... - '-'J- ' - .",.. f go Southern Homo : Office over Burwell, Grier & Co.'JStore, Corner of Fourth and Tryon &reetif "Monday, December. 8 -isjsvm List of New Advertisements, lecture .at Charlotte Institute for Young Ladies. , jfeW Farmers' Bank W. B. Bradford. Laws of Busineas G. W. Claytor. physicians Meeting. , pjees For Sale A Medium Hoe Cylinder Hand Power Press, formerly used to -print this paper. - ,' r- - Concord Court. Business engage ments preventing our attendance on this Court at the present term, I we can only give street reports to the effect tbat His Honor, the '-Donkey," (as, he is called ia Batherford,) still sits sweetly ruminating on tho eaa 01 ?z,ouu per annum salary, tad his chances for the same another term. The case of State vs. VV hittington for murder was ended ' by) a verdict! of jnaDslaughter Ho was sentenoed to five years in the penitentiary Teajkb-W. H. Eskridge a gallant ood disabled Confederate soldier of Oleaveland county, sent us a fine gobbler for a Fair dinner and it did make a iair dinner, lThe :;ijpbbMJ!gU!S!KW Xu-klux lellow that frightened the Gaston tnilitia of Kirk's regiment. " " . ! Mr. F. L, Galloway, of Back Creek, sent us a fine lot of sweet potatoes, equal to the best raised by our loyal Treasurer. Noble Mkcklenbcbg. Our gifted Brog "deit, "child of the? skies," may well call Mecklenburg a noble county. No one has ;'pnt in a claim from oar county for losses sustained by Federal "raiders. Leffingwell stripped the North Carolina Military Insti tute, and his thieves stole cotton from our people. But" nothing is known of this, beyond the fact that Grant has rewarded some of them with office." ' - Gambling. In the history of our town, there has never . been known such un amount of open, shameless gambling as took place on the Fair grounds. The evil then done is irreparable. Young men and boys there- acquired a taste for gaming, which will be a curse to them for life, and may entail upon them misery for eternity. We earnestly desired the Fair to succeed, "and the diligence and energy of the public Bpirited managers deserve all praise ; but, as public journalists, we cannot refrain from expressing our utter disgust at the total disregard of all decency in this public dis play of wickedness. The gambling was a reproach to our town, a . disgrace to the Fair, and a stench in the nostrils of all good people. r I An Impostob. .Several weeks ago a young man of rather "soedy" appearance was on the streets seeking charity, and strongly recommending himself on "the ground that he had both arms .broken while in the Southern army, aiid his father "and broth ers were killed in the same straggle. From one of our leading citizens he obtained an I order for a day's board at the Gharlotte HoW, and received pecuniary favors from others. Through mis representations he I procured admission to an entertainment ism in North Carolina, and it is a person given by the Cadets of Temperance, but- al-and political affront to the Republicans was detected and hustled off the stage while in the midst of a maudlin harangue I ... 1 w t to preface "pussing the hat.,' The last number of the Greenville papers mentions a Mr. C. Daniels, of Mississippi, represent- ing himself to be a Ku-klnx prisoner, just released from Albany Penitentiary, where he had spent Jhiee years and now j need ing funds to carry him home. Now, we ,UUff t,UilV I1U BUUU UX J.U IO, Ul I oer wus, aiuou'r tue xk.u-K.JUX prisoners ut 1 r.i- - , " 1 . j v . ,i 1 McDaiiiels is an unmitigated humbug, who ought to be "arrested as a vagrant, or for the darker crime of swindling benevolent persons on false pretences. Gen. Alfred Dockeby. died on Wednes day, at lai residence in . Richmond county. aftenan illness of several weeks, at the ad vanced age of 76 years. Mr. Dockery was ' at one time, one of the first men of the State. In 1845, he was elected to Congress, ftnd declined a renomination for a second terra ; lut was again elected in 1851. He aa the Whig candidate for Governor in 1852 Jbut was defeated by Gov Thos Bragg. Since ice the wary be professed Radical tenets, ile there ik, Sodonbt of his personal while integrity. he hosnot held his old position in public estimatiSa ; , ' ' J - "l " Th b residence of Capt. R. T, Fulghum, Editd rof the State Agricultural Journal, n.wieign, was enterea. uy u uurguu uu Tuesday morning, and, robbed of some $200 0' wearing apparel. We feel sorry for hrother Fulghum, but really we can't nn- derstand how he happened to have so much oioney and good clothes in his rooms and he ah editor! ! .. . . press has been robbed of his raiment of late. Wh?.t does it mean? Is it on account of ths Panic I At a meeting of the Trustees of Sharon, Providence and Steel Creek Townships, held at th Tnrn-nnt' nn the 29th Novem r,! Capt. Smith, of Providence1 was called w the Chair and W. K Williamson, Esq as appointed Secretary. The Trustees "were; instructed by .k the Meeting to build by the first of March, 1874. a good and lawful fence around the ilr townships, witli'gates at all the public 'oads and with ' all necessary water- gaps, ck-guards, &c. It was furthermore re vived to admit within ; the fence, such , farms in Union ponnty and 1 .South Caro- na as would bear their proportional part a the constrnction of said fence. A CcBwrr--W L toweEsfl of Gas- county' has . sh'o wn . us twqmjniatnre Iw and a salt-cellar made by him in the inches at Petersburg ont of tbe; Md pi Rant's crater, where so I many negro sol diers wereKbutcheredi