Southbra Oono PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY ; ' D. H. HILL, ' CHARLOTTE, N. C, Devoted to the vindication of the truth o Southern History, to the preservation of Southern Characteristics, to the develop ment of Southern Resources, under the changed relations of the Labor System, and to the advancement or Southern Interests in - Agriculture, Mining, Manufacturing and the Mechanic A rfa In addition to the contributions from the old corps of writers of "Tub Land Wg Love," the services will be secured of thorough men of Science, and of Practical armers, miners, macninists, &C. I - o - . TERMS OF SOUTHERN .HOME : tjne copy, one year, In advance, , : $2.50 five, copies, one year, ,- - 12.00 1 en copies, one year : : : 22.50 Th remittances In every case must be by wuwo., a . v. umer, or .registered Jjeiter To those wish In tr trt anhasrihA tct an Agricultural paper we would state that we wui luruiHu me Southern Home and Rural Carolinian at ,1.00 it and Southern Cultivator " &xn Richmond Farmer " and Carolina Farmer 44 and Practical Planter, 4.00 4.00 4.50 3.50 To Advertisers. Th Xmfhm Tin having now the largest circulation of any papers west 01 iwueign, affords a tine adver- unmg: uieuium. erins nioueraie. CHARLOTTE: MONDAY, A PHIL 7, 1873. The new test of loyalty and true Repub licanism is devotion to Grant. .- It once was devotion to the Union, but that has chang ed ra. these days of progress. Thus the Legislature of Massachusetts censured Sen ator Somner, because he wished as a mea- sure qf conciliation to abolish the war de vices from the regimental flags of the army. Y tuttier, the poet, and other leading Ab wiiLiuuiaiH 01 ine 01a scnooi, nave tried in i i' i it ; 1 . - . vaiu ;io gei mis resolution or censure re scinded. But Vice-President Wilson has recently done a more disloyal act according to thejold standard of loyalty, than that o . Senator Sumner. He actually invited J. B. Gordon, a fighting general of the rebel lion, to preside over the loyal US, Senate But Massachusetts has no vote of censure for Wilson. He is a Grant mafl and Sum- ' net lsjan anti-Grant man. Behold the dif fereneel ' So, Longstreet, a rebel officer, is taken to the. loal bosom, because he is a supporter . of Grant hus, the leaders of secession in Noij-th Carolina are the recipients of Federal favors, because they favor Grant But the old Union men, Vance, Graham, &c , are held in abhorrence, because they oppose the dictator. Joe. Brown, the great secession Governor of Georgia, has been in and .out of favor according as he has given his allegiance to the "smoky Caesar" or re fused it. So hundreds of illustrations might be given of the same truth. The one-man power; is getting to be felt more and more every day. The Republic of our fathers has passed away. An empire can be establish ed upon its ruins with ease... The old Re publics can never be restored. . ' -..i H - : Personal Gun. J: B: Gordon and "his accomplished lady were1 in Charlotte on Wednesday. The gallenf hero of scotcs of had-fought fields was looking remark ably Vell, notwithstanding his numerous wounds. The General had a way of get ting hjit in many of the battles he was ' in and after one or two casualties" of that kind, Mrs. G. resolved to stay with him to nurse him.. To her loving care, he is doubtless, indebted ; for getting safely through some, of his worst wounds. Mrs. G. was almost as well known by the sol diers as her intrepid husband. , Many still living will remember her attempt to rally jthe disorganized fragment of troops in Early's great disaster in the Valley. Gen. E. (a confirmed old bachelor,') was not in favor of officerrhaviug their wives with them. On a night march he en quired whose ambulance that was, and being told that it was Mrs. G's. he growl niUkrfnt --uJC!emQVin.v,anw:n i-.i.i ; mr- -i as little as Mrs. G. 1" Morrill, the- great Tariff leader in the II. Si Senate, and Boutwell, late Secretary of the Treasury, were also in town. Boutwell was the hero of the Radical victory in this State last Summer. Not being in his regimentals on this occasion, he dTnot attract so much attention from the faithful. Mr. G. B. Lamar, of Savannah, Ga., wasj amdng our distinguished visitors. Some thirty years agonMr. D., his wife and six children, were on board the ill fated Pulaski. All' perished except him self and one son, who afterwards gave his life for. the,. Confederacy. It will be re membered that Mr. Lamar brought suit, a few years ago, against