$i Southern Homo : PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY :- . . D. H. HILL, r:r. CHARLOTTE, N. C3 f1 votea to the vindicatioii of the truth of fhrn History; to the preservation of S K Characteristics, to the develop 6 ,r Southern Resources, under the atraelatidns of the Labor System, and cbSidvanceuient of Southern Interests in t.l UlC""" .inl..i. Manilfd,tnrini onil Ilia Agficutfu Mining, Manufacturing and the TO "."'is . - '- r . .Ills ' I! i it in $ 3.0(J 13.00 24.00 4.J.UC jfecliainc Art-j. contributions from the . PjK 2? writers of " The Land We 0 re the services will be secured of m-Wh men of Science, and of Practical ffrffff Miners, Machinists. Ac. TERMS OF SOUTHERN HOME: One copyi oij yea : 1 : : Five copies. one ' -. ' copies, one year, : : LtviopieH, one year, : : : The remittances in every ease must be by 'Cbeci. P. O. Order, or Registered Letter. -O .- To those wishing to subscribe to an AffTiciiltural paper we would tate that we .ni furnish the . : ( l:' 'i " . .,tf,f rn Home and Rural Carolinian at $4.00 aii(lSouAmiCifitadr'r-':.4.uO ' . ' . and Riejimond Farmer . 4.0J " und Carolina Farmer " 3.7.-i .. " and Reconstructed. ' " 400 s " , and XIX Cent urg, M. A BLAND, Dentist, !,'(ftw'''v Alexander & Bland.) . r r -ni"il I ' lit A L L WO UK UU All AN.T.EED, lVeth extracted without pain, by "Nitrons Oxide Oaw. 1" Attiif in oricii uuiiu.iiir, opposite lue v . v .Til-- - 4 (hallotte. iiojei. . Feb 7 tf AShorter Caldwell, Insurance and Ileal Estate Agent, CUAHLOTTE, SN. C. Prtrfiipt personal attention Riven to buying, etlliiiif, exchanging and renting real estate ot every description. Feb 21-tf """in v n tj a XT ni? - IT TVT? I 1 ti v.- i-i t l kau xxj x jjja, , tin: i'r Stitet, iiear'the'C'apitol, BY .... . ......... A. A. IIABBIN. Jan 17-Cm, 4 ; V. H. WILLIAMS" & CO, . NEWTON. N.iC., Detttei-i in Dry Goods, Groceries, Produce, Iron. &c.,&c. All orders for CORN, BACQX, IRON, &c miI at Uh'e lowest market prices. ' ' . V. II. WILLIAMS, , eM. O..SHKRRILL, Jail 17,1871. K. W. BOYD. HUTCHISON & BROWN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, . CHARLOTTE, N. C. - - .- . 1 At . . i.nivinnl A X rl A11' t J k 4 1 1 O Court Hoii;t. Feb 14 -6m RUFUS BARRINGER, 'A TTORXEY AT LAW, CHARLOTTE, N. L Vag Ofliee hours from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. Feb 14 2m , V . . . Attorney at Law, COUNTY, N. C. DALLAS, GASTON Jan 31 Utii-pd, VOL. 2. CHARLOTTE, N. C, TUESDAY, APRIL 4, 1871. NO; 64. Sosal Bcccniritiilca. AGRICULTURAL lIORTitliLTUIliiJ WAREHOliSE. E. O. GRIER & Co. Trade Street, .Charlotte, IT.. C, ; ; Coninii.shion, Wholesale and Retail Dealers .-..,. in FERTILIZERS, Agricultural and Horticultural Implements, r arm and Garden 1 Seeds, Grape Vines,. Fruit Trees, Flowers, Pine Stock and Poultry. We aiv General Agent, for the State of Nortli and South (arolina for the; sale of Stilwell' Great Southern Fertilizer, the cheapest and best Fertilizer ever offered to tue American planter. Only $25 psr ten, exclusive of freight. ; ' ALSO, We can furnish von the best Rockland, Thornaston, or Shell Lime, Bone Dust, Land Plaster, Planter Pans and Cement. IMPLEMENTS. The latest and most improved patterns of Plows. TJie Genuine Wait Flow. Also, Thrashers, Corn Shellers, Straw Cut ters, Cider Mills, Seed Planters, Hominy Mills, W heelbarrows, &c. The Champion Reaper and Mower,. Lawn Mowers and Garden IMPLEMENTS. ' GRAIN, dc - New and improved varieties of Corn, Wheat, Rye, Oats and Potatoes; Clover, Lu cerne, Orchard Grass, Timothy, Kentucky Blue Grass and Cotton SEEDS. GARDEN SEEDS. Fresh and pure Garden Seeds, grown the East year by the most noted and reliable orticulturi'st in the United States. FR U1T TREES. The finest and most popular varieties of Grape Vines, ruit Trees ana .blowers, irom the most celebrated nurseries in tne country. CATTLE. Alderuevs, Ayreshire, Short-Horned and Durham, bred directly from imported stock. SHEEP. Merino, (American bred,) Cotswold and South Down (bred from imported stock) and Asiatic Cashmere (woot-beartng,) uoats. PIGS. Thorough-bred Chester, EnglistfCheshire Berkshire. Essex and Poland Pigs. FOWLS. The purest breeds of Fowls, bredrorn im ported stock, taken from the best p'rize pens of Europe. We have opened a