JjlO SOlltllOHl &0Q0t . ' : f : . ". , ; -gijggggggggg!gg - .y.. mr-mwixki-wr - .. ; v '. ! V" V Jr ujm siMi l y M nit. . .T m.w ao Mioa f f!S a-M to.00 rea u le than the above rates. ria5l?Itl8e,neJ?t" -rti in the Local Column at nj price. . . BT E. L. PELL. . ' - -i ' " v' ;r : t a-..,- "Tf Sub5ription-iii Advance. ; J- ' jffY " '111" ...iei. one year, - - - o no Ot 41 'J U Lil V I U I II II II I It 1 If 1 II 1 II 1 Iff I. f J . - ? ' ;U, : ' ! ! ! " " " 11 UHARLOTTE. N r. . TJrt n a v tatmttatjv oo iqwi -... - i . 7 - v a luu a x uxiiiumiii mj. imi. . : - i . -i XTTTt ftitiw -i ii 1 1 ni nn.K --c I TV i Tl i Ti " I i ti ill I n,i , ii I, n ,rMn iiii I st teix. ana ire oi the its more an th a4..t.i s - - i - v w.wa Sun two years before another tion. Tbankfal for small favors. - Whi mt0 down on the ios is jor the of wsrmlog it ? Xn laberille Citizen oomes to ns Veek inUrged and greatly improved. THE Qo visbnor it this A ROMANCE I If SAJBL Jf Tn i We hare a copy of Gov Jr-;a' ; A cl. delia-htful Aafcnnn wi.k r-1 address, dehvered on w 7 S? "loas golden LSrht- befere both hona,. w " ... ."U-J, InC"V vLn,r height - u- vreaoru AisecD. I F-uu ueecy White. x is sensible. dbniX. . 1 The lit wi. of eonrnA ' I A Lover tr nnlna r.UIIUHI , moo en not in h.. wk . ' h.d( d'1 of ALt.wlthTOfl.lMidloTw -umiQisiration which a Rnii tvT """""8 ver sangi ...-, .ua aeveiopment of her resoor- auaoe edaotioa of her Abe obaogei produoad by the viewea Or ooarse railroads have their rights, but that is no reason why the people can't hire rights as well. It Mr Beat will make good one third of his promiies, ws will be more than ' satis fied. children." war are r atld. Cktxr v-i... . . . . ii.ir. of tha naDara don't think u I . ' f"ui, oaaaitio u - - r i iuviv is i pioiarSQ tick bone eooagh in pin a prohibitory lai the Leo-islatore to Tine will tell. AsMTjoa trying to do too things in too little time, M easears Uton T many Logis- Oca Legislatare i still laying oat TheS Cate Wants i n.u .... -.vu. - ..tcou muuoo acres of land lie idle, and u-er., weaitn remain, uadaveloped. uave more Deonla. n;.i;-.. anrl I.I ... F..-...ka .-uur-r8-ooia are oecesaary, and Dnth ma mn k ... ' -uo'' uTO wore we can develun nnp v . s Deathly Pad. l.d?? wi-th tartled GUnce- T w. f iQ Ior Deliverance a Vntd i 8ird hilariqa. dance ven Xtoeakai Pants. a id1n finn with' AfTrlght t R,rT Plight! t chuckliu witn de'ight- A wiiu, delmous Autumn H irhti Jinous Autumn Hghtl a LITJSRART NOTE. T HOH. t( HTO0tKT BUUB. The rapid reoperation of the 8ontb, indicated by the fcopreeedented prodac- won oi its great tuples, under the dis heartening circanktanoes which have at tended it aince he war, puts beyond question the energy of its people and the fertility of its se I The qualities were indeed sufficiently demonstrated by the great rebellion s Ireude states only the simple truth inulia "Short Stndies on GraVSubjetsi!i American civil war the enthusiastic clerke nd Sbopa-boys fom the Eastern cities were blown in pieces by the Virginian rifUmen. Hd then been no Western farmers to fight the South with men of thtir own sort, and better th an thAm. for a ten years' session. Bontba ii added on daily. About Bnt nn anhan 1 1 .rt Itth iwr Hns th. i. u I xt.l . 