pyuUOp. ucoo: PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY f D. H. HILL, CHARLOTTE, If. c ' Devoted to the vindhsation of tha riouthern History, to SLStS?111 5 Southern Char&ru ' to devSo ment of Southern Resources nS! J JT terejMtojng, Manufacturing and the , " wm oe secured Vif ztr ouieace, and or PmImi Farmers, Miners, Machinists, &c - ?T TERMS OF SOUTHERN HOMB : ' One copy, one year, in advance. $2 w Five copies, one year, : V . f nhVrfc P n nT. every case must be by Check, P. O. Order, or Registered Letter. To those -wiahtrto. will furnish tSuT T"1 BlW lDW we Southern Home Qjul Sural Carolinian at I 00 and Southern Cultivator' To Advektiskrs. The Southern Home, having now the largest circulation of any paper west of Raleigl. affords a fine adve Using medium. Terms moderate. ALEXANDER & BLAND DENTISTS. - y Office in Brown's Building, on- Office hours from 8 nVlrt r o -. r - , aug4-tf & Co; WHOLESALE AND HETAJli : AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Corner Trade and i College Streets. . CHARLOTTE, N. C. Cons!: : iionts Solicited. Orders for Cotton, Coru, JHoui Ac. fil lt d with care and dispatch March 3, 1873. ly Hotel CHARLOTTE, ' N. C. n. C. ECCLBS, PROPRIETOR. 1, : public is respecttully solicited. Jan 527, '73 ly . feb. 12, '72 CHARLOTTE N. C W. 1. HATTHEWS & ' SON, Proprietors. Trust that the liberal patronage of the public will be continued. Druggist and Obemist, CHTARLOTTE, N. C. Has a well selected stock of . PURE DRUGS AND miCAI y Oils, Paints, Lamps, &c. (Late pt Model Conty,) informs the citizens of Charlotte and surrounding coun try that be has on hand a large 8tockof GROCERIES and LIQ UORS, to which he would call the attention of Wholesale and Retail buyers visiting the Charlotte market, as he is determined not to be undersold. Persons visiting the ''future London" wiii find it to their interest to give him a call. July 7 6m i. V,-.;.s J. T. SUGGS. : ;r. M. SHELTON, And Dealer In Furniture, &c., Tbade Steeet, Oppositb the Mabket, gHARLOTTE, N. C, A full supply of Colons and Casketfj con stahay on Iwod, ready for use'. jan, S-ly JOHN E. BROWN, A T.TORNEY A T LA W, CHARLOTTE, N. C. win nntiM)in the Counties of Mecklen- hum naKftTTOH. RoWan. DaVie, Union, Ian- I coin and Gaston. WW give special auenuon i t5 iases ijpankruptfcy or oner caes 'before I the Federal Colil in- ?u ilay 12, 1813; 6 THE S I N G E(R , LATEST IMPROVED And BEST FAMILY SEUING C1ACHINE. STMPLT2 STRONG AND DURABLE. Saves Thread, Labor, Tlme.and Money. It has been thoroughly tested in this State for nearly 20 years, and it stands now tmiUYALLED: -3 TRY IT, and "you will know-how' it is yourself." - - - U Sold on Monthly Payment.- . Salesroom next U&?J? ?n Tr: i w n. TTTRpIn. Manager Singer Manufg Co., Charlotte, N. C. Good agents wanted. . P, O. Box 11. Jnlyl4-6m : - - t : T. a. MAOaL.' A. W, HXATH. C. SCOTT HAGILL, DBlTfl & scarr, Wholesale and Retail Grocera &(inmfcs!oplIercliants PBAKBS ,, JB4CO& FLO VR SUGAR, COFFEE, MOLASSES, SALT, &c. College Street, CHARLOTTE, N. C. ? April 21,1873, lj, , , 'v KLINCK, W1CKENBERQ & . Importers and Dealers in. : Wines, Liquors, Teas And a General Assortment of ,' GROCERIES, N. E. Corner Broad and Church Streets, CHARLESTON, S C' Jaly ii-y ' ' -'" " '' "' "A L DINE." We are the regular Agents .f the Call and see sPinJiSnmS Premium Chromos. Terms, 5 per Jan 27 TIPPY & BBO-, Agents. Yaltiable Besidencr tot Sale, r ,u residence 01 Irwin, i The house con elusive of