IP©21 THE LAMENT OF THE WIDOWED INE BRIATE. [The Auburn Journal publishes a letter from a friend in Boston, trom which we borrow the follow ing:—V^isiied Prof. Longfellow at h;s rooms in old Harvard. The poet was in fine health and spirits and gave me some stanzas entitled ‘ The Lament of ^the Widowed Inebriate,’ by Duganne, which I en- '“close lor the eratificaiion of the readers of your pa per. They breathe the true spirit of poetry, and surpass in tenderness, beauty, pathos and delinea tion ol heart-broken sorrow, anything I ever saw.— Longfellow says that they are enough to immortal ize any poet- Alas! the j)oor inebriate ! How just, liow true the followinij line^ ! What a daguerreo type likeness of the inniOM soul of the drunkard, have we here : ”] I’m thinking on thy emile, Mary— Thy bright and trusting smile— Jn the mornmg of our youth and love. Ere sorrow cams—or guile— yilien tfiine arms were iwitieJ about my necJc^ And mine eyes looked into thine^ And the heart that throbbed forme a^one, H as nestling close to mine ! I see full many a smile, Mary, On young lips b aminLr bright; And many an eye ol light and love Is flashing in my sight:— Jiut the smile is not for my poor hearty And the eye is strange to me, Anti loneliness comes o’er my soul, When its memory to thee! I’m thinkinj^on the night. Mary, The night of grief and shame, "When with drunken ravings on my lips, To thee I homeward came:— O, the tear was in thine earnest eye, And thy bosom wildl^' heaved, 'i et a smile of love was on thy cheek, Though the heart was sorely grieved! But the smile toon left thy lips, Mary. And thme eye grew dim and sad, I'^or the tempter lured my steps Irom thee, And the wine-cup drove rue mad :— J'roin. thy cheek ike roses quickly fled, And thy rmging laugh was gone, Yet thy heart still londly clung to me. And still kept trusting on. O. my words were harsh to thee, Mary, For the wine cup made me wild; And I chid thee when thine eyes were sad. And I cursed thee when they smiled:— God knows I loved thee even then^ But the fire was in my brain, And the curse of drink was in my heart, To make my love a banc. ’T-rra» Iiwiuc uf 0013, Marv, In the spring time of our life. When I look’d upon thy sunny face, And proudly called thee, wife— And ’twas pleasant when our children play’d Before our cottage door:— But the children sleep U'ith thee, Marjj, I ne'er shall sec them more ! Thou’rt resting in the church-yard notv, And no stone is at thy head; But the sexton knows a drunkard’s wife JSIeepB in that lowly bed;— And he says the hand of God, Mary, "Will fall with crushing weiglit On the wretch who brought thy gentle lite To its untimely fate ! But he knows not of the broken heart I bear within my breast. Or the heavy load of vam remorse, That will not let me rest; He knows not of the sleepless nights, W^hen dreaming of thy love, I seem to see thine angel eyes Look coldly from above. I have raised the wine cup in my hand, And the wildest strains I’ve sung, Till with the laugh of drunken mirth The echoing air has rung:— But a pale and sorrowing face look'd out From the glittering cup on me, And a trembling whisper I heard That I fancied, whisper’d by thee ! riiou art slumbering in the peaceful grave, And thy sleep is dreamless now, But the seal of an undying grief Is on thy^mourner’b brow. And my heart is chill as thine, Mary, For the joys of life have fled. And I long to lay my aching breast With the cold and s’lent dead ! 'W MR. FISHER ON THE TARIFF. Several \Vhig prints are engaged in the work of Fisher on the question of the lanfT. One says he was once (ora high protectiv pelicy, while another qijots from a report made to the Legislature a number cf years since, to prove the charge. Such a system of po'iiical warfare is grossly unjust and unfair. With some slight ex- cppiions, the democratic party in all portions of the Il^fublic coroially concur, in their veiws on this ^bject. \\e quote the true doctrine from the Banger (Maine) Democrat; While the Democratic party are at open and ir- reconci/able war with the principle of Government or legislative favoritism, lo granting mcnopolie? and exclusive privileges to particular classes and inter ests, they yield preceedence to