lbri,the fife of the tion.! - The articles; are well executed nd tasUfnlly inscribed. Rev. R.4.' B. ' Anprbsox, of . Morgahton M obtained leave of bsenoe - from his cburch, to spend, a few weeks . in Jackson -'e, Fhtj, on account of his heaith,' - : ' TiTnnt nnim a... . . j( ;r , v ;Ma: m -. ew men ift. this coontrvl hate o re- markable flow of words, eaa , the illus- wans rreaident of the Senate of North Carolina. He can k.nn.. 1 without pausing foreword "orto catch his breath, and no mortal man can tell what he has been haranguing abont Some one invited . the Senate of North Carolina to attend the Fair of the Caro- nnas. The great orator and statesman replied for thatfaugust body He do- voiea afepage?,to lbe.,noblft county of Mecklenburg; " another page to Fairs in general and the good they were doing. A third page to ,-tbe grand Exposition on the 27th in the historln nnnnf4vk;nK I is so well-known throughout tha whnln wy y v u i country as the. Hornet Nest f the first great Revolution in America and the birth-place of American Independence." Then he closes ior he do? close) his let ter with these gnwous?4ihes : May ther,Falrofthe Carolinas" be pro ductive of great good to th rftoni ftnH Ann. sons, until oar noble rivers shall cease to The Queen of the world, 1 ; I MavwffiSSK In hanciness and nroanaritv ftn th int Sirft HfiSiCHSI andi when the was concurred in by 35 yeas to 7 nays ron of States shall be called no longer, may - v t J -, , ' i,t It be remembered beyond the'ttoirs: tnat oneiMjp--rtne3enrat Assembly will North Carolina sarviveal' thenr all." adjourn on tbat-da- :: v 1 - V""-irretnr nhtrpThe &anroad Oonsolidation Bill,! after V ' " 01 owewie stuoiea - - - , - 1 i boy days. This should be a stim-I uo uumuivmu uruiur 10 ma senno - x I yuum xu reaa auigenviy mat 6uxOFu8.ory OI learning, ine proper : ri- ? m. MAatAM 1 L.i L..L -4 t." 11 .-aovijr lUSl DUUKtOe CUIUVaUOH OI lAltiA 1 k .S I J . a l 1 pr.H.pie8na areqaisue numoer v -vTO w. ,cvaw vue tuuenb to tne presidency of some Senate, There is an aptness about the Lieut. Governor's quotation, which may escape the careless observer. He wants North Carolina to become "a child of the skies," hut he does not want that thing done in indecent haste ;, not in fact, "until the rivers shall cease to flow onward to the sea." When the rivers have stonned a a running, it will be time- for , North. Caro lina "to git up and git," as the colored orators say. After this tremendous stop page of the rivers, the roll call of the States is to begin not upon this earth, lor it would be in a curious fix with all the rivers stopped but beyond the stare. The eloquent Lieut. Governor hopes that it may be discovered at that final roll call beyond the stars, when all the rivers are stopped up, that North Carolina, like tho "lorn and lone" widow Gummedge, survived all tne other States 1 We don t know what good it would do for her to remain after the rivers-had been stopped up, just to be the last at roll-call and be twitted as the Eip Van Winkle of all the j States on the Judgmen Day I Wart the-Spoils'. The Era, edited by W.A; Hearne and Joe Holden, is in a ' ' I have been put in office by Gov. Caldwell to carry out his hypocritical pretence of "moderation." The Era says, "to; the victors belong the spoils," and that, the Executive,in not bearing this fundamental rule of the'ItepllbuCan party tiT mind, has followed "a course destructive of Radical- of this State This is strong language, and beautiful- ly illustrates our oft-asserted theory, that the Radical party in the South is a mere coalition or association of greedy men gaping for spoils and only held together by the cohesive power of public plunder, The MeCKLexbcbo Declaration. On Wednesday, in the Hpuse of Representa , . , , W. Tf-A nt xt,- , n.. tt tit onerea a resolution laviuug me nou. . ill a MUWUaf, 1V W V Ma uu vwv wa. V - the General Assembly daring the present session on the subject of the Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence. . Mr. Gilbert moved to add the name of D. R. Goodloe. Lost. , Mr. Bunn mo fed to add the name of W. W. Holden. Lost. The resolution finally passed. Mr.'Eeid, also, "presented a petition on the temperance . subject ' A ' similar peti tion was presented by CoL Brown, of Meek lenburg. " Db. Columbus Mills. This worthy gentleman is now acting Grand Master of the ' State Grange of thi atns of Husbandry" of North' Carolina : he hav- ing succeeded by virtue pf ;his 6Tpce On the resignation of WS.Battle, iSsqlaie Grand Master. Mr. Battle resigns be cause his growing business engagements will netpermit of bis .ropqrly filling the j 0fljce. i Appointed, Gov. Caldwell has ap- pointed Gen. Rufus Barringer, of Char lotte, Solicitor for the" 9th Judicial Dis I trict, vice. Hon. W. P. Bynum, promoted to Supreme Court Jndge.