Slio Sonthom Homo. .FRIDAY, MARCH II. 1881. PRESIDENT GARFIELD'. To read the highly complimentary and Jn nf the Press ob Presu I .ulogi.UO Criticisms Of the .MOrr aen " o v & ' a.nm miftui nu lww w - r-frnoe to some, here to-iore jmiSMfJ MMVI W " - - takaowa personage, as one ream, is a man who knows what bis daty is j. tr . sad means to do it though the hea?ns fall,-" and, again, congratulating tb comntryUan having the ablest presj- dent by far that has occupied w eto. From what standpoint baa all this change been wrought? Does Mr Garfield s career in the past warrant any one 10 an tieipale that be will not prostitute bis office for base party and personal pur poses? Have we any guarantee that he will eondact his administration in the spirit and letter of hie inaugural address ? Can we not rather revert to mr uarneiu - ar r a i j i the Senator as a corrupt, pontic man, evsr ready to pollute his position for self . A at- " 1 1 I aggraadixsment t no oae uan wuiuiui.j deny that hii address is not an able artt ele ; it is the produoiion of a scholarly iitelliet. Noccesctol bis life hae be shown his shrewd, keen knowledge oi amen as place aa in the writing of this additsa. Studied, and written for effect, and to suit all eictions, and to epsctualiy oaceal the specific ideas and intents ol its aits or. His broad democratic aeser. tions of the aupiisucy and binding na tare of the oonstuation. will meet with a hearty response lrcm the South; Lut who is there that for one moment supposes 1 that Gaifield will contioae to stand hy this doctrine. It is aot easy to trust those who have once been false. Ibe South feeling tbt f mt injustice done her by former partisan presidents, has shown I . .n .n.rni in .utk tt rirH. . . , - . . ,i of promise. We have no right to ask - t I lavora oi w preaiaent; it is nos vne choice of oar people, nor elected by their v otes. Let the South wait till he proves his sineerity and sec if he does not show bis desire far the " obliteration of old con troveriies," by sending among us a horde of committees under the guise of investi gation. Axoho the amendments te the sundrj civil bill reported to the Senate committee, was one of $2,950 to reimburse Mr Huyts for the expenses of the MacVeigh LouiLi ana Commission. It was explained that the First National Rank of New York bad advanced this amount which was sub sequtatly paid by Mr Haves. Senator Cockling delivered a seething address in opposition to the payment, adding if the appropriation is insisted upon he will discuss and expose some facts damaging to the parties concerned. In commenting upon his address, the New York Sun ba the following: " xr-to m amm Yeauaraaore speech Tre ntarkable considering about wboua it is speken, who spoke, and what is said. The leading Republican. Sauator of the United itatee was discussing a proposi tion to refnnd to another Republican, who has occupied tbe office of President during the past four years, a little less thn four thousand dollars wbiob this President d facto paid oat of bis own pockef for tbe expenses of certain indi viduate who went South to manipulate election returns in bis favor. And what does this leading Republican, Senator Coakling, say on the eoLjeet? He says it would be "making an appro priation worse than unlawful ; be says the measure "does involve the question whether gentlemen requested to go as toariats, not as Cemmissioners with law, but," as be believes, "without law, on aa errand net tolerated either by the Consti tution or by any law which obeys it whether tbey are to be paid under the guise of expense to them, or upoa tbe allegation that the President has paid this money oat of his own pocket-" Then Mr Oenkling goes on to threaten, if the appropriation is insisted upon, to discuss and expose tbe whole matter, with the plainest possible intimation that it will be very damaging to the pcrsous con cerned. The allegation that this money was paid oat of Mr Hayes a own pocket takes awav front him the last vestige of defence the apology that ha was not an active partiei pator ia the foal eoaspiraey wbieh placed him ia cmse. let, Mayes bimelt sup puea me u icr tee torou wmcn Durnt up ike honest retarns that made his or. pjneat, Samael J Tildes, the rigatfal President of tbe United states. Liet hiss go, guilty con spirator, to bis home in Onio, with bis hundred and fifty thousand dollars of sav ings in bis miserly ptckets, and covered with infinite shame and dishonor ! Ibe world will look upon tbe traltifal portrait, a glimpse of which has been given, just before bis dprtert from Washington, by the" ack no wUdged kader of his own party. And now what has Mr Roscoe Cocklieg to say for himself ? Xnowiug, four years ago, all the particulars of the stupendous II l Ll. L TT oriw luruugu wmcu nayes was entering . L. fffL:iA l f t . i ii iu naiw aunit, iMiDing mat crime, as thie speech shows he must have loathed it, why were hia lips shut, why was his voice bushed r lie cannot nave loved hia parly euer uaa oia country; but, alas, be hesi fated, and the grand opportunity of bis life, such an