'ui-d oi if - ---- a - aaj ouu UM U I X wlvLO a JL1nll n a a n. vJ - . i " ueveiopment six I her resonroaa .n k . . u ,uuuei,ai or n.rra. nan. 1U.I J . .u.i, ues not enoompaas the edaoa- -..urea. ibi8 regarded as of -orjr ar.t xmportanca ; for without it ii onr tCjrt. w.ll be in vain. 0.p,ul, Drover biallv fimiri ;n i . - j .v., uui ioa ior io- vesnt. ,a a land of igooraooe, nor wil, immigrants sesk homes where there no school houses or chorches. tu. present state of edocation if d-aoult to speak with moderation. ,It juuu me Douods ot temneratH l.m.. .. . . ' a -uu we vQiot or the Qundr,ds of th -u fl L n H 11 nOT rvm.T. .. . (('""lujj Bp io oar SUte in ut ter ignoraoce. It i ao evil tram,. dona in ila n.ln.. l . . . sua oonsequenoea, , that ail the energies of the Slate should be oroaght to bear to correct. Tue Legislature baa the powar lo rem Jiclv t.liia T 1 v-iw wuio DTI . I L Rirtri A n.x r ..... K i ... . - n r .-. .. . I me vuiruu eaia -no, tnan. yoa to tdCient evstem ofMmmn -h..- o umtou aim tne Oeoreta- rjsbip of War, and it is now feared that Sons of the colored Republicans have just come to the conclusion that it is inad visable to press the claims of Bruce for a Cabinet poaition. PoroLiB sentiment is for prohibition, bat there is no telling what the popular lentiment may be with the millions the liquor men oan bring to bear upon it. Monit ii kiog after all. The people wmt prohibition, bat the liqaor dealers iiy wa aball not have it, and they will use their millions to prevent it. Mb Dobtch, as President of the Senate, made an noellent officer. As a member ui mo vut, UIO BOlTlUbS Will DO Sft-n mora ralaable. ai 8 Mias Blanobe Willie Howard, author of I se,T, the star banner of the Confederacy One Sommar," has written another nor- W(?Qld ltiil be fling ofm Bicbmond.,, xam ojum haTing shown itself able to protect that eon teat for foor years against three times their numbers, and agaiust a still greater disproportion of wealth, its recuperation, despite the political oppres sion under which it labored during pan of the time, is only what might have been expected from so vigorous a race in a favored clime. The truth is, that whilst the war was attended with great 7 destmction of "life and property, and overthrew the slave mstitntion and the wealth and social dis- i notion cieaiea oy it, and thus brongoi el -Tor J Ulsekie. of Edinbnrirh- haa translated Goethe's Faust into English verse. Bishop Cheney, of the Reformed Enia- copal Chureh, has prepared a vlama of elected ssrmons. Mr Anthony Trollops, of all eraoaa in the world, is writing a two volume "Life i uicro. Pof J R Seelev. the anthnr nf ''TCn,. Homo, will shortly publish a new bok O j "Natural RfcJiaion " Two EaHaian writers. Prof Inostrankeff 8o,row , privation, and hunsiliation to aoa Ounni Vrar. ff. aoaounoe books on the stone age in Rasaia. Thre are now in circulation ahnnl 14fi 000 000 copies of the Bible. a arainat on ' 1 5 OtiO 000 copies at the commencement oi il,o present oentury. Prof Erasmas Wileon, desiring to make he obfeluk- bniidara. battr .n malutodea, no thoughtful man oau fail to see that a new and mightier South is emerging from tjbe terrible ordeal. What has been sacrificed to that institution can be judged of by the fee, that at the date of the Constitution, Virginia had a larger popniation and greater area than the position wiil cro a-b crinw. W are hoping for prohibition, for an increased school fund, for an 'appropria tion for the University for a grsat many things, for ths half of which we will riss op and call oar Legislature bleneed ! poauuariy tne people's schools. It ia here that the children of the poor are to learn, or nowhere. Cat them off from thmaa mr,A J . , . " uwia toem to grow op in ignorance, to grope io mental darkness. i -, .... 