- Pabdohed. We are plea! to learn that Amos Owens, Ku Klnx prisoner from North Carolina, is pardoned ai last He is, we believe, ihe last man from North Carolina to leave the Albany Penitentiary ; though there are some thirty other persons from the South in that, gloomy prison, if they have not died. Naw Scbsobjbebs. Still they come ! Our friend, M. W. Simmons, Esqn of Hicksville, Rutherford county, called in last week with a club of thirteen subscriber, with the money, and many more promised. Squire Simmons will give us the news from his section occasionally, and we shaU ; be glad to hear from him; i Febociocs. Young Tom Eaves, of Ruth erford county, recently stabbed bis brother John, formerly a member of thejfudature, aS6t after teihglilnested an31ba!foap peared, atlias sotbeea eince.lard from. There ia a suspicion of insanity in the case. Branch Rou. In the House, last week, Mr. Ellis, of Catawba, introduced a bill to enable the Carolina Central Railroad -to buUd a branch from Lincolnton to Hickory Station. iu : il - 1 ' ; 1 Niw Books. Mrl G: W.' ClaytoF,1 will canvass th eity ; for a number of excel lent works which we have examined and can recommend. ' 1 f : I .... Lerislatirs. hl An0 greater part of the week lust Da6Bed has ; been spent by the General . n ..the. introduction of local tills, changes of bills revisala X.n f wbich is earnest and necessary work,-! but i not of general interest to our sqb- 8cno,ers - We are watching the proceed- ing8 firom t0 da7 aDa wjn endeavor t0.let notniDg 8,iP that ought to be re- Pnniea In lDe southern Home. ; . The Ra llroa Consolidation Bill, which vy me oia iov. moreneaa 8cheme of 8 continuous line from Duck- , x k, j.enn., 10 jnoreneaa City. waa mQCh debated for several days. aP Waring, of Mecklenburg, offered ar an amendment requiring a bond of half i a million dollars from the officers of tie company for malfeasance or default n performance of duty. Mr. Humphrey's substitute, providing for $10,000 bond and ten years imprisonment, was adopted on Wednesday. ; j - On Thursday, the House voted to ad- jeas and 12 nays. The Senate had pre- 22d inst. I the Senate, on Thursday, the Hou.e Bill to adjourn sine die on the 15th fust. much debate 0n Thursday, was placed on ii ir t. , .j its tuiru reauiug. At may now oe consia- A.0(4 n TOi runt. onH ar f i oa nan v mm maw amvv uu w MO "V VUU ;udffe from the disjointed dailv debates. - ' meritoriou8 scheme Tn tKnTTnnoo o ,a.nlti,n a bv 75 vea8 to 23 nnndomnin the increased 8aiary of Congressmen, the salary of Congressmen, Back-Pay Act, &c, and disapproving the President's action in this matter. In tbe Senate, on Friday, the resolu tion, asking Gov. Graham to deliver an address on the Mecklenburg Declaration, was voted down after a speech from Mr. Love, arguing, that nobody in North Car olina or out of it doubted the genuine ness of the Declaration, ezeept a few persons who wore gaining for themselves an unenviable notoriety through the newspapers. Same day, Mr. Waring in troduced resolutions to '-raise Bevenue and protect sheep." Without poking a joke at our worthy Senator, we might suggest that a large part of our State revenue has gone to feed sheep and black sheep " at that. On the same dav. the Bailroad Con- Bolidation Bill passed its third reading by voto of 35 to 5 un oaturaay, Mr. varmg introduced a . a . r n. . ' u u ,0 aiuCUu .uBr0r o. uo ,.r u. vnn Tciviiinaa For the Southern Home Messes. Jditoes : lne week so long and anxiously looked for is now numbered "among the past." Its history has, and will be written whether for good or evil, Trill ..1 1,'til tur, iivjjr., wuiepeis gouu. iub ciuiuiuiuu of evidence causes hope to distrust. "The Fair of the Carolina was organ- ized for the improvement and develop- nr... m.kon;noi terests. For its snctess some have labored .:xi.ii u:i. .ii. .j u ... iH eaoauv mterestea. nave stooa aiooi. xw - ro the officers. donbtlcBS. have committed. Perfection is rarely attainable by individu- als. and if We can throw the mantle of charity over ther misfortunes, how much L -ha-.; o .M mm;naA ciations. X hose who condemn should make a personar examination, and "he that is witnout sin snouiu cast tne nrsi. stone, it certainly was mortifying to see the Depart- nient of Agriculture almost entirely ignored by the farmers of Mecklenburg. The ex- hibition by them aid great injustice to our county and their profession. Why was it so Have they attained to such perfec- won m tneir camng inaii tney cannot do benefited by meeting once a year; their brethren, interchanging views, making an xmu,MU.B T piu,,uu ueunuy from each other the manner and mode of cultivation? Let the barren fields the deep; gullies, the poor return for labor spent, answer ; and let the echool tne an- didui voVw-nn1 frnm liill n n rl v1a nnf.il ifc - " nas torcea its way to every nresiae. or was tue aoeencB 01 arucies wuiuu buuuiu i -i I .i . i u:u - u i lost notices- ble feature. A large part of our planting nnmrnnnitv wfint further, and ignored it bv rf o aDsenting tnemseives. xm. was a ieit Dy an ; ana wi menting upon this hard for its success, uu "TrrT my little monitor, nnow wmspers m 4r , ' -17- my ear, "They knew; their duty, and they did it not f but look forward. The ladies, ( God bless them, ever ready, ftlwavs foremost in everv good work, were there. Some not in person ; but the rep- . . . mf J ' resentauon or. tneir nanaiworx Bpose voi- . .. ..... i . . T i nmes in tneir praise. , now iasuiy uuu beautifully arranged was their department I so lull, so complete ana 01 i sucu cimr- ni.far oa vp a a never hefnrft nnp.nfid to exhl- bition in the hails of the Society ; silently rAhntimr those of the sterner sex. 1 UVVVa nan awv - I 1 assure our farming mends tnat l am o - . . . . . ..