.d it as immutable as the law’s of the Mtdt s and l^ersians ? Or. shall we not say, the act of d‘i can scarct 1_\ stand as the penitaneni system ol tnis great coun:ry It IS too unequal in itself—loo opp'-t&?ive upon sonu interests, too partial to ethers-toa favorable lo the -ich, too burdensome to the poorer classes of the community'?” Or shall W’e not rather say with Air. Walkt i. brmginii th»^ raw material into England, du’y | ^s. I', was impossible to sepaiate their Duysical ' enable them to rompctc v'ith the American manu i ri^iio.ous, moial, anc mlelltciual cundi- facturer in thf> ( hmese and other ?narkets. 'i his six mai i*. was ir; vain lo aiiempt lo improve Ct nts a y.iul uuiy. 'Utn. ;s no'tnng more than a hcMa out-, ii liit* other were neglLCted. He gavi; a :v to tin inanulacturer, w’liich the consumer nas to I y tbe progress ol the national debt, And of , ay for evt ly yad he u?» s- Thus the loidly man and showd iUeit eHeclt upon the laboiing • ifaciuier is * nai l« d lo fill his pccktts at th^ expense -s;,j great r*duciiun m taxation could till- p'oph W.' hav»- s* (i» fit at this t^ne to al-I *dace; 1 ir ojt o! '.he filty millions antiually juised, n*arly ’."ie wMulc was wanted lo pay the in- It le-il ol the tlel-t. i.:id niamiaio national lai'Ji; and I not more than il.ice mi!i;ons c.ia be: savt-d, beiween I itiu laoil cxtiavagaol and the n:t>L-l economical ptacc From t'ue I’hilad^dphia Inqair::. | ti:abiishment. 'J'ue wages o: '.he laborer iiavc ntver incieasi.d m prupoiii^n to the dcpreciaiiors w» ich have tikeii [dace in ihe value of money oilt U) llif ininnntun principle of the tanfT. and we > all m out n xt. spt ak ol the .‘Specific and the ad -• lion m [)'inciplts AMERR'AN GOODS I.N i:.\GI.AND A L ndon left r says that ih* Ameiicans, not ■oMtnttd with supplying John Bull with tiet f. pork I’oiion. tof’acc(i, ice, v\ood» n clocks, and numf ro'js iiiiifr articles, are actually stndmg over sii'ttiiigs mil shirtings—or *’cloihs,” as ihey are there ter mtd. 'I'ne following paragra[»h appeared recently '.LTi 1 .!> r«Mr»ovcd i -him as [»ortendmg any marked result fiom tne j tariff'—it 'must te reduced to the revenue M.:.rris-.. 10 miles , ,55,,|{^ the vtM- takt n on it. Such, j .i' ’ luiind ; “ ' nil pi •!fes.'?ional busin ’5^^- : ’ pia.nied widi I >r. a i \ •d. Perky ll.vcr. - I ». ■e refi'rre 1 wlxre he h i? _ I Ivcar .^EEI>l€S,'%’ES, PAINTS, PERFUMERy & FANGV n- Philr. ?Erri->er I.a - rcceivcd d:re''t fr 1 1 t x’‘Mit«ivc u-'sorlinent i was the ('pinion * r)ieiiained of it by meinheis of I'ailiaintnl ihtms»lve'-; for we find that, on the se cond night of the di^^ctission, the House was on the point ot bt ing “coonied out,” as ihe phrase is, be caust' 1« ss than f)ity mernbt is v\ere present. 13ut in the couise td the sp'a ches that w’ere made, i)pinions were giv( r». and admissions made by Sii Uobeit Pee! in rtlitirai to his view’s on free trade, lhat fiave astrtnish* d ihe conservative party, and I rought u iih ih* m the diieci apprt hensions o th»' future. r>. !”s Wt ^kly .M* ss* nger. always a steady co.iserva'iVO p per, an I hi-jh m the confi ltnce of the paity. p:n ucut^rly lhat p nt'o.o ol it reprrs'-nt log the lan i d propt iiy .