ebvijc oi U3IS not w ke^pu in te .T?a r, oni p-'vy thf* ir.fcrpst, muoh Irss iho. principal ffitsd^lit?. Tlv* Pff'sid«'nt of that companv, Ed- rcrcl f? D'jdly, fo'rrne!y Gcvcrnor of tho State, in his last H'port _ ■ . W« arc sory to say, that ^ve shail’not be ab!o ro p:'}’pnJoreed for us by the Stato, which (a!i r.!i tiuj first of Jiin'iary tioxt. Thn imJivir]. j ■p.i crciiii')*" and other mtiisp»‘rjsih!ed*jmanfls we i'.avf b^ii' c^mpeiifHl in pay, havedepriv'cil Uriot'Vao men ,s ni (loiR- SO.” In the snrne repoU *;.e says* «• Our ,s one third o( our xvhich you ner ^''.‘v.’roft of 044 030 15, beinV a taianr.J cf • ^1,004.36, which is iusunlccrjt to pay •bi-> of j.isurpnce on our beats by ^6 to 5r,'’00, dt'l'dis. > be says. — '* W iiat provt’on shai! be made •sr thfit purpose (for payiaj the Bor.Js about falling iue) is a quesuori of grave consiiJeration. The Bonils Cl the sainfi kind and amount which fell due 'ist January, were promptly paid by the State, and are no v inJrbted to the State on these BoncU $100,000, vvh:ch fail due in 13,43, and 1844, which rru^: rcndfr the company the more unwilling that ♦he Sf;*!!* he fo'ct.I to o'^r asistatice in 'lay.T'f'Jjt ini'* nori;]> ■' ? mi IS positiYely oiitraoeoug that Mr. M^ w aJtused and siaiidereci, as tJbc tools ^ are now doin;g it ali over this istrict. ^ And we tel! oisr friends that they must be vi^ianty or many voters, may tie HiiposecS iipon hy these- slanders on oiir cno- didate. hey nuast he met and given the lie direct, and the miserablf^ tools who are cir culating them exposed to the indignation of all honest men. We leara that in Cabarrus, an uncle of Col. Ilarrin ^er is travelling about retailin^^ these slanders; that in Oavie, a coii- ..t ...t iv.Myfur,i.v«eiijvajTod in iJie seme vocation, and in ■ redell and the other counties other tools ere wor::. They say that Cwcn. Jackson, just CANDIDATE3? IN LIKCOL:?.- | HI A P PI P *'>, P. A floKE, E'^q . lh*= Df’rniX7'-''hc Cf.rs'l.'le*‘ j In LIncoiu county, on T jtsdr.y 22 ! inrt., V»y iho for C''erk o1 the Supt rior Court in Linr dn. opi)os» H McCutchar GI.\Gl.SS>, by Felix Abernathy, doniocrat And Robert WiLLiAjiKON. Jr., 13 th*" Dr'irocratic cMndidaa- for County Cou)t Ciejlr, opposed by D. Cvros I.- Hunter, Fed. |l3'''^Ve give on our first pof^e iho particulars of the recerit di'^astrons fire in N#jiv York. The u5.*: 13 itnotense—at least 000.000! Eeqr., to Mi.sRLOT I E CALDWELL, dautr’iUT of the late Maj. Sam). Caldwell. In Lfincaln Coonty, on thr 24:h iTPt.. hy t^o Rev. ?5. W. Dflvpp, Mr. R0F5ERT H. GASTON to Miss ISABELLA WRIGHT. The tvro rivs! catvhiia'.es for Con;rrrss a '^re.'Sf'd th* prcp’e at this p!a>:e on \Ionday last 1 yu’t Uisciissicn wa:i n.uch as thrit heretofore i i "ia • '%Q«r rcpcric.'i by us. hj.i r.t o;hrr ;:!ace.s n-c.-hs!! nc!|**eiore “IS leistu, pciined S. Icttcr accusi!5«’ iTir. i of iiavimir clieatcd Uic liuUims mul (!ic ’Oarrin^f-r g'-t haJly usi J ':\\ wn ni’j^t notice, j ’'•!r. I 'lshtr brp-Jght up irj nl aga-nst his i oppt^n'T.t a cMcii'.'ir iiSiu'.l in l>Ui. uhm ht? said bo WiS dccii.'.'dJy ap{-(>>t j to n protective t.iriff in any 5^^p■‘ and aaicd ho'v it canu* C\>1. D. was niuv ‘le a ^.