-4 - f if 1 1. 5 Under the "above caption t . j Harrisburg US (Pa.) iPfll&ci'urfBf'erl'cminiscenccs- - It - "3 " a- TWO HOMES. two homes among the mountains stood, Andboth had goodly lands : j I v On'e looked upon the inland lielda ; jf ! One watched the white beach-sands f. j If -I ; .nd caught from south and caughtiftxjni north : A ti- jftecked A vidw rf mJaTtr Hllla And river-threaded valleys, With busy toiling mills. . 0ne house stood forth as if if scorned j.; 1 The shrinking orchard's shade ; f And straight and trim from 'door . to: gate The smooth brick walk was laid, -r YYV I it i it in i .-it i.i j. -4 - . -: '-"I i " 'rvi' -:.x- :. "T - : K1 t m ji " VOL. 1. CHARLOTTE, N. 6., TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1870. 5E if,' No flowers bloomed ; the lawn was smooth i As velvet from the loom : lr . ll Ana aown tne lane some popiars sioou in sun and stately gloom. ; f - . ; ' . , , . - --.!.. " " """ : ' ' - " ' ' K ' he robin at his peril sang j Among the cherry-trees : ,. ' he very corn-fields seemed to hate The free and easy breeze. i.- "or - . .; ' '. l I he cows were of superior breed, j The horses strong and sleek ; ! he good wife ever at her work ; A woman sad andmeek. , " f he man himself, an honest man Whose children knew the birch : i lard-working; soberV fair Ji deal,: Ana always prompt at enurcn. ?r he other home, through bloom and bough Played bo-peep with the sea : , I ; M , Round columned porch the jasmine sweet Crept green ana fragrantly. ; m The birtls came fearlessly to $tay, And white hands, deft and fairV, H 1 To warbled song and step of health, I Made butter in the dairy. . j J?- ! ? The simple, rooms were sweet. and rich J With gleanings from the wood,;! r ;jt- The hills, the sea and eyeryfthing ;v ; ; Ot beautv and of good. !i v J;; flThe poet's book, the artist's gem, lj ' n;acn ior lis own xugn sane ; knd the gladsome music evferywiere wnicn nappy eniiuren maKe. p uhe man his austere precepts held t E'en higher than is gold . hfet lived beneath his thrift and calm, Impoverished and cold. . : The other shed aninflueiieesweet ' j One telt, nor knew, the thrall ; .; for one loved God in.chuTchjand Creed, And oni' loved God in au. il 1 r Mignonette. 'Now," he said, "sho might die an bid maid ; he had done with her." . And there on my pre-occupation, ' actually Another 'Caepet-Baoqer : Gone. -Oar y x ork-tan gloves from my as- j corresptuident . gives us Kirk's Pets. -Two gallant herpes of Ja oi ine laxo war. . . - . , x The following official ' papers have re cently, been published. We copy them as samples oftKeIaQonie literature of the i warxSiThft atithorhas' not, like Staiiton,v ; lallen'a: victim to .remorse : vet it is ob- BerVed:that"he! finds no rest at home, to wh!chHt6uldeem? hia feeble aire; would . commend him."" No sooner, is he relieved NO 7 l0 'PW?8.?jrft frysipfficmrdutiesthan unfrequented wilds of Alaska and Mexico, : anil :n6w?&fter 0? ttere tbhch tU abhrn, away gv r aw is no rrfbr thCwicked : leroesoi ai . 'citt.iri.c -ii. ji-'mi-. tfie firat intfma- weU-fought campaignCibearing the namesl!. wfi, . - V " ) 1 i. T V W1,!-' ' TtTMPl J J Editor Sentinel : ;I am surprised, that martyrs Kirks command, were arrested Tv - chrtmicler of current events, you have i n Wilson, Ni C.bn Monday lastr? charged rs"?3f?,0f ardJi a. " - - j r :u ai e Sena Wilhftm H . the departure from this county and from other people's horses, ajnd were lodged in the State, of the Right Hon. W'. A. Moore, jail. ;un Tuesday they were ughli be Bkpartment op State. 1 r Washington Sept. 14, 18fil. f seem drew did actually appear to be a cessation of all 1 tonished hands, and substituted a Tair 6ft tion" that 'we have had that Moorci is gone! of Ben and Nathan Wilhford, who boast his matrimonial plans in that quarterJ his own ibest white kid. IThis" operation I Joy eo with him. i Tot their belonging to the noble Dana ot Miss Keid. herseit laid aside ner distrust 1 oeing fompleted, my godpapa, putting his oT;hini ; and a truce, if not a peace, was forefirfger to his lip in token of eecrecy, as tac.it! V concluded petween these sturdy hurrisep n antagonists. Mr. Evelyn seemed to have from the shop. (firpn nn tlio frfttrtfl -a fltran ota th i n tr for I ; Wfwallcecl fit. a rhnid rnb( inH )ia hm trw ,in WKilaf Ka had a nftwn left, f "Rnt. I twepht nhint? mntinn ' ami ninaAment' T I Aerhftns better known as Pffiin'mifl m?