Tht pou'fTS granlicL under the Constitution^ heitig derived from, the People of the VG>]LUi^3E 51 man trri by them wfi^.ntotr perverted to their injury or oppression."—M i.ii'i-in CHARIA^TTE, I¥CRTfl-C AROLII^, FEBRt ARY 5, 1§47. £xii irt from the ac\ t^ongresi cj !^eetion 18. . \er tnui.Uri, That it shall be the duty of the ’■>nfcral, lu all lutur« kuin^ of contrm - - fur ilio vo^t-tanU' ••raoi' , ^I*!ie 1-- -'’Oil of the mail, to l€t tho in ♦rrt-ry case, u bi^ldcr tend'jri.i;^ i:jihc;_*ni £u*-r=.ntees Inr faitiiftil performnr.Cf, without other rpft-rence tWy inode of such Iransportatioti than may be necessary to provide Ujt the due c«lebfity, a« i certairitj', and pecunty of «jcl» trarisporiation; «or siiall aiiv ntjw contractor hereaftci t>« rt'quir«J to purchas-j out, or tak»- ai a Taluation, the fctocU or ▼thicU-s of any pre vious conu:ic-tor for the f.anii; ro'jtk.’’ . tj* •Tii Will be careful to r«ad the form# and mstruc- tioiis apjf (l i d to this adreriiteriient. i'lity are rtqu'jsted f -’ •tate. ill th ir propo«a!ii, :he mode uy which tht-y intenil to convt y ih* uKiil. Where ihc si^eand weight of th inail.-i ,r the spe-eti called Cjt in the ncheJulefi, shall require it, th« ,.n- iracts will b« II adfc for coach, iteaniboat, or railroads • i- vevancc, sh the case rnajr b« ; aod, consequeiitly, such rou’- s Will be I»^t tu bid* proposin{{ ruch mode of eonv- yance In ■11 other ca«e« tuic route# will be asuijfuvd tij bids propusiug cuoapcai luudc of iran»portaiion. Ft R Garry in j tho MAILS of the United States from the 1st of July, 1847, to the COth June, Ittal, iaclu-'ive, :n V’^jr^jinia, North Carolina, So. Ctroiin*, Georfjirt and Florida, will be rrccived at Ihe conirart oflice of the Post Office Iv'epartment, in cho city of Wc^hiip^on, tsntil 9, u. m , of the 10th March, 1647, (to be diciJtd by the 1st d«y of April) on route! euU iu the manner aud time herein •pccjfied, ?i2' yORTU CAROLINA. 5801. Fiooi Rfilrj|{h by Neute, Forestfillp, Kianklington, ^t«union^ Uendertop, Hideway, Ma- can Depot and Littleton to Gallon, 87 milts and back, daily LeftTw li’ilfri^h daily at 1 p rn, arrive at Gaston •ome day# by 9^ p m. Leave (r ii;ton daily at > m,errived! Rulei^h •ame dnys by ^ p m. l*ropoj/li ‘ur the trt2«portaiion of the ^reo northern and southern nisile cn this route, with the Dccef5ary k>xpfdition therefor, will also he considort d. ‘280i. Fioin Raleigh by I'Wcsant i^ains. Burn’s Lerel and Averycborough to PaycileviHt?, CO inilts b«c^, drtily. L»“avc U'li/'igh ept’ry diy Rt i p m, arrive at F ty •ttf cille pMt dfiy by *2 a ui. L^ove I'cjtUeviUe every d:y it 11 p:n,ftrriveal next ciiiy by 1 i a m. l^foj*oi«ls fjr the Ifaiirpoitation of tho great iK^rthefR ai.d«ot:th#-r{i uiuils on this route at a tpeed •/ not Ir^ ihNi) 6 miles m:i hour will be coniidered. od Maich IJ’Jry next day at G p m. I^ave Salisbury Wednesday at 6 a ?n, arrive I'iirthage r»dXlday at 6pm Leave Carthage friday al 6 am, arrive at Fay etteville same day al Gam. 2812 From Fayetteville by Argyle, Solemn Grove, New Gilead, Clark’s Mill?’, Macedania ind Builjr'j Mills to Lawrencevilie, 75 iniU-sand back, I once a week, I Leave Fayettfcville Wednesday a» Gam, arrive at ' Lavvrcnceville neitday at 5 p m. I Lenve Lawrencevilie monday at 6 a m, arrive al Fayetteville next day at 5 p m. 2SI3, From Fayetteuill'' bv Prospect Hall. Elizubfthtov.n, V'/esibri.uii Robinson's to Wil mington, 7G miles aiui oacK. tii Lc; liiTits a wet k. Li’ave Fayetteville monday, Wednesday, and fri- day al 7 a m, arrive ai Wilmington next day? al 12 m. Leave Wilmington ttirsday, ihursday, and Satur day al 1 am, arrive al Fayelleville ne^xt days at 8a p m. i^roposaU for twice a week service will be con- fidered. 