opportunity aa oomes to few, was lorcver lost i Had Mr Conklisg then broken loos from party trammels; bad be thundered the troth from tbe Capitol ia suoh speech as he was capable of on saoh a sub ject, be would have made for himself i most exalted and eaduriag fame. Th hearts of the people, without distinction t party, would have become hia warn and hospitable habitation: lamasl J Tildcn, the rightful President,; would bar. been inaugurated four years tro, tod tbn day JBoaooe Oonkling would have been inanguraied as his successor. Mr Gorman, formerly of the Raleigh News, hae taken charge of the local col ami of the Daily Patriot. Hebb u in Test. Dizziness, nausea, despondenoy, jaundioe, loss of appetite, inflammation, gravel, female diseases and all troublea of the urinary organs and bladder, are quickly and surety removed by Waiter's tiafe Kidney and Lier Care. NEW CABINET. Secretary of aHate, James tfiame, nt Ifaiae: Seoretarr of the Treasury, Willi.m Wiadost. f Minnesota; SeCre- . r wp R,h.rt -Lincoln, of Illinois: 1 "v " " ' Seoretary of the Naty, W u Moot, oi fn Looieiaaa; Aitorney Weneral, wajne MaeVeagb, of PennsjlTania ; Postmaster General, Tbossas 1 James, oi new xora,i ftf th. Tnt.rior. S S Kirkwood, of Iowa. The list meets with general approval amoeg republicans, these especially wno are anxious for the bermonj ef the partj. aid eucceas ef the new administration. Mr Garfield bad guarded the names of those who were to compose bis Cabinet with a degress of secresy uausaal in the annate of recent preeideot-eleets. The inauguration was attended with the usual display ana csremony upou similar oocasions. Ibe eity was gauay with flags and bunting, and arebee. There were a (lease crowd, the office seekers in a m jorit Mr Gftrneid giguiied bis 8Qtir .atjefiacti0n with the arrange - , eematittee. and this left no- fc. fof OM tQ 00.demaf as he was . , interested. The deeoratioas ia the ball-room were elaborate, even smack ing of imperialism; there i waa oaly upriukiing of color, and that so abated as not to offend the Lord aad Ladies. Ibe fire-works far surpassed any illumination ever attempted. Special mention of items of interest we have no reoi It ii laid a Radical organization ib Washington, called the " National vete ran uiQO, retueea to join in me xoaugu ra pr0ceesiou on account of General Field ,T;Confederate who euooeeded QHDCrA Hood as division commander in Lee's army having been selected by Gen ar.i Sherman, as commander of one of th foor . r,nj divisions. This is enffi- cidDt ayiiience that the National Veteran , . ..-t - - - mmVar did anr fishtine. The soldiers of ' I the two armies buried the batchet iong Ae0 Mr, Frank J. Wright, of Carroll coun ty, Maryland, was baaged by some lynch ers in Colorado. iTbe painful story is this: "Last May be went to Colorado on business for one of bis clients, and bought an interest in a gold mine. He purchased several mules, and hiring a servant, went to visit the mine. It turned out that the mules had been stolen by tbe presons from wheat Mr. Wright had purchased them, and the unfortunate man was found with them in bis possession by a vigilance com mittee, who at once executed him and bis servant, notwithstanding their pro testation of innocence. Thi Cbarlestown (Mass) Cadets while in JNew urieans voluntarily went to (irsenwood Cemetery and thus per formed a most touching eeremeny. Says a dispatch: "Drawing up in line in front of the mar ble statute to Southern soldiers, tbe com t - iuo- vuu warns vv uo- rada rest. The hymn Nearer, my Ged, to lhee, waa then aang by tbe enure coi pany, after which a beautiful shield ol the Union, made of flowers, with a cres cent and star ib the centre was offered in memory of the dead and placed on the marble bust of Lee oa the monument. Then was fcung 'Bweet By and By,' after which three ruffles ot the drum wer beaten, and tbe company marched silently to the cars and returned to tbe city. AT WASHINGTON. Washington, Mareh 5 Tbe Senate met at noon to-aay, out at iz:zu toes a recess nam a o ciock to await a com- muaicatioa from the President, which Mr Pendleton, of the committee of notU fieatien to the President, stated would be received at that beur. TT . M upon caning tbe SenatCf to order at neon Vice-President Arthur was vigor ously applauded by the galleries. The proceedings were opened with -prayer, after which the Vioe President stated he had received for presentation a Dumber ef petitions fer special legislation, but that his own opinion, based upon rules and preoodents, was that these could not be presented at the extraordinary session a? . i a n oi iu senate, rte suemittea the ques tion as to the disposition to be made of tbe communications. Alter remarks by Messrs Harris and Hill, of Georgia, it was ordered, oa mo tion of Mr Cookrell, that tbe petitions be retained by tae Vice-president, to be submitted by him at tbe next legislative session. Mr Hoar offered a resolution extend-I ing to wmneia soott Hancock tbe privileges of the floor during his stay in rrr i i vvasnington. Aaeptea oy a uaammous vote. anr mains, in aeooraance