1 D. H. BILL, Editor. ... XUkdolpb A. Shotwell, Associate Editor. CHARLOTTE: MONDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1873: Tha Policy of Truckling. ; We have receive'd a letter from a distin guished Baptist minister of Utica, . New York, in which occur the following words : 'After the close of the war, in which I - took an humble part as an Union officer, the Southern people had a splendid herit age of honor, courage, chivalry, self-endurance, &cv every thing which a soldier holds sacred. You could lookthe world in the face. For, with your misfortunes and terrible sacrifices and Bufferings, there was no stab, not a shade upon your honor ! ' Even with the dominant party here, there is & feeling akin to contempt towards those who ha?e not only kissed the heavy hand, but have thanked it for overpowering the 0. 8. A. ; confessing that they ought to have ' been conquered giving a cognovit 4 to the oft-repeated assumption on the part of the Northern Radicals, that it bad been found ed and built up by God for the very pur pose of breaking the ' pride of Southern slave-holders and the power of the South ern States. ; Excuse the intrusion, but (partly invalid as I am) I find now and then much pleasure in a pen-and ink chat . with far-off people. Few people at the North (outside of officials) have been more extensively heard of South than myself especially in the Baptist Church owing to some things 1 saw fit to write for the Rich mond Religious Herald, in 1866, and for which I was excommunicated with the greater excommunication ; an act resulting in a great deal of pleasure and comfort to myself, besides giving me hosts of friends in aoutbern States." We have always believed that our scal lawags, brindle-tails, and milk-and-water . neutrals, were responsible for the oppress ion of the South. Had we maintained a manly front, we would have commanded the Tespect of our' late enemies. . Manly men admire manliness, and despise.a truck . ling hound. It was hastening , to kiss the rod that brought upon us the Reconstruc tion' Acts, the Ku-Klux persecutions and the whole infernal system of carpet-bag ' and ruffian government. . The recent Democratic triumphs at the North may give a little backbone to some of our neutral hybrids. It is possible that they may yet become outspoken Conserva tives, if they think that Grant's reign is to end with this term. We trust that there is no impropriety in giving the extract below from a prominent citizen of South Carolina, now an exile from his native land through the wretched truck ling of his own people, who strengthened the hand of the tyrant by their unmanly , submission "Forced by gross injustice, by oppression, oy toe armed troops of the United States-r- me writ oi naoeas corpus suspended, my house, wife and family 'of small children guaxuBu xor monms oy a Drutai somiery i-.lJl it- t i .1 I lorcea inns to leave, l never expect again to be a citizen of the United States. Here there .ia- iiuitica n wiananBton f lilv.a I corpus, no laws made to hold one section I practioaHy under the feet and at the mercy j of he others, no bayonet rule. But I stiii take a lively interest in the South,' and amidst the general demoralization and truckling which I am ufraid will ultimately ruin the manliness of the Southern people, I am delighted to see the bold front that you still show to the, enemy, and the un BDarinff visror with which von hnrl rtAfmnon at the Radical government and all the crew I Who have devoured, ruined and fattened Upon our poor Southern people. Colonel Moshv In a recent number of the Southern HomeV" Mimu' irwuHmuaiy. neww a large, we mentioned that Hughe9, the black-and- tan candidate for Governor of Virginia, was too low-down to be supported by even the renegade Mosby. It appears from the following extract from a private letter from .a distinguished Virginia Representative in Congress that we ' were misinformed con- cerning Col. Mosby's political status. Our friend says "CoL M. has j ust shown me a copy of your paper in which he (Mosby) is called a renegade, and it is supposed that you wrote the article. I was sorry to see such a piece from you. and because I think the epithet is not deserved Mosby was for Grant against Greeley; but never went with the, Radicals, and has ren dered us important services in the cam- paign," &c. It is stated, also, that Mosby supported Gen. Kemper, and "uniformh tvuh tua umuence witn urant in favor ol Conservatives, particularly of those who suffered from Governmental persecution.' e are always pleased to find ourselves in error when we have unwittingly imputed to any respectable person the dirarikrai of entertaining Radical sentiments; therefore. I relying on our correspondent's assurances, - I J " ! . ATMW-ihAJZ: .w. ?Mcarcity of money been so universally and j O -o - gauauii Bk BUI- " WWiM afiUiation with the stolid oppressor of the filiation with the atolM r,c..