>f the Icingdom, takes a s'Ti )iis view ii i!ie state of Ik- ri'emo r l^r having desert'd th||j|^HHpit ’ h’iii 10 powt'r, and calls on ihat pa^JJ^^Vandon hiia. Set k anot.hc l. ader, anJ trust «o more lo his prom’.' s. ' It shouM he boiD'^ in mind, tnfit ‘•Dell 6 ?»l*ssen i:er is by n > means a viohnt paper ; on the con ' I'rary, U hac aiA-ay.' bri liberal and considerate in i:s v*"WS and I's I r.iguage; but it unquestionably spook; the smlimtnls ot the Duke of Richmond and j ihe landed arisiociacy. This want ot confidence in \ Sir R )beri l\ el hI ern gradually reaching its ■ pr(Stnt height; but it is the dt^claration oi the i-*re- j mieV and ol Lnd John Russell in the debate, lhat ; has spread so much coriSternalion in t’le conserva — — ; live ranks. Sir John lyrell said that Sir Robeil CoinillOll Schools. ' p^el had los: the confi fence of the conservatives n T.' V .ird of S ipetimi lul^mls of Common j II Uiai be tlie case,’ said Sir Uolr.-rt, -I «ill no', bfg t'.ir M.clilenbiirp Counlv, .ind ih.ii | back that coofiJencc by ihe sliglnesi . xpie-ssion ot standard THE TARIFF OF 1S42. Substaiice cf the article on (he tanjf. frnm the Clarks ville {Tcnn.) Jeffersonian, Junc2\st^ lS4y. As the time approaches, when the laiifTof 1842 wili be repealed or modified, it is important that th* objections to the act should be fuily ixplained, and ihe mystery with which politicians have surround td the question be dispell d. Exj.erience piovts ihe impossibility of inventing a sys t m of taxation 10 distribute tht* buiden tqually Ujion ail cla>s*s. The demociaiic cr»-ed is to ta t^'.uh in picportion to his wtalih; and the pest nt lardf is objecii-anabh , because it does not do tins, it ta.xs the ^^oor, fot fnai, by me DanU itsii iclicn'act ol 17‘j7,and stcond- l\,uySir LJobcit i'cel’s curiency bill 01 1818. iiord /otiu dwelt largely on the sutijtCl ol tlx j^ccona ic- toluiion. “ t^ume persons,” suitl fie *'s'.ill itlam the ihLOiy that, wilhouL prt,iiction. ccriain bianclits oi liidustiy carinol be iiiamtaintd. 1 do ihmk il iic "i'ht Ami* lican brown cloth' are really substan- j cessaiy thr.l we should express one opinion or tuc iial, and, to tht* hooo li r part ot a community, most | oihei ; euher let u? adopt the policy ol Mi. V ansit' valuable fabiics Minchester cloths, of tfie sarro | mt, and piotect ali braiichtsol industry or agricul- dt s>'I itiiions. are not to be compared to ’hem; and ■ ujie; or lei us abandoti that systtm as vicious an - although the import duiy upon them be 10 per ccnt. 1 un=otjnJ. For my ovvn pari, I ilnnL thu system li we could wish that our agriculturists would try j viciou? and untounJ.” John cited several them, and show t^icreby that a maiket may be found j i*:-iteir.LTils I;oni Mi. «laJcluue s pamjdilet, lu shou m I’nrrLind for American cotton coods, as well as , ihat ihe importation ot m:.i:u!acuires, unUer the rt;- in England for for Atilt i i:an \merican cotton good: and American provisions.” i.’pri.'nig ne\v i-;,d l.u-'hi ^‘ ‘ ^ ii ( t V. u .-h are and (imuilir, and ;!,} ,.s 1 ^w a.' can l.c alVordOvl. Physician^, I'rV'eenptr.ns p-ui v;p wah pare.-ular care. Every irticle ‘.