e-. ■ ■ — ck!j: -.Di 1 ' «■ 1 *. 0.. j' 'j . OL ! W( > / ' Of . hi. it'" ■ r 1 JJt 'C/ ■pr' *// f ' I Ct'.- iII‘il ■dU aer-' r \e ’ ¥ 0 '■ vr*. Vv 1 e, V . • ■ , ) nO 1 ^ •*1^. • \ 6 I',. ].nicrr 7/v/eA C n,st'> din, ^-yng- tier iced fro?:i (he PtOpU of t’nj • 'y'" ‘ ^ Vtnl^’d S!at_. run/ he rc^i^'':i’-''l Ik-'r-i ii'h-^;i‘'I'nf perverted to th^.ir injury or f j:prcs.non.'^ — M :lison. '•jc. zirr ’iT : -: €:2ASII.OTTE, OSITIl-CMROIiS:VA, 5E1.S 5,® S.!^-S€l» N ( - .\r3rai;R *37Y. ;\iii ii!i .i;:FFi-!;s(iVi.\N. LL! -Hi,L» V. Ll'kl.V. };v "r 'O r if! I /, /’ A jh . 'i'-. L': - ■,U ->L ■ •' /»(/ / \]' >-\ OF TJIJ WILLiAM !1. !1 VY \V( {the tv nnl in'tre.'t if wrJiviluals the applica- D, JH ■in o: tii- ir 1'; JtJSlrv nt) ‘ III • 'h»‘r crises, cx-.:* I 1 ■> i'f .jNei.i i-: ]) ] .\! '* I’ .n.;r'-2 ti it n tt ■ i . n ui V. Ihai .M: i\;>v'= I : i ^ 1 i.-* 11 a.;^- a a: y; !' a', •dior rl j ■ /). ■: ^ 7’ . r->! I'l / i/i,,- 'I'/ /i ,'!r. !,,j lit. pr.-N rs ui ;.r,:! .- I. Wti ii! ;ti - ■n /•' '7'.'C- U>' ir. .i' • prt -«i ■•? I ‘ 'II, i iiT' r '\ ;i f I jforii iijc ■1 i f-’u 1 i-' IJ i V. - )l!-> ( al.V, ■rar t'or -J 1 j:l i» -. II; ,\ r n I' 1- !). \\ ’ l!,.» , iu ! li ' Hi if): ! r :i’.:ni,' ud :iii I'fp'ibll ull' : 'V f! , ■\ il5 !;:;.i!/c ti V'iij >1,1 I iMjin -!!!i .. i i:.;‘ p.-r.- ■ l.i I (• ()'>pcH"- ' ;■■:;'!• I lip !■ ■ V ' rj d' ■ A I) ! ' C I 1 ' :i I •• ( • X I' t.v:*-. :: •1 mo Id lit** li . f I a.i 11 If' ! !l- ih.‘ i.p f.? our p.riv ■i't >■(:.! . an 1 • ’ Ui iijgijia ,i!i 1 ■ V' rj U'■ A I) ! ■ !*• ’I t V of ihc I I I til ' C I 1 ' :i I •• ( J I i;:.; j'ri ;iS'I! V » r t X ! cli ir-■ r-x.'ifn (‘i'f.li: M,. vl (110 III lit** ! I't'l of ' !' hv th' au'h fi'v f r l! ^ i .'A/V .'f/// aii'! J //> rsfri. an'l afil. J') (‘!'i > it:‘()t,-io ■! sO'i!.‘i-ii) I", t V-!■ 1,15. !> I II li n:ay I ♦* a r i-fdi Uiii,',' !» n.e tha! I ‘•iia 1 Ti* u itii li'Di i, till It \vf>ii . \j .'li S t' L Cv i I its. o( :i r e ! p' rh'rict-’ !t :ic! • con.'fir I i Hi'.r n'.'U L' I v .1 ‘ij ^ : ii 1') ri 5i)urcfs, lilt re are 'n lo !}.G 2^ lii-rai '■uN*. :i i Mi;.:, v ii:-'!; l;.t> Ihcc: V i c.' ^ i^i- i roo il i. !. j 'i-.= w [•', I'"'.or rx- •i'.ijilt! iwitiV cnct;n!?'a^iC« s iiiuj: J'l Mir! *:i u:;:;" inat)!'f i-‘! n’"I- ul l!)C M.OfC C _ ill j . ica t(. ll i:/iV n (ua ri I i -f v. i i;u:i' ' V :i ! ;t:rt 1. .iI. ^ .il ii-'lH' ;; il !..r (H! L.D^ii-f J; J I ’inir t pf)\V'i' j! i:i : i' iii'Tv. ll 1> i Il;u i ■):i J ['■a' r lit: lliP s.incti>.r. of a !«' whoso aciivf I.’ a t'-u 1;:: f) '.i?m IS tint If.J by Sr C’.ionii liini's. tuir K.Scii? bit’ !;i ll.al j-pir il o! CDUcc^ricn atiJ loi bear;:t;co which C.iVc iif'* iv.-> o ] r pnliiicai codii^ncl. nt;,l ius’aitis i'. l)!:car;i i: all calmis ^ J pn ai.; r;dt rn’V. Hi'* 'ht* i iu h. !h* f i.'l. vV-'t. >l)OU: l III 'jiHi:!! aliV I; vvhich ti'.hf-r iit iv : .1 J i ^r.l ■a: iif- C- inpriiii. 'i'hi ;e a^ncur.tJimiri f ti o! our c. ui.iry ‘•s'Mii;a..y conntcufl v. h cvi'v (n!.t r, ;m.u *o peiior !ii iMipnrlanco to li,. -jii. itnil v s.' irct’v I;' inviiH tj It V' Hr pai'i ’ular ■»■',» n"- !i — '/ * 1 ni ^ ' t •iITtni):/ !J^ :i p! .iLT airJ which j thf ! iirt ij mr^TP tha)L il-r i" ‘he if! f r I V. fi'-’l oti. of I I .r.iiii .1 hi (. f •■v(r/(;l » \i c h' ? 111MI (• M."*' . a prt K f i i> . '.I ii 1 rt l(( vr ! iic i; IIiu '.! • )if if»j) siji p!i. 5. v-'i ' ‘LOIC (it : t ifc :i hij! :i > w: •■( I. [;'i 1 rr.tnnw U'i\ ;;i ci : ;!y ( ii' t ti 1 'i t i'.iJ f iucit tic V. \\ ;ih 1 j■■ i 0i : lton n ‘ I Hi-'’ r y > i n ctt/ZC -s who:'-' I, II \\ ! I i h a' .! t) ('a! !y l^l (: •v'asi;)!).! ! co apt lll' !|' W!’! -h. If ! 1 ti 5(-.i-. ‘inif liiL- brail :h(' pubi'C p itrvUi (•!a:!n-(J Lv f-uch a? !ro'n a i!