- South lay himself liable to the misconstruc tion of being considered a renegade and a traitor to our cause and our people. rJudge a man by the company he keeps" is as troe in polities as in morals ; and we have no paue&ce with, no esteem nor respect for men who ean lower themselves to a friend ly footing with the vile demagogues and fa&aties who have humihated and trampled under root our fair Southland. If we hate done Col. Mosby an injustice by attributing to him such conduct we IS gret it ; for, in common with the Southern I pn log pear worked cuffed like felons a a T? a - t That : is nearly as bad Deputies, who dragged 6 it narrow s ueDnties ttknHM. citusans of Rutherford fortv milA. ZZJ cuffed to a chain, like nrA. t i j " ou their way tomarket;; r Knnt. .. . WO. - I ' v " - w kuggo vbiiLiHmnn h.H I S,. geauemen aa 1 . .. VJ commission-1 pie, we nave ever leltahigh dearreeofiand to avoid all 'SDeculative "and ilWfi-1 will L'n . j' . . .. . de in the successful exploits of thedash- mate entemri. TJ " J ' -Fvemeni m public af Virginia partizan. And if it shaU an- Lon Lt r" we naer urant s administration, , we that he, in hii old fashion hMnX T hU " we ownea ny, we are reminded of the old around in the enem rftr should not seU a pound at 121 cents, nn. I waa 1IaH ,,rn it erate mhis communications, we shall be less iVwew" absolutely 'necessary to avoid pray for rain, of which the crops were in weU pleased to chronicle the result. gomgin debVor to padebt we had efr grea need His rep ?nh0VDt.ll,eUnUedSutM Marshai Canntt work a11 1 wi,,in o pray, and :hope for the in San Praociwo to pay. $10,000 for car- ya?d theh give away their products best ; but I'm mighty sure there won't be ryingwHne8ses tbronirhiK.it j at less than coat Vf iV ;a t-.u,. . " J er4 1 oe r m Ln aizaui i - w m a uui uii ii ihiiin i unit ttj rifi t m i r a , a r , Whfc -Burned Columbia? - The action of the British-American mix ed committee on cotton claims in deciding that Columbia was .not fired by the Fed eral frbops hasy revived some interest in the question at the bead of this article. Southern men have never considered it a question- for we have not a particle : of doubt about the authors of that dastardly outrage, though it is well to put on record any contemporary evidence obtainable. Only a few days ago, we talked with a highly intelligent lady of cultivated mind and manners, who, on that dreadful night was driven from her home by the advancing flames, and brutal soldiery, and for hours was a wanderer in the streets, carrying on each arm a shivering infant, and with other helpless little ones tugging at her skirts ! She met the " noble boys in blue " running from -house to house communicating the flames, and filling the, air with their drunk en ribaldry; and she mentions one incident where an aged gentleman besought one of the villains to spare his ' modest dwelling but was answered with a deriding laugh as the torch was applied to his little property, which was his all I At length amid the glare and smoke and cinders, and hellish uproar, our informant found her way to the friendly wlls of the Insane Asylum, where she rested until her friends could procure a more suitable shelter. This lady, ' whose simple word we would credit against the sworn oath of any of the Vandal Generals, saw Sherman surrounded ' by a brilliant staff, laughing merrily as he contemplated the blackening rains that were to evermore blacken his own character. " So Nero fid died while Borne burned: and Charles IX carried his minions to view the naked Hu guenot corpses after St Bartholomew. True, Sherman made some pretence of trying to stop the progress of the flames; but why did he not stop the scoundrels who were spreading the flames? jnj when they did stop, why was it at the sound of a bugle as if that were the pre concerted signal? That there' should be anv attemDt to Kniota f n T( . mer in view of the facts, would be sur- prising, u we am not Know tne wortniess character of all Yankee histories, as well , t , . uiotvij an t a au muuusuii nuici J M to be useful must be true"; and this can hardly be said when rolls and records! speak not truth but falsehood; and when contemporary history is written after blood v conflicts when one party is reduced to si- , , .A , . .x J .