2814. From Fayetteville by Owensville, Clinton i and Springvale to Warsaw, 49 milts and back, tnree times a week. Lenv’c Fayetteville Sunday, luesday, and thurs* day al G p m. arrive at Warsaw next days at 8 a m. Leave Warsaw monday, Wednesday and fiiday at 2 p m, arrive at Fayetteville next days at 4 a m 2815. From Lumberton by Philadelphus, Gi!lo- polis, Cowper Hill, Sie»varisville, Q.ueens(Jale, nnd Alfords2;ille to Lumberton, tqual to 37 miles, once week. Leave Lumberton Wednesday at Gam, and re turn to L’lmberton next day at 6 n m. 2816. From Elizabethtown by Big Swamp, Por ter’s Swamp, Fair Bluff, Gum Svvamp, White Marsh, Whiiesvi'le and Western Prong, to Eliza bethtown. (oual to 52 miles, once a week. Leave Elizabethtown luesday at G a m, arrive at Fair Bluff same day at 8 p m. Leave Fair Bluff wedrusday al 6 a m, arrive a Elizabethtown next day st 2 p m. VI 3U2ER «»7. 2803 Fr«nr. H^ilei^h by Eigle Rock, Wake- Sis;,:,ap* and Nashville to Ruclij Alouni, 61 tu:lr§ aad bnci, tkre« timta h u'eek. J-rave K«l»i^h fp'tjf Sunday, TursJay, and at C * :u, arrifft* at Rock}' Mount same iiayi by 10 p m. Lenve Roeky ^ jant f»rr^ Monday, Wednesday •uU FiiJl«y at G n ui. arrive at R.ileigh same days by 10 p m. (i«04 From Rnleifh by Holly Springs, Hay woorf. Long Rlrcet, M.ollin’* Store and Pocket to J^>hn8onvillr. 7‘i nil'# wud back, once a week. L-avtt Kalri^h Friday at G a m., arrive A! Jyhnaonville neit dcy Sy 6 fi ni. L"»vf J )hnaonvill?.* dundjy al G a m, ar- five al R^l^ijjih diy by 6 p m. 'iS05. From Ril iL»h by Moringsville, Chapel HjII, £1 lll^bo^ou^h, Mn5on s Hall, Haw lii'er, Albnghi’j and AilemHiice lo Greensborough, 86 3nJ kjic/; ttaree lim**f o wet A. L-ave lUlcish every Sunday, Wednesday and Ftiday 01 2 u», 6rnv»e al Gieensborough ntxt Uavfi by Vi pm. Leave GretniWorough twery SuncaVj Weunrs* day LnJ Fiilay a» Oa m, arrive at HaUigh ue^l dnyt Al G a tn. M iunv Arorni to b? iupplied ihree limcs a wuh fruni Hnw nvt-r. ViliOG. Fiom Raleigh by Iv-lvin Grove, Rogei ? Slorr, Fifttdnin. blag ville, R.d ?.4 no, iJ.irilel S Mills nni Van Hook’s Sioie to Koxboiouuh and YrKun by Nl'>uoi I'nx*, red M')iiiua:n, round llil., Sla -ville at»d Flfu.inglon lo 54 inilts one* - Leave R»l;tigh ivory Friday kI 3 p n», hinve al Jloxbo:^ u^t> ut SI day by 7 p im. l^e.ive R ixboiGUgh every Thursday al G a m, nrrive at JviUigb ntxi day by 10 a n. ^ 281^,RhU igli by Utove, Hackney s x Si. l^iwrence. M'li ley’s Mills, ir. K.irt.- and bacA- iwice a \vee/v. I.e«»c R.’lcigh^'y 'hu'sJay 5 ,l»exl days by 5 p m. and liiday al 7 a y 7 p m. Pulley’* Store, Smith 2817. From Weldon by Halifax, Enfield, Bat- tleborough, Rocky iMot;nt, Joyner’s 1j. pot, 'I'oc-s- noil Depot. Black Creek, Nahunta, GohJsborouoh, Dudley, Fai'on’s Depot, Waisaw, Strickland's De pot, Teachy’s Depot, Washington Depot, Sill’s Creek, Wi.'ming'.on and Smiihviile lo Charltsion, S. C., 330 miles and back daily. Froi.j IGih Maich lo lOlh December in each year. L«av.‘ ton !n c ^' Leav don in Frot W« Idon daily al 2.V a m, arrive at Charles hours f .V 1 11 a in. . Charleston daily al 3 p m, arrive al Wtl . hours at 12 night. 