with notice given by hint some weeks ago, submitted tne iouowing resolution: liesolved, That a special oemmittee of five Senators be appointed by the chair to tak - into cuuaiUeraiiun tae . aacde of voting for President and Vice-President of the United States, and the aaode1 of counting and certifying the same, who shall report suoh propositions for saeb uuaBga iu ids iaw auu ooastltuticn as may seem expedient; that said ooataait tee have power to sit during the -recess oi congress, and that they be directed report ou or before the eeoond Wed ties day in January 1882, temporarily laid on tne taoie. Air Jfendleton, from the committee of I notification, reported that the President had expressed a desire to communicate with the Senate to-day at 3 o'clock. Oa motion of Mr Pendleton, the Sena c n il 10 .Ofi . 1 i thn, at 12:20 p m, teok; a reoess until 3 o clock. ibe stock of tbe RiObsaoud and Dan ville Kailroad baa reoently advanoed to a an. L :L 1 . .. uuio wuiuu nas muou astonished its most earnest supportere,and brought teare to tne eys and sadness to tbe hearts ot ceores who sold out not great wbil since at riaicniOBttiy low ngures. A North Car olina journal denominates the corporation a g'eat modern horseleeob, and savs it fears North Carolina is tied baad and foot, and is turned over body and soul to tbe letder mercies of the Richmond and Dd ville Road now running the Western North Caio iaa, holding a lease of the N O Ruad and with a road chartered from Char lotte to Danville, what is to preveGt th Ricbmoud and Dnrille sbspiug the whole railroad fnturof ortb Cftrolioa Baltimt re. 4 .. NEWS ITEMS. Franklin, Virginia, bud a $125,000 fire March lH. 8t Patrick's cathedral, Chicago, ftHrnea oosi sou uuu Si new iroD furnaces ware completed y inilk ,a8t y84r Qaeea Victoria made four thousand dollars en stock farming last year. WeDb Hayes, the ex-Preaidents sou, will be provided with a government offie. IB UDIO. A son of Colonel Jerome Bonaparte ill be apoointed to fill a vacmcy at West Point. The traveling expeBssu of the 100,000 drummers employed by the merchants of the United States are 4120 000,000 a year, exclusive of sa aries. A larere beaver was caught in the Roaaoke. near the railroad bridge 'laee - d Thev bad been euawing down trees of Ciniderabie s;z on tbe river. Last week Mrs J J Astor, of New York, bsdI from that city obo nunflrea homeless childree to places previously made ready tor them is the West aed NooihwcHt. Mrs Astor has spent more than $11 000 in work of this cbaraoter. A veid.oi lor $35 000 has been obtained in New York agaiust the Old Dominion Steamship Company for damages sue tainee by the loss or the steamer uocKa- wit. which tbe defendant baa under taken to tow from Norfolk to New York and abaudooed in a storm. It is stated that tbe Petersburg Savings & Insurance Company carried policies to the amount of" about three thoasaad dol. liars on property in Franklin, Va, where the recent disastrous fire occurred Tbe silver dollar of the Confederate States is valued M 21 UUU. 'lbere were only a few ceins struck. The Confeder ate Government bad the dies made and a few coins were struck at the New Orleans mint for the inspection of the Govern' ment efficiala Tbey found, however, that thev had no more silver. Couriei- Journal. A faarfnl collision occurred on the Chesapeake aid Onio Kailroad iTriday last ia a deep cut about three miles west 0f the Greenbrier White Salphur Spriege. The cars were piled four deep, and the encinaers ana nremea oi coin trains I were more or ittas il urti, j.uo ibwwi Lu.. ,,J... ,u-J f . tjliaab JV UftlU vt V i i, lamvac y j oivmu of the Greenbrier White 8ulphur Springs, was killed, it.ia hoped is not correct. Harrietts, March 4. Pink Pratt, a ne gro, was nangeu aere iuis mriuuu for an arsravated assault on a little white girl, Margaret Watkins, daughter of Brut Waikios, a farmer, who lives a lew miles Hum tbia place The.execatioa was public, aad was wit nessed by thousands ot people, it took ulaca in an odb field near tbe town. Tbe scaffold was surrounded by a dense crowd of dsodI. wh bad come in from the adjacent country and from Atlanta From -tbe latter place excursion trains were run by two colored aien, bringing people to tbe execution at fifty cents for the rouod trip, A sad and fatal accident happened at what is known as Col J Li Carnngton s 'Dogwood'' farm, in tbe vicinity of the new reserveir, oa Saturday last. Mis youngest bod, William A., was handling a pistol, when it unexpectedly exploded, and sent a ball wbizz:ug tbroagb his brain. For a day or two it was thought the uufortuoate young man would re cover, bat tbe svmotoms war sacn a& Tuesday night that it was apparent the end was not far distant. Yeaterdav he expired, to ike great regret of a numer ous circle ot inends and acquaintances, and to the profound and poignant grief ot his immediate .atmly. Ricbmond .Ex change. ine wrignisviiie reorder tells or a curious "mja" made bv two parties who were getiiog out wood on Cvdar Greek, near the Wrighteviile graveyard: "They oat aad split a large waiie oak, in