& of publicity, raakt s it suit his own views; when the writer is he whom the spoil has enriched and the hand that guides the pen is red with the blood of the calumniated victim.- Then vae victisL Then veual luugues. auu mercenary pens wm ueraiu -m . . . forth the triumphs of successful wrong; I and thefname of the patriot who felt and! bled and dared for his country, will be I n ui- h501181 obloquy or oblivion; none wlu aare to breajne nis name or tnrow a flower on his silent grave, till Time, the Great Defector, brings truth to lght, re stores to Virtue her true lustre, and toi Hu manity her most precious interests. We have faith in the ultimate triumph 'of truth, and the day must surely come when to say, " I was with Sherman at Columbia' will cause all honorable men to turn from the speaker with disgust. A Fanatic's Opinion. The late Gerrit IBraitn.of .New lork,once visited the miter I iu T.-::i i- -r portly man, with long leonine man, witu long leonine locks, of snowy whiteness, ('twas a wonder he didn't dye them to avoid offending ' his sooty brethren,) and a very benevolent cast ofla countenance, which we wer not nrsnard I - t --r I to see. His manners and lanmiair w. oeeuiugiy courteous, ana in a lew mo- 1 a , . i ment.9 ,T were chatting as if we had uu avuoimauvua. xxv luiuireu wiiu much interest for his old companions, or rather opponents, in Congress Judge Kerr and Gen. Chngman and recalled the cele brated .mott of the latter, concerning the "cohesive power of public plunder." But suddenly assuming a dogmatic air, he re marked : "John Kerr is one of the moat hnnnof t. X 3 .r 1.1 I j ouase oeiue is one ofyour bestmen,andJamesHarr.s(negro) me.smanes man in your State. 1 heard u.s Bpeecu in ine irnuaaeiphia Uonvention, u: '. t .. At ti . i . . . i" .. I yuu uavu 6 got a man mat can Deat it." A . ... I "iD promiueni jwortn - l- T T - . ..... I 7 PT. im 8 P,ni0n f0t umi BUU1BUUU. rr xr , J , Bus- nder Spencer, 10 years; Robert w yrnmivu. iubi we nave not yet seen the worst of it who has been deoendina on 1?nr 1 nto embarrassed, and as his purchases form a Dirt of the cit lrrf. th- kfelUn.1lu. ' . " . VMVIVB. . I What to advise under the circumstances is by no means easy to decide upon; but certainly it is the surest plan for all par. 7 " 1 u 10 economy Uke a newspaper oraer watch the progress of events. for a time, cotton will fall lower than is at present Mowx-is renorfed . -j .v. v. wig . r5'" w VBrJ cioa mis ui lms varv Mnaa." : i i .1 - j VUK t USUS HOT. I not I oeen: eiose enough for us to reach much of lit this week. SLSOTIOIT ITSWS, -';-Great Ccnscrvstivo Victories I Virginia 30,000. 'Hujrksd 20,000., Hew York 12,000. . VTfcscsidn 5,0CO. k GREAT GAINS IN MASSACHUSETTS! i v -. ft-.''. ... The victory, in Virginia is glorious. The Richmond Enquirer claims the State by 35,000 majority for the Conservatives. Tney earned JNorfolk by 838 majority, a gain of nearly 900, Richmond by 1,616 an immense gain. Also gain heavily in Petersburg, (iains in all directions as far as heard from. A mob of negroes in Petersburg 1 on Monday night got up a not. Stores and private residences were stoned, quiet cit izens were knocked down on the street and women and children nearly fright ened to death. The military had to be called out. On Tuesday night they made an assault upon a crowd of whites,: at Young's corner on Sycamore street, but were ignominiously put to flight in double-quick time. Pistol shots were fired but no one was hit. Grantism dies hard in Virginia. T But it is doomed and, as the old preachers used to say, "damned already." f The following dispatches tell the good news irom other States : - Baltimore, Mn., Nov. 6. The i Demo cratic majority in the State is 20,000. , 1 New York, Nov. 5. The Evening- Ex press makes the State Senate 15 Republi