the U. S. for a! large , amount of cotton seized in Savannah. New Hampshire. Thfiu news from New Hampshire is particularly cheering to Dem ocrats. The entire Congressional delega tion; is Democratic, while the Republicans have lost heavily ph the popular v vote. Straw, the Republican candidate, is probr ably elected Governor by a very meagre majority. - While the Radicals have been in possession of the State, they have suc ceeded in gerrymandering it so that if the Democrats should carry it by a large ma jority, the Republicans would still have a . majority in the Legislature. They .have also done the same thing in Connecticut Their rule in these States has been charac - terized by the unfairness it has everywhere exhibited. It looks now very much as though light was breaking in upon New to ; understand' what Radicalism is and what it has been doing for the country. Thd Democracy of New Hampshire are de ' serving of the highest" praise for the gallant ght they have made, and for the noble vroik they "have done. If other States f ol - low in her wake, the country may yet be 'redeemed, and the destructive schemes of Radicalism thwarted. Titusville (Pa.) Cour. Xisaenino Wisdom. The Greensboro ; Patriot tells of a man, who loaned $857 to )an entire stranger in the loyal North. The loyalist, strange as it may seem, did not return the money, but he talked very sweet to the. trusting man from North Carolina. The New Postal Law. : The Postal Appropriation bill approved March 3, 1673, contains the following clanse: "Provided,' that all laws and parts of laws, permitting the transmission by mail of any free matter whatever, be and the same are hereby repealed from and after June 30, 1873." This abolishes the franking privilege held by Congress and so, many Government offi cers. ' . I It also abolishes section 35 of the act of March 3. 1863: ' "But the publishers of weekly newspa pers may send to each actual subscriber within the county where their papers are pnniea ana puDiisnedA one copy tbereo free of postage." Aula auonsnes section 45 of the same act: "AR publishers of periodicals, magazines and newspapers, which shall not exceed sixteen ounces in weight, shall be allowed to interchange their rmhlieatinns cally free of postage; provided, that such interchange shall be confined to a single copy or such publication, ' The law remains unchanged which ner- m - 4 mits pre-payment of postage on newspapers at the office of mailing or deliverv. at the m q tJ w option of the subscriber, and prepayment jj iiowuueaitjrH -. upon uieir packages as re ceived." i No reduction of postage rates has been made. Farnsworth's bill passed the House ami laiieciin tne senate. Ualeigh Sertfinel , General News. Dead. Mrs. Bennett, wife of the late editor of the New York Herald is dead. Adjourned. The Senate of the United Mates adjourned on the 26th ult. Jure in Albany, Georgia. A large part 01 may, nounsmng town has been burnt. Severe Snow Storm. The worst snow storm of the season swept over the North west on the zbtQ. Prosperity of the North. A man and his wife, at Jamaica, Lone Island, bled themselves to death rather thau starve - Frolich, the ; Wife Murderer. This enterprising loyalist was handed at Svra: uubo iasi rriaay weeK. -HAPPY AMADEUS. Since tha P.kin. T-W "... ot opain nas iaia aown bis crown, he has X CI I . 1 1 . . & been as a boy. Progress of Ljyalty. The lower Hmia of the New York Legislature favor allowing A . u ' O tax-paying women to vote. Cheyenne, Wyoming. March 29 A f0 - uuu nre occurred here, and the supposed - . . ' T 1 luceuaiarv nas ueen jarrested. Philadelphia. March 29. There "has al ready been subscribed lL. ft - i 1 - J ' uue centennial r und. A Good Example. The Citv flnnnil nf quanta nave exempted manufacturers from a. 1 m . i 1 a 1 . ' taxation ior niteen years. Centennial. Philadelnhia ha alrAarlv subscribed nearly $300,000 for the Centen nial. A Vote Lost. Charles Nnrwnnd , o miw r vuA son, Gavlor violent Beecherism. . ' uiuck, was nunff on the yf h n t nf .Tcffor. Hurricane rx Mississippi. A h swept over Canton on the 29th ult., destroy ing many houses and some lives. ' Fire. Southerland unci Driver's snw mill, at Ederefield Tenn. . was hnrnftil nn the 30th' Ult.. LOSS S7S 000, Nn infl,in,0 Six Murderer8 Drowned. A vessel was wrecked off the coast of Califoi nia harinVy on board six felons chained together. They yere an urownea. Arrest of a Supposed Murdehfss A woman has been arrested, who is supposed to have