9 ana it mav be. dm in riiain, t r.n - ' .s. . iOJtUW fuaHf.s r . II aAA J . m iuci, Vi u njci sua oiaasas, says Xbe Academy, is writing a popular history of aaoiwoi Eypt. Toere has be-n discovered, in a week I v newspaper oi ltsi, a political ode by Bv ron, not nitberto kuown to be his. It win shortly be priuted, with a copy of the Do- el s letter relatiug to.it. A timely interest is given, by the daath invested tnan tney aid in Uhio ; whilst they f od ids enmate rar more agreeable. And the advantages enjoyed m ilarylaod are com mon to the whole Atlantic Coast. PERSONALS Jttsrnhardt ia in Chicago, but bai aecided not to reeognias Chicago society. Gertsingeria called br NewTork paper, the "German BernhardC" This is gooa grousa ior a Jibsl suit, Qolioban Jajogereoll broke down at tne ianeral ot his sister at Erie, Pa, on Sunrday.and could not dsliver the 'ora tion expected. In appearaaoe he baa aged .. . . . v . . . tu jvmrm miuom iae atVD 01 big lis Ur. an . oome men are always in luck. It ia reported that Vice President elect Arthur is engaged to be married to Mrs Marshall xtoerts. iter husband has been dead only a lew months, but she is said to be worm more than $5 0 00,000. The Washington Scar of Saturday says i-a airs, uonstianoy is seriously ill, the result or excitement and the great mental strain to wnioh she has been sebjsoted "'"s1""1 m oram is threatened and Dr. Wa'sh, her physieian, has prescribed absolute qsite. Prof Wm C Fowler died in Dn-h.m Conn , Saturday night, aged 84. He waf lormeny proiessor of chemistry in Middlebury Collage, Vt., and afterwards J rhetoric and oratory at Amherst College., Ha as a son in-law of Noah Webster, tne author of Webster's Diotion. sry. He was author of a number of worki. Lieutenant John Xrving's bones were laid away io the Dean Cemetery, io Ed ishure, nn Friday afternoon. He was born in 1816 nd perishsd with th No York, abetter soil lor .Bricul nr l'"DD'r Q party, near Cape greater mineral wealth 'T ' q,n. ometime between 1847and 1849, Uia remains ween 187and were found bv i; t , a . i i . . - uuuwiih last July. Th consiaerable attention at Columbus, Ohio mong tne friends of Mrs Kate Chasa ntntii J . -lutai aavantages for commerce: and et, the population of New York is now fourfold greater, and with a still greater disproportion of wealth; so that tor every slave retained io Virginia, at least five white men ware driven out of the Stat by the institution No men better nnderstood the baneful t Sects of slavery noon the ni ii i c. w r-.MM v i . --Vsss of the aqtbor, to the new edition of her n lale! aDd nPon tne progress of its I ; Yh . n'f o gentlesaen now re aiding uiaeterpuce, "ilomola," just issued by the t7 S l;a01n 01 Virginia. " oiericao noos xobauge, New lork, It 77 -t--.-'w-vwu u ouieriy. treo. iu uia letter IO M.T. Sincl FALL AND WINTER STYLES READY FOR INSPECTION. W. KAUFMAN & CO., ODB-8IOCX OPAttAHD WllfSSS 4 J . f For Men Boys and Children, ' HUn th,.TK h.toto,.nd, never beaten. Cam uri i . . -, -11 ! t prieeaana examine our goods. ItwlUpayyou. w. Kaufman 4 co - Springs Corner. S0 e TRADE STSEST NiAB THE POST. OfEICE. I h.T. op.n . fall .took of Furnltor., oompriri.g M pU.h Comnow. -1 ttfzsziirj -. and to auuwa nar wore at its Daat and alrongest. and at the same time gives the reader tha (nrtAaiattt a a citizens of the Gnrl A00.0-ki ' 1"":" wHta utsting lamilian- vu.j , Kiave iy ajUU ne s years of pesos, plenty, and pros- "en1 back word to your constituents there aaed in. DdJ -nd beautiful form, extra Foe; pwuj, who a gooa government, eood icbools and no liquor, will place North Carolina on a line of progress far ahead of tbs richest State in the