can and 15 Democratic, with 2 districts in doubt. , Niw York, Nov. 6.i-The World's state ment shows a Democratic majority of 14, 813; the Senate a tie and four Republi can majority in the assembly. The Times claims six majority in the Senate and concedes 12.000 Democratic majority in the State. ? Sullivan county! N. Y., gives the Dem- ocratic state ticKet vuu majority, a item ocratic gain of 244. ; Chicago, III., Nov. 6. The farmers carry fifteen, Republicans ten and Demo crats two, of twenty-nine counties. It is I reported that Collins' majority for Mayor is ll.UUU. Kansas, Nov, 6. An opposition major ity on joint ballot is conceded. This se cures a Conservative Senator tor Uald well's unexpired terra I TIT. XT r mi , - . J . ). ibuohsin, aov. o. xne returns uoa i neftrly & ie witn three di8trict8 unheard I f rom. The Keformers have a large ma I jority in the Assembly. I Comstoek, Democrat, is elected from 1 mo mm jJisiriut Dy auu majority, 1 t . n. t -T 1 as I JACKROM Mtk JNinv n Nnthintr nfti- ciay known, the count verv slow, but it is generally believed that Ames has car- ned the biate by 15.000, I Cairo, III., Nov. 5. Mrs, P. A. Tay lor has a plurality of 352 in this city and lent. It is thought the county vote which h8 8tr0Dj, fot Mr8 . Brown, will make the j race a close one. ( The male candidates I tor school superintendent received but a small vote. Minnesota. lhe returns are meagre, but DOint to the election of the entire i Kepublican ticket r - - - - The latest from Minnesota indicates the election of Davis, Republican, by, five to eight thousand. The Farmers elect a State Treasurer. Northern Eu-Eluz Outrage ! lhe toilowmg account ot outrages committed at the. home of Senator Mor ton. Grant's especial friend, shows that all the Ku.Klux are not to be found in the Caroliiias. Richmond. Indiana, Oct. 29. A mob of disguised (Ku Klux) men, wixty strong, attacked a party of seven deputy sheriffs. guarding the jail at Centreville. which the workmen were tearing down to re move from here to the new county seat. After firing one hundred shots from small arms, without serious results, a six-pounder cannon loaded with spikes, nails and scrap-iron was fired- at the doors, which beiug demolished, the mob occupied, the Sheriff's residence, whioh forms a part of the iail buildinc. After parley the deputies surrendered con- n- " ditionaliy fPk;-. .cu ucuupy the jail to-night, v Huviiuvi miawik by a large party with a Hmll cannon from Cambridge City, is expected. Richmond is threaten ou ti,u u ati.niK. iur toe purpose oi las. ing the county records back to Centre ville. One hundred armed men with a captured cannon from Centreville, are now here awaiting the Sheriffs order. Prisonees in Albany Pssitentury. The following is a list of prisoners, charged With A.U-R mariner otill in HUnn t," t arv. with hir . ta t so far as known :: From North Carolina Amos OwensWed ahnnf R9 anf.i six years ; and Jos. Lackey, aged 28, sen v..v-uw IUI tenea unknown lfmm aik i: m . . uiiauauia. J.WUKU1U Yonni. aaed 26 RPntnnd t. oan O' O Vi Tcais w.iJoyce, aged 30, sentenced for five year8V Neal Harkiness,aged 56, sentenced f lk J a ir ir reu TcoiD. buu fa. ill mnnra a rrari tA sentenced for three years. From South ' . ' i . L -0 Uarolma York county, Samuel G. Brown, ro uU iu. m ... . ' Smith, for 10 years; Pinckney CaldwelL 10 Riggins, 3 years; W. C. Whitesides, John W. Mitchell, 5 years; Julius Howe, 4 years; "ulouu,u' i vvaijcer juoore, a years ; Kobert Moore, I Wolboii T - ;o : -rii-. . . : " - aoaa. Mow Wallace, S jeari; H. M. Moore, years. . XT -WT . . - r rom union county, S, C, Marion xowier. A., U. LieMasters. H. C. Mathiiu Tx -m . - J. n. Jdarwood, Wm. Ramsay and John Whitlock. Thk Only Chancb. When ( we hear Wicked. '."A: man' who ca'n marry and t manner jnl-4 4 V. .:, . . nZTZirS' .T:.18 wnat aug ,1UU V. lIHSi' UU1 MMnlhi.fn I,.'