the butt of which, about three feet from the grouad, ihey lontid, four inches inside ot ibe sartace of the tree, a hole that had Been bored about six inches deep with an inch asger. I a tbis auger bole was found lodged at the heart ef tbe tree a bundle of human hair nicely wrapped in paper and tied with a stroag cotton string, A completely seasoned and nicely made white oak peg, about six inches long, waa driven tightly over this bundle. Tbe tree, which had no sign of a soar ipon it, is supposed to have grown eight inches in diameter since tbe bole was bored, as it was four Inches from the surface to the bead of the peg. Tbe ounaie, peg ana everytning loosed as fresh and new as if they had beea placed there the day before. Some, who claim to be posted on tbe growth of trees have counted tbe grains and made a caloula lion, xney say that tbe bundle must have remained imbeded in the trunk of this huge tree at least fifty years." uanviue, ira , uarca b. xbe main building of the State hospital ;r the in sane at this place caught fire last night "d was almost entirely destroyed. Near I '7 are nunarea patients were in tbe in stituiion, all ot whom were removed with out contusion or loss ot lite. At tbe time the fire was discoverd, the inmates were in the hospital chapel attending eveuiDg service, and this circumstance assisted in Beeping tbem under control. Most of the patients will have to be distributed among other state institutions until arrange ments can oe maae ior tbeir Care bare m i. ... ine bospitai bunding was a stone struc ture, covt-rit)2 n area of nearly two acres and cost $600 000. There ia an insurance of abouc $200 000 on the building and furniture. A dispatch from Charlotte 0. H., Va .. n?. A J aajo, tveuueeuay evening a White WO- mao weut ln'o John Demp's house, in Chickeotowo, Charloite eoantj , and asked to stay a day or two Siie htemed to hav pleoiy of mwney. Dcup bad oniy one good cnamoer ia tne borne aud told her she couid occap) that. He accordingly put ber nere, giviag ber a bed by tb side ot his wile's brd Duips-eit)g tbatsbe bad money I determiued to murder her, and last mebt L . . : . . no v 1 ij u Li lw i,u mum niueu W1CQ so aia it seems that his wile aod the other w o man had changed bedt darmg the nignt O'mp wt-nt to the bd which be supposed tte gust occup ed. H coald only distin guisbtbeoutliLesof the figure and he dealt 11. two murdruus dlows wjib tbe axe. Tbe .oise woko th slerper in the other bed, and the man discovered by ber sereames that he bad murdered his own wife. He fled trem the 'room, and fortUBately for ber saibty.tbe other woman quitted the house. Demp reiarnad late carried the budy of ois wife into a cicmp of woods near by and buried it by the light of a torob. He then went baca aod was engaged in bnro ing the bed sheets when he was arrested. Consumption mny be prevented checking congt nr coTd in tiice by LOtbir.ft; tqiala De Bail's (J- u S .-r:i,- f D 1 tLroat auu lung affoction. 25 cu. &TATJC CAPITOL. The Senate met at the usual hour, Bubicsdn in the Lieutenant-Governor chair. Petitions were offered as follows: Mr Haaes From certain citizens of Davidson eoucty, relative to tbe ap pointment of certain persons justices of tbe peace; On motion ot Air r inger, tne nouse amendments to the Senate bill 459 (tbe school bill,) were considered.! The amendments section 12, allowing the Ssperintendent of Public instruction $500 additional for expenses, was, on mo tion of Mr Finger, concurred in. The amendment to section 35, to strike out "county board of education' and in- eert "board or county commissioners, was concurred in. Tbe House amendments to the appor tionment bill were considered. Messrs Pariah, Cunningham, Wbitaker and Stowe offered , amendments increas ing tbo magistrates in their respective counties. i Mr Dertch moved to strike out 'magis trate" wherever it occurs and insert "justice ot tbe peace," as no such officer as "magistrate" was reoogniz;d in our town. Mr Dortch moved that tbis bill be made a special order for Hot day at & o clock. On aaotieo of Mr Hamrick, a bill to amend the charter of the town of Shelby was put 00 its second reading and passed. - ' 7, Mr Leak offered an amendment cnang ins the county of Union to another dis trict, .Lost. On motion of Mr Blaisdel), tbe bill to amend tbe constitution so as to allow tbe members of the General Assembly to re ceive $5 00 per day for a period not ex ceeding 100 days, was put ou its second reading. Mr Manning said be hoped tbe Mouse woald not pass tbe bill. Mr Bav moved t table. The motion prevailed yeas 74. nays 8 House bill to amend article 5, section 1, of the constitution, so as te allow a tax of 75 cants on tbe DO 1 1, and 15 cents on three buadred dollars worth f property . M ' fer school purposes, was put oa its sec ond reading. On motion of Air Brown, tbe bi.l tor the protection of crope ia Bowan county was nut en its several readings ana passed. ' Honse bill to amend tbe stock law id certain ooantie passed its seeond read ing. On motion, a bill with regard to driv in? stoak in the State was nut on