•acate (;f this syitMn I In thi.s circular. Col \j a^'O sai‘1 he v.as o;-p..'':ed to dljtLub’n" the Com* prvimise, t!!t no-v he s'.?ppo;ts ihe odiuus taruT of MC. h this consisifocy ? asked Air. I'lsher. Col. B hav.ng alluded to ihe Salisbury Resol'i- ':ons of ISo”';—Air. Ftshrr showed-conclusively, Sal''o!. B and bis frirn^s were now ^oin^ fc:‘’Mv vo:y i-neasures which thf y joiatd him in dt noun- ^^'^se Sa'isbnrv Resoioiir.ns. His thrusts h’s opponent on this sulicct \Tfre p?rf?clly over- ■xh-'lmin^. The uifcuss^rin was t^ig’tiSy i!ra’.ifyin£ : .^1" 1’ i'‘her s friend.?, and hi^ oppmen! seemed ^jUiie chap idiicn. Nr>(t Thursday w’i'l show’ that ”'i ^l^ck!;riburg the old i.re of den^ccmic, liberty ' ^'"rnirig as b*i;ihry as in '7 MOr.K STi^AWS: r in hi;; cirri:!ar, makes an eilr.ict frnm M". ‘-" hy's speech deLver-^d in the Senr-.^** rt' ihe ^'ni*, i State?, wher? he says; Carry o'.U tl'.on the spirit o.^ tlic comp’*or>>^-;f» qcj. to a ’ont-> .or iho FVTpport v>f :he Govrrn- »:-.cnt. Do nr.* r'listt the* quf'st :o:! of protf'ctiori. hrch 1 nrpi>il n^d been put to res*. Therr* io no ncccs?:- 5 lor p-.otection for p’-otection.'' cc.c. I: -'c^'ras i!)ai io tv*n W'^rJc CiC ''!7. Cu. r,o d^v.:b‘, a trpngraphical error. The ':oT‘h a- poken hr Mr. Claj' a/e—there is no ac- 'c;s^-r n-r prztccti^n Jor prctcctiony !n the hand hill vh'. ’:n iasi words ar.' loft out, so as to read— • Tio r.?'.‘er.s;fy fir p^-Mection, vi-c.*’ At Mr. F-^ih •- ?''>pen.\ Mr. Barnn^er FOR TUE J£m:«POM.\N. TEXAS Ai\D MR. IVALICER. “AW that I have a ahccp cind a ccno ev^ry man hidtr mcy good ?norroiri.^'—tVarihlifi. Huw true is this aticient maxim of the* Pbilosn pht^r. When prosperity and suceras c-owna an en tt'rprize how many who before were e«tht r .lukn* i-varrn or opposed, fall in, and unite, with iha crowd. See toast of the fion H C VVinihrjjp md bi*; Bepaitcd t»:i3 Li^o, In thi^: Connfy, on the irv'^tnn*, Mr. JOHN POKTP’Jv, a very respertablf; citizen, aeed about f:0 y^ars. In York Dir'trict, S. C .on the insf., Mr, JA3. M. I*'ARR.1S, in ihe 2Srh year of hi? :ii7e. La Cn^aiTus county, on thf* 9th inst.. Mre. LOUI SA 12. YOUA'G. wit'e of .Maj, Ro^t. S. Yoonp, ani dau^htPT of, Jbhn B'hifer, Esq.. leaving nn intaht of a week cliJ. * v Rarely lias it fallen tn our lot to record ih?. 'depar ture ot one so lovely at)d fo beloved. She po«seps- cd evhry enrlo^rnent that conid adorn the dcme«?tic and the social circle ; and she entered upon lile with as jfiir prospects as thia world could give. She had in very early life united liprpcif with tho Preehyteriaii Churcii, and her active discharge of speech at B'aneuil Hall, Dfjston, on the 4ir; :nstanf, duties of her station, her ardent desire to pro- L, r it mote the cause of religion and moraip, and to do >vho ofi..r oppos.ng !h0 rn.-a.sare, oo»v cnr..,o. r». p„,„ fram from vvt lcofniMg home acothrr sister in th^: ed the sincerity of her holy profession. Truh’. when 'onfetleracy.” I ^‘'^’ppecf ?ier, for she had no liig’i- ^ ..... tt I er y,;,:apure loan tn malifT-othrrs happy. Read th^ toas. o. a disli.i^Uishff. m Virgin- ^ Her dcvo!r>\l attachment to th»* interpatsof her be loved chnrch, r.Tv’t to the rru:?G of educaiion, tempcr- anre.and virtu?>, her aympalhy with the afilirfed, her warm and cnnstarit friendship £^av^ her a high place in thf; l>rart.= i.:f ai: who kru'.w her, and a wide circle of !rie.!ids mourn her io.