some connection with t Via of Mr.'Charles Goodrich in Brooklyn. Horrible. An old ladv. Mrs. Snsan Housen, 9 miles from : Nashville, was tnlcp.n out of her house at night , and handed bv ine necK until dead. Well-done. All the members of Con gress from Connecticut have refused to re ceive backpay. What of the mem hers from North Carolina ? Spring Importations. The i mnorfntinn of foreign goods has never been as great as -uis season, luxury and extravagance lead 0 cheating, swindling and robbery. Mrs. Foster. The widow of Fnfatoi hanged in New YoTk on Friday last, is ut terly prostrated, and is not expected to ive. ' J Rail Road Iron. Th tneir 1 ran road irop uir thi's country amounts an- to 1,504,591 tons, of which 9 5,000 arn mrtnfV.f,.rirerl in tViia nnnntrv are manufactured in this country. . Found Guilty. The trial of Mortimer, for the murder of Mrs. Gibson, terminated in Sacramento last week and resulted in a verdict of guilty of murder in the first de gree. ' ; - Kerosene Horror. A lamp exploded in the suburbs of Chicago, burning up the housand killing three of the children of a Mr. Henry Peters. : Sentence of Magruder. Marshal Ma gruder, who shot his associate , with in tent to kill,, has been sentenced to the Penitentiary for ten years- Loyalty in Alexandria, Va. Charles Mackey, loyally black, . was hanged on the 28th for the murder of a pedler. Charley said on the scaffold that whisky prompted the crime. Postal-Cards. The' Morgan Envelope Company, of Springfield, Massachusetts, is to deliver 5,000,000 of the new postal cards on the 1st May, Memorial Association of Savannah. Gen J. B. Gordon is to deliver the annual address before "this Association. A better selection could not b aye been made. New Name Fob Stealing. The Collect or of Customs at Mobile in whose accounts a deficiency of $27,000 was discovered, is retained in office. It is called an larity." !.-. ; irregu- Scared. Vice-President Wilson drew his back pay, but getting frightened at the muss made about it, returned the money to go towards liquidating the national debt A bill has passed the Pennslyvania Leg islature appropriating $1,000,000 to the Centennial Celebration and goes to the Governor. , Lawsuit. In Portland, jMaine, the Maw heirs met and formed an association to prosecute their claims to the estate of Maw in Scotland, worth some 50,000,000 dol lars. ' ; j Civil Rights in Mississippi. Negroes have free access to the hotels, theatres, restaurants, Ao., in this blessed State. Should North Carolina ever get in full ac cord, we would E ave the same happy state of things. 1 Arrist op an Insurance President. -Erastns Lyman, late President of the Knickerbocker Company, has been ar rested by that company for the loss of $20,000 through unauthorized contracts. Burglar Shot. A boy of seventeen shot one of a gang of burglars attempting to break into his mother's house in New YorkXHty. The loyalists retired carrying off their wounded companion. , Tennessee at Vienna. The people of Tennessee are taking measures to be ire'.l represented at the Vienna Fail What is Horth -Carolina doing ? Professor Kerr will do all that one man can do, but. he needs the co-operation of the people. Our Devoted. President.. Grant has made his own son, Lieutenant Grant, a Lieutenant Colonel. "Certainly he is devo- tea to tne urant-uent lamily. This is some of the first-fruits of the reform prom isea tne country. Fremont. Gen. John Charles F the first nominee of the Republican party, unaer tne jeaa 01 .air. lireeley, tor the Pres ? 3 t ... laency, is cnargea with putting fraudulen Kauroad bonds on the market in France. tie has been indicted in the Courts of Par is. The Enlightened Amusement op Hang ing. I he abdications for tickets in ness Foster's hanging numbered six thous and. Nine murderers have been hanged upon x: osier s gauows A Big Hanging. During the war, 38 In dians were hanged in Minnesota at one time by sentence of a Court Martial. It quieted the Indians. A like process would maK6 tne ureait Mobilier gentry honest Coal Oil Fuel in Russia. Successful ex periments are said to have been recently made in Russia in the use of the products 0 coal oil for fuel for locomotives. The same fuel has also been applied, with reported satisiactory results, in the propulsion o steamboats. I he Poor Empress. The Empress Eu genie is said to have $60,000 a year. The Spanish estates and private nroDertv of the Empress are worth $30,000 a yearand the -! - . . " ... saie 01 ner diamonds, jewelry