no party m Irienell ness lo ull branches of American manufactures that can be sustained on their own merits, without Gov ernment interference, which would cause injury to other interests of a like individual and national im portance, 1'he wish to have manufactures flourish CO equally and co'extensively with agriculture, com- nirrce, navigation, and the mechanics arts, and the party and Government policy to give them all the 5 inie amount of encouragement and protection, can in no trup s'-nse be construed uito hostility to rnanu- fiictures, and ii is perfectly idle to attrnipt it in the /nvip rfnd eyes of an intelligent peopfe ” This is the ground occupied by Mr. Fisher, as J well as by all true Republicans. Does it follow, gentlemen Whigs, because he is opposed to partial legislation, lo favoritism, and to monopolies, that he IS any enemy lo the manufacturing interest? Far from it. We undertake to say, that Mr. Fisher is friendly now, as he ever has been, to all the great interes's of the country, and that he would fetter I none of them for the benefit of the others, but would leave them all free in the high road lo prosperity and usefulness. But he is opposed, and always has been, lo the present unjust system; and should he be elccled, will vote to bring down the Tariff of 1842 to the revenue standard. T'Ais is the true reason why he is assailed and misrepresented by the Whiggery. Our accounts from the Second District continue to be of the most cheering character. We under- stand that the democracy are in a ttale of the high est enthusiasm, and are determined lojput fonh all tbeir energies on the day of the elccticn. And what is better, the people are opening their eyes lo the dangerous course of Mr, Barringer in Congress, and many of them are rallying to the standard of the democratic candidate. Speed on the glorious work!—Raleigh Register. GENERAL JACKSON’S LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT. Extract of a letter from Nashville, dated June 7ih, to a gentleman in Washington. The last will and testament of the old hero vvas this day approved in our county court, and is pub- ; lie record. He commences by giving his body to the dust, whence it camc, his soul lo God that §ive it, &c , devotmg his estate, first to the payment of two debts, viz; one of §6.000, with interest, borrowed of General Plauche, of New Orleans; another ol !?10.000, with interest, borrowed of Blaii & Rivts; and the balance to his son, Andrew Jackson, jr., with the exception of a few servants lo his grand- children. “ The sword presented him by the Slate of Ten- nessee, he gives to A. J, Doneljon, (his nephew,) now charge d’;>fl^air3 at Texas. The swoard pre sented him at^New Orleans, he leaves to Andrew Jackson Coffee, the son of his old friend General CofTee. The sword presenttd him at l^hilaJeiphij, he leaves to his grandeon and namesake. The sword and pistols which he carried through the British and Indian wars, he leaves to General R Armstrong. The pistolsjof Washington, by him given to Lafayette and by Lafayette given to Jack son. he leaves to George W^ashiogton r^afayetle, the son of General _Lafayette. Sundry other present:^ I made him during his long and eventful career, are i left with his adopted son, with instructions lo him, that in the event of war, they shall, upon the resto ration of peace, be distributed among those who shall have conducted themselves most worthy of their country in the conflict, in the opinion of their I countrymen and the ladies. I “ It is dated. I think, in September, 1844, and ; revoked a will made by him several j’ears before. I It is his own steady and firm handwriting, and like I all things that ever fell from his pen, brcaihc.'? the purest patriotism throughout ’* RESPECTFULLY annouii- rcB lo the citizens of Charlotte and its vicinity, that he has opened a shop in the room latelj’^ occupied by A. Beth- une. He intends to conduct the ^Proposals, WILL be received by the undersigned, until the 8th day of August, 1845. for building a COURT-HOUSE, and enclosing the PUBLIC SQ,UARE, atNew ton Catawba County, N. C. The Court House is to be of Brick, rough casted TAILORING BUSINESS | with cement, except the basement, which, or a part in all its various branches, and j which, is to-be of Granite ; its size is to be 40 feet Avill execute orders promptly . _ , , , - 1 he plane and specifications for the work are de posited at Newton, and can be seen at any time by bidding for and in the very best style of workmanship. He w^iM receive regularly the FASHIONS as they aie issued in the northern'cities,Jaud will warrant his work to fit.