its several readings, and, after being ex plained by Mr Davis, of Haywood, passed. On motien of Mr Tate. Heuse bill to amend tbe charter of the town of Mor ganton was taken up and passed its sec ond and third readings House bill to allow the Plate Auditor au additioaal clerk at a salary of $300 per annum. Hoaee bill to allow ooanty eommis siooers to place tbe names of school com mitteemen in the jury boxes was passed and sent to tbe Senate House bill to incorperate the Western Union Normal School, for colored people, in Monroe. Union county, passed its third reading and was seat te the Senate House bill to appoint cotton weighers far the town of Concord passed and was sent to the Senate. State bill , to incorporate tbe board of Trustees ior tae "orpnaos Heme tor tae Colored people, passed its second and third readings. House bill 569, Senate bill 688, to make dogs listed for taxation tbe subject of lar ceny. A motion to table was lost, and tbe bill passed its second and- third readings House bill 429, to amend the charter ef the town of Beaufort, in tbe county of Carteret, passed its third readings yeas 24, nays 3. House reselutien 130, Senate resolution 186, to purchase Bibles aad other religious books for tbe use of tbe Penitentiary passed its second and third readings House bill 774, Senate bill C51, to in corporate the Bingham School Trust Fund passed its second and third readings. House bill 875, Senate bill 713, for the protection of sheep in tbe county of Bun combe, passed its second and third read ings. House bil 660, SsDate bill 763, for the fUpprt of tbe Penitentiary, appropriating $75 000 for tbis purpose, passed its second readiog. House bill 155, Sena's bill 732, to authorize tbe State Treasurer to exchange the ateck of the State in the Albemarle and Chesapeake Canal Cetapany for the bonds of tbe State. A motion to lay on tbe table was lest and tbe bill passed its second and third readings yeas 18, nays 12. A bill supplemental to an act for tbe bet tar protection of farmers and , fisher men passed its second and third readings Mouse Dill OSU, a -nate 77b, to appciat cotton weighers for the town of Shelby. and give tbe aldermen power to tax drays and livery stables, passed its seeond read mg yeM 2$, naya 2. On motion of Mr Dortcb, the school bill was taken op and considered. Tbe question was upon adopting the re port of the conference committee. Oa motion of Mr Cunningham, the question was ordered. Tbe report was adopted yeas 17. nays 13 - Senate bill 525, for tbe protection of partridgesrn"KoTfh ''Carolina," being a substitute for sundry bills introduced upon the subject The amendment offered by Mr York provides thai this bill shall not apply to Wilkes or Caldwell counties. An amendment was offered by Newsom, in cluding deer in the provisions of this act Withdrawn Amendments were offered by Meesis Harper, Spruill, Siows, Hamp ton, Cunningham, 0ts and B.cbardson, excluding certain counties. .Adopted. Mr Manning introduced a joint resolu tion eonorning the interest of the people of tbis State in. the Piedmont Railroad. Senate bill te extend tbe time to redeem latd sold to tbe State for taxes was taken up and passed its second and third read ings and waa enrolled. iuate bill to amend tbe charter of the town of Statesville, in Iredell county, was taken ud and BaoaAd ita third muIiiid andr a call of tbe roll. , Mr Webster here aabmitted a report from the committee of conference on the school bill, wbiob was adopted. Hoaaa bill to authorize tbe collection of special tax in Cleveland county was taken up on its third reading, passed and sent to the Senate ... House bill to amend the charter of tbe town of Shelby waa taken op and paased its third reading. Senate bill te amend tbe charter of the Hign Shoals Mining Company, was passed over informally. House bill to protect sheep husbandry and raise revenue by taxing dogs. - Housa bill to aoiead the law in regard t j he Undlord and tenant act was tabled. Heuese bill 580, Senate 776, to appoint cotton weighers for tbe town ol oneiDy, and give tbe aldermen power 4o tax drays and livery etaoies, paBeea us iru jcc jean 26. naye 4 An amendment by M.r xacsei 10 Bcoeu i R tin 19: Provided that mer chant tailora taking ordr with or without samples SDail pay tne em m same manner as required of drummers in tbia section. Adopted. R Mr M arris, to amend bv adding to section 18 a clause exempting tbe manu facturers of agricultural impiemeum, uu the effects, selling them, from tbe taxation therein provided. Adopted. Mr Davidson ofbred an amendment, to be added to section 3, that no apothtciry, -. . 1 J a. druggist or pnysiciaa shall dc iicinseu w eeli any of te spirituous or malt liquors herein, mentioned until he baa tx-euted ..J iriiun tha nnintt Rnmmissioners of the county wherein the l.qaor is proposed to be sold a bona, witn a goon sua summou surety, of not Use than 5UU nor more ban 5 000. 