-.! not writing in a captious spirit. My sole object is, if possible, ible,' to enlist tneir interest in behalf of our Society. Upon them, to a rrnt dAPTefl. its existence depends. If they continue 'to ignore it, to.whom, con- Some attribute oicu.. r v rr their lukewarniness t6 an idea that this is a Charlotte Fair. It eannotr be possible that one so absurd prevails to. - any very great extent. The intelligence of the farm ers of this county cannot honestly enter- tain it. They must have otner reasons, and. to themt seemingly conclusive. If so, Ihere suggcst that they meet in conven iTl T7UTI tion, and if they can and will mature any pian wnicn wiu unug auuuu llJ1 " r:J.urAr " 7n" Z - t-.JlTZl.:T that they wffi b. .t cordMy adopted I would almost venture another proposi- tion, viz : that the officers of the Society. tkoM n mrvtr oKiofioTiij in them V wrtnld gladly resign, and place the control of its operations in the hands of the practical nrs of the country tanners 01 toe country, LTeonclu I do earnestlv entreat ,arn T,t ?f tho flTiBta ftTiv feelings of xney cenauuy u .ium.. o rest until the time again rolls around for another exhibitibn, and with ' the fruits of their labor come forward ana snow to tne world that old ,n? ?l 4anaa" bleenteTrksek4frnottobefoud wasting fU AAVSA TAVi, O in ftter,thevtmaHl guanUty.-or , variBty. of tht 1 products or her sod. JL Thk Bbioht Misos.; Friend Harris -B&tt BMr (Cmcori.-N.- C, price 7 in Mir an- KMM' turn lat week, " Jday it meet with a erous endorsement u k i k j unconstitutibnal TheiTiain deceased, six miles fact, those who labored "Qonstnuiionai. IUQ injunction restrain- within twenty days from saiu publication; east of Charlotte, near the Lawyers' Boad , felt the blush of sad- '"S xrcasurer irom, paying out any wen ana were to qeiena said suit, orjudg- Cn Thursday the 18th of December, the among the memDers ot tne oociety, ana x i exhort them to begin noto, and continue to j """STfT labor for their J own advancement. Never ! .CiVZJkiJ North Carolina News. Forty-Jive Sheriff have sottled with the State Treasnrer. : There have already been two snow storms in Asheville.' - 4 . Jnx Tl Ko'es, of "Onion county, a one- armed man, one day recently, picked out 116 pounds of cotton. It took last week 78 beaves,, 107 hogs, 7 sheep and 3 calves to appease the hun ger of the Wiimingtonians. . Rev. Alexander Martin,: of Danville, Va., baa accepted the call to the pastor ate, of the First Presbyterian Church of Wilmington. i '' i l i '..'i! L ' I A negro girl at Chalk Level, Stokes cbunty, recently gave birth to a child , placed it under a brush heap, set fire to the pile and consumed the body. WasIav MnHlin who liVAR nAir Mod. roe. Union countv. on day commenced 1, VJ ' 1 - - - I C ifAm Ia milt n'AvAw lsw!r fr t Y a I UlO, OUU uvn uu vriai ewvn vu i beauties of nature again; So much for maAAKntr vit.h HftnorprOnS thintrfl' ' 1 Dr. J. Mason SDaiflSDtrr has returned to Lenoir vith his bride Another veteran bas kissed the rod. By the Be v. J. C. Heartsell, at t he resi dence of Samuel Hay, Esq., on the eve ning of the 30tb insi, Mr. John McDur ger and Miss Sopbonja561ickr were uni ted in the sacreq bond of wedlock. ... - - MaoKay, oflheGreenville Republican, say$: A tisit seTeral business houses convinced us lplialUr!s'iDOiind to hecoMe a greaitfepThe" -immense no-ottittTpauS3 with waeons loaded -with cotton, ahd the general appeaance oiinings, naiuraiiy t - i ...... JJ I induced a feelintf which .lorled in her 8UCC688. I w . I The Kaleigh News says : We heard it rumored on the streets yesterday tbat tne yy ester n ix ortn varouna xvauroaa 1 korl Knnn anli tf tkn Nftfl h f!rnlln I itauroaa ior seuu,uuu, jvu,uuu o oe-paiu 1 1 1 jhrtsiA nnA AOAA .AAA . 'I J t to iv. 1 . xu.CA.aen, euv,uuu to tne ooutn ern Security Company, and $100,000 to pay of the floating 'debt, and tbat this arrangement bad been made with tbe conseut of tbe Powers that Be. No di v idends to accompany. - The Winston Sentinel says: The case of tbe State against W. H. Gentry: sher ill of Stokes county, indicted for wilful neglect of duty in permitting W. D. Mc- Gi 1 1 to escape from his custody, after be ing ordered to jail by J udge Cloud for threatening to pall tne court s nose, was removed to this county by the State, and was tried last woes;. The evidence was so clear and conclusive in favor of tbe detenaant tbat ne had used, an proper precaution and diligence that the jury were out but a few minutes before tbey returned a verdict of "not guilty," and sheriff Gentry departed for home a hap py .man. This was one of Judge Bond's pet cases. A barn on the Myette Grove planta tion, Craven county, the property of Dr. James W.Gray, of Newborn, was burned last weeic. Tbe loss ltr ahnnt. XI (Mill . I J " - I j, j Wj .TrW f T?tKorfAr,1tnn h removed to Kaleigh Ior the practice of 1 niu n vrmuum-a f A sad accident occurred at Salem w a nn VriAav fK o,n ;nBtant '.. I " - J " J laay, Miss Tuley, 01 Augusta, Ga., a pu- I pil in the Female Institute, whilst in the act of putting a stick of wood in a stove, set nre to her dress. Before the fire I nnnU kii -o- i n :Q W - J nL I I tcuiui iuut sue uiru kee louowing (lay. Cant. J.J. Rail t.h hAti;.. has taken charge of tbe iSt. Charles Ho- eL at Statesville at mnicr I ' ' o lnvS H ft h8 invented a sulky plow, which the States- tille IafaiseaaSSCTAf 1 . . . . . " . , - firr - r ln nlSn rm- . Th Free Will and Mjssionary Baptists "woeon county are quarrelling about the possession of a church known as Hog Swamn. and the nth Axr 7. w TTor, Alva Britt and J C. Umflln rtt. infn , peroouai uimcuity in regara to tne mat- Jer, which resulted in the death of Hayes i "j - " n ouvnu mu uauus 01 "rut. ,.,; . , ln Senate, on the 29th. a bill to amend the charter of tho Carelina Central Rail- way was introduced. It limits tho cani- tal to $10,000,000 and authorizes the cor- poration to mortgage the road at the rate ot spzo.uuu per mile. On motion of Mr. Ellis, the rules were suspended and the bill passed its several readings. Crowder'8 Mountain post-office has been changed to "Weoten's Station," J. B.Car- son, P. M. New offices have been opened at Gastonia .F. S. Hanna. P. M.: aid at Pin Hook DeDO, with j iAnZ, ir. m. P . M. p xr n n m. tt. -j Raletqh, N. 0. Dea 2The United i awauu.uu.. vj.. jyr.iL i iih i nn.pfi .. . . ":r . : - " ?iai Vrcuii A-ourt decides, without giv- Qiot p An: rt-.i j . , .A, . " Tll "BOD9 81 present, mat tne 0.Pec,a, ax xjonos are constitutional, and that the flftk dirArt?ni i..iiiroM;n pk fund cMteitZ not irvanttd, in.nii.