— Cuttingr garments of all kinds will he attended to promptly, and fits warranted, when the making up is correctly done. He respectfully solicits a portion of the public patronage. His terms shall be moderate, to suit the times, and country produce taken in ex change for work, at the market price. Orders for work from a distance will be promptly and correctly executed, and forwarded to order. Charlotte, N. C., Jan. 10, 1845. 92:::f. MTHE Subscriber has taken posseesion of the MANION HOUSE in the village of Char lotte, N. C., and intenils to accommodate all wlio may call on him as w’ell ns he possibly can. It is so cmtnon in similar adv'ertisments to profess to do many things—particularly about the tabic & bar, that I shall merely eay, that every exertion shall be any person desirous of bidding for the contract; and therefore a minute detail is unnecessary. The work is lo be finished within IS months from the time of making the contract, contractors requir ed to give bond and security for the faithful perfor mance of the work. The Commissioners are direct ed by order of the County Court to give the contract to the lowest bidder, or otherwise in their sound discretion, and may from time to time examine the work and direct its execution. The Proposals will be opened on the day abovs named, (the day after the Election,) and persons desirous of bidding are requested to make their bide in writing, and direct them sealed, endorsed “ Pro posals ’* to 'I JNO. H. W’HEELER, BURTON CRAIGE, AND’W. H. SHUFORD, j HENRY WHITNER, | H. W. ROBINSON. J Newton, Catawba Co., } 10th June, 1845. ij The Raleigh Standard and Salisbury W’atchman will copy the above until the 8th of August, 1S45, Commis sioners, 14-t8a. used to promote the comfort and convenience of | and forward their accounts to the Commissioners. boarders and travellers during their stay. A real i — improvement in many respects is coiitemplut3d. Charlotte, Jan, 2, 1845. WM. S. NORM ENT. 9 If. MEDICmES, PAINTS, PERFUMERY & FANCY The subscriber has received direct from Phila delphia, an extensive assortment ol and other articles, comprising new and fashionable all of which are Presh and GenuillC, and will be sold as low as can be afforded. Physicians, prescriptions put up with particular care. Every article sold warranted to be as represented. Pur chasers will fiere find all the new and approved Medicines. Mr. J. L. Henderson, late of Salisbury, who has considerable experience as an apothecary, will be in the shop at all times to attend to the business. All orders will receive the most prompt attention. , WM. S. NORMENT. Charlotte, March 2G, 1845. 202 r 1TAKE this opportunity of informing the public generally, that I have on hand 15 or 20 second bund CAKKlACaiES, Generally of Northern Manufacture, in good order and nearly as good as new; which I wSl sell low I for cash, on time to suit the purchaser, or will ex- ! change them for such as may be out of repair. I The subscriber will also repair for the public, and ‘ for cheapness and durability shall not be kurpassed by any shop in the State. I also purchase my tiim- mings in Charleston, and therefore will be able to suit customers with any kind they should My shop is situated 3 miles west of Providence Chuich and 13 miles south ot Charlot^^. ^11 those wishing ti buy or to get repairing ione, will do well to give me a call. „ , FRANKLIN EMMONS. Providence. January, 18-15 95--lv OI&R HOUSE. NEW CONCERN, AND A SPLEN- DID STOCK OF FRESH AND RARE ARTICLES. mm Em'tireis Has opened a Confectionary dc Grocery, in the building directly opposite the new Courthouse where he will be glad to see his friends at all times* and accommodate them with everything that can de light the connoisseur in the luxuries of life. Amon» his stock w'ill be found ** Pickled and spiced SALMOND ; Dried and