and pictures produced ?tuu,uuu. hu wale on the 1st. This was very I i. A " " T1 1-1 1. . " m m, . dehuuuuve in jrnuadeipnia. A. severe storm passed over Anne Arundel. Md A negro and a mule were killed by lightning tnenrst oeatns rrom that source this year Rich. John P. Jones, of Nevada, is said to: be the richest man in the Senate, and to nave paid the most for his seat. Jones is about to build a house in Connentirmt ave nue in Washington, which will cost $100 000. - ' - Indignant. The negroes of Louisiana are very wrathy because Pinchback, (ne gro,j was not admitted to a seat in the U o. benate Panic in the Money Markft Th been a panic in the monev market at New York in which gold went up to 18 uuu KreenDacKS to one ner r-ent, a Hn j-uw mu . 01 cotton anrt aypard ot im portation led to the trouble. The market is now comparatively quiet Who is He. The Kansas Citv Tim fella oi a iuaior-weneral inthe H'eHeml Ann during the war, who now wallows in the gutters of that city. Loyalty in Georgia. The oassenererH on a sleeping car on the Atlantic k Gulf Rail road were robbed by some bold loyalists wno nao nrst taKen the precaution to chlo roform them. Panic in a Church. The breaking of n I J v 11 n k . . 0 . uoard in tne uatnoiic Church at Trenton N. J., when it was crowded with neonle created an alarm that the building was fall iug. xu me rusn to get out, many were crushed and bruised, some fatally. Death of Dr. Nott Dr.' J. C. Notf of Mobile died on the 31st ult. The work of rsott & Gliddon will be rememhered -n havinsr created somewhat of a sensation twenty-five years ago. The, Re-action. The painters, carpen ers and masons engaged in tho burnt dis ricts of Boston are about to strike. The swindling bv caoitaliats nnrler Radical auspices is bringing forth its natural ruits. Catholic Appointments. The Pone of Rome has auDointed two Bishons for .ho United States: Verv Rev. M. A. Corruran 'or the diocese of Newark, and Mr. Gross !or the diocese of Savannah. Memphis at Vienna, A Memphis, Tenn. firm shipped a bale of cotton to Vienna weighing 450 pounds. It was vi V blue silk reps and ;?,!' acKed in -V.ttivexs, railV ornamented trim-, costing nearly $1,000. Oake3 Ames, Oakes Ames intends to keep Congressman Kellogg's Credit Mobi lier bonds until it is decided to whom they belong. Ames also says that the books of the Company will not be given to the Uni ted States Attorney General, but he may have access to them. France asd Germany. The new . treaty between France and Germany has been signed. It provides for the evacuation of the French provinces, with the exception of Verdun and vicinity, on the first of July. In September, all the German troops will be withdrawn from France. Obscene Literature. New York, March 28. Chas. Mackey, on trial for mailing ob scene literature, was found eruiltv this af ternoon and remanded for sentence. Bail was refused. . Ku-Klux in Ohio. A mob at ChilieotnA Ohio bung a negro man for a beastly crime. If the Yankees had. one fifth as many Tnle groes among them as we have," they would begin shooting and hanging "the wards of 1 1 ti ine nation. -Victoria Woodhull. This obscene hns- sy has been delighting the loyalists of Chi- 1 i 1 ai : : 1 . i ii e ufigo uy leuiuitj 111 uiw pnuuipai 'nail 01 the city upon free-loveism, denouncing mar riage as a crime. The she-beast belongs to the party! progress, and her utterances are in fullness of accord with Radicalism. Fruits of the Credit Mobilier. The Democrats have elected their candidate for Mayor of St. Lonis by a majority of three thousand. The entire Democratic ticket, has been carried in Milwauke and various towns of the North! Palmetto Hats and Braids. St Augus tine has been making these articles since the . war. Baltimore has lately ordered f6000 worth and Paris (France 15 000. T - T 7 - The trade is improving the condition of the old Spanish town. Arrest of a Neoro Murderer. -We gave an account last week of the murder of a drover in "Washington. A negro by the name of Henry Young has been arrested in Alexandria, Va., and there seems to be no doubt of him being the murderer. He had about him articles which have been identified as belonging to Haun, the dro ver. Loyalty in Baltimore. For some time past, vessels unloading in Baltimore have been robbed of portions of their cargo. It has been discovered that the robberies were effected by the negroes employed to unload them. The leader of the gang has escaped but several of his followers have been