gho Southern Rome : . D. H. HILL, Jlitor. Rxkdolph A. Shotwell, Associate Editor. CHARLOTTE: MONDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1873. Boston has been , pleased ; with modest complacency to call itself the "Hub of the Universe,'' the "Athens of America.'---th centre of caltare, intelligence and refine ment. Many persons have been inclined to differ, with the Bostonians in the esti- Mri? MEETING 0? CONGBESSr - Grant's LncateaUcms. ' . Ac. ice &c. In the better days of the Republic, be fore it became customary to style a bold brazen rejbery of public funds "a defalca tion thllasseiabling of the National Leg islation was an event of sufficient ? impor tance to draw all eyes to Washington. It is not so now,. A long succession of Con gressional ; bodies, composed of corrupt, ignorant, or fanatical men, whose labors have resulted of tener in mischief and shame ful mis government, than in good to the nate put upon their crooked city, and to .regard it as the fomenter ofall theilla npj people-especially the- Southern people .Boston nas destroyed almost all resnect for m-' . ' on the continent. , Puritanism in has degenerated into Socinianism ; Socini ; ' anisra into TJniversalism, and Universalism into Deism, if not blank Atheism. Every j j pestilent heresy and dangerous ism that have cursed the United States have been ' either born or nurtured there. v The, fanat ics of 1 Abolition, the beastly Free-IoVers, s j the ruffians of Mormonism, the ': brazen ; faced advocates of Woman's; Rights,- the swindling Monopolists, the cut-throat Cbm- munists all the enemies of Christianity ' and Christian civilization have held high Carnival in that learned, refined and god- - We have been led into these reflections vj being shown a recent copy of. the Bos. ; ton Investigatortux Infidel paper;, of the - Post pronounced and shameless type It has- forty columns' of reading matter as sailing all that the Christian' holds dear and all that the respectable citizen knows to be necessary for the welfare of society the Bfoie, the marriage relation, the future State, The frontispiece is a pile of books, labeled Home, Paine, Voltaire, , Kneeland, Hobbs, &c. This wicked news paper has been forty-three years in exist ence, and the number before us is 2215 of its issue.: j How much Work for Satan it has done in this long period. How many minds it has poisoned How many immor tal souls it has ruined. How much blood shed it has caused. How it hounded on the work of devastation of the'Southl How it exulted in our misery and our final over- ..throw! ' '- ' ". The great Teacher has given us an in terest in, the meeting of Congress. Even the telegraphic operators show their contempt for the National menagerie by sending' broad cast over the country, such dispatches as the following:-- ."About fifty new members from the South took j the ante bellum oath,- and some ah oath as 'long lasr your; arm." In the House Mr. Blaine, of " Maine, whose repu- tauon aid not , go unsinged : during the Credit Mobilier investigation, was elected speaker, by the Republicans, over Fernan do Woodthe Democratic candidate. The vote stood 190 to W. - ' ; ;A note-worthy incident which may be taken as a straw ior good is that Hon. A; H. Stephens, of Georgia, was by conr-l tesy exempted frothe drawing for seats ana auowea the leading seat, on the Dem ocratic side. f --"NrW H : The proceedings last week . are not of much interest. Sumner tried to get in an other civil rightsbul, and Butler succeed ed in seating the bogus scallawag-rag-tag-and-Pinch back members from .'Louisiana. The following is the telegraphic summary of Grant's message The President's message was then read. It opens by a reference to the financial crisis, the Granger's movement and the Virginius matter, which, it says, is in course of negotiation and is likely to be amicably adjusted and honorably. It refers to. th .Vienna Exposition, which was creditable to tne artisans of the United States; to the reception of the Western Ambassadors by the Emperor of China, and to the need of farther legislation to suppress the infamous coolie trade ; it recommends a commiaamn quired to present them at an "early period and that tie 'personal attendance of wit nesses be required at the Court of Claims In regard to the Indian question he re commends a territorial form of government for ' the Indian Territory ; he also recom mends such action as will permit the settle ment of a body of Russian colonists on the public lands, and endorses the proposition for a census in i 1875; 'he eulogizes the Washington Board s of Public Works and speaks of the great improvement of the city under the operations of the Board ; recom mends a liberal policy , on the part of Con gress in defraying a portion of the expenses, and suggests the -establishment here of a National University; he recommends the passage of an enabling act for the admis sion of Colorado as a State,, and suggests the opening of a canal for the purpose of irrigation from the eastern slope of the Rocky Mountains to the Missouri River. In conclusion, he renews his recommend ation for a general amnestv. and SATS tilt - , . " . -J - were are a numoer oi persons yet, labor ing under -disabiUties,::verjr8malLfe but enough to keep up a constant irritation ; there can .-be; no possible danger to the Government in restoring these to eligibility to hold office, and suggests the enactment of a law the better to secure the civil rights which freedom should secure,, but has not enectuaiiy secured, to the enfranchised slave." : , , r,j : 1 CUBAN PATBIOTS. ,: The Southern people, who have been so desirous to vindicate the honor of the best Government the world, ever saw, must bs delighted to read the extract below : ftptd jyieJR!ldejiViiMuBBagu, Mtuibuhlug al.J-nt wrongdoing, rascality and viHainy of the uoaps 10 ine mnuence or slavery: "The existence of the.ew Republic in Spain was inaugurated by striking the fet ters from the slaves in Porto Rico. . This beneficent measure was followed by the re lease of several thousand persona illegally held as slaves in Cuba. ! Next, the Captain General of that colony was deprived of the power to set aside the orders of his su periors at Madrid, which had pertained to the office since 1825. The sequestered estates of American citizens, whinh haA X -CastelaxC ',.