- I fore Justice Tavlor. No evidence annear4 so it was. His adversaryhad the board was to much out of breath to utter a tionMoore for distant parts. .'fWe mourn ing against Nathan, .he was discharged j all to herself : and was in as good humor, wbrdt ltiH w had; passed the old gothic our loss,", hut there is some consolation in but. Ben, . unable to give .bond for. hia ap-j as a winning player generally is. jmiss casxieai; me ena oi tne town ana crosseq Knowing marine non. vuinamwm do pearauce at ine uei, term ui c-ouri, was Reid was nevef remembered so amiable, the lg bridge that, spans its wide and succeeded in tbie Senate by thai renowned caged.- North Carolinian. " '' Wa snvv themjalmost. everv dav. as the windilfr river. I then rained Questions warrior and statesman. Col.Clarkee. "who- ! n . , ; fashion is amongst neighbors in small on m dear bid friend, who chuekled and for the third time". &c., &c. f hred for the Southern people en,7vi0 ;fnee eeea towns,and used to rjde and walk together noddel, and vented two" or three half .; Old Vprvious., queati&vC' left very xm- s never more forcibly illustrated than layette, let it aonev. continually although Lucy, whose health laugh but vouchsafed nothing tending to iixpectedlya ew tlays : alter the . late in his induct toward Texa and North was delicate, frequently declined 4iccom- a repjf : At length we came to a spot election, much to the regret of some, who Carolina,? Te will I neither protect the; panying us on ourmore distant excursions; whejfef the road turned suddenly to the held little unsettled balances against his people; fronuIndiaM,indr allow them to Our usual beau, besides the dear god- left;. (he way to the farm,) whilst, right Honor. . protect themselves. The Texas authori- naDa. was a Mr. Morris, the curate of the befbrelus, rose a knoll, on Which stood When last heard from, hej was in the ties raised troops for the purpose ; but parish an uncouth, gawky, lengthy man, the cHireh, a large, heavy; massive build- far Northwest; Perhaps he is looking tor Grant would not' suffer them to act 14 0114 uiiiyufi. -1 -" me with a look of great triumph: not long sintfe informed youri readers of with the innocent amusement of taking V 9en William 11. u inuer , 10 r ori xn-. : -: -ifSccittary'pfi State- DEPAtAlWSTATE. j ) ; " Washington; Septr il, 1861. f v General, 1 you can arrest Dr.! Mac GUI, of Hagerstown, "Maryland, or cause him to: be arrested and sent to Fort Mc-. to Fort "ri-. Wm. H. Seward, Secretary of State DEPARTMENT OF STATE. Washington. Oct. 11, 18G1. To Edward i JiiXlh'ase-U S, .Marshal, N. I)ist.,ffl,JX,tJ4bkt j - - Sir.- Please confer with U. S. District with ah nfltnnnrlincf Wpfltmnrpljinfl dialPft inff. alnost a cathedral, finely relieved by Uhe La Crosse Democrat, which published Mean while 'the savncres are butchering and a most portentous laugh. Really" his the Wge of woody hills which shut in such naughty things about him a year or white nien , women and children in all di- Attoy; forhe'F:; D; bf 'N. ha! ha! was quite a shock to the nerves tne laaoscape. a turning gate, wim a ou gu. .uutccyrt ucwwcu s rections. . hen - uov. noioen asKeu . r a sort, of oral shower-bath ; so sudden and Jail, jsfraigbt cypress on either side, led ,. . . : Grant to send Federal soldiers jntp; North so startling was the explosion. In loud- into tRe church-yard; and .through this Suspension op the .-North Carolina 1 Carolina lot political purposes t bey were ayeue.n vrMi,yMurH,t. a,; . , ordinary gate mr. iveiyn passed, xne enurcn jtADitJAL xsibjue.- io ine jrairons oj . ine i promptly.-dispatched, jno time was iosi. , ;;i a r : l.T ,1 . Jn.nn nlJ:nn.n rraia Mr KoAlvn naaaAr ' Thft fhnwh KATiTfiAT. HinMf rl n thfi HatmriSt fit. tflP. I Tftrtir. Itt ... 4 t ...... , . i i i I -.. . i t i 'i! . 1 V . , -, .it r m i ? j I - SoopAtnrw et NiatA laiKrhA :pniiArl intn rn ; and as thft ri-pn- door rvtas a little a-iar. ano, inrougn ine wsxanaara : business complications in uu uut wnen tne Tjeonie oi rexas iramore ami. . rv?J r tleman yas of a facetious disposition and crevicf, was seen : peeping the long red wise connected with ' the'present proprie- to keep the Indian's In jcheck, to iprevent; Department op State, ( chorused his own good things as well as nose ff the old clerk, a Bardolphian person- torship and editorial management of the the savages from committing acts of bar-i Washington, Nov. 20, 11861. those of other people, with his awful age, id whom my godfather, who loved to Standafd. render a suspension of the paper barism, the are treated with coldness, or 2 cachinnation it was no iokino-matter. But oblige! people in i their ' own way, some- necessary for: the , present. !In a- short their prayer refused. Aiding Radical SiR.