sent to jaiL Justifies It. The San Francitjco Post justifies the action of the mob which hung Matt, xarpey, tne murderer of Mr. mon olson, in Monterey county. , Tarpey was a wealthy man, and the Post thinks that in the end, through means of his money, he would have escaped punishment. Supply of Nitre in South America. Ac cording to the Abbe Moigno, there is, in a single district of South America, of about 483 square miles, a quantity of soda nitre equal to 63,000,000 tons, an amount suffi cient, at the present rate of consumption. for 1,393 years; and still larger quantities 01 tnis sau are found at the foot of the Cor dilleras. j PROMisEa--Gen. Gordon visited the President, who promised that where it was evident corruption had been used to secure UUUUJJBUUU8 10 leaerai omce in ueorgia, either by the use of money or by forgeries, aucu nominations would be withdrawn. Pio Iron. TJie aggregate product of pig u.uu iu huo inree states Ueorgia, Alabama and Tennessee-will. it is calculated in crease from 26,100 tons last year to 70,000 tons tnis. jbteps have been taken to build l 1 r .... iwtuve iron iurnaces within an area of as many miles around the city of Rome Ga., aiuue. CaRLISTS IN SPAIN.-Tho "R.ftTihli have been drubbed in almost every encoun ter with the Carlists and they are said to be badly demoralized. -Spain is. not pre pared for a Republic and it may be the better for the people that the. monarchy should be resumed. A virtuous and in telligent people alone can maintain a Re public. lhe suit of Lent asrainst Arnold and Stack at Louisville, Ky., for $350,000, was uismissea lately in the United States Court by consent of the parties. The s,uit grew out of the notorious California dia mond swindle. The parties effected a compromise, Arnold paying Lent, it is stated, $150,000 cash. A very curious case, inueed. T A TM 1 1 . jxivo. suitors. a. rnuadeiphia paper gives ine 10110 wing statement of the wealthy eaiiors in mat city : cnilds,Jl,500,000; Forney, $1,450,000 McMichael, 1,350,000; Harding, $1,325, UUU; Kobb & Biddle, $1,320,000: Wells $1,315,000;. Swain, $1,310,000; Cassidy l,d05,000;Morwit2, $1,300,000: Warbur ton, $1,200,000; Dealy, $1,285,000; Schoo & Blakely, $1,280,000. A Northern Renegade. A Mr. Dodge 01 new iorK was made a subject of Queen V ictoria by. act of Parliament. Soon aff-flr he was elected a member of the Dominion Parliament of Canala. his loronto. He has been making sneeehes quite aa uuubive 01 nis own section, as any ever maae by a boutnern renegade convert ed to the new faith by Mr. Secretary Bout well. I Hd-Klux in California. A man named larpey was hanged by a mob near Mon terey, CaL, for the murder of a Mr. Nick olson. He was quite wealthv and t.h non- pie inougnt ne could bribe his way through -i ai tt . .v ir the courts. If this hane had in South 'Carolina what a stir it would have made! But neither Jeffreys Bond nor $600 Merrill have been sent for. awful dhipwrfck. Th Atian;,. w Liverpool for New York on the '20fh nf - ici ii March, and being short of coal, made for rtaiuax. Un Tuesdav last, when nhrtnt twenty miles of Halifax, she ran afchore on Meager'sj Head having on board over one thousand persons, men. wnmnn nd nhu. dren. Of this number. t.wr hnnd ror) ami fifty only reaohed the shnrA i others were all lost ! There ! has been nothing so anpalline since the loss of the Royal George in 1782. Then, we believe, near a thousand lives were lost. It furnished the occasion for one of the grandest poems in the English anguage. State Items. Free I Fight. Statesvilla bad a free fight one night last week. Loyalty in HiLLBRrmn Th0 1 has beep active in that town of late pick- Loyalty in Wa was made to burn a house '-iPt Row, onithe Mulberry r-i -.yfh ult., While the people were absent at Church. Suicide. Duncan Grove, of "Wake county, hung himself on the 28th ult. Torn Down. The house, in which President Johnson was born, was torn down last week.' It was one of the oldest landmarks in Raleigh. Going! Home. Three loyalists of the approved color, were sent to the Peniten tiary 'from Johnston county last week. Boiler Explosion. A boiler at the steam saw mill of Colville & Co., in Wil mington , exploded on the 2nd inst., kill ing two men and one woman and wound ing sevej-ely one man and one woman. The woman killed was struck by a frag ment, one hundred yards from the place of the explosion. BuRNtD. The town of Brevard, Tran sylvania county, was burned to the ground on Wedesday last. . The following items from the Raleigh News : In the Winston section peaches are al most destroyed. - ' Large numbers of negroes are leaving Forsythe county for the Western States. The gale atSmithville on Saturday was one of the severest ever known there. About children!, Indiana. 