-[t- :I'.l' iice (mi lo C;!Su.li f::i!;il t f'w pri/." fi. u-i /.'/ i.-c I ‘ J li' is an iinejt' r l .‘i rh ^ ^ ^ 'i (I.'IfI t:omfor(s of S‘>- ■if"...' r. h(.l!u! f:; ;. • 1 r.• , chrro::s !■ lii.il [: i‘iv *» * .111Vin;: a J- • nv! >111 mar- ocirir.t' ,!, iTJ ' your c. tis cf ■. IS. , . 10 Ui- ■f a j)arty ' ,Tr. tr a- on-'.uiJ '■“- who, ?') J:'- ■s!j. ' t: u 1 *' t I_. xji-: ;nL>" f ;ti k .:i:^ (Ml thos'' >vcrnnt :■ t f'jti 1 u :.1 r.i) ri;ch s id iinnoria u ihf pc-rioJ. n. . far (!i''ar,l, he rtfj'ji.rrii. ihe Of) vh:. ir ■ a t > I;:.' r. I I ihii.h' I VI riim! tii. c d \ A MU t- •* a cm;; 'i ii! (!i' ri. to >J' • y iny l.ij’ i. 1 i; iivui.l Mii>r(pr'- j iMirks ri'Ct.'sirv I i^ivc V 't* ih** vvoi !■? (it thosf.^ wise and occtf } \vii:i !n' p,] 1 If Incjirs^ iit fit > r-. ■’.'i lu ih'‘ i I -(b (; U'i f/i-C irtt’i ( V r ■: h->i jn i ■: h an thz a!!-' 'u ; J i’ n- ■ ( I lue f Lti-r )■ >hc'-. !va 'he p ruminant : ihtv » rr.t'r pub!: / /■ a ;• l' ( '•111 puriolic men. IJ.ar I’. 1 ' n 3 I' 1 r.i. ' ■ • 111 f /; / 2 , t rr . 17^-j ‘‘ A \ !•( i .died Si ill t’'’. ‘U. I* . Ja.r •ji- * ■ * • d, I ! \i f i-'h I AI • in s«. ilAi \ , I n V, 'mak i'., >- 1 r I ,t S i\ L-1. 1/ r.ii /:/./., 1 "V Ml. •. '♦'I .M :.II r^Ul* t not pfilv to hr> nfriu’d, hiit a uii-: >iin Phd wcii di ai! ! ih- Ii- s iP IV and ifi - in a H n. - nd'ait o* n p > c^, 'it Mi-rc''. no I. I III) I c d • 11 (d i; l.lllOil c-.j lua i. ('I :t i; iu'i a r , f^rcsi' i a: M 1“ ; lU.1. ijr^L .Law.'»L dag J£? A 1) ' !* o I > I-:: i» s « ; i > «* ’» o S «», i'l ; A i. W \/*/ , i’ r i I ! Pit CMU’M.-l, ai); , -y fiit ii:>;iit!!t’s otMas- . rk iUiil 1' MiiVI vaiiia, I ’, r fi ■ motj! i:!Mul 'ui ‘.jl- ) '.‘.I ‘.i:i I .1 T’i I'j.ri, ;ii!l hcal .-. !in = \ -.‘r biU-t.. i ’ ;i n i ii\ > r S i ■) A iI! !,•-■ ao :idd,t: »i!a: r> r-i".. inan'ifioiij r i-.h-rrihc n-aiinals'cl a:t“ 'f.iiiiwdv dfaw n fio::i c-'ir a^i - ipiM;tly ii-npari a:. ! insure to Ihai ;j[rtai n.' i ! uf na 'lou il prosperity atid lodt [h ,idi iit'e an ('Uiagc- iiionl v\hi-.‘h cnni.i.t to icwurdtd ” Hear .M'trucc ! lixtiact of (I fiOrlJr/j;!r _l/v?/?. f[p7it nj i 'lc I. a^Ud Stdi's^ tu Con'^rcsi^ UtlA^VX ‘ It is dc«.‘nK'tl of crt 'ii in^porlatico to give (O C0I3ra^e.'Di 111 to uwr dm,h.'tic iiiaii':! iclu i is. lo wiril iiiai;iuT iht? ovi!^ v\hi('l; -have l-oeii :;dveitd to n;ay he re;ii(di»nJ. and hnw' i'lr il n.av (•aL!(j in /,h(.r it to Mlfiri] to them far'her c ti' (.•oorail* i!i( i:!. [■'•I V if:£2; dne leaa'.ii to ihie otii' f j^reat init'ies.s c.f ine tiatio:;. ii sabn)i:t(.d lo ihe wijdu:;; of Coui^n S5 ” r/ a frt)}n Jam*'^ 7Aon roc. Vres>' dent ('J the i’.'iited SioAes. to Cuusircss, Dccan ‘ forn iht; beff inforij'.ntiori that I have h«Tn r»b!f to obtain, it ap^^ 'ais that our niar.nlacton ?, iliOii{.»h (•('iiiDnipti’.'H (1 itj ,c!( s ^f ii cp2;M V :o d Ci Irai'i A/iiir' > ■ ‘ C 'Wrjiry. I; 1 C1J ^ ; t ^. a iii.1 ! I '/iite l J. t-j C u. r. r: . A .Ml’!’i.l.S. - .IhWI.l.HY S!uI!F,. !► >rk.%.M .u Ui t s~trr^-r;‘ ^i. I , t')n, , 'Maiti hism t, l)u I'uquc*.. l^h l.i. ”ron(l\\ ;i V, Sar;iio:::t . Uduw'.*^ iliiiKiinL's, All'.'iny. I .M,(!illt‘ strc f, i’()rtl:nKl. Pan? .M;iin t^lreti, .\L wport. V' rp- , .Norioik, Vu. .►v.!l , i —, I’crieiaburiji \'a. Ky.i i -•' riir \s H >i;lliNioil Efoiisc Cl r-3 1-. ■ » f . l.H ;?e and otMMin.i i inus 11 in 'h-^ '^’o's^i? (t[ C tu- o ' i »»n i’tie*day (d iie.M Oc- ii-:’ i I 'in of hiiici.T. If i« siluated ar.-. Ill tin ; ffitrt* d’ ihc hu-snif'sis i! :«« in liic jiremues i tr u)d well «ii(i r > :,iy iSi.d>l'fc. iullicieiu le*- : n -->! '* A b'Vv’ years (' ,i Kll !-it, ;tn ! il (’.in now he 1 II* ptii ; e II: i.iivfi'ie Kiirii- III . 