Union. responsibility rests upon you in this mat. (.Af- XJntm will '-.a - - - Will TlU UlnHI IT W Wall -.v ar vi ill Y JA soenes and eooietv of Mdi- I r . -r. . .J " ' vai xuuy. ix m obs ollhe few really gM -kuneai novels oi tne world. It is ia- No more new counties, if von Dleaaa m, ' " ID CSQ1Q1 Bhuwa that mn tmw. as poDula- tion is coDcerned, there might well be fif ty oonntiei instead of nearly twioe that number which we now have. ; l ... v -up, ui win yoa oia tbem say to their children the school teacher is com iog? North Carolina has now reaohed t point when she must avail herself of every J I . to-oo ui auvanosment and re-oreanise o - cloth binding, simple but rare eleganee in taate and deaign. and like the other ia- sues of tne "Literary Revolution," its cost is almost nominal, vz 35 cents. It is one oi a aeries intended to form m library of oiaskio fiction, wsneb will inelade one rep- aav .. a ... . . aertative ana ooaraeteristio work ol eaoa of the great authors who have won her institutions to the demands of the age, I lsiiog fame in the realm of fiction Lif. Touboek's article in the North Ameri can Haviow entitled "Aaron's Rod in Pol ices, is like his "Foul's Errand," in but one reapeot it is ably written. The arti o! is full of good judgment, good sogttes- tioniand is well timed. It inflnn.. will bs for good. i i or eise De content to occupy an bumble piece iu the march of progress now going on among the Staies. I appeal to day, SB I have a right to do, to all her oitiaens, whatever may, be their position, to oome up to the full measure of their 'Uty. My appeal is to all the peopif, without regard to party or to race, all alike will be the objection of her care and bounty." Ev jsjh war a nsits and MEN. NEWSPAPER "taiBODr behevtis that the nonIe ar. n ftVOr ol ntohihiiion Tk. . ---v. uv l.wpolHUCO - , me aram anuKer wants it tba drunkard wants it, and all the;Womeo ntit. And still the Legislature will "irk itsmpossibility upon this very as aertion -that .he popular sentiment is not known. tnotrn, Tu Wilt uapt lorn lfiy4n, they . makes au rXOctilcoi Jttjadiug Cierk m, xne press is well represented in the 1 jegmlalare. Apo'ber editor in lack Mr J R Tii- lery, ol the Kooky M ant Progre-s, was it aa r t-iar1 . . w t K OO . i . . . n -v hi Vaoghan, of Manchester, Vs. 1 nl r . . n L. vrt uvbuw uiwiDauer man ia miDgton Star asks : "Is Best oomxaS ooa w write us up. JT A Burr, "''J iftsr anythinir .-nt to .t 01 rhiladelpiia K,oord, don't belieTl ...... ... ' " r -- wwn of the Atlantic and North Caroli Ja,lroadr That's a hard question, W from what we hear. William J will oytfaiog he can lay his hands on. A propoaition to parohase the State of onh ProIina may oome before tne L g wl,tre at any moment. ow ago the people were 0Tr the Droanan.n an narlv rA i --j bppy Of tha lrt telegraphic monopoly. Within the week the monopoly has been doubled ,n "tringth by the consolidation of the tw-t telegraph eompaniss of the United olMl. and th. - moved bsok out of sight. had looked for Ttt . ir. j ' - io GuuiiBg ao wn to see lor himself. We do not welcome him, for we know the result will not be for good. -he Legislature is trvinsr to doid wbethsr ministers of the gospel should be re4uirea to worlt tbe roads. No 1 Nor cuivura, uur larmers, nor macname, nor any one else who is doing a good work f.W hmklf mmA -.. 1 a. . . --.i iuu lut mauaina. -itgBt as well exeaae one set of men as auothtr, Puiau m i are aoie- Tee preas generally is for prohibition, but the la ad lug dailies are yet to fee beard from. The R!eigo Ns od Observer gives this reason for its silecea. None but over-zaloas partizaus would deem this satisfactory . 