-This Department having adopted he was so excellent a person, so cordial, times idid the questiqnaoie service oi time our patrons ano ine puunc win oe scalawags is one tning. rrotecting peace-t a ruie wnicn prciuiMes an vummj u puuu K EAELY RECOLLECTIONS. MY, GODFATHER'S MANOEUVRING. so iovial. so simnle-hearted, and so con- clearh tented with a lot none of the most nros- his yM perous, that one could not help liking him; blackj; jcoat peeped through .the porch ; laugh and all. He was a widower, with whilti behind one of the buttresses, glim- One only son, a Cambridge scholar, ol mereui ior an , msiani, iue-wmic urapei) whom he w-fts deserved lv nroud. ! i Edward of a ilmale figure. 1 did not need these Morris, besides his academical honors (I indicj4ions to convince me that a.wed think he had been senior wrangler of his dicgs the object in view; thatid vAr was a verv fine vounff man. with ah been Mertain from the first cashiering of J. .V. , . i I i KtJ :l,l . 1.., T V4 11 ..4 lrtao inte litrent countenance, out exceedincriv '"3 nuuoin , uun x wa oim , v0o, g off his score at the Greyhound ; communicated with and our plans for the ! nose and ! a ' skirt ot his shabby future developed. W . A. hMiTH & Lo. able citizens another. Nashville and American, paper, the lowing choice morsej : "Grant has gone to Long Branch. It is understood that this eminent sot haB BY MARY RUSSELL MITFORD 1 have eaidthat my dear: godfather was a great match-maker. One of his exploits in this way, which occurred during my fsecbnd visit to - him,- and -Mrs.; Evelyn, I dm now about to relate. i . t Amongst the many .disjtant. cdusjns to was introduced in thatnorthern ' V . ' i ' .1 was a youDg, Kinswoman oy ine I name of Hervey an orphan heiress ot i il ll same town and the same street with my f lit godfather, hnder . the protection of a lady H' hood, and continued with her as the friend g oi her youtn. ooth to say tneir irienu We predict that the Standard will be revived when1 the Sheriffs pay in their October taxes. Can they not hold over until the Legislature shall nieet, when a anoniul rf ran Ha moiln instifvlncr the r: : " rr-:jr III & driderstodd ' that this eminent delay ( vv nat is tne use oi paying iu i ue . fo 8,mo Wfieks negotiating with t i was sun at a iobs, nnTlifts mftnpv 0 a sef of irresponsible t? T5k Ua vmnnrt.'-olan hnf-VTno- ,hy, .ilent, and abstracted. I .cooldLpot as toe Part,es ndue.ev Sralch outbid thomf Orut 8ecures a he p tb nking the poor youth was in love; oy jurijiveiyn a quesuon, ra, ucm, ; nt nf "-ri horsfl Mrs Grant of a new ho e blame on the mathematics, lie j , ) f f , J Gnvrnor has officiallv dec ared a Con- children of toys of various kinds. It is would sit sometimes tor an hour together, nu wi.s - V . tv - ' i i.w : A AiriA hi. understood also that Grant shares the Union cal prisoners even from ministers of the gospel, oi any denomination nas nuneno strictly adhered tb : it. If. however, the Gen. Grant is indebted to a Radical F--"'- J ""ui; V" N, Y. Evening Post, for the fol- Kness or any yWrr,HuT yisers, the rule woujd be relaxed in; favor of any one' tit undoubted loyalty, I ' ' I am,' sir, your obedient! servant. ! Mm.H;Seward, . Seeretkry of State. DEPARTMENT OF STATE, ) , Washington, Dec. 10, 1861. j . to J)dectiveartey K. Y. City: SiR-Hon Ge6r6 W: Jones, late Sena- :l yhom J ; $t !:Oet;ion, had Homethinjr like an apprehension that S.I ' . . T . .1 annln t.infnrr ia ahAiit ri lliolionrt hlO linnArNIIWH H Nil LI1HL ' llfHUL ' Dllill CO I; AID I . . . . -. t . I .1 TT r immersed, as they said, in his calculations, an uMnown beau m.gnt w tne - ; V ofits of alHhe bars. mnblhw-hMb and ?f 'm loWa ana ,a e u . o. with hiM pvph fixtd on Ijiicv Hervev as it can oisinis migniy managei, auu x - p., , . ' v T .r.i I Minister in XJOgoia. leaves ,nere vuia unci-. wun my e)es nxeu on uuij nerve), a. u . . 