halls; pantry, A' V DCUUa wmv contains ten rooms, ex- closets ana ceiuua , ZS-r? J u7 JCT ' .n wishing to J'wr St.,' flye squares west of the conn nouw. JMcaulay Central Charlotte Hotel w VOL. t. W. SANDERS. Grocers, Oor. Tradeand Opllege -A LAROE ANTr Wwt. r" .cir . -r t if " - m r. m m I I 1 A II 1.1 1 3. Provision COMMISSION rr-. r, ATTENTION OF WHOLESALE BUYERS, j!?? the year, wiU be liberally our order. Orders for Purch sT .in VlMJU. UU1IKIV-IM 11 a at short notice, through a House in New WE ARE AGENTS FOR CC To which we call the attention, of those who consider and Appreciate QUANTITY AND QUALITY OF WORK Sample Gin on hand for inspection. For further information apply to or address us. Jan 20, '73 ly DAILY ARRIVING AT W. N. PRATHER & CO. Eresh SuDDlies of Canned Frnite. and American Candies,-in all the new and ncn varieties. iiread. Cakes and Pies to mil &11 rImapb TFeddingsand Festivals furnished at short notice, ana on reasonable terms. EATING HOUSE. Our table will be furnished with an abim- ; dant evidence of a bountiful harvest season, ; ana wtn pur enlarged room, and increased iaciuije we leei connaent we can dv a ner- slstent etfort please all who may favor us witn tneir patronage- Call and see us. MEALS AT ALL HOTJBS AT W.N. PRATHER & CO., One door from Market Hquj.q, September . ly GATES BROTHERS Cotton Buyers AND : General Commission Merchants, College Street, Chariette, N. C, ARE NOW READY FOR BUSINESS. Consignments of Cotton, Grain, Flour, Ac, solicited. Cotton received and sold or stored I on accommodating terms. We have storage room ipr quu iu uyu uait. Wheh parties desire it we are prepared to i ship their Cottpu to New York, without ad ditional charge by us. rf-V "WW Tl "V A Pit JAMES W. OATES. Reference M. P. Pefrram, Cashier of the First National Bank. Sept. 8,1873 ly ' REAL ESTATE Desirable Farmine: IiaildS. IMPROVED AND UNIMPROVED, and ffitY RpSldPflPftS and Vacant LOtS. Z v. 7.1 T jt ' We sell at the owners', prices on very rea- onnahln trma Further &aalornmentk. sonable terms. . Further assign correspondence as to description ahtt PJ 1; ' Apply-at our Office in the C rice, curt mouse; GRAHAM & NASH, Attorneys, n FT a hlot T E . N . C Feb. 17, '72 ly od sept. 9, 6m Portrait Painting7 M ARTHUR lTbUTT, Artist. Studio over Merchants' & Farmers' Banfc, CHARLOTTE 0, ' I shall be pleased to show specimens of my work at my Studio, to any who appreciate works of art. I. paint from life or from photograph. Persons wishing Poraits of their- departed friends can obtain them if they: nave a JP?? T jin .roomc they will send a photograph with direotlona.1 Perfect satisfaction given. - AKT11U1 Li. BU1T. March 8, 1873. ly . IPumiture Kooms ! ' No. 4 TKADE STKEET. -a ' - (Opposite Brem, Brown & Co'. Dry Good CHARLOTTE, N. C? netallC BUnai Cses,. casse pnug eus . -. m m. m m A M ! ... Ji. ...J iraAeeo anrt a. frill afiSfSTimfini sutvk aAiii)xi, . of Ptirnltairft' always ca hand. May 26. 1873, ' ' : MATT. MANLY, BABTLKTT S. OHNSTTON, of Charlotte, N. C. of Newborn, iT.C. MAMLY & JOIINSTOM, ' General. Commission Uerchants, For sale of Cotton and Country Produce, ... BALTIMORE, MD. i?Afor tn Charlotte merchanta. Ordereand consignments solicited, j x ' ang-3m. C. E. & T. SNODGRASS, Commission Merchants, Ptlera In Provisions, Grain j jna j f iroaucc ucuviv i JVb. 14 S. Fifteenth Streett RICHMOND, YA. nndness ia solicited : all correspondence rnntiT attended to: returns for ccmsign n.t?" matZmm or signed I " ' . I An IV nil. TRDGH UMUS UU AlU.vw - A, v . r Bills of Lading. yo l.tJ.SJ . Rnsar. MOiasses, tunw and NISRET A BRO. T IV 'j .V. '-4 v i ; US'.. J i I I in i ll i i i . iii ia i CHARLOTTE, N. MONDAY, NOVEMBER: 3, ;1873: W. C. BLACKWOOD i Dealers TV1 Ul L nTT A rVmnC1 ' PerhaP8 the Madman of the North ao-Jyj-JLXVJLl-LXjN JLO ciJentalIJ-encountered at tbo chateau UTTERS. - sts. Charlotte, N. 0. nXr - w nP aTAWil ' nl ... YoVk of kno fllllv OTonn. I snown responsibility and integrity. THE CELEBRATED 77 SANDERS & BLACKW( )OD. CJliarilotte, IV. O. U. S. IPJHlDlLlLn - ' I Merchant Tailor AND CLOTMIEK, IS NOW RECEIVING HIS FALL AND WINTER STOCK OF Cloths, Cassimeres, Yestings J Ready-made Clothing, Hats, Caps, &c. Including every article of Men's Wear, and i 1 as cheap as the same class of Goods can be bought elsewhere. . ' . . v Call and eam,ne the Goods and prices. Store vender Central Hotel. CHARLOTTE, N. C. Sept. 29. , A- B. Nisbet & Brb. Havi ne completed an improvement in their Commodious Store Room on Trade Drn Store, Charlotte, N. C, are now recei- cal Instruments, Toys, Cigars. Ac, which I has been boueht by one of the firm, at a ?e when the market was; most favprable. I They therefore reel sawsneq tnat tney can in ffoods in their lihfe as low as any firm in CJhariotte.for cash or to punctual custom ers. iUVV lUf IW HI KMC UKIUS UUI, thv harf a Twiftl pve tn their wholes! trade.) and feel warranted in savine that they can sell so as to make it a saving to memmuieirpurcuasHi.- ... .1 'iJfJLl. S StSS' A. R. NISBET & BRO. Notice. As we have rented the store-room recent- occupied by liner & Alexander, (next iCUPied oor to Wilson & Black's Drugstore.) we I will move about the 1st of September. We will keep constantly on hand a good assortment or Family Groceries, COTTON-TIES, BAGGING, &a, A1n a aoml atock of Thomasville SHOES. all of which we will sell on reasonable terms FOR CASH OR BARTER. Our friends and the publp generally are respectfully invited to give us a call and luage iot inemseiyes. . sept 1 4m sFOR SALE xiti AT TIPPY'S BOOK STORE Ryles' Expository Thoughts on the Qospel, Hodge's Commentary on Romans, (with Questiops,. . ... Jeaus, by C. f. Peems,' ' I . ... . m -nv a - Eighteen ennsuan uen tunes w mte, oi. Bui-ujuwuB-A.- Personal Religion Goulburn, Pursuit of Holiness " The Recovery of Jerusalem, Livington's Travels in South Africa, 8purgeon's Gems. "i WE HAVE RECEIVED : 500,000 Envelopes, 30,000 Paper Bags,; , . ; , . .t-i ctuilr rfv W-ritlnir TartAr. Emerson's Clips and Files, and many other goods which we are ."f, ai iair pricw. DAILY STAGE LIKE Fnn CHARLOTTE to WADESBORO. Wadsworth & Davidson- have opened, a ia.A innt tA MrrV AUMPIIKn UMl tbe nM.tftviiihom. l dn v. - Throueh tickets from cnaxiorte U. 0. AMAIAA I1VU. V A... " -" ! Wilmington sold at lower rates than by any nihor rnut. : Express packages taken on this route at reaaonanie rates. - - : ; wjpi. u " A a ..!.. 'aa. IK 1 LAWBSETH'S GARDEN SEED. 1 m a tt a wifPT iltTVITIMP n fm, IVIVAil A A'. : UAJA1 UAAW. . ( . . . . . TCarlv White Flat Dutch, jfiariy irusi DhT (Red Top,) Yellows Abert I . 