1 h* Propiit- i:i are dc- ■ I id i'*‘ p .'Mis-‘d pnv;6l(d_v 1»- j «>i*!oh.i (' jurt. b' Jfi- '' i'. ^ oil tlie prcin- «oti nid 'I'll rer 111 If A 1 n ■me f I i: pi:in IS r--(j'1 r. j t»-ie-t ri qairc tii.it taev ^h.d ii l p"d;r)r«**‘ s.j ^ ' / tnnd i ) r^ n J- i' tiifin iu le"^ ( t ; 'I ll' ' I :r (v n! ■ 1!. p.J 1 ! 1C d I ! I 1 y I!!! !,‘l Jl V , j ‘-'l it' a ! V inciTienl a jn,:;j!mjn*, j aril iYi'iny^irtu.ri's^ ly n'l 'pn.prr vi'.aa \ irh'^t. nr-'I ^ , vifue/’d ?: ■ ju." ' In ;sc^^'^d,!nee ^\■ilfjlh:^’ ijMir-r;»! ri rordriif'ndiiiion i |'!i^ i I ('f bJ•'[ s dta■ 1 vr> p i^-s d (I r'd! I ■ ri ; din\-; r.:;' tin* ?-cr;>iarv ' f th.- . y ( Mr. H im- j 'l :;i, tr» rrpii: I to ifi-'n d,p:M) th^' Si‘j>cl tn' Ilian u- , rn'ldrt.s, iit’. J pulK’d iiiv fiS td ih'-* nieMdS ( pro iMii'id j Sdch as V'. ddl.l [rte! to rt r:dcr the I’nited it! ind'p n J( i.t of (or'-iL’n lii'.tio:.? lor miiiiaiy j !iid ('it;t r I 1 Sdppiii.'; and bi.s rcpoil wa* ■ -'libiniiKd in D' ccniber, 1701. when in he said : : "'I'ho evredirriey of inatidfietdres in the ITni'ed I ^'tat :s. uhicl) was n>t Ioi!£f d'tar.td vrry fjd'S- | depres3!‘d iaiinedi-jti !y iho peac*. (lave conoid j timjahde. i'.|'peafs' at ll.istliiie lu l)C ptclLy gciierallv I t'fahiy i.'iirrea.'td. aofiuit* siiil iiiciea^ u£r. onli-r ihi laifnilt«cj. j *. I;i3. | enronraLfemenl givtii them by the tariff o.' iSlG. I An i ;)£jain he said . j and by Sdbs* (j'Rn'Ja Sati'lifd I am, whatever j (jd*:iii 11 ha? litrn mad(? con':ernid:j th' cnn^ may be the a}';?lr.ict dokiriiii.- in f.ivor of iin,i^n;i|Clt‘fi i ^liluiidual rioht of the ^oveirim^ni (d the I i S’at' S lo apidv this 2ni'r.i»^'« ^ i r 'i' certainlv tw i'acd. T ii/T rtJcH n '^detiioxj.”—i^. J 36. 1 And ajain fie sajil . I “It i? not nncomrr.on to nett wiih nn opinion, j til it, though the piomotio£j of manufaciureo may be jihe intrresi of a part of ihe Unior), u i:? contrary to ‘hat of any other part. 'J'he oorihcrn ntid soiiihern reg ions interests raciurinir. of oppo mannfarturin ‘•I h*a3 of n corilralriety of itiler^^sts bef\veen the. I northern and joiiiheri) interrsis of t!ie Union are, id the main,i«s uufoundt'd as ifjey are rniscfiievoui' 'I'hff i!i/er?ity of circiimstaricf 3 on w iiich Si.ch con- (i roe^^agf Uom Jam^s Mojivoe. tratriiv ic usuiiliy pr(dicfed. niithoia dirrclly | df'ni of ids? (. niled Slu'cs, io ihcn: C(>nirary corjcliision. Alijtual wa.ils cou'ti'.nte om* | 1^-^- cf ihe «tronpest links o( poliiicaj coi;tiivvii>u ; and iTi« extent uf lhe?e bears a natural proportion lo tfje divei)?iiy in ihe means of muinil supplv. Sogijes- lions of an opposite complexion are ever to be de plored, as unfriendly lo the sufl('y pursuit of one reat (’ommon rausf, and totfje pciffct haimony of a.l iis parts’—P. 13-1 (See Siaie Papers, Kiiuin- ces. Vol. i. panes j-^3. 134. and 136) 'I'hese were the docirines «f Wnsn^nnton, nidi W usf;inoion’s »»daiiiii:lialioii. And tiow ijtitr that tins ne'.v a I vafcrrri ailicit u ihe dt mocratic creed w.iS sdpported bv ibe sandi i of no dislmi’uirh- td dime bvi’ Iltnrv (,'hiy’s! anC \I r, C^U ' • ^ s iv. that. , ven he has been !n:^re cseiUtd, tJ the ai:‘horrly. Ad.-.f t’r iKt d!,i:npf*.:;n'. circt risl^mff’ is. t' at ibn e 'if mv h:ive be» n f die ii0‘. 11 i:e to t ho \.,.uiein duties,’ e Ii; V ht ti 1 [ ui til 'I art* i:;.Misanua a;|-.l ■ ih ;;iKi dt mi ;'ral ! pud tn iheir p. Ht.t il crctd .) i:;t.ir if it until lo.»;f ::i[ice i ' ^ ‘:e ;ach one. ft’ >.vrr f( . I >id yc-u » Vl r t.tiJc.'.'-* ind Lofc >? In ^ d^. '!v. ti.::» I r.ii at'.'-r iry t lec .m to il ‘ d 1 !; 1 presume you did jt, L3 ur;if' a:.i it i.ow, my coui.'ry ,ei\ nr; ! t(: 2U,>j. liial ibr n:uie vou kno of it. fii J ‘1*0 r 1'. 1! b* It ltd, the it ;s yoi wi!'