epiced BEEF TONGUE ; Very superior MACKEREL; A general assortment of Candies, Spice, Pepper, Ginger, Nut meg, &c. A CHOICE SELECTION OF LIQUORS AND WINES, EMBRACING French Brandy, Holland Gin, Champaign Brandyj Madeira, Port, and Champaign WINE S, All warranted to be oi the choicest qualities, Champaign Cider, (a very superiour article,) Lon don Ale, Butter Crackers, very Superior Pickles, in Jars, Together with everything the taste of the most fas tidious and delicate might desire. Extra Pick Nick meals, and Relishes, furnished instanter, very cheap—Supper Parties will always be accoinmodated with pleasure. All the proprietor asks is, that hia friends will call and see him—taste and judge for themselves. Charlotte, May 20, 1845. 10-f AND A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF siit’ttis Sc stimmi-r life OF GENERAL JACKSON. For the information of the public, we are reques ted to state ihal the publication of Mr. Kf-ndail’s Life of General Jackson will be resumed about the first of next month, and concluded by the close of the present year. To remove some erroneous im pressions which are abroad in reference to thi;s mat ter, we have been furnished by Mr. Kendall, for publication, with the following extract of a letter from General Jackson, dated May 25, 18i:>, viz: Union. “ On the subject of my papers, you are to retain them as long as you think necessary to use them Should you die, they are to pass forthwith into Mr, Blair’s hands I have full and unlimited con fidence in you both, that my papers will be safe in your hands, and that they will never be permitted to be used but for a proper use,” My papers, after you are done with itiem, or on your death, are to pass into the hands of Francis P Blair.” Just to MMand! ASPLEADID ASSORTMENT OF JEWELLERY EMBRACING Ladies’ and Gentle mens’ Gold and Silver LEVER W'ATCHESj gold Guards and Fob Chains and Keys; Breast Pins; Fin ger Rings; gold and silver Pencils; gsnume silver table and tea Spoons—German silver do,; fine pocket and pen Knives; Butter and Fruit do.; and various other articles in my line, which will be sold extremely low tor cash. Call and see. Ail kiuds ol Repairing in the silversmith line done neatly, expeditiously, and on moderate terms THOMAS TROTTER. March 28, 1815. 202 f J^flHE subscriber returns his thanks -I to the citizens of Charlotte for the patronage he has already recei ved, and informs them that he 'expects to f ^lississipi. Tl’he Democrats of Mississippi met in Convention on the 8th instant, and nominated candidates for various offices. The present Gov ernor A. G Brown, Esq was nominated for re- election, and the following Ticket for Congress; Jeflerson D.ivis, Stephen K. Adams, Robert W Roberts and Jacob Thompson, The two latter are old members. Dr. Hammett, it will be seen, is left off the ticket. For AUorney General, John D. Freeman; for Auditor, Jaine^ E, Muttlicws; for Treasurer, W'llliam Clark; for Secretary of State, W’ilson Hemingvvay. B ITTCHERIjyrG. rtMiE continue BUTCHERING during the Bummer as long as he can get stall fed j Cc^ttle, as he intends to oiler none but what is first rate. He also expects to make arrangements for a supply regu'arly from the mouataifls. an.j siichonly as are of the first quality. He hopes by his endea- vonj to please, to ensure a liberal patronaiTe, JOHN RIGLER. June 3, 1845. 12-4w. Persons getting Beef, must settle every Sat urday or pay cash wh:m the Beef is taken. STATE OF NORHT CAROLINA. CABARRUS COUNTY. Court of Fleas and Quarter Sessio7is, April Ses’ sions, 1845. Susan Cline, vs. John Cline, Elizabeth Cline, Ma- thias Cline, Moses Cline, Jacob Cline, Edmund j Cline, Sophia Cline, Sarah Cline, and Wilson Cline. * petitijs for dower. JT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that | Moses Ciine and Jacob Cline are not inhabitants ' of this State: It is therefore ordered by the Court, that publication be made for six weeks in the Meck lenburg Jeffersonian, printed in Charlotte, N. C. notifying the said Moses Cline and Jacob Cline to be and appear before the Justices of our said Court ol Pleas and Q.uarter Sessions, to be held for the County of Cabarrus at the Court House in Concord, on the 3d Monday in July next, then and there to plead to said petition j otnerwipe the prayer of the petitioner will be granted and judgment rendered accordingly. Witness, Kiah P. Harris, Clerk of our said Court fU Concord, the 3d Monday in April, 1845, and the 09ih year of our Independence. KIAH P. HARRIS, Clk May 29, 1S45. 