. congregatioa inr San Dietro. Califrimi' GODSrAcraTirkk in. Man TI. ' ' . . . i - Mr. Wick needs bht' twn h'-aa bis name to make him wick-ed, very I - any one expressing the hone that thr t t Ncrth Cardiiia llen. ? - J. P. Bobbit, of Marion, NVO, is in the Raleigh Express office. J t : v; ' Maj HJ D. Lee, of Shelby, has been ap pointed a notary poblic. ' - Statesville has six brickyards . and all are doing a good business. C S-- The rumor that Hearne had resigned the editorship of the Era is erroDeou. - Mr.' Louis Froelicb, an estimable citi zen "of Enfield; died on MoD3ay of last week. 4 Capt. T. D. Carter, has sold the Ashe ville Expositor to Maj. W. H. Malone, who takes, charge as editor and proprietor. Success. - A little son of Dr. Charles . Johnson, of Raleigh; was run over by a dray man, Tuesday! evening, and seriously injured, says the News. " " . Governor Allen, of Ohio, is a native of Chowan county, and is well remembered by many of the old citizens of that sec tion,. 3Ha .: - b-tfr'it.k-Vl Woodson of the News has seen a speci men Of the counterfeit coin; but his limit ed acquaintance with the genuine 5did .not permit him to express an opinion about 2i. fll 1 1 i' " -. iir. xue uniy currency ne is laminar wuo is show tickets. Hon Josfah Turner has brought civil suit against the notorious "Fat" Carrow, U. S. Marshal, for malicious prosecution in the -Federal Court.- Turner will de serve the gratitude of thousands in West ern North Carolina if he shall mako Car- row disgorge ? a portion of hisiilt-gotten gains. Hon. Robert C. Miller, who at one time represented Burke and Caldwell counties in the State Legislature, died in the In sane Asylum at Raleigh, on the 23d of October. Financial embarrassments un settled bis reason about two years ago. T -a I m j ..... ; in me warier mraer case, on trial in Wilmington, Jimmy Anderson was found not guilty and Dave Martin guilty. In the latter case the counsel appealed to the Supreme Court. So says the Jour nal. The Wilmington Star of Saturday save There are four vessels, now in this port loading with cotton lor iouou lor Europe and a nun will commence on Monday to take n.LTp Daniel R. Goodloe is preparing for pub- lication in pamphlet form an elaborate :?l?r the ghosts of Columbus, and Col. Thomas Folk, it they are not careful. The Raleigh Grange numbers over one hundred members, and is fitting up head quarters hall, with rdading-room,stables, sc., lor the accommodation of town and country members.. Col. James Vy". Hinton, formerly of JNorth Uarolina, now of Norfolk, Va., a fine soldier and first rate lawyer, was one of the most efficient canvassers in the V irginiacampaign just closed 'lhe suit of Turner vs. Holdeu was last week, stricken from the docket by that dod forsaken specimen of humanity. j uuge a ourgee. vvarrenton uazette, We understand a gentleman in this county. made three hundred bushels of sweet potatoes from one acre of ground. West-Uarolina Record. 1 he yearly meeting of the society of r rienas, at JNew liarden, Guilford coun ty, was largely attended by members from all parts of the South and West t our hundred delegates reported from the Western States alone. The proceed ings were marked with much interest and showed the Society "to be in a f.our- labing condition. Ve regret to announce the death of Mrs. Carrie Wood, a most amiable and Christian lady, who died at Olio, on the night of the 29th ult., the wife of Rev. M Li. Wood, the presiding elder of the Sal. isbury district of the M. E. Church, South, TV m ' ne tender the., bereaved the, sympathy uu cuuuuiencs oi many inends. e Statesville Intelligencer. The number of orphan children at the N. C. Orphan Asylum has reached one nunareu and tour. IS very orphan admit ted into the Asylum creates an additinn. al claim on the benevolence of the public. Let the good people of the State vie with eacn other in sending forward contribu tions in money or in kind to Rev. A. D con en, Oxford JN. C Wm. Bryant, of Charlotte. W. T?; I Blackwelder, Joseph Grav. Ed and TAn. lelLipe, charged with dealing in counter- feit money, were tried before the U S Commissioner at Green'shoro4 t' Tho two first were committed to iaii in default f bail, the other three wrhnJIu c .ur"H- A.ne7 a syphon to bdin the sum of $5,000. P. Black of Madison. Rockin&h La bailed, was discharged, there being no evidence against him. The Richmond corresnondent Af thJne.ver .more terribly depioted than the Norfolk Landmark savs: Ei-Governnr Vance, of North Carolina, addrpd large Conservative mass meeting last night at the Old Market. Hia wondrfi wit and able manner of handling Ka questions at issue elicited mnr h Anthn.i I asm. He is a great favorite here. Yes- leraay a and said failed to oeuaie. said Uov. Vadca mm. fiaA I ican give you six in the deal