1 ri ffij.n'' Ultt. HAM T.AMK ber Globe, Seven Top, Buta Bag, Large Norfolk,- -W. July 21. R. BUR WELL A Co. Snrinsr's Corner. Charlotte, N. C, CATCHI1TQ A TASTAS. A TRADITION OY SWXDI. Charles the XII of Sweden, anroamod. on account of his warlike propensities, by his admirers, , the "Lion of the North." ana dv nis aetractors. with equal lastice of the Volga a niece of Baron Gortz. So powerful was the impression she at once made upon the hitherto impregna ble heart of the hero, to completely was be spellbound in her charms, that he seemed to lose all recollection of other matters, even of the disastrous battle of Pultowa. The name of this enchantress was the Princess Ik la for she was a princess. her mother, the baron's sister, having married the Hetman of the Tartars. Be ing left an orphan at an early age, ' she had taken up her residence with Baron Gortx at Stralsund. r The baron was a bit of a historian or he thought he was and was then en gaged in writing a history of the king, wno cauea upon him often to revise and correct the work. Besides, the baron was one of the crown councillors, and was often entrusted with important bus iness of the state. Charles the XII had that desire which seems to be inherent in the breast of greatness he wished to bo loved for himself alone, without regard to his state and grandeur. Consequently, he had himself presented to Ikla under the sim ple title cf Count d'Olfen, and in that name he paid his court to the erratic princess, tor her Tartar blood made her conventionalties, rvf 1 1 ffk f KnnrvK haw ' nnntA aIVam IaaIamI that she had the blood of the Gortzes full in her veins, and was no more a Tar tar tnan be was : and there was not much of the Kalmuck about him. Baron Gortz was hiehly delighted at the prospect' of becoming the uncle of the king ; but that delight was tempered by a wholesome dread 01 his prospective nephew-in-law. For, stripping off the dazzling veil of his military glory, he must acknowledge that the "Lion of the North" was an unmitigated tyrant, and ruled his subjects in a very arbitrary manner. Baron de Gortz had proof of this one day, when be received a letter from the king. It contained these words : "Baron Gortz : Information has reach ed me that the Captain of Hulans, Gus tavus Reinold, who was condemned to death for neglect of orders at the battle of Pultowa. but who escaped before the execution 01 nis sentence, nas oeen seen in Stralsund. Write instantly to the governor: tell him we hold him responsl ble for the apprehension of this ' traitor. Within five minutes of his being taken and identified let him be BhoL And the person in whose house he shall be found shall be forthwith shot. Charles. This letter troubled the good baron 6orely, for his niece bad made him prom- ise to intercede tor this identioai young onloer. te broke into a cold perspira tion .when he reflected that if be did so the probability -was that he would get himself shot tor his pains. He wished in his heart that the' king and Ikla were married, because then he should be his uncle, and he-would never think of shoot ing one of the royal family. no wrote the oraer to the governor, and sent U by t aeryaDt, who informed him that an officer of the police wished to speak with him. Wondering at this he hurried to the hall below. - On his return: he found Ikla,' a sylph id, dark- haired, dark-eyed gypsy of a woman, ga . . , , m, ! cg nstiesRiy irom tne large nay, wm- dow, into the street below. - She noticed that he was in a state of perturbation. "What is the matter r. she asked.. "I want to put vou on euard." he ex claimed, breathlessly, fhe police have sent to sav tnev nave reaacn 10 oeiieve that a young man la concealed somewhere in my chateau. VI know it " answered Ikla, coolly, "l concealed him. "Who 1" exclaimed the