^s ae thny mourn over near atid (tf.ar kindred. They tecJ tl;a? s^.cif’tv has pus- lained an irreparable los'^. Evii i: w la in thn Raar- tuary of llin doineslic circle that flie pure afi'f’ctjons hf’r [. jre youn^ heart were poured out like a The devotion of acvifily and zv>^) u has increased, u!;tii it novv shinrs a jfar of the firft tnagniiu.ie ot:r pr li'ic?! firma. mint. Sfldoai has nny eftort, howfvtr sirongiy commenced, been crownc(J with sn^’h b»illiant SUC' c-ss. With ali the firmness and tact of “the ke^ ^tono State” Mr. Waiker unites tlie fire and tuhnt of th^ South, and is tint {be success of hi? favorite- T‘t'uC ."i p''ir?.je ul>uul is mi;;quoiation as he *te. h.vai'ain referred to it, and -1. I* AtCi; '-oe.’urcii t.;it tiu* v.-ord.^ oni/ted ’•'.•ere ihe-c: ‘‘therp - io r-.n udc*:?';-}' ■'■jr pr..tacti‘>n iOr proL^^ciion sake."’ Mr. I isher, m rrrjrin;^ th.s a ot Mr. E., said the ,':''r/.!cma;'> ,n nv-:i.'ing thi‘ smail lypoiiraphical errcr ■f! n..= panjd.iet. !iad rrade a.^ much ado about it as V sr.v.f' won-Jen’u! ci.rr.ft ha l r.o*,n C 'mrriit'ed in the omi'sion of l\ro ucrdr. n.nd he had said iC .7'TO? on. tled 'crerr, ‘'for protc'tior for protec- :r. ;t^. ' IS'ov.-, P2;d Mr. F.. this is a small malttr .':3G' ; out is it not Pirange (iiat ni}' opponent .lOUio "et up here and ac«"ose me of misquoting, he n:rr.s‘:Ii a* t!ic same time mi.^qaote the same -n'cr.ce hunseli. Mr. F. t!ie-n produced the speech .nj ‘^ncvcd ;f Iv,= pamphlet orrilttfd l:ro ‘icords,—he. L., ha.I actually aJdrd tu'o x^ords, to wit: the vo'j? J- proteclicr. ockr.'' So M.-. B. came out ■^1-- s^'rape rather poorly. Tills MOU.\TAL\ DISTRICT. *•;.* c j'ico by the .'’* d»'ra! p«»per at Asheville, t.io lion. Uraham has come out in op ' to \>r. Ciingman, for Con^rrss. The Mo3- ^'cnjar ;.7 rerr hittio agnins*. Mr. Giaham, for thus ■' i' .ng tho imptKjrr.ce to cppore the aholiiioni^l, .Mr, Graham is opposed to ws in poii- m every parlicu'sr. but we should rejoice at hi? ‘ •'ctio.i ov^'t the rr.negade and traitor who could, r^ presenufi^ j-lavc holdrrg^ go hand in hand '■v.'.h John Quincy Adams &. Co.. in thejr war upon - ; cu;.h — h:^; own copstitucnt?. ; OR ri:c j.»:rvFnsox!AN. HOX. R. M. SAUNDERS. Ai!‘> p'^opif* of this S';»te fi'w? s^eh the name of Itus gcn’ieman often before thtm in the rumors of *i**‘ (i?y, n-o one who the j’residcnt would sekct for ^C'tne djstm-ui.shed appointment in his gift, as due ■ii? dist r.g'jished worth, and to his services in the i'ei.r.ocrat;c: cause. Our State has aslred but littir. •'^.r.d ?.3 yc-i ii-? received noih-’ng from her native ^3n. r!0v7 ia the Preside ntial chair. We know that ->udgf' Sannderf^ has iii^h claimfj t(* the cojifidcncf 1^! he .President by hi? taien*? f.nd industry, and ■'Crc ]' nn demociat in this State that w'onld not .Crnt’Ged at his appoinnnent. In tfie Baltimore '-onvcu?ion his course was distinguished, and with y^aiker and others tended to tho es'.abli^'hm» nt of rule which resulted in the nomination of Mr ■■ OiK, and without which he wmuld not hav^ been ^f'niinalcd. In the canvass in our Stale, he pej 'aded the whole Slate from the Roanoke to tho ^atn;vba, in a hopeless sallie on an almost imprefr- r> * ^ • I o *auie majority, and although hopeless, yet that ma jority was rtduced from 12,000 to less than 4,000, Congress ho possessed the respect and esteem of parties, and at home he has the regard and affec tion of both, and we would be much gratified at his ^section by the President, to some appointment ’'’•by of th»? State an3 his talents and services ^ATAWRA govQrnanent. a lie! Cwen. Jackson wrote no such letter, and they e.ajj’t produce it! he next lie