--.-V.J PraidenCToftKt Spanish Republic. He was bornjn Cadiz, September 8th, iota. his ratbir, Don Manner Castelar, belonged to an mnest, respectable family agents oi exchange in Alicante; and his mother, Ddana Maria Antonia Ri- polle, was the dioghter of an advocate and landholder i the same city. They were married iril819, a little before the revolution of Rigo. Both families were passionately defited to the liberal cause; xon Manuel ' dstelar. who w&r .t th time very youfc was .'compromised in tne insurrection J&nd when the king sne- vwuu m restoring tne - absolute mon archy, wa8r conUemned to r death, , and forced to emigrate passing seven' years in the English possessions, and esDeciallv in Gibraltar Ithe'year 1831, the hus- uou ana who, wdo naa oef 9 torced oy this banishment to a long and Vorrowfal separauon, were reunited in Uadez, where in Jmino uastelar was porn, lion ilaonel was devoted to stndyrVHia libra ry was one of the best in Cadiz, equally rich in works of- nhilosoohv. historv. plation of the South 7 Une wpald sup pose that after such an act, that gentle man would be afraid to face the pale regiment that sleeps in death over in tne? Mas-nolia Cemetery. - But all men do sot remember. In striking contrast with the last acts ofCantain Frr. ia the letter addressed by one of the Cuban patriots to General Barriel. We read': ;-! 'Kt : A: litt.r from Sanor A lfam to General i Barriel, offering to desert the Cuban cause and divulge the secrets confided to - - . o - . i - 1 I ninj if his life is spared, is also puDiisneu. In thin nffrtr Alfaro is ioined br seven - j other Cubans. Mobile Register. VWasiingtca Items. Judge Merrimon iaon the committee of Post Offices. ' , v . . Mr. Stephens called on the President .a who on account of tne venerau"? eentleman's diffieulties in ascending the stairs came to the reception room., u the ground floor, where tne two geno mes had a cordiaf Interviewi r 1 1 ,Th Critic states that Mr. Sumner lost several articles of vertu while beaa eor foi-fftinin his colored friends naa Moren&ded bim. lie has long ago , usv virtue by too much familiarity wiinnis colored friends. - j - r - Tn the House, on the 5th inst- mere lX.S!2r"d.-Governo, Yates, of Illinois, h 72 fcfc The Grand Division of tK. 0 Temperance meets in r-J . poi week. ":'VW"WU After desperate J. Cooke & Co. have been adinr?01 X ropts. . l adJadgod ba8f Texas has gone Democratic W n -despite negroes.: Radicals-!., kneed moderates.' and Cold Wiktir. The Hudson w frozen over and boats h.Jl I? "T8? was retained, in spite of ruin and misfor tune, to cootrihnte to this end. :, She woald.not,; however. .have been able to accomplish it hat for the eenerous' assis tance of her sistef, Donna Maria Ripolle, wno was married and resided in JSIda, a town io the province of Alicante, a lady of unusual beauty and goodness, who OnanAf! tn ttA wnlAnar t li a iImh f Iiah . . .. . 1 I r " m m. . w. hiu w. wuv O V U oeentbe cause of long and fruitless cor- I comfortable home, and received as her i5panis3i Outrages on Freemasons. Another horrible story in the history of SDanish crime is made Dubnc. it reiaies to the horrible indignities heaped upon KmAm Anrnn ' sn d their families bv the monsters who have misruled Cuba in the name and bv the authority of. tho Span- ' m1 . -' I inh oovarnment.' It ' seems ' that aDOUt four years ago the Spanish f authorities arrested the m embers of the Grand Lodge political economr. and irenar! literatnra. I of Santiaffb de Cuba. The brethren were HCenjoyed an eaav income from his ikv I denied a trial, and the day following tneir arrest were conveyea io nciehborbbod outside the city and pat to - " death. This .was but the beginning oi a series of norriDio outrages mat nave con tinned almost without Intermission for the past four years. Every man found to be a Freemason has been shot or ban ished to Spanish penitentiaries in- Africa. xne reoora oi persecutioB-io wDo in Freemasons have been subjected is now fitly climaxed Oo the oisht ofj .tb-7tn. oi tne present montbi alter toe joinnteers naiLxfOicluded imjH&nsMT ortbe crew ofthV4rnTdsTitneirtantrsO was such that they attacked toe wives of murdered Freemasons, abusing the defenceless females and putting four, of All 1 : uasiait voable the library them to death. The story teems too was sbarpM sparring over the Salary Com- the last half century. jf- lffitk rarty lines were wuiyw7 Since the . f ge,Ht 'irxtraordinarPiTw11 plates i the.Ttral strieU' ha,?0 peared.- . Wui "r sitTon of agenrfrtichange in. that city as ne bad in Alicante. His intention was always to devote, bis son to .the ca reer of letters and. science; but in 1839, having made a Journey -to Madrid, he died a; tbu ,7f tvin? his family, whose oalv ?ut- -y nc earnings oi lot i t iier , ti.c'osi v ttaoct resources. BtttJfJiu'VA y. rift lotr. I Ripolle. thus jei i she; r aworaao K,.if . acrdiaary cour g tau ae r, - , - - if;foted her w-iyjdr-' t. , -rtii4rne nten4 won or rid nusti3tt4 to tithin) for userui ness t faaiLt and his country ; by a brill i j r t ;;rfv and tc;ent'' ; education J mitteo. Ifarty lines were wwyKwy broken-firtbis-tsontestr ; -- Amoncr the bills introduced vras one of Morey, of Pa., and byiFieldof Michigan Rbolishin? all cay and allowances tcTmem- hAra another , bv Beck. abolishing al lowances for Ube , President exnenses. r iuis werv w juwvuuivyou - i mm . . 