5 j js . f-nm Q ftMnflfUffi.n Jntn a mftro nart. sanJ bagnios dunner his stay. Little Fanny I utBWI ?r.,L. uesuneu 10 piny ine part vi uiiuc mwu. ... r -""T. :I i. ritK Ka noon ior aiew,o, .Wmu OD" CorriMted to find that I was only to enact pamphleteer, xnese are nappy w, , -i . U Aw Toaal . , -r , 1 , J a. L.Ln nlanaonr it viwtfi ni.a thfl rrH f imft I 'TiftlindreRReft UniOn ' and VOUnff J CSSO the coendante, 1 had now leisure ioue puuj rvu6u.v v . gVy T - , , - . to v lnf,Wnnvinnntnn1v,irima donna, coming, and now not far offi when Radi- receives a roya ty from the bootblacks HUr oiilintitv was knppdiiv o-fktified. cal rulers shall cease tobear rule in the two cents a pair. Vi' A;tl.x.- it; v .1 ! .,1 South' anymore Six weeks ago, when : As a specimen of irate Radical litera- only Ilneighboring clergyman, not Mr. P1" pendency was yet ""broken ture, this is hard to. beat. nril;i 2 ?i . a,a inn ,wi North Carohna was one scene of brutal . ft' -3 her sweet face had been the problem he was solving. But your mathematicians are privileged people ; and so apparently my fair cousin thought, for she took no notice, unless by blushing a shade the deeper. It "was worth yhile to look at Xj-ucv Hervev, when Edward Morris was crazinc on ner in nis aoseni nis ; uer cneeKH iuorrissf at me aitai, auu. iuumuk iuuuu . . , , e were Ss red as a rose. at thdlpenini- of another door,! perceived eDCea lJ How these blushes came to escape the the 4Fthy curat in a jetty clerical suit, . ST i noticeofMissKeid Icannotte..,L.ess brist.fe4 2. she m.ght happen to have her own atten- be-floUeed and Nearfed and b"eiW fa difference is theH 8ame; a9 thftt be. t.on engrossed by Edward s father For and bb plumed, and all in a flatter of bri- Tenne8ece under Brownlow and fenain. i.iihl oriirmai iaiu ner. in iiih uuu uai 111131 . 111 irirai Bit-r, uu uiv - 1 a I s it. m - . way, great aneniion ; was ner constant Koou in nn r TiTalL'infr.nfiWipifl satfi hv hfT o.vi Hinna, - r,H ,nnmirrAH tn Vrpt hr ld Ua1nnrr wit K all the "crrace of an old Radical orators in this city, 1 - ' 1 1 J.' A ii I ' V" " " " " " O ! I i " O 1 aoie as goose anil appie-sauce,,Fr ivugut f i, his r.rtner at whistl She had the court rfr : I fe 1 into the - . . , rB- 1 1 . A I mv - ' W- - - - ' - - . .- -jr 7 nd chicken, ihey regularly maae,wieir aVm. hof , ia -a-hi lmid. Urnnftynifl n,e amiable nair were dulv together, and- there , would pst;inuhs : and she seemed to mo not to marnleil, and I thought my. office" over. I not what ot mi- tnat portentous sound, so much as was jprer more, mistaken in all my life. either Singly , It siv -Kova lipn f-s-i-frfif frnin a lfldv: of 1 -Jll. ;.laV nftl,Q nnotnmovr pnnfnainn 1 nlrA roar nir auilnr Pr I . ... , " T:"3W : .'J . : . Jesse I uim to ort Lafayette, W. H. Seward; Secretary of State. The carpet-bag governments" in thd South are jus.t now catching:fits from the Radical newspapers in the JNorth. ; The JNew 1 orK own, wnicn-is some nye hip was of that tender and sentimental jrtat which the world, the wicked world, so naughty as to laugh. Miss Reid and r- -TT 1 . :i . a. : iiiss nervey were names quite as ineep- r under Center. -N Y. World. counsel appearance r aye appeared I know I :j -propriety in speaking of rrcouia nave ueen neiy too uwihbcuo " I i,:Q uonAa an.l nollaH ta n wmn Atoti ig imof ; rrase ,f0. tender and Wljrwas Affair9 Vere jn Ms . . whe one erijny, Mr. Evelyn had vanished ; and tfi?!"..' "X' .WULT " ni2ht just at going to "bed, my good god- just A the bride was enquiring for him, jH juiiucciit, uu ":"'wtw Uru . Kri ;. f r0tr Ct,n with tie intention of eavino- the church Jllftpplicable, Never were two pepileitoore- 'ru".-A ame uncommon pi eparaiiou iu ino uiufji; n iuhjj ii ioihjiicohtu iuivuu m. 1 i... -ii iil:,i u:,.u Vli Ki4--.l Ku fiver Siue-UiUgJi wuitu iiuia auuuucu happf fcouple, leading Lucy Hervey. and illowJrl bv Edward Morris. ! The father f:f:i IT " . ----- ... j ;trfilike in mind ahd pcrsori. S i (1 ?! Lucy Hervev was a pretty little woman y "'.i)f '"'six and twenty ; but Jfrom ai delicate f i-ii?ure, delicate features, and a most delicate nn -if complexion, looKing mucnj oungei . u-x ci: .ft f paps the total absence of strong expression, I$tthe mildness and simplicity, of Jheroun l4f pnance, and the artlessnpss and docility 0t her manner might ;ondu6e; th the y J jmistake. Slic was a sweet j gentlp creature, I Sf ltenerous and affectionatek and not want- IJlfing in sense, although her entire, reliance 1 1:011 her