and hAt you in neing sorry about that" I Weldon Fair on the 30th nit I -iwuuBu. uen. aau Kaosom deliv-lr1 . - ""1 WW W 1 reu an excellent address: and won the inend met him on the street I .lfrn PWe. sixteen years ago, and ar ; vuiw uui , x tu very sorry tney i . . u.ow uu uui? one Bend you to the Umtd 8hirt to his back, since whioh ha ha jou-running race prize by his bay mare, "et toppers are cheap in Europe. The George Badger Harris, Esq., ofHender- United States ought to recognize the Cu son lost all his clothiny. whinh w.a bans, and we believe their len from , his room' in x Weldon ibotel on u nignt oi tne lair. A paper collar 7 . nBs.vuc. czvcui oi Dial wararooe when the breakfast bell rnnr next mornino. Bnf I giously mistaken : for occupied the editorial tripod too long to have any stamps, in his old clothes. Fayetteville Statesman: Weleon t).. a littlo girl, only seven years of age; the daughter of a highly resectable firmer living a few miles out of town v. I rinly outraged, on 'yesterdays by a; white employee on his farm named Charley .Barber. ThA inhuman . , , . uvu iu i w u M M tMi.U UDUU HIII'J'miBfl IP. I ?V 9ponw&ywniX'PKgM&irilp)e that no more darlt cOmrjiectAd -llhf I grants shnnia mnj " ' - ien, we learn that isarber haa ben rrao e(J ? . : i , 7- - - A most brutal murder I in New Hanover county last week, the parncuiars oi wnica we get from the Wil- minirton Post. Amos Greimrr Kri . ka- rTthe ein. !h Wr th hv .n kn ." .?r""" w. wf Wife M lfln" lash Anrf a, Kan .k-i: 'rv i much ; hrii- Md ; MniwKiSESJflK-: mordereri-Wiri oreed fa7aU in mincton w miagvon. 1 South Carolina Itsss, Ku.-Kixx.Sixty cases reported for trial at Spartanburg Court have been dismissed; and very properly too. f K5 J V N lUms vfrbmXColambia are a little in teresting this week. It is stated tbatC. D. Melton, Esq., is to be elected to the office of Chief Justice, and the present in) cumbeni'F. J.'Moses, sent'adnft. Sena tor T. J. Robertson has declared , bimsqlf a candidate for Governor, and supporters art? uucKiu? w uio Bvauuaiv. jSansrom the Chester Reporter. A. S. Ricbardsonrcolored, assumed the duties of post master-at this place on Monday last. Hois from some oi the Northern States, Ohio we believe. f V 4 ; Mr., Wm. ;H. Hardin,' as administrator of the estate' of John McKee, Sr.. sold for cash, two lots on - the feNorth sido of Main street between the Chester Hotel and Cotton Hotel, each having a front pf twenty-four feet and a deptirof 290 feet. Theooe adjoining the lot Jof Messrs Smith & Melton broaght $l,775,the other 91.825. Bothwere parcbased- by Maj. John W,' Wilks,-who,we are 'glad to learn, contemplates building a fine house there at an early day. ' Mr. Hardjn aiso sold- ten acres of land lying west of the Kings - Mountain Rail road and on the. wagon road to York ville, about one .mile.froui town, i. belonging io the same estate. It was bought by Mr. Joel Simril at $14-10, per acre. The steam mill on the . Eastern . side - of the railroad, lrnowhas "Killiah's Mill," was sold by : the Sheriff under order of the Court, to foreclose . mortgage and was bid off Mr.! J. K. Parefoyv of I Cha lotte, North. Carolina, at $1145, amount of the mortgage debt and costs. , Mr. Pu- refoy's object in buying is to open it as' a merchant mill. y The colored fair under the direction of the Colored Agricultural and Mechanics' Association, will be held at Abbeville on the 19th, '20th . and 21st of November next. Grounds have been purchased near the railroad, and due preparation made for the occasion. t The Severest blow rel received by the . 1 ' "TT-. i ' ' - J 1. rt.,iK nnva ,tum; '.. j'u i. I k. at n d..i, u u. i last week. We have always tuna . a i u i one f the rennltiteg foP arimiHain tn respectable college or university. Bat theSouthCarolinilJniversityisWlon- ger respectable. Hence the rule don't .appIy.