1 the Bankruptcy law ;. repealing tne iron clad oath : for the payment of half the revenue tariff in legal -tender; 'for the removal, of v all fourtceatli amendment disabilities : for recognition in favor of Uuban belligorency and a vasFaumber of other- bills. U45i5. i---f ' sJ I The ' Star Quotes a rumor of a move ment on foot to .oust Senator Patterson of South Carolina.., fiartment refuses any information regard ncr the Startline news frobfCnba. : They koewDOtbiDg at inidblghC- The assoch ted press reports Captain J avellar J re afnrnfdT TnfTkTsi?Tifin he "a ' cry Of the V irginias to tbe;Uniied States will cause frifirhtful commotions and cat- utrupuo luruugnuat mo xsiaou j com plete order : prevails :in the meantime." T .The volunteers by private meaos are y I baring war ; vfiRRftlo;1 Vok' DflTJrihA- di- ;;A- wild oats.: .i-i -oaa t. B0thl8 Nt f Clarence PrenUce, the-6nlf bob of Georare D. Prentin ii.!811! frdtf buggy:iati week' .l&SrS'1 Ky;wd iDsSrVtlyjkilled--l?? York Post ssv. thi ;r: !f made durine the next Mm r5. 11 io restore the fraokihg priTilegjf!? xngersoii, tne CbSlr contrietoT of the Tweed trlnir IndW w" m orr nas oeeBconTlcted and lentS to five rears Jn thA nmnUtt -lMiltone-Malooraiwho waa fvinil.I. - t to be honir teAiJ!? er, minister of. the interior, has forwarded 'his resignation. The volunteers would consent to placing the Virginias, io the hands of a neutral port for arbitration '.but will.npt let her some directly to theTTnited "States ror t. fallible test of men and of doctrines : for yie purpose of auditing and determin wcur irtuu ye jsnau Know tbem." The world may weep over the sin of slavery and the sinners of the South ; but there never was an infidel paper published in her bor ders. We had no Mormons, no Millerites, no Fourierites, no Agrarians, no Freelovers, no Credit Mobilier ; thieves, no unsexed shes traveling round the country shrieking . about Woman's rights. : We are gratified to find that the Investi gator ia loyal and South-biting. Lincoln - 6 ,.do1 of lts worhip. , .He is spoken of msr the amount to be Daid forlnnapa -nn by the Confederate privateers; it refers to the Mixed Commission for determining claims between British subjects and Amer ican citizens, and asks for an appropriation to pay the amount. of the decisions sgainst the United States; it also recommends a law creating a special court, consisting of three judges to hear and determine all claims of aliens against the United States thority of the home arising put or damages committed against their persons and property during the in surrection; it asks the decision of Con gress on the subject of the action of the respondence, were ordered to be released to their owners. All these liberal steps were taken in the face of a violent opposition, directed by the rapacious slave owners of Havana, who were very stringent to stay the march of ideas which terminated sla very in the civilized world, Cuba ex cepted, unhappily, however. This baneful influence has thus far succeeded in defeat ing the efforts of all liberal-minded men in Spain to abolish slavery in Cuba, and in preventing the promised reform in that Island. The . struggle for political su premacy continues there. The pro-slavery and aristocratic party is gradually as-r suming in itself more and more hostility and defiance to the home government. While it maintains political connection with the Republic, it puts at defiance the au- It is a rrrwarry m on f Otfyunor. U1. ii - V . u , , , - .uibu muu jugvuuiui jioYernmeni8, re as one of the t?rand harnAa n Pmm.. a 1 t n'"r , . . . . ' T a a i- nr o J "0""g juruigu u-onsuis oi judicial powers. Infidelity. We give an extract from it at JgoKtog the Bible : "The enlightened sentiment of to-day would like to hide the aUows behind its civilization, but this monster of infallibility exclaims, "He that sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed." It stands holding the whip of terror over the milder government of children, saying, "Spare the rod and spoil., the child." ' jects of European tyranny it stanUa enforc ing the stern command, '-Obey them that nave the rule over yon, and subject your selves." No deadlier, artillery have Maz o3 Garibaldi and Kurt ttfcn a -tace.'TTOver troman, and here one's heart grows faint and sick, as from creaUon down, like a mUl-stone, the curse has hung about her heck. The theatre and the lyce um welcome her with outstretched arms but aBrooklyn presbytery has wrangled over Adam's rib tfll Paul, who sent Onesi ans backi came to their relief and said a woman snouid not preach. Had the Bible, 1 with all the weight of its superstitious worX I r r iuvu tut) bcaio OI UD- erty for a race, we should never have been deluged in battle and blood till the Goddess of .Liberty, like Rachel, was cast down in many a slave pen and prison yard, and conld not be comforted. But the forty thonsand priests dotting every hamlet, as a rule, were but so many additional slave masters, and the parish systems over which they presided but so many spiritual planta tions. Said Albert Barnes, "There is no power out of the American Church that conld sustain slavery an hour were it not sustained m if Sustained By Andover and New Haven and the Princeton Re view, and the holding among Protestant churches alone of over six hundred and sixty-three thousand slaves. This is the fruit of not rejecting the Church's Bible. We will make but' two comments upon this vile assault upon the Word of God. First, that every consistent;- Abolitionist was bound to hate the Bible. Second.- That the city which has supported for near half a century such a God-defying newspa per, may call itself, the "Hub of .the Uni verse," bat with more truth it might be called the "Hub of the Pit of Darkness." xne President transmits the annlinaf inn of the Republic of Santo Domingo that the United States shall exercise a protec torate over that Republic. The message dis cusses at some length, the question of the right of .extradition, par ticularlv, as to citi zens of the United States who are residing permanently abroad with their families, and suggests legislation on the subject It re fers to the establishment of a Republic in Spain, and to thef efforts of the new govern ment to abolish slavery, in all its domin ions, which effoi te are. -opposed bv the re- -.41- . 