10th Dccembci to 15ih March in cach year. Leavi W^eldon daily at 10 p m, arrive at Char lesion iti 84 hours at 8 a m. Leave Charltaion daily at 3 p m, arrive al Wei- don next day at 11pm. 2818. From Weldon by W’estland lo Lillleton, 25 miles and back once a week Leave Weldon Wednesday at 6 ■ m, arrive al Litthion same day at 4 p m. Leave Littleton ihursday at 6 a m, arrive ai Weldon same day at 4 p m. 2818 From Weldon by Jackson, Rich Square, Briiioii’s Sior»', Hotel and Vv indsor to Plvmouih, 73 rnihs arid back twice a vveek. Leave Weldon tuesday and (iiday al 6 p rrij Of* rivf? al Plymouth next days 10 p ni. L»-ave Plymouih monday and ihnrsday al 5 a m, arrlv^^ al Weldoti fiext ila\b at 12 ni. 2820. Fiom H ilif;»x by Scotland Neck, Palmy ra, Ruanoktt anti H unilit)r» to W liliatni^ton, 60 mile? aiid tvack twice a wei k. Leave Halifax Sunday and ihursday at G a m, arrive at W’llliainston next days by 4 p m. Leave Williaiii&ton luesday and snlurday nt G a arrive a: Stantonsburgh n^xt d?/ 'ji b p m. 2827. Fion* Dudley b) \]T»‘i’field’5 Mills. Slee py Creek and Jench'^ to j 24 Uiilcs and back, once a week / L»*ave Dudley ffidav at fl a m, arrive at $tra« banc* same day at 7 p m. ■ Leave Strabane Saturday al 10 am, arrive at Dudl*-y same day at 6 p tTi. 2828 From Strickland’f O.'pni by Kenansville, Hallsville, Ricriland and Maikti Place to 'I’renton, 57 ntiles and back, once a vtetli, L^ave Strickland’s Depot fnday al 1 p m, arrive at Trenton next day ai 6 pm. Leave Trenton ihursday at o m, arrive al Strick land’s Dt pot next dciy al 11 a m. 2829. From Wilmington l>y Top Sail Sound, Stu(j»p Sound, Snead's Ferry, Stone Bay, Foy’s Store and Onsiow C. H. to Rjchland 73 miles and back, once a week. Leave Wilmington Wednesday at 5 a m, arrive at Ri^iland next day at 6 p m. Leave Richland fnday al 5 am, arrive at Wilm ington nexl day at 6 pm. 2830 From Wilmington by Long’s Creek, Moore’s Creek, Hazel’s Store find Taylor’s Bridge to Clinton, 66 miUs and back once a week--black river Chapel to be supplied on return trip. Leave Wilmington friday ai 4 am, arrive at Clinton next day al 12 m. Leave Clinton Saturday at 1 pm, arrive al ! Wilmington nexl day at 9 n m. I 2831. I^^r^m Taylor’s Bridge by Li«burn to I Gravelly Hill, 16 iniles and back, once a week. ! Leave 'J’ay tor’s Bridge Saturday at 4 p m, arrive I at Gravelly Hill same day at 8 p m. I Leave Gravelly Hill Saturday at 5 a m, arrive j at 'J’aylor’s Bridge same day at 9 a m. 2832. From Clinton to Cux’j Siore, 19 miles and back, once a week. Leave Clinton Saturday al 1pm, arrive at Cox's Store same day G p m. L»ave Cox’s Store Saturday at 6 a m, arrive al Clinton same day 1 I a m. 2833. From Onslow C. H , by French Mills to S'.vansborough, 26 miles and back, once a wetk. Leave Onslow J. H. Iriday at 8 a in, airive al Sivansborough nexl day at 4 p m. Leave Swatisboiough ihursday at 6 a m, arrive at Unslow C. H. nexi day at 2 p m. 2834. Fiom Newbern by i\»lloksville, Trenton, Kingstone a.nd Mosely Hall to Goldsboro’, 7-2 milet and back, three tn:ie& a wet k. Leave Newbern eveij in -cday, Wednesday’ and Iriday ut 8 a .-ts, arrive al Goldsboro' next days al Gam. „ ! '-v-.