astonished bar on. "Who is he r "Gustavus Reinold." The baron uttered a dismal groan. "Ikla, you have murdered me 1" be cried, and sank feebly into a chair. , "Not so bad as that. I hope,- she re- 1 t tell vou ,that whoever harbors the traitor is to 1e bhotP exclaimed the I frightened baron, irately. "You know well that Gostavus is no traitor." - ! . .' : ,. "What sifirnifies that? ; If the king or ders it. he must be shot and bo must I!" And the baron groaned again.' "What made' you take so fatal an interest in this wretched voung man 7 1 His misfortunes?' replied Ikla. . -"He in innocent: : x Know it. : sou my uw . . t , . ; . J... mother, vour sister.' knew it -also; For ced by a cruel and unjast sentence td fly bis country, he tound retuge ana saieiy in ours. - .- : - ' Tben why the deuce did he leave it T "To follow roe when you sent for rae. Finding the pursuit so hot, I thought the Dest asymm lor mm 'was juur euw,au. At this moment, a servant entered the room, and announced Count D Olfen.' hopeful idea There is but one chance for us all 1 he exclaimed "marry the Count, ana then" He checked himself abrupt ly. " - a a At""'. J "if if aenenas on tnai. our cnance is 11 aaAtfl lA.IHOhlO 4 "ISllt --" 4 "" . ma . L?A ' mi vt UBlU W U"r-wJ " J " 1 ha well. I intend to; plav a desperate to i crtma ! Dut.- U a wm a Bnaii save iuo ua t ... - ..-y . ; T -fl ' .. "l?A far more value than my own." She held a ranid conference with the baron : and though he listened to her at firt with aatomahmenti ana alarm, sue . .w - .. . .- , . finally won him over to her purpose, and I h nromisad to assist her. though it was . ... .Wl 'mk Hi I . . m But he had wwaw;-ai-ir.--.e,. made up his mind by, this .! Al tima that he should be shot any way. nrf 'ha thnncrht it did not make'much w o ... . , , UlAUUSUV AW mmw. He withdrew, and Charles the XII, as NO. 1S3. Count D'Olfen. -entered the Tooxn." He wore the uniform of his .favorite regi ment: a light; blue coat trimmed with gold, and the corners of the skirts turned baek; high .boots of black . leather, to which a formidable pair of spurs was at tached ; a three-cornered black hat : black stock ; buff gauntlets, and heavy sword. He looked more like a 1 warrior equipped for the field than a- fond lover seeking his lady's bower. ' He felt like a-timid school boy in the' presence of bis exquisite beauty, who bad stormed the outworks of his heart, and penetrated to the very citadel. Would any one believe 'that he was Charles the Twelfth ? 'V In her torn, Ikla also had her1 reflec tions. . 5 r , : "He seeks a Tartar" she thought: "be shall find one." . "What count," she exclaimed, "in reg imentals 7 How devoted you must be to the king." ' I . r . 1 Well, I am, t he i exclaimed : "but I came here; as well as I can recollect, to tell you how devoted I am to jou only 1 confess myself awkward in these, mat ters. ; 1 1 never cared for a woman till I saw you." "Why, count, you. must be the very counterpart of the king," cried Ikla, Co quettiahly. "They say he hates wo men." "He does no such thing," replied Charles. quickly. "How do you know 7 ' she asked aroh- ly. - vv "1 think I know him.' .. "You might as well say you think you know yourself." . "How T be said, suspiciously., :: "Which no man does." "Oh, I know . you, at all events.. ; I know what a taking, striking, bewitch ing little creature you are I Above all, know how I love you I I am a plain, blunt soldier, and like to know the worst