friend's judgment and constant If habit of obedience, to her jwishe rendered 'the use of it somewhat rare. ' Miss Reid was a tall, awkward! woman, f? raw-boned-, lank and huge, just what one nknsA made an appointment to walk with me before breakfast, as far as:a pet farm, about a mile, out of the town, the followed by snner greatest amusements. ; Early the next moth as evidently did not m ovn i n tr the honse-maid.' who usuallv at- a thiet? taken in the manner The almost unlimited credit system which has grown up in the United States, J Tories below ground in its Kdicalism; fostered and maintained by our paper- follows suit with the- Trnxes, Tribune, and moneyed institutions, has been a curse to many other leading, Radical papers in tbe the country. S H has helped to accumulate North in :theiolJpwipg , capital in a few hands, who control all he fruits of the carpet-bag reign of the avenues of trade and commerce, and the last five years "are what niight have paralyze all legitimate industry and en; been expected. The wncfle world may be tei-nrise- Itf has made millionaires of the oooreheA in vain for trovernments so im- procession at the their negro &ms 10 make the city too hot few an(j impoverished the great mass of mpral, so shamelessly corrupt, so hope- 10 nom any oibck man wuu voies tuo the people. It has built up amoneyca lessJy rotten, as those now prevailing in Democratic ticket at the coming election. ari8tocracy, who toil not, neither do they the' "South'." Politically they may be This is what the party in. power calls" epin) and yet Solomon, in all his glory, changed ;-but this cannot cure one of the; "emphatic suffrage." A like , system is was not arrayed like one of these." Had BOrest of the: evils already inflicted Deingcarneuouiinxncoouiu. xveceuuy , jt not been for this rotten system, we These scanps have mMthe States they a gang of Radicals waylaid a negro named- wou j have no: Stewarts, and Cookes, and rue ruinously into debt. The Legisla- Vanderbilts, who count their gams by tures controlled by them have pledged millions, yet who never, by their labor, the States to the discharge of pecuniary added one dollar -to the common and real obligations 4 of crushing weight, to the wealth of the community. Daniel Web- fature redemption of an enormous amount ster was right when he said of our batik- pf bonds, and to: the imposition of bner ing system,! that it "fertilized the rich ous taxes through a series of years." This man's field with the sweat of the poor has been done in furtherance of all sorts man's brow.V it is a tact that cannot. qe t0f schemes whereby the authors reap denied, that 'while we have a nominally J present wealth and anticipate larger Martin, in South Carolina as he was re turning from church at ! night, charging him with beiUs? "ad d .Democratic) nigger, who. was assisting the white peo ple to restore slaverv," and threatened to kill him, unless he would promise to for sake the Reform partv. which he would not do... He managed to escape, but was shot at. fortunatelv withoutiiniurv. The J ,. " , v , M It ft. M.M M. I - "i . I l I i 1 1 I . - . W I A. m , va. ...w... , - r Qooni fltifsi wflfp. siihspnnp.ni v flrreHieu anu n ;..un nnnTv. am r.on hnost. ttint. i iAi i; ; "hfia )enntendence ot which was one ot his eviaepiy expectea. tnem , tne nev sit-p- pnn,m;ttpd to iail but. afterwards released u .,in,.nii innrpmpf the L. -ihw rinnWl nihr. .lis j' a i i i a i.i i - - .- lur luifuiai iinjv.wj. -" - i i;uiucun uatv v. " ci uiu a , , I, - xc T:1 . ..... . a. . .. . . . ' i, i tnrougn ine luiercessiuu yi xvaun-ui Man(i . yet stilt there is scarcely a country irassed all' these States, ana wen nign colored justice ot the peace, who went on the face Qf the srlobe. whose legislation b&nkrunted some of them"; and to save Never seem more Hi- -' tended me, made her appearance, andJ astonfied than that sage gouvernante ! told me that her master was waiting ior JLmeyfefn her part, piusnea ana nung uac-K, and loaked shyer anu prettier than ever ; the oU clerk grinned ; the clergyman, who had shown some symptoms of as tonisment at -the first "wedding, now smileulto Mr. Evelyn, as if this accounted, and mde amends for it ; whilst the dear god-plba himself chuckled and nodded and-rlabbed his hands, and chucked both me, that I must make haste, and that he desired I would be smart, as he expected a party