. Iil;e “■ Ij.i hi me t^!l y- u w {.at il i . h is i ' ! y du"»s ■ :r i;i s u [ I'd ‘Tfivjdi iinporlt d ffv n foreig' n ceui.'.i n s, accoidinu i'> Ihc value of I' j uJs ni ihe n.ailvc: fium V. l;tr:;*e tl ^y coiiie—the 'utc fix rs luc per c* i;t . an ! ti.. of i‘. aiC' lainin^ '.h ' foreign va!;. ' ui' V. }iate\i r is laxi l— tz . ihc sum d i;t\ — ,..f w !,ich he 13 n -'. r(.-*pori iliic lo y ^u. but thu 1 rdry I > { a:In.-lit. And a spt'cifi'’ du'.v is -■'ifv.’tax impf-sed np'':i ilu. sar e arlic'.—-thi-* I"* i;.'-. l!. hov\ t ver, dis'mgulaii nji I p valut s. ’ y li>! in^ ihe paiticular sum oil. \ation_. a::d kav;r/ nut!:ip;j f'r tha ci'ieci- r :o c j but lo wei;j-'. me:'5ure the (jiianti'y: u herci if he I'* j^Li.iy fra'.id. he may piolably be con iclcd, c: li d.-i^i^SfJ io oppieis the merchaiitj he ca be prt vcl » •!iOit. wl#*ro tho tax is iji'SiCi ihe cc ;!ector or,!^^ wcioii? or inrasiirrs the qiK.n ly ; wl.n.* it is (id valorevi lie not only measuits weighs '.h'' (juarm- iv, blit likew ise dclcniiints, up! i his ow n jndgm nf, Cl td ,.iI qi .y dit j iiavi: lico.ir J-l.ri! m'lit fd ih ler "Amon^ the nurr,'rous causes ( f cot;:crratu! :'.’uii. tb.e coddition of cur iiiipo^l reveiiue dest^i v s sptci J iiKiition, inasn iH'h as i: piomises the mi ans at.l ci- pat(d. and fu;nishf» a strong ilh).'i!ati( n (.1 ihf practical eli^-is uf ihe piiat.:il til iif tJpoi) cur cum- mert.'iai inlMr^’.S. ‘•'rhe olj'-cl cf iliG tanfl ie oljccud to by soine .'.1 !inconstild joi;a! j and ii lac.onsideird by almu:t all as def Clive in many (.1 its pans, ‘•"i he poucr to impose duties on id'por's oii;^in- al!; b«.ldiiged t) ilu' several S'.atts, Ihe iiohlto j fuiciqn value of the thii impoii(-d. i adju>i lliose du.ies, with a view lo the eneoura '^f"- : uniform lulf*, as npprcvid by \ 'Ur novrrr.mcnt. haj of the ilomestic hraiiches of indusLry, is | hejflofore, that of maUin; all the dull-s 5; ici- compieteiv incidtnial lo that power that it is difl’i- | can be .'nade so, an> kt oth' is be a l va- cull to suppose llir r.xiatf nee of the one wiihosr. the ; jQ reduce the list ( ad val’irrr: dutns, (,thi:r. '] fie Slatt'S have (jejcgaUd ihtir v\ .hole au- j ppQjyj linjc to time, bv adding *• the liit iA sjec/dc^- thorit\^ over nuports to tfie geiieral jioveinmrn.. j c.Tprrim^nta! lariif cati^ ::r;s arid ii pud:;itt*s estnciior., saving tn«s V^ty j t,hj* policy allO'^t lhrr. nV.rs n nrvv i i f'. t^f wi’.iioul Iimiiation or reslriciion, saving lut yeiy "j jtjjn policy allojielhfr. f.iid pTC ribes a new i i r, considerable rcserv;-iiion le.'aiiriLf to th«-ir iiispeciion } ad th* duties ad valjft!t . and ? ■' of thtm laW'. This auihoriiy having ihus enlirelv' passed With thi5 expiauati ), you c;!M have n'» fiom the Siii'es. tluM igljl tu rxercise it for ihf purpose 1 corr pieiK ndin^ ly obj“. ’ic:i lo il*c of protection doFS n(t »»xist in ih-‘ni ; and const qut hi-.! cxpetiiiu 'aluijl- ll was n M.axim of liie rC’ dulioii, ihal ‘-reprc- sen'.aticn and taxation shouId f togeth,. .’ iSow, iy if il be not possess, d bv the gincral gorerti;nt nt, ll i!iusl be extincl, _>ur political system would llius r^rrsuit theaiio.naiy of a pf op!e tinpped of the this is ?\ great principie'of V »»ever nation (, to be d' JniU’d I'^mn'ierce, provided all nations wi^U^- in r tht ir ouu iiidusiry, and locouflieract n.spd; «nd liie abro;»ation ct. i '*anno*. be ncctS'ary - r. -‘-J - K .sr. ue-MirerM,#^N|^^ u,Ksi ^'msh and^ruci.irF-p^r^-^ ..ishi ,-s of ine republ^ noth.r^g, h.is never oc. h* /'..irign liuHuwa. J-ni.s su,t-,/1 ^nnoi ,{ crruie^*'he duiv cf fe\ iiJi'ie trrV (VtYlcH’^sTroni; reasons ."jpplicanip to our t*itu- j b« the cafe. 