-o, lutiday, iiiur^tiay’ ani; •‘^aiardav j at 8 a m, amve at Newbern next days al 6 a m. 1 2835. Fioin Newbern by Cravensville to Beau- j ort, 18 inihsund back, three times a week. Leave Newbein Sunday. Wednesday and friday al 7 a m, airive at Beaufort same days al 5 p m. Leeve Beautoil tuesday, Ihursday and Saturday al 7 a :n, arrivt ai Newbern same days at 5 p m. 2836. Fioin Polloksville by BujinbilUge. lo Hadnoi’s 25 miks and back, once in two weeks. Leave l^)l:l'ksvl!ie tV( ly other fiiday al 2 p m, arrive at llatlnoi's same day fl 9 p nj. Leave, H «dnoi’s tvtiy other fiiday at 6 a m, ar rive al Polii)ksville same day al 1 p m. 2837. Fiom Kln^^on, L» iioir county, by R. D Nunn’s Lewis Jonts’s and Stephen M. Graddy’s to Hall svillc in Duplin coutiiy, 35 miles and back, once a wet k. Leave Kingston fnday al G a m, arrive at tlall.^ ille same any at G p m. L ave Hallsville Saturday at 6 a m, arrive al Kinston same day al 6 p m. 2838. From Greenville by Conlentnia, Hook- eisiowii, Snow Hill and FvjU Run lo Goldsborough 4G mihs and ba'.rk,once a week. Leave Gieenville iriday ^i 4 a m, arrive ol Goidsborfitigt) k.y ai V* ri m. Leave Goldsouto-. h satmuuy at 8 a m, arrive Dumond, Deep Creek, Va., to Norfolk, Va., 81 1^- miles and back, three times a week. ^ j m, Leave EJenton Sunday, wednesiiay nnd friday at 2560 avf Roibsvih. urt;5 al arrive at Foresttillt 9t*mo l*v 10 a m. S a 4 a m, arrive «t Norlolk same days al 6 p m, l-.eave Norfolk tuesday. ihursday and Saturday at 9 am, arrive at E It nton same days al 11 p m. Proposals for six limes a week service on this route will be considered. 2845 From EJenton by Ballard’s Bridge, Min- tonsville, Sunbury Middle Swamp, Gatesrille and Somerton to SufTolk. Va., 77 miles and back, oncf a week. Leave Edenton ihursday al 4 a m, arrive al Suf« folk next day at 4 p m. Leave Suti’olk tuesday at 11 a m, arrive at Eden ton next day at 6 pm. 2846 From Edenton to Merry Hill, 10 miles and back once a week. Leave Edenton Wednesday al 12 m, arrive al Merry Hill same day at 3 p rn. Leave Merry Hill Wednesday at 7 a m, arrive al Edenton same day at 10 a m. Proposals for twice a week service will be con sidered. 2847. From W’oodvi/le to Durant’s Neck, 12, miles and back, once a w'eek. Leave WoodviHe monday at 12 m, arrive at Durant’s Neck same day at 3 p m. Leave Durant’s Neck monday at 8 a m, arrive at Woodville same day at 11am. 2848. From Elizabeth City by Camden, Shiloh, Indiantown, Currituck C. H, Northwest River Bridge, Va., Elickory Ground and Greal Bridge, to Norfolk, 66 miles and back, once a week. h rom Loui?t«>rg Vj Ue«t«*i»{oMrn to Rjn* som s Bridge, 18 miles aoif Ancc a week. Leave Louisburg SBturda^ or 5 a is, arrive at Ransom’s Bridge fame dcy ct 11 am. Leave Ransom’f Bridge fctiirdar at 1 p m, ar* rive at Louisburg rsmr daf ci 7 pm. 2861. From Oxford Wai«rica, Bullock’s Abraham’s PlaiRS and Browosnlle t# y'cui’g'i Xj Roads, 37 milts and back, ciice n •reek. Leave Oxford ihursday at 5 a ra, ariivo ot \ oung’s x Roade fame daf at 6 p ra. Leave \ oung’g x Uoadc fnduy oi 5 am, arriva at Oxford same day by 6 p m. 2862. From Oxford by Tallvko, Dctchville, Knapp of Reeds, Siaetillr, SooiL Lor.cII Mills, Lipscomb and Enos *\!il!t lo Hilisborough, 45 miles find back once a week. Leave Oxford Saturday at 5 a n, arrive at Hills* borough same day by 7 pm. Leave Hillsborough friday ai ^ am, arrive a Oxford same day al 7 p m, 2863. From Wilton by Tianquility, Fishdans, Westpoint, Prattsburgh and Tiice’^ Store to Chap- I el Hill, 41 miles and back, once a week. I Leave Wilton friday at 6 a m, arrive at Chapel j Elill same day at 7 p m. Leave Chapel Hill Saturday