to breakfast at the farm. This sort of injunction is seldom thrown away on a damsel of eighteen ; accordingly I adjusted, with all possible despatch, anew blue silk pelisse, and sallied forth into the corridor, whieji I heard: him pacing as ' : A-.:.. ;u . P. .. ; . . IJ L. ' r,An :nriVi 1111 IK. 11 lit UIIi.J nnina n man vrfiim iit n ih- . i iiiilb k n 1111 j x m j . n . rr.v.vo r- -s . , nn Qrnnu ,nna4pmni on instead ol the i y oiiiuii . iiiv a --'- nsnnl trnllant. oonmliments ol the most! be There, to ray bride j nd bride's-maid under the chin, i iV i x i I USUi Deara; m1gp.av! u pliant of godfathers, I was received with as nrnnrn find- I I nv: HUUrfici u o ver a face that, except the beard, (certainly Bue iiad'no b m supposition fM utid ill-favored was her unfortunate visage i vUfln one point, she was lucky. $here was l po guessing at ner age, eeria.mijr.-. uw lt Within ten years; nor within tWenty, 1? I She looked old: but with that figure those I III features, and that ' complexion shqjmust ; III liave looked old at eighteen. jiTo .guess her atre was impossible. and seemed ready to cut capers lor joy Affaiihe book was opened at the page of destiny ; again I held the milk-white ot unsuccess- 5 - f . '. . l l . 1 j. T I -.1 -L 1 1 : rrnr-m.a -OMf rf ui.nnrftrini' it nni'PS : TOO mat 1 ClOVCa iailU Uliei llllir Cttl n vi uiiouvvCTo- t- i',. i 1.1 J V. ft - 111P11IIII1 I T ft ft C t.Ba--'l I - -t I A - - - A yVM J-v I A IVTAH 1 fllT III' I W' ' Am. 1 - -tL'-'j- ::4U -aa lmMmvrin, mtr pmmin Limv was mar- ay lwu Pr MlYvX VM and that Snraeue retusesto iniiKi'ii nirn Rn 0111 vvoniiiu 111 mat uuium- iuiiuqiHi.u.i...i, .... - j . .AjnA ii ho, nini rr 1 . . - iik. ' 1 . u . 1 . . a a 1 niH.mzisrt5 :v uu riprt-.-ns-t. was. .unaouoieaiv. xne in- fist'! Her t$ deep and dictatorial ; her m i ii voice was colored pelisse, and conjured to exchange it for white gown. Malt anronieo, i nevertheless obeyed ; doffed the pelisse, and donned the white gown, as ordered ; and being greeted this time with a bright smile, and a chuck under the chin, we set umpHait event of the good old man's life personally to the Radical colored jailor an(i whose favorite policy has tended so them from ruin the reign of the carpet aud demanded that the prisoners should muCQ to aggrandize . the few; at the ex- bag robbers must be speedily brought to be set at large. If a negro will be a slave pense of themany, or, in other words; anend. : . : u to the Radical party it is all right. If he "to make the rich richer and the poor ' . . . asserts his rights-as a freeman, the city p00reri" as have the legislation and the The Oxford (Ala.) Rising Star jreiter and county will be made 4;too hot to hold policy 'of the iUnited States and of the in- ates what is a"shamefui fact, that Ht is a him." Verily the Fifteenth Amendment dividual States. Philadelphia Mercury. notorious fact that the Ipresent law that has done wonders for the negro man. , . m t m- has been in force and the present officers in: fhilatelphia Age. ... an llfrW stftrv on Senator power, have been a thousand times worse o "... e tUAn f0nnA t ia fluid that, than nOtblPff. . " 6 ' i i : i cj4 ot iDf nromises but to break them-have einploy- nis speecnes maue iu ua.y., v , r- , a u .iyw. J i i of whinh attracted a eood deal ed teachers and never paid; "them. The n, w gton, 'XKj J. CI UUCO W K-7 v I ' l T 1 ' 3 I r . 1 x V. tn aKomi hana Aharir. In prosecuting his labors, the oi tne suauxy pay u - w.v-. These officers have made i -n ri i ft - t w in if iiii . ir r-i ft. kbjuu i w w w 1 A circular has been printed at Wash incrton. the rmroose of which is to obtain - c ,.. . . . it il l iL. UUO Vl HT vr v ' O I . i.l - .l. I 1 V for compilation in a booR to ; oe canea ine of attention were written by Prof. Graux, have usea tne puoiie stuwiiuuw v "Blue Book of Nepotism" the names of ftf washin Jn under a reeular: contract; and individual purposes. The couuty pav tor thei omcers m buuio iuswuwb ub5hv" saw daiise to regret the dexterity in the ' r . n ... " art of I match-making w their jdjpuble union.' They hold - office in the civil or - . - I wilrK . 1 II UlUBCtuulltl 4w.u, I . : - . n L r i military service of the national govern- Prossor contracted a bill for printing,! ed thcm;for license to each, ana ior puo-t ment. When this list shall; De maae out omminfin(r fn qq which he. unpaid him- he printing, we are imomicu x.uu luyu iTiVl-, Mrrtjv and fin would country it takes more than one-fourth ot r tI! 1 . i i . u i . .ill . 