'J’I'iis indispensabje pouer, thus 9ur-- . i h * ih " /r • ^ *• I I ' • I ^ ^ ^ kit i ation and relalions with oihf-r conntri.fj, which im j rfndertd by the Stares, rrjust be within the scope of pose on us the oblitraiion to rherish a?id suslaLfi our | the authority on the subj-ct cxprc::^!? deleg :ieJ lo Dianvfficiujes. S itisfi* d however, I lik*wise am. j (Jongrtsd. “In the conclusion I im conHrrrifd. by 'he that the interest of every pail of oi;r Union, t y» n ■ of lliose mrst bfnefiitd by manufactures, ri(juir»?j opir)jur>s t f [-^ri sidtni \\’;.sl.i!i;;t(-n, Jef/eifon, and not by the oncers wh j ^'illccl it; -‘j -hu c.tz-n who reads the la w’may. s far a? j>i ac:i'able, see ln.it what it taxis iiim ; cf ‘crs, too, r horn ihtj- j people hav! no ajcncy in ap lintinj:. and caHnot I fPfiiove—oflicer? who, in asset ngr valu' .'=, everciso ' ihei,'- own discrit'on. and whose idividinl judgmrrit I made of the dutits on certain Inn I ail aili favor of ou.^ own, and vviihoul aii'eclmg inj:jiiou anv other interert.” sliould unln;luf7iC’-d by Ipartisan conflLcts th;\t lire incide/i! irr'possd Itonal la.'fthood, it must l-e j ovcd that he uai ctni- art 'incident lO re* n^slilvtwns. is ihe. !fn *nt iciah ‘ , t • i . ; , ,,, , , • i aud knew it too. is no this u^w df '-trmM, rj mif nearl. jo mr:i;e lh;s j>rfat cuc;tion, v\lnch .i, .. i- i . i . • • , I I- , , , .1 then, more than a slight depj.nu e Irotn ti.ji m-'Xim dnfujptiv so much divides add ( xcitt'S the puir he - ir •» c"! n -.1.*:. i , I 11 / - • repuDlic? bhall it or nnrovtd. npr.n iho diii.d. subserv.'eiit *0 l!ie shjii-tj^hud vji'vvs cf l.iclion . ■ _ . u , . . . ( ^ d ‘i/I • lIjvMig comn)unicalf(J mv_ vieu-5. lo CunjriS' at the commcncemrct of ilie l.t:.i s»£^iori rtsn elm ■ I of ‘ \\’ashiui:t(»n aii'iin ! iiif^ritt, I cai.nuf. iherefore, in tjikiiig kavf> of the the encouragement \vfn:!i onghi to lv> uivrn to oor j;?uij‘Ct. loij ratrustly, for mT ov\ n frl’ngs nr the madufacturf s. and the piincifileon uhich it ‘.loiiid i cummod £ood. vvain^^ou against the biig^l.liiig ccn be founded, I have only to arid, that thosi^ \iews re- S'c]derjc(s of suc.h a course.” main uncfianged ; and (hat the presf nt stat*'of tho.^e i l^xtraci of a rn'S'tage t’>‘-i And rev d ct'.kson, P resi- countrits With v.hich wi; have the most imiiodiait | df'n.t O) t/i: Lfttlfd. Cu7^gr?ts^ Dec. G, politiciil relations and {jrealfst eordmf’rcial inter ! lSi51. * couis*^ tfods to confirm them. Under this in'fjirfs-j ••'I'jie e! ptibiic # bhail It pprovt .i. u,,. :tion lhat this great princiilh* f a i p;r( nta'.i vO •tiiidL' li S3>liMaclorii y to i, i , ^ i Ii ui > n , . ■ J .1/1 , f lis-mocracV has becoino iinpf.if cabit .* >hiil wo fie gre.it 'tudv ol the people, and for the general .u ..i, 7 - > " ?aurt on tl)f pieieiicc. that ther/-.i >n I'/\ I lU.sI j .M ; jyi ii()w I 'iOd : V I'lio!':; f. ribe kcu- i L'j.ctrnc.l of a $p>’^(h ‘d (lei). l\'(ihi'tuton, I*resi'- (if>n* of thr I uited Stdtes^ lo Con^/ess^ Dcce/n> hfr 7, 1796. Sion Irecomnwrida review of the tarijj'. f»r the purpose of alfording such additional praterlio7i to those aitich s v\ hich we aro prepuired id intninlar^ hire, or which are tnore i..imediat( Iy conmctui wiih j the defence and indeptndencc of the countrv.” u. 'm' pi I; i-hed w itfi condorl- y I -t'^,-1. iry a^'c diim.ulation. ' u ,i h»j i .w. a^d cun It:* Mii- ‘1 i :* i.-i;fiied at tlie mtention to the encmira fTtenl ^^>-ct ttf a from Andrrin Jatd'aon. Prc ' 1 ' N, ,t( ( Ii;irh;!:t' ' «' r/nr./,(, , . . ‘•Congrtss have repeatedly, and not vrithout sue- ,r .Jackson .e vviih ^Iiich -.10 cxtinguish.'Turit of the j'>u^^PH||KHi)ay' be aritV. iniitt-d pref^n'.s an ('.