at 6 a m, nrriva at i Wilton same day ai 7 p m. I 2864. From Hillsborough by Cedar Grove, Jun« j tO; Prospeclhill and GordoDi;n lo Leesburg, C2 miles and back, once a week. Leave Hillsboro’ at 6 a m, arrive al Lee«- burg same day al 5 p m. I-eave Leesburg Saturday at 6 a m, arrive at Leave Elizabeth City Wednesday al 5 a ni, nr rive al Norfolk next day al 12 m. Leave Norfolk ihursday at 1 p m, arrive al Eliza* | tiillsborough same day al 4- p m. beth city next day at 8 p m. | 2865. From Hillsborough by Walnut Grovo 2849. From Currituck C H., by Coinjock and i and Van Hook’s Store to Roxborough, 24 miles and Poplar Branch lo Powell’s Point, 34 milea and | back once a week. back, once a week i Leave Hillsborough tuesday at 6 a m, arrive al Leave Currituck C H. Saturday al 6 a m, arrive i Roxborough same day at 4 p m. at l*oweil’s Point same day at 5 p m. j Leave Hillsborough Wednesday at G a m, arriva Leave Powell’s Point friday al 6 a m, arrive at t at Hillsborough same day by 4 pm. a m, arrive al 8aliibur Ijta/e Salisburg trery in, arrive at Raleigh next 2808 From Ruleigh by field, Bo m Hill and Way m, arrive ai Halifax nexl days :il 4 p tn e>( G Pi, arrive servii’r will b* c'ln jiiesbOiough 10 Goldsboro’, miles and bar/.: three lintts a f ‘ave Ralfiilh every monday. Wednesday anc. fiidVy 4 a m, arrive al Gwldcboio’ same days bv ^ *L*"«»e tvert/ tue^Jiy, thursday and «t\tirday mi 8 m m, mrrire at Rnleigh nexl days by I a m. U809. From Faitiieville by Dsvis’i Springs, Uandalltville, Montpelu r, Laurel Hill and BrighiS ▼ille S. C. 10 t't^eraw, 72 miles and back, daily. Lca^e Fayelleville tvery day at 3 a m, arrive at Cheraw same iay by 10 p m. Leave Cheraw aveiy day al 3 p m, arrive al t?gvtlieville i^mcday by 10 p m. ‘'-.'nosals lo embrace Benneilseille, m place ’• ^ ^ill be coniideieil. iransporiaiior. of ihe greal 1 (opofa ^ ,;>ern mails on ihis rouie al a speed fioTtbtitn an ! -i.,- an hour will be considered Fa by liu.e li„ck. S.. Lumbe.ton, Loos.ill,- -.u,ljys»,ile .0 11 s. 0., 75 anu bick.uvice a oi 2821. From Enfield by Hraih'-vilif*, B'ipkh-y- vilU‘. Hill’s Bridge and Sycamore Alley to E;»h- l'J equal lu 19 miks once a w'etk. Leave Enfield every ft ida> Enlield sanie day at 6 p m Propoiais for semi- weikly siJertd. 2822 From Rocky Mount by Taibm* Sparta, Falkland, GreeOAtlle and Pactolus to W mi^ton, 68 miUs and back three limes a week. Leave Rocky Mount n o:irjny, wedneday and fri day al 6 a m, ai riv.i \\ arfl*M»gton next (Jays by 1 a m. Leave W’.ishington tuesJay and ihurstlay al 6 a m, arrive at Rocky Mount iiexi days by 6 a m. 2823 From Rocky Motjnl by Hilliardstown. Bedford and Louisburg to Fianklinton, 47 miles and back three linus a week lo Louisbuig and six times a week the residue. yl Gieeiiviile satne day al \'2. n m, 2839. I'foui Wi.->!iingtun ly i3ath, Pungo Bridge Pungo, Lt«cijviii, Gei-.nanum, Slade’s Cf*-k, Swan i.^iiuitt r C. 11 and Lake lansing to Midule- at i lown, 93 ir.ilis and tack, tw ice a week lo Bath, and j unct u wtik liie leinaiuuer ul liie route. From Wastiiiig'.on by Ba'h, Pun;«o Bridge, Pungo. Leecnviiie, Siale’s creek, Swan CJ,ua,fier and Lake Lriiniing to Midilittovvn; returning by t'airjicld and Sivan Quarter to W’ajbiiigiun, tw ice a week lo Balli and unce a week ihe lemrtinJer ol the route. lUl milts. Currituck C H, same day at 7 p m. 2850. From Franklin Depot, Va., by South Quay, Winlon, N. C, and Edenton to Plymouth, 108 milrsand back, three limes a wetk. Leave F'ranklin Depot monday, Wednesday and riday al 12 m, arrive al Plymouth same days by 11 p m. Lr>ave Plymouth every monday, Wednesday and friday al 11^ p m, arrive a'. Franklin Dopoi nexi days at 10^ a in. Separate proposals lo convey the mail three limes »» wv t» w. » * . _ — W I ji m.'mi h hv fl SC he- i dule to connect the Norfolk and Eaenlon niuils [ with the Plymouth and Newbern mails will be i considered. 