that can happen to me. Do you-love me?" .. , . - - , -'. .,- "Is that the worBt that can happen to you ?" she asked demurely. . "Ikia, 1 generally get the best of it at blows; but I own you. beat me on words. I shall simply return to the charge. . Do you love me?" "I must have proof oi your love before I answer that." "What proof?" ; "Would you grant any little whim of mine ?' - - ' . . ,- . "Certainly I would." - , . . "Don't make any rash promises." "I swear itV . . . . - t Ikla laughed gleefully, went into an adjoining room, and : brought forward an antique costume, such as bad been worn by the dames of fifty years ago. :": "1 have the greatest desire to see now you would look dressed as ; my grand mother, she cried. , The king waa appalled. "Death and the devr" he began , "Oh, fie I no swearing in a lady's pres ence!" she eaid cheeking him. "But I am . glad that I have discovered what your love amounts to." . .. ne exposiuiaiea . wiin ner, ana euaea, as common mortals do, in submitting to woman s will. . -r t ; She then dressed . him in the - heavy brocade dress, and then .tied the high, starched cap tightly under his chin. "Faugh 1" he cried in: disgust, "this dress makes me smell like a musk-rat." v "You don't like perfumes, then ?" "No yes: one gunpbwder 1 , Vm like Charles the Twelfth; and - there's no per- ume forme but gunpowder." ' i j Qh, if I were his wife V exclaimed Ikla fervently. , -. .'..J-r? - He regarded her in pleased surprise. "What, are you in love with the king!" Obi dear, no! Only one might be in clined to sacrifice one's self for the good of one's country. Charles Smiled grimly. . ; ? "You are vastly condescending," be re plied. "And, pray, what else would you do for the good of your country T ' "I would , souen . , his cnaracter. l would tame this lion; and he should soon be as ranch beloved as be is already ad mired and feared." 1 ' "And how is this to be accomplished?" inquired Charles. Sit down and let me ten von. mere a. . . rt l now, you; must isnoy yourseu, in he Twelfth." "Well, ! do," he answered" with a aig. nificant smiie. "Consider me the queen "i she contin ued, and drew her chair beside him. ' - ... - ' - . . a . a "Go on, he cried, rather pieasea witn the conceit. "I should devote my life to obtaining and securing his entire- confidence. 'We will suppose vou nave it. ; "Then I should use it to make him sub; mit, on all fitting occasions, to my sot- . ' ... -a . -l t. i iL. - ereign will, a wouia teacn mm iuo uu value of his noblest prerogative. J "Which is -yr 'vf "Mercv." -: ' "rv,mtv come. Charles the' Twelfth is aavare: I know: but beisjost." Nnt - alwavs. witness the case ox Captain Reinold."' is-- ' nharlea started.1 and 'glanced at her suspiciously.. Uu t-s W bat do you Know oi mat en ha cried. ":- "Hia sentence isuniust.' she answered. firmly, 'and theiefore a fit object for the interference 1 of the : queen." She rose, went to the table and took, a paper from m "Now, if I were queen, 1 . would ap nroach the king, as I do you, with this n.tiA, ,n nv . . m mm ' CI 1L.J n rrirr-zr... j nana, r oo' wutw vu him with dignity. "L wouia mmy w uui, Sixer, vour honor and your glory both re- in; thtTnn nhoald not Toar name to - He took tbe paper from her in tsar prise a nrf looked at it. -- - -t . A pardon for Captain Reinold," be ex claimed, and his brow, darkened angrUy. "Indeed, then, my dear little friend, if I .ai-a nharJaa the Twelfth, this would be my answer." 