40 negroes, men, women and recently left Davie county for Rev, J. Rumple, Pastor of the Presby terian" church at Salisbury, having ao cepted jthe appointment to Southern Presbyteries in the interest of Davidson College, took leave of his people on Mon day la6t: During his absence his pulpit will be filled by visiting ministers from Charlotte, Davidson atid Statesville. The Board of Commissioners of Golds boro have refused to grant liquor licenses in certain localities of the town, much to the disgust of the rum sellers. On Tuesday night at Statesville, a big free fight took place. "Knives, rocks and sticks were brought iuto play. Blood flowed but no serious hurt was inflicted. The Board of County Commissioners of Johnson county have determined not to grant any retail liquor licenses in tbat county. I A late leading Radical member of the Edgecombe Board of County Commission ers was picked up in the streets of Tar boro dead drunk. Says the Western Sentinel (Winston) "accounts from the growing wheat crop at this time is anything but encouraging. It is to be hoped that warm growing weather will increase the prospecti." South Carolina Items. rru ATothnAlat V omnia College in Colum bia, S. C, is in a flourishing! condition J The resignation of Rev. J. E. White, as pastor of the Presbyteriah (jhufch of Ches ter, has been accepted by the church. Pardon Recommended. -4 The Attorn ey n.,roT tion rpmmimended the uardon of Walter P. Anthony, an alleged bouth Oar olina Ku-klux, sentenced tf eight years at Albany. xfrn. PnimBYTERV.t The First Pres ill IltML lAWJ v ; 1 f Ha Assoeiate Reformed-Church will meet at Tirzah Church,! in the eastern Portion of this countyon Monday ne The opening sermon will be preacnea Rev. C. B. Betts, the retiring axouera.- Enquirer, ' J . Maim Pardons. Bv a. late despatch from ,tt , 7 , ,w oa will issued at an early day for AJhson Hays and Andrew o. juarun, oi xorit. wuuy, : victed of Ku-kluxing. - The wheat crop oh the line of railroad between this place and Charlotte is looking badly. Frpra all parts of the country, North, South, East and West comes the news of the backwardness of jthe wheat crop, 'ru A-imn nf thia ?a nraontnn in T.nn J'Thhl .... 11 : luptauoc ui i"'J nv .wkuw, -- o L - .U 11 hn nrintoi and the many hard freezes. Bock Hill Lantern. ' : ri.mrT ilrtT a H MiHswiTT.. it DP- . r - comes our melancholy duty to record the also the home of our own species death of our fellow-citizen, Qol. John Hugh naturally connect the idea of lffe w k9 Marshall, who departed thislife, at his res- rather than with the ocean. The 1 a idence, on Rutherford Roadj near this city, moreover, affords more favorable o a on the 19th inst., at 11 P. affce.r a.snort tions for the development'of & but painful illness, with paralysis, in the variety of functions, among which i forty-first year of his age.-J Greenville Be- faculty of uttering sounds, while t publican. j, all marine animals are dumb. " The ltT i Narrow Gauge R. R. Dr. Davega, the have such a quiet way that we are ant tl President of the Carolina Narrow Gauge overlook them the fate of qaiet peon Railroad, which is to run from Chester, in generally. q Ple this State, to Lenoir, N. C, is pushing the Sure it is tKat in the natnber of speoi enterprise with his well-known energy. He and of individuals, the ocean far exceed fully expects to have engineers in the field, the, land. We begin to realize this wh 8 engaged in preliminary surveys by the mid- we look down into a shallow, wavel60 die of May. sea, and observe the variety of, all sort!! Loyal Appointments. liorv. Moses nas irope and It. 1. Ji.liiott, Uopmissioners to . i examine and report upon the Claims pre sented under the appropriation of $35,000, made last winter, for rewards for the ap prehension of Ku-klux. j Judce Graham headed the be for more o C salary during the late session of the Legis ture, .and failed to get it. At a late public dinner in Charleston, he intimated that if the Judges' salaries are not increased, tliev may take to stealing. When did Judge Graham make as a lawyer what he now re ceives as a Judge, to wit : $3,500 ? Wiry cant he live on that, when thousands of abler men would fill the office for even less ? Verily the.y all seem like the horse-leech to cry for more, and never say it is enough.