2851. From Murfreesborough by Mnrtinville and Poiecasi lo Si. John, 21 miles and buck, once a week. Leave Murfreesborough friday !*t 5 a m, arrive at St. John same day at H a m. Leave St. John friday al 12 m, arrive at Alur- freesborough same day at 5 p m. 2852. From Murfreesborough to Newsom’s De pot, Va., 18 miles and back, three limes a week. Leave Murfreesborough monday, Wednesday and fiiday at 8 a m, arrive at Newsom’s Depot same days by 12 m. Leave Newson’s Depot monday, Wednesday and friday al 5 p m, arrive at Murfreesborough same days al 9 p m. Proposals lo end this route at Garysburg, N. C. instead of Newsou’s Depot, will be considered. 2853. From Ridgeway by Bullock’s Store, Pal mer’s Spring, Va , St. Tammany and Fui’s Sior^, N. C., lo Ridgeway, equal to 18 miles, twice a week. Lpave Ridgeway tu'^sday and fiiday al 7 a m, arrive al Ridgeway same days al 7 p m. 2854 From Ridgeway by Exchange and Wood worth’s l(# Clarksville, Va,, 30 miles and back three limes a week with a tri w’eekly branch from Wood worth’s to Roydion, Va., 22 milts, lo run in due connexion. Leave Ridgeway tuesday, thursday and Saturday 8 a m, arrive al Clarksville same days t)y 3 pm* Leave (^arksyille monday, Wednesday and fri* arrive al Ridgeway same days at 3 p. at 8 Leave Washington salu'rday al 1 p m, arrive al Bath same day al G p m. Leave Bath satuiday al 7 a m, arrive al Wash ington same day al 12 m. "^'‘‘i.mgton thursday al 7 a m, arrive ni M,dcll«ow.. ... d.-,y at 12 m. Leave ivitjjleiown Saturday «. « p VVashingion next monday at >5 p m, ■ rrjvo Qt , 2840, Fioii* Washingiori by Orracoke to Ports Leave Rocky Mount every tuesday, ihursday nmi i niouth. 75 nub s and buck, once a week. Saturday al 5 a m, arrive ai L.ouisbuig sarne days by 4 p m. l^eave Louisburg every monday. Wednesday and fnday at 5 a m, arrive ai Rocky Mount same days by 4 p m. Leave Washington ihuisday ai ] p rn, arrive at Ocracoke nexisaiuiday at 9 a m, and at Portsmdlith same day al 12 m. Leave l^oriMnouth mt'riday at 8 a m, arrive al Paul’s Mafion C Fjvcucville tuosday and sal.irday o'. 3 a „r?i.e 01 Mer.on C. H next day al 12 m. "’^.e Ma.ioo C H . w. dne^day and su,. ay al rr.«p al Favelleville nexl days ai 10 p m. ^ oflTl^From Fayelleville by Pea.son’s Mills, 2611- t/o nreek. Caranish, Caithage, Bridge. Sior. Salem Church, NH Uharee, ^ ^ Rnrmna to Salisbury, Cram’s Creek, Car anish, Caithage, Cul:iun:a cuk co’iner, Sug.’s f Hill's Store fealem i""b“aron and Spring. SalUburv. 120 al same day at 6 p m a r» arnreatSali* Leave LouUburg .*e-y day (excer. Sunday) V'Bridge, a. F.anki.n.on sa.nedajs by 8 a > ,vT,llirVVCreek 1^.,/.- to Newbtrn. 