-.W.-. ' Hnn "-'--""Xrr" Hone on thi rrt nf-fh afii. ,iTk ?n OB e Prt of the defendant which Dde the Court to believe that the Paintin win, suffer damage before, tbe 1 nnai nearing, I,-. . . ' j oenator Meming's bill for the relief t''41.'nu.L. -a i - . ui wruaaa Asyium proposes to ap- tnupuaiv yu,uw. ComplimentaiT. r The Southed Hoke. We are pleased to note a recent enlargement and other im- 1 . ; f -i " p uw vaiuea cotemporary, puousnea at .nariotte, w.i., ny uen. D. I nui, iauiwr, ana rtanaoipn a. onotwell, Associate Editor; yen: Mill wields an in - I clave pen, which has a reputation through- J out the land, and the Southern Home, nn- Success from tne time it was first established. The Southern Home looks splendidlv since its enlargemehV u3 sincer:it. has its new press in order: Its columns.' too. are crowded with the very best of matter. . ..... p -l.t it . . m .. Charlotte has good cause to be proud of - 1 her weekly papers the .Democrat I n.V WOAtrla WAWMwan . n n ami m a J and Southern Home.-? Observer. .'; - Tbe Southern Bomei under the control ofGen. D. H. Hill and R. A. Shotwell. has recently been rery much enlarged and im Pved. We are glad tossed this evidence of its prosperity., It is a laithft KS, u ! no00 - SJr: tT tdtiKncT-. TT.vTTui.T I ' " ' . ' - . Thk South HonThia mvalnable weekly, published at Charlotte, N. O, ctroes to us thw week greaUy enlarged, . P herepre "7 lewuence, wnween tne WOXas -Jjonin- !SiS - , "7'7tTTJ'Zl v per annum. Jfadesboro Argus. ; N. A, Xlws yaloabie : paper i has copied two editorials. nd leaded th6nf, withpat giving credil to the 8ot7Ti K a r touVi ; un Hohk i New; Brother, send us up j an original editorial and We'll call it square. 11 -o l .lii " . e.-'r'rS V vv -.,, pale horse last nlght, if the1 gistiofa I ieeung oDitaary. notice la a louistana pa- fper' ika .v.kaoVn luuuu uuui wic interest inna is rensm im ueui wm w au avcoruinir to tne prayer nrnnortv nfa&id k:ataf roi anri iuruin.1 n Book Notices. Buickwood'8 EorNBuaoH Hevixw. The November number contains the following j articles: Tne Parisians : Temper; Thei Missing Bills, An Unsolved Mystery : New Books-, De Mortnis; Poems by W. W. 8.; The Liberal Parry and National Education. Published by Leonard Scott Publishing j Co New York. Terms $4 a year. The Southekn Maoazihb for December : contain b the following : The Gold Lake i Fever; A n Undoubted Original; Aftermath: A Pilgrimage to Vienna; The Goose that I Lays the ttolden Eggs : : Pre-UoIumDian Discovery of America; Cousin Jack ; Visit tn PdMoniiv! TnoirJAnfa nf th GrAfik fievo- I lllfimi. SfofM TMa .n5 thA Na tionai currency; Aiegrim, tne ugiy iwan i v w a m jjeviews &Ci v & . ' '. 1?.. T . . TU Tiumlu1In Af th TSOm. ia at Vmnd- m1 ia filled as HA,IjXAjAIJ JJJLM3M.Mtiaf.U& XCHDUiLAi AW I a . ' ji l & m. . lXl., I asy HUVl wp?CUUiT W SUCK wf Hmv I ft little solid food included in their month- In mrid ; Tkia nnmtu ia (tia nlnaincr Ana of the year and of the volume, and its ap- pearance reminos reaaers wai ine bob naa come io seuu m next year a sauBcnpuvu. i The JSclectic was never better than now, I ttnA nM fillod sn ataMIv tliA rtfiniromentfl I of a family magazine. It is a periodical w", enJtfwted MiV will find it profitable to consult, and which can not fail to carry an educating influence into every household that it penetrates. Tbe new volume begins next month, ana we commend it to our readers as a taaga-J zins which can be relied on from year to Jf ublished l r by B.?irpeifoirrfD8 yuiton t Vv Tim. Rooi I -KarB uwuvjw i'VJn Sinela namber. 45 cent- "XZY:' n r ' a- : ' " 1 - 1 ' "m m 1 I TTrfcAn fhn ntn wall" ftf a nAitrKhnr. I iDst female colleire the other morning. was discovered, conspicuously displayed, t.h ninn inmMtm Kaxnir Mannine"! O C , ! J I . .. . ty known as eollese students did it. Lying too much in bed is a bad habit. but not so much as lying too much out of bed. In this city, on the 4th inst. by Rev. B. S. Bronson, Mr. George King and Miss Ida Tatum, all of Charlotte. In this county, Dec. 2d, by Rev. Walter W., Pharr, Mr. Teleniachus C. Alexander to Miss Elmira McLain. Tn fnia mMinttr rn 4-Va 9t1 Inetanf af residence of the bride's mother, by Rev. W. Moponaid, Mr. Kufus w. lrwln to Ml Sarah H. Kirk pa trick. un Thursday night, .November zuth, Mr. William elmms and Miss ixmisa M. JJaven port, both of Greenville county. S. C. On Wednesday, 26th of November. Mr. Charles O. Avery of Chicago, 111., to Miss Mary tswandale, or lireenviiie, 0. u. un Sunday morning, Oct. law, Mr. jonn I. McGee, of Abbeville, and Miss Mary M. Goldsmith, of Greenville county, S. C. Un Tuesday last. Professor J. col ton Lynes, of the Carolina Military Institute was united in the holy bands of wedlock to miss .Pauline Michel, or Charleston, . u. nn k 07t. nif k to.t John M. Allen, and Miss Orra Camp, both v vuv tu uihi fcT o. B. Grant, Mr. r07XtyiwT.R. N. Price. Mr, AAtinrv Jonn . uraves. or Knoxvme. formerly or - " . ... Henderson county, N. C, to Miss Mary J uerriger, or Hamblen county, Tenn. In Aiken, 8. C, Dec. 3rd, Richard, Infant son of Mrs. M. L. and Rev. Alexander Sin clair, aged 8 months. James H. smith, former proprietor of the Observer, died on Thursday morning at Winnsboro,' 8. O. He had many friends in Charlotte who knew his worth, and will re- I fprst ins decease). team- SawBIill ! 