1 .r-M -v a . i 'r .naiiiira t ntix nn nr I'll nif fvrr . -Tr.rr.. id it. is to he presented to Conffress and the ';z- -li'a'a a ao Wm.hl country SrSoduS State Legatnres, in tWl. that th.. 0.0 - I LWft -k Am Id j-k Vft AtAT lOm TYl TT - IIM TT I 111 irHI.I'l I.I have been as jijl and assuming ; 'and her onversatidn i i mercifully sensible and o.racular "full anner rough mjiigh good-humor on our expedition. hi ersatidn uri- Instead, however, of proceeding straight - happy lis people usually are in this work self, was unable to pay, and Sprague would a ,J 4Ua ait fVi th mnnev disclosed be mitigated. " Abd et, the man wh(J euperintenaent int This passage of . 'Ut oftbis meanness is the owner of state of affairs can only be remediedby thfl aiirppaa oi ine uemocruiiu uwct jluc the evils ot nepotism may It IS aesireu 10 OUiaiu me ; passage vi . law to the effedt that hereafter no two or . f nA irfrPSt notton mills and one OVIUV V vm " wise; saws: fiiV to ttie farm, Mr. Evelyn made a slight deviation from our course, turning down of .sl rA Ly.r inatnnr.oa f; l OT fk.. :un 1, hnananinlrnia : t he market-place, and into the warehouse S-VV1U 1 CBt. Ill DUltC Ul 111 utuf p.tvuu - 7 i 1 , !eerior, sh liennett, milliner anu Ifil woman: charitable and kind in her way ; mantua-maker, a aasning, over-ureBeu 1 felli U :.,i T.nJ rTrvv iwhom dame, who presided over the fashions tor mllie petted and scolded land coaxed and ten miles round, and marshalled a comp-. Imanaeed iust as a nurse manages a child ; ter full of caps and bonnets atone side of JT; fc-ft V VV V ft M VS ft W VVSA ft .m W " i : 1 ' quamtance except Mr. Jwelyn, 1 . ? II - -.11-- il. mniha i nv; rrTMii Hsif'i;iii nitr vuuiii: iuani- i . ...... i a ! , ' r .' o . . mAio pa ativAa oho hmn iti hv annoini- . A ? qa wile: and their .v..., VT 1 ot tne prettiest wives in mo p". 1 maticaain and his pretty wedditig-day is still remembered in VV. ; for besides Lis munificence to singer, ring er, sexjon and clerk,. Mr. Evelyn' roasted two sheep on the occasion, gave away ten bride-cakes, and made the whole town tipsy is .- 1 :' i:hAfi A ot.. m t-. -xm loorninHi lriiivrn miu nLii.iiii o v j -Sif ; Maui uctii Ud wtti n uu net ivi vuv I t-"',. . o . i isy-.. il. k: v. i - J;.D;nal UttlA dnrk narlor behind was v aitijcurs, on ine : uuuicut uif iub iu.ii tyuoiu , r" T , , ' limo.,, . unA lioct Amo trt rAi hoth. Into this den 1 was usherea ; i i.Aiz- j-i-t tuiii i i n ' n niiii iiau. uu' icidu. uuiiif iftw -w iWi.A ui?- "i. w..w.u J nJifaJiUi'USaiftW Mrs. Bennett with many apologies. A V UU1 gal cccntnntics. ment in the civil or military Service of the United States : that no relative' ot any person elected to office shall hold office by appointment ; and that no relatives euan hold office in any bank or infthe financial department of any company chartered by the government, it is ueuevcu oj iue issuer of the ci Courier-Journal. public schools are so many Augean stables to be cleaned. - ! The RaoicaLs and the Germans. DaVis, the Radical Governor of Texas; has' removed naturalized Germans from the ' Galveston Board of Aldermen, and i - . xL.i J . i.nUnn LnriAmtAd nAyropfl in their Places. ' lhis iiii ijir 1. 1 1 m l in u it; Liinu uuc i auuujiiiv , 0ooi : PoiNT.f-The Chicago Times ay look - Ill Regular uuw n. or s went awav ? 1!'tt, VUUli nature who quious, civil bowing tradesman, dealt out tne oiner. common to and began, upon an opposition leader, as at a signal from my godfather, to divest hor8e JJ wine8, cigars, etc., as gifts; and 0f the 'suffrage-shrieking sisterhood, thus opponent, an obstacle" to be put me of all: Tny; superfluous: blueness, suk whiie frs. Lincoln has been scrambling crushes, as a worm of the dust, a feeble- rtr . It LonlWnhl'of eaah and Pnst-ribbOnS. 1 IOr '2.. u:U rniiraaaliQa nt loot . -L h.ai Kuin sn Mah nsiou .w iiiv;ii v'-'i'g. voa i mmuea maie euiiur wuu uo, mcm. v makeSli telling point when it says : Y hue Grant iiias been receiving houses and lots, mae who edits the Revolution, the organ . : .:n: u UnW tKna Ka ifi th RenubliCan love ior tne uermaua. llUIIUrtTtl I11111IUUD VI uunui u - 1 ; X to the States. N. YAWorld. influential element M his party ah The Portland ln7U5 ,crows lustily over the ten thousand Democratic gaia in the Blue Nose State. That 1 staunch - organ of the Democracy, ays: -"Without ; the prestige of victory, without ; organization and withoutmoney,. emocraur jmex, iue . . 