1 I I) . . , " . auuuuary Biaveuojaers . oi cUDa, wno are Vainly striving to- stoisihe march of civili miuu, uia tmictn fejunet nia"T3rtnr8ttSr beeded in defeating the efforts of all liberal minded men in Spain to abolish slavery in Cuba in preventing the- proposed reforma tion of the Island. In the interest of hu manity, of civilization, and progress, it was vj do noped tnat tne evil influence might be soon averted. In reference to the cap ture of the Virginius, and the inhuman and the illegal murder of fifty-three of the passengers and crew, he says that the Spanish government had recognized the justice of his demand, and had arranged for the immediate delivery of the vessel and for the surrender of the survivors of the passengers and crew and for a salute to the flag, and for proceedings looking to the punishment of those who may be prov ed to have been guilty of illegal acts of vi olence towards the citizens of the United States, and also towards indemnifying those who may be shown to be entitled to indemnity. ; The correspondence on the subject had been conducted in cypher and by cable, and was, therefore, not in a con dition to be submitted to Congress. The President expressed his conviction that the existence of African slavery in Cu ba is a principal cause of the lamentable condition of the Island, and does not doubt that Congress shares his hopes that it will soon be made' to disappear, and that peace and prosperity will follow-its abolition. He suggests two constitutional amendments, one to authorize the Presi dent to approve so much of any measure of Congress as his judgment may dictate without approving the whole, and the oth er to, provide that when an extra session of Congress is convened by Executive proc- lam&uon, , legislation snail be confined to power at Madrid, recognized by the home government, and an element more danger ous to the continued colonial relations be tween Cuba and Spain than that which in spired the insurrection at Tarra. An ele ment opposed to granting any relief from misrule and abuse, with no aspirations after freedom, and commanding no svmpa- iny in generous breasts aiming to rivet stui stronger the children the two orphans. Emilio and his j . .. . . eiaest sister, uoncepcion Castelar. This act of benevolence made-rone family of both, and at this day the orphans of this generous auat share the house and the table of Castelar, and the sons of the dead cousins are adopted as bis own children. In bis childhood, he shared their abun dance; but when h, arrived at the age of commencing nis studies, the family met wnn misiortnnes which redaced them almost to poverty. His mother made him read hours and hours together, from which he acquired such a love for books, that it is only recently the consideration of his age and position has been able to break him of the habit of reading in the streets. After, studying at Alicante, be went to Madrid, where he entered as a student of the Normal School of Philoso phy, at the age of twenty. The revolu tion of 1854 came, and Castelar appeared for the first time as a publio orator. A perfect tempest of applause followed the effort, and ever afterward the multitudes thronged to hear him. But he was not content with occupying the rostrum only. He became also s contributor to the lit erature of the day, and this soon won for himself great distinction. He, was the The-authorities' cannot count on the sap- York; Las been sentenced tQ ieVea port of the people in oarrying out the I impriOament4n the AlbauV Peoiu? protocol South' Carolina Items. shackles of slaverv and - t i . - the mnfW AminWriL..- rrt.- 7.wa8 connected with other leading jour-. : "J 1 :.TL. "OJ uS ,Ug we naIs. l0 December. 1856. he n. pointed to the chaif of the Critical and i j. uA la r if la tfhrt W om nnt cnmniarf In bnnv 1 . , 0 - r . . u,". f. .1 i -e l . uaro. tou oou vu-ii butt rrvuuintiuuH oi inia section are. aroused to indignation by the intelligence of the outrage above chronicled. Right worshipful J. JS. Thome, Deputy Grand Master of this State, has already, united with a large number of prominent officers and brethren in a petition to the Master, Warden, and brethren of the different lodges in tho jurisdiction. The petition briefly recites the crimes above mention ed. and 'eonelmJen in these1 words : In the name of humanity, and in obedience to our eeDFe of justice, we ask you to for ward the enclosed document, signed i by your otneers and under the seal of the lodge, to the - Most Worshipful Grand Master of Masons of Ibis State,' Christo pher C. Fox, requesting him to call an emergent .session' of the Grand ; Lodge, to take such laction thereon as they in their wisdom may sec fit. Jfromineot Freemasons of Brooklyn. with whom a reporter conversed, states that the recent indignities are of such a Vrevoltincr nature that the frf i j .. .. - - . . T i. wouiu, uo iaise 10 us lunaamental profes sions if it neglected to express its sense of th cse Spanish barbarities or failed to take action looking to the protection of persecuted brethren and their families. It is believed that General Master Pox win call the emergent session i uo wnoie civnizea world will sanction tne ettorts ot the Freemasons of this country to bring to justice the fiends whose lnhtman atrocities are chronicled above. Brooklyn Argus, tA letter from Mansiola sta'teVoha CW p-des has ceased to 'b President Cuban Senubfifi inn iMn.c T7 . 1 -".u oaa "j , Yr,f paiyaaor l : l 1 hev.harA fnnnH -nl 1 . . - ;- the San Frondsco.