1 "With the iswfal mannfaotnra nd aal. of ardent spirits we do not feel called on editorially to deal, for it might be aa un wise as it would be improper for the lead kg Democratic paper at the State capital to commit itself either for or against the movement now making in favor of prohi bition. Tne Winston Leader man wants all men to Know by tnese presents, that he is Tm North Uia ta says that the latest re P from Raleigb is that Buford a0d Best V,fi out, and that Best has put Ilk.- byoDd oommnnioation, taking J him all ths books of the company, we ses it somswhera .t.t.i .r fiest has in hia n.lr.t 4-.. not running a jonk-shop Stjs he. and a ?0rt"t Pper. which Mr Suford Lnu I?"'':0 UOtl mM -Wt, to Bet h.ir ., ., . ' I " .--"-". organs, pewter spoons. - , . aw wuiuu -ixr joesb i iif-To uuiiooi ana oq.ad itialrv in n ment ior advertising ; so it is useless for me makers ol these artioles to send a propositions. We want the money and me money we must have for their advar tieeoaents." is wo snort ana too loll of work to per mit the reading of all that is bean Ufa and valuable io these creations of the im agination, but even very boey peoble can una time to read one book by each of the score of authors who have won im- nal fame and place in the affeotioas of tne people. Not to be acquainted with nem is to be ignorant of much that is most important and most interesting in the history of nations and of men. Not to possess tbem is to be deprived of most fruitful and profitable sources of enjoy ment. Amougr those issued er nearlv ready are 8o tt's "Ivan hoe," Buiwer's P mpeiii,' li ving's "Kuiekerbocktr," Capers "llanioans, "Tom Btowu at Rugoy." "Adventures of Dun Qaixots," and "Uarda, a Roma nue of Ancient Hg?pt." Fall catalogue of standard pub lications will be sent on request, by the I American B ok Exobange, Tribune Build ing, New York. Ha Waited to Laugh. At midforenoon yesterday, a man who was orossing Woodward avenue at Con gress street suddenly began to paw the air with his hands and perform divers strange antics with bis feet, and after tak ing plenty of time about it he came down in a heap. More than fifty people saw the performance, and there was a general I partore. iugu. it uau oo ueaeea woen a oaan with a funeral countenance poshed his way into the crowd and asked i "Who is berwbet hie name." "It's Jooee,' answered a voice. "What Jones?" air ... TT . ... uui, f irgmia wouia be the "garden pot of the New Wertd when it got rid of slavery;" and Jtr. Randolph; in a speech in th. 8sntieleiicrihe4-Jt--as "a dry rot and aa eeencer on the face-" and said that "if the slaves did not run away from their masters, the mssters would run away from the slaves." And this has bean the process by which Virginia and the South has been depopt, lated. No foreign emigrants came to her shores, and her owe best blood ran away from slavery to the free West. Nor were these blighting effects of slavery proa claimed only by our Revolutionary Fathers. They were serein nro.ia.m.rt by the leading men in the Virginia Con- shitmiouai convention of among others, by Mr. Charlaa of Martinsbare. who still anrvi... But the sense of .personal power which the system fostered in the governing class, prevailed over the great and per. manent interests of the Staa; and the ejsiem was perpe-uated until Mr. Jeffar s.jn s prophecy was fuelled, that it wool go out in blood. Yet, reat as the cost ot its extirpation has been,. it was nothing Oampared to the