1 ATTENTION BUILDERS. J. B. Richards, at Ramsey's Crossing, on the Carolina Central Railroad, above Cher- V?Yil e Is. now dy to receIve ordera for ONE DOLLAR PER H1JNDRED sawed according to order. W. L. Finger. hrst-ciass sawyer in charge, send in your ordeF8- wight per car load JiO. J. B. RICHARDS. Nov. 10th. 3 m. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, Mscklbnburo Uounty. ! H. C. Severs, Admr. of Jos. McQuay, Pl'ff, -ai. m m ajwiruf mMM ubb a. m Margaret Dixon HVrripfc MnO ruin "g 'whS uirl ?Ann V&lU 7 Sally oIleDefeimffl SoeMnl PrJLil' TA t ' A&. ' ' I It annearint? to the satisfaction of the Court itapi K" 1. "L n81: that the defendant Bally Ogle is a non-resi- I J m i i m a r-m a -w ueui w we oum, it u, uu muuiio, uiucrea i . . . . ... . - A . .1 aeni 01 tne otaie. it is. on motion, ordered by the Court that publication be made for six successive weetcs in the southern Home, ? newspaper puonsnea in tne city ot unar- ioite. notirying saia uerenaant to appear "e Clerk of the Superior Court of of the petitton herewith flledT Witness, K. A. Osborne, Clerk of our said i VYiiness, xsi. a., usoorne, Cleric or our said at office in Charlotte, this the 22d day of October, A. D., 1873. A. UHBUlirfiS, O. S. C. oct 27 6 w TO FARMERS. Having the largest and best stock of BOOTS and SHOES. I 1U iue VIIT Ol UUoIlOlie. auu CODBlQI in the city of Charlotte, and considering tbe very iow' price of cotton, we h made a and heavy deducUons In our price of I tsnoes. w armers and otners wai wanting their 1 amiiy snoa cneap, wwn good goods, can nave is aone atis ' r .-. :. . ii . i SAMPLE A ALEXANDER'S tNov 10-lna Boot and Shoe Store: REMOVAL. I have removed my Jewelrv Store, on Trv- on Street, next toTiddy's Book Store, where 1 am receiving a large stock of foods con I suiting of fine Gold and Silver Watches and I chains T.Bi10a flna aata lutaa raln8' fle sets, latest styles, ear-! I hnnfl hlwiarnina nnA Main ...Urm SZIS ttSSStt gs, gold, silver and I . B r- great variety, and all such goods as are nsu )Mh same can be bought any sept in a nrst class 1 x wiu sen as low as lne anywhere else. All work in the line done with neatness ansi ilA.tu.lAli' .A il ait T:T:ZT"lt ajwuo wiu -wiauiicu as irurescuuni. . Ton Street,' next Tiddy. Book Store, 50.000 Cimn of srlnnn and lKn!oa Kranf. Chewing and Smokirtg Tobaeeo in quantity fnd ofariptw bran ties. Wholesale and retail, , , . BBO. :.; Valuable. EesWenee for Sale. For sale, the residence of Mr. Jam. P elusive of halls, pantrv. closets and ralLars and will be shown to any one wislftng to purchase. Entrance to the place from Trade ex., nve squares west or tne court bouse. ACCOMMODATION. POSTAll CARDS can be had at COST. I 0 - J i TIDDyS ug ! i- JJook store. Bookstore. A FULL Stock of Groceries and Confec tioneries of all kinds in Store and being re- oct 7 jan29 1 , , - " I I if i I ' j . . . ,,' i i T i COFFEE. Buirar. Molasses. Cheese and luce, jusc receivea at ' - A. R. NISBET 4k BBO. ' i", - r .... , ,i ft , CoaaioTED WxxaxT bt Bobwkix, Gam a Co. Home productions are Quoted at thebuytna prioe, and all others at tbe selling price from tores.- - ', - 1 BACON North Carollaa- - Hams, ;5 . per lb. . Sides. , Shoulders, " Hoe Bound, Westeiui Selling price. Hams, canvassed, per ft. Sides. Shoulders. " 1418 1U12 ! 8al0 UalS . 15 SJalO 8 15 15a20 9ial0 25 15a30 BAGGINQ Gunny, per yard, uunaee e Ties, BKESWAX per lb. CX)FFEE-r- Bio, good to prime, Laguyra, 2830 2830 88 $10.00 - 7Sa80 la lOall a ' $1.80 2025 4 Java, ... Sly.Jei!;APr nusnet mm-- " . per yard, 7-8 ncT .lrrw, FISH-Mackerel. No, 1, per hbL $1.00 , t lO.UU 3, " 8.00 1. Kits. 2.50 " j - ' i 60af75 FLOUB-N. a Family, per" sack. ' 4.75 Extra, , .440 it Northern and Wettenu per bbl. 6.00a8.50 nRATN hnvinv nrln. , ' x. u. von, per Duan. -Oaui, . ,t. U Pa,,' 75 4045 75 W0, 80a90 12al3 12al5 SOal.OO " Wheat. f-;:""ltlir4""'-Ss Nr. ? yty - LARD North Carolina.' per lb, NorthernandWestern; m. MOIASMii-ui grades, y gaL W AIT .ULVM iPAfli arrn a ..wiK. iA i $7.008.00 12al8 S5al.00 SYRUP, gallon. . $2.002.10 lOall $2.002,20 901.00 10al2i jc :. , . Alj J-M VY , fll iU. iav Irish, Northern, bush. " Mountain, RICE- - . COTTON MARKET. Sales for the week 1500 bales. Market quiet at Ui to 14 for best grades. Trespassers, Beware ! All persons are warned not to hunt or fish on the premises of J. H. Caldwell, under penalty of the law. UKEM WAUBYVUKTh. Dec, 1 St J3 O o o a w O o n a w cs n 8 o n a w CO Q O O CO CO W 14 P ,g - a 60 a o 0B V o a 9 0B a 9 a u a if 5 525 o 9 a o e at 00 a a 09 3 - 9 O 1 QQ 60 e OATES BROTHEES, Cotton Buyers AKO ' General Commission Merchants, College Street, Charhtte, Kf. C. ON CONSIGNMETC 5,000 yards Bagging, 16,000 pounds dear-side, smoked Bacon 12,000 lbs clear ribbed, dry-salt Bacon, "( American Needle. Cotton GIN, for which we are agents. OATES BROS, uotton Buyers Commission Merchants, Nov 10 College Street. Sale of Land. By virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Mecklenburg county. I will sell at public auction; on Saturday, December 13, 1873, at II a. m., at K&ndalsburg post Offlce In said