1 . I L.1 1 M-ai i f I srT m OA TQ nnnnnllv avfid to the nation and IO IDB ri o Aui. for the Germans. a-omiDarit party, pushed with the pride of If he possessed a iAno..nAnl5rttiflA flli6cess: fortified with un- grain of prudence or a particle of lovefonfllint-d his party, he never would have given the 0f0fficei and succeeded in not only main. The fierce, intelleetua My mufeniae- e fmiit every German vote IZZ&i The ool mtlftirnT orftr twehtv-seven thou for a trMxr kui;xt. hnndkercbiet.sash. ano wnsi-nuuuiio, v' be bated her as much as his kindly with the constancy which, is born ot op- upon ,er, re could hate any body.- K . j f " POsWon, had ly;reedap annul To be sure, it was no ill I to. have so fair a subject clung firmly to the ob- slight grievance noxious pelisse, clun olorH reDla i' , . 1 . . ... i L a ;l.l ,nl.ito nlxnrl too, just satin ribbons ano a peaumui v . , dce)) uu. -.. 1 i h,h LC Luruw uiuiaou .'.-'-.";- - . o l . -, o . . ; .. - - . . . . i - f xr of 000 which the ..'Pha ;a offmntrv eoual to that of press have to say aooui, in LiAiw wahinrrtnn f'ollpcrA wish to I .An(;nvAn;Ana wifiPflfrcs nf the re- claims of the combatants; to UUSICVP vi if O tClutiM DuvnmvMiv" . .-j. z - - i ! .?a . j . . . . a. -rx i . ? I I - 1 1 .' ' 1 " . rf. x . . II- I - m...4 : ?;: nisll orninnlntiAnQ a Vinfiinnmnn pnder;his very eye, and to find all his and, finally, exchanging my straw M III plans thwarted by thatjinexorable jgouv for one ot white silK,wun ucK. th6 R4publ illernante more esDeciallV. as. .Without, her veil that piece oi aeiicatu icij - . ... TIT 1 'lA I - m-.e -i r-.vt i - ' r iv ll 1 1Mb x n ap iiw" i em them by white 1 :iiri-iiiA u:am;ft THAnnnttAn in moral i: tti-o - fn-innf ' is Mr. svmnathv. We know, and o.. ... . . I HHI.I.1H E91HJ11 111(3 11 Vf. . -- -.f I III CDC. iAVl v. ..w-. , i r - . ! ..iV n -r .. it i ; I .v a t.. xjtix. Af ikA Ami! tKoU nmfAaiipd flvmnatnv - tor irrui ii pn one side or the other. Will nationalist, taking the Revolution to task be a fraud, a snare to catch berman drivingthe Badi- in the State." oniAi fitnK'4irfc rynrtAT had in 1866. has tct ht PrWft is ft Benublic. wo have I hAn stpndilv whittled 'down until it will a sliffbt curiosity to see what the Radical now be.lesa than fivethouiiand aoainoi) ,-.. , . - - ..... .a .. nunnsi vn TITV HUTS rrnuwiiTo i MORE THAN "yr.v .-. A mAVlAAn i . n " nuuiitttii 1.KHT I EA lv. , thev know I ' i . . . ' ..t ; -or - J-tT;ll.i.i- I U Frugsia to Here is ur. '-aiary- w aiKer in ucr oum- ( votes, mer dress : UA pair f number two boots, aid, it was morally certain that tbe pretty all women delight in ucy would never . have had the heart to iv ni t a - on r ' nrknv ni;t7Ai 1,1 nimn jiiisb iui urocio iwmii vp . I ITftrw A oairantanniiTT rinnf AdnflTift in ft little crlass which Mrs. Bennett was si. Jf io OV vavv vj, viv -z- - . o i f. 1 . .. . . ' - ; f - " . I . 1 1 . xL Ua4am Hionlair aaa been scheming for her advantage, v it j holding to my lace, ior me ,ueu J: i as quite melancholy io hear him icount of her millinery the bonnet, to do ner ican party say whieh ? 1 . EVE- llllup the husbands sh Itf-giuninor at the Duke her first rare hall and ending with the silkv husband crept Theimen'sjBuwaunderthecon- w k am;c i ovuvu v --r-T - . - . . j .0 i. j x, An nf nf that, thpi naifiver iroes on auu vua mo w eSlcai Z'S StTK B-Uth.- co.d ahonlder. What ar, e Kadicai tne tjyrwaiita ,j,4Ji , nrinlea cnmnared.with votesl , atvle her hair worn back ot her -ears, ; - , r nilhU .had-h;: brettv and becOming,uring amon Ike s s herTarther at this engrosslngcontem in Vhich it was so late y soiled. a ' AtJ ;iiVu L,.ii-, i,..QV.oni rpnt behind me with the party anu-secure lvo r . , n,; 7m,m iiiti: eiHiiii'' niiu tuiii ounv uuowuu. v- -1 ...... t viii.T, . ; 1 3t r . t-) . . r; v'- , v. . ixi 1; Q it : jv iJemocrai. I uvwiy-arnved phy8ician his last -protege : l steaitny pace oi a )put, uvx yV Courier-Journal: QreenvilleXAto-y Advocate. Kour negfoes were, hung, on the. 16th inst:; at lsle of Wight Courthouse, Va.; for the raurdor!of Mr. Joer-Gifcy,: a white citizen - of that' couhty.:ou.ithellth,,pf December last. ; , t. ; , , , . t jr.' ?

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