strictly Agricultural House for the purpose of aiding the Farmers oflhis section in developing the agricultural interest trf our country. Honing to merit their patronage bv we shall be, satisfied with short profits : and will endeavor on all occasions to make it to the inteiest of our friends and customers to give us a call before purchasing elsewhere. Call ana subscribe to tue American biock (tlttt& Soclrri. THE OLD MAN'S DREAM. .,.Oh, for one hour of youthful joy, :U Give back my twentieth spring; h I'd rather laugh a bright-haired loy, Than reign a bearded king. One moment let my life-blood stream C From boyhood's "fount of flame ! . Give me one giddy, feeling dream a Of life, all love and fame. My listening angel heard the prayer, j And, calmly smiling, said : ."If I but touch thysilver'd hair ; Thy hasty wish "hath sped. "But is there nothing in tliy'trutdv 'f To bid thee fondly stay, I While the swift seasons "hurry back V': To find the wished for day?" HAh, truest sduI of womankind ! - Without thee what terj life ! 'One bliss I cannot leave'oehind ; ? I'll take rriy precious wife! The angel took a sapphire pen i And wrote in rainbow dew', " "'The man would be a boy again, And be a husband too !" -v I . . i , "And is there nothing yet unsaid ; Before the change appears ? i Remember, all their gifts have fled With those dissolving years."' Why yes : for memory would recall . My fond paternal joys, I could not bear to leave them all i ; I'll take mv girls and bovs! The smiling angel dropped his pen j "Why this will never do; ; The man would be a bov again, And be a father too !" : And so I laughed my laugh awoke ' The household with its noise V And wrote my dream when morning broke, To please the grey-haii 'd boys. ftUctttt torn. she rounded the bend at fijll speed. I knew that I didn't have too much time to get the switch in position, and went at-my work" with a will, when suddenly I heard a child's scream, and turning round I saw little Willie struggling in the water. For ah instant the sight of my child's danger overpowered every other consid eration, and I sprang for the river ; but before I'd got half the distance, the hoarse whistle of the approaching train rang in my ears like a trumpet, and thoughts of my.' duty, hundreds of Uvea that would be sacrificed if I deserted my post, went like a flash of lightning through my brain, while all the time there was a feeling about my heart I can t tell in word I only, knew it was worse than death be seeching me to pave my boy. ' The whole thing couldu't have lasted mom than two seconds; and how the one feeling got the better of the other I never knew, I have no recollection of turning back, but the next thing I remember I was at the switch working away r like mad. I never had such strength. Ti felt that I could have wrenched up the rails in my atrony, and bent them like a straw, and j'et ldid not seem to see anything distinctly, neither rails nor ties but dim ly and vatfuelv. as if in a dream, or at a great distance. " 'What I did see as plainly as I do now, although. .it was behind me, was the clear and beautiful river,flowiDgon in the morn ing sun, and in the midst of it my little Willie struggling for life; while the bright, cruel waves smote bim in the face and laughed. k1 had no care for the roaring of tho nearing train ; but all I hoard or seemed to, for I can't rightly: say were his cries to his father for help, growing fainter, and fainter, and then the horrible bubbling sound, as he sank finally, and his la9t breath found its way to the sur face. 1 "At length the switch was in position, On Tire for a.Hundred Years. v - -': ''f'.. ' ' """ " i.' "One of the The London News says most curious phenomena in connection with coal mining i$ exhibited at the Bank Colliery, near. Roherham, the property of Earl Fitzwilliaiti. This piteajught fire one hundred yearssago. and all th9 efforts of the workmen atj the time and subse quently have been quito ineffectnal to ex tinguish it. A short time ago if was as certained that the flames were approach- i insr the bottom of tho shaft, land it was then resolved, if possible, to stay their progress, so lhat tliey might not extend to other parts of the workings. At length tho Superintendent of