county, the following described Tracts of ljanapeionging to the heirs or Joseph Knox deceased : The home place, containing about 200 acres, ( larger part thereof subject to the dower of the widow of deceased.) The Simril nlace. about 90 rptm loininv Thomas Simril and others, (about 38 acres tnereor suDject to oower. I The "Black: Jack" tract, about 106 acres. u - jJ5 lta! EzekieI c"ers' heirs One tiactofabout 12 acres, near Pleasant Hill ChurchJoiningVVm. Porter and others, The Silertrt, about 71 wres, Joining Lo- .u.'u... , '.i""" JXJ,U" UOTB I Terms 12 montha crediti mircmai4Ar to ctIva 1 a a a a a T na wim '.""W'n-n bond with approved securit: auoa. um&n . . Com. NoV 24 Notice. Having qualified as Executor of E. C. Wal- wit: The plantation on which he lived: one- half interest in that valuable property three miles east of Charlotte, known as .Parks A wallls' mills: JUorseSjUtUe, Hogs, Wheat, Urn v CVvra nnvm Wasna Vamnln '.iil "Vt AJWgg , nagvii, saiuiuig wiu Blacksmith's Tools; Sixteen Shares of Char lotte, Columbia 6t Augusta Bailroad Stock, and other articles not mentioned. - Terms made known on day of sale. All persons having claims against said Estate, are hereby notified to present them duly authenticated before the 25th of No vember, 1874, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. And all persons indebted to said Estate must make pay ments immediately. . ' MARY w ALUS, 1 r,,. , JNov.UthrI1873w-4fc:j . . ...i :;: : The Jcsl W(sr Power, i Qold liiar and - Lrta Istrrc& latltt Couth By virtue of mortgage to us executed by Admiral Charles .WUkes, we tbe undersign'! ed mortgagees, will sell trpon the premises, at the High Shoals,'' in Gaston County. N. C, on the 10th day of January, 1874, for cash, all that valuable estate and property known- as the "High Shoals" property, in. the counties of Oaston, Iiincoln and Cleave- &r.r"d "-7- 4 FOURTEEN THOUSAND ACRES, and embracing the large and best Water Power tn the South and including Boiling Furnace nd Forges, and oth er nulls I i ' . i - ' . . atd and in- exnansuDie neas ox JAmettone, iron ure I The AlrwTJnai Rallmail win. tWO mllfl through this property, cutting the ore beds. Railroad also rrin near and eonvenienL upon tne otner sloe or said property. Sale at 12 o'clock, noon, on the 10th dav January, 1874. - THOa GKLEK, J NovlO-tf r 1 Mortgagee: DaYltlson Ctllcc " There will be a meeting of the Trustees of Davidson College in the old College Chapel, on Wednesday th 10th of December, 1873. iL9 ,2f p onaer s the lealgna. I mn of Peof J. U. Anderson, and any 3." JT"i vwwg ui jr injuuVf . xjr wwr m wis - ecutive Committee. JACOB DOLL, . -iNor 11V-' : c 1 . Chairman. We announce a neat and pleasant amuse ment for the winter erer fcsi PARLOR CKOQUET com pleto for S and $8 per sett. - Also a large lot ot new Novels fresh from the publishers. TIDDY 4 BRO. i lis, aeceasea, we will proceed to sell at tbe COTTON STATES J Life-insurance Col Chaetxbxd bt thk Stats of Geokgia. Capital ." . . $500,000.00 AdeU, . : ... : 479,81468 $170 for every 0 $100 of jXiability. a The only company , doing business In' the South that has One Hundred Thousand Dol lar deposited with the authorities, of the State of Georgia, and $50,000 with the State of South Carolina, for. the protection of Policy-holders. . : . Policies upon all the various plans of In surance issued, , Policies non-forfeitable.' No restrictions as to residence xx travel. Strictly a home company with its capital and investments at home. . People of the Cotton States, foster, home enterprise. . 1. 1 -.::'-:! ' offickbs:; . : Wc-B.'JoHNSTOlf; President ; ; ' WmS Holt, Vice-President; -George 8. Obear, Secretary; John W. Burke, General Agent r .' " j j f J. Mercer Green, Medical Examiner W. J. Magill, Superintendent ; ofr Agencies. Prinoipal Offlcev MACON,- GA1 1 A Flea for Life Insurance and the V'Cbtton - " iState Life." 1 Scarcely in the history of ; theA American people has there been a parallel to. the .gen eral crash and monetary panic though which this country is now passing; and nev er, in the history of the Southern people, has there been, in consequence.euch wide-spread pecuniary suffering. . But recently ruined anddevastatei by war, disappointed :by a series of disasters to their crops,, they were lust beginning to . recover to some extent, when, without - a-note of warning, , they have been overwhelmed by the tidal .wave, of lnlptcwWchasJ In the North. . . , Old and reliable banks and banking houses have been swept, a way. and buried by the rushing 'tide.- Savings institutions, where the industrious and the frugal nad aepoeitea the hard-earned surplus of their toil to cre ate a fund for-the. support of declining years, or to constitute a legacy for loved ones, have been swept away; the fond an ticipations of a lire, the' bright hopes which sustained and cheered, have all been, -overwhelmed by he pitiless storm. -In: Short, every industry and enterprise,: every mone tary institution of the land has felt the des troying, blighting influence or this terrible upheaval.'"