-r:X"X-. General News. Mrs. Gen. R. E. Lee, is dead. Astronomers predict that the coming winter win re me coiaest we nave bad in 76 years. About 120,000 poor persons have been thrown out of employment by the great iauares in me xonnern states. m a t 1 1 -t wenty inousana worain? eirls are ousted by the suspension . of the differ ent lactones at JSewark, JN. J. It is estimated that Commodore Van- derbilt's enormous fortune has sustained a shrinkage "since the panic' eqaal to twenty millions of. dollars. V -' The knowing ones in New Orleans who oet upon the cotton crop, are offering wagers, witn jew lasers, mat me crop win iaii unuer a,1ou,uuu Dales. ) A'ybuthfol writer wants to know what magazine would five him the highest no suion me quicsest, , we think a powder magazine wouia ao the husiness for him. In Iowa the anti-Monopolists have the majority in the Legislature. The divis ion stands 53 against - 46 Radicals. The new party seems to be troincr ahead out in tne northwest Prof. Agaesiz f will lecture , before Con gress this winter on the 'relation of man to other animals." He thinks that Con gressmec ought to know their relations Greensboro Patriot, Hon. A. S. Merrimon has been emnlov. ed as an attorney in the great Georgia cotton suit case, which? is to ha uoiure me common term ol the United states bupreme Court at Washih ttt.nn & vi ly. feenator'Morton has overvbrked him eu ana wm ne compelled to return to -1 J I .... the riot Sprincrs to reoruit. If he doenn't f 7 7,s ways he will ere long find ?im&n 10 a ot spring on the Beelzebub- a!"vnK- "f ' ' bmo Chinamen last winter rented 160 a?res ot a short distance from the ana 0W thrZ7 are gathering a splen nooa tne,r fi Ida lrom the river. Aew Orleans Price Currency. . Tbis is how a country exchange puts ,fc : ''The sad effects of matrimony were otTf a? whe.n meek-eyed man who D.aa D.e.en earned about a year, patroled y SZ 8treet aU daJr tring t0 8WP a meerschaum pipe for a second-hand A alitornia paper boasts that one nfth !!ea,tnie8t citizens of .that State left his vumuiweu over twelve millinnn s Wa d Poc 8ee, says one, what be wants with over twelve million shirts , The Spaniards are about to send nhnn r ups lo oa. it only takes a - . - wmm, v. W V tew. moDins lo kl on that number r but lU beTecogmzed by the next Session of v'UDgTe88. - , , a more Denect nnrnh nn :i beinirkrranired in Wircl-J " n "4I A " mT. 'uo i BMf " ? ,."Be.a in eTerv conntir-iK' r.n..ti . mi Point ,a purchasing agent : all th Tcountv agents to be in dirf ct communicaUowU the State purchasini? acrent J. The. Emperor of Germany has wanted St. Matthew's ESfS Church jifiRalfim -k of cannon captured from tbe 'French tb be converted into bells, although the f re. nnant ...i:...: ' . 9 . l UUU1IL aillll I ! II1I1H aMW . - w . , ; -r-j-.v,,viio tui duuu lavors naa Rnnk aaninMM. ..j:.! T uiuiawo WUUIUOD OI SUSpeCtea "win.y,, uiscreanvand administrative anarchv. that nthor sJate9 na mft to lhe conclusion tb unUe anJt divide the territory among them. 4 w. ; . . . IT wo ofthe New York detcesem- pioyea to work up ; nereis no uamuctj8 me government i detectives are "?.uIeo w"r 3JSS::1! r, wjr. uiviutng. witn them th frin nf thoj-'-ftKi,...; - Thc . New? ' Basx.---A( : meeting of the stockholders of the . new Farmers' Savings Bank, has been held and a Board of Di rectors elected..-; This Board consists of S. P, Smith, John W. Wadsworth, W. W.' Grieiv J- W.i McMurray;vA-rMacaulay, E. C. Grier, J. P. Houston; B. H. Moore and R.: H. ColUns.--f r - W; : THpjw dirftcloraT'Stir their' elptinn - K the stocknblders, held a meeting and elect ed President, Mr. S. P. Smith; Cashier,. T. L.. Vailt Esq. i It is expected that the bank will be in working order and ready for the transaction of b-isiae, by the 1st of Janu ary. Observer. . ' r . - , , New Goods. . We will have - In store this week a splen did stock of Goods. -Many of them bought In New York city at panic prices. Persons wanting cheap and handsome Goods will do well to call and see us. ,. , Nov 10-2W , BREAI, BRpyK& ,CO. . Come and buy goods for Cash cheaper than you have ever seen them at; voi r.-.i.uvrs:. xniniu , iov n 1.1 xr vv. iij uuwu mure, N. B. Our friends who owe u will do us a great favor by paying us all they can. i Nov. 10-2t ?BREMf- BROWNV& Cf, Again We announce a neat and pleasant amuse ment for the winter evenings,- PARLOR CROQUET complete for $S and $8 per sett. Also a large lot of new Novels fresh from the publishers. TIDDY & BRO. School Books , 1 1 in Our stock is now complete.; We do not deem it necessary to go into detail, but sim ply announce that our stock is full. A Call and setfrr - TIDDY &rBRO. : ; v ; ON CONSIGNMENT, u .,5r000. yards Bagging, , . 