i«, tha( JfFi'. lias in Salisbury a seci'et offi.ee, into which Ise admits ohIv a few I>eiuocrats, and that W liias have often offered 10© to get adniisson, and could not |ret it! l^his cas'^Hcs the lie om its very face, 'i liey also char^c him with saying' tliat he eouki buy l^tiich votes esiougls Trtlth whis- key, ginges’cakes, a*id tobacco, to elect him! Haser Jhlsehoods were never spoken! Ooes am who know Vhnvles M^^isher, liclieve ht' ev- % er used sii‘h lan^uas^e ? He himself of g^er~ maii descent, ancl is loo ittuch of a aeritlcinaH i nroj»-’ct a type of his own fiituri- carcer ? From a A A- iia» S'* * yo.uv.y man unknown to fame, he ^ntcic to tniis slander nis own relaiions. i wc rc2 him Tism;T d:iiJy in pu-bhc fsuroation, in ue- ' bate contrndmiT with the master spirits of the r.pn- lint s?ic!i are the means now in active use to defeat Charles Fisher. Will an hoisesS, hi|^h -njinded people countenance such fraud and high-handed injustice t Is there a I>eni- ocral in the I>istrict who will stay away froin the pol.s on Thursday next, and suffer our candidate to be d‘feated bv such means i Is fraud and falsehood to triumph over honesty and trutli in this Christian country! We trust itot. ^ e hope an indignant people will put the seal of condemiiation upon these base ef- forts to blast the ^ood name of an honest man, if we can.-ot elect Mr, Pisher bv fair means, ♦ ' let him be beaten! ja, fit Martivifjhu’-ji?. ot» thi- 4th o.s:»^nt ; By Charles J Faidknrr— Tcji-as, the li(^ht of her r;iiin^uisihed star will re appear wiiii increacc*! lus tre withii^ the cirr,{»> of oi:r owtt eHui^ent cotjsfeiia- tion, and hencelbrth the gioriea of \’'orktown and of San Jacinio wiil be tiie comrnon i.'iheritance of one .^ree and united people.. Wo may soon expect to spr- the rejoicing? of the ' embodjm»«t of whiggery’’ from fve’v quarter, and i /zushin;^ fouritain of hicspednes? many be ashamed that thry prer opp*if»*d it Cei' j u*/ f^ dauiriiicr, a sister, anni- ^ T I ^ ni.ated ail selhsh She seemed to i.ve to iriend Col. Banmger, after ’7otinn; .vith J^.hn a.nn ! |.-rotnoie tho happi.->ess of those so tenderly loved, cy A l^ims and other?, again-t 'r‘:T.is. m Con.irr«.‘-. j ^*^‘1 1^^^ ^udd»'n, her unexpected removal haa over- noa- ,n-, no ol.j«l,on !o it- No Ih.mks t:> O.i i henrt-RUh a sorrow loo deep to bo Barr;n;rf.*: i Could his rote hav/* pr? vfntrd, Tftx^is | tlr/draih has n^adc the hnme of her earthly hap- could never be allowed to inscubf' her lon»> star ’m 1 de~ola:e. Tlie jny whtch «?miied around if, , ' , , , r r- T . t- ps turned i.oto hitternesp: tmt phe has l»^ft behind her the x(ar spangled hanntr nf the Lmon. L^t the | a ,„j} jj7,j^ortal priory; foe her course, short p-'jpfe 3t'f‘ and i;«>t>w this-, und th* n th'.y will know i aa it whf,—wa.*; as tho ruii. phinin^ brighter and who Rro their true friends To no one in the whole 1 ^nto the perlect day. Comvi. republic is c'^atcr credit for this C'cat m^-p-'Ure i ^ T~ , ' , , 4 ~ f . 8oei«^*y. 'Uf' i!un to the present Stcr^tarv ot the i rt?a5urv. ; ti •!-. I T «- I- »*■ , .V fpguirir mr.etin^ ot il-p Meckh'nburT Agn- the rl'-n R »bt’rt J SVaik* r As $oon as t.ic c*oud'> t c>]ltiira! Society wiii be held In Cr ^ rlctte, ,'i Satrir- of war from me bloody fi Us of Jacmio h.id j‘J'jy-’he 9th .n.st. M- nhrrs ^^ill ;;:ra?o fake no:ica ck^.rcd the hori7on for the lone stir,'’ under hi^ | .-iNi.