--:,J:; j c:fSlUo'a . It is a note-worthy tact, and one .that ' de-' serves the serious and sober consideration of every thoughtful mind, that throughout this wonderful crisis, no life insurance eompany has been submerged by this tide' of misery and destruction. On the contrary, these In stitutions stand as firm and steadfast through out the land to-day as though' there had been no monetary convulsion in Wall street. Indeed, there has been no period in their history which wotdd seem to illustrate so . perfectly the statement' long since made, What of all financial institutions a well conducted life insurance company is the strongest and safest." . Ana surely there has been no period with- -in the history of these institutions which so forcibly demonstrates the great truth, which for years has been . impressed upon the people, that there is no stability in nu man fortunes. That the 'provision 'Which we may have invested in stocks and bonds," or in any other species of securities, are lia ble at any moment to be engulfed in the troubled waters of adversity, and that when we feel most secure in our expectations,' of leaving behind us a 'sure support for' those who are nearest and dearest .to us, the ac cumulations of a lifetime may be dissipated like the mists of morning. ' . 1 ' Thousands, who a few months since pos- . sessed wealth and competence, are to-day sunk In the depths of poverty.. When so licited to Insure their lives, they laughed to scorn the idea that their families would ever need such provision. And now tbey are either too poor to insure at all, or if they , do so, it is at a largely increased rate, by reason of their advance in age. And now, friends, do you need stronger arguments to induce you to provide a care inheritance for those whom you mtwf one day leave behind you? Surely not! v We deem it not inappropriate here to ad vert to the fact that since the war a number of life insurance companies have been per fected and organized in the South, which, for lack of confidence would now have en larged there sphere of usefulness saving mlfiion tt lrrve-4cnntinoiJrdowntn)duVn ' South, where capital is so much needed. Strange as it may appear, yet the fact exists, that the people of the South have shown too little faith iu their own institutions Yet, there is offered to their patronage as strong a company, for its age, as any in the land and in many respects stronger. ' . With a paid in capital of $160,000 00, it has under its charter a deposit of $100,000 00 with the Comptroller-General of the State of Georgia: $50,000 00, in like manner, in South Caro lina, and a reserve of capital ot $350,000 00, which can be legally called in at any time when it may be needed. Now, when we consider that other - com- Knies have their entire capital invested in eir business, it is not too much to say that the reserve capital of the " Cotton States V furnishes an element of strength not posses sed by others. , ..'....: You have an opportunity, people of the South, to make this the largest and strong est company in the land. Will you not, then, come to our aid? Will it not give you some satisfaction and pride to see, In your own section, a company second to none: an in stitution in which you will feel that the best interests of loved ones will be committed to the honest keeping of men whom you know personally or by reputation, Instead of trust ing to men unknown to you, and who have boasted of the number of Southern' policies forfeited by the war; which Were more than sufficient to pay all of their own war risks. W. B. JOHNSTON, President, George 8. Obear, Secretary. ' J. W. Burke, General Agent - ' W. J. Maoxxj,, Superintendent of Agencies. Gjsx. THOS. F. DRAYTON, General: Agent for the State of North Carolina. -Dec l-4t . , . : ! . ' on to The undersigned having established busi ness relations with Liverpool houses of high character, tender their services to our 'Farmers-who desire to avail themselves of the superior advantage of shipping direct to that market., j . .,t They will receive the Cotton, mate ad vances, sj have arranged to ship andisell on the best possible terms for the farmers. All expenses as light as possible; They will hold or sell on arrival as they are Instructed by the owners of tbe cotton. - - 8TNHOTJSJL MACAULAY A CO., NovlO-tf ; 4-,, CharlotteN foe; sale; ; ATTtDDY's Book: storr ? ! t Ryles' Kxpbit ThoeghU On the Gospel, Hodge's Commentary , on Roman, (with Vluestions,) vj . .f. t .. TA?.... Jesus; by C. F. Deems, . U :. j . History of the Bible, b Dr. Wm. Smith.' Eighteen Christian Centuries White, St. Paul Cohybeare and Howsoh. ' Personal Beligion--GonlburnJ . . Pursuit of Holino. The Recovery of Jerusalem', i , Livington's Travel in South j Hpnrgeon'a Gem. WE HAVE RFTF,.TnRn - .1 600,000 Envelopes, . - -SO.000 Paper Bags, ... 'i ;1 .. ' - SO Dozen Noiseless Blates, A large and varied Stock of Writing Paper, Emerson's Clips and Files,' and many other goods which we are offering at fair prices. , Oct 14 c.tVi-v- fc TLDDYitfc BRt . LA2TDSETH-S GAEDE1T SEED. ' - WARRANTED GENUINE. '3?1 j; Early "White Flat - Dutch, . Early Flat Dutch, (Red Top,) Yellow- Aberdeen, Am ber Globe. Seven Top, Ruta Baga,- Large NOTfolk. - - - -i ;S fJJ-i , ( W. B. BURWELL A Go. .Spring's Corner, July a. ' l" v Charlotte, N: C. Cliarlotto Instittite i;dj Classes ln Drawing, Painting and Fancy work. Will be organised at the Institute; n Monday, 24th instant; v:" "': Terms, per Half . Session, Payable .! Grecian, Antique and Oriental Paint- ; ' ing (on glass) each, ' -3 10 w"-wetk and Hair-work;: each 1 u .. . 10 School Booki. A T.r 11-. . .1 , ..... .. ,. .,,.. ja i- An. -4. . T . . . , w-i. mvoMWA AO uuw WHIiWCaV ! i. U -W' SOI deem it necessary to go into detail, v it sim ply announce that our stock is fui . Call and see. TIPUY 4 30. Shipping Cot! Liverpopl t- i ' - i 1 '1 I 1 1 I 1 11 ; r 1 ! ! I ! .-I . ! It ss Ii f 1 -

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