[ipiOitunil5' for cafTVing into ttTtcl more fully the poiicy in rf^ lau'on to ifiipoii duties, which iias b^en I♦ commeridt d in my firi^ r mess.i»e?, A modifi- cati'Hj > { tiif tiiilf which sinil pr ' luce a reduction of our revttiut' to iht* waidsof tfio cover:iasent. and ^ . in a ijdstu). nt (,f t'r.e du^i on impor s. wi'ii a view sultnt of th' I aittd ^i'.il's^ to Con^ress^ I)ecefn ; to *(pjal jusiice in r» I ition to a li ou. natu.nal inter^s’s, ■ m l 10 Ihe codM--r i.'tion oi lorM::;n p-nlicy, so ^ar as il nny be injuii -ns to iho'^ in't rej'S. i? decmrd lo ^ ita ’A 'I h tmi d •^r ail *y 1 w li? >MAS h \M!^ roX. 1. ■ ! = '. •? if rn. . '' IX ‘ ! V« 2 *■' I ir'ding i-»r a n-.-te '! A K V J. n i u:. 'd •nil:'; .t • I r dale. ' recciv- d d.- vaidt' I’ lijpi iiO.l i* r \' -»1} : : i J Iy 1 0\L Bi • * ff mai.iiftictvrfn. '/'he ol j- cl is of loo much con st (jut-nce nol ft; idsure a conli.anance of th»dr tiluils in every u;iy which shali appear ciigibic.” 11'ar Jtiieison! Ej tract 'fa rne.^^asie from I'hom fii J- f;\'rson., xitie-U (tf th'* I filled iblutcSj to C'ou^re:'S. r/'nihrr •• 1 lie suspensd n of our fnn ii>n commerce, pro* Id'''; d oy lii»* lI>ju^tlce r.f ihe btdligert n' pou ♦■rs, (ol P' *. ai,d (id' C('nsfjdenl lossts iind sjcrifict-s o! jiir C' lZtii'. aresnbj'Cis o,' co/f't-in. 'I'hesi’u i!, »n ii.iowi.-ch we have ihus betn fjrced has im nt il-a us to apply a portion of our industry and capii'il (t) dil^ rnal manut,K'tdr s and improvenients her 3. IS2? "So very concid»'rab'e ehpi.n^e has orcurri-d. ’ ddring the r^cet? (jf (_ !'f:gr(i i the con iitiod ci i be one of l;ie [umci|ia! objt cis wliich di’mar' I th? liti'^^r our llgricdilurt\ co.iuTierce. or m iiiufactur'S ; cfdjs it ral. ti of I'ltj priserit (Jon^rnss. In liiC; ex it) r:-‘:^diale its conduct s ) as’o promote rtp-aiiy ! ercis c! liiat .Sjdii! (;f concessit-n ;nid cnnciliaiion !i ic n I ] and chanrit (S to d.*■ u:i.'ui'fud thf" fiiends ■: f our Uni-.n 'n all grfiit rrtifki g«-i^ :» S. it is V«.d lh::t thisofj Ct ddiy he tlkciid w i;houl litjdry lo a:;v uaiionil ;n itrt>{."' ?\ow. tfie e.Tr I ino li'a 1 tai .:}’ m I intfrpr^: it. fuiidami r;t 1 ily vijla'p-*.iliis doctrine. ll discfimicair- will cheat them in adopting itU: .peci^ic duiit^, and .jssiinie al the same lime ihatjcu orn house m will be moio scrupulous anj^; re jnsi lo y( u. in fi\i';g the values urid*r a sysitn >f ad Vf>'./e??i du- tds? ()dglit .«;tjc!i a depaitijl^ from n gr. »i and futi(!amef.tal di.ctfine of represc r.tive ^ l in i;C lo be lo!er??td, much 1 ss f ag , fteJ j frid tm nilv into the laws of a freo people, \t iioui unav.ii iaiihi dfc* *ji'y, and ^nl;clifi(.d as a j irl 'f our dtinocr itic fa.'ih, w iiho'jt nutice to ti.e pejpJ-? Artrp.^ r two furiner, and \\x 5hall bo carrict to u point Aijcri; Congrt'‘.s can do nothing but Jec ire the augrt ga!-* r v» r;u(.? wl ich may be levied A ifie ^ vpinr) .:n', and have the Trt'asury I)epafl/Ti nl lo c j ucl iheiii nny Sui-m be:l lo its ofliverSj a J accu; Jdi'^ :j ji* ru.es. 1 co'.T:? now (0 ?'i >w tbal uha. the exp lim n'al '.aiJll rnakts the rnlt uf taxalion ho fa'.ht isoi tho repdblic made the czf:f'j.Lco/*. V.^ I'H they d- -iait J w IS a f : ui,^dl mother of frauds, il lusad 'pled .u iho only partniuf uur rev.'iiuts! I i 1705. when Wtish Nvas AJ'.'iad'ter I lamiitnr.. his S-crrtj / of t.. ry I'! a repo.-t to the [Iol.5l . f Uf ^itscn'.. tbe P. mg words, viz: ,‘•Ar';rding to the prtsnt I iwi imppcin;^ duliij a: licit s impoiled to thy Uniiei Stutc-', luii ■ Siirn^, drea-^n- ( US I and i short of one third of’the wh.Je anouot o: r''' i: s • .4. • lytil M.W J r k a ^plriuSkil .stock ■» ' T I > i fie t'Xieiil (d this conversion is daily increasin*^, ani 'itile doubt remai»s that the »*stablithnitnls 'Virmed and forming wiil. nn 1. r (he nuspicrj of I ‘.b'aj er n ateri ils and s lusitlt lict*, the freedom of I irum taxatio'i wii.h us. nnd of protkcting i Di MIS .AM) I’uoii iBiTioNs, bcco.ne perinaricnt.” compelkd ti) aoajt our own tp thtir regulations, m i in luceffienfs wt re oirr r»^iI to Xaii the manner best caiculat-d l.