12:::;6w Printer’s fee cHAHXtis 1. mm BEGS leave to inform his friends and the publ> that he is now receiving and opening, at the old stand of Morrison & Harris, in Chariofic, a Splendid Stock of %¥Mm lii liMMii Of the latest fashions and iniportatioji.^. which were selected by himself in the northern markets and purchased on the most lavorablo ternii;. The stock is full and embraces every article usually found in the interior country. He respectfully invites purchasers to call and c:r- amine his stock, as he t’eels confident that he wilU for cash, sell Goods lower than anv other house iii this place. Charlotte. April 13. 1345. 205- Charlotte Driia: Store. Fhc Tariff.—1 he Secretary of the Treasury has authorized, at the several Custom Houses, on* quiry to be instituted, with a view to some modifi cation of the 'I'arifT. &c. If Valuable Property BEING desirous of removing to the south the sub scriber offers for sale his PLANTATION, ly- ing in Mecklenburg county, three miles south of Charlotte, immediately at the forks of the public roads leading^ to \ orkville, Chesterville and Cam den, S. C. The tract of land ia very valuable for farming purposes, and contains between Five and six hundred Acres, About 175 acres of which is cleared and in good fsrming condition, including some excellent MEA DO V\ S. On the tract is a good new )Ou!yC> Not quite finished, and all the necessary out-build- mgs, all new, and put up with a view of keeping a house of entertainment, the stand being amonglhe best in the country. There is also on the tract two good GoM-Mines, Both of which have been w'orked to considerable profit, and e.rperienced miners pronounce them very rich, if properly worked. Any person desirous of purchasing such property would do well to call and view the premises. The terms will be made very accommodating to a res ponsible purchaser. ^ MARTIN ICEHOUR. July 2o, 1845. is .p JU r RECEI V'ED, the be s t assorted supply of DRUGS, MEDICINES PAINTS, OILS, DYE STUFFS SPICES, SURGEONS INSTRU MENTS, VIALJS, BOTTLES, SHOP FURNITURE, BRUSHES, SOAPS, CdNFEC- j TIONARY, PERFUMERY, &c.&c,, ever offered I in this place. Also, a great variety of Patent Medi- i cines. Country Merchants, Pysicians, and other I dealers are respectfully invited to call and examine our stock, as we are prepared to offer inducements to purchase for Cash, or to prompt dealers on the usual time. Orders from a distance will receive prompt attention. B. OATES, May, 3, lS4i Schools for Boys. rilHE undersigned having established his resi- A dence in Caldwell county, will be prepard about thejfirst of May next, to recive into his family a few boys to educate in company with his own sons. the course of instruction will be the usual and pre paratory to the University of the State. The Charge, 6^125 per annum covering all expenses except books and stationary. For further particu lars address the undersigned at Belevoir, Ijist of lictters Remaining in the Pogt office at ci i.irlotte, X. C.. on the 1st dav of July, 1S43. ol* X'ortli Carolina, DAVIDSON COUNTY. John B. Adderton, vs. Emeline Adderton. PETITION FOR DIVORCE. IT appearing to the satislaction of the Court, that the defendant, Emeline Adtlerton, is not an in habitant ot this State : It is theretbre ordered by the Court that publication be made for three months in the Carolina W atchman, printed at Salisbury, and the Mecklenburg Jeffersonian, printed at Charlotte, ! that the said Emeliue Adderton appear at our next * Superior Court of Law, lo be held for the County ol Davidson, at the Court House in Lexington, on the 1st Monday after the 4th Monday of September next, and answer the said petition, or said petition will be heard cx parte and judgment awarded ac cordingly. Witness, Andrew Hunt, Clerk of our said Court at Office, the 1st Monday after the 4th Monday of March, A. D. 1S45. ^ S-3m-fee SIO- ANDREW’ HUNT, c. s c Samuel A. Allen, Ira Alexander, Miss Suc