1 He tore up the paper. - - - Nothing discomposed, she immediaUly drew another paper from her pocket, "ThA,n .he said, and knelt at his feet: pleadingly as she spoke, "Bang of S we den, your eyes are blinded, not; by jn tice' but by anger. When Captaw Rei nold was'entruated with that order, be found the battle of Pultowa irretrievably lost; if he had delivered it be would only . - ' ' ' j'-C have caused a raass&cre of the Swedish prisoners by the reraorseles3 Rursiacs.- For this re&son alone he did not deliver it, asd thus incurred ycur majesty's dis- y pleasuro." 't . I ' ' "I desire to kcow tbo reason cf the exMj trcordkiry interest you take in this; 't ycunj mu ?" he trlicJ. - " . ' t "You shall k3T7rcount," she answered, -whpn xci h'73 croaised to obtain hit pardon frca tls kin" ',' "I TTill.nake ro e-ch promise," cried Charles etcrsly. . - V A tiaid knocking at: the' door distcr- bei tLa a." Ikla would have opened is?-- but Chark?, awtre cf the ridiculous latia- , ner ia vrLish La xrzi dressed, it cstrtin:! f her.-f Then the voice cf, the baron wts heard in very treacles, accents, declar ing that the royal council was assembled and awaited the presence of the cbtinL ' Cb&xIesYui dismay, beed Ikla to re- move the dress, for he faund It , inpessi ble to do so; but she only, laughed ,at bis . "Wretched girL he exslaimed angrily. "you have forced me to declare myself. I aciithe king,, fipl':yiir Hut she only, laughed the louder. , ,t, "Sire," she. answered with nocking courtesy. ' "I have knowfi it " from" the first. Sign the pardon' 7 therefore or I will at once admit the counciL" ; - The king was obliged to tcknowledge himself vanquished . He signed the" par- don, and Ikla freed him, from the obnox- ions garments. "Then sad admitted her uncle, and he informed the king that h e was all tbe council there was assembled,- and . reassured the poor baron, who looked half frightened to death, for his share in , the little plot. . t ; "Uaron-de Uortt," said Charles, "lor certain reasons I. have pardoaad. Captain Kemoid. ; liet the perden be sent to him at once." , T i - i- mmr (.a vawu. s t . "There is no occaaiom to send it, sire1." she said archly. "I can deliver it my self. ! Gnstavus is- concealed - in this chateau."- . --T A ';.! . "Gustavus . again 1", cried the king. sharply. "Is this man your, lover V , i ' "He is': and wOuld have been my bus-' bahd. 4- . - . f. "Then you have deceived me every' way."' fcrv.-.Mv-.rf i- "No, sire ; you deceived yourself. Had -I been ambitious, I might have' sealed your ruin; as it is, I have xaved Sweden HVIU B,Wt?WM WAUW TV M A A. W 41. , 19 VWW worthy of her, and restored to here king Who is."; 1 ; ? ; , -; : . ; f He was determined she should not beat . bim i eyefry,way.:: ; h3 t "ikla,"-he exclaimed, "l will restore asuhmu hi uvur, auu dmi oiu acoionei; . and, ; as 1, still have my doubts ; about him, let you marry hinu No doubt you i T.: i j a :j l: i , .1 will teach him to obey, orders in future : j. and may he, hot find v C . What 1. t-.'. 'j. i--- 1-" . i ; ibii uo um vaugub 4 a artar i Stability ia Tlnndal Afidri. That-" stability in financial affairs" promised last Fall . by tbe -Radical party: -. as sure to result from the reelection of . Grant; and the same doctrine reiterated 7 his Pall in the plaUorm ' of the Radical party of this ; State (their convention having been held a week or two too soon) . is illustrated by the . following items 4 clipped i rem current exchanges of .one . , day.: ; : - ; -; 1 ";: The Ivanhoe paper mill, Peterson: N, ' J., has closed for an indefinite time; - The wages of tbe "day men, on the : Hudson River Railroad, have! been re- ; duced ten, per cmlU -J-,,;;;1,.' 