the ; collier ies,, Mr. T. Cooper, conceived the idea of building a wall to shut in the fire, and in order to ascertain he best, site for this wall several of the officials crept on their bauds and knees, through the dense sti fling smoke, as fat as possible into the workings. Their efforts were successful, and a wall is now completed nearly one thousand yards in! length, and varying from nine inches to five feet in thickness. At distances varyitig from thirty to fifty yards, metal pipes jhave been inserted in this wall, which are-securely plugged at tho end, so that at any time, by removing the plugs, the state of the air on the side of the fire, and even; the position of the fire itself,-can be ascertained, bo intense is the heat arising from this fire that people : T. J. MOORF, M.D, Otters-his professional services to the citizens . It A. of Charlotte and the surrounuing country. Arter uiaduatiiig at the Medical Department of the University of New York, and spending eighteen months' as one ot the pnysiciuns in K.. iniMi wrruiTiitHl of tbat citv. lie hones that -he will be able to give satisfaction to all who may call upon hiurh Offloe, over Jas. Harty's China Store, near the Court House. may 26tf R. V. D'onnoll, L. M. Lawson, G E Simpson, Late of Jinn of Prest State N a- Late with DonnellA Sax- tional Baiik, ton, and late St. Josepli, Pres't St'e B'k Miswini. Mo.atSt Jo. Mo ! ' - . DONNELL, LAfSON & llL BANKERS, No. 4 Wall St., NEW YORK. Receive Deposits in Curreliey and Gold, Hiul Allow interest at the rate of four per cent nr annum on dailv balances, which may be checked for at siuht. i Purohaseaiid sell Gold.Goverumeut Bonds, i State, County and :City Securities .strictly and only on commission. ' Feb d'4-ly THE SWITCH-TENDER'S STORY. a ' -I ' ' It ran thus: "It's nigh on to eleven years, sir, since l'came on to this road. For the first three years I was a brake rnan. and if I had stuck to it 1 might hev bint a .conductor by this time for my character was good, and I've-nlwaya been a stepdy man ; but j'on see it wasn't to be; . 3ly old woman always otjected to my running on the train, it kept mo away so much from home, not to speak of the danger, and so at the end of. the third year, when our little bov was borb, she begged me so hard to .give it up that I dealing fairly with allj consented, and the company put me in this, place; where I ve been ever since. It s not hard. I've-Tmly got to tend One pwitch and to do odd jobs about the depot ; the pay is just as irood as what I Journal only $1,00 per year containing got before, only there is no chance ot pro- , Summer on GrantsA reporter for lue New York Sun has been interviewing Samncr,and loyal Charles has a'very poor opinion of Grant. Listen to Charley, the Brave: : r . - -? - CorresporideutBut Senator, do you think President Grant looks- upon this matter as a violation of the Constitution ? Do you think he knows his views of the question are so widely different from yours? : - - Sumner He? What does Grant know ? lie doseb't know , anything, sir." He is not a man capable of understanding prin ciples or of grasping any thing in a eora prehensive view. He does not under stand the . primary , elements of the constitutional reqairements for war. .!All he knows is how. to execute, Pnt him on his horse and he'll blunder along some how in the field. : There's where his voca tion ends. : . : 1 . W ..: . i ; . ! . - . , The insidious "mutual friends of Sumner and Grant" are betraying the ' former- to his destruction by persuading him not to' pitch into Grant just yet that "the senti ment or the coantry is bo overwneimiug against Grant that he can well afford to leave his wrongs to be righted by the people," The Democrats, of course, rejoice at the course; things' are taking, as it must inevitably result in the shelv ing of Sumner as well as the detent ana deposition of Grant. Thus, there will be a quietus given to. two head devils of Radicalism instead of one. - " wrf v ' i - Kentucky Yeoman. - t ' Claims of r Loyalists. The , Macon (Ga.) Telegraph is laying a plan to bank rupt the Governme'nt. It says : "When Sherman and Wilson made their marches through Georgia, they cleaned out the whites of all they possessed from a child's stocking