>ivE\y SI KL^GS, P^csw. protecting wing, il took shtltn ; and by his tslent, , TiTE subscriber havLn/r qualifictl and tak'-.r*' Lct- It.'r.? of Administration on'th-'' e.=:?a?e of hi.=5 bro ther, J. L. Martin, deceased, eives Yjotice to all per- Eon5 having dem.irtdi? aat*iti5i P3id estate, to present them for paymf'.nt lejrally auiheniirated. within tho time pr«*5Tilif'd hy law. onhf‘rwi?e this, notire will he plead in bamf recovery. Aofi all persons indeb ted to "aid r-stat#- ■aV'' hc.-ehy n-'-tified to m?dco pay ment. Indulgence will not bo ^fivpn, A. H. MARTIN. July 30, 134j. 20-p sition, and defeating them by his reason and his . iO'^uence. until he U avrs thrnrt far b' hin I in hi=? ri’or of honor and ureiulnfss. N> p«rt of the X7n | SALE OP mm ismSm* S-Sfea4%ss6 ion apprrciatf’S more tnan North C.i’-o! Its ot such a man The harpy ha-d cf fac!(Oi» | would dun the i■■iur^ls of this distinguished .^.itiz n | V-v miireprcsrntin'’ hi? conduct m rhlaHor- to ih** | Cv^mmission sent to him bv ‘h*> Grr-vprn(^v ot Mi«si^; p’ppi, in relation his foccesrov in the Sfnat-''. His h'l'.f^r pwblish'Mi In this pTp^' which c(>mpietf ly overthrows the c'diumnity ’;r,d show’s that'Mj Wal ker acted a? he'^houid, T; e comn*i?s)on was only to takt= tlTc'Ct on a certain contingtncy (election of Printer,) and byacntain d:iy,(iO:h cf March,) the t’ontmgency n^«:?r happf'ned, and th*:' Stnafe but foi the act of Providence (death of a Senator,) would I have adjotjrned before the day arrivf^f, and bt forr* It arrived Mr. Thompson had left Washington 1'hos^* who beforn blamed Mr Waikei have sincf A 3 Executors on tlie estate of Robert W. Park?, /u dereas^'d, we will, on Friday the 22:1 instant, er^pnse to pyblir eale, on the premises, the I'bilowing prcprrty, belonging to said estate, to wit: The Tract of LAND, CGntsining 400 Ac re s. FOriR LIKELY If not previovrrlv disposed of. Terms made known at the sHle, E C. WALLACE. ) JOS. MCCOMBS, 5Ex-trs. N. B. Ail persons holding' claims against tHe cs- honorably retreated their opinions, find hf Aili gam j Robert W. Parks, are hereby notifi- I , • O' cr f I YT .. i ed to present them to tiie undersijmed for navment, nevv laureU ui nn L.tico fil.c! oncB by o H..,T.iHon, | „,ni,rntica-eJ >viih:n th« time prePcriVd by a Gallatin, a Crawford, a McLanc, and a Wood | law. or this »^olice, uill bo plead to tiar their recove- ; btiry. VVAXHAW. And for the last time, w c would sav to ous democratic friends—6e wide awG.lse!~”^he. oi^ your guard against these> ties of the enemy. JBe at the election eiirly on Thursday——dis charge your tphole dulif, and we can ard irill vindicate truth and Justice in the triumphant electioij of Charles Fisher! ! To the free and indept'ndont Voters of! ! “V' A.nd those indebted to said estate must m'ako ‘ pa^'ment without oelav. E.'C. WALLACE, Aug. 1, 134'. JOS. McCOMDS, Ex'trs. 20-3w EX££UTOn’S SALE OP VAiUABlF. PFSOPIRTY! In this contest let us all do our dut^. Our candidate we may well fee! proud of. In Con- rress he would be an honor to the old Meck= ieisburg I3istrict, and to his State. For tal ents, industry,-and devotion to the interests of the people he would represent, he is ininieas- uriddy the* sispcrior of his opponent. Has ex- I erience and opportunities have been better. /f^, then, be he.dieni^' and by falsehood:^ too ? Patriotisiii forbid it! Meckicuburpj county. i C''* ErCTLEMEN: The lime is approachin^qr and ’ T will soon arrive, when in the cxcrcise of your ! ri^rhts and privile^^es yon will be expected to vote I for a suitable persoti to fill the otfice of county court | ^ _ Clerk. And, as mv name has been before you for ; r v.» 11 ^ .