Sacrifice its existsnoe had imposed upon the South. To.s fr.gbtful oaeear bas auw been cu out ot tbe fair face of ibe South by th sword; the people have overthrown and drl?r?t the Pet-bag usurpation' wbioh followed, and have resamed i con trol over their local governments. Its inherent strength has1 enabled the Sooth w.ui; wiurtin bio oni the wound idbs lonioted, but tbe great progress mmmo ia ua new career. pr gaj A prominent New York attorney is now id this city taking dspositions of Old Citizens with Ord tn.mni.... -.I..: - - - - iciaiive Miaa Kates esoapadss and lirtationa AMERICAN TITLES. DO YOU WANT A SITUATION. THE "We abound here with Colonels, who ouieifc Dowaer bnrnari in h.itl. Lommeroiai. Yes, and we abound with merer raise frtlirof empty honor ftf Amsr- ua toan mat. We abonnd with feesors," whose attainment, if analysed ww rn 14 U. a L. . . . . . af t -wu.u ua me wxagnum opus ol lgeoranoe: wo buuuuu wun juootors," who hare never walked a hoSDital: with ii SOUTHERN EMPLOYMENT BUBEAU, :i. . . CHABLOTTE.U. . C --. , ... SITUATIONS FOB OBTAINS TEACHERS BOOK-KEEPERS, . SALESMRN. ISM. """" diMinotion of tb. booor.rj 6. M. 7 "3TOTT "W"A.3STT tors of Divinity," to whom the simple Greek of tbe New Testament is a ton rue aa unknown as the dialects of th S- igmees oi Borneo; we abound with LL D.s," Doctors of Law, so called wuo never opened a law book, and who nave never deserved and never will da- Over ns. shows that th. . .in k . ' UI ine aTereign people illustrate that. i- , ww w uuoaain a eatata h tha ...;.:.. . .i,". giant. i --I.IUU u tittss iron When the fact is set in so clear alight Ti.J Wolh " by results, it ia not neCesiwy to 222 !V. fh $ M din .hat it wa. slavery alone L?P '?gh,cg .toek of Baropc Th. . - -J -BTT WVU which advertise their existence all the land by conferring hitrh titles noon tba bonrBAlu. k.i. r . av WUO manuraciure to order school hatrt- auu ecopoi arithmeUcs; we have titles of I every aina. Ueporter's Unglieh follow ing the fashion oalls barbers "tonanrial artists, and the rufBaha of the nrnfaain. tkA ... . S r u. vUQ uiioij art ox self-de- QflaA " 11L. m . iuo iaroe oi iony goes even far. it weds euphuism to science nr .k. j m. . . l ao so. xne tramp who covers bis loieoess and, as a pretense of adopting a vifiblr means of earning a livalihrv,.! pcdddles a new patent fly-catcher, oalls uimaelf God save tbe mrb- P.. Of IClrtrmnlr'.r.v. Om.. 14 : A - v. I T . rt nn . . . r . "P'ea-nsaii-ea of the msjstty ntir.r, 17 " we to call 01 m bjfira o ifiar UiVh irs a m7Airi. of the Rt-nnbiifl ahroai ... " I neiy new and of the lett .tru n.iV o V . .;'?,a'fa- my etock la i " 7. 7' " general i enoiess varietv of Pinh oo-;v, '".y a """""."n n -tutti straw Hats, and an rale, content with styling thsmsalva. !., Bilk vJCS .?JTiJ T?.1 ?-f FiU. VU a am iia, ,r s i c .i H3tTn shtlH, with birJsau d Feathers te A TEACHER, A BOOK-KEEPER. A CLERK. xne ooutnern jsmpioyment Bureau will farniih the f ery best of 11 profmlo oo t8 ,1,saw-a-a--MMi MILLINERY AND HAIR GOODS I . - . 1 r tlVe Her. t home the very dregs match, i haveTuo.l ion if M,f of the sovereign people illustrate thai la . mce election of 3:A.i:R, C3-OOIDS. alone Why however, be lavery South. hich has it haa so seen in the 1 1 - : . i - . """r- : "" w penetraua our wuoie me everywhere. It infuses a nal- dwarfed the rtnirktAfl nkv uottoo aoq qtfter products of tbe SonLh- U 7 " V7u m. -m"',"r anaraoter in the development; ot it. Sn! it ? , I0? tbTn TfflM Hf' A' week oreasei commeroc and railw.v bDiidinc. v.!: o!0 ?e?r,ifa PP of ths n:L . D' I uvuvui, OTlbU nifln n nama Returainr thanks for nat nat.nar. . . am, very reapectfullj, "',B,MUt ooawuuaucs of the Neat and stylish work a specialty. t. . 