to a piano or a pocket possessing gardens above the colliery de- grindstone. But we think they louna clare that the growth of plauts is mate- only one or two white loyalists in their riafty affected, aitd that tbey are enabled whole track, and the rest don't count, to obtain two and three crops every year. But the negroes Mrs. Grundy, think of oi i ne. negroes. . j.uey vieautu vu u The supply of the element of water to negroes jusi as launiuiiy. ,xuy iu.. . large cities, is more important even than the negroes had, and then stole the ne themoderu necessity ofgas, and some of gf themselves, cleaned them L .P onn ulilo tlm I UUl Ul UIUS, UBlin, vmv, " ' " server witl. astonishment, were those un- irons, bonnets, fine-tooth combs curling dertaken and completed for furnishing a tongs, hair VAWmtTJiW , K . ' . t. nnd abontinor irons. Now the necroes and although it's a short job at best and p1 111 PPV !r: M,, have all the . . i-i-... i -il Itnatimnnv of the povornment on tnat .. r- i i inp v m rtnimui xiume. aiiu uiuci uiuiau-i j -. s . r . nun a niiif'KiiKsn 1 t-a.ii iievt-i tttruiii cu utu. -- - j .. . w .v.. . CD A it ancunail lAnrfOr than lllP lontrest nmmpr' dflv but. it ' was done, and I -New lork is sqpplie ... times. The city oi buujwv. uu i V J. V. u d with water from a torwaru wun ineir ciai.ms, umcK.u uy buvu ftflidavits as can be readily procured in -j. .. :i London derives a portion of its supplies -outrage cases," the negroes can easihr from sources nearly as remote. But a Ret a thousand dollars apiece out oMhe rnitim, is made to sunnlv San Fran- Commission. Let the negroes, therefore, Cisco with water irom iaKe lanoe tiorm- wiu.v.wj. v i erly Bigler) on the extreme eastern bound- Let the white men who have been run- arv of the State, east of the Sierra Neva, ning the'm politically, pw:i.hoW them,. lopirpf) aeiivfi anu. menu v u l-oiicuiiuk more useful information for the farmer than any iourual published in the United States. E. C. GRIER & CO., Third door south of Wilson & BlacA's Drug Store, Grose's old stand.) Feb 14 tf North rup & Chick, New Voik city. motion ; but then,-l m always at home, which makes it up. .Hive alono a little of the town, yonder on the other side of I uf"' auu the river a small white house with an elm tree in the yard yon can see it from the other end of the switch. ''So vou think the river is very beauti- Wetake vleasure in informing our custoin- Cnit 4h; Mnnknf ih vpi. Well sir uru mi,) (liu nnlilii) iruiiorullv tllttt 111 vlpw fit I . . f . . . - F"".. tv..v...j , ......... ... .j,..., oav.it is 1 t hoiiurht so once mv- - . j - -o -v J rushed to the river and gazed eagerly around for some sign that might tell me where to plunge in to the rescue of ray child ; but there was nothing but the sun light that glinted: brightly on the wave lets that smiled mockingly to my face as anything further. There was a great -fr V , m r the9e r,aims and dividing the amounts enokmg in, my throat, a nuge weigni- -' . ",nm t. ,lkft te San recovered lead seemed to fa 1 on my brain, and all """K- . '"A ., . .tU ..-T, Aaa was black. When I canfe to my senses, Francisco is 200 miles, yet with all these it was three weeks afterwards, with my "l0n8.?'? .Ll.i . .dA-Maaa h oWtinrr no. necessary muuey W3l Oi me nvi J?,irmi lmMtrw, mv hnd in hers. pany has been formed to attempt r-iuu 1 iuv. ava - - - i The doctor said I'd made a miss of at first I felt sorry that I bad lived hnt that didn't last loni?. fori knew was another one who had suffered more 'cty than I had, and stood to get better in order: was two weeks more the it and enterprise for $6,000,000 to be issued in journed at noon to-day. The Sena I at all- thirty year bonds, funning thirty years, remain several days in executive f ,v there principal and interest to be secured by the a9 a court of impeachment i and be Soluble Papific Guano, the decline in cotton, the price ol this stand aid Fertilizer has been reduced Ten Dollars per ton. It has also enhanced in value teu per cent, as that amount df moisture has been taken from the Guano which we offer this season. We now renew the offer we made at our late Fair, viz : To give One Thousand Pounds -of Soluble Pacific Guano for the lareeit yield of cotton to one acre of ground, iiioduced by the use of the Soluble, Pacific Guailo. The award to be made by a com mittee elected' by the President ot the Agri cultural Society. BURROUGHS & SPRINGS. Store, Pacific Guano, In 2.000 Sacks Soluble Plaster and Cement; BURROUGHS & SPK1NGS. MERCHANT TAILORING AND ' -' GEXT S lllNIUMi HOODS. Thft undersigned would respectfully in form the public that they are now receiving one of the largest and best assorted Stock of GOODS FOR MEJS'S WfcAK ever offered in this market, consisting of Reaver Cloths. Black and Colored Cloths, Black and Fancy Cassi meres, Frepch V aud English Coatings and Suit ings of all kinds. .Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods in every variety. Mi i tin) un A nil wool Merino Shirts. Merino and Canton Flannel Drawers, Linen Shirts and Collars. Ties. Scarfs. Bows and Cravats nt'utvlPH anil colors. KM itiiolr t'fllf and Dour Skin GLO ES. in all the different shades. HATS AND CAPS. , A fine assortment of the finest. Hats aud Caps in a variety of styles. : Tailors' Trimmings in great variety; m fact, all kinds of Goods usually found in a nrst-claait Tailoring estabiisnineni. Sh aron. Mecklenburg County, N. C, Nov. 21, 1870. j Messrs. Burrouahs & borings, Charlotte, I have now. used the Soluble Paeittc Uuano two years. As a Fertilizer, 1 recommend n hitrhlv. This year I aonlied it to worn-out red land and the result is entirely satisfacto rv. I am also well satisfied that 1 can see irfiiul rnnlt fToni it the second vear. An- elation is. that the i-ottpn . nt, in. w fnriir nd the bolls are Jarirer. i uiuiwii v7 w expect t'o continue using it. self; but I don't take any pleasure in looking at it now, nor; have I done so for many a day. Its green banks and its clear water, with the sunshine sparkling on it, only makes it seem the crueller to ine, as if it laughed over the misery it had caused to human beings; but my opinions haven't got anything to do with what you came to ask tne about, so 1 II try to. get to the point at once. "It will be three years, come Monday, the 13th of next month, which is May. thai after catin' my breakfast and sniokin' Lime, my; pipe, which latter operation J giner- aily gits through about seven o clock. 1 started across the bridge, taking with, me my. Jit tie boy Willie, wjho w.as at this time just rising of live years. He was awfully tickled at tne idea ot being allowed to go out with me, as his mother kept him mostly around the house, having, like all women, great, fear of the trains. 1 dou t think, sir, I ever see a finer morning the sun well nigh ujx, but uOt too warm, witK a white .cloud here and there in the The Arkansas Leoislatcre. A dis patch to the Memphis Avqlanche, dated March 25th. savs : The Legislature ad- The senate win session oard of It is stated that the proposals of Uoualization i i t UliAnnmnnnv havebeenfavorablvreceived. Tho proceed inp-s of the House wvfn it nooiy ; so i vrieu t -j , .,, 7 ' . ,r ' - r , , , . r m to console her It and that the work .will be begun in May. of a most disgraceful character. lhe before I got out of The company agree to deliver 20,000,000 Clayton wing had a majority, and carried nths before I was gallons of pure wafer daily and to have all the pet measures sent bv the Senate I will never be the tne worK compieieq luiouryeaiB. ai. m regardless or ruies, jaw a uu prverucui. pany pension- an immense undertaKing,ana u compieieu ven the protest , oi me ionservanvea, to work at all; will be one of the wonders of this age of who, seeing all would be lost unless a quorum was ueieaieu, n?n mo ii"" about 11 o'clock, in sufficient numbers to effect that purpose. ; A call of , the House was ordered, the doors locked, and the Sergeaut-at-Arma despatched for the absentees. Then fol lowed a scene of disorder and confusion that would have disgraced a town meet- able to go around. same man again; .The com ed me, and didn't want me to but I couldn't bear to be idle. You see, sir, I was brought up to it. strange as it may t i i . n l 1 1 1 ! A n appear, 1 aiun i ieei line wurmug where save in the old place I found the engineering wonders. ' California Cotton. We that Messrs. Buckley and understand Strong are lilv he gathered iust as I had placed it in going ahead with "preparations