16,000 pounds clear-side, smoked Bacon, 12,000 lbs clear ribbed, dry-salt Bacon, which we offer to the Trade on faverable terms. . - We also have in store the celebrated American Needle Cotton OIN for which we are agents. OATES BROS, i. Cotton Buyers & Commission Merchants, Noy 10 : ;r ;r College Street. "Having 1 the j largestand fceststodk of BOOTS and SHOES, v- - ' - . - . . . i . . v , . i : . in the city of Charlotte, and considering the veryj low price of cotton,' we have' made heavy deductions in our price of Boots and Shoes. Farmers and others wanting their family shod cheap, with good soods. can have it done at - ; ; i j c SAMPLE & ALEXANDER'S h Nov 10-1 m . Boot' arid Shoe Store. Sliipping Cotton jo Liverpool. . The Hndersigned having established busi ness relations with Liverpool houses of high character, tender their services to ourf Far mers who desire to avail themselves of the superior advantages of shipping direct to that market. . ' 1 They, will" receive the Cotton make ! ad vances, and have arranged to ship? and sell on the best possible terms for the farmers. All expenses as light as possible. They will hold or sell on arrival as they are instructed by the owners of the cotton, v - -r STENHOUSE, MACAUL AY & CO., Tov 10 tf : Charlotte, J$. O. TO OUR CREDIT CUSTOMERS. Your notes'aud accounts were due on the first day of November, 1873, and we-must ask that you come' forward and settle the same according to promise, as we are in need of funds ; having sold a large amount Of Fertilizers on credit; 'for which we were compelled to incur liabilities for a considera ble sum, and which -liabilities are now due. In consequence . of thip, we -insist upon PROMPT PAYMENT from you as it is ex pected of us. ' - - " f We are compelled to have money, or its equivalent to pay our debts, and ahould your notes be found, in. other hands, you must not blame us, as we have accommoda ted you to the time agreed upon. ' Very Respectfully, .; , .'( ': ..-. BURROUGHS fc SPRINGS. XI OV. 1U. 1 us. Steam aw Mill ! ATTENTION 5 BUILDERS. J. B. Richards, at Ramsey's Crossipg, the CaroUna Central RaUroad, above CI on her- ryvuie, is now ready to receive Lumber at orders for ONE DOLLAR PER UlNDRED, sawed according to order. -.W; :L: Finger, first-class sawyer in charger Send lit your orders, v i ; j. -B. RICHARDS. i Nov; 10th. 3 m. 5 r v The Greatest Inv ention of the Age ' phupwh I v! na i lisnm inw mm " Price " Only . Ten Dollars. ' THE VERY LATEST IMPROVEMENT. Satisfaction guaranteed. in every instance. Other Machines have their merits this has no defects. The washing of a family, of or dinary size can be accomplished - before breakfast. Have never known one that fail ed to give satisfaction. No other' Machine can be sold after the Franklin?' has keen introduced. From lOne to Two Thousand Dollars a year guaranteed, to working men. Every county sold in which It has been in troduced.. We challenge the world to com pete with it. - i C , County and State Rights for Sale.' Apply to " ur o-'-i' - BARROW A PLEASANTS, Nov 10-' m Louisburg, N. C. The Best Water Power, a Gold Hlse . and, Iron jlnterets'in the South .1) i .'"VSale1:i?irii Bv virtue of a morteacre to us executed by Ad miral Charles Wil kea. we the u ndersign ed mortpragees, will sell upon the premises, at tne "iign enoais," in Cfaston uHJuuijf. N. O.. on the 10th dav of January. -1874,. for coA, all that valuable estate 'and property, known as thk High iSAoaZ' property,. In the counties of Gaston, Lincoln and Cleave- land, N. C. lying on the waters of vatawou River, Long Creek and other streams, con taining upwards or .. FOURTEEN THOUSAND ACRES, and embracing the. larbest and'best Water Mitts, Furnace n& Forges and -other mills ;r iulu" j and machinervr and also embracing several valnohto anl nnvt nnfi v Gold, h fin CM. and iU exhaustible beds of Ltmestone, Iron vr vm.ucvav fc.. v..v . . - and other minerals, besides rich and pro ductive Farming Lands. - j J " ! -l ' 5 ,ljia i The Air-Line RaUroad runs two milf through this property,1 cutting the ore beos. and near the .water power. The tenu Railroad also runs near and . convenient, upon the other Bide faf said' property- . l A - Sale at 12 o'clock, noon, on the; 10th nay January; 1874.- .-.--' ; W. iiiMUia, Mortgagees: THOS. GBIEB, JUU B 6 i., Mll.u. - it'll!!:' 1 1 Lnffi ul J - wo II 1 . ii 1 1 i i m i i i i i ;fil!iH;i!i!!l!!l!!!!!!)!i!!81

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