> >no ‘♦‘I un. o- tiui o. im tlii i r I vn* C -to \ 1 \ n .u!d (‘.f fjile-i I lear Madison ! r L J-, \ K K Extract ff 'i fr -m J vyir; Madison. Presi d^^f f i’:r L ii(ed >ilULfs, -’J Congress, iiSuuepi- I rr ■). Id 11. i t id ::t' 1 rih •; g- d (; arus ,ind l-'.^b ‘\e\ s ; iJr- ;• [ Tins ; Fdi | J :i and ^uver Ftdn'. s ; I , 4i ■ . i- ... t t.. I .^p-.xif German (^dv . r ‘A h'n^i^gn other s ! j '‘ct5 wjII press mo-p itnme- f : d Kii \ ^ s; ihitier ami Kruit ' ^''H'IV'"^n your dt libt raii in'*, a portion of them can c ;n r y lm“. which will . 'be vvf 11 bestowed on liie jus', and soun f ^’dth. C'iil-. nd (^ee. icy of securing to ot, r maodficinrpra the success ’ i ' silyersniith line ihey have atta n^^d, and are s iii aii.aiu n ii;i .,;eraie i(‘i-m>. dtg re. underthe im )u!se of cauS'S nol permanent. ■'Besi(!es the reas uiblent ss of 5avn:a our rnrfnu- \, ■ di Tii )MAS TilOTTFit. If ling, 10 some I 'he pio.'pijiiiy (d‘ these three c.iidmal idK-rt s . is I one of the most d.fiiculi tasks ;d• povernrtieni . and i it may he regi(llt.d that the compli(;atf-d nsiiictif ns I which novv emf-arrass Ifie i ieicourse o,' na.in:- Icouidntt. by common coii? r.;. be abolislu.d corn^nei ce alio wed lo llovv in thosi which individual enierprist. ai;\ays its surcji | t'd. but it dij so rm^fiinst our domestic labor guide -niight diiect it. L»!;t we murl ever exp« c'. ; in li.at \’..ay, and t » th ;'. exieitt, il made war upon ties is derived from aiticks ra^’d ai vaiJo.^-. seilibh it'i;isiati(m .n oiiier ii;i'ioi,s. and are ihi^rf I ire ■ tfie vital intere^’.s of the noith. ,Ani pr.iy, what * ln oi’^er naiif^tis, w berti ih.3 bi-*nc&'fyi^- lh Ca rolin:^, bv thi? -s wi'.fi i, , ;s f piintipal, or *2fy c on^ider iV avo.d St rudis inj i'y. ; ex ppriaient. that fier senators should help to carry const •juenc''. «ri.i no pf*ti'iar'v of;;ii:i. and lo ^harmonize the co.-.fljctmg int^ rt-s's of om ' a t''■e uima'u. al c0r,l!;c’? W:, a;, but l.he nakfd tion has l-i.ded l> keep the r-'. -S oi d'jty H^riv,j,iu■'*, onr comjiicrce, art I our ir.anu.^actu.t *. , ii,>irr hir an fipjareni partv urii^v wht'reiht^re 'v as experience has led t() com,act r.i rsar. J r.ore t!,j Ltiitr ihe^e imprec?ion», I invite yodr airtrition to i rruiiy no pi'ty concord. For rSorlii Carolina fiad • number of ari;ci(S lait f ad vuior n, ar,J ci c:.ur?i the exiitirig taiill, b .j' i;ng mat su:i;8 cf i;s j)io ■ no local or S’ale iriieri st w hich wouid be served or ■ to extend ihe number ot 'hoLe rale specfic Ji'v; t' ul \isi(Hi3 rctj'jire modiiic.i’if'i). rk vaud bv it. N ‘tie whatever. j is accordinj to we:g:,.l. i:.' asure, o'ht.r ru!i.j ‘•'i'he general rule to be applied in gra iu:; in2 i Tue k ni s of th s a ldre?s will n.,t al’ocv of ii- i tju nMy. the JuiitS upon articbs cf Ibrt ign giowid or fTir^tio j lostraiii'O? bv a I' dious dt lail of €nu:;:errtttd afticb.s, “ 'I’he reason of t!i;? is bvi.)ijj it is to gua d i- fact u re. is that v\hich v\hl j Kice our ov\n infnr I rt s-’-ve t .iil fora more Suitable i;;:ca^i m, oniv r'*-| gainst evas.ns, v.hica m'aiUO jf-4'pp^^ ^ ,rf.n- coinpeiiiion with ificse cl other countir»s; and thr , m trking, for the present, iliat sh-yjld any be disiu : er or UkS dtgree Ahfn dutits this charaLlcn^t c of iht | p'.s?ible fjr the merciianti* ol courjtry td [..c.d , . ^ - -- , _ irds hi^ rep’ilaii^n, wii: maniftsted inore pr -bi^v than Umd ® Lniitd uhic/i areoj primary neassity :n of w i- ~ ' vtnlure lo contra i When we'reflect upon the difficulty and d'hcacv of : laiifl dots noi di.