for the mv iacket pocket, and gave it to his moth er. She has it yet all 'withered and col orless, in a little glass base on the mantel piece, and there, sir, it shall remain in siht of us both until our time comes to join him again. jlemtings. Al.EXAXUER. Mitt-Ki.KVBiTKu County. Nv. 10, 1870. Messrs. Burrouahs A' Sor.inos, Charlotte, N.U. I tmvf nt-d tlie 1'acine uuano on eouoii nnd wtipnt f'r the oast four years, and .still recommend it, and believe it to be equal, it uot superior, to any other Fertilizer. blue? sky, the trees and grass, green and fresh, and glistening with the dew. andi underneath bright and clear heart - r sir. i y nothing on my paj'ing ior my 1 be Stkkl Ckkek, Mecklenbuig county. ifctws liu-rrnnnha t Sortnos. Vnariotte, . r ui.v.liml tie PhpiHc Uuano purcnaseu - "M . -, ii from you on four acres ot land, ami an wen satisfied that I made double as mucii couon m tlii fmir acres as I did on four a-res ad joining without the use of Guano. J. rX. 15KKIU IllJ.ii. Union County, N. C, Jau. 11. 1871 , it us., tne river nowmg just as you see it now, felU-light, and having mind I had just finished house the week before gan to think of comparing my trou- bleS'With my blessings ; that after all. it would be hard to find a better place than this same much-abused world to live m. The time table Was a little different then from what it is now. The freight train came down at 9:30 A. M., switched off and waited for the express to go by, which followed fifteen minutes later. reached the switch about ten minutes ahead of time 1 always do and sitting King Coal Dethroned. nnltivniimi of a larfre croD ol; cotton in the Merced bottom the present, season; 300 acres' will .be planted on the best bottom land, which will give the experi ment a fair trial so far as thispart of the State is concerned. , , These gentlemen are sanguine of suc cess and we wish them a full realization of all their hones and anticipations. We learn that Major John L. Strong is preparing to plant five hundred) acres in coUon in Los Angeles counter on the very best of moist soil, which will effec tually try the capabilities of lhat section of the State tor the culture oi Mie siapie Iu our issue of the. 18th instant, we in formed our readers that, 'in a long series of carefully-conducted experiments in the shons of the Illinois Central Kailroad, a ant we hope to saving of 50 per cent has been effected by enterprise. Los Angeles News. the use ot petroleum instead ot coai ior steam-generating purposes. We now have to notice a still more lm- . . . . i i portant discovery or invention in wnicn a vacuum produced by the flame of ernde nptroleum is the motive nower. ine r - " i mi i A 1 ' 1 .1 Smamm mg. HUlSJKey noweu lrceiy, nuu vigui were circulated. A dozen members were addressing tbe Chair at once. Several disgraceful scenes followed. The Clay ton men succeeded in passing most of the measures they desired. . The disabilities ofabout two. hundred persons have been removed, ; taxes in creased, and a number of new offices created and salaries increased Instead of reduced; the registration1 laws so amended that the Governor can carry will of the i i a . Ua4 H t t i ii fit. fna The Major is thorough cotton plauter aimosi auy vu v, J . . s . , . I MAmi a orA nn Ana mdnanrp ot retrencti- see him successful in nis hj,, :; 7 i ' " , ment or reiorm was auopveu. . t From Mr. Tyerraran's Life of the Rev. John Wesley, we learn that the total membership of Metbodism, in all its sec tions throughout the world, is 2,901,202, 9101 whilA thf l . . - l OUUUtl) 31.11V1U1 -J .ys.w.u, i ....... president of one of our passenger or horse heapeii aPB put down at 5.800.000. being railway companies, a thorough mechanic, :ust douue that 0f actual membership, as well as a thoroughly scientific man, has . t a, of 12;i00,000 persons under ueen engageu, ior moi umu u vi rav, the teaching of Methodism produced by the flame of naptha (one of the products of distillization of petroleum) was used as a motor. His experiments were succes'ful in producing a four horse power engine, which could be run ten hours, at an expense (exclusive of en gineer's wages) of fifty-five rents ; the engine being quite simple, and much less expensive than a steam-engine of the same power. This result would have The relative strength of the leading denominations in North Carolina, stands M."e. Church.