8i .? hiil in imnlov a S600 clerk for the Executive Department was taken up, passtd its third reading and enrolled. . . ei Mr Manning sent forward a Dili irom tbe jad;c;ary committee to extend tb time for tbe registration or aeeus ana other conveyances. By bis request the bill was-read three times and sent to the Senate. Hone hill to amLd tbe charter of the town ot Darbam w.s taken up and passed its seond and third readings House bill to prcl ot, ilc rutisg inter ests in Djre coontv was. bv request of Mr Manning, taken up and passed on its third reading - THE SOUTHERN PRESS ON THE INAUGURAL. Augdsta, Ga , M area 5 The Chronicle and CoBstitutionaiist, in an editorial, says: ''The inaogural address is worthy of care ful perusal by every one interested in tbe welfare of tbe republic. lr is one el tbe ablest documents of the k.ud ever pre sented to tbe people of tbe Unised States Temperate and eenservative in its utter ances, with a vein of good common sense running through it ail, it gives promise of a wise and patriotic administration of tbe government fer the next four yeate. Richmond, Marcs 5 Tae Dispatch edi torially says: "ffe would pronounce the inaugural aa excellent one, epsakicg of it as it will strike the Northern people, for whom, of course, it was specially intend ed. It has as little .Northern end anti Southern sentiment in it as we coald have txpseted to ficd ia a document originatit g in the Ashtabula district of Ohio. W cannot agrse with tbe President as to tbe beneficent effect ef making votes of ne groes, bat we can agree that tbe abolition of slavery was a bUssicg, aod we concede that be staU-s bis eaue forcibly when be says: 'There is in this country no middle gruuod be.wsen slavery and full citizens Wilminetoa, Marc'a 5 The Star closes its ccmssents on the inaugural address as follows; ' It president tr&rneld will do as well as be promises, if the acts of his ad ctftinistratiori shall correspond with the de duration cf his pronunciaaueato, he will retire from office bolding a higaer place id tbe regards ot the pecple than be now possesses, whn entoriug open the Presi dential term. H has very bigh ahiiitT Let his stability and patriotism and sense of responsibility be equal to the rtqiire ments ol bis bigb ttnee, and ne wiu gam per ma teat, iaase. Lt him be President not of a mere party or section, but of the whole Union and the whole people, and be will prove a blsstring to bis generation and bis ecuntry.' Montgomery, A', March 5. The Montgomery Adfcrtiasr comments britfly on the lqaHgtsral, and says it is more elab orate than fcoch decumenis usually are and, with few exceptions, it is highly cred itable, and conservative throngbout. Statk Capitol Uestb. ykd At St Paul last wtttk, whila both houses of tbe Le gisiatute were in session, an alarm of fire was souo'ieu which startled the members from tour scatp, Hi3lhij from tbe chambers tbey wt-re confronted with tailing fire brands from tbe dome ef Capi tol, which was already ail ablaza. Tbe Hook and Ladder Company, with head quarters near by. hurried to tha scent and with tbe aid of their ladders tbe members all escaped, some of them slight ly sirjged. The buiidibg burned rapidly to the ground, eotailiug a loss to tbe State of over $100 000 for the structure, and tbe loss oi the Historical and Supreme uourt library a much greater loss, because tbey can not be restored. The records were an saved, nowver, as they were in vaults. One of tbe vaults contained over two million dollars of State trust bonds, wnich are skved. The Legislature bus but two days to sit, and tte Market hall is being Uited up for tbeir acccmmotlaticr, Painful Accident Capt Joseph Bis- bey, oi tbe steamer E z bctli, was ex amining tb flues oi hsa boiler Friday afterno3D, while the beat was lying at her wharf, foot ot Market street, when tbe plug of one of the flaws was suddealy forced out and the hot ateam mingled with coal dust and ashes, was blown iato his face, as he was stooping over the same, severely soaldiog him about the face aad eyes, aud rendering him blind for tbe time being. He was cooaucted to the presence of a physician, who applied tbe proper remedies, and it is hoped tbat hia injuries will -not prova very nous. In the meantime Cue steamer will con tin sic her trips as usual, uodor the super inteodeece of Capt, Frnk Wukiosoa. - VYiiaingtoa Star. BrILaoAp Iron The terrible weather sines Christmas bas seriously retarded the work of track laying ' on tbe Chester and Lenoir Railroad. When work was resumed or the road, it was expected to reach Linoolnton by the 14 b of this aaooth, wbiuh could have btb eaeily ac complished but for tbe untoward weithtr A distance of 5 miles of the track is yet to lay, the iron for which has been bought and shipped, but at last accounts was detained ia tbo Delaware river, near Philadelphia, by the ice embarge When tbe freeze breaks up, work will be resumed and the track laid to Linooln ton as speedily as eircuaastaaoes will per mit Torkvilie Galveston, March: 6. A special from Deoison says: " Last evening while the Missouri Pacific passenger train, No. 15, was bound south, a passenger in tbe emigrant's car named James Haydea, front Lebanon, Ky., suddenly palUd out a pistol aad commenced firing amjng the passenger. Wm Lewis was shot through tbe brain and instantly killed. Thomas Shaw waa shot in the head near the right eye, and James Hamilton was shot in the body before Hayden oouid be dis armed. He is apparently insane. H was arrrsied and lodged id jui. Ti,e wounded men weru removed to a h.).'al at Chetopa." '. A WYOMING HORROR. Omaha, N . March 4, 1881 .