^ nanufacturers; ur. ! to di>ciim.nate in th* ir f.i ';.c disad#ki'age cf lae r* V‘.nue ob'amf J z> vor. mo ier-itely ■ ,r. ' r^MSOO ib'v. bv a ' live and le: ; little as/liitiert.o 'n th.s. Yei .)!|i>u -I it be a delds.’vij . I ; i . v.w.iijii ir r, a(; w/.r , Ki t'Mdg, icr (ne pres^ n(, if: ' iuiiiLcements to adanice sveti o step btyond i.his gi nuons frv uah lo d> ii\ th \ point are controilinq in tegarfi to tkoc ariicles ' (m^w \(f^, no tMo', wiio rr" £bi? operation, it is iiuportani that li shoujd n^vf r bi all(;mpied but wiih ttie utinosi caution. ’ Er^q^.^nl 1. -:L / " dt ni V' •X' IdidJ-r n - at.-- ; t: '!id \s c ar JK3' ian.' J 1 Its value, and by-which its capital niai/hc ; iruvsj€rr$d to ncio channds. vinst ahoaus be vrv- t I y . . - • i ’t’’'6 rart, if.at the cxpei imtn'a! S’r.is on.ilj'.s j'ct ; anJ ii is nt'cr be.i> vt J Minim*’’ in ficor of Amer ican’'"there ner= r ^xas one in vvhich illpurchist-s lo fac-ure? from sacrilj,..* ulrch n cKan-e of rircum- 7 * V " V cauiion. vor. moier-iteiy 1 r-nsoo ib'y. by a 'live and ie: j little as v.iJtiert.o 'n tn.s. lei .-^u J oe a ueids.-v-i slanoe? rtiiglil bring I'.i iht in, th-^ naMona' ii te rest I Te2drd lo any branrh of ia;ustty live'* law 'f tee '"non^s! brt'hrtii of a common ; ex pfclaiioH. that w iJi Juti.es so c*oo those IJ .'ouriirv, is ltd' fame i.'j principle, ihoiigh nol ^ which ouw t .xi>t, a disposition willbe cXfuii tic- in dtgnus t) disciia ina’.e a gainst u\ey\\. A’erily. j rd in 30,p4C individuals, who c»rf«’ our impoit - . . it appe ir+d I.) me rhal rs p tssifife wo;jld be subsiitul' ’ irad^*, to evade the paymiftl of IW *' this to a.T In deliberating', inerefore. on ihose ialeresiinij ! ri2 the ihf’; rifS . f x .?ter lay liarned ina iaw’oflice. j exit ni suiTicient t& fyake it pri|dei‘^ taguaid wi'h T- . . , . ^ - 11 7- T> ' local iteiing'* and prfjd.jiccs should bt j f ir lliC expt-i:• nee cd li ty years cf our ow’n govtrn- j circumspecuon, and by every rjtesii^*bl6 prccau..on ic t a Jie.'^^tige from . infs ^ lafiison / rfji-j tnerged in the patrjoiic deiermination to prum«t^ ! mt ni. and the p’ac’ice o'" all civibz-d naliuiiS. for j aga iisl ihe success of £u».h attempt* Il is nced^si In ii- requires ihat, With rt sped lo such nrlicUs ,15 b.lQ.,^ IO ouja-rV,,,:u 1 our pnmary , ducliveoj l,,izarUo^, speculalicni nnU i'.,, ] re] -arcd i'-> shou.d nol be- le.i i;j unnecessary dejitndcnc^oi; ; ■ - I 1 external supplies.” ^ j Vr i / /■ ; T' • - • ■ ; ^nd n-tily ,'i tpd. ' dent^of (he^l uitcd StaU's, lo Congress, Dtcem'I ihc great interest of the whole. - 11-1A ^ ff TI (to I iiui- - L ' Ord« rs tor priming ; ^ r ' ir ' ' ^ * ■ j - j-- -- - *-i .li ill*, T^alx>l«>, . ?v/^'\v^d^ * (.f fhe '^rin tn [ 1 >\tr "rnn th^m shorifd be under the con*'o! | wi’h it ♦‘i'’ n‘*’v p’-’nCTrie. that aH ’‘dutirs nrp to | ra!?n"ad vatorrrr. prnld with rr)nvrr,ff>r»ce be brought r.'^- B"?I1 Tickets ■ k'li con^idt rauun. of higi d purer niouve.v L^jrislatioij sul pi.1 i I: la J a ! v ibirrdii. ’ li is l the le^«t remarkable ] withm ;% rnuc.i 7iarroife>' --mp «.»d it is evident a tenipts t /c uiai.uuuiciialTc t uT iie Sake (;f pfrpetra'iiiij an experi.Tueui upon the | la repeal that this will con'ribli.e fi* much ‘O th« OTk’i U U IC of the revenue. :i ihff method of i Ho \tvi: w.oe the the .^y oiay be v\h;ch kavt? Ij ed to tu’.« ! cafi never be ju!t, a;J -a i,; d.*. Ci^cun* viiarrdii. ’ 11 IS I me ie^«t remarkaDie ] witnin .“i rnuc.i narroirer lar.c^ conn* cttd tr.e of the nci ’ ihai to dc zo wiii tuciniu'.t lu iLc ir' -un'‘ %

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