- South, ... 80,001) Regular Baptists, Presbyterians,. 15,000 Wheeler's Cavalry vs. Ku klux. Our old war comrade, BUI Wyatt, of th nth Georda Cavalry, made a ten-strike the other day. He captured three of the Ku Klux that Governor Bollock has been advertising for, carried them to Chattoo ga Court House, goVtheih convicted and sentenced to tne penueniiary ior utrveu years,3 and come down on Bullock for the Drize moner. S5.000 for the first and $1 000 each for the balance making $7,000 all r iiulloek paid up in man, This and Wyatt went amount of money -inr , lift la home happy; in Messrs. Burroughs & Springs; cuirioue, on the tie, I filled a fresh pipe and . Asthedays forSmalUhi.H are t.re- gmoked while little Willie gather- lv noat mid trnnt 1 lieslre tO JOU luc . ... J ' . . . .0. 'J i". . ' 2 ...i Xxwt.:rs.,, tul tiPhhlA4 nnd throwmfr t hem into the -..... . tkT rn vs. ii ii i vii i ur tiuauu m.w'v..', --- - result ui Ji U1J CAuruiutuw ...... -, - . .. 1 . .1 on mv Pin Hook Farm. . water, laughed and snouieu ai me spiasues rvvrf? T ATT ORFNTfl nFPAPTMFTCT Two rows, one hundred and lorty jams thev made IWUgV-UUIUUBl HUU uuauv ., 1 I T T I1IUII V. UTOWlIlg OOIUIT, IIU C-lllIIr weigm. . .... . . . . .i'I lo the river's ede. and picking one of Two rows, same iengui,,siue s.u. t. ' tn nxnn Comiiost 2,440 bolls, ia lbs. weigni. "" " TWO TOWS same leilglH, Siutr uy piuc-vjuu uk vaiuc iin gicui 1 1 - unu it uv ."j 3.590 bolls. 39 lbs. weight. . feet., 1 put the flower in my pocker care- Two rows, same engui.jsioe oysiMeoay fuyf so as not to hurt it, intending to I am satisfied your Guauo paid uie, eu at the low price of cotton. -4 ?: . - ; D. M. Fksperi an. Feb 7 '2m Sueclal attention will be paid to the Mauu facture of alt our goods, and good tits guar anteed.:' ThP public generally are respectfully in vittuA tn iFive us a call, as we are determined nnt tn b undersold on the same class of Goods, and satisfaction given. tv : J. S. PHILILPS, v .- H. TUEZEVANT. respectfully t uiTTT T TP-ss Wmihl rcsnectiullv re- friends and cus tomera. and also to those of the late Arm f J. S. PhllUps & Co., for the liberal patronage JOHN JlCNl'LTY,: Formerly with heretofore bestowed and begs a .continuance Woods.Weeks &Co M . A f . . H . . ... " t - . . . .T ui ' me same ior me new iiriu oot4. 1670 tf J.?HOL3IE3 WHIT1XEY, Formerly with Woods, Weeks & Co. W HIT E L E Y . BROTH E Ii & C O r ' - Importers and Wholesale Dealers in FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS, !31W. Baltimore Street, jan 20-ly BALTIMORE, M D. v LOOK ! LOOK ! ! The Wonder; of the Age," . ! : .FOR SALK BY t ' , , TIDDY & BR0 Feb 28 ' j i i Charlotte, Jf, C. McNULTY & WHITELEY, Broken' rcliaii(Jiz( AND Lutherans, 7'VUU Episcopalians. 300 The Baptists number in Great Britain 233,075 members ; on the continent, 260,- satisfied most persons, but the inventor 007; in Asia, 3,500; in Atnca, buijin still continued his experimcnts,and has America. 1,800,000,; and in Australia, availed himself of a recent invention ot a 4,azi. 4 urouguoiu me person ip New York, which promises to 15.879 Baptist churches, with ft member reduce the cost of running the machine ship of 2,301,503. to which we must add ahitost to nothing, and an entirely disiuter- 3,000,000 hearers. A. 1 . I olpd Tiviiot fftl mfir-hnnie. who has lOVCS- 1 lie napiiH ueiiuii"" tigated.the subject, even asserts that the try, embracing all shd?Jf use of this motor will actually produce a of opinion, numbers 1.56J,W0 j revenue!, , This statement --- County, all at one time, will create a tre mendous excitement... -- - ' Tlw? beauty of the wbole affair Js, 1 that these Ku Klux., were common - Radical thieves, and were1 playing Ku Klnx" to cover their stealing operations. None of the original Una fide Ku IClux liave ever been arrested yet; on ever will 'be.; Bill Wyatt i one of them himself. Bully for Wheeler's cavalry. Tlieycan beat the world for sharpness. r, - Griffin Star: this coun and forms communi cant;, over whom arc placed 9553 minis- Uy la,t, rre,.uenv, ters, connected with 783 associations. .Senate the name I The number of Baptist churches is 18,605. notorious I-ast 1 COMMISSION VMEKCHANTS, No. 71 Feb 14 Exchange Place. BALTIMORE. Liiicoliitoii Female Seminary. The next scholastic year will commence on Mondayl January 9, 1&71.,! Board and Tuition $50. Music 12.