- bumter Xeivs. & The Latest Style. The following cere mony was used by a colored minister at a marriage a few miles below town, the other day: "dem what wants to git married Stan up and jine hands, dem what God has nut togedder, no man dasn't put asunder. Let us sing a hime. Plunged in a gulf of dark despair we wretched sinners are." Winna. boro Neurs. i The Spartan burer Svartan savs ' Mnnt. gomery Bishop, who, killed a man by the name of Pehoof, in this county, some time last Fall, was arrested in Haywood county, North Carolina, a month r1 flr"l a rrr on1 was last week brought back to this place fnr trial .t ' v I KVr, UUVA Ti, -ci t. " f - xue riorence Pioneer sava : Rolioytl O -a viil 1 -. . tsmith, a little colored bov about fnnrton years old, fell from a pile of lumber near the track on Front Street last i Saturday ifnK veVEsq;' aged 55 years-a gen was caught by the Cheraw train ilTl ' erC8tian ?entIema ?' the old schooL- ing, and had his arm badly crushed Is amputated by Dr. James W. King that eveuiug. . . Destructive Fire in Waotait a. wl halla, April 1. About 10 o'clock this morn- mg, an accidental fare broke out and des troyed the storesof Mrs. Knp Mr Voni; ver and Mr. Fischeer. Some of the st! were insured. The buildings were unin aured. There was not a breath !nf oi a ring bad there been, the d-r-rr property would,-; " . . 1uCtlon oi nearlv the-r: "aye been immense, as rJr entire town is built of wood. - jV till OlIX- Immigrants. 'the New York Express savs that there is a project on foot among some of the most eminent capitalists to establish a scheme of immigration to the State of South' Carolina, the main purpose of which is to increase the cotton production of the State. There are to be no unworthy per sons added into the ranks of this large ar my, but it will include only well-tOdo work men and their families. i Charleston Merchants Victimized. -Several prominent cotton merchants here have been victimized by one Wm. Meade; who shipped one hundred and thirty-six bales of cotton hence to Philadelphia, per steam er Equator, on Friday last. The cotton is said to have been fraudulently obtained, and, the losers warn all persons gainst ne gotiating the bills of exchange for the cot ton. ! i Col. Aikes. We had the pleasure of meeting Col. D. Wyatt Aiken in the city, yesterday, just returned from the West. Colonel Aiken represents things in the Mississippi Valley as unattractive, labor demoralized, money scarce and planters despondent. -With all the evils of our pres ent condition, and all the faults that may justly be found with the course; of things here, he infinitely prefers poor j old South Carolina to the rich countries he has re cently visited. Patience friends. Speed the plow and whirl the spindle.- Gleaner. W hat a Shocking Sight. One Samuel W. Melton, by the grace of Satan made Judge (1) in the State of South Carolina, a white man, a Caucasian, saw proper, at the late Inauguration ball at "Washington, to lock arms with a couple of negro women, and promenade the hall.the observed of a thousand disgusted and sickened observers. It was a loathsome sight; men' and women of refinement looked upon the: debauched hero of this humiliating exhibition with un disguised and inexpressible contempt. Bal eigh Sentinel. f The New York Day Book commenting upon the conduct of the loyal! S. W. M. says : We dd not blame the niggers. They of course were proud to be thus placed in juxtaposition with an individual, demoral ized though he was, of the superior race; but what truly refined and beautiful white woman would feel honored by the atten tion of this dirty-minded white official, judge" though he may be, after this bold ly manifested social position ? Pow do the white citiiens of South Carolina like the pioture? What would Calhoun, Poinsett, Legare, Lowndes, Hayne, Pinckney, expe rience in looking upon it? Alas! poor, disgraced South Carolina ! To be made to realize that the time could ever come when one of your white citizens, a leading judici al official, would be found promenading the great hall of the . Presidential mansion at an Inauguration ball with a negro female on each arm, and glorying in his social de bauchery, j We heard that the notn-T liams, the confessing RaMWil in i t- tt . left- this county with hi f-T.hii weeks ago, for Georgia. This of' ,0188 no one complained of, and it i..0? be had forever "left, his coantJ! St country's