--peopK rt i about it. We '-IwprtUS? m nna nf If. ' - -- . ' OY'.WYBB V t. nh:. -'-'''- Mi .x.v..UWr( vb aeiaaitiBeMkfc-f Boss the resources of the island and doing acts which am ftr. vnnotiA- nnth tlmv c I uc.aTiwiiiV-wwXSvTSro, iSK3!J J . character to a "RnnW,V fn t,n inc.t """""V. th v-.:.Jv::r ":r . employed, be foundj lime to de iver in uumauuY. oi civilization ana oi Drooress. i this evil influence it is to be hoped that may. soon be averted,' e us thA Athenaeum his famous lectures on The Jiistory of Civilization. At about the same ilmo evwrete. a naf!tU m Ti have beeVredyt&Volomteeriin the Ja5i- riraPrfssion on tbe'ifelnUs of those who reftu it. ine most lnsiag vzrt, however or Castelar's political career was that pe riodjn which he figured as the editor of cal war against Cuba, must enjoy the above extract Here is what His Excellency says oi tne capture of the Virginius : "J.he Virinniu8 was on the 2fit.l r?r f S-ntsmluia 1 0TA . Jl I . rvu-i, 10iw, uuiy registerea at the port oi jn ew York; as a part of the commer cial marine of the United States. On the 4th of October, 1870, having received the certincate or her register in the usual legal form, she saUed from the port of NewYork and has not since been within the territo rial jurisdiction of the United States. On the 31st day of October last, while sailing uuuci m nag oi ine united States, on the high seas, he was forcibly seized by the Spanish gun boat Tornado, and was carried into the port of Santiago de Cuba, where many oi -ner passengers and crew were in humanly, and so far at least as relates to tnose wno were citizens of the United States, without due process of- law, put to death. It is ! a well established principle, asserted by the United States from the W ginning oi tneir national independence, recognized by Great Britain and other powers, and stated by the Senate, in a res olution passed unanimously, on the 16th of a une, xeos, that American vessels on the high seas, in time of ne- kmn'nr. v- American flag, remain under the jurisdic- i.iuu 01 me country to Which they beloner .-viciuiG, uujr visitation, molestation or aetention of such vessels, by force or "by v-ulu,uuu ux; -oruo, on ine part oi a ioreign power, is in derogation of. the sov ereignty of the United States. In accord ance with this principle- the surrender of ; irguuus ana tne survivors of her pas- dM jjemocraaa, the first number of wnicn went forth on the 1st of January, 1864, wielding great ' power in shaping the political events of Spain. The same year, through a leading article In La Bemocracia, he defeated the nefarious loan proposed by Barzanallana. His in fluence was soon felt even in colonial matters, and on tbeeplit of his party he carrieoTthe majority, preventing the rup ture of the democratic party its suprem acy being acknowledged by the Central Committee. On the occurrence of the disturbances on the 2od of June, 1866 the council of war sitting in Madrid, con demned him to death.' Fortunately he evaded their minions,' and under disguise crossed the frontier into France. There he, remained , as a contributor to several magazines, until the September revolution, 1868, f offering the return to bis native country, the Provincial eov- ...-uvu. itiufioieu mm in ms professor ship. In this canacitv h ATort u;a flueuce to" strengthen rernbiian J a W . I among-nis wuntrymenr stnmnino- thft country m oppositlonto the monarchical tendencies of the Readers. 1 He was, at -v-.wraHVKUUvU)I m man An a WAV resentative for Znnnmr. t.L --. i47 he rendered valuable service tn th Statxs. The Spain' amp jTHs Unitxd following is the official synopsis of the recent protocol agreed upon by -Secretary Fish and Admiral Polo on the 29th nit: 1. The immediate delivery to the Uni ted States o! the ship Virginius and all the surviving passengers and crew. ' ' ' 2. A salute to our flag, on the 25th of Beeember next, unless, in the meantime. Spain shall satisfy the United States that the American flag was improperly borne causa oi tne people; .In the first Bepnh- uu Cao,net ho held the portfolio for rrn Anairs; out ,when Figueras re- ae gave JiRfhlsatositien) and de mself to drafting the neweonsti- ou;u uujec6s as ine xuxecuuve may brros I 7, 7 w ui. uuw reparauon to o nis country. Afierw&rd h U it r . . . . 1 t.hA narr anH i i ii Iii-. . . i uiua w8 eieciea rresident of the Cortes, and on the resignation of Salmeron, last sum mcr, he was elected Prime nnifA, r- . luueumwiermi and invested fat his on that vessel : and further. tht h.3 naa so ne u ue American nag and papers. In-this event the salute is to be spontaneously withdrawn,' and. Spain is to formally disclaim any intentional in- uignity to sue nag. . . , , 3. If it Shall be shown that tha TirWin.' . 9 t . . J .. . . ...: : hAwM r - i i . uoiuio , vugiB38 iruBi ume to .time in writing. - ;He recommends the erection at Washington of suitable buildings for Cab inet officers, and for such officials as now receive commutation for quarters, thus set ting ari example to ; th& ' States, which ' may induce' them to erect buildings . for their Senators; the message goes very fully, into the financial question, and declares that the country never can have- permanent prosperity-until specie payments be reached; he recommends, legislaticprohibitingNation al.Banfo.from payigggteregt on 4epowt and fdrcing them into resumption,' if only in legal tender nbles; 1 he suggests the question whethe .Di not be made full; but ' suring; - all ; the present r -, . , ... . . . . . . - . pnriiBges to dui noiaers; ne notices the improvement the flag, and the punishment of the author ities wno have : been trailW nt the. ;nD.oi acs oi. violence, were- demanded. The Spanish government ; has rocoemizna th jUBuuw . oi tne aemand. Disaster at Sea. Jjast week, tho eteamshin, Villa dn Havre, lrom-Wew York City,A to Havre ran mio a uanisn Drier and sank imme diately, with a loss of over two hundred persons: New York. Dec. 2. SDeciaTlisnatches give the followintr in regard to the Joan ot the Yille du Havre: Most of tho nan. themselves ? Many prayeU and many uuwu witn ine caimness of utter de spair. Some, bearing the water ponring into the ship, never quitted their state rooms. Whole families thus went down together. The