&0... Latin and French, each $5. For particulars apply to . . ur , . . T.W. BREVARD, Principal, jan 3 Sin JLincolnton, C. s show it to his ! mother. He lisped ont that pretty blue ones grow further down, and begged to go and get one pf them ; but as it was almost time for the train, 1 refused my permission, and ten Or fifteen yardsfrom the track; sat him down at the foot of a tree the maple yonder and bade him remain there until 1 called him. i . 1' The time, for the train came and passed and still no signs ot it. 1 irew nervous and did not notice my bo-. Minute after minute passed away, and at last, when I began to be certain that pome accident "occurred, it hove in sight just five minutes before t he express was due, which I knew could not be more than two miles behind. -I saw at buce ther'caiuse of the delay ; the train was unnsually long and heavy, and the engine number forty-two, wliiyli the firemaii had christened 'Old Rickety was the -?wtry on the road: The switch wan all ready, but illie train moved so slowly tba the lat car bad barely left tbe main track when I heard v.A tebUilB of the express, and the next of the p'acK-gnaru ..u --i-i - 1 Tnnani to rernamuuvu. auib mauii A DisflRACErcL Appointment. ;On Fri- l-i Pw-ident Grant sent to the U.&.. 9 Ol IJIII:J11IIIUIU1JII T.inn.iiDii frnl "lt.nat ti:,t ,.i,w.koa iflfin notorious .....-., or nearly twice as much as that amuti ii :wr 1 q?? 9!. tb HUth K. I petiaiiy un vwvn, . . r rm f I ll lilt" III UC H 11 1 it Ul 'V " I - . 4 . m r W1 I . . - that it itt,yjar, tne cneapeunu ,,. r Colored Method- not De lorgouen.-wonian, motor-now kaoicn. and we predict tnat, n - y - - .nnfnn. a very short time.ourstr.et ra.iway cars n -iriShrj1' The San Homing cJfresnondent'of the under.he complete control of tbe engin- fJormis SAzy Ti. l.ni-n no- the crmlp. twl ro eum. 1 OUU I'roiestani, uri3U i; "r - - . . r V . i .1; " . : . ...." . V V ' .,1 Ml.h uu n 1 .at netof v?abonds. who tto ootweueTfl ..1.. nrhiflv anil mrkiu iiiiiiininiiiri nsiivc urcuLUKia uuu . -. -. -i c . it oi- r nnanmoil fpuvinc the I COUntrVV; A JllIM heavv. or what is termed the "Inbri iir.w' oil at 1 h ;hot torn, and 'this resi . . . . . ne kA I tniosinnarr Rocieties converge uro is worm more man mo w v y. , . .; -s-fc tiLi is of so . incredible a nature that we hesitate even to repeat it, but after an examination of theTnachine and of the process of using the' petrole um, we are fnlly warranted in assernng .-.,.1r. ,.-i i ,s... .n.l w nredicL tnat. Hi r-"u"-"' r r . , r v A in id red thousand boys and wearing pantaloons and who work and rica- thirty thousand girls attend school where labor are all performed by women, - Ye idu- the Bible is; speliaily taught. Twenty, these are4he peoplejvhon. Ge..erul Gran th f?rmisSionarv societies converge their wishes to annex and invest with all th rant X I that the ; statement, labors upon this point, and tracts, news- rights of American vttizen . a- Torino I nnnoro .masrazines and Bibles are des- is not so incredible as it at first appeared seminated in vast quantities.-uUJV to be. Already two machines have been rresb. ;, . -, I -tl-: constructed, both of which haveH been .; , ' . , . perfectly euccessfol. fand have met with There.were twenty-three battles dnnng the aonroval of many of our most jskilh tho late "Francora2ian war ; besides, rni Vfbinits. In a verv short time thehbere were forty-nine-engagements ana machinei will be brought belbre the" pub- combats, which had almost the propor hi, knd we feel confident that onr opinion Uons of battles. s iThere were - twenty in regard to them w ill " be folly y erified. V;ege?, com prisi ng 1 1 he three 1 mmensft . ..... Trade Journal . Utrongholds of Strasbourg MeU and Paris. Kind! Baez ; has invited General Grant' to'make St. Domingo his home" in case il.'4n.t !i Mianlcn unii lift Ifl'.lx Ot ft re-election. . Senator Revels urges Grant. to accept. , . , . ue trust mat tuu uvucui mu The colored population of Mississippi have a majority of seven thousand. - . i