1 is talk 01 a .i u 00pQT T. - Pos th PrPO" e to put a check th. tslsgrapaio monopjly which is Jt ia a fi 1 tic. 1 . " OBS an re is a ques- ng ht in the matter. W. caunot Wi sTov-rnment each as oars is or ria WM iBte-d 19 K ha. a right to ..Lah matUr- - --tion.1 - --v wituoat regard to States' d.f. . "aid a witnaaal - T ---v-k i . ""dsnt'a M . . ? - ---" ie wtrad il f r 0rJ,D 0n la occasion ye to.. rwMWPi0 wi'Q "Whr?"r,0"n down her right obeek. that ??' o?d tb JQd-. 44 ow BQ wwfuiiy crosseyed." Waits. The reporters in Atlanta have to seek news on a tilts, tbe streets are so bad. The New York Correspondent ot the Pailade. pbia Times writes; "I with you could see oar strssts we can't." At Tiffany's: Mr, W H Vandereilt io eauar Give me another half pound ot diamonds, bat large ooea. Tie tbem op more eecurely. The string broke off the last bundle and half of tbem tumbled out." Pack Will you Save your oysters scalloped?" aakaal a Galveston waiter of a green ous tomer from the interior, MHve tbe oys sers soaipcdf No, bat yda k.n soalp tne butter, it yoa want ti. It needs it tha worst kind." - "Thomas Jones." "Sar?" ''Yes, I've known him for ovsr twenty years." "Then I'll laugh," said tbe solemn-faced man, and he leaned against the wall and chuckled and laughed until he ooald hardly get bis breath. One of the crowd ramarbad nn hia .in n I . . mw.Amnt ..) k 1 wHumv.. auu 1 ntiTi.rfti -. Ik. . ' " - - . u. i n jrrBm. me laagber wiped the teare from hie eyes aatabiiahmi.nt. i -p--.. . . . and reohed : ' . -" .r"..ru,,B.a. 10,(1 I tUAk bu mnn IJ.. Ail . . t Al IS I I -vvuiiiK wm uia mu oyer I mere. That hnainaaa k. mf irmaK . m e .. . 11 J m I " "v- w m nan lau uown. i en I now be triniUrr n jara ago jt was salesman in a wholesale I not onlv tha raw matupi.i .:.. . ith a fineahance for uromotion. th, -i.-.I " . 7-- . ea O-e d.v a man ia.t ahead of m. fi.II down hiM !.: -1 !. . Wb5" '-bo'. .x, , , . - - - . -uK Ht.miai, tuat and food and I langbed. It wa. oar old man. and oh..r -k. ' ... . IOO? . . . j --aaata a -.uitrn KAnn.i w ..... !:. . tne growth of Atlanta. Richmond fi-.-Xl I -mou uia name is ao- nan, and other chief cities are results .n r J "ao,t natural and ap wbioh show that the WI S h" LP1! "d T10'0." Anglo-Saxon, he opened new purauits to tha peonle of thl Th 7. OQOia,: P0T -d firla,- but 8.bS thu.Pd.mon.t7aUn iWajf,! ?! 1?"!" Wi W. tell- abominable diepeosabls to the develonmant Z . Pf-oe, commenced hie ad- .. w " 1 ureso witn 1 : 7 , saute, I IS.' iriwiftv.wa J ": Trade Btreei, Charlotte, XJX !l octll country, Whilst we were at Columbia. S C . in November. 1875, aa "visiting sutesman' Captain Fox who bad been io oharge of et.Tt.rai 01 lbs srraat n..r. ..:- that no more cotton me 'VOuodp ladiaa and rantl.... Kl. in " . . .uecnuaren,or the large majority of kueju, no aoooi merited the tsrm, but it ia aiezening ana a sin against good taste so revolting that it approaches mental wiiuua kj a wail an .-... WHOLESALE AND BJBTAIL DBALBB 11 All Kinds of Furniture. Beddino Ae. A. f all Lint of said, would the South, where Ue eiscbarged me en the years laUr I was engaged As 1 same out of the post. oar old man, and obeaper. and where watar.iv... - j Five ed. r a.u.nu an man- flow from tbe spot. wa a i-a I I w. ... . w a Ki-staa Kiii. I 1 L rpnnirin lttla hm. 1 tba noataffiae on. d... a . " " 71"" " 7 pern.ps a new .r.l.J , , , , ' ' n vua BUCJ - 7"" waia, ana -1 iiest the results oertain to langbed till I was sore. It waa mv An- . .!,. "- geltoa's old man, and he broke a tb J R.. ... ' ,o . . m.teh. Again I la.ghed mjedf out of a dm Whu b7 thir TerJ posuion in a bank, but for the earn. wLES-Kl?!!1 .Qor- Mhftttwl of failure I aboulel todav har. a ninu I ..;.