four boats lowered by the Loch Earn found" the passengers and crew floating on the waves, - holding on to the planks- buoys, spars and whatever could bo seized as the wreck went down. Many hal thus prepared themselves from the first. Many ; of tho women saved, were floating in the water The Captain of the Ville du pavro is report ed to have been quite exhausted by his three days and nights of uninterrupted duty. The officer who was in command when the collision took place, was lost. The suffering of thoso who were saved was intense, the cold being very severe. Many persons were nearly insensible, and would have utterly perUhed in a few minuies more. The rescue warn all a matter of haphazard: as time ter- mitted no organized effort or ktiomnt f choice. The purser of the steamer says: In a few moments the shin beran to B.nj. amiost great disorder . and frantic terror. The scene was awful beyond all -v...F.,uu. loe air was rent, with , uul wo were beard to say. l . 'm-. u8fcoie, iet us die no uiy xne v water rushed into the hold with incredible velocity. ;' I undressed uymm ana, with a companion, jumped uuuru - anq swam toward the Loch " ueILD nan mue distant. As I left x uraru vne snip cracking and - looking PinwA - j v v ", ,. one lunge forward. For a moment the ur.K8 were terrible ; then all was si- "r,a81 16 was tnft silence of death." Hogs sell in Winsboro at 6 cents per pound by the car load. . King's Mountain Military School at Yorkville has 75 scholars and is flourish, ine. A meeting of Greenville Bar passed highly i complimentary .resolutions re specting the late James Bireie? Esq.. f In Anderson, tho trial justices are le vying a fine of five dollars far removing rails from anybody's fence. CoL B.?E"Dorsey "has resienei", his po sition as General Passenger arid Ticket Agent of ) the' Charlotte'. Columbia 'and 'Augusta-Railroad.- ' " : -'"J - Columbia is, to have... a colored steam Are engine, to the purchase of which the wealthy colored nabob",' W. B.Tfash, has subscribed Ave hundred dollars. John H. Evins, Esq., has retired from the editorial control of the Carolina Spar tan, and Col. T. Stobo-Farrow succeeds thereto. ; . f , - z ""Grant's Deputy Marsh ils, w i th' squad of Yankee soldiers (so-called) at their backs are still hunting down peaceable citizens in York and Union counties, oouta varonna. jA MrrjrC' RobtsonTeltfe-Tt son of Sen ator Ti J. Bobertson, was selected as the speaker, on "Eloquonce," at the celebra tion of St. Cecilia's Day, November ?6th, at Georgetown College, D. C. "Qoidaynight last, the gin house of Mrs. M. A.Kin5 rTii;--. and six hundred bush efs of fcbttbrf was set on fire by some person and en-' tirely consumed. ? 1. The Odd Fellows of Columbia are pre- oss Tweedy transfer of his nronertv bulk of which eoes to hi. .W.rti ten daedi) dat.Ai n SatnJ . r. 7" '""7 wuruy, whieh convey in money value $906 00? of real estate, subject to mortgages. r t Fifteen ? pounds of. dried apples taksn as p? fornbUshioBi Z' T 1 V. PPer ween; which leads to the inference that tb wedding was a small affair. IhVan interview; between PrMident Grant and Col.JohuS. Mosbyof VirgTmi, a few days since, the latter offered hk services tothe Government in casq 0 1 !ar wii?2rf Pm, n' aod was promised ii torn mahd. The President also ttA 1 Kif 1,. had . perfect jcoafidencs in;the ConfoderaU soldiers, and Tn case'.of a war; intended to distribute the commissions equally be tween the: officers 6f the Southern and Oftherri armies f ''4n $ ':- A lt meicnant who should ielF hiirU boArd .apdiatteropt to carry on 'hiixtm without -one. because money is scin would be considered; little better than in-. sane, t x nose, ?who , s top , advertising for the same reason are; equally ' foolisb.-r Hoarders of money the country over, tn waiting-to learn whd will sell cheipert those articles of; comfort and necessity w hich even the closest hoarder cannot dp wunout. . ; 'i- ,1 nn x7 , v .. Bnu can and eupper at EarkerV.HalL on Monday evening, the oth of Decemberrfor -tha hoaf r Iv 4iEfYrr AUh (lutautfbrwigUk, Rkv. De .Witt Burkhead, of Athena, Ga -WV deuver Lecture at , the Xnstitutt on Friday next, 1 12th Dec.) at 7 P. M. Admission, 60 cents. ' Children half prf. Pupils of the Institute, free. - Dec. 8 It ! ; and orphans of deceased mem- ANf)W FarmSBailk widows bers. Mr. J. C.Caldwell. nfw;nn,u. iht day last week, whil Pm.:-' . Charlotte, fell into a cistern, culm-hl leu open, near the f!nnt-t T?-.v,- mu "1 fall was about 12 feet, and Mr. Caldwell was badly hart.- - , , j. , ioouyierian Church, died on Sunday the 9th ulL, in Z??' tod arranged own demand) with dictatorial powers, for .the immediate delivery of-the vessel ' n tTk'iH 525., aiiu inr T.nA enminHu. u : i -- i a. : . . .--v. vi uisiiuimnrgn i : - : , , w the to our flag, and I fc proceedings looking to ThaErWand A Waahi fmNegroSupentitionon-Zrtna Island. Ii ia reported by a "New York na Z t 77 xt 1 T im among the negroes of Little Neck, L,L , Afow evlnintrs since Captain Try. the pulpit or the BathI dotfounty. Ho was nreaehino-Vr .. time, and died verv finrMar.1- rr tor thirty-five years pastor of the Midway jjuruo, ana an aged man. v , -Th LG!82ATUMohlnoli.ef have which , begins - io: a few days.t;. The ohlyi thing they accomplished in the way of 00OrTi,me-DV. WaVhe W"et'of $625, ooSrP""1?' nd a Sanity of. In the United States Circuit Court at Columbia, the grand jury found a true hcilor of the Sixth Circuit, for em bee ment of publio funds. The offence was 'r i " VU"UK w" aeputy collect or of internal revenue.. The amount of the embetilomAiif n. t,T:. 1 01 three tho'und The Ropk Hill Lantern of Pr.M. i-. savs i "A n u m r-V -V V.f-. , - owwvulu, was made on i hn night of the 25th insL toffirJ iL? U?f -6 -"wo vne Jjantern is wut waj discovered in any damage. , A burni OF MECKLENBUBG. I "offer lor sale, on th fevorsbb temigth vnHM Btnnlr .