-id V •. r-ant',1 i » be‘as representiMh i ur- cha^^t rs wi;; l.cr-' Ih.d ad the ncv and aj-proved ^ 11' d i:' i!) Mr. J-L. IltMulerso; , iatc of Sai.sVurv. who has ^ j)] i«ruul: ' xperifHi’e up an apothccar%, wid b^ m Ine Vh. p at all times to attend to the business. r>ru-rs v.ill receive the most \> M. fc. 1 . rrom the Iliidimond T’Ttics. IMPROVEMENT L\ MANUFACTURES. Ciiiie a SIM has bten cieatid ai Lowell by the lui.odnction of a new colton-spinning Irame, whu h iias just been put into opf ration lluie li is said to M quire but one/«//>/■ the power, and uill make more yarn, and .01 more even twist, at about two thirds the expense kinds of fiaims in use. The manufaclure of figured silk ritands is about m be commenctd in Bangor on an » xt. n^ivt* scah- No manufactory of the kind hastver yei b». n estab iished m ihis country Oneofth* paMit s concernt d (M« Voszei, a Swiss by birth,) fias . AT cn d a gteai 5-aving m the business of substituting ihe p.ower loomlor nand labor; and it is said that a loom, cn ?iiuc'!*d on his plain, is capabh', w.fU th» os>i.>ianc. 1 h* pt iSon su[ lendms the machine can cf.ange tlie patt^:n- ;•! pleasu re. All !:,tte, Marc.h26, ISlx 202 F ihe bent fit of the rich. Pt-rhaps nine tenths of ihf voters have nt vt r rea-:. j ot a gif I‘d't.-nly modi 1 a-e skill, of w^ aving ' fiir'y-s v the laMflof 1812; and ptobably nme-nnihsof those ribands at the gam* nine i h* pit isoi who have read it. do not unde-stand its operation U ')!a;ts a Higher lax on the common n^ct ssaries of life, used almost exclusively by the poor^. man on ihe luxurit-s used by tlumore weali'.y Not xcust has bef-n given for this Jifl .uivf. \. »'pt ihjt n i> don*' to protect ■* xYmerican mdu>tiy ” Tfi*^ rKSU'. IS brought about Lv colhc.ing itr iev»nn* 10 min imum and speciJic.’^uA ad ol ad valorem ut.ii dull s on coarse cottons »x[oam fiow ih (duced duiKS cd lcl2; was nut uverwhelmmg, and ' that itjiivc manuiacioiI s ai= r.utu able lo bear n^ I against urti^n conijft-iiiion. '• if, then, thos'j prin- 1 cqilts were just—11 it wtTC right to reduce protec I ling ilutiei wiil.in a mod-rate comp'ASs—w’fiy has noi the tame couise h».en purvut.-a with .egard to o>ii» r aiiicieS.ot more im{'0;'.i;ncc than any contain- td m me lardi' i f 1844? Mv conclusion is, tha- me sysit ni la uUogeitiyi \i iuus_. and tfiat v. e ought lo abandon it.” '1 o subsianliule Ijis t.tird rcsalu'.ion, :.e citcd the coinpliiiit of l^iNiitr , liiut almough they have pro u ciiuii of nmrtj mat} fjiiy per ct.a', upon thtj food Oi ^ihe petji»i», iht y tjave Uten m a state of diflicuhy, and ii.ive ijt(n niiaLie 10 t mpl-v the regular num 0' i ul laL/uu :ci Uuiing the last ivvo ycai2 on account t t t,iin.mi;x»i.a ..iKUiS. *• Mv ov.n opiniun i.s, sai- L>iu •• tuut a smai;/ '..: Juty wctild be prc: ej>*- .f to i f ’ilai'^ rcale ci dutv —even lo a vanish -..g Jcah-. However, II I werr-u-lad irhtther I ihty^‘ i/iat It d'.sirable to have c-' y on comat r. t i'h. tJe deption is made to appear so pl .us-bh. i'rom the Natioaal Intcil •.t'criC-;r, IMPORTANT DEBAT IN T'dE BRITISH HOUSE UI CO'^.iMoNS. A •• r’aif wU'L.*; i.iok ’^trac'- in the E; lUsh Hot;te o'. ^'Minoe.ins on ti**^ resolutions hrou£jhl forward ly L- li y.-. n Ro>- ll on th* 26'h ol May las*, was )us iri I's ndicitions. than 1 Miuu.ij us is no!. Cold IS cr;e oi t!