good," hut we have sinl ? h' ed that he was in the lower Dart 6tlu county, about two weeks ago wit'1 a young and pretty girl, under ;? picious circumstances. Bn.i ; tnrongn an ine calendar of cri 6 "If rapidly.piion Times. nm itt Tncewdiakism. We are reliably inf -- uy ft y bOoo! . oJ we kXnnSnni; om ' bvtira onSnndav niaht. QfV, lH aar t ; UBta.nt. Thi hA i . J. ucendiarv It an teuiqencer uer "ion h m t Life in the Ocean Depths. TK scientific man is generally startled s V when Agassiz tells him that "the on the true home of animal life " h!0'1 accustomed to think of the sea ash U and desert, that he "makes ffret a A. I I do tuo un ul una nay , VYUl'd tDfi riot i 4Ka mana anr i . 1 I l f iL .1 ?I .. . "mrjl l ni..i' . comparatively bare of animal iu -i ' ml 1 ' i land, to be sure, is the hfthWo:' .Ah8 I n . n mnnt nfirtect nt nimob - i : c 1 . . ""mu 01 tho UIyB woim, siar nshes, poWb '8 ...... - C7 weed: and vet those nnimld v,:l are able to see in their sub maiine abodes are nothing in comparison to the hosta of smaller creatures, imperceptible to our eyes the-infusoria, myriads of which tho microscope brings to onr view, and which are all, without exception, aquatic. Boston Journal of Chemistry. In Gaston County, April 1st, by Rev E David. W. H. Cherrv ainl Miaa r alJ?- all of Gaston. owa,' In Gaston county, on the 25th ult , kT rv cP' At TiantI. Mr. Elam Roblnwnand fnVe tt"T Hv p.. r . , Mr. J. L. Torrence and MiS9 S. C wnn' On the 3rd inst, in this county, at th residence of the bride's father, Mr R A Query by-Rev. J. C. Chalmers.asblated by Rev. J. W. Query, Mr. D. B. CaldweU, of Cabarrus county, and Miss Elisabeth M. Query, of Mecklenburg. Edgefield county, 8. C. on the Slat ult, Mrs. Mary F. Miles. daus-tWof T t rw.hifl aged 21 vears and 11 months. She leaves a husband and two small children. njhe l8t Inst- at Mil1 Hill, Cabarrus Co., Jfrr88, ? Rankil. wife of the late Dr. W! W. Rankin and dftiicrhfr nf T r iiarni.. E,85' of Alexandriana. She was 45 yeari Old. t; An orfcvlIle, on Friday, 28th ult.. Jhnmle voumrpat i - - o - v. tallica nuu jmxb. mIJ Mason, ae-ed about nno vr ' Vn A.melia county, Va., on the 11th ultimo. j eto MttbtttfotrntntB. Merchant Tailoring, CLOTHING, AND HATS, S. PHILLIPS BEGS TO INFORM the DUblio that h in now rtpAi rlnv th J. the most complete stock of Pieoe Goods tver offered in this market, consisting of : Black and colored Cloths, Doeskin Cassl meres, Fancy French and English Coatings of all colors, Scotch and Fancy Cassimcrs Suiting of all kinds, whieh will be eithwr sold by the yard or made to measure as cheap .as the same class of goods can be bought elsewhere. The attention, is especially called to my stock of Spring Caasiineres for Beys' wear. BEADY-MADE CLOTHING. Having determined to make this a speciality in the future, I offer the publio a class of goods which for style and price cannot fall to give satisfaction, ami all goods guaranteed to be as represented. BOYS' AND CHILDRENS' CLOTHING For all ages and in great Variety. GENTS FURNISHING GOODS. In this department will be found a full line of. goodn, such as cannot be found else where in this city, embraoingallthe Latest Novelties in Neck wear, Lisle Thread and Gauge Underwear, Kid, Silk and Lisle Gloves, Hoisery of all kinds, Shirts, Collars, Cuffs and Suspenders of all kinds. Hats, ; Caps, Umbrellas, Traveling Satchels, and in fact everything necessary to a gentleman's or Youth's complete out-fit My friends and the pubHc generally are invited to give me a call and I shall endeavor to merit a continuance of that generous pa tronage, which they have been pleased to extend for the last thirteen years. J. S. PHILLIPS. April 7, 1873 , old d octal JOHN W. SAMPLE. J. MC. ALEXANDER. SAMPLE & ALEXANDER. New Boot and Shoe Store, (Between MeAden's and Scarr'a Drugstores) . Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Boots. Shoes, Hats, Trunks, Saddles, Leather an J Shoe Findings, are recei ving their new Stoc of Spring and Summer Goods, which whn complete will not be surpassed by any In this market. We will be pleased to offer our goods to your inspection at any time you may favor us with a call. SAMPLE & ALEXANDER. April 7, 1873. . ly HENRY B. WILLIAMST WITH R. M, MILLER & SONS, Charlotte, K. C Will be glad to see his old friends and acquaintances. April 7, 1873, 3w. NEW GOODS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, IN THE WAY OF Dry Goods and Hardware, . - AT : .Xv . WOLFE, BARRINGER A COS. April 7, 1873. Sir I