71: The Arcade ifile VV orks at Sing Sing . , have closed on account of the dullness of,' " trade and inability to collect iheir debts - ' The Groton Hills of Woocsocket, L I.v have posted a . notice that they will run . t. on half time. Other manufactories, in. Rhode Island are contemplating the same hlng. ; ' ' " ' The Troy Preu says that by the action , oi.tne iron woras in mat cityjn susptna- ; A I . ' , ' " 1 .A , ng work a.UUO men will be thrown out - ox ; employment, who were paid futvw, per month; ' J ' The number of persons at work in the GlenhamJJlills, Duchess conn de- creasing day j by, day. ..As . fast aa wprx. is finished in the different departments. tha mnlnVAM tharein hava tn "nnit."" aa"" W uw nvn nw.B mm wam.. The knit goods manufacturers, Coboea, ' held a meeting Saturday to. consider mat- ters, and talk of suspending operations. The suspension of work in the mills at that place would throw hundreds out' of ?i employment. 5 ; -! -! -!4i 4jijf: The panto has already been felt by the ' - workingmen: at. the Kisbpsckh ? mine. Warren county. N. J. : The Crane -Iron . Company has suspended ' payment and discharged 16 teams and about 29 hands.' ' : Wages have also been reduced. - A hlaekimith ia Jlicdletown, uran'rs - Mnntv anil tha Tf AA littawn Prf iialr .' : the statement,) ; says that his trade " more affected than any other by the times "if Prices of ' horseshoeint?. - he ' says, - hare come back to the rates of fifteen years ago from two dollars to twelve saimngs -: for a set of shoes while trca. that vaV - then three ana a Quarter cssu a couna. is 5 bow from six to ten cents,' and coal ' ' that then cost 3 a ton, sow costs f 12. - It is stated that over 2,C"3 ptrtonj 1 1 have recently oeen thrown out cx employ meet at Patterson, II. J., and it is feared that hundreds of them have vtry lltt)e to; live - en during the conls wistw. Tradesmen who bar tltitcilly dcptndV ed on regular and prospt psycesta frca. these men, wno were punctually paid et the; mill, now find theixslves embar-""f-- rassed, and there U a rtstrsJ prospect or : m m At m . .. .1 hard times in iraucrtonv c v ' - - These are buta verr small portion of items of the same tort coming daily from' every quarter, ana are given as speip- mens for the oenesi or taoxe cx our premi ers,, wno aonov cave eccczs to uuj pa pers.. A eolamn coaia tttuj oe, nuea with items or tne same purport irua ex change papers now on our table, juet thinking persona study toe lesson xo oe drawn from the tacts jztztzizz, ana cide whether or not it is ta the interests of the country to uphold o? sspporV for ooce any representauve oi tos pzxty in . power wbtcn is eteaouy earrjm eCairs. sUte and caticsal, from fcii to - worse. ifonnoii:. It. J.) xcr.?cr. , tl ? Tw.r.iT T7a!L Cia. 'as vcu comblain of bavins xioiiiss to live ca, I ctit try and give yea somctlins to do ; ccie c? to-morrow esd I'll ; etAnji .-.i Earn, ivamior v. t r' Jn't Amr-.! ta-ci: wotisd c-3 day dJ xruX an lea Xjsi to rest cs rr. trrv ' Traok Leslie owes esvestssa putlicv tions weekly, fcrtsijctlT t4 monthly. The. liVcJUy and tbe End get cf Fun, cor: 3 next. you a J5D, pcsj "Why, you tz :rroTT : I 3 tfr"3 V.J.

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