• • ,.1. m 0 some time as a canclidale, I deem it ray duty'to give : \\ Town of you a brief outline oi the courso 1 wfmld e^ect to I .J ’ ' f>" VVednesday, 'he 3d of Sep- pnrsue, =l,ou!d you think proper to elcct me to that (W ednesday ot Court.) the [ollowmg J » t I property, belonging to the estate ol John Hoke, de- The office itself being one in which the people of} i the county in general arc. equally interrtsferi, it np-} T///^ TRACT OF LAND UPON WHICH I pears to me proper, desirable, ar^d more, conducive I I to the public good, that it should be occupied by a | j man who is honest and capable, and who will dis • charge its duties in person, and in such a manner, | that neither party coold take any exceptions to his coureo while acting in that capacity. Stiould you cfect rnc, I wilf premise to devote mv whole attention and energies to the dutie« ot the otfJcc, and to discharge them in person, (it it can he done by one man,) and in such a n.anner as to giv general satisfaction. Respectfully. A. GRAHAM. Charlotte, July, 1845. Make your Tax Returns. IS THE LINCOLN With all its valuable appurtenances. ^ S^xuct of g,snS( Adjoining tiie Factory Tract, known a.s» the Rueh Tract. Also, Tract known as the Hamby Tract— all to be included in the game pale. ABOVT FORTY LIKELY 9 f HEREBY give notire, »hnt I \vilj attend at my i Women and Children ; among whom are office in Charlotte from the 9th to the 31st inst., valu.able Alechanics. #iit t# tlie Wemo€riftt^.l (embracing the last 20 working days in July,) to receive the lists o! tax.ible property subjert' to l>e returned at this place. C. J. FOX. J. P. July T, 1845. 18w3 i Notice. ERSONS indebted to the subscriber by book account or note, must c.’il and settle their res-, j pective does in a short time, as he needs money.— ' Tho^:e who do not comply with ihis request must not blame for the consequcnces, C. J FOX. Dec. 13, 1S44. 88-k {Schools for Hoys. r^HE undereigned having established his resi- A dence in Caldwell county, will be p/epard about thejfirst of May next, to recive into his family a few boys to educate in comprmy vvith his own sons.— the course of instruction will be the usual and pre paratory to the Un.iversity of the Stale. The Charge, $125 per annum covering all expenses except books and etationary. For further particn- lars address tho undersigned at Belevoir. near Lenoir, Caldwell county. N. Carolina. THOMAS W. MOTT. Fp1». ’tK ig.Tr'i, ■ f?Pf) afterwards Imtf, florscs, Mialcs; Cattle, and Shc^^p, 1 Fanii'y Carriage, 1 Buggy, Waggons and Harness, And matiy ,'irticles of Farming Tools and House hold and Kitchen Furniture. One ini[)roved Lot in the N. E. Square. A large quantity of Bacon, Corn, Hay. &c., &c,, and many other articles th.at cannot new be enumerated. Tervis made known on dav of pale. JOHiN F. HOKE, July 22, 1845 - 260 Executor. Notice. A LL persons holding claims against th? ppfate of Nainaniel A. Johnson, decraperf. are h»*rpby required to pre.sient them to the undersijired, who is the qualified administrator, antheoticate.d aceord- ing to la-v, within dun time, or this notice will be plead to debar them. EZEKIEL JOHNSON, Admr. yuW 11. 184-5. lo-vT^