-'; u .sis’, attic.es *... you can lax; but, m m.ikmg chat.i:;.5 mtica» policy, your com i l;nv.v ih'^Lv:! :lr. is pfc:iuccd b^ (l> lU'. '^os. d al-^raticn in iuw r f parccliial =c':. ’ i'.,g^sh p' hitps mo • pt'tleni roW.erw’MCTklenbiirg, lierfby j regret for the c'.iirse I have takfn.' Tur ' to attend a nu'ctiojr of the Board ot the new Lord Jo!.r> R'i?«e!!. he said, • 1 folly admit ^•fhniise in Charlotte, on 'rhiir^day the2Uh tnsi', , pijiiciples involved in the second and fhird I'rit*' sections o! the *acl whic-h ret- r to fatftcs read j ,,,y c'f. i u men ms 1 Ut iy occurred 'Pnert were * nt> iirontdiait and ir*a 1 k d C(-nst q»n nrt s fiAvmg ' on. iht d haL»-. but. m the cou^sr^ of the sp-eclys xhich w It made, opmi )ns wtre (xprssed by Sir R >be-ii i-*t t 1 m r.Iaiioii It) free trade, uhich liav; part notifi Court ho7ise at 10 o’clock, HUTCHISON, Chaircran. TTlveian Grove. July 9, 1845. » • u rc V School Committees, and olhf.rs having bo* V trMOKact vvitb the i^oard, are requested to BinOFSto trdneaciwioj * , ?*t'CDci above. f •• f Turning to all th- resolu lions’ Kow', ihfS-2 resolutions declare, first that all laws imposing prcicciivt duties impair ihe effi racy of labor; and, secondly th.it the present cnrn laws check improvenents I'l agriculture. 1 hfse are held declarauoa?: tut what Lord Jchn ‘o as follows: • Provided, That all manuf ir:urs of cotton, oi of wnicb coiion is a compontiji part, not d\td. col ored printid, or staintd, not excetdn g in valut 20 cents j>er squaie yard, and if dyed, pi inted, coiort d or siamtd, m whole or in part, not exceeding n. value 30 c nts per sq iare yard, sr.al! be valueu at 30 ct nts per square y i‘d; excepting velvets, coida, moleskins, fustians, bufTilo cloths, or goods manu facltjred by nappmg or raising, cutting or shearing, not exceeding m value 30 cenis p r square yaitJ. and a duty be paid thereon, sccorJingly ’ —‘.hat is, ' ^ -,u>idt n H.s p: I ti.enl relates to tech’^ncalitics in 'he I law’s, vvliich are. l.^ippi.y icr u.:. ; thiS country. : 'i ;.e res *uUo:i ^prc..:i z c ' j h;.v-j it»'-reiiCe pa;ticu ar.y to ■ i i-^a : 'Pi.e i',*i,.s?;!y f r a riore gtn^ ial ! ( duciion is n:aJe ( vi ient l-y the 1 •' und^rsto ^.'f the cmr.in:;!; jierksh i d;ii'.si''i •, ing siat». riif r li U i2:i V. t. fi l’"l th.- hu>t.-lc.n.'l .-i.n.-=Hv.tiv.- part) with c.-5t!5«., ‘ !- i-l.:rer,i,a F.tsfi'.ia . ,itji> diHit'i iiid i|*pri-*i'n*nn us to Ins lilt'll? prilicy ‘ * - .u.*.. ... Bell s Weekly Messenger. on» of th** leading? organs dtnouncea ih* Premier for havinfj d»' he asiune^ »1 ihai paity s ri d nis [>arty ; calls upfMi the party lo desert htm and ask'. L i' nt*i now tim» foi evt ry section of nt' ron.M v.tiivi paity lo look around ih^m for a new ix;an ?■’ B il’s M 'S*n£7» r is bv no means a violent paper, but it i5 undersiood •':* speak ihe sentioatnts shi-*', one half ’.\e,i np.^!-le lo ua:.. Ul ine crimina’';.i L‘‘-n‘igs'i.rv. _ t .vO'.fi;iJs: unablt; lo read. Of the Ciiinir.alr in Dernnshirt-. 0 ?t ol sf-vrn’y'"rt. ofi; nders under sixteen yarsof age, only four conia rtad well, lu Cisex. one-half we^e in t?!a! igncraga:

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