-In for ma- .mm.xt wr at I rial Hon ws received inia TJuion PhcIw headquarters of a disastrous explosion uu coal mines at Almy, near Jvanaton, ou Union Pacific Bail way. by -whieh about thirty-eight people were killed tbirty-fiye Chinamen and three whites, The mine in which tbe explosion occurred is operated by tbe Central racinc voujp"j.- about nine o'clock last evening an exp.o sion of gas took pUce. The flanota soon reached and destroyed tbe worke at tbe mouth of the mine. Five white men and fifty Chinamen were laboring in tbe mine at the time, having gone down but a few . . . 1 t 1ST inm minutes before the explosion. wu. ..itirvr. ... made With the mine Up to twelve 'clock, and until that time the fate of tbe miners was a subject of bopeleas conjecture. Hi MINK ON.FIKB The main slope was on fire aod Superin tendent Bowman set to work to effect an entrance tbrongh tbe north air course, hot with little Drospect of saving the lives of any of the men who were shut up over four hundred feet Deiow ine gronnu, uu tbis being the only bope of assisting them. Afer Beveral hours au entrance was affect ed through the air course, and one China- V . . . ! . man, badly wounded, tasen out mrougu it. JTifteen UhiasmeB were suustqueuuy recovered , alive from the fourth level tbrougb slope levels, each IUO ft deep Most of the mmrs were known to have been on tap filth and ixtb levels, which, it was evident, it would bo impossible to ..... te . J A reach until tne men were auuuuaieu. - the latest advicea work was still progress ing and tbe loss of life fixed at three white men and thirty five Cninaaaen. A TEBBinO EXPLOSION. Tne force of the explosion was felt at Evanston, two miles away, where it shook buildings perceptibly. The excitement over tbe calamity waa heightened at Aimy by tbe probability that it will be several days before the bodies can be recovered. Ibe mines at Almy yield bituminous coal, and are worked by slopes leading at easy grade into the deposits. Tbey are tbe uuly mines the Central Pacific Company own at Almy, where are employed several hundred men, ctmfly Chinese. They pro dnce from one hundred and fl ty to two unnHreil ar load ntr dav. wbieu is used to supply the Central Puc.fie lec motivts and shipped to points along that roid. These mines heretofore have been free from explosions of gas and fire damp, tUuugti !aperin(eodnt Clark etates that gas sometimes accumulates in small quanti ties. The miners bad accordingly become careless and negleored moat of tbe usual precaution New York Herald Bichm 1 y Vs., March 5 A series of systematic lOoueiies have been discov ered ia the Natiooal Bmk 01 Va amount ing in tbe aggregate to $23,000. Tbe robberies were brought to light by the rct adoi'tiou by tbe bank of a system of alieroaiiun immg tbe bookkeepers. Last week auotoer cie s was placed in charge of tbe books formerly kept by Keesee, and in going over the acoounts discovered a shortage, wnich be re ported to tbe cashier wno at once instituted an mves iga-tion whmb resultbd in the discovery . f a beavy deficit. It is said that tbe bank will lose but a small amount, as Keesee'a bond will cover nearly half bis deficits. Hia friends will make op tbe greater portion of tbe bal ance to over $23,000 The money was stolen by Joscpb S. Keesee, one of tbe bookkeepers in charge of the individual accounts, wno bid bis crime by faint entries, which -he hd c&riicd on for several years. w Tbe news from Soatb Atrica is sad foi the English. General Colley's death and the loss of many brave troops now en gaged in an unnecessary war might well command a pause. It appears that the Ganeral, with about 600 men, proceeded on last Saturday nignt to lake a'positiou on tbe Majala Moantain, near the encampment of the Boers, and just over looking thairarmy. Oa Sunday morning the Boers attacked him with energy, aad at 2 o'clock drove the British from tbeir position aud pursued them, making great bavee among the flying troops, (ieneral Colley, wboso dwatn will oe greatly, regretted, was jast 46 years of age and his having at loat ago attained the high rank of maj jr-general attests the great steem in wnich be was held as a military man. H was brave to a fault, and waa regarded as a oammaoder of cjnBumaute ability. Kaleigh .New p. In this city, on tha 9tb instant, Rev Samuel Meiidnlsbon, Raobi, Capt J M Roessler and Uus Ea.bkr .Bernstein. Near Da,viion Oolle-je, on th24th ult by Rtj L K Gg)w, Mr Cbarlea F Alex ander, of Hoptweii, aud Miss Bitci Pat terson. ' In tbis oouoty, Piaeville township, on the 23 J ult, by Rev G D Parks, Uv Phos O Parks and Mise Ella Barnelt. In tLis eity.h the 8!bTinst, J J PQr vunce, agd 76 years. U Raleigh, 00 the 7th inst, Pnlope Oox, mfant daughter of Bennett and