-in.hU . Bank of first-class Farming LANDcontaiii- - - mvnzst 1 situated on tne inret aetu branches of Mallard Creeki: near Alejandri ana Depot, on the A. T. Ss D.Otouroad, ami one mile from the railroadwhich will M di Tided to suit purchasers. -,.J x Thete Is on the premises 75 or lOttacrei of ursiriass uuaDie Drancn bottom ; 10 or a acres of choice meadow ; ahont 2no mam of 88 QQQ .woodland as. can be. fcondln the county ; between 150 to 200 acres of upland in Cultivation, tha most: nfit mwwl nt OX- ble of beinar made to - nrodaee in frvoisWo seasons from 1 to 2 bales of cotton per scrt Remainder Is. grown up In thicket and This lan vely known to he well published. lime td Prevent the punishment of those who mav be nroved 1 i-T. ngwn'iSicial to a Western totoveben guilty of illegal acts of iiGKBnSll lpnpo itwnaAc, ii.TT - . I o .ne jsnanisn.-a , -y-iU wtucus w umtea otates; I r mar be shown to h nfifiari T"r : V UtUCUlUlliY. I B.I itates that CapUin Fry's appeal r7 anishautho?Ules is:iublLd. Jfe the- it is said, a.Mr. Walters aui Tworirnds were driving home in a waon iTl8 passing-a barn, briffiantly lighted wkh cnPie bj! HenryTaolei aa tL, t ma.- iMwua -. . 1 A.11..11 ... . . . 1 - many crevice of trim lS.ta oat wood; i:UfcBnqry. . . , " iUHi tne room watered and otherwise favorably situated for making one of the finest stock andgitia. farms in the countryt This Bank is one of the safest. Investments ,ln,th worleV-eot 8UbJect , to. panic and suspensions. The stockholder has it In his own hands (ProTi den6eiermittinol n flrh'o otantAuridedt. Those wishing to invest will please call .soon, or address 4 W. B. BBADFOBD, iit .;..aiT.-,., .,xanWaiia,-2r.C-r This land produced last . year, a ingle' acre 24QS pounds vt seed cotton. 'niaklnstve bales, lone of 403 pounds and the other 412 The two bales sold for. near $150. After de ducting all expense of cultivation and gsta- atogjfierop, the.ineltcteceareajli or &nUhern Mome r t 1 f Concord y pleas py three tiniea .Laws of Business for aU the States tfM Union- With formm anA Airtuditmt for OS transactions, bu TheophUm rat son, IU P- oc- nuu ...-- iwhj room 1 mr. F.rwtn- h. ia i. . -u uupr mev saw iliz M Jortunately ii fell or. wiwaa occupy a. prominent-nl aratnon I a I u D-OOr. , . " . I irnrv nf I. aw-. . J -rvjeworor Lklw in Harvard Upiriertuy.T NoiionalYuUishtni, Co.. Cincinnati, Ohio. Prof. Parsons has long been reccniwdu asks nothing for himself, but all !us had no riehttoearrv th A' JZ5'k??iJ?-1?7? BU1'. K tt:. o-:r-r.--rr rrp """"S wie past year ana nopes ior a con CSJ??..- tinnanceof it in regard to the prob mw nvvvBuiuga ugaiUBb bUO VeSSOl anu the surviving parties who have violated the laws of the United States, and Spain guarantees to institute proceedings against any of her authorities who may have violated the law or stipulation. E -The matter of reclamation for dam ages is reserved for fntnra 1 tinn . a f- "P7 oi an agreement of a conference S"" ? .oecretary of State and the wpuiusu j-unister,4 in which j the terms of -gree-nens were agreed to, is transmitted nerewith. The eorresDondenna nn fh. ank. ject wiU. Uie legation of the United States in Madrid, , was conducted in cypher and by cable,, and needs the verification of the acmai wxt 01. the correspondence . It has seemed to me to be due to the importance of the case, not to submit this corresDond- ence until the accurate text be received by Ja taking, leave of this subject for yjci, i . muss renew the expression u. UIY COnVlCUOll. . that lha -T oton.. Af In addition to the above it can also ha positively stated that within the next two days, Secretary Fish and the Span ish minister, will determine at what Kint the Virginius and crew shall bede ered. to the United States. .The. words v"immediate . releaael" . as - -.-.IT-- Li- 1 . -rr; . . . -. i j : - m. - iHBugcn uu crew, . implies,, or course, a reasonable time for , ita execution, as BQiira uays must eiapse oorore Havana and Santiago de Cuba can be reached. vThe agreement is regarded in ! official quarters as. covering all points of the ongmai aemano, though in a ? modified form, while it is respeetfnl and honora ble to both countries.; , X- i The fixing of the 25th day , of Decem ber, as the Ume for saluting our flag; j8 to allow the necessary onoortnnitv ia Spain to show that the. Virginius iraprop- jean, papers. 'r.-H; : .:.,: u-at iongress shares . with me the hope 1 "ui w own maae w ajsappear, and that peace and prosperity may foUow its j BVfUillilUU. hrrihlfiTn tt cheap transportation, lie ' refers to the Erie and Illinois canals, and susrsrests whether ! 2 1. -, . . - . . S - - n - wouia not be wise statesmanship to pledge to the States that own 'those canals, tnat 11 they will enlarge them the general j goyernmen. - win loo after and keep in navigable condition, the great public high- : WSVS With whifh t)lniMalo A 4 y vmuui. wuuctih bu 1 1 - . . . ' WMW ww w4 wit: the Hudsonriver,' the St. Clair flats; maTer7 m VQba is a principal cause of the and-tne Illinois and llississiDDi rivers: ha 7?:tt.'WancL I 4o; not doubt recommends a government exploration of the upper Amazon river and its tributaries; a revision and ' codification of the tariff laws, and the opening of more- mints; en dorses the recommendation of the Post Master General for the establishment of P O. Savings depositories and invites the con sideration of Congress to the Tronomtinn for a postal telegraph; he recommends leg islation in regard to the judicial proceed ings in Utah, and also in regard to the bankruptcy law, which he considers as pro ductive of more evil than good; if not to tally repealed it should t be tnndifi1 fW those 4 portions providing for involuntary bankruptcy; those portions should be re pealed. ; He calls attention to. the immense aggregate of claims against : the 1 Govern ment, many of them -growing out of the rebellion, and not a few of them fabricated and supported ty false testimony; he rec ommends that persons having claims be re- were entirely !morabfr'nf tk Of the Virginius when 1 an1 tin. ! . ssium euoauv innnMnt na- t . 