-- ' ' M" wner the eoatom house. I have learned wis I Tr,. I. irvisvyirw V nnAi) whst m fta . Ii :. - . i iUs would be h-iU " :V . " m9 a. ,n.P- . v- 7, . r I t"vr wnat SQOUia be a friendir talk - YoungsUrs still under the oantrol of teachers and taak masters. In these matters we are worst than the veriest worsoippers 01 tbe Ve.-es de Vere; in tha cemmon and absurd uss of these wretcb- iw M n'-fn-Bourbou as Louis AIY. of France ever was. Titles noMy acquired or borne in memory of the grand patriotic services of ancestors are honor able, but titlee aaeb as thoee sported bv ninAtv.nina . a. m . t i . Cheap -Bedsteads, Loaoges, Parlor and Chamber Salts 0ofUuof all kinds on hand. Trads Street, Charlotte, If. a p30 lj were dom. Now when I see a man fall I ask his name, and f nd out if he baa any in fluence to pat me eat of my clerkship. It he has 1 look solemn and pas. on. If he hasn't I'll la-laugh ha ! ha I hat Jones, is it ? Jones can't do me any harm, and ha ! ha I ba I ha I I wouldn't have missed this for a month a sal bal ha! ba I Bee H1I1. J 1.. eon of the Senator. who ia O n a -. a. solicitor oeuerai 01 tac Atlanta (Ga) named Oartaeli, ia the court room at . a . Atlanta, on VTednea-aT. Tha ah.r.W a psratta the comoaiants before damage tad been done. any Tne South is bow free sad oaan to immi gration j elW made the popmiauon parae, and kept it ao. It aow invites eettieaent. k irH?!Sr d "aotnJ P-blie affairs ; and tha mdttona are that the invitation Mil bo aaoeptcd on a great seals of organ ised eolooiea. In climate and in every other respect. wlt.m0t!! MtrM'iT than the wast ;. and avae Western men ace bcrin mng to a that the landa nr. aelaaiiy cheaper, all thioga eoneidered, than Wes tern land.. i0 VlUBWnt hM ontly been made in Montgomery oomaty, Mart land, trom Ohto, bj akiUfal farm., who JIcSMlTH'S MUSIC HOUSE. 18 (BBANOfl OF LUDDEN BATES.) Prieea. Terms and Iverything Exactly the same. 2 WZZLZ WB BU3mJ5 l m rW H0Bra AND SO. OABOLINA BND0B3H B7BBT OB3AN AND PIANO WZ SKIA. OCj PIAtfOiOhickerlng Sou., Mathushsk, Oalld AChareh, Arloa, Southern O OE3AN A flaatUn, P.Ioubst A Oo, SUrling . Albion. La Petite. PIAV(14 n.. k m n. .... hour, of boyhood and nrlhood a not I round corner, fail 7 JlV. .S'"!1 V A T octave Rosewood Case, twd yet abolished in Ameriea. An old and kwaoteed tat six yearstool aaT f r 7 flr-1 .d foil irrqueotly quotwi English dutioh reads I . bna: r I tJSZH -represented. We Mai -When Adam delved and Eve span, Who wa. then tbe gentleman V It ie radical of course. Bat after all there is some broad and deep and sab tile sense even m tbe v.genae of extreme radicalism. Saturday Night own proper odeeoratad pakroHymio. are aimpij diagueeting.- To the ridiculous teacher ia the Public Schools, who talk to or of the ehildrea as 'young ladiae and gentlemen," or to the etili more ridiculous Visitors who from time to lime make speeches in tohool rooma, unlike Thomas Hughes, resort to the same absurdly out of place laagoare -vui wg tu suggest taa me golden lkres mm rvf !. I - as. - Feau hoth way. U .0 aaTbrun.;0" 5" WaT. W py fteighl OTO ONE YEAR PLAN EABLBJ EYBRT ONE JO BUY. i -v1". i i.nf Md McSmith has not forcotUn the lltti- r,ii,. -il : i- WB010 00 wen to write to mo for lists ofamaii Twtr7..I. Z' , erc T r 0 o