80 miUs and back, three times a week. Leave P'ymoulh luejday.ihursday and Saturday al 1 a m, arrive al Wainingion tame days al 12 m, and al Newbern same days al p m. L»^ave Newbern monday, welnesday aod friday at 3 a iTt, arrive al Washington feame djys al 12 m, I and a*. Plymouih same days at |l p m. j 2842. Fiom Plymouth by i^ool Spring lo Co ; lumbia, 38 miles and back, oncei week. L^ave Plymou'h thursday a 7 a m, arrive at Columbia same day at 4 p m- Leave Columbia fnday al 8 t m, arrive al Ply mouth same day n'. G p m. 2843 From Wmcsor by Merry Hill Ashland, Colerain. B Ihel, Pilch Landug and Winlon lo Murfreesborough, 6. miles and lack, twice a week. Leave Windsor vjedntsJay aid Sunday al 4 a m. arrive at MurfreesbifougU same Oays al 11 p m. L^ave Murfreesbirough luesciay and satuiday al 4 a m. arrive ai Wipur same days at 11 p m. 2S 44 F rom EJI iton by Hertford, Woodville, Eliz-ibtin Ciiy, N t Lebanon, South Milif, Lake o a rn, Leave Franklimon every day (except Sunday) I 5 n m, arrive al Franklinton same days by 8 a m 1 Leave Fi anklmi> n evei y day (except Sunday) at ' 5 p m. arrive al Lotii burg s nee days by 8 p m. 2S24. From Nashville »o Peach Tiee Giove, 12 j miles and back, once a wttk. ! L*ave Naehville fnday at 1 pm, arrive at Peach Tree Grove same day al 5 p n», Leave Peach Tree Grove Iriday al 8 a m, arrive al Nashville same day at 12 m. 2825 Erom Stanton^bur«h 10 ^ assnott Depot, 10 milts and back twice a week Leave 6’anionsbui yh tiionday and thursday ai 9 a m, arrive a* ToSsooii D-pnt s-ame days by 12 m. Leave 'I'cSsnou L^- poi monday and thuisday at 1 p m. arrive Stantonsbuigh same >i u'S at 4 p m .^ri 10 2b2G. From Stair.onsbuigh by Sp. itjijt Bridge. Snow Hill, Ho{?ke;siown. Airy Grove, Kingston. Strabane, Albertson’s. Saracta and Kenansville lo Stricklimd’s Depot. 86 miles and back, once a week. Leave Slanionsburgti f.iday ai 5 a n», arrive at Strickland’s Depot nexl day at 6 p m. L uve Strickland’s Depol w’cdne>day at 5 am. day al 8 a m m. eropt'Sal.i lo extend the service on this route from Claiksvillo ly Halifax C. H., to Danville will be considered. 1855 From Henderson lo VVilliamsborough. 9 miles an(i back, three limes a week. Leave Henderson luesday, ihursday and Saturday al 1 pm, arrive at Williamsborough same days al 8 p m. Leave Wiiliamsborongh luesday, ihursday and Saturday al 9 a tw, a rive ai Henderson same days at I I a m. I^roposals for tv%i- e n »vcek service will be con sidered 3856. From H. nders m by Oxford. Oakhill, Roxboroug h. L» esbnrg. R. d House and Milton to Danville, \ .1 , 73 miles and back, three times a week. Leave H^mdersor, rnrndav, wr-dnesda day after the arrival c»l Ihe northern ma a m. arrive al D»riville nexl days at 7 a m. I.eave Danville tuesfay. thursday and saturdav al 8 a III, arrive at 1 l* n U rsf>n nex'. dayi at 7 a m Pioposais for iwicc a wct k service on this route will be conti ler( d. 2857. From Frankiint-n by Wilton, 'rallyfio. Buriilo Hill, Red Mountain and Ca'dwell to Hiljs* borough, 52 mil»s and back once a week. L'^ave Franklinton Wednesday al 4 p m, arrive at Hillsborough next day al 7 p m. Leave Hillsborough tuesday al 6 a m, arrive aj Frankliiiion nexi day at 10 a"m. 2858. From Foresiville by New Light, Wilton and Brookville lo Oxford, 42 miles and back, once a week. Leave Foresiville Wednesday at 5 a rn, arrive al Oxford same days at 7 p m. Leave Oxford luesday at 5 am, arrive al For- eslvliI^' same day ai 7 p m. 2859. t rom Foresiville lo Rollcsville, 5 miles and back, twice a week. Leave Foresiville monday and ihuisday at 11 a m, arrive al RolletviPle same days ai I p m. 2866, From Hillsborough by Hawfield, Mount Willing, Ruffin’s Mills, Me Daniels and Rock creek to Long’s