1. . 1 1 1-1 r t. ... -T .-wmwou I ae pieaaea rstroB?ryoCantain Prv "&Bwyu. wuunaea to his feet as if anA. eioses his etteraai follows : "Thecoi- ,y,1,?8?ire?':a?d fetching out. his arms am snowg wen that I am not pleading ?"hv, - s uaQ?8 alteately; sobbed ?7JJ hV.' PrayedPto Gel S.ffi0! jof Thy -w- m, uw OTon LO rna blenaiwl mntt,.. T I z aio , uavo neuner noose nor country. A um 01 war and : xersecatran of j Appoint int or Cnnr Josncs. A v asbington telegram c announces t tha nomination, by President Grant.' of At torney ueneral Williams to the Chief I vic- persecution. the vit prosperity beinar closed far m. such a Point, that I k---. Ill to provide broad for. my wife and chil dren, who know what it is to suffer for the necessaries of life, mv lifa i,o. r suffering, and 1 look npon What has hap- penod. to me as a benefit from - God. and it id not for me' therefnrA - tW' r . J v ni IBTVIO u any one. . j- v 1 - - he God to whom' the dvtn nn W. pealed, alone knni hn. .,V it V" : . vf .' mmw uuuic leiiows mere are in on MMfifnr t.n would Welcome d'eatlt t: from tha aama causes that inspired his touching appeal. d- i '5 " -vruo.v oeuu ng rrarn ihm. j . . . . . . f -. V u wuisos Abraham and Isaiah and Moses and Aaron. Wewwt to be rewaraed of the Mesiah'scominir.l O TA.01 "68e8-" thUTaoW irL'ZT: groaned, and fell on u " ."u"aV' "waru J me ' roastinff kid burhincf charcoal .& One Brown, who wa. clad in a Ions whita gown, and who trnH tfcw 1,; g wnAte ta '-rr : ""-pss .01 tne whiLa linon . s TT it L Flecu OI iiTir-XT ed npon the pros- 'rate -arole arise ? to their km, piacea upon the foreh Buuneq cioth. brarv of everv Uwcimd roAntr-ixeda standard authority ajlover thelani . : Is designed espwIaWcplit;, Ject being to grve' to'eveiy Intelligent man, a competent knowledge of the general rules, of law, involved in the ordinary bnslne MansacUons of every day life. . " Jf The name of Its author is a unfflcient ruar- i anty tha$ the accqracy of thjswork taf Jf set dowxtas unquestionable, and anexsan "nuu snows it to wide in ms rtri dr..b.-n """"r7 Rnu now. ki; i rv.'." meet bia Governor i.Ti;XOTKW? to his Wifel hm ,rKZi xt"". c. na And ..krrflM'M Jbridfre. i ii:"-rou therII Siting bunu 5 or WoodJU ri'I i dfull and lucid efna t i - --- V w ,J !E I,, t ava... wuw sa auoovuvu v .. legal business, and a very complete ur" tion of forms for all lxrai inatraments in or werelesasoremnftxj 1. -7 ouaiy iiso "!"- i " t, - mit an approarfeato A Georgian, "toAd the follo4 'ZfTVisends "mS Wf T XII H. 1 1. ' 1 r ft-. But if Jahrn 7.:: "cai PPhrase. ( trv ; jT'iX 'i1 i accursed conn- know one thall WW res 'we do not At" jM.K".i-.r, . 1 . . wan -w-uciuii BViuvr, xias long A'cc' ' Its value cannot be too hichlr aoprecuif"; r when we consider the amount of PeJ?Tr eir knees, - and 1 r The 27th i -wTMTi T aa.1, ti,-I . m8 haviner been ni-. .-. 01 South Carrj;. i l j " otates ssBt and ithwlD-.L. c - - - ixia.ina ;nra.i 'i a . f I XUU WU I IIT1 7--hVV --. 1 T V - - I ryana saw his wife ahd children suffer knd f,ir:'7te gown. blight that a from a pile of JustioeshiD of'iha Rim nwJl.;V .! "ignt that a w vu auc v run mi s n nvnin 1 MH.a. . - a . . ... . "7 - -uaie in a cnrnoF u . . ' w -; . UBi solely on the ground of the appointee's yi.ber nosHu.y io i me iSoutbern people, and his utter sabserviency to the Radieal party--if the high office of Chief Justice is to be degraded to the level of a mere instrument oi partizan malignity; Federal usurpation and- persecution then ' tne position could not have been better filled, unless the annointment bad been con. fered on Beast Sutler or the scarcely less it.r.-.Ai.. n.-.ii jcr,.. -I ar.' t,rn That man became an ontM.i -ii h4- nrl lit. .uJ on bub ibu ennuren. sunej ead .because of .the blight that 1 party had visited upon the land UCh he fOBSht. If aliens lnd nir; ine locustai nnbn : the? SoVthltolan ita wr2ri9 W.f??m to be public ofSces, drained iU blood land fat ness, litigation which is constantly" arfeinf ignorance of, the nature and legal ion obligations assumed; or from inaccuracies u the forms of business transactions.' " " . We do not hesitate to say that this to faufthe best book, bf its, kind yet PHbl!ii and should be In the hands of every bosuie man. . t n xxr r- ih work. Is V. TV. V.IllL.lAEeUli 1 - uv - - . ii !" roasted kicl, and then east i t in tohe mg jocusta, nponx wsaot atolen its known Wf ,7 04 bread fVdm among his compatriots, and urn well- no otaces, drained its blood-1 and fatq and eoinff .r 1'," PP6" "osa. gn letrial itbjabrVema d frdm amonc t.!. MmW.('A. I u tw pongh or a branch, and rtnm I aik- , saved his life from the':YoIunteer batett era. - i " : !. , npon and around the fire. ' soon over a 1 . -i -iiia -uui-mi.-i orj, ma . T.:.ST-1 1 u and Mv tr rEzytpt -u eorrnnt n-ii-.-.. j . .rm r 1 rr : ; tillainvmZr vau-street :T:1A Mtft . road juim ..""WM-w A-.kVi w k1 teKr :r Gttott e3 peophl; for scalawaff fiLlf countyra. to da7organlsed by selecU nf tilegisiatTon Jme Aberhethy Cliajrnian indDr. wugaor abnuioh .n4u'le- wwui.oi naM ::, -v i a. m-.m-. rw rr.fhm oils was orderly aa iliey u wen tTttrtwTtham I ;5t IIIHIl WV mm . a w i n-.4 T MSI m . -- am a vm . - - - 1 aiotMLrauW 1. m . lKfk lc- a. if a TtlMtr L Ttl xue oiaze was aesaora j - , w ouuriau tax iaj. 1 , 71 . ! f. r w iro.fhv. it wa- With what joahoaiartMobile gentle- ".7! .SST?? oioflC sniump to hoist to !place of trust anA wtuS,. -pjabopsiimnglect for biuiknni!? r!TOuMer. bepublit in the-thern HwnJ",- A 1 . -ji . .- imw fuv7 t .1 j-i t m narr rr v.a. ftAi rrvi. . i mt-j uu osvitti osIa.. - - r. a. ti r .innru-U . 11 - - . wauu 1 nuui uiscraiuriiiKr nF .tk. 1 nn 1 - mt ana snoft' - 1 .. 1 .t.-. i.r iniin ri ?Mot wn the I rtoea oaLT. iion ani faminTT Cm ? hboriof iTQr,W ntt the -God of IIWZjK . 3" WNll Good ln; clans be earnVtly IrUedjo a 1 ' " v- - j- i-.TTI yr.;r; vv-r:..t.,( '.'.r.mYV. T

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