D. Dr. R. F, AnurHWf.. Eiias C. Alexander,, an R. AIrxaiiuer. B. Austin Blake, Wm. A, Bell. James Barnett, Robert i-uck hannon. Benjamin Bracket:. C. Mrs, Martha A. Caldwell, Miss V, Q,, Clarii, Messrs .Chum Austin, Mrs. Harriet Cuoncr, Hugh Callaghan, 2. F. Emmons F. Andrew Flannjgaii, G. W’illiam J. Grainger, Samuel Garrison, 'Wiley & George W. Suggs inform the citizens of Cliarlotte and its vicini that they fiave ope/jed a shop on main street, 3 squares sou»h of the Courthouse, where they intend to carry blacksmithing busi I L various branches. Their work shall be done in the very best and most subst.antial manner, and at reduced prices. They will shoe horses ail round for 75 cents, cash, and all other work in propotion. All kinds of country produce will be tal^n at the market price in exchange for work. Charlotte, Jan. 10, 1845 95^*"ly near Lenoir, Caldwell county, N. Carolina „ , THOMAS MOTT. Feb. 4th, 1845. 200 3t—afterwards Imif. T Ranorer’s Notice. TOHN HOWARD, Esq., on big Hunting creek, v enters one sorrel, or strawberry roan MARE about 6 or 7 years old, and about 15 hands high, a 111 lie hip-ehot on the left side—no brands nor shoes on ; appraised to $30. JO: W. MURDOCH, r» lo Ranger for Iredell county. JuTy 16, lS4f. " Common Schools. H E Board of Superintendants of Commor^ Schools for Mecklenburg County, and ihal part of Union formerly Mecklenburg, are herebv notified to atte^ a meeting of the Board at the new CouHhouse in Charlotte, on Thursday the 2ith inst- at 10 o’clock, a, m. ’ iri • ^ HUTCHISON, Chairrcan Elysian Grove. July 9, 1845. N. B. School Committees, and others havinc^ ba- SZrtlUam punter, BOOK-BINDER, ¥? sincere thanks lo a generous pub- lie tor the liberal patronage hprern»nm , ^ patronage heretofore extend ed to him, arid bej^ l^ive to say that he continues to carry on the BOOK-BINDING business its branches. He will be thankful for work line, and promises (o esecule all and in a superior style. And as money 'is scarce in ail in his orders promptly such articles ot dornestic produce as are generally consumed in a family, will be taken in payment for binding, at the market price. ^ ^ Vq, December 9, 1843. THE Office of the “ ^^lecklenburg Jeffersonian plain a7d7ancfjol TypVanT'^“ assortmento George A, Gray. Isaac Grier. H. Mrs. Patsy Harrisoc- Miss Sarah Harit, Alfred Hatherj J, J. Hayden, .fames P. Henderson^ Robt. B. Hunter. I. Caleb Irwin. J. Solomon I, Jordan. E. James, K. Mi^s Elizabeth Keiieilay Collin C. King, Robert King. M. James A. McNeely, Mrs. Pheba McGiboncy, Isaac Macguert. O. Egbert H. Osborne, Robert Ormand. P. Washington Peacock, Mrs. Susan Parks. R. Pomeroy Reyley, ^ Jonas Rudisill, William R. Rankin, Isbel or Rachel Robison. S. James A. Sadler, James C. Sloan, Mrs. Elizabeth Scott. T. Miss Caroline S. Taylor, Martha Todd. , W. Matthew Wallis, Esq., Mrs. Abbey Woodrough;3, Oavid Weant, James Walker, Uavid Woodson, S. N. W^’eddington, James H. W^'ilson. Harrison Hodges, Geo. W. Houston, Mauhew H. Hutchison, Isabel Hencierson, John D. Hunter, Daniel Harriss Ezekiel Johnston, W'^iley Johnston, Hugh Kirkpatrick, Samuel J. Karr, Leander Moore, 2, F. R. McDowell, Nathan Orr, John B. Peacock, William M. Porter, Jacob Rush, Mrs. Jane Rives, D. L. Ray, execute all descriptions of 17w2 T. L. H. Runaway XjlROM the subscriber, on the 8th instant a coio- sons^ro1^haTbrofL°^^,Ta,dVoyt^^^ Jlward win be^v* n‘Jfanv one"»"o Wi'^ handsome I Carfs, Blanks, Ball Tickets A,.drew and deWer him ?o m" aPPfehend | Will K- Jufy 11, fS4o. .escr.pt,ons of , JOB PEIKTIMG in a I ery superior siyle and at short noiice....cheap 'Jrders for printing Circulars, Handbills, Isabels, Pamphlets July 1, 1845. J. A. Young. A. McGINN, p. M. me. F. H. MAa.we;i.l de;Ty^^nd'rSde^"1o'oX''"i^W 'ho is not correctly done """ fTrar?ote. K. r„ April 19. is^s. Remoyal. Dr. THOMAS C. CALDWELL has removed his residence to Mr.William Morris’s. 10 mil« east of Charlotte, where he will be found at all tiniefi> unless absent on professional business. _ , Persons not acquaint;id with Dr. C., are relerrei to the community of Rocky River, where he hitherto practiced. April 4,1845. . 204 lyear LAND DEETTS for sale, at this

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