Mills, 39 miles and back once a week. Leave Hillsborough ihursday at 6 am, arrive at Long Mills same day 6y 6 p m. Leave Long Mills Iriday al C a m, arrive at Hillsborough same day by 6 p ro. Proposals to ex'.end this route from Long’s Milif to Ashborough will b« considered, 2867, From Ashborough. to tawrenceville, iO miles and back, once a week. Leave Ashborough wedoeeday al 6 a m, orriva al ijawrencevif le same da j at 7 pm. Leave Lawrencevilie luesduy at 6 a m, arrive at Ashborough same day by 7 p m, 2868, From Ashborough by Moffat’s iV^ills, Waddell’s Ferry and Brawer’s Mills to Prosperity* 30 miles «nd back, oace a week. Leave Ashborough friday al 6 a m, arrive «t Prosperity same day at 5 p m. Leave J^rosp#‘rity thariday at 6 am, arrive at Ashborough same d^y at i p m, 2869 From Mason Hall by Big Falls, Pleasant Grove, Fawcett’s Store, Mooresville, Stony creek, Anderson’s Store and lligh T»wers to Leesburg, 58 miles and back, once a w«ek. Leave Mason Elall friday at 6 a m, arrive at Leesburg next day al 12 m. Leave Leesburg Saturday all p m, arrive at Mason Hall nexl day al 7 p m. 2870. From Greensborough by Monlicello, Eligh Rock, Lenox Castle, Slade’s, Locust Hill and Yanceyviile lo Milton, 59 milta and back, ihreo times a week. Leave Greensborough mcnduy, Wednesday and friday al 2 a m, arrive at Milion nexl days by 2 a m. Leave Milton monday, Wednesday and friday at 6 p m, arnve at Gieensboraugk nexl days at 6p m. Proposals lo extend this route from Milton by Cunningham’s Store and Bloomslurg, Va, to Hali- I fax C. H. will be considered, i Proposals for semi-weekly service will also be considered, 2871, From Greensborough by Jamestown, Brummell’s, Rich Fork and Lexington lo Salis bury, 52 miles and back three tinus a week. Leave Greensborough monday, thursday and Saturday al 2^ p m, arrive al Salisbury nexl days at 7J am. Eeave Salisbury, luesday, thursday and Saturday by 7 a m, arrive at Greensborough same days by 12 pm. 2872. From Greensborough by Show’s Milff, Clapp’s Holt’s Store, Hartshorn, Rock Creek, Snow Camp, Sandy Grove, Mudlick, Hickory 1 Mounlaio, Cune Creek, Hadley’s Mills and Rock i Re« lo Piit^borougb, 68 miJt« and bach once a I week. j Leave Greensbororrgh frjday at G a m, arrive al I Pittsborough next day at 5 p m. j Leave Pittsborough Sunday at 6 a m, arrive at I Greensborough next day al 5 p m. ■ by Frenttiss, Gen. lie and .New .Sal. m to .\shburough, 29 niile« and I back once a ween. Loave Greensborough tur«day m 0 al Ashborough same day at 6 p m. I^eave Ashborough Wednesday at G . .it -irrf nsbfuouoh same diiy at 3 p n». 2t7 1 Fiom (iie. nshfirMigb bp Elillsdale Mon. ;rocton. Troublesome, IMj.vil^, Rnwlingsburff ;and Graves to Danv.l!,, Va , 52 miles and bac’ ' three innes a week. ! Leave Greensboronuh mond«y, Wednesday and ^ friday at 5 am, ariiy. at DanviUe same dayb at S pm. ^ j Leave Danville luesday, ihurtday and fnturda* at 3 a m, arrive a: Greemborough same daya by a m, arrive 0 m, arrive u m. j 287.5. From Greersborougb by New Garden • Friend.^hip, KernersviJIe and Limestone Well lo j Salen>, 2v^mijes and back, three limes a week, j Leave Qfeensborough monday, thurjday and Saturday al m, arrive at Salem ®amt days ly 11 p ni. ' ^ Leare Salem tuesday, Ihursday and saiurdny at 6 a n^, arrive al Greensborough same days al 2 p m 297G. From R^ville fcy Wtn*i^*oftb and Bu

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