H M Buon, aged 20 days. STATE Ol? HOBTII CABOim COUNTY OF LINCOLN. In Probate Court, March 1,1881. VQJohnaton, vs Mde1c.atJ8eUr, ExecutrU f A A Ramseur, Action to re move Executrir. WHEREAS, by a decree of the Probate . .h.00"1 aid county of Lincol"oa2 uar 8Ud datM.'jan! IF V 1881 : 11 wa ordered that nnhii cation be made in tbe SooxSas Hom n North Carolina, for six successive week, notifying the taid M H Rameeur, eju-' tnx, the above named defendant. To Tbnnd appear at the office of tbe Judge ot pJobmtf at Lincoln county, at his officl & ton,' wibin twenty (20 1 days fro thi or demur to themJl'alSt tSSS stated cause which i. i Ji .i". D0V 5.:, f tbTfflSTtS " . wuri, ror.ine relief de manded in said complaint. Given under nay hand and the seal of said Court at tho m a ,1, . .. , sua erk of fcupenor t;ourt aud Pro 'UEBSTER'S UIIAEHIy " GET THE BE3x ' "DO IT HCW." Beewenstecs Unabridred. tTw. -fag tha name of each aH,-aj? "H giy DEFINITIONS BT TT.T rJZ .1" tte r DJUUNITIONS BT IIXUSTR trr " The Pictures in Webster under tt ii et BoUer, Castle. Colmm. iSL11 Moldings, Pnronolory, KTrf' (pages 1164 and 1219) gnTwi ben, define C4S words aod tenSS. J1 than they could be defined In worS? ' New Edition ofWEBSTEBi v 4600 NEW WORDS ud mlt Biograpliioal DictionaJl or over ujuu XfameaT WEBSTER'S fa the Dictkmary nM in Gorernt Printing rmirr o vimnt, US8L. aw XTerT 8tat pnrchaae of Diction., If Xl for Schools has beenWehrL'P Books in the Public Schools of th.S U. &are mainly based oa Webster H Sale of YetMtt' 18 !r 2Q time. tU 7? sale of any other aerie ol Diet's. R THIRTY-TWO THOUSAND hare been rt 2 in the public schools of the Ua T ; Vlach new edition has become mor j -Xa more The Standard. ,uoaap RKommended by State 8upt's 8chooli 1 38 States, and 60 Collepll Ta TT WOT TU C! f a . OJ PubUshedby ft. & C. MERRIAII.SpringfiSSu ' mchll tf 16oo BAGS ACID PHOSPHATE OOilPOSTING in store and for sale by jan2S j 0 BURROUGHS, PINE ISLAND AMMOXIATED PHOSPHAW AND Pine Island Acid Phosphate w 7 E call tbe attention of farmers to th. i above brands of fertilisers. ThepS Island Quano gave universal satlafketloi last season and we can recommend tbe Acid Phosphate as first class. Call early uj engage what you will want this samos. Don't fail to come and see us before bnylm and get our prices and terms, JL BROWN 4 00. jan 28 2m, MEDICAL CAKD. DK. R. C. DAVIS, 4 GRADUATE of the Medical Depirt ment of the University of New York, rs his prefeasionai services to taeeifr sens of Charlotte and vicinity. Oftoe, in Charlotte Hotel. mtjU AD BE II COLLEGE. WALHALLA, S. 0. o ' T Vfll 1 I . r . . xuk. a bonuuu uegiuB j auuary aid, lwl l Liocation very Healthy. Five Prod, sors. Necessary expense only $150 pa ysgr. For urther information addWi ' declQ w REV. J. R. RILEY, Pres't PIANOS AND ORGANS. Having now on band the LARGEST -AND FINE3T SipCK o CABINET ORGANS EVER brought' to this market, bom thi justly celebrated New England Co pany, who now stand head aud ihoalda above any other Company in America, I will sell during the next six months, te leas money than they can ever be boufht after January, 1881. I will also furniU PiA-Nos during th same term, from ten ( twenty per cent less than any other hoi for the fame quality. A word to tne wise ought to be saSolent AdA GEORGE. July 2 Trade Street. Charlotte. & C A. R. NISBEi1 & BRO Wholesale and RETAIL GB0(ffl AND COMMISSION MatfCHANTS, Also, dealers in Musical Instrumeoti u ang!6 Strings, Charlotte, N.C. POLLS INDORSED BY PHYSICIANS, CLERGYMEN, All THE AFFLICTED EVERYWHERE. THE GREATEST MEDICAL TRIUMPH OF THE ABE. QVUDTAUO Aaf A -W BWB r 9 Wm war rm TORPID LIVER. -M l. r . MTl Iioasofa leaeadTwitba Kanses fain in the Tack part, Fain onder tne uhorua blade, fullness after eating, wlta eojJ xlin.tUn 4 I . finw nr mil l IWIIIPBB miW CTMft " cUnatjon to exertion of body or m irntaomty of temper, Low spirit ui ot memory, with a feeling of twiM C lectedsome duty, weariness. Vissw FTnttering of the Heart. Dots befowtne eyes. YelioW Bkln. Headache, SjSS peaa at night, highly colored Urine. IT THESE WABBTJTGS ASK SgRIOUS DISEASES WiaSOOW BE DEVtafl TTJTf'S prxiA are espedaHy adavt4 3 . atscb caaea,oae doie effects ueftacna" f fun.. a.i. .1.. .nfflsrar. " , They tm r rt mm the Apatetlta. 1f!Kl body to Tafcs l ink, thn. tb JB " sirlBli4.s.nd by thetwsUeAe"". TUTT'S HAIR DYE. Obat Hat or Wmxm changed to iWW Black by a 1n-l application of Uii DJ ,,i lmparu a natural color, sets InstsntsMO'I 6oW by DracgisM, or ssnt by xsrass oa r"f T Office, 35 Munmy SU WewYora. fr. TTrrS sUICAL r ?stasbl latsrto aw bahl imliu wUl bo aaUoS raiB oo Ml",l," WM feb35tf LYNCH SELECT SCHOOL Hiea point, H. Limited to sixty boarders. . PR ING session berins January l'.,1 For catalogue address the prWfRlf lan7 2w Maj W WArrsD, a good n'Tiju represent a house copying &rll Crayon, India Ink and Water tio nar onl tha flnsnt work. A V1'" opening for a smart man. Address, man mau. . ; V rtkil.lalnhia ' febll tf A7UAM"'"r Chamois Skins. T7HISK Brooms, VV White r Vh WILSON 4 BUBrJJisk eut29

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